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CONTENTS A ¡yord frou¡ tl¡cdirxtsr l¿ Thcilrllusue ¡ Austr*li*,Mdhournr, N*tion;rlürll*ry ofViei¿ri¡ ¡ ArauntlCeu;rda 4 fr*nr*, P*ris, f¡¡stirut NÉcrl¿rnd¡is, Forrrlnion Cus¡odirr 4 rj ¡rt histori¡ns {:$¡}A RT r{tivitics iu fall roo¡ r5 $t*rly tri¡: to Ncw Engl*rr:i, rl CODA¡Tt{tiviti*s in :o+4 sllnttrlungcu D¡cstlcrr, GcnlSldegrlcrie 1 z9 Cenr:any, Mttrich. $t;uttíchc ¡ r 3 Stutly ltlly S Arauntl j;rp.ln * Jtom,*¡i;t,Sibh¡, Sruk*nthrl Museu*r 9 Ar*urd the Urtiterl Kirrgtlom;rnd U to ñrypic¡lcorr¡RTsr$rf d*ring rhcconitnr zrssrudy trip. EVHN {gr}gfe$s: f}utch ¡rt ilr Polalrtl. U¡rech\ trip to üthri*k, l#ar**rv arul XrJrdw, rü-r5Aprillru4 3r Appointrnents l, C O D¿1 RT lllctrtbcrshi¡ ttrrvs ;l M*r:rt¡rrship dir€rtóry 64 crtn*nrtl;rrcs Irel¡nd A Soston taxi COt)rtRT ¡gMrrch lo*4 role ín riudly nnd re$r.r(h pro'jcet$ on üurch md $le¡nirh ¡rt in I Octobcr- ¡ Novenrber roo¡ ¡¡rd t¡lcrrish {ir;rphi:che $rnrnrlung d ltaly, Fcrt tlf" ÁI*ijcr's irflue*ri¡l flemish priuritrg r4 Frevirrv*f uproniugexhibirion* r 5 co flA R'F,publicatiol¡s: ¡1 $indcw orr Dntch *ultttr:rl *rglnirations fnr Rurisi¡n Gernrany, Drcsden, $rmrli{trc Knnsr- AlreMdster ¿nd usrsaf in colo¡li¡l Pcn¡ Ncws ¡nd notes lro¡r¡ .lroun¡l the rvorl¡l co DA &T Cor*uttt to bc ablc to rrise to bring ¡¿ /Fmenrber roc¡ tht nccessrry funtls irt ordcr rhepairrtingl¡orth bcfore theeud of spccially c*nrruis*ir:aed by thc religious Pcrtrrian rapitrl :rre ¡lso :ru¡horitics ¡o snpport the proccss ofCrtholic by Rubcrrs. cv*ngclization and indoctrinrtiou. Thcv hrd rhe yc.rr. ¡ll cle¡rly iuflucnced TllcStnti*ru qfthcr¡o¡* scricr in rhc rn outr¡rokcn rcligiouseharlctcrrncl hclpctl to Convcnto tle 5¡n Frrueisco{Linu} bc:rrs:t inrportanccof the tliscovcry, its [¡stern fcrn¡ rhc ¡crv bcliclsof thc i¡r<ligcrrous strong firrnul resc¡¡rbla¡rec ro sinrilrr ¡ricrures Europcrn cxoticism and thc gcncrosity of tlte popnl.rtion. Although Éuropr.r¡r rnodcls rvere from thrnorkshopsof Rubensrnd vrn Dyck, ncw Durch ¡¡rd Flcnrish panners rhrt h*vc joincd up to hcl¡r th* Yugcsl:rvírnr, but for 'infcrior' copics. The r¡sc ¡nothcr rclso¡l r* rvell" lr h.ls norcserpcd tlrc rud colcrs, rhc inrorporat Thestory is rvorth tclling notonly for the as wcl I ;rs Unlonun;rrly, thc cx:rct origins of this group mclns sinrply rrsccl, thc rcsulrs wcre by no ofeiifícrcnt ¡nrttrirls i it rcnr¡iu trnknor+n,lsdocs thc1,e¡r ilr rvhich rrrivcd rt irs¡rresenr locrtion, lt n of loe¿l is rssunred ¡r¡cnrion of rl¡cdírccror.rurl st:rf[of c o n¡ n r, culturc, rtrldc forvrriltic¡s on thc original rlrlt it origirrally bclongcd