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Reduction of Fixed-Position Noise in
Position-Sensitive Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
Matthew W. Fishburn, Yuki Maruyama, and Edoardo Charbon
Abstract—By ignoring events originating in noisy areas of a
position-sensitive single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD), reduction of noise from fixed-position defects is experimentally shown.
Additional experimental results from a position-sensitive SPAD
integrated in a high-voltage 0.35-µm technology are presented.
An effect reducing the active area is described, quantified, and
experimentally measured using multiple techniques, with an observed inactive distance of roughly 2 µm near the guard rings. The
standard characterization results for multiple SPAD geometries
are presented, along with the results of noise reduction in a
single high-noise SPAD. Characterization results show a photon
detection probability above 35%, a dark count rate density in the
tens of Hz/µm2 , and a signal-to-noise ratio increase of 8 dB for a
noisy diode in low light.
time-to-digital converter (TDC) per SPAD have previously been
reported [8].
In addition to experimental results from a position-sensitive
SPAD in a CMOS technology, a comparison of the standard
characterization of multiple geometries is shown, with the aim
of characterizing an effect that distorts the measured geometries. Measuring the effect is necessary to match measurements
from multiple geometries. The distortion, possibly caused by
the type of guard ring used, is important to any field where
SPADs are used, even if it only provides additional evidence
that guard rings based on doped wells have poor performance
compared to shallow-trench isolation (STI)-bound SPADs.
Index Terms—Avalanche breakdown, semiconductor device
noise, single-photon avalanche diodes.
INGLE-PHOTON avalanche diodes (SPADs) have been
proposed for use in hostile environments such as space
or ultracold temperatures [1], [2]. Within these environments,
fixed-position noise can be problematic, whether from traps
created by ionizing radiation or defects introduced at fabrication time. This paper presents the realization of a technique to
reduce noise from fixed-position defects in position-sensitive
SPADs created in a CMOS technology [3]. The idea of using
large position-sensitive avalanche diodes is also potentially
interesting to fields such as positron emission tomography
and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy systems, which
require high-fill-factor high-spatial-resolution devices [4]–[6].
However, there are some drawbacks to position-sensitive
avalanche diodes that use the voltage rise time to estimate the
position. First, the sensitivity to the avalanche seed position is
not uniform. This issue is further exacerbated by the similar
rise times caused when an avalanche is triggered anywhere
at the edge of a symmetric structure. Second, the ionization
noise distorts the position resolution [7]. Third, some method to
measure the rise time is required; it is not clear how to integrate
circuitry with this functionality on chip, though chips with a
Manuscript received January 31, 2011; accepted April 15, 2011. The review
of this paper was arranged by Editor A. M. Ionescu.
The authors are with the Delft University of Technology, 2628 CN Delft,
The Netherlands (e-mail:;;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2011.2148117
This section presents a custom IC created to study position
sensitivity in SPADs [3]. The custom IC, which is named
the multioperation SPAD array integrated circuit (MOSAIC),
contains SPADs of four different geometries coupled to TDCs.
Three of the four diode geometries contain p+ implants that are
circular with diameters of 6, 12, or 24 µm, with the guard ring
outside the p+ implant. In the figures that follow, these SPADs
will be labeled by their p+ implant diameter. The chip also
contains an SPAD with a pill-shaped geometry. This SPAD has
a p+ implant of a 6 × 24 µm2 rectangle capped by two semicircles, both with a radius of 3 µm. Different metal coverings of
this pill-shaped structure are included on MOSAIC, including a
completely open SPAD, a completely covered SPAD, an SPAD
covered except for the edge, and an SPAD covered except for
the middle. The four different SPAD geometries are shown in
Fig. 1, along with the partially covered pill-shaped structures.
While the active area is normally expected to match the p+
implant, evidence will imply that this is not the case.
