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Abstract After a careful analysis of the development process in Engisud, in this document XPAME, an XP-based Agile methodology for Engisud, is proposed. XPAME has been thought to meet the several critical issues gathered from interviews of the main representatives of functional, technical and development areas of Engisud.
Several iterative and incremental methods exist to control projects, but currently agile technologies are increasing admirably. Agile Project Management provides an approach that offers not only agility, but retains the concepts of a project, project delivery and project management. This study will explore the agile methodologies focusing on three popular methodologies, such as extreme programming, scrum and rational unified process. Comparisons among these three methodologies and finally discussion on the findings of these comparisons and future direction will be explored. 3827 Gul Ahmad, Tariq Rahim Soomro and Mohammad Nawaz Brohi-Agile Methodologies: Comparative Study and Future Direction EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH -Vol. I, Issue 11 / February 2014 3829 some common characteristics and principles.
INCOSE International Symposium, 2003
Agile" development methodologies (ADMs) have emerged in recent years in response to widely perceived failings of commercial software development organizations (CSDOs) to reliably produce quality results in a predictable timeframe. Criticism of requirements engineering (RE) practices current in CSDOs is prominent among the motivations spurring this movement. Comparison of high level features of ADMs with established systems engineering (SE) approaches reveals that there is significant commonality between them. The most important difference relates to the mixing in of development activities with high level RE activities, involving developers in them from the outset and reducing formality. On the basis of this analysis we make some general observations on the value of ADMs and their advocacy. Emergence of Agile Development Methodologies Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a wide spectrum of "agile" or "rapid" software development and project management methodologies. The category, which we will refer to as "Agile Development Methodologies" (ADMs) is not clearly defined and the methodologies, processes and elements included are in a rapid state of evolution. Some examples of this trend are Extreme Programming (XP), Lean Development, Adaptive Software Development, Scrum, Feature-Driven Development, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Agile Modeling (AM) and Prince2. That these diverse approaches are kindred spirits, overlap and even borrow from each other is widely recognized. Further evidence of their relatedness is the formation of organizations such as the Agile Alliance which adopts a fervent advocacy stance for agile methodologies in broad terms. Their "Manifesto" (Agile Alliance, 2000) gives something of the flavor of most ADMs. The key principles listed there are: • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools • Working software over comprehensive documentation • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation • Responding to change over following a plan
Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum are considered the most commonly used agile models by software developers. XP is a software development model that tries to improve software quality and make s it flexible to respond rapidly changing customer requirements. Scrum is a framework instead of a complete process or methodology. It does not provide detailed descriptions of each and every process in a project. It leaves everything to the development team and focuses on project management practices while XP lacks these practices. In this paper, we propose a novel agile model named IXPRUM(Integrated XP and scRUM)by merging Scrum practices into XP phases which improves the quality and productivity of delivered software products. The validity of the proposed model is tested by conducting a case study under the guidelines of proposed IXPRUM model.
Proceedings of the 2010 National Software Engineering Conference on - NSEC '10, 2010
Developing software for high-dependability space applications and systems is a formidable task. The industry has a long tradition of developing standards that strictly sets quality goals and prescribes engineering processes and methods to fulfill them. The ECSS standards is a recent addition, but being built on the PSS-05, it has a legacy of plan-driven software processes. With new political and market pressures on the space industry to deliver more software at a lower cost, alternative methods need to be investigated. In particular, the agile development processes studied and practiced in the Software Engineering field at large has tempting properties. This paper presents results from an industrial case study on a company in the European space industry that is using agile software development methods in ECSS projects. We discuss success factors based on detailed process and document analysis as well as empirical data from interviews and questionnaires.
The agile software development methods are studied in this paper. Agile software development methodology was formally represented to the community of software engineering through twelve principles and four core values. Agility is considered the cornerstone of the agile software development. This contrasts with the plandriven technique that is explained in different conventional models (e.g. Waterfall). Currently, the agile development is an important development approach, which is derived from practical uses to encourage the cooperation between users and developers so that fast development processes could be supported, and to adapt with the modifications that are affecting the dynamic environment. Many agile methods are currently available in the literature with Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) methods forming two most commonly used methods. This study demonstrates the value of applying the agile methods in developing software projects by analysing the current agile methods. The s...
Developing software for high-dependability space applications and systems is a formidable task. The industry has a long tradition of developing standards that strictly sets quality goals and prescribes engineering processes and methods to fulfill them. The ECSS standards is a recent addition, but being built on the PSS-05, it has a legacy of plan-driven software processes. With new political and market pressures on the space industry to deliver more software at a lower cost, alternative methods need to be investigated. In particular, the agile development processes studied and practiced in the Software Engineering field at large has tempting properties. This paper presents results from an industrial case study on a company in the European space industry that is using agile software development methods in ECSS projects. We discuss success factors based on detailed process and document analysis as well as empirical data from interviews and questionnaires.
Abstract: Today‘s business, political and economic environment is very much dynamic, and customers are adapting their software requirements to adjust with these new environment. In particular software needs to cater to the change in business environment due to the current economic down trend situation. Agile methodology satisfies the customer through early and continuous delivery of software. This research paper helps in understanding various agile methods; comparison among agile methods: XP, Scrum, FDD, DSDM, ASD and to find out relationship among them to help future developers to get new ideas, methods to develop software and also help to choose the right methodology. This study in general aims to contribute to the agile body of knowledge. Keywords: Agile, XP, Scrum, ASD, FDD and DSDM. Title: Comparative Analysis of Different Agile Methodologies Author: Shelly International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online) Research Publish Journals
EAA 2024, Rome. Thursday, 29 August. 16:30 - 18.30. Room 49=CU006-FLG-Aula B
Building and Environment, 2024
The spatiotemporal assessment of urban resilience is crucial for planning and policy-making toward addressing climate change and other societal challenges. However, our comprehension of urban resilience at smaller scales is limited. This study not only advances urban resilience research by developing an efficient measurement approach but also contributes to practice by evaluating resilience at the city block level, thereby informing targeted interventions. Our study aimed to downscale the unit of analysis for urban resilience assessment by focusing on the social, economic, housing and infrastructural, and environmental dimensions of blocks in the southern districts of Tehran between 2006 and 2016. The Fuzzy Delphi Method was utilized to determine the indicators for urban resilience assessment. The Analytic Hierarchy Process technique was employed to weigh these indicators. Subsequently, the PROMETHEE technique was applied to evaluate the resilience of urban blocks. Finally, the K-Means algorithm was utilized to cluster the urban blocks. The results indicate that from 2006 to 2016, the southern districts of Tehran saw a marked reduction in overall resilience. This decline affected 48 % of the urban blocks, encompassing 60 % of the area and 62 % of the population. The results of applying the K-means algorithm for urban block clustering did not align with the boundaries of the southern districts of Tehran. This finding highlights that assessing resilience on smaller scales could lead to more accurate conclusions.
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