Представен е анализ на относителното представяне на основните теми, включени в бакалавърските про... more Представен е анализ на относителното представяне на основните теми, включени в бакалавърските програми за неспециалисти по информационни технологии (ИТ), прилагани в българските висши училища. Формулиран е основен проблем за провежданото обучение, свързан с динамично променящите се методи, технологии, системи и софтуерни средства, свързани с ИТ. Предложено е решение на посочения проблем, същността на което се състои в извеждане на преден план във всяка тема, включена в учебния план по ИТ, на т. нар. ‘инвариантни’ знания и умения − относително статични във времето, свързани с основните принципи, модели и подходи в разглежданата област. За целта е разработена и ‘инвариантна рамка’ − стандарт за представяне на учебно съдържание по ИТ.
Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the le... more Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the learning lessons, i.e. for representing the logical order in which the concepts are presented to the learners. In this direction, in the frame of the BEST project, a research for extending the functionality of the Moodle concept "Lesson module" is carried out. The paper
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech '11, 2011
Abstract The paper proposes an approach to automated learning object metadata retrieval in the co... more Abstract The paper proposes an approach to automated learning object metadata retrieval in the context of an adaptive learning management system. It is based on the idea of generation of test items using the accumulated student answers to a special kind of test ...
Abstract: Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure... more Abstract: Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the learning lessons, ie for representing the logical order in which the concepts are presented to the learners. In this direction, in the frame of the BEST project, a research ...
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Indiv... more E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective training to their employees.
E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.
The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.
Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.
This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.
Представен е анализ на относителното представяне на основните теми, включени в бакалавърските про... more Представен е анализ на относителното представяне на основните теми, включени в бакалавърските програми за неспециалисти по информационни технологии (ИТ), прилагани в българските висши училища. Формулиран е основен проблем за провежданото обучение, свързан с динамично променящите се методи, технологии, системи и софтуерни средства, свързани с ИТ. Предложено е решение на посочения проблем, същността на което се състои в извеждане на преден план във всяка тема, включена в учебния план по ИТ, на т. нар. ‘инвариантни’ знания и умения − относително статични във времето, свързани с основните принципи, модели и подходи в разглежданата област. За целта е разработена и ‘инвариантна рамка’ − стандарт за представяне на учебно съдържание по ИТ.
Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the le... more Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the learning lessons, i.e. for representing the logical order in which the concepts are presented to the learners. In this direction, in the frame of the BEST project, a research for extending the functionality of the Moodle concept "Lesson module" is carried out. The paper
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech '11, 2011
Abstract The paper proposes an approach to automated learning object metadata retrieval in the co... more Abstract The paper proposes an approach to automated learning object metadata retrieval in the context of an adaptive learning management system. It is based on the idea of generation of test items using the accumulated student answers to a special kind of test ...
Abstract: Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure... more Abstract: Most of the known e-Learning environments do not have means for modelling the structure of the learning lessons, ie for representing the logical order in which the concepts are presented to the learners. In this direction, in the frame of the BEST project, a research ...
E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Indiv... more E-Learning offers many opportunities for individuals and institutions all over the world. Individuals can access to education they need almost anytime and anywhere they are ready to. Institutions are able to provide more cost-effective training to their employees.
E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.
The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.
Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.
This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.
Papers by Rositsa Doneva
Books by Rositsa Doneva
E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.
The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.
Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.
This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.
E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.
The book will examine the emergence and growth of e-learning. The use of the ‘e’ prefix indicates the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in government, finance, and all forms of socio-economic and community development.
Many of the institutions in the countries to be reviewed also make extensive use of traditional teaching and methods and media, so this book will not only consider e-learning and mobile or m-learning in isolation but in blended or mixed-mode learning, both in classroom environments and in distance education. It will examine and discuss.
This eBook is designed and presented in two volumes. The fist volume consists of the country cases of Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Jordan, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, and Morocco. The second volume gives a place to the country cases of Norway, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan. So, the book consists of more than 70 authors from 39 different countries and from 42 universities and 14 institutions with company for all 42 chapters.