Co*rnrittce, tlnr not ¡ll rr rhc Progranr co D11 &T (or¡grcssts ire tluillcd bycollection prtxc*t¡tions.'Ycu get onestidc rorn¡rositiorrs rvith thcir own :trristíc ¡'¡lu*, Jcsuirs. Follorving rhcir cxpulsion fronr tlrc ¡r rcndccs of tonr:ritrittg errgravings rvcrcr vcry inrpornrrtss*rte for rolonics itr r7dz. rltt prit¡t ings rvcre bought by .rfrcrrnother,rvit& notimc ro lcokat thcrn, colorri;rl ¡rrtists" Thc Er'¡rrytelítac hirto¡ínr rlrcn¡ ta the Tcreros frrrcrnity. ltsrcnrs ¡lrd rttríburions thrt you c.ur orrlydoubt. in¡agine¡ {r Can't rvcdo so¡¡rcth¡ng nlorc irrrcreit¡ng?'To nutjor painting. lt is influcnccon Perr¡vi¡r¡ colo¡ri¡l hrve Lrcrn exccütcd in thc Rubens rvorkrhop ilhrstr¡tcd rvith r5¡ pltcs,d*signed by exhit¡its rtrious simil¡ritics to thc vrn Dyck rs rvcll nry nrind, thediscovcryat f rintc<l rcligiotrs bookr conA RT zEs of crrly elterpiccc is .r P¡sseri ¡nd Merrten elc Vos <omplai* to nr*¡bour ¡his fixturcofcot¡Axr' (ongrcsscsr rny r¡rsrver is Adri;ren and fan Collarrt, Othe r runt¡incd in this trle. Grrykhrvrrtz books b-v M:rarrn de Vos, CrurrJi.rioir in illlsr¡rrd colonial Pern Flcmish painring cxrrrised.tstrong inlluence on coloni.tl pritrting tluring thc+i¡reirtet{t pcriod in fcru. This irrfluenrc rv¡s ¡rsofold: on thc onc hand. the rvork of Slenrisl¡ ¡rtis* rvm Crrzco posscsscs printing.'l'lrcir rltists dc Vos;rnd d¡tcd betu'cen rd3*;rnd rdlg, ln thc s¡n¡r ¡rronüstf,ry we find anotlrc¡ s*rie¡of Rul*ns h¡d ¡n agrccnrcnt rvitlr the Phirtin- picturcs dcpi*ting sccnes from the Old printing esrablirhnrcnt in Antrvcrp for thc rcproduction ofhis prirttittgs itt the fornr of engravings, lnd prints ¡ftc¡ his 'fcst*¡rcnt, rvlrielr More rus vcry rvealtlry , ir ronrporitionll rcfercncrs ro his ¡rt in the elemcnaand iconogrcphical motifs from thc tir;ccl on e,ngnvingsafter this prinringcan be mrk found in¡nanrberofchu¡che: c¡nrcto l¡e lvidclf adoptd l¡y fcruvian ¡rt rvcrc phcnomenotr kuotvn thcir x'cl mestir*jc.'As.l result, onc (án rnirirrg oJtfte crosr, thc Work in Pcrn {e.g. rhc&nventade5alr Fr¡¡rciscorrd lglcsiade la C*mprñfr, Limq md in Cr¡zcoCarhedtal). tlprsttyserlcsThrriunpl oy'tlrc Eudrorírt, dcsigncd by Rubcns for rhc Mo¡¡astcrio de lrs &c¡lrs Dcsc¡lzrs in Madrid, . :rftcr part oIchescrics can bc found in thc influcnce i¡¡ Pemvian colonid printing: Msn$teria The paintings crt¡te¡l iu the¡1rrc{can sourh. aforciruntiotrfd €ngravings lnd gcnerallyainrcd at ¡he lorverchsses, nere i* originrl of rverc also widely dis¡ribured abro¡d. A ccpy pcrccivcrn undeniable Flcmislr stylistir based sn the he Prints rfter the rcintcrpreted rnd adapted by irtdigenous a