As shown in Fig. 2, coupled to each SPAD are a quenching
circuit and two comparators. The quenching circuit is actually a
set of transistors with an adjustable gate voltage. For the current
work, these quenching transistors can be approximated as a
resistor with a value in the 1 kΩ to 10 MΩ range, with the resistance selectable by changing the gate voltage of the transistors.
The two SPAD-coupled comparators have adjustable thresholds
and are connected to the start and stop signals of a short-range
TDC with 48 output codes. Both the start and stop signals can
be delayed on chip, which aids in both extending the TDC range
and characterizing the TDC jitter (delay elements are not shown
in Fig. 2). The stop signal can also be chosen from an external
source, which is used for characterization of the TDC. The TDC
is based on [9]. A micrograph of the complete chip can be found
in Fig. 3.
0018-9383/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 1. SPAD geometries—three circular (middle) geometries and a pillshaped (top right) geometry are on the test chip. The circular geometries have
p+ implants with diameters of 24, 12, or 6 µm, with the guard ring outside
this implant. The pill-shaped SPAD has a 6 × 24 µm rectangle capped by two
semicircles, both with a diameter of 6 µm. Pill-shaped SPADs that are metal
covered except for an edge (bottom left) or the middle (bottom right) are also
included on the chip.
Fig. 4. Static variations in breakdown voltage are shown for eight chips. The
SPADs are divided into the following groups: 6-µm-diameter diodes, with three
per chip; 6 × 30 µm pill-shaped diodes, with 12 per chip; and 12- or 24-µmdiameter diodes, with three of each diameter per chip. The error bars show
the minimum and maximum Vbd of a particular SPAD type on each chip,
and the symbol is at the mean Vbd . Measurements were performed in a dark
temperature chamber at 25 ◦ C.
avalanche as noise based on the originating location; it is
created using an offline brute-force algorithm that finds the best
possible SNR at a particular light level.
Fig. 2. Simplified system diagram—the system’s major components are a
test chip, an FPGA and a PC. The test chip contains pixels with an SPAD,
MOSFETs acting as a variable resistance, two SPAD-coupled comparators, a
TDC, and logic to allow a density test of the TDC. The FPGA contains an
Ethernet link to a PC and outputs two streams of synchronous events from the
SPAD: one stream contains all events and the other contains events with high
SNR characteristics.
Fig. 3. Chip micrograph—a micrograph of the complete chip (left), partially
covered pill-shaped SPADs (top right), and completely open pill-shaped SPAD
(bottom right) is shown. The dimensions of the pill-shaped SPADs can be found
in Fig. 1.
A Xilinx ML507 board is the basis for the read-out system.
The board contains a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)
that controls the TDC and interfaces to a PC via an Ethernet
link. The FPGA can select which SPAD geometry is examined
(not shown in Fig. 2). The FPGA outputs two streams of pulses
synchronous with observed avalanches; one stream contains all
observed avalanches, and the other stream contains a real-time,
noise-reduced stream of avalanches based on a programmable
lookup table. The lookup table contains whether to label an
This section contains experimentally measured values of
the breakdown voltage and active area, and the section also
characterizes an effect that reduces the active area.
A. Breakdown Voltage
An avalanche diode’s breakdown voltage is the voltage at
which an injected carrier’s expected number of ionizationgenerated carriers exceeds one [10]. When this condition is
met, the diode is in Geiger mode, and a properly quenched
SPAD will create voltage and current pulses, with the pulses
synchronous to the arrival of single photons.
There are several methods to measure the breakdown voltage
of a SPAD in situ. The simplest way is to sweep the SPAD’s
applied voltage until a coupled comparator outputs pulses and
then subtract the comparator’s threshold. Fig. 4 shows breakdown voltage results for different SPADs from eight chips with
this “sweep-and-subtract” method with a threshold of 100 mV.
