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Ugur  Demiray
  • Anadolu University Yunusemre Campus 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey
  • +902225334055200 +905422322167 +90 5334055200
  • Ugur DEMIRAY is Professor of Communication Teaching in the School of Communication Sciences of Anadolu University, Es... moreedit
  • He is also an editor, consultant editor, reviewer for more than 25 international journals which are deal with distance education and educational technology. edit
Araştırmacıların ve akademisyenlerin son yıllarda ilgisini hayli çeken sağlık sosyolojisi alanı, sosyoloji biliminin oldukça yeni gelişen bir alt dalı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu konu ile ilgili çalışmaların 2000'li yıllardan önce... more
Araştırmacıların ve akademisyenlerin son yıllarda ilgisini hayli çeken sağlık sosyolojisi alanı, sosyoloji biliminin oldukça yeni gelişen bir alt dalı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu konu ile ilgili çalışmaların 2000'li yıllardan önce neredeyse sayılabilecek kadar az olduğu, ancak 2010'lara doğru hem sağ-lık sosyolojisinin daha çok bilindiği, hem de çalışma konularının oldukça popülerleştiği söylenebilir. Elinizdeki bu eser, konularında uzman çeşitli branşlardaki akademisyenler tarafından kaleme alınmış farklı konulardan oluşmaktadır. Böyle bir çalış-ma, sağlık sosyolojisine ilgi duyan, konu ile ilgili hem akademik, hem de kültürel düzeyde bilgilenmek isteyen, özellikle sağlık ve diğer kurumların etkileşimini görmek isteyen öğrenci, akademisyen ve araştırmacılar için faydalı olacaktır.
Research Interests:
向监狱提供高等教育——这是全世界各种惩教机构正在为之努力的目标。当今大学越来越走向网 络化,然而,惩教机构却经常限制或者禁止犯人上网。澳大利亚、英国、土耳其和尼日利亚4 国各有 一所主要从事远程教育的大学在不同程度运用技术手段向监狱提供高等教育。本文旨在研究它们在如 何(尤其是运用技术手段) 向监狱提供远程教育方面的地区性差异。这4 个国家惩教机构的囚犯在使 用计算机、个人设备和因特网等方面都存在显著差异。本文通过分析向囚犯提供远程教育的相关学习... more
络化,然而,惩教机构却经常限制或者禁止犯人上网。澳大利亚、英国、土耳其和尼日利亚4 国各有
何(尤其是运用技术手段) 向监狱提供远程教育方面的地区性差异。这4 个国家惩教机构的囚犯在使
Today, e-learning and various online education applications are used in more countries and educational institutions than ever before. However, as the industry grows, so do issues of ethical concern such as plagiarism, electronic... more
Today, e-learning and various online education applications are used in more countries and educational institutions than ever before. However, as the industry grows, so do issues of ethical concern such as plagiarism, electronic voyeurism, and licensing.
Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning outlines a systems approach as the framework to guide all ethical perspectives in Open and Distance Learning System (ODLS). This important title provides academicians, students, and professionals with ethical insight into the world of e-learning through fascinating case studies that elucidate the issues through real-world examples.
Açıkoğretim Lisesi uygulaması ile ilgili yapılacak araştırmalara kaynaklık edebilecek olan elinizdeki bu araştırma; araştırmacılara, öncelikle araştırmalarına katkı sağlayacak, yararlanabilecekleri kaynakları bir bütün, ‘bibliyografya’... more
Açıkoğretim Lisesi uygulaması ile ilgili yapılacak araştırmalara kaynaklık edebilecek olan elinizdeki bu araştırma; araştırmacılara, öncelikle araştırmalarına katkı sağlayacak, yararlanabilecekleri kaynakları bir bütün, ‘bibliyografya’ biçiminde sunmaktadır. Çalışmada ayrıca, araştırmacılara yardımcı olabileceği düşüncesi ile daha önce yapılmış çalışmaların özet bilgilerine ve konu/yazar dizinine yer verilmektedir.

Bu çalışmada temel amaç; Açıkoğretim Lisesi uygulaması ile ilgili çalışma yapacak Türk ve yabancı araştırmacılara bu konuda daha önce nelerin yapılıp yapılmadığı, yapılan çalışmalardaki temel yaklaşım ve yöntemlerin neler olduğu ile çalışma sonuçları ve bu çalışmalara nasıl ulaşacakları konusunda bilgi sağlamaktır. Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak AÖL’nin kuruluşunun 10. Yılı olan 2002 yılında gerçekleştirilen bu kaynakça bir anlamda AÖL’nin kuruluşunun 5. yılında çıkarılan kaynakçanın genişletilmiş ikinci basımı olarak düşünülmüş ve yine Açıkoğretim Lisesi uygulamasını temel alan tez, araştırma, makale, kitap, bildiri, rapor, bülten ve kılavuz düzeyindeki çalışmalardan yararlanılarak hazırlanmıştır.

İlk versiyonu AÖL’nin kuruluşunun 5. yılında yayınlanmış olan bu kaynakça çalışmasının, alanda yapılan her yeni çalışmanın eklenmesiyle beş yılda bir yinelenmesinde sayısız yarar vardır. Yapılan çalışmaların ileride yapılacak çalışmalara kaynaklık edeceği göz önüne alınırsa, gerek bu araştırmanın, gerekse ileride yeni çalışmaları kapsamına alacak benzer kaynakça çalışmalarının önemi açıkça ortadadır. Umudumuz odur ki, araştırma, ilgilenenlere gerçekten yararlı olur ve çalışma, ileride sorumluluk duyan genç araştırmacılarca devam ettirilir.

Bu nedenle, bundan sonra AÖL Uygulaması konusunda tez, kitap, makale, bildiri vb. her düzeyden yapılacak araştırma ve çalışmaların bir kopyasının Eğitim Teknolojileri Genel Müdürlüğü (EğiTek) Bilgiye Erişim Merkezine ulaştırılması, hem çalışmaların değerlendirilerek hedef kitleye ulaşmasını sağlayacak hem de 5 yıl sonraki çalışmaya önemli ölçüde temel oluşturacaktır. Bu anlamda çalışma grubuna ve çalışmaya katkıda bulunan EğiTek çalışanlarına teşekkür ediyoruz.
In this book review, all studies which conducted on Open High school have been collected, and indexed In general evaluation of the study has done, without detailed comparison and content analysis since the abstracts are not sufficient... more
In this book review, all studies which conducted on Open High school have been collected, and indexed In general evaluation of the study has done, without detailed comparison and content analysis since the abstracts are not sufficient to conduct a detailed cooperative content analysis at that moment, it will try to give some interesting points of the findings and cumulative knowledge on the abstracts.

This study covers during 10-years period on 110 researches or studies which have conducted between the years of December 1992 and September 2002. Their first versions of this study were covering only 70 studies, which have been conducted between the years 1992 and 1997.

Most of the studies were conducted by Ministry of National Education Film, Radio Television Education Directorate to receive feedback on the application of Open High School and they were published as an internal paper by copying. And also, most of the studies and articles have nearly 10 to l5 pages per volume. In addition, theses are also is around 100-150 pages. The oldest study of the open High School application belongs to year 1992.

The studies in this literature review were conducted mostly by the same researchers and by the same institutions. This shows us that some researchers (for example; Catal, Esirgen, Hakan, Kaya, Ulug, Sözen agın and Teker) and institutions (for example; FRTED, MONE) conducted more than one study on the Open High School. More than 30 studies are realized by some institutions such as Ministry of National Education-MONE (mostly prepared by Ali AGIN), PIAR, and ARGE and by other organizations. Six of them were conducted by private or governmental institutions. Most of the studies were conducted by Ministry of National Education, Directorate Film, and Radio Television Education as an internal paper.

Also in this literature review, it is observed that 12 researches realized as a group study. 7 of 10 researches were done by two researchers, 3 of 10 were done by four researchers and 2 of 10 were done by five researchers as group study. Other studies are realized by one author.
The education system of our times has transformed greatly due to enormous developments in the IT field, ease in access to online resources by the individuals and the teachers adopting new technologies in their instructional strategies, be... more
The education system of our times has transformed greatly due to enormous developments in the IT field, ease in access to online resources by the individuals and the teachers adopting new technologies in their instructional strategies, be it for course design, development or delivery. The field of Distance and Online Education is experiencing continuing growth. Starting from simple form of correspondence courses, this field has passed through various generations, employing from simple to complex technology like radio, television to computes, satellites, Internet, Wiki and Web 2.0 applications. The Internet and the Wide World Web have fundamentally altered the practice of distance teaching and learning. Many of the universities around the globe are offering their courses online.

The emerging distance and online learning environments pose unique challenges towards marketing of distance education programmes. Distance education and online education is practiced in all the fields of human endeavor. Distance and online education has become part of our life, both personal and professional.

