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25th Anniversary of OEF A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY IN TURKEY 1982–2007 (A Revised and Expanded the Fourth Editon) Editors Ugur DEMIRAY Ayşe INCEELLI Ozden CANDEMIR ESKISEHIR December–2008 i Copyright © 1990, 1994, 1997, 2002, 2008 Uğur Demiray. All rights reserved and Anadolu University. Kitabın tümü ya da bölümleri yazar ından izin alınmaksızın mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kağ ıt ya da başka tekniklerle çoğalt ılabilir, basılabilir ve dağıtılabilir. Yapılacak olan alıntılara dipnot verilmesi sadece yazarlari ve Anadolu Üniversitesini onurlandirir. Anypart of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic, photocopy, magnetic tape and other ways without written permission from the edtor or authors. Quotations are only honour for the editors and Anadolu University. Uğur DEMIRAY Ayşe INCEELLI Ozden CANDEMIR. A Review of The Literature on The Open Education Faculty in Turkey 1982-2007 Revised and Expanded the 5th Version 1.Anadolu University. The Open Education Faculty. Literature 2. Distance Education Turkey Literature. ISBN 978-975-98590-5-3 This study is dedicated to all authors who have studied and will study about The Open Education Faculty and its related subject activities CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………..ix PREFACE FOR FIFTH EDITION…………………………….xi-xi ON DISTANCE EDUCATION CONCEPT AND ITS RUNNING IN THE WORLD........................................3-8 HISTORY OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY AND ITS RUNNING IN TURKEY………………9-26 AIMS OF STUDY………………………………………………….27 SOME WORDS ABOUT THIS STUDY………..…………….27-29 REFERENCES………………………………………...……......30-31 ABSTRACTS OF THE STUDIES ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY BETWEEN YEARS 1982-2007................................................35-339 SUBJECT INDEX……...........................................................343-365 AUTHOR INDEX.……...........................................................367-373 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PREFACE FOR FIFTH EDITION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Of course this research would not be completed and reached to your hands without others helps and supports. In obtaining period of the studies which included in this research, they helped us by informing, motivating, encouraging and correcting. Especially our thanks go to my collages who gave us permission to search minutely in their private library. We would like to thank all of them without feel ranging giving their names here, because it is so difficult, in fact impossible to declare their names. I am grateful to all them. Our desire is to reach domestic and foreign distance education researcher and to be functional in their studies deal to with The Open Education Faculty and its related subjects through this study. This is exact and the biggest willing of us. Once more thanks here to everybody who helped and contributed at any level to this study. In the name of study group Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY December-2008 Eskisehir TURKEY ix PREFACE FOR FIFTH EDITION Communication technologies have a manipulative power an effect on the field of education in general. These technologies have been increasingly used in education and training for many years to meet different needs. Distance education has proven particularly useful for training people into remote locations who can not attend to the classes at universities. The first edition of this study (Including conducted studies between the years 1982-1990) was published and distributed five hundred copies. The second edition of this stuffy revised and expanded version includes 1982-1992 period. The first reason for preparing of second edition is to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Open Education Faculty. Secondly we found a chance to add new studies which are missed in the former edition. Thirdly, to add new studies which are conducted between 1990-1992. Also this edition was published and distributed five hundred copies. The third revised and expanded edition of this study was published in 1997 for the 15th Anniversary of The Open Education Faculty by including 1982-1997. The fourth edition is revised and published electronically in 2002. This is the fifth edition of The Literature Review Open Education Faculty covers 1982-2007 which is 25th Anniversary of The Open Education Faculty. This study has aimed to inform domestic and foreign researches on the literature subject of OEF. Most of the studies had been abstracted. And also, bibliographic information and indexes about topics and author name are given. This study is consists of books, articles. dissertations, presented papers and reports. This study is consisted of three main chapters. The first chapter is an introduction which tells some of brief history of the Distance Education in the world and Open Education Faculty in Turkey. In addition this chapter contains the aim of this study and some conclusions about the study. xi The second chapter deals with abstracts of the obtained studies and the last chapter includes subject and author index. We have to indicate here that some of duplicated studies and some which are not available data, not included in this study. So that this study consists of 448 studies here. As being a working group, all of you welcome to obtain original of these studies which are mentioned in this study or at least to establish contact their author/s for carry out your relationships in due course. I hope this study will be reconducted again or reviewed five years. I am quite happy to be pioneer and conduct this version of study again the 25th Anniversary of The Open Education Faculty. Hope to meet in the sixth version in 2012 for the 30th Anniversary of the Open Education Faculty. In the name of study group Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY December-2008 Eskisehir, TURKEY xii ON DISTANCE EDUCATION CONCEPT AND IT’S RUNNING IN THE WORLD HISTORY OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY AND IT’S RUNNING IN TURKEY AIM OF THE STUDY SOME WORDS ABOUT THIS STUDY ON DISTANCE EDUCATION CONCEPT AND IT’S RUNNING IN THE WORLD Communication technologies have a manipulative power and effect on the field of education in general. These technologies have been increasingly used in education and training for many years to meet different needs. This situation, increasingly use of technologies in education and training, have brought up some new disciplines, or study fields, into education field. Distance education is one of the newest forms of education, which basically depends on these communication and information technologies. As a new and modern approach to deliver instruction, distance education has been increasingly used by many corporations and organizations for both formal and non-formal educational settings in the United States and all around the world. It has been realized by the corporations, institutions, colleges and universities that, when properly and timely used, distance education is one of the most effective, economical, and productive ways of delivering instruction. This fact caused them to employ distance education to deliver training and education to their personnel, clients and students in a costeffective way at a high quality. That is one of the reasons that distance education, has been receiving more attention recently, especially during the late 1980 and 1990. The reason for such a trend is clear: the challenge of delivering more training to more people on more subjects with higher impact and effectiveness, and in a much more effective way can be met efficiently through DE methods and techniques. While a new century is approaching, it seems that distance education is going to be one of the most widely used mode of delivering instruction in almost all areas, but especially in corporate training and education. (Akyürekoglu, 1995). Distance education system is applied by many countries which advocate itself as an alternative according to conventional education; inserted modern communication means to its operation for to be functional or to render service meeting needs of masses. Of course it is not true to say that distance education is unique alternative to all 3 education systems, especially of the conventional education. "In the last ten or fifteen years, distance learning has boomed in all over the world. Large open universities enrolling over two million students have been established in Asia, including the Chinese Radio and Television University, the Sukhothai Trammathirat Open University (STOU) in Thailand, the Universitas Terbuka (UT) in Indonesia, and half-dozen open universities in India. Korea continues to rely on correspondence schools to meet its goal of universalizing secondary education - as Japan did until very recently. In the Middle East, distance learning institutions have also expanded. The Anadolu’s Open University in Turkey, with its over one million students, has already trained and graduated two hundred thousand teachers in recent, and its programs now reach more than two an half million Turkish citizens who are living in Germany end West Europe Countries. In addition, the Open High School (OHS) started to distance education in 1992-1993 academic year with 45.000 students and Open Primary School (OPS) in 1998, under Ministry of Education structure. But, it must not be forgotten that distance education system has some certain characteristics as a difference on being functional and reach to its target's aim of this system, according to the conventional systems. For this reason, many countries have adopted and put distance education in to practice for their multi-aimed on multi-functional strategies. Distance education is described basically as any of the various forms of study, which separates teachers and learners except for supplementary face-to-face contacts and where teaching is conducted through a range of media. Students in distance education are, therefore, responsible for their own progress, in the sense that they must make their own arrangements about where and when to study, work without direct supervision, and basically develop skills in self-pacing and selfevaluation. Most students, however, lack the experience to adapt readily to this kind of study. Although “there is a great deal of confusion about terminology in the distance education field" (Moore, 1991), there are some definitions which describes distance education. Before giving a definition of distance education, it 4 should be pointed out that distance education is not an opposite form of face-to-face, or conventional, education. It is not synonymous with all learning-teaching arrangements that are not face to face nor to be defined as the opposite of face-to-face education. Face to face instructional methods can be used in distance education whenever possible and necessary and educationally appropriate (Moore, 1987). The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement defines distance education as "the application of telecommunications and electronic devices which enable students and learners to receive instruction that originates from some distant location" (Bruder, 1989,.p.30). It is "an educational process in which a significant proportion of the teaching is conducted by someone removed in space and/or time from the learner for Hilary Perraton (1988, p.34). Michael Moore defines (1989) distance teaching as "..The family of instructional methods in which the teaching behaviors are executed apart from the learning behaviors, including those that in a contiguous situation would be performed in the learner's presence, so that communication between the teacher and the learner must be facilitated by print, electronic, mechanical or other devices . Keegan makes one of the meaningful definitions of DE. He reached a descriptive definition of distance education by analyzing some previous definitions by different colleagues who are well known in the field. For Keegan, there are six elements to be considered for a unifying definition of distance education: ¾ The separation of teacher and learner which distinguishes it from face to face lecturing, ¾ The influence of an educational organization which distinguishes it from private study, ¾ The use of technical media, usually print, to unite teacher and learner and carry the educational content, ¾ The provision of two-way communication so that the student may benefit from or even initiate dialogue, ¾ The possibility of occasional meetings for both didactic and socialization purposes, 5 ¾ The participation in an industrialized form of education which, if accepted, contains the genus of radical separation of distance ¾ education from other forms. Distance education, as seen in Keegan's analysis, based on the developing communication technologies. Education and training are delivered through these communication technologies such as video, satellite, television, radio, computers, and interactive systems of the some of these technologies such as video conferencing, audio graphics, teletraining, one way video-two way audio, two way audiotwo way video, and some others. Since recipients of distance education usually differ in their study purpose personal characteristics (including age), learning ability, learning capacity, learning speed, geographical location and social conditions, etc., the establishment of a well-designed and flexibly applicable programs become a basic necessity. Flexibility is necessary to allow the student to pursue study at his/her own pace. A recent study reports that corporations and organizations, which have successfully implemented distance-learning systems, list a range of benefits for their corporations. Among these benefits, the most frequently cited are; cost effectiveness of distance education, effectiveness and productivity of distance education and quality through distance education (Akyürekoglu, 1995). By using distance education technologies, access to remote experts around the country and indeed around the world can be made possible, bringing information from the original resources into the classroom. Connecting many students from different sites with instructors/experts allows the exchange of perspectives on the subjects so that new ways of looking at problems, productivity, motivation, etc. can be achieved. As a distance education delivery medium, satellite is able to facilitate the delivery of instruction beyond the traditional classroom setting to the rural learner, the working professional, the homebound, and other students unable to receive on campus instruction (Nouri, 1994). 6 In a rapidly changing environment, satellite-delivered programs allow educational institutions to access the latest information quickly and with a reasonable investment. Programs based around satellite teleconferences can serve faculty, staff and communities. Because satellites can over a large geographic region, specialized and time sensitive topics can be presented to sites throughout the country and to international sites as well. Even if there are only 10 participants at each site, 50 sites become an audience of 500, and the economy of scale makes faculty training via satellite cost-effective There are also trends towards a convergence of distance education and the mainstream. This derives from the idea that the best learning methods may well be a mixture of face-to-face instruction and independent learning. At Deaking University in Australia, where both campusbased on distance education modes were implemented, student of the campus-based mode found the notes prepared for the distance education students more reliable than the notes they could take by themselves in lectures. Consequently, campus-based students were given these course materials, and courses held on the campus became more like tutorials in support of them (Jevons F. R., 1987). At Griffith University in Australia, founders of the university set out to: Develop a completely new programs rather than one which was based on the existing fulltime program. Offer a sequence of small units, completion of which was marked by one successful assignment or examination. Replace face-to-face tuition entirely by packaged materials supplemented with other materials. Set flexible dates for enrollment and submission of assignments to allow self-paced learning (Kelly and Smith, 1987). In other areas, attempts have been made to set up study centers attached to schools to help correspondence students. In the case, for example, of NHK Gakuen Correspondence High School in Japan, cooperating schools with the main school in Tokyo are used to help correspondence lessons and linked broadcasts. They can, however, get advice, encouragement, materials and assistance with difficult problems from a teacher who specializes at counselling rather than teaching. 7 Where the students are motivated to study, they can accept delayed feedback. However, quick turn around time and shorter feedback intervals seem to be effective for distance education in which feedback delay sometimes causes student dropout. For example, in the case of the inservice Course for untrained Primary School Teachers in Kenya, relay in the return of assignments and negative comments were found very discouraging for the students because they did not receive any immediate help apart from that given by the tutors when marking assignments (Matiru, 1987). On the other hand, the isolation of the student has been revealed as a great problem in most all kinds of distance education. While providing them with a range of flexibility their needs to communicate with other students involved in the same program has been realized. Some schooling and group studies have been made compulsory in many distance education institutions, since they were found encouraging for student learning and for keeping them in the program. Moreover, in a survey conducted by Demiray on how students use their leisure time in the Open Education Faculty in Turkey, students expressed a desire for the establishment of Student Cultural-Educational Centers where they could have access to music, drama, sport events, educational activities, and employment counseling. It was also suggested that this kind of provision could "have far-reaching positive influences on other facets of (the students') lives" (Demiray, 1987). The importance of an appropriate organization of extra curricular activities in response to the student needs is revealed. Consequently, the balance between flexibility provided to the students and schooling and extra curricular activities seems to be an issue for further research. When general distance education and Turkish literature is scanned, it is seen that many academicians and institutions have studied on some various aspects of distance education/learning system and its applications and results from point of view of theoretical and practical respect. Still, these studies are increasing from day to day or year by year qualitatively and quantitatively. (Demiray and et all, 1997). 8 HISTORY OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY AND IT’S RUNNING IN TURKEY The history of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) at Anadolu University in Eskisehir, Turkey is closely tied to the developments of the 1970's, the reorganization of the Turkish universities and the development of higher education in Turkey (McIsaac, Murphy and Demiray, 1988). Its history is unique in the admission of the first OEF students and the establishment of the first distance education programs in Business Administration and Economics. The beginning of distance education in Turkey can be traced back to several groups of problems; political, social and economic. Not all of these problems were internal. Many were created by external influences. Politically, Turkey is in a unique position because it is the bridge between Europe and Asia. As a result, Turkey has spent much time in its modernization efforts to become an active member of the 21st century. Many of the country's problems stem from its position as an Eastern culture and society trying to blend into a Western industrial world. The past 80 years in Turkey have witnessed dramatic changes. The country, since 1920, has changed its alphabet to the Roman one and established the importance of secularism (the complete separation of religion and politics) in the running of the government. In the 1970's Turkey began to search for new ways to develop its own educational strategy in order to expand the opportunities for its citizens. It was believed, and enacted into law, that education should be the main responsibility of the government. Many feel that the concept of educational equality becomes more meaningful in those years. Economically, advances in science and technology have had their impact on Turkish society. Developments and applications of new technologies have put pressure on Turkey to provide up-to-date education to keep the work force competitive with that of other countries. The knowledge and skills of workers must be constantly updated with new technological information. In addition to learning new technological applications, human resources must also be 9 improved. The present increasing population growth has put pressure on Turkish society to create new areas for work. Competition demands better qualified workers in order to be successful. Unfortunately, traditional educational institutions are not always able to change to meet these new educational needs using classical teaching environments. Recent developments in mass media and educational technologies have shown that electronic media can be used for educational purposes. Distance education which uses these new technologies for providing further education and training, is particularly useful for: ¾ Increasing the level of qualifications of new entrants to the work force. ¾ Updating and upgrading the qualifications of the existing work force through continuing education and training. ¾ Providing training of a kind, which will lead to, increased rates of participation in the labor force among hitherto under represented groups. ¾ Securing a greater synergy between education or training and the economic life of contemporary society in order to ensure the relevance, balance and capability of applications of skills and knowledge. After the 1970's, increasing pressure began on the Turkish government to provide for the growing number of people who wanted higher education opportunities. There was pressure on the government to balance the educational opportunities between the Eastern and Western parts of Turkey, to create greater educational opportunities for the younger generation, and to provide training opportunities for persons who had missed those opportunities in the past. There was also a growing movement to use mass media tools to solve some of the distribution problems involved in providing education and training programs throughout Turkey. Other reasons for establishing distance education programs were the necessity for establishing more open and more flexible educational and training structures. These structures were to be designed and adapted in accordance with students' requirements, taking into account 10 their employment, social and educational circumstances. Because of these factors, distance education was seen as a solution to meet Turkish educational needs. The crucial year in the development of Turkish distance education was 1982. In that year the new Constitution of the Republic was accepted, and in accordance with the Constitution, a new institution called the Council for Higher Education (CHE) was established to plan, organize, administer and supervise education provided by the institutions of higher education. The CHE immediately reorganized the existing universities and established new ones. There had been 15 universities, 15 academies and seven polytechnics before the establishment of the CHE. Through the CHE reorganization program, these institutions of higher education were increased to 22 universities (Eraut, 1991; Council of Europe, 1989). Today, the numbers of the universities has grown to more than 80 includes state and private universities. When distance education history is searched in Turkey, it means 1982 the year Anadolu University, called in Turkish as Acikogretim Fakültesi (or in English The Open Education Faculty). It is seen that the first application goes back to 1970's. Teaching by mail and (correspond education) named (in Turkish as YAY-KUR) was applied in 1970s, but these applications had not been successful at desired level. This result takes place among in discussions from point of view as; applications are administered under the body of the Ministry of Education Strategy, without universities' support and that it depends on government’s politics. Also, in 1970's an institution, named as Eskisehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences (EAECS) was formed. This institution had taken the name as Anadolu University in 1982 after reorganization of the universities in 1981 according higher to education law, article 2547 and was leaderships for the studies (by organizing researches, symposium and congress) on distance education/learning subjects in its body. In other words, distance education concept was started to be researched or investigated at national and international level by education technology seminars, conferences. On those years Eskisehir ITIA had 11 a close-circuit TV studios and its technology was built up by Hamburg Studios, Germany. Developments of distance education in Turkey can be summarized in a general outline as above paragraphs. But after 1980, developments have been more rapid and more planned, have based on science, more functional and more impressive. During reorganization of the Turkish Higher Education in 1981, all universities had dutied for making distance education, by the article 2547 were of Turkish higher Education Council law and it was decided that Anadolu University Open Education Faculty to start immediately to distance education. So that, Anadolu University the Open Education Faculty established and started distance education 1982-83 Academic Year by enrolling 29,445 students, to the Business Administration and Economics Departments. By general lines, OEF reached to its students by printed materials, TV courses and academic counseling (as face-to-face education) at the beginning years. Later on, OEF has added radio programs, video education centers, newspaper, and computer centers, to its operation. In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1981, Anadolu University (formerly Academy of Eskisehir, Economics and Commercial Sciences) was authorized to provide distance education in Turkey on a national scale. The history of Anadolu University, which has provided distance education at the faculty level since 1982, goes back to Eskisehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences established in 1958. The former Faculty of Communication Sciences of the EAECS became the Faculty of Open Education, or, as it is called commonly, the Open Education Faculty (OEF) in 1982. This faculty was an outgrowth of the newly established Anadolu University because at that time, as today, it was the only institution that had experience in the technical and theoretical aspects of distance education. The first educational television pilot project of Turkey was undertaken here during the 1970's under the auspices of the Educational Television department of the EAECS. Although the first distance 12 education program (Division of Higher Education program referred to as Yay-Kur) was undertaken by the Ministry of Education between 1975-1978, this initiative was a dramatic failure for various political, administrative, financial and even psychological reasons which might be the subject of a separate study. However, especially at the beginning of its own project, Anadolu University carefully evaluated and greatly benefited from the experience of Yay-Kur and therefore the 1975-78 experience should not be considered as a total failure (Eraut, 1991: Council of Europe, 1989). In 1982, benefiting from information of the failed Yay-Kur project, the first true distance education program in Turkey was initiated by Anadolu University. Similar to other distance education programs which encompass delivery of curricula at many levels and in many subject areas, the Turkish Open Education Faculty had its goal, as ten years ago, to broadcast its first programs in the areas of Business Administration and Economics, thereby beginning the process of offering advanced degrees for students at a distance. The original numbers of students admitted was 29,445 for the 1982-83 Academic Year for the Business Administration and Economics programs. All students were high school graduates and were accepted into the OEF programs after passing a placement through the national university exam. Than the of programs have expanded in scope to include not only those subjects but Nursing, Foreign Languages, Math, Sciences, Tourism, Business and Training programs for the private sector, Associate Degrees in Teacher Training and Teacher Training for Degree Completion etc., (McIsaac, 1992; Özer, 1991; Demiray, 1990; Yangin, 1989). Like other Turkish public universities, the government finances Anadolu University and its distance education branch, the OEF. All academicians' and administrators' salaries are paid through government funds. Expenditures for all OEF operations including printing books, television and radio productions, mailing, examination costs, administrative costs and salaries come from Anadolu University's operating budget. Revenues to the university come from government allocations, foundation income and student fees. 13 Although the percent from each of these areas can vary from year to year, the majority of the income comes from the government. Until 1993, the OEF is administered as a separate Faculty within Anadolu University. It has one Dean and four vice deans, each with a different responsibility. After 1993, status of OEF changed by Law numbered 496, Çiller's Government dominant as constitutional article. OEF became a service faculty to the Economics and Business Faculties which are responsible to make distance education apart from the Economics and Administrative Faculty's Business and Economics department in spite of the same content. OEF will serve to realize registrations of students, to organize their exams, to prepare and produce printed, visual and audio course materials and to reach them to active students of these faculties. These faculties are responsible only to design the contents of course material scientifically. In additional, OEF has only to give pre-bachelor diploma or degree programs as do it before. Its administrative structure was not changed for to make these responsibilities. Still it has own dean and four vicedean as being functional mentioned above. Following the opening of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) in 1982, programs continue to expand. Development has included subjects such as Teacher Training, Tourism Certificate programs, Vocational Education, Nursing Education, Private Sector in-service Courses, Summer High school Student Service, the Western Europe project and ChannelE Project adding to the Business Administration and Economics programs, which were the cornerstone of the distance education programs, are stil continuing. In those years’ television and radio broadcasts are designed to be supplementary to the printed materials. As in the printed materials, various university members work on television and radio programs, either as authors or as tutors (or both). More than 300 programs are produced in OEF studios by the OEF staff and broadcasts are aired every year to students throughout the country. Broadcasting services are carried out by the state owned Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) Corporation. Academic counseling centers are located in 59 14 cities 62 center. At these centers, students receive advisory help provided by part time instructors and academic advisors who are selected from among the regional university members. One hour per week of counseling services per course is provided to students at these centers. Approximately 80 percent of the students have regular access to these centers (McIsaac and Murphy, 1988). At these centers there are additional services such as videos, Anadolu newspaper and other official services for students. These three parts of the distance education program work together as very functional components of a smoothly running system. A later project, the Primary School Teacher Training and the Degree Completion program for Secondary School Teachers enrolled Countries and North Cyprus Turkish Republic. of which 150,000 were graduated. The Ministry of Education, Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, has judged the teacher training projects in Turkey as successful many of the teachers, and educational experts. Through the use of distance education media and materials, teachers were offered an opportunity to keep pace with developments in education and work toward improving their teaching situations without having to disrupt their teaching schedules. There is no other way that such a large number of teachers could receive this type of cost effective training. Subsequent projects like Tourism, Secondary School, Televised Summer School, and In-service Training for Private Sector Companies provided students with further opportunities for improving their work related skills. Since the 1980s when the Open Education Faculty began, the number of students who enrolled in universities, including the OEF, increased from 300,000 to 800,000. Because of space limitations in traditional universities, the proportion of students accepted into traditional university programs has declined while the proportion of students accepted into open education programs has increased over the past ten years. For example, out of 322,320 students who were enrolled in university programs in 1983-84, there were 281,703 or 87.4 percent who were enrolled in traditional universities. During that same year 40,612 students or 12.6 percent were enrolled in the Open Education 15 Faculty. In 1990-91, however, 798,500 students were enrolled in both traditional and open education programs. Of those, only 434,788 or 54.4 percent were admitted to traditional universities while 363,752 or 45.6 27 percent were admitted to the Open Education Faculty. These figures reflect the fact that, although nearly twice as many students have been accepted into university programs over the past ten years, the Open Education Faculty is absorbing almost half of that population. While the proportion of students in traditional university programs has decreased, the proportion of students in Open Education Faculty programs has increased. In 1997 the number of students who applied to National University Entrance Examination Center increased to 1.400.000. Out of them 350.000 settled to universities including OEF. The number of 89.000 is placed to the OEF programs. (OSYM, 2000). And in the year of 2001, 479.317 of nearly 1.500.000 candidates are placed to universities including number of 181.346 is settled to the OEF programs. 171.179 of 181.346 are placed to four-year programs and 164.167 of 18.346 placed to two- year degree completion programs (OSYM, 2002, p.3-4). The Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences which is established in 1992 and continue to offer associate degree programs on the following 13 fields: The Department of Health Programs is first established in 1990 due to an act signed between the Ministry of Health and the Anadolu University to provide associate degree education to the nurses under the name of "Nursing Associate Degree Program". Initially, in 1991 new students are admitted to the program based on the special exam administered by Student Selection and Allocation Center (OSYM, 2001). After that year two new programs, Midwifery and Medical Technician programs are included and the students are started to be admitted based on the nationwide university entrance exams. Starting from 1997-1998 academic years a degree completion program directed to the primary school teachers having associate degrees. As of 1998-1999 academic year there are around 35 000 students enrolled 16 to the programs. Agriculture and Veterinarian Programs are developed to provide associate degree study to the technicians employed at the Ministry of Agriculture. Starting from 1994-1995 academic approximately, agriculture program had 4.500 graduates and the Veterinary Program had 1.500 graduates. Except a single course the first two-year programs of the two faculties are same. The students are allowed to obtain associate degrees after competition of the first two years. Starting from 1999-2000 year no students are being admitted to the program. West Europe Programs, which are the extension of The Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences in West Europe programs, are started at 1987-1988 academic year. These programs are coordinated by the branch office established at CologneGermany. Economics (BA degree), Management and Organization (BA degree), Foreign Trade (Assoc. degree) programs are offered to Turkish citizens living at Western European countries mainly in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, and Austria. Various certificate and degree completion programs are being conducted in the Department of Continuing Education: Education Associate Degree Program is established in 1985-1986 academic year to provide associate degree study for the primary school teachers who are the graduates of teacher schools. Approximately 135.000 primary school teachers graduated from the program receiving associate degrees. Degree Completion Program is established in 1990 academic year to provide bachelor degree study for the high school teachers who are the graduates of Education Institutes in the fields of Turkish Language and Literature, Mathematics, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. In 1993 English, French, German, Artistic Drawing and Physical Education fields are included to the programs. Approximately 35.000 high school teachers graduated from the program (Ozkul, 2001). Distance education can be considered as a necessity for Turkey rather than a convenience due to the shortage of higher education institutions and the increasing demand for education. In order to meet this 17 demand, Anadolu University was authorized to provide distance education on a national scale in 1982. As mentioned before, EUA’s evaluation was considered a chance to get a feedback about the University’s distance learning services. By emphasizing multimedia-based distance education in its vision statement, Anadolu University clearly states its willingness to work on providing quality distance higher education to all who need. Programs are increased and differentiated when Anadolu’s Open Education Faculty arrived to 2000s. Business Administration and Economics and 29,478 students were enrolled. By 2007-2008, the number reached to 1,121,360. Today, the OEF, along with the other two distance education faculties, Faculty of Business Management and Faculty of Economics (established in 1993), offers 8 bachelor’s degree and 24 associate degree programs to students in Turkey, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and in some of the European countries. Turkish is the only language used in these programs except the Program in English Language Teaching. Several online graduate programs are being offered by different departments of the University. For instance, the Anadolu University - SUNY, Empire State College e-MBA Program began in 2004 in response to demand for an online graduate program to help Turkish business leaders and managers operate in the competitive global business environment. It is the first and only dual diploma program in Turkey. The Anadolu University e-Hospitality Management masters’ program aims to train well-qualified managers in the hospitality and tourism sector. The Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children is also an online M.A program, designed for teachers who work in schools and centers, and lack the skills to teach developmentally disabled children. The University provides distance learning tools (WebCT, Moodle, Breeze, etc.) and services for its faculty who are willing to offer networked learning opportunity to enhance their teaching. Every semester approximately 20 professors use these services. However, there is not a well-established, systematic support unit for faculties 18 and standardized procedures for use of distance learning in on-campus courses. Lack of legislations and motivational factors are barriers for the extensive use of distance learning in oncampus courses. Anadolu University provides occupational training programs for the Gendarmerie, Police Force, the armed forces, teachers in public schools and some personnel working at the Ministry of Justice. According to section of Distance Education of the Anadolu University EUA Self-Evaluation Report which is prepared in 2008, some figures are summarize and show that the majority of the distance students of the University are employed (78%), 30% live in villages and small towns, 62% are over 24 years old, 45% are married, and 46% are female. More than 900 disabled students and more than 700 imprisoned students continue their higher education in the programs. Applicants are required to have a certain minimum score in the university entrance exam, except for the Vocational and Technical High School graduates who wish to continue in the same fields of study, and graduates or students of any on-campus program of any university. There are no quotas for programs other than those in English Language Teaching, Pre-School Teaching and Information Management. The Special Programs are contracted by the Turkish Ministry of Education (English Language Teaching, Pre-School Teaching, Bachelor’s degree completion programs, Associate degree programs), Ministry of Health (Nursing, Midwifery and Health Services Program), Directorate of Religious Affairs (Program in Theology), Ministry of Agriculture (agricultural, and laboratory assistant and veterinary laboratory services), Ministry of the Internal Affairs (police and gendarmerie programs) and the Turkish Army, Navy and Air Force. Associate degree holders from any Turkish university in certain fields can transfer to bachelor’s degree distance programs without taking the university entrance exam. Instructional approach in the University’s distance programs varies. The majority is primarily traditional distance programs: print-based, mass-education type requiring self-study. In other words, students are 19 expected to study their textbooks at their own pace and to take scheduled centralized exams. Self-study is supported by several services including TV broadcasts aired by a state channel throughout the country (TRT4), video and radio programs distributed on cassettes, CDs or DVDs, academic counseling, administrative bureaus, e-learning and mobile phone services. The rationale behind this sort of an instructional approach is to provide a higher education opportunity to as many students as possible in cost effective ways. The University also has several online programs. Information Management Program, for example, is a completely online program that does not require any kind of face-to-face interaction among students and also between students and faculty. It is the first online associate degree program in the University and in Turkey. There are currently 515 students in this program. Instruction is provided through Microsoft-Turkey textbooks and software, and CD and Internet based interactive multimedia courseware. Mentors can be reached by e-mail or telephone seven days a week and there is scheduled synchronous conferencing four hours a day, five days a week. It is seen as a piloting environment for technology integration into traditional distance programs. For instance, in a course, the Second Life is being tested to offer mentoring service. The Program in English Language Teaching is a hybrid one, designed to meet the need for English teachers in primary and secondary education. During the first two years, students get face-to-face instructions in 8 provinces including Eskisehir, and in the third and the fourth years, they take distance courses supported heavily by elearning services. There are also on-campus summer courses for students needing additional support. Assessment is done by multiple-choice tests, essays, oral presentations and interviews conducted face-to-face in the 8 provinces. The online components comprise course information, announcements, study units (content), chat, e-mail, discussions, students’ homepages, tests, resources and links to other websites. 20 As mentioned before, textbook-based learning is supported by television program broadcasts, e-learning and mobile phone services, and face-to-face academic counseling sessions. Printed Materials: Currently there are about 400 textbooks used in the programs. The authors are experts in their fields not only from Anadolu University but also from other universities and institutions. The textbooks are prepared by a design team experienced in selfdirected learning. The University has modern printing facilities where these textbooks and other materials are printed. The total number of textbooks printed at the beginning of 2007-2008 academic year was almost 3 million copies. Students receive the textbooks during registration from the administrative bureaus. TV Broadcasts and Videos: Anadolu University has also its own television program production and broadcasting facilities. Around 4300 television programs have been designed and produced in the Educational Television Center (ETV) since its first establishment in 1982. The center, supported with editing and post-production units, has two production studios and a mobile production vehicle. Currently 165 technical and administrative staff is employed in the center. The University launched its own television channel, entitled TVA. However, it is a local channel and is not authorized to air nationwide according to the legislation. Hence, six hours of TV programs are broadcasted everyday (total around 900 hours of broadcasting every academic year) on Channel 4 of the Turkish Radio and Television (TRT4) Corporation. In addition, the University, in collaboration with the TRT4, offers “live broadcasting” three times a year just before the exams. During these live broadcasts, students may reach the instructors in the studios via 800 phone lines, fax and e-mail, and ask their questions. Furthermore, a 10-minute program, News from Our University, is broadcasted on TRT4 throughout the academic year to inform students about the University and the programs. Academic Counseling: For certain courses, academic support is also provided via face-to-face counseling sessions in 74 locations. The University has agreements with 64 universities in 65 provinces and 5 21 towns throughout the country to hire their personnel and facilities to offer these support sessions to its students. The sessions are usually given during the evenings (after work hours) and weekends by 769 academic staff. In addition to face-to-face counseling, the students in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and in Siirt providence take 23-hours of academic counseling from over 20 academic advisors for 16 different courses per week through videoconferencing. E-Learning Services: Since 1998, a series of e-learning services has been designed and offered to students on the Internet by the Center for Computer-Assisted Education. The first service was the trial exams composed of randomly chosen questions. This service was later entitled as e-Exam. Then e-Practice materials, interactive multimedia learning software, including text, picture, animation, and voice, have been offered. The following service was e-Books which were actually electronic copies (flash paper) of the course boks published on the Internet. The e-Television service, publishing the digital video files of the instructional TV programs aired on TRT4, has begun as a result of the developments in the Internet infrastructure in the country and the increase in the number of students having broadband Internet access. In the following period, e-Consulting service which allows students to ask questions to the subject matter experts and receive responses asynchronously was offered. In the same period, the e-AudioBooks service was also launched. For all these services, the e-Support application that allows students to get help from experts about technical problems via the Internet has been put into practice. These services that were developed by different teams at different times were combined under the name of Open Education e-Learning Portal in 2005. This allows students to access all the services once they log in. Students use the Anadolu University e-Learning Portal frequently. In 2007, more than 550.000 students logged in the portal more than 11.7 million times and used the e-Learning services. 750 million hits and 110 TB data transfer occurred in this period. The average time spent on the portal is 27 minutes. 22 Distance students can complete their registration renewals on the Internet with no need to go to the administrative bureaus. Similarly, they can use wire transfer system to pay their tuition and fees. These services help students, staff, administrators and banks save time and effort. Anadolu University provides administrative support to its distance students through its 88 bureaus in 81 cities across Turkey, in Nicosia (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) and in Cologne (Germany). Those offices are run by the University’s own staff (total 335 staff) and almost all the properties of the offices are owned by the University. Among the services provided by the bureaus are distributions of course books, honor and high honor certificates, diplomas, diploma supplements, transcripts, student ID cards and issuance of student identification documents. Students may also reach the University via e-mail and phone to receive assistance for their academic, administrative and technical problems. In terms of social support, the University invites approximately 300 graduates with high GPAs to the graduation ceremony. The University has also an online weekly newspaper that gives news and recent developments. Additionally, all the distance students have access to online library services. Assessment system of the University is one of the world’s largest university examination systems. The Distance Education Testing Center of the University is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a question data bank for the exams. Tests are prepared at this center by a joint committee of authors/editors, field experts, technical consultants and scientific assessment specialist. The exams are administered under the coordination of the Computer Center throughout 88 provinces in Turkey and centers in Cologne, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Berne, Brussels, Den Hague and Nicosia. The regulations require face-to-face examinations. Each academic year, a mid-term, a final and a re-sit exam are centrally administered. 23 Each exam involves about 250,000 supervisory and support personnel and 90,000 classrooms in 5,700 school buildings. Exam papers are graded by computer and the results are delivered via Internet and mobile phone services in less than three weeks. E-Certificate Programs: E-Certificate programs are designed for those who would like to improve their job-related skills and hold at least a high school diploma. Currently, the University offers 17 different ecertificate programs in the fields of Accounting, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Finance. Each program is composed of 3 courses and the achievement is tested by face-to-face centralized exams organized in 17 provinces in Turkey and Cologne in Germany. Although all the materials including textbooks and TV Programs are provided, the programs are heavily based on e-learning tools and services. Some of the organizations (e.g. KOSGEB-Small and Medium Sized Industry Development Organization) and corporations (e.g. Migros, a supermarket chain) encourage and provide financial support to the members or employees to attend these programs. Second University: A project entitled as Second University has been carried out by the University in order to offer open Access to a second higher education opportunity. The project, initiated in 2003-2004 academic year, enables the Associate and the Bachelor’s degree holders, as well as undergraduate students to be admitted to the distance programs of Anadolu University without taking the university entrance exam. The Bachelor’s degree holders can apply to two or four-year distance programs, while the Associate degree holders can be admitted only to the two-year programs. The total number of students in the programs is 61,743 and the number of graduates up to now has reached to 7,590. Turkish Language Program: Turkish Language Certificate Program is a completely online program, designed to teach Turkish language skills in Europe and worldwide to a diverse population within the context of lifelong and flexible learning. Standards set by the Association of Institutions within Europe for Producing Examinations and Certification for Various Languages (ALTE) have been targeted 24 in this program. Conducting online written and oral examinations as well as employing various evaluation tools, such as participation in synchronous and asynchronous interactions, and use of streaming video extensively differentiates this program from other distance programs of the University. It is an ongoing project. The teams are currently piloting the first level instruction and producing materials for the second level. The program is planned to include all six ALTE levels (A1, A2; B1, B2; C1, C2). Yunus Emre Project: Another project named after a historical poet and philosopher, Yunus Emre, is launched in January 2008. It is an open courseware initiative to disseminate the contents of the distance courses. Anyone who is interested in will be able to access the elearning platform and its components (e-learning course materials) with no charge. Anadolu University is the only distance education provider broadcasting through a public channel (TRT4) to air its learning materials. So, this channel works like a Public Broadcasting System (PBS) for some audience: people other than students also watch the instructional programs to learn. In addition, quite a number of higher education institutions demand the textbooks prepared for the University’s distance students because of their high educational value. Because of its commitment to expand and sustain the use of information and communication technologies in teaching and education, the University encourages faculties to adapt distance learning tools and strategies into their courses. As consequences of this encouragement, several online graduate programs are being offered, some faculties use Internet to support their in-classroom teaching (web-enriched and webenhanced courses) and on-campus students are given access to distance learning materials. In addition, any student enrolled in any on-campus program of the University can access distance learning materials provided in the e-Learning Portal without registering to any distance programs. This opportunity helps faculty enrich their face-to-face teaching and facilitates on-campus students’ learning. 25 As a summary for 25 years, Anadolu University has been meeting the higher education demands of a diverse group of people: high school graduates who could not get in a traditional university program, employees whose employers require them to attend specially designed training programs, people working in the field and need diplomas, and those who would like to acquire knowledge and skills in a field other than their own. Because of this diversity, the instructional and administrative approach changes from program to program. Face-toface counseling services and e-mentorship are the only tools the University employs for studentfaculty interactions in its traditional distance programs. These programs do not provide interactions among students and among faculty. However, students have established online social networking sites to meet this need. On the other hand, synchronous and asynchronous Internet tools along with those mentioned above are utilized to support student-student and student-faculty interactions in online (Information Management) and hybrid (English Language Teaching) programs. Academic and administrative staff from different faculties and departments of the University supports the production and maintenance of the distance programs. Besides, Distance Education Master’s Degree and PhD programs were established to train experts in the field. However, lack of pre-service and in-service trainings for administrative staff is a shortcoming of the human resources development strategies of the University. Another shortcoming of the distance education was the lack of a systematic feedback system. Individual researchers have conducted small or mid-scale research studies and diffusion of the results was quite limited. Starting from 2006, a task force was established to design and conduct large scale evaluation. After having conducted a series of studies especially in 2007, the task force started to work on creating a database system with a fast access to the results. Moreover, meetings with the province coordinators who are responsible for the coordination and administration of distance education services are held on a regular basis in order to improve the quality of distance education services. 26 AIM OF THE STUDY This study has aimed to provide an information domestic and foreign researcher on the subject and literature of OEF. Most of the studies had been summarized in an abstract form, and also indexes about topics and author name are given. Turkish version of this study has been completed for 1982-2007 years too for the reason that a researcher-who has studied on OEF –are applying to the faculty administrators to obtain some data about OEF or documents and to publish their study or research. Some of them come from other cities or some of them are foreign researchers who want to obtain some materials on OEF by writing a letter to dean or rector or someone else. In any case, it has been very difficult to help them due to the limited time. Especially for the last group of people who are coming from outside of Eskisehir, this study can be very useful to save research time. Of course this study has to be updated by adding new studies in future. Since, new studies will be developed depending on previous ones. By this reason please deliver your new studies, which on Open Education Faculty (or studies which are not considered in this study) to the author or the Open Education Faculty administration for informing them in future. Please do not forget that your studies will be resource for the next new ones. SOME WORDS ABOUT THIS STUDY From beginning 1982 to December 2007, many studies have been conducted dealing with Anadolu’s Open Education Faculty and its application as being thesis, article, book, or report, publishing media and the papers presented in some seminars, nationally and international for discussing on some aspects of OEF’s. As being a problem statement of this study it can be said that studies have done during 25 years dealing with the application of Open 27 Education Faculty in Turkey and abroad since its beginning. What were their titles?, What were their topics?, Where and How can they be obtained?, What was their bibliographic information and Where have they been published? And what was the importance of the study for the other educationists, researchers who conducted a study on OEF? Etc. Study consists of three main chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that tells some of brief history of the Distance Education in the World and Open Education Faculty in Turkey and its application. In addition, this chapter contains the aim of this study and some words about this study. The second chapter is dealt with bibliographic information and includes abstracts of the studies. In this part, almost all studies have been tried to be summarize. (Except different version of the same study and not obtained. So, some numbers of the studies, which are placed in bibliography, has not been cited in the abstracts section). In the third chapter contains the subject and author indexes. Consequently, researchers belive that this study will be functional, for the other researchers who are interested-in some aspects of the Open Education Faculty by informing them. Authors of this study are ready to accept all critics, discussions and suggestions coming from reader. In addion, auhors are also ready for to obtain mentioned studies to you or establish a contact with author/s if you desire at any time. ¾ In this fifth edition of the study was completed for 25 years (1982-2007). It can be said that, 99 percent of these studies which considered about OEF has been obtained. Unfortunately maybe four or five of them are not obtained. Of course, those should take a place in the next study (or studies). 28 ¾ 458 studies are placing in this version; while 313 studies were placed in 1982-2002 fourth version. Increasing rate of the publications is more than 50% during 2002-2007 years. ¾ All these studies were conducted and written by more than 700 researchers while 463 of who male and, 248 were women. In addition, 11 of the studies are conducted by institutions such as Ministry of National Education and Council of Europe. ¾ The oldest article on OEF goes back to December 1982 and declared by Mr. KENNEDY, just related with OEF. ¾ 291 studies of 458 are written in Turkish and 167 in foreign language which most of them 95 written in English, 4 of its ¾ Study consists of 54 books, 138 articles, 51 thesis studies 212 presented papers and around 6 reports or copied papers. ¾ This review study indicates that studies are increased according to the 1997-2002 review study. 51 thesis studies are conducted in several universities in Turkey and abroad. Most of them are master thesis and most of theses are completed in Anadolu University. In addition some of theses are conducted at Ankara Universiy, Marmara University, Hacettepe University, Gazi University, Istanbul University, Middle East Technical University, Selcuk University, Syracuse University and Washington Universities. ¾ 294 of 458 studies are conducted by one author. 84 studies are two authors, 55 studies are three authors and others are conducted 4 and 5 authors ¾ It can be observed that the numbers of studies are increased year by year especially after 1993, 1996, 2002 and 2007 quantitatively. And many of them were presented as a paper at national/international seminars and 54 studies are published as book form. 29 REFERENCES Akyurekoglu, H. (1995) The Role of Distance Education in Corporate Training, (Master Thesis), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Anadolu University (2008) EUA Self-Evaluation Report, Eskisehir, Turkey. Visited at November 2008 and available from http://eua.anadolu.edu.tr/dosyalar/EUA_Report.pdf COUNCIL OF EUROPE (1989). "Turkey: Distance Education", Newsletter, Council of Europe Document, M-ED, 16-8, W.F.B, 3/89, Strasbourg, France. Curabay, S., Demiray E. (2002) 20. Kurulus Yilinda Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Sistemi ve Acıkogretim Fakultesi Egitim Televizyonu (ETV) [Anadolu's Open Education System and Education Television-ETV of Open Education Faculty at Its 20th Anniversary], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: No. 1354, Acikogretim Fakultesi ayinlari, Yayin No: 721, Eskisehir, Türkiye. Demiray, U. (1990). "Some Aspects of Teacher Training in Turkey Using a Distance Education System", ICDE Bulletin, The Open University, Vol. 24, 47-51, Milton Keynes, The United Kingdom. Demiray, U. (1987). Acikogretim Fakültesi Ogrencilerinin Bos Zamanlarini Degerlendirme Egilimleri [Evaluation of the Leisure Activities Trends The Open Education Faculty's Students], Anadolu University Açikogretim Fakültesi Yayinlari, Yay. No. 251/121, Eskisehir, Turkey. Demiray, U., et. al.(1997). "Use of Satellite in Distance Education in Turkey and Japan" ED at a Distance, Vol.11, November 1997, pp.11-23, USA. Eraut, M. (Ed.) (1991). Education and the Information Society, Council of Europe Publications, London, The UK. Jevons, F.R. (1987), "Distance Education and Campus-based Education: parity of Esteem", Distance Education and the Mainstream, ed. Smith, P. and Kelly, M., Croom Helm, London, The United Kingdom. 30 Keegan, D. (editor). (1993) Theoretical Principles of Distance Education, Routledge, New York. Kelly, M. and P. Smith. (1987). "Introduction", Distance Education and the Mainstream, Croom Helm, London, The United Kingdom. Matiru, B. (1987). Distance Education In Kenya: A Third World View", Distance Education and Mainstream, ed. Smith, P. and Kelly, M., Croom Helm, London, The United Kingdom. McIsaac, M.S. (1992, February) "Nursing and Distance Education In Turkey" a keynote address delivered at Ege University Hemsirelik Yüksekokulu, Izmir, Turkey. McIsaac, M.S., K.L. Murphy and U. Demiray (1988). "Examining Distance Education in Turkey". Distance Education, 9,(1) 106-114, Toowoomba, Australia. Moore, M. (1987) "Words of Welcome and Intent (editorial)", The American Journal of Distance Education, Vol.1, No.1, The Pennsylvania State University: University Park. Moore, M. (1989) "Distance Education: A Learner's system", Lifelong Learning, Vol.12 (June), 8-11, USA. OSYM, (2001) Yüksekögretim Ogrenci Kontenjanlari OSYM Student Selection and Pleacement Center-Higher Education Quotas], OSYM Publications, 2001, Ankara, Turkey. OSYM, (2002) Yüksekögretim Ogrenci Kontenjanlari [OSYMStudent Selection and Pleacement Center-Higher Education Quotas], OSYM Publications, 2002, Ankara, Turkey. Ozer, B. (1991). "In-service Training of Primary School Teachers At a Distance In Turkey", Indian Journal of Distance Education, Vol.4, 80-81, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. OzkuL, A. E.“Anadolu University Distance Education System From Emergence To 21st Century”, Turkish Online Journal of Distancae Education-TOJDE, Vol: 2 Number: 1, January 2001, Eskisehir. Turkey. Available http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr Yangin, G. (1989). "Distance Education In Turkey", Online Journal of Distance Education, Vol.2 (4), 1-10, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, Canada. 31 ABSTRACTS OF THE STUDIES ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY BETWEEN YEARS 1982-2007 KİTLE İLETİŞİM ARAÇLARININ YÜKSEK ÖĞRETİMDE KULLANIMI AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖRNEĞİ 1- ACIKALIN, Aytaç. "Kitle İletişim Araçlarının Yüksek Öğretimde Kullanımı açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği [Use of The Mass Media in Higher Education: A Case Study of The Open Education Faculty]”, Kitle İletişim Araçları ve Eğitim Sempozyumu, organized by Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, November 2, 1984, Ankara, Turkey. This paper explains the results and the expectations of "Open Education" applications which were realized by getting use of mass media by giving information, about Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and takes the subject to a discussion platform. Also, the observable results of Open Education Faculty were included in this paper, for instance, the students have conformity problems for the new surrounding. Besides positive observations such as the remove of the relation between success and continuity; problems such as the restriction of the number of teachers, educators and personnel for distance education and the flu concept of distance education in educational field also take place in the paper. But, it is also emphasized that higher open education is the product of a social need for Turkish society in those years. ÜNİVERSİTELERDE ÖĞRETMENLERİN HİZMET-İÇİNDE YETİŞTİRİLMESİ 2- ACIKALIN, Aytaç. “Üniversitelerde Öğretmenlerin Hizmetİçinde Yetiştirilmesi [In-Service Training of Teachers in Universities]”, Eğitim Bilimleri. H.Ü. Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi (Special Issue), No: 2, pp: 250-264, 1987, Ankara, Turkey. In this article, it is emphasized that teachers should be also trained during their in-service besides their pre-service. The studies related with this subject were mentioned in the article. The anxieties and expectation of teachers concerned with the in-service program were also emphasized in the article. The results and suggestions were summarized and emphasized such as teachers were willing to learn and to be in higher positions in their legal 35 status when the suitable conditions and possibilities were created; Problem solving principle should be placed to the base of collaboration between university and National Education Youth and Sports Ministry (now, only as Ministry of Education) in article. AÇIKÖĞRETİM'DE BİLGİSAYAR 3- "Açıköğretimde Bilgisayar [Computer Use in the Open Education Faculty]”, Bilgisayar, p: 16, December 1987, Istanbul, Turkey. This article dealt with the studies which using of computer by Anadolu University Computer Center and gives some data about Tools Park of the center. Article reports the functional of computer in education sector, which enters our lives by reflecting and the technological characteristics of the 20th century. It is indicated that especially Anadolu University Computer Center park supplies cover a large number of demands. It was also mentioned that Anadolu University Computer Center was using IBM 4341 and IBM 4881 systems and was open to service 24 hours a day except Sundays. This system that a great part of its work density is related about Open Education Faculty Studies, has been executing operations of 210.000 students since 1987. It is pointed out that only ÖSYM does 125.000 of these students’ exam services, the rest of all works are executed by the center. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM YOLUYLA YABANCI DİL ÖĞRETİMİ 4- ADIYAMAN, Zehra. Uzaktan Eğitim Yoluyla Yabancı Dil Öğretimi [Language Teaching via Ditance Education], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, October 2002 ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 11, Sakarya Turkey. In this paper, distance education is defined and the three aspects of it are explained. The applications of teaching foreign languages via distance education in the world are mentioned. Some of the applications in Turkey are also ezplained and teaching foreign languages via distance education likewise the other subjects, is also emphasized. 36 A CASE STUDY OF ORGANIZING DISTANCE EDUCATION: ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 5- AGAOGLU, Esmahan. Gülriz IMER, Gülsün KURUBACAK. “A Case Study of Organizing Distance Education: Anadolu University”, Turkish Journal of Distance EducationTOJDE, Vol: 3, Number: 1, 2002, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. Distance education is a kind of education for the learners and instruction that are away from each other. With this characteristic, distance education provides educational opportunities for everyone, at any place, time or age. In this article, the practice of distance education in Turkey is critically examined, especially at Anadolu University. The practice of distance education at Anadolu University started in 1982 at the Open Educational Faculty (OEF). Today, Anadolu University that aims the teaching with contemporary technologies has 227 courses. The ultimate goal of Anadolu University is to reach every student by means of contemporary technologies such as Internet. All the projects executed at Anadolu University are collected within a master project called “Open Education 2000”. CHANGE READINESS AMONG TEACHING STAFF AT ANADOLU UNIVERSITY, TURKEY 6- AKBULUT, Yavuz; Abdullah KUZU; Colin LATCHEM and Ferhan ODABASI. Change Readiness Among Teaching Staff at Anadolu University, Turkey, Distance Education, Volume 28, Issue 3 November 2007, pp. 335–350, Australia. Turkey's Anadolu University is one of the world's largest mega-universities. It is engaged in strategic planning in response to changes in the expectations of the Turkish Higher Education Council and the community at large. In reexamining its vision and strategic directions, Anadolu University needs to be informed on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of its teaching staff, and the systems and support needed to assure their change readiness. This article examines the literature of organizational and educational change and its implications for the university. 37 It reports on a study based on the relevant constructs from the literature and is designed to gauge the extent and nature of teaching staff knowledge, skills, practice, and research in educational and technological change, motivating and de-motivating factors, change adopter types, and perceptions of the organizational climate for change. It considers the implications of these findings and draws conclusions about what would be needed to improve staff readiness for change. EŞİTLİK KAVRAMININ FELSEFİ KÖKENLERİ 7- AKINCI, Semiha. “Eşitlik Kavramının Felsefî Kökenleri [The Philosophical Roots of the Concept of Equality in Education]”, presented paper at AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Today it seems that the concept of equality turned into a hybrid, vacuous concept. It is being used only in the service of political propaganda. However the history of the concept is very rich and the clarification of that historical background will be helpful in many 139 respects. In this paper I will try to drive lessons from this history about the satisfaction of equality in education. As a society, we believe that we can be successful by increasing the level of standardization and collectivization. For instance in educational system by creating central institutions or by giving central tests which cover thousands of students, we think that the level of education might be raised. Somewhat the key to success is thought to be in the collectivization based on equality. This naïve influential idea has very old philosophical roots and we mostly are not conscious of it. Also we think that the idea of standardization and the idea of equal individuals are contemporary value, the roots of the ideas are in the distant past. In this paper, I will try to drive lessons which AOF contributes the equality in education. EĞİTİM ORTAMINDAKİ İLETİŞİM KAYNAK VE SÜREÇLERİNİN UZAKTAN EĞİTİM AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 8- AKYILDIZ, Hayrettin. "Eğitim Ortamındaki İletişim Kaynak ve Süreçlerinin Uzaktan Eğitim Açısından Değerlendirilmesi [The Evaluation of Communication's Source and Processes at 38 Educational Environment According to Open Education]”, presented paper at I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 9-17, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. This research group is the students of AÖF (The Open Education Faculty); N:60 and normal university students (N: 60). The scale developed by researcher was used as an evaluation tool. Scale contains 5 communication source, 5 communication processes and emotional support item. Firstly, items must be evaluated according to their own faculty as number between 1-9 points, then according to support to teaching processes and according to psychological satisfaction as an emotional source.The results indicate that AÖF students and normal university students are different from each other at first level (p: 0.001). Expectation of AÖF students to communication source is higher than normal group: This result must indicate that educational environment has to intensify communication source and processes. It was reckon mended that open education must support this direction. WEB TABANLI UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMLERİ: Sahip Olması Gereken Özellikler Ve Standartlar 9- AL Umut and Orçun MADRAN, "Web Tabanlı Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemleri: Sahip Olması Gereken Özellikler ve Standartlar [Web-Based Distance Education Systems: Required Features and Standards]", Bilgi Dünyası, 5(2), ss. 259-271, Ekim 2004, Ankara, Türkiye, Web-based distance education has been providing low operational cost and means to solve problems of education in the various disciplines and fields of public and private sectors. It also creates opportunities such as professional development, personal development, attending certification or academic programs for the people who are already employed. Obviously, the content of such a system or education programs should have a robust structure. The structure would provide significant advantages in re-using and upgrading of the content and system. This particular study emphasizes the required features and standards of web-based distance education as well as basic concepts of it. 39 UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE TEKNOLOJİ KULLANIMI VE GELECEĞİN TEKNOLOJİLERİ 10- ALGAN, Ertugrul. "Uzaktan Eğitimde Teknolojilerin Kullanımı ve Geleceğin Teknolojileri [Use of Technology in Distance Education Systems and Technologies of Future]”, I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 19-27, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. This education system is known as distance education, open education, flexible learning, distance teaching or correspondence education in the literature or differently titled in some countries. This educational method is giving education opportunity to the great masses by using au id-visual technologies. Developing audio-visual systems as computer, and electronic technology accelerates and simplifies the opportunity of reaching to knowledge. It is possible to think that in the very near future, addition to widely using of radio and television, satellite and cable TV systems, teletext, view data, teleconferencing systems, interactive media, internet and other communication nets, multimedia, videodiscs, CD-ROM and virtual reality will be used in educational area. In this study will try to discuss the possibility of these technologies in the future of Open Education Faculty or distance education in Turkey and their contribution to the students of distance education systems. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE ARAŞTIRMA 11- ALKAN, Cevat. "Açıköğretimde Araştırma [Researches on Open Education Faculty]”, presented paper at I. Ulusal Eğitim Sempozyumu. Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, November 24-30, 1986, Istanbul, Turkey. This paper gives an introduction of researches about Open Education in Turkey as an overview. The paper emphasized the importance and necessity of researches on education technology field generally and enters Open Education subject by introducing main research categories in the field briefly. The research that was done, introduced with dimensions such as subject, aim, method and findings and a general evaluation is done. Main 40 research problems in field, research necessity and proposals for future take a place between other subjects which are discussed in the paper. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE GELİŞİM 12- ALKAN, Cevat. “Uzaktan Eğitimde Geliţim [Developments in Distance Education]”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi ve Kocaeli Sanayi Odası Uzaktan Eğitim Semineri. Kocaeli Üniversitesi ve Kocaeli Sanayi Odası, pp: 20-33, October 4-6, 1997, Kocaeli, Turkey. The aim of this article is to explain the conception dimensions of educational technology and distance education this article also have been tried to be introduced briefly on some distance education applications at national level in Turkey. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMİN TARİHSEL GELİŞİMİ, UZAKTAN EĞİTİM UYGULAMA MODELLERİ VE MALİYETLERİ 13- ARAR, Atilla and Birol CAKMAKCI. “Uzaktan Eğitimin Tarihsel Gelişimi, Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Modelleri ve Maliyetleri” [Historical Development of Distance Education, Practical Models and Cost of Distance Education], I. Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Proceedings of The First Distance Education Symposium-Territorial Army forces Commandership of Education and Doctrine, pp: 25-28, November 15-16, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. History of distance education and its development in Turkey is motioned in this study. Starting from correspondence education, YAYKUR an Anadolu University Open education Faculty, Open Highschool and Open Primary School of Ministry of Education told in this study. EĞİTİM ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI İÇİN İLİŞKİSEL VERİ TABANINA DAYALI BİR SINAV ORGANİZASYONU BİLİŞİM SİSTEMİNİN TASARIMI VE GELİŞTİRİMİ 41 14- ARSLAN, Hüryaşa and Erhan AKMEN. Eğitim Önlisans Programı İçin İlişkisel Veri Tabanına Dayalı Bir Sınav Organizasyonu Bilişim Sisteminin Tasarımı ve Geliştirimi [Designing and Development of the Cognitive System in Based on and Related to Data Base an Examination for Prelicence Degree Teacher Training Program in Turkey], TDB VII. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı, Anadolu University, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği, pp:234-245, September 22-24, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. Using of computer is a kind of obligation to picking up students' information, to reach that information as soon as possible and to evaluate students' success in educational activities, which aimed to educate large, masses. Cognitive exam system is realized by relating based on database for the Associate Degree Teacher Training program at Anadolu University, Turkey in 1985. This article pointed out the structure of the data; main step of the process and gave some information about success of this cognitive system. TÜRKİYE'DE TELEVİZYONLA YAPILAN YÜKSEKÖĞRETİM: Açiköğretim 15- ASKIN, Ayfer. Türkiye'de Televizyonla Yapılan Yükseköğretim: Açıköğretim [Higher Education via Television in Turkey], Marmara University Socıal Science Institute, unpublished MA thesis, 1990, Istanbul, Turkey. This research is completed as a master thesis at Marmara University, in Istanbul. The aim of the research is formulated as to find out in which level the system was useful for the students and how the system was structured. What the structuring conditions were. Research contains six chapters. In the first chapter, author summarized history of distance education in Turkey. The second chapter had given brief information about other countries' Distance Education applications. The third chapter told about the structure of questionnaire, which applied, to 500 students who are attending 3rd and 4th classes of Open Education Faculty. In the fourth chapter placed to evaluation. Chapter five is the conclusion and 42 the end of the study is indicated suggestion by the author. Consequently, research conducted that OEF developments and provide more productive results by the system. YÜKSEKÖĞRETİM VE YAYGIN EĞİTİM 16- ASKUN, Inal C. "Yükseköğretim ve Yaygın Eğitim [Higher and Distance Education]”, Türkiye'de Yaygın Eğitim Semineri, (Seminer Tebliğleri), EİTİA Yayınları, Yayın No: 138/84, pp: 119-124, 1975, Eskisehir, Turkey. In the study, problems that prevent the developments of traditional and distance education and the inadequacy of traditional education to meet society's needs with its present applications are mentioned. The fact that distances education cannot remove the differences between students whom attended the courses and who do not. In additional, this study serves by being inspired by the concept of "Walless University" of modern higher education institution model; it is pointed out that concepts such as Walless student, Walless study, Walless administration, Walless education, Walless teaching must be examined and must be functional in distance education system. The author is supporting that these sum of concepts can be defined equal to the Open University or as a distance education concept. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ'NİN 30.YILI İÇİNDEN 17- ASKUN, Inal C. "Anadolu Üniversitesi'nin 30.Yılı İçinden..." [Some Words on 30 Years of the Anadolu University]”, İİBF. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 321/ 68, Vol:2, No:6, pp:23-38, November 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this article it is told off a background of 30 years and today’s of the Anadolu University are mentioned because of its 30th Anniversary year celebrations. General information about the Open Education Faculty, which aims to give education to large masses by using technological tools, takes a place in the article. 43 DISTANCE EDUCATION APPLICATIONS AT ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 18- ATAC, Engin and Aydın Z. OZGUR. Distance Education Applications at Anadolu University, 19. EADL (European Association for Distance Learning) EADL Conference, May 26-28, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. In addition this study is presented at 2. World Summit of the Mega Universities, Indira Gandhi National Open University, September 23-25 2005, Yeni Delhi, India. Distance Education Applications at Anadolu University Three areas are targeted by the Distance Education services of Anadolu University: (1) all those wanting to take college-level classes, (2) those wanting to add to their existing qualifications, and (3) support of equal educational rights for all. The Open Education Faculty has three colleges: (1) Business School, (2) School of Economics, and (3) College of Open Education, providing a total of 28 two and four-year programmes. 850,000 students have enrolled in the Faculty since its inception in 1982. Enrolment is now 35% of all students in higher education in Turkey. The Distance Education services of Anadolu University target three areas: all those wanting to take college-level classes; those wanting to add to their existing qualifications; and support for equal educational rights for all. The Open Education Faculty has three colleges: a Business School, a School of Economics, and a College of Open Education, providing a total of 28 two and four-year programmes. 850,000 students have enrolled in the Faculty since its inception in 1982. It now enrols 35% of all students in higher education in Turkey. VERY LARGE SCALE E-LEARNING PRACTICES IN THE OPEN EDUCATION SYSTEM AT ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 19- ATAC, Engin and M. Emin MUTLU, “Very Large Scale ELearning Practices in the Open Education System at Anadolu University”, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Educstion (ELEARN) 2006, October 2006, In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in 44 Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006, pp. 339-344, Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. In addition this study is presented at EADTU 2005 Working Conference, November 10-11, 2005, Roma, Italy. In Turkey, the open education opportunities for higher education are provided by Anadolu University. The basic instructional materials were books, TV programs and face-to-face tutorials when the Open Education System was first established in 1982. In the 2000s, as the number of students began approaching one million, and with the advancement in educational technology, Open Education Faculty began to provide e-learning services to enhance students’ learning process. Some of these e-learning services offered are internet-based practice exams, exercises, course books and television programs, on-line tutorials, multimedia CD ROMs. Hundred thousands of Open Education Faculty students make use of these e-learning services regularly. This study presents the developments and implementation of e-learning services provided by the Open Education system at Anadolu University. NEW DIRECTIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: Training EFL Teachers through Distance Education 20- ATAC, Engin and Handan K. YAVUZ. New Directions in Higher Education: Training EFL Teachers through Distance Education, Online Educa Berlin 2006-12th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, November 28-December 1, 2006, Berlin, Germany. With the advancement in information and communication technologies (ICT), higher education is taking a new direction. A study conducted by Sloan Consortium (2005) suggests that “online education now part of the mainstream of higher education.” The number of online/distance courses and degree programs offered are growing dramatically (Sloan-C Report, 2004, 2005). One reason for the growth is that distance education provides higher education opportunities to those who cannot otherwise obtain higher education. Another reason is that through distance education, larger quantities are able to receive higher education opportunities. The World Bank reported that 45 only 17% of the adults are able to receive some form of higher education (Van Hook, 2005). As the productivity of a nation and its ability to compete in the international arena depends on the number of its population with higher education, distance education is now accepted as an alternative in higher education. Furthermore, studies show that students are as satisfied with online courses as face-to-face instruction (Sloan-C Report, 2004). Distance education is now accepted as an alternative to traditional higher education in Turkey as well. The Ministry of Education has asked Anadolu University to collaborate in a project to train qualified English language teachers to meet the demand for teachers needed in primary and secondary schools. At that time, the Ministry had projected that 63,000 English language teachers would be needed by the year 2005. As a joint project, Anadolu University designed a four-year BA degree program to train qualified English teachers in large quantities. The program is designed as a blended program whereby the first two years are face-to-face and the last two years are through distance education. The face-to-face instruction in the first two years aims to improve students’ language skills. As the students are placed in this program based on language scores received in the University Entrance Exam, they come to the program furnished with knowledge of English. Therefore, the aim of the first two years is to increase students’ proficiency levels and to improve their language skills such as reading, writing, and speaking. The last two years consist of courses which provide students with methodological and theoretical background essential for language teachers. The aim of the 3rd and 4th years is to develop students’ professional skills. In the face-to-face component students are guided by instructors. In the distance education component, students are provided with textbooks and study guides as instructional material and online support. The online support is designed to supplement the textbooks and consists of extra material on the topics in the book, additional exercises and trial exams to help students understand and learn the material better. In the online support system, for each course, there is also a discussion board which provides students the opportunity to ask questions to the instructor as well as to discuss issues related to that course with other students. This paper will discuss the details of the program which was initiated in the 2000-2001 academic year and share the experiences gained in the last six years. 