isf rvlrich hrngs inAntrvcrp {l.rthe<lr¡I. of ofte* wellkrrarvn Flemísh painters proceso de inrportcd vcry commorr to scc srylisric attel cxamplc orrn crceriont th* v¡rior¡s rvorl<s by rvcll-knorvn rrris¡s f¡onr ?cruvirn work ofrhe Beriod,A¡r cxccllcnt of coÍgrcg¡tion Sprin ro rhecoloníes. Ch*rch ¡s ir$truments of pmprgandr. ln this rva¿conrposition*l intqritI prrt also¡nribt¡¡ed toSinron Anrericr. In this rvay, Rutreur's conrpositiorrs Ís ic paintcrr, rnrl b**antc*n is t¿ dcVos or his rvorkshop. Thc rnonlstcry hrd work hadrporverful i¡¡rpjrct on c¡rtre ro be widely known in thc colonies, nrrd largcr scrle. <olonial artist¡. Theoriginal rvork¡of [i¡u.l hcuses r : printings reprrsentittg sccnt's frolll th¿- lifcof thc'Virgin. Thcy rre signcd bySinrol Thc¡rrvercalsocagerly *doptctl by tht Ronra¡r C¡¡hot *lsastrongly rcsponsible forcxportirrg tltcse cttgrlvittgs to rhcmselvcs¡url, iu reldidon, f¡cilitattd thc a is itlc.rsof ¡hcCourrrcr Rcfo¡ nr¡tion, rvcrc 6rrillcrnro Forcl¡ondr firr¡r irr Scvillc w¡s Flernish rrtists,'[heseengrnviugs rvcrr of grcar oftor :r quickly adoptcr! in tkSp:rnish tcrritoriss. nunrbers;on thc othe¡ thcrc rverc tlrr disscnrin¡don r¡fth*irrrorko¡¡ ¡ Pi¡rñ th¡t The Mo¡t¡srcriotlc h Courcpeién in rcligious irnrgrs, eloscly conrrccted rvith the rTth-ccntury5p¡nigh *rt. A bra¡rch of tlte conrnrcrcial impottattcc to thr dt hc¡r¡ rcntiniscrnt of v.rn Dyck. 5i¡non dc Vos rvere thc princíp¡l .lrtirts rvho rcligious of Sts. Dorrrirrir¡tc rurd Ca¡alina Annvcr¡r. The Mcnrsreriode Sin Fr¡ncisco irl shippcd to Sprirt'sA¡neric*¡¡ cotoniel in grc.rt cngravings nradc after the prinrings l'irh Koninklijk Mtlrcum voor Schonc Ku¡t¡ten. Srdckr:rnd inlluenced Pcruvi:rn colouirl oJClrirt, :rlso likcncss to ¡ l'¡lr Dyck picturc in rhe Rnbcls. vr* D¡'ck. M¡¡rtcn de Vos ¡ntl of Flemish painting Tft c bcna-l'rtt Sirr¡a in the Co¡¡vtnto dc los Desr¡lzos Vrcdcrnrn de V¡irs ¡lso pl¡yecl r se¡nin¡l rcle. The influencf and u$f;s l¡r:r, ruho lnter¡lon¡tcd versionof ¡hcs¡nrc thcmr in tlrcPr¡do.'fhc nnrl cngr¡lecd by Anronir, Hie ronynrrs and Joh¡n lVierix, in colhl¡srntio¡r rvirlr l(are I v¡n Mrllerylnd ofrrr. Should anyonc cvcr lg.rin rvorks <lc itscll Onc of thcn¡, Giovrnni S.t¡tist¡ Fi*nrnrri, Brrnrr¡li¡ro in itsclfrvorth hours offli¡rping through slides of questionrbly lraribtrretl certain Mrrqrris protxrbk th;rtsomeof thcpictnrc$ rnnf cvcn tg*, * rvork by rhe Jrsui¡ 6cróllinro Nadal, bas long bcrn recognizctl rs this nxjor clcmerrt in rrr inrportant n ¡o rhc ortlcr of rhc de los Desc¡l¡os in Lilna. Tfte rncsarre oJtlte irnorcu¡ in Ctr¿co Cathedr¡t aud rhcClrrist printi*gs in