This is the right time to be sure how to effectively market the distance and online education programmes. Adequate attention needs to be paid to costs, impact, resource allocation and the return on investment, so that cost efficiency and cost effectiveness are met to the optimum. There are challenges facing for marketing in distance and online learning environments in the form of delivering what these environments are promising, how to find the right information, regular updation of the courses and not to forget the effective user interaction with the course developers and peers.
Dünya iletişim ve öğrenme açısından hızlı bir dönemden geçmektedir. Özellikle 20. yüzyıldaki gelişmeler bu dönemi ortaya çıkaran dinamiklerin başında gelmektedir. İletişim alanında yaşanan gelişmeler iki ana başlık altında toplanabilir.... more
Dünya iletişim ve öğrenme açısından hızlı bir dönemden geçmektedir. Özellikle 20. yüzyıldaki gelişmeler bu dönemi ortaya çıkaran dinamiklerin başında gelmektedir. İletişim alanında yaşanan gelişmeler iki ana başlık altında toplanabilir. Bunlardan birincisi canlı yayın özelliğine sahip kitle iletişim araçlarının, radyo ve televizyonun ortaya çıkışıdır. Bu araçlarla beraber enformasyonun, olayların, yorum ve gözlemlerin dünyanın herhangi bir yerine anında ulaşması mümkün olmuştur. Diğer bir ifade ile iletişimdeki kitlesel anındalık ilk olarak radyo ve televizyon ile ortaya çıkmıştır. 20. yüzyılın son dönemlerinde dünya çapında kullanılmaya başlanan internet ise bir kişinin ihtiyaç duyduğu enformasyona, bilgiye anında ulaşmasını sağlamıştır. Bu iletişim ortamı ile kişiler artık ihtiyacına göre bilgiye ulaşmaya başlamıştır. Dolayısıyla, internetin de enformasyona ulaşmada, dünya çapında bireysel anındalık farkını ortaya çıkaran iletişim aracı olduğu söylenebilir.
Öğrenme uygulamaları da iletişim alanında yaşanan gelişmelerden etkilenmiştir. Bunun sonucunda da uzaktan öğrenme olarak adlandırılan öğrenme biçiminde daha önce benzeri görülmemiş şekilde gelişmeler yaşanmıştır. Radyo, televizyon ve sonrasında internet ortamlarındaki uygulamalar insanoğlunun gündeminde yerlerini almıştır. Bu uygulamalarda önemli bir ayrıntı etkileşimlilik kavramında yatmaktadır. Birbirini etkileyen durumları belirten etkileşimlilik, internet ortamlarında etkin bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Enformasyonu ya da bilgiyi arayan kişiler ya da öğrenenler, bu ortamda etkin bir şekilde iki yönlü iletişimi (etkileşimi) kullanmaktadırlar. Böylece pasif dinleyiciler ya da izleyiciler kavramı yerini aktif kullanıcılar kavramına bırakmakmış ve (öğrenme açısından) büyük bir yenilik ortaya çıkmıştır. Etkileşimli ortamların kullanıldığı ve aktif öğrenenlerin bu ortamlarda yer aldığı uygulamalar da e-öğrenme kavramı altında bir araya toplanmıştır.
E-öğrenme uygulamaları açısından başarılı öğrenme ortamlarının yapılandırılması ve devam ettirilmesi anlamında ele alınacak konular da, e-öğrenme ortamlarının çeşitliliğinden dolayı değişik başlıklar altında incelenebilir. Ayrıca, iletişim araçlarının gelişimi ve yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin ortaya çıkışı 21. yüzyılda da devam ettiğinden dolayı, e-öğrenme de gelişmeye ve değişik uygulamalarla gündeme gelmeye devam etmektedir. E-öğrenme teknolojileri, içerik geliştirme çalışmaları, çok kültürlü öğrenen ortamlarının oluşturulması, öğrenen-öğreten-içerik etkileşimleri, mobil öğrenme gibi konular e-öğrenme sözkonusu olduğunda incelenen ve incelenebilecek ilk konular olarak akla gelmektedir.
Türkiye’de E-Öğrenme: Gelişmeler ve Uygulamalar adlı kitap serisinin 4. Kitabı olan bu kitapta ise e-öğrenme dört ana başlık altında ele alınıp incelenmektedir. Bu başlıklar:
 E-öğrenmede içerik geliştirme
 E-öğrenmede yeni yönelimler
 Bilgiye ulaşım
 Uygulama örnekleri
olarak ayrılmıştır.
E-öğrenme konusunda bilgi edinip, konuyu daha ayrıntılı öğrenmek ya da daha önceden bilgisi olup son dönemlerde hangi konuların gündemde olduğunu bilmek isteyenler, akademisyenler, profesyoneller ve araştırmacılar açısından bu kitabın da daha önceki üç kitap gibi söylemek istedikleri bulunmaktadır.
Bilginin paylaşıldıkça değer kazandığına inanarak, herkese keyifli okumalar dileriz.
Ocak 2013, Eskişehir
Sevgili okurlar bir kez daha merhaba... Sizlerle ya da en azından bir bölümünüz ile çeşitli akademik ortamlarda bulunduk, tartıştık ve bilgilerimizi çeşitli ortamlarda paylaştık. Bu kez yine sizinle bir paylaşım ortamı olarak TÜRKİYE'DE... more
Sevgili okurlar bir kez daha merhaba...
Sizlerle ya da en azından bir bölümünüz ile çeşitli akademik ortamlarda
bulunduk, tartıştık ve bilgilerimizi çeşitli ortamlarda paylaştık. Bu kez yine sizinle bir
paylaşım ortamı olarak TÜRKİYE'DE E-ÖĞRENME: Gelişmeler ve Uygulamalar
III adlı çalışmada birlikteyiz. Birincisi geçtiğimiz 2010 yılında iki baskı yapan ve
tükenen TÜRKİYE'DE E-ÖĞRENME: Gelişmeler ve Uygulamalar başlıklı kitap
çalışması idi. Bu kitap çalışmasına 31 yazar arkadaşımız, 23 bölüm ile katkıda
bulunmuşlardı. Kitaba bölüm yazamayan ya da bu fırsatı kaçırdığını belirten
arkadaşlarımızın talebi üzerine II. Kitap çalışmasını da 26 Bölüm ve 43 yazarla
tamamladık. Yeni çalışmamız olan TÜRKİYE'DE E-ÖĞRENME: Gelişmeler ve
Uygulamalar- III başlıklı kitabımız ise insan kaynakları, e-öğrenme modelleri,
kuramlar ve iletişim ortamları tasarımlarına odaklanıyor.
Dünya'da dijital eksen gelişip öğrenme M-Öğrenme ve U-Öğrenme gibi farklı
boyutlara taşınırken, biz de akademisyenler olarak bundan bağımsız kalamayız.
Çünkü eğitimdeki gelişmeler, eğitimde karar verici yöneticiler, eğitim teknologları,
eğitim yöneticileri açısından çok daha hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşmekte ve adaptasyon
gerektirmektedir. Bir kitap çalışması kolay bir iş değil, sancılı olabiliyor. Kitabımızın
birinci baskısında bazı ciddi hatalar bulunuyordu, bu yüzden düzeltilmiş gözden
geçirilmiş yeni baskısıyla sunulmasının daha uygun olacağını düşündük.
Değerli okurlar, kitapta yer alan anlatımların sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir. Biz
geribildirime ve eleştiriye değer veren bir ekibiz. Bu çalışmadaki bölüm yazarları
kendi yazmış oldukları yorum, fikir ve kaynakların doğruluğundan şahsen
sorumludur. Bu bağlamda çalışmaya ilişkin her düzeyden eleştirinizi ve
düşüncelerinizi en kısa zamanda ve en seri yolla bekliyoruz. Bir başka çalışmada
birlikte olmak üzere, iyi okumalar.
Editörler, Mart 2012
Gutenberg‟in matbaayı icat etmesinden sonra geçmiĢ 500 yüzyıl içinde doğrusal olarak geliĢen klasik eğitim son yıllardaki teknolojik değiĢimlerle yerini yavaĢ yavaĢ e-öğrenme konusuna bırakmaktadır. Bunlar biçimsel ya da biçimsel olmayan... more
Gutenberg‟in matbaayı icat etmesinden sonra geçmiĢ 500 yüzyıl içinde
doğrusal olarak geliĢen klasik eğitim son yıllardaki teknolojik değiĢimlerle
yerini yavaĢ yavaĢ e-öğrenme konusuna bırakmaktadır. Bunlar biçimsel ya
da biçimsel olmayan farklı form ve formatlarda değiĢik yöntemlerle ortaya
konmaya baĢlamıĢtır. GeçmiĢten günümüze gelen eski uygulamalar ise
zaman içinde nostaljik öğelere dönüĢmekteyken farklı uygulamalar farklı
geliĢmelere sebebiyet vermektedir. Çünkü öğrenmede gerçekleĢen bu
farklılıklar birçok kolaylıklar getirmekte; bazı konularda bireylere yepyeni
fırsatlar sunmakta; dünyayı bireylerin dijital ekranlarına, hatta cebine
taĢıyabilmektedir. Ama kolaylıklarla beraber çok bilinmeyenlerin
oluĢturduğu yeni denklemleri de ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu denklemlerin
çözümü için yapılan uygulamalar, farklılaĢan görüĢler, kısacası aklın
beslenmesi için, yeni tür bir bilgi ihtiyacı doğmaktadır.
Günümüzde aklın yeni bilgi ihtiyacı; sakin bir Ģekilde dikkatini
odaklayabilen, ancak az az bilginin sunulduğu bir yapıdan, kısa kopuk üst
üste olan bir hale evrilmekte ve „daha hızlı daha iyidir‟ Ģekline
dönüĢmektedir (Carr, 2011, s.10). Ama Karp‟ın (2008) dediği gibi bizler de
oyunumuzu eski kurallar ve yeni kurallara göre oynamaya çalıĢıyoruz. Ama
gerçekten bu kurallara tam anlamıyla bağlı kalarak değil. Üstelik bağlı
kalmama durumu hem eskisine hem de yenisine.
O zaman “bunlar ne olacak, nasıl olacak?” gibi konular devreye giriyor.
Buradan yola çıkarak bizler de akademisyen, uygulamacı ve
profesyonellerden oluĢan bir ekiple ve giriĢimci bir ruhla bunu ortaya
koymaya çalıĢmanın önemli bir konu olduğunu düĢündük. Yamamoto,
Demiray ve Kesim‟in editörlüğünü yaptığı “Türkiye’de E-Öğrenme”
baĢlıklı kitabımız 2010 yılında ilk çıktığında konuyla ilgili olarak ülkemizde
büyük bir ihtiyacın varlığının farkındaydık ancak bu tür kitap çalıĢmalarının
ne kadar önemli olduğu ikinci baskıya hemen geçmesiyle ortaya çıktı.
Ġlginçtir, yurt dıĢından konuyla ilgili röportaj çalıĢmaları bile oldu. Hatta
neden bu kitabı Ġngilizce yazmadınız diye sorular dahi aldık. Kendi dilimizde
bu tarz eserlerin olmaması ve gelen talepler yüzünden „Türkiye‟de Eöğrenme‟