46 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE ETKİLEŞİMLİ TELEVİZYONUN KULLANILMASI: AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖRNEĞİ 21- ATAMAN, E. Ozlem. Uzaktan Öğetimde Etkileşimli TV’nin Kullanılması: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği [The Use of Interactive Television in Distance Education: An example of Open Education Faculty], Anadolu University Social Sciences Institute, unpublished MA thesis, 1995, Eskisehir, Turkey. When the traditional education institution became incapable of meeting the ever-increasing demand distance education systems are introduced as a solution. As technologies become more diffuse, accessible and user friendly, they effected education and became applicable for distance education.As a component of distance education, television has great importance. But it has constraints. It cannot build simultaneous communication between student and course content, student and student, student and teacher as traditional face-to-face education can. for a solution, advanced technology presented interactive television. Although the physical gap between communicating agents in distance education still exists, the interactive technology tried to overcome those communication problems. Instant feedback in forms of sound, text, and picture is supplied via various channels. The study explains the method employed in the research. Topics related to the development of interactive programs in distance education are mentioned: Interactivity in educational program broadcasting, development of distance education programs with interactive television and applications in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. The way the information gathered and processed is also explained. A sample interactive program, designed according to the findings, is given. TELE-EDUCATION SERVICE STRUCTURE AND 21st CENTURY PROJECTS OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY IN TURKEY 22- AYDAY, Can. “Tele-Education Service Structure and 21st Century Projects of Anadolu University in Turkey”, Space and The Global Village: Tele-Services for The 21st Century, Proceedings of International Symposium, International Space 47 University, June 3-5, Strasbourg, France. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp: 97-100, 1998, Boston, London, UK. This paper reviews the facilities of the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey, considers both recent and forthcoming developments, and shows how these could be used, with the ISU (International Space Union) and its affiliates, in distance education courses and tele-education services. Paper contains the titles as: ¾ Anadolu University Organization ¾ New Projects for AU/OEF for the 21st Century ¾ Impediments to TV Studio ¾ Improvements of Computer Aided Counseling System ¾ Data Transfer Between Main Center and OEF offices ¾ Using Internet Conferencing for Distance Education ¾ Conclusion of the study can be summarizes as at AU ready work with ISU and affiliates of USU to: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Organize a distance learning education facility in western Europe for foreign workers and their children, Share some facilities; AU could print educational materials, posters and brochures of ISU and its affiliates and prepare TV programs for ISU ¾ Organize short courses, workshop and accredited corticated programs ¾ Try to establish a video conferencing facility for some courses of ISU or its affiliates. BUILDING A SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL CLASSROOM IN A DISTANCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER TRAINING (DELTT) PROGRAM IN TURKEY 23- AYDIN, Belgin and Volkan T. YUZER. Building a Synchronous Virtual Classroom in a Distance English Language Teacher Training (DELTT) Program in Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, April 2006 ISSN 1302–6488 Volume: 7 Number: 2 Article: 1, Eskisehir, Turkey. 48 This paper reports a synchronous project, “the virtual classroom” prepared for the Distance English Language Teacher Training (DELTT) Program. The process of developing the synchronous project and the interface with its specific components were reported with examples and supported by theoretical background from the related literature. The evaluation of the project concludes that the virtual classroom facilitated increased authentic interaction and encouraged learners to become more autonomous. When the group of students who prefer the traditional classroom, however, was considered a blended approach which consists of both virtual classroom and traditional face-to-face classroom was suggested as the most efficient way for Turkish EFL learners. READINESS AND WILLINGNESS OF THE LEARNERS IN TRADITIONAL DISTANCE HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR ONLINE LEARNING 24- AYDIN, Cengiz. H. “Readiness and Willingness of the Learners in Traditional Distance Higher Education Programs for Online Learning” Proceedings of the AECT2004 International Conference, Anaheim, 29-36, NOVA, Florida, 2005, USA. This presentation intends to reveal the results of a study in which readiness and willingness of the learners in traditional distance higher education programs for online learning were investigated. It might especially be beneficial for those who would like to learn the ways of integrating online technologies into traditional distance learning courses and what kinds of online learning opportunities Anadolu University provides to its nearly 1.200.000 distance learners. The presentation also summarizes the results of a study in which traditional distance learners’ readiness and willingness for online learning were investigated. AÇIK VE UZAKTAN ÖĞRENMEDE KULLANILAN BASILI MATERYALLERDEKİ ANLATIM BİÇİMİNE İLİŞKİN ÖĞRENEN TERCİHLERİ 25- AYDIN, Cengiz. H. ‘’Açık ve Uzaktan Öğrenmede Kullanılan Basılı Materyallerdeki Anlatım Biçimine İlişkin 49 Öğrenen Tercihleri’[Learners’ Preferences of Communication Tone Used in the Print Materials for Open and Distance Learning]’, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(2), pp.131 148, 2005, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Literature is full of studies about significance of using a friendly conversational tone in open and distance learning materials. However, related literature is based on the studies conducted generally in western cultures. Since research has revealed the influence of culture on human behavior, what the literature on open and distance learning mentions may not be valid in other cultures. From this point of view, this study investigated Turkish distance learners’ preferences of communication tone in print materials (textbooks) used in Anadolu University’s distance programs. The study has shown that Turkish distance learners prefer an academic tone rather than friendly conversation in their textbooks. INTEGRATING COMPUTER-SUPPORTED LEARNING INTO TRADITIONAL DISTANCE COURSES 26- AYDIN, Cengiz. H and M. Emin. MUTLU, and M. S. McIsaac, “Integrating Computer-Supported Learning into Traditional Distance Courses”, eds. F.M.M. Neto & F.V. Brasileiro, Advances in Computer-Supported Learning, pp.97-120, Idea Group, 2006, USA. This chapter describes how a traditional distance education provider, Anadolu University of Turkey, integrated computer-supported learning into its traditional distance courses. Anadolu University has been struggling with offering quality education to their large body of distance learners (approximately 1 million). To do so, the University tries to integrate computer-supported learning environments into its traditional correspondence programs. Building supplementary e-learning portals, through which learners can access to videos, textbooks, audio books, computer-assisted instruction materials, self-tests, pedagogical and managerial support is one of the important steps taken. The authors hope that those who are interested in distance learning and computer-supported learning in different context will benefit from the efforts of Anadolu University explained in this chapter. 50 ANADOLU UNIVERSITY- FORDOTOSAN E-LEARNING PROJECT: A Model for University & Industry Collaboration 27- AYDIN, Cengiz. H and Elif TOPRAK. Anadolu UniversityFordotosan e-Learning Project: A Model for University & Industry Collaboration, EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference, November 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. The collaboration between Fordotosan and Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (OEF) in the framework of the “e-learning” began with the need and willingness on the side of F/O to get over limitations of faceto-face education. F/O took on its agenda, using opportunities of open and distance education methods, in order to reach increasing number of the Sales and Post- Sales Service Points (S&PsSP) personnel. The target was responding to staff’s education needs and increases the quality of the services given at the service points. In this framework, the dialogue initiated for better knowing the technical and man-power capabilities of the OEF, led to university-industry collaboration. The cooperative model for this project was based on two teams: ¾ Fordotosan instructors that determined the educational content of the project and were trained in instructional design by OEF academic staff ¾ OEF team that was composed of instructional design and computer assisted learning experts. The components of the e-Learning platform were decided as: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ e- Book Design, Production and Application Services e- Television Design, Production and Application Services e- Exercise Design, Production and Application Services e- Exam Design, Production and Application Services e- Moderating Design, Production and Application Services simulated from “virtual class”. Anadolu University produced a tailor-made e-Learning package to be delivered over the Internet for vocational training of Fordotosan S&PsSP personnel. The administration of the project proves to be a good model for cooperation in ODL projects. 51 DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF AN ONLINE LANGUAGE EDUCATION PROGRAM 28- AYDIN, Cengiz. H. Design Principles of an Online Language Education, Program. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN) 2007, October 15, 2007, Quebec City, Canada In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education2007, pp. 1399-1404, Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Turkce is a language education certificate program, designed and developed by Anadolu University. It aimed to help non-Turkish speakers acquire basic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in various daily life contexts such as shopping, eating, traveling, and so forth. The presentation provides an insight about design and implementation strategies of this program. YAPICI GÖRÜŞE GÖRE DERS KİTAPLARININ TASARIMI: AÖF Uzaktan Öğretim Ders Kitapları Örneği 29- AYDIN, Irem Erdem. Yapıcı Görüşe Göre Ders Kitaplarının Tasarımı: AÖF Uzaktan Öğretim Ders Kitapları Örneği [Designing of Course Material According to Constructive Approach: OEF Printed Material Case], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, unpublished MA thesis, 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The main purpose of this study is to examine how the distance education textbooks can be designed according to constructivist view and what the distance students' attitudes are about the textbooks, which are designed by using constructivist principles of learning. The design of the study was based on literature review, conversations with experts, and general survey method.The experts were asked to investigate the research material (textbook) to determine if it includes constructivist principles as claimed or not. The survey was consisted of a Likert type scale including 38 items and a 2 open ended questions. 52 The scale sent to the academic advisors of AOF in seven different cities of seven provinces of Turkey. These cities were Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Aydın, Van, Çanakkale, Samsun and Mersin. The advisors administered the surveys to the 457 AOF students who are participating their face-to-face evening classes. Frequency distributions and t-test techniques were used in analyzing data. Results have shown that AOF students generally express positive attitudes toward textbooks designed according to the constructivist principles. The students ranked the highest score on providing opportunities to investigate real life examples and the lowest score of other related materials that help to see different perspectives. Thus, it as recommended that the textbooks should be designed to provide more real life examples. However, these examples should not be just presented to the students but some opportunities to investigate these examples should be integrated to the texts. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE WEB ÜZERİNDEN EĞİTİM PROGRAMI YÖNETİMİ–AÖF/İOLP UYGULAMASI 30- AYDIN, Sinan, Sedat DEMIREL and Erdal KARA. Uzaktan Eğitimde Web Üzerinden Eğitim Programı Yönetimi– AÖF/İOLP Uygulaması [The Management of Education Programmes via Web at Distance Education–The Applicaion of Open Education Faculty English Language Teaching Graduate Programme-ELTGP-], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study contains the structure and features of management information system, which has been developed to manage whole education units spread through the country from one main office. In managing an education program successfully not only education activities important but also managerial activities. Therefore a management information system has been developed based on web in order to plan and apply managerial activities carried out in 16 cities with 19 schools as to related education program.With the system designed it has been aimed to provide personnel motivation, an effective and fast 53 communication among the units and a support towards managerial activities. Another aim of the system developed is to carry on managerial activities directed from the main office more effectively. The structure of information system of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (ELTGP) is a perfect model for institutions the units of which are in different parts of the country. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ PROGRAMI ÖRNEĞİNDE, ÇEVRİMİÇİ EĞİTİM PROGRAMI YÖNETİMİ VE ETKİNLİĞİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI 31- AYDIN, Sinan and Erdal KARA. Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Programı Örneğinde, Çevrimiçi Eğitim Programı Yönetimi Ve Etkinliğinin Araştırılması [Research of Online Education Program Management and Efficiency in Open Education Faculty Distance English Language Teacher Training Program Example], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET April 2004 ISSN: 1303– 6521 Volume 3, Issue 2, Article 13, Sakarya, Turkey. An education program does not only consist of educational components. In order that the program could be conducted many administrative and financial tasks had to be planned. Administrative activities play an important role in the process starting from the student enrollment till the graduation. Therefore, with the aim of planning and execution of administrative activities held within OEF DELTT Program in 16 cities at 19 centers, a management information system, accessible online via internet and intranet, has been developed. Carrying out managerial and educational activities, quick and effective communication between units and improvement of staff motivation were aimed with the developed system. Another objective of the system has been execution of administrative activities more efficiently. In this study, structure and features of the MIS developed with the objective of administration of geographically scattered educational units from a center have been explained. Efficiency of the system throughout the works performed up to this point has been analyzed and activities to be held in order that the system could perform more efficiently have been argued. The structure of the information system developed for OEF DELLT Program could serve as a model for organizations and institutions with geographically 54 scattered units. Results obtained could set an example for such organizations. VERİ MADENCİLİĞİ VE ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMİNDE BİR UYGULAMA 32- AYDIN, Sinan. Veri Madenciliği ve Anadolu Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Sisteminde Bir Uygulama [Data Mining and An Application on Anadolu University Distance Education System], Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Nowadays, like in the other fields of study where data mining is applied, large databases are also available in education, from which meaningful relationships could be discovered and useful knowledge extracted. Within the scope of this PhD thesis, data mining is conducted by conjoining data from different sources about the students in Anadolu University Distance Education System. A model has been prepared to predict the student performance which could contribute planning activities of Distance Education System and clustering study has been made to determine the profiles of the graduates. A prediction model has been proposed in which C5.0 decision tree algorithm is used for predicting student achievement. It has been foreseen that the system could be used for the prediction of student achievement by integrating the decision rules of the proposed model. In result of the clustering, five clusters have been obtained by the use of “K-means” algorithm. According to these clusters, it has been seen that they verify the relationship between the computer usage and student achievement. In the result of studies performed on the limited data in distance education students’ database, it has been proven that data mining is an important decision support tool for internet-based distance education systems. ÜÇ YILLIK EĞİTİM ENSTİTÜSÜ MEZUNLARI İÇİN HAZIRLANAN ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ LİSANS TAMAMLAMA PROGRAMI TÜRK DİLİ VE EDEBİYATI KİTAPLARININ İNCELENMESİ 55 33- BALABANLI, Fatma N. Üç Yıllık Eğitim Enstitüsü Mezunları İçin Hazırlanan Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Lisans Tamamlama Programı Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ders Kitaplarının İncelenmesi [Evaluation of the Turkish Language and Letter Printed Course Books for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty License Complete Program], Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, Ankara, Turkey. ‘Teachers is the only element to ensure that the real training objective is achieved. This, however, depends on how efficient guidance cloud be provided by teacher’ book(s) used as a source. It is very important that the books to be used by teachers are prepared most carefully; for ‘teacher’ is the most important factor in the training system. It is for this reason that this study covers the subject as titled ‘study’ on Turkish language and literature bachelor’s degree instruction Faculty viewing how useful are these books for teachers on various topics and how well of guidance they provide including thoughts related to distant educational techniques. When considered, there is not similar distant training system practiced in the world. Open Education Faculty program is consultancy system. Academic committees first apply the program on a small scale then expanding it on larger scales after receiving feedback and making necessary amendment within the framework of feedback received. Instructors in this program are involved in various areas such as coordination, consultancy, and etc. In this Open Education Faculty system take place seminars and face-to-face meeting possibilities. Where as, degree completion program, typesetting, spelling and punctuation marking mistakes; language used being unintelligible; expositions and explanations being insufficient lack of Required information (due to disregarding university curriculum) such as the Ottoman Turkish Language, Historic Turkish Accents, Persian Language and Arabic; examples given being at senior high school level; not being selective from the point of authors and their works; repletion of topics in the contents as some striking points. If completion program is practiced at our universities inclusive faceto-face training from as an in service training activity. 56 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE KULLANILAN DERS KİTAPLARININ BİÇİMSEL ÖZELLİKLERİ: Anadolu Üniversitesi İşletme ve İktisat Fakülteleri Örneği 34- BANAR, Seçil Taner. Uzaktan Ögretimde Kullanilan Ders Kitaplarinin Biçimsel Özellikleri: Anadolu Üniversitesi İsletme ve İktisat Fakülteleri Örnegi [Text Books' formal Features Used in Distance Education Systems: A Case of Anadolu University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. In the past practice of distance education in Turkey was not successful until the years of 1980's, which are established earlier. The starting year and well organized serious distance education application is 1982, which is the establishment of the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University. At that time, the Open Education Faculty had two programs, business Administration and Economics. But these programs changed in 1993 as being the Faculty of Management and The Faculty of Economics. By this study, it is searched that whether the visual structure of the printed material which mean books, of these faculties are enough in terms of form and student' learning behavior or not. The first chapter, points out the importance and necessity of distance education system for Turkish society. And also, it is given the learning components of the Open Education Faculty from print material to other visual regulation by emphasizing, especially importance of typographical and visual characteristics side of the printed materials. In the second chapter, the method of enquiry and study has been considered and the stages of study have been listed. In the third chapter, the results and their interpretations have been given. The results are explained as the following head lines, the characteristics of the students' group, the results on letters, the uses of visual characteristics, used paper quality, the using of color and designing of the text and other visual material. And also the average values, which are calculated by using students’ answers, are shown. at the final chapter, the study has been summarized, and the suggestions, which are determined by taking a note of students' wishes or expectations, are brought up: To sum up, in this study, visual design of the printed materials researched in the faculties of the Economics and Management. 57 BİR UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM ARACI OLARAK BASILI DERS MALZEMESİ VE GÖRÜNTÜ DÜZENLEMESİ 35- BANAR, Seçil Taner. "Bir Uzaktan Öğretim Aracı Olarak Basili Ders Malzemesi ve Düzenlemesi [Printed Course Materials As Being One of Major Educational Component of Distance Education Systems]”, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 983/549, Vol:2, No:2, pp: 54-72, Kış (Winter Issue), 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. Although the developments in technological equipments in educational sector, the printed materials still keep their importance in distance education systems. On the contrast at conventional education systems, printed materials are very important components for the distance education students. They should be well and carefully designed appropriately for the flowing of information to learners. In this design, visual side is very important to easier perception easier by students. n this article, once more, importance of the visual design of the printed materials for distance education systems was mentioned. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM TEKNİĞİ İLE HAZIRLANMIŞ DERS KİTAPLARI VE GÖRSEL DÜZENLEME 36- BANAR, Seçil and Filiz SECIM. “Uzaktan Öğretim Tekniği İle Hazırlanmış Ders Kitapları ve Görsel Düzenleme [Visual Designing of Printed Course Materials to be Prepared via Distance Education Technics]”, BITE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, p:175, May 13-15, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. The increases of demand step by step on education and in addition to this disability in physical environments specially bring to agenda the concept of “distance education”. The printed materials, which have importance in that system and often used textual books, display differences from the use of books in traditional education. One of the effects in success of often used 58 textual books during the knowledge transfer between student and instructor, which is course content and another one, is visual design. In this study, the visual designing of the books, which are used by the Faculty of Business and the Faculty Economics which are teaching on the base of the distance education, searched whether they are suitable for distance education techniques or not. for this purpose a survey is arranged between freshmen and seniors of these faculties. In the final chapter, the students’ opinions which are related to actual situation on textual books and arrangements, and the students’ desires on textual book’s design had tried to explain. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM İLKELERİNİN EDEBİYAT ÖGRETİMİNE UYGULANMASI 37- BARAZ, Turhan. Uzaktan Öğretim İlkelerinin Edebiyat Öğretimine Uygulanması [Adaptation of Distance Education Principles to the Teaching of Literature], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 109/38, 1985, Eskisehir, Turkey. This book is the doctoral dissertation study of the author that points out the inadequately of literature teaching applied in secondary schools and, according to this fact, in the adaptation Teaching Turkish Literature, related with specialization education in higher education to the structure of distance teaching. With this thought, in the first chapter of the book; the principles of distance teaching, processes and applications were examined and their application methods were discussed on teaching of literature.In the second chapter, because of superiorities such as subjects that carry the quality of "Introduction to Literature" providence of possibility to individual learning, easiness of usage of literature teaching program suggested for distance teaching, were developed as course notes which were appropriate to distance teaching principles. BÜRO YÖNETİMİ VE SEKRETERLİK ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 38- BARAZ, Gülce. Büro Yönetimi Ve Sekreterlik Önlisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Office 59 Management and Secretaryship Pre-bachelor`s Program], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, Unpublished MA Thesis, 2005, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The purpose of this research is to examine and evaluate the Office Management and Secretaryship Pre-Bachelor’s Program in terms of its aim, content and teaching methods. The importance of this research comes from its value to provide necessary data for the future researches. This research was carried out on the data collected from the survey sent to the students. The sample of the study consisted of 337 (%25) out of 1345students registered into A.Ü. AÖF The Office Management and Secretaryship Pre-Bachelor’s Program and the survey consisted of 9 titles and 34 questions. These are demographics, questions about the program, content of the books, TV programmes, trial exams, training software, academic consulting, study methods and exam evaluations. Frequency (f) and percentage (%) of every question in the survey were taken into consideration and high scored judgments were evaluated in terms of gender, age and working situation. Research results revealed that students have positive opinions towards this undergraduate program. For example, students described both the content of the program in general and the books as one of the most important components of the program, and also it was revealed that computer supported educational activities and academic consulting are not used frequently because of the several reasons. Another result is that, there are plenty of students that have difficulties regarding the timing of the TV programmes. Having computer supported educational activities heard by more people, these programmes repeatedly broadcast on an education-oriented TV channel and to have academic consulting become widespread can be shown as one of the main factors that increase the functioning of this undergraduate program. EGİTİM AMAÇLI VİDEONUN İŞLEVLERİ ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ’NDE ÖRGÜTSEL UYGULAMA MODEL ÖNERİSİ 60 39- BARKAN, Murat. Eğitim Amaçlı Videonun İşlevleri: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Örgütsel Uygulama Model Önerisi [Functions of Video for Educational Purposes: An Organizational Application Model Proposal for Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları Yayın No: 271/129, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. This book is also the doctoral dissertation of the author that explains the developments of model suggestions about the usage possibilities of video in education field as a communication means and application video for education in Open Education Faculty. It is admitted that video machine known, as "Home video" is new for both its usage properties and its usage fields. But the usage of this machine as an educational communication can't be applied in Turkey yet. For this reason the book is seen original because it searches usage possibilities of video as a communication means, and presents suggestions for its usage in education-teaching field and especially for its usage in distance education system. Besides, as an application for distance education in Turkey, A Model suggestion for Education Application with Video in Open Education Faculty takes place in the last chapter as the main purpose of the study. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMDE VİDEO 40- BARKAN, Murat. "Uzaktan Öğretimde Video [Video in Distance Education]”, Çağdaş Bir Eğitim İletişim Aracı Olarak Video: Araştırma, Kuram, Uygulama, (Ed. Cengiz Tekin), Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları Yayın No: 004, pp: 149-169, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this article; main properties of education-teaching-learning needs, communication process with education purpose, and with the usage of video in education is mention ed and also, explained functional properties of video machine in distance instruction system is explained. 61 In the study, by acting with video's properties; it is given examples related to the fact that in which fields video could be used in OEF System. And as a result, it is pointed out that in circumstances of modern education and teaching, the benefits sourced from properties of video must not be ignored. UZAKTAN ÖĞRENİM MODELİNDE VİDEO KULLANIMININ VERİMLİLİĞE VE ÖĞRENMEDE BAŞARIYA KATKISININ ÖLÇÜMLENMESİ İÇİN BİR ÖRNEK UYGULAMA: AÖF VİDEO İLE EĞİTİM MERKEZLERİ 41- BARKAN, Murat and Ugur DEMIRAY. "Uzaktan Öğrenim Modelinde Video Kullanımının Verimliliğe ve Öğrenmede Başarıya Katkısının Ölçümlenmesi İçin Bir Örnek Uygulama: AÖF Video ile Eğitim Merkezleri [Using Video and Its Effects and Efficency in Distance Education Model]", Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 354/144, No: 6, pp: 241-271, June 1989, Eskisehir, Türkiye. In this article, a function of video was tested in distance education system, as an educational environment. It is given place to the results of Education Center Application with video which introduced Denizli province and its surrounding in the form of OEF. In the article, operating of the system and data obtained from the application of video instruction was tested by "T test". The results show that the video instruction affected the learning success of the student between 40 and 60 points more than before. ZİNCİRE VURULMUS PROMETHEUS TRAGEDYASI VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM ADINA DÜSÜNDÜRDÜKLERİ 42- BARKAN, Murat. "Zincire Vurulmus Prometheus Tragedyası ve Açıköğretim Adına Düsündürdükleri [Tragedy of the 'Chained Prometheus' And Its Thoughts in The Name of Open Education Faculty]”, Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No:6, pp: 223-240, Yayın No: 354/144, June 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. 62 In this article, the importance of information and to the function of it in social life is dealt with. It shows that meeting the qualified information, which the modern human needs, is strongly related with education and teaching methods. The differences of modern method and traditional method for reaching qualified information are discussed, and with this respect the function and role of distance teaching philosophy are discussed. In the study, it is concluded that information need in higher education dimension for Turkish society should be taken out from the restrictions of traditional teaching institution and should be an alternative for widespread public masses as a modern approach of "Institutional Prometheus". NEW DIMENSIONS SYSTEM WITH ADVANCED DISTANCE EDUCATION SUPPORT 43- BARKAN, Murat and Ugur DEMIRAY. "New Dimensions System with Advanced Distance Education Support”, Never Too Far, STOU University Press, Vol: 4, pp: 3-6, March 1990, Bangkok, Thailand. In this article authors indicated developing distance education in Turkey by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. After beginning of the Open Education Faculty, system tried to improve its main educational components as education via video in several centers around Turkey, try to develop (exercise) some computer aided instructional materials and education via satellite for Turkish citizens who are living in West Europe Countries. VEC PILOT PROJECT THE USE OF VIDEO EDUCATION IN TURKEY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 44- BARKAN, Murat and Ugur DEMIRAY, "VEC Pilot Project the Use of Video Education in Turkish Open Education Faculty", Journal of Distance Education. Vol: V, No: 1, pp: 71-72, Spring 1990, Canada. This article gives a place to new technological developments for educational area. In this respect distance education applications should change its using technologies according to these developments. This technological 63 development helps the individual education especially for distance education students or systems around the world. VIDEOCASSETTE E ISTRUZIONE A DISTANZA COME MEZZI DI SOSTEGNO DELLA SCUOLA PRIMARIA NELLE AREE RURALI DELLA TURCHIA 45- BARKAN, Murat and A. Haluk YUKSEL." Videocasesette e Istruzione a Distanza Come Mezzi di Sostegno Della Scuola Primaria Nelle Aree Rurali Della Turchia]”, [Using Video in Turkish Distance Education System]”, Istruzione a Distanza. AnNo: IV, pp: 51-57, Dicembre, 1992, Rome, Italy. This article is Italian version of the same content with mentioned above articles, which contain Video education centers application of the Open Education Faculty. YENİ TEKNOLOJİK GELİSMELER ISIGINDA EGİTİM İLETİSİMİ: UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMİN YENİDEN YAPILANMASI 46- BARKAN, Murat. "Yeni Teknolojik Gelişmeler Işığında Eğitim İletişimi: Uzaktan Öğretimin yeniden yapılanması [Restructring of Education Communication Under the Light of New Technological Developments]”, Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim 1. Sempozyum Bildirileri. Anadolu University, pp: 75-99, September 25-27, 1993, Eskisehir, Turkey. Late twenties have a unique identification in terms of fast qualitative and quantitative differentiations in educational demand. One of the basic reasons for this is the tremendous speed of growth in communication opportunities as well as the knowledge on communications. As a result more people need to know more about anything. This is a clear provocation for the growth of information technologies and facilities. Distance education, which is an alternative educational communication model, is one of the well known fields that experience the mentioned provocation for high speed change, especially in structure. 64 That is how massive "distance teaching" is losing popularity and individualized "open learning" is becoming popular.Improvements and new developments in communication are the basic reason for this structural change. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE DEĞİŞİM RÜZGARLARI: İNGİLİZ AÇIK ÜNİVERSİTESİNDE UYGULANAN DEĞİŞİM VE YENİDEN YAPILANMA PROGRAMININ ULAŞTIĞI SONUÇLARIN AÖF İÇİN DOĞURGULARI 47- BARKAN, Murat. “Açıköğretimde Değişim Rüzgarları: İngiliz Açık Üniversitesinde Uygulanan Değişim Ve Yeniden Yapılanma Programının Ulaştığı Sonuçların AÖF İçin Doğurguları [Chancing Winds at Open Education: The Results of the Chancing and Restructure Program at British Open University and Relation Via Open Education Faculty in Turkey]”, Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 15, pp: 288-310, July 1998, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study Open Education Faculty and British Open University are comparing from point of view on some similar difficulties which are based on communication less. In this study some alternative solving are suggested for Open Education Faculty by looking to British Open University‘s model. THE WINDS OF CHANGE IN AU/OEF: Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Changing Turkey 48- BARKAN, Murat. The Winds of Change in AU/OEF: Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Changing Turkey, Distance Education & The Role of Information & Communication Technology Conference, April 10-12, 1999, Al-Quds Open University, Amman, Jordan. In this presentation, changins in distance education in the world and Turkey and important developments in information and communication are discussed. 65 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE KALİTE: “.. SAYISAL BÜYÜKLÜKLER DOYUMA ULAŞTI.. YA ŞİMDİ?..” 49- BARKAN, Murat and Erhan EROGLU, Uzaktan Öğretimde Kalite: “.. Sayısal Büyüklükler Doyuma Ulaştı.. Ya Şimdi?..” [Quality in Distance Education: Quantitative Sums Satisfied… and Now?], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, Volume: 3, Number: 4, 2004, Sakarya, Turkey. Fast improvements in the fields of technology and economy have increased the importance and significance of the education of masses. Especially the the improvements in the field of communication –mainly in the field of mass communication- has enabled the education of ‘great masses’. ‘Distance Education (DE)’ in general as well as the traditional form of ‘Distance Teaching (DT)’ with the support of advanced mass communication facilities has been found to be efficient and effective to fulfill the ‘quantity’ in educational needs. However, in the meantime, the common quantitative needs of the greater masses seem to be met where as the new and individual education needs has emerged. This new form of education from a distance which is called ‘Open Distance Learning (ODL)’ is mainly bringing new debates where ‘quality’ becomes prior to quantity. So the identification of quality in education from a distance has become the core argument of the day. Identification of quality in DE seems to have similarities with other fields where as the is significant and unique difference are being discovered. The study tries to suggest a series of charecteristic identities to be discussed as for the quality in DE. A TAILOR MADE E-LEARNING SOLUTION FOR FORD/TURKEY 50- BARKAN, Murat and Nilgün OZDAMAR. A Tailor Made ELearning Solution for Ford/Turkey, EDEN Annual Conference 2007, New Learning 2.0: “Emerging Digital Territories, 66 Developing Continuities- New Devides, June13-16, 2007, Naples, Italy. The paper tries to introduce the basic characteristics of the “Ford e-Learning Project” which has been designed and implemented as a study carried out cooperatively by the Ford Turkey (F/T) and Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (AU/OEF). After summarizing the evolution story of the process, paper initiates on the analytical, design and production details of the e-Learning package which aims to create quality training solutions to the corporate academic, organizational and financial problems encountered by the F/T. UNIVERSITY-LEVEL DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 51- BARROWS, C. Leland (Ed) "University-level Distance Education in Turkey]”, Higher Education in Turkey. Unesco/CEPES, OSYM, pp: 47-48, December 1990, Ankara, Turkey. This article presents origins of distance education since late 1950's. Then article gives a place to running of open education faculty and some figures, which belong to 1990 academic year. DÜNYADA SEKRETERLİK e- SERTİFİKA PROGRAMLARI VE ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ MODELİ 52- BASPINAR, O. Nuran, Unver, BAYRAMLI and Orkun SEN. Dünyada Sekreterlik E-Sertifika Programları ve Anadolu Üniversitesi Modeli[E-Secretarial Certification Programs in the World and the Model of Anadolu University], VI. Ulusal Büro Yönetimi ve Sekreterlik Kongresi, 25–27 Ekim 2007, Ankara, Türkiye. As known, the secretarial training in Turkey is hold both vocational high schools and vocational schools. Education programs are organized via the private “Education Consulting Services” as regard of personal interests. Today’s development in technology appears in each part of our lives; after distance education became widespread, even masters and postgraduate courses are hold on internet, as a result of all these progresses on this field, a question is brought up that why do not we have this kind of education 67 systems for the secretarial training. When we look up to Turkey’s position, exactly at this point, it is clear that there is no attempt for this matter.Online certification programs in the world, the topics such as aims, entry conditions, lectures, application methods, course materials, examination models, and payment regulations are examined. As a result of this analysis, a model has been developed. E- Certification Program to be applied as a model for Anadolu University is composed of five programs. The planned “e-certification program on October 2007 structures to train attendee in the domain of Medical Secretary, Legal Secretary, Executive Secretary, and Business Secretary and Office Management. AÖF BÜRO YÖNETİMİ PROGRAMI KLAVYE ÖGRETİM DERSİ İÇİN UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM VE SINAV UYGULAMASI 53- BENLIGIRAY, Serap, M. Emin MUTLU, Rusen YILMAZ, Sinan AYDIN and A. Ekrem OZKUL. AÖF Büro Yönetimi Programı Klavye Öğretim Dersi İçin Uzaktan Öğretim ve Sınav Uygulaması [Keyboard Teaching Course and its Exam Application via DE Method in Office Administration Programme of the OEF], IV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, September 10-12, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. This article pointed out and examined of software for Keyboard Teaching Course examination (it can be call using ten finger in learning keyboard course) as being apart from traditional Open Education Faculty's examination via distance education method developed and applied by Computer Aided Academic Counseling Centre-CAACC- (abrev in Turkish as BDADM) in OEF office, Eskisehir. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SÜREÇLERİNDE KULLANILAN BASILI MATERYALLERE YÖNELİK TOPLAM KALİTE ANALİZİ (Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği) 54- BİROL Cem ve Necmettin TEKER. Uzaktan Eğitim Süreçlerinde Kullanılan Basılı Materyallere Yönelik Toplam 68 Kalite Analizi (AÜ Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği) [Analysis Total Quality for Printed Material in Ditance Education], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu Üniversitesi, 23–25 Mayıs 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Tha main educational component is the printed materials in distance education. This component should be in coordinate with the other components too by containing itsquality. So, total quality analysis is an obligation for the printed materials too. This research is conducted for the sample which is taken 1999-2000 academic year and anaylsis via Likert kind scale. ANADOLU BASININDA AÇIKÖĞRETİM 55- BODUR, Feyyaz. Anadolu Basınında Açıköğretim [Open Education Faculty in Local Turkish Press], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 677/332, 125p, 1993, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study, articles are collected which are given news deal with OEF and published in Turkish local and regional press or dailies between 1986-1989 years. These articles include dailies which are published in 13 cities, with 25 local presses. Selecting of these cities and dailies is for the reason subscription these dailies by the OEF offices in these cities. Cities and Local Dailies are; Adana (Expres), Bursa (Olay), Denizli (Meydan), Diyarbakir (Mücadele), Elazig (Turan), Erzurum (Hürsöz),Eskisehir (Iki Eylül, Eskisehir Bayram, Istikbal, Milli Irade, Olay, Sakarya, Son Haber), Kayseri (Kayseri Anadolu Haber, Kayseri Olay), Konya (Yeni Meram, Yeni Konya), Samsun (Karadeniz Postasi), Trabzon (Karadeniz, Kuzey Haber), Van (İki April, Van Sesi) and Zonguldak (İnanış, Zonguldak Haber). ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMİNDE BASILI DERS MALZEMELERİNİN BASIM VE DAĞITIM ORGANİZASYONU 56- BODUR, Feyyaz. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Sisteminde Basılı Ders Malzemelerinin Basım Ve Dağıtım 69 Organizasyonu [Printing and Distribution Organization of the Printed Course Materials at Anadolu University’s Distance Education System], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu Universitesi, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Printed course materials are the main educational component of distance education students. of course, to delivering of the printed materials (which prepared according to DE method) is so important just in time to the students. This service is come as the first responsibility of the system. Department of printing and distributing (DPD), immediately starts to make a plan for how to print and distribute the course materials in a shortest period after writing of the units or chapters of the printed course materials. Printed course materials are print at the Anadolu University’s own printing house in the campus, Eskisehir. (They do not sale at common bookshops). Than, they keep at stock houses of Anadolu University and than sends with the Lorries to the bureaus of OEF (The Open Education Faculty) countrywide when the distributing time came. Numbers of the printed course materials are calculated and known by the Department of Printing and Distributing. It is so difficult and so important to organize to print and distribute of totally 251 different kind course materials at 32 field or subject for Economics, Business Administration Faculties and OEF’s two-year prelicense programs, from point of view which one will print first? First distribute? Timing and how many print copies will print for each program this year? etc. However the numbers of students are increase every year, many students are dropouts too. So that printing number is always changing Since 20 years. So that DPD’s role is very important for students and distance education systems. DERS ÖGRETİMİNDE TELEVİZYONDAN YARARLANMA 57- BOZHUYUK, Mehmet Emin. "Ders Öğretiminde Televizyondan Yararlanma [Utilizing TV in Teaching]”, presented paper at I. Ulusal Eğitim Sempozyumu. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi ve Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, November 24-30, 1986, Istanbul, Turkey. 70 In this paper, it is pointed out that universities can get help from TV while teaching necessary and elective courses in Turkish Higher Education System, and Anadolu University Open Education Faculty is a product of this opinion. It is mentioned that the students of other universities besides those of which Anadolu University will be able to have chance in taking the courses which are broadcasted by the cooperation TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) Anadolu University and Higher Education Council such as principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Revolution, Mathematics, Turkish and English and it is also emphasized that occupational courses may will be programmed easier in respect for place and time. SİSTEM YAKLAŞIMI İLE HAZIRLANAN TV EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARININ ETKİNLİĞİ: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği 58- BOZKAYA, Müjgan. Sistem Yaklaşımı ile Hazırlanan TV Eğitim Programlarının Etkinliği: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği [Effectiveness Instructional TV Programmes via System Approach: Open Education Faculty Model]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 1993, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This is a study on television programmes providing education through broadcasting. When the making of an educational television programme is handled in the process of system approach, the identification of the characteristics of the subsystems (planning/preparation/adaptation) leads to a better operation of the system. The study is carried out to find out whether educational television programmes which are made in accordance with the system approach of Open Education Faculty and those which are not will have an influence on student achievement or not. The study is limited to the educational television programmes prepared by Open Education Faculty for a unit -titled ‘equations and diagrams’ - in first year Economics course and a unit-titled Socialization- in first year Sociology course. Two discrete populations are used for the study. These populations consist of a homogenous group of first year students that are supposed to have been 71 divided into two groups and that benefit from the Academic Consultation Service of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. Students in the first population are the ones who have never watched the programmes made in accordance with the system approach but are expected to watch them. The second population also consists of students who have never watched the programmes made with respect to the system approach but are expected to watch them. Two groups of students chosen randomly among the discrete populations and including 20 students each constitute the sample of the study. As a result of the study, it has been observed that students who have watched the TV programmes that are made in accordance with the system approach are more successful than the others. YAZILI VE GÖRÜNTÜLÜ SEMBOL SİSTEMLERİ İLE YAPILAN ÖĞRETİMİN ÖRGÜN VE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN BAŞARISINA ETKİSİ 59- BOZKAYA, Müjgan.Yazılı ve Görüntülü Sembol Sistemleri ile Yapılan Öğretimin Örgün ve Uzaktan Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Başarısına Etkisi [Effects of Instruction Administered Through Written and Visual Symbol Systems on The Achievement of Formal and Distance Education], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, 1999, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study examined the effects of different symbol systems achievement, confidence, attitudes, time-on-task and retention on the formal and distance education students. The sample of the study consisted of 161 undergraduate students from formal and distance education settings. Subjects were divided into three groups and asked to study the materials during a week. First group studied the materials that included only written symbol systems, second group visual symbol systems, and the third group both written and visual symbol systems. After studying the materials, the subjects completed an achievement test and a Likert type attitude scale. Two weeks later, an identical achievement test was administered again to determine the retention of learning. Results indicated that different forms of symbol systems had different effects on students’ achievement, confidence, and retention of learning. Attitudes of subjects were positive toward the symbol systems that 72 they studied. Especially, distance education students were positive toward both to written and visual symbol systems while formal education students were positive only to written symbol systems. DERS KİTAPLARININ TASARIMI: Bireyselleştirilmiş Öğrenme İlkelerine Göre Açiköğretim Fakültesi Ders Kitaplari Örneği 60- BOZKAYA, Müjgan, “Ders Kitaplarının Tasarımı: Bireyselleştirilmiş Öğrenme İlkelerine Göre Açıköğretim Fakültesi Ders Kitapları Örneği [Designing of Printed Course Materials: Case Study of Individualed Open Education Faculty’s Printed Course Materials]”, Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, Özel Sayı 2, pp: 296-304, 2001, Sakarya, Turkey. Learning responsibility is mainly of the learner in individual learning process. That’s why an individual learning printed material should be designed according to instructional design, individual learning, distance learning and visual literacy principles. In a short, some points like the character size and type and how objects are placed on the page should carefully be taken into consideration. Each printed material for educational purposes has its own identity. Forming such an identity for the printed materials prepared for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty students has been a process which has had two other processes that are design and production. In the design process, organization and design issues of teaching-learning experiences such as introduction, development and summary parts, advance organizers, practice items, cases, feedback mechanisms etc. are taken into consideration. Production process consists of choosing learning material, context, organization of context etc. Each process requires a team which consists of different professionalities such as instructional designer, content expert, graphic designer, etc. The aim of the project of re-organization of OEF student materials is to provide students with a better quality service and the project has already given positive results. 73 DERS KİTAPLARINDAN ÖĞRENMEDE FARKLI DÜZENLEYİCİLERİN KULLANIMI: AÖF Ders Kitaplari Örneği 61- BOZKAYA, Müjgan. Ders Kitaplarından Öğrenmede Farklı Düzenleyicilerin Kullanımı: AÖF Ders Kitapları Örneği [Usage Different Regulators at Learning from Course Textbook: Case Study of OEF Course Textbook], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In additional this study presented at Association for Educational Communication And Technology International Conference, November 7-10, 2001, Atlanta Georgia, USA) Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University has been providing education opportunity to the thousands of Turkish people for twenty years. The Faculty offers instruction though textbooks, television and radio programs, computer-based distance learning materials and remote face-toface evening classes. Although the Faculty tries to integrate new technologies into its distance education programs, textbooks are still the main course materials. Since the programs are heavily requires self-paced and individualized learning, the individual differences of the students have become an important design issue for textbook designers. So that the Open Education Faculty Textbook Design Team a member tries to integrate several verbal and visual organizers into textbooks in order to facilitate learning. Literature reveals that the textbooks that possess these organizers help learners more in learning process and motivates them. Presentation of clear learning objectives, providing authentic experiences about the content, key concepts, provoking questions, bulleted summaries are some of the examples of these organizers. SELF-EFFICACY FOR INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION PROGRAMS OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY IN TURKEY 62- BOZKAYA, Mjgan. ‘’Self-Efficacy for Instructional television Programs of Anadolu University in Turkey”, Annual Conference, Association for Educational Communications 74 and Technology (AECT) International Conference Proceedings, Vol 2, pp. 41-46, October 2003, Anaheim/CA– USA. Although large number of avaliable systems, the broadcasted television programs as well as textbooks remain as the main distance education delivery systems in Anadolu Universtiy Distance Educations Programs. Howewer, the number of studies that investigate either the relationship between prior experience and self efficacy of the distance students for instructional television program or the relationship between self efficacy levels of the students and their satisfaction from those programs in is quite few. This presentation involves the resuşts of a study in which the above relationship were examined. TELEVİZYON CANLI YAYINLARINDA ÖĞRENCİ TATMİNİ 63- BOZKAYA, Müjgan. Televizyon Canlı Yayınlarında Öğrenci Tatmini [Student Satisfiction at Live Television Broadcast], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28– 30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. In this study, entitled Student Satisfaction at Live Television Broadcast, distance education students’ level of satisfaction for live exam preparation television programs is examined. Students evaluated live television programs broadcasted before AOF (Faculty of Open Education) exams regarding technology, content, instructor, and application. Results revealed that students found live programs satisfactory overall. GÖRÜNTÜLÜ KONFERANS UYGULAMALARINDA ÖĞRENEN-ÖĞRETİCİ ETKİLEŞİMİ: Öğreticiler Açısından Değerlendirme 64- BOZKAYA, Müjgan. “Görüntülü Konferans Uygulamalarında Öğrenen-Öğretici Etkileşimi: Öğreticiler Açısından Değerlendirme[Interaction of Learner-instructer on Video conferencing Applications: An evaluation from Instructers’ 75 Perspective]”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, ISSN: 1303-0876, Cilt 6, Sayı 1, ss. 53–74, Nisan 2006, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Various communication technologies for different functions (and with different intensities) are being used in distance education programs of Anadolu University. Interactive video conference is one of these communication technologies that has been employed in the distance programs of the University and has been integrated in the distance courses for learners who reside in the Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic. In the literature, learner-to-instructor interaction in interactive video conferences has been studied usually from the point of views of the instructors. In accordance with the literature, instructors’ evaluations have been used in this study. This study was intended to investigate the ways learners and instructors interact in the video conferences by using a descriptive analysis methodology. The study has revealed that in their video conferences, although the instructors try to make use of various communication and teaching skills, they could not establish intended level of interaction with students due to lack of knowledge about limitations and advantages of the technology as well as technological problems they encountered during the implementations. TELEVİZYONUN UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE KULLANIMI 65- BOZKAYA, Müjgan. “Televizyonun Uzaktan Eğitimde Kullanımı [Using TV in Distance Education]”, Selçuk İletişim Dergisi, ISSN: 1302-2865, Cilt 4, Sayı 3, ss. 146-158, Temmuz 2006, Konya, Türkiye. Since the initiation of Anadolu University’s distance programs, instructional television has been serving to students as one of the two main delivery systems. For every course in the programs, a series of television programs are being produced in-house in accordance with the textbooks. Due to the fact that it provides mass education and is an easily accessible medium for the students, television is one of the essential components of the system. Thus, improvement initiatives that intend to increase the consumption of 76 television programs among students are crucial to consider. This study carries out three main goals: First, it investigates students’ self-efficacy beliefs for learning from television programs. Second, it examines whether students’ self-efficacy beliefs change in time. Third, it hopes to gather students’ recommendations about improvement of television program usage. According to the findings, students do not follow the programs regularly although they believe that television is an effective medium in distance learning. Self-efficacy levels of the student for effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of the programs were also found lower than expected. Several recommendations under four categories have been developed to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of the television programs as well as to increase their consumptions. These recommendations are related to roles of instructors in television programs, organization of the programs, interrelation with other learning media, and time of broadcasting. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER IMMEDIACY BEHAVIORS AND LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF SOCIAL PRESENCE AND SATISFACTION IN OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION: The Case of Anadolu Universıty Open Education Faculty 66- BOZKAYA, M. and Irem, E. AYDIN. “The Relationship Between Teacher Immediacy Behaviors and Learners’ Perceptions of Social Presence and Satisfaction in Open and Distance Education: The Case of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty”, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, ISSN: 1303-6521, Volume 6, Number 4, Article 7, October-2007, Sakarya Turkey. There are a significant number of studies in the literature stressing the important role of teacher immediacy behaviors on learners’ perceptions of social presence and satisfaction in open and distance learning environments. Yet, those studies were conducted in different open and distance education 77 institutions than the current example of which unique characteristics and applications are commonly recognized in the field. Unlike others, the current study examined the effects of both verbal and nonverbal instructor immediacy behaviors on learners’ perceptions of social presence and satisfaction in face-to-face academic tutoring services provided in open and distance learning environments. Results indicated a moderate and positive relationship between the control variable and outcome variables. DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY 67- BOZOK, Sinan. Distance Education System in Turkey, Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları Yayın No:16, Eskisehir, 1989,Turkey. (This Study has also been presented as a paper at 4th Annual European Correspondence Schools Conference, on 4-8 April, in 1988, Istanbul, Turkey). In this study, theoretical and practical instruction developments that were needed to be formatted for application distance education method in Turkey in a time between 1970 and 1982 are summarized and it is also given place to running of Open Education Faculty, which started enrolling students in 1982. In the study which was pointed out that 80-85% of application in Open Education Faculty is being done with printed materials and 15-20% of it is being done with TV course programs; teaching programs of faculty and general information’s about teacher training for Pre-Bachelor degree programs are also included in the content. AÇIK ÜNİVERSİTE ÖNERİSİ ÜZERİNE 68- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz. "Açık Üniversite Önerisi Üzerine [On Open University Suggestion]”, (50. Yıl Özel Sayı -50th Year Special Issue), EİTİA Yayınları, pp: 369-379, 1973, Eskisehir, Turkey. 78 In the study it is mentioned that there's no need to discuss the strength of mass communication media such as press, radio and especially TV in education in developed countries and unfortunately the usage of modern technology in education and teaching could be handed insufficiently. Besides giving information about the role of mass communication media in education and teaching, importance of TV in teaching system, the open TV system in education and the Open University while it is also given place to the subject that what can be done in Turkey in this field. YÜKSEKÖGRETİM VE YAYGIN EGİTİM 69- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz."Yükseköğretim ve Yaygın Eğitim [Higher Education and Distance Education]”, Türkiye'de Yaygın Eğitim Seminer Tebliğleri, EİTİA Yayınları, Yayın No: 138/84, pp: 105-118, 1975, Eskisehir, Turkey. The paper consists of two chapters. In the first chapter, by examining the role of universities in distance education in developed countries, the distance education applications of these universities were summarized. And in the second chapter, it is given place to the subjects of distance education's role and place in higher education and importance of distance education for higher education in Turkey. In the study it is pointed out that universities do not have special activity programs which aim distance education, and give information and culture to the outside of university in order to . It is told that in advanced nations, universities accept distance education besides traditional education as a portion of their function. As a result, it is supported that by giving regional projects that consist distance education and traditional higher education institutes and by leaving sufficient allowance to them; these institutions can apply the function of distance education. TÜRK EGİTİM SİSTEMİ VE YÜKSEKÖGRETİMDE TALEP FAZLASI KARSISINDA TÜRKİYE İÇİN BİR MODEL ÖNERİSİ 70- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz. "Türk Eğitim Sistemi ve Yüksek Öğretimde Talep Fazlası Karşısında Türkiye İçin Bir Model Önerisi [Application of An Educational Model Meet Greater 79 Demands of Turkish Higher Education]”, (Unpublished DPTEITIA Project Report), 40p, 1978, Eskisehir, Turkey. This report is named as famous "Büyükersen's Report" at history of distance education in Turkey, which prepared in 1978. The report is made up of two main chapters. The first chapter consists of modern problems about education-production relations and information and examples of "Education Technology" and Education Systems with TV'. In the second chapter, education teaching with TV subject in the respects of present higher education conditions in Turkish Ministry of Education is discussed and the principles of a possible Open University model are suggested. ÇAĞDAŞ EĞİTİM SORUNLARI KARŞISINDA ÇAĞDAŞ BİR ÇÖZÜM OLARAK AÇIKÖĞRETİM 71- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz. "Çağdaş Eğitim Sorunları Karşısında Çağdaş Bir Çözüm Olarak Açıköğretim [As a Contemporary Solution for the Contemporary Education Problems: Open Education]”, Yüksek Öğretim Bülteni, Vol: 1, pp: 36-46, 1986, Ankara, Turkey. The study deals with the subjects of: The modern appearance of problems related with education-teaching relations in the world; educational technology and distance education system; the appearance of education and secondary education in Turkey before 1980; the beginnings of possibilities in Turkish Open Education; reform in higher education and the existing of Turkish Open Education as a solution suggestion model of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. The author states that "Turkish Open Education system is just at the beginning now, and its present condition makes up the main reason of our looking at future with great hope. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ’NDE 30 YIL 72- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz. "Anadolu Üniversitesi'nde 30 Yıl [30 Years in Anadolu University]”, İİBF. Anadolu Üniversitesi 80 İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 321/68, Vol:2, No:6, pp: 7-11, November 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. Because of Anadolu University's 30th Anniversary year, the first years of university's establishment, studies made in first years and persons who participated to those studies are mentioned. Also, the development line of university since its establishment was restored. It was given place to the introduction of OEF, which also uses the technological means. AÇIKÖĞRETİMİN TÜRKİYE VE TÜRKİ CUMHURİYETLER EGİTİM SORUNLARINA ÇÖZÜM OLANAKLARI 73- BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz ve Tahir OZGU. Açıköğretimin Türkiye ve Türki Cumhuriyetler Eğitim Sorunlarına Çözüm Olanakları [Opportunities for Solving Educational Problems of Turkey and Turkic States Through the Open Education Faculty]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 463, 1992, Eskisehir, Turkey. This report consists of seven chapters by approaching participating dimension of the Open Education Faculty turkey and Turkic States’ educational problems. Firstly history of Open Education Faculty is summarized and then possibilities of the solving educational problems are discussed. Data are based on official numbers of the Anadolu University. From this point of view this report is quite important source for the researcher. GIS EDUCATION IN TURKEY: GIS Education Under the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences of Anadolu University and Online Education Proposal for International World Campus 74- CABUK, Alper, Can AYDAY, Mehmet ALTAN, S. Karademirler CABUK, GIS Educatıon In Turkey: GIS Education under The Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences of Anadolu University and Online Education Proposal for International World Campus, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, October 2004, ISSN 1302–6488 Volume: 5 Number: 4, Eskisehir, Turkey. 81 Wealth of nations depends on the information rather than the natural resources they own. Information is not enough for a successful development; it is also outstandingly necessary to be able to manage this information. The first step to reach the findings is collecting the updated data. For this reason it is very important to collect and store the data properly (Ayday etal 2004). It is inevitable to use information technologies for evaluating data, analysis of the data and converting data to knowledge which are the fundamentals of natural sciences and engineering studies. According to spread of userfriendly applications and operation systems for computers, reduction of computer prices, increase in computer literacy and internet usage and communication opportunities create a great demand for professionals on computer and IT market. In addition to the demand for professionals in computer market, there is a great demand for GIS professionals worldwide and in the Turkey. The job market demand for people with GIS education is getting higher day by day. This demand has forced many universities to restructure their courses and programs and develop new undergraduate and graduate programs on Geomatics so as to meet the demand. This paper paid attention to the GIS education in Turkey and importance of internet base online education. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ BATI AVRUPA PROGRAMLARI MODELİ 75- CAKIR, Mustafa and Ahmet Atilla DOGAN. Anadolu Üniversitesi Batı Avrupa Programları Modeli [West Europe Programs Model of Anadolu University], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. As a state-maintained university the Anadolu University offers since the academic year 1987-1988 in Western European countries by faculty for business administration, faculty for economics and open education faculty higher education opportunities for Turkish foreign workers in Europe. Anadolu University’s curriculum in Western Europe covers following 7 (first- degree courses of studies: management economics, political economy, public administrative teachings, public relations, foreign trade, tourism and hotel trade, information management. 82 In the academic year 2001-2002 are 1300 active studying beside the 2000 passive students’ registers. They are highly motivated and a great part of them are worker. The opportunities which distance learning provides of tailoring studies to suit the individual time budget, independent of space and time, gives working people, but also women with families, the disabled and community service conscripts and those studying abroad a chance of a real University education. After all their hard work studying and taking exams, many of them find that it gives them the boost to their chosen career. In the end, what counts is success. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM WEB SİTELERİNDE ANİMASYON KULLANIMI 76- CALISKAN, Sabahattin. Uzaktan Eğitim Web Sitelerinde Animasyon Kullanımı [Usage of Animation in Distance Education Web Sites], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. The using of animation in Distance Education Web Sites enhances visual substance, increases interaction and becomes an important instrument in understanding the lessons while minimizing the meaning uncertainty. Thanks to animated lessons, the students get much more information quickly, the abstract matters become more concrete and the learning concentration of students get increased. This study mainly deals with how the animation maybe used effectively in the process of Web Based Distance Education process. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN EĞİTİMLERİNİ DEĞERLENDİRMELERİ 77- CAN, Ertuğ. Uzaktan Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Eğitimlerini Değerlendirmeleri [Evaluation of Distance Education Students Their Educations’], XIII. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, 6–9 Temmuz 2004, İnönü Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2004, Malatya, Türkiye. 83 The main aim of the research is to identify the expectations and opinions of Anadolu University Open Education Under this main aim their opinions have been evaluated considiring demographic features, printed materials, tv programmes, computer supported education, academical consulting courses, distance education services and testing/evaluating processes. Scanning model has been used in this descriptive kind of research. 1326 course students registered at Istanbul-Kadıköy Open Education Faculty Office have been included into this research. The model has been formed by impartially identified 620 students. Their opinions on the distance education system have been analysed and evaluated by frequency (f) and percentage (%). ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ’NDE UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM KANALLARI İÇERİSİNDE EGİTİM TELEVİZYONUNUN ROLÜ VE TV EGİTİM PROGRAMLARI ÜRETİM SÜRECİ 78- CANDEMIR Abdülkadir, Emine DEMIRAY, Nedim GURSES, Mediha SAGLIK and Aydın Z. OZGUR. ‘’Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Uzaktan Eğitim Kanalları İçerisinde Eğitim Televizyonunun Rolü ve TV Eğitim Programları Üretim Süreci [The Role of Educational TV Components in Distance Education Systems and Producing Process of Educational Channels in Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University-Turkey]’’, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 99-103, November12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. This paper mainly points out of the explanation of theoretical information of using educational TV programs in DE systems from the fundamental elements and producing process point of view .for that reason, this paper will indicate the role of technological opportunities and human resources and their functions dealing with producing process of Educational TV and radio programs in the OEF at Anadolu University, Turkey. In addition, paper will include producing conditions of educational TV and radio programs at current position, and comments for future goals. Also includes the problem that is faced during the production. At the end of paper; authors showed a sample educational TV program producing process 84 phases as video program to those conference participants for aiming how an education al TV program can be produced in OEF and ideally for DE systems. AÖF'ÜN YAYIN OLANAKLARI 79- CANDEMIR Abdülkadir. "AÖF'ün Yayın Olanakları [Opportunies of Open Education Faculty Broadcasting]”, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları Yayın No: 983/549, Vol: 2, No: 2, pp: 42-53, Kış (Winter) 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. This article points out that production techniques of the educational audio and visual course materials are quite different from other system material production. It should depend on economic conditions, an expert technical team, technical sub-structure and contemporary thinking brains. The Open Education Faculty has nearly 15 years technical experience on producing audio and visual educational course material in Turkey. Anadolu University OEF especially is expert on producing televised course material in its own studios and printing house, maybe the first. And also, University has substructure technically to broadcast its produced TV course materials from Eskisehir to Turkey or abroad via satellite if a chance to broadcasting legally by the government is given. TÜRKİYE ULUSAL E-ÜNİVERSİTESİ İÇİN BİR MODEL ÇALIŞMASI 80- CEBECİ, Zeynel. Türkiye ‘’Ulusal E-Üniversitesi İçin Bir Model Çalışması [A Model Study For Establishing A National E-University In Turkey]’’, Ç. Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi/e-dergi, ISSN: 1304–8899, , Cilt / Vol: 13, Sayı / No: 2, 2004, pp. 75–87, Adana, Türkiye. A Model Study for Establishing a National E-University in Turkey Euniversities are the virtual organizations that provide the integrated educational services of student management and teaching on the computer networks, especially on the Internet, without having physical buildings and/or campuses. Offered services and facilities are consist of online 85 learning materials in different formats, virtual centers, electronic libraries, management software, syncronous and asyncronous interactive tools, online collaboration environments (working groups, online course, seminars and practice works, discussion forums, audio-visual conferences etc.). In this study, some euniversity models and approaches in many countries are introduced, then a countrywide e-university model which can be established in Turkey are discussed on the aspects of organization and working system, briefly. İLETİSİM SANATI OLARAK MÜZİGİN ÖGRETİM VE EGİTİM ORTAMLARINDAKİ KURUMSAL YAPISI İLE YAYGIN EGİTİMDE BİR MODEL ÖNERİSİ 81- CEMALCILAR, Ali. İletişim Sanatı Olarak Müziğin Öğretim ve Eğitim Ortamlarındaki Kurumsal Yapısı ile Yaygın Eğitimde Bir Model Önerisi [Instutional Structure of The Music as an Educational Medium in Communication Arts and Model of Suggestion for Distance Education], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 280/133, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. This book, which was conducted as doctoral dissertation of the author was accepted in 1988. It consists of five chapters. The first two chapters mention about relationships of art and communication and historical development of music. The third chapter stands on institutional models of music education. Historical development of music and institutional structure of music education in Turkey are in 4th chapter. The 5th chapter explains distance education detail. It is hypothesized that under the titles of 'the institutionalized studies of music in traditional and distance education fields in Anadolu University' and 'A model suggestion of distance music education for open education Faculty'; music can be conducted to widespread masses by mass communication and similar media and education-art oriented music programs. 86 Besides, it is supported that Open University systems in which distance education is applied will produce culture and will be the main source for communicating this culture to humans and will create new composers, performers and commentators and as an important invention will provide a great mass of audience of concerts. GENİŞ KİTLELERE İKTİSAT ÖĞRETİMİNDE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM VE E-ÖĞRENME 82- CEKEROL, Kamil, Geniş Kitlelere İktisat Öğretiminde Uzaktan Eğitim ve E-Öğrenme [Distance Education for Teaching Economics to Large Mass and E-learning], IV. International Educational Technologies Conference, 24-26 November 2004, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey. It is discussed that how education of economics to masses can be able to plan through distance education and e-learning models that content and presentation format will be able to arrange according to demand and enables demand side education. Another subject in this study is a need to take into consideration of economic analysis at planning stage of distance education and e-learning. In other words this study highlights contribution of economics to these education methods. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİNDE AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK HİZMETLERİ 83- CEKEROL, Kamil. Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Akademik Danışmanlık Hizmetleri [Academic Counselling Services in Open Education Faculty], V Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Eylül 2005, Sakarya, Türkiye. Academic Tutoring, one of three basic elements of distance education, seeks to meet face-to-face education needs of the distance students. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, from its inception in 1982, has been providing Academic Tutoring services, and traying to expand it across the country. This paper addresses the purposes, development and status of Academic Tutoring services provided by Open Education Faculty in Turkey. 87 UZAKTAN EĞITIMDE ÖĞRENCI BİLİNCİ 84- CEKEROL, Kamil. Uzaktan Eğitimde Öğrenci Bilinci [Student Consciousness in Distance Education], 6th International Educational Technology Conference, April 19-21, 2006, Magosa Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. Distance learning, parallel to increasing popularity of life-long learning, has been gaining importance in the whole world with the help of advancements in information and communication technologies. The demand for distance education has been increasing on an incremental basis, and presentation alternatives and tools to be used in distance learning environments have been proliferating and differentiating. On the other hand, distance learning contributes enormously to the concept of equal education opportunity by providing education to virtually everyone from housewives to workers, youngsters to elderly people. Nonetheless, distance education field is not problem-free. In this study, barriers to distance learning are dealt with, and the barriers especially arisen from the learner himself/herself are examined in detail. Also, responsibilities of learners and education providers are explored further. THE PLANNING AND APPLICATION OF A MULTILINGUAL COMMUNICATION MODEL FOR QUALITY AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING IN DISTANCE EDUCATION 85- CEKEROL Kamil, Elif TOPRAK and Berrin OZKANAL. The Planning And Application of A Multilingual Communication Model For Quality And Effective Learning In Distance Education, EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference, 8–9 November, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Today, developments in the areas of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) provide opportunities for interactive communication among people and institutions, which is not limited with time and settings. New communication technologies especially used as learning tools in the area of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) are also used as communication 88 means. Anadolu University Open Education System, which is the first national ODL institution, has this educational philosophy and method in Turkey, and has been quite successful with 1.000.000 graduates and 1.100.000 students in different programs. This system reaches its students via 88 offices in 81 cities, public relations offices which were founded in 1996, communication center founded in 1998, and providing services with newspaper, TV news program, live TV broadcasts, email and telephone. Fax and letters sent to the public relations office and communication center are responded daily. However some communication shortages among students, public and staff of the institution may still cause problems. Therefore the institution carries out an accurate and effective communication activity with all units in the institution. The aim of this study is to discuss and put forward some suggestions as to how these communication activities can be carried out with students and how these communication activities will be planned and applied for multilingual programs of the near future. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ ACIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ SAĞLIK TEKNİKERLİĞİ ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMININ UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SÜREÇLERİ AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 86- CETER, Mehmet S. Anadolu University Açıköğretim Fakültesi Sağlık Önlisans Programının Uzaktan Öğretim Süreçleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, [Evaluation of Health PreBacholar Program from Point of Distance Education Processes View]. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, Ankara, Turkey. The aim of this study is to evaluate Health Technician Pre-Bachelor Program of Open Education Faculty from point of view Students’ opinion on main teaching processes and make a suggestions abut the running of the Health Technician Pre-Bachelor Program. In this study a questionnaire is applied to 234 of 1000 Health Technician Pre-Bachelor Program registered students whom are living in Ankara and working in different health institutions. At the end of survey findings are say that program provided to them clear and understandable textbooks, education at workplace, and solving professional problems. 89 UZAKTAN MATEMATİK ÖGRETİMİNDE İSİTSEL KASETİN KULLANILMASI: AÖF İÇİN BİR MODEL ÖNERİSİ 87- CETINOZ, Nermin. Uzaktan Matematik Öğretiminde İşitsel Kasetin Kullanılması AÖF için Bir Model Önerisi [Using Audio Cassette for Mathematic Teaching in Distance Education], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1993, Eskisehir, Turkey. Çetinöz discusses benefits of using audiocassette for teaching math course at distance education systems in her thesis. She applied a questionnaire to its target Open Education student group to examine her thinking before giving her last decisions. According to her test, student says that audio cassette is very useful to develop their thinking way to understand math courses better than to learn only TV or printed course materials. E-ÖĞRENMEDE EKİP ÖDEVLERİ 88- CETINOZ, Nermin., Gökhan Deniz DINCER and Serap Ş. UGUR. E-Öğrenmede Ekip Ödevleri[Team Essays in ELearning], IV. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 24-26 Kasım 2004, Sakarya, Türkiye. The Information Management Program has been opened in the 2001-2002 academic year in order to train intermediate level labor force having high level computer skills. The 2nd year is based on team work; students are asked to perform team assignments. This paper presents the structure of the team assignments and how they are applied; it mentions the problems encountered and the solutions for those problems; and it presents some statistical data. The paper also includes some suggestions regarding team assignments. İNTERNETE DAYALI UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM VE ÜNİVERSİTE KÜTÜPHANELERİ 89- CUKADAR, Sami and Sönmez CELIK. “İnternete Dayalı Uzaktan Öğretim Ve Üniversite Kütüphaneleri [Web-Based 90 Distance Learning and University Libraries]”, Dogus Üniversitesi Dergisi, 4 (1) 2003, pp. 31-42, İstanbul, Türkiye. Rapid improvement of information technology caused the distance learning types to variate and it enabled the internet based distance learning to be common. This paper focuses on services of libraries and information centres, which have an utmost position to meet the information needs of students in distance learning programs and on virtual library which provides the participants with the information sources conveyed onto elecronic format. In addition, the article offers suggestions for information experts, who are responsible for the supply of services to the distance learning students, are presented. TURKEY: Distance Education 90- COUNCIL of Europe Newsletter. "Turkey: Distance Education”, Council of Europe Documents. M-ED 16-8, W.F.B., 3/89, pp: 38-40, 1989, Strasbourg, France. This report consists of five subtitles prepared by Council of Europe. These are about brief history on developing distance education in Turkey, its main characteristics, structure of the system of media and past and present courses, program activities abroad and primary school teacher training. TELEVISION PROGRAMMES IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: An Analysis of the Planning and Coordination at Anadolu University, Turkey 91- CURABAY, Sensu and Emine DEMIRAY. "Television Programmes in Distance Education: An Analysis of the Planning and Coordination at Anadolu University, Turkey”, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Volume: 3 Number: 1, pp. 65–71, June–2001, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.(In Addition thi paper is presented at C.R.E.A.D. Tenth Years of International Collaboration in the Field of Distance, November 19-22, 2000, Caracas, Venezuela.) 91 This study is conducted in two parts. At first, in the theoriticial aspect of the study is disscused of educational components of distance education by comparing with each other. And than in second part, the role and importance of the TV component had been given to a pleace of the role and importance of the TV component. Later, media planning is discussed for TV programs from point of importance and role view. So, it is emphasized that the running process of TV producing and broadcasting plan being functionally of the "Production and Planning Unit" in educational TV stations or Open Universities or Distance Education Institutions" TV departments which give distance education such as The Open University in UK and Anadolu University inTurkey. In evaluation part of the study, Anadolu University Open Educaiton Faculty's Television Department (ETV) Producing and Planning Unit will be analyzed for its fuction as being important step of the running DE system in Turkey. In ETV's evaluation will give a place to all producing steps and the accrossing the problems from starting of the TV programs phase to its broadcasting phase. So, in this case will be shown clearly that importance of the "ETVProduction and Planning Unit" in the all production TV pograms and broadcasting traffic, using devices beneficially, planning of the manpower and broadcast timing from the TV station from TRT (Turkish Radio and TV Corporation) during production and broadcasting process of the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, in Turkey. 20. KURULUŞ YILINDA ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİ VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ EĞİTİM TELEVİZYONU (ETV) 92- CURABAY, Şensu and Emine DEMIRAY. 