rheC:rpilla dc la Penircnci:rrfr in the lglcsia de S¡n Pedro A*onynrous, il thc f lr r4nhongrt lgleria de Srn Pcdru lintr. ltlirhcl r*rq$i¡hiry $¡c*' l G'9l'áfl T Cs$rrl4i Slj¡¡ff ils3 n¡turalism ro¡¡¡firo¡rit this pcricd ¡nd rvrs Anong thcartist¡ who influenccd P*ruvi¡n Catholicism on thc part of ürdigcnous rocicty. colonial printing of thc vincinrrto pcriod Thesrme ide¡ iscxpresscd in thcsubject probably influenccd by the Flcnrislr Ronrrnist Mra¡te* martcr irself, ¡drpiction of thc victory of rhc artistsÁdaur v¡n Noorrand Ottov¡n Veen, f,mnpks ofde l* engra*ingsA srrikingcxanrplc ir hisdnhargel Romrr¡ CrtholicChurclr {Archaugcl Michael} avcr he¡tl¡e¡risrn {$rt*n}. Both murt bc $€err ¡r thccontcxt of¡n cnforced imposition ofthc rforemrntioned lglesi.l deSan Pedm; Midrncl vnn4uiírilg.Srrtnu.Samucl varr rcligion of tlrecolonízcrson thc locrl aud a Virgiu in rhc sacristy of rhc srmcchurch; de Vos is cspecially import¡nr. Thc copying and reintcrprenrion of his eonporitioxcrnrc about mainly througb Hoogsrraten madcrn engravitrg{Anrwcrp, 1575);rftcrhis p*iiltiüg of thr subjcct tl¡¡t througlrort the colsnics. particslrr thcnre w¡s Horvever, this disscnrin¡rcd notonly tlrrotrgh prints. Thcrc is rn.letual Mra¡tcu dcVospaintingof the rvielely circularcd subject in the sm.lll Frencisc¡n chürch populrtion. of Cuautitldn in lvlexico. lt bclongs to *n eSt. Mi¿lm*l At tlre sr¡¡r* ti¡nq wcslroultl also cousider was Puc¡rtc's rwrk include ¡ Mnrt¡rnfurn oJSt. lgmriooJÁ*tioch{rdrd irr the a {lrl¡t i* thcTcnplodch Imnr¡qrl¡dr (Linl¡); ¡n4r Inst Srrppcr - atrributcd to hin¡ - thcstatus rhis panictrlar indigcnous rvom¡n in rhe rcfciroryof thcConveirrcde 5¡n nrnst have cn¡"oyed in society. Pcruvian Frrncisco{sec illustration}.Thcrc *rcother coloni¡l life rv¡s hicrarchically strucured, vcrsians inCu¡co antl SandrgodeChila vith a srrongly fixcd socirl ordcr, and notjust De l*Pucntek nrost impofirntworkis tinrr. lt is ¡nyoncccr¡ld bcrcprcs*rrtcd n*xt to* s¡cred tundaubtctlly thc lartSuppcrür image. l{er position is indicatcd by typicrl fcsuit frshion, thcartist incorpor*rcd nrtirre ltcr intcrcsting to see hcrv, rvitl¡ it attarpiccc rbrt dso includcs dcpírtio¡rs of thc hcaddrcsr{xrn*to}, rvhich eoronntionrJtlrc$ir¿i*atttlStr. rratisr trolriccl birds. Soth thc ornarnc$t¡rtion elcmcn$ into hi; compasidcr, forexanrplc, ¿ndd*cd'rt x RTr No DE vos ñ¡!