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Scientific and technological development necessitates often legal regulation, to be achieved through an interaction between science and law during the decision-making process. Taking as an example the case of underwater noise pollution,... more
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      Underwater AcousticsPrecautionary PrincipleTechnological DevelopmentNoise Pollution
Sound plays a key role in the environment from identifying to analysing. The production of sound signifies various aspects to produce a specific effect up-to a special distance till which it travels. The friction of materials leads a... more
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      BotanyZoologyVeterinary MedicineEnvironmetal Earth Science
Robotic technologies are being employed increasingly in the treatment of lower limb disabilities. Individuals suffering from stroke and other neurological disorders often experience inadequate dorsiflexion during swing phase of the gait... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman RightsProductivityOrthotics
Despite the public health concern, there is a dearth of research regarding perceived noise pollution and noise-related health status in Bangladesh. This study was carried out to evaluate the noise-related health status among Bangladesh’s... more
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      Environmental HealthMedicineMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public health
The main objective of this paper is to appraise the augmentation in noise level in the Dehradun city and its annulling effects on human health and on other species. The study manifests that the noise level has reached a formidable level.... more
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    • Noise Pollution
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      Comparative StudyImpact AnalysisLegislationCase Study
To determine whether chronic exposure to airport noise affects children, a study was conducted of the physical growth of children, aged 5–13 years, from two communities, one exposed to airport noise (n = 148) and another, not exposed (n =... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyAnthropometry
Increase in workplace stress, loss of sleep and anger may not be unconnected to the level of noise exposure an individual is subjected. Three major markets in Benin City namely Oba market, New Benin Market and Oregbeni market, being... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesNoise Pollution
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      Air pollutionUrban And Regional PlanningPolicy AnalysisNoise
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      ReproductionPopulation DynamicsMiningBiological Sciences
Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceChemistryGeomatics
Noise pollution in Malta and more specifically in the Birkirkara-Mrieħel region is not studied. This is mainly due to lack of regulations as well as due to the lack of management plans set in place to monitor and reduce high levels of... more
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      Environmental ScienceCitizen ScienceNoise PollutionEarth Systems
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      Air pollutionWater PollutionIncome DistributionIncome inequality
Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceChemistryGeomatics
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      Urban PlanningAir pollutionPublic HealthAircraft Design
Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn là một trong những tác nhân gây ra nhiều loại bệnh cho con người như: suy giảm thính giác, các bệnh về tim mạch, thần kinh... làm giảm chất lượng cuộc sống. Mời bạn tham khảo chi tiết về tác hại của tiếng ồn trong bài... more
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      NoiseNoise Pollution
Planting bushes and trees in and around sound generating sources is an effective solution for noise pollution. Urban Planning, Public Education and Awareness. Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles/ machinery can effectively reduce... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringAcousticsAcoustic ModellingAcoustic Communication
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      AcousticsSoundSoybeanNoise Pollution
The purpose of this paper Project is to create a workplace toxicant intervention for Metropolitan Hospital of Denver, a large top-rated surgical facility located in Denver, Colorado. The project lays out the steps necessary to make... more
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Health
Listening to music on an iPod, mobile telephone or other MP3 playing device is now widespread. Commonly taking place in public spaces, it envelops the listener in their own audio world (Bull 2000). However, due to the leakage of sound,... more
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      Music PsychologyNoise And MusicNoiseNoise Pollution
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      Air QualityEcological EconomicsAir pollutionApplied Economics
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      AcousticsApplied PhysicsMetrologyNoise
Sound pollution and traffic jam are two major problems in most of the city roads of developing cities like as Dhaka, Bangladesh. Traffic jam, as well as mixed traffic condition, is the major cause of sound pollution in the city roads.... more
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      BusinessSoundTraffic EngineeringTraffic Flow Theory
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      Mechanical EngineeringPsychoacousticsAerodynamicsSensitivity Analysis
El soroll ambiental s'ha convertit en una de les majors fonts de malestar en tots els països desenvolupats (García, 1988) (Calvo-Manzano et al., 1991)*. En una població com Banyeres de Mariola es produeix un cúmul de factors que... more
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      AcousticsNoise and Vibration Control and PredictionNoiseNoise Pollution
The requirements set by the most important Air Traffic Management (ATM) research initiatives (SESAR and NextGen) and environmentally sustainable aviation research initiatives (Clean Sky, and Environmentally Responsible Aviation), aim at... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringSustainable DevelopmentAviation
This paper addresses one of the recognized barriers to the unrestricted adoption of Unmanned Aircraft (UA) in mainstream urban use—noise—and reviews existing approaches for estimating and mitigating this problem. The aircraft noise... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAtmospheric ScienceAeronautical EngineeringSound studies
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      Pest ManagementEnvironmental ManagementAquacultureBiological Sciences
The increase in number of urban highways constructed around residential and community areas around the city, has inevitably caused major noise pollution problems to city dwellers. The objective of the study was to assess the level of... more
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      Urban DesignNoise PollutionIndexationSains Malaysiana
The current study deals with the impact of noise pollution on the population of Rawalpindi and the way noise is leaving adverse affects on the life of residents of Rawalpindi. Literature has been reviewed in two major categories i.e.... more
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      Population DynamicsNoise PollutionImpact of noise on terrestrial habitatsENVIRONMENTAL POLUTION
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      GeographyPlant EcologyLimnologyRECREATION
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      AcousticsEnvironmental policyMARINE POLLUTIONEuropean Union
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      Noise and Vibration Control and PredictionENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT+HSENoise PollutionHSE Managment Standards for Oil and Gas Industry
Increasing energy demand and environment concerns have prompted an evolution of alternative fuel sources. As an alternative fuel source, biodiesel is attractive because it reduces engine emissions. However, biodiesel produces higher NOx... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiodieselInternal Combustion EnginesInternal Combustion Engine
La Universidad de la República y la Universidad de Guadalajara, unen sus intereses en común para coordinar en una sola publicación diferentes aportes y estudios de caso que permitan presentar tópicos de ruido desde la visión de algunos... more
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      NoiseNoise PollutionContaminacion AmbientalSalud Y Bienestar
A study was carried out to assess the effect of speed bumps on road traffic noise levels. Noise levels of different categories of vehicles were measured before and after speed bumps. Vehicles were categorized as passenger cars, passenger... more
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      Civil EngineeringTransportation EngineeringAcousticsTransport Economics
RESUMEN: Un año más dos tendencias contrapuestas se ponen de relieve en estas páginas: el incremento progresivo de las exigencias europeas en materia de contaminación acústica y la dificultad de implementarlas a nivel local. Dan prueba de... more
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      Cultural HeritageInfrastructure PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityNoise
RESUMEN: A pesar de no haberse producido en 2017 grandes avances normativos ni jurisprudenciales en materia de ruido se constata a nivel europeo la necesidad de priorizar la lucha contra la segunda fuente de contaminación en número de... more
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      Cultural HeritageUrban PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityRegional Planning
Conforme a lo establecido en la legislación vigente, un mapa estratégico de ruido debe incluir un documento de texto con información sobre la metodología empleada y resultados obtenidos. En el caso de aglomeraciones urbanas, los... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental SustainabilityNoise Pollution
Aircraft emissions and the environmental impact have been studied by many. It is important to consider not only the current pollution status but the pollution growth into the foreseeable future. The common census is that it is a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringGAS TURBINE
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      Mechanical EngineeringArchitectureEconomic GrowthQuality of life
poorly scanned version of concluding essay on the history of perceptions of the ear
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      AudiologySound studiesTinnitusNoise
This research presents a thorough evaluation of the reverberation room at Acoustics Laboratory in National Institute of Standards (NIS) according to the related international standards. The evaluation aims at examining the room... more
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      SoundNoise and Vibration Control and PredictionNoise reductionAcoustics and Vibration
Noise is consistently presents in digital images during image acquisition, coding, transmission, and processing steps. The main purpose of de-noising the image is to restore the detail of original image as much as possible. Depending on... more
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      Noise And MusicDmitri ShostakovichNoise (Experimental Music)Sound and Noise
The new guidelines of the Catholic Church are in line with the guidelines adopted by Protestant churches since the Reformation, unifying appreciation for the liturgical practices of preaching and congregational singing. These guidelines... more
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      Room AcousticsBuilding AcousticsNoise Pollution
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    • Noise Pollution
Acoustic comfort is a requirement of major importance during the design of houses. This study focused on the acoustic comfort parameter called sound pressure level. The value of this parameter is variable during operation of a particular... more
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      Room AcousticsNoisePassive House DesignNoise Pollution
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      Noise PollutionTirana UrbanismZhurmatNdotja Akustike
Environmental and occupational noise exposure from noise generated by commercial and industrial businesses continues to be a problem worldwide. The problem of noise generated from the Bon Air West Wastewater Treatment Plant (BAW WWTP) has... more
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      Wastewater TreatmentNoiseNoise Pollution