20. Kuruluş Yılında Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Sistemi ve Açıköğretim Fakültesi Eğitim Televizyonu (ETV), [Anadolu's Open Education System and Education Television-ETV of Open Education Faculty at Its 20th Anniversary], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 1354, 92 Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, No:721, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study indicates that 20 years history of Open Education Faculty’s Education TV unit. All educational TV programs are collected and documented via this study. Study contains three chapters. In the first chapter, which is titled as “Distance Education”, contains concept of DE, history of DE educational components. In the second chapter Anadolu University and Open Educational Faculty’s history and DE application are mentioned. In the third and last chapter 20-year OEF’s broadcast profile is details and systematically indexed. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE KULLANILAN MATERYALLER VE BU MATERYALLER İÇİNDE TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARININ YERİ VE ÖNEMİ: AÖF ÖRNEĞİ 93- CURABAY, Şensu. Uzaktan Öğretimde Kullanilan Materyaller ve Bu Materyaller İçinde Televizyon Programlarinin Yeri Ve Önemi: AÖF Örneği [Used Materials in Distance Education and Importance-place of Them For Television Programs], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28– 30 Mayıs 2003, proceedings vol. II, 1168-1175, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. Firstly, this stuy metioned about printed materias in Turkey and World distance education. And than, discusse about importance and role f these materials for television programs’ producing. In addition, summarized Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, Education Television unit (ETV), and its technical and personel structure. At the last part of the study, by mentioning some sample television programs which celebtate its 20th anniversarry and than will emphasize that why AU/OEF as a lider of distance education in Turkey from point of educational television porograms. 93 AN EVALUATION OF THE HOME MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BY THE WOMEN BENEFITING FROM THE ESKISEHIR CITY HOUSES 94- CURABAY, Şensu. ‘An Evaluation of the Home Management Program By The Women Benefiting From The Eskisehir City Houses, 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium "Lifelong Open & Flexible Learning in the Globalized World", September 13-15, 2006, proceedings pp.757-764, Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey. The city houses established and have been operating under the coordination of Eskisehir Tepebası Municipality has adopted the aims of causing child, youth, and adults earn an occupation, of meeting the basic needs, of realizing the support for social, cultural, sport, and educational activities. However, due to the majority benefiting from the city house constituted by women, it has been restricted just with women attending there. Besides the need of acquiring an occupation, the women attending to city house are also in need of being informed about other subjects. Anadolu University The Open University Faculty The Home Management Program with the associate degree aiming to bring in the information and the skill to be able to use the sources possessed by house, family, and the individual in a most goal directed way is generally a program directed to women education in terms of both its printed material and contents of the televised programs besides being a program on a higher education level. The aim of this study with women attending to the city houses which are also conveying non-formal education besides their other functions is to determine how to benefit from the Home Management Program which is providing distance education by cooperating with the municipality and the city houses and to contribute to the women education. In accordance with this target, priorily the conditions to benefit from the city houses and from this program have been determined through the query way carried out with the women attending to city houses, and their expectations from the Home Management Program towards women education and information have been examined. 94 MEGA-UNIVERSITIES and KNOWLEDGE MEDIA: Implications of New Technologies for Large Teaching Universities 95- DANIEL, John S. Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Implications of New Technologies for Large Teaching Universities, Milton Keynes, The Open University Press, 1995, United Kingdom. (Original form of this study accepted as MA thesis at Canada Athabasca University in 1995. Additionally it is presented by titling Mega-Universities of the World /The Top Ten/, at The Meeting of the Executive Heads of These Universities on June 27, 1995 at the 17th World Conference of ICDE, in Birmingham, The United Kingdom). The development of the techniques of open and distance learning, and their application in all over the world, has been the great success story of education and training in the second half of twentieth century. The most striking manifestation of the growth of open and distance education has been the emergence and success of the mega-universities described in this study. These are defined as institutions, which have a student enrolment of over 100,000. Today there are ten such institutions. The mega-universities have broken out of the constraints of the eternal triangle of access, quality and resources, which has traditionally limited the expansion of education. They have pioneered the expansion of access to universities in their respective countries; they have been standard bearers for equality of opportunity and they have shown that increased student numbers can be accompanied by improvements in the quality of course materials and student support. In this study mentioned that one of the mega-universities in the world is the OEF as being world sixth. Turkey parts of the study deal with the running of the OEF and gives some brief information about the OEF. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE TEKNOLOJİ KULLANIMININ YASAL BOYUTLARI 96- DEMIR, Mehmet and Zeki KAYA. "Uzaktan Eğitimde Teknoloji Kullanımının Yasal Boyutları [Legal Aspects of Using Technology in Distance Education]", AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim 95 Sempozyumu, Anadolu Eskisehir, Turkey. University, May 23-25, 2002, Further detailed research on legal regulations about the technology usage in distance education is out of the range of this paper. Nevertheless, it has been given general information about using technology in distance education and information which can help to the decision makers who are giving decisions on the fair usage of all these protected rights. In this study, first of all, brief information on distance education, education technology and materials related with distance education. Furthermore, international regulations about distance education are mentioned and main points research the legal regulations far related with the subject. The Studies of Thought and Art Law is also more related with the subject, so detailed research has been made and ideas on this law are presented with foreign application examples. DISTANCE EDUCATION and DISTANCE EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL TV PRODUCING PROCESS: Role of Educational TV Programs As Being One of the Educational Components in Distance Education Systems and Producing Process of Educational TV Programmes in Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University-Turkey 97- DEMIRAY, Emine. Mediha SAGLIK., Nedim GURSES, Aydın Z. OZGUR and Abdülkadir CANDEMIR. Distance Education and Educational TV Producing Process: Role of Educational TV Programs As Being One of The Educational Components in Distance Education Systems and Producing Process of Educational TV Programs in Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University-Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE. Vol: 1, No:1, 2000, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. This paper mainly points out of the explanation of theoretical information of using educational TV programmes in distance education systems from the fundamental elements and producing process point of view. For that reason, this paper will indicate the role of technological opportunities and human 96 resources and their functions dealing with producing process of educational TV and radio programmes in the Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University, Turkey. Additionally, this paper will include producing conditions of educational TV and radio programmes, and comments for future goals. Also the problems that are meet during the production. At the end of paper; authors will show a sample educational video/TV program to participants for aiming how, an educational TV program can be produced ideally for DE systems. KADINLARIN EĞİTİMİNDE UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMİN ÖNEMİ VE ÖRNEK UYGULAMA 98- DEMIRAY, Emine ve Şensu CURABAY. “Kadınların Eğitiminde Uzaktan Öğretimin Önemi Ve Örnek Uygulama [Distance Education Toward Women Education: A case Application]”, T.C. Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı Eğitim-Kültür ve Araştırma Dergisi, Yıl 6, Cilt 2, Sayı 7, Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran 2004, ss. 9–22, Ankara Türkiye. (Bu çalışmanın değişik vesiyonları ayrıca “The Importance of Distance Learning on The Education of Women With An Example of Implementation“, başlığı ile Trends and Issues in Distance Education: An International Perspective, (Editors: Lya Visser, Michael Simonson and Yusra Laila Visser) Publisher: Information Age Publishing, Inc., PO Box 4967, Greenwich, CT 06831, 2005.USA, ve "Distance Education for Women’ Development: A Case Study at Anadolu University, Turkey”, başlıgı ile Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Volume: 2 Number: 2, 2000, pp. 23–33, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, basılmıştır). The literacy rate of the women' is lower than men nearly all around of the world societies', in new Millennium. This rate difference is the same in Turkey too. When the literature browsed, it will be seen that one of the best way to reach women for to educate her is distance education. 97 First of all, the position of women both in the world and Turkey, literacy rate, educational career, educational demand and necessity of distance education to satisfy. This demand will be discussed in the study. Than, two-year Home Economy Pre-licence Programme of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty; will be evaluated from point of view of the benefits to the Turkish women' social life. This programme will be evaluated according to; ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Entrance conditions of women, Preference reasons to registration to the programme, Given lecture and their contents for printed materials, Television programs and their contents which prepared for this programmes Number of success rate of graduates, Number of sex graduates (male-female) rate, The graduated students' application of the information which gained from programme to daily life, The lecture which given in programme is fit (suitable) for which women and help of the women as an individual to develop themselves and socially benefits of the program. The television programs which belongs to this programme are broadcasted both night and day and viewed by many people instead of students therefore serve women in the name of active education. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİ OLARAK KADINLAR 99- DEMIRAY, Emine. ‘’Uzaktan Öğretim Öğrencileri Olarak Kadınlar [Distance Education Students As Being Women]’’, III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28–30 Mayıs 2003, proceedings vol. II, 1163-1167, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. Firstly, in this study is discussed position of the women from point of wiev educational opportunities, educational levels and benefiting from education as being different from men. And than, try to indicate status of women by givin a place of distance education application in the world and Turkey. 98 In the last part of the study, women will be comperative as being a distance education student in different countries. USING ATTTUDES OF COMPUTER FOR WOMEN STUDENTS IN TURKEY: A Case Study on Faculty of Economics, Business Management and Faculty of Open Education in Anadolu University 100- DEMIRAY, Emine. ‘’Using Attitudes of Computer For Women Students In Turkey: A Case Study on Faculty of Economics, Business Management and Faculty of Open Education in Anadolu University’’. 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium "Lifelong Open & Flexible Learning in the Globalized World", September 13-15, 2006, proceedings pp.401-410.Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey. Technological developments in the 21st century, which we name as the Age of Information and Communication, have brought about both the controversy on the effectiveness and efficiency in teaching and learning processes and the concept of education technology. With the concept of education technology, current industrialization process, rapid population increase and economic problems have increased the demand for education and brought about a need for distance education as well as formal education. Educational printed material, audio-visional means and novel communication technologies are exploited in distance education. One of these novel communication technologies, which is commonly used today, is the computer and the Internet. The objective of this study is, because of the fact that technology is increasingly used and needed in distance education, to determine how and how often the male and female students of distance education exploit the computer, the Internet and the e-learning services provided by the Faculty of Open Education, and what kind of difficulties and problems they encounter, in order to find out the differences between their uses of the computer and the Internet. To reach this objective, a one-to-one questionnaire made up of 30 questions has been administered on a total of 200 students (100 males and 100 females) who live in Eskişehir and attend the Faculty of Economics and 99 Business Management, and the Faculty of Open Education in Anadolu University, which provide distance education. VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖNLİSANS EGİTİM UYGULAMASI 101- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "...Ve Açıköğretim Fakültesi Önlisans Eğitim Uygulaması [Application of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training in Open Education Faculty]”, Milli Eğitim. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, Vol: 74, pp:36-40, 1987, Ankara, Turkey. In this article general information was given about completing two-year university diploma equal to associate degree education in the direction of distance education methods for teachers who have secondary school diploma. Anadolu University OEF puts in this project to application in 1985-1986 Academic Years. The aim of this article is to provide general information on this application for teachers’ the journal Milli Eğitim, because in-service teacher training subject has been operated in this dimension firstly. In this article the importance of primary school teacher education was emphasized and their in-service training activities, which take place in law, numbered 1739. It was given place to the difficulty of the complement of teachers’ in-service education activities in education faculties by face-to-face method and to the examples of teacher education in other nations, which apply distance education method. Then the reason of putting into application and process of this service by Anadolu University in the direction of the agreement between Anadolu University and National Ministry of Education was told. It was also given place to some statistical data, related with this application, which covers nearly 130.000 teachers for educating, by distance education. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖGRENCİLERİNİN BOS ZAMANLARINI DEGERLENDİRME EĞİLİMLERİ 102- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Boş Zamanlarını Değerlendirme Eğilimleri [Evaluation of the Leisure Activities Trends of Open Education Faculty's 100 Students of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 252/121, 1987, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In adition, summary of this study is appeared on Çağdaş Eğitim, No: 124, pp: 9-16, 1987, Ankara, Turkey and Kitle İletişim Araçları ve Boş Zaman, (Ed. U. DEMIRAY), Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation, No: 005, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey). The study, which was done as the doctoral dissertation of the author between 1984-1986 years, is put into book with the same name after revising by the author. The research which aims to discover the characteristics of the mass who is named as distance education students whose all day is free and to discuss for the different and similar features of these students with traditional higher education students. This study is an empirical research that covers 10,000 people in 4th class. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: Open Education Faculty students besides the qualification of students' 'whose all day are free have a very little leisure time and mostly are working in a certain job. These students show some differences also in the respects of age, marital status, economics and living from normally traditional students of traditional higher education. Economic and culture levels of their parents are below to those of traditional higher education students. They are in the trend of joining leisure time activities not individually but they prefer to be with group: Open Education Faculty students’ density need to Student Culture Education Center, which will be organized by institution (university). A AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ MEZUNLARININ BAZI NİTELİKLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ÇALISMA 103- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Açıköğretim Fakültesi Mezunlarının Bazı Nitelikleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma [A Study on Some Characteristics of the Graduates of Open Education Faculty]”,Mili Eğitim. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, Vol: 75, pp: 44-52, 1988, Ankara, Turkey. (Additionally published at Çağdas Eğitim, Vol: 124, pp: 9-16, 1987, Ankara, Turkey and Kitle İletişim Araçları ve Boş Zaman, - Ed. U. DEMIRAY-, 101 Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yayın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 005, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey). This nine pages article is the summary of the "First Graduates of The Open Education Faculty (OEF); Economics-Business Administration". Article also gives a place to "So me Information of Qualifications of The OEF Graduates". In this study, the structure of first graduates of The O EF-which had started a new period for its originality in application in our country's individual characteristics ways is tried to determine. In the author's study during 19851986 educational year spring term an applicative study is done for 768 students graduated from OEF. In the article the results that the author reached are as follows: The graduates of OEF mostly live in rural areas of Turkey; the graduates of OEF are mostly men; the average age of graduates are higher than those attending traditional departments; the rate of graduations, is increasing when the parents of the students have a high level of education; and there is a strong relation between daily course study hours and graduation rate. SOME CHARACTERISTIC OF THE FIRST SENIOR STUDENTS OF THE ANADOLU UNIVERSITY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY İN 1985-86 EDUCATIONAL YEAR (TURKISH CASE) 104- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Some Characteristics of the First Senior Students of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in 1985-86 Educational Year (Turkish Case), Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, No: 010, 40p,1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. Anadolu University has carried out the distance education system since 1982 and in this way it has brought a new dimension to Turkish education system. This new system will go on existing and be widespread and will become functional in terms of the characteristics of Turkish social structure. Therefore, the system has to "reorganize" itself according to the nature of Turkish people and the requirements of our time. This present study, when the information given above are taken into consideration, has analyzed the characteristics of the OEF (Economics and Business Administration) 102 students in the year 1985-86 when the faculty has its first graduates. The main subject of this paper is; what social and personal characteristics the Open Education Faculty graduates have? Consequently, the purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the graduates, mentioned above, trough the use of a descriptive method. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İLK MEZUNLARI İKTİSAT/İS İDARESİ 105- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Açıköğretim Fakültesi İlk Mezunları: İktisat/İs İdaresi [First Graduates of the Open Education Faculty: Economics and Business Administration], Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları Yayın No: 008, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study, it was tried to be determined that what kind of a structure the first graduates of the Open Education Faculty have. As it is known OEF had begun a new period from the point of view its application originality in our country's education system and the demand it meets in terms of socioeconomic and individual characteristics. The author has done an applicative study on 768 students, which were graduated, from Open Education Faculty in spring term of 1985-1986 educational years. In the first chapter of the book, which consists of 4 chapters; it was given place to the problem, aim, limitations, importance and statistics of the study and to the descriptions of concepts which often take place in the study. In the second chapter about information related with the method of the study. In the third chapter was mentioned operating on information, made comments, which are provided from questionnaire, titled as findings and comment, and the study was completed by fourth chapter which consists of summary and suggestions. From the conclusions of the study, it was seen that; the first graduates of The Open Education Faculty are mostly from East and South East Anadolu Province and rural areas, have professions and are included to middle income group: It can be also said that the parents' of the graduates take place in middle or sub income groups. 103 In the study graduates were also examined according to their ages and sexes, and it was found that they are mostly between 26-30 ages, and men are three times of women. Besides these results, it was also given place to graduates' marital statuses, family conditions, and their relations with their surroundings in the study. At the end of the book some additive information about the study, as a reading part that tells the general characteristics of the senior students which take place in the group that was graduated from OEF are added, in the hope of being necessary and useful for the readers. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNE YENİ BİR HİZMET SUNUYOR: Video İle Egitim 106- DEMIRAY, Ugur and Murat BARKAN, "Açıköğretim Fakültesi Öğrencilerine Yeni Bir Hizmet Sunuyor; Video İle Eğitim [The Open Education Faculty Presents a New Service for Its Students; Education Via Video]”, Yeni İletisim, Vol: 3, pp:11-12, 1988, Istanbul, Turkey. (This article is published in Çağdaş Bir İletişim Aracı Olarak Video, (Ed. Cengiz Tekin), Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 4, pp: 217-224, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey.) In this article, printed materials, TV, radio broadcasts and academic counseling services for Open Education Faculty students and an additive service that was presented to The Open Education Faculty bureau services in 19 cities; "Video Education Center Service" are handed. In the study, the evaluation of the pilot project application, which was done in bureaus of video education centers in Konya, Denizli and future plan for Trabzon, Samsun, Izmir and Eskisehir was discussed. And introduction of Video Education Center, its aims, its time of service and its results were mentioned. VIDEO EDUCATION CENTERS TO MEET STUDENT NEEDS IN TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 107- DEMIRAY Ugur, Marina S. McISAAC, Murat BARKAN and Karen L. MURPHY, Video Education Centers to Meet Student Needs in Turkish Distance Education Programs, 104 Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları Yayın No: 012, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Also, study has been appeared in Educational Communication an International Review Section-Fall. 1988, pp: 182-185, Washington DC, USA and Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 5, pp: 319-327, January 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey). This study discussed the educational function of video in distance education systems and about the first project application of the Open Education Faculty's Konya and Denizli Student Information Bureaus. Study presented at seminar held by AECT in Louisiana in 1988, USA.Study consists of brief history of OEF than gives a place, before from the result of Konya and Denizli province application. As a result, education by video increased students learning ability 45-60 points more. FINDINGS OF A RESEARCH ON THE STUDENTS' USE OF TIME: A Case Study of the Anadolu Universty Open Education Faculty In Turkey 108- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Findings of a Research on the Students' Use of Time: A Case Study of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Turkey, Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No:017, 1989, Eskisehir, Türkiye. (In addition, this study printed as a summary in Sport and Leisure A Journal of Social Science Abstract SRLS, Vol: 1, No:3, Winter 1988, p:354, Canada and in Leisure Recreation and Tourism Abstract LRTA. 1989, Vol: 14, No:3, p: 208, UK.) Research was based on the descriptive method. The research also, deals with exploring nd finding out attitudes and directions of leisure activities of distance education students, in Turkey and their expectations from university administration. This study is an empirical study to measure satisfaction of the students, using their leisure time and recreation themselves in today's society. So, especially in the university environment or conditions must be their sub-constructions to be functional in its society established with. This study consists of four chapters. The first chapter 105 summarizes the phases of the conflict between men versus nature. And in terms of the relationship between man and his leisure time activities, it introduces the "modern man" experiencing social change due to technological development. This chapter also includes the relationships between the individual and the society in terms of leisure time activities and socio-economic conditions. And the Open Education Faculty, which was the unique distance education institute in Turkey, has been introduced briefly. The second chapter includes the method, the control group, data collection and the questionnaires used during the study. In the third chapters the analysis of the data and the comments take place. This part also includes the comparisons of leisure time activities of the university students with those of the Open Education Faculty students. The last chapter includes the conclusion part and the results of the study and the suggestions for further studies. As a result, leisure is very important for distance system in all worlds. Especially distance education students must be motivated to some leisure activities by establishing Student Cultural and Education Centers all over Turkey. The students are in need of someone who is expert in their regional centers. Because they want to save their passive position too active in their leisure. Although 60% of them working, this group and others believe that leisure is very important factor in their social-cultural life or to state life-style in future. If administrators are not interested in these subjects, this problem will be unsolved in future. They need to well timing, to relax and be creative to develop themselves for being mature man and functional in social life. GRADUATES OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY IN TURKEY 109- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Graduates of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey”, Journal of Educational Television, Vol: 15, No: 3, pp: 155-161, October 1989, Oxfordshire, U.K. Anadolu University is in the position of being the biggest university of Turkey with its students more than 300.000. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, which educates by using distance education methods, was founded in 1982. After four years of its establishment, The Open Education Faculty, which had its first graduates in 1985-86 educational years, has brought a new dimension to Turkish Education life. In spring term 106 1985-86, 768 people have taken Bachelor degree (or university diploma) from the faculty as the first graduates. The study has aimed to examine these 768 graduates in social, individual and socio-economic characteristics. The study, in which some characteristics of graduates' mass are exhibited, will be a consultant source for native or foreign researcher(s). This study was also presented as a paper in national and international seminars. TURKEY'S OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 110- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Turkey's Open Education Faculty”, Journal of Industry and Higher Education, Vol: 4, No: 1, pp: 53-54, Butterworth Scientific Publication Lts, March 1990, London, UK. This article reports the social and educational developments brought about by the OEF at Anadolu University in Turkey. It describes the course of study, teaching methods, financial and organizational aspect of the faculty. In additional, students profile and international relations are set up in this article. Consequently, OEF had been discussed at the international platform by the journal of industry and Higher Education once more as a serious and large volume distance education institute in the world. AN OVERVEW OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY ANADOLU UNIVERSITY-TURKEY 111- DEMIRAY, Ugur, "An Overview of the Open Education Faculty Anadolu University-Turkey”, Research in Distance Education, Vol: 2, Number 3, p: 12, July 1990, Athabasca, Canada. This article’s author presents Open Education Faculty’s application in Turkey. This study aimed to give some brief information and describe with a general lines some aspects of the OEF for introduce to other researchers who are living in abroad. It also provides some characteristics of the distance education student acconding to their age, gender, occupational differencies, and geographical distribution etc. in all over. 107 UNDERGRADUTES OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 112- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Undergraduates of The Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University Publications, No 452.205.1990, Eskisehir, Türkiye. The sduty answers to the main question of what social and personel characteristics the mass of students who are graduated does from the Open Education Faculty in 1985-1986 September term. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to find out these characteristics of the graduates through the use of descriptive method. The scope of the study can be defined in terms of: ¾ What personal characteristics the gduates have? ¾ What social characteristics the graduates have? ¾ What are the correlations of these characteristics of the graduates? ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İLE İLGİLİ OLARAK YAPILAN ÇALISMALAR KAYNAKÇASI 1982-1990 113- DEMIRAY, Ugur, Nermin Çıldır OZGUR and Feyyaz BODUR. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi ile ilgili Olarak Yapılan Çalışmalar Kaynakçası (1982-1990) [A Review of Literature on the Open Education Faculty (19821990)], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 454/207, 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. This is the first edition of Turkish version of the study this book includes approximately 90 studies, which are conducted on the Open Education Faculty in those 8 years. A REVIEW LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (1982-1990) 114- DEMIRAY, Ugur. A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1990), Anadolu University Publications, No: 455/208, 120p, 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. 108 Also this is the first edition of English version of the study this book includes approximately 90 studies, which are conducted on the Open Education Faculty in those 8 years. SOME ASPECT OF TEACHER TRANING IN TURKEY BY USING A DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM 115- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Some Aspect of Teacher Training in Turkey by Using a Distance Education System”, ICDE Bulletin, Vol: 24, pp: 47-51, Open University, 1990, Milton Keynes, UK. This article describes two teacher-training programs through Anadolu University's Open Education Faculty (OEF). The first program, which began in 1985-86, is a pre-Bachelor certificate for 130,000 primary school teachers. The second program, began in 1990, offers a university degree to 54.000 secondary school teachers. Pedagogy, course materials, delivery systems and evaluation are discussed for both programs. IDENTIFICATION OF THE DISTANCE EDUCATION STUDENTS IN TURKEY: A Case Study Open Education Faculty 116- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Identification of the Distance Education Students in Turkey: A Case Study Open Education Faculty”, Indian Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 4, pp: 83-91, 1991, Chandigarh, India. This research emphasized some characteristics of OEF students from point of socio-economic view by comparing traditional higher education students. In this study, author tried to find out correlated some socio-economic characteristics of students and distance education specialties. AFTER TEN YEARS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY, WHAT LIES AHEAD 109 117- DEMIRAY, Ugur and Marina McISAAC. "After Ten Years of Distance Education in Turkey, What Lies Ahead" presented paper at 16th ICDE World Conference, November 9-13, 1992, Bangkok, Thailand. (This article published in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education-Edited by T.W. Banta, M.W. Bense, A.M. Pitts, R. Matlock-Published by Center for Assessment Research Development, Tennessee University, Knoxwille Tennessee, 1991, USA). This paper summarizes the history, development and future projects of Anadolu University's Open Education Faculty in Eskisehir, Turkey. This distance learning program, now ten years old, is the 6th largest distance education system in the world. The paper traces the growth of Anadolu University's Open Education Faculty (OEF) back to the beginning as Eskisehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences through its development into an internationally recognized distance learning program in a period of ten years. This program, a direct answer to the call for greater learning opportunities for Turkish citizens who are living in Turkey or abroad, also provides a model for education in other developing countries with similar demographics and facing similar educational problems. In the past ten years, Anadolu University’s Acikogretim (Open Education) Faculty has enrolled more than 550,000 students of whom approximately 200,000 have graduated. These students have found educational opportunities in fields from Economics to Nursing Education, Business, Tourism, Teacher Training and Vocational Education. In the future, the Open Education Faculty has plans to become an independent Open University. This is planned to meet the growing distance education needs. On the international scene, recent political shifts in the Soviet Republics and continuing negotiations in the Middle East have put Turkey in a strategic position to offer help to neighboring Turkic Republic States as they continue to develop their own educational systems along new lines. It is likely that Anadolu University will provide leadership for distance education efforts in nearby countries to help them establish similar programs to meet the needs of their populations. 110 ISTRUZIONE A DISTANZA IN TURCHIA CONCETTI GENERALI E SVILUPPI 118- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Istruzione a Distanza in Turchia Concetti Generali e Sviluppi [Distance Education in Turkey]”, Istruzione A Distanza. (Translation: Emma NARDI), Anno IV, No: 2, pp: 53-56, 1992, Rome, Italy. This study also aimed to give brief information and describe with a general line some aspects of the Open Education Faculty to introduce to other researchers who are living in abroad. Original manuscript is written in English and translated to Italian language by Dr. Emardi Nardi. OLDER GRADUATES IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: A Case Study of The Open Education Faculty 119- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yetişkin Yaşlı Mezunları [Older Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 692/338, 164p, 1993, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In adition, summary of this study appeared on Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Assessing Qulity in Higher Education,-Edited by T.W. Banta, M.W Bense, A. M. Pitts, R. Matlock-Published by Center for Assessment Research and Development, Tennessee University, Knoxmille Tennessee, 1991, USA and ICDE Bulletin, Vol: 28, pp: 62-67, January 1992, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom). This study is a book form of the mentioned article 61 empirical research which is conducted on older graduates of the Open Education Faculty 198586 Educational Year of Business Administration and Economic programs in distance education in Turkey. This graduate group is the first graduates of the OEF and totally 156 persons. And also, they are older than 45 years old. As known very well, education is one of the basic human rights. But education is quite expensive and limited in services all around the world. Especially in developing countries, educational facilities are provided mainly through the government 111 budget, unlike in many developed countries where private provision supplements the government system. This empirical study investigates that why people who are over 45 years old continue to educate themselves. Today, traditional or conventional education does not meet the education demands of people nearly at all over the world. It is not possible attending to the traditional education institutes for especially elderly people. In developed countries face to face education is one of the most expensive activities. But since 1960s, distance education system brought new opportunities to the educational life or history of education. How far is distance an alternative for the older students? One of the main findings of the research was that older student primarily being a student to keep their minds active. And also, to be an active member of the society is the second important point being a student for them at this age. It was found that physical problems do not seriously hamper education projects. The number of adults has been increasing in the OEF from year to year. Already OEF has no special programs or possibilities for older adults. The researcher for discussion offers some suggestions for improvement of older programs. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İLE İLGİLİ OLARAK YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALAR KAYNAKÇASI (1982-1992) 120- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi ile İlgili Olarak Yapılan Çalışmalar Kaynakçası (1982-1992) Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı [A Review of Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1992) Turkish Version, Revised Second Edition], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No 767/389, 166p, 1994, Eskisehir, Turkey. The second edition of Turkish version of the study, which is expanded and revised copy between years 1982-1992 for the 10th Anniversary of OEF, and published in 1994. Also, as mentioned at next articles its English version explanation placed in this study. This book includes approximately 140 studies, which are conducted on the OEF in 10 years. 112 A REVIEW LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (1982-1992) 121- DEMIRAY, Ugur. A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1992): A Revised Second Edition, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 766/ 390, 166p, 1994, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study is the second edition of English version of the study, which is prepared between the teas of 1982-1990, for its 10th Anniversary of OEF, conducted by Dr. Demiray and published in 1994. This book includes approximately 140 studies, which are conducted on the Open Education Faculty in 10 years-period. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS TO THE FOURTH KIND: Distance Education Versus Classroom 122- DEMIRAY, Ugur. (Ed.) Close Encounters to The Fourth Kind: Distance Education Versus Clasroom. Turkuaz Yayınları, Araştırma Dizisi, No: 95/2-6, 284p, 1995 Eskisehir, Turkey. Of the millions of words written on education system in the literature, remarkably few have been about aiming to compare in the countries' their own education systems, even if, conventional education systems too. This study is prepared in London during 4-ounth Distance Education for Development-1991 at University of London, Education department and published in 1995, Eskisehir, Turkey. Study consists of 12 countries. These are; Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, The Maldives, Mauritius, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan Tanzania and Turkey, preparing by 21 authors from these countries. At the first month of the course, every course participants presented its country case study. In other words, the content of the presentations is what was going on about distance education, in those countries. 113 İLKELERİ, İŞLEYİŞİ VE ÖRNEKLERİYLE DÜNYADA AÇIKÖĞRETİM 123- DEMIRAY, Ugur. (Ed.) İlkeleri, İşleyişi ve Örnekleriyle Dünyada Açıköğretim [Distance Education with Examples and Principles in the World], Turkuaz Yayınları, Çeviri Dizisi, No: 95-5, 262 p, 1995, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study author collected 15 translated articles from some aspects of distance education application around the world. The articles are categorized and placed with the headlines as; Communication Technology; Communication Technology in Distance Education written by Abe Yoshia, Tele-Education at the Open University, Economics in Distance Education Economics in Distance Education: Time for Change of Direction? Written by Greville Rumble the Economics Cost Analysis of Sukhotai Thammathirad Open University (STOU) Radio Programs written by Nittaya Parsonsiri, Graduates of Distance Education Systems British, Germany and Spain examples, Women in Distance Education a research from Germany, Teacher training in Distance Education an examples from Norway, Italy and France, The Role of National Development of Distance Education a case study Zambia, Argentina and Some Distance Education Applications, examples from Japan Korea, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, AsiaPacific. TÜRK UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM UYGULAMALARINI İÇEREN BİLİMSEL ETKİNLİKLERİN ULUSLARARASI LİTERATÜRDE YER ALMASI SORUNU ÜZERİNE BAZI DÜSÜNCELER 124- DEMIRAY, Ugur and Adnan YILMAZ. "Türk Uzaktan Öğretim Uygulamalarını İçeren Bilimsel Etkinliklerin Uluslararası Literatürde Yer Alması Sorunu Üzerine Bazı Düsünceler [Some Notes and Suggestions about the Indexing Problem of the Scientific Activities Conducted on Distance Education Literature: Turkish Case]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp:159-164, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. 114 This article points out that all authors should indicate international bibliographic data at all levels in their academic studies which conducted on distance education in Turkey. In this view, researchers who studied or will study on distance education applications in Turkey, have to give clear information to its their target by regarding their research sources, librarians and data banks or networks etc. to deal with distance education literature. This is very important for all distance educators from point of us. So, researchers can understand that what's happening in Turkey in the area of Distance Education and all what it aspects is. for that reason, the only way is to establish healthy communication with data banks, distance education documentation centers, journals, periodicals and other researchers on the world. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM SİSTEMLERİNDE GÖREV ALANLARA YÖNELİK SÜREKLİ HİZMET-İÇİ EGİTİM GEREKLİLİGİ: AÖF Örneği Üzerine Bir Araştırma 125- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Uzaktan Ögretim Sistemlerinde Görev Alanlara Yönelik Sürekli Hizmet içi Eğitim Gerekliligi: AÖF Örnegi Üzerine Bir Araştırma [Countinuing in-Service Training Need for the Staff who are Working in Distance Education Systems]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Ögretim Sempozyum, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp:147-157, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. In-service training is very important and necessary for the staff in distance education systems. It helps to develop institutionally new programs and projects. This research is conducted on OEF staffs who work as an officer, author/editor and an academic advisor since beginning years of the OEF. Research includes informing this staff generally on distance education systems, it‘s history, DE concept and it’s different applications of all around the world. Also it includes Turkish case of OEF and it’s running since beginning years. The research is realized by empirical method. It is applied 200 questionnaires to OEF staff, office personnel, author/editor and academic advisor is applied. At the evaluation phase of research, findings are grouped and explained fewer than three titles. These are office personnel’, authors' or editors' and academic advisor’s approach to 115 continuing in-service training. At the end of the research it is found that this continuing in-service education is very important and so necessary for all kind staff of the OEF, and also for DE systems. DISTANCE EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEACHER TRAINING IN TURKEY 126- DEMIRAY, Ugur and Bekir OZER. "Distance Education for Primary and Secondary Teacher Training in Turkey”, Indian Journal of Distance Education, Silver Issue, Vol: 5, pp:57-64, Panjap University, February 1997, Chandigarh, India. (Different version of this article published with Marina McISAAC and Gürbüz YANGIN in An International Survey of Distance Training Education and Teacher Training: From Smoke Signals to Salelitte. Complied and Ed: by Peter FARKAS, Richard CORNELL, Charles, Saar, Self Armstrong, University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida, pp: 76-83, 1993, USA.). This paper describes in terms of the pedagogy course Materials, delivery systems and evaluation of the two teachers training programs Pre-Bachelor license diploma, Certificate diploma and University Degree to Secondary School Teachers, offered through Anadolu University's OEF by distance education method. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE BİR ÖĞRENCİ DESTEK HİZMETİ OLARAK GAZETENİN ÖNEMİ VE ROLÜ 127- DEMIRAY, Ugur and Halil I. GURCAN. “Uzaktan Eğitimde Bir Öğrenci Destek Hizmeti Olarak Gazetenin Önemi ve Rolü [Role and Importance of Newspaper as Being Student Support Material in Distance Education]”, Türkiye II. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), Uzaktan Eğitim Vakfı, pp:197-207, May 4-8 ,1998, Ankara, Turkey. This paper tries to discuss the importance and role of the institutional newspaper as being Communication Bridge in Distance education 116 institutions. As well known, learners and the institution are separated from each other in DE systems. Apart basic educational materials and components of the systems, newspaper opens a new communication channel for both of side to fill in the gap, which is occurred between learners and DE institutions during educational years. Newspaper prevents loneliness feelings of the students when reached to them with institutional information and news. In Addition, a student passes or sends their thinking and expectations to the administrator of the institution via newspaper and administrators’ to students. So it helps to establish for easy communicate with each other. In this study, function and benefits of this communication channel and examples from Anadolu University Open Education Faculty’ newspaper which is published early years of OEF, by content analyzing method is giving. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İLE İLGİLİ OLARAK YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALAR KAYNAKÇASI (1982-1997) 128- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi ile İlgili Olarak Yapılan Çalışmalar Kaynakçası (1982-1992) Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı [A Review of Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997) Turkish Version, Revised Second Edition], Anadolu Üniversitesi (unpublished copied version). (This study is unpublished for some reasons by the University. But it can obtaine as an electronic version from its author.) A REVIEW LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (1982-1997) A Revised and Expanded Third Edition 129- DEMIRAY, Ugur. A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997): A Revised and Expanded Third Edition, Anadolu University Publications, No: 1015/558, 1998, Eskisehir, Turkey. 117 This study is the third English version of the study, which is entitled as A Review of the literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997). This study contains 201 researches which are conducted on Open Education Faculty as in the form of book, article, presented paper master or doctorate thesis and report between the years of 1982-1997 by more than 120 researchers, 35 of 201 studies are realized by foreign researchers and written mostly in English. BİR ÇAĞDAŞ EĞİTİM MODELİ OLARAK UZAKTAN EĞİTİM UYGULAMASI 130- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Bir Çağdaş Eğitim Modeli Olarak Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulaması [Distance Education Application as Being a Contemporary Educational Model]", Jandarma Dergisi. Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı, pp: 46-52, June 1999, Ankara, Turkey. The first part of the article emphasised that distance education is kind of model for increasing educational demans versus decreasing economic sources in societies. In addition, distance education concept, its components and history of DE are placed. And than Turkish military’s distance education experience is summarized. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ MEZUNLARININ SEKTÖRDEKİ KONUMLARI 131- DEMIRAY, Ugur. "Açıkögretim Fakültesi Mezunlarının Sektördeki Konumları [The Positions of Distance Education Graduates in the Job Market]", Uzaktan Eğitim, UZEV Yayınları, pp: 3-22, Yaz/Summer, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. In this article the findings of a research, which was conducted in the years between 1986 and 1993 to find out that to what extent Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (OEF) Departments of Economics and Job Management graduates transfer and/or recall their knowledge, skills and experiences to the real life situation, have been summarized. 118 Moreover, certain other points such as perceived rationale for enrollment to OEF, gaining of being educated in and graduated from this institution, any possible change in perceived life goals and/or their direction, opinions toward equivalence of the perceived certificate to other schools’ offers, and employment efforts have been discussed in basically three different stages, i.e., under graduate, graduate years and the year in which the questionnaire was employed. TÜRKİYE’DE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM UYGULAMALARINI KONU ALAN ARAŞTIRMALAR ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME 132- DEMIRAY, Ugur. “Türkiye’de Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamalarını Konu Alan Araştırmalar Üzerine Genel Bir Değerlendirme [General Evaluation of the Studies which are Conducted on Distance Education Application in Turkey]”, Birinci Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Kara Kuvvetleri Eğitim ve Doktrin Komutanlığı, pp: 87-92, November 15-16, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. In this study, the researches on distance education including Open Education Faculty in Eskisehir- Anadolu University, Open High School and Open Primary School practices are evaluated on the basis of their contents, levels, methods and conclusions. Thesis, articles, brochures, bulletins, books, declarations and reports are included in these studies was provided from libraries, institutes, Ministry of National Education, from the foundations such as FRTEB and from other sources. There are 70 studies on Open High School, conducted between December 1993 and April 1998. 30 researchers and 5 foundations in 5 years of period accomplished these studies. It is determined that the studies on OHS are increased dramatically after 1995. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ MEZUNLARININ ÇALIŞMA YAŞAMI İLE İLİŞKİLERİ 133- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Mezunlarının Çalışma Yaşamı ile İlişkileri [Relationship of Open 119 Education Faculty Graduates with Job Market], Elektronic ISBN: 975–98590–4–1, Mayıs 1999, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study has been studied on2000 graduates whom are graduated 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 ve 1993 years June and September semester from Anadolu Üniversity Business Administration and Economics Faculty. It is found that OEF Graduates obtained good salary, beter working conditions, development in their business, decision freedom in their work, find a chance for being a leadership in their work, more satisfying in their business and changing opportunity dealt with their business by graduating from Open Education Faculty. POSITIONS OF THE DISTANCE EDUCATION GRADUATES IN THE JOB MARKET: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty Graduates in Turkey. 134- DEMIRAY, Ugur. “Positions of Distance Education Graduates in the Job Market: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey.” Quarterly Review of Distance Education,Vol:1 Number:2, pp: 145-156, Summer, 2000, Publishing Information Age, USA. In addition this study presented at: 18th ICTE World Conference, April 14-18, 2000, Potchestoom, South Africa. The fifth Annual GATE Conference: The Delivery and Evaluation of Transnational Education Challenges& Rewards, October 2-4 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. The Wanderstudent 2000The Wanderstudent of 1425 revived in virtual reality in 2000? Towards a European Virtual University, Leuven, October 20-21, 2000, Belgium. C.R.E.A.D. Tenth Years of International Collaboration in the Field of Distance, Caracas, November 19-22, 2000, Venezuela. The main starting concept and the reason for this study had been based on an evaluation of the position of distance education graduates' in the job market after completing their education at Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty (OEF), in Turkey. This paper will review the findings of the empirical survey which examined the position of the 2000 graduates' in the job market who have been educated at a distance and graduated from the 120 Open Education Faculty's Economics Department, in Turkey between 19851994, with a four-year University degree. This paper provides insight into some of the main findings of this research. One of the main aims of the graduates that of keeping their mind’s active in society has been achieved by attending to the OEF. It was also found that in most cases their aim with regard to personal development and career enhancement has also been achieved by completing their education at OEF. There has been a general increase in graduate’s job position and the status following graduation. Most students’ level of income has increased after they graduated. Most OEF graduates felt that their degree was equivalent to degrees awarded elsewhere. This view tended to be supported by their employers and colleagues, but other graduates who graduated from conventional universities tended to be more critical. Most OEF graduates say that have an opportunity to use some of the knowledge in their jobs which they gathered during their study at OEF. At the end of the study, the researcher for discussion offers some suggestions for improvement. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMİNDE İLETİŞİM MERKEZİ UYGULAMASI 135- DEMIRAY, Ugur, Erkan YUKSEL, Berrin OZKANAL “Anadolu Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Sisteminde İletişim Merkezi Uygulaması [Application of Communication Center at The Anadolu University Distance Education System]”, Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 3, Özel Sayı 2, pp: 146156, 2001, Adapazarı, Turkey. In this article “Anadolu University Communication Centre” is introduced and its running system mentioned in 1999-2000 year. Article contains the reason of establishing this center too. In addition, some figures are served about distance education students’ using this center. In general students are finding very useful and beneficial this center. Most of the communication realized via e-mail. 121 ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İLE İLGİLİ OLARAK YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALAR KAYNAKÇASI 1982–2002 136- DEMIRAY, Uğur (Editör) Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İle İlgili Olarak Yapılan Çalışmalar Kaynakçası 1982–2002 Genişletilmiş ve Gözden Geçirilmiş 4. Baskı [A Review of the Literature on the Open Education Faculty in Turkey 1982–2002 A revised and expanded the fourth edition], Yazarlar: Özden CANDEMİR, Ayşe İNCEELLİ ve Figen ÜNAL, Elektronik ISBN 98590–3–3, Eylül 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This study is the forth and Turkish version of the study, which is entitled as A Review of the literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-2002). This study contains 313 researches which are conducted on Open Education Faculty as in the form of book, article, presented paper master or doctorate thesis and report between the years of 1982-1997, written by 272 researchers. This study consist of 53 books, 99 articles, 34 thesis studies 118 presented papers and around 8 reports and copied papers. This review study indicates that studies are increased A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY IN TURKEY 1982–2002 137- DEMIRAY, Ugur (Editor) A Review of the Literature on the Open Education Faculty in Turkey 1982–2002 (A revised and expanded the fourth edition), Authors: Ozden CANDEMIR, Ayse INCEELLI and Figen UNAL, Electronic ISBN: 975-98590-2-5, September 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study is the fourth version of the study, which is entitled as A Review of the literature on the Open Education Faculty. This book includes 312 studies, which are conducted on the Open Education Faculty in this 20 years. 312 studies are placing in this version; while 201 studies were placed in 1982-1997 version of this study. Increasing rate of the publications is more than 50% during (1997-2002) in these five years. All this studies were conducted and written by 272 researchers while it was 110 in 1982-1997 the 122 third version of this st udy. Increasing rate of authors is 68% during (19972002) in five years. In addition, two of the studies are conducted by institutions such as Ministry of National Education and Council of Europe. 313 studies are conducted on OEF between 1982-2002 years. 45 of them were conducted by Ugur Demiray, 15 of them by Murat Barkan and M. Emin Mutlu 13 of them by Karen L. Murphy and 12 of them by Ayhan Hakan and Marina S. McIsaac. This bibliographic study includes 313 studies that were conducted between December 1982 ands December 2002. The oldest article on OEF goes back to December 1982 and declared by Mr. KENNEDY, just related with OEF.213 studies of 312 are written in Turkish and 100 in foreign language. 95 of 100 studies are written in English, 3 of its Germany, 2 of them Italian language. This study consist of 53 books, 99 articles, 34 thesis studies 118 presented papers and around 8 reports and copied papers. This review study indicates that studies are increased LIVE TELEVISION PROGRAMS AS A STUDENT SUPPORT COMPONENT TO PREPARATION FOR EXAMS IN ANADOLU UNIVERSITY’S DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM: A Pilot Study on Viewing-Benefits and Expectations Dimensions of Live TV Programmes 138- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Ozden CANDEMIR and Ayse INCEELLI. “Live Television Programs as a Student Support Component to Preparation for Exams in Anadolu University’s Distance Education System: A Pilot Study on Viewing-Benefits and Expectations Dimensions of Live TV Programs”, TechKnowLogia. International Journal of Tecnologies for Advancement of Knowledge and Learning, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, April-June 2002, USA. (In Addition this study is presented and published at 3rd Telecommunication Conference, May 15-18, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic. And also published in Turkish entitled as Televizyonda Canlı Yayın Ve Açıköğretim, Çizgi Kitabevi, 171p, April 2002, Konya, Turkey). This study tries to explain the benefits of the Open Education Faculty’s Live TV Programs for Students during their preparing for examinations these Programs broadcast just one week before the midterm, final and make up 123 exams. The survey is administered by questionnaire which is applied via Internet for 2580 OEF students. 578 answers were gathered. Response rate was calculated as being 22%. Obtained data was processed with SSPS 7.5 to establish cross tabulations and correlation. According to the results; Sampling group is mainly male, 21-30 age group, sophomore, enrolled in the Open Education Faculty in last five years, mainly working and living in 3 big cities and their employment areas are generally computers, management freelance. ¾ Live TV application was very useful for the students to review their courses before the exam. ¾ They found a chance to ask their question directly to the course Teacher. ¾ There will be a need to the number of the courses on live TV program in due course. ¾ There will be a need to increase the number of the broadcast hours of the live TV program. ¾ 1/4 of respondents, who found PELTB positive think if its presentation changes, they will be active in the program. ¾ 40% of respondents think PELTB should continue the way it is. 34% of them prefer interaction. 26.2% of them are not sure how it should be. ¾ Males preferred a greater number of courses for PELTB compare to females. ¾ Mainly 21-25 age groups did not find enough two telephone line when compared to other age groups. Respondents were not clear if the numbers of questions directed by students or specialists were enough or not. In other words most of the sampling group was undecided about the questions, which are directed from spectators or created by specialists. ELEKTRONİK AKADEMİK DERGİ YAYINCILIĞI: Türk Uzaktan Eğitiminde Tojde Örneği 139- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Elektronik Akademik Dergi Yayınciliği: Türk Uzaktan Eğitiminde Tojde Örneği [Electronic Scholarly Journalism: Tojde Case in Turkish Distance Education System], presented paper at AÖF”nin 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası 124 Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002 Eskisehir, Turkey. Article contains four chapters In the first chapter mentioned that the concept and definition, developments and sort of electronic publishing and scholar journalism. Ethics, advantages and disadvantages of electronic publishing and scholar journalism are also discussed in this chapter.The second chapter includes The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE's twoyear experiences as being academic electronic journal. In the third chapter serves general evaluation on reader’s profile, characteristics of TOJDE and its visiting traffic The last chapter contains the results, suggestions, references and appendices of the Study. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM LİSESİ UYGULAMALARINI İÇEREN ARAŞTIRMALARA İLİŞKİN BİR DEĞERLENDİRME 140- DEMIRAY, Uğur and Mediha SAĞLIK. Açıköğretim Fakültesi ve Açıköğretim Lisesi Uygulamalarını İçeren Araştırmalara İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme[An Evaluation Dealt With Open Education Faculty and Oen Highschool Application Researches], Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, October 2003, ISSN: 1303–6521 Volume 2, Issue 4, Article 8, Sakarya, Türkiye. (In addition this study presented at III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28–30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti). Researches are have very important role in the processes for deep reading to reaching of knowledge, evaluation of knowledge and social system and occurring of the societies. Besides of the traditional education systems, distance education systems applications are taking a place in Turkish society as being very important educational institute. One and most important application of these is Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (OEF) application at higher education level. OEF has huge student numbers and experience since 20 years. The other one is Open High School (OHS) application which has established in 1992 by Ministry of Education at secondary education level, having ten- 125 year experience. The third one is Open Primary School (OPS) application which established in 1998 at primary school level, having five-year experience. In this period, many researches are conducted on OEF and OHS. There is no any research on OPS up to now yet. In this paper researches are evaluated which conducted on OEF and OHS and evaluated by comprising with each other via content analyze method from point of view of research themes, publication kinds, publication languages, publication periods and, authors’ features etc. ORCHESTRATING ETHICS FOR DISTANCE AND VIRTUAL LEARNING 141- DEMIRAY, Ugur. Orchestrating Ethics for Distance and Virtual Learning, 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium Proceedings, p. 811-828, September 13-15, 2006, Eskisehir Turkey. The education systems are globally improving during the mid 90s, when the services are introduced and adopted information, communication and educational technologies in order to develop teaching and learning processes with an aim of providing world-class or an excellent ‘onclick’ education on demand to the learners. With the growth of the technologies, online delivery of programmes became more popular worldwide. Format of online delivery of programmes through this quite effective for learners placed geographically at distant places. As with any other new phenomenon, this online communication for education has brought up new emotional, physical and psychological issues to the agenda of education science. The teaching and learning through this new medium exposed the learning community to such experiences where the teacher and students normally do not see each other face to face. The electronic communication occurs through synchronous and asynchronous means like e-mail, discussion forums, listserves, electronic chat, bulletin board systems, WebCT, other web-based communication. Thus the virtual classroom faces issues like humanizing, role conflict, or other problems about norms, ethics, privacy and sociopsychological deficits. However, ethics is a become significant as misuse or abuse of students often face debatable and controversial area. The ethical issues it is usually read in magazines and newspapers about email. The university administrators, teachers and with such issues where the commercial use of 126 institutional resources, illegal use of facilities and invasion of privacy are reported. Sexual issues are perhaps the most common breaches of this medium. The recent reported news about Multimedia Messaging (MM) scandals in some institutions, where some people uploaded a multimedia clip over a commercial site for sale can be counted as an example. Hacking is one of the most controversial areas. Some people realize it for remedial solutions while some others do it for destruction or for mental satisfaction. Electronic voyeurism is also common in online communication. Obtaining unauthorized access to someone’s electronic mail, breaking passwords, presenting oneself with false identity over electronic chat are treated as unfair conduct. Some instances are observed while a student’s electronic seminar is taking place for example; some people entered into discussions and caused confusion to the group by flashing abusive language during the communication. Plagiarism is one of the most common misuses of the facilities among students. Copying assignments from other people’s work or taking material from the web is found as the easy way out for the students. Privacy of the messages is very difficult in online communications. Although encryption technologies have been developed, defense forces or commercial houses, educational institutions are using them insufficiently. Honesty, which is one of those rare attributes of human characteristic perhaps, remains again a rare phenomenon in online environments. This honesty may take the form of providing trust to the learner by the teacher, or can be exemplified as an honest feedback to the researcher by the respondents for the right conclusions of research questions. One of the most significant features of the open or online distance education compared to traditional education is opening the doors of global education to the student at his desktop. What is critical to the success of this mode of education is to have ethics in place; it is a different field based on mutual trust and respect. The ethical codes that are mainly brought up by the traditional education to the distance education form a very significant base for the future of online education. The author of this paper will discuss how the issues of ethics affect the teaching and learning over online distance modes. Suggestions are also given on how values can be rendered and why there remain strong and 127 urgent demands for a code of ethics that are constructed by various online universities. LEARNING CONSTRUCTION OF STUDENT TEACHERS 142- DEVECI, Handan and Tuba CENGELCI, Learning Construction of Student Teachers, EADTU-Working Conference 2005 Towards Lisbon 2010: Collaboration for Innovative Content in Lifelong Open and Flexible Learning, 10-11 November 2005, Rome, Italy. The aim of this study is to determine the profile of the student teachers who are attending Social Studies Teacher Training Program at Anadolu University and investigate how they construct their learning. Constructivism is a philosophical approach that explains how individuals understand and learn. From the constructivist perspective, learning is a process where student construct the knowledge of objects, facts or concepts in their mind based on their prior experience. Learning involves and depends on the prior knowledge the learner brings to the environment and the mental, physical actions of learners as they interact with people and objects. Individuals make sense of knowledge by themselves and they construct knowledge in their mind. For that reason determining how socio-economic-cultural differences affects students in constructing knowledge would be useful to provide meaningful and memorable learning. It is important to research how student teachers construct their learning in their minds because they will teach how to construct learning to their students in the future. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. Firstly, a profile questionnaire was implemented to student-teachers to get their personal information. Then a questionnaire was given, the results of which were analyzed through personal profile information of student teachers and an interview was made with student teachers to determine how they construct their learning. 128 TÜRKİYE’DEKİ İNTERNETE DAYALI ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMLARININ YAPICI ÖĞRENME ORTAMLARI TASARIMI AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİNE YÖNELİK BİR DENEME 143- DINCER, Kübra. Türkiye’deki Internet’e Dayalı Önlisans Programlarının Yapıcı Öğrenme Ortamları Tasarımı Açısından Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik bir Deneme[A Pilot Study on Evaluation of Internet-Based Associate Degree Programs in Turkey Interms Designing Constructivist Learning Environments], Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 2007, Eskisehir, Türkiye. General objective of this study is to evaluate Information Management Vocational Program (IMVP) offered fully online by Anadolu University using a critical thinking perspective. In parallel to this objective, the structure of the units of the courses in the program, utilization of program facilities by students, contribution of the academic facilitators and program facilities affecting critical thinking development are determined using the perspectives and experiences of the academic facilitators and subject experts of the program. The model of this descriptive research is a case study including the unit structure analysis of the courses, and the views and experiences of the subject experts and academic facilitators regarding the structure, design and student interaction of the courses from the critical thinking perspective. In order to determine the structure of the courses, the 2nd, 12th and 16th units of "Operating System" course were chosen and document analysis method was used. In determining the views and experiences of the experts and facilitators, the most experienced facilitators of the eleven courses were interviewed using semi-structured interview technique. Furthermore, the archive documents such as the official website and the brochures of the program and presentations of the subject experts were used in the study. EĞİTİM SİTELERİNİN YÖNETİMİ 144- DINCER. G. Deniz. Can GULER, Salih GUMUS, M. Recep OKUR ve Serap S. UGUR, Eğitim Sitelerinin Yönetimi 129 [Management for Knowledge Sites], Bilgi Teknolojileri IV & Akademik Bilişim 2006, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, 9-11 Şubat 2006 Denizli, Türkiye. As a result of the growth of internet based and internet supported instructional environments in educational institutions, the management of related the planning and control processes of websites that give educational services has become important. In this study, experiences gained when managing the educational websites, which are published for the distance education students, and the ones which are published to support the formal students’ courses are evaluated. Common problems of educational websites having different scales of target audience. E-AUDIO BOOK SERVICE IN THE OPEN EDUCATION SYSTEM 145- DINCER, G. Deniz and Nermin CETINOZ. E-Audio Book Service in the Open Education System, 6. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı, Nisan 2006, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Magosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. Open education Audio Book service has begun in the 2004-2005 academic year for visually disabled students and for students who want to study courses by listening to the course content rather than reading it. Audio Books, which are delivered to visually disabled students in CD format without receiving any fee, are converted to mp3 format and broadcast in the Open Education e-learning portal as Audio Book. E-Audio Book is not used only by visually disabled students but also used by students who prefer studying the course books by listening to their content. “ANADOLU UNIVERSITY” SHORT DESCRIPTIONS OF SELECTED DISTANCE-EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS 146- DOERFERT, F., R. SCHUMER. and R. TOMASCHEWSKI. ‘Anadolu University’, Short Descriptions of Selected Distance Education Institutions, 439 p, Fern Universitat, 1989, Hagen, West Germany. 130 This booklet is a revised edition of the previous report and contains short descriptions of about 200 selected distance education (DE) institutions for the majority of the institutions the description is based on a questionnaire filled in by the institution described. The questionnaire was part of an international study on distance teaching by the ZIFF at the FernUniversitat (the Institute for Research in to Distance Education at the German Distance Teaching University); in this study, have tried to bring together some information about DE-institutions in several countries by means of a written questionnaire. Unfortunately, the list of distance education institutions, which could be described here, is by no means complete: There are several important institutions not included here because there was not enough information about them. The descriptions given below can be categorized according to the source of information in to categories; these categories are: ¾ Descriptions with the addition at "checked by institution": The preliminary description of an institution (based mainly on the answers to the questionnaire) was sent to the institution. The institution was asked to correct and comment on the description. Then data were analyzed to revise the description by taking into account the corrections and comments made by the institution. Of course, it was accept full responsibility for any remaining error. ¾ Descriptions with the addition at "Source: (specification)": In these cases the description of an institution is based mainly on the information/data given by the source specified. The descriptions of some European distance teaching universities, e.g., are based on the EADTU Directory 1988. ¾ Descriptions with the addition at "knew; not checked": Some institutions, which were not included in the previous edition, have now been filled in our questionnaire. In these cases the description of an institution is based mainly on the information given by the answers to the questionnaire. (If the description based on the questionnaire of an institution was corrected and/or commented on by members of the 131 institution then the description was marked by 'checked by institution' like in category (a) above. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ EGİTİM PROGRAMLARININ TASARIMI VE ÜRETİMİ 147- DOGAN, Ozlem, Canan OZTURK and Ozlem OZOGUT. "Açıköğretim Fakültesi Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim Programlarının Tasarımı ve Üretimi [Design and Production of Computer Assisted Instruction Programs in Open Education Faculty]”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp:165-173, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Eight instructional Computer Assisted Academic Counseling (CAAC) systems were produced by Computer Assisted Education Center of Anadolu University and six instructions software’s have been developed. At first, tools needed for distant education were defined to design lessons. Then these tools were placed in lesson programs. In order to make the usage of programs easy; some specific standards were defined. The student was enabled to reach the tools whenever he/she needed. Consultants, screen designers and computer programmers helped to develop these programs. GÖÇMEN TÜRKLERE YÖNELİK UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM UYGULAMASI: Federal Almanya’daki Türklerin Eğitim Sorunları ve Anadolu Üniversitesi’nin Batı Avrupa Programları 148- DOGAN, Ahmet Atilla. Göçmen Türklere Yönelik Uzaktan Öğretim Uygulaması: Federal Almanya’daki Türklerin Eğitim Sorunları ve Anadolu Üniversitesi’nin Batı Avrupa Programları [Anadolu University West Europe Project for Turkish Citizens: Distance Education Application], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET. Vol:4 Number1, Article 15, 2005, Sakarya, Türkiye. 132 Anadolu University serves various educational opportunities to Turkish citizens who are living abroa via Open Edcation Faculty. Cologne in Germany is one of these centers where diributing course materials. Conducting academic counselling, computer aided services and realizing exams. This service is started in 1987. In addtion this center gives a service in the name of Ministry of Education since 1997. Namely West Europe Project is very important for Turkish citizens. PROJELİ EGİTİM YAYINLARI VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM 149- DOYMUS, Hüsnur. Projeli Eğitim Yayınları ve Açıköğretim [Projected Educational Broadcating and The Open Education], Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis), 1991, Istanbul, Turkey. This master thesis content is containing five chapters. In the first chapter researcher makes definition of education as a concept, kinds of education, aim of the education, and its problems. The second chapter deals with education via radio and television in education area and developing education via radio and television in Turkey, and its history. In the third chapter researcher mentioned about projected educational broadcasting by giving examples from USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, West Germany, India, Japan, Poland Brazil Italy, Senegal and other her African countries. The fourth chapter points out the application of distance education in Turkey and fifth chapter deals with applying aspects of The Open Education Faculty in Turkey. The last chapter gives brief information about OEF's course materials as visual and audio-televised and radio programs as being one of the projected educational broadcasts. At the final of the study, it is concluded that, distance education and its reflection The Open Education Faculty, and realize applicability as distance education as an example in Turkey. It is running very well now. According to the conclusion of the study researches are shows that developing of Open Education Faculty or distance education will be better in due course in Turkey. 133 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN DISTANCE EDUCATION AND APPLICATION ON STUDENTS OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 150- ERGUL, Hülya. Relationship Between Student Characteristics And Academic Achievement in Distance Education And Application On Students Of Anadolu University, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, April 2004 ISSN 1302-6488, Volume: 5 Number: 2, Eskisehir, Turkey. (This article is English summary of the same titled and unpublished PhD thesis which is completed at Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2003, Eskişehir, Türkiye). This study emphasizes on relationship between academic achievements and student characteristics like demographic properties (age, gender, employed/unemployed), self-efficacy beliefs of distance education, selfregulation, and achievement goals for distance education. Sampling of the study comprised of 124 freshmen year distance education students. Data are presented regarding the relationships between self-efficacy of distance education and academic achievement. Self-regulation and achievement goals of students were not correlated with academic achievement, significantly. Boy and girl students were differing significantly with respect to selfregulation. A significant relationship was seen with respect to self-efficacy of distance education, self-regulation and achievement goals. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM ORTAMLARININ SEÇİMİNDE ÖĞRENCİLERİN ÖĞRENME STİLLERİNİN ÖNEMİ 151- EKICI, Gülay. ‘’Uzaktan Eğitim Ortamlarının Seçiminde Öğrencilerin Öğrenme Stillerinin Önemi [The Importance of Students' Learning Styles for Selecting Distance Educational Medium]’’, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Sayı: 24, 48–55, 2003, Ankara, Türkiye. Today's, the rapid improvements in the area of technology affects the improvement in the area of education. In turn, it necessitates reorganization of the education. The most importance application is distance education. In this study, it is stressed that the learning styles of individuals should be 134 considered in the organization of educational medium which is essential for the distance education-instruction process. Gregorc Style Delineator was applied to 173 students in the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. The results were analyzed in the way of the effects of learning styles of students on choose of Distance Education medium. Some practical suggestions have been put forward as a result of the findings of the study. TURKEY: DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 152- ERAUT, Michael. "Turkey: Distance Education in Turkey”, Education and the Information Society, Council of Europe Publications, Chapter 5, pp: 280-285, Cassell Educational Ltd., 1991 London, UK. This chapter of the book summarizes running of the distance education in Turkey as the Open Education Faculty by utilizing published studies about the OEF. İLETİŞİM SÜRECİNDE MEDYA-MESAJ-YÖNTEM İLİŞKİSİ VE GELENEKSEL EĞİTİMDEN UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMLERİNE GEÇİŞ SÜRECİ 153- EROGLU, Erhan. “İletişim Sürecinde Medya-Mesaj-Yöntem İlişkisi ve Geleneksel Eğitimden Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemlerine Geçiş Süreci [Media-Message-Method Interactivity in Communication Process and the Transition Process from Traditional Education to Distance Teaching Systems]”, Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No:14, pp: 275-294, 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. Having changed with the new advances and in social aspects, humans have had a new profile. When attached too much important to knowledge the way of gaining knowledge and producing the new information has changed. The developed societies have been different from the others with respect to structure and functioning. 135 All these components have been affecting the basic education model and causing radical changes in education systems. With the rapid advances in technology and being easily accessed to information, the new trend for education is coming closer to “open learning” rather than “traditional classrooms”. We should bear in mind that there are different teaching systems that are used in distance learning. These are in the order of: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ . Traditional education . Distance education . Distance teaching . Distance learning . Open Learning These are the different teaching systems, all of which have different educational goals. What makes the difference is that responding to different students’ expectations. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMDE BASILI MATERYALLER (AÖF ÖRNEGİ) 154- GOKDAG, Dursun. Uzaktan Öğretimde Basılı Materyaller (AÖF Örnegi) [Printed Materials in Distance Education; A Case Study on Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 134/54, 1986, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study was about the textbooks, which were used in distance education programs of OEF. The author who evaluated the suitability of text books which were prepared especially for the system from the point of student views and a selected expert group's view; develops suggestions, orientated to application. The first chapter of the book, which consists of two chapters, mentions about theoretical base of distance education. General properties and application methods of distance education and Open Education Faculty applications in Turkey was also mentioned. In second chapter, the results of inquiry applied to 19.030 of the students who were registered to the first grade of The Open Education Faculty, in 1983-84 educational years were evaluated. Author stated that this study makes the strong and the weak sides of OEF's printed materials clear. Generally, the study doesn't give much result when we consider courses and units alone, and for this reason it is needed more research on this subject in future. 