Second Life in Education
Recent papers in Second Life in Education
This article reports on an exploratory case study conducted to examine the viability of Second Life (SL) as an environment for physical simulations and microworlds. It begins by discussing specific features of the SL environment relevant... more
Knowledge management is currently changing significantly. KM effectively uses the right information and communication technology (ICT) and social interaction. New ways that exist in the virtual world make it possible to support knowledge... more
Virtual worlds are providing opportunities for the development of innovative curricula to enhance distance education. In these environments, students can participate in authentic learning activities that resembles real life tasks and... more
ground<c> is a metaverse environment for art education, inspired by 'The Groundcourse'; Roy Ascott's educational methodology developed during the 1960's; the aim of which was to shake up preconceptions and behavioral patterns through... more
There is considerable hype around the purported affordances of virtual worlds to facilitate authentic learning in a variety of discipline areas. Though at first glance, virtual worlds look as if they would provide an ideal environment for... more
The absence of a natural communication context, leading to lack of culturally appropriate target language inputs, is believed to contribute to unsuccessful language learning when English is a foreign language. Researchers such as Prenski... more
- by Puji Surasa
- Virtual Environments, Virtual Worlds, Second Life in Education, Educational Technology Project-based Language Teaching Second Language Acquisition Enquiry-based Language Learning TESOL Socio-cultural theory of Language Acquisition Teaching and Learning Languages in Second Life Education of Language Teachers
Bu araştırma, Üniversite-Toplum İşbirliği çerçevesinde Second Life (SL) sanal platformunda gerçekleşen öğrenen-ders yöneticisi etkileşimi üzerine uzaktan eğitim uzmanlarının görüşlerini almayı amaçlayan bir durum çalışmasıdır.... more
Bilgi ve iletiĢim teknolojilerindeki geliĢimin hızlı devinimine uyum sağlama sürecinde, devamlı olarak yenilenen teknoloji uygulamaları, öğrenen bireylerin kendilerini geliĢtirmelerinde ve onlara yaĢam boyu öğrenmeyi temel alan iĢe vuruk... more
This text will attempt to delineate the underlying theoretical premises and the definition of the output of an immersive learning approach pertaining to the visual arts to be implemented in online, three dimensional synthetic worlds.... more
What are educators‟ motivations for using virtual worlds with their students? Are they using them to support the teaching of professions and if this is the case, do they introduce virtual worlds into the curriculum to develop and/or... more
The focus of this qualitative multiple case study is on two higher-education instructors who teach online in virtual worlds, specifically in Second Life, and how they think about and implement social presence strategies in their courses.... more
The inclusion of individuals with disabilities in concept and practice is not new to education. However, the attainment of inclusion has been a struggle in most Western countries since the 1980s. The application of Universal Design for... more
Virtual worlds (VWs) are providing welcome opportunities for the development of innovative curricula for tertiary educators. These environments potentially allow them to give their students authentic learning experiences that resemble... more
From the creation of the universe to the metaverses and persistent worlds immersion. A story of the emblematic moments in art and sciences history that have leaded to contemporary cyberculture. 6/02/2012, 26/102016 pedagogical release for... more
Building virtual models of archaeological sites has been seen as a legitimate mode of representing the past, yet these models are too often the end product of a process in which archaeologists have relatively limited engagement. Instead... more
A literature review on use of software programs in foreign language teaching - Moodle , e tandem, Second Life
Virtual worlds continue to be used in Australia and New Zealand higher education institutions although the hype has settled. Whilst some higher education institutions continue to use virtual worlds as they have done for some time, other... more
Bu çalışmada, üç boyutlu sanal ortamlardan biri olan Second Life ortamında beş aşamalı modelin uygulanması ve etkililiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için; kullanıcılara oryantasyon eğitimi verilmiş, eğitsel amaçlı bir... more
This chapter explores the format of augmented reality (AR) and its use in mobile learning. It first addresses precedents and theories of mLearning that inform the discussion of AR and virtual reality (VR), explores the ‘virtuality... more
This work in progress paper describes collaborative research, taking place on three continents, towards creating a ‘mixed reality teaching & learning environment’ (MiRTLE) that enables teachers and students participating in realtime mixed... more
Student engagement has become an increasing focus for higher education institutions in the market driven environment. Improved student engagement leads to improved student performance and this also results in higher levels of student... more
Keywords Second Life metaverse Muslim women gender issues veil hijab identity avatars religious identity MMORPG virtual worlds Middle East augmented reality technology e-hijab dress code Visit abstract This article discusses the... more
As with previous snapshots, the responses show a mixed picture of virtual world use and institutional attitude in UK Higher Education, from the positive: “We seem to be moving into a phase where virtual worlds are taken very seriously... more
The considerable changes in distance learning related technologies and Web 2.0 tools direct new immersive platforms to serve on the concept of avatar-driven interactions. In this sense, the immersive learning platforms, like Second Life... more
Virtual World Watch asked previous respondents to snapshot reports – UK university and college academics who develop and use virtual worlds – what worlds they used and why they chose them. Second Life and OpenSim were mentioned or used by... more
Review of "Social Networking for Language Education"
Marie-Noëlle Lamy and Katerina Zourou (Eds.)
ISBN: 9781137023377
256 pp.
Palgrave Macmillan
Marie-Noëlle Lamy and Katerina Zourou (Eds.)
ISBN: 9781137023377
256 pp.
Palgrave Macmillan
In the context of the UoH, a Higher Education Institution in England, this study investigates academic staff’s perceptions of Second Life (SL) as an educational tool within the Faculty of Health and Social Care (FHSC). By looking into... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı öğrenme için yeni olanaklar sunan üç-boyutlu çok-kullanıcılı sanal ortamları kullanan katılımcıların bu ortamlara yönelik buradalık düzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada ayrıca katılımcıların buradalık düzeylerinde... more
This research aims to identify the main elements and constraints during the design process of architectural artifacts in Second Life. The study about the design of virtual goods, its concepts and methods allowed the preparation of a... more
3D virtual reality, including the current generation of multi-user virtual worlds, has had a long history of use in education and training, and it experienced a surge of renewed interest with the advent of Second Life in 2003. What... more
Three-dimensional virtual environments (3dves) are the new generation of digital multi-user social networking platforms. Their immersive character allows users to create a digital humanised representation or avatar, enabling a degree of... more
This chapter presents a case study of the use of virtual world environment in UK Higher Education. It reports on the activities carried out as part of the SIMiLLE (System for an Immersive and Mixed reality Language Learning) project to... more
Este artículo presenta el proceso de investigación asociado al análisis de datos basado en Mundos Virtuales Educativos. Este análisis busca facilitar la comprensión a docentes y responsables de estos Mundos Virtuales sobre el uso y... more
From input to this and previous snapshots, plus background research, institutional website searches and anecdotes, it is evident that every UK university except one (the University of the Highlands and Islands) has members of staff who... more