baĢlıklı kitap serisinin ikincisini 2010 ġubat‟ında çıkarmaya karar
verdik. Kitabımızda 2010 yılındaki Türkiye‟de E-Öğrenme kitabında yer alan
konular dıĢında
 E-Öğrenme‟nin Türk Eğitim Sisteminde Geldiği Nokta
 E-Öğrenme‟de Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
 E-Öğrenme‟de Yeni Teknikler
 E-Öğrenme‟de Farklı Örnekler
 E-Öğrenme‟de Dünyaya Göre Neredeyiz? gibi konuların
irdelenmesinin önemli olduğu kavrayıĢıyla hareket ettik.
E-öğrenme sadece dünyadaki geliĢmiĢ ülkelerde değil Türkiye gibi
geliĢmekte olan ülkelerde de son derece önemli bir konu haline dönüĢüyor.
Önemli bir öğrenme ortamı olduğunu da kanıtlayan e-öğrenme; özellikle
devlet politikaları ve kanunların da desteklemesiyle daha da
etkinleĢtirilebilecek hale gelirken, toplumun üyeleri olan bizler de eöğrenmeye
olan o küçümser bakıĢ açılarımız ve önyargılarımızdan sıyrılarak,
gerçek değerini ve kazançlarımızı daha net bir Ģekilde görmeye ve
değerlendirmeye baĢladık.
Bu seferki editörlerimiz Demirci, Yamamoto ve Demiray oldular.
Kitabımızda 41 yazarın emeği var. Bu kitap çok hızlı bir çalıĢmanın ürünü
oldu, yazarlarımız da bu iĢe ciddiyetle sarıldılar. Kendilerine özverili
çalıĢmalarından dolayı teĢekkürlerimizi bir borç biliriz. Ayrıca Ģimdiden
üçüncü bir kitap için de teklifler almaya baĢladık. Bu da bize doğru bir iĢ
yaptığımızı gösteriyor. Keyifli okumalar dileğiyle.
Yrd. Doç.Dr. Birim Balcı DEMİRCİ
Doç. Dr. Gonca Telli YAMAMOTO
Prof. Dr. Uğur DEMİRAY
Haziran-2011, İstanbul
Geçmişte oldukça pasif olarak gerçekleşen bilgi edinme süreçleri günümüzde farklı hale dönüşerek aktif olarak katılabilen bir yapıya bürünmüştür. Öğretmenin, basılı öğrenme materyalleri, radyo TV ve video ile sınırlı olan bilgi kanalları... more
Geçmişte oldukça pasif olarak gerçekleşen bilgi edinme süreçleri
günümüzde farklı hale dönüşerek aktif olarak katılabilen bir yapıya
bürünmüştür. Öğretmenin, basılı öğrenme materyalleri, radyo TV ve
video ile sınırlı olan bilgi kanalları internetin hayatımıza girmesiyle
zenginlemiştir. E-posta, sosyal ağlar, elektronik kitaplar, sohbet
ortamları, web konferansları ve etkileşimli çoklu ortam uygulamaları
yeni öğrenme kanalları haline gelmiştir. Zenginleşen öğrenme
kanallarına, yaşamımızın bir parçası haline gelen teknolojilerin
getirdiği hareketlilik de eklendiğinde, farklı öğrenme yapıları ortaya
çıkmakta ve klasik öğrenme dışındaki çözümlere de ihtiyaç
Günümüzde bilgi toplumuna geçişte etkili olan öğeler insan, bilgi ve
teknolojidir. Bu bağlamda gelişen ve değişen araç, yöntem ve eğitim
sistemlerinin ele alınarak ülkemizdeki gelişmelerin ortaya konması
gerekmektedir. Uzaktan öğrenme gereksinimlerinin artması ve
teknolojideki gelişmeler nedeniyle e-öğrenme giderek önem
kazanmaktadır. E-öğrenmede etkili olan süreçler ve iş akışı
tasarlanırken insan gücü, donanım ve yazılım bileşenleri önem
kazanmaktadır. Uzaktan eğitim programlarının internetin ve yeni
teknolojilerin yardımıyla daha etkin hale gelmesi ve gelişmesi ile eöğrenme
programlarının önemi artmaktadır. E-öğrenme, örgün
eğitimin dışında, istenilen zamanda, yerde ve istenilen kadar bilgi
almayı sağlayabilen elektronik ortamın eğitim mecrası olarak
kullanıldığı öğrenme ortamlarında sağlanan öğrenme olarak
tanımlanabilir. E-öğrenmenin var olan uzaktan öğretim programlarına
göre en büyük farkı, etkileşimli olması, bir başka deyişle karşılıklı
iletişim kuruyor olabilmesidir. E-öğrenme 7’den 77’ye bilgisayar ve
benzeri teknolojiden yararlanabilen her ortamda kullanılabilecek bir
öğrenme yapısı sağlayabilmektedir. Bu yüzden okul öncesinden,
üniversiteye ve sonrasındaki tüm öğrenme süreçlerinde yararlı
olabilecek bir eğitim platformudur.
Yerden ve zamandan bağımsız olabilmesinin etkisiyle, kamu ve özel
kurum ya da kuruluşların bir bölümü, eğitim programlarını e-öğrenme
ortamına taşımaktadır. Gerek özel gerekse resmi kurum ve
kuruluşların, değişen teknolojiyle birlikte çok farklı eğitim ihtiyaçları
e-öğrenme sayesinde karşılanabilmektedir. Ayrıca konuyla ilgili
profesyonel ve akademik çalışmalardan yararlanmak giderek daha
kolay hale gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışanların, mesleki gelişimleri
için, kişisel ihtiyaçlarına göre özel olarak belirlenen eğitimlere
ulaşmaları söz konusu olabilmektedir. E-öğrenme eğitim ve öğretime
yeni bir boyut kazandırmaktadır. Bu boyutun değerlendirilmesi gelecek
eğitim-öğretim stratejilerinin belirlenmesi açısından da önem taşır.
Elinizdeki bu kitapta Türkiye’de gerçekleşen kimi e-öğrenme
çalışmaları kapsam içine alınmıştır. Hedef okuyucular olarak ise eöğrenme
konusunda ilgili profesyoneller, araştırmacılar, öğretim
elemanları ve e-öğrenme kullanıcıları olarak belirlenmiştir.
Kara Tahtadan ekrana diyebileceğimiz eğitim sistemlerinde yaklaşık
1970’li yıllara kadar gelişen teknoloji örgün eğitimin hizmetine
koşuldu. Çok eskilerde değil henüz daha 40-50’li yaşlarda olanlarımız,
sınıflarında kapı üstündeki radyo hoparlörlerini ve hatta sınıflarında
bazı öğretmenlerinin 8mm ya da 16mm eğitim filmi izlettirdiğini
anımsayacaklardır. 70’li yıllara gelindiğinde, yazılı basın ötesinde
gelişen teknoloji ürünlerinden Radyo, TV, video gibi görsel ve işitsel
teknolojiler özellikle uzaktan eğitim alanında oldukça işlevsel olarak
kullanılmaya başlandı. Sonrasında; üretilen her yeni teknoloji, eğitime
ve bilimsel çalışmalara girdikçe bu alanlardaki halihazırda varolan
kavramların içi boşalmaya başladı. Eski kavramlar artık kullanılan bu
yeni teknolojileri içeremez oldu. Örneğin 1980’li yıllara kadar uzaktan
eğitim olarak bilinen ve yoğunlukla basılı materyaller, Radyo, TV ve
video gibi görsel ve işitsel teknolojileri kullanan eğitim sistemleri,
bilgisayar teknolojisinin gelişip sisteme dahil olmasıyla Açık ve
Uzaktan Eğitim ya da Bilgisayar Destekli Uzaktan Eğitim gibi adlarla
anılmaya başlandı. 1990’lara gelinildiğinde ise internet devriminin
getirdiği yeniliklerin eğitim sistemine girmesi ile bu kavramlar da
yetersiz kaldı. Bu yıllardan başlayarak neredeyse günümüze değin Eöğrenme
olarak çevrilen E-Learning teknolojisi oldukça uzun bir
saltanat sürdü ve bu saltanatı sürdürmeye de devam ediyor.
Kısa bir süre önce Balkanlardan Kafkaslara, İskandinavya’dan Arap
Yarımadası ve Kuzey Afrika bölgelerini kapsamına alan, 39 ülkede
yapılan bir çalışmada, bu ülkelerde e-öğrenme teknolojisinin genelde
eğitim, özelde de uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarında ne denli
kullanıldıkları ve bu teknolojiden ne ölçüde yararlanıldığı
araştırılmıştır. Ülke örnek olaylarını içeren araştırmalarda e-öğrenme
teknolojisinin Türkiye dahil oldukça verimli kullanıldığı ortaya
çıkmıştır. Ancak örgün ve uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarında bu
elektronik öğrenme kavramının içinin hızla boşalmaya başladığı
düşünülmektedir. Bu günlerde doğuda ve batıdaki gelişmiş, insana ve
onun eğitimine yatırım yapan ülkelerde son yıllarda oldukça güncel
olan mobil öğrenme, IPTV etkileşimli televizyon teknolojileri ile uöğrenme
(Ubiquities Learning) olarak bilinen her yerde her materyalle
eğitim teknolojileri özellikle uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarında adından
sıklıkla söz ettirir, tartışılır hale gelmiştir Bunlar son 5-7 yılın
“şimdilik” süper teknolojileri olarak belirtilebilir.
Günümüz teknolojilerinde görülen değişimle birlikte mobil cihazların
ve internet erişiminin önümüzdeki yıllarda daha da yaygınlaşacağı ve
ucuzlayacağı açıktır. 3G, 4G ve uydu teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler
günlük hayatta mobil teknolojilerin kullanım şekillerini de etkileyecek
ve yaygınlaştıracaktır. Bu da öğrenme uygulamalarında ciddi
farklılıkların oluşmasına sebep olacaktır. Mobil öğrenme sayesinde
bireyselleşen öğrenme uygulamaları önem kazanacaktır. Standart
öğrenmenin yanında derinlemesine öğrenme veya uzmanlaşmaya
yönelme gibi konuların gelişmesine yol açabilecek ve karşılıklı
etkileşimi yoğunlaştıran ve araştırmaya hız veren bilgi toplumuna
uygun bireyleri tanımlayan bir öğrenme haline dönüşecektir.
Bir başka deyişle, kendimizi, özellikle de eğitim yöneticilerimizin,
politik baskı ve eğilimlerden uzak, olabildiğince bağımsız, eğitim
sistemimizi her geçen gün sorgulayıp, gelişen ve sahip olduğumuz
günümüz teknolojisini içerik ve pedagojik açıdan en verimli
kullanarak, bir sonraki gelecek teknolojilere düşünsel, zihinsel ve
toplumsal değerlerimizle birlikte hazır olmalıyız.
Yaklaşık sekiz ay önce yola çıktığımız bu kitap çalışmasına özveri ve
akademik heyecanları ile ortak olan 31 yazarımıza burada bir kez daha
teşekkür ediyor ve siz okurlarımıza bundan böyle bir başka çalışmayla
da ulaşmak istiyoruz.
Prof. Dr. Uğur DEMİRAY
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KESİM Kasım 2010-Ankara
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective... more
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective training to their employees.