136 AÖF'ÜN AÇIKLIK SINIRLARI 155- GOKDAG, Dursun "AÖF'ün Açıklık Sınırları [Openness Boundaries of the Open Education Faculty)", Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 7, pp: 93-504, Yayın No: 3865/149, January, 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. Dr. Gokdag in his article discuss that The Open Education Faculty how open when looking its running. As known distance or open education is quite flexible education. If you put some condition or do not give all services, which are needed by your target students how can you say that I am making a distance education. In this perspective Gokdağ says that it is very difficult to say The Open Education Faculty is not really open inspire of keeping "open" words in front of its name or title. This article brings a new discussion perspective that administrator of the Open Education Faculty have to go over or for its structure or running steps. He suggests that distance education applications be should open as possible as every where even in Turkey too. TÜRKİYE'DE UZAKTAN YÜKSEKÖGRETİMİN SORUNLARI VE YENİ BİR MODEL ÖNERİSİ 156- GOKDAG, Dursun. Türkiye'de Uzaktan Yükseköğretimin Sorunları ve Yeni Bir Model Önerisi [The Problems of Distance Higher Education in Turkey and a Proposal for a New Model], Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 261-269, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Anadolu University is the institution in higher education in Turkey that uses distance education. This university is applying distance education since the education year of 1982-83. Anadolu University, which has initiated applying distance education in one faculty (Faculty of Distance Education) and 2 fields, has increased the number of faculties to 3 and the number of programs to 20. The number of students was 30 thousand in the first year and today this number is 400-500 thousand. In the distance education programs of Anadolu University, as the examinations should be in the form of multiple choices, some problems such as the abuse of system occur. As 137 the private courses establish the possible questions to take place in the examinations and make the students register to these courses memorize these and publish them as books and as the question books are torn, photocopied or stolen during the examination, the system is abused. Especially the students in big cities do not study on the course subjects and do only memorize these questions for the examinations. As a result, Faculty of Distance Education is at present an institution that only distributes diploma. The reason for this is not the distance education system, but the application in the Faculty of Distance Education.Faculty of Distance Education has students everywhere in Turkey. All works such as the registration of these students, all the required transcriptions, preparation of education materials and distribution of them to students, the support services necessary for students, examination and evaluation are tried to be conducted by the Faculty of Distance Education. And the problems in the Faculty of Distance Education arise from such kind of application. In the proposed model, the students who desire to have distance education will be able to be registered to the relevant faculty of the university they wish. The student will be the student of that university. The services such as student transcriptions and the diploma issued will be the diploma of that faculty, not the DE Faculty's. In this model, the responsibility of the Faculty of Distance Education will be limited with the preparation and distribution of the education materials. In the distance education system applied by Anadolu University, it is not possible to overcome this vital problem with the existing centralized structure. However, it is necessary to overcome the experienced problems and to change the current structure. In the presentation, the dimensions of this problem will be emphasized and a more effective and productive system will be emphasized and a more effective and productive system will be discussed. TÜRK YÜKSEK ÖĞRETİM KURUMLARININ YARARLANAMADIĞI GÜÇ: Uzaktan Öğretim 157- GOKDAG, Dursun. "Türk Yüksek Öğretim Kurumlarının Yararlanamadığı Güç: Uzaktan Öğretim [Not Using Power by 138 Turkish Higher Education Institution: Distance Education]", AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 2325, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Anadolu University, which started its distance teaching programs in 1982, is the first and only distances Teaching University in Turkey. The system has been used as a solution for many educational needs. For instance, it is used for greater equality of opportunity of access to higher education; for those adults who had missed the opportunity to attend an University; and again for adults to have access to educational opportunities throughout their lives in order to renew or update their knowledge. The system is also used for teacher and health education and to train people for the tourism sector. Anadolu University has extended its distance programs to Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and to West European Countries. Anadolu’s international organization is a gigantic system that has been running for 20 years, without any serious problems. One of the areas for which distance education can be used is to solve the problem of faculty shortage. Unfortunately many universities have been suffering from the shortage of faculty for years. It may seem strange enough that not one of those universities has tried to encourage their students to take some courses from existing distance teaching programs in Turkey. This study examined the possible reasons and solutions of Turkish Universities’ attitudes towards distance education programs. of particular interest is examining the reason why these universities are not collaborating with Anadolu University about its distance education programs. A UNIQUIE SUPPORT SERVICE FOR DISTANCE STUDENTS: Private Sector Helps Distance Students Prepare Themselves For Their Examinatıons In Turkey 158- GOKDAG, Dursun. A Uniquie Support Servıce For Distance Students: Private Sector Helps Distance Students Prepare Themselves For Their Examinations in Turkey, 2. International Open and Distance Learning Symposium, pp. 765–773, september 15, 2006, Eskisehir Turkey. 139 Open Education Faculty (OEF)) students get assistance to overcome their learning obstacles by attending special courses organized by private sector in Turkey. This study is related to display the teaching-learning services of these private courses. What necessities have raised this phenomenon? What kinds of services are submitted? How much widespread are these services? And is there any dimensions that OEF make use are the questions that tried to be answered in this research. For the data collection, a face to face and a telephone interview has been conducted with the two oldest private course owners, and their web sites are examined. The first course organizations started right at the beginning of OEF. There is more than 200 private course organization for OEF students in all over the Turkey. 65% percent of these organizations are in the three biggest cities. These organizations are offering face to face instruction, selling books and VCD sets, and giving tests to students. It can be said that these courses are functioning like the student support service of OEF. But they have been ignored by OEF since their establishment. It seems a wise idea For OEF, to communicate with these courses for the advantage of its own students. On the other hand, OEF books have been used in these courses, so nobody can evaluate the books better than the teachers who are teaching at the courses. THE REASONS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION FACULTY STUDENTS ATTENDING THE COURSES ORGANIZED BY PRIVATE SECTOR AND THEIR SELF-ESTEEM LEVELS 159- GOKDAG, Rüchan. The Reasons of Distance Education Faculty Students Attending The Courses Organized By Private Sector And Theır Self-Esteem Levels, 2. International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium, pp. 699-708, September 15, 2006, Eskisehir Turkey. Thousands of Open Education Faculty (OEF) students are attending special courses organized by the private sector to get assistance for success in examinations in Turkey. The Main objectives of this paper are to reveal the reasons of OEF students for attending these courses and to show the selfesteem levels of these students. This study was carried out on a study group of 93 OEF students in Eskişehir. Two instruments were used for data collection. A questionnaire specially prepared for collecting demographic 140 data related to students and the reasons of students for attending private sector courses. Secondly, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was used for the students’ self esteem levels. According to the findings, approximately 35 percent of the students have moved from some other places to Eskişehir just to attend the courses. The reasons for attending these courses are: 33,5 percent for being successful, 24,2 percent for a better education, 10,7 percent for selfconfidence and 10,1percent for the social environment in the city. It is observed that 64,5 percent of the respondents’ self-esteem level is high, it is moderate for 32,3 percent, and that only 3,2 percent is low. SİSTEM YAKLASIMI İLE TELEVİZYON EGİTİM PROGRAMI YAPIMI (AÖF ÖRNEGİ) 160- GUCHAN, Naci. Sistem Yaklaşımı ile Televizyon Eğitim Programı Yapımı (AÖF Örneği) [Production of Educational TV Program by System Approach; A Case Study on Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No:286/135, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. This book has been prepared as a doctoral dissertation in 1987. This study was done to make clear how a TV educational program is prepared by using system approach and to develop suggestions for recovering TV course programs that were applied in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty system today, in present conditions. Suggestions were taken a place as a short term and long term about the manpower and process, which will provide system's operation in a better way, in the study. It was also given place to the necessity of accumulation of developing materials in an education program, and to the importance of harmonious collaboration between subject expert and other experts on this area. AÇIKÖĞRETİM'İN PROFİLİ 161- GUCLU, Abbas. "Açıköğretim'in Profili [Profile of Open Education]", Milliyet Gazetesi, p: 9, February 5, 1999, Istanbul, Turkey. 141 Anadolu University Open Education Faculty is conducted a survey in 1999 on to find out its student profile. Journalist Güçlü in his column in Milliyet Daily summarizes this survey on February 1999. According to the survey some results are here. 62% of OEF students are over 24 years old and 79% working. 46% of them are working in government sector and 54% in private sector. Sex distribution of the OEF students’ is 60% male and 40% female. 890% of the OEF students’ are satisfy to be OEF student. 22% of students’ attending OEF for prove their self, 26% for to receive diploma, 29% promote in their job, 8% increase professional knowledge, 5% to find better job etc. UZAKTAN ÖĞRENENLERİN E-POSTAYLA ETKİLEŞİME GİRME SIKLIKLARIYLA YÜZ YÜZE ORTAMLARDA İLETİŞİME GİRME İSTEKLİLİKLERİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ 162- GULER, Can. Uzaktan Öğrenenlerin E-Postayla Etkileşime Girme Sıklıklarıyla Yüz Yüze Ortamlarda İletişime Girme İsteklilikleri arasındaki İlişki [The Relation Between The Interaction Frequency of Distance Learners Through E-Mail and Willingness To Communicate in Face to Face Media]. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 2007, Eskisehir, Turkey. This research’s sample is a group of student of Anadolu University Information Management Vocational Program. This study composes the variants which are related to interpersonal verbal communication and online learning areas. Willingness to communicate which is one of the variants on verbal communication area transferred to an online media, its influences have been argued to analyze. The main aim of the study is to search whether the communication attitudes of persons in face to face medias are performed in online e-learning medias as well and the relation between communication attitudes and success of them.In the research McCroskey and Richmond’s Willingness to Communicate Scale (WTC) which is authoritative and accredited to determine the willingness of the learners to communicate. The frequency of the learners’ interaction in online e-learning media has been determined through the number of sent emails. Subsequently as to the willingness of the learners to communicate, interaction frequency of them in online media has been compared. As a conclusion of this research, the fact that the learners who have high 142 willingness to communicate in face to face media don’t need interaction in online medias very frequently has been observed. However, it is stated that the learners who have low willingness to communicate have been trying to dispel that deficiency interacting more frequently. Moreover it has been observed that as long as the frequency of learners’ interaction increases, lesson success grades have been increased. In respect of the data gathered and conclusion of the study, series of suggestions have been improved for designers and operators. ÜLKEMİZDE UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM UYGULAMALARI SORUNLAR VE ÖNERİLER 163- GULEZ, Kayhan, Bekir KARLIK and Celal KOCATEPE. "Ülkemizde Uzaktan Öğretim Uygulamaları, Sorunlar ve Öneriler [Distance Education Application: Problems, Suggestions]”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 281-285, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. In Turkey, distance education applications have been a necessary condition due to increasing student number and limited class numbers when it is paid attention for serious situations in our daily technology. The education has been in progress for fifteen years in Turkey. This program is being worked to apply by based on universities to high school recently. If necessary legal changes are done to paying attention for daily needs it can be used more productively for every education area. They give problems and solution methods as a suggestion series for this aim. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖGRENCİLERİNİN TELEVİZYON DERS PROGRAMLARINI İZLEME ETKİNLİKLERİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 164- GULTEKIN, Bilgi. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Ögrencilerinin Televizyon Ders Programlarını İzleme Etkinliklerinin Degerlendirilmesi [An Evaluation of OEF Students’ Watching TV Activities in OEF Education Programs], Anadolu 143 Üniversitesi Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study aims to find out the same answers for the question of what kind activities OEF student do before, during and after watching TV Education program produced by OEF. According to the results of the research; students are bewaring of watching TV programs; but the watching rate of students generally does not fit. For this reason, related persons, institutions and units should pay attention to the findings that were obtained from the results of the study and suggestions that were given in the directions of findings that were obtained from the research should be applied carefully. By this way, watching activities of the students will be increased as desired. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ TELEVİZYON DERSLERİNİN NİTELİGİ VE KİTAPLARLA İLİSKİSİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARASTIRMA 165- GUNAY, Aysel, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Televizyon Derslerinin Niteliği ve Kitaplarla İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma [A Research on Relationships Between OEF's TV Course Programs Characteristics and Printed Materials], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study consists of four chapters. In the study different methods of using TV in education according to the developing and changing conditions in the society and it was given in formations about TV's superiorities as an educational medium, communicating of TV education programs to the audience, education program species, characteristics of a well-done educational TV program and The OEF program and The Open Education Faculty were stated. The problem that how TV course programs used in distance education application of The Open Education Faculty carries the characteristics was examined according to the printed materials. 144 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM KURUMLARINDA HALKLA İLİŞKİLER ETKİNLİKLERİ VE UYGULAMA BOYUTLARI 166- GUNAY, Ak. Aysel. Uzaktan Öğretim Kurumlarında Halkla İlişkiler Etkinlikleri ve Uygulama Boyutları, [Public Relation Activities and Aplication Aspects at Distance Education Institutions], Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished PhD dissertation, 2001, Konya, Turkey. The development, which Anadolu University Distance Education Service has put forward as a solution to education problems in Turkey as an alternative since 1982 and the problems it has had so far, has been a good subject for many studies. This study, based on the opinion of the community forwards Open Education System, its effects and activities like supplying support services to its students, has tried to investigate what kinds of public relations activities have been put forward and what kinds of activities are still needed. The study has tried to express an important aspect of Open Education, which hasn’t been studied so far in relation to necessity orders based on literature, forming theoretical foundation and interviews, observations and experience of the investigator. In the first part of the study, traditional education and distance education concepts as the education environment have been studied, the distance education with the concept of education, coverage and function has been summaries with the development of distance education both in Turkey and all over the world again this party of the study has also tried to explain the structures of distance education institutions and the media used in distance education. In the second part, which deals with the activities and the process of public relations as an environment of communication in the life of community and organization, the process of public relations with its definition importance and basic future has been explained, the communication environments and the media used in public relations and the image of organization and identity of organization as an important dimension of public relations have been expressed. The third part mainly focuses on the direction and the dimension of public relation activities in education institutions and the structures of the education 145 institutions to form a basis to the activities of public relations in distance education institutions, and this part also explains the target public of these education institutions. The effects and aspects of internal target public mainly students, managers, educationalist, families, gradates and working personals, and people of the country other education institutions central organization, press and publishing institutions, pressure groups and others as the external target public. The fourth part concentrates on Anadolu University Open Education System, student information, and the intuitional structures of distance education faculties, education programs and their environments. Student service offices, computer assisted education laboratories as the activities of public relations, the newspaper as a communication medium with in the institution, other printed materials, communication center, internet and the news group, trial tests, news program, video conference center, fair, education exhibitions, introductory trips and the graduation ceremony have been also mentioned in this port. Later on the necessities based on the opinion and thoughts of the investigator have been discussed. A CENTRALIZED CAI MODEL FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION IN OEF 167- GUNES, Ali. "A Centralized CAI Model for Distance Education in OEF”, Seminar ADCIS held by Association of Computer Based Instructional System, 5p, November 7-10, 1988, Pennsylvania, USA. The Open Education Faculty (OEF) of Anadolu University, Eskisehir, is the one of the leading educational institution of Turkey, with approximately 130.000 students. There are four interrelated educational components in OEF, which are text, TV and Radio programs, video education centers and academic counseling instruction. This paper introduces a centralized computer based aid introduction and tutors for distance education. It is in project at the moment, but could be accepted as the fifth component of the Open Education Faculty. 146 KURULUŞUNUN 10. YILINDA AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ'NİN BİLGİSAYAR GEREKSİNMESİNDEKİ GELİŞMELER VE YENİ OLANAKLAR 168- GUNES, Ali. Kuruluşunun 10. Yılında Açıköğretim Fakültesi'nin Bilgisayar Gereksinmesindeki Gelişmeler ve Yeni Olanaklar [Developments and New Possibilities for the Neccesities of the Open Education Faculty at 10th Anniversary], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 663 /326, 1992, Eskisehir, Turkey. This research has been done for 10th anniversary of the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. The study consists of mainly three chapters. In the first chapter, establishment, components and developments in Open Education Faculty has been considered, first. Information was given on the programs that were started in 1982-1991. Also, information was given for the developments of computer needs of Computer Research and Application Center of Anadolu University (AUBAUM) and total computer needs of Open Education Faculty, for the same period. The second chapter contains the computer needs of Open Education Faculty. Those computer needs are new registration, re-registration, student and grade, examinations, student office application in the provinces and faceto-face education. All this computer needs were considered separately.In the third chapter, problems and their solutions on the computer needs and pplications were considered. In this study, three sources of problems were determined. The first source of problems is insufficient hardware that is present. The second source of problems is growing number of students that force applications. The third source of the problems is low level of accomplishment of the students in examinations. In this study there are separate proposals for each problem and its sources. The common subject in that proposal is heavily using of computers and communication media. JANDARMA PERSONELİNİN MESLEKİ GELİŞİMİNDE UZAKTAN EĞİTİMİN YERİ 169- GUNI, Ömer. Jandarma Personelinin Mesleki Gelişiminde Uzaktan Eğitimin Yeri [Role of Distance Education at 147 Professional Development of Gendarme Personnel], Anadolu Üniversitesi, XVI, ss.118, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 2005, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The following needs of Gendarmerie General Command, which is responsible for protecting general security and public order with its organisational structure spreaded whole country, make necessary Distance Education; ever-increasing in amount of professional Gendarme officers, Non Commissioned Officers and specialised Gendarmerie, need for capable personnel specialised on responsibility areas according to the developments in concepts of crimes and criminals, and need for transmitting of developments in law regulations related with the duties of the Gendarmerie into practice. Distance Education to this necessity, in this research, an evaluation of the courses which were given to Gendarmerie personnel by means of Distance Education is made and some findings about these courses are reached by taking the opinions of related personnel. It is assessed that the information acquired by this research will be helpful for; giving a different point of view to trainees and trainers, giving a new dimension to the studies for increasing the efficiency of the course schedules and rearranging of course contents, and giving direction to new practices with the methods of distance. E-ÖĞRENMEDE SANAL ŞİRKET UYGULAMASI: ANAYAY.COM ÖRNEĞİ 170- GUMUS, Salih. Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT and M. Recep OKUR. E-öğrenmede Sanal Şirket Uygulaması: Anayay.com Örneği: [Virtual Company in E-learning: ANANAY. COM Case]", 3. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 25 Kasım 2004, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this study, an enterprise environment which has been fictionalized to teach the students of the Information Management Vocational Program, a completely internet-based program, software using and to make them experienced in business life is analyzed. The students are assigned different 148 roles and different tasks appropriate for those roles in this enterprise. The tasks assigned can be both individual-work oriented and team-work oriented. The students practice how to use the softwares taught in a business environment while performing their tasks as if they were an employee of the business. All these jobs are done on the work portal of this virtual business. In this way, the students gain experience in business life developing their problem-solving skills to the problems they may encounter in a real business environment. ÇEVRİMİÇİ İŞBİRLİĞİ EKİPLERİNDE ÖĞRENENLERİN SORUN ÇÖZEREK ÖĞRENMEYLE İLGİLİ TUTUM ve GÖRÜŞLERİ 171- GUMUS, Salih. Çevrimiçi İşbirliği Ekiplerinde Öğrenenlerin Sorun Çözerek Öğrenmeyle İlgili Tutum ve Görüşleri [Attitudes and Views of Online Cooperative Learning Teams Toward Learning by Problem Solving], Unpublished MA thesis, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The aim of this research is to find out students' attitudes against cooperative learning when they work together to solve their homeworks as a team and cooperative learning's effects on students' problem solving ability. Basic describtive model has been used in this research. In order to collect data a questionary which was prepared by the help of experts in the field has been used. The questionary consists of 24 questions. Second grade students of Anadolu University Internet Based Information Management Associate Degree Programme participated in the questionary process on an online learning environment.. 120 out of 180 questionaries have been returned and 111 out of 120 are valid. In order to process data, evaluation methods such as frequncy distribution, percentage calculations, T test, Mann Whitney U test, ANOVA test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Post Hoc Tukey tests were used.This research shows perceptions of learners learning in online environment towards problem solving through cooperative work in an online environment. Learners believe that problem solving via cooperative work is useful but they have difficulties in adaptaing themselves to coopeative learning. Working with cooperative teams promoted the communication skills and 149 sense of responsibility of the learners. The team members worked by trusting each other. It can be stated that learners may prefer cooperative work to individual work if their negative attitudes towards cooperative work are removed. THE STUDENTS ATTITUDE VIA PROBLEM SOLVING IN ONLINE COOPERATION: A Case Study in Associate Degree in Internet Assisted Information Management Program at Anadolu University, Faculty of Acikogretim in Turkey (Open Education Faculty) 172- GUMUS, Salih and Murat ATAIZI. The Students Attitude Via Problem Solving In Online Cooperation: A Case Study in Associate Degree in Internet Assıisted Information Management Program At Anadolu University, Faculty of Acikogretim in Turkey (Open Education Faculty), In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007, pp. 2597-2600, 2007,Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Today, business enterprises are working with the assistance of internet in mobile offices. The data, common project management, and data circulation are realized over portal sites in companies. For this purpose, the employees must have team working and problem solving skills to finalize the project or to solve the problem in internet medium. One of the ways to achieve this goal is that the students of undergraduate and graduate programs must be trained with certain problems in team works in internet. This study serves for the research of student attitude in online Education media during the case of cooperative homework studying. 111 Information Management Program’s students have participated to the study. MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULLARI VE UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM 173- GURBUZ, Rıza. Meslek Yüksekokulları ve Uzaktan Öğretim [Two-Year Vocation Colleges and Distance Learning], I. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Fuarı, Konferans, 2001, Sakarya, Türkiye. 150 Because of the rapid increase in the youth population and the inadequate increase in the capacities of the universities, the number of students that will enter to university examination will reach to 2 millions within 5 years in our country. The formal education and open learning capacity is approximately 500.000. If this is considered, it is obviously seen how big the problem is. The rapid increases in the informatics technologies are serving new opportunities to the educators in learning. Until 2006, the two year colleges can increase their capacity; which is 140.000 in 2001, to 200,000 in the end of 5 years’ duration with the supports of university rectorates and with the usage of informatics technologies and distance learning. In this paper the studies on distance learning in Turkey and in the world, the equipment required for distance learning and approximate costs are told, and in the last part the suggestions related with the distance learning in two year colleges will be presented. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMDE BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ EĞİTİMİ DESTEKLEYİCİ BASILI MATERYALLER 174- GURCAN, H. Ibrahim and Rusen YILMAZ. "Uzaktan Ögretimde Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitimi Destekleyici Basılı Materyaller [Printed Materials Supported by Computer Assisted Education in Distance Education]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 287-296, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Computer Assisted Education Center of Anadolu University produces course software for Computer Assisted Academic Counseling. In the center, it was studied on educational, visual and technical designs of printed materials to support to course software. In this study, the educational visual and technical characteristics of printed materials to support course software produced by the center have been investigated. To develop course software's action: ¾ Prepared materials before the project process ¾ Prepared materials during the project process ¾ Prepared materials after project processes are researched. 151 ¾ These material's characteristics are evaluated and discussed on the ¾ Computer Assisted Academic Counseling services. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMDE BASILI MATERYALLERİN YAYIMI: Açiköğretim Fakültesi Örneği 175- GURCAN, H. Ibrahim and Rusen YILMAZ. "Uzaktan Öğretimde Basılı Materyallerin Yayımı: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği [Printed Materials Publishing in Distance Education: A Sample of Open Education Faculty]”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 297-303, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Printed materials in distance education are based on the process of education. The publishing process of materials are included to find authors, to be written and edited of text books, to print it and to discrimination of printed materials to students. In this study: ¾ The publishing process of printed materials in distance education. ¾ View of the authors and editors on preparing materials. ¾ The processes of preparing materials. ¾ Material selection, number of copies and print-time are investigated. ¾ To be applied to these processes by the Anadolu University the problems in these applications and to suggest the solutions for the problems. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MATERYALLERİNDE TELİF HAKLARI VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİNDE UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ 176- GURCAN, H. Ibrahim ve Aydın Z. OZGUR. Uzaktan Eğitim Materyallerinde Telif Hakları ve Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Uygulama Örnekleri [Copyright in Distance Education 152 Materials and Application Examples at Open Education Faculty], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. To increase the speed of production and spread of information, to maintain the creativeness of creators who produce the works is only possible with the application of copyright laws effectively and productively. The laws related to copyright should be renewed in accordance with the developing communication technologies as well as social, economical and political structure of the country. This study explains what kind of copyright laws are applicable in the materials of open education faculty (books, television education Programs, radio Programs, CD ROM, exam leaflets, etc) and what kind of applications are carried out in terms of the available laws about copyright at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. ONLINE NEWSPAPER AS AN INTERACTION TOOL IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: A Sample Application of the Open Education Faculty In Anadolu University 177 GURCAN, H. I and Aydın Z. OZGUR. ‘’Online Newspaper as Interaction Tool in Distance Education: A Sample Application of the Open Education Faculty in Anadolu University’’, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology–TOJET, January 2004 ISSN: 1303–6521 Volume 3, Issue 1, Article 6, Sakarya, Turkey. Using newspaper as a support material in distance education is a method integrated in almost every education applications. Newspapers are broadcasted monthly, bimonthly, every three moths or quarterly to create a positive opinion in public, announce students’ problems, produce solutions to these problems, release news related with students, improve relationships between students and institutions, and develop a belonging feeling of the institution, which is a very important function of education to encourage student learning. 153 Hence, institution success and reliability are increased by providing information in detail to students and public opinions. Developing and improving a broadcast opportunity with the Internet becomes necessary to provide a frequently updated Web site, which informs students and also help them avoid printed newspaper cost and time related problems by taking in consideration. In this study, online newspaper has started to replace printed newspaper as a medium to provide interaction between students and institutions in distance education. This necessity will be discussed later, and also presented a sample project on an online newspaper in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. 3-D COMPUTER ANIMATION PRODUCTION PROCESS ON DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS THROUGH TELEVISION: Anadolu University Oef (The Open Educational Faculty) Model 178- GURSAC, Yucel. “3-D Computer Animation Production Process on Distance Education Programs Through Television: Anadolu University OEF (The Open Educational Faculty) Model”, TOJDE-Turkish Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 2, Number: 2, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. Anadolu University began distance education applications and TV broadcasting related to this concept on 1982-1983 academic year. 3-d (threedimensional) computer animation techniques started TV be used in educational TV programs on1989, the same year when the Animation Department was established. The Animation Department, which was originally found under the name Electronic Graphics, is formed so as to benefit from the production and expression advantages of 3-d computer animation techniques that became widespread through technological improvements. By this study it is aimed to point out how and where 3-d computer animation techniques can be put into work usefully during the process of the production of TV educational programs of Anadolu University OEF. Besides this general goal, to state the position, importance and production levels of animation can be expressed as a sub-goal of the study. 154 This study is limited with the usage of 3-d computer animation on educational TV programs of OEF. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE TELEVİZYON VE TELEVİZYON ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ 179- GURSES, Nedim, Mediha SAGLIK, Emine. DEMIRAY, Serap OZTURK and Aydın Z. OZGUR. ‘’Uzaktan Öğretimde Televizyon ve Televizyon Öğretmenliği [Television Instructor in Distance Education and Instruction on Television]”, Türkiye II. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), Uzaktan Eğitim Vakfı, pp: 208-219, May 4-8, 1998, Ankara, Turkey. The aim of this study is to discuss the importance of the television in distance education and the role of the television instructor for the success of the TV Programs. Television has an important role for its special place, presentation style and specialties in distance education. The success on television Programs like others communicational components to support of the effectiveness and healthier of the communication process is up to two elements: Message, the willingness of the receiver's during learning process and receiver and coded knowledge according to the televisions educational power and teaching learning process. Here is television instructor has a very important role as a person who has a part during the coding process. Whatever the technology changes, educational content and its presentation are very important in every part of the technology. In other words, it is very important that which knowledge is presented to the student, which aim, how and who is going to present it and how and who is going to program the information. In this study will discuss role and importance of television teachers’ in visual medium during 21st distance education applications such as educational TV Programs, virtual classroom, internet and online courses. At this point, it is obvious that television instructors should have some features and beside of these they should have a special education process. 155 DIE GEGENWARTIGE ENTWICKLUNG DES BILDUNGSWESENST IN DER TÜRKEI 180- HAKAN, Ayhan. Die Gegenwartige Entwicklung Des Bildungswesenst in Der Türkei. [Distance Education in Turkey] Deutsches Institut Für Fernstudien An Der Universitat Tübingen, 168p, 1986, Tübingen, Germany. This study is aimed to introduce distance education method to the educators who are responsible of the Turkish childrens’ education in Germany. It is realized in Tübingen University at Germany Distance education Institute (DIFF). EGİTİM ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 181- HAKAN, Ayhan. Eğitim Önlisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training Program], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 363/146, 1991, Eskisehir, Turkey. This empirical study gives a place of evaluation for teacher training program for associate degree provided by the OEF, using distance education system. Study contains eight chapters. First chapter is dealing with the history of teacher education in Turkey, from 1923s to today. Other chapters tell about prepared program by OEF, organization, course evaluation, findings, qualification, conclusion and suggestion. Some of data obtained end of evaluation from applying questionnaire are: ¾ Program has provided professional information and general culture, ¾ Program has provided a chance for higher education opportunity for future, ¾ The materials which are used in program, adequate for tolearn process in distance education system, ¾ Older teachers are more successful than younger teachers. ¾ Author has given a place to some suggestions at the endof study as: ¾ A chance must given to this group for to complete their graduate level education in future 156 ¾ Ministry of Education must organize in-service trainingcourse in future for this group ¾ Managers of primary and secondary schools' must attend ¾ "Administrator Certificate" courses in the future. EGİTİM ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI VE UYGULAMASI 182- HAKAN, Ayhan."Eğitim Önlisans Programi ve Uygulamasi [Education Pre-Bachelor Program and Its Application]”, Eğitim Bilimleri 1. Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Yayın No: 165, 1991, Ankara, Turkey. This article discusses an aspect of pre-Bachelor program organized approximately for 130.000 primary school teacher training in 1986 educational year by the Open Education Faculty. It gives brief information about the contents of the program, characteristics of the students and course materials. BRANŞ ÖGRETMENLERİ LİSANS TAMAMLAMA PROGRAMLARI 183- HAKAN, Ayhan. "Branş Öğretmenleri Lisans Tamamlama Programları [Complete Degree Programs for Branch Teachers]”, Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 465/211, pp: 543-569, 1991, Eskisehir, Turkey. Anadolu University started to give one-year education for secondary school teachers for complete diploma degree on Turkish Language and Literature, History, Geography, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Painting, Physical education, French, English, Germany fields by OEF. AÇIKÖĞRETİM YAYIN KATOLOGU 184- HAKAN, Ayhan, Kazım SEZGIN, Mehmet GULTEKIN and Selma OZCUBAY. Açıköğretim Yayın Kataloğu [Catalogue of 157 Open Education Publications], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 914/493, 383 p, 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. This catalogue consists of all Open Education Faculty programs' printed and audio-video course lists systematically from beginning up to now. It is a very useful study for the Turkish researchers who will study on Open education publication and broadcast subjects. In Addition, catalogue gives information about of the TV course materials scenario and production knowledge. UZAKTAN ÖGRETİMDE ÜNİTE YAZIMI 185- HAKAN, Ayhan. "Uzaktan Ögretimde Ünite Yazımı [Writing Unit in Distance Education]”, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 912/492, Vol: 2, No: 1, pp: 1-13, Bahar (Spring Issue), 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. This article points out that writting criterias of the Open Education Faculty's printed course materials unit. İLKOKUL ÖĞRETMENLERİ LİSANS TAMAMLAMA PROGRAMI 186- HAKAN, Ayhan, Ersan SOZER and Mehmet GULTEKIN. "İlkokul Öğretmenleri Lisans Tamamlama Programı [Degree Complete Program for Primary School Teachers]", Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 912/492, Vol: 2, No: 1, pp: 14-40, Bahar 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study is summarized that degree complete program for primary school teachers’ profile and structure, content and educational components, process, educational materials of the applied program. BATI AVRUPA AÇIKÖĞRETİM PROGRAMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 158 187- HAKAN, Ayhan. Batı Avrupa Açıköğretim Programlarının Değerlendirilmesi [An Evaluation of the West Europe OEF Programs], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 915/494, 1996, Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this study West Europe Project programsa are mentioned which apply by the Open Education Faculty. Study consist of the aim and conten of the programs, education process, attititues of graduates and running of the system for the Turkish students who are living in West European countries. In addition, the problems of the programs which are met also metioned in this study. BATI AVRUPA AÇIKÖĞRETİM PROGRAMLARI 188- HAKAN, Ayhan. "Batı Avrupa Açıköğretim Programları [West Europe Open Education Programs]", Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 983/549, C.2, S.2, ss.1-18, Kış 1996, Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this study, programsa re intrduce which are giving by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty to Turkish citiziens who are living in West Europe countries. FERNSTUDIUM IN DER TÜRKEI 189- HAKAN, Ayhan and Mustafa SAGLAM. Fernstudium in der Türkei, TABO-Aktuell. Vereninzeitschrift der Türkischen zu Akademiker Bochum, No:6 January, 1997, Germany. This study aimed for give some brief information to the Germanian readers about Turkish Distance education experiences in German Language. AÇIKÖGRETİM SİSTEMİ LİSANS PROGRAMLARININ DEGERLENDİRİLMESİ 190- HAKAN, Ayhan., Aydın Z. OZGUR, Erdal KARA, Dilaver KURUM and Berrin OZKANAL, Açıkögretim Sistemi Lisans Programlarının Degerlendirilmesi[An Evaluation of 159 Bacholar Degree Programs of Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 1554/819, ISBN 97506022773, 215pp, 2004, Eskisehir, Türkiye. In this research study, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Business Adminstration of Anadolu Universiy bacholar degree programs were evaluated from point of organizational regulations of education/teching medium during its twenty-year educational experience. In this meaning, the aim, printed materials, broadcasted TV programmes, application and organization of academic counselling, computer aided academic counselling, exams, student supported services of bacholar degree programs were investigated from point of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Obtained data were compared and related according to gender, living place, years of graduate and level of class of the students via multiple cross method. Study includes three main chapters. The first chapter explains detaily Anadolu’s Open Education/Learning System. The second chapter deals with the methodology of the study. The third and last chapter includes obtained data and its interpretations. As a result, study serves that the latest facts figures and twenty-year educating experience of Anadolu’s Open Education/Learning System. THE STATE OF THE ART OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN EUROPE AS REPRESENTED IN PRE-CONFERENCE SURVEY 191- HARRY, Keith "The State of the Art of Distance Education in Europe as Represented in Pre-Conference Survey”, Proceedings of the ICDE European Conference on Distance Education, May 2-5, 1990, at the Technical University of Budapest, pp: 33-35, 1990, Budapest, Hungary. Keith Harry is director of International Center for Distance Learning (ICDL). His brief present article is based on survey of Distance Education Institution in Europe. According to his survey findings, Anadolu University The Open Education Faculty is mentioned as the largest volume off-campus distance education institution in Europe. 160 DISTANCE EDUCATION IN EUROPE: A SURVEY 192- HARRY, Keith. Distance Education in Europe: A Survey, Budapest Platform Conference, Prauge, Chechoslovakia, pp: 6-77, ICDL, Open University, Milton Keynes, 1991, UK. This study summarizes distance education institutions in Europe. The study gives a place to all of them with their general characteristics. Data were collected from the survey, which is applied in 1990. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİNDE ÖĞRENCİ SAYISI TAHMİNİNDE BENZETİM YAKLAŞIMI 193- HASGUL, Servet and Zehra Kamışlı OZTURK. Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Öğrenci Sayısı Tahmininde Benzetim Yaklaşımı [A Simulation Approach For Forecasting The Number of Students in Distance Education Faculty], YA/EM'2004Yöneylem Araştırması/ Endüstri Mühendisliği, XXIV Ulusal Kongresi, 15-18 Haziran 2004, Gaziantep-Adana, Türkiye. Forecasting numbers of students in education systems’ was quite difficult and essential problem because of the fact that the number of students is one of the most volatile components of these systems. The aim of this study is forecasting the number of students that will be in the following education terms in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (OEF). These numbers are important in planning and printing decisions of the books of the lessons. In order to make those predictions, we need to consider the dynamic and probabilistic structure of the system. So, in this study we use simulation techniques that consider this structure of the system. After the investigation of the students’ moving in OEF education system, a simulation model for prediction of the number of students per lessons. Validity and verification analysis of the model results show that our model can be used for those predictions. TURKEY: Home ohe Worlds Largest Student Body 194- HOLBROOK, Deborah. “Turkey: Home of the Worlds Largest Student Body”, Distance Educator Report, Published by the International Monetary Fund, February 15, 2002, USA. 161 In 1998-1999, 650.000 students were participating in 18 different programs at Turkey’s Anadolu University. At that time The World Bank recognized Anadolu as the world’s largest university. Since 1998, video conferencing from studios in Ankara provides live, face-to-face interaction with instructors. In January 1999 direct Internet, e-mail, and fax connections via satellite were started so that the students could have question and answer discussions with instructors. Future plans include increasing the capacity of the TV band, more video conferencing, and establishing a pre-school teacher education. Anadolu continues to investigate the possibility of more computers based communication technologies to improve access and flexibility, including remote electronic classrooms, more teaching materials, and employing foreign experts. OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION: A Comparative Analysis of The Open Education System In Turkey and the Open University in The United Kingdom 195- ICBAY, Mehmet Ali. Open and Distance Education: A Comparative Analysis of The Open Education System In Turkey And The Open University In The United Kingdom, V Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Eylül 2005, Sakarya, Türkiye. The 21th century is an era of sudden changes in the social, economic, political and cultural values. As an element of the society, education is affected by those changes as well. The high demand for personal development, the great increase in population, the technological developments spreading its effects to the education and the new perspective viewing education as a key to remaining competitive in the national and international enterprises lead to an inquiry for new, effective and efficient methods in education. Open and distance education is a result of this growing inquiry.A comparative education vista reinforces the understanding of the educational dynamics by providing a set of analytical categories and modes for examining the realities of education. This perspective underlies the approach of this study in conducting a comparative examination of two open and distance education institutions, 162 the Open Education System in Anadolu University, Turkey, and the Open University in the United Kingdom. The study first describes open and distance education briefly, and then gives its brief history. At then end, by relying on statistical data and relevant literature, the dimensions of comparative analysis in these two open and distance education institutions, which involve the country context, the origins of the institutions, the institutional organization, the staffing and students and the finance in the institutions, are investigated. INFLUENCES OF SOCIAL STRUCTURE ON IMPLEMENTATION AND EVOLUTION OF TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION 196- INAN, Fethi A and Erman YUKSELTURK. Influences of Social Structure on Implementation and Evolution of Turkish Distance, MSERA 2004, Gatlinburg, TN, November 17-19, 2004, USA.(Data is unavailable) (Data is not obtained about this study) DIFFUSION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKISH HIGHER EDUCATION 197- ISMAN, Aytekin. "Diffusion of Distance Education in Turkish Higher Education”, Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol: 45, No: 2, pp: 124-128, 1997, USA. In this paper, Roger's theory was used to analyze the acceptance and implementation of the innovation of distance education in Turkey. Distance education was not successfully adopted between 1970 and 1980 in Turkey because of organizational problems. Distance education was effectively and efficiently diffused in Turkey after 1982. Thousands of students today get university diploma degree by graduating from distance education. On the other hand, problems of organization, technology and perception remain to be addressed. It is hoped that in the future the Open Education Faculty will be independent or have more autonomy. This will help it deliver instruction to its students. 163 UZAKTAN EĞİTİM GENEL TANIMI TÜRKİYE’DEKİ GELİŞİMİ VE PROJE DEĞERLENDİRMELERİ 198- ISMAN, Aytekin. Uzaktan Eğitim Genel Tanımı Türkiye’deki Gelişimi ve Proje Değerlendirmeleri [General Definition of Distance Education Development in Turkey and Evaluation of Project], Değişim Yayınları, 127p, 1998, Adapazarı, Turkey. Communication technology is one of the rapid developments today. Of course developments on communication technology affects our daily life. But, especially education world was one of the most effected parts from these developments in our life. Distance education, as being 21st Century’ education model will have been affected too. In this book has mentioned that effecting and developing of distance education institutions for the reason of developments communication technology. By the way Turkey should integrate its distance education systems according to these developments, conducting projects scale. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE ÖĞRENME-ÖĞRETME SÜRECİNİN DİJİTAL TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIĞI İLE DESTEKLENMESİ VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ LİSANS PROGRAMI İÇİN MODEL ÖNERİSİ 199- ISPIR, Burçin. Uzaktan Eğitimde Öğrenme-Öğretme Sürecinin Dijital Televizyon Yayıncılığı İle Desteklenmesi Ve Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı İçin Model Önerisi[The Supporting of Learning and Teaching Process in Distance Education by Digital Television Broadcasting- a Suggested Model for Open Education Faculty English Teaching Program], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, Unpublished MA Thesis, 2003, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The improvements in television technology make it possible to exceed the limited one way communication structure of television expect live broadcast, and this pattern provides the broadcast audience be active and interactive. The new television watching behaviour which is changed by 164 digital broadcasting permits the audience watch whatever they want and give them the ability to manipulate the program. The interaction opportunities provided to the television viewers by digital broadcasting is also effective in distance education which is made by television. Today, even not using all the possibilities of digital broadcasting in distance education schedules, there are practices driven from this system towards the aim of supporting the education. These studies include distance learners to learn and to be taught in a better way. In this study, emphasizing on the characteristics of distance education, the communication media that are used, learning and teaching processes; the use of television in distance education systems and the advantages of digital broadcasting in television are being observed. And a suggested model is being given for the application of supporting television education schedules by digital broadcasting in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, English Teaching Program. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK HİZMETLERİNİN ÖĞRENCİLERİN BAŞARISI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI 200- KARA, Erdal. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Akademik Danışmanlık Hizmetlerinin Öğrencilerin Başarısı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Araştırılması [The Effects of Academic Consultation Services Applied by Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University on the Successes of Students], Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 1998, Eskisehir, Turkey. Academic consultation services are one of the most important elements of distance education. In this study, the effects of academic consultation services applied by Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University on the successes of students have been studied. In the study, education systems, distance education and the concepts of academic consultation in distance education have been explained in order. Analysis of variance has been determined in the most appropriate manner for the structure of research and analysis of variance has been studied in 165 detail. In the last chapter analysis of variance has been applied for the data and the results obtained have been interpreted. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE ÖLÇME VE DEĞERLERNDİRME: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Sisteminde Soru Yazarlarının Soru Hazırlamada Karşılaştığı Sorunlar 201- KARADAG, Nejdet. Açıköğretimde Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Sisteminde Soru Yazarlarının Soru Hazırlamada Karşılaştığı Sorunlar [Measurement And Evaluation Open Education: Difficulties Which Question Writers Face İn The Process Of Question Preparation İn Anadolu University Open Education System], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, Unpublished MA Thesis, 2004, Eskişehir, Türkiye. (In addition this paper is publihed in The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology–TOJET, July 2005, ISSN: 1303–6521 Volume 4, Issue 3, Article 12, Sakarya, Turkey.) In this research, it was aimed to determine the difficulties which were faced in the process of question writing by question writer’s who were involved in preparation of multiple choice questions for courses in education programs of faculties which educate according to Open Education system in 2003– 2004 academic year. In the direction of the main purpose of the study, the following research questions were asked: ¾ What kind of difficulties do question writers face in the process of question preparation? ¾ Do the difficulties which question writers face in the process of question preparation vary according to sex? ¾ Do the difficulties which question writers ace in the process of question preparation vary according academic title? ¾ Do the difficulties which question writers face in the process of question preparation vary according to faculty where the job is done? ¾ Do the difficulties which question writers face in the process of question preparation vary according to participation or not in the education activity about measurement and evaluation? 166 Ninety-five question writers who have various academic titles-"Prof.Dr.", "Assoc.Prof.Dr.", "Assist.Prof.Dr.", "Lecturer" and "Research Assistant"participated in this research. By the help of this research, it was tried to determine whether the question writers need training on the preparation of multiple choice-questions, or not. AÖF’DE ALMANCA DİL PROGRAMLARI 202- KARTAL, Bilhan. “AÖF’de Almanca Dil Programları [Foreign Language Programs in Open Education Faculty]”, Tagungsbeitraege des V. Türkischen Germanistik Symposiums-Ulusal V. Germanistik Kongresi. Anadolu Yayınları, ss.233-245, 1-2 Haziran 1995, Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this presented Paper metioned that structure of foreign language programs of Open Education Faculty. These program is associate degree programs on German Language. Study consist of tpe porfile of students and some characterictics of the program. HAGEN UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM ÜNİVERSİTESİ VE TÜRK UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİ AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 203- KARTAL, Bilhan. Hagen Uzaktan Öğretim Üniversitesi ve Türk Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi [Hagen Distance Education University and Evaluation of Turkish Distance Education System], Türkiye II. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), Uzaktan Eğitim Vakfı, pp: 208-220, May 4-8, 1998, Ankara, Turkey. The University of Hagen Distance Education is one of the most important distance education associations as it provides different education alternatives based on the educational needs and working schedules of individuals. 167 On the other hand, University of Anadolu, Faculty of Distance Education gives distance education services in the University level for a wide people group in Turkey, West Europe countries in which Turkish citizens are seen as dense and Republic of North Cyprus Turkish. The main aim of this study is to explain probable applications that can be made in Turkish Distance Education System according to the German Distance Education System. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE YABANCI DİL PROGRAMLARI VE AÖF UYGULAMASI 204- KARTAL, Bilhan. “Uzaktan Eğitimde Yabancı Dil Programları ve AÖF Uygulaması [Foreign Language Programs in Distance Education and OEF Case]”, Uzaktan Eğitim, UZEV Yayınları, pp: 43-54, 1998 Yaz/1999 Kış, Ankara, Turkey. Recent programs for foreign language education tend to focus more on functional use. One of the reasons of this demand toward being functional is the influence of scientific and technological developments upon work life. Any language education program targeting to teach the functional use of language should primarily take the characteristics and expectations of target people into consideration. This paper discusses, in the light of the issues presented above, the foreign language education program, which has been implemented by the Anadolu University since 1982. AÇIKÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN YABANCI DİL DERSLERİNDE TEKNOLOJİ KULLANIMINA İLİŞKİN GÖRÜŞLERİ 205- KARTAL, Bilhan. Açıköğretim Öğrencilerinin Yabancı Dil Derslerinde Teknoloji Kullanımına İlişkin Görüşleri, [Open Education Faculty Students’ Opinion on Use of Technologly for Foreign Language Courses]”, presented paper at AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In addition this study published by Anadolu University, No: 1284, 89p, 2001, Eskisehir, Turkey). 168 Regarding the recent developments in the field of new information and communication technologies and globalization, the necessity arises for the active use of these new technologies in higher education institutions. Therefore, determining the criteria in judging the technologies to be used in higher education institutions has been assumed very important in higher education policies. This study analyses the opinions of open teaching students concerning to the use of new technologies in the foreign language lessons. In this study, the education surroundings, which are used in the present higher education institutes with distant teaching and open distant teaching, were practically examined in the context of Anadolu University AOF foreign language lessons. Since the main subject of the study is to determine the student attitude toward using new technologies in foreign language teaching, the review of the literature for the use of new information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching programs has been included in the theoretical knowledge. As for the practical part, a survey was developed and applied to measure the student attitude toward the subject. The research was done by the application of foreign language programs to the AOF students. Depending on the results of the survey, the following findings were obtained for the preparation and the development of the foreign language teaching programs: The survey findings should be taken into consideration in the reformation of distant education programs of foreign languages on the web pages. AOF radio and TV programs should have been transmitted on the web page of the University. Foreign language teaching programs should be restructured in a more fashionable design so to attract students’ interest. The students should be ensured for a quick access on the web page. Students’ access to the foreign radio broadcasting channels via Internet should be provided so that they can listen to the language of the country that is being taught. EVALUATION OF OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM INTERNET WEB SITE BASED ON STUDENT’S OPINIONS 206- KAYA, Secil, Esmahan AGAOGLU and, A.ydın Z. OZGUR. Evaluation of Open Education Faculty Pre-School 169 Education Program Internet Web Site Based On Student’s Opinions, 2. International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium, September 15, 2006, Eskisehir, Turkey. Web based lessons are gradually included to support theoretical lessons in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Pre-school Education Program. Starting from the 2005-2006 academic year “Pre-school Education Applications” lesson for 3rd class students and “Teaching Applications” lesson for 4th class students are supported with web-based implementations. The web page of the PSEP has been updated in respect to the new implementations. Based on students opinions a study has been conducted with the aim of evaluating the web page of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PSEP introduced in the 2005-2006 academic year. In this study the following questions tried to be answered: “What are the opinions of students in regard to the web site of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PSEP?” and “What are the opinions of students in regard to the web-based lessons of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PSEP?”. This study realized by using general search model is a descriptive research based on determining the present situation. The student opinion questionnaire related to the Internet web page of the PSEP, used as a means of data collection. A total number of 8645 students attending the practical classes of the Open Education Faculty PSEP in the academic year of 20052006 is form the population of this study. And the sample of this study is determined as 10% of the students for each city. The evaluation has been made based on 840 questionnaire data. The analyses of the research findings demonstrate that opinions of the students are positive in general both about the web site design and web-based lessons’ design. Although the opinions are positive in general, there are some points that are founded insufficient and need to be developed. TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ’NİN 75.YILINDA UZAKTAN EĞİTİM UYGULAMALARIMIZ 207- KAYA, Zeki. “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 75. Yılında Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamalarımız [Distance Education Applications in Turkey in Its 75. Anniversary of Turkish Republic]”, Milli 170 Eğitim, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, Yayın No: 3218, Number: 39, Süreli Yayınlar Dizisi: 113, pp: 44-48, 1998, Ankara, Turkey. Distance education practices in Turkey are examined under the headings of Anadolu University, Open High School and Open Primary School in this study. Open education Faculty, The Faculty of Economics and The Faculty of Management which serve in the distance education system of Anadolu University, printed materials, radio and television programs, academic counseling and computer assisted education are also dealt in this study. The tools that are used by Open High School and Open Primary School are listed as printed materials, radio and television programs, academic counseling and practicing services. TÜRKİYE'DE UZAKTAN EGİTİMİN GELİSİMİ 208- KAYA, Zeki and Ferhan ODABASI. “Türkiye'de Uzaktan Eğitimin Gelisimi [Development of Distance Education in Turkey]”, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları, Vol: 6, No: 1, Bahar (Spring Issue), pp: 29-41, 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. Distance education in Turkey has developed within the years in parallel to the educational difficulties of the country. Three outstanding periods can be observed in the progress of distance education in Turkey. After earlier YayKur and Education by lettering applications of distance education 1970s, the current applications regarding distance education are, distance education for tertiary education offered by Anadolu University The OEF and distance education for secondary education offered by Film Radio and Television Educational Center of Ministry of Education. These applications in distance education promise solutions to the educational problems in Turkey. A REVIEW LITERATURE ON THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (1982-1997) Book Review 209 KELLY, Patrick. A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997): Book Review OPENpraxis ICDE Bulletin. Book Review Section, A Revised and Expanded Third Edition, Vol:2, p:46, Open University Publications, Milton 171 Keynes, 1998, UK. (In addition this article is published in TOJDE-Turkish Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 1, Number: 1, 2001, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey). There has been a huge expansion of distance education in Turkey. Over the last two decades and this book provides both an overview of the work of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) and a more detailed listing and abstracts of 200 related studies. The book begins with an introductory chapter, which discusses the nature and current issues in distance education and offers a short history of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey. The remaining chapters contain bibliographic information and abstracts of research studies, projects, conference papers and other printed materials relating to the distance education issues and the work of Open Education Faculty. The brief sketch of the Open Education Faculty will be of interest to those unfamiliar with the developments in Turkey. The Open Education Faculty was established in 1982 at Anadolu University in response to pressure to increase opportunities for higher education and to use more open and flexible education and training structures. In the first year nearly 30,000 students were admitted to the Business Administration and Economics departments and the teaching system made use of printed text, television and academic counseling. This model of distance education was popular and successful. Today the Programs of study include nursing, languages, mathematics, science, tourism and teacher training. The Open Education Faculty also provides educational opportunities for Turkish citizens in other Western European countries. The OEF has had a major impact on higher education in Turkey. Student numbers have grown to approximately 550,000 and more than 100,000 students have graduated over the last 15 years. As a result the number of people who have gained access to higher education has more than doubled. The main aim of the book is to document the main studies relating to the OEF in order to aid researchers. A listing, alphabetical by author, is followed by an abstract of each study. The 200 studies cover a broad range of issues including student characteristics and progress, Programs of study, teaching and learning methods; and the theory and practice of distance 172 education. There would be the same advantages in grouping the studies around a number off topic headings. This review succeeds in offering a comprehensive resource for researchers, and Professor DEMIRAY is willing to act as a contact point for further discussion. TURKISH OPEN UNVERSITY TO START SOON 210- KENNEDY, Bernard. "Turkish Open University to Start Soon”, Times Higher Education Supplement, October 8, 1982, UK. In this article, Kennedy described that the university administrators stated the Open Education Faculty and its initial thinking which. Kennedy emphasized that Turkish Open Education Faculty will bring some solutions for the Turkish Education system conflict. The Open Education Faculty registered more than 25.000 students at its beginning academic year. In this article it was mentioned that OEF contributed in solving Turkish Higher Education problems and conflicts. TURKISH OPEN GETS UNDER WAY 211- KENNEDY, Bernard. "The Turkish Open Gets Under Way”, Times, Higher Education Supplement, No: 530, December 31, 1982, UK. Just before starting of The Open Education Faculty, (its name was unindicated on those days, but should be Turkish Open University) journalist Kennedy; reported a news about OEF preparations to start soon. This information is the one of the base messages to other societies about distance education from Turkey. TURKEY CHANGES TARGET 212- KENNEDY, Bernard. "Turkey Changes Target”, Times Higher Education Supplement, May 13, 1983, UK. 173 This brief explanation gives bit information about Open Education Faculty among the general Turkish universities news. In 1983 Turkish universities have increased their student capacity around 8 percent and half of that will be accounted for the Open Education Faculty which accepted its first students in 1982. TURKEY LACKS EXPERIENCED LECTURERS 213- KENNEDY, Bernard. "Turkey Lacks Experienced Lecturers”, Times Higher Education Supplement, November 11, 1983, UK. Author gives a place Anadolu University's Rector speech against to discussion on lecture-student ratio is decreasing for the reason of increasing student number in universities. On this subject rector defences that 57 percent of OEF student pass successfully in stead of highly student number in Anadolu University-OEF as a contrast of traditional universities. This example defence’s distance education is one of the educations in Turkey. İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİSİNDEKİ YENİ GELİŞMELERDEN TELETEXT VE VİEWDATANIN UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE KULLANILMASI 214- KESIM, Mehmet. İletişim Teknolojisindeki Yeni Gelişmelerden Teletext ve Viewdata'nın Uzaktan Öğretimde Kullanılması [Using Teletext and Viewdata in Distance Education Which are New as Developments in Communication Technology], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 106/36, 1985, Eskisehir, Turkey. Using technological developments based on computer in communication technology to make contribution to education is inevitable in communication century in which we live. The author brings an application model suggestion based on distance education for Open Education Faculty in his study that was prepared as a doctoral dissertation by giving examples from using teletext and viewdata in education and applications done in the world up to now. 174 The author stated that teletext and viewdata systems, which were new developments in communication technologies, which could be used in, distance education. The point of benefiting from present possibilities; ¾ Establishment of a teletext broadcast center for givingsupportive service to the education, students of The Open Education Faculty ¾ Establishment of a viewdata broadcast network for supporting management and education-teaching ¾ Services of students and Management Personnel of OpenEducation Faculty; ¾ Using of viewdata system effectively in special education. HERKES İÇİN, HER YERDE, HER ZAMAN ETKİN ÖĞRENİM EÖĞRENME 215- KESIM, Mehmet. Herkes İçin, Her Yerde, Her Zaman Etkin Öğrenim E-Öğrenme [Active Learning for Anyone, Anywhere and Anytime E-Learning]”, AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. The 21st Century will be one in which Information and Communication Technologies are widely used. The fact that the level of knowledge on a global scale increases every day and that we must make use of this is undisputable. The circulation of knowledge has increased with globalization, and technologies to retrieve and make the most use of this knowledge have been developed. E-Learning has become an increasingly important concept in recent years. For the full understanding of the concept of E-Learning, a clear definition of its basic applications is required.E-Learning can be briefly defined as electronic learning, but can also be described as learning over a network or the internet. Regardless of how it is defined, the goal is to provide a healthy transmission of ever-changing and developing knowledge ‘Everywhere, Any Time, to Anyone’, as well as provide an interactive reciprocation and transformation of knowledge. 175 This paper provides a definition for E-Learning, establishes the need for ELearning and provides further analysis into the fields of distance education and networked learning, while studying the aspects of accessibility, quality and cost. HIGH TECH IN DISTANCE EDUCATION 216- KESIM, Mehmet. High Tech in Distance Education, on 19th EADL Conference, May 26–28, 2004, Hilton Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. Anadolu is not only one of the biggest universities in the world; in Turkey, it is unique. Using new communication technologies means that the distance between student and institute is reduced to a minimum; the time needed to access knowledge is growing ever shorter; the bounds of knowledge are being pushed out wider; and asynchronous and synchronous student interaction can be provided. REPORT ON CHANNEL E PROJECT 217- KILIC, Levend. Report on Channel E Project, Prepared for the Council of Europe and presented to Anadolu University Administration, (Unpublished Report), 1991, Eskisehir, Turkey. This report points out activities of The Open Education Faculty about Channel E, in other words The Open Education Faculty gives its hand to Channel E project which is European Commission's project in DELTA (Development of European Learning Through technological Advance) of pre-paring educational programs from point of Turkish culture for the Turkish Immigrates in Europe. Those educational programs prepared in Turkish Language and Literature, Vocational Training Programs for Turkish youth and Turkish cuisine subjects were produced as educational programs around 70 television series and broadcast since 1991 by Astra Satellite. DIMENSIONS OF E-LEARNING EDUCATION IN TURKEY 218- KIZILSU, Gaye. Dimensions of E-Learning Education in Turkey, FIG Workshop on eGovernance, Knowledge Management and eLearning, April 27-29, 2006, Budapest, Hungary. 176 Today developments of communication technology are going on pretty quick and also supplying the share of information importantly. The use of information is an inherent part of education. Internet has a vital role from this point of view. It provides a facility to support flexible delivery for teaching and learning. A lot of universities and institutes are using elearning education together or instead of traditional education (face to face) in the world. The world-wide-web is increasingly being used as a resource in learning and teaching of students in higher university. But it depends on level and rate of using PC and internet. In this paper, weaknesses and strengths of this education model will be emphasized and put out the dimensions of e-learning in Turkey as a developing country. ÇEVRİMİÇİ ÖĞRENENLERİN FARKLI DESTEK ORTAMLARINI KULLANMA SIKLIKLARIYLA SOSYAL BULUNUŞLUK ALGILARI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ 219- KIP, Buket. Çevrimiçi Öğrenenlerin Farklı Destek Ortamlarını Kullanma Sıklıklarıyla Sosyal Bulunuşluk Algıları Arasındaki İlişki [The Relationship Between Online Learners’ Frequency of Usage of Various Support Environments and Their Perception of Social Presence], Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The study examines the participation frequency of the students enrolled in Information Management Vocational Program of Anadolu University Faculty of Open Education in such academic support services as e-mail, forum and virtual classrooms and their perception of social presence. The general purpose of the study is to determine the usage frequency of online learners of the various support systems and to examine the relationship between the usage frequency and their perception of social presence.In order to determine these learners’ interaction frequency and their perception of social presence, Computer Mediated Communication Scale (CMC Scale) of Chih Tu, whose validity and reliability were approved have been used. In addition to the questions on social presence perception, the scale also includes certain demographic questions to determine their interaction 177 frequency in the environments provided for them. As a result of the study, it was found out that the learners preferred e-mail environments most of all the academic support services. It was concluded that the reason for this preference is to be able to keep the messages in task-based communications. It was also noticed that those students with high social presence perception had more interaction in forum environments. Following the study, some recommendations were made for researchers, practitioners and environmental designers based on the findings and conclusions of the study. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM DERS KİTAPLARININ GERİBİLDİRİM AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ: Anadolu Üniversitesi’nin Uzaktan Eğitim Veren İşletme Ve İktisat Fakülteleri Örneği 220- KOCDAR, Serpil. Uzaktan Eğitim Ders Kitaplarının Geribildirim Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Anadolu Üniversitesi’nin Uzaktan Eğitim Veren İşletme ve İktisat Fakülteleri Örneği[Learners’ Feedback Evaluation of the DE Coursebooks in Distance Education Faculties of Business Administration And Economics At Anadolu University], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, Unpublished MA Thesis, 2006, Eskişehir, Türkiye. (In addition this study is presented at 7th International Educational Technology Conference, May 3–5, 2007, Near East University in Northern Cyprus). The main objective of this study is to determine learners’ feedback preferences, methods of using feedback and the views of learners on fulfilling the functions of feedback with regard to feedback taking place in course books designed in relation to the principles of individual learning in Distance Education Faculties of Business Administration and Economics at Anadolu University. The study was carried out through general survey method. In order to collect data, a 26-item questionnaire including 5 sections was designed by referring expert views and the related literature. The questionnaire was applied to 1st, 2nd, 3 rd and 4th year of Distance Education Faculties of Business Administration and Economics learners who have been attending face-toface academic tutorial lectures in 7 different cities. A random selection of a 178 city was determined in every region and totally 1600 questionnaires were sent to cities by mail by the researcher. These cities are; Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Ayd ın, Van, Çanakkale, Çorum and Adana. 1309 out of total questionnaires were received back and it was determined that 1197 of those were valid. The data were analysed by statistical techniques of frequency distribution, percentage calculation, t Test, F Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test. The results of the study revealed that learners prefer the most elaborative and delayed feedback types in coursebooks designed according to principles of individual learning. Another significant result of this study is that learners have been using the feedback presented to them actively. In addition to these, learners have positive thoughts about the functions of feedback with respect to the peculiarities of facilitating learning, correcting errors, selfassessing, improving individual study skills and helping to be successful in exams. SOSYAL BİLİMLER ÖN LİSANS PROGRAMININ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ 221- KOKEN, Mehmet. Sosyal Bilimler Önlisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi [An Evaluation of Social Sciences Programs], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, unpublished MA Thesis, 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. The Pregraduate Programme of Social Sciences was founded in Anadolu University the Faculty of Distance Learning in 1992-1993 education seasons. Here, it is aimed to train individuals who are harmonious in contemporary life, have highly-cultured, and assume democratic rules. In this programme lessons are done to the base of year and class-passing system is applied. The printed lesson materials that are prepared with for education technology, communication equipment and methods are used in lessons. The aim of this research to study on this programme was constructed in 1992-1993 education season. This study will be helpful for the ones who will do improvement works for this programme in terms of providing required data. The research was done 179 according to the data taken from the questionnaires which were sent to 278 students that are 10 percent of 2773 registered ones to the Social Sciences, Pregraduate Programme in Anadolu University Distance Learning Faculty in İstanbul in 2001-2002 education season. The data of the research in the model of describing investigation are collected with the questionnaire that Prof. Dr. Ayhan HAKAN used in his research 'The study of West European Distance Learning Programmes.' The questionnaire is taken from 7 headings and 37 questions. These headings are personal knowledge, questions related to the programme, the content of the books, television programmes, quizzes, exam method and exam evaluation. The frequency and percentage of each question in the questionnaire was taken and the judgments that are highly agreed at are evaluated in terms of gender, age, and class and working conditions. AHMET YESEVİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ’NDE ANKARA/ESKİŞEHİR ARASINDAKİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİMİN OPTİMİZASYONU 222- KOKSOY, Mümin. “Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi’nde Ankara/Eskisehir-Türkistan Arasındaki Uzaktan Eğitimin Optimizasyonu [Optimization of Distance Education Between Ankara/Eskisehir at Ahmet Yesevi University]”, BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi Bildiriler Kitabı. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTUÖğrenci Kolu, May 13-15, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. This study tells experience of pilot project between Anadolu University Open Education Faculty/Eskisehir and Ahmet Yesevi University/ Kazhakistan on Open Education Faculty‘s Marketing Course via video conference and electronic mail. A MODEL FOR ORGANIZING WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN THE CONTEXT OF A PROPOSED MODEL FOR OPEN UNIVERSITY IN TURKEY 180 223- KOYMEN, Ulkü. A Model for Organizing Written Instructional Materials in The Context of a Proposed Model for Open University in Turkey. Graduate School of Syracuse University, unpublished doctoral dissertation), 1983, Syracuse, USA. This study explores the potential for developing adaptations of an Open University model and instructional design models for the Turkish Open University. The aim of the study is to adapt existing theories and a model to a new context. The study consists of two parts. Part one deals with the adaptation of the British Open University model to the specific needs and conditions of Turkey. Part two is concerned with the instructional design models, which are used in the preparation of written materials, and their adaptation to the Turkish Open University. Part one consists of four steps. In the first step, the characteristics of a general distance education model are reviewed. In the second step, two successful distance education systems (the British Open University and the Everyman's University in Israel) are analyzed and their important characteristics relevant to the Turkish Open University are listed. In the third step, the major factors, which influence the adaptation process, are identified. Finally in the fourth step the British Open University model is adapted to the specific conditions of the Turkish Open University on the basis of the analyses done in the second and third steps. The adaptation starts with identifying goals and objectives of the Turkish Open University. Then its admission policy and media used in delivering the instruction are determined. Finally course related, student related, and organizational, administrative and economic aspects of the model are discussed. This part addresses the question of quality instruction in the Turkish Open University. It starts with a review of the nature, context and importance of the instructional design theories and classification of the instructional variables. The development of instructional design models is carried out at two levels: ¾ micro and ¾ macro. At the micro level Merrill's instructional design models comprising the Component Display Theory are adapted to the Turkish Open University. In the adaptation process, first the prescriptive relationship among method, condition, and outcome variables is formulated. Second, the characteristics 181 of outcome and condition variables, which have impact on the method variables relevant to the Turkish Open University, are determined. Finally, the characteristics of each pr esentation strategy component (both primary and secondary), the degree of learner control, and the richness of the models are determined. The elaboration models developed by Reigeluth are used to design instruction at the macro level. A summary of the elaboration theory and the elaboration models are presented. The reasons favoring the use of elaboration mode ls are then discussed as well as the use of learner control and its importance for the Turkish Open University. COMPARISION OF THE TRADITIONAL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL AND OPEN EDUCATION SYSTEM FROM POINT OF LEARNING AND STUDY STRATEGIES 224- KOYMEN, Ulkü. "Comparison of The Traditional Higher Educational and Open Education System from The Point of Learning and Study Strategies]”, 14th ICDE World Conference, 13p, August 9-16, 1988, Oslo, Norway. (This article is published in Distance Education, Vol: 13, Number 1, pp: 108-117, 1992, Toowoomba, Australia). In this study, the Learning and Study Strategies of the students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Çukurova University, representing the traditional system and those at the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, have been investigated. The Learning And Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), developed by Claire E. Wein stein, has been used as an evaluation instrument. LASSI consists of ten scales: Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Anxiety, Concentration, Information Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Study Aids, Self-Testing and Test Strategies. LASSI has been administered to 704 students and the scores have been placed on the LASSI evaluation chart in order to attain students, learning and study strategies profiles. Findings reveal that students of both groups have considerably lower scores in comparison to the other college students answering the same items. 182 However no important difference has been found between the groups belonging to the two different systems. WOMEN IN TURKEY AND THE POTENTIAL FOR OPEN LEARNING 225- KOYMEN, Ulkü. "Women in Turkey and the Potential for Open Learning”, Toward New Horizons for Women in Distance Education: International Perspective, (Ed. Karlene Faith), pp: 205-213, Routlege Publications, 1988, London, UK. In this article, author focus on the problems of women’s' education in Turkey in the context of other social events and will examine the potential of the distance education system for solving these problems. In this meaning, article discusses some characteristics of the women students and gives some examples from Open Education Faculty, which one over three of the total population was, girl students in OEF. Results of the research indicate that: The Turkish Open Learning Faculty is a very recent establishment. Despite its short experience, however, it has already attempted to solve some of the important educational problems in Turkey. The potential of the Turkish Open Learning Faculty for solving these problems could be summarized as follows:It has the potential for providing educational opportunities to women who are disadvantaged by religious, socio-economic and geographical conditions. It has already attempted to give higher education opportunities to elementary school teachers, the majority of whom are women, who will be able to get a higher education diploma, raise their retirement benefits and develop themselves as they educate the future women of Turkey. It has the potential to provide educational opportunities to Turkish women in Germany, who are squeezed between two cultures and have lost their own identity. Although the Turkish Open Learning Faculty has only two-degree programs at present, they could be extended to include the following courses for rural women: 183 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Literacy education Nutrition Maternal and child healthcare Sanitation Housing improvement Family planning Basic consumer economics Small-farm management Cultivation of vegetables and fruits on family land garden Open learning in Turkey has the potential to support and facilitate the realization of Atatürk's principles by providing education to Turkish women through its own structures. A NEW TEACHER TRAINING MODEL FOR TURKEY: DELTT (Distance English Language Teacher Training Program) 226- KOSE, Gül Durmuşoglu, Ali Ekrem OZKUL and Aydın OZYAR. A New Teacher Training Model for TURKEY: DELTT (Distance English Language Teacher Training Program), Açıköğretim Fakültesi 20. kuruluş yılı nedeniyle, uluslararası katılımlı Açik Ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In addition different version of this presentation is published at Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, January 2002 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 3 Number: 1 ) This paper aims at introducing a new interactive distance learning model for English Teacher Education. Anadolu University, in collaboration with Turkish Ministry of National Education, initiated a four-year degree programme in English Language Teacher Education in the 2000-2001 academic years, to alleviate the desperate need for trained ELT teachers in Turkish schools. In its second year of implementation, with 5000 students enrolled, this paper will attempt to introduce the basic features of the programmed and an evaluation of the curriculum, instruction, teaching materials and testing system will be given. 