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Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Acoustic Properties of Soybeans
Manjit K. Misra
Iowa State University,
B. Koerner
Iowa State University
A. Pate
Iowa State University
C. P. Burger
Texas A&M University
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M. K. Misra, B. Koemer, A. Pate, C. P. Burger
Acoustic transmission and impact force response
methods were investigated for classification of soybeans.
The transmission method was slow and not suitable for
real-time application. A polynomial was fitted to the
deconvolved frequency spectrum of acoustic impulse data
for soybeans. The curve fitting procedure successfully
predicted the mass of each soybean. The size of soybeans
was related to the bandwidth. Diseased soybeans
consistently showed narrower bandwidths than healthy
soybeans. The diseased and damaged soybeans had broad
variations in low frequency which was quantifiable by
threshholding the error of fit in the curve fitting procedure.
he acoustic properties of a soybean refer to the
transmittance, absorption, or reflection of sound
waves by the soybean. Any changes, even very
small ones, in the structure or health of the seed changes
it's acoustic properties. These properties and, more
specifically, changes in these properties can be
quantitatively evaluated by analyzing the frequency
components of the sound wave.
The objective of this research* was to develop an
acoustic frequency analysis technique for characterizing
various physical properties of soybeans related to
marketing quality. Interfaced with a microcomputer
system, the acoustic signals generated by seeds and grains
can provide a continuous, on-line quality control method
during post-harvest operations.
Frequency-domain analysis is a powerful technique for
analyzing waves over the whole frequency range from
subsonic to sonic. The analysis also is the most
sophisticated in terms of required skills and equipment.
Analytical procedures such as Fast Fourier Transforms
(FFT) can be performed on-line to identify the ways in
which selected frequencies can be absorbed, transmitted
and reflected by the soybean. Such frequency responses
can be correlated with various physical properties of
Article was submitted for publication in September 1989; reviewed
and approved for publication by the Electrical and Electronic Systems
Div. of ASAE. Presented as ASAE Paper No. 89-3016.
Journal Paper No. J-13448 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home
Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA. Project #2813.
The authors are M. K. Misra, Associate Professor, and B. Koerner,
Research Associate, Seed Science Center, Agricultural Engineering Dept.,
A. Pate, Associate Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Iowa
State University, Ames; and C. P. Burger, Professor, Mechanical
Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station.
Vol. 33(2):March-April 1990
soybean that are related to quality.
Two types of acoustic methods were investigated during
the research. These methods were: acoustic transmission
and impact force response.
In acoustic transmission, a kernel is placed between
"input" and "receiving" transducers where the former
introduces an acoustic impulse to the kernel and the latter
records the wave transmitted through the kernel. Both
waves, the input and the transmitted, can be digitally
recorded and analyzed by a Fast Fourier Transform. The
two spectra can then be compared, usually by dividing the
transmitted wave by the input wave to identify frequencies
that are preferentially absorbed by the kernel which can be
an indicator of kernel quality.
In the impact-force method, a kernel is dropped on an
acoustic transducer, and the impact generates a mild
impulse wave both in the transducer and in the kernel. The
nature of this wave is very sensitive to the properties of the
kemel. By correlating the detail features of the wave with
various properties of the kernel, a powerful method for
probing the quality of kemel can be developed.
Herrenstein and Brusewitz (1985) measured the sound
pressure level for wheat using a microphone and related the
pressure level to frequency, grain flow rate, grain moisture
content, and distance between microphone and wheat.
Finney, Jr. et al. (1968) evaluated firmness of bananas
using a sonic technique. Seymour and Hamann (1984)
designed a microcomputer based acoustic system to study
the crispness of potato chips. Delwiche et al. (1987a)
analyzed the impact forces of peaches and found the
impact force characteristics highly correlated with firmness
and poorly correlated with mass and radius. Delwiche et al.
