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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Documentation and Inquiry in the Early Childhood Classroom: Research Stories from Urban Centers and Schools is a celebration of teacher intelligence and professional acumen. In bringing together the narratives of a plethora of early... more
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      Teacher EducationPractitioner InquiryReggio Emilia
A comparison between the pedagogical principles of EYFS, Montessori and Reggio Emilia
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      Early Childhood EducationReggio EmiliaMontessori Method
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical ScienceReggio Emilia
"L’archivio dell’architetto Prospero Sorgato, donato generosamente dalla famiglia al Comune di Reggio Emilia e conservato presso la Biblioteca Panizzi, custodisce le importanti testimonianze di un protagonista delle trasformazioni urbane... more
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      Reggio EmiliaLeon Battista AlbertiProspero SorgatoEclettismo
The purpose of this analysis is to examine enduring creative approaches of educational philosophers alongside key emerging digital resources that inform inclusive art education. Froebelian education theory, like that of Montessori,... more
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      Special EducationRudolf SteinerWaldorf EducationReggio Emilia
Introduction The younger we are the faster we learn new vocabulary and it is a known fact that our brain keeps expanding at a great speed until it reaches its almost fully formed shape at about 8 years old. Learning a second language as... more
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      Reggio EmiliaEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)MontessoriMontessori Education
This report summarises my DigiLitEY-funded research visit to the University of Stockholm and Swedish preschools. It considers potentials and challenges within the concept of 'digital languages' through discussions with leading academics... more
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      Digital MediaDigital TechnologyEarly Childhood EducationDigital Media & Learning
Young children's everyday lives are increasingly permeated by an array of digital tools that are rapidly changing the forms in which they make meaning. Yet the use of digital media in early childhood education is much disputed, with... more
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      Digital LiteracyDigital MediaEarly Childhood EducationReggio Emilia
The purpose of the research is to scrutinize learning opportunities, that is, preschool children’s opportunities of participation and possibilities of impacting the preschool activities within one Icelandic preschool whose practice is... more
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      Gender StudiesEarly Childhood EducationJurgen HabermasSelf-Efficacy
La produzione superstite di Dallamano negli Stati estensi si mostra di cospicuo interesse non solo perché documenta un vertice qualitativo, se non addirittura il vertice stesso, della quadraturistica modenese tra Sei e Settecento, ma... more
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      Reggio EmiliaBaroccoModenaStati Estensi
در دو دهۀ اخیر، گفتمان تحول در آموزش و پرورش ایران، پژوهش‌های زیادی را به خود معطوف ساخته و در سطح حکومتی نیز اسناد زیادی در این راستا تدوین شده اند. در سوی مقابل، کیفیت پایین آموزش رسمی، خانواده‌های زیادی را به سمت الگوهای جایگزین آموزش... more
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      Early Childhood EducationIslamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationWaldorf Education
Developing one’s creative potential is a basic human right, and thus the relationship between democracy and creativity is ineffable. Reggio Emilia pedagogies recognise this intrinsically; teaching through this modality embeds deep... more
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      Early Childhood EducationArts EducationReggio EmiliaSecondary Education
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      Medieval ArchaeologyReggio EmiliaArcheologiaArcheologia medievale
Özet Proje, tasarı veya tasarı geliştirme, hayal etme ve planlama anlamlarına gelmekle birlikte, sonucu gösteren bir kelimenin aksine, bir kurguyu ifade eden bir kelimedir. Yani proje kelimesinin anlattığı şey süreçtir. Proje ile öğrenme... more
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      Reggio EmiliaProject-Based LearningArt projects
The Reggio Emilia preschools of northern Italy have become known across Europe and America for their progressive, child-led, creativity-based approach to young children’s education. Their philosophy has inspired educationalists and... more
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      Museum StudiesCreativityMuseum EducationReggio Emilia
Сажетак: Холистички приступи у васпитању и образовању деце представљају савремене и алтернативне приступе традиционалном васпитању и образовању. Један од таквих приступа јесте и Пројектни приступ који је у овом раду представљен као... more
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      Reggio EmiliaProject-Based LearningThe Project Approach to LearningPreschool Education
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      Renaissance StudiesReggio EmiliaThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)MIlan under Visconti and Sforza
It has been a matter of discussion whether history lessons can be held with young age groups. In general terms, although Piaget has alleged that this was not possible, names such as Vygotsky and Bruner have claimed otherwise. History... more
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      Alternative EducationCritical PedagogyEarly Childhood EducationAction research (Methodology)
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Las prácticas de renovación pedagógica como las escuelas Montessori, Reggio Emilia y Waldorf, han supuesto una verdadera innovación en el ámbito de la educación. Estas pedagogías responden a las necesidades de los niños y niñas en todas... more
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      Waldorf EducationReggio EmiliaMontessoriPedagogias Alternativas
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      Social MovementsCritical PedagogyLabour historyHistory of Psychiatry
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPolitical Philosophy
