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À l’occasion des 700 ans de l’accession de Jacques Duèze à la papauté (1316-2016), la Ville de Cahors, dans le cadre de la Fête de l’Histoire, célèbre le souvenir de ce Cadurcien à travers une exposition retraçant les étapes marquantes de... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Heresy and InquisitionAvignon Papacy
Now out from Routledge! See flyer for discount code.
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      Music TheoryHistory of Music TheoryMedieval MusicMedieval Music Theory
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      Avignon (Medieval Church History)Avignon PapacyHoly Roman Empire (History)Charles IV. Holy Roman Emperor
Catherine of Siena (1347‐1380) is well known as a saint and mystic with a colourful biography. Recent scholarship has begun to recognise Catherine's substantial political contributions. She wrote letters to notable political figures... more
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      Thomas AquinasHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of FlorenceHistory of Political Thought
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Cardinals (Medieval Church History)
Jacques Duèse, originaire de Cahors, évêque de Fréjus puis d’Avignon avant d’accéder au trône de Pierre sous le nom de Jean XXII, installa durablement la papauté dans la cité des bords du Rhône. Le midi de la France tient une place... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesInquisition
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    • Avignon Papacy
Petrarch in Provence. A Valley, a Town, a Mountain Francesco Petrarch used to define himself as an eternal pilgrim having lived in numerous different places. He spent a significant part of his life in the Provence region in southern... more
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      Space and PlacePetrarchApocalypticism In LiteratureLandscape
“Avignon Papacy” Oxford Bibliographies in “Renaissance and Reformation.” Ed. Margaret King. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018-04-26.
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      Medieval HistoryAvignon PapacyPapal History
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This article analyzes in a historical context the earliest evidences of Dante’s influence on Catalan culture during the reigns of Kings Peter IV, John I and Martin of Aragon, until the interregnum (1410-12) and the change of dynasty... more
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureDante and the ancient commentaries traditionDante AlighieriAvignon Papacy
The Great Schism divided Western Christianity between 1378 and 1417. Two popes and their courts occupied the see of St. Peter, one in Rome, and one in Avignon. Traditionally, this event has received attention from scholars of... more
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriography
The Burlington Magazine, January 2017,  pp. 4-13
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      Avignon PapacyFranciscans13th and 14th Century Italian ArtSienese art
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      Art HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtAvignon Papacy
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      Medieval WomenAvignon PapacyLate Middle Age and Renaissance Prostitution in Avignon
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Church HistoryAvignon Papacy
In 1328, Constance of Saluzzo, coming from a long line of Subalpine nobles related to the kings of Aragon, married Pietro, heir to the throne of Arborea. They governed peaceably and dedicated themselves to bettering their kingdom; in 1343... more
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      PrayerMedieval ArchaeologyPapacy (Medieval Church History)Franciscan Studies
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      Romance philologyPetrarchItalian LiteratureIntertextuality
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      Avignon PapacyPurgatoryMiddle Ages
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      Medieval StudiesThe Hundred Years WarAvignon PapacyMedieval Warfare
Il-Ḵh̲ānid Tabrīz became not only a nodal point in the spatial imagination of Christian merchants and missionaries, but was promoted even to a significant landmark in the Biblical and apocalyptic topography of 13th and 14th century... more
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      Avignon PapacyGiottoPope John XXII
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      Cult of SaintsMedieval NobilityAvignon PapacyMedieval Aristocracy
This thesis examines the interaction between the conflicting ideologies of crusade and commerce, during the period when the Turkish maritime emirates of Anatolia became the primary target of western crusading endeavour. Through the close... more
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Per acquisto: alcadili@libero.it
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeJurisprudence
An emblematic figure, occasionally used to denounce the scandalous morals of the pontifical court, the famous Pope Joan has long been confined to the register of legend. This legend, with its many variants, has just been examined in the... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Latin LiteraturePapacy (Medieval Church History)
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      Avignon (Medieval Church History)Avignon PapacyAvignonStoria della miniatura
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      Medieval EuropeReggio EmiliaHistory of the FamilyAvignon Papacy
Nell’immaginario dei lettori del "Canzoniere" Francesco Petrarca è il poeta solitario per eccellenza, innamorato della campagna e dell’otium. Tra le pagine della sua ampia produzione letteraria, però, egli lascia intravedere, accanto a... more
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      Late Middle AgesPetrarchItalian LiteratureThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Avignon Papacy
The author emphasizes the importance of the Liber sine nomine as an outstanding text both in the controversial literature of the 14th century and in Petrarch’s works. The essay discusses the main aims of the Liber (a defence against those... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePetrarchMedieval Italian LiteratureAvignon Papacy
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval NobilityAvignon Papacy
From the end of the 12th century until the Great Schism, the papacy prosecuted hundreds of prelates charged with ‘crimes’ (crimina), ‘excesses’ (excessus), or ‘enormities’ (enormia, enormitates), these words being used interchangeably in... more
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      Criminal ProcedureCanon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
A 14. század első felének pápai-magyar kapcsolatai nem kifejezetten álltak az eddigi kutatások homlokterében. Jóllehet a pápaság sokáig igen sötét színekkel ábrázolt „avignoni fogságáról” alkotott kép immár sok évtizede elmozdult erről a... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval HungaryAngevin KingsAvignon Papacy
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      Avignon PapacyStoria della chiesaCaetani Family HistorySan Tommaso d'Aquino
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Papal LegatesMedieval HungaryAvignon Papacy
""En 1307-1308, le pape Clément V fit mener une enquête sur les crimes imputés à l’évêque d’Albi Bernard de Castanet par deux chanoines de la cathédrale, qui avaient présenté contre ce dernier, à la Curie romaine, une liste d’accusations.... more
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      Criminal ProcedureCanon LawTestimonyMedieval History
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      Avignon PapacySecular canonsCollégiale
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval ArchaeologyAvignon (Medieval Church History)
Hungary and the Holy See of Rome II. Hungarian Historical Researches of the 21th Century in the Vatican (CVH I/15), ed. by Péter Tusor–Kornél Szovák–Tamás Fedeles, Budapest–Rome 2017. pp. 436 + 11 suppl. (7 pictures printed on coated... more
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      Armenian StudiesMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Avignon Papacy