¡TtPtEcEs ¡NvtrN"ro& ET FEctT* r¡8r.'Thisimage of5t Michael aud ¡hc ¡nd the fabric itself rrr of prc-Hisprnir crigin, rlrtcorn {chorlo}on rhc table.Thc printcr" possibly inllucnced by thcdictatcsof his srdcr, worn rxclnsivcly lry thc Incr nobility. Thc soughr tocrcrtc $onrcthing [anriliar by rddiug defe¡red dc¡non was quickly incorporarcd inrc n¡o¡nan hrs thss choscn to be rrprcsenred as elemcnts colonial ironognphy. A printingdireetly a Prt¿rand Psal dr¿ Áportle fi issigrud inCururitlin, fronr rhcerrly rTth ccnrurycrn bc founel in rhes:uristy of Lin¡ Cathcdr¡1. An intcrcsr ing varietion on rclatcd fs tlrco¡r€ thctheRrehangs ir thefcsuit lglesi¡dcS¡n Fcdro{se ilkrstrution}.The rompcition aud gcstures rrc idenricl to thc origiral, but a portrairofur indigcnous donor hrs l*cn adtled a¡ üe bottom. Narurally, gir,en the is deco¡ated ¡rd l¡cforc tl¡c arriy¡l ofthc color¡izcrs dcsccnd¡ntof the indigenou* rristorrrc¡ grcrp wirhin cclonial society. On theother h¡nd, we must ;rlsotnkeinto ¡crount of her *ocial ¡ :rnd did so,¡¡¡rougothcr things, by {CuzcoCathedral}. A¡ound the trrrn ofthe rSth ccutury ¡ nrw :rssinrilating nrdve inrtgerycounccte¡l rcith cennrr¡ painrcr to support thc ongoing pr¡ecss b¡sedonpring. rcligicur intlocrrinrtion. Dicgo ¡n intercsting cxamplc thc f esuit ordcr rcquestcd th*scrviccs of * ncrv born crty {a¡r Andt¡¡r rodcnt rclcarbling pig, eatc¡ rs a .r gr¡inea delicrcy| in his own lrm Supgr irouogrrphic rhcnre bccrnre popuhr i¡r son¡t rhelnraclitc. rhürch snd thr Pcruvi¡¡¡ loe¡rtions, it is.tlso quirc posihle th¡t thclrttervcr¡icns ¡rcell is thenr roecccprChrirti¡n belicfs,Around rlrc middlesf tlre cightocnth ceutury the eurqttciio irrt¡sl MarcosZipata did thcsrmc by inclutling thrt thr Jcsrits n¡crtconti¡t¡¡llyse*ing legi:inratian rvithh theeotonirl communiry, In thcseror¡d<lcc¡dcof rhc rTth lgksia dcSan Pedro th¡t rvould beeasily rccognizabls to rt*tive obs€rvers, thercby rnnking i¡ e¡skr for perhaps ia an cffcr¡ to re*{firm :hc pririleges geographir*l distance bctureen thc Mexic¡n Thc anonynrcus i{nhrurgel Micftocl in the ryere of nanrc wrs probablyvarrden ef¡ group of two canv¡$cs rcprcsenring The dcrtth ophcjrrt and Tftc¡ilret'¡ dr*tl¡, rcspectively. de la Pr¡c¡ue, inMalin¡sbutof flcmishorigi* *hir colcni¡l cl¡urches. lt *sually ro*sis¡s real Brugge*(inrc to Througlr tlrrse inugcs, rhcChnrch sougln to provitlcgnidancc for its NervWorld flock, ilh¡strating ¡hc benefi tsof ¡ life livcd of rhc mcrgiFg of Old ¡nd Ncrv World Pcn¡ iR rdzo tosuccced ¡hc lrali:rnJcsuir rccarding toRomarr Catholic prf,f,rpts, i$ clcnrrnts.As norcd rbovc, i¡ i¡¡cludcr r porrrrit paintcr Bcrnardc Sitti. Dr l¡ Pue¡rtct painring*rnn bc found in v¡riourlcsuit opposecl to ofan indigcnous fcm¡le dclror; loc¡ted at ¡hc lo¡ver lefr Thserrcrnanyruch po*rayalsin congrcgat iorrs rbcpunisl¡lue[ts rcscrued fcr thore $rlrs rcfusfil to