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а и а и а ић/ а и а и а ић/ а и а ић 374.4 Ђ 373.2.022 371.314.6 marina.zmajche@pakadem.edu.rs; Ј а Ђ Ц Ц Ј а : .Ј ђ ђ . К .К чи: , , ђ , , , 20. . , , , . , , . ђ , ђ , ђ , . , ч . , . , ђ , 19. ђ , - , ( : F. Gürsoy and M.Y. Biçakçi, 2010; Gürsoy and Özaslan, 2012; Aral et al, 2010; Yuen, 2009; Rahman et al., 2012; Hertzog, 2007; Mitchell et al, 2008 i mnogi drugi). К К Ч (Katz and Chard, 2000) , , „ “; „ “ „ “. 20. , , 60, . 70„ 20. ђ , “. К (Reggio Emilia), (Malaguzzi) , Ш а К Ч и и ? (Katz and Chard, 2000) . , .К , , , , . , , ђ . , К , , Ч , , , , , . , , , ђ , . . ђ , ( ) . , , - „ (Katz and Chard, 1989) – К Ч ђ , . ђ ђ . (Reggio Emilia). Progettazione и и П ј и– а и и а и ђ и а ђ (Progettazione) , ђ “, . . , ђ ђ . . . ђ . , . .К (Valentine, 2006), „ “ , . ђ ђ ђ . . , , . ђ . , ђ , . . К , . . , . , . . . ђ (Thornton and Brunton, 2007) . К . . К ђ , . , 4 6 , . ђ . , , , , . (Meier and Hendersen, 2007) , , . . . . К , . . К Finegan 2001: 83): „ 1994, , , .“ , ђ , , - . , ђ (Rabitti, ђ , ђ . , , . , , , , , ђ , . , , , . , , , , , . , . . Finegan, 2001) , , .К ђ , , (Rosen, 1992, , . . , . , . К ђ . К (Katz and Helm, 2001) , ђ . . . , . . К . . . . „ . “ . , ђ . ђ , . . . . . . . ђ , . ђ , . . К (Thornton and Brunton, 2007) , ђ . : К - ђ , ђ . . . : 1. . ђ - : . . К К . . 2. , , . 3. . - : . . , 4. . , ( , 2007: 68). : , ђ , . З а ај и . ђ а а иј П ј и , . . , , . . ђ , . , , . .К , , . , . К .К . . , , . , , , , , , , . , . ђ . ђ ђ . .К , Thornton and Brunton, (Rinaldi, 2002, 2005), , . . ђ . . , . , , , . , . , , , , , .К , . , . , . , . (Meier and Hendersen, 2007) , . , .К „ “ , , ... , . , . , . . , . ђ . К . (Thornton and Brunton, 2007), ђ : , . . - , . - , . - ђ , . - , . ђ . . : - . – , , , . - , , . - . . К - ( ). . (Thornton and Brunton, 2005: 88). , , . , .К , . , , . а ча ђ ђ ђ . ђ . . ђ , , , , ђ , , , , .К . , ђ , . , ђ . . и а а Finegan, C. (2001). Alternative early childhood education: Reggio Emilia. Kappa delta pi record, No. 2, pp. 82 – 84 Helm, H. J. Katz, L. (2001). Young investigators. The project approach in the early years. TCP. NewYork and London Katz, L. and Chard, S. (2000). Engaging Children's Minds: The Project Approach. APC. USA Meier, D. and Hendersen, B. (2007). Learning from young children in the classroom. The art and science of teachers research. TCP. NewYork and London Thornton, L. and Brunton, P. (2005). Understanding the Reggio Approach. DFP. London Thornton, L. and Brunton, P. (2007). Bringing the Reggio approach to your early years practice. Routledge. NewYork and London Valentine, M. (2006). The Reggio Emilia approach to early years education. Learning and Teaching Scotland MКrТnК MТlКnovТć/DКnТУОlК VТНКnovТć/Marina BoРoУОvТć marina.zmajche@pakadem.edu.rs; danijela.vidanovic@pakadem.edu.rs; College of Professional Studies for Pre-school Teachers in Pirot THE PROJECT APPROACH IN THE REGGIO CONCEPT Abstract: Holistic approaches to education of children represent contemporary and alternative approaches to education. One of such approaches is the Project approach itself, which is represented in this paper as an integrated and constitutive part of the Reggio concept curriculum. The Project approach to education of pre-school children implies a wide range of teaching and learning. It is not related to particular teaching techniques, or unchangable activities, routines and strategies. As a way of learning, the Project approach emphasises active participation of children in planning, developing and evaluating their own work. Knowledge does not mean transmission. Contrary to that, it is constructed through the interraction of both children and adults. When speaking about knowledge as a construction, and bearing in mind that both children and curriculum are looked upon holistically, this paper also stresses the fact that the Project approach in Reggio insists on the whole, i.e. on a holistic approach. The Project approach in the Reggio concept represents not only the means of forming experiences of children and pre-school teachers, but also the framework of their learning together. The project is primarily based on learning not only through doing, but also through discussions and discourses among children themselves and among children and preschool teachers about their personal experiences in learning. All of this is done through the use of different techniques supported by documentation and reflexion. Key words: Project approach, Reggio concept, holistic approach, integrated curriculum, learning together