Table I contains quantitative measures of the breakdown voltage
variations at 25 ◦ C. The breakdown voltage greatly varied
from geometry to geometry, with the breakdown voltages of all
24-µm-diameter diodes lower than the breakdown voltages of
any 6-µm-diameter diode. The circular diodes with a diameter
of either 12 or 24 µm had an average breakdown voltage of
roughly 18.48 V, the average Vbd for the pill-shaped SPADs was
about 18.65 V, and the small circular diodes with a diameter
of 6 µm had an average breakdown voltage of 19.21 V. The
chip-to-chip variation is larger than the intrachip variation
for all geometries, with the chip-to-chip variation having a
standard deviation between 100 and 200 mV, compared to the
intrachip variation, which is lower than 100 mV. The range
of breakdown voltages also varies with the geometry, with a
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 6. Inactive distance estimate—by observing the ECR differences of a
24-µm-diameter diode and a 12-µm-diameter diode under light (top), the ECR
ratio (middle) can be used to estimate the inactive distance (bottom) from the
implant diffusion of the guard rings. Measurements were performed at room
Fig. 5. Breakdown voltage variations versus temperature are shown for a
small circular (top), pill-shaped (center), and large circular (bottom) SPAD
from chip B. Measurements were performed in a lit temperature chamber; the
level of light remained constant during the measurement, and was sufficient to
cause avalanche rates above DCR between 1 and 100 kHz when the SPADs
were at 25 ◦ C and had an excess bias of 2 V.
breakdown voltage range of almost 1 V for the small circular
diodes. Measurements imply that the geometry-to-geometry
Vbd variations are independent of temperature, as Fig. 5 shows.
The Vbd present variation is smaller than previously measured
results for different structures, although the effect could simply
be a temperature effect [11].
B. Inactive Distance
As described in the previous section, there is a static variation
in breakdown voltage between SPADs with different geometries. The evidence implies that a static effect raises the breakdown voltage in smaller diodes. Increasing the deep n-well
doping would lower the breakdown voltage, implying that the
smaller diodes have a lower doping in their n-wells. However, it
is unlikely that variations in the deep n-well implantation would
cause the observed variations in breakdown voltage. If that were
the case, then the minimum Vbd of the 6-µm-diameter diodes
should roughly match the minimum Vbd of the larger circular
It has been previously proposed that the electric field distortion caused by the depletion region extending from the guard
ring into the active area can cause an inactive distance and
distort the breakdown voltage [12]. However, as the depletion
region width increases with excess bias, this effect would cause
any inactive distance to increase with excess bias, contrary
to the result that will be presented in Fig. 6. Additionally,
the depletion region’s width in the n-type silicon should be
at a maximum when the p-type silicon is most highly doped;
using the standard formulas and assuming an abrupt one-sided
junction, this width can be estimated to be at most 800 nm [10].
Any measurement of an inactive distance larger than 800 nm
would imply that the depletion region is not responsible, as
Fig. 6 will also show.
The variation-causing effect appears to be stronger when
more of the active area of a device is close to a guard ring,
which implies that the guard ring’s fabrication is involved
with the effect. The circular diode that is 6 µm in diameter
has the largest shift, with a smaller shift occurring for the
pill-shaped SPADs that are 6 µm wide. Diffusion of the
guard rings’ implants could cause exactly this effect. The circular diode with a 6-µm diameter would have a larger Vbd
shift than the pill-shaped SPAD, since the middle of the
circular diode’s active area would have a larger change
in doping than the middle of the pill-shaped SPAD. The
diffusion of the guard rings’ implants must be negligible
after a distance under 6 µm; otherwise, the 12-µm-diameter
SPAD would also show a large shift in Vbd compared to the
24-µm-diameter SPAD, which is not the case. However, the
ratio of photon-sensitive area between the 24- and 12-µmdiameter devices would have to be different than the expected
ratio of four, as the proposed diffusion of the guard rings’
implants would cause a gradual increase in breakdown voltage
near the guard rings. This will be modeled as a single inactive
distance di next to the guard rings. Further evidence that the
guard rings’ fabrication causes the inactive distance can be
provided by checking if the dark count rate (DCR) density and
photon detection probability (PDP) of SPADs with different
geometries require compensation for this inactive distance to
Implant diffusion is proposed to compensate the n-well doping a distance di near the guard rings, creating a portion of
the diode with a higher breakdown voltage. However, as the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 7. Light emission from a 24-µm diode that is properly quenched (top
left with chip area under external light) or improperly quenched (bottom left
with chip area under external light, top middle with chip area under no light)
is shown. The improperly quenched diode’s light emission was thresholded at
increasing values (top right, bottom middle, bottom right) to provide additional
evidence for the inactive space, and also to check that premature edge breakdown was not occurring. The guard ring’s location is shown with a red circle
(middle, right). The diode was improperly quenched by using a quenching
resistance of roughly 1 kΩ instead of roughly 1 MΩ.