follorv its teachingr,The ([inrr, Tnrji llo, Cuzco, Juli and coloni;rl arr, inrcnded to synrbolize thc Ch*rcrs]" His rvork illusrarcs thcstylistic acceptancc ofrrrd dcvotion to Ronr¡n trrnsitio¡r from M*lncrisrn to Baroque Anon¡rncur,f !n riünfl'*drorh, bkls.odc Án¿dd Dicg*dc lr lnrntei¡trdbnrcd ro],f.lt fuutSupJx..Co$]'snrudeSrn Frrnd¡r*"lim¡- Cr¡rr¡oG¡ltur¡lde5*n M¡ro¡, lim¿, { fi ttA Rt e**r¡rlr ¡lD*ecnrl*r anonynrous $irrnel¡ ¿leath h ro$3 l4 the callection of rhe Mu¡ta<leArredel Ccn¡roCultur;¡l d* S:rn Marcos in Linr:r - Tr6tilne¡s¡illo,'lnrcriurrs Linrcixrs I ser'l*rrl I;ros { (*e ilhrstratiorr) showsdcrr - y Vrrr'l:,'li{tirdrtd{r }6¡ x: C:tsr dc lo¡;hdr¡. lo¡ tosrrM.rñinrzC*lt{*tl.r,.flrroridorlrrír (onrpositionil p¡rrrllelr with Flsnrish printings oÍthc r 5tlr century. These inrges probably arrivc<l in the Ncw lVorld by rvay of dano¡l Pcni cugnvings. The northcrn inÍlucnce is pcrhaps Lirra mr¡stcvidc¡u in rhe rcprcsrnt.rf ions ofChrisr " can also sign up for thc frcr norific¡tion scn'ic* i¡rnouncing opf ning ;rnt{ rlosing drffs of cxhihition$ aendrys in lclv;rnce" los t9 I 1} *llilrxro¡ dd Jrr'isr, l.irnr r¡97 - Ct's¡¡ S.iiz Pk*sr keep ccns RTlo$r{d *n ü¡xo¡titlü exhibi¡ions :rnd arhrr cvenrs in yüur nlu$rult!. {btonr¡ flo¡r¡li,'lasélcr:sde Bnrghel qur Lr l¡clnr¡n¡ dr-*lfon:o tlgartc'fi*leiinrlr E-¡nril u¡ ¡t: i¡rfo@rclan.*1. 79{r9r} fdlir I]i¡¿, H ihüro.ldi'(rÍyrrt*{¡lo¡ D¡r¡ol¡¡r, a*d thc Archangcl Michlel ar rhe uppcr lrfr Liu¡:so! 6l)Écerrrbcr- rnd right. Both can rlreldy bc for¡ncl in thc - f urn Mlnuel Éltlrpunr,'Rub*nsrrr lrpirruorecr ballirtg nrrlr hrt I lrr4glr hoJ{Tftr tV¡llrurKir¡{t,.ul typc of l.rsr Iudgnrenr scenes devclopcd by Flenish Frimitivcs ruch ts tl¡rrs Mernling fi.rnrís¡:n¡.' ' lu:n ltknur.l Ildspu¡r¡,'los rnd Rogicr r,au cler lltcydcn. ln *dopring rhcsc Tc¡ri¡ri¡,'Pirrr¡¡+¡r¡a fornrs, rhe Peruvir¡r CarholirChurch souglrt 5rr¡ Frdl.ürrrilr roest¡blish .l liuk bcrrveen thc L;rstJutlgnrrnr ' tri¡l ¡t the eud ol¡ sit*re¡'s lifc. This ro be I nroral ¡dnronishnrcnt, and w:rs and thc rv.rs dcsigrred as liruut*rrl ri¡¡cir¡¡rtod{ Frrü l-hll¡ rg$p rl¿ ln o.ff raru Tcrrs:l eisb*x,'Th*indig*nontclcrnctr rfi c louCmnrrir¡ r1t¡$varp I in eoloni;l rri¡ roo4 De tVirrrerkorring, I l:rguc. Dee*¡nbcr- l* |ana*ry xro4 Durdr art 6 linra,lim¡ rg$f Mrrrh courojThr l"l4¡rrc), llmgs llistorisch Muscrrnr,'l'hc ?¡r¡¡rrúkOfil¿üTe¡¡cl¡¡!t rrt.'rlrrrcrírn bridroJthrlrn: ¡oo.!'r*u criricisnt ofrhe rxtrcnrely c.tile nr rhe Aubr*¡ls dc l¡ or¡trn r4 llclfrorrr rfte hr rtrr Mrueurn, lla¡rlenr.Toyoh*slri Ciry Muscunr Art rnd l"lisrory, Toyohrshi. gDtcembrr-rgFcbra*r,v roo4 Anarirodnd 1.9g1 q¡r rotlrrrior eJ¡h¿ Irnlu I lsls *f Peier t'ru¡l Rut¡rtu: -Tc¡rs.