184 TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARINDA YAPIM MALİYETİNİN UYGULAMALI ARAŞTIRMASI 227- KUNUCEN, Şükrü. Televizyon Programlarında Yapım Maliyetinin Uygulamalı Araştırması [Research on Production Cost of Educational TV Course Programs], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 125 sayfa, 1987, Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this study mentioned importance of the production cost of educational television promrams by comparing regular TV programs in Anadolu University Open education Faculty, Eskisehir, Turkey. During application of the study, Turkish Economy Course program has taken as sample which produced in ETV studios on 25. 3. 1986. And calculated its producin cost. Study concludes that even educational television programsa re expensive production as well ordinary television programs. AÇIK YÜKSEKÖĞRETİME OLAN BİREYSEL TALEBİ ETKİLEYEN ETKENLERİN İNCELENMESİ 228- KURNAZ, Kerim. Açık Yüksek Öğretime Olan Bireysel Talebi Etkileyen Etkenlerin İncelenmesi [Affecting Factors on Individual Demand for Open Higher Education Survey], Ankara University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MT thesis), Ankara, Turkey. The purpose of this research which comprises the investigation of factors affecting the individual demand for Open University is to recognize individual, social and economical characteristics of the students in Open University and to determine the reasons for preferring the Open University as well as the students’ opinions concerning the benefits expected from this education system. Following this basic goal is aimed to obtain information on whether the student opinions for benefits expected from this education system, vary or not with respect to properties such as gender, type of highschool and age, and the expenditures of the individuals due to studying in such an education system. The research was based on the “general survey model” and the data supporting the research was acquired from a 400 random selected students amongst the students of first grade of Anadolu University Management and 185 Economy Faculties which are attending the open education courses located in Ankara during the 1995-1996 education terms. The findings of this research exhibit that most of the Open University students are girls, married people, people aged over 26 and middle and lower class employees working in public sector or a private company. The research also determined that the majority of the students believe that the education they are getting is not related with their jobs. The Open University is being preferred as it makes it possible to maintain together both working and educational life. The other reasons indicated in the research were not considered as effective. Getting a rank and grade advancement comes the first out of the expected benefits from open university; moreover, benefits such as advancing to a higher position, obtaining increase in salary, finding a job or being able to change the job are some of the material expectations. AHMET YESEVİ ÜNİVERSİTESİNDE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM UYGULAMALARI 229- KURMANALIYEV, Musrepbek. Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesinde Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamaları [Distance Education Applications in Ahmet Yesevi University], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu Üniversitesi, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This Paper is mentioned distance education in Ahmt Yesevi Uriversity collabrating of Anadolu university Open Educateon faculty. Progm gives a service all Turk around the world not only Kazak and Turkish citüiziens. Education is given by using web-based and inteactive technics. Educational CD’s are support to the system. DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING WEBCT-BASED COURSES ONLINE: Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELTT) Model 230- KURUBACAK, Gülsün. Designing and Implementing WebCTBased Courses Online: Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELTT) Model In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), 186 Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2003, pp. 390393, Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Many undergraduate and graduate courses in Open Education Faculty (OEF) of Anadolu University in Turkey have been delivered for over the two decades. Most of distance programs have been distributed via traditional distance education approaches and philosophy, such as TV and radio programs, printed materials, etc. Today, however, OEF has been switching the Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) and their related technologies as a new understanding and approach in distance education. Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELTT) is a new interactive distance learning model for Preservice English Teacher Program in OEF. The pilot study has been conducted to integrate courses into the curriculum. For that reason, Introduction to Linguistics and Language Acquisition courses in the DELTT Project were chosen to deliver via WebCT during the pilot project. This is an action research which has two main purposes: ¾ to introduce the curriculum, instruction, learning materials and self-testing system of the two WebCT-based courses, and ¾ to analyze and describe the online workers’ (administrative faculties, technology support staff and online instructional designers) experiences, perspectives and feelings toward WebCT-based distance online education in the DELTT Project. CREATING VIRTUAL LEARNING MILIEUS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: Enhanced Web-Based Education Courses in The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University 231- KURUBACAK, Gulsun. Creating Virtual Learning Milieus in Distance Education: Enhanced Web-Based Education Courses in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, 19th EADL Conference, 26–28 May, 2004, Hilton Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. The Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University has been working for the past three years on the enhancement of the Web as an e-learning milieu. This paper will discuss digital media design, production and standards, the 187 integration of the Web into traditional courses, and the design of courses planned for online delivery. Useful information will be given on how to develop Web-based programmes and enhance web-based applications for use in virtual milieus. REFLECTIONS OF SOFTWARE ROFESSIONALS ON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS REGARDING COMPUTER ETHICS 232- KUZU, Abdullah and Nilgün OZDAMAR. Reflections of Software Professionals On Problems And Solutions Regarding Computer Ethics, Proceedings, 7th International Educational Technology Conference Education Technology for Innovation and Change in Education, May 3-5 2007, Magosa, North Cyprus Turkish Republic. Besides providing favorable advantages for social lives of people, data processing technologies brought some serious ethical problems to the agendum of the information society. Those problems, which information society comes across, differentiate with reference to their utilization and intended use. Among the most salient of those issues are as follows; confidentiality and privacy of individual data on personal computers; authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of information; property of the data or conception -the owner of the resources and channels through which information is transmitted; and accessibility – equal circumstances for every one who wants to obtain data or information. These ethical problems, which are usually ignored or neglected, are increasing gradually. Therefore, the ethic problems such as accessibility, storage, and fairness and justice in the distribution of the information should be concerned in detail. Thus, the present study intended to figure out the reflections of the software professionals related to the computer ethic and intellectual property problems as well as their suggested solutions to those problems. 188 The data of this qualitatively designed study is obtained from software professionals working at Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty, Computer Assisted Education Unit and Anadolu University Computer Center. In order to determine the participants of the study a purposeful sampling method is employed. The data of the study is collected through semi-structured interviews and reliability and validity precautions concerning the authenticity of data were taken. Inductive coding technique was particularly used to analyze the data. Findings were interpreted and illustrated through direct quotations of the participants. THE OPEN EDUCATION SYSTEM, ANADOLU UNIVERSITY, TURKEY: E-Transformation in a MEGA-UNIVERSITY 233- LATCHEM, Colin; Ali Ekrem OZKUL; Cengiz H., AYDIN; Mehmet E. MUTLU. ‘’The Open Education System, Anadolu University, Turkey: e-transformation in a Mega-university‘’, Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Volume 21, Issue 3, November 2006, pp. 221–235, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. Anadolu University in Turkey is one of the world's largest and least known mega-universities. Well over one million students in Turkey, the European Union and Northern Cyprus are enrolled in its Open Education System and yet few accounts of this dual-mode provider appear in the international literature. This article describes the evolution of the Anadolu Open Education System, explains how the Open Education Faculty operates and is now engaged in e-transformation, and considers the current and future issues confronting the institution. TURKEY'S OLD-FASHIONED DISTANCE EDUCATION DRAWS THE LARGEST STUDENT BODY ON EARTH 234- MacWILLIAMS, Bryon. Turkey's Old-Fashioned Distance Education Draws the Largest Student Body on Earth, The Cronicle of Higher Education, September 22, 2000, USA. 189 This article mentioned about media which is used by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. These media (radio, TV, and mailed material, teleconferencing) are used to educate a rural population. It also can be find several information about History of Anadolu University, role of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Turkish higher education system, opinions of dean, vice dean, vice rector, and a student about Open Education Faculty, tuitions, graduation rates, publications and facilities of Anadolu University in this article. RESEARCH ON DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY: A Review Research of From An International Perspective 235- MANOHAR, K. Murali. "Research on Distance Education in Turkey: A Review of Research of from an International Perspective”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Research is a dynamic social and intellectual activitiy. It has definite objective of establishing a causal relationship for identifying the basis for any change or devolepment in a social phenomenon. An analysis of trends and results of research studies so far undertaken in Distance Education (DE) in Turkey would indicate the conceptual basis for its growth development and finally its contribution towards the expansion of higher education and training in the country. The present study is based on the review of DEMIRAY's review study of the literature on the Open Education Faculty Anadolu University. The study also attempts an international comparison of review studies conducted elsewhere in the world for analyzing the similarities or dissimilarities of research in distance education. The main objective of the study is to further examine the gaps in the existing literature, analyze the research formulations on the conceptual developments in DE and to identify the areas of concern in which more and more studies are needed towards ensuring qualitative development in DE. The study thus will be useful to the future researchers in the field so as to be more serious in 190 choosing the relevant areas for their research that would in the long run help to promote healthy development of distance education in Turkey. TURKEY: DOES DISTANCE EDUCATION MEET NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL PRIORITIES? 236- McISAAC, Marina S. and Karen L. MURPHY. "Turkey: Does Distance Education Meet National Educational Priorities?”, (Editor: D. Sewart, J S. Daniel), Developing Distance Education, pp:307-309, 1988, Oslo, Norway. (This study is presented at 14th ICDE Conference, Oslo-Norway 1988). This study explains mission of the Open Education Faculty for Turkey's educational needs. In this study it was served that distance education application by OEF is provided at least partially successful in all three areas as national priorities. These are; ¾ To provide expanded admission procedures allowing more of the growing population to have opportunity to attend university. ¾ To distribute faculty members throughout the university system thus providing experienced faculty members even inrural areas. Although there are many administrative problems in offering these distance education courses the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University is excited about the challenge and opportunity to meet these, the national's top educational priorities. DISTANCE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN IN TURKEY 237- McISAAC, Marina S. and Ulkü KOYMEN. "Distance Education Opportunities for Women in Turkey”, ICDE Bulletin, Vol: 17, pp: 22-27, May 1988, Lancashire, UK. Article gives a place to Atatürk's opinion on women and their value in developing process. Unfortunately, developments of women's were canceled 191 until now as necessary. The Open Education Faculty really was the opportunity for rising the women' education level. OEF can be easily alternative for this activity. Unfortunately, Turkish women's education rights have been cancelled out of her justice as socially, economically and socioeconomicly. But, OEF was opportunity to activate women' status in near future for Turkey and its new perspective in the contemporary development in all the world societies. EXAMINING DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 238- McISAAC, Marina S, Karen L. MURPHY and Ugur DEMIRAY. "Examining Distance Education in Turkey”, International Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 9, No:1, p: 106-114, 1988, Toowoomba, Australia. (Also this study was printed by Anadolu Universty Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publication Series. Publication Number: 013, 16p, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey). This article describes the distance education program at Anadolu University in Turkey and compares its problems and solutions to similar distance education programs in other Asian countries. A brief history is presented, enrollment figures are given and future directions are described. Conclusions suggest that open education is accomplishing the goals of the country's 1981 reforms and can continue to be helpful in the country's quest for modernization. PROBLEMS AFFECTING EVALUATION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 239- McISAAC, Marina S, "Problems Affecting Evaluation of Distance Education in Developing Countries”, Research in Distance Education, Vol: 2, No: 3, pp:12-17, July 1990, Athabasca, Canada. This paper examines problems affecting evaluation of distance education in developing countries. There are economic, political and social issues, which restrict the amount of original research done in countries such as Turkey, Pakistan and India. Although large populations are available for studies, 192 variables are not easy to control and quality data is difficult to obtain. In addition, political agendas resulting in national education directives such as Turkey's Higher education Act of 1981, influence methods and types of data collected. A closer examination of these issues results in recommendations made for production of original research in countries such as Turkey. The second part of the paper investigates that the identification of existing distance education research done in Turkey and other developing countries. Because of difficulty of locating such studies in the published literature, ephemeral literature and government reports must be made available. One method for collecting the studies and evaluating their results is suggested. A meta analysis for synthesizing the results of such research in distance education, is discussed. LEARNING FOR THE FUTURE 240- McISAAC, S. Marina. “Learning for the Future”, Keynote Speaker, Invited speaker for First International Distance Education Conference, November 10-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. This talk highlighted the developments in distance learning in Turkey and make suggestions for future directions. USING THE INTERNET AS A GLOBAL CLASSROOM: The Turkish Opportunity 241- McISAAC, S. Marina. “Using the Internet as a Global Classroom: the Turkish Opportunity”, Invited Faculty of Communication Sciences Symposium. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi, March 1996, Eskisehir, Turkey. This symposium emphasized the importance of network links for learning, particularly in those situations where sufficient educational materials are not available. 193 COMPUTER LINKS TO THE WEST: EXPERIENCES FROM TURKEY 242- McISAAC, S. Marina. Petek ASKAR and Buket AKKOYUNLU. “Computer Links to the West: Experiences from Turkey”, In A. DeVaney, S. Vance and Y. Ma (Eds.) Technology and Resistance: Digital Communications and New Coalitions around the World. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education Series. Vol: 59, pp: 153-165, 2000, New York: Peter Lang, USA. The adoption of technology has social and cultural impact. in this article, the impact of computer networks and online communication are discussed in the framework of the Turkish experience. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE 243- McISAAC, S. Marina. (Ed: Special Issue). “Educational Technology in the Global Marketplace”, Educational Media International, Vol: 39, Number: 2, (In Press, 2002), USA. In this special issue of EMI, prominent educators from 6 countries were asked to comment on the past, present and future of educational technology in their countries. The countries represented in these essays are from Australia, Cyprus, Iran, Israel, Taiwan and Turkey. The articles give a glimpse into the development, concerns and successes of technology implementation in these countries. GLOBAL DISTANCE EDUCATION: Anadolu University’s Rise to Prominence 244- McISAAC, S. Marina. "Global Distance Education: Anadolu University’s Rise to Prominence ", AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. 194 This address reflects on the growth of Anadolu’s Open Education System from its early days as the Open Education Faculty. The developments are viewed in light of the upcoming challenges posed by globalization and digital technologies. Emphasis is placed on connectedness as the defining measure of globalization, and emphasizes teacher training, shifts in pedagogy and instructional design in future distance education projects. DISTANCE EDUCATION 245- MIZIKACI, Fatma. ‘’Distance Education’’, in Monographs on Higher Education HIGHER EDUCATION IN TURKEY, Peter J. Wells (Editor), Assistants to the Editor Maria-Ana Dumitrescu, Viorica Popa, Valentina Pîslaru, ISBN 92-9069-83-2, pp.82-83, 2006, Bucharest, Romania. Distance education is offered in three faculties and one institute of Anadolu University: Open Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Business and Western European Programmes. In 1982, the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University started to offer distance education delivering two-to-four-year undergraduate programmes via Turkish-language broadcasting television broadcasts in Turkey, Europe, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Following upon this success, distance programmes in the Faculties of Economics and Business were founded. These programmes are undertaken using various educational platforms and media (video, computer, radio and newspaper-printed materials, television programmes, video-conferencing, Internet and e-mail services, and face-toface academic tutorials). The Educational Television and Radio Production Centre (ETV) of the Open Education Faculty produces approximately 300 television programmes and revises almost the same amount of printed teaching materials each academic year. ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI ORTAÖGRETİMLİ İLKOKUL ÖGRETMENLERİNE NELER GETİRİYOR? 246- MILLI EGİTİM. "Önlisans Programı Ortaöğrenimli İlkokul Öğretmenlerine Neler Getiriyor? [What is the Advantage of the Associate Degree Program for Primary School Teachers']”, 195 Milli Eğitim, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, 81: 3-11, 1989, Ankara, Turkey. This article has given place to an interview with the Personnel Director of The Ministry of Education dealing with evaluation of the associate degree teacher training two-year diploma program for primary school teachers and the benefits of the program for their status and increasing quality in the structure of ministry of education. ENFORMASYON TOPLUMU VE EGİTİM SİSTEMLERİNE ETKİSİ 247- MILLI EGİTİM. Enformasyon Toplumu ve Eğitim Sistemlerine Etkisi [Information Society and Its Effects to the Education System], Milli Eğitim. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, pp:182-199, 1992, Ankara, Turkey. It has given a place of running OEF to this article as an appendix at the end of the book. In somewhere of the book (p: 162,164) authors as a case mention OEF. So, detailed information about running of the OEF system has been investigated and criticized in these pages. TÜRKİYE 1. ULUSLARARASI UZAKTAN ÖGRETİM SEMPOZYUMU BİLDİRİLERİ 248- MILLI EGİTİM. Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu Bildirileri [Proceedings of Türkiye the First International Distance Education Symposioum], Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), 701p, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Informative technologies submit for human use, those which merely yesterday. Acquaint us with new teaching and learning procedures, which have more functions, and with more content compared to those procedures, which are already known. Distance Education procedures with interaction provide education possibilities independent from place and time; it also makes it possible to educate more people with education of higher quality in an economical manner. It opens the door to unlimited education. Realization 196 of such a symposium in such an environment was inevitable, or maybe an obligation. After 14 years of the beginning of Distance Education system the 1st International Turkish Distance Education Symposium realized in capital city of Turkey, Ankara, on 12-15 November 1996, by organizing the Directorate of Film Radio and Television Department in the name of National Ministry of Education, by aiming of the born out of these obligations is to discuses Distance Education procedures, define problems, and derive applicable results with this symposium.154 presenters from eighteen countries are joined to the symposium as Egypt (1), France (1), Georgia (3), Greece (1), India (2), Israel (6), Italy (1), KKTC (2), Norway (1), Romania (3), Sweden (1), South Africa (1), Tanzania (1), Turkey (102), Turkmenistan (2), Uganda (1), United Kingdom (5) and USA (20). The Symposium carried out in Baskent Ögretmenevi, Ankara, Turkey between the dates of 12-15, November 1996 has aimed the following main subjects to be discussed. ¾ Against multiple dimension-increasing education demand; ¾ Profiting the possibilities provided by developing the education technology. ¾ Determining the education alternatives suitable to the necessities of distance education model. ¾ Application methods. Besides this Symposium has aimed to compare the Distance Education application in Turkey with the alternatives of the applications in the world with effectiveness, productivity, interactivity and criteria of achievement and to determine the infra-structural and the legal regulations which should be made to distance the negativenesses confronted in these criteria. The theme of the symposium generally titled as "The Distance Education is the 21st Century's Education Way, during globalization of the world". The theme was broken down into five keynote areas and scientific committee to find a wide cross-section of presenters for these keynotes. The sub-aims of the symposium are; ¾ To discuss how Distance Education and information technologies can meet pressing Turkish educational needs, ¾ To compare the applications of Distance Education throughout the world to those in Turkey, 197 ¾ To determine suitable infra-structured and needed legal regulation modifications in order to provide efficient, effective and interactive Distance Education, ¾ To find ways to coordinate the policies of the sciencetechnology-industry sectors with those of education regarding Distance Education, and ¾ To develop appropriate Distance Education models for Turkey. ¾ The institutions producing the services and technology of accessing the information have found an opportunity to contribute the symposium by exhibiting their products. The declarations have been grouped under these headlines: ¾ Theoretical dimension of Distance Education, ¾ The environments of Distance Education, ¾ Application problems of Distance Education and solution, proposals, ¾ The applicability of interactive Distance Education in Turkey and ¾ The new model alternatives in the system of Distance Education. Five key-note speakers are invited by Conference Secretary from three countries. Two of whom were from Turkey two of whom were from The United States and Sweden From Turkey; "Historical Development of Distance Education" by Prof. Dr. Cevat ALKAN (Ankara University) and, "The Role of Distance Education in the Global World" by Prof. Dr. Yılmaz BÜYÜKERSEN (Anadolu University). From United States; "Quality Distance Education: A Puzzle With Many Pieces" by Prof. Dr. Chere Champel GIBSON (Wisconsin-Madison University) and, "Learning for the Future" by Prof. Dr. Marina McIsaac (Arizona State University) than, from Sweden; "The Potential and Practice of Distance Education in the Age of Information" by Prof. Dr. Börje HOLMBERG (Fern Universitat). Under these key-note speakers' subjects and, across the increasing multidimensional educational demand the scientific committee of symposium is fixed the symposium main aim as; to discusses practice methods of Distance Education by obtain benefit and determine of developing communication technology opportunities and fit necessities alternatives of model of DE for Turkey.Beside this main aim, and the sub-aims are should be listed as; to compare of the Turkish Distance Education experience and other world Distance Education experiences from point of view effectiveness, 198 interactivity, productivity and criteria of success in Distance Education, for the reason that to bring solving perspective, to legally and subconstructively regulations for Turkish Distance Education (TDE) applications and developments. 24 papers of 88 presented papers are prepared by 30 foreign scientists and 110 Turkish scientists prepare 64 papers of 88 presented papers. Additionally to these presented papers, 12 papers are presented (or took a place) as a poster form at Symposium lecture and lounge Halls' walls. Papers are categorized as listed below sub-themes; ¾ Theoretical dimension of Distance Education, ¾ Distance Education Medium, ¾ Suggestions dealing with DE application problems and its solution ways, ¾ Possibility of interactive DE in Turkey ¾ New DE models alternatives for Turkey The declarations presented papers under the headline of the theoretical dimension of Distance Education have studied historical development process of Distance Education, the arising reasons and theoretical supports. As a result of discussing the declarations presented under this headline the following results have been provided: ¾ According to the changes in the demand, the very important structural and strategically changes have been determined as to have been observed in both in the Distance Education system in Turkey and in Distance Education models applied in other countries. ¾ This change has documented that “Open education tending to satisfy individual and information demands different from the others” was added near the term of “DE tending to meet massive and standard in or motion demand, which is used in the same meaning with the DE theory. ¾ Then this change has brought to light that this development is supported by the development of communication possibilities related with sharing and informationcirculation technologies enabling individual learning. 199 ¾ The Distance Education model based on massive and standardized education principle has reached to the mass demand to satisfaction point. ¾ As a result, satisfying the individual and different information demand necessitating the working of the communication possibilities intensively has gained priority and gravity. ¾ For this reason the new model alternatives based on the principle of open education has been stated to be applied. The declarations presented under the headline of the environments of Distance Education have opened the discussions of the dimensions of new communication possibilities supporting the theoretical and conceptual expanding about which are being talked. The result arises from this discussion may be expressed as the following. ¾ The circulation and sharing alternatives increasing with the development of possibilities of making the information numerical make it possible to receive productive result and ¾ to apply the Distance Education (Distance Education or open education). ¾ The networks decrease the expenditures and make the distant the facilitating points for the necessity of circulation and sharing of information but not a barrier. ¾ The increase of the alternatives of communication tools develops DE models and increases priority and importance of the processes of the planning of communication tools and educational communication design. ¾ Realizing the processes including the design, application, application and the evaluating steps starting from the analysis of requirement for providing the satisfaction highly in developing the open education models must be an obligation. ¾ Although the model alternatives, which are applied, before not lived these processes, first give an impression as if they make it possible to provide practical behavior possibilities, such as gaining from time, then they provide a risk about productivity and are not economic for achievement. 200 The declarations presented under the headline of Application problems of Distance Education and the solution proposals have opened a discussion of new communication possibilities. The result arisen from these discussions may be expressed as the; ¾ The developments provided in communication possibilities make it possible to solve problems of distance education models, such as ‘not being economic’ and’ motivation’ which have not been removed until today. ¾ When tested in achievement, productivity and effectiveness, model alternatives developed for these possibilities have an ability to provide positive result as much as traditional education. ¾ The declarations presented under the head-line of The applicability of interactive Distance Education in Turkey and The new model alternatives in Distance Education system have been discussed with the examples of the applications in Turkey and in other countries of the world for the aim of increasing the interactivity of the new education communication possibilities about which are talked. ¾ There is a one to one correlation between the number and qualification of target student and open education model, which will be applied. However, interactivity is not after silken necessity if which model is chosen or not. ¾ The level to which communication possibilities reached makes it possible the open education models applied to be interactive. ¾ But achievement makes it an obligation to establish circulation and sharing possibilities based on information and background dealing between applicators of Distance ¾ Education as much as the students. ¾ As a result of this, the strategic decision about system, models and processes will be able to be taken correctly and the models will be able to be turned in to the applications whose productivity effectiveness and the chance of achievement are high. Academic support at the first step to the Distance Education applications applied in Turkey and in other countries. Symposium as a presentation 201 mission has and a historical activity and importance by approving that individual open education models will be able to provide more productive results from massive Distance Education alternatives. Symposium can be evaluated at the points, which are listed down; ¾ The symposium realized successfully and has become very useful for the Distance Education world especially from point of Turkish view. ¾ A Turkish distance experience has been lain down on the table from Correspondence Schools (CS) to The Faculty of Open Education (OEF) and The Open High School (OHS) by comparing with the other systems and Distance Education experiences from all corner of the world. ¾ From another perspective; Distance Education World heard a nice sound from Turkey, what is doing in Turkey, in the name of Distance Education field. ¾ Symposium has been brought experts and distance educators together on the subjects as theoretical aspects of Distance Education, media usage in Distance Education, Symposium has been pointed out that Turkish Distance Education should develop its contacts and relationships with developed DE Systems. Aim of the symposium burn out of discussing necessity on distance education, concept, procedures, applications, theories and results. Symposium will be realized yearly. TURKEY THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL DISTANCE EDUCATION SYMPOSIOUM ABSTRACTS 249- MILLI EGİTİM. Turkey The First International Distance Education Symposium Abstracts, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), 100p, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. This book consist of the papers' abstracts which are presented and discussed at Turkey The First International Distance Education Symposium, held in Ankara, Turkey on 12-15 November, 1996. 202 THE INTEGRATION OF TELECONFERENCING IN DISTANCE TEACHING 250- MURPHY, Karen L. "The Integration of Teleconferencing in Distance Teaching”, Epistolo Didactica the European Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 1, 1988. Helsinki, Finland. In this paper, a new service dimension in distance education system was examined by using teleconference system and the development of this system was suggested. In the article it about distance education was mentioned concept and general applications and it was given place to operation of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty system. It was pointed out that the teleconference system, which is a new development of communication technology, is costly at the beginning but later its unit cost will decrease and it is asserted that the usage of this technology in OEF application is possible. And it was also stated that education-teaching process would carry a functional position on a more effective level because vision and double-direction communication is possible in this system. THE MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM: THE CASE OF TURKISH OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 251- MURPHY, Karen L. "The Motivation of Students in Distance Education System: The Case of Turkish Open Education Faculty”, ICDE Bulletin, Vol: 20, pp: 26-31, The Open University, 1989, Lancashire, Milton Keynes, UK. (This Study is presented at the ICDE 14th World Conference, August 9-16 1989, Oslo, Norway). The aim of this investigation is to describe the context of distance learning by exploring students' perceptions of how they are motivated to succeed. Specifically, it explores the factors to which first-year distance learners attribute their success and failure. It tests the attribution theory of achievement motivation in a new setting with different research methodology. The research method is naturalistic inquiry qualitative data obtained through observation and interviews with a small sample of firstyear distance education students living in Eskisehir, Turkey. Demographic data 203 were obtained from a large sample of students throughout the country. Results indicate that personal, social, and educational factor combine to influence students' attributions for success and failure. TURKEY'S OPEN EDUCATION POLICY 252- MURPHY, Karen L. "Turkey's Open Education Policy”, Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol: 5, No: 37, pp: 122-125, 1989, Washington DC, USA. The Turkish experience should be viewed as a case study of model for distance education. Distance education one area where instructional technology is helping institutions to enroll large numbers of people previously inaccessible to university education, at a fraction of the cost: for the OEF, 17 percent of the cost of a conventional university education, according to one of the study of member of the OEF. With these kinds of cost savings, it is not difficult to explain the worldwide interest in such systems. Karen's account provides a close look and analysis of this promising educational program. It was not until the 1987-88 academic year, however, that articles of a more general nature began to appear. Prof. San Öz-Alp's description of the OEF was published in Turkish in a Turkish journal. Shortly afterward, the first two articles in English appeared in foreign journals (McIsaac, Murphy, & DEMIRAY, 1988, McIsaac and Köymen, 1988). The most recent addition is Tahir Özgü's article in English. This review concerns only the two articles by Öz-Alp and Özgü, both of which were published at Anadolu University in Turkey. Prof.Öz-Alp is a former dean of the OEF and is now teaching at the Faculty. Dr. Özgü is now directing the OEF program in Europe through the office in Cologne, West Germany. Student unrest in Turkey during the 1970's resulted in a university system, which by 1980 could provide places for only 22% of the citizens who wished to attend. OEF was formed in 1982-83 to provide university education chance for the pe ople who would otherwise be denied that privilege. Based on the model of the British Open University, the OEF provides instruction to students' located throughout the country, primarily 204 through print-based materials supported by broadcast television and radio, faceto-face instruction, and video education centers. This concept of education serves a variety of needs in numerous countries in the areas of basic education, higher education, vocational and technical education, teacher training, and non-formal education. In all such distance education schemes, the common ingredient is that the learner is separated in time and space from a teacher. In addition, a combination of communication technologies is frequently utilized to deliver instruction. The distance education program in Turkey demonstrates an integration of communication technologies designed to meet the needs of a growing student population. Hosted at Anadolu University, this program currently serves over 150.000 students. Its administration is carried out at the Central Administrative Bureau in Eskisehir and local at 20 bureaus throughout country. The face-to-face instructional component utilizes personnel from local universities. A QUALITATIVE OF ATTRIBUTION IN TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION: The Student Perspective 253- MURPHY, Karen L. "A Qualitative of Attributions in Turkish Distance Education: The Student Perspective”, (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation), University of Washington DC, 1990, USA. (Summary of this study is published in Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol: 51, p: 2998A No: 9, March 1990, USA). This study explores the achievement attributions of first-year university students in a distance education system in Turkey. The purpose of the study was to analyze the actors to which distance learners attribute their success and failure within the system, to generalize about the socio cultural influences on those attributions, and to note patterns of attributions and expectations for future success or failure in similar academic events. The theoretical focus is an application of the attribution theory of achievement. The research design included case studies of four first-year students in the Open Education Faculty (OEF) and questionnaires and interviews with 205 larger samples of students and with administrators.Because OEF students purpose their university degrees from their homes, they do not have access to the supportive classroom structures normally found in face-to-face education. The students also learn in a largely text-based system in a society that is rooted in an oral tradition. The results indicate that in general, first-year OEF students have a vocational orientation, and they use a surface approach that focuses primarily on memorizing information in their textbooks. They attribute both their success and failure primarily to a variety of conditions in their academic environments and to their own efforts; other success and failure attributions include luck and task difficulty. The experience of the first months in their new distance learning system challenges these students most of whom are employed and are typically older than first- year students in other universities- to conceive of their learning context in a different manner. As a result, they reconstruct, or reconfigure a variety of elements in the system to meet their learning and social needs. These results suggest the need to investigate more closely whether certain features of attribution theory are in fact universal across cultures based on values of interdependence particularly in cultures based on values of interdependence and group ethos. Administrators, particularly in other Moslem or developing countries, in their efforts to increase student persistence in distance education, would benefit from first-year OEF students' conceptual reconfiguration of their distance-learning environment. PATRONAGE AND AN ORAL TRADITION INFLUENCES ON ATTRIBUTIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN TRADITIONAL SOCIETY 254- MURPHY, Karen. "Patronage and an Oral Tradition Influences on Attributions of Distance Learning in Traditional Society. (A Qualitative Study)”, Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 12, No: 1, pp: 27-53, 1991, Toowoomba, Australia. This paper examines socio-cultural influences on the attributions for success and failure among distance learners in Turkey. To gather data on influences 206 on student attribution, in-depth interviews and observations of four first-year distance learners were conducted. The two influences discussed. Patronage and oral tradition are central aspects of Turkish culture emanating from Islam and Ottoman Empire. It was found that, when the distance learner operated outside the traditional patronage system in a society with roots in an oral tradition, they coped with their first year in the system by reconceptualizing their roles as both students and employees. Implications of this research relate to problems inherent in applying Western-based attribution theory to distance learners in traditional cultures. SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT OF TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION 255- MURPHY, Karen. L "Socio-cultural Context of Turkish Distance Education", presented paper at 17. Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, p: 7, August 14-16, 1991, Madison, USA. (In Addition this study is presented at 4th Annual European Correspondence Schools Seminar, 1988, Istanbul, Turkey). This paper describes the socio-cultural context of distance learning in Turkey-a culture radically different from others. Socio-cultural context of distance learning takes into account educational, personal and social factors and it influence students' methods of processing information in learning with media and ultimately their levels of achievement. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN TURKEY: Path to Future 256- MURPHY, Karen L. "Distance Education and Training in Turkey: Path to Future”, presented paper at Annual Conference of Middle East Studies Association, October 30, 1992, Portland , Oregon, USA. This paper examines the scope of several Turkish Distance Education projects while providing a context for the ways that with several decades of the experience in offering education and training through correspondence or 207 distance education, Turkey has recently adopted new approaches available through technology and is actively targeting new audiences. ENHANCING INTERACTION IN TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION 257- MURPHY Karen L. "Enhancing Interaction in Turkish Distance Education”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp:417-424, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. The growth of telecommunications has intensified the potential for interaction with distance learners. While this increased potential for interaction is necessary for students to receive feedback on their progress and to engage them in active and meaningful learning, interaction does not result directly from using "interactive" technologies. This paper describes the current status of interaction in Turkish distance education. Then the paper illustrates interaction in other distance education systems. It concludes an approach to incorporating instructional strategies and interactive technologies that are consistent with Turkish cultural practices and beliefs. YAZAR SİSTEM GELİŞTİRME ÇALIŞMALARI: Anadolu Üniversitesi’nde İki Uygulama 258 MUTLU, M. Emin. Yazar Sistem Geliştirme Çalışmaları: Anadolu Üniversitesi’nde İki Uygulama [Developing Author System Studies: Two Case in Anadolu University], Eğitim Teknolojisi ve BDE 1. Sempozyum, Anadolu Üniversitesi BDE Birimi, 25-27 Eylül 1991, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This study concerns Anadolu University’s Computer aided Centers software production researches for the Open Education Faculty for the reason that OEF decided to give student supporm ot its students via computer in due course. 208 UZAKTAN EĞİTİM VEREN FAKÜLTELERE YÖNELİK BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ EĞİTİM YAZILIMLARININ INTERNET ÜZERİNDEN YAYIMLANABİLİRLİĞİ 259- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ruşen YILMAZ and Canan OZTURK "Uzaktan Eğitim Veren Fakültelere Yönelik Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim Yazılımlarının Internet Üzerinden Yayımlanabilirliği [Broadcasting of the Softwares Computer Aided Education via Internet for Faculties which are Giving Distance Education]”, IV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, September 1012, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. This paper discusses of the Computer Aided Academic Counseling Centre (CAACC's application by using Internet technology. That's mean that is going to the privatization than mass education in Turkey. CAACC' services started in 1993-1994. It increased to 15 centers around the country. Each of centers includes 20-30 computers. Every group study is around two hours in one session. The paper offers to give this computer material to the Internet. So that if someone had using internet opportunity or change, the materials ready for 24 hours a day for him or her. Project is still developing by CAACC of Anadolu University INTERNET TABANLI TEST HAZIRLAMA VE DEĞERLENDİRME PROGRAMLAMA ARAYÜZÜ 260- MUTLU, M. Emin and Rusen YILMAZ, Internet Tabanlı Test Hazırlama ve Değerlendirme Programlama Arayüzü [The Interface of Internet-based Test Preparation and Evaluation], 19. Ulusal Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Kongresi, Haziran 1998, Ankara, Türkiye. In addition this study is presented at XIX. National Congress of Operational Research and Industrial Engineering Congress organized by METU department of Industrial Engineering, June 25-26, 1998, Ankara Turkey. This study presents an Internet-based quiz preparation and evaluation system for students studying through distance education. This application can be 209 applied very easily by the ones who offer education through distance education and it allows the following: ¾ Instructional practice developers can prepare quizzes to be used on the Internet and broadcast these quizzes through a quiz server that includes those quizzes. ¾ The answers of the students in the educational software can be transmitted to the evaluation center (result server), ¾ The result server can send feedback about the results of the evaluations ¾ The result server can keep the records of the uses and produces evaluation reports for the developers. INTERNET TABANLI DENEME SINAVLARI SİSTEMİ TASARIMI 261- MUTLU, Emin., Ruşen YILMAZ and Fethi B. SENIS. “Internet Tabanlı Deneme Sınavları Sistemi Tasarımı”[InternetBased Experimentation Exams System Designing], BTIE’99 BilişimTeknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, 13-15 Mayıs 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. This study presents an Internet-based quiz preparation and evaluation system for students studying through distance education. INTERNET ÜZERİNDE BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ EĞİTİM YAZILIMI GELİŞTİRME VE SUNUM ARAÇLARININ GEREKSİNİMLERİ KARŞILAMA DÜZEYLERİ 262- MUTLU, M. Emin and Canan OZTURK. Internet Üzerinde Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim Yazılımı Geliştirme ve Sunum Araçlarının Gereksinimleri Karşılama Düzeyleri[Development of Computer Based Education Software on The Internet And The Extent to Which The Servers Meet The Requirements], BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, 1315 Mayıs 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. 210 Today, lots of education software called Internet-based Education or Nework-based Education is available. Many tools have been produced in order to develop and offer that education software. However, some important requirements that are availble in conventional Computer Aided Education software development programs are not availble in these tools. This study will focus on the tools that are frequently used in the development and use of the Computer Aided Education software; their features will be identified; comparisons among them will be used; their common and different points will be identified; the components that exist in the conventional Computer Aided Education software but that do not exist in these software will be identified. DÜNYANIN EN BÜYÜK ON AÇIK ÜNİVERSİTESİNDE INTERNETE DAYALI EĞİTİM UYGULAMALARI 263- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ruşen YILMAZ, Canan OZTURK ve Özlem OZOGUT. Dünyanın En Büyük on Açık Üniversitesinde Internete Dayalı Eğitim Uygulamaları [InternetBased Education Applications at the largest Ten Universities in the World], BTIE’2000 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Sempozyumu. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, 15-17 Mayıs 2000, Ankara, Türkiye. Open Education Faculty has begun the Internet-based education applications (IEA), which is one of the latest products of the educational technology, in order to enlarge the education it has been offering to its students. For this purpose, pilot studies have been carried out in the Open Education Faculty, Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Economics, which offer distance education at Anadolu University. The IEA, which will serve as an education tool in addition to book, television, radio, and academic facilitation services, will include tools such as self tests, management plays, instructive course software, and electronic book. While carrying out the IEA services in the Open Education Faculty Computer Aided Education Unit, how this service is offered in other mega universities has been also investigated. 211 An investigation was carried out among the mega universities selected according to criteria such as offering distance education, offering higher education, size (number of students), etc. Those mega universities have been evaluated based on criteria such having a web page, use of the web-page as an instruction tool, offering online education via the web page. This study allowed us to compare the IEA services offered at Anadolu University to other mega universities. Since IEA is in its preparation stage, well designed applications that are already available might be a guide for its development. AÖF ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN INTERNET ERİŞİM PROFİLLERİ 264- MUTLU, M. Emin and M. Faruk GULEN. AÖF Öğrencilerinin İnternet Erişim Profilleri [Internet Using Profiles of Open Education Students], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. An Internet based self evaluation exam system has been developed by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, in 1999-2000 educational year. During third educational year of this project, it has been most visited distance education site of Turkey. In the self-evaluation exam site, all of students’ user-actions had been recorded and evaluated. This research is gives total evaluation of third year’s records for Internet using profiles of open education students. ALTERNATİF EĞİTİM ARAÇLARIYLA ZENGİNLEŞTİRİLMİŞ INTERNETE DAYALI EĞİTİM MODELİ 265- MUTLU, M. Emin, Canan OZTURK and Nermin CETINOZ. Alternatif Eğitim Araçlarıyla Zenginleştirilmiş Internete Dayalı Eğitim Modeli [Internet Based Education Model Which Supported with Alternative Educational Tools], presented paper at AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 2325, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. 212 Nowadays there are a lot of Internet Based Instruction (IBI) software’s on the internet. These education software’s have different properties so developing and serving them have become more important. Information Administration Program has begun for education in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, in 2000-2001 educational year, has served lessons material on the internet and also another instruction services as book, software, digital video, academic consultant services, exams, student department, support and virtual class break. In this study, IBI model with its parts is introduced by using this program. İNTERNET ORTAMINDA ROL TABANLI İŞLETME EĞİTİMİ VE ANAYAY. COM 266- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ozlem OZOGUT and Hülya AVDAN. Internet Ortamında Rol Tabanlı İşletme Eğitimi ve Anayay.Com [Role Based Bussines Education on Internet Medium and Anayay.Com], presented paper at AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study explains the virtual company’s environment for giving instruction of using software and business experience to Information Administration Program’s students. In this essay has a result of questionnaire to measure the effect of giving business and management experience and also the problems of virtual company’s environment and reciprocal of roles giving to students for solving these problems. İNTERNET ORTAMINDA TAKIM ÇALIŞMASINA DAYALI EĞİTİM 267- MUTLU, M. Emin and Canan OZTURK. İnternet Ortamında Takım Çalışmasına Dayalı Eğitim [Team-based Work Education via Internet], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri 213 Semposyumu, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 28-30 Mayıs 2003, Magusa, KKTC. There are very important opportunities for the team work in educational activities on the internet medium, especially using internet-based cooperation environment for educational puposes. In the Open education Faculty, Internet-based Knowledge Management Program’ half of essays are designed team work format. In this designed system, students motivate to prepare their essays by realizing team work. In this presentation, it is mentioned that Knowledge Management Associate Degree Program students are motivating team work via internet medium. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE İNTERNETE DAYALI ALIŞTIRMA YAZILIMLARI GENEL MUHASEBE DERSİ ÖRNEĞİ 268- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ozlem OZOGUT and Ruşen YILMAZ. Açıköğretimde İnternete Dayalı Alıştırma Yazılımları Genel Muhasebe Dersi Örneği [Internet-Based Exercise Software, A Case of General Account Course], Bilgi Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim (BTIE) Sempozyumu, 21–23 Mayıs 2003 Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye. Computer supported academic facilitation service began in 1993 in the Open Education Faculty. During this time, more than twenty course software is developed and offered to the use of students in computer laboratories in fifteen cities. As a result of significant developments in educational technology and increased ratio of distance education students who can access computers, the demand for the broadcast of computer supported academic facilitation courses in CD-ROMs and internet environment in addition to computer laboratories has increased. Design of distance education software has been renewed in 2003 and production of new courses according to the new design began according to the evaluation of students’ demands. In this paper, processes about re-design and production of traditional distance education software in CD-Rom and internet environment, which was used in computer laboratories before, is introduced in the scope of Mathematics Course. 214 AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE İNTERNETE DAYALI ALIŞTIRMA YAZILIMLARI TASARIMI (GENEL MATEMATİK DERSİ ÖRNEĞİ) 269- MUTLU, M. Emin. Özlem OZOĞUT, Nermin CETINOZ and Ruşen YILMAZ. Açıköğretimde İnternete Dayalı Alıştırma Yazılımları Tasarımı (Genel Matematik Dersi Örneği[InternetBased Designed Eexercise Software in Open Education Faculty: A case of General Math Course], Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, October 2003 ISSN: 1303– 6521, Volume 2, Issue 4, Article 9, Sakarya, Türkiye. (In addition this study is presented III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28–30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti). Computer aided acdemic counselling services are started in 1993 at Open Education Faculty. Up today, by developing more than 20 course software presented to students in 15 city all over Turkey. Increasing numbers of student using computer, also increased computer aided acdemic counselling services too. Accordings in 2003 to this demand increasing these softwaeres are renewed and developed for more course. In tis presentation is aimed that to introduce Math course which is design and developed software for using in Internet aiming computer aided acdemic counselling service. EĞİTİM YAZILIMLARI GELİŞTİRME SÜRECİNDE ÜRETİM YÖNETİMİ 270- MUTLU, M. Emin and Ali Ekrem OZKUL. Eğitim Yazılımları Geliştirme Sürecinde Üretim Yönetimi [Production Management in the Educational Software Development Process], 20. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği, 1-7 Eylül 2003, Harbiye Askeri Müze Sitesi, Istanbul, Türkiye. In this work, the production management problem of the educational software development process is solved by design an information management system that consists of a workflow management component and a content management component. The suggested design is 215 implemented in Center of Computer Aided Instruction in Anadolu University and the findings are evaluated. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE E-ÖĞRENME 271- MUTLU, M. Emin, M. Canan OZTURK, Özlem OZOGUT, Rusen YILMAZ and Nermin CETINOZ, Açıköğretimde Eöğrenme [E-Learning in Open Education], Türkiye Bilişim Derneği, Bilişim Haftası, 1-7 Eylül 2003, Harbiye Askeri Müze Sitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye. Internet-based self tests, drill & practices and tutorials are commonly produced for the students at the Open Education System in Anadolu University. The Open Education System is a candidate as the biggest institution in Turkey that performs the publishing of educational content on the Internet when the target audience is considered as a main factor. In this study, the e-learning applications in the Open Education System are evaluated and also discussed the position of the Open Education System by focusing on e-learning future, especially for Turkey. E-LEARNING APPLICATIONS IN THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 272- MUTLU, M. Emin. "E-Learning Applications in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University", European Association for Distance Learning 19th EADL Conference, 26–28 May, 2004, Hilton Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. Internet-based self tests, drill and practices and tutorials are commonly produced for the students at the Open Education System in Anadolu University. The Open Education System is a candidate as the biggest institution in Turkey that performs the publishing of educational content on the Internet when the target audience is considered as a main factor. In this study, the e-learning applications in the Open Education System are evaluated and also discussed the position of the Open Education System by focusing on e-learning future, especially for Turkey. 216 This presentation mentioned that The Open Education System of Anadolu University produces internet-based tutorials, self-tests, drills and practical assignments. With a target audience of distance education students, this is one of the biggest educational institutions in Turkey. E-learning applications in the Open Education System will be evaluated, and Turkey's e-learning future discussed. THE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAM: The First Internet-Based Distance Education Experience in Turkey 273- MUTLU, M. Emin and Cengiz H. AYDIN. The Information Management Associate Degree Program: The First InternetBased Distance Education Experience in Turkey, 11th Annual International Distance Education Conference, January 20-23, 2004, Houston, USA. This presentation intends to introduce the first undergraduate level Internetbased distance education program of Turkey. The presentation provides details about different aspects of the program such as characteristics of learners enrolled, instructional strategies employed, media used, evaluation system administered, and legal issues considered. E-ÖĞRENMEDE ÖĞRENCİ DESTEK HİZMETLERİ: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Bilgi Yönetimi Önlisans Programı Örneği 274- MUTLU, M. Emin., Melda Beyaz KORKUT and Perihan ISERI. E-öğrenmede Öğrenci Destek Hizmetleri: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Bilgi Yönetimi Önlisans Programı Örneği [Student Support Services in E-Learning: A Case of Open Education Faculty Inomation Management Associate Degree Program], Akademik Bilişim Konferansı, 11–13 Şubat 2004, Trabzon, Türkiye. E-learnnig applications are increasingly expanding in higher education. Using of E-learning technologies provide an important benefits in open and distance learning institutions. Rich content of E-learnig is a kind of support material for 217 the open and distance learners which are developed and designed via academic perspetive. It may be concern some problems for the reason of internet connection of RCs and some reason but students should encourge to use and practice this method. In this tudy discussed that two years experience of Information Management program’s e-learning applications at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, Turkey. AÇIKÖĞRETİM'DE E-ÖĞRENME'NİN YAPITAŞLARI 275- MUTLU, M. Emin and Ozlem OZOGUT. Açıköğretim'de eÖğrenme'nin Yapıtaşları [Components of e-Learning in Distance Education], Bilgi Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim (BTIE) Sempozyumu 2004, 20-22 Mayıs 2004, Ankara, Türkiye. In this study, e-learning applications which have been developed in the last decade and aims for the coming years will be summarized while introducing the distance education system. EFFICIENCY OF E-LEARNING IN OPEN EDUCATION 276- MUTLU, M. Emin. Özlem Erorta OZOGUT and Ulkü YILMAZ. Efficiency of e-Learning in Open Education, The First International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future: e-Learning”, 26-27 October 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. Anadolu University is among the top ten universities of the world in terms of the number of students in the Open Education System. Learning environments based on information technologies is getting more important day by day in the Open Education System which was based on learning via textbook, TV and face-to-face academic advisory in its early years. In this study, data-mining has been done on the e-learning applications’ usage data in 2003-2004 academic year, and the difference of success 218 between learners who used the e-test, e-drill, e-textbook, and e-TV and the ones who did not use them has been analyzed using demographic data. İNTERNETE DAYALI ALIŞTIRMA YAZILIMLARININ ETKİNLİĞİ 277- MUTLU, M. Emin., Nermin CETINOZ and Hülya AVDAN. Internete Dayalı Alıştırma Yazılımlarının Etkinliği [Efficiency of Internet Based Practice Software], IV. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 24-26 Kasım 2004, Sakarya, Tükiye. The broadcast of the Inter-based practice software (e-practice) in the open education system has begun in the 2002-2003 academic year. The aim the practice software is to enable students to practice what they have learned from the coursebooks and TV programs by analyzing interactive examples and problems. Practice software which was enriched by course contents, tests and course specific tools that have been prepared using multimedia technologies offers students an efficient distance learning environment. The Internet-based practice software is the largest e-learning project of Turkey in terms of the amount of content and of the number of target population. The number of students using this service reached to 45.000 at the end of the 2003-2004 academic year. This study presents the results of a study which was carried out to evaluate the structure of the practice software, course content, instructional environment, and the practice software use habits of the students. İNTERNET ORTAMINDA BİLGİ YÖNETİMİ EĞİTİMİ: AÖF Bilgi Yönetimi Önlisans Programı Örneği 278- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT and Salih GUMUS. İnternet Ortamında Bilgi Yönetimi Eğitimi: AÖF Bilgi Yönetimi Önlisans Programı Örneği [Information Management Education on the Internet: A Case of Open Education Faculty Information Management Undergraduate 219 Program], Biltek2005 Uluslararası Bilişim Kongresi, 10-12 Haziran 2005, Eskişehir, Türkiye. One of the most important effects of computerization in institutions is that information workers cannot deal with data and information load. The work habits of the information workers needs to be planned in such a way that they will become able to cope with this pressure and they need to be equipped with skills necessary for managing such an information load. Internet-based information programs which have been recently opened in Turkey aim to equip individuals with those qualifications. In this study, the characteristics of the information management education were examined taking into consideration the Open Education Faculty Information Management Program example at Anadolu University. POLİS MESLEK EĞİTİMİ ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMINDA E-ÖĞRENME HİZMETLERİNİN BAŞARIYA ETKİSİ 279- MUTLU, M. Emin., Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT, Erdal KARA and Sinan AYDIN. Polis Meslek Eğitimi Önlisans Programında e-Öğrenme Hizmetlerinin Başarıya Etkisi [The Effect of eLearning Services on Success in the Open Education FacultyPolice Occupation Education Associate Degree Program], 2. Polis Bilişim Sempozyumu, 14-15 Nisan 2005, Ankara, Türkiye. Faculty of open education at Anadolu University is among the first ten universities of the world in terms of number of students: distance education system was based on book, television and face to face academic facilitation in the beginning, and education based on information technologies has been gaining importance day by day. In this study, the difference of success between users and nonusers of eexamination, e-exercise, e-book and e-television services are examined together with demographical data by doing data mining on distance education usage data about e-learning services offered in the Police Occupation Education Associate degree Program. 220 ÖĞRENCİLERİN TEKNİK SORUNLARININ ÇÖZÜMÜ İÇİN MERKEZİ BİR YAKLAŞIM: AÇIKÖĞRETİM E-DESTEK HİZMETİ 280- MUTLU. M. Emin, Buket KIP ve İlker KAYABAS. Öğrencilerin Teknik Sorunlarının Çözümü İçin Merkezi Bir Yaklaşım: Açıköğretim E-Destek Hizmeti[A Central Approach for Solving Students Technical Problems: E-Support Service of Open Education], Bilgi Teknolojileri IV & Akademik Bilişim 2006, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, 9-11 2006, Şubat, Denizli Türkiye. In the 2000s, the variety of the open education services provided in the Internet and the number of students using these services in the central high open education system executed by Anadolu University have increased substantially. The central Open Education e-Support Service was planned and has been implemented for 22 open education service sites used by more than 200 thousand students in a year in order to perceive the technical problems encountered by the students and find solutions to those problems. The focus of this study is the experiences regarding the needs analysis, design and implementation of the Open Education e-Support Service. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE E-LEARNING SERVICES IN THE OPEN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY 281- MUTLU, M. Emin, Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT and, Rusen YILMAZ. Design and Development of the E-Learning Services in the Open Education System in Turkey, EADTU-Working Conference 2005 Towards Lisbon 2010: Collaboration for Innovative Content in Lifelong Open and Flexible Learning, 10–11 November 2005, Rome, Italy. The design and production of the traditional instructional materials that are used in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty are performed by the units specialized in their own fields using the organization and infrastructure at the university. E-learning materials are designed and developed with the collaboration of the units producing the traditional instructional materials of the university. 221 Among e-learning services, e-book, e-television, e-drill and e-exam services are created as a result of the digitization of the instructional materials using multimedia technologies in Book Design Unit, Television Production Center, Computer Based Education Unit and Test Research Unit respectively, and they are delivered to the Open Education students in the Internet environment. In this paper, experiences related to the management, organization and technologies of the design and development process of the e-learning services in the open education system in Turkey are presented. AÇIKÖĞRETİM E-ÖĞRENME SİSTEMİNDE ÖĞRENCİ-İÇERİK ETKİLEŞİMİ 282- MUTLU, M. Emin, Buket KIP and Ilker KAYABAS. Açıköğretim E-Öğrenme Sisteminde Öğrenci-İçerik Etkileşimi [Student-Content Interaction in Open Education Faculty’s Elearnig System], V. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı, 21-23 Eylül 2005, Sakarya, Türkiye. Moore defined three types of interaction in distance education courses: student-content, student-tutor, student-student interaction. Since the studenttutor and student-student interaction is limited in open education system, student-content interaction is crucial for learning to occur. Tools that are offered to open education students facilitate autonomous learning and have positive effect on the learning process. In this study 384 units for 24 e-learning courses developed in the years 2002-2005 and a catalogue for the samples of the student-content interaction in the courses have been prepared. The examples of the student-content interaction have been evaluated on the basis of the student-content interaction taxonomies offered in the literature. İNTERNETE DAYALI AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNDE AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK DERSLERİNİN YENİDEN TASARIMI" (SANAL SINIF ORTAMINDA AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK) 283- MUTLU, M. Emin, Salih GUMUS and G. Deniz DINÇER. İnternete Dayalı Açıköğretim Sisteminde Akademik 222 Danışmanlık Derslerinin Yeniden Tasarımı" (Sanal Sınıf Ortamında Akademik Danışmanlık) [Redesigning Academic Facilitation Services in the Internet-based Open Education System-Academic Counselling in Virtual Environment], 22. TBD Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı (Bilişim’05), 9-11 Kasım 2005, Ankara, Türkiye. Data and information management is achieved in business using the most up-to-date information technologies. Programs have been opened to train the necessary labor force to make this management effective and efficient. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Information Management Program is the first on-line vocational program which serves this purpose. There are some communicative and practical deficiencies in the Academic Facilitator Service used in the program which stem from the technology used. This study investigates the design and use of a new audible, visual and interactive Academic Facilitator Service in order to sort out the deficiencies in the Academic Facilitator Services provided in the program. İNTERNET’E DAYALI ve İNTERNET DESTEKLİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM PROGRAMLARINDA SESLİ ve GÖRÜNTÜLÜ İLETİŞİM ORTAMLARININ KULLANIMI 284- MUTLU, M. Emin, Melda Beyaz KORKUT and Perihan ISERI, İnternet’e Dayalı ve İnternet Destekli Açıköğretim Programlarında Sesli Ve Görüntülü İletişim Ortamlarının Kullanımı [Using Audio and Visual Communication Medium in Internet-Based and Internet Aided Open Education Faculty’s Programs], X. Türkiye'de İnternet Konferansı Inet-tr '05, 911 Aralık 2005, İstanbul, Türkiye. This study examines the design, implementation and application processes of the audio-visual communication environments that are used as a chat service in the Open Education Faculty English Language Teacher Training B.A program and as a student support service in the Information Management Associate Degree Program. The application is evaluated in 223 terms of the views of the students, support personnel, and system experts for one year. İNTERNET DESTEKLİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM MODELİ: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Program 285- MUTLU, M. Emin and Ali E. OZKUL. İnternet Destekli Açıköğretim Modeli: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı [Internet-Based Open Education Model: English Teacher Training Bacholar Program], Uzaktan Eğitim Çalıştayı, 2005, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta. This study presents the “Internet-based open education model” used in the Open Education Faculty English Language Teaching bachelor degree program and mentions the experiences gained in the design, development, and implementation of the program. The Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELT) has started in the 2000-2001 academic year as a common Project of the Ministry of National Education and Anadolu University in order to meet the increasing demand for the teachers of English in primary and secondary education. The course content in the DELT program is presented as a blended model where face-to-face and distance education methods are applied. The courses of the first two years are taught face-to-face in conventional classroom environment and the 3rd and 4th year courses are completely taught through distance education. In order to increase the efficiency of the courses through distance education, it was decided to support those courses with Internet-based instructional technologies, and this application has been put into practice for some courses in the 2003-2004 academic year. The ‘Internet-based open education model’ is composed of three components i.e., interactive educational content that allow students to study on their own, asynchronous academic facilitation and synchronous audiovisual technical support. The educational content has been supported by animations and it is vocalized, and a new unit is broadcast each week. The units include guiding tasks that students must fill in while they are working on their own. Each unit is enriched by high level reading passages, resources, tests and exercises. In this way, students are able to study the 224 comprehensive course books sent to them with the help of the Internet and their facilitators. More than 100 specialists such as subject are specialists, editors, instructional designer, animators, vocalization specialists, programmers, and coordinators were involved in the design and development process of the Internet based education software for eight months. 3466 students have begun to use the software so far, and 5529 students are expected to use it in the 2004-2005 academic year. İNTERNET ORTAMINDA SUNULAN AÇIKÖĞRETİM HİZMETLERİNDE ÖĞRENCİLERİN TEKNİK SORUNLARININ ÇÖZÜMÜ İÇİN MERKEZİ BİR YAKLAŞIM: Açıköğretim E-Destek Hizmeti 286- MUTLU, M. Emin. Buket KIP and Ilker KAYABAS. İnternet Ortamında Sunulan Açıköğretim Hizmetlerinde Öğrencilerin Teknik Sorunlarının Çözümü İçin Merkezi Bir Yaklaşım: Açıköğretim E-Destek Hizmeti [Central Solving Approach for Technical Problems of the Students peresented service in internet: Open Education E-support Service], Bilgi Teknolojileri IV & Akademik Bilişim 2006, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, 9–11 Şubat 2006, Denizli Türkiye. In the 2000s, the variety of the open education services provided in the Internet and the number of students using these services in the central high open education system executed by Anadolu University have increased substantially. The central Open Education e-Support Service was planned and has been implemented for 22 open education service sites used by more than 200 thousand students in a year in order to perceive the technical problems encountered by the students and find solutions to those problems. The focus of this study is the experiences regarding the needs analysis, design and implementation of the Open Education e-Support Service. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE MOBİL ÖĞRENME: Açıköğretim E-Öğrenme Hizmetlerinden Mobil Bilişim Aygıtlarıyla Yararlanma Olanaklarının Değerlendirilmesi 225 287- MUTLU, M. Emin., H. U. YENIGUN and N, USLU. Açıköğretimde Mobil Öğrenme: Açıköğretim E-Öğrenme Hizmetlerinden Mobil Bilişim Aygıtlarıyla Yararlanma Olanaklarının Değerlendirilmesi [Mobile Learning at Open Education Faculty: An Evaluation Using of Mobile Tools During E-learning Services], Bilgi Teknolojileri IV & Akademik Bilişim 2006, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, 9–11 Şubat 2006, Denizli, Türkiye. The number of students using the e-learning services provided by the central open education system at Anadolu University has been increasing day by day. More than 200 thousand students used the e-Book, e-Practice, e-Exam, e-Facilitator Service, e-Television, and e-Audio Book that are available in the Open Education e-Learning Portal in the 2004-2005 academic years. This study evaluates the opportunities own by the students who want to use the open education e-learning services via mobile devices. Seven groups of mobile devices i.e., laptops and tablet PCs, pocket computers with and without telephone, portable media players, mp3 players and smart telephones were analyzed in terms of online and offline use. DERS KİTAPLARININ DAĞITIMI AMACIYLA İNTERNETİN KULLANILMASI: Açıköğretim E-Kitap Uygulaması Örneği 288- MUTLU, M. Emin. Melda Beyaz KORKUT and Ulkü YILMAZ. Ders Kitaplarının Dağıtımı Amacıyla İnternetin Kullanılması: Açıköğretim e-Kitap Uygulaması Örneği [Use of the Internet for Distribution of the Coursebooks: Open Education e-Book Application], 6. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 19-21 Nisan 2006, Magosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. In the Open Education System, in the Internet environment is evaluated. Open education course books are designed and written by the experienced subject area experts, editors, educational technologists, and language and evaluation-assessment experts. Coursebooks that are published and broadcast are distributed to the students in the registrations at the beginning of the semester. 226 The broadcast of the coursebooks in the Internet in PDF format began in the 2003-2004 academic year so that students can Access them online. The Open Education e-learning portal, where all the Internet based education services are available has been available since May 2005 and the broadcast of the coursebooks in the e-learning portal using Flash paper technology has begun since then. In this study, methods used in the e-book service, problems encountered and the results obtained in the 2003-2006 academic year are evaluated. AÇIKÖĞRETİM TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARINI İNTERNET ORTAMINDA YAYINLAMA HİZMETİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 289- MUTLU, M. Emin. Hülya AVDAN and Perihan ISERI. Açıköğretim Televizyon Programlarını İnternet Ortamında Yayınlama Hizmetinin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Broadcast of the Open Education Television Programs on the Internet], 6. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 19-21 Nisan 2006, Magosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. Open Education Faculty uses the mass media very often in order to access its large number of students. Since its establishment in 1982, Anadolu University Open Education Faculty uses television as an instructive tool through its broadcasts in TRT4 education channel. Among the instructive tools used in distance education, television has still a very important place. Thanks to the rapid developments in the Internet technology and increase of the Internet use, the television programs offered by the Open Education are accessed by the learners at any time and place in the Web environment. In this study, the methods used in the design and implementation of the etelevision programs in the Computer Aided Education Unit, problems encountered and experiences gained are mentioned. AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNDE İNTERNETE DAYALI AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK HİZMETLERİNİN TASARIMI VE UYGULANMASI 227 290- MUTLU, M. Emin. Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT and Ilker KAYABAS. Açıköğretim Sisteminde İnternete Dayalı Akademik Danışmanlık Hizmetlerinin Tasarımı ve Uygulanması [Design and Implementation of the Internet-Based Academic Facilitation Services in the Open Education System], 23. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı, Sheraton Hotels & Convention Center, 7-10 Kasım 2006, Ankara, Türkiye. The central open higher education is conducted by the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Turkey. The facilitation services offered to the students affect the academic success and motivations of the students. The on-site academic facilitation services offered to students in different cities in evenings and week-ends has been offered by Anadolu University via the Internet since 2005-2006. In this study, the design and implementation of the e-Facilitation service is examined and the interest of the Open Education Faculty students regarding the practice is evaluated. İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ LİSANS PROGRAMI İNTERNET DESTEKLİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM MODELİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 291- MUTLU, M. Emin., Nermin CETINOZ and Sinan AYDIN. İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı İnternet Destekli Açıköğretim Modelinin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of Internet Supported Distance Education Model in English Language Teacher Training Program], Turkiye'de Internet Konferansı, TOBB EKonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, 21-23 Aralık 2006. Ankara, Türkiye. In this study, “Internet Supported Distance Education System” in English Language Teacher Training Program of Open Education Faculty has been evaluated. This program has been initiated in 2000-2001 academic year and in 2004-2005 academic year internet supported education service has been started for all 3rd and 4th year students. Online courses served on internet include three fundamental components: courses published in units, guiding and interactive educational content 228 enabling students to learn by themselves; forum based asynchronous academic tutoring and video chat based synchronous technical support. In the edict, educational media and methods used in this e-learning service are presented, comparison of applied model, online course usage frequencies of the students and exam results have been evaluated. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE e-DERS TASARIMI 292- MUTLU M. Emin, Hülya AVDAN and Ulkü YILMAZ. Açıköğretimde e-DERS Tasarımı [E-Course Design in the Open Education System], Akademik Bilişim 2007, 31 Ocak–2 Şubat 2007, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Kütahya, Türkiye. In order to support the studies of the students at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty System with the most up-to-date information and communication technologies, an e-Course environment was designed and the development of 24 courses in this format began in 2006. The origin of the e-Course structure is based on practice software developed for Open Education Computer Aided Education Laboratories established in 1990’s, practice software distributed as CD-ROMs in 2000’s, and e-Practice courses that have been published in the Internet environment since 2003. Parallel to technological developments, media used for these instructional activities that are available nearly 15 years has diversified and a more complex development process has been used. This study mentions the evolutionary path of the interactive study environments offered to the Open Education Faculty students and introduces the design, development and publishing processes of the Open Education Faculty e-Course software. AÇIKÖĞRETİM e-ÖĞRENME YAPIM VE SUNUM ALTYAPISI 293- MUTLU, M. Emin, M. Faruk GULEN and Gökhan Deniz DINCER. Açıköğretim E-Öğrenme Yapım ve Sunum Altyapısı [Open Education E-Learning Development and Publishing Infrastructure], Akademik Bilişim 2007, Dumlupınar 229 Üniversitesi, Kütahya 31 Ocak – 2 Şubat 2007, Kütahya, Türkiye. Requirements of distance education and technological developments lead to more and more complex work processes for the development and publishing of e-learning content. Labor force, hardware and software components become more important in planning the processes and work flow necessary for the development and publishing of the e-learning content. In this study, the development process and publishing infrastructure of the eLearning content developed by Anadolu University Open Education System and offered to distance learning students is examined, and improvements in the development and publishing processes of the e-learning content is evaluated. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE e-SERTİFİKA PROGRAMLARI 294- MUTLU, M. Emin Ozlem Erorta OZOGUT, Ilker KAYABAS and Buket KIP. Açıköğretimde E-Sertifika Programları [The Open Education E-Certificate Programs], Akademik Bilişim 2007, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Kütahya 31 Ocak–2 Şubat 2007, Kütahya, Türkiye. The basic components of the Anadolu University Open Education system was initially composed of course books designed according to distance education techniques, instructional programs published in television, faceto-face academic facilitation courses organized in other universities in evenings and week-ends, and central on-site examinations organized in the whole country simultaneously. In 2000’s, various e-learning services such as e-Book, e-Practice, eTelevision, e-Exam, e-Audio Book, e-Facilitation, e-Support and e-Course were designed and put into practice. With its enlarging scope and target group, e-learning services have become one of the basic components of the open education system. e-Certificate programs were designed in order to offer the Open Education e-learning services to large populations who cannot use those services. This study gives information about the design, target group, application requisites, content, and e-Learning environments of the e-Certificate programs. 