CMOS process details are not available, it is not clear if the
diffusion, scattering, or inaccuracy of the implants are actual
causes. To provide evidence for this hypothesis, the excess
count rate (ECR), which is the count rate above the DCR, can be
compared for a 24-µm-diameter diode and a 12-µm-diameter
diode. The inactive distance di and ECR ratio r follow the
π(12 − di )
π(6 − di )2
which implies that the measured inactive distance (in micrometers) is
di = (6 r − 12)/( r − 1).
To measure the inactive distance, a blue LED was placed
60 cm distant from a chip in a chamber with no light sources
other than the LED. To ensure that the dead time, which is the
time the diode takes to return to idle following an avalanche
and after-pulsing, which is self-correlated noise caused by fabrication defects, did not distort the inactive distance estimate,
the dead time was kept between 500 ns and 2 µs at excess
biases above 1 V, and the total count rate was kept below
50 kHz. The LED was initially turned off, the breakdown
voltage was measured as previously described in Section III-A,
and the DCR was acquired for a 12-µm-diameter diode and
a 24-µm-diameter diode. The LED was then turned on to
a specific light level that remained constant. The count rate
was acquired for excess biases between 200 mV and 4.0 V,
and the DCR was subtracted from the measured count rate
to yield the ECR (top plot of Fig. 6). The ECR ratios at
various excess biases were compared to yield an estimate of the
inactive distance (middle and bottom plots of Fig. 6). The light
emission from an improperly quenched 24-µm diode, shown
in Fig. 7, provides additional evidence of the inactive distance.
Comparing the location of the guard ring with the location of
the emitted light, an inactive distance that is just larger than
2 µm is obtained, which is in good agreement with the data at
low excess biases in Fig. 6.
Additional evidence for the inactive distance distorting the
active area will be provided in Section IV-B, when the DCR
densities and PDP show a better match between the SPADs
with different geometries after compensating for the inactive
Estimating the inactive distance is critical to obtaining the
correct active area for the PDP and noise measurements. A
inactive distance of 2 µm will reduce the active area by more
than 60% in the pill-shaped diode. Additional evidence for an
active area distortion can be found in [13], which reports that
the DCR ratio between a 4-µm-diameter diode and a 10-µmdiameter diode does not scale as expected.
It is worth noting that STI-bound SPADs are likely to be
free of this effect [14]. However, some STI-bound SPADs
have additional implantation layers near the STI for several
purposes; these layers’ effects on the active area remain to be
observed [15].
This section contains the characterization data for the TDC
and SPADs. The SPAD section contains a focus on matching
the data between different SPAD geometries.
A standard density test was used to characterize the shortrange TDC at a resolution of 20 ps [16]. At this resolution, the
48-code TDC’s range is 0.96 ns. Dark counts from the SPAD
and the clock from the FPGA were used as the start and stop
signals. The event rate remained below 40 kHz during the TDC
characterization. The start bias line was externally compensated
for process and temperature variations. The worst-case differential nonlinearity (DNL) for this operating condition remains
under 1.1 LSB. The worst-case integral nonlinearity (INL) for
TDCs from three chips was 2 LSB when operating between
−25 ◦ C to 50 ◦ C. The jitter of the TDC was found to be
negligible by setting the two comparators coupled to the SPAD
to trigger at the same voltage, delaying the stop signal using
buffers on chip, and observing that >99.9% of events had the
same code in this condition. Metastable codes occurred in less
than 0.1% of events from any tested TDC.
