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El documento describe el marco teórico desde el cual el Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo busca promover el paradigma de la educación inclusiva. Plantea que la educación en y para los derechos humanos resulta esencial para prevenir la discriminación y promover el derecho a la igualdad de oportunidades.
Estudios Públicos
Entre discursos, signos de época y nuevos formatos en la escolarización secundaria La inclusión y el derecho a la educación cons-tituyen planteos que actualmente hegemo-nizan los discursos académicos, escolares, comunitarios, y también la agenda política de la mayoría de los países de la región. En este artícu-lo se retoman algunos supuestos teóricos y polí-ticos ligados al mito pedagógico moderno (Skliar y Tellez, 2008) reactivado en la última década bajo el imperativo del derecho a la educación; y algunas postales de época como los procesos de exclusión en el último tramo de la secundaria y el crecimiento de la demanda en este nivel pa-ra jóvenes y adultos. Finalmente, se analizan las tendencias que surgen a partir de estudios rea-lizados sobre nuevos formatos de educación se-cundaria destinados a los sectores más excluidos. La mayoría de estas reflexiones se apoyan en in-vestigaciones educativas, realizadas y/o en curso con diferentes equipos de trabajo en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y en el conurbano bonaerense
Water, 2024
The Arabian Desert is characterised by very low rainfall and high evaporation, yet over 210 springs are on its northeastern edge in central Iraq along the Abu Jir lineament, which represents the western depositional margin of a foreland basin infilled by the floodplain sediments of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; there is little evidence of faulting. The springs discharge from gently east-dipping Paleocene–Eocene limestones, either where groundwater flowpaths intersect the ground surface or where groundwater flow is forced to the surface by confining aquitards. Calculated annual recharge to the aquifer system across the Arabian Desert plateau (130–500 million m3) is significant, largely due to rapid infiltration through karst dolines, such that karst porosity is the primary enabler of groundwater recharge. The recharge is enough to maintain flow at the Abu Jir springs, but active management of groundwater extraction for agriculture is required for their long-term sustainability. The hydrochemistry of the springs is determined by evaporation, rainfall composition (high SO4 concentrations are due to the dissolution of wind-blown gypsum in rainfall), and plant uptake of Ca and K (despite the sparse vegetation). Limestone dissolution has relatively little impact; many of the springs are undersaturated with respect to calcite and lack tufa/travertine deposits. The springs at Hit-Kubaysa contain tar and high levels of H2S that probably seeped upwards along subvertical faults from underlying oil reservoirs; this is the only location along the Abu Jir lineament where deep-seated faults penetrate to the surface. The presence of hydrocarbons reduces the Hit-Kubaysa spring water and converts the dissolved SO4 to H2S.
JINAV: Journal of Information and Visualization
Machine learning is used in a variety of computational tasks where designing and programming explicit algorithms with good performance is not easy. Applications include email filtering, recognition of network intruders or malicious insiders working towards a data breach. In this article we will focus on basics of machine learning, tasks and problems and various machine learning algorithms. The article discusses the Python programming language as the best language for automating machine learning tasks.
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ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
Das frühneuzeitliche Krimkhanat (16.-18. Jahrhundert) zwischen Orient und Okzident. Edited by Meinolf Arens – Denise Klein. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2012, 13–26., 2012
Coins (Mount Scopus), 2023
Erzählweisen des Sagbaren und Unsagbaren / Between Commemoration and Amnesia, 2021
Anticancer Research, 2021
Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 1995
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2014
20a Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao, CAPSI 2020 - 20th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems, CAPSI 2020, 2020
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1994