230 OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AND E-LEARNING SERVICES IN TURKEY 295- MUTLU, M. Emin. Open and Distance Learning Opportunities and e-Learning Services in Turkey, AECT Annual International Convention, October 23–27 2007, Anaheim, California, USA. This study analyzes the open and distance learning opportunities at various levels starting from primary education to bachelor’s education offered to individuals having needs for education and tries to determine the potential for using e-Learning in the Turkish open education system as a whole evaluating the e-learning experiences at Anadolu University Open Education System between 1999-2007. AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİ İLE ÖĞRETİM YAPAN AKÜLTELERDE OKUYAN ÖĞRENCİLERİN BAŞARILARINI ETKİLEYEN FSKYÖRLER 296- NARTGUN, Şenay, Julide SEZGıN and Aysel ESEN. "Açıköğretim Sistemi İle Öğretim Yapan Fakültelerde Okuyan Öğrencilerin Başarılarını Etkileyen Etmenler [Factors That Affects The Achivement of Students in Faculty of Open Education]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo ve Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 431-435, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. There are a great number of students in the faculty of Open Education in Turkey. It is the second in the world with respect to the number of students. The students who prefer the FOE usually come from the working class, and they haven't had a chance to attend to a formal education institution. The average age of them is very high. There are differences in their However it is worth to think that why the level of success of these people who wish to get a university education and who try to graduate from the FOE for a long time. The purpose of this study is to determine the reasons that affect the success of the FOE students with respect to the teaching and evaluation methods. For this purpose a group of 200 OEF students in Bolu province were 231 surveyed. According to the results, it was found that students use only the textbooks, and they never use the guidance services, even they are not aware of such kind of services. In addition, they do not prefer TV broadcasts and private courses for a number of reasons. In this study, therefore, textbooks TV broadcasts guidance services and private courses and likes that affect the level of student success are taken into consideration. FERNSTADIUM UND OSTTERICH 297- NIGSCH, Otto and Franz PALANK. Fernstudium und Osterrich, [Austria and Distance Education], Bestandaufnahme Entwicklungsperspektiven, p: 40-41, Wien 1991, Linz, Austria. In these pages of the book, Anadolu University is mentioned as one of the largest distance education institution in Europe. In addition, author had given a place to Anadolu University by quotation from Shale’s' article which is published in 1987. COMPUTERS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: An Application in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty 298- ODABASI, Ferhan "Computer in Distance Education: An Application in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo ve Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 431-435, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Computers are often suggested as a panacea to educational problems. Their involvement in distance education, in different distance education institutions has been ranging from record keeping to teleconferencing. Anadolu University started a new experience with computers within its academic counseling system. This new application aims at allowing OEF students to benefit from the advantages of this interactive media as well as 232 providing the study flexibility which OEF students strive for Regarding 1996, 14 CAI labs are in use, giving service in eight different courses. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ UYGULAMASINDA SİSTEM YAKLAŞIMI 299- ODABASI, Ferhan and Güler SAYIN. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Uygulamasında Sistem Yaklaşımı [Systems Approach to Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Application]”, Uzaktan Eğitim, Uzaktan Öğretim Vakfı Yayınları, No: 1, p: 34-41, Summer, 1997, Ankara, Turkey. The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University is one of the major distance education applications of Turkey. When the institution is analyzed via systems approach method, different sub-systems supporting to The Open Education Faculty are seen. Together, these systems are establishing a distance education organization. TREND IN DISTANCE LEARNING: A NEW WAVE 300- OLIVEIRA, Joao. Trends in Distance Learning: A New Wave, Development Communication Report. Vol: 63, No:1-2, published by Clearinghouse, 1988, Arlington, USA. In this article, Mr.Oliviera gives a place, some distance education institutes, which are starting in developing countries and in the Middle East Countries. The author has stated that Anadolu University began in 1982. Today Anadolu University the Open Education Faculty student number reached to over 150.000 in under graduate and over 100.000 for teacher training students. Also, Mr. Oliviera added West Germany project of the Anadolu University OEF. This article emphasized that today distance education systems are benefited from point of administral, economical, educational means and time saving. 233 TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARININ STÜDYO ÇEKİMİ VE KURGUSUNDA KARŞILAŞILAN SORUNLAR: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği 301- ONER, Kemal. Televizyon Programlarının Stüdyo Çekimi Ve Kurgusunda Karşılaşılan Sorunlar: Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği [Studio Production of Educational TV Course Programs and Coming on Editing Problems: A Case of Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 1987, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Educational TV programsa have to produce with team work. At the shooting ard editing phases using tools and human pover are very importan fort to affect its cost. A good media planning before shooting provides less cost of it. In this thesis study, author try to conduct producing process, accrossed problems and discusse the function of these factors and than suggest solving ways of these prolems. Research is based on observative method of 5 educational TV programs of 5 directors in October 1986. And also to be determined accrossed problem for the process. AÇIK ÜNİVERSİTE 302- ONGOREN, Mahmut Tali. "Açık Üniversite [Open University]”, Bilim ve Sanat, No: 28, pp: 23-25, l983, Istanbul, Turkey. In this article it was pointed out that education and mass communication media do not reach people equally and it was also stated that Open Education Faculty, which was established in the structure of Anadolu University, is also inadequate for many ways. It was given place to the opinion that Open University should be a structure that covers printed materials, mass communication media, faceto-face education, tutorship bureaus and staff studies. It was stated that Open Universities should help students to train themselves in their fields but not give higher education diploma. Unfortunately, the purpose of OEF is to create higher education possibilities in Turkey. But the author does not reject that Open Education Faculty undertakes important duties for recovering absentees in Turkish higher education although it has some inadequacies. 234 ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İŞ İDARESİ VE İKTİSAT PROGRAMI ÖĞRENCİLERi 303- OZ-ALP, San. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İş İdaresi ve İktisat Programı Öğrencileri [Students of the Open Education Faculty Economics and Business Administration at Anadolu University]”, İİBF. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 258/56, Vol:5, No:2, pp: 275-297, November 1987, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this article, inquiry results of questionnaire, which were applied to Open Education Faculty students every year under title of “Student Information form”, were handled. Questions that were asked to students in this inquiry form are as follows; qualification of birth place, qualification of living place, positions of brothers or sisters, occupational positions of their parents and distribution of students according to their birth years, number of family members, reason of their making higher education, preference range for Open Education Faculty, positive and negative characteristics of Open Education Faculty and their attention to social activities. From the results of these questions, a profile of Open Education Faculty students was obtained. According to the findings of the study, a large number of students were men, their mothers were housewives and their income level was below country is average. It was ascertained that more than half of the students is working in a job, they have got radio and TV in their houses and they tend to participate to activities such as theatre and folklore. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ KKTC PROJESİ VE 1988 MEZUNLARI 304- OZ-ALP, San. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi KKTC Projesi ve 1988 Mezunları [Anadolu University Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus Project and Graduates of 1988]", Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi In this article it was mentioned about distribution of Open Education students according to grades and programs, graduates for graduating years, Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus students in higher education, NCTR 235 students in Open Education Faculty raduation distributions of NCTR students according to their age slices, and sexes and working positions. In 1987-88 educational year NCTR has 3900 students who were studying in higher education in Turkey. 917 of them were students of Open Education Faculty. The youngest of the students is 17 years old and the oldest was 46 years old. 61 of them were 1988 graduate students are working. These results show us that working in a job do not cause an obstacle for educating in a university. TURİZM SEKTÖRÜNDE İNSANGÜCÜ AÇIĞININ UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMLE KARŞILANMASI 305- OZ-ALP, Şan. "Turizm Sektöründe İnsangücü Açığının Uzaktan Öğretimle Karşılanması [Meeting the Manpower Gap in Tourism Sector Via Distance Education]”, Eskisehir, Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 386/149, No: 7, pp: 433-473, January 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. This manuscript emphasizes that distance in Tourism Sector. Subject has focused for Turkish Tourism education for future. Distance education runs by Anadolu University the Open Education Faculty since 1982. In 1989 system has started to accept students to attend Tourism Certificate Program in Anadolu University. The first intake numbers were 2086 and first graduates were 600. Author concludes that distance education method should be accepted one of the rational and low cost and educational way for Turkey. Also, tourism is one of the most important sectors for future. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ (Malatya'da Oturan AÖF Öğrencileri ÜzerindeYapılan Bir Araştırma) 306- OZBILGIN, Lütfi, Şenay ISIK and Ali YILDIRIM. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Televizyon programlarının Değerlendirmesi (Malatya'da Oturan AÖF Öğrencileri Üzerinde Yapılan Bir Araştırma) [Evaluation of The Open Education Faculty's TV Course Programs-Research About The Open Education Faculty Students Who are Living in Malatya-], İnönü 236 Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, (Unpublished Research Report but, Copied), 1985, Malatya, Turkey. A research was done in order to investigate whether the OEF students are watching TV OEF programs and benefiting from them by using a sample consisting of 100 students who are living in Malatya and attending to the Open Education Faculty. The results of the research were as follows: During the period which the research was done students generally benefit from these programs, but broadcasting hours of these programs were not available enough to help students' learning processes and students can not gain enough help from this education circumstances, and but, the style of telling TV course programs were found very useful by students. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN TELEVİZYONDA VERİLEN DERSLERE İLİŞKİN GÖRÜŞLERİ 307- OZCAN, Kenan. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Televizyonda Verilen Derslere İlişkin Görüşleri [Opinions of Students of Anadolu University Open Faculty For Television Courses], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu Üniversitesi, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This researc is aimed that efficieny of the television programs fort he Open Education Faculty’s students. In additon problems of these students also mentioned in this study. Study is conducted 300 student who are living in Istanbul and registered to Open Education Faculty. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNDE FİZİK EĞİTİMİ VE FİZİK DERS KİTAPLARI 308- OZDAS, Kudret. "Uzaktan öğretim Sisteminde Fizik Eğitimi ve Fizik Ders Kitapları [Physics Education in Distance Education System and Printed Physics Course Materials]”, Eğitim Bilimleri. Marmara Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 2, pp: 167-174, 1990, Istanbul, Turkey. 237 In this article Dr. Özdaş points out writing of physic books' units in distance education how should be different from the conventional education system by giving general information about distance education structure. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM YAKLAŞIMIYLA UYGULANAN EĞİTİM ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMININ ÖĞRETMENLİK MESLEK BİLGİSİNİ KAZANDIRMA YÖNÜNDEN ETKİLİLİĞİ 309- OZER, Bekir. "Uzaktan Eğitim Yaklaşımıyla Uygulanan Eğitim Önlisans Programının Öğretmenlik Meslek Bilgisini Kazandırma Yönünden Etkililiği[The Effectiveness of The Degree Complete Program for The Elementary School Teachers in Inducing The Knowledge of The Theory and Practice by Distance Education Approach], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished PhD dissertation, 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, has sponsored a two-year up-grading academic program (associate degree) for elementary school teachers through the Open Education Faculty utilizing distance education techniques. This study tries to determine the effectiveness of the said program in inducing the knowledge of educational theory and practice in the teachers enrolled in the program.Two tests and a questionnaire were used in data collection. They were given to 428 elementary school teachers randomly selected during the academic year of 1987-1988. The tests developed for measuring the teachers' knowledge of educational theory and practice were given as a pre-test before the related courses in the program were taught, and as a post-test once these courses were taught through the media. Moreover, some personal information about each teacher in the sampling group was collected and the learning methods of each teacher were found out through the questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the data obtained from the tests and the questionnaire reveal the following: ¾ There is a marked increase in the knowledge of educational theory and practice of the teachers enrolled in the program. This most probably shows the effectiveness of the distance education. 238 ¾ The increase in the knowledge of educational theory and practice of the teachers is unrelated to the sex, prior educational background and teaching experience of them. ¾ The teachers enrolled in the program greatly relied on the textbooks for learning and followed a few of the television and radio programs. Furthermore, it was found that most teachers seek extra tutoring and expressed a need for faceto- face consultation. On the other hand, it was unexpectedly found that the level of achievement related to the increase in the knowledge of educational theory and practice of the teachers hasn’t changed in accordance with the effective use of the teaching media, the amount of extra tutoring they received, and the amount of need they had for face-to-face consultation. The teachers in the program wanted further distance education programs to develop and renew their knowledge of educational theory and practice either as in-service training or degree programs. It was also suggested that those who were successful in the in- service training programs should be rewarded in terms of better salaries and fringe benefits. TÜRKİYE'DE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açiköğretim Fakültesi’nin Uygulamaları 310- OZER, Bekir. "Türkiye'de Uzaktan Eğitim: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi'nin Uygulamaları [Distance Education in Turkey: A Case Study on Applications of The Anadolu University Open Education Faculty]”, Eğitim Fakültesi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 2, Vol: 2, pp:14, 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this article main education problems which are keep their importance since 1950's until today in Turkey. They are handled and it is given place to attempts, which aim to get use of distance education system in solving education problems in Turkey. After giving a brief history it was given information’s about the real meaning of distance education today, and organization structure, operation, students, academic program, teaching 239 circumstances, services which were given to students and cost of the system that was established firstly for Anadolu University (AU) in the university structure of Turkish education system. Distance education application studies of AU bring concrete results for solving some important education problems. IN-SERVICE TRAINING OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS AT A DISTANCE IN TURKEY 311- OZER, Bekir. "In-service Training of Primary School Teachers at a Distance in Turkey" Indian Journal of Distance Education Vol: 4, pp: 80-81, 1991, Chandigarh, India.. The most reason comprehensive effort for teacher training in Turkey is the Two-Year Diploma Program for Primary School Teachers (TDPPST) carried out by distance education. The aim of TDPPST is to provide two years of higher education to the 145.000 Primary School Teachers who had completed only secondary education. The goal was to help them become more effective and provide them with better standard of life. As it was impossible for them to leave their teaching positions, the Ministry of Education asked Anadolu University, which already had a distance education program, to train those teachers. The existing recourses of Anadolu University, such as the radio and television studios and the printing house were used fort his program and the Ministry of Education paid fort he printed materials and fort he examination and additional expenses for all of the teachers attending the program. As a result, (TDPPST was prepared and realized by the Faculty of Open Education of Anadolu University between the years 1985-1990. Author gives a place primary school teacher training project characteristic by distance evaluation method, which realized by Anadolu University the Open Education Faculty since 1986. The project accepted around 145.000 teacher students during two year (first year intake number mass around 46.000 and second year around 80.000). IN-SERVICE TRAINING OF TEACHERS IN TURKEY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2000s 240 312- OZER, Bekir. “In-service Training of Teachers in Turkey at the Beginning of the 2000s”, Journal of In-service Education, Volume 30, Number 1,pp. 89-100, ISSN 1367-4587, 2004, Taylor & Francis, UK. The In-service Training Department of the Ministry of National Education is responsible for the teachers’ in-service training at the preschool, primary and secondary education levels in Turkey. Important developments in in-service training have occurred since 1960: the foundation of the In-service Training Department. In 2000, 4292 in-service training activities were held locally as well as centrally. A total of 213,444 teachers attended these activities. However, in a survey, it was found that although most of the teachers stated they needed Professional development, only a small number of teachers attended in-service training programs willingly. In 1985-86 Anadolu University provide in-service education to Ministry of Education. Today, in spite of the developments, there are still some important problems to be solved and essential measures to be taken about the in-service training of teachers in Turkey. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ MERKEZİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM PROGRAMLARI (İktisat ve İş İdaresi) BİRİNCİ YIL UYGULAMASININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 313- OZER, G. Mukadder. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Merkezi Açıköğretim Programları İktisat ve İş İdaresi Birinci Yıl Uygulamasının Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the 1st Year Application of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Programs: Business Administration and an Economics]. Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished PhD. thesis, 1985, Ankara, Türkiye. After finishing of the first educational (academic) year of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, this study and consist of the evaluation of this application of DE. Some socio-economic characteristics of Eskisehir Economics and Commercial Sciences Academy Economics Administration Sciences Faculty students who were settled by Student Selection Placement Center and Open Education Faculty students were compared. 241 At the end of the study, it is found that Open Education Faculty students for a group of olders, and their economic levels take place in a lower income slice. In the study, it is touched to the brief history of applications of distance education system in Turkey and it is emphasized that detailed examinations can be made by researches which will be donein OEF Business Administration and Economics Programs in later years. ORTA ÖĞRENİMLİ İLKOKUL ÖĞRETMENLERİNE UZAKTAN ÖĞRENİM YOLUYLA ÖNLİSANS ÖĞRETİMİ SAĞLAMA PROJESİ ÖN RAPORU 314- OZGU, Tahir, Aytaç ACIKALIN and Ayhan HAKAN, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açiköğretim Fakültesi'nce Düzenlenen Ortaöğrenimli İllkokul Öğretmenlerine Uzaktan Öğrenim Yoluyla Önlisans Öğretimi Sağlama Projesi Ön Raporu [Report on Providing Two-Year Up-Grading Academic Program by Distance for The Teacher Who Graduated from Secondary School which Organized by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty], (Unpublished Research Report but, Copied), 1985, Eskisehir, Turkey. This report which was prepared in order to be presented to the National Ministry of Education, teachers' in-service education which of teachers who do not have university education by using distance education was mentioned because those who work in all kinds of schools should have university degrees, according to the law 1739 as Essential Education law. It was also informed about planned teaching program, (two year up-grading academic program or associate degree) application organization and collaboration between sources and institutions. By this way two-year university education will be given to teachers. In the report it was given place to determining of sufficiency’s of present teachers and necessaries; how and which restrictions are needed for operating on printed materials, radio-TV course programs and face-toface education circumstances, and detailed information about organization. The report is supporting that after the complement of teacher training program, nearly 130.000 elementary school teachers who were graduated from secondary schools in Turkey will provide benefit and help to our society in educational, legal and bureaucratic respects. 242 EĞİTİM SORUNLARI VE ÇÖZÜMÜNDE KİTLE İLETİŞİM ARAÇLARI: Ekonomik Ve Teknolojik Bir Yaklaşim 315- OZGU, Tahir. Eğitim Sorunları ve Çözümünde Kitle İletişim Araçları: Ekonomik ve Teknolojik Bir Yaklaşım [Mass Communication for the Solution of Educational Problems: Economic and Techical Approach]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 216/106, 1986, Eskisehir, Turkey. The author is determining the deficiencies by examining problems, which are met in all education teaching institutions from primary education to higher education and studies on solving the problems, and brings solution suggestions. In the first chapter of the book analyzes of education problems is done and it is stated that the source of these problems is financial difficulties resulting from the system which is expensive and does not use a technology. As a result, some changes should be done in the system to solve this problem.In the second chapter; some suggestions for solution were given. It was also supported that students must absolutely be in traditional residenceschool- in new education system. The author who thinks that education and teaching systems should get help of all education and teachers circumstances in which they own in society summarizes these circumstances as mass communication media, production world and social surrounding. In the last chapter Apprenticeship and Occupational Education Law was mentioned. It is stated about reasons of making this law, the wrong applications have seen after the acception of law and the necessities of new laws, which are present. The author says, usement of Mass Communication Media in education areas which the law permits will provide productions of education packets which will be benefited besides mass communication media. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND IT’S CONTRIBUTION SOLUTION OF EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: (TURKEY) 316- OZGU, Tahir. Distance Education and Its Contribution to the Solution of Educational Problems in A Developing 243 Country: (Turkey), Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 018, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (This study has been printed from the Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskisehir/Turkey, with the 272/130 Publication number, 1988). One of the major changes that have taken place in the Turkish Educational System was the introduction of distance education in the year 1982. In this study, discuss the economic aspect of distance education and its benefit for the education problems in developing countries as Turkey. Also, fields of education in Open Education Faculty, organization and using media in its operation. This study had set up the number of the students, overseas activities, graduation and evaluation of OEF. And, some arguments are dealing with OEF and economic aspects of education discussed in this study. Study ended by offering multi-media for its advanced form and beneficially process for Turkey. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ BATI AVRUPA FAALİYETİ, YAPILANLAR, YAPILACAKLAR, GEREKLİLİKLER 317- OZGU, Tahir. Anadolu Üniversitesi Batı Avrupa Faaliyeti Yapılanlar-Yapılacaklar-Gereklilikler [West Europe Project of Anadolu University- What Has Done-What Will Be Done and Necessities], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, (Unpublished Copied Report), June 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this report it is mentioned about Open Education Programs applied in Turkey in 1987-88 educational year and also has applied in West Europe nations; the fact that 2084 students registered West Europe Connection bureau of Anadolu University in this educational year the fact that 39.000 video cassette and 43.000 printed materials conveyed to students who were getting use of these programs in the last academic period the fact that academic counseling service was given to students living in the settlement centers of Köln, Essen, Berlin, Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Lahey and Brussels and about the collaboration in Federal Germany science and education surroundings in various levels. Besides, this study, which also gives a place to the subject that, what will be done in respects of West Europe Project in the future? 244 UZAKTA ÖĞRETİMDE TELEVİZYON VE TELEVİZYON ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ 318- OZGUR, Aydın Z, Emine DEMIRAY, Nedim GURSES, Serap OZTURK ve Mediha SAGLIK. Uzaktan Öğretimde Televizyon ve Televizyon Öğretmenliği [Television Teachership in Distance Education], İkinci Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, 1998, Ankara, Türkiye. However television course programsa are partially beneficial for distance education learners, Amanolu university open education Faculty produced television course programs since 1982. In this study television course programs analize which are produced up to 1988. In this phase to teach from television has special importancy. This study is focussed on television teachership. TELEVİZYON EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA YAPIM BİÇİMLERİ VE GÖRSELLEŞTİRME BOYUTU 319- OZGUR, Aydın Z., Serap OZTURK, Nedim GURSES, Emine DEMIRAY and Mediha SAGLIK. “Televizyon Eğitim Programlarında Yapım ve Görselleştirme Biçimleri [Visulation Aspects for Production Styles in Educational TV Programmes]”, Türkiye II. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), Uzaktan Eğitim Vakfı, pp: 249258, May 4-8, 1998, Ankara, Turkey. It is possible to produce educational TV Programs fitting the aim by using its capabilities that it possesses as a medium in a right and proper way, which is now being used a supporting medium in distance education. The way to get benefits from the power of the TV in rationalist way, the power because of its widespread usage, necessitates using these capabilities. By a content analysis, in the system of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty distance education the approaches and the methods of production and the preparation of television educational programs scrutinized, and also the elements of visualization in educational programs on television prepared between the years 1983-1998 evaluated. 245 EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA ÖĞRENCİ VE ÖĞRETİCİ ARASINDA ETKİLEŞİME YÖNELİK OLARAK CANLI YAYINLARIN KULLANILMASI VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ UYGULAMASI 320- OZGUR, Aydın Z. Eğitim Programlarında Öğrenci ve Öğretici Arasında Etkileşime Yönelik Olarak Canlı Yayınların Kullanılması ve Açıköğretim Fakültesi Uygulaması [Using Live TV Broadcast Toward An Interaction Between Student and Teacher in Educational Program at Open Education Faculty Application], Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, ODTÜ, 2000, Ankara, Türkiye. This paper deals with live television broadcast fort o establish intection wih Open education Facultyp studens. These programsa are broadcast five days lively, one week before the midterm, final and make up exams. Research aims that how studants are affected and obtain benefit from this broadcast. TV EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA ETKİLİ VE YARATICISENARYO YAZIMI: AÖF Uygulamalarina Eleştirel Bir Bakış 321- OZGUR, Aydın Z. and Halim ESEN. TV Eğitim Programlarında Etkili ve Yaratıcı Senaryo Yazımı: Anadolu Üniversitesi. AÖF Uygulamalarına Eleştirel Bir Bakış, [Effective and Creative Scenerio Writing in TV Education Programs: A Critical View About OEF Practices], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. The production of TV education program is carried out by getting together the research, opinion, expertise, ability and work force of many people and a very complex technological sub structure. Television education programs should be produced in accordance with television language and narration techniques which are applicable to the scientific aims of Programs so they should be creative, educational, effective, quality and authentic in order to 246 support, inform and explain a complex topic at open education.The primary condition in realizing these aims is scenario writing. A scenario is a text, which gives the form, content and production information with audio-visual elements. Except for some extra ordinary situations and live programs, it is impossible to produce a program without a scenario. This study will evaluate the aims, aspects, functions and structure of a scenario in realizing effective, educational and creative TV education programs for Anadolu University OEF. YÜKSEKÖĞRETİMDE WEB TABANLI DERS TASARIMI VE UYGULAMALARI: ODISEAME Projesi 322- OZGUR Aydın Z, Ali. Ekrem OZKUL, Necdet TIMUR and Necdet SAĞLAM. Yükseköğretimde Web Tabanlı Ders Tasarımı ve Uygulamaları: ODISEAME Projesi[Web-based Course Design in Higher Education and Applications: ODISEAME Project], Third International Educational Technologies Symposium, KKTC Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 28-30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 28-30 Mayıs 2003, Magusa, Kuzey Kıbrs Türk Cumhuriyeti. ODISEAME aims at improving the higher education of the partner regions by offering web-based courses corresponding to the study programmes of the higher education of the partner countries. Anadolu University has been participating. In this study design and application processes are introduced of the “Web-based TV Advertising Course” which are prepared within the scope of the ODISEAME (Open Distance Inter-University Synergies. AN AUDIO–BOOK PROJECT FOR BLIND STUDENTS AT THE OPEN EDUCATION SYSEM OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 323- OZGUR Aydın Z. and H. Ibrahim GURCAN. An Audio–Book Project for Blind Students at the Open Education Sysem of Anadolu University, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Tachnology-TOJET, ISSN: 1303–6521, July 2004, Sakarya, Turkey. 247 As a contemporary system to provide equal education rights to all learners, distance education gives different education opportunities to people who cannot get enough educational services because of the some limitations of traditional education. Distance education at the Open Education System of Anadolu University has been formed for all diverse people who have severely different educational needs and expectations from each other. Therefore, the system provides different educational programs and services to them, especially the people who need special education. This study conducted to develop an audio-book project for the 362 blind students in Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. The process to convert available traditional books to audio-books, commonly known as e-audio books, will be explained in this paper. Also, the production and publication processes of e-audio-books will be discussed. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University 324- OZGUR, Aydın Z and Berrin OZKANAL. Special Applications and Environments in Distance Education: The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, New Horizon in Distance Learning. EADL Conference, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. Anadolu University was, in 1982, the first institute in Turkey to apply and develop the new communication technologies in distance education. Here we shall discuss both traditional DE methods (printed material, TV, [and] radio etc) and student services, and new methods involving multicommunication Technologies. EFFECTIVE AND CREATIVE SCRIPT WRITING IN TV EDUCATION PROGRAMS 325- OZGUR, Aydın Z, Effective and Creative Script Writing in TV Education Programs, Istanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2004, İstanbul, Türkiye. TV education programs are in distance education support and enhace educational and training activities as well as informs and explore a complex 248 subject matter to motive students. These programs must have high-quality, original, creative, instructive, effective television language and expression teehniqucs. To create and product TV education programs based on gaining education goals, the essential prerequisite is script writing. Script, like in all the cinema and TV productions, is a written text which expresses a content and production style through audiovisual elements in TV education programs. This study expresses the script writing processes of the programs produced for Tourism and Hotel Management program of Open Education Faculty in the school year 2002-2003. The paper specially focuses on target market, Writer-editor-director relationships, characteristics of the courses and number of programs, educational objectives, program types, productions, infrastructure owned, and team relationships in the production process. TÜRKİYE’DE UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE TELEVİZYONUN ETKİLEŞİMLİ KULLANIMI: Olanaklar, Sınırlılıklar Ve Çözüm Önerileri 326- OZGUR, Aydın Z, “Türkiye’de Uzaktan Eğitimde Televizyonun Etkileşimli Kullanımı: Olanaklar, Sınırlılıklar ve Çözüm Önerileri [Possibilities And Limitations of Using TV Interactively in Distance Education and Solving Ways]”, Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı 4, s. 80-97, 2005, Konya, Türkiye. The radical changes, developments, and transformations experienced today in communication and information technologies have had great effects upon education as well as all the fields of social life. This has made it important, especially for distance education, to produce, accumulate, and store the educational information and to distribute it by publishing in an interactive manner. Learner-learner, learner-teacher, learner-institution, and learner– teaching material interactions are necessary for an effective teachinglearning activity in distance education. To ensure interaction in distant education, learners, teachers, and teaching materials must come together at the same platform, and auditory- visual information must be shared. Due to time, cost, ownership of TV channel, and continuous change in content, television used in distance education thoughout the world makes the 249 broadcasts in such a way that it gives almost no opportunity for synchronic interactions. It is used extensively to make recorded roadcasts because of low cost, gives little support to written materials, and does not develop sense of belonging in learners. This study deals with the possibilities and limitations of using TV interactively in distance education, particulary in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Open Education Schools of Ministery of Education. EVALUATING AUDIO BOOKS AS SUPPORTED COURSE MATERIALS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION: The Experiences of the Blind Learners 327- OZGUR, Aydn Z. and H. Selcuk KIRAY. Evaluating Audio Books as Supported Course Materials in Distance Education: The Experiences of the Blind Learners, Uluslararası Agria Media Konferansı, (AGRIA MEDIA 2006), 6-7 November, 2006, Hungary. Anadolu University has a technical infrastructure, well-qualified faculty, and operates in an innovative and flexible frame. It takes an initiative role to meet the needs of higher education in Turkey by providing equal opportunity not only to satisfy those who value the principle of lifelong education but also seek new information via distance education with the help of information and communication technologies. Anadolu University Open Education System utilizes all the facilities of contemporary education technology as well as traditional methods in its practices of distance education. Moreover, it provides the learners with the individualized, diversified and enriched services and the opportunities of contemporary education and communication technologies. The audio-book project is designed and based on individualized learning principles, notablly for the blind students, in the scope of Anadolu University Open Education System. This project enables the blind learners to study on their own, exempting them from the requirement of studying with someone else, and provides them with the opportunity to study any subjects in the book at their suitable convenience. 250 There are approximately 300 blind students involved in this system. There are 14 course books tailored for the blind students needs whereas more than 21 books of the process of recording are still utilized. The Faculty of School of Music and Drama of Anadolu University vocalize these course books in a radiophonic way. Each course book is numbered according to the order of units, the access to the subjects is simplified, the subjects are distinguished from each other by music and the narration is enriched via emphasizing the important sentences in the topic. By the help of these resource materials, the blind learners can be able to study more effectively, and the learning will be long lasting. The audio course books are designed and delivered to the blind students in an MP3 format. In doing so, the goal is to reach the other learners of the Open Education on the Internet. Approximately 70.000 learners have been benefiting from this service so far. Moreover, the audio books can be designed in audio CD formats and/or audiotapes based on the request from the blind learners. The aim of this study is to evaluate these audio course books based on the experiences of the blind learners. PRACTICAL COURSES IN TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS VIA DISTANCE EDCATION: Student Opinions Related To The Practical Courses In Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PreSchool Education Program 328- OZGUR, Aydın Z and Secil KAYA. Practical Courses in Teacher Training Programs Via Distance Edcation: Student Opinions Related To The Practical Courses In Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Pre-School Education Program, 21st Annual Conference of The Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), October 30, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pre-school education period in one’s life and the experiences gained thereof have fundamental effects on learning skill and succeeding in the future life. Therefore, improving the quality of pre-school 251 education that plays such an important role in human’s life, organizing it in a most effective way and ensuring that it becomes widespread is of upmost significance. Although functional missions of pre-school education make the teacher training for pre-school functional and important, it is not possible to say that pre-school education opportunities are enough in Turkey. Also the quality and quantity level of teacher training is not as high as desired. An alternative solution to train required amount of teacher in a certain time without compromising the quality is training teachers via open and distance learning. From 2000-2001 academic year, both formal and distance education methods have been utilized in teacher training in Turkey. The Pre-school Education Program (PSEP) administered together by the Ministry of National Education and Anadolu University Open Education Faculty is a complete open education program equivalent to the formal pre-school education programs of education faculties in Turkey. In this respect, the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PSEP is the first and unrivaled initiative that provides education for preschool teacher candidates with a distance education approach. The most important problem in an open education program is to put the theoretical knowledge simultaneously into practice. Consequently, it is inevitable that practicum courses are involved to education programs as complementary elements to theoretical lessons. It is not possible for a teacher candidate to be a teacher without practicing activities. Within the scope of this approach, 3rd and 4th classes are provided with practicum courses in the Open Education Faculty PSEP.In this study, it is aimed to determine the students’ options related to the practical courses in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty PSEP. This descriptive study is aimed at determining the current situation. A total number of 8.881 students, consisting of 5.244 3rd class and 3.637 4th class students attending the practical classes of the Open Education 252 Faculty PSEP in the academic year of 2004-2005 form the essence of this study. The sample of the study included 10% of the students. A questionnaire form, which is prepared by the researchers, is used as a data collection means. And “t” and “f” tests are used for analyzing the data. OPINIONS OF SCRIPTWRITERS ON THE DESIGN PROCESS OF WEB-BASED COURSES: An Emprical Study At Anadolu University 329- OZGUR, Aydın Z and Secil KAYA. Opinions of Scriptwriters on The Design Process of Web-Based Courses: An Emprical Study at Anadolu University, 21st Annual Conference of The Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), October 30, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In an evolving world, rapid developments and the widespread use of the Internet provide opportunities to new educational media, communication, and interaction. The use of new communication technologies in education has affected the synchronous and asynchronous interaction and provided new opportunities concerning the presentation of educational materials to the students. One of these new opportunities is the Internet supported web based courses. Webs based courses increase students’ motivation and provide active participation to the learning process. But for effective use of the web-based courses, the design, production and broadcast of the course content are essential. Primarily, for a designed web based course, a detailed study must be made as regards educational science, theories of learning, pedagogy, technology, characteristics of the students, interface design, evaluation, management, support by resources, ethics and the institutional properties of the education institution. Moreover, people that take part in the design process of the materials should work cooperatively for successful and well-designed materials. In Turkey, Anadolu University (AU) enables self-paced and interactive education for the students by the Internet supported web based courses. This study aims to determine the opinions of the scriptwriters on the design process of web-based courses in AU Open Education Faculty. 253 It is believed that the findings of this study will contribute to improve the design process of web-based courses that come into prominence day by day. Opinions of scriptwriters were asked by a questionnaire concerning the design process of web-based courses in AU Open Education Faculty. SCRIPTWRITING PROCESS FOR MULTIMEDIA MATERIALS IN ANADOLU UNIVERSITY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 330- OZGUR, Aydın Z and Secil KAYA. Scriptwriting Process For Multimedia Materials in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, The 20th Anniversary Conference of EADTU, November 09, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Although different requirements based on individual differences in learning can cause some problems in distance education, some of these problems can be solved by the opportunities offered by recent technological developments. It is accepted that every medium used in education has different communication and interactivity potential. So it is important to choose the most efficient and effective medium and nowadays according to program goals different mediums can be used together. The usages of multimedia materials, that different symbol systems can be used together, become widespread. But for effective use of these materials, the design process and well-prepared educational scripts for influential designs are very important. When the usage of multimedia materials for distance education in Turkey examined, it can be seen that one the most lasting and widespread applications put into practice at Anadolu University (AU) Open Ed The writer and editors of related course books as field experts take in part in scenario writing process in Open education Faculty. In this study, which aims to explore the script writing process for multimedia materials in AU Open Education Faculty, can help to analyze the process in detail. By this way, it is possible to determine the problems and improve the script writing process for multimedia materials and so the quality of materials. 254 WEB-BASED COURSE DESIGN: A Sample of the Bilingual TV Advertising Course in Odiseame Project 331- OZGUR, Aydın Z and Secil KAYA. Web-Based Course Design: A Sample of The Bilingual TV Advertising Course in ODISEAME Project, The 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, September 25– 28, 2007, Cambridge, UK. In a rapidly changing environment; production, operation, storage and distribution of information changes as well thanks to information and communication technologies. The Internet also enables synchronous and non-synchronous interaction between course material, students and lecturers. This led to web-based courses becoming widespread and popular in the education system especially in distance learning education. This report sets out to explain the design, delivery and application processes of the multilingual web-based “TV Advertising Course”. This report also tries to identify the problems and suggests how to take these courses forward. One of the most important components of web-based instruction is the design and production of the course contents. The process of Web-based course design includes: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Determining the course, Choosing the design group, Deciding on the objectives of the course, Defining the target audience, Selecting the materials to be used, Designing virtual contents, Planning the applications, Preparing types of publication or broadcasting, and Control and distribution. In this study we introduce design and application processes of the “Webbased TV Advertising Course” which are prepared within the scope of the ODISEAME (Open Distance Inter-University Synergies 255 Between Europe, Africa and Middle East) project. With reference to the problematic situations in the TV Advertising Course, it is possible to propose some recommendations for the subsequent applications of webbased TV advertising course or web-based courses in general. Marketing the courses, preconditions for participation, privileges for participants, detailed individual information about the participants, basic course materials, virtual and auditory material usage, synchronous communication and interaction and sharing experiences are some of the issues that can be improved. These courses can also be used as a supportive platform for the face-to-face traditional courses at the universities. E-LEARNING APPLICATIONS IN THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 332- OZKANAL, Berrin E-Learning Applications in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, 19. EADL (European Association for Distance Learning) Conference, May 26-28, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. The Open Education System of Anadolu University produces internet-based tutorials, self-tests, drills and practical assignments. With a target audience of distance education students, this is one of the biggest educational institutions in Turkey. E-learning applications in the Open Education System will be evaluated, and Turkey's e-learning future discussed. İNTERNETİN HALKLA İLİŞKİLER ARACI OLARAK KULLANILMASI: Açıköğretim Sistemine Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi 333- OZKANAL, Berrin. İnternetin Halkla İlişkiler Aracı Olarak Kullanılması: Açıköğretim Sistemine Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi [The Internet as Public Relations Tool: A Sample Model for Open Education System], Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal 256 Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished PhD thesis, 2006, Konya, Türkiye. Today, developments in the areas of information and communication technologies provide both people and institutions a two way communication opportunity which is not limited to time and setting, and the Internet and the Web, which are two of these new tools, present new opportunities to the applications of public relations which are in close connection with communication and make use of it. The Internet and Web technologies especially used as a learning tool in the area of distance education are also used as a tool of public relations to eliminate the distance and loneliness feelings of students, make them feel belonging to the institution, carry out communication both in and out of the institution, form a sound relationship with the media, provide news flow, observe the target mass and form a dialogic based communication with the target mass both in and out. The aim of this study is to investigate if mega universities serving to a big mass use the internet and web technologies effectively in their public relations applications, determine if they apply public relations process while preparing their web sites, and as a result of the study, develop an effective public relations model for Anadolu University Open Education system based on the public relations process and dialogical communication model. The first chapter of the study presents the aim, importance, assumptions, limitations while the second chapter presents the process of public relations, effective communication models used in effective communication and public relations activities and the Internet, Web technologies as an effective communication tool. The third chapter of the study is based on the methodology; it explains the methodology of the study, data collection techniques interview and content analysis used in the research. That the findings obtained in the study is evaluated based on the process of public relations and the theory of dialogic communication is placed in the chapter four. The final chapter, which consists of a sample model, presents a model based on the findings of the study towards the Web site of Anadolu University Open Education System. 257 A SOLUTION FOR TEXT BOOK PRODUCTION 334- OZKAZANC, Onder and Nezir KARADAYI, "A Solution for Massive Text Book Production”, Academic Computing in Machintosh Environment III, Proceedings of Seminar, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, p: 131-137, May 13-15, 1992, Eskisehir, Turkey. Universities and institutions that are possible to apply multiple choice tests for thousands of students consecutively, preparing test booklets for printing without errors, need a tremendous afford to achieve. Yet there are always some mistakes in those test questions and the time is always very limited.Anadolu University Computer Research and Application Center is responsible to organize, monitor and evaluate examinations of most of the "Open Education Faculty" (which is doing distance education) and also some of other full-time schools in Turkey and abroad.The OEF has about 400.000 students in various courses. The university is also doing full-time education in other disciplines. There are about 16.000 students in those schools. 15 examinations are organized for this academic year and for each examination it is necessary to prepare nearly 10 different types of test booklets. If we count A and B types of each test booklets, that makes nearly 300 different types of test booklets altogether. These test booklets cover formulas, graphical presentations and some pictures. Program, "Anadolu University Question Bank”, which is developed in 4th Dimension solve most of our problems in test booklets production. AÇIKÖĞRETİM'DE KAYIT VE SINAVLARIN DÜNÜ, BUGÜNÜ VE GELECEĞİ 335- OZKAZANC, Onder. “Açıköğretim'de Kayıt ve Sınavların Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği [Past, Present and Future of the Registration and Examinations at the Open Education Faculty]”, AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, May 2325, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. In 2002, the student population of distant education schools is over 524 000. If we keep in mind that each student seats for examination at least for two sessions, number of students multiplied by two made at least 1,048,000 test 258 papers, while the actual figures were about 1,200,000. Bulk examinations have special needs and difficulties. In order to make proper examinations, all of the students’ records should be kept properly.To keep appropriate records, to update them, to organize examinations as planned without any problem, and evaluate exam papers properly and in time; various sections of the university should perform their roles in time, synchronised with each other and each section should save time for each other to give additional time for unforeseen rollbacks. DISTANCE TEACHING BETWEEN ANADOLU UNIVERSITY (TURKEY)-AHMET YESEVI UNIVERSITY (KAZAKHISTAN) 336- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem, Mümin, KOKSOY. Distance Teaching Between Anadolu University (Turkey)-Ahmet Yesevi Üniversity (Kazakhistan), BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, May 13-15, 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. This study explains details of the videoconference applications Videoconference which is established betveen Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and, Ahmet Yesevi Üniversity-Kazakhistan. This vidoeconference is provided to share video and audio between two institutions in edication manner. In this pilot Project a course of Economics Program of Ahmet Yesevi University is shared via Anadolu University. . BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE KULLANILMASI: Olanaklar-Sınırlılıklar 337- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem. Mehmet KESIM and M. Emin MUTLU. Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Açıköğretimde Kullanılması: Olanaklar-Sınırlılıklar [Use of Konwledge Technology in Open Education: Possibilities-Limitations], BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, ss. 59, 13–15 Mayıs 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. (Different version of this study is presented at Akademik Bilişim 2000, 10-11 Şubat 2000, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, Türkiye). 259 Anadolu University gives a service to Turkish Higher Education System sice 17 years. Technological developments are in informatic and distance education provides an important opporturities to te Open Education Faculty’s running. In this paper presented that potential beneficials are discussed for distance education and evaluated different technologies their limitations and bariers during using them. AÇIKÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN INTERNET KULANIM ALIŞKANLIKLARI 338- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem and M. Emin MUTLU, Açıköğretim Öğrencilerinin Internet Kulanım Alışkanlıkları [Internet Usage Habits of Open Education Faculty Students], BTIE'2000 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, 15-17 Mayıs 2000, Ankara, Turkey. An internet based self evaluation exam system has been developed by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, in 1999-2000 educational year. During third educational year of this project, it has been most visited distance education site of Turkey. In the self evaluation exams site, all of students’ user-actions had been recorded and evaluated. This research is gives total evaluation of third year’s records for internet using profiles of open education students. ANADOLU UNIVERSITY DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM FROM EMERGENCE TO 21ST CENTURY 339- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem. “Anadolu University Distance Education System from Emergence to 21st Century”, The World of Open and Distance Learning, (Edited by V. Venugopal Reddy; Manulika S.), Viva Books PVT Limited, 2000, New Delhi, India. (In additional this article is published in TOJDE-Turkish Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 2, Number: 1, 2001, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. 260 For human beings education is a tool to develop abilities and exploit opportunities in the society. By creating new possibilities in the field of education, democratizing the educational process, providing lifelong education opportunities, distance education is a strategic opportunity for nations in improving the educational services. Distance education is also strategic to the 21st Century University. It provides students with access, independent of place and time to learning programs, resources, and services, including interaction among faculty and students through synchronous and asynchronous technologies.As a developing country with considerable economic and cultural potential, education is vitally important issue for Turkey. Parallel to the population growth, the demand for all types of education is increasing whereas the resources such as schools and teachers are limited and not possible to reach to adequate levels in short period of time. Therefore it seems quite difficult for Turkey. To achieve an overall education level is required by a modern society using conventional educational approaches and techniques. Anadolu University Open Education System is the major attempt in Turkey. In integrating the distance education approaches with national education system. Since the involvement to distance education in 1982 as a dual University, the institution contributed more than 190 000 bachelor and pre-bachelor graduates to the country. Although considered as one of the mega universities of the world Anadolu University is also least known institution among the similar institutions. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM: Dünyadaki Gelişmeler Ve Türkiye 340- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem. “Uzaktan Eğitim: Dünyadaki Gelişmeler ve Türkiye [Distance Education: Developments in the World and Turkey]”, Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 3. Özel Sayı 2, ss. 460-483, Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2001, Sakarya, Türkiye. In this Paper discussed developments of distance education in the world and Turkey. This developments are explained based on developments in communication and information Technologies aroun the world. 261 İNTERNET DESTEKLİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM MODELİ: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı 341- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem and M. Emin MUTLU, İnternet Destekli Açıköğretim Modeli: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı [Internet Based Open Education Model. English Teacher Training Program], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum’una sunulan bildiri. Anadolu Üniversitesi, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. In this study, Anadolu University Open education Faculty English Teacher Training Program is introduced. Program is joint Project with Ministry of Education fod to meet teacher requirement of secondary education. Proram is applied as blended education. These students received their courses first two year is face to face education and 3rd and 4th classes are applied as distance education method. İNTERNETE DAYALI EĞİTİMDE OLUŞTURMACI YAKLAŞIM DENEYİMİ 342- OZKUL li Ekrem, M. Emin MUTLU and Canan OZTURK. İnternete Dayalı Eğitimde Oluşturmacı Yaklaşım Deneyimi [Constructivist Approach Experience at Internet-Based Education], Bilgi Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim (BTIE) Sempozyumu, 21–23 Mayıs 2003 Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye. Knowledge Management Associate Degree Program is served via based on ınternet by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in 20002001academic year. This program aims to give knowledge which is riched via virtual organizational environments instead of static knowledge. Today, it is quite possible to meet internet-based educational programs. As being twenty-year experience the Open Education Faculty Knowledge Management Program has too much components contain in its content. In this study, Virtual organization applications, role-based applications, teamwork-based essays, and combinations of concepts’ which is placed in the Open Education Faculty Knowledge Management Program will evaluate 262 from point of Constructivist Approach. This presentation introduces Constructivist Approach specialties in Knowledge Management Associate Degree Program of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, via internet-based education. TÜRKİYE’DE AÇIK VE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM: Mevcut Durum, Olanaklar, Sınırlılıklar 343- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem. Türkiye’de Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim: Mevcut Durum, Olanaklar, Sınırlılıklar [Distance Education in Tukey: Actual Status, Possibilities and Limitations], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 2830 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Magusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. In this study, actual status of distance education is mentioned in Turkey and disscused posibilities and limitations in due course. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT: Cases from Anadolu University Open Education Faculty 344- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem. Industrial Engineerıng Aspects Of Distance Education Management: Cases From Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, Middle East Technical University Department of Industrial Engineering Seminar, March 26, 2004, Ankara, Turkey. Distance Education is instructional delivery that does not constrain the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor. Historically, Distance Education (DE) meant correspondence study. Today, audio, video, and computer technologies are more common delivery modes. The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have made the process of obtaining an education without regard to time or location easier for the student. Higher Education institutions are currently exploring the possibility and feasibility of using distance education to meet educational and training needs. However traditional educational institutions must reassess their 263 organization, resources and functioning in order to benefit from the opportunities of new technologies as well as face the challenges issued by them. This seminar aims to identify the IE approaches that will support the administrators of DE institutions in their decision making process. After a brief introduction to the DE concepts and technologies, the significance of Open and Distance Learning in the Turkish Education system will be evaluated. The educational institutions which are special case of service production systems will be analyzed under the Production and Operations Management (POM) framework and relevant decision problems will be explored. Cases from Anadolu University Open Education system will be highlighted. A ROAD MAP PROPOSAL FOR TRANSITION TO LARGE SCALE E-LEARNING IN OPEN UNIVERSITIES: Case Of Anadolu Unıversıty Open Educatıon System 345- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem and M. Emin MUTLU. A Road Map Proposal For Transition To Large Scale E-Learning In Open Universities: Case of Anadolu Universıty Open Education System, 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium Proceedings, pp. 671-686, September 1315, 2006, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study proposes a multiphase road map including steps such as e-Exam, e-Facilitator, e-Book, e-Television, e-Audio Book, e-Practice and e-Course for transition to very large scale e-learning applications in open universities taking e-learning experiences gained at Anadolu University between years 1999–2006 as the starting point. The suggested road map is discussed in terms of skills, organizational characteristics, e-learning teams, resource content, developmentpresentation and access technologies, production time and budget necessary for transition to e-learning, and the application at Anadolu University are evaluated. A multiphase road map approach for transition to e-learning and a pilot project approach are compared. 264 MULTI CRITERIA EVALUATION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION MODELS USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS 346- OZKUL, Ali Ekrem, Nuray GIRGINER and Zehra Kamışlı OZTURK, Multi Criteria Evaluation of Distance Education Implementation Models Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, 21st Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), October 29-31, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In designing distance education programs depending on the study areas and the target population, different requirements under varying criteria creates a multi criteria decision making environment. Therefore, decision makers are faced an initial evaluation of different implementation models. The aim of this study is to evaluate distance education implementation models by using a multi criteria decision making tool, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for the English Language Teacher Training (ELTT) Program at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. The decision problem is the determination of the share of different delivery modes in the implementation model. The hierarchical structure which includes tangible and intangible factors is constructed working cooperatively with the administrators and instructors of the program. The study suggests a hierarchical approach with four levels including tangible and intangible criteria to evaluate different delivery modes in the distance education implementation model under the goal of determination of most appropriate one for ELTT. Proposed model consists of six main criteria that have also sub criteria: cost, access, staff, interaction, benefit and media of instruction. The alternatives are determined as videoconference based, web based and traditional (face-to-face) education based implementation models. The data of this study are obtained from the judgments of three specialists of ELTT. AHP with group decision making is applied to the problem by taking geometric means of these judgments. Using group decision making allows us to include of different opinions in a unique model. 265 TELEVİZYON ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ 347- OZSOY, Yahya and Dursun GOKDAG. "Televizyon Öğretmenliği [Television Teachership]" Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Vol: 2, No: 1, pp: 123-139, l987, Eskisehir, Turkey. This is an article, which was written by the aim of helping teaching-staff that will give courses on TV to be better TV teacher, and by this way the quality of TV education programs will be increased. In the article it is touched to the subjects of TV teachership and being aware of the responsibilities that the work carry; knowing the special circumstances named studio; what kind of a pre-preparation should be done before the camera. As a result, it is claimed that TV teachership is an art, which should be learnt, and there must be somebody or an institution that will teach this education. It is stated that Anadolu University should shoulder this vanguardness. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİSİNİN EĞİTİMDE KULLANILMASI 348- OZSOY, Yahya. "Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojisinin Eğitimde Kullanılması [Use of Distance Education Technology in Education]”, presented paper at The Education Sciences Symposium, İnönü University, June 15-17, 1989, Malatya, Turkey. This paper was prepared to examine the hidden power behind the addition of technology, which is used in distance education to general education. "What kind of effects of distance education technology that was applied by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty does or will occur in general education full in the mind as a question. The results of these questions are summed up in this study as main titles. 266 AÖF EĞİTİM MEDYALARININ ENTEGRASYONUNUN SAĞLADIĞI OLANAKLAR 349- OZTURK Canan, Nihat YALAMA and Hülya AVDAN. AÖF Eğitim Medyalarının Entegrasyonunun Sağladığı Olanaklar, [Advantages of The Consolidation of The OEF Education Media], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. The CD-ROM software of General Math’s and Atatürk Principles and Revolution History lessons has been developed by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Computer Based Instruction (CBI) Department. These CD-ROMs have television programs, electronics books and also CBI software’s. The students who have internet connection have an opportunity to evaluate them by a link to an internet based self-evaluation exam system.These lessons are developed by different teams in different times, have brought together with television programs and books so they have seen to become instructional synergy. In this study, there are the results of questionnaire about the students how useful to find these CD-ROMs. BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ FAALİYET ÇİZELGELEMESİ VE AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ’NDE BİR UYGULAMA 350- OZTURK, Oznur. Bilgisayar Destekli Faaliyet Çizelgelemesi ve Açıköğretim Fakültesi’nde Bir Uygulama [Computer Aided Action Planning: An Aplication at Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 2000, Eskisehir, Turkey. At present as a result of increasing competition, information that is one of the sources towards organizations is gradually seen to go out to prior status. A correct and effective decision of organization managers depends on taking and evaluating the information on time from the inside and outside sources. Meeting the need of information of managers in organization directed us to an established information system. Project management is defined as to follow a certain objective by using the given sources in a certain time period. Project management requires 267 establishing and planning a working system, obtaining sources, scheduling activities and evaluating completed activities. Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty is the university, which has the most wide student capacity in Turkey and world. For obtaining high standards of quality towards the services, which are given to students, and making them on time, it is necessary to take control of whole system. With the computer aided scheduling of activities which are held on Open Education Faculty, it will be needed an information system that will give support the top management in obtaining information and giving the correct decisions. In achieving these purposes, it is tried to use Critical Path Method, one of the techniques in project management, in computer aided scheduling of activities and in the end these efforts are directed to establish a management information system that will give support to the top management. ÖĞRETİM TEKNOLOJİSİ OLARAK TELEVİZYONDA GÖRSELLEŞTİRME SUNUŞ: Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Uygulamaları 351- OZTURK, Serap, Mediha T. SAGLIK and Nedim GURSES. Öğretim Teknolojisi Olarak Televizyonda Görselleştirme Sunuş: Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Uygulamaları [Vizulation Presentaion as Being Educational Technology: An Application of Four-year Pre-school Teachership Application], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28–30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. (Bu çalışma ayrıca The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology–TOJET, October 2003 ISSN: 1303–6521 Volume 2, Issue 4, Article 16, Sakarya, Turkey, yayınlanmıştır) A television is a technology which in use distance education. It achives large people, provides equality between learners, broadcasts human sources to large people. Because of these specialities, it’s use is important in distance education. Open Education Faculty and The Ministerial of National Education began a prelicance program for preschool teachers in 2000 together. In this Project, television as one of the important techologies of distance education used very effective ways. 268 In this Project, television used to show applications, to transfer some professional’s experiences, beside of the transfer direct knowledge. In this work, extent of this project, all of the television programs which produced along tree years will analyse about their visualusation and presentation forms and evaluate their contributions of education. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: A Case Study Of Faculty of Open Education 352- OZTURK Zehra. Kamışlı, Database Management Systems: A Case Study of Faculty of Open Education, YA/EM’2004 Yöneylem Araştırması/Endüstri Mühendisliği XXIV. Ulusal Kongresi, 16–18 Haziran 2004, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, Türkiye. This study presents a database management system developed for AOF course books. Its rationale is based on the development of a database application that share data and operations through a database. It supports faculty’s manipulation and retrieval of book’s data. In order to organize large amounts of data (book’s names, ISBN numbers, number printed; authors’ names, and addresses, etc.) similar user interfaces are developed for different types of users. In addition, they can create special reports. It also encourages users who have no previous programming experience. The advantages of this database study are: ¾ Reducing data redundancy: Because all information is stored in one place (the database), data redundancy is greatly reduced. ¾ Ensuring data integrity: The integrity of information in a database is much higher than in file management systems. This is true because only one copy of information is stored, which requires only one change if necessary. ¾ Ensuring data security: Database management software can allow information access to only those people who actually need it. Although all the information is stored in one place, this helps ensure the only the right people see the right information. For example, one 269 form printing department could look at, but not change, information relating to the price of royalties. DÉVELOPPEMENTS DE LA FORMATION À DİSTANCE EN FRANCE ET EN TURQUIE: Vers quel droit à l’éducation? 353- PAPI, Cathia and Ali BUYUKASLAN. Développements de la formation à distance en France et en Turquie: vers quel droit à l’éducation? [Distance learning's developments in France and Turkey: To which right to education?], TICE Méditerranée 2007, ISDM, No 29, Marseille, France.2007 While technologies are progressively used as means of breaking off the borders face-to-face teaching in France as well as in Turkey, what about the access to education in both countries? From the solving of problems such as illeteracy, in Turkey, or sending to school in time of war, in France, to lifelong learning, we will see that distance learning seems to have an important role to play in applying the right to education. Key words: open and/or distance learning, technologies of information and communication, right to education. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNE İLİŞKİN TUTUMLARI 354- PARLAK, Nuray Y. "Açıköğretim Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Açıköğretim Sistemine İlişkin Tutumları [Attitudes of Open Education Faculty Students to the Open Learning System]”, Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis), 1991, Ankara, Turkey. The purpose of this survey research is to find out the attitudes of the students who are enrolled at the Economics and Business Administration departments of OEF (Open Education Faculty) connected with the elements consisting of an open education system. These elements are textbook, supporting services, administration, academic advising services and OEF TV programs. 270 The survey consists of 379 students who were selected among the first and fourth-class student enrolled at OEF Ankara Bureau. The data of the research were collected by means of an attitude scale, which was sent to each student. This scale is a likert type scale and is composed of 53 items, which are grouped under five heading in relation to the elements mentioned above. The rating scale (with five points) that is used in this scale consists of the alternatives "Strongly Agreed”, "Agreed”, "Undecided”, "Disagreed” and “and Strongly Disagreed". The following operations were used in this study: Frequency and percentage calculations were used for the data derived from the personal information pert of the attitude scale. The same calculations were also used in order to demonstrate the distribution of the students' attitude point regarding to each element. The t test was applied in order to determine whether the attitudes change with regard to several variables. According to the results of this survey, the attitudes of students connected with OEF are in relation to the variables of class, being acquainted with the Faculty, the reason for choosing the Faculty, participating at academic advising services and attending to OEF TV programs. İNTERNET TEMELLİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE ÖĞRENCİ DOYUMU ÖLÇEĞİ 355- PARLAK, Ozlem. İnternet Temelli Uzaktan Eğitimde Öğrenci Doyumu Ölçeği [Student Satisfactıon Scale on Internet Based Distance Education], Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama, Ankara, Sayı 11, Haziran 2007, Ankara, Türkiye. This research has been carried out in order to develop a student satisfaction scale on internet based distance education to be used in the evaluation of satisfaction levels of the students using the internet based distance education programmes. The research consists of a general scanning. The study group consisted of 202 students from Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Sakarya University Adapazarı Trade School for the spring semester of the 2003–2004 educational year. There were programmes of internet based distance education in these universities. At the beginning of the study 72 items were proposed. In order to investigate the structure validity of the scale, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) method was used. The result was a scale composed of 38 items 5 factors of which explained 60,880% of 271 the total variance (student-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, the structure of the lesson, institutional support and flexibility). The reliability of the scale was calculated using the Internal Consistency Coefficient (Cronbach Alfa). The coefficient reliance calculated with Cronbach Alfa is 0.95 for the whole scale. The findings showed that the scale is valid and reliable to be used in the evaluation of satisfaction levels of the students using the internet based distance education programmes in Turkey. TÜRKİYE'DE YÜKSEKÖĞRETİM KURUMLARINA ÖĞRENCİ SEÇME VE YERLEŞTİRME SİSTEMİ 356- PAYASLIOĞLU, Arif. Türkiye'de Yükseköğretim Kurumlarına Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Sistemi [Student Selecting and Placement System for Higher Education Institutions in Turkey]. OSYM Araştırma, Geliştirme Birimi, Bilkent, 1985, Ankara, Turkey. In this study it was given a place to the introduction of the system that is applied for student selection and placement to higher education institutions in Turkey; principle of taking student to open education system which forms an original way for student placement, and help of the services provided by OSYM (Student Selection Placement Center) to open education programs. In the study which chooses Open Education Faculty authorities as a rival for students who will enter OSYM exams and Higher Education Board authorities it is touched to the subjects of qualification of The Open Education Faculty, course materials of Open Education Faculty, structure of academic counseling services, examination and evaluation system of The Open Education Faculty and communication dimensions of OSYM-Open Education Faculty. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ SINAVLARI KONUSUNDA DÜŞÜNÜLEBİLECEK YENİ YÖNTEMLER 357- PAYASLIOĞLU, Arif. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Sınavları Konusunda Düşünülebilecek Yeni Yöntemler [Thinking a New Methods on Anadolu University 272 Open Education Faculty Examinations]”, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Dergisi, No: 164, pp: 37-42, February1994, Ankara, Turkey. This article discusses examination method of the Open Education Faculty's application. The Open Education Faculty's examination were organized by Student Selection and Placement Center (abrev: OSYM) up to now, at over Turkey, three times in a year as one of midterm, second is the final and last one is make up examination. These exams method was multiple choices. Dr. Payaslıoğlu says that this method pushes the students to memorize the courses, not to learn. Examinations should give to students at the computer medium not a class exam in two days and four-hour exam. He defenses that if exam method changes, this changing will change type of learning strategy of the students. So that courses or programs will be more useful for their life. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE MUHASEBE EĞİTİMİ VE BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ MUHASEBE EĞİTİMİ UYGULAMASI 358- PISIREN, Ugur. Uzaktan Öğretimde Muhasebe Eğitimi ve Bilgisayar Destekli Muhasebe Eğitimi Uygulaması [Account Education in Distance Education and Application of Computer Aid Account Education], Anadolu Üniversitesi Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis), 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. The importance and necessity of education is inevitable for communities. At present it can be obtained with distance education to convey the widespread education to the individual constitutes the community. In distance education the students continue their education by making use of the processes of the system: Subject materials printed lessons on television and radio, academic consultation services supported by computer. Our subject of research is by what kind of education policy “the accounting” which is widely met in distance education should be presented in the most suitable conditions. The fact that education of accounting, in distance education, is carried out in the way required depends on the fact that the processes of system work productively. The supplement to the education of accounting of “education supported by computer” which is the newest one of the processes of distance education has been reinforced by the application presented. 273 DISTANCE EDUCATION: GROWTH AND DIVERSITY 359- POTANHNIK, Michael and Joanne CAPPER. Distance Education: Growth and Diversity, Finance & Development. Published by the International Monetary Fund, March 1998, USA. Distance education is becoming increasingly popular as economic forces encourage, and new technologies facilitate, its spread. This article look for answer these questions: What advantages does it offer, and what should course providers consider before embarking on new ventures?Anadolu University take part among mega universities which is mentioned in this article. Mega-universities are large open universities, each of which enrolls more than 100,000 students per year. Uses and purposes, learning on the job, teacher training, extending classrooms, ensuring quality, cost effectiveness, trends and challenges are some titles from the article. TÜRK AÇIKÖĞRETİMİ İLE İNGİLİZ AÇIKÖĞRETİMİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI 360- RIZA, Enver Tahir. "Türk Açıköğretimi ile İngiliz Açıköğretiminin Karşılaştırılması [Comparison of The Open Education Faculty and The British Open University]”, Türkiye I. Uluslararası Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyum Bildirileri. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp:557-565, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. In the second half of this century many important crises have taken place related directly to the area of education. Population explosion was among the most important cries that took place when developing countries are concerned. There were high needs to primary, secondary and higher education and consequently lack of teachers and crowded classrooms problems were suddenly emerged. In different parts of the world depending on high technology open universities were established. Number of universities is increased from time to time. The British Open University established in 1968 and started its programs in 1969. In a few 274 years time this university developed fastly in terms of budget, number of students and programs. In Turkey Open Faculty in Anadolu University established in 1982. During the last 14 years many developments took place in this university too. Comparisons of the same type of establishments in different countries serve the development issue in these establishments. So the comparison of open universities: British and Turkish cases are constituent the general aim of this article. Comparisons depended on the basis of similarities and differences aspects of the two universities. These aspects included: openness, age of students, society opinion, programs diversity, printed materials, radio and TV programs, learning packages, computer services, other equipments, final examination and summer camps. DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 361- RUZGAR, N. Selver. Distance Educatıon in Turkey, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE April 2004 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 5 Number: 2, Eskisehir, Turkey. Many countries of the world are using distance education with various ways, by internet, by post and by TV. In this work, development of distance education in Turkey has been presented from the beginning. After discussing types and applications for different levels of distance education in Turkey, the distance education was given in the cultural aspect of the view. Then, in order to create the tendencies and thoughts of graduates of Higher Education Institutions and Distance Education Institutions about being competitors in job markets, sufficiency of education level, advantages for education system, continuing education in different Institutions, a face-toface survey was applied to 1284 graduates, 958 from Higher Education Institutions and 326 from Distance Education Institutions. The results were evaluated and discussed. In the last part of this work, suggestions to become widespread and improve the distance education in the country were made. 275 AÇIKÖĞRETİM: 10 YILDA NE OLDU NE OLACAK? 362- SAGLAM, Mustafa. "Açıköğretim 10 Yılda Ne Oldu, Ne Olacak? [What Happened in 10 Years and What Will Be Happen in the Open Education Faculty?]”, Akademi, No:1, pp: 4-11, December 1993, Cologne, Germany. This article gives brief information and summary for to evaluate at the 10th anniversary of the Open Education Faculty in the context of what the Open Education Faculty did during in ten years and what will do in the future. Article describes the Open Education Faculty' programs and with some statistical information and graphics dealing with these programs. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM YOLUYLA ÖĞRENİM GÖREN SINIF ÖĞRETMENLERİNİN ETKİLİ DERS ÇALIŞMA VE ÖĞRENME STRATEJİLERİNİ UYGULAMA DÜZEYLERİ 363- SAĞLAM, Mustafa. ‘’Uzaktan Eğitim Yoluyla Öğrenim Gören Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Etkili Ders Çalışma ve Öğrenme Stratejilerini Uygulama Düzeyleri[To Find Out The Primary School Teachers' Level Of Applying The Effective Study Skills And Learning Strategies in Their Learning Activities İn A Distance Education Program]‘’, Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1999, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 1-2, Sayfa: 17-35, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This study was aimed to find out the primary school teachers' level of applying the effective study skills and learning strategies in their learning activities in a distance education program. The data needed for the research were gathered with an instrument developed by the researcher. The instrument included eight scales about effective study skills and learning strategies. The instrument was applied to 2504 primary school teachers’ attented a distance education program at the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. In the study it was found that teachers' level of applying the effective study skills and learning strategies was high. It was also found that there was a 276 significant correlation between the teachers’ levels of appliying the effective study skills and learning strategies and their success in the program. However, it was found that the teachers' experience of attending another distance education program aerlier didn't affect their level of applying the effective study skills and learning strategies. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM ÇALIŞMALARI VE RADYONUN KULLANIMINA İLİŞKİN BİR MODEL GELİŞTİRİMİ 364- SAGLIK, Mediha. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Uzaktan Öğretim Çalışmaları ve Radyonun Kullanımına İlişkin Bir Model Geliştirimi [A Model Suggestion for Using Radio as an Education Medium for The Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Its Application]. Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1985, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study aimed to research more productively using of radio in distance education of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) Anadolu University, Turkey. This study consists of two main chapters. The first chapter is dealing with educational radio programs, which broadcasted by Turkish Radio and Television Association (Abrev. TRT) and, brief history of the distance education applications from beginning up to now. The second chapter gives a place for developing model for using radio in Turkish OEF more productive in the operating of OEF. This model consists of the criteria of the educational radio programs, producing techniques and harmony of the educational radio programs with the other teaching materials in distance education. BİR ÖĞRETİM ARACI OLARAK TELEVİZYON: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açiköğretim Fakültesinde Kullanimi ve Sonuçları 365- SAGLIK, Mediha and Serap OZTURK. “Bir Öğretim Aracı Olarak Televizyon: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim 277 Fakültesinde Kullanımı Ve Sonuçları [Television as an Educational Technology: Using Television at Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University]”, Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 18, pp: 237-249, July 2001, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In addition, TOJDE-Turkish Journal of Distance Education. Vol: 2, Number: 1, 2002, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.) (Turkish version of this article is appeared in Kurgu, July Sayı: 18, s.237-249, 2001, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.). In distance education, it is a fact that the rate of learning has increased by the help of augmenting variety of technologies. Television, as an audiovisual medium, is one of the effective media in distance education by its characteristics like widespread coverage of audience, supplying equality of opportunity, transmitting the human resources to big audience mass. In distance education the lack of mutual interaction and face-to-face education are important. As well, another problem is to overcome the loneliness feeling of the students. It is possible to make use of television programs both to obtain face-to-face education, mutual interaction and to create the feeling of state of belonging. Open Education Faculty (OEF) has benefit from educational television programs to prop up and to consolidate printed materials. Being parallel to tendency of individualism, OEF is producing live broadcasts, which supplies face-to-face communication besides the programs providing the feeling of belonging over the students. ETKİLEŞİMLİ BİR EĞİTİM TELEVİZYONU UYGULAMASI: Açiköğretim Fakültesi Canlı Televizyon Yayınları 366- SAGLIK, T. Mediha and Serap OZTURK. Etkileşimli Bir Eğitim Televizyonu Uygulaması: Açiköğretim Fakültesi Canlı Televizyon Yayınları [An Application Interactive Television: Open Education Live TV Broadcast], III. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansı ve Fuarı, 28–30 Mayıs 2003, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Gazimagusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. (In addition, thi presentation published in The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 278 October 2004, ISSN: 1303–6521, Volume 3, Issue 4, Article 18, Sakarya, Turkey.). Educational televsion which broadcast from TRT education channel 4 is used as support medium by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty since 1982. Beside this band broadcast, Open Education Faculty has started live TV broadcast program in 1999 too. This live programs a broadcasted two times, one week before midterm and final exams in every academic year up to now. Structure, aims, subjects, pre-broadcast, broadcast preperations and intraction aspect of live TV broadcasts are discussed in this study. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSITESİ UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİMDE BİLGİ SİSTEMİ: Bir Model Önerisi 367- SAKAR, Nurhan A. Anadolu Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Bilgi Sistemi: Bir Model Önerisi [A Model Suggestion for Anadolu University Data System]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 997/554, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. As known, Anadolu University has started higher education via distance education methods in 1982 with the structured of Open Education Faculty (OEF). The faculty at the university degree level education, which is given university diploma to its graduates. It changed its structure in 1993 by law 493. Its structure divided to independent faculty is Economics Faculty and Management Faculty. These faculties have four year-university degreeeducations. Open Education Faculty makes education only two-year (preBachelor) diploma education for its students. Additionally, Open Education Faculty is giving support to these four-year distance education faculties for preparing their TV and radio, printed, and audio and visual course materials, registar their students to the system, organize academic counseling and their examination. Under the light of these developments or changing, this study has to conduct to explain new situation of Open Education Faculty's structuring from point of flow of information. This study tries to point out that impact of the changing organizational structure of OEF since 1993, on exiting position. In this study, first of all OEF's existing information system had been analyzed. Than a model has 279 been developed to offer some solution ways are more effective and efficient operation of OEF existing system. The main mission of the English Language Teaching BA Program, which was started by a protocol signed on Feb. 28, 2002 between Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Turkish Ministry of Education, is to make up the differences in the shortfall of English Language teachers without making any concessions from the main mission. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖGRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖGRETMENLİĞİ LİSANS PROGRAMI 368- SAKAR, Nurhan. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıkögretim Fakültesi İngilizce Ögretmenliği Lisans Programı [Anadolu University Open Education Faculty English Teacher Training Program], Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Dergisi, Cilt III / Sayı: 1, Haziran 2001, Afyon, Türkiye. A Protocol concerning ELT Teacher Training Program was signed between the Turkish Ministry of Education and Anadolu University on February 28, 2000. Although Education Faculties have contributed a great deal to the field of teacher training, in order to meet the needs of educational system, they have had some difficulties both in terms of quality and quantity, in fulfilling their desired aim. Consequently, a great need for teacher English has been aroused, which seems impossible to meet within a short time. Furthermore, through the application of eight, year compulsory primary education and the scheduled English courses for the 4th and 5th grades, the need for teachers of English has become greater. For solution of this problem, Turkish Ministry of Education has cooperated with Anadolu University, Eskisehir and the English Teacher Training Project has been launched. Trough a process of negotiations, the remitted protocol has been signed and put into effect. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ LİSANS PROGRAMI ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN MEMNUNİYETLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİNE YÖNELİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA VE SONUÇLARI 280 369- SAKAR, Nurhan. A. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Öğrencilerinin Memnuniyetlerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma ve Sonuçları [Findings and Survey About Satisfying Level of the English Language Teaching BA Program Students of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty]”, presented paper at AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. The main mission of the English Language Teaching BA Program which was started by a protocol signed on 28.2.2002 between Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Turkish Ministry of Education is to make up the differences in the short-fall of English Language teachers without making any concessions from the main mission. There are 4806 students who have attended that program. The program mentioned has been started as a project. It has been suggested to give face-to-face education for the first two years and on-line education for the next two years. With its being first and different from the other programs given by Open Education Faculty System of Anadolu University, English Language Teaching BA Program has an importance. With this study the thoughts and satisfaction of the students attending that program has been searched. ANADOLU UNIVERSITY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (OEF) ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING B.A. PROGRAM (ELT BAP) AND WEBCT Web CT PILOTNG 370- SAKAR, Nurhan and Nesrin ORUC. Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty (OEF) English Language Teaching B.A. Program (ELT BAP) AND WEBCT Web CT Piloting, II. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2002,Turkey. The history of Anadolu University can be traced back to the establishment of the Institute of Higher Economics and the School of Trade back in 1958. Currently, the university comprises of 11 faculties, 8 vocational schools, and one state conservatory. With the affiliation of the Open Education Faculty, 281 which is based on a Distance Learning principle, Anadolu University started to introduce innovations to the Turkish higher education system in 1982. Nowadays, where Distance Learning got its place as an alternative educational system in both developed and developing countries, the need and importance to accommodate this system in the educational sector in Turkey has been clearly understood. In this study, Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty (OEF) English Language Teaching B.A. Program will discuss. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNE DAYALI “OKUL DENEYİMİ II ve ÖĞRETMENLİK UYGULAMASI” DERS MODELİ: Aöf İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Örneği 371- SAKAR, Nurhan. A. Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemine Dayalı “Okul Deneyimi II ve Öğretmenlik Uygulaması” Ders Modeli: AÖF İÖLP Örneği [School Experience and Teaching Practice Course Model In Distance Education System: Example From Open Education Faculty English Teaching Bacholar Degree Program], V Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Eylül 2005, Sakarya, Türkiye. The developments and innovations in technology in 21st century have also spread to education as well as to many other fields. Although traditional face-to-face education is still the most widely used system, technological advancements, especially the use of Internet has affected distance education systems greatly. As it is known Anadolu University Open Education Faculty is a higher education institute that was established in 1982. Currently, the faculty offers 23 AD (Associate Degree) and 2 BA (Bachelor of Art) programs through distance education. One of the BA programs that is offered within the Open Education Faculty is English Language Teaching program. This program aims to train students as English teachers. In accordance with the protocol signed with the Ministry of National Education (February 28, 2000), the courses in the first two years are face-to-face while in the last two years through distance education. The program is unique in that there are no other programs, which train English teachers through distance education. In this program, one of the 282 fourth year courses, School Experience and Teaching Practice, is of special importance for two reasons. First, School Experience and Teaching Practice course is a course, which requires students to practice teach English in primary and secondary schools. Second, because the last two years of the program is taught through distance education and students can be anywhere in Turkey, they could do their practice teaching anywhere in Turkey. Thus, Open Education Faculty organizes, for each student based on his/her reported address, a school where the student will do his/her practice teaching. The organization model that is used to assign students to schools in their city of residence is one that has no other examples. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the organization model that was utilized first in the 2003-2004, and secondly in the 2004-2005 academic year. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMİNDE KARMA ÖĞRENME MODELİ: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Örneği 372- SAKAR, Nurhan. A. Uzaktan Eğitim Sisteminde Karma Öğrenme Modeli: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Örneği [Blended Learning Model in Distance Education: English Teacher Bachelor’s Program Evaluation], Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Haziran 2006, Cilt 7/Say. 1, Eskisehir, Türkiye. Recent advancements in the Internet technology has made distance education more preferable among other learning platforms. In addition to distance education providers, many traditional face-to-face education institutions now utilize blended learning models where by they offer distance courses within their education system. Blended learning is also utilized in traditional in-class educational activities by using one or more information and communication technologies (Internet, CD-Rom, TV, etc.). Distance Program in English Language Teaching offered by Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, is a 4year BA degree program. It is based on blended learning model where by the first two years is partly face-to-face and the last two years are through distance education. 283 The program is equivalent to other face-to-face English Language Teaching Programs offered by other universities in Turkey. The program is unique in terms of its blended learning and delivery methods. Therefore Distance Program in English Language Teaching can be considered as a model for other English language teacher training programs. In this paper, developments in the Distance Program in English Language Teaching based on blended learning model in the past six years and plans for the future are discussed. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ HEMŞİRELİK ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI VE MALİYET TASARRUFU 373- SECIM, Hikmet. "Açıköğretim Fakültesi Hemşirelik Önlisans Programı ve Maliyet Tasarrufu [Open Education Faculty Nurse Education and Saving Cost], Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim I. Sempozyum Bildirileri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 552, pp: 71-73, 1991, Eskisehir, Turkey. Article discusses on saving cost of if applies distance education method for Nurse Education in Turkey. Author gives attractive examples from nurse education by comparing traditional and distance nurse education method in Turkey, giving certain statistics and today's application. DÜNYADA AÇIKÖĞRETİM UYGULAMALARINDAN BAZI ÖRNEKLER 374- SECIM, Hikmet. "Dünyada Açıköğretim Uygulamalarından Bazı Örnekler [Some Distance Education Application Examples in The World]”, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Dergisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 777/392, Vol:1, No:1, pp:237-260, June 1994, Eskisehir, Turkey. Author mentions distance education application around the world by giving some aspects from examples as The Open University, Durham University. And than he is giving a list of approximately more than 300 institutions, which are making distance education in the world. 284 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM VE EĞİTİM HAKKI 375- SELVI, Kıymet. Uzaktan Öğretim ve Eğitim Hakkı [Distance Education and Education Rights] , AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study Distance Education Programs and application of these programs are evaluated at the context of the right of education, which is carrying out at Anadolu University. At the first part of this study the differences and similarity are analysed between distance education system and formal education system. At the second part of this study the programs of distance education: types of program, conditions of the entrance, qualifications of target groups and realization of the programs, process of the learning-teaching, evaluation and feedback, the possibilities horizontal passing between distance learning Programs to give an answer to personal needs students, students expense as analyses at the context. At the end of the analyses the existed University of Anadolu Distance Education Programs and distance education system is evaluated whether or not it is enough to verify right of education. DISTANCE LEARNING AND RIGHT OF EDUCATION 376- SELVI, Kıymet. ‘’Distance Learning and Right of Education, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research’’, 22, pp, 201-211, 2006, Anı yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. Anadolu University, and application of these programs are evaluated in the context of the right of education, In the first part of this study the differences and similarities are analyzed between distance learning system and formal education system. At the result of this analysis, basic aims, applications and features of the distance learning are explicated. In addition to this, the right of education is analyzed in the context of international and national laws and conventions. At the second part of this study the programs of distance learning: types of program, conditions of the entrance, qualifications of target groups and actualizing of the programs, processes of the learningteaching, evaluation and feedback, the possibilities of horizontal transferring 285 between distance learning programs to meet the needs of the students, students’ education costs were analyzed in this context. At the end of the analysis, the existing Anatolian University Distance Learning Programs and distance learning system were evaluated whether or not they are enough to verify the right of education. AÇIKÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN YERLEŞİM ALANLARINA GÖRE DAĞILIMINI BELİRLEMEYE YÖNELİK TAHMİN MODELİ GELİŞTİRİLMESİ 377- SEN, Ayman, Mine. Açıköğretim Öğrencilerinin Yerleşim Alanlarına Göre Dağılımını Belirlemeye Yönelik Tahmin Modeli Geliştirilmesi [A Model for Guessing OEF Students’ on Living Place Distribution], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences (Unpublished Master Thesis), 1999. Eskisehir, Turkey. Current statistical studies have important limitations, like high costs, short deadlines, thus forecasting seems as a solution, with the support of improving forecasting techniques, and organizations take right decisions by reducing uncertainties. At the beginning of 21st Century, in addition to classical approaches to education, needs to search new approaches, revealed Distance Education System, which is executed by Anadolu University in Turkey. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty has the largest student capacity in our country. Because of that, it is needed to the new improvements for giving more help to the system and the students. To plan the supporting services for Open Education students it is needed to know the residence distribution. Besides the application of this supporting services will become more convenient by giving importance to them on regional dimension. for this purpose, I tried to develop a forecasting model with the help of multiple linear regression methods to determine the distribution according to the residence of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty students. AÇIKÖĞRETİM SORU BANKASI YÖNETİM SİSTEMİ 378- SENEL, Hakan. Açıköğretim Soru Bankası Yönetim Sistemi [Management System of Open Education Faculty Question 286 Bank], BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTU Öğrenci Kolu, May 13-15, 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. Turkish Open Education system under the supervision of Anadolu University has over 550 thousand students. All students have to take exams three times a year in the central exam organization. Since there are 178 courses available in all programs, the exam preparation is quite complex and cumbersome. In order to cope with such a challenge, a department, called Exam Preparation and Research Center, was established in 1996. The errors encountered in exams of 1996 led to the decision of developing a software system order to automate test preparation process and minimize unintentional human errors. In the first year, software errors were eliminated and new functionality was kept on added.The system was evolved to a stage that it accepted questions from the user and test books were printed out on the other hand. Page formatting, punctuation error detection, simple grammar checking, syntax error corrections, shuffling of questions in test groups are handled by the system. It has been reported that the number of human errors in questions has been significantly decreased after the introduction of the system. In June 1997, a statistical tool measuring the quality (difficulty level, separation power) of questions was integrated into the system. As a post-exam tool, data obtained from the module gives a quantitative feedback to question writers. AÇIKÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİ DESTEK SİSTEMİ 379- SENEL, Hakan and Akif KUTLU. Açıköğretim Öğrenci Destek Sistemi [Student Support System of Open Education Faculty], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Student support centers that have been established in major cities of Turkey give support to Distance Education students since 1982. These centers are places where information flows between students and the school. In 1998, the technological improvements were made and the quality of the support service was greatly improved. In this article, the working of the student support system and the effects of the technological improvements made in 1998 are discussed. During this rehabilitation period, computerization of the 287 bureaus has provided speed service and more kinds of services. This article emphasizes these rehabilitation results of the ”Bureau Automation Project” application. ÇEVRİMİÇİ BİR DESTEK OLARAK SUNULAN İKTİSADA GİRİŞ DERSİNİN ÖĞRENCİ MEMNUNİYETİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Bir Uygulama Örneği 380- SENEL, Zeliha. Çevrimiçi Bir Destek Olarak Sunulan İktisada Giriş Dersinin Öğrenci Memnuniyeti Üzerine Etkisi: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesinde Bir Uygulama Örneği [Effect of a Web Support System of Introduction to Economics to the Student Satisfaction in Anadolu University Open Education System], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uzaktan Eğitim Anabilim Dalı, unpublished MA thesis, 2003, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Advancements in communication technologies and spread of knowledge over Internet have caused an impact on educational systems. Increase in the population of non-traditional students and demand for life-long education have emphasized the importance of distance education systems. In this mode of education, communication between teachers and learners is provided over different media since they are not in the same geographical locations. Internet and World Wide Web (www) are among the newest technologies utilized in the area of education. The main purpose of this study is to design a web based support system for a lecture which is currently given in a distance education program based on television and printed materials. In the design process, technological and pedagogical properties of hyper media are observed. Student satisfaction as a measure of perceived leaning is also determined. In this study, in order to determine the student satisfaction for the designed web support system, a survey in Likert scale is developed. Survey results show that students are generally satisfied with the educational web site. The most important factor that affects the students' satisfaction negatively is determined to be Internet access problems. 288 AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE EĞİTSEL İLETİŞİM ORTAMI OLARAK BİLGİSAYAR: Akademik Danışmanlık Sistemi İçin Bir Bilgisayar Destek Eğitim Modeli 381- SENIS, B. Fethi. Açıköğretimde Eğitsel İletişim Ortamı Olarak Bilgisayar: Akademik Danışmanlık Sistemi İçin Bir Bilgisayar Destek Eğitim Modeli [Computer as being Educational Component in Open Education Faculty: A Computer Aided Instruction Model for an Academic Counselling System], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 684/333, 1993, Eskisehir, Turkey. Mostly education is a service, which consumes individually. Human structure is verily different from each other. This differentiation show changes according to educatebility, their reaction to the structure of educational message de- sign, interested area, their expectation and their ability. Coming together different elements in the same organization provides synergy and also this synergy provides integration of educational tools being a bigger system. As known distance education systems are big educational organizations, which are integrated of mass media tools for an educational aims. And also, the Open Education Faculty is the biggest educational institution in Turkey which using mass media tools in its running. At its tenth year a research conducted which deal with integration of computer aided instructional media to the system. So that first of all in this study is investigated structure of the Open Education Faculty and search how system can be present individual education to its students. In the third chapter, questioned how integration of computer aided instructional materials makes system richer. At the last chapter, feasibility and possibility of this new medium is realized and analyzed for the OEF from point of economical and technological view. At the end of the study author gives his suggestions deal with the new offered system. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK MERKEZLERİ PROJESİ'NİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 382- SENIS, B. Fethi and M. Emin MUTLU. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Bilgisayar Destekli Akademik Danışmanlık Merkezleri Projesi'nin Değerlendirilmesi 289 [Evaluation of Computer Aided Academic Councelling Centers in The Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University]", IV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi ve Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, September 1012, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. This project applied by the Computer Aided (or Assisted) Academic Counseling Centre-CAACC-and it is prepared and developed as software by Computer Supported Unit (CSU) in 1992-1994. This Project is applied since 1994 at the Open Education Faculty's Student Information Bureaus. This study is containing the evaluation of the project and establishment of the system. As a result, according to the student perspective this service has been very useful for the students. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK VE UYGULAMA HİZMETLERİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 383- SERTER, Nuray. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Akademik Danışmanlık ve Uygulama Hizmetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Academic Counselling Service in the Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 243 /16, 1986, Eskisehir, Turkey It is not sufficiently known that in what degree the Academic Counseling Services which take place in distance education system that is applied in the level of higher education by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty since 1982-83 educational year operate (work) in the direction of their goals. This study in which suggestions are developed in the direction of recovering Academic Counseling activities by evaluating inquiry results applied to students in the aim of evaluating education activities dimension of first year application of Open Education Program; is the book printed as a doctorate thesis of the author. The author handed the suggestions in two groups: Suggestions, which will be applied for short term, and suggestions, which will be applied in the long term. The author who reaches the hypothesis that the expectations of students and education staff from Academic Counseling services are different states that expectations of students become more different at the end of the year of the 290 application and besides evaluating this differentiation as a kind of awareness. It can also be seen as a forming of open education student type. ÜNİVERSİTELERE GİRİŞ SORUNU; EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİSİNDEKİ GELİŞMELER VE BİR ÖNERİ 384- SERTER, Nuray. "Üniversitelere Giriş Sorunu; Eğitim Teknolojisindeki Gelişmeler ve Bir Öneri [Problem of the University Entrance System: Developments in Educational Technology and A Suggestion]”, Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 320/141, No: 5, pp: 347-355, January 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. It is stated that Turkish higher education system can not meet the demand sufficiently since 1960's and from these year candidates who wants higher education show a great increase. A series of problems were brought to universities, which were doing their own exams until 1974, and in 1974, it was decided to establish ÖSYM by attempting a regulation.This application had brought a calmness to the problem of entering university in a certain radio in respects of selecting and placement but the number of people who could not enter university by elimination reached a higher level and a series of problems that these people carried with themselves were defined as an in equilibrium between information and secondary schools as a problem of entering university. The operating application of distance education by the related matter of the law numbered 2547, which was issued in 1982. In article, it was suggested that by focusing on distance education method by teaching the basic courses and concepts on 8 basic areas by DE method, and by slipping the funds, sources and possibilities of higher education to occupational education which considers the same area's application or faceto-face education basic concepts and courses can be communicated to wide masses and possibilities should be given to the people from this mass who successful in occupational education. AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE AKADEMİK DANIŞMANLIK 385- SERTER, Nuray. Açıköğretimde Akademik Danışmanlık [Academic Tutoring Services of Open Education Faculty], 291 Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 985550, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. Academic Tutoring, one of three basic elements of distance education, seeks to meet face-to-face education needs of the distance students. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, from its inception in 1982, has been providing Academic Tutoring services, and trying to expand it across the country. This paper addresses the purposes, development and status of Academic Tutoring services provided by Open Education Faculty in Turkey. ACADEMIC TUTORING SERVICES OF OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 386- SERTER, Nuray. “Açıköğretim Fakültesi Akademik Danışmanlık Hizmetleri [Academic Tutoring Services of Open Education Faculty]”, AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu’na sunulan bildiri. Anadolu Üniversitesi, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Eskisehir, Türkiye. This paper is a summary.of the study which mentioned above an presenter at OEF symposium in 2002. It deals with the academic ctutoring system and its running in Open Education Faculty. RADYODA ÖRGÜN EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARI VE TÜRKİYE'DEKİ UYGULAMALAR 387- SEZGIN, Jülide. Radyoda Örgün Eğitim Programları ve Türkiye'deki Uygulamalar [Educational Radio Programs in Conventional Education and Turkish Case], Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1989, Istanbul, Turkey. The aim of this thesis is evaluating the success of radio as a communication tool in education, to reach its mass audience target. Content of the study includes five chapters. In the first chapter, writer tries to describe education and radio concept. The second and the third chapters are deals with education applications via radio in turkey and world. At the fourth chapter a 292 survey on efficiency of radio educational programs is mentioned. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the study. Course materials and educational radio programs contain should be similar content. Educational radio programs should broadcast the most suitable hours for its target audience. And also, Educational radio programs should be shorter minute which now broadcasting. Consequently, educational radio programs should be a special expert area for the educators. INNOVATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION THE OPEN UNIVERSITIES 388- SHALE, Doug. "Innovation in Higher Education: The Open Universities”, Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 2, No: 1 p: 8, Spring 1987, Canada. When author mentions striking developments of Open Education Universities, by giving their name and initial years, "Open University of Turkey" illustrated in the list. TÜRKİYE'DE UZAKTAN EĞİTİMİN TARİHSEL GELİŞİMİ 389- SIMSEK, Ali. "Türkiye'de Uzaktan Eğitimin Tarihsel Gelişimi [Historical Developments of Distance Education in Turkey]”, Çağdaş Eğitim. No: 108, pp: 34-39, 1986, Ankara, Turkey. In this article it was stated that the demand for education had reached to extra ordinary dimensions in the last years and because the traditional education systems could not meet this demand, distance education becomes widespread rapidly. In the article it is tried to evaluate the history of the distance education, which applied in Turkey, and the results of these attempts in respects of educational technology. It was emphasized that institutions that would apply distance education should begin applications after having known the conditions of the students. DISTANCE EDUCATION-PUBLIC POLICY AND PRACTICE IN HIGHER EDUCATION: The Case of Türkiye 293 390- SIMSEK, Aytaç. “Distance Education-Public Policy and Practice in Higher Education: The Case of Türkiye”, Brazilian Review of Open and Distance Learning, Vol.2/ Nº 4, 2003, Brasil. The paper presents a review of the past, current and future situation as regards the use of Distance Education (DE) in Higher Education (HE) in Türkiye (Turkey). The emphasis of the paper is on the development of distance education technologies in higher education institutions in Türkiye. The nature of the distance education programs, regulations, and funds are summarized. Anadolu University Open education Faculty program is highlighted as an example or model for developing countries who intend to integrate distance education technologies into their education systems. AÇIKÖĞRETİM DERS KİTAPLARININ KENDİ KENDİNE ÖĞRETME YETERLİLİĞİ 391- SIMSEK, Nurettin. "Açıköğretim Ders Kitaplarının Kendi Kendine Öğretme Yeterliği [Suffeciency of the Open Education Faculty' Printed Course Materials from Point of Self-teaching]”, I. Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi Bildirileri. Vol: 2, pp: 537-543, April 28-30, 1994, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey. In this article some results of similar survey which is conducted before is made a discussing subject. The study is realized by pre and last test model on effects of the success of teaching itself of the Open Education Faculty's printed course materials, to the according writing criteria’s of the units in Open Education Faculty. It is given information dealing with the systematic of the study at the first section of the presented paper. In the second part of the study placed obtained data from application. Results are discussed at the last section of paper. According to results of the study, if units have been written fit to writing criterias at the printed materials of the Open Education Faculty, this way has positive effect on books' teach itself to the students. So, it can be say that distance education printed materials should be written according to the writing criteria to be successful and functional of books to teach itself to the students. 294 UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMLERİNDEKİ ÇEVRİMİÇİ ETKİLEŞİMLERİN YAPISAL ÇÖZÜMLEME YOLUYLA MODELLENMESİ 392- SIMSEK, Nurettin. Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemlerindeki Çevrimiçi Etkileşimlerin Yapısal Çözümleme Yoluyla Modellenmesi [Modelling of Online Interactions In Distance Instructional Systems], Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama, Sayı 9, Haziran 2006, Ankara, Türkiye. The situation whether the students are participating online learning activities or not, their participation frequencies and content of participation give important clues about the real function of these activities and expectations of distant learners regarding these activities. In this research, analyzing the messages between teachers and students and among students in chat sessions, it is aimed to describe the communicational structure of these sessions in which the messages are shared. ESA (Exchange Structure Analysis), which was used to analyze the messages, is a method based on categorizing the messages of participants considering the pragmatic goal of participation and giving meaning to them by digitizing. In this research, 27156 messages belonging to 280 students studying in a distance education programme were analyzed. The research findings released that more than half of students paid attention to learning activities and executed more sessions than planned. Although the frequencies of the students’ participation in the chat activities do not differ in gender; it has been found that it is affected by age, the type of residential and state of internet access facility. The average of participation frequencies is higher in centrum, county and village respectively. No significant difference between the frequencies of sending message of males and females is observed. The students send messages about content of subjects, examinations, student affairs services respectively. Different from the teachers’ messages, the students’ messages are passive, active and dominant ones respectively TURKEY 393- SOZEN, Nur. "Turkey”, Distance Education in Asia and Pacific Conference, 1991. (No other data) 295 In this presented paper, declared that history of distance education applications in Turkey and dimensions of The OEF application with its legal status. Article contains the programs of The OEF which serve to its students. DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY: A Sociological Research on Students Enrolled In Open Education 394- SUGUR, Nadir. Distance Education System in Turkey: A Sociological Research on Students Enrolled in Open Education, XXII CESE Conference, 3-6 July, 2006, Granada, Spain. This paper examines social and economic profiles of students who are enrolled in open education in Turkey. In Turkey, open education system was firstly introduced by Anadolu University in 1982. As of 2005, numbers of students who are currently registered in open education in Turkey, Northern Republic of Cyprus and Europe approached one million. The most of these students presently reside in Turkey. ince the number of students in open education increases rapidly in Turkey, it sociologically becomes necessary to look at social and economic characteristics of those students who study in open education. Thus, it is important to understand those students’ level of income, gender formation, rural-urban origins, age groups, type of employment, preferences for open education and opinions about the education system in Turkey. This paper aims to fill this void and understand the world of students in open education in Turkey. TÜRKİYE'DE AÇIKÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNİN TOPLUMSAL CINSİYET AÇISINDAN İNCELENMESİ 395- SUGUR, Serap ve Temmuz GONÇ-SAVRAN. “Türkiye'de Açıköğretim Sisteminin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Açısından İncelenmesi [An Examination of the Open Educatian System in Turkey from a Gender Point of View]”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 61(3). 2006, ss. 193–217, Ankara. This study aims to look at male and female students in the open education system, which is usually regarded as a second chance for those who have failed to get into higher education in Turkey. 296 In this context, male and female students' emollments rate, social and economic backgrounds, the reasons for choosing open education and the differences in the degree COUlses they particularly prefer to studyare analyzed from a gender point of view. The study also attempts to explore critically the role of distance education in gender equality, in regard to workingwomen whose number in distance education has recently been increasing. A GENDER PERSPECTIVE ON DISTANCE-HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY 396- SUGUR, Serap. A Gender Perspective On Distance-Higher Education System In Turkey, XXII Comparative Education Society in Europe Conference, 3-6 Temmuz 2006, Granada, Spain. This study aims to look at men and women students in distant-higher education system, which is usually regarded as a second chance for those who have failed to get into campus-class based higher education system in Turkey. In this context, men and women student’s enrolments rate, social and economic backgrounds, the reasons for participating distance-higher education and the degree courses they particularly prefer to study are analysed from a gender point of view. The study also attempts to explore critically the role of distance-higher education in gender equality, in regard to working women whose number in distance-higher education has recently been increasing worldwide, with special reference to Turkey. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS WITHIN DISTANCE EDUCATION AND A CASE FROM TURKEY 397- SUTCU, Cem S. and Emin D. AYDIN. The Role of Information Systems within Distance Education and A Case from Turkey, Bilgisayar/Bilişim Sistemleri Uluslararası Derneği, 1999 Yılı Konferansı (IACIS '99, International Association For Computer Information Systems), San Antonio, Texas, ABD, 30 Eylül-2Ekim 1999. (In addition this presentation is presented at Onikinci Uluslararası Üniversite 297 Yöneticileri Toplantısı (Twelfth International Meeting of University Administrators), B.K., 5-9, Eylül 1999, Edinburgh, UK. Today education is so important subjecj for the societies. Usage of knowledge and technology provides for increasing quality and arrive to masses. In Turkey distance education helps to arrive young popilation’ education by using technology. Via sattellite broadcsting distance edcation in Turkey arrives its ditance education sudents upto midlle and Western Europe, Azarbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tataristan, Kazakhistan and Kirghizistan. Main problems in Turkish distance education are to organizig distribution of printed materials and evaluation of the exams. This presentation points out current situtation and mentioning coordination of knowledge system in Turkey. THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND TEACHING ACCOUNTING: (TURKISH CASE) 398- SURMELI, Fevzi. The Latest Developments in Educational Technology and Teaching Accounting: (Turkish Case), Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 014, 1989 Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study it was emphasized that modern technological developments take place in educational process inevitably, it was touched to the subjects of educational technology, usage of communication technology in education, distance education method and distance education materials used in this process, using of these materials, using especially usage of TV courses and printed materials, and accountancy education of the application in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. And at the end of the study it is mentioned about the fact that getting use of TV video, telephone, telex, cassette, film and computer in administration, planning, organizing and evaluating of education-teaching process forms the base of sub-discipline of educational technology and about the position and importance of density used educational technology in distance education system. 298 MESLEK LİSESİ MEZUNLARI İÇİN AÇIKÖĞRETİMDE EĞİTİM MODELLERİ 399- SÜRMELİ, Fevzi, A. Ekrem ÖZKUL, Mehmet KESİM ve Nazmi ULUTAK. Meslek Lisesi Mezunları İçin Açıköğretimde Eğitim Modelleri [Educational Models in Open Education for Vocational High School Graduates], BTIE’99 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi’ne sunulan bildiri, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTÜ Öğrenci Kolu, 13-15 Mayıs 1999, Ankara, Türkiye. In this presentation a model is suggesting for the vocational High Schools via distance education method. Papers is detailed how can this high school graduates find a higher education chance for vocation colleges easily in their fields, according to their difficulties. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM VEREN KURUMLARDA TOPLAM KALİTE FELSEFESİNİN UYGULANABİLİRLİĞİ 400- TASCI, Deniz. "Uzaktan Eğitim Veren Kurumlar da Toplam Kalite Felsefesinin Uygulanabilirliği [Applicability of The Total Quality Philosophy at Distance Education Institutions]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 599-605, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. Educational needs are increasing in Turkey day by day in a great and large dimension as being in developing countries. But economical sources are very limited for educational area again as being in other countries. So that one of the important reasons that establishing of distance education depends for to solve this education's problem. Before establishing the Faculty of Open Education in 1982, of course, some distance education models were applying, but all of them were fail. There were many reasons for this failure of these models as political, economical or educational planning. The Faculty of Open Education (OEF) and Turkish society had an advantage by these earlier experiments for to apply a distance education with a new approach or philosophic in due course. By this way, new distance education 299 model had seen as respectful and logical way to solve Turkish educational problems. So, the OEF started to play an important role in supplying the educational demands in Turkey. Discusses and arguments about OEF far away that this system will not be unsuccessful; now the problem is how the limited quality would improve. Placement, acceptability and contingency of this system took very short time and credit of the OEF increased from year to year.Most of time increasing contingency had been done without the possibilities and aim. General quality, generally, is in contradiction with the quantity in addition; improving quality requires substantial sources. But, OEF tries to give services by the view; counseling Faculty of Management has some difficulties. At the same time, improving quality requires mental source too. In other words suitable knowledge and know-how are important input to improve quality. In this presentation will discuss that how the quality circles and total quality management contribute to improve efficiently of the OEF services. ONLINE LEARNING PROGRAMS AS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS: A Case Study of Information Management Programs At Anadolu University, Turkey 401- TASCI, Deniz. Online Learning Programs as Learning Organizations: A Case Study of Information Management Programs at Anadolu University, Turkey, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, July 2006 ISSN 1302-6488, Volume :7 Number: 3, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study consists of the results of a study in which facilitators’ attitudes toward effectiveness of various media used in the Information Management Associate Degree Program (IMP) of Anadolu University, Turkey. The study has shown that textbooks are not viewed as efficient as multimedia programs and web environments by facilitators although they indicate that textbooks should still be used in online courses. The participants also found multimedia programs distributed on CDs more effective than the web environments. 300 UZAKTAN EĞİTİM ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN DERS ÇALIŞMA STRATEJİLERİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI 402- TEKER, Necmettin, Uzaktan Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Ders Çalışma Stratejilerinin Karşılaştırılması [Comparison of Distance Learners' Study Strategies], Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama, Sayı 1, Ocak 2002, Ankara, Türkiye. Recently more than a million students have been educated in distance education. Most commonly used learning source for Turkish distance-education students are printed instructional materials. In this research, having dis-tance-learning students' effective learning strategies compared their depart-ments and grades. In a survey model one hundred and fifty distance-education students took a questionnaire, which has 26 items and its reliabil-ity coefficient calculated as 0,82. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze data. Alpha was determined as 0,05. Results showed that students have difficulty in constitute strategies for mental prepare to study, using time, arranging study environment and making use of different sources. However, students have effective reading, study and assessment strategies as well as study and control abilities and high self-confidence can be concluded. In addition there are some significant qualifications between departments and grades. Upper grade students' qualifications, which pro-mote success in distance education, are higher than lowers. It must be con-sidered that these findings were obtained from limited number of students, who took advantage of helping from academic advisor. TÜRKİYE'DE UYGULANAN UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMİNDE VİDEO İLE EĞİTİM MERKEZİ PROJE ÖNERİSİ 403- TEKIN, Cengiz, Ugur DEMIRAY and Murat BARKAN. Türkiye'de Uygulanan Uzaktan Eğitim Sisteminde Video ile Eğitim Merkezi Proje Önerisi [A Project Suggestion for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty's Video Education Center], Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi 301 ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, No: 1, 1987, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study which was done collectively, it was supported that video should be taken a place in a rate of 1:10 in the system in studies of Open Education Faculty students as a distance education system applied in Turkey and suggestions were brought on the subjects of why and how video should be used. This study was done by taking base of the data from the research that was done on the subject of ''Usage of Video in Turkish Society’’ by two of the authors. The aim of the study was to show that video could take place in distance education system, which has been applying by in Anadolu University as a supportive service for students. The study consists of five chapters. In the first chapter it was given place to literature-oriented information about communication media used in distance education systems and the functions of these media in the operation of the system and usage possibilities of video for distance education.In the second chapter it was given a place to applications of distance education in Turkey until today and served some information about the past, developments, applications and problems that were tried as an open education before and its beginning in our country and about channels of open education for reaching students. In the third chapter it was touched to the subjects of usage possibilities of video in Open Education Faculty, relation between Open Education Faculty bureaus and Video Education Libraries; operation process of VEM (in Turkish Video Eğitim Merkezi [Video Education Center); coordination between Video Education Center - Video Education Libraries applications in the provinces bureaus. In the fourth and results and suggestions related with usage of video given and it was mentioned about on evaluation section, which consists of information about other units, which need for coordination.After the fifth chapter that consists of a pilot project application, it was given place to additional reading part, which was used in the study. The results that were reached after the study can be summarized as: Video should be put into a position of medium which can be used functionally for increasing the education and information level of the people and the image of video as an entertaining and time-spending tool can be broken. Using of 302 video on this area will bring it into a position of medium which is peculiar to us and which is used synchronously with other nations when we compared with the other applications in other nations'. By this suggestion application video can find usage areas in other fields too, and can be more functional for education of the society in the fields in which it is used. THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY 404- TEKIN, Cengiz, Durmuş Ali OZCELIK, Ugur DEMIRAY and Murat BARKAN. The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, 1st and 2nd Edition, Anadolu University, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study mentioned that Anadolu University was founded in 1982. The already existing Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences (founded in 1958), and Engineering and Architecture (founded in 1970), were reorganized as faculties of Economical and Administrative Sciences, and Engineering and Architecture, respectively, under the new university structure. Presently, Anadolu University has the following faculties: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Kütahya Campus), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Afyon Campus), Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacology, Open Education Faculty, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.In sum, Anadolu University consists of 9 faculties and 5 higher schools and 5 Higher School of Occupation with approximately 2000 employees, 656 of whom are the academic staff members. The university has more than 300.000 students, which make it the largest university in the country. This study describes operating of the OEF with all aspect for a reader. Of course it was a kind of brochure to inform people who are interested in. This brochure is useful for seminars, congress, or for the visitors of the university or faculty. ÇAĞDAŞ BİR EĞİTİM ARACI VİDEO: ARAŞTIRMA-KURAMUYGULAMA 405- TEKIN, Cengiz (Editör). Çağdaş Bir Eğitim Aracı Video: Araştırma-Kuram-Uygulama [Video: A Contemprary Educational Media -Research Theory Executive], Anadolu 303 ÜniversitesiEğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 004, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study consists of articles which are related with video which is also a mass communication media nowadays and subjects about the video in various dimensions. The concerning of the study with Open Education Faculty dimension is because the usage of video in distance education systems, by Open Education Faculty Video Education Centers and the articles about the applications in these centers In the articles, by claiming that video is a functional medium in distance education, it is given place to the opinion that video will help distance education student in their learning process. HOME VIDEO A POSSIBILITY TO SUPPORT DISTANCE EDUCATION STUDENTS 406- TEKIN, Cengiz and Murat BARKAN. Home Video: A Possibility to Support Distance Education Students, Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No: 11, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this study it was mentioned about the opinion that supports the usage of video in education services because of the home-video characteristics was assumed, it was insisted on characteristics of video and of these characteristics in distance educational method by reflecting in education circumstances. SHORT PROFILE OF THE FIRST GRADUATES OF THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY 407- TEKIN, Cengiz and Ugur DEMIRAY. "Short Profile of The First Graduates of The Open Education Faculty”, ICDE. Vol: 19, The Open University, 1989, Milton Keynes, UK. (This study also, s published from the Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation, No: 15, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey). 304 Anadolu University Open Education Faculty had brought a new dimension to Turkish education system by starting education in 1982. It was stated that this new brought dimension is convenient to Turkish social structure and gradually is being accepted by public opinion. In this study some brief information about the characteristics of first graduates of Open Education Faculty was given. UZAKTAN/AÇIK ÖĞRETİMİN MALİYET ANALİZİ 408- TEZCAN, Mediha. ‘Uzaktan/Açık Öğretimin Maliyet Analizi’, [Cost Analysis of Distance/Open Education], Uzaktan Eğitim, UZEV Yayınları, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yaz 1998, pp: 93-95, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. In this study, the description of cost analyses of distance education system is analized only on the descriptive level. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDE EKONOMİK YAPI ÇÖZÜMLEMESİ: Türk Yükseköğretiminde Örgün Ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Maliyet–Etkinlik Karşilaştirmasi 409- TEZCAN, Mediha. Uzaktan Eğitimde Ekonomik Yapı Çözümlemesi: Türk Yükseköğretiminde Örgün ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Maliyet–Etkinlik Karşılaştırması [Economical Structure Analysis in Distance Education: Comparing Cost of Traditional and Distance Education], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished doctoral dissertation, 2000, Eskisehir, Turkey. The development of open/distance education, which has been told in a conceptual level in the historical period, has been investigated. Total fixed variable, finance and capital, recurrent costs of Open/Distance Education Systems have been analyzed by the statistical data in the applications. The cost comparisons of distance and traditional education have been shown in the geometric plane. The analysis of break-even points has been resulted. 305 The economic and manageable model resolutions of open/distance education technologies have been done. Today’s statistical data of Turkish Traditional Education Systems have been compared with the data of other traditional education systems in the world and the efficiency analysis has been done. The detailed current cost traditional calculation of conventional distance education has been done by the finding results. The cost efficiency comparison of conversation distance education institutions in the world has been calculated by the finding results. TARİHSEL SÜREÇTE UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMLERİNİN MALİYET-ETKİNLİK ANALİZİ 410- TEZCAN, Mediha. Tarihsel Süreçte Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinin Maliyet-Etkinlik Analizi [Cost-Activity Analysis of the Distance Education Institutions at Historical Period], Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları 3. Özel Sayı 2, 2001, Sakarya University, Adapazarı, Turkey. The Open University established in England is the first higher education, which carries out distance education in the world. In the following years of the establishment of the Open University, in England, the statistical data of both traditional and distance education were studied by separate research in different periods of time. The common economic finding of researches over Open University for different time periods comprises the theoretical structure of the distance education systems. In relation to the economic structure of distance education systems, only five analysis studies, which were presented as footnotes, were available in the end of 1990s in the international related literature. In the study, the economic findings of each related study were detected and the common characteristics that were derived from studies were interpreted. 306 AÇIK/UZAKTAN EĞİTİM SİSTEMLERİNDE TEK-YÖNLÜ VE İKİ-YÖNLÜ EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİN EKONOMİK YAPI ANALİZİ 411- TEZCAN, Mediha. Açık/Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemlerinde TekYönlü ve İki-Yönlü Eğitim Teknolojilerin Ekonomik Yapı Analizi [Economic Structure Analysis of One-Way and TwoWay Direction Technologies in Distance/Open Education Systems], Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve Fuarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları 3. Özel Sayı 2, Sakarya University, 2001, Adapazarı, Turkey. This study is an analysis of the economic structure of one-way and two-way educational technologies, which are utilized within the open/distance education. The analysis was carried out in three phrases. In the first step, the economic structural differences between traditional education systems and distance were put forward through the analysis of economic structure of one-way distance education technologies. The second phase was the comparatives an analysis of economic structures of two-way educational technologies for traditional and distance education in the distance education systems. As for the third phase, the economic structures of one-way and two-way education technologies, in the systems of distance education, were comparatively analyzed in the geometrical level via practical data within open/distance education. The analysis was carried out in three phrases. ON-LINE ÖĞRENİMİN MALİYET ANALİZİ 412- TEZCAN, Mediha. On-Line Öğrenimin Maliyet Analizi [Costs Analysis of On-line Learning], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Due to increasing population and economic reasons, distance education is becoming more and more widely used. Rapid developments in computational technology have created opportunities for new implementations in both face to face education and on-line learning as one from of distance education. In this study, the analysis of the cost structure of 307 on-line learning systems is put forward. On-line learning cost analysis was displayed by using the following variables: cost of planning and development cost of production and delivery, cost of maintenance and evaluation. Studies on the cost structure of on-line learning systems in the world were compared and contrasted. Therefore, based on these analyses, different cost models used in research studies and the cost structure of online learning systems were suggested. AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ AKDENİZ BİLGİ TOPLUMU PİLOT PROJELERİ EUMEDIS PROGRAMI “ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ- ODISEAME PROJESİ” 413- TIMUR, Necdet and Necdet SAĞLAM. Avrupa Birliği Akdeniz Bilgi Toplumu Pilot Projeleri Eumedıs Programı “Anadolu Üniversitesi- Odiseame Projesi [Open Distance InterUniversity Synergies between Europe, Africa and Middle East (ODISEAME)], III. International Education Technology Conference, 28-30 May 2003, Magusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. ODISEAME aims at improving the higher education of the partner regions by offering web-based courses corresponding to the study programmes of the higher education of the partner countries. Anadolu University has been participated the project and giving 6 courses. The contents will be designed by an interdisciplinary workgroup of different specialists including pedagogues and psychologists, experts in business administration, telecommunication and computing engineers, graphical designers, content experts, etc., and it will be available in the partners' mother languages and in English. The contents of the courses will be integrated in a collaborative learning space. Each virtual classroom will offer several services including different synchronous and asynchronous communication means, agenda, etc. The communication space of the classrooms will be dynamic. pecial Thanks are due to teachers who will participate in all activities related to their courses and who will promote and support on-line interaction among students. Once the collaborative virtual learning space and the on-line 308 courses are ready (implemented and tested), several pilot projects will take place within ODISEAME. These projects will provide a number of intercultural virtual learning experiences by active participation of teachers and students from more than one partner country. Courseware will be available for the participants in their mother language and in English. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ ÖLÇME VE DEĞERLENDİRME SİSTEMİ 414- TOKBUDAK, Ayşegül, Hakan G. SENEL and Nejdet KARADAĞ. Açıköğretim Fakültesi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi [Measurement and Evaluation in Turkish Distance Education System], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Initial version of this paper is published in TOJDE-Turkish Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 3, Number:1, 2002, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey). Turkish distance education program is directed by Anadolu University, Eskisehir. In order to coordinate measurement and evaluation activities, a Test Research Center was established in 1996. The preparations of tests of 304 courses and statistical evaluation of questions after exams have been conducted by the Center. In the article, the problems encountered in the establishment stage, respective solutions and the working of the system are discussed. Also, software, specifically developed for this center is also presented. WHAT DO LEARNERS AND INSTRUCTORS OF ONLINE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS THINK ABOUT ETHICS IN ELEARNING ?: A Case Study From Anadolu University 415- TOPRAK, Elif., Berrin OZKANAL, Secil KAYA and Sinan AYDIN, What Do Learners and Instructors of Online Learning Environments Think About Ethics in e-Learning ?: A Case 309 Study From Anadolu Unıversity, EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference, 8-9 November 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Ethics in education means, granting educational opportunities to anyone on equal basis; disregarding nationality, gender, ideological differences or mental/physical disabilities. Through this perspective, online learning environments have an important potential, owing to their nature to reach international audiences. Considering the number and diversity of students in e-Learning environments, policies balancing different expectations and studying how the participants perceive ethics in online learning environments are important. During online courses, like in the face-to-face classes; students have to show respect to their instructors and course mates. Taking ethical principles into consideration in e-Learning leads to (1) respect and tolerance among participants, (2) civil relations and interaction based on predetermined rules. Starting with this argument, the purpose of this study is to analyze the opinions of Anadolu University s Distance English Language Teachers Training (DELTT) Program instructors and 3rd - 4th year students that take online courses. In line with the purpose of the study, (1) learner diversity (2) behavioral and legal regulations are parameters chosen for surveying the opinions of instructors and learners about ethical issues in the online learning environment they participate. Following the statistical analysis on survey results, the correlation between the opinions of the students and the instructors, as regards ethics in online learning environments are discussed. DERS KİTAPLARINDA GÖRSELLİĞİN YERİ VE ÖNEMİ (Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği) 416- TUMLU, Zeki. Ders Kitaplarında Görselliğin Yeri ve Önemi (Açıköğretim Fakültesi Örneği) [Importance of the Visualizing of Printed Course Materials, (A Case Study on Open Education Faculty)], Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished doctoral dissertation, 143p, Istanbul, Turkey. The printed course materials are not the same in conventional and distance education systems. Differentiation of the printed course materials in both systems comes from point of understanding, reading and perception of view. 310 As known, the printed course materials are the major educational component at distance education systems. And also, the most important features of these printed course materials are visual design and readability. Readability concept explains that helping every element in printed material should be functional for easily to reading, understanding and perception by readers or students. So that visual designing is very important at distance education printed course materials. In this dissertation investigates the visual designing of the Open education Faculty's printed course materials theoretically and empirically. Study consists of six chapters. The first three chapters explain that distance education and importance of printed course materials in teaching or learning. Fourth chapter gives brief information about the structure of the applied questionnaire and survey. At the survey, printed course materials searched from point of visual designing view, which are General Accounting, Behavioral Science, General Mathematics, Basic Programming and Computer, Economy of Turkey, Business Administration, Statistic and Turkish Tax Law. The questionnaire applied to the student at the end of make-up exam. Here listed findings of the survey are: ¾ The printed course materials should be designed and changed according to daily conditions, ¾ Visualization should be realized by editor, author, designer and printer's common decision, not only one or two of them, ¾ Page design must be quite comfortable, ¾ Visual elements must be colored as possible. TELEVİZYON EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA GRAFİK KULLANIMI: AÖF Örneği 417- TUTUNCU, Ozden. "Televizyon Eğitim Programlarında Grafik Kullanımı: AÖF Örneği [Usage of Graphics in Educational TV Programs and Case Study of The Open Education Faculty]”, Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished MA thesis, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, it was mentioned about superior properties, which TV as a communication medium that bounds to changing and developing conditions in the society.In the second 311 chapter it gives detailed subjects of TV educational programs, characteristics and kinds of TV graphics and TV educational program graphics by consulting to written sources. In the third chapter it serves of the findings, which were obtained from, applied a content analysis on graphics, which were used in 4th class branch courses that were broadcasted in 1986-87 educational year as a TV educational program of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. In the fourth chapter of the study, it was given a place to summary, results and suggestions. GIS ELEARNING EXPERIENCES IN TURKEY 418- ULUGTEKIN, Necla. GIS eLearning Experiences in Turkey, Photogrammetric Week ‘05, The Editor: Dieter Fritsch. pp: 303-310. ISBN 3-87907-421-6. 2005 Herbert Wichmann Verlag. Germany. Until date eLearning environment have only supported or substituted the existing learning environments. However, owing to the improvements in technology over the last decade, it is currently able to support the transition from traditional learning to continuous competent development and to nurture the sustainability and innovativeness of small and medium enterprises. In this study, concept of eLearning was investigated in its general terms and the situation in Turkey was discussed with special emphasis on GIS training. The current state of involvement of eLearning in the field of GIS training was discussed through some approaches and experiences. Finally routes and suggestions for future development and implementation of such applications in the field were presented. MANAGERIAL ISSUES IN OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS IN TRANSITION: A Need for Systematic Approach 419- ULUKAN, Cemil. Manegerial Issues in Open and Distance Education Organizations in Transition: A Need for Systematic Approach, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education- 312 TOJDE, April 2005, ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 6 Number: 2, Eskisehir, Turkey. Among the most common issues addressed in the educational literature of recent years have been change and transformation . In the literature on open and distance education (ODE), there has been a marked tendency to address change related issues separately. However, ODE leaders should consider all of the relevant organizational aspects during the change process in order to achieve successful transition. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of what issues should be addressed during the transition process in order to realize a more effective and more competitive ODE organization. It attempts to ensure that all of the major aspects of organizational domains are taken into consideration more systematically in a system-wide transition process. MAKING A MEGA UNIVERSITY MORE INTERNATIONAL: Opportunities and Challenges 420- ULUKAN, Cemil. Making a Mega University More International: Opportunities and Challenges, EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference, November 8-9, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Confluence of developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs), increases in computer ownership, affordable communication fees, and globalization has rendered online learning to be very popular worldwide. Equipped with minimum requirements, more and more people now have access to educational opportunities through online programs, even if they do not have these opportunities in their countries. Thousands of various types of degree, certificate or credit courses offered by various organizations are available via the Web. However, being available to the entire world does not mean that your programs are properly internationalized. Many educational institutions do not value the differences in cultures, language, learning practices, and local educational needs. Recognition of these differences is of great importance for creating and maintaining real international programs.Anadolu University of Turkey is one of so called ‘mega universities’, with more than one million enrolled students. Even though the university has been involving international 313 projects so far, there seems to be much more potentials ahead in the international educational context. The University, with 25 years of experience in open and distance education, can easily take part in international collaborations to provide online learning through innovative programs. The aim of the paper is to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with involving Anadolu University in international educational partnerships. In other words, roles and functions that Anadolu University can assume towards international collaborations in appropriate business models will be studied, keeping pedagogical, technological, and managerial issues around online learning in mind. TÜRKİYE’DE ULUSAL EĞİTİM TELEVİZYONU KANALININ OLUŞTURULMASININ GEREKÇELERİ 421- ULUTAK, Nazmi. Türkiye’de Ulusal Eğitim Televizyonu Kanalının Oluşturulmasının Gerekçeleri [The Reasons for Create National Educational Television Channel in Turkey], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 2325, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Today many countries in the world are using open and distance education. By means of their own conditions, they are using different tools and technologies in different importance. While making these strategies, the most important factor for developing countries, is the cost of these educational tools for the students. China, Iran and other countries that have mega-universities give an importance to their open and distance education by using television broadcasting. New technologies like computer based elearning and etc. have more cost for the students. In Turkey, %75 of the students who make their higher education degrees by open and distance education are coming from lower income group: for this reason television broadcasting has an important place in open and distance education. Today there are some problems in educational television broadcasting in Turkey. To overcome this problems, national educational television channel must be establish in Turkey. 314 FRONT-END ANALYSIS OF AN ONLINE LANGUAGE PROGRAM 422- ULUTAK, Nazmi. Front-end Analysis of an Online Language Program, EADTU 2007 Conference, November 8-9, Lisbon, 2007, Portugal. This presentation and associated paper are a part of an initiative that intended to offer Turkish Language Education to anybody interested in. As usual to any instructional project, the initiative has started with detailed front-end analyses. This paper covers the results of these analyses that focused on following parameters: ¾ to what extend there is a need for Turkish language learning among Turkish-oriented and other European citizens, and ¾ to what extend use of open and distance learning might be a solution to meet this need. A series of semi-structured interviews in 7 European countries and a survey were conducted to collect data. The findings of the research revealed that Turkish language education via distance education technology would be an appropriate application considering the needs of each generation and be demanded largely. Furthermore, it was documented that the lack of Turkish language education as mother tongue made learning European languages difficult for Turkish population. As a consequence of these results, Anadolu University of Turkey is in the process of developing an online Turkish Language Education program. AVRUPA’DA TÜRKÇE “İKİNCİ DİL” ÖĞRETİMİ ARAŞTIRMASI 423- ULUTAK, Nazmi ve Diğerleri. Avrupa’da Türkçe “İkinci Dil” Öğretimi Araştırması [Turkish in Europe: Research on “Second Language” Teaching], T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları; No: 1719, Proje No: 050734, Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. This report reflects the findings of a needs analysis process for a Turkish Language Teaching Project carried out in seven European countires (Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, England, France, and Norvay) by 315 12 researchers from Open Education, Communication, and Literature Faculties/Schools. In regards to the findings of the current study and the results of previous studies in the field, the need of learning Turkish as a second language in Europe is based on two main reasons: One is that the Europeans’ need to communicate with the Turks living in Europe, and the second is that the Erupeans’ need to communicate with the Turks in Turkey. First one is derived due to the commonly felt problems of adaptation, sociocultural dialog, internal harmony, and diminishing level of quality in local and national public services regarding security problems. In addition to the problems in European economy, socio-cultural movements fostered by the establishment of the European Union increased communicational-social conflicts with minorities. Europeans’ need to communicate with the Turks living in Turkey is affected by various issues including Turkey’s economic appeal after economic problems observed in Europe; Turkey’s geographical appeal particularly in Scandinavian countries affected by global warming and some other natural problems; Turkey’s strategic location in between Europe and Middle East, and etc. Due to the two main reasons mentioned above, the need for Europeans to learn Turkish as a second language is more intense, common, and diversified compared to the past. Today Turkey tends to open to the world in terms of culture, economy, science, politics, and technology at a pace beyond any comparison with the past. Therefore, it is constantly evaluating opportunities for international cooperation. As regards to the globalization, Turkey also should be able to have impact on others, too. To achieve this, educational institutions need to expand their activities beyond national borders. Turkey’s progress in this area pushes distance education institutions to keep the same track. All these recent developments promoted the need of learning Turkish as a second language by Europeans in an environment not restricted by location, time or other constraints. Open and distance learning environments emerge as the most efficient, effective and appealing option, supported by the finding of the study. 316 B-ÖĞRENME (HARMANLANMIŞ-KARMA ÖĞRENME ORTAMI) VE UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ 424- UNAL, Dilşat Peker. B-Öğrenme (Harmanlanmış-Karma Öğrenme Ortamı) ve Uygulama Örnekleri[B-Learning and Application Samples], IV. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 24-26 Kasım 2004, Sakarya, Türkiye. Aim of this research is to give an information who are interested academics about ten-year brief history and developments of b-learning concept and blearning process. This study is a kind of literatur rewiev which dealt with blended learning environtment and its applications. In this study, advantage and disadvantage of e-learning, demands to dis education, reasons of b-learning and key points of b-learning are given as an axamples. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ BİLGİ YÖNETİMİ ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI’NIN ELEŞTİREL DÜŞÜNME AÇISINDAN İNCELENMESİ 425- UNAL, Figen. Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilgi Yönetimi Önlisans Programı’nın Eleştirel Düşünme Açısından İncelenmesi [Evaluation of Information Management Vocational Program of Anadolu University From The Perspective of Critical Thinking], Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished PhD thesis, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. General objective of this study is to evaluate Information Management Vocational Program (IMVP) offered fully online by Anadolu University using a critical thinking perspective. In parallel to this objective, the structure of the units of the courses in the program, utilization of program facilities by students, contribution of the academic facilitators and program facilities affecting critical thinking development are determined using the perspectives and experiences of the academic facilitators and subject experts of the program. 317 The model of this descriptive research is a case study including the unit structure analysis of the courses, and the views and experiences of the subject experts and academic facilitators regarding the structure, design and student interaction of the courses from the critical thinking perspective. In order to determine the structure of the courses, the 2nd, 12th and 16th units of "Operating System" course were chosen and document analysis method was used. In determining the views and experiences of the experts and facilitators, the most experienced facilitators of the eleven courses were interviewed using semi-structured interview technique. Furthermore, the archive documents such as the official website and the brochures of the program and presentations of the subject experts were used in the study. Analysis of the units are done using the codes based on Bloom`s Taxonomy. The instructional objectives and drills of the units were analyzed using a checklist including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation levels of Bloom`s Taxonomy. Analysis of the views of the facilitators and subject experts were done according to the interview coding form. When IMPV is evaluated in perspective of critical thinking, the program seems insufficient in the following dimensions: the level of units delivered online, the knowledge of facilitators regarding online learning, the effectiveness of facilitators during learning process, the interaction between students and facilitators, homework assignments and online collaborative learning. Implementation of the program in these dimensions cannot meet with the requirements for the development of critical thinking skills. The comparison of the findings of the study and the related literature review reveals that offering various online learning environment and interaction facilities are not sufficient to acquire critical thinking skills. For that reason, appropriate instruction design and strategies should be put on practice and the available infrastructure should be utilized during the learning process in IMVP. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ HEMŞİRELİK ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN VE UYGULAMA GÖREVLİLERİNİN DERS KİTAPLARI, TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARI VE UYGULAMA İLE İLGİLİ GÖRÜŞLERİ 318 426- UNLU, Canan. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Hemşirelik Önlisans Programının Öğrencilerinin ve Uygulama Görevlilerinin Ders Kitapları, Televizyon Programları ve Uygulama Çalışmaları İle İlgili Görüşleri [Opinions of AU/OEF Nursing Students and Instructors on OEF Printed Course Textbooks, TV Courses and Applications], Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, (Unpublished Master Thesis), Ankara, Turkey. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of nursing training programs at contemporary standards by establishing the opinions of Anatolian University Open Education Faculty Nursing twoyears training program students and clinical trainers on textbooks, TV programs and application procedures. Interviewing 190 nursing undergraduate student and 15 clinical trainers who have competed there five years in the hospitals of Ankara, in 1994-1995, carried out the investigation. The data were collected by interview in the investigation performed by using descriptive method. The interview from consists of 76 items on individual information, general status, textbooks, TV programs and clinical application. The same interview is used for both students and trainers. The rating with five points scale was used in the interview in the analysis of the obtained data; frequency, percentile and median were calculated. According to the results of the investigation, the sampled students consist of clinical nurses below 25 and among 30 ages. The majority stated that they do not have information on the faculty and that they participated in this program in order to increase their retirement pension and official status and to graduate from a university while working at the same time. The majority of the students assent that the clinical application period is adequate the clinical trainers do not agree with them. In the clinical application, the numbers of training personnel and equipment is said to be inadequate while books, TV and the employment of visual and other (tactile, audio) components are determined to affect training positively, it is also observed that they are not adequate. On general status, textbooks, TV programs and clinical application, both the opinions of students and trainers are the same, namely uncertain. 319 According to these results, new propositions are made aiming to develop training programs for the training of better quality nurses at contemporary Standard in Open University Nursing two-year school, which is called Tourism Education by Distance Education System. TURİZM EĞİTİM SERTİFİKA PROGRAMI 427- UNLU, Ilhan. "Turizm Eğitim Sertifika Programı [Tourism Education Certificate Programme]”, Turizm Yıllığı 1988-1989, Türkiye Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. Yayını, pp: 114-119, October 1990, Ankara, Turkey. This article summarizes Tourism Education Certificate Program by relating sub-titles as general introduction, to project, context of program, phases of project, registration of the students, exams and evaluation of exams, evaluation of 1st phase, studies about and phase of project and future plans. This program includes distance education by 1st phase of project. In 2nd phase, face to face or practical process applied by tourism sector's companies. UZAKTAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİSİNİN TURİZM EĞİTİMİNDE KULLANILMASI 428- UNLU, Ilhan. "Uzaktan Eğitim Teknolojisinin Turizm Eğitiminde Kullanılması [Usage of Distance Education Technology in Tourism Education]”, Turizm Yıllığı 1990, Türkiye Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. Yayını, pp: 70-73, January 1991, Ankara, Turkey. In this article author emphasized that "educated staff" is the most important problem or subject of the Tourism sector. Even if this position increases day by day, so that solution of this problem is being more difficult by traditional education institutions. In this context, new educational approach, which is called multi media education, should be developed for this field. So these educational tools will be used more rationally in education, especially in tourism education. 320 By this aim tourism education by distance education is developed by Anadolu University the Open Education Faculty collaborating of Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of State and TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Association). This article points out general frame of this project, İŞİTME ENGELLİ ÇOCUKLARI OLAN AİLELERİN UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM İLE EĞİTİLMESİ 429- UNLU, Sezen. İşitme Engelli Çocukları Olan Ailelerin Uzaktan Öğretim İle Eğitilmesi [Education of the Parents Who Have Hearing Impaired Children by Distance Education], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 248/118, 1987, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study is an empirical research in curriculum development. The book consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, it was given a place to printed materials of distance education and communication and family education, which form a base for the second chapter. In the second chapter it was given a place to the method. And in the third chapter it was mentioned about the findings, which were obtained after the analyses of data and comments related with these findings.After the sections of summary, judgment and suggestions; additional readings about the research, inquiry, pre-test, book, radio and TV programs, articles used in education applications and post-tests take a place in the book. The author reaches to the decision that distance education programs that are used will help family education positively according to the findings of the research. Because education of hearing impaired needs to be motivate for their competence and aware from the technical information, the author insists on that a group study in urgent for this system.It is supported that special groups from course group which were formed in distance education institutions should be charged and program preparation group should be formed by participating of personnel of distance education and Radio-TV Institution, Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Hearing impaired Children Education Center (Calls Turkish as İşitme Engelli Çocuklar Merkezi-ICEM) to render parent education programs continuous. 321 TELEVİZYON EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA DRAMATİZASYON FORMATININ KULLANIMI: Aöf Programlarindan Bir Örnek İthalat- İhracat Uygulamalari 430- UNLUER A. Oğuz and Aydın Z. OZGUR, "Televizyon Eğitim Programlarında Dramatizasyon formatının Kullanımı: AÖF Programlarından Bir Örnek İthalat İhracat Uygulamaları [Usage Dramatization Format in Educational Programs: An Example of Open Education Faculty on Aplication of Export and Import]" BTIE’2000 Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi. Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve ODTU Öğrenci Kolu, May 15-17, 2000, Ankara, Turkey. In spite of the wide opportunities which new technologies offer; because of high costs, attaining difficulties etc television is still a favorite instrument in distance education. Educational television programs has different formats depends on different program goals. One of these formats is dramatization. In this article, the use of dramatization in television programs at Open Education Faculty is examined and one of them is planned to demonstrate. The example taken here is on the subject of “import and export facilities”. TÜRKİYE AÇIKÖĞRETİMİ BECEREMİYOR 431- URAL, Ozana. "Türkiye Açıköğretimi Beceremiyor [Turkey does not Manage Open Education]”, Yeni Yüzyıl, p: 6, Ekim 24, 1996, Istanbul, Turkey. This is a critical article. It defenses that if the Open education Faculty still goes on to give university degree and diploma as do now, students will not learn, they will only imitate courses to pass their exams. If the distance education programs give a certificate students will learn for them development and apply in their daily life what they learn, not imitate. So Mr. Ural's decision is the Open Education Faculty does not manage to learn, but push imitation of the students, in its running. OKUL ÖNCESİ ÖĞRETMENLERİN UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEMİ İLE YETİŞTİRİLMESİNE YÖNELİK PROGRAM MODELİ 322 432- USTUNOĞLU, Ulkü. Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerin Uzaktan Öğretim Yöntemi ile Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Program Modeli [A Model of Training Pre-School Teachers by Using Distance Education Method], Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 220/107, 1987, Eskisehir, Turkey. This research was prepared to develop a program model about training of candidate teachers in sufficient numbers and qualities by distance education in the aim of surpassing teacher insufficiency, which is one of the problems of the system to validate education services. Nowadays, materializing and making widespread the education services before school period is gaining importance gradually. The author is defining this program model as an applicative program model in which printed materials are taken as base process and a multi- media approach is appropriated. The model will be applied by using printed materials, radio, and distance education processes such as TV and face-toface education teaching by getting use of possibilities of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. The author brings some suggestions about the applications and future by taking bases the findings of this research, at the end of the study. DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 433- USUN, Salih, Distance Education in Turkey, The Asian Society of Open and Distance Education ISSN 1347–9008 AsianJDE 2003, vol 1, no 1, pp 83-92, Tokyo, Japan. Turkey is in both Europe and Asia, and has Anadolu University with 760,859 students (in 1998, according to the World Bank) which is the largest mega-university in the world, founded in 1982. Anadolu University currently has three distance-education faculties;- the Open Education Faculty (OEF), the Faculty of Economics, and the Faculty of Business Administration. Other forms of distance education through the Ministry of National Education include the Open High School (OHS), the Open Primary School, and the Open Vocational and Technical Education School. 323 Today, Anadolu University has, including the distance education system, 12 faculties, 9 vocational schools, a state conservatory and 12 research institutes. Although Turkey has the technological capability for more interactive two-way communications, all distance education including learner support services are through the older one-way technologies. Various social and political constraints remain to be negotiated. INTERACTION IN TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM 434- USUN, Salih. Interaction in Turkish Distance Education System, AACE Journal, 12(2), 123–140. April 2004, AACE Norfolk, VA, USA. The aim of this article is to review the interaction in the Turkish distance education system, Open Education Faculty (OEF) of Anadolu University. The article examines the Turkish distance education system, according to the following four types of interactions; ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ learner content interaction, learner-instructor interaction, learner-learner interaction, and learner-technology interaction. The major problem areas concerned in the interaction of Turkish distance education system, OEF are discussed. Consequently, this study provides some guidelines to enhance the interaction in OEF. LEARNER SUPPORT SERVICES IN DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM: A Case Study of Turkey 435- USUN, Salih. Learner Support Services In Distance Education System: A Case Study of Turkey, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302–6488 Volume: 5 Number: 4, October 2004, Eskisehir, Turkey. The aim of this paper is to review learner support services in Turkish distance education system, the Open Education Faculty (OEF) of Anadolu 324 University. The paper examines the Turkish distance education system according to four types of support systems; ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ learner support and learner needs; learner support and content; learner support and the institutional context and, learner support and technology. A number of suggestions are presented in this paper on enhancing learner support in Turkish distance education system and Open Education Faculty . FACTORS AFFECTING THE APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) IN DISTANCE EDUCATION 436- USUN, Salih. Factors Affecting the Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Distance Education, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302–6488 Volume: 5 Number: 1, January 2004, Eskisehir, Turkey. The aim of this study is to determine the factors and problems associated with the growth of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)in developing countries and examine the Turkish distance Education System from the point of the factors such as cultural; political; economic; technological. The study, firstly, introduces some applications and problems of instructional technology and distance education in some developed countries and Turkey as a developing country; than examines Turkish distance education system, Open Education Faculty (OEF), from the points of factors such as cultural, political, economic and technological. THE ROLE of THE SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT IN DESIGNING APPROPRIATE SUPPORT SERVICES AND ENHANCING INTERACTION in DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 437- USUN, Salih. The Role of The Socıo-Cultural Context in Designing Appropriate Support Services And Enhancing 325 Interaction in Distance Education in Turkey, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, July 2006 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 7, Number: 3, Article: 4, Eskisehir, Turkey. Understanding the socio-cultural context is the key to developing appropriate support systems for distance learners. The socio-cultural context in Turkey is a critical ingredient in the development of Turkish distance education programmes, in which two elements of Turkish culture- patronage and an oral tradition - seem to play a significant role. The main aim of this study is to determine the role of the socio-cultural context in designing appropriate support services and enhancing interaction in the Turkish Distance Education System, namely, the Open Education Faculty (OEF). The study firstly introduces the technologies and socio-cultural context of the OEF then presents for consideration the influence of that context in designing appropriate support services and enhancing interaction; and finally provides a number of suggestions to enhance learner support and interaction according to the prevailing socio-cultural context. MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULU ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN ÜNİVERSİTEYE YERLEŞME BİÇİMLERİNE GÖRE TEMEL MATEMATİK KONULARINDAKİ BAŞARILARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI 438- UYSAL, Figen. Meslek Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Üniversiteye Yerleşme Biçimlerine Göre Temel Matematik Konularındaki Başarılarının Karşılaştırılması[A Comparison of the Success of Vocational School Students in Basic Mathematics based upon Their Method of Placement in University], Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri (KUYEB), Cilt 7, Sayı: 2, Mayıs 2007, İstanbul, Türkiye. The purpose of this study is to compare vocational school students' success at basic mathematics subjects with regard to their entrance to the university. The data were obtained by administering a “Personnel Information Form” and “the Mathematics Test” prepared by the researcher to 617 vocational school students and 26 two-year degree programs at the Open University in Turkey. After analyzing the data, a considerable statistical difference in 326 basic mathematical knowledge and skills among students was found based on students' entrance ranks to the programs. The results of the research indicated that there is a significant difference in success on mathematics courses taken at high schools and universities. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between men and women on mathematics tests. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE STUDENT SUPPORT FOR ONLINE LEARNERS: The Facilitators’ Point of Views 439- YALAMA, Nihat. and Cengiz H. AYDIN, “Effectiveness of the Student Support for Online Learners: The Facilitators’ Point of Views”, Proceedings of the 11th Distance Education Conference, Houston, 2004, USA. This paper reveals the results of a study that examined the facilitators’ satisfaction from support provided to the students during the implementation of the Information Management Associate Degree Program of Anadolu University. According to the results the facilitators are quite satisfied with the support provided to the students. In addition no relations have found between the facilitators’ characteristics (gender, age, major, teaching experience, computer experience) and their satisfaction levels. DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY 440- YANGIN, Gürbüz. "Distance Education in Turkey”, The Online Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 2, Number: 4, 6p, May 1989, Alaska, Canada. This article describes general aspect of distance education in Turkey, since 1982. It is mentioned which as components such as printed materials, TV and radio courses and academic counseling. Article gives detail about an associate degree teacher training programs. 327 DESIGNING A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR COURSE DESIGN PROCESS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION 441- YAPICIOGLU, Haluk. Designing a Database Management System for Course Design Process In Distance Education, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Middle East TechnicalUniversity, unpublished MA thesis, May 2001, Ankara Turkey. This study aims to apply a systematical approach to manage the costs of distance education course design in Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. In this framework, an overview of the distance education course delivery materials design processes is presented. In particular Open Education Faculty’s course delivery materials design processes are examined. It is observed that the current system does not support the collection, storage and manipulation of both used and created data during course delivery materials design and production processes. An information system is designed to provide a basis for managing the costs of future events more accurately and timely. KEEPING TRACK OF COURSE DESIGN: Anadolu University Case 442- YAPICIOGLU, Haluk. Keeping Track of Course Design: Anadolu University Case, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Educating Engineering for the Informational Age Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 2 April 4–6, 2004, USA. Anadolu University with its Open Education Faculty is one of the largest universities in terms of number of students in the world. Due to the huge number of its students (nearly 450,000) most of the technologies used are one-way and asynchronous. In this setting, students are expected to study by themselves. Because of this, the design process of course materials is an important issue. In this study, a database management system (DBMS) is proposed and designed to support the course design process and record, 328 store and make cost data generated during this process ready for future use. Application of the proposed system is discussed through an example. It is shown that since record keeping is more accurate with the help of proposed DBMS, information generated using DBMS is more reliable. By obtaining more reliable and accurate data, cost projections about future projects would become more realistic. Additionally, DBMS can be used for screening ongoing projects in terms of resources allocated and used. Lastly, collected data can be used as a reference for recruitment of new personnel and investment decisions. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİYLE ÖĞRENİM GÖREN ÖĞRENCİLERİN YABANCI DİL PROGRAMINA İLİŞKİN TUTUMLARI 443- YASAR, Sefik. Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemiyle Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Yabancı Dil Programına İlişkin Tutumları [Attitudes of Students who are in Distance Education Process Towards Foreign Language Teaching], Ankara University Social Sciences Institute, unpublished MA thesis, 1985, Ankara, Turkey. In this study, firstly, attitudes of the students who are in distance education system towards foreign Language Program were investigated. Secondly, obtained attitudes through attitude scale were interpreted in respect for curriculum development. Finally, suggestions of the students concerning with the current program were required. The population of the study consists of the students who are attending Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and the sample of the study is 5 percent of those, namely 595 students, who are attending Open Education Faculty during 1984-85 educational years. In order to get knowledge about the attitudes of the students, a Likert type attitude scale was developed and given to the students. The findings of the study are as follows: ¾ The attitudes of the students were different from each other in terms of sex, graduation of the high school type, the foreign language that was studied during high school. Additionally, the 329 attitudes of the students were also different from each other in respect for watching English programs on TV and listening to similar radio programs. ¾ Students learn the foreign language for instrumental and integrative purposes. ¾ Almost all of the students (94%), suggest that the activities which will help their improvement in spoken skills ought to be employed. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİNDEKİ ÖĞRENCİLERİN YABANCI DİL ÖĞRETİMİNE İLİŞKİN TUTUMLARI 444- YASAR, Sefik. "Uzaktan Öğretim Sürecindeki Öğrencilerin Yabancı Dil Öğretimine İlişkin Tutumları [Attitudes of The Students who are in Distance Education Process Towards Foreign Language Teaching]”, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Vol: 2, No:2, pp: 227-233, 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this article is executive summary of the mentioned thesis above and published in faculty journal. THE STRUCTURE AND THE APPLICATIONS OF PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM IN THE OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY AT ANADOLU UNIVERSITY IN TURKEY 445- YASAR, Şefik, Mehmet GULTEKIN and Nil DUBAN. The Structure and the Applications of Practical Activities in the PreSchool Teacher Training Program in the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University in Turkey, Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education, Edited by A. Méndez-Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J.A. Mesa González and J. Mesa González, VOL. I: General Issues, Pedagogical Issues, pp. 181–194, published by FORMATEX, Badajoz, Spain. Distance education is used for teacher training at different levels and fields in Turkey as well. Launched in 2000-2001 academic year and still applied 330 by Anadolu University, “Pre-School Teacher Training Program” is one of those programs. This program includes both theoretical and practical courses. There are two different practical courses in this program. One of them is “Practice in Preschool Education” in the third class and the other is “Teaching Practice” in the fourth class. Students practice as a full time or two half time in a week, totally 24 weeks in “Practice in Preschool Education” course. They practice as a full time or two half time in a week, totally 14 weeks in “Teaching Practice” course. Carried out with 7569 students throughout Turkey in 2004-2005 academic year, practice teaching is administered along with certain structural and functional guidelines. Practice teaching has to be planned and held carefully, and institutions and individuals taking part in the application have to collaborate closely to conduct the program effectively throughout Turkey. The purpose of this paper is to explain the structure and the applications of the practical. INTERNET-SUPPORTED LEARNING MODEL IN DISTANCE ELT PROGRAM AT ANADOLU UNİVERSITY 446- YAVUZ, K. Handan and M. Emin MUTLU. InternetSupported Learning Model in Distance ELT Program at Anadolu University, 9th METU International ELT Convention, Middle East Technical University, 2006, Ankara, Turkey. This paper will present the Internet supported learning model utilized in the Distance English Language Teaching (DELT) Program within the open education system at Anadolu University. The DELT Program is a blended program in that it has both face-to-face and distance education components. The first two years are face-to-face while the last two years are through distance education. The distance education component in the last two years consists of courses which provide students with methodological and theoretical background essential for language teachers. 331 The main instructional materials are textbooks and study guides. As there are no instructors in the distance education component, students are provided with internet support which is designed to supplement the course books. The internet support system was first implemented in the 2004-2005 academic year for the 10 courses in the last two years. The internet support system is designed to guide students work through the textbooks so that they are able to understand the material better. Thus, it consists of interactive material, discussion boards which provide students with asynchronous academic advising and synchronous technical support. For each of the 10 courses, the materials are presented as separate units, released weekly. Each unit contains animations, audios, tasks students need to do, trial exams, and exercises. Over 100 experts from different fields have worked for approximately 8 months in designing the internet support. The responses of students to the internet support are positive; 4200 out of 5450 students have used the internet support between December 2004 and September 2005. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ POLİS MESLEK EĞİTİMİ ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMI’NIN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 447- YAVUZ, Murat Ibrahim. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Polis Meslek Eğitimi Önlisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of Vocational Training Programme for The Police Force in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty], Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, unpublished MA thesis, 2007, Eskişehir, Türkiye. On this research, the Two-Year Degree Policemen Vocational Training Program was assessed by those who are still attendees or graduates of the program. It was aimed at finding out the extent at which students benefit from the service provided and how they perceive the training, thus proposing solutions regarding subjects that are challenging to them. Therefore, it is intended to propose recommendations that will help the program be more effective and efficient on the basis of gathered data. 332 These are the main findings of the study: The students think that all of the services, which have been given by AOF, are useful and productive with the high rate. Although Students have convenient chance of the having and using of technology, they haven’t been taking advantage of practises which necesitate using technology as TV programmes or e-portal of AOF. The majority of the students haven’t been studying by planning. Students have been studying their lessons by reading the units of their books. The majority of the students have been using some helping sources and the majority of the sources are books. It can be understand by controlling the answers’ analysis of “preference reasons and aims of the programme”, students have chosen this programme for the aim of being promoted and having beter personel affairs owing to the opportunities of registration without an exam and having university degree. Students think that Ocupational Trainning Programme for the Police Force in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty has reached the target and it has contributed the students to change their goals by getting the habits of reading. The majority of the students want that Ocupational Traınnıng Programme for the Polıce Force ın Anadolu Unıversıty Open Education Faculty is programmed at the level of licence. Students have been having difficulty mostly about foreign language lesson among the other lessons and excepting the solution for their problems. It is expected that students, staff and academicians’ perception of the program can be improved and contribution can be made to arranging of the program content in the light of gathered data as a consequence of the research. DISTANCE EDUCATION ON THE NET: A Model for Developing Countries 448- YAZICI Ali, Irfan ALTAS and Ugur DEMIRAY. “Distance Education On The Net: A Model for Developing Countries”, Turkish Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, Vol: 2, Number: 2, Anadolu University, 2001, Eskisehir, Turkey. In this paper we propose a distance education model for Turkish universities to accommodate more students in tertiary education. The model is based on the distance education that has successfully been employed at Charles Sturt University, Australia. 333 The study also discusses issues related to web based distance education such as assessment, use of communication technology and course materials to be developed. Benefits of partnership between industry and education institutions are highlighted. UZAKTAN ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNE KÜTÜPHANE DESTEK HİZMETLERİ VE ÖNERİLER 449- YILMAZ, Adnan. “Uzaktan Öğretim Sistemi Öğrencilerine Kütüphane Destek Hizmetleri ve Öneriler [Supportive Library Services to Students in Distance Education Systems and Suggestions]”, Türkiye 1. Uluslararası Uzaktan Öğretim Sempozyum Bildirileri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Film Radyo Televizyonla Eğitim Başkanlığı (FRTEB), pp: 683-691, November 12-15, 1996, Ankara, Turkey. In this study, the degree of benefits of library support services to the students in distance education and the role and the function of this issue were investigated in terms of the system and students when the library support services and distance education programs were consistent with each other. AÇIKÖĞRETİM WEB SİTELERİNİN ETKİNLİĞİ 450- YILMAZ, Ruşen, Sabahattin CALIŞKAN ve Ulkü YILMAZ. Açıköğretim Web Sitelerinin Etkinliği [Effectivenes of Open Education Web Sites], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Open Education Faculty Web Sites have provided every kind of information; news and Web based services fast and accurately for the students. In this study, the aims of Open Education Faculty Web Sites their activities and what should be done in order to develop these activities on be half of Open Education students were discussed. 334 ON THE POWER OF INTERNET-BASED DISTANT EDUCATION 451- YILMAZ, Türker. On The Power Of Internet-Based Distant Education, Journal of Science, February 2003, Turkish Military Academy Press, No: 13, Ankara, Turkey. Although Internet based distant education systems have developed a lot and had many applications, a question comes to mind: Is distant education beneficial enough so that we should broaden its coverage in general learning system or should we just accept it as a fantasy? This question is not an easy one to answer as it has been affected by many different realities. However, we can answer this question for Turkey, because our statistical findings reveal that there are many things we should do, to broaden its coverage, because it is really of great importance. Although the target of distant education is very broad in Turkey, due to many factors, which have been explained in the paper thoroughly, it has not achieved its goal of reaching to many students from all over the country using the principles of the Internet based distant education. AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ MÜZİK EĞİTİMİ BÖLÜMÜ 452- YURGA, Cemal. Açiköğretim Fakültesi Müzik Eğitimi Bölümü [Music Department of Open Education Faculty], AÖF’ün 20. Yılı Nedeniyle Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, May 23-25, 2002, Eskisehir, Turkey. Music is so important in human life. In Europe, music and its education is also very important for their cultural development. But unfortunately one of the cultural differences is the music education, which separate Turkish culture from the European culture in spite of having a very rich Turkish musical background. Moving from this point this paper emphasizes that music education can be serve via distance education method in Turkey such as the Open Education, Economics and Business Administrations programs by Anadolu University’ distance application. This application can be very useful in the name of development of music education in Turkey. OEF, National Minister of Education and Student Select and Settle Center can 335 coordinate aspects of this application. This paper suggests immediately starting to this project. EĞİTİM ÖNLİSANS RADYO PROGRAMLARININ ÖĞRETMEN GÖRÜŞLERİ AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 453- YUKSEL, Cosgül. Eğitim Önlisans Radyo Programlarının Öğretmen Görüşleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi [An Evaluation of Radio Programs Which Were Produced by Open Education Faculty from Points of Teachers View in Teacher Training], Anadolu University, Social Sciences Institute, unpublished MA thesis), 1990, Eskisehir, Turkey. This study was done to evaluate the radio programs that were prepared in the frame of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Teacher Training Program in respects of the opinions by teachers. The study consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, it was touched to the subjects of development of teacher education in Turks; Higher Education Diploma for teachers who had not graduated from universities; radio's functions and lace in education, and basic principles in preparation educational radio programs. It was given a place to method in the second chapter, findings and comments were given in the third chapter, and summary, judges and suggestions took place in the fourth chapter. As a result it was indicated that besides the inappropriateness ofbroadcasting hours, being identical of program contents and books it becomes effective for teacher training programs success, and although the rate of people who are saying that they know how to use radio in distance education, they do not know anything about it. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ EĞİTİM ÖNLİSANS PROGRAMINDA YAYIMLANAN TELEVİZYON PROGRAMLARININ YAPIMI ÜZERİNE BAZI NOTLAR 454- YUKSEL, A. Haluk. "Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Eğitim Önlisans Programında Yayımlanan Televizyon Programlarının Yapımı Üzerine Bazı Notlar [Some Notes on TV Course Productions Which Were Produced by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty for Teacher Training]”, 336 Milli Eğitim, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, No:74, pp: 4861, 1987, Ankara, Turkey. In this article it was emphasized that the basic aim of modern education was to train manpower and specialization power in areas which the society needs, it was given a place to some explanations related about teachers' being individuals who had completed their higher education in level of teacher training by also using mass communication media which are applied by studies of Anadolu University OEF and it was touched to the subjects of construction process of TV programs prepared for inservice Teacher Program and some statistical data about these. AN EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE VIDEO SYSTEMS IN EDUCATION AND A MODEL FOR TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM –I 455- YUKSEL, A. Halûk. "An Evaluation of the Impact of Interactive Video System in Education and a Model for Turkish Distance Education System-I”, Kurgu, Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 546/3, No: 9, pp:281-322, December 1991, Eskisehir, Turkey. Technological developments are in the interest of educators since technological developments have the potential to make education more attractive, easier, more efficient and cheaper. Interactive video synthesizes video and computer technologies. Interactive video points out the end of passivity in learning. This paper attempts to evaluate the impact of interactive video in education and to suggest a model for Turkish distance education system. AN EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE VIDEO SYSTEMS IN EDUCATION AND A MODEL FOR TURKISH DISTANCE EDUCATION SYSTEM –II 456- YUKSEL, A. Halûk. "An Evaluation of the Impact of Interactive Video System in Education and a Model for Turkish Distance Education System-II”, Kurgu. Anadolu Üniversitesi 337 İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No:689/11, No:11, pp:257/280, December 1992, Eskisehir, Turkey. This article is continuing part of the mentioned above articleabove. YÖRESEL AÇIKÖĞRETİM 457- YUKSEL, Mehmet. "Yöresel Açıköğretim Önerisi [A Suggestion of Regional Open Education]”, Uzaktan Eğitim. UZEV Yayınları, No: 1, pp: 25-28, Summer, 1997, Ankara, Turkey. Today's Turkish universities, even though approximately, do not meet the demand of people for higher education. Because some disadvantages, The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University is also in an adequate situation. It is proposed in the present article that Local Open Universities; ¾ Can direct the people to the programs they want, ¾ Can decrease the quality and quantity differences between old and newly established universities, ¾ Can provide more education facilities for people, ¾ To lessen the burden of expenses on people and the state. These universities will serve on broadcast base and to be accessed by the local area; they give chance the people to practice in labs and other opportunities. These higher educational institutions will provide students tutors interactions; for diligent students who enlisted the open-air program, will be accepted privileged formal education programs in upper grades of universities. ETKİLEŞİMLİ TELEVİZYONDA EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM AMAÇLI PROGRAMI HAZIRLAMA- AÇIKÖĞRETİM İÇİN MODEL ÖNERİLERİ 458- YUZER T. Volkan, Etkileşimli Televizyonda Eğitim/Öğretim Amaçlı Program Hazırlama -Açıköğretim İçin Model Önerileri 338 [Preparing Program Which Aiming Educational and Teaching at Interactive TV: A Model Suggestion for Open Education], Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished Master Thesis, 1997, Eskisehir, Turkey. In the last quarter of twentieth century, one of the most remarkable developments related to television is the study about interactive television. In this television concept, television audiences do not only watch the presentations (programs or films), but also they have a chance to direct them. Moreover, they can choose the ones they want to watch among many presentations. This development has affected distance education applications in which television has been used. Throughout the world, there have been some studies about how the students can be active using interactive television. In this study, first, the main characteristics of interactive television are introduced. What interactive television is how the interactive scripts can be prepared, how the interactive presentations’ productions can be produced and which technologies interactive television needs to make the audiences active in front of the screen are introduced? In the second part, interactive television’s ways of usage in education are studied. Close circuit usages, teleconferences, live and taped usages are introduced in this step: In this step, worldwide applications are shown as examples. Both benefits and difficulties for learners, instructors and producers in applications are introduced, as well. In the final part, two models are proposed in the area of distance education applications for open education faculty of Anadolu University in the light of previous explained parts. One of these models is prepared for single channel broadcasts and the broadcast must be live. The other one is prepared for multi-channel and taped broadcasts.In this study, just two models are proposed, but a wide variety ofmodels can be generated because of huge capacity of interactive television. Human creativity also takes a significant place in the generation of models. 339 SUBJECT INDEX AUTHOR INDEX REFERENCES SUBJECT INDEX A Case Study of Organizing Distance Education Anadolu University:………………………………………..5 A Central Approach for Solving Students Technical Problems: E-Support Service of Open Education……………………………...280 A Centralized CAI Model for Distance Education in OEF:………………………….….……………………167 A Comparison of the Success of Vocational School Students in Basic Mathematics Based Upon Their Method of Placement in University……………………………………………………….…..438 A Gender Perspective on Distance-Higher Education System in Turkey……………………………………………………396 A Model for Guessing OEF Students’ on Living Place Distribution:……………….……..……………..…377 A Model for Organizing Written Instructional Materials in the Context of a Proposed Model For An Open University In Turkey:…………………...……223 A Model of Training Pre-School Teachers by Using Distance Education Method:…………………………………432 A Model Study for Establishing A National E-University in Turkey……………………………….………………80 A Model Suggestion for Anadolu University Data System.………………367 A Model Suggestion for Using Radio As An Education Medium For The Anadolu University Open Education Faculty and Its Application…………………………………………364 A New Teacher Training Model for Turkey: DELTT Distance English Language Teacher Training Program ……………226 A Pilot Study on Evaluation of Internet-Based Associate Degree Programs in Turkey Interms Designing Constructivist Learning Environments…………143 A Project Suggestion for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty's Video Education Center…..……….……403 A Qualitative of Attributions in Turkish Distance Education: The Student Perspective……………………..………253 A Research on Relationships Between OEF's TV Course Programs Characterisand Printed Materials……………165 343 Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1990) First Edition in Turkish….……………………………113 Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1990) First Edition in English……………………..…….….114 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1992) Revised Second Edition inTurkish….……….………..120 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty Revised Second Edition (1982-1992) in English……………..……..121 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997): A Revised and Expanded The Third Edition in Turkish……………………..……….………128 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-1997): A Revised and Expanded The Third Edition in English……………………….……..………129 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty 1982–2002 A revised and expanded the fourth edition in Turkish………………………………….......136 A Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty 1982–2002 A revised and expanded the fourth edition in English…………………………………....…137 A Review of the Literature on The Open Education Faculty (1982-1997): A revised and expanded the fourth edition Book Review………………..…209 A Road Map Proposal for Transition to Large Scale E-Learning In Open Universities: Case of Anadolu University Open Education System………………345 A Tailor Made E-Learning Solution for Ford-Turkey.……….………….…50 A Solution for Massive Text Book Production……………………………334 A Study on Some Characteristics of the Graduates of Open Education Faculty………………………………103 A Simulation Approach for Forecasting the Number of Students in Distance Education Faculty………… …………………193 A Suggestion of Regional Open Education……………………………..…457 A Unique Support Service for Distance Students: Private Sector Helps Distance Students Prepare Themselves for Their Examinations in Turkey……………..………158 Academic Counseling Services in Open Education Faculty……..…………83 Academic Tutoring Services of Open Education Faculty……….……385-386 344 Account Education in Distance Education and Application of Computer Aid Account Education……………….…358 Active Learning for Anyone, Anywhere and Any Time E-Learning…… 215 Adaptation of Distance Education Principles to the Teaching of Literature……………………………...37 Advantages of the Consolidation of the OEF Education Media:…….……349 Affecting Factors on Individual to Demand for Open Higher Education Survey…………………………………228 After Ten Years of Distance Education in Turkey, What Lies Ahead:……117 An Application Interactive Television: Open Education Live TV Broadcast ………….……………………366 An Audio–Book Project for Blind Students at the Open Education System of Anadolu University……………………323 An Evaluation of Bachelor Degree Programs of Open Education Faculty……………………………….……..….190 An Evaluation Dealt With Open Education Faculty and On High School Application Researches……..……………………140 An Evaluation of OEF Students’ Watching TV OEF Education Programs………………………………………164 An Evaluation of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training Program…………………. An Evaluation of Radio Programs, Which Were Produced by Open Education Faculty from Points of Teachers View in Teacher Training………...………453 An Evaluation of the Impact of Interactive Video System in Education and a Model For Turkish Distance Education System-I:…………………………455 An Evaluation of the Impact of Interactive Video System in Education and a Model for Turkish Distance Education System-II………………….………456 An Evalution of Open Education Faculty's (OEF) West Europe Programs………………………….………..….187 An Evaluation of the Home Management Program By The Women Benefiting From The Eskisehir City Houses…………………………..…………94 An Evaluation of Social Sciences Programs………………………..……..221 An Examination of the Open Education System in Turkey from a Gender Point of View………………………………395 An Overview of the Open Education Faculty Anadolu University-Turkey…………………………………………111 345 Anadolu University Distance Education System from Emergence To 21st Century……………………………...……339 Anadolu University-Fordotosan e-Learning Project: A Model for University & Industry Collaboration……...……………27 Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty OEF) English Language Teaching B.A. Program (ELT BAP) AND WEBCT Web CT Piloting…………….370 Anadolu University Open Education Faculty English Teacher Training Program…………………………………368 Anadolu University Short Descriptions of Selected Distance-Education Institutions………………….………..146 Anadolu University Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Project and Graduates of 1988……………...……304 Anadolu University West Europe Project for Turkish Citizens: Distance Education Application ……………...…148 Anadolu's Open Education System and Education Television-ETV of Open Education Faculty at Its 20th Anniversary……………………………………….………92 Analysis Total Quality for Printed Material in Ditance Education…………54 Applicability of the Total Quality Philosophy at Distance Education Institutions…………..…………………………400 Application of Communication Center at The Anadolu University Distance Education System………....……135 Application of an Educational Model Meet Greater Demands of Turkish Higher Education………………………………70 Application of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training in Open Education Faculty……………………………………….……101 As Contemporary solution for The Contemporary Education Problems: Open Education:…………………….…………71 Assessment of Vocational Training Programme for The Police Force in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty……………...……………………………..447 Attitudes and Views of Online Cooperative Learning Teams Toward Learning by Problem Solving……………...………………171 Attidutes of Open Education Faculty Students to the Open Learning System…………………………………...…………354 Attitudes of the Students Who Are In Distance Education Process Towards Foreign Language Teaching…...……………443-444 B-Learning and Application Samples…………………………………..…424 346 Blended Learning Model in Distance Education: English Teacher Bachelor’s Program Evaluation……….……..……372 Broadcasting of the Softwares Computer Aided Education via Internet for Faculties, Which are giving Distance Education………………………………259 Building a Synchronous Virtual Classroom in a Distance English Language Teacher Training (DELTT)…….………23 Catalogue of Open Education Publications…………………….….………184 Central Solving Approach for Technical Problems of the Students Presented Service in internet Open Education E-support Service…………………………………286 Change Readiness Among Teaching Staff at Anadolu University………..…6 Changing Winds at Open Education: Results of the Changing and Reconstruction Program at English Open Universty, Outcomes of This Program for AÖF………………………………………….…47 Close Encounters To The Fourth Kind: Dıstance Education Versus Clasroom………………………………122 Comparison of Distance Learners' Study Strategies………………………402 Comparision of the Traditional Higher And Open Education System From The Point of Learning and Study Strategies………………………..……224 Comparison of the Open Education Faculty and The British Open University…………………………………..……360 Complete Degree programs for Branch Teachers…………………………183 Components of e-Learning in Distance Education………………..………275 Computer Aided Action Planning: An Application at Open Education Faculty………………………………...…..……350 Computer As being Educational Component in Open Education Faculty: A Computer Aided Instruction Model For an Academic Counseling System………………….……381 Computer in Distance Education in Application in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty………………….……298 Computer Links to the West: Experiences From Turkey:…………………242 Computer Use in the Open Education Faculty ………………………...…….3 Copyright at Distance Education Material and Application Samples at Distance Education Faculty……………..…176 Cost Analysis of Distance/Open Education…………………….…………408 Cost-Activity Analysis of Distance Education Institutions at Historical Period……………………………..………410 347 Cost-Efficiency Analysis Between Traditional and Distance Education System in Turkish Higher Education………… Costs analysis of On-line Learning………………………………..………412 Continuing In-Service Training for the Staff Who Are Working In Distance Education Systems…………………………………………………………...…125 Constructivist Approach Experience at Internet-Based Education……..…342 Creating Virtual Learning Milieus in Distance Education: Enhanced Web-Based Education Courses in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University……………………231 Database Management Systems: A Case Study of Faculty of Open Education……………….………352 Data Mining and an Application on Anadolu University Distance Education System…………………………………..………32 Degree Complete Program for Primary School Teachers…………….…...186 Design and Development of the E-Learning Services in the Open Education System in Turkey ……………….…………281 Design Principles of an Online Language Education, Program……………28 Design and Implementation of the Internet-Based Academic Facilitation Services in the Open Education System……290 Design and Production of Computer Assisted Instruction Programs in Open Education Faculty………..…………147 Design of Course Material According to Constructive Approach: OEF Printed Material Case…………………….……………………..29 Designing a Database Management System for Course Design Process In Distance Education…………………..…441 Designing and Development of The Cognitive System in Based on and Related to Data Base an Examination for Prelicence Degree Teacher Training Program in Turkey……...…14 Designing of Printed Course Materials: Case Study of Individuated Open Education Faculty’s Printed Course Materials……………………………………….…….60 Designing and Implementing WebCT-Based Courses Online: Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELTT)……………………………………...…230 Developing Author System Studies: Two Case in Anadolu University…………………………...………258 348 Development of Computer Based Education Software On The Internet And The Extent To Which The Servers Meet The Requirements……………….….……262 Developments in Distance Education………………………………………12 Development of Distance Education in Turkey:…………………….…….208 Developments and New Possibilities for the Necessities of Open Education Faculty at 10th Anniversary……………………168 Développements de la formation à distance en France et en Turquie: vers quel droit à l’éducation? [Distance learning's developments in France and Turkey: To which right to education?................................................353 Die Gegenwartige Entwicklung Des Bildungswesenst in Der Türkei.........180 Diffusion of Distance Education in Turkish Higher Education………...…197 Dimensions of E-Learning Education in Turkey …………………………218 Distance Education……………………………….…………………..……245 Distance Education: Developments in the World and Turkey………….…340 Distance Education: Growth and Diversity…………………………..……359 Distance Education and Education Rights…………………………...……375 Distance Education and Educational TV Producing Process: Role of Educational TV Programmes As Being One of the Educational Components in Distance Education Systems and Producing Process of Educational TV Programmes in Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University……….………….97 Distance Education and Its Contribution to The Solution of Educational Problems in a Developing Country; Turkey………………………………..………316 Distance Education and Training in Turkey: Path to Future………………256 Distance Education Application as Being a Contemporary Educational Model…………………………130 Distance Education Applications at Anadolu University….………..………18 Distance Education Applications in Ahmet Yesevi University…………...229 Distance Education Applications in Turkey in Its 75. Anniversary of Turkish Republic……………………………….207 Distance Education for Primary and Secondary Teacher Training in Turkey…………………………………………126 Distance Education for Teaching Economics to Large Mass and E-learning …………………………….……………82 Distance Education in Europe: A Survey…………………………………192 Distance Education in Turkey…………………………………...361-433-440 349 Distance Education System in Turkey……………………………..……….67 Distance Education System in Turkey: A Sociological Research on Students Enrolled in Open Education……………………………394 Distance Education in Turkey: Actual Status, Possibilities and Limitations………………….……………343 Distance Education in Turkey; a Case Study on Applications of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty…………..……310 Distance Education on the Net: A Model for Developing Countries……………………………....…448 Distance Education Opportunities for Women in Turkey…………………237 Distance Education Application: Problems, Suggestions…………………163 Distance Education-Public Policy and Practice in Higher Education: The Case of Türkiye……………………………390 Distance Education Students as Being Women……………………………99 Distance Education Toward Women Education: A case Application……..98 Distance Education with Examples and Principles in the World……..…..123 Distance Learning and Right of Education…………………………..……376 Distance Teaching Between Anadolu University (Tukey) Ahmet Yesevi University (Kazakhistan)……………………………336 E-Audio Book Service in the Open Education System……………………145 Economic Structure Analysis of One-Way and Two-Way Direction Technologies in Distance/Open Education Systems…………………………………411 Economical Structure Analysis in Distance Education: Comparing cost of Traditional and Distance Education……………409 E-Course Design in the Open Education System…………………………292 Educational Radio Programs in Conventional Education and Turkish Case…………………………387 Education of the Parents Who Have Hearing Impaired Children By Distance Education………………………....…………429 Education Pre-Bachelor Programme and Its Application…………………182 Educational Models in Open Education for Vocational High School Graduates……………………………………………..399 Educational Technology in the Global Marketplace………………………243 Effective and Creative Script Writing in TV Education Programs……..…325 Effective and Creative Scenario Writing in TV Education Programs: A Critical View About OEF Practices………………………………321 Effectiveness of the Student Support for Online Learners: The Facilitators’ Point of Views……………………………………439 350 Effectiveness Instructional TV Programmes Via System Approach: Open Education Faculty Model……...……...58 Effectiveness of Open Education Web Sites………………………………450 Effects of Instruction Administered Through Written and Visual Symbol Systems on The Achievement of Formal and Distance Education…….………….…..59 Effect of a Web Support System of Introduction to Economics to the Student Satisfaction in Anadolu University Open Education System…………….…………380 Efficiency of Internet Based Practice Software………………………...…277 Efficiency of e-Learning in Open Education…………………………...…276 E-Learning Applications in the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University………………………………….…272-332-324 E-Learning in Open Education……………………………….……..……..271 Electronic Scholarly Journalism: Tojde Case on Turkish Distance Education System…………………….…...…..139 E-Transformation in a Mega-university…………………………...………225 E-Secretarial Certification Programs in the World and the Model of Anadolu University …………………….…………52 Enhancing Interaction in Turkish Distance Education…………………….257 Evaluating Audio Books as Supported Course Materials in Distance Education: The Experiences of the Blind Learners……327 Evaluation of the Academic Counseling Service in the Open Education Faculty……………....….…….……383 Evaluation of the Broadcast of the Open Education Television Programs on the Internet………………………….……..289 Evaluation of Computer Aided Academic Counseling Centers in The Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University……………382 Evaluation of Distance Education Students Their Educations’…….………77 Evaluation of Health Pre-Bachelor Program from Point of Distance Education Processes View:………………..……………….86 Evaluation of Information Management Vocational Program of Anadolu University From The Perspective of Critical Thinking…………………………425 Evaluation of Internet Supported Distance Education Model in English Language Teacher Training Program……………291 Evaluation of the 1st Year Application of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Programs: Business Administration and an Economics…………………………………313 351 Evaluation of the Leisure Activities Trends of Open Education Faculty's Students of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty……………………102 Evaluation of the Office Management and Secretaryship Pre-bachelor’s Program…………………………...…..38 Evaluation of the Open Education Faculty's TV Course Programs -Research about the Open Education Faculty Students Who Are Living In Malatya………..…306 Evaluation of Open Education Faculty Pre-School Education Program Internet Web Site Based on Student’s Opinions………………………….……………206 Evaluation of the Turkish Language and Letter Printed Course Books for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty License Complete Program……………………….…………33 Evaluation of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training Program…………………...181 Examining Distance Education In Turkey:…………………………..……238 Factors Affecting the Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Distance Education………………………………………….……436 Factors That Affect the Achievement of Students in Faculty of Open Education………………………………….……296 Fernstudium in der Türkei…………………………………………………189 Fernstudium und Osterrich…………………………………………..…….297 Findings and Survey About Satisfying Level of the English Language Teaching BA Program Students of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty……….…369 Findings of a Research on the Students' Use of Time a Case Study of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty In Turkey…………………………………108 First Graduates of the Open Education Faculty: Economics and Business Administration……………………...……105 Foreign Language Programs in Open Education Faculty………………....202 Foreign Language Programs in Distance Education and OEF Case……………………….…………204 Front-end Analysis of an Online Language Program………………...……422 Functions of Video for Educational Purposes: An Organizational Application Model Proposal For Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University…………………39 General Definition of Distance Education and Evaluation of Project…………………………………..………198 352 General Evaluation of the Studies, Which Are Conducted on Distance Education Application in Turkey…….……132 GIS Education in Turkey: GIS Education under The Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences of Anadolu University and Online Education Proposal for International World Campus……………………………74 GIS eLearning Experiences in Turkey…………………….………………418 Global Distance Education: Anadolu University¹s Rise to Prominence…..244 Graduates of the Open Education Faculty In Turkey………………...……109 Hagen Distance Education University and Evaluation of Turkish Distance Education System…………………………..…203 Higher Education and Distance Education…………………………...…16-69 Higher Education via Television in Turkey:………………………………..15 High Tech in Distance Education…………………………………….……216 Historical Development of Distance Education, Practical Models and Cost of Distance Education…………………...13 Historical Developments of Distance Education in Turkey……….………389 Home Video: A Possibility to Support Distance Education Students……..406 Identification of the Distance Education Students in Turkey: A Case Study Open Education Faculty…………………………..…116 Important of the Visualizing of Printed Course Materials, A Case Study on Open Education Faculty…………………….……416 Industrial Engineering Aspects of Distance Education Management: Cases From Anadolu University Open Education Faculty……………………………………….……344 Information Management Education on the Internet: A Case of Open Education Faculty Information Management Undergraduate Program ………………..278 Information Society and Its effects to the Education System……..………247 Influences of Social Structure on Implementation and Evolution of Turkish Distance…………………………...…………196 Innovation in Higher Education: The Open Universities…………….……388 In-Service Training of Teachers in Universities………………….….………2 In-service Training of Primary School Teachers at a Distance in Turkey…………………………………...311 In-service Training of Teachers in Turkey at the Beginning of the 2000s……………………………………….312 Institutional Structure of the Music as Educational Medium in Communication Arts and Model of Suggestion for Distance Education……..……………………………81 353 Interaction in Turkish Distance Education System……………..…………434 Interaction of Learner-instructor on Videoconferencing Applications: An evaluation from Instructers’ Perspective.……...….64 Integrating Computer-Supported Learning into Traditional Distance Courses………………………………..……….26 Internet Based Education Applications at the Largest Ten Open Universities In The World……………………….………263 Internet-Based Education Model Which Supported With Alternative Educational Tools………………………...………265 Internet-Based Designed Exercise Software in Open Education Faculty: A case of General Math Course…….……269 Internet-Based Experimentation Exams System Designing………….……261 Internet-Based Exercise Software, A Case of General Account Course…………………………………….………268 Internet-Based Open Education Model: English Teacher Training Bacholar Program………………….……285 Internet-Based Open Education Model English Teacher Training Program………………..…………..……341 Internet-Based Test Preparing And Interface of Evaluation Programing……………………………………………… Internet-Supported Learning Model in Distance ELT Program at Anadolu University………………………….……446 Internet Usage Habits of Open Education Faculty Students………………338 Internet Using Profiles Of Open Education Students………………..……264 Istruzione a Distanza in Turchia Concetti Generalie Sviluppi………….…118 Keeping Track of Course Design: Anadolu University Case…………..…442 Keyboard Teaching Course and its Exam Application via DE Method in Office Administration Programme of the OEF………………………………………………53 Language Teaching via Distance Education……………..…………….……4 Learners’ Feedback Evaluation of the DE Coursebooks in Distance Education Faculties of Business Administration and Economics At Anadolu University……………………….…………220 Learners’ Preferences of Communication Tone Used in the Print Materials for Open and Distance Learning……..…25 Learner Support Services In Distance Education System: A Case Study of Turkey………………………………………….…435 Learning for the Future……………………………………………………240 Learning Construction of Student Teachers…………………………….…142 354 Legal Aspect of Using Technology in Distance Education…………...……96 Live Television Programmes as A Student Support Component to Preparation For Exams in Anadolu University’s Distance Education System: A Pilot Study on Viewing-Benefits and Expectations Dimensions of Live TV Programmes………………….……………138 Making a Mega University More International: Opportunities and Challenges Management of Education Program on Web in Distance Education OEF/ILOP Case…….……420 Management for Knowledge Sites…………………………………...……144 Management System of Open Education Faculty Question Bank……...…378 Managerial Issues in Open and Distance Education Organizations in Transition: A Need for Systematic Approach……419 Mass Communication for the Solution of Educational Problems: Economic and Technical Approach………………...……………….315 Measurement and Evaluation Open Education: Difficulties Which Question Writers Face in the Process Of Question Preparation in Anadolu University Open Education System………………………201 Measurement and Evaluation in Turkish Distance Education System……414 Media-Message-Method Interactivity In Communication Process and the Transition Process From Traditional Education to Distance Teaching Systems………..153 Meeting the Manpower Gap in Tourism Sector via Distance Education….305 Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Implications of New Technologies For Large Teaching Universities………………..….…95 Mobile Learning at Open Education Faculty: An Evaluation Using of Mobile Tools During E-learning Services……………………………….….287 Modeling of Online Interactions In Distance Instructional Systems…...…392 Multi Criteria Evaluation of Distance Education Implementation Models Using Analytic Hierarchy Process……..…346 Music Department of Open Education Faculty:………………………..….452 New Dimensions System with Advanced Distance Education Support……43 New Directions in Higher Education: Training EFL Teachers through Distance Education…………..….…20 Not Using Power by Turkish Higher Education Institution: Distance Education…………………………………………….……157 Quality in Distance Education: Qualitative Sums Satisfied… and Now? OEF in Local Turkish Press………...…49 355 Older Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty………………………119 Online Learning Programs as Learning Organizations: A Case Study of Information Management Programs at Anadolu University, Turkey…………………...………401 Online Newspaper as Interaction Tool in Distance Education: A Sample Application of the Open Education Faculty in Anadolu University………...………………………………….…177 On Open University Suggestion……………………………………………68 On The Power of Internet-Based Distant Education………………………451 Open and Distance Education: A Comparative Analysis of the Open Education System in Turkey And The Open University In The United Kingdom…………………..………195 Open and Distance Learning Opportunities and e-Learning Services in Turkey…………………………..….…..295 Open Distance Inter-university Synergies between Europe, Africa and Middle East (ODISEAME)……………….……413 Open Education E-Learning Development and Publishing Infrastructure………………………………………………………..293 Open Education Faculty Nurse Education and Saving Cost………………373 Open Education Faculty in Local Turkish Press ………………….……….55 Open Education Faculty Students’ Opinion On Use of Technology for Foreign Language Courses…………..……205 Open University……………………………………………………...……302 Openness Boundaries of the Open Education Faculty……………………155 Opinions of AU/OEF Nursing Students and Instructors on OEF Printed Course Textbooks, TV Courses and Applications………………………………………426 Opinions of Scriptwriters on the Design Process of Web-Based Courses: An Empirical Study at Anadolu University…………………………………………………329 Opinions of Students of Anadolu University Open Faculty For Television Courses………………………………307 Opportunities of Open Education Faculty Broadcasting…………..…...…..79 Opportunities for Solving Educational Problems of Turkey and Turkic States Through the Open Education Faculty….…73 Optimization of Distance Education Between Ankara/Eskisehir at Ahmet Yesevi University…………...…………222 Orchestrating Ethics for Distance and Virtual Learning…………….…….141 356 Past, Present and Future of the Registration and Examinations at the Open Education Faculty………………………335 Patronage and an Oral Tradition Influences on Attributions of Distance Learners in traditional Society…………………………254 Physics Education in Distance Education System and Printed Physics Course Materials………………………………308 Positions of Distance Education Graduates: A Case of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey……………..……134 Possibilities and Limitations of Using TV Interactively in Distance Education and Solving Ways……………………..……326 Practical Courses in Teacher Training Programs Via Distance Education Student Opinions Related to the Practical Courses In Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Pre-School Education Program………………………….…………328 Preparing Program Which Aiming Educational and Teaching at Interactive TV: A Model Suggestion for Open Education…………………………………………………458 Printed Course Materials as Being One of Major Educational Component of Distance Education Systems………...….35 Printed Materials In Distance Education: A Case Study on Open Education Faculty………….………………154 Printed Materials Publishing in Distance Education: A sample of Open Education Faculty…………………….…………175 Printed Materials Supported by Computer Assisted Education in Distance Education……………………………………174 Printing and Distribution Organizing of The Printed Course Materials at Anadolu’s Distance Education System………………………………..…………56 Problem of the University Entrance System: Developments in Educational Technology and A Suggestion…...…384 Problems Affecting Evaluation of Distance Education in Developing Countries………………………………………….…239 Proceedings of Türkiye the First International Distance Education Symposium………………………………….…248 Production of Educational TV Program By System Approach; A Case Study on Open Education Faculty………………….………160 Production Management in the Educational Software Development Process………………………………...……………..270 Profile of Open Education………………………………….……………...161 357 Projected Educational Broadcasting and Open Education Faculty……..…149 Public Relation Activities and Application Aspects at Distance Education Institutions…………………………166 Readiness and Willingness of the Learners in Traditional Distance Higher Education Programs for Online Learning……….…24 Redesigning Academic Facilitation Services in the Internet-based Open Education System-Academic Counseling in Virtual Environment Redesigning the Distance Education Courses of Anadolu University in Turkey………………283 Reflections of Software Professionals on Problems And Solutions Regarding Computer Ethics……….……….…232 Relationship of Open Education Faculty Graduates with Job Market……………..…………………..133 Relationship Between Student Characteristics And Academic Achievement in Distance Education And Application On Students Of Anadolu University……………...150 Report on Channel E Project………………………………………………217 Report on Providing Two Year Up-Grading Academic Program By Distance For The Teacher Who Graduated From Secondary School which organized by Anadolu University Open Education Faculty…………………………...……314 Research of Online Education Program Management and Efficiency in Open Education Faculty Distance English Language Teacher Training Program Example……..………31 Research on Distance Education in Turkey A Review of Research of From an International Perspective……………….……235 Researches on Open Education Faculty……………………………….……11 Restructuring of Education Communication Under the Light of New Technological Developments………………46 Research on Production Cost of Educational TV Course Programs………227 Role and Important of Newspaper as Being Student Support Material in Distance Education………………...…127 Role Based Business Education on Internet Medium and Ananay.com…..266 Role of Distance Education at Professional Development of Gendarme Personnel………………………………169 School Experience and Teaching Practice Course Model in Distance Education System: Example From Open Education Faculty English Teaching Bacholar Degree Program………………………………………..…371 358 Scriptwriting Process for Multimedia Materials in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty………………………330 Self-Efficacy for Instructional television Programs of Anadolu University in Turkey…………………………………….62 Short Profile of the First Graduates of The Open Education Faculty……..407 Socio-cultural Context of Turkish Distance Education……………………255 Some Aspect of Teacher Training in Turkey by Using a Distance Education System………………………………….……115 Some Characteristics of the First Senior Students of The Anadolu University Open Education Faculty In 1985-86 Educational Year Turkish Case…………………...……104 Some Distance Education Application Examples in The World……….…374 Some Notes and Suggestions About Indexing Problem of the Scientific Activities, Which Conducted on Distance Education Applications in Turkey……………….……124 Some Notes on TV Course Production, Which Were Broadcasted By Anadolu University Open Education Faculty For Teacher Training………………………………………454 Some Words on 30th Years of the Anadolu University:…………..………17 Special Applications and Environments in Distance Education: The Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University………………324 Student Consciousness in Distance Education………………………..……84 Student-Content Interaction in Open Education Faculty’s E-learnig System…………………….…282 Student Selecting and Placement System For Higher Education Institutions In Turkey:………………………………..…356 Student Support System of Open Education Faculty: Students of the Open Education Faculty Economics And Business Administration at Anadolu University………………303 Student Satisfaction at Live Television Broadcast…………………………63 Student Satisfaction Scale on Internet Based Distance Education…….….355 Student Support Services in E-Learning: A Case of Open Education Faculty Information Management Associate Degree Program……………………………………….…274 Student Support System of Open Education Faculty…………………...…379 Sufficiency of the Open Education Faculty's Printed Course Materials From Point of Self-teaching………………...……391 Supportive Library Services to Students in Distance Education Systems and Suggestions…………………...…449 359 Studio Production of Educational TV Course Programs and Coming on Editing Problems: A Case of Open Education Faculty…………………………………301 Systems Approach to Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Application…………………………………………………………299 Team-based Work Education via Internet…………………………………267 Team Essays in E-Learning…………………………………………………88 Tele-Education Service Structure and 21st Century Projects of Anadolu University in Turkey……………………………22 Television as an Educational Technology: Using Television At Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University………………...…365 Television Broadcast Possibilities of Open Education Faculty………………. Television in Distance Education and Television Instructor…………………. Television Instructor Television in Distance Education And Instruction On Television…………………………………...…179 Television Programmes in Distance Education: An Analysis of the Planning and Coordination at Anadolu University, Turkey……………………………………….91 Television Teachership……………………………………………………347 Television Teachership in Distance Education……………………………318 Text Books' formal Features Used in Distance Education Systems: A Case of Anadolu University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration…………………..……...…34 The Effects of Academic Consultation Services Applied by Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University on the Successes of Students……………….…200 The Effect of e-Learning Services on Success in the Open Education Faculty- Police Occupation Education Associate degree Program…………………………….…279 The Effectiveness of the Degree Complete Program for the Elementary School Teachers in Inducing The Knowledge of the Theory and Practice by Distance Education Approach…...…………………….………...309 The Evaluation of Communication's Source and Processes at Educational Environment According to Open Education……..……8 The Importance of Students' Learning Styles for Selecting Distance Educational Medium………………………………...……151 The Information Management Associate Degree Program: The First Internet-Based Distance Education Experience in Turkey……………………………………272 360 The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Integration of Teleconferencing in Distance Teaching…… .……..250 Interface of Internet-based Test Preparation and Evaluation……………………………………260 Internet As Public Relations Tool: A Sample Model For Open Education System…………………..…333 Latest Developments in Educational Technology and Teaching Accounting: Turkish Case……………………………..…398 Management of Education Programmes via Web at Distance Education–The Application of Open Education Faculty English Language Teaching Graduate Programme-ELTGP-……...…30 Motivation of Students In Distance Education System: The Case of Turkish Open Education Faculty……………...………251 Open Education E-Certificate Programs…………………...………294 Open Education Faculty is Presents a New Service for Its Students: Education via Video………….….…106 Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University…………….…...…404 Open Education System, Anadolu University, Turkey: e-transformation in a Mega-university …………….….…..233 Planning And Application of A Multilingual Communication Model For Quality And Effective Learning In Distance Education ………………..…………………... 85 Philosophical Roots of the Concept of Equality in Education…...……7 Positions of Distance Education Graduates in the Job Market…………….……………..……………131 Problems of Distance Higher Education in Turkey and a Proposal for a New Model the Reasons To Create National Educational Television Channel In Turkey……156 Reasons for Create National Educational Television Channel in Turkey…………………………421 Reasons of Distance Education Faculty Students Attending the Courses Organized By Private Sector and Their Self-Esteem Levels………………………………159 Relationship Between Online Learners’ Frequency of Usage of Various Support Environments and Their Perception of Social Presence…………………………...……219 Relationship Between Teacher Immediacy Behaviors and Learners’ Perceptions of Social Presence and Satisfaction in Open and Distance Education: The Case of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty……………………………………...………66 361 The Relation Between The Interaction Frequency of Distance Learners Through E-Mail and Willingness To Communicate in Face to Face Media……………………………162 The Role of Educational TV Components in Distance Education Systems and Producing Process of Educational Channels in Faculty of Open Education at Anadolu University-Turkey …………………..……………………...78 The Role of Information Systems within Distance Education and A Case from Turkey……………………………...…397 The Role of the Socio-Cultural Context in Designing Appropriate Support Services and Enhancing Interaction in Distance Education in Turkey…………………..……437 The Students Attitude via Problem Solving In Online Cooperation: A Case Study in Associate Degree in Internet Assisted Information Management Program At Anadolu University, Faculty of Acikogretim in Turkey (Open Education Faculty)………………………………..…172 The State of the Art of Distance Education in Europe as Represented in Pre-Conference Survey……………….…191 The Structure and the Applications of Practical Activities in the Pre-School Teacher Training Program in the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University in Turkey…………445 The Supporting of Learning and Teaching process in Distance Education by Digital Television Broadcasting- a Suggested Model for Open Education Faculty English Teaching Program………………...……199 The Turkish Open Gets Underway…………………………………..…..211 The Use of Interactive Television in Distance Education……………...…21 The Winds of Change in AU/OEF: Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Changing Turkey…………………..……48 Thinking New Methods on Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Examinations………………………..……357 To Find Out the Primary School Teachers' Level of Applying The Effective Study Skills And Learning Strategies in Their Learning Activities İn A Distance Education Program……363 Tourism Education Certificate Program………………………………..…427 Tragedy of the 'Chained Promethous' and Its Thoughts in the Name of Open Education Faculty…………………………..…42 Trends in Distance Learning: A New Wave………………………………300 362 Turkey………………………………………………………………..……393 Turkey Changes Target……………………………………………………212 Turkey Does not Manage Open Education……………………………..…431 Turkey: Distance Education in Turkey……………………………………152 Turkey: Distance Education…………………………………………...……90 Turkey: Does Distance Education Meet National Educational Priorities?:……………………..………236 Turkey: Home of the Worlds Largest Student Body………………………194 Turkey Lacks Experienced Lecturers……………………………...………213 Turkey's Old-Fashioned Distance Education Draws the Largest Student Body on Earth…………….……………234 Turkey's Open Education Faculty…………………………………………110 Turkey's Open Education Policy……………………………………..……252 Turkish in Europe: Research On “Second Language” Teaching…….……423 Turkish Open University to Start Soon…………………………....………210 Turkey the First International Distance Education Symposium Abstracts……………….…………249 Two-Year Vocation Colleges and Distance Learning………….....……….173 Undergraduates of the Open Education Faculty…………………………..112 University-Level Distance Education in Turkey…..………………………..51 Used Materials in Distance Education and Importance-place of Them For Television Programs………………...93 Usage Different Regulators at Learning From Course Textbook: Case Study of OEF Course Textbook………….…………61 Usage Distance Education Technology in Tourism Education………………..………...……………………428 Usage Dramatization Format in Educational Programs: An Example of Open Education Faculty on Application of Export and Import…………………..………………430 Usage of Animation in Distance Education Web Sites……………………..76 Usage of Graphic in Educational TV Programs And Case Study of The Open Education Faculty………………..…417 Use of Distance Education Technology in Education………………….…348 Use of the Internet for Distribution of the Coursebooks: Open Education e-Book Application……………..…288 Use of Knowledge Technology in Open Education: Possibilities-Limitations……………………….…337 Use of Technology in Distance Education Systems and Technologies of Future…………………………………….……10 363 Use of the Mass Media In Higher Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty…………………...…….1 Using Attitudes of Computer for Women Students In Turkey: A Case Study on Faculty of Economics, Business Management and Faculty of Open Education in Anadolu University…………………………………...100 Using Audio and Visual Communication Medium in Internet-Based and Internet Aided Open Education Faculty’s Programs……………………...…284 Using Audio Cassette for Mathematic Teaching in Distance Education……………………………………..87 Using the Internet as a Global Classroom: the Turkish Opportunity……...241 Using Live TV Broadcast Toward An Interaction Between Student and Teacher in Educational Program at Open Education Faculty Application…………...………320 Using Teletext and Viewdata In Distance Education Which Are New As Developments In Communication Technology………………………………………..214 Using the Internet as a Global Classroom: the Turkish Opportunity…...…241 Using Video and Its Effects and Efficiency in Distance Education Model…………………………………………………………………41 Using TV in Distance Education……………………………………………65 Utilizing TV in Teaching…………………………………………….……..57 VEC Pilot Project the Use of Video Education in Turkish Open Education Faculty………………………………..……44 Very Large Scale E-Learning Practices in the Open Education System at Anadolu University…………………...…19 Video Education Centers To Meet Student Needs In Turkish Distance Education Programs…………………………...…107 Video in Distance Education…………..……………………………………40 Video; A Contemporary Educational Media-Research Theory Executive…………………………………...……………………….405 Videocasesette e Istruzione a Distanza Come Mezzi di Sostegno Della Scuola Primaria Nelle Aree Rurali Della Turchia……………………………45 Virtual Company in E-learning: ANANAY. COM Case…………….……170 Visual Designing of Printed Course Material Prepared via Distance Education Tecnique……………………..……36 Visualation Aspects for Production Styles In Educational TV Programmes……………………………….……319 364 Visulaltion Presentaion as Being Educational Technology: An Application of Four-year Pre-school Teachership Application…………………………...……351 What Do Learners and Instructors of Online Learning Environments Think About Ethics in E-Learning ?: A Case Study From Anadolu University……………………………415 What Happened in 10 Years and What Will Be Happen in the Open Education Faculty?..............................362 What is the Advantage of the Associate Degree Program for Primary School Teacher…………………………………………246 Web-Based Course Design: A Sample of the Bilingual TV Advertising Course in ODISEAME Project…………331 Web-based Course Design in Higher Education and Applications: ODISEAME Project………………..……………322 Web-Based Distance Learning and University Libraries……………...……89 Web-Based Distance Education Systems: Required Features and Standards………...……………………………9 West Europe Programs Model of Anadolu University…………….….……75 West Europe Open Education Programs………………:………….……...188 West Europe Project of Anadolu UniversityWhat Has Done-What will be done And Necessities………….……317 Women in Turkey and the Potential for Open Learning……………..……225 Writing Unit in Distance Education…………………………...……..……185 30 Years in Anadolu University…………………………………………….72 3-D Computer Animation Production Process on Distance Education Programs Through Television: Anadolu University OEF (The Open Educational Faculty)……….. 178 365 AUTHORS INDEX ACIKALIN, Aytaç………………………..…………………………1-2-314 ADIYAMAN, Zehra…………………………...……………………………4 AGAOGLU, Esmahan…………………………………………………5-206 AKBULUT, Yavuz…………………………………………………………6 AKINCI, Semiha.………………………...…………………………………7 AKMEN, Erhan……………………………………………………………14 AKKOYUNLU, Buket………………..…………………………………242 AKYILDIZ, Hayrettin………………...……………………………………8 AL Umut……………………………….……………………………………9 ALGAN, Ertuğrul………………….………………………………………10 ALKAN, Cevat…………………………………………………………11-12 ALTAN, Mehmet……………………….…………………………………74 ALTAS, Irfan…………………….………………………………………448 ARAR, Atilla………………………………………………………………13 ARSLAN, Hüryaşa………………….……..………………………………14 ASKAR, Petek……………………………………………………………242 ASKIN, Ayfer…………………………...…………………………………15 AŞKUN, İnal C…………………………………………………………16-17 ATAC, Engin ……………………………..………..………………18-19-20 ATAIZI, Murat……………………………...……………………………172 ATAMAN, E. Özlem. …………………………..…………………………21 AVDAN, Hülya………………………….……………266-277-289-292-349 AYDAY, Can……………………………...……………………………22-74 AYDIN, Belgin ………………………….…………………………………23 AYDIN, Cengiz. H………………….…………24-25-26-27-28-233-273-439 AYDIN, Emin D…………………………………………..………………397 AYDIN, İrem Erdem……………………………………………………29-66 AYDIN, Sinan……………………………….……30-31-32-53-279-291-415 BALABANLI, Fatma N……….……..……….……………………………33 BANAR, Seçil Taner……………….…….…………………………34-35-36 BARAZ, Turhan………………..…..……………………………………37 BARAZ, Gülce…………………….………………………………………38 BARKAN, Murat………………….…...……..39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-4748-49-50-106-107-403-404-406 BARROWS, C. Leland…………………………………….………………51 BASPINAR, Ö. Nuran………………………………….…………………52 BAYRAMLI, Ünver………………………………….……………………52 367 BENLIGIRAY, Serap……………………………...………………………53 BIROL, Cem…………………………………………………………….…54 BODUR, Feyyaz…………………………………………………...55-56-113 BOZHÜYÜK, M. Emin……………………………………………………57 BOZKAYA, Müjgan………………………...…58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66 BOZOK, Sinan…………………………………..…………………………67 BUYUKASLAN, Ali…………………………...…………………………353 BUYUKERSEN, Yılmaz…………………………………68-69-70-71-72-73 CABUK, Alper………………………………………..……………………74 CABUK, S. Karademirler……………………………..……………………74 CAN, Ertuğ…………………………………………………………………77 CANDEMİR, Abdülkadir………………………..……………….…78-79-97 CANDEMİR, Ozden……………………………………..….……………138 CAPPER, Joanne…………………………………………….……………359 CEBECİ, Zeynel……………………………………...……………………80 CEMALCILAR, Ali……………………………….………………………81 COUNCIL of Europe Newsletter……………………..……………………90 CURABAY, Sensu………………...…………………………91-92-93-94-98 CAKIR, Mustafa ………………………………………………………..…75 CAKMAKÇI, Birol…………………………………………………...……13 CALIŞKAN, Sabahattin………………………………………….……76-450 CEKEROL, Kamil……………….…………….……...……82-83-84-85-415 CELIK, Sönmez……………………………………………………………89 CENGECI, Tuba……………………………………………….…………142 CETER, Mehmet S…………………………………………………………86 CETINOZ, Nermin…………………..……87-88-145-265-269-271-277-291 CUKADAR, Sami…………………………………………….……………89 DANIEL, John S……………………………………………………………95 DEMIR, Mehmet……………………………...……………………………96 DEMIRAY, Emine……………………...…78-90-91-92-98-99-100-318-319 DEMRAY,Uğur………………..……..41-43-44-101-102-103-104-105-106107-108-109-110-111-112-113-114115-116-117-118-119-120-121-122123-124-125-126-127-128-129-130131-132-133-134-135-136-137-138139-140-141-238-403-404-407-448 DINCER, Kübra………………………………….………………………143 DEMIREL, Sedat………………………………….………………………30 DEVECI, Handan……………………………………….………………..142 DINÇER. G. Deniz……………………………….…………88-144-145-293 368 DOERFERT, F………………………………………….……..…………146 DOGAN, Özlem………………………………………….………….……147 DOGAN, Ahmet Atilla………………………………………..………75-148 DOYMUŞ, Hüsnur………………………………………………..………149 DUBAN, Nil…………………………………………….…………………445 ERGUL,Hülya……………………….……………………………………150 EKICI, Gülay…………………..…………………………………………151 ERAUT, Michael……………….…………………………………………152 EROĞLU, Erhan………………………………………………………49-153 ESEN, Aysel………………………………………………………………296 ESEN, Halim……………………..……………………………………….321 GIRGINER, Nuray……………….………………………………………346 GOKDAG, Dursun……….………………………154-155-156-157-158-347 GOKDAG, Rüchan……………………………….………………………159 GÜCHAN, Naci………………………………...…………………………160 GUCLU, Abbas……………………………...……………………………161 GULEN, M. Faruk………………...…………………………………264-293 GULER, Can…………………………………………………………144-162 GULEZ, Kayhan…………………….……………………………………163 GULTEKİN, Bilgi…………………..……………………………………164 GULTEKİN Mehmet……………...……………………………184-186-445 GUNAY, Aysel………………………………………………………165-166 GUNEŞ, Ali………………………….………………………………167-168 GUNİ, Ömer………………………………………………………………169 GUMUŞ, Salih……………………………………...…144-170-171-173-283 GURBUZ, Rıza……………………………………...……………………173 GURCAN, H. İbrahim ……………...……………127-174-175-176-177-323 GURSAC, Yucel. …………………………………...……………………178 GURSES, Nedim……………………………………78-97-179-318-319-351 HAKAN, Ayhan…….180-181-182-183-184-185-186-187-188-189-190-314 HARRY, Keith…………………………………………………….…191-192 HASGUL, Servet………………………………………………….………193 HOLBROOK, Deborah……………………………………………..……194 ICBAY, Mehmet Ali………………………………………………………195 INAN, Fethi A………………………………………………..……………196 IMER, Gulriz ……………………………………………..…………………5 ISIK, Şenay………………………………………………..………………306 INCEELLI, Ayşe…………………………………………………………138 İSPIR, Burçin………………………….…………………………………199 ISERI, Perihan………………….…………………………….…274-284-289 369 ISMAN, Aytekin………………..……………………………………197-198 KARA, Erdal…………………..…………………………30-31-190-200-279 KARADAG, Nejdet………….……………………………………………201 KARADAYI, Nezir……………………………………………………….334 KARLIK, Bekir……………………………...……………………………163 KARTAL, Bilhan…………………………………………202-203-204-205 KAYA,Secil………………………………………206-328-329-330-331-415 KAYA, Zeki………………………………………………………96-207-208 KAYABAS, Ilker………………………….…..……..280-2823-286-290-294 KELLY, Patrick……………………..………….…………………………209 KENNEDY, Bernard……………………….………………210-211-212-213 KESIM, Mehmet. …………………………….……………214-215-216-337 KILIC, Levend……………………………………………………………217 KIRAY, H. Selcuk…………...……………………………………………327 KIZILSU, Gaye………………...…………………………………………218 KIP, Buket……………………….………………….…219-280-282-286-294 KOCATEPE, Celal………………………………………………………163 KOCDAR, Serpil…………………………………………………………220 KORKUT, B. Melda……………………………………………274-284-288 KOSE, Durmuşoğlu Gül……………………………………………..……226 KOKEN, Mehmet…………………………………………………………221 KOKSOY, Mümin…………………………….…………..…………222-336 KOYMEN, Ülkü………………………………………...…223-224-225-237 KURNAZ, Kerim…………………………………………………………228 KURUBACAK, Gülsün………………………………………5-230-231-232 KUTLU, Akif………………………………………..……………………379 KUZU, Abdullah…………………………………..……………………6-232 KUNUCEN, Şükrü……………………………..…………………………227 KURMANALIYEV, Musrepbek…………………………………………229 KURUM, Dilaver…………………………………………………………190 LATCHEM, Colin…………………………………...…………………6-233 MacWILLIAMS, Byron………………………….………………………234 MADRAN, Orcun……………………………………………………………9 MANOHAR K. Murali……………………………………………………235 McISAAC, Marina S…………………………………107-117-236-237-238239-240-241-242-243-244 MIZIKACI, Fatma……………………………..…………………………245 MILLI EGITIM………………………………………...…246-247-248-249 MURPHY, Karen L…...…107-236-238-250-251-252-253-254-255-256-257 370 MUTLU, M. Emin….….19-26-53-233-258-259-260-261-262-263-264-265266-267-268-269-270-271-272-273-274-275-276277-278-279-280-281-282-283-284-285-286-287288-289-290-291-292-293-294-295-337-338-341342-345-382-446 NARTGUN Şenay Sezgin……………………..………………….………296 NIGSCH, Otto…………………………………..……………………….297 ODABASI Ferhan…………………………………..…………6-208-298-299 OKUR, Recep………………………………….……….……………144-170 OLIVEIRA, Joao…………………………………………………………300 ONER, Kemal…………………..…………………………………………301 ONGOREN, Mahmut T………..…………………………………………302 ORUÇ, Nesrin………………………………….…………………………370 OZ-ALP, Şan……………………………………………………303-304-305 OZBİLGİN,Lütfi………………………………….………………………306 OZCAN, Kenan……………………………………………...……………307 OZCELIK, Durmuş A……………………………………………………404 OZCUBAY, Selma………………………………………….……………184 OZDAMAR Nilgün………………………………………………...…50-232 OZDAS, Kudret…………………………………………………………...308 OZER, Bekir………………………….………………126-309-310-311-312 OZER, Gündüz Mukadder………….……….……………………………313 OZGUR, Z. Aydın….….18-78-97-176-177-179-190-206-318-319-320- 321322-323-324-325-326-327-328-329-330-331-430 OZGU, Tahir……………….…………….……..………73-324-315-316-317 OZGUR, Nermin Çıldır………………………...…………………………113 OZKANAL, Berrin………………………...…85-135-190-324-332-333-415 OZKAZANÇ, Önder………………………………...………………334-335 OZKUL, A. Ekrem……………..….53-226-233-270-285-322-336- 337-338339-340-341-342-343-344-345-346OZOGUT, Erorta Özlem……..…………….147-170-263-266-268-269-271275-276-278-279-281-290-294 OZSOY, Yahya………………………………………………………347-348 OZTURK, Canan.……………….…147-259-262-263-265-267-271-342-349 OZTURK, Öznur……………………….…………………………………350 OZTURK, Serap…………………………………179-318-319-351-365-366 OZTURK, Zehra Kamışlı………………….……………………193-346-352 OZYAR, Aydın……………………...……………………………………226 PALANK, Franz………………………..…………………………………297 PARLAK, Y. Nuray………………………………………………………354 371 PARLAK, Özlem…………………………………………………………355 PAPI, Cathia………………………………………………………………353 PAYASLIOĞLU, Arif……………………….....……………………356-357 PISIREN, Uğur…………………………………...………………………358 POTANHNIK, Michael…………………………..………………………359 RIZA, Enver Tahir………………………………..….……………………360 RUZGAR, N. Selver………………………………...……………………361 SAGLAM, Necdet……………………………………………………322-413 SAGLAM, Mustafa…………………………….…………..……189-362-363 SAGLIK, T. Mediha……….…………78-97-140-179-318-351-364-365-366 SAVRAN, Gonc-Temmuz…….…………..………...…………………….395 SAYIN, Güler…………………………………………………………..…299 SCHUMER, R………………………….…………………………………146 SECIM, Filiz……………………………………………………….………36 SECIM, Hikmet…………………………………………………...…373-374 SELVI, Kıymet………………………………………………………375-376 SEN, Orkun…………………………………………………………………52 SERTER, Nuray……………………………………………383-384-385-386 SEZGIN, Jülide………………………………………………………296-387 SEZGIN, Kazım……………………………..……………………………184 SHALE, Doug……………………………….……………………………388 SIMŞEK, Ali………………………………...……………………………389 SIMSEK, Aytaç………………………………...…………………………390 SIMŞEK, Nurettin……………………………………………………391-392 SOZEN, Nur………………………………………………………………393 SOZER, Ersan………………………………………………….…………186 SUGUR, Nadir…………………………….……………………………... 394 SUGUR, Serap……………………….……………………………... 395-396 SUTCU,Cem S……………………………………………………….……397 SURMELİ, Fevzi………………………………………….…………398-399 SAKAR, Nurhan A…………………….…………367-368-369-370-371-372 SEN, A. Mine…………………………………………………...…………377 SENEL, Hakan………………………………………………..…378-379-414 SENEL, Zeliha……………………………………………...……………..380 SENİS, B. Fethi……………………………………….…………261-381-382 TASCI, Deniz……………………………………...…………………400-401 TEKER, Necmettin……………………………….………………...…54-402 TEKIN, Cengiz…………………………………..……403-404-405-406-407 TEZCAN, Mediha…………………………..…………408-409-410-411-412 TIMUR, Necdet……………………………...………………………322-413 372 TOKBUDAK, Ayşegül…………………………………………………. 414 TOMASCHEWSKI, R…………………………………………..……….146 TOPRAK, Elif………………………………………...………...…27-85-415 TUMLU, Zeki………………………………………...…………………416 TUTUNCU, Ozden…………………………………..……………………417 UGUR, S. Serap…………………………………….…………………88-144 ULUGTEKIN, Necla…………………………………………..…………418 ULUKAN, Cemil………………………….…………………………419-420 ULUTAK, Nazmi…………………………………….…………421-422-423 UNAL, Dilşat Peker…………………………………….…………………424 UNAL, Figen………………………………………...……………………425 UNLU, Canan…………………………………………..…………………426 UNLU, Ilhan……………………………………………….…………427-428 UNLU, Sezen……………………………………………...………………429 UNLUER, A. Oğuz…………………………………….…....……………430 URAL, Ozana………………………………..……………………………431 USLU, N…………………………………………………….…………….287 USUN, Salih……………………...……………………433-434-435-436-437 UYSAL, Figen…………………………….………………………………438 USTUNOĞLU, Ulkü……………………..………………………….……432 YALAMA, Nihat…………………………..…………………………349-439 YANGIN, Gürbüz…………………………………………………………440 YAPICIOGLU, Haluk………………….……………………………441-442 YAŞAR, Şefik………………………………...…………………443-444-445 YAVUZ, K. Handan………………………...…………………………20-446 YAVUZ, Murat İbrahim………………..…………………………………447 YAZICI, Ali………………………………………………………………448 YENİGÜN, H. U…………………….……………………………………287 YILDIRIM, Ali………………...…………………………………………306 YILMAZ, Adnan…………….………………………………………124-449 YILMAZ. Ruşen………..…53-174-175-259-260-261-263-268-271-281-450 YILMAZ, Türker…………………………………………………….……451 YILMAZ, Ulkü……….……………………………………276-288-292-450 YURGA, Cemal……...……………………………………………………452 YUKSELTURK, Erman…….……………………………………………196 YUKSEL, Coşgül………..…………………………………………….…453 YUKSEL, Erkan…………………………………………………………..135 YUKSEL, A. Haluk…………….……………………………45-454-455-456 YUKSEL, Mehmet………..………………………………………………457 YUZER, Volkan…………………………………….…………………23-458 373