B. Conventional SPAD Characterization
This section contains the conventional SPAD characterization, including uncorrelated noise, correlated noise, and PDP,
with a focus on ensuring the inactive distance measurements
are correct.
1) Uncorrelated Noise: In an SPAD in the dark, silicon traps
and tunneling can cause avalanches, with the DCR being the
frequency of the dark avalanches. The DCR depends on many
factors, including the electric field in the diode and the number
of defects present in the silicon.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 8. DCR density versus temperature curves from four low-noise SPADs,
each with a different geometry, are shown, for both raw data (top) and compensated for the inactive distance (bottom). The plots show data from SPADs at an
excess bias of either 2 (left) or 4 V (right).
Fig. 9. After-pulsing curves are shown for different SPADs at an excess bias
of 3 (top), 2 (middle), or 1 V (bottom). The SPADs with larger areas and larger
currents during an avalanche tend to have larger APPs.
To measure the DCR, a chip was placed in a temperature
chamber with no sources of light. The dead time was kept
constant between 500 ns and 2 µs. The breakdown voltage was
found, the SPAD was placed at an excess bias of 2 or 4 V, and
then, the DCR was acquired for four low-noise diodes. Fig. 8
shows the raw DCR and also the following normalization for
the inactive distance. The DCR density varies from just above
1 Hz/µm at −25 ◦ C when the excess bias is 2 V to just under
100 Hz/µm at 50 ◦ C when the excess bias is 4 V.
2) After Pulsing: To estimate the after-pulsing probability
(APP), a histogram of the time between avalanches was created.
Similar to previously reported results, after pulsing was found
to be negligible after 500 ns [11]. An exponential fit was
made to the interavalanche times greater than 1 µs, and all
interavalanche times were then compared to this curve, with
the fraction of the curve area above this fit yielding the APP
for a specific dead time. Results are shown for all geometries
and several excess biases in Fig. 9. Increasing the size of the
active area, increasing the excess bias, or decreasing the dead
time would be expected to increase the after pulsing.
3) PDP: To measure the PDP, light output from a monochromator (Oriel/Newport part 77250) was fed into an integration sphere (Oriel/Newport part 819D-SL-2) with a reference
Fig. 10. Photon detection probability versus wavelength is shown for three
circular SPADs (legend contains diameter in micrometers) at various excess
biases. The plots are either uncompensated (top) or compensated (nontop) for
the inactive distance (see Fig. 6).
diode (Hamamatsu part S1226-BQ) at one of the sphere’s ports
and the SPAD under test at the other. Due to the sensitivity
of the diodes, a neutral density filter was placed between the
SPAD and the integrating sphere. High-pass filters were placed
between the integration sphere and the monochromator to ensure that light at lower harmonics from the monochromator did
not interfere with the measurements. In this setup, the ripples
commonly seen from the optical stack are not present, as the
light is incident from many angles, not just orthogonally [17].
The SPAD’s DCR was acquired with the same method
listed in Section IV-B-1. The photon flux was determined by
measuring the current observed by the reference diode for a
specific power of incident light and then matching the photon
flux predicted by the reference diode’s data sheet to this current.
The PDP, shown in Fig. 10, was determined by dividing the
SPAD’s ECR by the photon flux, compensated for attenuation
caused by the neutral density filter. The SPAD’s dead time was
kept between 500 ns and 2 µs to ensure that after pulsing did
not distort the PDP.
As would be expected from the results in Section III-B, the
PDPs for the circular diodes, particularly the 6-µm-diameter
diode, are quite poor when the active area is not compensated
for the inactive distance. Following compensation, the results
from the 12- and 24-µm-diameter diodes are in excellent agreement. The 6-µm-diameter diameter diode’s PDP does not match
as well; a possible explanation is that the inactive distance
estimation from the 12- and 24-µm diodes does not match that
of the 6-µm diode.