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      Online CommunitiesVirtual EthnographyReggio EmiliaOnline social networks
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      Reggio EmiliaAncient Topography (Archaeology)Etruscan ArchaeologyViabilita Antica
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      Classical ArchaeologyReggio EmiliaAncient Topography (Archaeology)Viabilita Antica
sub materi ; Macam Pencemaran Lingkungan dan Dampaknya
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    • Reggio Emilia
This article was drawn from a presentation at the 3rd International Congress of Children’s Rights and 8th International Korczak Conference. It aims to move beyond the historical details of Janusz Korczak’s life and the often-empirical... more
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      Developmental PsychologyHistory of EducationPhilosophy of EducationEducational Psychology
Adriana Ferrarese del Bene, the soprano for whom Mozart wrote the role of Fiordiligi in "CosÍ fan tutte", started her career as a celebrated prima donna seria in London, Florence, Milan, Trieste and Piacenza (1784-1788) before being hired... more
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      Reggio EmiliaTriesteVeniceVienna
Capriglio M., Montipò M., Il generale Carlo Terenziani. Un reggiano al vertice dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, Grafiche Pioppi, Scandiano (RE), 61 pagine. Questo volume ripercorre la vita e la carriera del generale dell’Arma Carlo Terenziani.... more
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      Reggio EmiliaCarabinieriCarabinieri HistoryStoria dei Carabinieri
Testimonianze documentali e meno del passaggio di Dante Alighieri da Reggio Emilia , Pietra di Bismantova, Passo del Cerreto, Verrucola di Fivizzano per raggiungere i marchesi Malaspina in Lunigiana e precisamente Franceschino di... more
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      Dante StudiesReggio EmiliaDanteDante Alighieri
Adeodato Malatesta e il mito di Matilde di Canossa nella Restaurazione. Nella cultura della Restaurazione che ebbe in Modena, capitale del ducato austro-estense, una delle sue roccaforti, il recupero del Medioevo riveste, com’è noto,... more
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      Reggio EmiliaMelodrammaStoria della musicaStoria Del Risorgimento
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      Historical GeographyItalian StudiesRepublicanismAnarchism
This is a theoretical and interpretative study, in which I analyze and evaluate the pedagogical application of the philosophical ideas advocated by the holistic education movement in four approaches to schooling: Waldorf, Montessori,... more
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      Waldorf EducationReggio EmiliaHolistic EducationSpirituality and Education
Testimonianze di fede alla Madonna dell'Adorazione di Fivizzano che il popolo chiama Madonna di Reggio.
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      Reggio EmiliaEdicole VotiveStoria di FivizzanomADONNA DI rEGGIO
Albano Lugli, artista nativo di Carpi, non fu soltanto un fiancheggiatore del movimento dei Macchiaioli, ma soprattutto, nella schiera degli autori modenesi, il primo ad aver aderito al loro stile e alla loro poetica, con momenti di... more
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      Reggio EmiliaModenaCARPIVedutismo
Kurikulum reggio emilia diciptakan oleh Loris Malaguzzi dan para orang tua di daerah sekitar Reggio Emilia di Italia setelah Perang Dunia II. Saat itu, karena jumlah angkatan kerja pria berkurang akibat perang, para wanita terpaksa... more
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    • Reggio Emilia
Capriglio M., Montipò M., La Benemerita. I Carabinieri a Scandiano, Casalgrande e Viano, Grafiche Pioppi, 2022, 282 pagine. Volume realizzato con il Patrocinio della Regione Emilia Romagna, della Provincia di Reggio Emilia e dei... more
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      Local HistoryReggio EmiliaStoria LocaleCarabinieri
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      Early Modern HistoryReggio EmiliaItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronage
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      Reggio EmiliaOkul öncesi Eğitim
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      Reggio EmiliaMontessoriMontessori MethodPAUD
Türkiye’de 68 öncesi döneme dayanan ve daha ılımlı veya liberal-sol alternatifler olarak adlandırılabilecek Montessori okulları, Waldorf okulları ve Reggio Emilia Yaklaşımı’ndan esinlenmiş okullar bile yakın zamana kadar uygulama alanı... more
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      EducationDemocratic EducationAlternative EducationWaldorf Education
IT: A partire dalla splendida pala dipinta attorno al 1652 dal pittore della corte estense Jean Boulanger (1608-1660) a Pergola, in provincia di Pesaro-Urbino, per la famiglia di Girolamo Graziani (1604-1675), segretario del duca... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingReggio EmiliaXVII century
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      Academic WritingReggio EmiliaMontessori Education
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      Reggio EmiliaUrbanistica E PianificazioneTutela archeologicaMario Degani
Riassunto: Si può in generale osservare che la storiografia militare italiana sull’età medievale abbia riservato pochissima attenzione alla storia delle armi: ed è in particolare possibile affermare che pochissimi – e per lo più... more
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      European HistoryArtilleryArchitectureMedieval History
Reggio Emilia’nın bizlere ilham kaynağı olmuş, -bize göre- ışık saçan dünyasına girerken yaklaşımın öncüsü Loris Malaguzzi’nin dünyaya bakış açısını benimsiyoruz ve çocuklarımızı da bu bakış açısıyla temas ettirmeyi umut ediyoruz:... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationAlternative EducationCritical Pedagogy
Ho ritrovato pochi giorni fa, fra i miei sparpagliati fogli, la fotocopia di un articolo rinvenuto fra le carte dello scomparso Prof. Ezio Pandiani (giornalista e latinista di Fivizzano) il quale annotava di proprio pugno: " Il Telegrafo... more
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      Dante StudiesReggio EmiliaDante AlighieriToscana
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      Medieval EuropeReggio EmiliaHistory of the FamilyAvignon Papacy
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      Nineteenth-century ArtReggio EmiliaLandscapeSymbolism (Art History)