¡ $isbrrr ¡nd fo$dc lr{cs;r,'M;rnln ¡lcVr¡s cn thc lifeoJÁrhillrs, Musco sccul¡ri¿ed society detcloping under thc ncrv Ánrdrir,t,'r{*rl¡¡ dtl lrurittl¡} dr Ártr [¡¡tin*lnt*Íc¿n¡c M:telrid. Sourbon regirnc. Illenrcnrs ¡lrc¡dy prcscnr in Irrrtstigcriorrrs :¡ [ r97o] t¡ Feccmbcr- - [nrilíoGr¡riCr¡c¿drQuinmuilh,'l.r ü¡lc¡Lr Or¡i¡r Snrratgr: lrrrurhul'¡l* Knt¡ul fqi¡en i, ry z7- r 744 tT h* ¡lcZec¡llos,' nrrtürrssndor, rvcstern ir*lrogrrphy rvcrc conrbi¡rcd rvith the slrc¡f¡{ ¡türpü$* of rreming r nrorc col¡r¡cnt idcological corpu¡. To rhis visu¡l rlr*oric oth*rtlcnrrn(s lvc'rf, rddcd,sfif,h *s rhe b;¡nners witlr irrscriprions. Thcy cxpkin ;rntl u¡¡dsrscorc rlte mcuringof rhr irnaggs in ordcr ro inrrcase ¡hc inrpact on rhc ro Á¡¿l¡d*,t : { rgaü} prinring rr.tle rvklr rl¡eNewlVc¡ldi¡l rhe rcc¡¡ntl h:lf - ¿¿ Alfo¡so [n¡ilio ldrcz Slnrhce,'&ub*ls ¡ h píurur.r b:trr*crr;p:ii*h'*ora r.¡a/t4r { lfttsrtltan ¿rt¡l llttortist: ¿ tan iliry- | April t*a4 I lt r Carft nriintrorrvrnr n' r9¡l grut {Tle Crrdr*riinrrorrtur irrvinrli, Cuerqy*l,:ho Pcri 6ruutlrr¡se Mu$etrrrr, Bruges" '.lrlrrrfn $ori,r,'lr pintur,r thc Pcruvi¡l-Andmn south. Sonrt l55r- *¡*o."ánoitt d¡l l¿¡tür¡trrdt,tr¡t f.rilirr*itl¡¡ri{¡r*!¡ t.¡ ch¡¡¡cterís¡ic frrturrsofthit sryle are ¡ l¡ck lrtrrttignrionrr Scroqrrc pniltitg-froür of pcrspectivr, tuivc drctving, sc¡r¡inrenrrlizcd ' H¡¡rfn fac*s, *nd the usc of florvr¡¡ ¡round ¡hc is thc - oldcr stylistir fornrs ¡nd elcmcor$: nor fiirhful copies Sori*,'Unr ilór"r *ohr. pintur¡ tolJní:rl y d¡l l¡utit¡¡to dc f olrlre pniutitrgsoJlerr*r{ltutrcs in tlt{' dÍr cf$rnxeer, rntec lornroilrl*rdr [ubrn¡- fi¡r¿¡tcilnparartírapoda Crccnrvich, Con ncct icuI. 8rr¡¡.*¡rr Lo¡ilr¡árrrriru*q'linn a4 f *rruary-7 r93r through rngrrvings. Theyadoptecl thei¡ Thecaknd¡rofexhibitions ¡nd othcr nr:rjor nruseum eyrntsor} rheco Dñ R'rlvebsitc all locdpop*lation. fururc ar we havc ¡nformar¡on-As yonran see in ¡he lisr hcrcbclorv, rve knowof 14 cxhibitions on Du¡ch :rnd Flcmish rrt in z6 Nlcionrl M.r1or dcS¡n lrt¡lcos Siblio¿m¡ly - forgr trrnalec Srllerteros. ,Lr pirrtur¡ cn dor¡ntr{l v¡rrqi$¡r*,' Finttrrarrl línr:r rg8g Lirn¡ r,inrirrurod¡l püú, l{nl¡ bisJnn $ntrr {Srrtire olrrl iesr: 6crrre pnirrtírtg irr I addrd accordirrg tc thc religious nceds ofrhe Unitcrsid¡d r you Fr*lrs Deeemter:oo3-Jt¡ne zot 4 syn¡po$iacot¡cfrniqg Dutch cnd Flernish dc l¡ Án, faruery- rd May roo4 Vcrgliiglieftc¡ Lderl wrborgtrrc lrur: Hol[{ruli¡ehr Crs¡lbrhqJissarlrrr 3 inrport: ntnr nrcitringsnnd netv cl*nre¡rts rvcre [nriqucTorrcs and Fern¡ndo