E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.

The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.

Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.

This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective... more
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective training to their employees.

E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.

The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.

Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.

This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.
ilk ve yükseköğretim alanında tek uygulaması olan Açıköğretim Fakültesi (AÖF) ile bu sistemin çıktıları olan AÖF Mezunları’nın gördükleri eğitim sonunda ekonomi ve iş sektöründe ne konumda olduğudur. Başta Açıköğretim sözcüğünün... more
ilk ve yükseköğretim alanında tek uygulaması olan Açıköğretim Fakültesi
(AÖF) ile bu sistemin çıktıları olan AÖF Mezunları’nın gördükleri eğitim
sonunda ekonomi ve iş sektöründe ne konumda olduğudur. Başta
Açıköğretim sözcüğünün kendisi olmak üzere, uzaktan eğitim ve
Açıköğretim’in ülkemizde önce yüksek, sonra orta ve ilköğretim ile hizmetiçi
eğitim boyutunda filizlenip boy vermesine neden olan Eskişehir iktisadi
ve Ticari ilimler Akademisi ve onun devamı olan Anadolu Üniversitesi
yönetiminin; gerek uzaktan eğitimin gerekse de Açıköğretim Fakültesi'nin gelişimi adına katkısı yadsınamaz
İşte bu yadsınamayacak olan gelişim sürecinde Açıköğretim Fakültesi'nin tarihsel gelişimi ile onun bu günkü konumuna ulaşmasında “ona sahiplenme” ya da “fakülteyi fakülte yapan onun mezunlarıdır” söylemi ile açıklayabilmek için, mezunlarının sektörde ve çalışma yaşamındaki durumları ile fakültelerinde almış oldukları eğitime ilişkin görüş ve düşüncelerini incelemek, bu çalışmanın temel iletisi olarak düzenlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu düzenleme, yıllarını AÖF'ün gelişimine vermiş olan yazarın, önce bir akademisyen ve sonra da bir dönem AÖF çalışanı olarak sorumluluk alanına girmektedir. Bu sorumluluk, yazarı AÖF’nin kuruluşunun 15. yılında böyle bir inceleme yapması ve elde edilen verileri başta kamuoyu olmak üzere, Anadolu Üniversitesi, AÖF ve uzaktan eğitim yöntemi ile eğitim veren fakülte yönetimlerine ve sonra sırasıyla, AÖF mezunlarına, AÖF öğrencilerine,

AÖF’de öğrenim görmeye aday gençlere, çeşitli iş sektörlerine,
Yükseköğretim Kurulu ile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı yetkililerine, Türk
toplumuna ve sonul olarak dünyadaki diğer uzaktan eğitim veren kurum ve kuruluş sorumlularına sunmak üzere düşünmeye ve bu düşündüğünü gerçekleştirmeye yöneltmiştir
Çalışma; düşünce aşamasından başlayarak baskıya hazır hale gelene dek toplam olarak, beş yılda tamamlanmıştır. Bu süre içinde, elinizdeki çalışmanın yazarı, araştırmanın dışında zorunlu ve elinde olmayan nedenlerle başka akademik çalışmalar da yapmak ve bitirmek zorunda kalmıştır. Ancak bu süre içersinde, konu ile ilgili olarak ve elde edilen veriler zaman zaman ve olabildiğince diğerleriyle ve olası okurlar ile tartışılmış ulaşılan çeşitli görüş, eleştiri ve katkılar, yazarı olumlu yönde yüreklendirmiş, düşüncesini gerçekleştirmek üzere çalışma temposuna ivme kazandırmıştır.

Kazanılan bu ivme ile çalışmada önce birinci bölümde; uzaktan öğretim düşüncesinin temel yapısı, Dünya ve Türkiye'deki gelişim çizgisine yönelik tarihsel gelişimi, çalışmanın amacı, problemi, önemi, sınırlılıkları, varsayımları ve tanımları verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde; çalışmanın yöntemi, evreni, hedef kitle, örneklem tanımı ve veri toplama yolları ile veri toplama aracının özelliklerinin anlatımına yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölüm ise, 2000 mezuna gönderilen ve 690 mezundan gelen yanıtlardan ankete kurallı yanıt veren, kullanılabilir 619'u değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler sayısal ve yüzdeler olarak değerlendirilmiş,
sonra grafikleştirilmiş, daha sonra önemli sayılabilecek durumlardan yorumlara gidilmiş ve bu bulgulardan genel çıkarımlara ulaşılmıştır.

Dördüncü bölümde ise, çalışmanın sonucu, özeti ve öneriler yer almaktadır. Ayrıca ekler bölümünde de araştırmanın veri aracını oluşturan anket örneğine, ankete ek olarak gönderilen mezunların fakülteye ilişkin görüşleri ile bazı ek grafik ve tablolara yer verilmiştir. Yazar burada özlemini duyduğu üç konuyu belirtmeden geçmek istememektedir. Bunlardan birincisi; bu ya da buna benzer çalışmaların düzenli olarak, örneğin beşer yıllık belli aralıklarla yinelenmesidir. İkinci olarak, bu çalışmanın daha ayrıntılı,özel araştırma konularına yönelerek geliştirilmesidir. Ve üçüncü olarak da konu ile ilgili olumlu/olumsuz tüm eleştiri ya da düşüncelerin en kısa zamanda yazarın kendisine iletilmesidir.
Özellikle üçüncü özlemin gerçekleşmesi yazarın yapabileceklerinin de ötesinde, aydın ve bilinçli okurların sorumluluğuna düşmektedir.

Yazar AÖF’lü olsun ya da olmasın tüm okur ya da eleştiri sahiplerine sonsuz bir güven ve saygı duymaktadır.
Bir başka çalışmada size ulaşmak dileği ile ..
This article describes the distance education program at Anadolu University in Turkey and compares its problems and solutions with similar distance education programs in other Asian countries. A brief history is presented, enrollment... more
This article describes the distance education program at Anadolu University in Turkey and compares its problems and solutions with similar distance education programs in other Asian countries. A brief history is presented, enrollment figures are given and future directions are described. Conclusions suggest that open educatio  is accomplishing the goals of the country's 1981 reforms and can continue to be helpful in the country's quest for modernization.
One of the ways in which distance education is capable of reaching online learners is the basis and method of meta-communication. Therefore, it is important to understand how to design reflective online conversations and how to implement... more
One of the ways in which distance education is capable of reaching online learners is the basis and method of meta-communication. Therefore, it is important to understand how to design reflective online conversations and how to implement a diverse milieu for prospective online learners so that they are able to transfer their information, knowledge, and learning from theoretical forms to real life experiences.

Meta-Communication for Reflective Online Conversations: Models for Distance Educations discusses the potential of meta-communication models for building and managing reflective online conversations among distance learners. This book unites models for meta-communication, distance education, and reflective online conversations and can serve as a course supplement for studies in distance education, online education, reflective online education, and meta-communication.
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout... more
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout life should be aimed to create a learning society in which people can experience individual and collective learning with no constrains of time or location. The concept of lifelong learning within the context of distance immersive education encompasses diverse 3D activities. The three dimensional, Web-based structured activities supported by distance learning technologies can be viewed as interactive tools which foster LLL. In this perspective, Second Life (SL) can be regarded as one of the learning simulation milieus that allow learners to participate in various educational LLL activities in individual or group forms. The following paper examines how SL, taking advantage of its simulative nature and the possibility for creative interaction among participants, which are also common in games, allows the learners to participate in immersive constructivist learning activities. The paper will also touch on the current uses of SL as a tool for LLL, as well as its potentials for further development according to the current trends in adult education. Further, the authors will discuss its limitations and will make suggestions towards a more complete pedagogical use.

Keywords: Second Life (SL), Lifelong Learning, immersive education, 3D, virtual game
Rapid developments on science and technology today, result inadequacy of the knowledge given in traditional educational institutions in a short time. Organizations, institutions, and individuals feel to renew and integrate themselves... more
Rapid developments on science and technology today, result inadequacy of the knowledge given in traditional educational institutions in a short time.

Organizations, institutions, and individuals feel to renew and integrate themselves according to these rapid developments for compensating their inadequacies. One of the institutions carrying out adult education programmes via distance education in our country is entitled as Ministry of National Education (MONE) General Directorate of Education Technologies. In this context this year Open High School which one of the MONE application of distance education is celebrating on its 10th Anniversary.
During this application Open High School (Abbrev. is OHS) administrators have given their attention to the studies, research, reports, critics etc conducted on OHS. These studies are welcomed as the facilitators of the developments and improvements of Open High School-(OHS). One of these studies you are about to read is a very important reference book in the field, entitled “A Review Literature on Open High School on its 10th Anniversary”. This reference book is very crucial, especially for the researchers who will study or make research on OHS in future.

The people who wish to conduct research on the Open High School have often gone to Ankara to see the authorities at The Ministry of National Ministry of EğiTek or Open High School in order to gain information about their research topic.

This situation has been difficult especially for the researchers coming out of Ankara, as they have limited time and finance. This study, which could be a reference book for all research on Open High School application, presents the resources available in the field in a bibliography form and includes the abstracts of the previous (for ten years period of 1992-2002) research and subject and author indexes.

This information clearly summarizes the purpose of this study. The main aim of this study is to convey information about what has been done on Open High School application by Turkish and foreign researchers so far, about what main approaches and methods have been applied and about the availability of these resources.
This, the first English edition of this bibliographic study, was published in Turkish

It has been prepared by making use of the studies on Open High School application in the form of thesis, article, book, report, presented papers in the seminars, panels, conferences or symposiums and internal papers or copied issues.
Teknoloji alanındaki baş döndürücü değişim, günümüzde her zamankinden daha çok dikkat çekmektedir. Bu gelişme doğrultusunda, içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda eğitim kurumları, öğrenciler, akademisyenler, siyaset yapıcıları ve uzaktan eğitim... more
Teknoloji alanındaki baş döndürücü değişim, günümüzde her zamankinden daha çok dikkat çekmektedir. Bu gelişme doğrultusunda, içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda eğitim kurumları, öğrenciler, akademisyenler, siyaset yapıcıları ve uzaktan eğitim paydaşları geçmişte olduğundan
daha çok farklılık göstermektedir. Bu durum, eğitimde ve özellikle uzaktan eğitim alanında bir taraftan yeni ve karmaşık soruları doğururken bir taraftan da yeni fırsatları karşımıza çıkarmaktadır. Bu bağlamda sunum; dünya genelinde uzaktan eğitimde uzmanlaşmış kişiler tarafından sürdürülen uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarını, sivil toplum kuruluşlarına altyapı olabilecek yaklaşımlar açısından incelemenin yanı sıra, günümüzdeki ve gelecekteki politikaların uygulanma
eğilimlerini de konu edinmektedir. Sunum ayrıca, günümüzde uzaktan eğitimle ilgili sivil toplum kuruluşlarının batılılaşma ve küreselleşme sürecini yakalamadaki işlevine odaklanmakta ve yeni bir uzaktan eğitim sivil toplum kuruluşu olarak yapılandırılan UDEEEWANA oluşumunun ilgili
ülkeler açısından etkisini irdelemektedir. Çalışmada; UDEEEWANA oluşumuna yönelik olarak
batılaşma (modernleşme) süreci, bilgi toplumu ve bilgi toplumuna geçişte STK’lar (NGOs) olmak üzere üç ana bölüme yer verilmiştir.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is... more

Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or disallowed in correctional environments. Many universities, leading in distance education provide in their countries in which they are based, are delivering higher education into prisons using technology to varying extents.