(1987b) developed a sorter to separate peaches based on
firmness. Rohrbach et al. (1982) modeled the rebounding
force of blueberries and correlated the peak force with
mass and firmness. Nahir et al. (1986) analyzed the impact
force response of tomatoes and suggested solutions to a
mathematic model. The proposed solution was well
correlated with sorting performance. No study dealing with
impact force analysis for soybeans was found in the
literature. Also, no literature was found dealing with
acoustic transmission for any agricultural products.
The instrumentation assembled for the dynamic
frequency analysis of acoustic waves transmitted by
soybeans consisted of two contact transducers, an
ultrasonic pulser, a LSI 11/04 minicomputer system with
analog to digital conversion, a video terminal, a hard copy
© 1990 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001-2351 / 90 / 3302-0671 $03.50
device and disk drive peripherals. The programming
software for data acquisition and mathematical
computation was written in Fortran. The basis for
mathematical computation is the Fast Fourier Transform.
A single kernel of soybean was placed between two
piezoelectric P-wave transducers. One of the transducers
was pulsed with a sharp voltage spike, which launched a
broadband acoustic pulse into the seed. The second
transducer received the pulse after it had passed through
the seed.
A variety of different couplants was evaluated during
preliminary experiments to insure proper contact between
soybean and the transducers. These couplants were:
silicone (grease and caulk), gelatin, clay, a variety of
rubber, and direct coupling. Gelatin provided consistent
signals and therefore was used as the couplant. Soybeans
were placed in two different orientations between the
transducers: one, where the long axis of the soybean was
horizontal and, the other where the long axis of the
soybean was vertical. The latter orientation was chosen for
all subsequent tests because the signals were stronger, and
it was easier to hold the soybean between the transducers.
The time-domain signal for the transmittance wave for a
"good" soybean (determined visually) is shown in figure 1.
The transmitted wave was analyzed into its frequency
components through an FFT to yield a graph that depicted
the relative magnitude of the various harmonics in the
original signal. The display was in the "frequency domain"
and showed the characteristic spectrum of a good soybean
(fig. 2). It was a reference against which any other soybean
could be compared.
The same information was obtained for a kemel of poor
quality (a shriveled seed by visual examination) and the
time domain signal is shown in figure 3 and its FFT in
figure 4.
The FFT for the two soybeans, good quality and poor
quality, were then compared in the frequency domain by
dividing the frequency spectrum of the bad kemel by the
reference spectrum from the good kernel. The result is
shown in figure 5, which highlights the differences
between the acoustic transmission of the two kernels.
Valleys represent frequencies present in the transmission
through the good seed and absorbed by the kemel of poor
Figure l-Transmittance wave for a good soybean.
Figure 2-Frequency spectrum for the good soybean.
quality. Likewise, peaks represent frequencies that were
transmitted by the bad kemel.
The relative absorption spectrum was smoothed and the
significant features were the positions of the two peaks and
the valley (fig. 5). These results indicated that it is feasible
to acquire and analyze the acoustic transmission data of
soybeans and that differences between kernels of good and
poor quality can be observed.
A number of soybeans from various soybean seedlots
were obtained and each soybean was subjected to the
acoustic transmission test. The acoustic transmission
features varied from soybean to soybean but the spectrum
was very hard to describe in any mathematical manner. So,
there was no way of correlating the transmission spectra
with the size or mass of soybeans. Additionally, the
placement of each soybean between the transducers
required some time, and the process was slow. Therefore,
an alternate acoustic technique (impact-force response) was
investigated to detect the quality of soybeans.
The experimental set-up to drop soybeans onto a
piezoelectric force transducer is shown in figure 6.
Soybeans, in this setup, were placed in the v-trough of a
Figure 3-TVansmittance wave for a shrivelled soybean.
Figure 6-Scheinatic layout of impact-force test equipment.