C. Position-Sensitive Characterization
This section contains the results from the characterization of
the position-sensitive SPAD and describes the experimentally
measured noise reduction.
The entire system was placed in a temperature chamber at
25 ◦ C. The pill-shaped SPADs were placed at an excess bias of
2.5 V, which included compensation for nonuniformities in the
SPAD’s breakdown voltages described in Fig. 4. The low and
high thresholds of the SPAD-coupled comparators were set at
0.1 and 2.0 V, respectively. The voltage rise times were acquired
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 11. DCR density histograms for SPADs are shown for three low-noise
pill-shaped SPADs from chip D. The SPADs were operated at an excess bias
of 2.5 V (compensated for shifts in a diode’s Vbd ), and with the comparators
at thresholds of 0.1 and 2.0 V. The entire system was in a dark temperature
chamber at 25 ◦ C. The curves have been compensated for nonuniformities in
the TDCs’ DNL curves, and all curves have been shifted to have the DCR
density peak at a value of roughly 350 ps for easy comparison of the shapes.
Fig. 12. Count rate histograms for differing trigger locations are shown for
center-triggered (left) or edge-triggered (right) SPADs from chip H (top) or
chip D (bottom). The operating conditions for the measurement system and
compensations to the data are identical to the ones listed in Fig. 11, but
sufficient light to cause an ECR of roughly 40 kHz was incident on the diodes
in the “light” condition.
for three low-noise diodes, with Fig. 11 showing a histogram of
the event rate density. The larger amount of short rise times
may be caused by the slowing of the avalanche propagation as
the avalanche spreads [7].
The chip-D and chip-H diodes that are covered except for
the edge or the middle were then placed under light, and
the histogram event rate density was acquired. Chips D and
H were chosen to see if there was a large effect from the
breakdown voltage variation, even though a specific excess bias
was chosen. Note that the excess bias includes compensation
for shifts in Vbd , so the applied voltage was roughly half a volt
higher to chip H than to chip D (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 12 shows the histograms of event rate density from the
two chips. There is a difference of roughly 20 ps between
the rise times of the edge-triggered diodes from the different
chips. Additionally, the edge-triggered diodes appear to have a
higher variation in rise time than the middle-triggered diodes.
It is not clear if this is caused by the fact that more ionization
Fig. 13. High-noise SPAD’s rise-time histogram is compared to the rise-time
histograms of three low-noise SPADs. The inset focuses on the low-noise
diodes’ rise-time histograms and is identical to Fig. 11. The large spike in
the high-noise SPAD’s rise-time histogram corresponds to avalanches initiated
closer an edge of the diode’s major axis than the middle. The operating
conditions for the measurement system and compensations to the data are
identical to those listed in Fig. 11.
Fig. 14. SNR increase versus incident light is shown for a diode with a noise
rate of 38 kHz. Operating conditions are identical to those in Fig. 12, except that
a variable amount of blue light (abscissa) was incident on the SPAD. Photon
fluxes were derived with an assumed PDP of 30% (see Fig. 10). A higher SNR
(right ordinate) is better.
occurs or if there is a larger variation in position caused by the
coverings. Additionally, there may also be an effect due to the
edge’s exposure to more of the guard ring, which would raise
the breakdown voltage at the major edge of the pill-shaped
SPAD. Studies with STI-bound SPADs are likely to aid in
discriminating between the effects.
Fig. 13 shows the histogram of DCR density for three
low-noise diodes and one high-noise diode. As expected, the
histogram from the high-noise diode contains a large spike. It
seems that a fixed-position defect is causing most of the noise
in this diode. Operating this diode with longer dead times did
not have a sizable effect on the noise; it appears that the afterpulsing-causing mechanism is different than the mechanism
causing most of this diode’s noise.
