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Recommended values of temperature on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 are given for a large number of secondary reference points, together with assessments of the uncertainties of these values. * The exceptions are the freezing... more
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Much may be inferred about item S.8391, a folding cubit rod that belonged to Kha (TT 8, 18 Dyn.), by analyzing the results of the measurement survey conducted in 2011 from the perspective of woodwork. When Schiaparelli discovered the... more
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      EgyptologyDeir el-MedinaMetrologyAncient Woodworking
Poigt, Th., Les instruments de pesée en Europe occidentale aux âges des Métaux : Conception, usages et utilisateurs (XIVe-IIIe s. av. n.è.). In : Nordez M., Rousseau L. et Cervel M., Recherches sur l'âge du Bronze, Nouvelles approches et... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
One of the most sophisticated challenges for science and the high technologies engineering is the growing need to address real industrial problems rather than the ideal measurement situation and embed the traceable length metrology... more
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The materials of conference presents a budget for estimating uncertainty of measurements during calibration of current thermoconverters
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      Electrical and Electronic MeasurementsMetrologyCalibration
Computer Tomography – Metrology for complex purposes. NDT and Metrology: Two worlds meet. There is an increasing demand not only to ensure the geometrical quality on the part, but also looking inside hidden structures. The speaker will... more
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      MetrologyComputer Tomography
Poster presented at the GMPCA's archaeometry conference in Rennes, April 2017
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      ArchaeometryIron AgeMetrologyCorsican archaeology
Innovation, as a competitive economic factor, is a process that requires a continuous, evolving and mastered management. Therefore innovative companies need to measure their innovation capacity. Literature attests of research in the field... more
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      MarketingData MiningMetrologyBusiness and Management
The detection of concealed weapons at a distance is a critical security issue that has been a great challenge for different imaging approaches. In this paper we discuss the use of ultrasonics in a novel way to probe for metallic and... more
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      Signal ProcessingHigh PressureLow FrequencySignal Analysis
Laser scanning, photogrammetry, and multi-beam sonar generate millions of points within a highly complex, XYZ co-ordinate system, but in doing so, create different types of datasets and errors depending on a wide range of operational and... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMarine ScienceMetrology
A Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer (JAWS) has been developed in order to generate quantum-based AC voltage signals. The key component of this JAWS is a modified commercial 30 Gbit/s pattern generator that is able to generate... more
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      MetrologyPulse GeneratorsPattern GenerationElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a... more
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      Instrumentation and Measurement ScienceOptical Measurement MethodsMetrologyKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans Solaires
Usual methods for fitting a straight line, Y =7 +fiX, to data fail if the "independent" variable X is subject to error. The problem is further complicated if there is no strong reason for selecting one of the two variables as independent;... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsGeology
An exploration of the size of the Norse Giant Ymir's Eyeball in comparison to the size of the Earth.
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      Mythology (Old Norse Literature)Norse mythologyOld Norse ReligionMetrology
Antecedentes: Metrología es la ciencia de la medición. Incluye todos los aspectos teóricos y prácticos relacionados con la medición y su incertidumbre, en cualquier campo de la ciencia y de la tecnología, incluyendo por supuesto al... more
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      MetrologyTraceabilityTrazabilidadAnalytical Validation
Publication of the fragments of a hieroglyphic papyrus from the so-called Bibliotheca of the Tebtynis temple, I-II cent. A.D. It looks like an 'open' votive cubit, with its typical texts, and maintaining their divisions in 28 digits. NB:... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman Egypt
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      EngineeringTechnologyManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      Functional AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsAlgorithmsMathematical Programming
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The availability of high quality Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) and high-resolution cameras have made it technologically feasible to perform many optical signal-processing functions in a relatively inexpensive manner. Furthermore, recent... more
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      AlgorithmsOpticsSignal ProcessingHolographic Interferometry
No início do século XIX os padrões de medição em uso no Brasil foram herdados dos padrões eleitos e utilizados na Metrópole, Portugal, desde a emissão das Ordenações Manuelinas, no início do século XVI. Nesse documento o rei de Portugal,... more
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      MuseologyPortugalHistoriaHistória do Brasil
Novel techniques for laser beam atmospheric extinction measurements, suitable for manned and unmanned aerospace vehicle applications, are presented in this paper. Extinction measurements are essential to support the engineering... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringLaserAtmospheric AerosolsAerospace
Данная работа является продолжением нескольких более ранних работ автора, посвященных оценке размеров русских путевых мер длины, вёрст. В работе рассматриваются данные «Выписи из Новгородских изгонных книг» о протяженности дорог на... more
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      Medieval HistoryMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyистория России
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      Process OptimizationRaman SpectroscopyMetrologyAnnealing
Nell'ambito di un Accordo di Programma tra CIRIAF e Ministero dell'Ambiente, inerente la sperimentazione di sistemi innovativi integrati di abbattimento del rumore e sfruttamento delle fonti rinnovabili di energia, si sono misurate le... more
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      AcousticsApplied PhysicsMetrologyNoise
The individual steps in fabrication of templates for UV-NIL processes are described. After spin coating a conductive copolymer (ESPACER 300) on top of the resist, insulating substrates have been structured by use of electron beam... more