\ A
i •
Figure 4-Frequency spectrum for a shrivelled soybean.
vibratory feeder and dropped through a guide tube on the
force transducer. The speed of the vibratory feeder was
adjusted so that the soybeans slide in the trough (as
opposed to rolling) to maintain the orientation before the
drop. The impact signal (millivolts) from the transducer
was routed to a digitizer and then to a computer. The
digitizer was a high-speed analog to digital converter
capable of running at 200,000 samples/second. It also
stored the resulting data in the internal memory and
processed the data into a format useful for the computer.
During preliminary testing with this system, nylon balls
4.76 mm in diameter and weighing 0.05 gm were dropped
on the transducer to test the repeatability of the signals
produced by the system. Excellent repeatability of the
waveform was obtained.
Figure 7 shows the time and frequency spectra of two
soybeans. To correlate the frequency spectra with the
quality parameters, each spectrum must be mathematically
described. The shapes of the frequency spectra (fig. 7),
however, are so complex that they are not described in
terms of mathematical functions which makes it hard to
Figure 5-Relative absorption spectrum (with the smoothed plot
Vol. 33(2):March-April 1990
draw any quantitative conclusions from the data.
Fortunately, the small nylon beads chosen to calibrate the
system and evaluate its repeatability turned out to have
many dynamic features in common with the soybeans. This
revealed that many of the features in the spectra were
actually properties of the measuring system, not of the
soybeans. To offset these problems, an operation known as
"deconvolution" (Proakis and Manolakis, 1988) was
applied. With the nylon beads as reference sources
(because of their consistency), the dependence of the
recorded signals on the measuring system was cancelled
Figure 8 shows the deconvolved spectrum after the
transducer characteristics have been removed from the
Fourier Transform. Note the broad and smooth
characteristic (curves that are sketched in) with other
significant features (e.g., the stack-like deviation between
13 kHz and 23 kHz on the lower trace) and some noise
superimposed. Ignoring the superimposed behavior for
now, we find that the bandwidth of the major characteristic
changes with the size of the bean. This can be measured
quantitatively by locating the point at which the curve
crosses its own half-maximum power level. The half-power
level for both these curves has been drawn on the graph as
a horizontal line. At the point where each of the sketchedin curves crosses the horizontal line, a vertical line has
been dropped to the axis, revealing that the bean of 19R
(i.e., 19/64 of an inch in diameter) "rolls off' between 15
kHz and 20 kHz while the 15R bean rolls off between 25
kHz and 30 kHz. This pattern has been shown to be
Figure 7-Time domain plot (top) and frequency domain plot (bottom)
for acoustic data from two soybeans.
^ ^ MdM IflilA^rMMtf
1/2 POWEfJ
pam 1
Figure 8-Deconvolved spectrum and effect of soybean size on
acoustic data.
Figure 10-Effect of surface characteristics (shriveled or mechanically
damaged) of soybeans on acoustic data.
consistent over a number of trials, indicating an inverse
relationship between seed size and strike bandwidth.
Figure 9 compares a healthy and a diseased soybean of
different sizes. Because they do not peak at the same level
on the graph, each has been given its own "half-power"
level. The good bean is in the size range from 14R to 16R
(14/64 of an inch to 16/64 of an inch in diameter). From
previous studies with other healthy beans, we would expect
it to "roll off' between 23 kHz and 30 kHz; in fact, it rolls
off near 23 kHz leading us to believe that it probably is a
16R bean. Studies with healthy beans would cause us to
anticipate the bad bean, which is under 14R, to "roll off'
above 27 kHz, but in fact, it "rolls off" well below 15 kHz.
This is a characteristic that showed up among diseased
beans about 80% of the time. It varied from test to test,
leading us to believe that it is sensitive to the orientation of
the bean on impact, but it almost never occurs among
beans previously classified as healthy. This gives us one
possible discriminator for healthy vs. unhealthy beans. If
we have a prior crude estimate of the size of the beans,
then any bean showing a bandwidth significantly narrower
than expected may be rejected as diseased. More to the
point, a count of the number of beans that "fall short" may
be used to estimate the percentage of diseased beans in a
Some diseased or damaged beans have rough or gnarled
surfaces. These kernels show themselves by striking the
transducer twice within a very short time (of the order of
milliseconds). The time-domain signal (upper portion) of
figure 10 shows this behavior. The effect of double-strike
on the frequency spectrum is shown in the lower portions
of figure 10 (note the periodic ringing in low frequencies).
