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Jeddah researchers explore alternative energy sources | Arab News The Arab w orld’s most read English daily Search Hom e Sau d i Arabia Mid d le Eas t W o rld Eco n o m y Sp o rts Life s tyle Op in io n MERS J e d d a h r e s e a r c h e r s e x p lo r e a lte r n a ti ve e n e r g y s o u r c e s Is lam in Pe rs p e ctive Care e rs As k an Exp e rt AROUND ARAB NEW S Aviation security under scanner  Minister: Dig wells to avoid high water bills Fingerprints not registered yet? Forget I qama-related... Zero tolerance on unjust foreign media attacks: GCC KSA, UK to enhance ties PATH-BREAKING RESEARCH: King Abdul Aziz University’s Dr. Abdul Sattar Nizami at the Center of Excellence in Environmental Most Commented Studies labortory in Jeddah. (AN photo) M . N ASI R JAW ED Published — Friday 4 March 2016 Last updat e 4 March 2016 12: 17 am STAY CONNECTED Follow @Arab_News | JEDDAH: The ever-increasing energy consumption in the Kingdom has attracted the attention of Saudi scientists and spurred them to explore alternative renewable energy possibilities utilizing local natural resources. http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/889996[30/03/2016 14:28:40] | A A LATEST STORI ES I N SAUDI ARABI A Most Read Jeddah researchers explore alternative energy sources | Arab News Though fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas are used to fulfill the country’s energy needs, the government plans to double its current energy generating capacity up to 120GW by 2032. KACST chief calls for upgrade in cyber Around half of this energy will be generated from different renewable-energy sources such as solar, nuclear, wind, geothermal and waste-to-energy. security technology KACST chief calls for King Abdul Aziz University’s Dr. Abdul Sattar Nizami, who is leading the solid waste group, has successfully converted plastic waste into liquid fuel and valuable char using a smallscale pilot pyrolysis reactor. Speaking to Arab News, Dr. Nizami said that Saudi Arabia’s natural minerals such as natural zeolite and black lava have great potential in waste-to-energy technologies such as pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, gasification and transesterification. upgrade in cyber security technology back for failing math and science SR100m spat between JCCI and MCCI unresolved Citizens key partners in tourism sector’s growth Moreover, he said, technology can increase the nutrient quality of organic fertilizer produced from composting local food waste. The problem of municipal solid waste in Saudi Arabia can be solved through these technologies with the added bonus of renewable energy and valuable products such as organic fertilizer, animal feed and materials. According to Dr. Nizami, both natural zeolite and black lava are found abundantly in the country. The inherent characteristics of these minerals, particularly natural zeolite for waste-to-energy, has been examined by a team of scientists who are part of the solid waste research group in the Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES) of King Abdul Aziz University. While highlighting the center’s research activities, Prof. Iqbal Mohammad Ismail, the deputy director of the center, said it was focusing on societal and industrial problems related to air, water and solid waste. Distraught mother seeks son missing for 32 years Saudi women seek more money at call centers Honors for Saudi interior design lecturer in US Filipino song makes Saudis emotional, impressed Drugs, road accidents violate right to life: NSHR Smacking not the right way to discipline your kid, says official More The aim of the on-going scientific research is to provide sustainable, economical and environmentally friendly solutions for local problems utilizing local resources, Prof. Ismail said. Wh at ' s h ap p en i n g ar o u n d Sau d i Ar ab i a KACST ch ie f calls fo r u p grad e in cybe r s e cu rity te ch n o lo gy 4 0 % o f s tu d e n ts h e ld back fo r failin g m ath an d s cie n ce RIYADH: There is a strong need to develop scientific research in the field of information security through transfer and localization of technology in the Kingdom, said Prince Turki bin Saud bin Mohammed, president of the Citize n s ke y p artn e rs in King Abdulaziz City for JEDDAH: Forty percent of JEDDAH: A dispute involving a students at certain primary claim of SR100 million by the schools were held back for Makkah Chamber of one academic year because Commerce and Industry they failed mathematics and (MCCI) from its counterpart in science subjects, according to Jeddah remains a report from the Public unresolved.While