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      Electron Beam LithographyMetrologyNanolithographyThree Dimensional
Nanoparticles and products incorporating nanoparticles are a growing branch of nanotechnology industry. They have found a broad market, including the cosmetic, health care and energy sectors. Accurate and representative determination of... more
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      ManufacturingHealth CareNanoparticlesTransmission Electron Microscopy
The detection of concealed weapons at a distance is a critical security issue that has been a great challenge for different imaging approaches. In this paper we discuss the use of ultrasonics in a novel way to probe for metallic and... more
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      Signal ProcessingHigh PressureLow FrequencySignal Analysis
Laser (profile) scanners (LS) have been widely used in industry for 3D shape measurement. However, commercially available scanners are costly. They are also less flexible as the components of the device are permanently fixed in a sealed... more
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      Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)MetrologyLaser scanner3-D shape measurement
At some point students reach the course that addresses the propagation of errors after answering the question “What errors influence your results?” in umpteen different experiments plus maybe a few percent error calculations. Dealing with... more
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      Data AnalysisMetrologySpreadsheet SimulationError Analysis
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    • Metrology
In this paper the pulsed eddy current (PEC) response of a range of heat treatable and non-heat treatable aluminium alloys (AA-1050, 2024, 5083 and 7075) to applied stress well below the elastic limit is studied. The effect of prior heat... more
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      EngineeringPlasticityHeat TreatmentNondestructive testing
The two Turkish baths in Elbasan have been object of a remarkable survey as part of a vast international research. The original system of the two public baths dates back to the mid-sixteenth century. In the Albanian typology of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsArchitectureHistory of architectureMetrology
MATUS, Dominik a Radek RYŠÁNEK. Nostitzův chebský kabinet ze zámku Jaroměřice. In Kateřina Cichrová. Nábytek s příběhy. Národní památkový ústav, územní památková správa v Českých Budějovicích, 2021. s. 8–55. ISBN 978-80-87890-34-9. MATUS,... more
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      Art ConservationMetrologyFurniture History16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
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    • Metrology
In an industry where products, in this case gem materials, are traded and valued by their weight, it is critical to fully understand the multitude of units out there, especially if interpreting antique or foreign descriptions, and how... more
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      GemologyJewelleryMetrologyAncient Weights
Αντικείµενο της εργασίας είναι η µελέτη της χωροταξικής κατανοµής των συνοικιών της Θεσσαλονίκης από τον 15 ο ως τις αρχές του 20 ου αιώνα. Στη µακραίωνη ιστορία της πόλης, ιδιαίτερα σηµαντικός ήταν ο ρόλος του εθνικού και θρησκευτικού... more
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      GeodesyGeomaticsEngineering SurveyingGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
In this paper the possibilities of focused ion beam (FIB) applications in microsystem technology are reviewed. After an introduction to the technology and the operating principles of FIB, two classes of applications are described. First... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMicrostructureScanning Electron Microscopy
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      AssyriologyAncient Near EastSumerologyMetrology, Weights and Measures
A Ancora una volta a rontiamo il complesso tema della taratura, processo così essenziale ai ni di una buona analisi di laboratorio, eppure ancora così poco compreso nella sua natura più profonda. Tra i tanti i motivi che concorrono a... more
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    • Metrology
This article deals with data inscribed on Ancient Egyptian cubit rods, and more specifically on the ceremonial cubit rods. Following a description of their technical and symbolic aspects, the paper reveals a property of the fine... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ScienceAncient ScienceAncient Egyptian Architecture
The paper deals with education in metrology in diferent countries, importance of metrology education, knowledge transfer, cooperation in education and educational programs. The recently finished master degree program in metrology in B&H... more
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    • Metrology
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    • Metrology
The transport and monochromatization of synchrotron light from a high brilliant laser-like source to the experimental station without significant loss of brilliance and coherence is a challenging task in X-ray optics and requires optical... more
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      Synchrotron RadiationMetrologyX-Ray OpticsLTP
Objectives • Understand and appreciate the importance of basic principles of traditional material removal processes. • Understand the application of those principles in practice. • To understand the principles of metrology and... more
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    • Metrology
(2016) Developments in automated flexible gauging and the uncertainty associated with comparative coordinate measurement. In: euspen's 16th International Conference & Exhibition, 30 May-3 June, Nottingham, UK. european society for... more
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      EngineeringManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Design of Experiments
Fritz's method ͓Opt. Eng. 23, 379 ͑1984͔͒ of using Zernike polynomials to assess the absolute planarity of test plates is revisited. A refinement is described that takes into account the data decorrelation that appears in experiments. An... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMetrologyInterferometryApplied Optics
Ethanol is one of the most important Brazilian export goods and its international market is growing strong, mainly because of a number of measures taken by several countries in order to reduce environmental pollution, for example, adding... more
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      Analytical ChemistryPhysical ChemistryMetrology
Эта книга посвящена традиционной русской метрологии, конкретно - мерам длины. Вершки, локти, аршины и сажени... Каковы были их типоразмеры и имена собственные? Где и когда они применялись? Как попали на Русь? "Система русских саженей":... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian Intellectual HistoryMetrology, Weights and MeasuresRussia