With the SNR defined as
SNR = 20 log10
where µsig is the mean, and σsig is the standard deviation of
the avalanche count during an integration time of 1 s, Fig. 14
shows the experimentally measured SNR with and without the
noise reduction (described in Section II), along with the change
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
there are a number of open-ended issues pertaining to whether
the realized chip could meet the proposed application, including how resistant the other components are to radiation, how
temperature dependent the technique is, and how effective the
technique would be in relation to a non-noise-reduced SPAD.
Fig. 15. Oscilloscope trace of noise reduction is shown as output by a realtime processing block on the FPGA.
in SNR. The change in SNR varies from roughly +8 dB at low
light levels to +0 dB at high photon fluxes. At higher light
levels, the shot-noise from the signal dominates the variance,
and hence, the noise becomes less critical to the SNR. The
lookup table and processing functionality can be added to the
FPGA, allowing the creation of a noise-reduced synchronous
pulse stream. Fig. 15 displays an oscilloscope trace of a stream
with all avalanches and a noise-reduced stream, as output by a
real-time processing component on the FPGA.
A summary of the characterization data can be found in
Table II.
Unfortunately, due to the position sensitivity relying on the
ionization-noise-distorted avalanche spread, the uncertainty in
position is quite high. Thus, a large fraction of the active area
must be sacrificed to reduce the noise, giving poorer performance than might be expected in photon-starved environments.
Additionally, the position sensitivity across the diode appears
to lack uniformity, with greater sensitivity near the edges of
the diodes. The noise-reduced diode, which had a defect near
the edge, is likely to be a better candidate for noise reduction
than diodes with defects in the middle. No SPADs with defects
in the middle were observed across the eight chips, and thus,
experimental results cannot be compared.
This particular technique might be useful for applications
requiring single-photon capability, high timing resolution, and
the capability to operate in environments with high numbers of
fixed-position defects, such as rangefinding in space. However,
Experimental data for position-sensitive SPADs integrated in
a standard 0.35-µm CMOS process have been presented. For
the standard characterization, the PDP is seen to peak at almost
40% for an excess bias of 4 V and wavelengths just shorter than
500 nm, with a roughly linear decrease to PDPs less than 5% for
wavelengths of roughly 900 nm. Other standard results, such as
the APP and DCR, have been presented, with results being as
expected for the different geometries.
The rise time of the voltage observed by the quenching
circuitry is seen to be between 130 and 150 ps. A fixed-position
defect appears to be causing most of the noise in a high-noise
diode. An SNR increase of 8 dB for the same diode under low
light levels has been measured, with the capability to process
this information in real time on an FPGA and output a noisereduced pulse stream.
Given all the drawbacks of position-sensitive devices and the
poor performance of the noise reduction technique, it seems
unlikely that this method will be more useful than simply
switching off the noisy diodes. Attempts to use position sensitivity in the circular diodes have proven to be problematic
and were not included in the present publication. Previous
work with the devices used quenching circuitry that was more
complex than passive quenching, and extending the positionsensitive technique based on voltage rise times to larger devices
would probably require more complex quenching circuitry [3].
Despite these drawbacks, the technique may be useful for
studying the types of noise inherent in diodes. For example,
previous evidence overwhelmingly implies that lattice defects
cause after pulsing; the portion of the present technique used
in isolating noise from signal may also be useful for measuring
whether the majority of after-pulsing is caused by a few fixedposition defects or whether the sources of after pulsing are
spread out over the entire area of the diode [18]. An integrated
solution may also prove useful for studying avalanche propagation and noise sources at cryogenic temperatures. Even though
position-sensitive avalanche diodes’ use in the mainstream is
unlikely, the devices show promise for studying a number of
phenomenon associated with the diodes themselves.
[1] L. Carrara, C. Niclass, N. Scheidegger, H. Shea, and E. Charbon,
“A gamma, X-ray and high energy proton radiation-tolerant CIS for
space applications,” in Proc. IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2009,
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Matthew W. Fishburn, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Yuki Maruyama, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Edoardo Charbon, photograph and biography not available at the time of