This paper reports on distance education into prisons, particularly using technology, in Turkey, by Anadolu University. In Open Education Faculty jurisdictions, in prisoner access to computer hardware, personal devices and to the internet. How these differences impact on the delivery of distance education is explored with an examination of various learning initiatives and lessons learned.

Keywords: Distance Education, prisoner, using technology, open education facultyTurkey.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE,TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 11, Number: 4. In this issue it is published 4 notes for Editor, 12 articles, 2 book and one conference reviews. And this time, 27 authors from 10 different... more
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE,TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 11, Number: 4. In this issue it is published 4 notes for Editor, 12 articles, 2 book and one conference reviews. And this time, 27 authors from 10 different countries are placed. These published articles are from Bangldesh, Greece, India, Israel, Malaysia, Nigeria, Portugal, Singapore, Turkey and USA.The first Notes for editor arrived from USA, written by Kevin YEE and Jace HARGIS. They focused on PREZI: A Different Way to Present. Prezi represents the first step toward other visual tools that are not, strictly speaking, and presentations at all, but may yet find uses in classrooms. Browser-based programs that allow for concept mapping and brainstorming (sometimes with drawing and even inter-user chat functionality) approximate some of prezi’s best features yet stand on their own as organizing tools that provide inspiration for the users. Examples include bubble.us, Thinkature, Mindmeister, and Graphic Or...
There has been a huge expansion of distance education in Turkey over the last two decades and this book provides both an overview of the work of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) and a more detailed listing and abstracts of 312 related... more
There has been a huge expansion of distance education in Turkey over the last two decades and this book provides both an overview of the work of the Open Education Faculty (OEF) and a more detailed listing and abstracts of 312 related studies. The book begins with an introductory chapter, which discusses the nature and current issues in distance education and offers a short history of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey. The remaining chapters contain bibliographic information and abstracts of research studies, projects, conference papers and other printed materials relating to the distance education issues and the work of Open Education Faculty. The brief sketch of the Open Education Faculty will be of interest to those unfamiliar with the developments in Turkey. The Open Education Faculty was established in 1982 at Anadolu University in response to pressure to increase opportunities for higher education and to use more open and flexible education and training structures. In the f...
Prior to year 2000 Scandinavian universities offered selected online courses attracting a few pioneering students. Today, even primary schools offer online services to students, teachers and parents. Online education is becoming... more
Prior to year 2000 Scandinavian universities offered selected online courses attracting a few pioneering students. Today, even primary schools offer online services to students, teachers and parents. Online education is becoming mainstream education in Scandinavia.A new, comprehensive and innovative book about e-learning is now available in print and online in several electronic formats. The book’s web-site presents tidbits of the content in several electronic formats such as text, audio, speech synthesis and video.Dr. Erwin Wagner, former President of the European Distance Education Network, characterizes the book as interesting, important, innovative, international and impressive. In his foreword, Dr. Wagner states that the “book comprises a rich variety of material,perspectives, insights and assessments. Valid information can be found there for researchers, for students in the field, for teachers, for managers and for politicians who are looking forreliable knowledge”
First of all I would like to inform you once more that Volume 6 Number:1 will publish as a special theme issue of TOJDE. This issue will be prepare by Steve Wheleer From Plymouth University, The United Kingdom, as a guest editor. This... more
First of all I would like to inform you once more that Volume 6 Number:1 will publish as a special theme issue of TOJDE. This issue will be prepare by Steve Wheleer From Plymouth University, The United Kingdom, as a guest editor. This special issue’s call for papers still announcing again in this issue too. Now, the articles which are arrived to TOJDE, in reviewing and evaluation phase in process. In this issue, has been given place to nine articles, one book review, 10 news, and as being before three links deal with Anadolu University take place in the literature and two journals introduced dealt with DE application. This issue's articles came from Greece, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Turkey and USA (according to alphabetical order).
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE, TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 9, Number: 3. This is the third issue of the year 2008. In this issue is published 1 Note for Editor, 15 articles, already 2 book reviews and this time 27... more
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE, TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 9, Number: 3. This is the third issue of the year 2008. In this issue is published 1 Note for Editor, 15 articles, already 2 book reviews and this time 27 authors from 11 different countries are placed. These published articles are from Australia, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, SriLanka, Turkey and USA. Notes for Editor is arrived to TOJDE from Nigeria and written by E. C. IBARA. In his paper examines the processes leading to administration of face-to-face examination in distance education with focus on the National Open University of Nigeria. It highlighted some procedures such as test development, test administration and post test administration/award procedures. Quality management initiatives provide a feasible path for incorporating distance training, whether via the Internet, audio conferencing, video conferencing, or postal delivering methods. The first article of this is...
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE,TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 12, Number: 1. In this issue it is published 4 notes for Editor, 13 articles, 2 book reviews. And this time, 34 authors from 11 different countries are placed.... more
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE,TOJDE is appeared on your screen now as Volume 12, Number: 1. In this issue it is published 4 notes for Editor, 13 articles, 2 book reviews. And this time, 34 authors from 11 different countries are placed. These published articles are from Cayman Islands, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, USA and Zimbabwe.The first Notes for editor arrived from USA, written by Kevin YEE and Jace HARGIS. They focused on “SNAPP:Graphing Student Interactions in a Learning Management ystem”. They mentioned that SNAPP works on multiple LMS’s, including BlackBoard, WebCT Vista, WebCT CE, Sakai, Moodle, and Desire2Learn. The software is free to download and requires Internet access to perform its functions.The second notes for editor is titled as “THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN NIGERIA: Challenges and Prospects” which is written by Muyiwa ADEYEMI, from Olabisi Onabanjo University, NIGERIA. In Nigeria, Africa, the introduction of this form o...
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE, I am pleased to inform you that in the 7th year of TOJDE is appeared as Volume 7, Number: 1 on your screen now as. Very much thanks to all of you once more that we met 21st time, since January 2000. In... more
Greetings Dear readers of TOJDE, I am pleased to inform you that in the 7th year of TOJDE is appeared as Volume 7, Number: 1 on your screen now as. Very much thanks to all of you once more that we met 21st time, since January 2000. In this issue we published 15 articles, four book reviews, one notes for editor, news and announcements for our readers. And also, we give a place for the Call for Papers to the 4th Special Issue of The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE) (Volume: 7, Number: 2) To be delivered in April 2006. The first article is coming from The Robert Gordon University, Scotland, United Kingdom which is written by Geoff GOOLNIK. He is tutor at Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT). His article titled as “Effective Change Management Strategies for Embedding Online Learning within Higher Education and Enabling the Effective Continuing Professional Development of its Academic Staff”. According to Goolnik, “Previous research studies show ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Author Information List of Tables and Figures INTRODUCTION: GETTING THE MOST FROM THIS RESOURCE Who Should Read This Book? Who Should Not Read This Book? Who Are the Authors? How Is This Book Organized? Frequently Asked... more
TABLE OF CONTENTS Author Information List of Tables and Figures INTRODUCTION: GETTING THE MOST FROM THIS RESOURCE Who Should Read This Book? Who Should Not Read This Book? Who Are the Authors? How Is This Book Organized? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. TAKING THE LEAP What Is Online Learning? Where Has Online Learning Come from and Where Is It Going? When Does Using Technology for Learning Make Sense? How Can I Tell Whether My Organization Is Ready? What Is Good Online Learning? What Skills Do I Need? How Do I Stay Sane? Resources. 2. WHAT ABOUT LEARNING? What Is Learning? What Is Instruction? What Activities Should Be Included in Instruction? How Do I Select Interactions and Activities? Conclusion. 3. THE LANGUAGE OF ONLINE LEARNING: HOW TO SPELL HTML How to Speak the Right Language. What Are the Most Common Terms That Are Misunderstood by Folks New to This Field, and What Do They Mean? New Terms and Technologies. Conclusion. 4. DESIGNING FOR THE WEB Does Traditional Instructio...
The aim of the book is to depict both the political and educational policy of European Countries from media education point of view. Turkiye is also added with her situational profile, organized by Nurdan Oncel Taskiran at the end of the... more
The aim of the book is to depict both the political and educational policy of European Countries from media education point of view. Turkiye is also added with her situational profile, organized by Nurdan Oncel Taskiran at the end of the chapters.
The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent the students in the two Balkan countries are interested in starting their own business after graduating from institutions of higher education in the field of economics and... more
The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent the students in the two Balkan countries are interested in starting their own business after graduating from institutions of higher education in the field of economics and business. Of key importance is exploring the opinion of students whether it is necessary the formal education to foster entrepreneurial skills through online programs in entrepreneurship. In addition, we wanted to determine the extent to which students are generally interested in e-learning and what they expect from that kind of education. In view of these and similar questions, we tried to do an analysis and compare the results of research on Turkey and Serbia. Our questionnaire contained eight questions to which the answers are provided by 100 participants from Turkey and 98 from Serbia. The two countries have taken for our study because they belong to Balkans region and therefore have certain characteristics that distinguish the region. Although t...
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT From the Editor Dear TOJDE’S Readers Time flies. Another quarter has begun. It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 18th issue, the Volume: 6, Number: 2 of The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), of looking... more
ABSTRACT From the Editor Dear TOJDE’S Readers Time flies. Another quarter has begun. It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 18th issue, the Volume: 6, Number: 2 of The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), of looking forward. TOJDE has been driving and shaping by our editorial board, reviewers, authors and even unbelievable readers. In the April 2005 issue, TOJDE publishes peer-reviewed distance education articles under four umbrellas: applications, feature topics, researches, and support systems. In addition, it publishes short and non-peer-reviewed book reviews and editorial letters. The main goal of TOJDE is to provide you with exclusive resources with the highest quality, and also to reach diverse audiences, as highly qualified individuals and researchers, around the world. Also, I am excited about that TOJDE is referenced as a course material by diverse institutions from the globe and very proud to share this news with you. You can see details in the news section. In this issue, it has been given place to two notes for editor submissions, eleven articles, two book reviews, 8 news, one journal about information and communication technology and one institution about technology integration via distance education named as RETA. And also interesting links deal with TOJDE take place in the literature. This issue's articles came from Canada, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States (according to alphabetical order). The first “Notes for Editors” is from Turkey on Using of Marketing Communication for Distance Education Institutions submitted by Dr. R. Ayhan YILMAZ, Anadolu University, Communication Sciences Faculty, Eskisehir, TURKEY. And second one arrived from India. It is titled as “Information and Communication Technology for Poverty Reduction” written by Motilal SHARMA. The first article came from Canada. It is entitled as “Understanding PISA” written by Dr. Stephen DOWNES. He mentions in his paper that PISA diverging from the previous work in several respects is not the first such study. It follows previous work such as IAEP, TIMSS and TIMSS-Repeat. Moreover, PISA looks well beyond educational attainment, and also includes school demographics, such as whether it is a public or private school, has large or small classes, or has access or not to technological resources. Finally, it does measure student information-their family background, access to books and computers and parental support as well. Dr. Downes points out that the PISA survey departs from previous surveys in disregarding the stated curricula of the schools being measured. Therefore, the conclusion is not surprising, nor even wrong for him to consider independently of any parental or teacher support, considered without reference to the software running on it, considered without reference to student attitudes and interests, does not positively impact an education. Finally, he focus on missing the reporting of results The second article is dealt with “Managerial Issues in Open and Distance Education Organizations in Transition: A Need for Systematic Approach” written by Dr. Cemil ULUKAN from Anadolu University. He highlights that the main purpose of his article is to contribute to better understanding of the issues to be addressed during the transition process in order to realize a more effective and more competitive open and distance education organization. By highlighting all of the major aspects of the leadership and management, organizational structure, strategic planning, policy-making, procedures, practices and support systems are taken into account systematically. The third one is from Canada. It is entitled as “Exemplary Online Educators: Creating a Community of Inquiry”, written by Dr. Beth PERRY and Dr. Margaret EDWARDS RN from the Centre for Nursing and Health Studies at Athabasca University, Canada. They indicate that the outcomes of this study have implications for all those who teach online and for administrators who are proposing to move their curriculum from class-room based to the online method of delivery. In order to develop high quality online teachers, we need to understand what makes online educators effective and exemplary. The fourth article is from Turkey. It is entitled as “A Model Proposal for Educational Television Program”, provided by Dr. Feridun AKYUREK, an Associated Professor in Communication Sciences at Anadolu University. He designates in his paper how to produce good, quality, educative and potentially effective educational television programs. This is the issue for him to be solved immediately. This problem does not only belong to people in education but to writers, producers and directors; even related organizations and establishment. For the future of the society, Dr. Akyurek points out that the investments on education can not be kept low, and investing on educational television programs can not be kept low compare to other television programs. The fifth…
... and communication technologies into the education field is in constant progression and generates ... is equally popular among all internet users, regardless of their age, gender, social or ...... more
... and communication technologies into the education field is in constant progression and generates ... is equally popular among all internet users, regardless of their age, gender, social or ... http://www.scribd.com/doc/513958/Facebookseminarpaper-Selwyn retrieved in 15.03.2011. ...
Ugur DEMIRAY is Professor of Communication Teaching in the School of Communication Sciences of Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey He holds Undergraduate BA in 1981. And also Ph. D. degree completed at Anadolu University, in May 1986.... more
Ugur DEMIRAY is Professor of Communication Teaching in the School of Communication Sciences of Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey He holds Undergraduate BA in 1981. And also Ph. D. degree completed at Anadolu University, in May 1986. He is currently working for the Anadolu University. His researches are dealt with distance education application of Anadolu University, Ministry of Education and by other universities in Turkey.
As a result of improvements in computer and communication technologies, there has been a remarkable increase in new approaches, methods and techniques aiming to achieve more effective and efficient educational experiences. As today’s... more
As a result of improvements in computer and communication technologies, there has been a remarkable increase in new approaches, methods and techniques aiming to achieve more effective and efficient educational experiences. As today’s digital era highly requires limitless, rapid flow in sharing and obtaining the information, new ways of education generally provide opportunities like ‘education without time and place limitations’.