Villcgas lvl*.rsnrtr, Hnarl¡rn,Sakura City Muscum of exhibirians cont¡insdossicrs on all pasf, arrrcnt Mu¡rodc,{rr*d¡l CcnrroCuhur¡l of Hsb Srhura. thcconrpo;itions tvc¡lt rhrough a procetr of culturul rc-sígnific¿¡isn tharal¡rrcd r¡leir josc r&r 4¡¡e Fre¡¡rs Previewaf upcamifg conrpositional elemc¡rc and iconographic;rl rcsrrh, Marclr :oo'4 Furth rrrt ir S¡allt llr¡lsJñonl rkerollrcriot q¡ftlrc inllucnccd by Flrnrish.trtisrs, princip;rlly a rlc fifl r6it lnrritu{{*fÁrls, [*st Lrnsing, Michig.rn. r¡|*nu:rry-t8Ápril torr4 tol*ltrt¡l¡: Dutclr Brucc Museunt ofÁrrs ¡ntlSriencrs, '{l Pc¡uvirn colsni¡l araisrr rvcrc unelcnirbly in * verydif[crcnt enltur¡l contctr, Ar .rntrlry- r4 M;rrrh aos4 Purrr¡its *nrl ple*:nrr.s: Fr.rncixuSrasrny, [a pittl¡rd krit¡óf rnrr¡rdni¡{dlonidl originds, butaltering rhcnr recordürgto thc dcnr¡nds ofthe tce¡l contcxr. motif¡, bur thcir ryork¡rc ¡norc th:ur n¡crc copies. leruvirn rolonial p¡ir¡ring ryar crcarrd f KresgcArr lvluscunr, ¡lrtc l{¡ins¡nrerirdnpr hrrr:igoconr ¡ { r95a} frct th¡t irs¡rtisrsofr(n lookcd b¡rk ro nccessarily nraking r., ( r9¡9J cjt¡nlp¡t filrcpc¡r,'¡inr¡l¿t l¡onlcrs. Onc of rhc ¡rculiarities of rl¡is school cn r"l rnd lnnrlelr t ayertlu world,extendingas far in¡athe nrftrl Museum, Utrccht. ¡ Frbru**y-¡ M:ry ¡ds4 Rril[r&rrdr Senrñldc, Zcirhnrnqcn, Rndierrrrrgen {Renrbmrrdr pninrin¡¡s, drnlllirrgr, enlriqr). Allrertina" Vienna" d Fcbmary-S Mry r*o4Jorr4kinrl, lVallraf- Richar¡z^Muscunr, Cologne. beginningolfunc pdinrer* - rhc plaunrd date of nex¡coÍrARTCotroll. rr¡ i¡r Nrde¡k¡ldcr, r55o-r7oe{Fir[: rrill lifn b¡ Durrh dillerenrveuues that havc bccn rnüouncrd by nrtrcunrs ro opcn be$vccn norv and thc ¿0o4 I lrrLr], Frbnrar¡ r April rw4 üü vitnli¡: virnilleye artd Fle nrishM¡r¡rcr, r5¡o-t7ooJ,Ce *rr Drtct ofl:rnru irr rhenge Hrmlrurger Kunf rlrtlle. fI¡nlbnrg. dc uprotning rxh¡bitio$s, corgresres and publicarior of tlre in Dccniber- I ¡ April ro*.¡ Dírlrinrfurhr Cuzqucñr School ofrhc r$th ccntur¿ fronr ofthe nn r¡¡¡diar¡t Mtir*si. lsr¡nbul. laudlrft qft {Flrrrrült lnndxnpr pairrrirq¡i, Kuusrhistorischcs Mrrsculn. \ricnl¡.r. r$4i rhc April rrx4 &ii¡'iik¿lCi, P¡¡li¡o|r r,r rg lstanbul], Topkapi S.lr*yi of ¡hc srrrntc.'n¡h (cnluf t.."1 firAu Brrll¿rin Ilu¡rc public. Srylixicrlly, rhc rverk belongs El . Dun¿;n Kürkr¡¡|.'ju.rndcLurdn:netth¿Sctilli¡¡r N¡eicn¡l del Prlrtlo, l4 fcbrurrpg Mny ro*4 Renrbr*rrdr's-iorrnre.¡r: dd¡fr- drqfrsnun, Art lnsrirure of Ch icrgo, Chicago, More i¡rlonrlario¡r on tlrese cxhibidont is r Mar*h*6 ¡v¡ilablee¡r thc co Drt RT wcbfitc. rvhcre you Arts, Lillc. f I llinois. une mo4 Rufuru, Prlais des Be¡ux-