Early Literacy
Recent papers in Early Literacy
This conference presentation makes a case for why a letter-of-the-week approach to teaching alphabet knowledge is a poor choice and is not supported by research on alphabet learning. It also offers alternative instructional approaches.
" This paper aims to present a critical analysis of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (PSC), with special focus on the relationship between the UK Department for Education's policy-making and the evidence considered in the process of... more
Although there is a growing body of literature which focuses on the museums role in supporting children's literacy there is also a need for studies to show ways in which museums can support refugee families' literacy practices. In light... more
ÖZ Bu çalışma ile okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının erken okuryazarlık kavramına ilişkin görüşlerinin ve staj uygulamalarında erken okuryazarlık becerilerini desteklemeye yönelik yer verdikleri etkinliklerin sayı ve çeşitliliğinin... more
Το διδακτικό εγχειρίδιο δραστηριοτήτων "Μαθαίνω Ελληνικά Α2" αποτελεί μέρος του ευρύτερου προγράμματος: «Εκμάθησης της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας και παροχής υπηρεσιών διαμεσολάβησης σε ανήλικους Υπηκόους Τρίτων Χωρών» Φορείς... more
A képeskönyv évszázadok óta a nyugati könyvkultúra része, ma elsősorban a gyermekirodalomhoz sorolható sajátos médium, amely általában kép és szöveg együttes jelentő mechanizmusai révén fejt ki hatást a befogadóra. A gyermek életében az... more
Muitos são os desafios docentes na atualidade. Teoria e prática devem, assim, manter a unidade na perspectiva de assegurar aprendizagens significativas aos educandos. Esta obra mostra essa possibilidade, com os relatos de professoras e... more
Named an “outstanding resource” in a starred review by Library Journal, Mother Goose on the Loose (MGOL) incorporates books, rhymes, fingerplays, flannelboards, music, dance, and child-parent interaction into dynamic programs that bring... more
Οι εθνογραφικές και κοινωνιογλωσσικές μελέτες εστιάζουν το ενδιαφέρον τους, εκτός από τις κοινωνικές σχέσεις, στα συμβάντα γραμματισμού (που προϋποθέτουν ή σχετίζονται με τη χρήση του γραπτού λόγου) αλλά και στις πρακτικές του... more
Research shows that investment in early childhood is essential not just for the well-being of our children, but for society as a whole. Several important studies have pointed out the economic and social benefits when investments are made... more
Standard Tibetan'-a state-building project of the Tibetan Empire-dates to the 7th-11th centuries CE. This medieval variety of Central Tibetan remains a cultural touchstone that unites the Tibetan people to this day. Its traditional... more
There are many models of reading and many theoretical understandings. Increasingly these different approaches are engaging one another. In 1988 when Theories of Reading in Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Study was first published that was... more
Kajian tentang tahap kemahiran literasi awal dalam kalangan kanak-kanak taska di Malaysia masih terhad dan belum berkembang dengan lebih meluas lagi. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan terhadap kanak-kanak taska untuk mengenal pasti tahap... more
Artikel ini menjelaskan aplikasi model ADDIE dalam pembangunan Modul Awal Literasi (Modul A-Lit). Artikel ini juga menerangkan kandungan Modul A-Lit yang memfokuskan perkembangan awal literasi kanak-kanak TASKA. Pengkaji telah membentuk... more
It is widely recognized that parents’ involvement and quality support are crucial to the holistic development of the young children and their academic success. Parenting in the early years requires parents to offer both care and learning... more
Modul ini merupakan dapatan kajian "Pembinaan Sebuah Modul untuk Pecutan Penguasaan Asas Literasi bagi Kanak-kanak berumur 2+, 3+, dan 4+ Tahun" yang mendapat dana daripada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) melalui Skim Geran... more
With contributions from leading international researchers, Contemporary Perspectives on Reading and Spelling offers a critique of current thinking on the research literature into reading, reading comprehension and writing. Each paper in... more
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pencapaian kemahiran literasi awal yang merangkumi lima komponen iaitu bahasa dan komunikasi, konsep cetakan dan cetakan persekitaran, fonemik dan fonetik, bacaan dan kefahaman naratif, dan... more
ABSTRACT This project centred on the stakeholders’ assessment of the level of Kwara State Government involvement in adult literacy programme in Ilorin West Local Government Area. The targeted populations are the organisers and... more
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberi pendedahan dan pemahaman awal tentang kemahiran literasi awal bagi kanak-kanak taska (lahir ke empat tahun). Ini kerana konsep kemahiran literasi awal masih baharu lagi di Malaysia. Umumnya, kemahiran... more
This study explored Clay’s (1998) notion of “by different paths to common outcomes” in the area of early literacy assessment. Specifically, the idea of multiple pathways in early literacy development was examined in terms of individual... more