Despite the "double strike," a smooth curve through the
diseased trace still "rolls off' around 13 kHz to 15 kHz.
Other diseased beans show an abnormal rise on the
strike characteristic in the time domain (fig. 11). This effect
produces an abnormal "double peak characteristic" in the
frequency domain, which is likely caused by a loosening of
the outer hull of the bean from the body of bean. A second,
very narrow characteristic in the low frequency range is
superimposed on the normal behavior. Again, We note that
the normal characteristic (bandwidth) rolls off earlier for
the bad bean than for the good bean. This roll-off may even
have been overestimated (moved to the right) because of
the presence of the abnormal peak.
Figure 9-Effect of soybean quality (healthy vs. diseased) on acoustic
The deconvolution process revealed visual trends with
physical quality parameters of soybeans. The next logical
step was to develop a mathematical description of the data
so that the spectrum could be quantitatively parameterized
quickly and accurately. An empirical approach was
employed to accomplish this task.
Figure 11-Abnormal acoustic behavior of some unhealthy soybeans.
The mathematical expression for fitting a Taylor series
to a set of data is as follows:
F(x) = Co + C i X + C2X2 + C3X3 + C4X4 + ..
The dual Gaussian fit used earlier revealed that the
function was symmetric, and consequently, the odd terms
drop out. Furthermore, terms beyond fourth power of X did
not significantly improve the function and the resultant
expression is
F(x) = Co +C2 X^ +C4 X^
Figure 12-An overlay of the curve from dual-Gaussian procedure on
the deconvolved spectrum of soybean acoustic data.
In developing an empirical approach, a number of
mathematical expressions were attempted, including the
polynomial approximations, rational polynomials, sine
functions and simple Bessel functions. A dual-Gaussian
function with a time delay was finally chosen as the best
empirical approach, which is expressed as:
= Co=aQ
= C2/CQ = SJ/SQ
H3 = C4/Co = a2/ao
where, HI, H2, and H3 are related to seed quality
Let any soybean quality parameter (say mass denoted by
M) be given by the linear model of HI, H2, H3, and the
cross products. So,
M = KQ + KiHj + K2H2 + K3H3 + K4H1H2
+ K^HjHa + KgH2H3 + KyHjH2H3
F(co) = [Ae
w =
j =
e =
A, a,
Freauency, kHertz
= KQ + Kjao + K2ai/ao + K3a2/ao + K4ai + K5a2
+ K6(aia2)/ao +K7(aia2)/ao
frequency in radians/sec,
square root of the negative one,
radix base of the natural logarithm,
B, P and t are constants.
In the above expression, A and B are the sizes of the
two Gaussians, a and P are the widths of the Gaussians,
and t is the time delay constant.
A FORTRAN program was written to solve for the
parameters using an iterative least-square method. Figure
12 shows the deconvolved frequency spectrum of a
soybean with a curve fitted to the data from the dualGaussian function.
= Ko + Kiao + K4ai + K5a2 + K2ai/ao + K3a2/ao
+ Kj (aia2)/ao + K^ (aia2)/ao
= CQ + CjaQ + C2ai + C3a2 + C4 aj/aQ + c^ a2/aQ
+ C6(aia2)/ao + C7(aia2)/ao
For a number of values of M, equation 6 can be written
in matrix form as follows:
(^21^22/^20 )
(^31^32/^31 )
The dual-Gaussian curve fitting procedure took 30-60
seconds for each soybean which is too slow for any
practical purpose. Attempts were therefore made to search
for a curve-fitting routine that will be faster and still
accurate. The polynomial fit from Taylor Series
approximation provided this altemative.