The philosophy of education without time and place limitation is related to the revolutionary approach called as distance education and this approach has an important effect on today’s educational technologies. In this context, e-learning has become the future of education as it provides many innovative methods in improving individuals’ educational experiences and still there is a remarkable research effort in improving the associated literature.

At this point, it is also a critical subject that individual differences need evaluating current educational trends in order not to leave any learner behind, without experiencing innovations in the field of education. As a special group of those individuals, gifted students should be taken into consideration meticulously while organizing teaching-learning processes. Because of that, objective of this study is to focus on gifted students in the approach of distance education. The study briefly asks the question: “What are possibilities for features of work with gifted students in distance education?” and provides a discussion from a perspective on higher education pedagogy. In the study, it has been aimed to analysis current e-learning oriented technologies and digital environments like social media have been taken into consideration while expressing possible scenarios for achieving effective distance education experiences for gifted students. The authors believe that this study points comprehensive function of distance education on every individual in the community of digital era.

Keywords: Gifted students; distance education; eLearning; educational technologies; higher education pedagogy.
E-Learning has introduced new approaches of instructional delivery where the roles of teacher and student have significantly changed. The case in Oman shows that the introduction of these approaches needs to keep pace with the demands of... more
E-Learning has introduced new approaches of instructional delivery where the roles of teacher and student have significantly changed. The case in Oman shows that the introduction of these approaches needs to keep pace with the demands of the times, but only the actual needs arising
from social and educational context of Oman. Attention should be given to the socio-cultural understanding of teacher-student relationship in open technology-enriched learning contexts.
Omani educational institutions continue to review their policies and
provision of e-Learning, considering technological alternatives for resolving some of the pressing issues posed by the actual needs. There is a need for coordination at the national level to create strategies and mechanisms and controls that ensure the quality of e-Learning institutions and outputs.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Abstract - Meta communication plays a key role in foreign language learning and teaching. Broadly speaking, meta communication is communication about communication. Meta communication is something that goes beyond communication and all... more
Abstract - Meta communication plays a key role in foreign language learning and teaching. Broadly speaking, meta communication is communication about communication. Meta communication is something that goes beyond communication and all language learners and teachers should be familiar with its existence. It should be stressed that meta communication which accompanies any message is very powerful. In face to face writing lessons, the student can make emphasis on any point by utilizing larger fonts, capital letters, or bold fonts in his essay. However, in virtual learning environments, students can make use of emoticons like :-) “happy”, :-( “sad”, :-/ “perplexed”, O.o “confused” to communicate about communication. Further, they can deploy some acronyms like (BTW= By the way, ASAP= as soon as possible, TM= tomorrow) to easily convey their messages. It should be emphasized that E-learning applications (virtual worlds, second life, ICTs) are very beneficial in foreign language learning and teaching since they create a platform for students and teachers to interact in a context with no boundaries of time and distance.       
In Transformational Generative Grammar, foreign language teachers describe syntactic structures in English by using grammatical symbols with meta communicational elements. For instance, every English Foreign Language-EFL or English Language Teaching-ELT teachers or students is familiar with the symbols and related meanings like (S= sentence, subject, V= verb, O= object, N= noun, NP= noun phrase, VP= verb phrase, etc.). On the other side, when teaching English pronunciation to Turkish EFL learners, foreign language teachers utilize phonetic symbols like /è, æ, å, ğ, w, ŋ/  to write transcriptions of English words. These phonetic symbols have meta communicational elements in their composition because they communicate about communication. At this juncture, foreign language teachers should learn frequently used emoticons, keyboard symbols, acronyms, grammatical and phonetic symbols and they should teach them to their students to enable them to establish successful communication with other people.
Globalization is consolidated by the extraordinary invasion of higher education by new technologies, especially the Internet. Major changes in the social and economical conditions in Europe and worldwide force new needs and trends upon the technology. The main challenge for “the knowledge society of the future” is to ensure that each member of the society has the opportunity of continuous professional development, frequent retraining and obtaining new competences, mastering new information technologies (IT), lifelong learning (LLL), and so on. Within the education sector, a number of continuous efforts are taking place to stimulate the use of ICT at all levels of education.
E-Learning has introduced new approaches of instructional delivery where the roles of teacher and student have significantly changed. The integration of information and communication technologies into the education field is in constant progression and generates empirical approaches for educational environment design. Some research projects in distance learning are introduced in the world.
ABSTRACT This paper examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta communication concept should be functional and influences for knowledge building process. Verbal communication is supported by a raft... more

This paper examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta communication concept should be functional and influences for knowledge building process.

Verbal communication is supported by a raft of non-verbal signs and cues that reinforce what we are saying or clear up any ambiguities. For example, we may cross our arms when we feel threatened by what somebody else is saying, or we nod our heads when we agree with what they are saying.

“Meta Communication” is the process between message designers when they are talking about the learning process, as distinguished from their articulation of the “substantive” learning, itself. The hope is to increase the focus on the substantive knowledge and understanding being developed, by providing a separate channel for the support communication, and to do it in an easy, focused, and context aware manner. This may be particularly useful when the opportunity for face-to-face meta-communication is missing, as in much distance learning. McLean, R. S. (2005)

To understand knowledge building it is essential to distinguish learning--"the process through which the cultural capital of a society is made available to successive generations" from knowledge building--the deliberate effort to increase the cultural capital. This, in turn, requires distinguishing knowledge building from a broad range of activities that share its constructivist underpinnings, but not its focus on the creation of new knowledge. These include collaborative learning, guided discovery, project-based learning, communities of learners, communities of practice, and anchored instruction.