the chamber Education Evaluation in Makkah has claimed that it D is trau gh t m o th e r s e e ks Sau d i w o m e n s e e k m o re Commission (PEEC).The has demanded the amount to u ris m s e cto r’s gro w th s o n m is s in g fo r 3 2 ye ars http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/889996[30/03/2016 14:28:40] FACEBOOK 40% of students held SR10 0 m s p at be tw e e n JCCI an d MCCI u n re s o lve d m o n e y at call ce n te rs Arab News Like Page 3.7M likes Jeddah researchers explore alternative energy sources | Arab News Scien... RIYADH: The Kingdom’s tourism sector was showing rapid growth, which has translated into greater investments and job creation, according to Prince Sultan bin Salman, head of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage H o n o rs fo r Sau d i (SCTNH).Prince Sultan... in te rio r d e s ign le ctu re r in U S PEEC, in a recent... from the Jeddah Chamb... JEDDAH: An 80-year-old JEDDAH: Several Saudi mother has launched a women have complained that desperate appeal for the they are not being paid authorities to help find her son enough money at their call who has been missing for 32 center jobs to cover basic years.Salah Fares Al-Juhani, needs, and are also her son, left their home in overlooked for Umluj Province when he was promotions.They want more in his twenties and never than the SR3,500 currently Filip in o s o n g m ake s D ru gs , ro ad accid e n ts returned,... being paid, an increase in Sau d is e m o tio n al, vio late righ t to life : their mo... im p re s s e d N SH R ALKHOBAR: A Saudi woman RIYADH: A YouTube video MADINAH: The right to life and student studying for her clip, entitled “Goodbye my physical safety are rights doctorate in the United States KSA, Goodbye,” performed by guaranteed by Islamic law, the has been making a significant a young Filipino, has gone Sunnah, local regulations, and impact with her expertise in viral in the Kingdom over the international treaties, interior design, which includes past few days.The clip has conventions and agreements, being appointed a lecturer in received more than 250,000 said Sharaf Al-Qarafi, general the subject at Eastern views on YouTube channels supervisor of the National Sm ackin g n o t th e righ t W o m an s e e ks actio n Po p s in ge r fro m Michigan University.Nadiah... and Arabic e-magazine sites Society for Human Ri... w ay to d is cip lin e yo u r o ve r h o s p ital’s ap ath y in Pakis tan d e ligh ts since... kid , s ays o fficial atte n d in g ch ild JEDDAH: Smacking children with the aim of disciplining or making them study to get good marks is a misconception in society and amounts to violation of the child’s rights, a health official has said.To curb this practice, Citize n s u rge the Committee for the Sau d izatio n o f Protec... JEDDAH: A female citizen has RIYADH: Pakistani pop singer demanded an investigation Raheem Shah on Friday into the administration team of enthralled the packed-hall the Prince Mohammad bin audience here at the King Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh Fahd Cultural Center during a after the staff at the live concert organized by the emergency division refused to Pakistan Embassy as part of treat her 6-year-old child who their national day Co n s u m e rs go ‘ban an as ’ To p In d ian p o e t re gale s had been run over by a car... celebrations.The concert, o ve r s te e p p rice U rd u lo ve rs titled “Pakis... in cre as e RIYADH: There was a huge JEDDAH: Banana prices have turnout here recently for an witnessed a sharp increase, event to honor the famous over 100 percent for some Indian poet Waseem Barelvi, variety, in the Kingdom in the who regaled the local absence of supplies from the expatriate community for three Philippines and central hours with his ghazals.Barelvi, America (mainly Ecuador and who has increasingly become Nicaragua), hitting consumers known for his innovations SAUDI Editorial LIFESTYLE hard.A carton of a widely s... aro... ARABIA Columns Art & Culture MIDDLE Letters Fashion EAST Cartoons Food & WORLD Health Offbeat SPORTS Technology ECONOMY Travel Corporate Islam in Perspective d re s s m akin g s e cto r JEDDAH: Several Saudi women dressmakers have complained that they are being pushed out of the industry because businesspeople prefer to employ foreigners at lower wages.Samar Al-Ahmad said HOME that some businesspeople do GALLERY not trust them even though Ask an they a... Expert Comments CAREERS © Copyright of Arab News 2015 http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/889996[30/03/2016 14:28:40] Riyad h au d ie n ce ABOUT US Contact us Advertising Terms of use Copyright Follow Us Apps