Vol. 33(2):March-April 1990
If n = 8, the coefficients CQ .... c^ can be determined
from the above simultaneous algebraic equations. If n > 8,
the solution is overdeterminant. For calibration purpose, it
is necessary to drop a number of soybeans *a.nd n > 8.
Therefore, the values of coefficients CQ .... C7 should be
such that.
50« -|
• n
3Z% -
30X -
23«S -
20X -
• •
5% -
r. ° °
15« -
0% 0.04
Mass CQrams)
Figure 14-Scatter plot of error of fit and mass for damaged or
diseased soybeans.
Figure 13-Plot of actual mass with calculated mass.
^i=i (^i -^ip) " minimum
Mj = actual values of mass of soybeans,
Mjp = predicted values of mass of soybeans.
A subroutine program was written in ASYST software
to solve for the coefficients. A number of soybeans from
various seedlots were obtained and the mass of each
soybean was recorded by a precision electronic balance.
These soybeans were dropped on the transducer by placing
them in the vibratory feeder by hand and the polynomial
curve fitting procedure was performed. Excellent
predictions of mass were obtained with a standard error of
6.6% (fig. 13).
Soybeans that were damaged or diseased had
distinguished characteristics in the time-domain and the
frequency-domain spectra. A shrivelled soybean for
example produced a double strike in the time domain (fig.
10), and the corresponding frequency spectrum showed
broad variation in low frequencies. Contrasting visually the
time-domain signal for the shriveled seed with that of a
good soybean is simple. However, quantitative expression
of such deviant strike is necessary if the technique is to be
applicable in a real production environment. Calculation of
the fit in the curve fitting procedure provided this
discriminator. The error of fit is defined as:
,2_2:, (Y,-f(X.))
E =
error of fit,
actual value,
values from the fitted polynomial.
The healthy soybeans consistently provided low error of
fit (below 10%), and the diseased or damaged soybeans
had a relatively large error. By thresholding the error of fit,
the diseased and damaged soybean were identifiable. The
error of fit criterion, by itself, was not always successful.
At times, the polynomial fitted the acoustic data for the
diseased and damaged seeds well. Therefore, a
combination of mass estimation and error of fit was used to
discriminate the diseased and damaged soybeans. A
soybean that is a split, for example, may provide little error
of fit in the polynomial, but is sfiU rejected as of poor
quality because of the low mass estimation.
Figure 14 shows the plot of mass and error of fit for a
number of soybeans that were diseased or damaged. If the
error of fit is used as the single criterion and a value of
10% or above is considered to indicate poor quality, 83%
of the soybeans in figure 14 would have been properly
classified as bad seeds. By threshholding either the mass
below 0.09 grams or the error of fit above 10%, 95% of the
diseased and damage seeds would be properly classified as
bad seeds (5% would be misclassified as good soybeans
which are shown in dark squares in figure 14).
Appropriate instrumentation was assembled to collect
acoustic transmission data for soybeans and software was
written for frequency analysis of the data. Although the
transmission study clearly demonstrated that acoustic
discrimination of soybeans was feasible, the technique was
slow and not suitable for an actual production environment.
The impact-force method was then investigated and
showed real promise for characterization of soybean
quality. A dual-Gaussian curve was fit to the deconvolved
frequency spectrum of acoustic impulse data for soybeans.
Soybean size was inversely proportional to bandwidth. The
diseased soybeans consistently showed a much narrower
bandwidth than the healthy seed. A soybean with wrinkled
surface usually struck the transducer twice within a few
milliseconds that was observed in the frequency spectrum.
The diseased and damaged soybeans had broad variations
in low frequencies which were quantifiable by thresholding
the error of fit in the curve fitting procedure. The curvefitting procedure also successfully predicted the mass of
each soybean from the acoustic frequency data.
This research was funded by the Iowa
High Technology Council.
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Vol. 33(2):March-April 1990
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