Dynamics of knowledge building is summarizing as working on the creation and improvement of ideas. The dynamic is social, resulting in the creation of public knowledge. In contrast to knowledge situated within the individual mind (the traditional concern of education) and knowledge situated in the practice of groups (the concern of situated cognition and communities of practice), public knowledge has an out-in-the-world character. What makes knowledge building a realistic approach to education is the discovery that children as early as grade one can engage in it. Thus there is a clear developmental link running from childhood education on into advanced education and adult knowledge work, in which the same process is carried out at increasingly high levels (http://www.ikit.org/kb.html retrieved March 11, 2009).

Researchers from multiple disciplines (such as cultural studies, intercultural studies, linguistics, sociology, education, human-computer interaction, distance learning, learning technologies, philosophy and others) have initiated studies to examine virtual intercultural communication. The interdisciplinary of the field, however, offers distinct challenges: in addition to embracing different definitions of ‘culture’, investigators lack a common literature or vocabulary. Communicative encounters between groups and individuals from different cultures are variously described as cross-cultural, intercultural, multicultural or even transcultural. Researchers use terms such as the Internet, the World Wide Web, cyberspace, and virtual (learning) environments (VLE) to denote overlapping though slightly different perspectives on the world of networked digital communications. Others focus on CMC (computer-mediated communication), ICTs (Internet and communication technologies), HCI (human computer interaction), CHI (computer-human interaction) or CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work) in explorations of technologies at the communicative interface.

Keywords: Distance education, knowledge building, knowledge building process, knowledge building theory, meta communication.
ABSTRACT In January 2010, a two-volume book (e-learning practices, Demiray et al., 2010) was produced, describing the situation and realities of information technologies in general and learning technologies in particular for 38 countries... more
In January 2010, a two-volume book (e-learning practices, Demiray et al., 2010) was produced, describing the situation and realities of information technologies in general and learning technologies in particular for 38 countries - including both “so-called” developing and developed areas within East Europe and neighbouring West Asian countries. All of the countries in the book were reviewed following a fixed structured, departing from a portrayal of the country, continuing with a description of the educational system, technological infrastructure and finalising with a detailed depiction on the state-of-the-art in learning technologies and the classroom.

One of the many merits of the book is not only to bring together 38 case-studies but to dissect the development of e-learning (and/or subsequent phases) in each of them within the wider context of national and social developments. Indeed as Sir John Daniel defines in the prologue, the situation of e-learning in all those countries lies on a long continuum of both intensity and sophistication, varying from bloodstream technological education systems on its zenith to merely inspirational technological scenarios on its nadir. What is perhaps missing in the book is a comparative analysis between the different countries and a detailed summary of its findings.
ABSTRACT As we know communication is vital and essential concept for our life which it is start before we birth. It is with us up to we die. According to some opinion, it carries on also after our dying period also too. As the same our... more

As we know communication is vital and essential concept for our life which it is start before we birth. It is with us up to we die. According to some opinion, it carries on also after our dying period also too. As the same our educational background and its process is parallel to the communication life. Both of them look likes such as each part of apple. Knowledge building processes based on and belong to be having strong communicational power of humankind. It should not forget that knowledge building concept and it’s so important processes have vital importance for produce study materials both traditional and eLearning or distance education systems. Especially for eLearning or distance education systems for the reason that you are not face to face with your learner or students. Than you should prepare your study materials as perfect as you manage. Of course it depends your communicational skills and power for to success their unquestioning understand about “what you aimed to tell to them in your study pack”, “what you aimed to teach to them in your study pack” or “what you aimed to think them with your study pack”. In this phase, special concept “Meta-Communication” should be analysis for how can be functional by using it our produced materials for print or electronic medium. “Meta-communication” is the process between message designers when they are talking about the learning process, as distinguished from their articulation of the “substantive” learning, itself. The hope is to increase the focus on the substantive knowledge and understanding being developed, by providing a separate channel for the support communication, and to do it in an easy, focused, and context aware manner. This may be particularly useful when the opportunity for face-to-face meta-communication is missing, as in much distance learning.

This presentation here examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta-communication concept and using its actors at any level such as on local, regional and universal should be functional and how it could influence knowledge building process for eLearning or distance education systems. In addition to this, the value of mass communication and the mass communication tools which can be regarded as vital for distance learning, primarily the Internet, television, printed materials, and the categories by which media tools interact are also investigated. The ways mass media interacts with imply the interaction taking place between communicational tools and human mind are quite similar; that’s why mental building process of knowledge is dealt with likewise. Mind-tool interaction can be categorized into four sections: interaction through reading, interaction through listening, interaction through seeing-listening and mutual interaction.

Keywords:  Meta-Communication, knowledge building, knowledge building process, traditional education, eLearning and distance education systems.
ABSRACT In this presentation concept of distance education, history of distance education in the world and Turkey, and usage of the materials and technologies in Turkish distance education applications will be discussed. Today, Turkey... more

In this presentation concept of distance education, history of distance education in the world and Turkey, and usage of the materials and technologies in Turkish distance education applications will be discussed. Today, Turkey have many distance education applications mainly administered by Universities and Ministry of Education. In Addition, some private dedication firms are also applying this education method by using technology for their educational components. But the biggest three of these institutions are Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University, in Eskisehir. And Open High School and Open Primary School, Ministry of Education in capital city, Ankara. Nearly, these three institutions are giving educational service to 2,000,000 students.

Keywords:  Turkey, Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University, Technology,
Distance Education (DE), Internet, DE application
ABSTRACT This paper will mention the distance education practices in Turkey, and will examine and discuss the role of leadership which should be undertaken by Turkey in the region of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Turkic,... more

This paper will mention the distance education practices in Turkey, and will examine and discuss the role of leadership which should be undertaken by Turkey in the region of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Turkic, Caucasian, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa regions.  International distance education organizations in the world are not well organized and functional in this area or for the regional distance education institutions in the name of educational institutionalism. To fill this gap, it will be argued that Turkey might have a leadership role in the distance education field in this region and can be organize the practices of the regional countries in academy and practice.  The structure of the potential distance education organization and the regulations of the organizations will be discussed more detailed separate article based on this argument and available at http://www.midasebook.com. The suggested name for this regional group is UDEEEWANA (United Distance Education for Eastern Europe, West Asia and North Africa). A draft of the constitution of the recommended association is presented and discussed at http://www.midasebook.com.

Keywords: Educational institutionalism, Anadolu University, AAOU, ABED, ACDE, ADLA, CADE, COL, DEANZ, EADTU, EDEN, EADTU, ICDE, ODLAA, SEAMEO, UNESCO, USDLA, Turkey, International DE Associations.
ABSTRACT In this technological age, while the training needs are growing like a snowball due to new skills needs, we are on the other hand increasingly served by free on-line educational materials coming on with an incredible speed. Two... more

In this technological age, while the training needs are growing like a snowball due to new skills needs, we are on the other hand increasingly served by free on-line educational materials coming on with an incredible speed. Two reasons dominate this change the first one and the most important is new learning trends, the second is wide technology use in daily life.

Regarding the costs of sustainable educational on line tools, instruments and trainings materials, technology developers and related stakeholders looks after new ways and propose promptly new solutions to public and private institutions and to the business world.

New solutions encourage learning tools and technologies to move to cloud, to share as much as possible educational contents, products tools and services.  However at this step we are confronted to social cultural linguistic, administrative and services related barriers. Technology based education became integrally a new industrial sector with its own lateral sub brunch and financial resources, requiring meta solutions given the number of a thousand of potential end users , development, management, hosting, certification, security, backup related costs.

Keywords:  Educational technology, E-learning, M-learning. U-learning, Anadolu University, Turkey.
Research Interests:
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout... more
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout life should be aimed to create a learning society in which people can experience individual and collective learning with no constrains of time or location. The concept of lifelong learning within the context of distance immersive education encompasses diverse 3D activities.
The three dimensional, Web-based structured activities supported by distance learning technologies can be viewed as interactive tools which foster LLL. In this perspective, Second Life (SL) can be regarded as one of the learning simulation milieus that allow learners to participate in various educational LLL activities in individual or group forms. The following paper examines how SL, taking advantage of its simulative nature and the possibility for creative interaction among participants, which are also common
in games, allows the learners to participate in immersive constructivist learning activities. The paper will also touch on the current uses of SL as a tool for LLL, as well as its potentials for further development according to the current trends in adult education. Further, the authors will discuss its limitations and will
make suggestions towards a more complete pedagogical use.
Keywords: Second Life (SL), Lifelong learning, immersive education, 3D, virtual game
A popular question between academics is quite discussing about “is digital age really a “TSUNAMI” for distance education field and distance educators? Up to now distance education by usage of high and digital technology has been taken in... more
A popular question between academics is quite discussing about “is digital age really a “TSUNAMI” for distance education field and distance educators? Up to now distance education by usage of high and digital technology has been taken in every level of education and learning environments, it creates almost limitless platform of opportunities better than face to face learning at any level of learning en- vironment specially a digital one. Mostly, the result of the discussion on digital age is regarded a kind of “Tsunami” that changed the phase of education, especially distance education and effected learning environment in the 21st century. This paper looks into the impact and the types of evidence that are generated across initiatives, organizations and individuals in order to make a summative analysis and it has recommendations from point of functional roles of scaffolding and meta-communication perspective within digital learning environment aspect.
This chapter examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta com- munication concept should be functional and how it could influence knowledge building process. In ad- dition to this, the role of mass... more
This chapter examines and focuses on some issues and questions relating to how the use of meta com- munication concept should be functional and how it could influence knowledge building process. In ad- dition to this, the role of mass communication and the mass communication tools which can be regarded as vital for distance learning, primarily the Internet, television, printed materials, and the categories by which media tools interact are also investigated. The ways mass media interacts with imply the interac- tion taking place between communicational tools and human mind are quite similar; that’s why mental building process of knowledge is dealt with likewise. Mind-tool interaction can be categorized into four sections: interaction through reading, interaction through listening, interaction through seeing-listening, and mutual interaction.
This paper examines the possible characteristics and the value of designing learning activities grounded in connectivism—an emerging learning theory. It is an exploratory attempt to connect the theory to the prevailing technology adoption... more
This paper examines the possible characteristics and the value of designing learning activities grounded in connectivism—an emerging learning theory. It is an exploratory attempt to connect the theory to the prevailing technology adoption archetypes used in African contexts with the aim of extracting influences that could shape pedagogical technology adoption in African higher education contexts. A reflection on the process of designing learning activities that employ blogging in an experimental training intervention provides a unique context in which to try and infuse connectivist principles while outlining the challenges that surface. The questions driving the argument in this paper include: What do connectivist perspectives offer learning activity design and practice? What can the prevailing technology adoption models used in African contexts offer to learning activity design? Can we combine connectivist perspectives and African-based technology adoption models to inform pedagogical technology adoption in African higher education contexts? These questions are exploratory and are based on one single subjective experience of the author. They are part of an argument put forward as a proposal which is yet to be tested in practice.
Research Interests:
FUNCTIONS OF THE “META-COMMUNICATIONAL ACTORS/FACTORS” IN FAR-NEAR ENVIRONMENT FOR THE PATIENTS “end-of-life CARE” (EoLC): An Approach from Health Communication Perspective Ugur DEMIRAY Anadolu University, Eskisehir, TUERKEY... more
FOR THE PATIENTS  “end-of-life CARE” (EoLC):
An Approach from Health Communication Perspective

Anadolu University,
Eskisehir, TUERKEY


Not many people feel comfortable talking about death, but when you’re taking care of a patient who is under heavy sick at any age or when the very close for dying it becomes necessary and beneficial to communicate clearly. Communication is a really fundamental component of nursing in the provision of end of life care. Some people feel uncomfortable talking about their heavy sick or when they very close for dying or death, but when you’re taking care of a patient who is dying it becomes necessary and beneficial to communicate clearly, and therefore it is essential to open up these conversations.

Preparing for” end of life CARE” period requires numerous adjustments for both the patient person and their family or far-near relationships. Cultural and etnic issues, kind of disability and at any age can influence this process so differently and in mortality. We can help by recognizing the losses that patients and families may face. Don’t forget that it is highly complex to diagnose dying or death, which leads to missed opportunities with families and risk of complicated grief.

Most common heavy disease and dying causes are sudden death in young ages or unexpected time and places, mostly terminal illness, organ failure and frailty when getting older times.

The aim of this paper to understand and discuses why patients are feel and need really different types communicational sharing in  before or during too heavy sick or dying end-of-life. In addition that it known very well that Cultural factors and meta-communicational actors are strongly influence patients' reactions to serious illness and decisions about “end-of-life CARE”. Because of the conversations about “end-of-life CARE”issues are hard, but necessary. Patients, family members, and healthcare professionals should all realize that talking about “end-of-life CARE” concerns does not mean giving up hope only. Instead, it alleviates worries such as guardianship of children, funeral arrangements, and hospice care. If people are having trouble talking about on these issues, they can talk to social workers or counselors.

Keywords:  “end-of-life CARE”, communication, health communication, meta-communication, meta-communicational actors/factors, nursing, far-near environment.
NEW PATH FOR RETIRED WOMEN ACADEMICS IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACTIVITIES FOR TURKEY Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY, Anadolu University, 26470, Eskisehir, TURKEY ABSTRACT Up today nearly any type of entrepreneurship activity was covering or... more

Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY,
Anadolu University, 26470,
Eskisehir, TURKEY 

Up today nearly any type of entrepreneurship activity was covering or mentioning in commercial terms in the most of sectors or field. But, it should not forget that entrepreneurship applications and activities in general have four different level such as economical, social, cultural and entelectuall levels. Economical and commercial side of side of entrepreneurship is researched, written and investigated by many authors.

This paper aims that to discusse for a “what should be do and focus this new path entrepreneurship in social life as “social entrepreneurship from perspective of the retired women academics as an a case of  Turkey.

The main secting reasons of this group belongs some assumptions that retired women academics are not need;

 normaly they do not need money as much as  the other retired women’ need,
 they do not need work again in their second life just for money under a new partronage or boss,
 their educational background and life experiences are much more then the other retired women’,
 they have much more self-confidence socially in society or at any environtment then the other retired women’,
 they have much more respectiful statue and regarding position by the other parts of society as the other retired women’,
 as age they are much more matured
 supposing that retired women academics group charecteristics are much more different then the other retired women’ and so on etc.
 finaly, author expect that retired women academics should approch more metodogially, different, high level, with quality and more focused  subjects etc. on social entrepreneurship perpective by usage technologies or ICTs.

So, as a summary for Turkey, retired women academics are should chance as soon as their a new type social entrepreneurship understanding and look for around to find for a new subjects and apply this social entrepreneurship activities in their far & near environtment at their second life period.

Keywords:  Social entrepreneurship, retired women academics, distance education and online programs, usage technology or ICT, Turkey.
DLE2015 International Congress on DIGITAL LIFE ENVIRONMENTS “Mobile Application And Content Development” etkinliği bildiri özetleri
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21 st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout... more
Lifelong Learning (LLL) has been a remarkable response to people-centered educational demand of 21 st century. In order to provide effective formal, non-formal, and informal learning, immersive educational activities undertaken throughout life should be aimed to create a learning society in which people can experience individual and collective learning with no constrains of time or location. The concept of lifelong learning within the context of distance immersive education encompasses diverse 3D activities. The three dimensional, Web-based structured activities supported by distance learning technologies can be viewed as interactive tools which foster LLL. In this perspective, Second Life (SL) can be regarded as one of the learning simulation milieus that allow learners to participate in various educational LLL activities in individual or group forms. The following paper examines how SL, taking advantage of its simulative nature and the possibility for creative interaction among participants, which are also common in games, allows the learners to participate in immersive constructivist learning activities. The article will also touch on the current uses of SL as a tool for LLL, as well as its potentials for further development according to the current trends in adult education. Further, the authors will discuss its limitations and will make suggestions towards a more complete pedagogical use.
A regular collection of the materials of the Conference “Actual Problems of Education” MIP 2015 contains the abstracts recommended for publication by the Organizing Committee. The authors of these abstracts are the academic staffs and... more
A regular collection of the materials of the Conference “Actual Problems of
Education” MIP 2015 contains the abstracts recommended for publication by the
Organizing Committee. The authors of these abstracts are the academic staffs and
other employees of different higher education institutions as well as the
representatives of the partner organisations participating in the Conference. The
abstracts and presentations concern both the problems of improving the quality of
the education process on the basis of the latest pedagogical and information
technologies and the issues of preparing future specialists and updating the
content of the delivered disciplines with the aim of their orientation to the
requirements of the present labour market of Latvia and Europe. The collection
has retained the authors’ style and the original layout of the presented materials.
The number of academic articles in peer-reviewed journals is raising; international academic conferences about social entrepreneurship are mushrooming; and finally a number of business schools have started to hire “social... more
The number of academic articles in peer-reviewed journals is raising; international academic conferences about social entrepreneurship are mushrooming; and finally a number of business schools have started to hire “social entrepreneurship” faculty. The latter is typically correlated with the increasing demand for courses by students and, in some places such as the developed countries United States, Australia, Canada, UK, Europe, Japan and etc. the endowment of dedicated chairs on social entrepreneurship in face to face education at any level. Especially, two-years or bacholar degree programs entrepreneurship increase social entrepreneurship course content in their  programs. Then it can be said the an attitutes of academic and academics’ interest is increasing for social entrepreneurship concept and activities since the yeaesof 2000s.

Especially after 1970s, staring and increasing the distance education meaninful and applications around the world intrested in entrepreneurship subjects at least as face to face education too. Today, in many at any level of distance education institutions and online programs applications are give much more importancy for mentionining to the social entrepreneurship the concept social entrepreneurship sample activities and its functional meaning, the benefits for development od the socety in their any level course materials (such as printed audio-visuel, by using all technology for the future’s social life).

In other words social entrepreneurship concept is getting bigger and bigger, more meaningful and more applicable day by day in our planet from the all level of the life and around the all parts of the world,

Social entrepreneurship is trendy! Every year in February social entrepreneurs mingle with the CEO‟s of the world‟s largest corporations and prominent politicians at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Social Entrepreneurs are the VIPs at global events such as the Clinton Global Initiative.

And finally, social entrepreneurs are the favorite investees of the “new” philanthropists, i.e., the Jeff Skolls or Bill Gates‟s of this world. Furthermore, the academic interest in social entrepreneurship is increasing: as metioned above the number of academic articles in peer-reviewed journals is raising; international academic conferences about social entrepreneurship are as mushrooming; and finally a number of business schools have started to hire “social entrepreneurship” faculty or department.

The broad interest in and the exposure of social entrepreneurship as a defining trend of the 21st century. What is special about social entrepreneurship as a trend is that its diffusion occurs in parallel in different social worlds. Stimulated thinking and acting around new business models with and for low income populations in the developing- and now also increasingly developed countries or world. In finance the “talk of today” reflecting social entrepreneurship centers around social stock markets and socially-responsible investing; and finally, the field of philanthropy has witnessed a dramatic shift towards strategic and impact orientation. While at present these trends occur in their defined social spheres, the potential exists for social

Up today nearly any type of entrepreneurship activity was covering or mentioning in commercial terms in the most of sectors or field. But, it should not forget that entrepreneurship applications and activities in general have four different level such as economical, social, cultural and entelectuall levels. Economical and commercial side of side of entrepreneurship is researched, written and investigated by many authors.

This paper aims that to discusse for a “what should be do and focus this new path entrepreneurship in social life as “social entrepreneurship from perspective of the retired women academics as an a case of  Turkey.

The main secting reasons of this group belongs some assumptions that retired women academics are not need;

 normaly they do not need money as much as  the other retired women’ need,
 they do not need work again in their second life just for money under a new partronage or boss,
 their educational background and life experiences are much more then the other retired women’,

 they have much more self-confidence socially in society or at any environtment then the other retired women’,
 they have much more respectiful statue and regarding position by the other parts of society as the other retired women’,
 as age they are much more matured
 supposing that retired women academics group charecteristics are much more different then the other retired women’ and so on etc.
 finaly, author expect that retired women academics should approch more metodogially, different, high level, with quality and more focused  subjects etc. on social entrepreneurship perpective by usage technologies or ICTs.

So, as a summary for Turkey, retired women academics are should chance as soon as their a new type social entrepreneurship understanding and look for around to find for a new subjects and apply this social entrepreneurship activities in their far & near environtment at their second life period.

Keywords:  Social entrepreneurship, retired women academics, distance education and online programs, usage technology or ICT, Turkey.
Research Interests:
Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or... more
Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or disallowed in correctional environments. Four universities, all leading distance education providers in the countries in which they are based, are delivering higher education into prisons using technology to varying extents. This paper reports on regional differences in the provision of distance education into prisons, particularly using technology, in Australia, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Nigeria. In these four jurisdictions, there are significant differences in prisoner access to computer hardware, personal devices and to the internet. How these differences impact on the delivery of distance education is explored with an examination of various learning initiatives and lessons learned.
Research Interests: