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Working Paper No: 2007/09 NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM AND THE EMERGENCE OF INDIAN INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY MULTINATIONALS Jaya Prakash Pradhan ISID May 2007 I SI D W or k in g Pa pe r 2007/ 09 NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM AND THE EMERGENCE OF INDIAN INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY MULTINATIONALS Jaya Prakash Pradhan Institute for Studies in Industrial Development 4, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070 Phone: +91 11 2689 1111; Fax: +91 11 2612 2448 E-mail: <info@vidur.delhi.nic.in> Website: <http://isid.org.in> May 2007 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1515648 ISID Working Papers are meant to disseminate the tentative results and findings obtained from the on-going research activities at the Institute and to attract comments and suggestions which may kindly be addressed to the author(s). © Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, 2007 PREFACE On 10th October 2005, I received an e‐mail from Karl P. Sauvant, who wanted a press release on Indian Transnational Corporations (TNCs) with an idea to ‘identify the main players to watch, how they have expanded internationally through FDI and to give a sense of the dynamics of the process’. He suggested releasing it in early 2006 as a joint Columbia University‐ISID (Institute for Studies in Industrial Development) press release. I formally accepted his suggestion on Indian TNCs and the work began in December 2005. The work, which was initially thought to be a small piece on Indian TNCs, turned out to be a larger study. The existing data sources on Indian companies investing abroad like the erstwhile Indian Investment Centre or unpublished database of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India just provide data on name of Indian investing company, approved amount of investment, ownership participation and name of host country. However, these sources do not provide information on actual number of overseas subsidiaries of Indian firms, names of overseas subsidiaries, foreign sales and fixed assets, etc., which are needed for the proposed study. I realized that a new database needs to be constructed on the overseas business operations of Indian multinationals. Without a reliable dataset any study on Indian multinationals may not be able to throw more light on their overseas activities, the precise objective of the present study. I started constructing a dataset manually on Indian multinationals based on individual company’s annual reports and information collected from their websites. Later my colleague, Mahua Paul, had shown interest in the subject and offered her help in compiling the dataset. After working for a couple of months she opted out from the project, obviously for tardiness and painful manual work of data compilation. I was again alone in the work and continued the data compilation myself. Finally, I decided to proceed sectorally—targeting the most internationalized sector of Indian economy first and then moving on to other less internationalized sectors in descending order. The Indian software sector was selected and the work proceeded on a long drawn research exercise. This is the first report in a series of reports on Indian multinationals to be released in due time. I hope that these studies can help policy makers, researchers and thinkers to enhance their knowledge on Indian multinationals and better appreciate their role in the context of growing globalization of production from developing countries. I deeply appreciate Karl Sauvant for his suggestion on the press release that ultimately led to the present study on Indian multinationals. Vinoj Abraham has provided useful comments on the paper. I also acknowledge my colleagues at ISID, S.K. Goyal, K.S. Chalapati Rao, K.V.K. Ranganathan and others for their support and encouragement during the preparation of this study. Editorial help from Ms. Puja Mehta is thankfully acknowledged. CONTENTS Preface i‐ii Abstract 1 1. Introduction 1 2. National Innovation System and Internationalization: A Theoretical Note 3 2.1. Agents of Innovation 4 2.2. Interaction and Inter‐linkages among Innovation Agents 6 2.3. NIS and Internationalization 8 3. NIS and Rise of Indian IST Multinationals 10 3.1. The Evolution and Transformation of the Indian IST Industry 10 3.2. Emergence of Indian IST OFDI 20 4. Indian IST Multinationals: Main Features 21 4.1. Geographical Composition 22 4.2. Ownership Pattern 25 4.3. India’s Leading IST Multinationals 26 4.4. Firm‐specific Characteristics of Indian IST Multinationals 29 5. Case Study of Two Selected IST Multinationals 31 5.1. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 32 5.2. H C L Technologies Ltd. 39 6. Conclusion 45 6.1. Implications for Developing Countries 46 i. Establishment of Skill Institutions 46 ii. Improvement in Infrastructure and Promotion of IT Usage 47 iii. An Outward‐looking Policy Regime 47 6.2. Implications for India 47 6.3. Implications for Indian IST Firms 48 Reference 49 Appendix 52 List of Tables Table‐1 Indian OFDI Stock (In $ million), 1976 to 2006 Table‐2 Electronic Production in India, 1981–1990 13 Table‐3 Electronic Production in India, 1991–2000 17 Table‐4 Resources Raised by Electronics and Information Technology Firms from Indian Capital Market, in Rs. crore. 17 Software Exports by Software Technology Parks of India, 1991–92 to 1999–00 18 Table‐6 Electronic Production in India, 2001–2005 19 Table‐7 Geographical Distribution of Overseas Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associate Companies of Indian IST Multinationals, as in 2006 23 Table‐ 8 Ownership Patterns of Indian IST Multinationals 26 Table‐9 Top Sixty Indian IST Multinationals by Number of Overseas Ventures 27 Table‐10 Foreign Assets and Sales of Top Eleven Indian IST Multinationals, 2005–06 28 Difference between Indian IST firms with and without Overseas Subsidiaries, 2005 30 Table‐12 Results from Wilcoxon Rank‐Sum (Mean‐Whitney) Test 30 Table‐13 The Size of TCS, 2001–2006 34 Table‐14 Composition of TCS’ Global Revenue, 2005–2006 34 Table‐15 Assets and Turnovers of TCS’ Foreign Subsidiaries, 2005–2006 35 Table‐16 Acquisition by TCS, 2001–2006 38 Table‐17 Acquisition by HCL Technologies, 2001–2005 41 Table‐18 Geography of HCL Technologies’ Foreign Assets and Sales, 2005–2006 42 Assets and Turnovers of HCL Technologies’ Foreign Subsidiaries, 2005–2006 43 Information on Overseas Subsidiaries of Indian IST Multinationals 52 Table‐5 Table‐11 Table‐19 Table‐A1 2 List of Figures Figure‐1 National Innovation System and Internationalization Figure‐2 Overseas Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associate Companies of Indian IST Multinationals 4 23 NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM AND THE EMERGENCE OF INDIAN INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY MULTINATIONALS Jaya Prakash Pradhan * [Abstract: The dramatic growth of outward FDI from India over the past decade is significantly led by Indian information and software technology (IST) firms. These IST firms have aggressively adopted outward FDI as a competitive strategy for seeking overseas markets, networks, skills and technologies. This study analyzes the factors leading to the emergence of these Indian IST firms as multinationals in the global market. Applying the theoretical framework of national innovation system (NIS), the study establishes that origin of Indian IST multinationals are critically linked to the overall policy environment and strategic government intervention in skill formation, development of supporting institutions, proactive role of Indian households in undertaking human capital investment and providing risk taking entrepreneurs, and also to the firm‐level business strategies. The Indian experience shows that the development of a suitable NIS is required if other developing countries are aspiring to build their capability in the IST industry.] 1. Introduction The dramatic growth of outward investment activities by Indian multinationals since the last decade has motivated a growing literature on the study of the behaviour of these multinational firms (Pradhan, 2004, 2005, 2007; Pradhan and Sahoo, 2005; UNCTAD, 2004, 2005, 2006; Sauvant, 2005). The actual stock of Indian direct investment has risen from about US $46 million in 1980 to US $8181 million at the end of February 2006 (Table‐ 1). A key feature of the recent wave of Indian outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) has been the emergence of Indian information and software technology (henceforth IST) firms as the most aggressive outward investors from the Indian economy (see Pradhan, 2003, 2005 for detailed analysis). These firms together with firms from communication sector contributed about 56 per cent of total approved OFDI undertaken by the service sector alone in the late 1990s and about 30 per cent of OFDI by all sectors of the economy. * Assistant Professor at the Institute. For communication, E‐mail: pradhanjayaprakash@gmail.com Table‐1 Indian OFDI Stock (In $ million), 1976 to 2006 Year Number of Approvals Value As on 1.1. 1976 As on 31‐8‐1980 As on 1‐9‐1986 As on 31‐12‐1990 As on 31‐12‐1995 As on 31‐3‐2000 As on 28‐2‐2006 133 204 208 214 1016 2204 8620 OFDI Stock ($ million) Approved Percentage Change Value ‐‐‐‐‐ 213 ‐24 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 332 295 38 119 90 NA 961 4151 16395 17 46 75 NA 212 794 8181 Actual Percentage Change ‐‐‐‐‐ 171 63 ‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ 275 930 Note: NA–Not available. Source: Pradhan (2007), based on Ministry of Commerce, Indian Investment Centre, and Ministry of Finance. The expanding magnitude of OFDI by Indian IST firms raises several issues: Why are these firms investing abroad? Where are they investing? What are their competitive advantages for overseas investment? What set of problems they face while operating in overseas markets? Are there government agencies that provide timely information and assistance to these firms on the various aspects of host countries? What are the policy lessons that the Indian experience offers to other developing countries that want to develop their own capability in the IST industry? The present study is an attempt to identify the factors that led to the rise of Indian IST industry and its overseas investment activities. Although, recently a number of empirical studies on Indian overseas investment have appeared, the present study seeks to contribute to the literature on two directions. First, these existing studies mostly rely on approved and actual OFDI flows data to analyze the behaviour of Indian multinationals but invariably provide incomplete picture and fail to identify the leading actors and their overseas subsidiaries. This study, based on a new dataset of Indian subsidiaries abroad, goes on to analyze the behaviour of Indian multinationals that are actually operating today. Secondly, the previous studies (Pradhan 2003, 2004) have explored the firm‐ specific advantages that led these Indian firms to invest abroad from a narrow theoretical framework. For example, they presumed the existence of some firm‐specific advantages like technology, skill, advertising, etc., to start with and then proceed to identify which factors are in fact influencing the OFDI behaviour of domestic firms. In this process, these studies have failed to integrate the larger forces that led to the emergence of these advantages in the first place. In my view, unless the theories of foreign direct investment assimilate the forces that cause firm‐specific advantages to appear with firms’ internationalization process, we still lack a satisfactory theoretical framework to analyze 2 OFDI behaviour of firms. In this paper, I have proposed the use of the theoretical framework of national innovation system (NIS) to analyze firms’ OFDI performance and to gain a larger understanding of the phenomenon. In the next two sections, I elaborate on this theoretical framework to explain OFDI by firms in general and apply the same to the case of Indian IST industry. Section 4 presents the geographical patterns of Indian IST multinationals, their ownership choice and undertakes identification of large IST multinationals with indicators on the extent of their global production. The firm‐specific characteristics of Indian IST multinationals are also explored in this section. A brief case study of two selected large Indian IST multinationals is undertaken in Section 5. These case studies are inspired by the specific objective of examining the causes and motivations of IST firms’ OFDI activities in the NIS theoretical framework. Section 6 concludes the study, summarizing main the lessons that other developing countries can learn from the Indian experience in the IST industry. 2. National Innovation System and Internationalization: A Theoretical Note In the last decade or so there has been a growing realization among policy makers, researchers and technology practitioners across the world that national firms are just one of the agents of innovation and their innovativeness can’t be completely related to their own firm‐specific technological efforts alone. Following the pioneering works of Lundvall (1985) and Freeman (1988) a flowering literature has emerged to emphasize that innovation and technology developments of a nation are a result of a complex and dynamic interactive process among different agents that generate and commercialize new knowledge through changes in products, processes, or services. This literature (Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, 1993; OECD, 1997; among others) has come to be known as ‘National System of Innovation’ (NIS) perspective of innovation. Before the arrival of NIS approach, the nature of innovation process was narrowly interpreted and the focus of science and technology policies was restricted to encourage R&D investment in the economy (OECD, 1997; Abrunhosa, 2003). Both public and private sector firms were provided with a host of incentives to undertake that basic research which is ultimately determined by market parameters like fragmentation of demand, market power, cost advantage and profitability. The NIS perspective concurs that the innovation process is usefully represented by technology variables like R&D or patents but these variables alone fail to provide the complete analysis of the actions and interactions of all the agents involved in that process. 3 Figure‐1 presents my interpretation of NIS for an economy and relates the same to the process of internationalization. There are three related components in the present figure—(i) modes of internationalization, (ii) agents of innovation and their inter‐ linkages, and (iii) agents’ functions and characteristics. First, I will take up the latter two components to elaborate on the concept of NIS. Figure‐1 National Innovation System and Internationalization Modes of internalization Agents of innovation and their inter-linkages Agents’ functions and characteristics Firm-specific factors Export Market characteristics FIRM Outward direct investment Overseas acquisition Overall Business Environment Supply of Labour HOUSEHOLD Supply of Entrepreneurs Provision and incentives for skill formation Overseas inter-firm alliances NATIONAL INNOVATION Provision of physical infrastructure like transportation, power, and communication. GOVERNMENT Provision of technological infrastructure Policies related to industry, trade, foreign investment, technology etc. Public Sector Firms and technology creation Political institutions Legal institutions INSTITUTIONS Administrative institutions Financial institutions Source: Own construction Research institutions and universities 2.1. Agents of Innovation NIS comprises four agents of innovation, which undertake innovative activities or create conducive atmosphere for such activities. They are firms, household, government and institutions. In today’s economies, a significant part of national innovation takes place within the firm or industrial sector itself. Firms in their drive to grow and survive undertake various technological and specialized R&D functions to improve their production process, product, quality, and design. There exists a rich firm and industry‐ 4 level R&D literature that investigates the factors that motivate firms to undertake R&D activities. The decision of a firm to undertake R&D is strongly determined by a set of firm‐specific factors like firm size, age, linkages with global market (i.e. foreign investment, export‐orientation, technology licensing), location (i.e. rural‐urban), etc. Apart from these factors, their R&D behaviour is also related to market characteristics like concentration, inter‐sectoral differences in technological opportunities and demand characteristics, etc. The overall business environment like growth expectation, movement in prices, interest rate, exchange rate, and changes in public policies, etc., also influences firms’ ability to undertake R&D. The importance of households to the innovation process may be traced to their two important contributions. They are the source of productive labour and entrepreneurs. By supplying skilled and technical labour force to the firms, household plays a significant role in firms’ technological activities. Households are also the source of entrepreneurs who identify market opportunities, undertake risks and ultimately start the productive units called firms. Besides, households also subscribe to the equity capital of enterprises and thus are a source of finance for them, indirectly affecting their innovative activities. In NIS, government also plays a critical role. Public investment has an important influence on the provision of social, economic, and technological infrastructure like educational facilities (schools, colleges, universities, and training centre), hospitals, public housing, transport networks (railways, roads, water and airways), telecommunications, power, public research institutes and laboratories, etc. These infrastructures have a positive impact on labour quality and investment. They also lead to reduction in business costs, increase in quality and reliability of production process, and improvement in accessibility of firms to technological infrastructure. In this way public capital not only encourages the establishment of new firms, but also makes possible firms’ expansion, favourably influencing their R&D decisions. Public policies with regard to trade, technology and foreign investment tend to determine market structure, competition, export‐orientation and inter‐firm technological linkages. Fiscal incentives for innovation activities, waiver of imports duties on capital goods and machineries imported by firms for innovation, are other mediums by which government plays its role in encouraging national innovation. Starting of public sector always remain a direct form of government intervention in the creation of local technological and production capabilities. Studies indicated that public innovation spending like defense and basic research in countries like US have played a crucial role in their national innovation and technological change via valuable spillovers to the rest of the economy (Krugman, 1987). 5 The importance of institutions for human creativity and innovation can hardly be undermined. A democratic and decentralized political institution along with an efficient, independent, and impartial legal institution (judiciary as well as law enforcing agencies) protects human freedom, choice and creativity. They help economic agents to undertake their respective activities of production, trade, and consumption with minimum transaction and information costs in an economy. Transparency and accountability in general administration and good governance system tends to strengthen the usefulness of public resources for development purposes. Development of financial institutions like banks, capital market, and venture capital improve accessibility and timeliness of finance for entrepreneurs to turn their vision into enterprises and businesses. Research institutions and universities come to be the centre of knowledge flows and their networking with business firms are of critical importance for NIS. 2.2. Interaction and Inter‐linkages among Innovation Agents The interaction and linkages between innovative functions of different agents form a system which is known as NIS. This is a more integrated approach to understand innovation process of an economy than just looking at traditional R&D or patent statistics since this system explicitly takes into account the fact that innovativeness of agents are interdependent in real market situation. Although these agents are connected in systemic ways, there always exists a possibility of inefficient synergies between their activities which in turn can negatively affect the innovative process. In Figure‐1, bi‐way arrows of a curve or a line connecting two agents indicate that their relationship is dominated by reverse causation. Let’s take the relationship between firms and household. The innovation function of firms is crucially dependent upon the availability of skilled and R&D manpower in the economy. Household decides the extent of investment in human capital like general and technical education, health, etc., for its member and is the supplier of skilled workers in the labour market. An economy where households invest more in human capital is likely to have a pool of trained labour force easily available for innovative activities of firms than another economy where its households shy away from undertaking such investment. Firms also influence the nature and content of human capital investment made by households since all the employees of firms are primary members in households. In other instances firms generate demand for a particular skill thus raising returns to that particular human capital and households in turn positively get affected to send their members for acquiring the concerned skill. The relationship between government and household is also interdependent. Public sector investment in schools, colleges, management, technology, and science institutes, 6 improves households’ access to education and positively affects their human capital investment. Government incentives for education like provision of cheap educational loan, liberal scholarships, freeships, and free study materials also increase the value of government service in the education of households. Social investment in roads, health and sanitation all positively influence the household’s preference for higher human capital investment. Members in households as electorate influence the government support for education and thus are part of the decision making process in a democratic political system. The link between government and firms for innovation is quite strong indeed. In several ways governments across countries have been influencing the way in which their industries evolve and attain competitive maturity. The fiscal incentives in the form of tax breaks and subsidies by governments for in‐house R&D activities can push the pace of innovation in targeted sectors or their industrial policies covering foreign investment and trade can determine the market structure, which will ultimately impact the firm‐level R&D activities. For example, providing strong protection from imports and foreign investment and encouraging small firms led industrialization would definitely introduce size‐based limitation for achieving higher levels of innovation. The particular nature of patent regime these governments follow also affects the innovative activities of firms given the level of economic development. Developing countries like India with low levels of technological strength in knowledge‐intensive industries like pharmaceuticals may like to have a short‐duration process patent policy so that their infant domestic firms can use adaptive, incremental and reverse engineering forms of technological innovation to grow and gain their own competitive advantage. In Indian pharmaceutical industry, the starting of the public sector enterprises in the 1950s–60s had strong positive spillovers on domestic sectors for skills and local technology creation (Pradhan and Alakshendra, 2006) and hence government direct R&D spending can also determine the R&D activities of industrial firms. It is also a well known fact that corporate or industrial lobbies are a powerful group that influences government policies to serve their corporate interests. In the US, the pharmaceutical and health products industry had spent more than $800 million in federal lobbying and campaign donations at the federal and state levels in the past seven years (Centre for Public Integrity, 2005). As a result of industryʹs pressure, the U.S. government contributes more money to the development of new drugs through fiscal subsidies than any other government in the world. A higher level of innovative activities of firms may not be actualized in an environment of political instability, uncertainty of life and property, weak laws and order system, corruption, severe restrictions on human freedom and creativity, etc. Efficient institutions that tend to remove general uncertainty of life, to ensure availability of finance, 7 transparency in dealing with business, existence of centre of knowledge like universities, play their own part in influencing the industrial R&D in an economy. 2.3. NIS and Internationalization When each innovation agent plays its complementary role in expanding the innovation process, industries and firms evolve out of a growing sophisticated NIS. The growing firm‐specific technological capabilities that are a result of cumulative interactive process between firms and other innovation agents ultimately led these firms to reorganize themselves into global value chains by undertaking different internationalization activities. Once national firms achieve their competitive edge in innovation and technology, then the traditional theories of FDI play their role in explaining the nature of OFDI behaviour of outward investing firms. National firms may like to exploit their technological superiority in world market and depending upon relative benefits and costs they may chose any of these strategies or a combination thereof—manufacture the products and export to overseas market or license out their technology to a local player in the host market, or choose to produce the product in the host location by themselves (Figure‐1). The industrial organization theory of FDI (Hymer, 1960; Cave, 1971; Kindleberger, 1969) presupposes that outward investing firms must possess some firm‐specific advantages which are easily transferable to overseas location. This theory does not go beyond the apparent market imperfections in which firms tend to have asymmetric access to product, production process, know‐how, brand name, skills to explain the reason for the existence of these firm‐specific advantages. This is where NIS gives a greater picture of forces that lie behind the creation of these advantages in certain industries and, within them, certain firms. NIS recognizes that there are regional and sectoral variations in the interaction of different innovation agents like government, household, and institutions, besides firm‐specific variations in innovative capabilities. In a federal set‐up like India, states have their own governments, industrial policies and a set of locational advantages like skill, power, transportation infrastructure, etc. In this framework, states with suitable policy and locational advantages are likely to host a particular industry than states lacking those suitable factors. This kind of variation can also be noted within a particular state. For example, starting of a firm may be easier in an urban area than in rural area since financial institutions are well developed in former area. A firm located in one urban area may have easy access to required skills due to location of large number of favourable institutions than another firm in another urban location lacking such institutions. 8 With all these variations in NIS, a set of advanced firms with technological and marketing advantages appears to think in terms of a global market. As far as out‐ licensing as a strategy of exploiting firm‐specific advantages abroad is concerned, firms find internalization of these advantages (i.e. directly producing abroad via FDI) as the most efficient strategy to overcome the transaction costs and imperfections involved in the global markets for technology (Rugman, 1985, 1986; Buckley and Casson, 1985; Buckley, 1988). There are several reasons for firms to choose FDI over exports like tariffs, transportation costs, cheap factor prices in host location, etc. In the proximity concentration trade off hypothesis, Brainard (1997) assumed that export strategy compared to FDI strategy entails higher variable and lower fixed costs. Resourceful firms prefer to invest in a plant in foreign location (high fixed costs) with complete elimination of transport costs associated with exports from home country whereas firms that are not able to undertake this substantial fixed costs associated with foreign production will chose to undertake variable costs of exporting and small amount of fixed costs in building trade supporting networks abroad. Dunning (1980, 1988) has proposed an eclectic theory of FDI that encompasses theories existed before him. According to this framework, firms’ FDI decision depends not only on ownership and internalization advantages as discussed above, but also on locational advantages offered by host countries. The relative locational advantages of a potential host country like market size and growth, geographical and cultural distance, availability of good infrastructure, low cost skilled manpower, etc., in relation to other competing potential locations explain whether a firm will invest or not in that particular location. Besides FDI and exports, firms can also take other internationalization strategies like overseas acquisition and inter‐firm strategic alliances. Overseas acquisition strategy can be adopted by a variety of firms and for variety of reasons. Technologically backward firms from NIS representing a home developing country may like to acquire knowledge resources in advanced countries, which are the centre of innovation activities at the global level. Technologically advanced firms may also adopt this strategy to acquire complementary strategic resources like technologies and marketing distributions and to enter the foreign markets (Pradhan and Abraham, 2005). Strategic inter‐firm alliances are also increasingly becoming a new mode of internationalization in which firms from different NISs cooperate with each other according to their firm‐specific advantages in different parts of a value‐chain (Pradhan and Alakshendra, 2006). For example, given their cost‐effective process a large number of Indian pharmaceutical companies are supplying raw materials and bulk drugs to developed country firms which in turn produce the formulations and market the world over. These strategic alliances in the form of contract manufacturing, collaborative R&D and marketing are beneficial for firms from both developed and developing countries and suggest that globalization not 9 only increase inter‐firm competition, but also inter‐firm cooperation based on their competitive advantages in different parts of a value chain. It is important to emphasize here that these internationalization strategies also affect NIS. Export activities demand continuous innovation and learning whereas OFDI can act as a channel of knowledge spillovers to the home country. Overseas acquisitions of technologies and skills also help the acquiring national firms to improve their technological strength. There are also inter‐relationships that exist among different internationalization strategies. 3. NIS and Rise of Indian IST Multinationals By the early 2010s the Indian information and software technology sector had emerged as a major player in the global market with its phenomenal growth performance and significant structural transformation in terms of moving up the value chain. This led to the emergence of a large number of Indian IST firms investing cross‐border and acquiring increasing number of businesses abroad. Presently, the IST sector is the most globalized and internationalized sector in the Indian economy. In this section, I have explored how NIS of India has contributed to the growth of this sector and thus led to the emergence of a large number of multinationals from this country. A recent study by Joseph (2006) has competently explored the role of various NIS elements like infrastructure, R&D, government policy, trade regime, etc., in the rise of IT sector in India and the ASEAN countries. However, this study has not gone beyond to link the growth process of Indian IST sector with the rise of Indian IST multinationals. 3.1. The Evolution and Transformation of the Indian IST Industry The Indian IST industry has passed through different periods of development with different innovation agents playing their respective roles. Since the introduction of computer in 1955 1 at the public sector research institute to the exit of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) on June 1, 1978, India’s exposure to computer hardware was nascent with little domestic capabilities for manufacturing. In spite of policy initiative that set up a computer division in the Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. (ECIL) in 1969 to set the direction towards self‐reliance in computer technology, the industry was completely dominated by foreign players like IBM and International 1 A Russian computer URAL—1&2 was introduced at the public sector research institute, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), in 1955. 10 Computers Limited (formerly known as International Computers and Tabulators), with IBM alone controlling about 70 per cent of the Indian computer market. The exit of IBM due to implementation of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) 2 has contributed to the entry of new domestic firms, mainly government owned, into computer manufacturing and system maintenance. The starting of the these public sector companies was strongly propelled by strategic importance of the industry for defence and restrictions imposed by developed countries like US on India’s access to high‐ performance computing systems. The public sector company ECIL Ltd. took the leading role in indigenous hardware manufacture and started producing 12‐bit systems in 1977. In addition, ECIL has also generated a strong spillover impact on the training and growth of high caliber technical and managerial manpower related to computers and information technology. In 1976, Computer Maintenance Corporation (CMC) Ltd. was set up to look after system maintenance and the Department of Electronics and the Electronics Commission that came up in early 1970s to laying down the policies to guide the development of electronics industry in India. The positive spillovers from past foreign investment like IBM, public sector investment, and an unfulfilled demand for computers led to the emergence of a number of privately owned Indian companies like HCL (Hindustan Computer Ltd.) and DCM Data Products with their own microcomputers. Most importantly, ECIL and HCL had their own operating system alternative to foreign operating systems. The availability of a pool of extremely skilled programmers and entrepreneurs created by IBM had in fact played an important role in the development of indigenous companies. In fact Indian companies like IDM, CMC, ICIL, and HCL were set up by ex‐employees of IBM 3. Although, India was a pioneer in having operating systems and most of the demands for software were met in‐house in the 1970s, the growth of software industry was severely limited due to a low base of computer usage in the country. It is estimated that at the end of 1977, there were just 450 computers installed in the country (Sharma et. al., 2006). However, then increasing usage of computers since early 1980s led to a higher demand for computer software and technology. In this way, computer software grew in India as 2 3 FERA required that foreign companies without having meaningful manufacturing base in India must dilute their ownership to 40 per cent of the equity. IBM refused to dilute its controlling interest and left India whereas the British company ICL diluted its foreign equity to 40 per cent and became ICIM. Dataquest (2006) ‘...Companies that defined Indian IT’, Saturday, December 30; Harding, E. U. (1989) ‘After IBMʹs exit, an industry arose; India offers a development alternative for U.S. firms facing make/buy decision’, Software Magazine, November 15. 11 part of the broader process of development of the computer (and electronics) industry (Radhakrishnan, 2003). Like computer hardware, public sector investment has assumed a leadership role in the development of computer software industry. The public sector company, CMC, that was providing system maintenance service to IBM installations at over 800 locations in the country, subsequently emerged as the leading player in software development for both the indigenous and overseas markets (Dataquest, 2006). The early 1980s to early 1990s marked the second stage of the transformation of Indian IST industry. The Indian electronic industry grew by a compound rate of 24.6 per cent in 1981–1990, from a mere US $965 million in 1981 to a noticeable US $5465 million (Table‐ 2). Over the same period, the computer hardware segment has grown by even more impressive rate of 38.9 per cent and the computer software by 34.3 per cent. As a result of better growth performance by computer hardware and software segment as compared with others, their share in total electronic production has gone up respectively from 3.5 per cent to 10.7 per cent and from 0.7 per cent to 4.2 per cent. The rapid growth of domestic software at 105.8 per cent during this period is due to its extremely low base value. The relatively higher growth performance of IST segment in India’s electronics industry is related to suitable changes in public policy and international developments (Joseph, 2006). The adoption of National Computer Policy 1984 heralded a new liberalized policy regime for computer hardware and the Computer Software Development, Export and Training Policy 1986 visualized an outward looking strategy for software industry. This new policy has removed prior government approval for capacity expansions and put in place single window system of approval for broadly defined products for computer hardware. Computer software was recognized as a separate industry and a Software Development Agency (SDA) was established for its overall growth. Tariffs and import duties were slashed for imports of components and inputs for software development and a liberal view was adopted towards foreign technology imports and foreign collaborations. Similar to hardware, large domestic and foreign companies were allowed to become software producers. Various fiscal and non‐fiscal incentives were provided to promote software exports like simplified procedures, granting export‐oriented software units a liberal access to foreign exchange and exemption from 40 per cent ceiling on foreign ownership under FERA, allowing import of software packages/programmes under open general licence (OGL), according copy‐right protection to software, etc. The government procurement has also added another growth push for the industry. Government spending for computerization of government offices from central to district level, the establishment of National Informatics Centre (NIC), etc., fuelled the growth of the industry. These policies changed the overall market condition with removing policy‐ 12 led barriers to entry and improved market competitiveness. The changing policy regime in India coincided with two important developments in international markets—(i) emergence of IBM PC as the global standard for micro‐computing, and (ii) rise of regional clone markets like Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, which led to large scale imports of PC‐compatibles. These factors led to boom in Indian PC‐ compatible market, which in turn stimulated domestic ancillary industries like printed circuit boards (PCBs), floppy drives, power supply, and printers (Radhakrishnan, 2003). Table‐2 Electronic Production in India, 1981–1990 Production in $ million (percentage share) Growth rate (%) 1981 1985 1990 Consumer Electronics 285 857 1698 26.2 (29.54) (40.02) (31.06) Industrial Electronics 183 327 802 19.6 (18.96) (15.25) (14.68) Computers 34 125 584 38.9 (3.52) (5.85) (10.69) Communication & Broadcasting Equipment 177 308 932 32.2 (18.37) (14.39) (17.05) Strategic Electronics 80 159 326 16.7 (8.25) (7.43) (5.96) Electronic Components 199 332 895 21.1 (20.64) (15.48) (16.37) Total Electronic Hardware 958 2108 5237 24.2 (99.27) (98.43) (95.82) Domestic Software 0.26 6 114 105.8 (0.03) (0.29) (2.09) Software for Exports 7 28 114 34.3 (0.70) (1.28) (2.09) Total Computer Software 7 34 229 43.6 (0.73) (1.57) (4.18) Total Electronic Production 965 2142 5465 24.6 (100) (100) (100) Note: Growth rate has been obtained from running semi logarithmic regression of the form, logy=a+bt on annual production from 1981 to 1990, where y=production, t=time, a, b are constants. Growth rate = {antilog (b)‐1]}*100; Percentage shares are provided in parenthesis. Source: Based on two sources of Department of Electronics, Government of India, New Delhi: (i) Electronics Information & Planning, November 1991; (ii) Guide to Electronics Industry in India 1999. Sector During 1987–1990, Indian government established several other institutions to support the growth of the IST industry (Kokhova and Sukharev, 2001). Software exports by companies registered with Department of Electronics has been provided with export promotion benefits as granted to manufactureed exports. The clients of Indian software companies were provided with insurance protection against malpractices and software companies were granted access to export shipment credit and credit guarantees. The 13 Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) was established in 1988 as electronics and IT trade facilitation organization. In March 1988, Government of India established an R&D institution, National Centre for Software Technology (NCST) (presently known as Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), meant fro designing, developing and deploying of advanced IT based solutions. In the wake of the US government’s refusal to sell supercomputers to India, the NCST has played an important role in developing indigenous technology for supercomputers and has introduced a range of high performance parallel computers, known as the PARAM series of supercomputers. These computers were later exported to several countries like Russia, Canada, Germany and Singapore. In 1990 the government adopted the scheme of Software Technology Parks (STPs) of India to leverage from cluster benefits and providing software companies with abundance of requisite infrastructure. India’s adoption of satellite‐based telecommunication has in fact significantly improved the speed of interaction between Indian software companies and their overseas subsidiaries and clients. In this period venture capital funding for software companies became available, which has helped many Indian software companies to come into existence. To further boost software exports, profits earned from software and services exports were totally exempted from taxation. The differential performance of computer hardware and software industry both being two sides of the same coin should not surprise anyone. It is an example of how one segment of an industry that has benefited from efficient synergies among different innovation agents in a NIS whereas another is fighting for survival due to inefficient synergies. The government policy towards the exports and development of computer software was more systematic, dynamic and outward‐looking whereas that towards hardware was marked by frequently changing and more of inward‐looking protectionist strategy since 1970s. In post‐Independent India, the policy regime towards computer can be divided into five phases—outward‐looking to foreign investment and imports during 1950–72, became more restrictive over 1972–84, partially liberalized during 1984–87, reversal of partial liberalization specifically with regard to imports in 1987–1990 and moved into a highly liberalized and outward‐looking phase from 1991 onwards. The changing direction of policy in the 1980s led to more confused firm‐level strategies in the hardware industry. Since the hardware industry in India has a high import dependency due to lack of local availability of inputs and raw material, the imposition of high import duties had adversely affected the industry. The Indian hardware firms were devoid of seriousness of a government‐backed cluster approach as in the case of software through software technology parks and thus were suffering from lack of suitable infrastructure. Although, the policy notifications for Electronic Hardware Technology Park (EHTP) were issued during 1992–1993, but government seriousness for hardware segment was 14 lost in “a general hostile policy environment and the impact of wrongly balanced structure of the original version of EHTP”. 4 The unfavourable domestic market condition like low PC‐intensity has not led these firms to achieve the economies of scale so important to the industry. There are also firm‐specific inadequacies which have affected the competitiveness of Indian hardware industry in the global markets. Indian hardware companies although had shown their ability to design a new product like supercomputer but always they are late relative to global developments. They could not create a strong brand name for their products due to low quality and low level of innovation. The growth of Indian IST industry in 1980s is also related to the overall strategy of government to build industrial capacity in the country during the period 1950s–1980s with targeted public sector investment in skill, infrastructure, and institutions. In various Five Year Plan documents, the policy has laid special emphasis on expanding facilities for post‐graduate studies and research in engineering, technological, and management education besides improving facilities for diploma or certificate courses for training supervisory personnel. The basic objective was to create a skilled workforce to support the economic development of post‐Independent India. The Central Government has established a number of higher technological institutes like five IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) at Kharagpur (1951), Mumbai (1958), Chennai (1959), Kanpur (1959), and Delhi (1961); IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) at Ahmedabad (1961), Bangalore (1973), Calcutta (1961); in addition a number of technological institutions (engineering colleges and polytechnics) and universities were being added to the national educational system. Between 1950–51 and 1981 the number has increased from 49 with an annual capacity of 4120 students to 171 with a capacity of 34835 students in the case of degree courses and 84 with a capacity of 5900 students to 363 with a capacity of 61114 students in the case of diploma courses. The increased availability of these specialized institutions has led Indian households to send their children for higher specialized and technical education. The overall enrollment ratio for secondary school education has gone up from 5.4 per cent in 1950–51 to 17.3 per cent in 1980–81 and the number of engineering graduates and diploma holders jumped between the same years from 4680 to 53499. All these have contributed to the major development of skills and education in India, which have greatly helped the growth of Indian IST industry (Abraham and Sharma, 2005). In the meantime, the policy started laying emphasis on directly promoting computer education in the country. The Department of Electronics (DoE) in collaboration with 4 Basic Background Report (BR‐2) for National Task Force on Information Technology and Software Development, Government of India, 8th August 1998, available at http://it‐ taskforce.nic.in/bbr2/bbr2‐2.htm. 15 Department of Education started a pilot initiative for introducing computer literacy and studies in about 250 selected secondary/higher secondary schools in 1984–85 and later 1700 more schools were covered under this progamme. The shortage of specialized skill for the growth of IST industry was felt in the 1980s and the DoE took the initiative to identify institutions that could undertake the bachelor and post graduate courses in computer applications in early 1980s. A number of new courses such as Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA), Bachelor of Engineering or Technology (BE/B.Tech.) in computer engineering and science were introduced in universities, IITs, engineering colleges. The large demand of households for IT and computer education led to proliferation of a number of private players like NIIT (1981), Aptech Ltd. (1986), etc., and which in turn trained a very large number of professionals in the country. Most importantly, Indian households started sending a group of their technical manpower to work overseas in countries like USA. Later on these expatriate Indian computer professionals turned into entrepreneurs strongly linking Indian software industry with global software industry and generating knowledge spillovers from the Silicon Valley to India. The 1990s—the third stage of the evolution of Indian IST industry—saw significant transformation in the structure of Indian electronic industry. This was a period of rapid growth period for Indian software industry—domestic software and software exports respectively grew at 38 per cent and 51 per cent over 1991–2000 (Table‐3). As a result of this phenomenal growth, computer software has emerged as largest component of Indian electronic industry. Its share has gone up from 5.7 per cent in 1991 to 53.7 per cent in 2001. On the contrary, the growth of computer hardware suffered a serious setback—its growth dropped by seven times from 38.9 per cent in 1981–1990 to just 5.4 per cent in 1991–2000. The growth of Indian IST industries in 1990s also reveals the importance of institutions as a determining factor in the evolution of an industry. The development of Indian capital market has favourably affected the industry and a large number of Indian IST firms raised their resource requirement via this route of financing. Over 1993–94 to 2005–06 Indian electronics and software firms went for as many as 320 capital issues (both public and rights issues) raising over Rs. 126 billion worth of investment from Indian capital markets (Table‐4). The emergence of software technology parks (STP) all over the country as institutions with excellent infrastructure and fiscal benefits have led to tremendous growth of software exports from India. The share of STP towards total software exports from India has increased from mere 3.3 per cent in 1991–92 to a staggering 67.7 per cent in 1999–00 (Table‐5). 16 Table‐3 Electronic Production in India, 1991–2000 Sector Consumer Electronics Industrial Electronics Computers Communication & Broadcasting Equipment Strategic Electronics Electronic Components Total Electronic Hardware Domestic Software Software for Exports Total Computer Software Total Electronic Production Production in $ million (percentage share) 1991 1995 2000 1333 1715 2644 (29.5) (26.1) (17.8) 624 790 883 (13.8) (12.0) (6.0) 425 622 745 (9.4) (9.5) (5.0) 853 935 990 (18.9) (14.2) (6.7) 229 239 385 (5.1) (3.6) (2.6) 794 1064 1224 (17.6) (16.2) (8.2) 4258 5364 6871 (94.3) (81.7) (46.3) 110 478 1958 (2.4) (7.3) (13.2) 145 725 6008 (3.2) (11.0) (40.5) 256 1203 7966 (5.7) (18.3) (53.7) 4514 6567 14838 (100) (100) (100) Growth rate (%) 9.4 5.2 5.4 0.2 10.2 5.2 5.9 38.2 51.2 46.5 14.2 Note: Same as Table‐1. Source: Same as Table‐1 and Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (2006) Information Technology Annual Report 2005–06, Department of Information Technology, Government of India. Table‐4 Resources Raised by Electronics and Information Technology Firms from Indian Capital Market, in Rs. crore. Electronics Industry No. 70 7 Value 828 746 Information Technology No. Value 22 409 30 298 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1997–98 3 62 1 1998–99 4 204 5 1999–00 3 213 36 2000–01 4 69 89 2001–02 0 0 6 2002–03 0 0 3 2003–04 4 247 9 2004–05 2 61 5 2005–06 2 54 15 All above years 99 2484 221 Note: The number includes both public issue and rights issue. Source: SEBI (2007), Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Securities Market 2006, pp.24–25. 17 9 47 1547 804 38 227 804 5095 902 10180 Table‐5 Software Exports by Software Technology Parks of India, 1991–92 to 1999–00 Name of STP Software Export (Rs. Crore) 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–00 16.1 22.9 56.6 126.4 405.5 913.7 1650.0 2888.1 4321 0.3 0.5 1.1 3.8 53.3 89 7.6 15.9 27.4 96.1 150 0.0 0.9 0.0 1.2 1.5 3.8 6.2 13.3 27 0.2 4.6 9.8 24.7 60.4 133.2 274.0 573.5 1059 161.0 393.9 747.6 1890 5.4 8.0 6.1 3.7 15 0.1 23.6 45.7 82.1 200.0 415.8 750.0 1346.3 2450 5.4 15 0.2 0.5 1.6 7.4 41.5 120.5 251.9 381.2 572 147.5 962 1.2 1.7 2.3 3.6 8.0 25.0 44.0 57 16.6 53.59 115.77 244.49 726.62 1779.86 3388.22 6300.04 11607 508 675 1020 1535 2550 3700 6500 10940 17150 Bangalore Bhubaneswar Calcutta Gandhinagar Hyderabad Chennai Jaipur Noida Mohali Pune Navi Mumbai Thiruvananthapuram Total STP Exports Total Software Exports from India STP as a per cent of total 3.3 7.9 11.4 15.9 28.5 48.1 52.1 57.6 67.7 software exports from India Source: Based on (i) Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (2000) Statistical Year Book 2000, New Delhi; (ii) Guide to Electronics Industry in India, various years, Data Bank and Information Division, Department of Information Technology; (iii) Annual Report (various years), Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, New Delhi. In the 1990s the policy regime governing Indian industries including IST industry has become more globalized and liberalized with progressive liberalization of industrial, foreign investment, technology and trade policies that have taken place since the issue of new industrial policy statement on July 24, 1991. The existing liberalized policy environment for the Indian electronics and IT industry is characterized by the following features—abolition of industrial licensing requirement except electronic aerospace and defence equipment which is still under reserved for public sector companies; automatic approval for foreign technology agreement and foreign equity up to 100 per cent; zero custom duties on computer software as well as for inputs, raw materials and capital goods imports for manufacture of electronic components and goods, imports of computer parts such as microprocessors, hard disc drives, floppy disc drives, CD ROM drives, DVD drives, USB flash memory and combo‐drives; 12 per cent excise duty on imports of finished computers; income tax exemption on export profits earned by firms that are Export Oriented or are based in electronics hardware technology park (EHTP), STPs and Special Economic Zones (SEZs); 60 per cent depreciation on computers; and a weighted deduction of 150 per cent on expenditure borne for the purposes of scientific, social or statistical research. The exiting policy related to hardware segment of IST 18 industry is quite a contrast to the policy pursued during 1987–1995. Apart from instituting liberal trade measures for hardware segment, various policy notifications in the late 1990s made the EHTP as duty free area for hardware manufacture. These liberal policy measures led to a continuous growth momentum of the IST industry during 2001–2005. In spite of the strong negative impact of the US economic slow‐down and 9/11 World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, the software segment continued its high growth performance at 31.5 per cent in 2001–05, which is of course lower than the growth rate of 46.5 per cent in 1991–2000 (Table‐6). The favourable policies towards hardware segment led to a reversal of growth set backs received during 1991–00 and this segment achieved an impressive growth rate of 35.3 per cent in 2001–05. Not withstanding the Table‐6 Electronic Production in India, 2001–2005 Sector Consumer Electronics Industrial Electronics Computers Communication & Broadcast Equipment Strategic Electronics Electronic Components Total Electronic Hardware Domestic Software Software for Exports Total Computer Software Total Electronic Production 2001 2607 (16.0) 949 (5.8) 746 (4.6) 943 (5.8) 371 (2.3) 1197 (7.4) 6814 (41.9) 2246 (13.8) 7206 (44.3) 9452 (58.1) 16266 (100) Production in $ million (percentage share) 2002 2003 2004 2794 3188 3641 (14.6) (13.1) (11.4) 1111 1284 1832 (5.8) (5.3) (5.7) 860 1417 1915 (4.5) (5.8) (6.0) 988 1106 1053 (5.2) (4.5) (3.3) 479 573 629 (2.5) (2.4) (2.0) 1340 1599 1920 (7.0) (6.6) (6.0) 7572 9167 10989 (39.7) (37.7) (34.3) 2469 3327 4524 (12.9) (13.7) (14.1) 9054 11807 16550 (47.4) (48.6) (51.6) 11523 15135 21074 (60.3) (62.3) (65.7) 19095 24301 32063 (100) (100) (100) Growth rate (%) 2005 4082 (10.3) 2041 (5.1) 2268 (5.7) 1179 (3.0) 680 (1.7) 1995 (5.0) 12245 (30.9) 5669 (14.3) 21769 (54.9) 27438 (69.1) 39683 (100) 12.3 22.5 35.3 5.2 16.0 14.8 16.7 27.8 32.5 31.5 25.9 Note: Same as Table‐1. Source: Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (2006) Information Technology Annual Report 2005–06, Department of Information Technology, Government of India. growth reversal, the local capability for a globally competitive hardware industry in India still continued to be low. The industry is largely import‐led since capability for manufacturing components locally is either limited or has higher cost with low quality. 19 Inadequate R&D investment and skill upgradation have negated India’s skilled manpower advantage to design world‐class state‐of‐the‐art hardware products. Therefore, the growth of Indian computer industry is actually led by screwdriver assembly operations of imported components rather by any major component that is indigenous. 3.2. Emergence of Indian IST OFDI The first known case of Indian IST OFDI can be traced back to an Indian computer hardware company named Hindustan Computers Limited (HCL) 5. On 10th December 1979, HCL entered into a joint venture with Far East Computers Limited to manufacture micro‐ and mini‐computers in Singapore. This was the post‐IBM period in the evolution of Indian IST industry when a number of Indian companies came into being as a response to the import substituting policy being followed towards computer hardware segment. HCL was among the few Indian private players to locally produce indigenous micro‐computer in 1978 and that also at the same time as Apple and 3 years before IBMʹs PC. This first mover advantage of HCL in computer hardware industry led to the first ever internationalization drive by an Indian IST company. HCL was followed by two other oldest Indian IST companies to undertake OFDI for foraying into overseas market. DCM Data Systems Services Private Ltd. entered into an overseas joint venture for marketing software in Baharain on 5th May 1983 and Hinditron Computers System Private Ltd. established a wholly‐owned subsidiary in USA on 10th January 1983. These three Indian companies were at their pinnacle in the late 1970s and 1980s with strong capability to manufacture microprocessor‐based computers and required computer software. Given these capabilities it is no surprise that they led the internationalization of Indian IST industry in that period. In the late 1980s, HCL Overseas Ltd. and Infosys Consultants Private Ltd. undertook one OFDI project each directed at the USA. Both these projects were for development of computer software. The real break in the trend of Indian IST OFDI took place in 1991 with an increasing number of Indian firms undertaking overseas investment project compared to the past. In 1991 there are cases of three overseas joint ventures and two overseas wholly‐owned subsidiaries undertaken by five Indian IST companies 6. The total 5 6 Author based on Indian Investment Centre (1998), Indian Joint Ventures & Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Abroad Approved up to December 1995, New Delhi. These outward investing companies are Computer Aided Learning Systems Private Ltd. KEI Systems P. Ltd. each undertaking a JV in Russia, Hinditron Services and International Computer Ltd. each establishing a wholly owned subsidiary in USA, and Tata Consultancy Services contd... 20 OFDI approvals for Indian IST increased to seven in 1992—four joint ventures and three wholly‐owned subsidiaries. In 1996, the approved IST OFDI was estimated to be 46 comprising 9 JV and 37 wholly‐owned subsidiaries. The increasing tendency of Indian IST firms to have complete control over their overseas operation is similar to the behaviour of Indian manufacturing firms in 1990s 7 (Pradhan, 2005, 2007). As Indian hardware companies started loosing their competitive advantages because of their inability to innovate according to fast changing demand conditions and uncertainty in public policy in India as well as abroad the cases of OFDI by hardware companies went into oblivion in late 1990s. The Indian IST OFDI was largely led by Indian software companies that benefited from a suitable NIS system maturing in India. The liberalization of OFDI policy in 1990s and early 2010s has facilitated the emergence of Indian IST multinationals by relaxing policy led barriers to undertake trans‐border investment activities (Pradhan, 2007). 4. Indian IST Multinationals: Main Features In this section, I present the broad statistics related to Indian IST multinationals based on a unique dataset that has been constructed at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi. This dataset contains information on a total of 165 Indian IST multinationals which in turn have a total of 645 overseas subsidiaries, 9 overseas joint ventures and 7 overseas associate companies (in which parent firms own a substantial equity interest). These subsidiaries and joint ventures are in operation presently. This dataset has been constructed from two sources—(i) annual reports of companies listed with Indian stock market and available at the EDIFAR (Electronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval System) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India 8; (ii) websites of unlisted companies accessed based on the web addresses obtained from the NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) Directory, 2005. As per the regulatory requirement, Section 212(1) of the Companies Act 1956, Indian companies investing abroad should attach the balance sheet, profit and loss accounts of their overseas subsidiaries to the accounts of the parent company. However, this legal provision is hardly implemented in India and hence it is rare to find Indian companies adhering to it. Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India, has been liberally granting exemption to most of the Indian companies having operating subsidiaries from 7 8 entering into a JV in USA. Author based on Indian Investment Centre (1998), Indian Joint Ventures & Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Abroad Approved during the year 1996, New Delhi. This can be access at http://sebiedifar.nic.in/sebi_doc_pub.asp?value=ar 21 complying with this provision. As a result the constructed dataset could only collect information on the name of overseas subsidiaries, country of incorporation, and the percentage of ownership interest. Majority of available annual reports related to the fiscal year 2005–2006 or the date of searching companies’ websites belong to 2006 (cover 610 Indian IST multinationals); with a few reports confined to 2004–2005 (cover 47 Indian IST multinationals) and two reports are related to the year 2003. In view of the manual construction of the dataset with different sources, the available information is obviously not comprehensive and sketchy in nature. However, this dataset covering a large number of Indian IST multinationals still can provide some broad indications of the phenomena under study. 4.1. Geographical Composition The geographical distribution of the presence of Indian IST multinationals through their overseas subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate companies is presented in Figure‐2 and Table‐7. Two North American countries, USA and Canada, host 241 overseas ventures of Indian IST multinationals, accounting for 37.2 per cent of total overseas ventures. USA being the largest global market for software services has emerged as the top host of Indian IST multinationals with 226 overseas ventures. The large concentration of Indian IST multinationals in USA is also due to the presence of successful Indian immigrants and professionals related to the IT industry who have played a crucial role in development of Indian IST industry by providing overseas networks, contacts, skills and reverse brain drain. Although India has risen as a software services player largely dependent on the USA, of late Indian IST companies are making consistent efforts to decrease their dependence on a single country. After being hit hard by the US slow‐down in 2001, these companies have been aggressively foraying into Europe, the second largest market accounting for global IT services. As a result European countries emerged as the second largest host region to Indian IST multinationals. Within European software markets UK is the largest in size accounting for over 21 per cent of total European spending on computer services 9. Apart from a growing market size, India’s long history of economic and cultural ties with UK has also positively affected the location of Indian IST multinationals. UK turns out to be the largest European host with 84 overseas ventures of Indian IST multinationals. Germany and the Netherlands are other two most attractive European destinations for Indian IST firms respectively accounting for 38 and 19 overseas ventures. 9 UK Trade & Investment (2005), ‘Software & Computer Services Opportunities in the UK’, February 22. 22 Figure‐2 Overseas Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associate Companies of Indian IST Multinationals Europe 164 (24.8%) North America 246 (37.2%) Asia 144 (21.8%) Middle East 31 (4.7%) The Caribbean 21 (3.2%) Africa 17 (2.6%) South America 15 (2.3%) The Oceania 23 (3.5%) Table‐7 Geographical Distribution of Overseas Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associate Companies of Indian IST Multinationals, as in 2006 Region/Countries Developed countries European Union Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden UK Other Western Europe Switzerland North America Canada USA Other Developed Countries Australia Japan Subsidiary 445 175 4 6 2 6 37 7 3 2 19 1 1 4 83 4 4 231 11 220 34 Number Joint Venture Associate Company 5 5 2 4 1 3 1 68.8 26.8 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.9 5.7 1.1 0.5 0.3 2.9 0.2 0.2 0.6 12.7 0.6 0.6 36.0 1.8 34.2 5.3 1 20 12 3.0 1.8 1 1 3 3 20 11 23 Per cent Total 455 177 4 6 2 6 38 7 3 2 19 1 1 4 84 4 4 238 12 226 35 Region/Countries Subsidiary 3 199 16 12 4 25 New Zealand Developing Countries Africa Mauritius South Africa Latin America and the Caribbean Argentina 2 Bermuda 5 Brazil 2 British Virgin Island 1 Cayman Island 1 Chile 9 Mexico 3 Uruguay 2 Asia and the Pacific 158 Bahrain 5 Bangladesh 1 China 17 Cyprus 1 Hong Kong 11 Indonesia 3 Korea 2 Malaysia 20 Oman 3 Philippines 2 Saudi Arabia 1 Singapore 60 Sri Lanka 1 Taiwan 1 Thailand 10 UAE 19 Vietnam 1 Central and Eastern Europe 2 Czech Republic 2 All Region 645 Source: Based on Appendix Table‐A1. Number Joint Venture Associate Company 4 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 9 7 Per cent Total 3 205 17 12 5 25 0.5 31.0 2.6 1.8 0.8 3.8 2 5 2 1 1 9 3 2 163 5 1 18 1 11 3 2 21 3 2 1 61 1 1 10 21 1 2 2 661 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.5 0.3 24.7 0.8 0.2 2.7 0.2 1.7 0.5 0.3 3.2 0.5 0.3 0.2 9.2 0.2 0.2 1.5 3.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 100 Asian countries emerged as the third largest host region to Indian IST multinationals. They accounted for 144 overseas ventures of these multinationals (about 21.8 per cent of the total). Singapore with 61 overseas ventures, China (including Hong Kong) with 29, Malaysia and UAE with 21 each, Japan with 11, Thailand with 10 are important Asian host countries. Singapore has traditionally been the focus of Indian IST multinationals since 1989 with increasing number of Indian software firms selling their products and services. The booming financial sector in Singapore with user‐friendly financial environment based on strong physical infrastructure and telecommunications 24 capabilities has generated a large demand for IT solutions related to financial and telecom sector, thus, attracting many Indian IST multinationals. The faster growing Chinese economy is the second most attractive country in Asia. The share of other regions in attracting overseas ventures of Indian IST multinationals is quite low. Middle East countries could attract only about 4.7 per cent of total overseas ventures followed by Oceania with 3.5 per cent, Caribbean with 3.2 per cent, Africa with 2.6 per cent, and South America with 2.3 per cent. Another aspect of Indian IST multinationals is that their overseas activities are related to the developmental status of host countries. Developed countries that tend to spent large amounts on IT have claimed 68.7 per cent of the total overseas ventures undertaken by IST multinationals whereas developing countries have attracted just 31 per cent. 4.2. Ownership Pattern The Indian IST multinationals are observed to have majority equity ownership in their overseas ventures. Wholly‐owned subsidiaries account for about as high as 89 per cent of total overseas ventures (Table‐8). The behaviour of Indian IST multinationals to have full control over their overseas operations can be explained by the nature of software services that they offer. Indian IST multinationals possess their competitive advantages in their global service delivery models based on an efficient interaction between their onshore and offshore development centres. Many Indian software firms have already opened their offshore development centre in overseas markets to achieve closer customer relationship, which is a critical component of a competitive service delivery model. Unless they possess majority control over their overseas subsidiaries, an efficient and effective service delivery system that strongly protects the customer data and may not be achieved. As most of the services offered by Indian firms involve trade and service secrecy and protected data, sharing ownership of overseas ventures with other parties is not a secure mode of operation. Majority‐owned offshore development subsidiaries thus offer an efficient form of overseas expansion that can maximize the benefits from their global service delivery models. 25 Table‐ 8 Ownership Patterns of Indian IST Multinationals Ownership Interest (%) Subsidiaries Number Joint ventures Associate Companies 1 1 1 4% 20% 26% 40% 1 43% 1 49% 50% 1 51% 11 52% 1 53% 1 58% 2 59% 3 60% 1 64% 1 70% 1 72% 1 75% 2 76% 2 80% 2 82% 1 90% 2 91% 1 98% 2 99% 6 100% 442 Total 485 Source: Based on Appendix Table‐A1. 2 1 3 2 6 5 Per cent Cumulative per cent 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.40 1.01 2.22 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.40 1.21 89.11 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 2.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.4 6.0 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.7 8.1 8.5 8.7 9.1 9.3 9.7 10.9 100.0 Total 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 11 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 6 442 496 4.3. India’s Leading IST Multinationals Table‐9 presents India’s sixty leading IST multinationals by the number of overseas ventures. These sixty multinationals, which constitute about 36 per cent of the total number of Indian IST multinationals at 165, account for as much as 72.6 per cent of the total number of overseas affiliates of Indian IST industry operating in 2005–06. Clearly there is a high firm‐level concentration among outward investing parent firms by the number of overseas subsidiaries. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) with 47 overseas affiliates emerged as the top Indian IST multinational, accounting for over 7 per cent of the total overseas affiliations of the Indian IST industry. About 48.4 per cent of the total assets and 57.5 per cent of the total sales of the parent company (i.e. TCS) are accounted for by its foreign subsidiaries in 2005–06 (Table‐10). H C L Technologies Ltd. with 31 overseas affiliates, Cambridge Solutions Ltd. with 19 overseas affiliates and Teledata 26 Informatics Ltd. with 15 overseas affiliates are the next three leading Indian IST multinationals. The foreign assets and foreign sales of these multinational firms constitute as high as 73.3 and 65.3 per cent of the total assets and sales in the case of H C L Technologies, 53 and 41.1 per cent in the case of Cambridge Solutions, 38.3 and 46.7 per cent in the case of Teledata Informatics. Taking the number of overseas affiliates down, the fifth ranking IST multinationals are Mphasis Ltd. and Wipro Ltd. with 14 overseas affiliates each, followed by N I I T Technologies Ltd. and R Systems International Ltd. with 12 overseas affiliates each, and Firstsource Solutions Ltd., G T L Ltd. and Megasoft Ltd. with 10 overseas affiliates each. In 2005–06, 39 per cent of the assets of eleven leading Indian IST multinationals are based in foreign countries and about 40 per cent of their sales are from their overseas subsidiaries (Table‐10). Table‐9 Top Sixty Indian IST Multinationals by Number of Overseas Ventures Name of Indian Parent Firm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Teledata Informatics Ltd. Mphasis Ltd. Wipro Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. Firstsource Solutions Ltd. G T L Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. N I I T Ltd. Trigyn Technologies Ltd. 3I Infotech Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. ISGN Technologies Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt K P I T Cummins Infosystems Ltd. Number of Overseas Ventures 47 31 19 15 14 14 12 12 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 27 Per cent 7.11 4.69 2.87 2.27 2.12 2.12 1.82 1.82 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.36 1.36 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Cumulative per cent 7.1 11.8 14.7 16.9 19.1 21.2 23.0 24.8 26.3 27.8 29.4 30.7 32.1 33.3 34.5 35.7 36.9 38.1 39.3 40.4 41.5 42.5 43.6 44.6 45.7 46.8 47.7 48.6 49.5 50.4 51.3 52.2 Name of Indian Parent Firm Mascon Global Ltd. Mastek Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Zensar Technologies Ltd. Aptech Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Java Softech Private Limited Northgate Technologies Ltd. Orient Information Technology Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Quintegra Solutions Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Thirdware Solution Ltd. B 2 B Software Technologies Ltd. California Software Co. Ltd. Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. IBS Software Services (P) Ltd Infosys Technologies Ltd. Kale Consultants Ltd. Olive e‐Business Pvt. Ltd. Ontrack Systems Ltd. SunTec Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Synergy Log‐In Systems Ltd. Unisoft Infotech Pvt Ltd. Total IST Multinationals Source: Based on Appendix Table‐A1. Number of Overseas Ventures 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 661 Per cent 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 100.00 Cumulative per cent 53.1 54.0 54.9 55.9 56.8 57.5 58.3 59.0 59.8 60.6 61.3 62.1 62.8 63.6 64.4 65.1 65.9 66.5 67.1 67.7 68.3 68.9 69.5 70.2 70.8 71.4 72.0 72.6 Table‐10 Foreign Assets and Sales of Top Eleven Indian IST Multinationals, 2005–06 Name of Indian Parent Year Revenue (Rs. crore) Total Foreign FPT* Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 13252 7617 57.5 2005–06 H C L Technologies Ltd. 4572 2986 65.3 2005–06 Cambridge Solutions Ltd. 1181 485 41.1 2005–06 Teledata Informatics Ltd. 1038 485 46.7 2005–06 Mphasis Ltd. 940 638 67.9 2005–06 Wipro Ltd. 10603 211 2.0 2005–06 N I I T Technologies Ltd. 608 534 87.9 2005–06 R Systems International Ltd. 157 95 60.1 2005 Firstsource Solutions Ltd. 550 176 32.0 2005–06 G T L Ltd. 980 429 43.8 2005–06 Megasoft Ltd. 103 9.60 9.4 115 60 52.1 2005 All above companies 22484 8785 39 33996 13716 40 Note: * FPT: Foreign as percentage of Total; Rupee 1 crore = Rupee 10 million; total figure is the consolidated value (i.e. parent, Indian subsidiaries and foreign subsidiaries) while foreign is the value of foreign subsidiaries. Source: Based on annual reports of individual companies. Gross Assets (Rs. crore) Total Foreign FPT* 6975 3373 48.4 4024 2951 73.3 824 437 53.1 1142 437 38.3 844 744 88.1 7979 552 6.9 498 255 51.3 95 27 28.7 28 4.4. Firm‐specific Characteristics of Indian IST Multinationals Earlier studies on Indian manufacturing industry such as Lall (1986) and Pradhan (2004) suggest that outward investing Indian firms constitute a separate group as compared to other firms not performing such investment activities 10. Whilst Lall (1986) found outward investing firms to be only large‐sized, export oriented and dependent on imports of raw materials, Pradhan (2004), based on relatively a large sample and for a most recent period, observed them to be relatively older, large‐sized, technology‐intensive (in‐house R&D as well as imports of disembodied technology), productive, export‐oriented and to have strong dependent on managerial skills (proxied by residual profitability), selling activities and liberalization of the policy regime. How do Indian IST multinationals differ from other Indian IST firms that are not engaged in overseas investment activities? Table‐11 presents an explorative comparative picture of Indian IST firms with and without overseas subsidiaries on six selected firm‐level characteristics for the year 2005. Except advertising intensity, overseas investing IST firms on an average possess higher values for indicators like firm age, size, R&D intensity and export intensity than IST firms without cross‐border investment. The difference is quite substantial in the case of firm size as outward investing firms turn out to be more than eight‐times in size than non‐ outward investing firms. Outward investing firms are observed to have R&D and export‐ intensity nearly double those associated with non‐outward investors. Table‐12 provides statistical content to the comparative analysis by implementing a non‐parametric test that examines whether the groups of outward investing and non‐investing IST firms are from the same population distribution or not. The results from the Wilcoxon rank‐sum test suggest that Indian IST multinationals differs significantly from other Indian IST firms on all the five firm‐specific characteristics such as firm size, age, R&D intensity, advertising intensity and export intensity. The probability of non‐outward investing IST firms having 10 Based on a total sample of 162 compabies broken down into 138 firms without outward investment and 24 firms with outward investment over 1977–78 to 1978–79, Lall (1986) through Probit and Tobit analysis found that outward investing firms are intimately related with four firm‐specific characteristics such as firm size, capital‐output ratio, export‐intensity and imports of raw materials. Therefore, in the sample period outward investing activities of sample firms were generally limited to a group of large, highly export‐oriented, and import dependent firms. Pradhan (2004) is the most recent study based on a larger sample of 3951 manufacturing firms with 26 346 observations of which 2 155 observations are of outward investing firms over the period 1990–91 to 2000‐01. This study found that the outward investment intensity, measured as stock of outward investment as a per cent of net worth, of Indian manufacturing firms was significantly and positively related to firm size, firm age, R&D intensity, disembodied technology imports intensity, selling cost intensity, managerial skills (proxied by residual profitability), labour productivity, export‐intensity, and liberalization dummies. 29 higher values for these variables vis‐à‐vis IST firms with outward investment is less than 0.5, indicating that statistically former group of firms have lower values than the latter category of firms. However, only in the case of firm size and export intensity that the difference in probability is considerable. Therefore, the Indian IST multinationals are relatively large‐sized and higher export oriented firms than other Indian IST firms. They are also characterized by relatively higher values for R&D intensity, advertising activities and firm age. Table‐11 Difference between Indian IST firms with and without Overseas Subsidiaries, 2005 Indian IST Firms Firms without overseas Firms with overseas All IST Firms subsidiaries subsidiaries AGE (In number of years) 12.9 14.9 13.4 (306) (111) (417) Size (In Rs. Crore) 44.5 365.1 158.6 (190) (105) (295) RDINT (In %) 0.36 0.66 0.61 (190) (105) (295) ADVINT (In %) 0.51 0.38 0.40 (190) (105) (295) EXPOINT (In %) 46.85 83.65 77.00 (190) (105) (295) Note: Number of firms in parenthesis; RDINT‐ R&D expenditure as a per cent of sales; ADVINT‐ Advertising expenses as a per cent of sales; EXPOINT‐ Exports as a per cent of sales. Source: Estimation based on a dataset constructed by merging the Prowess database of the CMIE and OFDI data from Appendix Table‐A1. Variables Table‐12 Results from Wilcoxon Rank‐Sum (Mean‐Whitney) Test Variable Z Statistics Level of Statistical P{(IST firms without Obs with firms Significance OFDI)> (IST firms with Without OFDI With OFDI (two‐tailed test) OFDI)} Firm Age ‐2.653 1% 0.415 306 111 Firm SIZE ‐6.649 1% 0.261 176 103 RDINT ‐3.132 1% 0.441 176 103 ADVINT ‐2.663 1% 0.410 176 103 EXPOINT ‐7.884 1% 0.223 176 103 Note: Estimated through STATA statistical package; P{(IST firms without OFDI)> (IST firms with OFDI)} provides the probability that the values of the particular variable associated with Indian IST firms without OFDI is larger than those values associated with Indian IST firms with OFDI. Source: Same as Table‐11. 30 5. Case Study of Two Selected IST Multinationals In this section a brief case study of India’s two largest IST multinationals, namely Tata Consultancy Services and HCL Technologies Limited is presented. These firms are among India’s oldest IST firms and an analysis of their emergence as multinational firms can throw valuable light on the internalization process of Indian IST industry. The growth of these two firms is found to be strongly related to the evolving NIS of India from 1960s onwards. In 1960s, Indian households were pioneers in sending their members for studying and working abroad. Most of these early immigrants have generally returned to India after finishing their studies or after earning sufficient amount to lead a decent life in India. Large Indian companies like Tata have successfully tapped these home country bound foreign trained skilled and technical manpower. This is amply clear in the case of TCS’ rise under the business model identified by Dr. Fakir Chand Kohli. The proactive government policy in the domestic skill creation led to the establishment of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and various other technical institutions. These institutions along with universities emerged as the knowledge core of India’s manpower and entrepreneurship with ever rising number of students being sent by Indian households. Availability of technical manpower at lower cost ensured that companies like TCS and HCL leveraged for their growth and internationalization. The government initiative for computerization of its different departments, banks, and demand from research institutions for database services has provided early demand for TCS. The government and research institutions also generated demand for indigenous computers thus helping the growth of HCL. The role of foreign investment has been instrumental in the growth of these two companies. Foreign investment in the form of IBM has led to a process of skill creation and when IBM exited in 1978–79 it left a pool of trained manpower in India. Some of these ex‐IBM skilled employees started their own businesses, some others migrated to the US and others joined existing Indian companies like TCS, HCL and DCM Data Systems. HCL came up to serve the domestic demand for computers in the post IBM period. The adoption of favourable and stable government policy on software exports, starting of satellite based communication system, software technology parks, growing number of technical manpower in India, rising entrepreneurship of the US‐based Indian professionals and technical manpower, etc., have all positively influenced the growth of TCS and the software part of HCL known as HCL technologies. The case studies on these two Indian IST multinationals are provided below. 31 5.1. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. The origin of Indian computer software industry can be traced back to the starting of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) by the Tata group way back in 1968 in Mumbai. The company under the leadership of Dr. Faqir Chand Kohli, an electrical engineer trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has identified the niche business of providing IT solutions and started offering data processing services to various domestic companies and institutions in 1969. TCS perceived emerging business opportunity in the demand for computerization of information that is being led by increasing use of computers in the public sector. Up to 1973, the focus of the company was largely on domestic market tapping business opportunities like automation of inter‐branch reconciliation process of nationalized banks under the Reserve Bank of India, computerization of the database of the Mumbai telephone directory, computerization of the Income Tax department, etc 11. After achieving a successful record of project execution in the domestic market, the company entered into the global market in 1974. The company wanted to exploit its limited capabilities by catering to overseas business opportunities and to benefit technologically from interacting with overseas customers. The company bagged its first international software assignment related to a health care system project from Burroughs, the second largest hardware manufacturer after IBM that time 12. This happened in an unplanned visit of Dr. Kohli to the Burroughs office in Detroit in 1974 where he was able to convince the US hardware company to outsource their project from India. In the same year TCS also got another overseas order from an Iranian electricity generation company to provide software solution for stores and inventory control. 13 Subsequently, the company’s exposure to the US market grown in the late 1970s with a successful completion of a number of projects including archiving of crime database of the Detroit City Police Department, maintenance and upgradation order from the Institutional Group and Information Co (IGIC), etc. To expand further and to have active business interactions with potential customers in the US market, TCS opened its first office in New York City in 1979. This is the beginning of TCS’ overseas expansion mainly to ensure service supports to its export activities. With the arrival of New Computer Policy 1984, TCS and other software companies benefited from easier access to foreign exchange and also were recognized as a separate 11 12 13 Economic Times (2002), ‘We’ve to tap the power of computers’, Interview of Dr. Faqir Chand Kohli, March 22. Economic Times (2002), ‘To a global village: F C Kohli is ETʹs lifetime achiever’ August 21. Dataquest (2002), ‘THE HOT VERTICALS: The Great Indian Software Revolution’, December 23. 32 industry with simplified licensing and openness to foreign investment. Under this liberal policy regime in late 1990s TCS continued its export‐led growth with rapid diversification in its service profile from data entry to software development and application maintenance. Its annual sales reached about $35 million in 1989, of which exports constitute about 70 per cent 14. Geographically its export market became diversified to cover about 35 countries from North America, Europe and the Middle East. In 1989 TCS entered into a strategic alliance with Japanese trading company Nichimen where the latter will market former company’s software in Japan. With rising number and size of overseas orders and growing base of overseas customers, the company’s need to be present overseas via its direct subsidiaries becomes irresistible as most of the offshore contracts also have parts to be executed on‐site, nearer to the overseas customers. As a result the company went for direct investment abroad and entered into two joint ventures targeted at the US in 1991 and 1994 15. The liberalization of policy regime towards OFDI, software industry, making of Software Technology Parks with abundant infrastructure, satellite based high speed communication systems, rising number of trained manpower and the global factor in the form of Year 2000 (Y2K) problem have all positively contributed to the growth of Indian software industry including TCS. In the early 1990s the export model of Indian software companies has shifted from physical transfers (i.e. sending programmer onshore or software on floppies) to an offshore‐onshore model facilitated by satellite communication system and overseas presence thorough subsidiaries or marketing offices 16. The software packages of Indian firms on accounting, banking, etc., which did not grow beyond India in the 1980s, also started attracting international attention in 1990s. These favourable factors led to the rapid organic growth of TCS. The resources (i.e. Rs. 5,000 crore) that it has raised from the Indian capital market in 2004 have allowed it to grow inorganically via acquisitions. The company became a billion dollar company in 2003 with a total of 24000 employees. By March 2006, company’s total revenue increased to above $2.5 billion and its manpower jumped to 62832 (Table‐13). A significant part of this impressive growth achieved by TCS has been contributed by establishment of a large number of overseas subsidiaries that have played important role in directly contributing to the parent’s global revenue and indirectly to the higher exports performance from India. As 14 15 16 Ken Takahashi (1989), ‘India group in Tokyo ‐ Tata Consultancy Service’, Newsbytes News Network, August 01. Author based on Indian Investment Centre (1998), Indian Joint Ventures & Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Abroad Approved up to December 1995, New Delhi. Dataquest (2002), ‘THE HOT VERTICALS: The Great Indian Software Revolution’, December 23. 33 noted earlier the overseas subsidiaries of the company have contributed above 57 per cent of parent’s consolidated sales in 2005–06. The role of overseas subsidiaries in promoting parent’s exports is also likely to be quite substantial. Without an onshore presence through overseas subsidiaries, TCS would not have achieved such a dramatic growth performance. By blending their onshore delivery and strong offshore supply capability in India, Indian software companies such as TCS have significantly improved the effectiveness of their delivery system of software services to global clients 17. As a result the contribution of exports in total sales of TCS is consistently above 90 per cent since 2001. Geographically, about 88 per cent of the company’s consolidated revenue originates from overseas markets and America alone accounts for around 59 per cent share (Table‐14). The share of European region is in the range of 21–23 per cent. Table‐13 The Size of TCS, 2001–2006 Year Revenue ($ million) March 2006 March 2005 March 2004 March 2003 March 2002 March 2001 Source: hoovers.com 2,528.50 2,221.70 1,614.00 1,041.00 880 689 Net Income ($ million) Net Profit Margin (%) Employees (In number) 864.7 468.7 365.4 34.20% 21.10% 22.60% 62,832 40,992 24,000 19,000 16,000 Table‐14 Composition of TCS’ Global Revenue, 2005–2006 Region 2006 Consolidated Revenue (%) 2005 2003 Americas 59.06 59.20 Europe 22.40 23.08 India 12.50 12.18 Others 6.04 5.54 Total Revenue 100 100 Source: TCS Annual Report 2005–2006 and 2002–2003. 59.28 20.00 14.85 5.86 100 2002 61.13 20.63 11.94 6.31 100 Table‐15 summarizes the performance of overseas subsidiaries of TCS during 2005–2006. The total assets and revenues of its overseas subsidiaries have grown by 158 and 33 per cent respectively between 2005 and 2006. This high growth rate is because of two factors—(i) expansion of existing subsidiaries and (ii) acquisition of new subsidiaries by the parent firm. The New York‐based subsidiary, Tata America International 17 John Ribeiro (2004), ‘Pureʹ outsourcing model falls from favor: Indian BPO companies are finding they need U.S. facilities and staff to run operations’, IDG News Service, October 07. 34 Corporation, is the largest overseas subsidiary accounting for about 39 and 81 per cent of total overseas assets and sales respectively. The sales of this subsidiary have grown at a rate of 28.4 per cent between 2005 and 2006. Other subsidiaries except TCS Iberoamerica SA also have shown tremendous sales growth over the same period. Table‐15 Assets and Turn overs of TCS’ Foreign Subsidiaries, 2005–2006 Name of the Subsidiary Company TCS Argentina S.A. TCS FNS Pty. Limited Financial Network Services ‐Holdings Pty Limited Financial Network Services Pty Limited Financial Network Services ‐Facilities Management Pty Limited Tata Consultancy Services Belgium SA. TCS Brazil S/C Limitada Tata Consultancy Services Do Brasil S.A. Exegenix Canada Inc. TCS Inversiones Chile Limitada Tata Consultancy Services Chile S.A. Tata Consultancy Services Chile Limitada Comicrom S.A. Sisteco S.A. Syscrom S.A. Pentacrom S.A. Pentacrom Servicios S.A. Custodia De Documentos Intres Limitada Financial Network Services Chile Limitada Tata Information Total Assets (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 0.8 0.3 171.4 (0.02) (0.02) 126.6 (3.75) 21.1 (0.63) Turnover (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 2.1 0.4 491.4 (0.03) (0.01) 0.2 (0.00) 48.1 (1.42) 0.5 (0.01) 27.2 (0.36) 53.6 (1.59) 9.0 (0.27) 77.2 (2.290 3.3 (0.10) 117.9 (3.50) 15.8 (0.47) 117.5 (3.48) 56.8 (1.68) 7.0 (0.21) 11.4 (0.34) 4.7 (0.14) 2.2 (0.07) 3.2 (0.09) Country of location Argentina Australia Australia Australia Australia 16.7 (1.28) 3.0 (0.23) 17.2 (1.32) 1.4 (0.11) 8.6 (0.66) 221.5 51.2 (0.67) 34 (0.59) 50.7 204.1 349.0 8263.1 83.5 Belgium Brazil 98.8 (1.30) 1.8 (0.02) 0.0 (0.00) 28.1 (0.37) 34 (0.60) 186.4 Brazil Canada Chile 15 (0.26) 88.5 Chile Chile 45.3 (0.59) 4.0 (0.05) 10.3 (0.14) 4.9 (0.06) 0.3 (0.00) 0.7 (0.01) Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile 16.1 9.7 65.4 35 30.0 20 47.9 China Name of the Subsidiary Company Technology ‐Shanghai Company Limited Tata Consultancy Services France SA. Tata Consultancy Services Deutschland GmbH Tata Infotech Deutschland GmbH Chong Wan Investments Limited Financial Network Services ‐H.K. Limited PT Financial Network Services TCS Italia SRL Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited Tata Consultancy Services Luxembourg S.A Tata Consultancy Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Financial Network Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd Tata Consultancy Services de Mexico S.A. De. C.V. Tata Consultancy Services Netherlands BV. Tata Consultancy Services Portugal Unipesoal Limitada Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Tata Infotech ‐Singapore Pte. Limited Financial Network Services ‐Africa Pty Ltd Tata Consultancy Services de Espana S.A. Tata Consultancy Services Sverige AB. Swedish Indian IT Resources AB Diligenta Limited Financial Network Services ‐Europe plc Tata America International Corporation Total Assets (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 (0.48) (0.75) 0.5 (0.02) 152.9 (4.53) 0.5 (0.02) ‐1.2 (‐0.04) 0.0 (0.00) 0.6 (0.02) 36.2 (1.07) 39.8 (1.18) 13.4 (0.40) 6.6 (0.20) 0.1 (0.00) 0.6 (0.05) 41.3 (3.16) 15.4 (0.46) 163.5 (4.85) 1.2 (0.04) 4.2 (0.32) 85.5 (6.55) 123.9 (3.67) 2.7 (0.08) 0.0 (0.00) 3.6 (0.11) 71.4 (2.12) 0.5 (0.02) 515.0 (15.27) 0.8 (0.02) 1323.10 (39.23) 54.8 (4.20) 16.9 (1.30) 31.6 (2.42) 3.3 (0.25) Turnover (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 (0.39) (0.35) ‐20.3 270.3 113.7 26.0 102.8 265.2 91.1 126.0 Country of location France 191.6 (2.52) 0.0 (0.00) 0.0 (0.00) 0.3 (0.00) 2.7 (0.04) 51.7 (0.68) 118.4 (1.55) 12.4 (0.16) 6.4 (0.08) 0.0 (0.00) 144 (2.51) 33.4 Germany Germany Hong Kong Hong Kong Indonesia 31 (0.54) 78 (1.36) 67.1 Italy 51.9 Japan Luxembourg 2 (0.03) 278.2 Malaysia Malaysia 23.2 (0.30) 193.1 (2.53) 0.9 (0.01) 8 (0.14) 177 (3.09) 143.2 (1.88) 1.5 (0.02) 93 (1.63) 190.5 Mexico 9.2 Netherlands Portugal 53.3 Singapore Singapore South Africa 3.1 (0.24) 43.7 (3.35) 877.7 (67.24) 17.5 63.5 50.7 36 21.8 (0.29) 117.7 (1.55) ‐0.3 (0.00) 48.8 (0.64) 2.6 (0.03) 6186 (81.22) 10 (0.17) 79 (1.37) 123.9 Spain 49.8 Sweden Sweden U.K. U.K. 4816 (84.26) 28.4 U.S.A. Name of the Subsidiary Company CMC Americas Inc. Total Assets (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 37.7 29.2 29.1 (1.12) (2.23) TCS Iberoamerica SA. 155.9 41.9 271.9 (4.62) (3.21) TCS Solution Center S.A. 16.1 14.7 9.5 (0.48) (1.13) All subsidiaries 3372.6 1305.4 158.4 (100) (100) Note: percentage share is in parenthesis. Source: TCS Annual Report 2004‐05 and 2005–06. Turnover (Rs. Crore) Change (%) 2006 2005 130.0 87 49.9 (1.71) 1.52 3.5 70 ‐95.1 (0.05) (1.23) 56.2 18 215.3 (0.74) (0.31) 7616.7 5716 33.3 (100) (100) Country of location U.S.A. Uruguay Uruguay Along with greenfield OFDI, TCS has been aggressively pursuing inorganic growth through overseas acquisitions to become a global leader. After the acquisition of public sector company Computer Maintenance Corporation (CMC) Ltd. in November 2001, TCS set up a separate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) cell in December 2001 to identify potential target companies that possess synergy with the core business of TCS and can provide leveraging market strength 18. Since then TCS has been experimenting with growth via “mergers and acquisitions that are a strategic fit, complement our capabilities and plug gaps in our portfolio of offerings” (TCS Annual Report 2005–2006, p. 7). During 2005–2006, TCS acquired as many as six overseas business entities aggregating an investment of about Rs. 10.2 billion (Table‐16). In May 2005, TCS acquired a Swedish company named Swedish Indian IT Resources (SITR) through its wholly‐owned subsidiary Tata Consultancy Services Sverige AB. The basic objective of this acquisition was to deal directly with end‐customers rather than through SITR which was then TCS’ exclusive partner in Sweden and a non‐exclusive partner in Norway and also to increase presence in the targeted market 19. The Australian company Financial Network Services was acquired by TCS in October 2005 with the basic objective of strengthening competitive position in the global banking industry. This acquisition ensures TCS’ access to globally implemented BANCS software and a strong customer base that include banks in emerging markets in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. This software has been adopted by over 115 banks in 35 countries and TCS is motivated “to derive high synergistic value by combining its own product portfolio with BANCS software and by offering the customer its servicing capabilities” (TCS Annual Report 2005–2006, p. 18). With a view to expand its presence and capability in the global business process outsourcing (BPO), TCS acquired the BPO division of UK based Pearl Group in October 2005 and Chile based Comicrom in November 2005. In the UK life and pensions industry, 18 19 Financial Express (2001), ‘TCS forms special cell for mergers and acquisitions’, December 15. TCS Annual Report 2005–2006, p. 18. 37 the acquired entity from Pearl Group is the second largest player and Comicron is the biggest player in Chileʹs banking and pensions BPO business 20. Obviously, these acquisitions are motivated to benefit from the local expertise, skills and customer base of acquired entities and reap economies of operating synergies. In October 2006, TCS made a strategic decision to acquire 75 per cent stake in Switzerland‐based TKS‐Teknosoft. This acquisition is to increase the business of the company in Europe thus reducing excess dependence on the US market and to access TKS’ ALPHA and e‐Portfolio product portfolio, global distribution rights over QUARTZ (a wholesale banking product), experience and domain expertise, language capabilities and knowledge of local practices 21. The acquisition of an Australian company Total Communication Solutions was inspired by the desire to enhance TCS’ market share in Australian business and IT consulting market 22. In this case too the acquired entity is expected to provide substantial operating synergies by bringing in knowledge and experience on local practices and domain consulting. Table‐16 Acquisition by TCS, 2001–2006 Year Acquired Company Country of Incorporation India November 2001 Computer Maintenance Corporation (CMC) Ltd. January 2004 Airline Financial Support Services India India (AFS) March 2004 Aviation Software Development India Consultancy India (ASDC) July 2004 Phoenix Global Solutions India May 2005 Swedish Indian IT Resources AB Sweden October 2005 Financial Network Services Australia October 2005 BPO division of Pearl Group UK November 2005 Comicrom Chile February 2006 Tata Infotech India October 2006 TKS‐Teknosoft Switzerland November 2006 Total Communication Solutions Australia Source: Based on different newspaper reports, TCS’ website and various annual reports. Value of the Acquisition (Rs. Crore) 157 NA 14.03 27.02 21.50 110.27 426.20 103.84 stock swap 360 50 Above discussion shows that TCS has been employing OFDI in greenfield and brownfield forms to increase its global presence, acquire new skills, technologies and benefits from operating synergies. Given the strong base of skilled manpower, higher 20 21 22 Business Standard (2005), ‘TCS: Acquisition spree’, November 09. Hindu Business Line (2006), ‘TCS buys 75% stake in Swiss co’, November 01. Hindu Business Line (2006), ‘TCS buys Australian co for Rs 50 cr, Business Line’, November 09. 38 innovative activities 23 and aggressively pursued OFDI strategy the company is likely to emerge as a leading Indian multinational in the global market. 5.2. H C L Technologies Ltd. HCL technologies is a part of one of India’s oldest private sector hardware company HCL enterprise that led the first ever IST OFDI from India in 1979. HCL came into existence in August 1976 with a group of eight engineers who migrated from the calculator division of DCM Limited. The exit of IBM left an unfulfilled domestic demand for computers in India and companies like HCL came forward to meet that demand. Government institutions like IITs, institutes of science and various engineering colleges were source of the initial demand for computers from HCL 24. In 1978, the company went for commercial computers and successfully launched in‐house designed micro‐ computers in India. With its initial strength, the company decided to go for international production and received the government approval for a joint venture in Singapore in 1979, which started operating from 1980. This overseas expansion by HCL was targeted at the SME (small and medium size enterprises) market and to exploit its modest expertise in hardware 25. The operation in Singapore has provided immense learning to the company, which Mr. Ajai Chowdhry, President and MD, HCL Infosystem, expressed as follows: “However, once there, we realized that the demand was more for solutions, not so much for boxes. We set up a software factory in Chennai—we would go to customers and tell them we would do everything—make the box, write the software, train the staff, maintain the equipment, the works…” 26 This is the beginning of HCL to devote some focus on software services apart from its primary orientation on computer hardware segment. The Software Export Division that was formed at Chennai in 1981 was to provide personalized application development needs of overseas clients in Singapore 27. The Singapore experience led the company to work on the software integration database much before Intel but could not foresee the technological changes so it discontinued work on its original product. The company continued to grow in the 23 24 25 26 27 As of February 2007, Tata group (excluding Corus) owns about 8 patents granted by the USPTO. Of these as many as 6 patent belongs to TCS, 2 patents are with TCS’ subsidiary Tata America International Corporation and just 1 belong to Tata Tea Ltd. Source: Harish Damodaran (2007) ‘80 plus Corus patents for Tata Steel likely’, Hindu Business Line, February 04. Hindu Business Line (2001), `Time to celebrate competitionʹ, September 05. Interview of Mr. Ajai Chowdhry, President and MD, HCL Infosystem, in Dataquest (2002) ‘The Making of a Giant’, March 15, first issue. Interview of Mr. Ajai Chowdhry, President and MD, HCL Infosystem, Ibid. The history of HCL Infosystems Ltd available at http://www.hclinfosystems.com/op_history.htm 39 domestic market in the 1980s by providing the largest selling software product to Indian banks during computerization of Indian banks and by launching HCL designs Unix‐ based computers and IBM PC clones. It has also taken the initiative in IT education and has established NIIT– the first private sector IT education institution in 1981. In 1989, HCL entered into the US market with its expertise in computer hardware. This product led entry of HCL turned out to be an imperfect expansion strategy marked by inadequate resource base of the parent firm and its inability to even obtain required environmental clearances. The US reversal led the company to rethink on its business strategy to emphasize on its UNIX strengths for software development 28. HCL’s joint venture with Hewlett Packard in 1991 turned out to be a turning point in the growth of the company. HCL had a great learning experience with HP providing technical assistance to HCL in providing IT based services covering systems integration, IT consulting, and packaged support services. As a part of the joint venture agreement, HCL employees got the opportunity to work at the HP research centres mastering all of the technologies developed by the joint venture partner. However, HCL did not close down its RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) and UNIX R&D units set‐up as asked by HP and continued its R&D work under a separate entity named HCL Consulting. This is a classic example of how a domestic company has leveraged its technological capability by collaborating with a foreign firm. The favourable policy regime for software exports and uncertain policy on hardware segment pursued by India has affected the business behaviour of HCL significantly. The company, which was predominantly a hardware player, started aggressively focusing on software and services in the mid‐1990s. It also wanted to derive growth benefits from the home country’s cheap manpower advantage as exploited by faster growing software companies like TCS, Wipro, etc. In 1994, HCL successfully completed its first offshore project from IBM Thailand and has set up a core group to define software development methodologies. Taking advantage of the policy of Software Technology Park (STP), the company entered into STPs at Chennai, Kolkata and Noida during 1996–97. In 1997 HCL bought back HP stake in HCL Hewlett Packard and HCL Consulting was later turned into HCL Technologies in 1998. The software business of HCL grew impressively in the late 1990s to dominate its overall business—the hardware to software ratio has consistently declined from 83:17 in early 1990s to 38:62 in 1997–98 to further 23:77 (including NIIT) in 2000–01 (Dataquest, 2001) 29. 28 29 Interview of Mr. Ajai Chowdhry, President and MD, HCL Infosystem, Ibid. Dataquest (2001) ‘HCL: Top of the Giants; A continuing shift toward services kept all group companies growing and profitable, and helped the HCL group stay No 1’, July 21. 40 The late 1990s further saw HCL technologies establishing a number of greenfield subsidiaries in European countries like UK, Germany, Sweden, Belgium and Italy with the objective of providing software services on‐site nearer to the overseas customers. The OFDI activity of the company was also directed at other developed countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. The company is also a forerunner among Indian IST firms to use acquisition as a strategy of growth. Its acquisition activities cover four overseas acquisitions targeting two countries such as Ireland and USA (Table‐17). In December 2001 it acquired Ireland‐based Apollo Contact Centre for $11.5 million to gain a sound market presence in the IT‐enabled services space and in the European market 30. The acquisition of Gulf Computers Inc. in June 2002 was motivated to Table‐17 Acquisition by HCL Technologies, 2001–2005 Month and Year Feb. 2005 Acquired Entity AnswerCall Direct Contact Centre Feb. 2005 Aquila Technologies Ltd (balance 43 per cent stake) Dec. 2004 Apollo Contact Centre (10 percent stake) Dec. 2004 Aalayance Inc. (Additional 36 per cent stake) Oct. 2004 Shipara Technologies (remaining 23 per cent stake) July 2004 Aquila Technologies Ltd (additional 21.5 per cent stake) Jan. 2003 Aalayance Inc. (19 per cent stake) June 2002 Gulf Computers inc. May 2002 Aquila Technologies Ltd (35.5 per cent stake) Dec. 2001 Apollo Contact Centre (90 percent stake) Sept. 2001 Deutsche Software (51 per cent stake) Source: Based on various newspaper reports. Country of Incorporation Value of the deal Ireland Rs. 29.39 crore India Ireland USA India Rs. 15.23 crore $1.9 million India USA USA India Ireland India $0.45 million $9.75 million Rs 5.55 crore $12.7million $11.5 million access the strong client relationship and established advantages in application development for business process automation of the targeted entity in the US market 31. The acquisition of strategic stake in the US based Aalayance Inc. in 2003 was to further improve the expertise of HCL technologies in the areas of enterprise application 30 31 Newsbytes News Network (2001), ‘India ‐ HCL Tech Acquires Irish Firm For $11.5Mil’, October 30. Hindu Business Line (2002), ‘HCL Tech buys Gulf Computers’, June 02. 41 integration and business integration 32. By acquiring the assets and business of AnswerCall Direct in 2005, HCL technologies catapulted to the single largest Outsourced Contact/BPO Centre operating in Ireland 33. This acquisition has provided access to expertise in newer domains of call centre services like media and transportation. The foreign assets and revenues of HCL technologies is observed to be overwhelmingly concentrated in developed countries. Respectively about 81.6 and 93.7 per cent of foreign assets and revenues of the company in 2006 is accounted by them (Table‐18). Within the Table‐18 Geography of HCL Technologies’ Foreign Assets and Sales, 2005–2006 Assets (%) Region/Country Developed Countries Europe Austria Belgium Germany Italy Netherlands Sweden UK North America USA Canada Other Developed Countries Australia Japan New Zealand Developing Countries Africa Mauritius Latin America Bermuda Asia Malaysia Singapore Hong Kong All Region Source: Based on Table‐18. 2006 81.6 37.0 15.9 0.2 2.6 0.0 0.6 0.4 17.4 42.3 42.3 0.0 2.2 0.8 1.2 0.2 18.4 0.9 0.9 14.8 14.8 2.7 1.0 1.3 0.4 100 Sales (%) 2005 77.2 40.4 13.8 0.2 16.4 0.0 0.3 0.2 9.4 35.4 35.4 0.0 1.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 22.8 1.1 1.1 18.8 18.8 2.9 0.9 1.7 0.3 100 2006 93.7 30.4 1.1 0.2 1.5 0.0 0.6 0.3 26.6 56.3 56.3 0.0 7.1 2.8 3.3 0.9 6.3 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.3 5.1 1.3 3.0 0.7 100 2005 94.7 46.6 0.5 0.2 29.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 16.6 43.2 43.2 0.0 4.8 2.2 1.9 0.7 5.3 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.2 4.2 1.2 2.2 0.7 100 developed region, North America led by USA is the largest overseas market for the company. Europe is the second most important foreign market for the company largely 32 33 Hindu Business Line (2003), ‘HCL Tech acquires 19 pc stake in US company’, January 18. Hindu Business Line (2005), ‘HCL Tech acquires call centre in Ireland’, February 25. 42 led by UK and Germany. However, the share of Germany has substantially plummeted between 2005 and 2006, thus leaving UK as the largest European market. Although developing countries account for about 18 per cent of HCL technologies’ foreign assets their contribution to foreign revenue is as low as 5 per cent. The distribution of the foreign assets and revenues of HCL technologies among its individual foreign firms is summarized in Table‐19. It can be seen that majority of HCL technologies’ foreign subsidiaries are of small size in terms of the asset base. Of the 31 foreign subsidiaries, just four (HCL America Inc., HCL Holdings GmbH, HCL Bermuda, and HCL Great Britain) accounted for about 84 per cent of the total foreign asset of the parent company in 2006. Similar feature can also be obtained in terms of revenue distribution and the three large subsidiaries (HCL America Inc., HCL Great Britain, and HCL BPO Services (NI)) together accounted for about 78 per cent of total foreign sales of the parent firm in 2006. Between 2005 and 2006, the assets and sales of all foreign subsidiaries have been characterized by moderate change of 3.63 and 2.52 per cent respectively. However, there are substantial differences among individual foreign subsidiaries with respect to expansion of total assets and growth of sales during 2005– 2006. Substantial investment in total assets has been undertaken in seven overseas subsidiaries such as HCL GmbH (279 per cent), HCL Great Britain (157 per cent), HCL Sweden AB (82 per cent), HCL Japan (74 per cent), HCL (Netherlands) (72.3 per cent), HCL Technologies (Mass) (69 per cent), and HCL Australia Services Pty. (59 per cent). At the same time, there has been significant dilution in the assets of small‐sized foreign subsidiaries such as E Serve Holding, HCL Venture Capital, DSI Financial Solutions Pte, HCL Jones (Bermuda), and HCL Italy SLR. This trend in asset formation clearly shows that the parent company is making efforts to strengthen its market position in the European countries and also in Japan. In terms of revenue performance between 2005 and 2006, an impressive growth can be seen in HCL Sweden AB, HCL GmbH, HCL (Netherlands) BV, HCL Holdings GmbH, HCL Great Britain, HCL Japan, HCL Singapore Pte, HCL America Inc., HCL Australia Services Pty., HCL (New Zealand), HCL BPO Services (NI), and HCL Bermuda. Table‐19 Assets and Turnovers of HCL Technologies’ Foreign Subsidiaries, 2005–2006 Name of the Subsidiary Company HCL Bermuda Limited HCL America Inc. HCL Great Britain Limited Total Assets (Rs. Crore) 2006 2005 Change (%) 427.59 516.68 ‐17.24 (14.49) (18.15) 1194.42 971.58 22.94 (40.48) (34.12) 382.04 148.59 157.10 (12.95) (5.22) 43 Turnover (Rs. Crore) 2006 2005 Change (%) 17.56 13.94 26.02 (0.59) (0.48) 1531.16 1121.79 36.49 (51.28) (38.52) 529.69 273.12 93.94 (17.74) (9.38) Country of location Bermuda USA UK Name of the Subsidiary Company HCL Sweden AB HCL (Netherlands) BV HCL GmbH HCL Italy SLR HCL Belgium NV HCL Australia Services Pty. Ltd. HCL (New Zealand) Limited HCL Hong Kong SAR Limited HCL Japan Limited. HCL Holdings GmbH HCL Venture Capital Limited E Serve Holding Limited HCL Enterprise Solutions Ltd. DSI Financial Solutions Pte Limited HCL BPO Services (NI) Ltd. HCL Technologies (Mass) Inc. HCL Jones LLC HCL Jones (Bermuda) Limited HCL m.a. Limited Insys Inc, Canada HCL Singapore Pte Limited HCL (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Infosystems (Europe) Limited HCL EAI Services Inc. Aalayance (UK) Limited Total Assets (Rs. Crore) 2006 2005 Change (%) 11.42 6.28 81.97 (0.39) (0.22) 16.58 9.62 72.34 (0.56) (0.34) 77.45 20.42 279.26 (2.62) (0.72) 0.04 0.06 ‐20.14 (0.00) (0.00) 5.59 4.71 18.72 (0.19) (0.17) 24.59 15.58 57.86 (0.83) (0.55) 7.15 5.41 32.13 (0.24) (0.19) 11.01 8.53 29.17 (0.37) (0.30) 34.15 19.67 73.59 (1.16) (0.69) 468.26 392.95 19.17 (15.87) (13.80) 0.38 4.78 ‐92.16 (0.01) (0.17) 0.02 4.4 ‐99.60 (0.00) (0.15) 27 25.65 5.25 (0.92) (0.90) 0.53 1.16 ‐53.89 (0.02) (0.04) 130.55 119.31 9.42 (4.42) (4.19) 25.45 15.07 68.84 (0.86) (0.53) 15.84 12.66 25.12 (0.54) (0.44) 8.14 13.95 ‐41.61 (0.28) (0.49) 0.04 0.03 19.55 (0.00) (0.00) 0 0.01 ‐51.00 (0.00) (0.00) 38.67 47.34 ‐18.30 (1.31) (1.66) 29.2 25.69 13.66 (0.99) (0.90) 0.62 0.62 ‐0.39 (0.02) (0.02) 13.76 (0.47) 0.22 (0.01) 44 Turnover (Rs. Crore) Country of location 2006 2005 Change (%) 9.29 2.63 252.95 Sweden (0.31) (0.09) 18.07 5.76 213.66 Netherlands (0.61) (0.20) 44.11 14 215.11 Germany (1.48) (0.48) 0 0 ‐93.48 Italy (0.00) (0.00) 6.99 6.42 8.93 Belgium (0.23) (0.22) 84.26 65.02 29.60 Australia (2.82) (2.23) 27.15 21.25 27.73 New Zealand (0.91) (0.73) 21.38 21.11 1.24 Hong Kong (0.72) (0.72) 99.57 54.9 81.38 Japan (3.33) (1.89) 32.36 14 131.10 Austria (1.08) (0.48) 5.97 Bermuda (0.20) 0.03 Mauritius (0.00) 0 Mauritius (0.00) Singapore (0.00) 265.39 209.44 26.72 UK (8.89) (7.19) 56.47 66.31 ‐14.85 USA (1.89) (2.28) 50.46 50.77 ‐0.62 USA (1.69) (1.74) 14.24 19.97 ‐28.66 Bermuda (0.48) (0.69) 0 UK (0.00) Canada (0.00) 90.11 65.34 37.91 Singapore (3.02) (2.24) 39.32 35.25 11.55 Malaysia (1.32) (1.21) UK (0.00) 41.51 USA (1.39) 0.54 UK (0.02) Name of the Subsidiary Company Aalayance Inc. Infosystems Australia Pty. Ltd. DSL GmbH Total Assets (Rs. Crore) 2006 2005 Change (%) 7.78 (0.27) 0.93 (0.03) 447.98 (15.73) Turnover (Rs. Crore) 2005 Change (%) 20.1 (0.00) (0.69) 0.01 (0.00) (0.00) 831.25 (0.00) (28.54) 2006 2950.71 2847.44 3.63 2985.63 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) Note: percentage share is in parenthesis. Source: HCL Technologies Annual Report 2004‐05 and 2005–06. All subsidiaries 2912.38 (100.00) Country of location USA Australia Germany 2.52 6. Conclusion The emergence of IST multinationals from India is a result of growing sophistication of Indian national innovation system (NIS). The government has played a crucial role in the innovation process by creating conditions for skills accumulation, infrastructure building and adopting a more conducive and systematic outward looking policy for software industry. Indian software firms, in turn, have shown their ability to leverage from availability of skill resources and improve their firm‐specific technology and other capabilities. As far as Indian households are concerned, they send their members for technical education in India and abroad and overseas labour markets (mainly US) as skilled workers linking Indian IST industry with global market by providing valuable contacts, linkages, and networking. The development of financial institutions like bank, capital market and venture capital, democratic polity, etc., also have positively influenced the growth of India’s capabilities in the IST sector. With strong capabilities in skill‐based technologies, Indian IST firms started serving global customers by establishing their subsidiaries overseas. This OFDI drive of these firms is primarily motivated to exploit firm‐specific advantages through an offshore‐onshore model of service delivery. There are four distinct features of Indian IST multinationals. First, majority of their overseas subsidiaries are in developed countries with USA and UK as the two major hosts. The share of developed countries is about 69 per cent in total number of IST overseas subsidiaries from India. Developing countries accounted for just 31 per cent and Asia is the major host developing region with about 25 per cent. Second, the Indian IST multinationals tend to have majority ownership over their overseas ventures. Third, there is a high level concentration among Indian IST multinationals on the number of their overseas subsidiaries. A group of sixty large IST multinationals (about 36 per cent of total IST multinationals) disproportionately accounts for over 72 per cent of Indian IST overseas subsidiaries. Fourth, the firm‐specific characteristics of Indian IST 45 multinationals indicate that they are large‐sized and highly export oriented and possess relatively higher values for R&D intensity, advertising intensity and firm age as compared to Indian IST firms not investing in overseas investment. The case study of two selected large Indian IST multinationals reveals the firm‐level dynamics in growth and capability building under an evolving and a favourable NIS. 6.1. Implications for Developing Countries India’s development experience in the IST industry offers a number of lessons to policy makers in other developing countries aspiring to benefit from promoting their own IST industry. Being a skill‐based industry, a developing country may find it easier to build capability in the IST industry with relatively less resources than what may be required in the case of capital intensive manufacturing industries. These countries should judiciously invest their scarce resources in specific skill and infrastructural development required by IST industry. A more proactive government policy based on cluster approach and openness to IST FDI can also contribute to the development of IST industry. With the Indian IST multinationals showing increasing intensity to secure overseas skill base, other developing countries can also invite these firms to set up development and training centres in their respective location so as to benefit from knowledge‐spillovers effect. Overall, developing countries need to build up a suitable NIS for achieving critical success in the global IST sector. This suitable NIS should address following three main areas of interventions: i. E st ab l i sh me nt of Skill In sti tut ion s The most important factor that contributes to the development of software industry is availability of requisite skills in a country. India’s unprecedented success in this industry can be traced back to a pool of highly trained software professionals routinely churned out by a rising number of public‐funded autonomous technology centres like IITs, IISs, Regional Engineering Colleges, etc. Obviously, government investment in specific skill creation has a critical bearing on the growth of IST industry. Hence, developing countries should establish a chain of institutions in engineering and computer science and these technology institutions in turn will act as national centres for knowledge creation meeting the skill requirement of the IST industry. Besides, promoting technical knowledge and computer skills through general educational institutions like universities, colleges, schools, etc., can go a long way in helping developing countries to develop their own IST sector. 46 ii . Imp ro vem en t in Inf r a st ru ctu r e and Pro mo ti o n o f I T Usage The Indian experience highlighted the importance of developing quality telecommunication and physical infrastructure for encouraging the growth of IST industry. Indian government has promoted several Software Technology Parks as a cost‐ effective means of ensuring infrastructure like high speed satellite links, power, etc., and has also provided incentives for locating services centres in such industrial clusters. Other developing countries shall explore ways to replicate India’s experience in the provision of infrastructure in cost‐effective manners. They should also go for computerization of various government departments thus generating demand for domestic software companies. Use of computers, internet, and other IT technologies in the domestic economy also needs to be encouraged by various policy initiatives. iii . A n Outw ard‐l ook ing Poli cy R egim e A systematic and outward‐looking policy regime emerges as one of the critical factors leading to the rise of Indian IST industry. Developing countries’ policy framework needs to adopt a more liberal attitude to the IST foreign investment. Inward foreign software services companies tend to provide state of the art training to domestic manpower and thus could generate valuable skill spillover effects in the host developing countries. These trained professionals by foreign firms could later start their own enterprises, as happened in the case of India in the post‐IBM period. Domestic software companies should also be encouraged to enter into collaborative alliances with foreign firms. Various fiscal incentives to domestic software firms like exempting their export and consultancy revenues from custom duties and taxation, permitting them to have easy and duty‐free imports of computers and other accessories, etc., are also valuable policy tools. The above‐listed policies together with those directed at helping the domestic firms with easy and cheap financial resources, information, marketing‐support, R&D facilities, etc., can help other developing countries to develop their indigenous IST industry. 6.2. Implications for India Although India is able to promote globally competitive software industry based on a well crafted NIS, its policy emphasis now needs to focus on emerging problems faced by the industry. The skill manpower, the fundamental competitive source of Indian software capability, is increasingly falling short of the requirement of a phenomenally growing sector. A sharp shortage of skilled labour can be seen in different segments of the IT sector. For example, the projected requirement for Outsourced Product Development 47 segment is 2.8 lakh product engineers by 2008, where the current availability of product‐ focused software professionals is just about 80,000 34. As per Nasscom‐McKinsey Report 2005 on Extending India’s leadership in the global IT and BPO industries, India requires an additional 5 lakh professionals just to maintain its existing share in the global IT and BPO industries. While Indian government has set up additional IITs and IIMs and taken steps to covert Regional Engineering Colleges into National Institute of Technologies, the resources available at the disposal of policy makers for investing in higher education is quite inadequate. In this case policy measures to encourage private training institutions are required. It is not just the quantity of skilled manpower that is important for Indian IT sector but also, and more importantly, access to relevant skill. In this context, training and skill institutions should show needed flexibility to redraft their syllabus and courses in accordance with the skill requirement of a dynamic industry. Apart from addressing the problem of skill shortages, India needs to tackle severe infrastructural constraints faced by urban locations hosting software technology parks. For example, India’s Silicon Valley, Bangalore, is increasingly witnessing a serious lack of the basic infrastructure involving roads, electricity, public transportation, airport facilities and suffering from congestation and rising pollution 35. Since these urban locations ac as nerve centres of India’s software exports, it is essential that infrastructure spending must be at a comparable pace as the growth of these cities. 6.3. Implications for Indian IST Firms Overseas presence through sales and development subsidiaries is a critical factor for increasing software exports from India and to maintain the global market share. In this context, outward FDI constitutes a basic element for developing an efficient and successful onshore‐offshore model of service delivery system. 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UNCTAD (2006), World Investment Report 2006, FDI from Developing and Transition Economies: Implications for Development, United Nations. 51 Appendix Table‐A1 Information on Overseas Subsidiaries of Indian IST Multinationals Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture 3I Infotech Ltd. 3I Infotech Ltd. 3I Infotech Ltd. 3i Infotech (Thailand) Ltd SDG Software Technologies Pte. Ltd. 3I Infotech SDN BHD (formerly ICICI Infotech SDN BHD) 3I Infotech Ltd. 3i Infotech (UK) Ltd 3I Infotech Ltd. 3I Infotech Pte Ltd (formerly ICICI Infotech Pte Ltd) 3I Infotech Ltd. 3i Infotech Consulting Inc. 3I Infotech Ltd. 3i Infotech Inc. 3I Infotech Ltd. FormulaWare Inc AG Technologies Pvt. Ltd AG Tech, Inc. AXIS‐IT&T Ltd. Axis Inc. AXIS‐IT&T Ltd. Axis EU Limited Aftek Ltd. Arexera Information Technologies GmbH Aftek Ltd. Opdex Inc USA (Formerly known as Aftek Infosys (USA) Inc.) Akal information Systems SG Martin Infoways (USA) Ltd. Ltd Allsec Technologies Ltd. B2K Corp Inc., Allsec Technologies Ltd. Allsectech Inc., Apt Software Avenues Agarwal Associates Ltd Pvt Ltd Aptech Ltd. Aptech Worldwide Corporation Aptech Ltd. Aptech (WOS) Bangladesh Limited Aptech Ltd. Beijing Aptech Beida Jade Bird Information Technology Co. Limited Aptech Ltd. Aptech Training Limited FZE Aptech Ltd. Aptech Worldwide Limited Artech Infosystems Pvt Dalton International Limited Ltd Artech Infosystems Pvt Artech Information Systems L.L.C. Ltd Artech Infosystems Pvt Artech China Ltd Ltd Aspire Systems (India) Aspire Systems, Inc. Pvt. Ltd. Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Software Professional Services Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Aurionpro Solutions PTE Ltd Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Aurionpro Solutions, SPC Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Coban Corporation, Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Agile Solv LLC 52 Year of the data Thailand Singapore Malaysia %age of equity holding 100% 100% 100% S S UK Singapore 100% 100% 2006 2006 S S S S S S S USA USA USA USA USA UK Germany 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S USA S S S USA USA UK 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S JV USA Bangladesh China 100% 100% 50% 2005 2005 2005 S S S UAE South Africa UK 100% 2005 2005 2006 S USA 2006 S China 2006 S USA 2006 S S S S S USA Singapore Bahrain USA USA S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation S S S 2006 2006 2006 2006 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Aurionpro Solutions Ltd. Aztecsoft Ltd. Aztecsoft Ltd. B 2 B Software Technologies Ltd. B 2 B Software Technologies Ltd. B 2 B Software Technologies Ltd. B 2 B Software Technologies Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. BPL Telecom Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore Softsell Ltd. Bangalore Softsell Ltd. Blue Star Infotech Ltd. Blue Star Infotech Ltd. C G‐V A K Software & Exports Ltd. C M C Ltd. CG‐Smith Software Private Limited California Software Co. Ltd. California Software Co. Ltd. California Software Co. Ltd. California Software Co. Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Country of incorporation Infobyte International WLL Aurionrpo Solutions INC Disha Technologies Inc Aztec Software Inc. B2B Infotech SDNBHD S S S S S Bahrain USA USA USA Malaysia 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 B2B Infotech Pte Limited S Singapore 100% 2006 B2B Software Technologies Kassel GmbH B2B Softech Inc S Germany 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 P.R. Glolinks Consulting ATL Industries Pte Ltd. BPL Systems SEAIN Solutions Limited BK Solutions Limited HANI Corporation Lemit Inc. nv Lemit Europe sa Blue Star Infotech (UK) Blue Star Infotech America Inc C G‐V A K Software Usa Inc. S S S S S S S S S S S UK Singapore USA Taiwan Japan Korea USA Belgium UK USA USA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 C M C Americas,Inc. CG‐Smith Software Inc. S S USA USA 100% 2006 2006 Informed Decisions Corporations S USA 51% 2006 Cswl Inc. Usa S USA 100% 2006 American Healthnet Inc S USA 52% 2006 Healthnet International Inc S USA 100% 2006 BWH SARL Cambridge Integrated Services Victoria Pty Ltd Scandent Group Pte Ltd., ProcessMind Holdings Mauritius Limited Cambridge Integrated Services Group Inc. Cambridge Presidium Holdings Inc. Scantalent Inc, Indigo Markets Ltd, Bermuda Scandent Network Europe Ltd., ProcessMind Services Inc S S France Australia 100% 100% 2006 2006 S S Singapore Mauritius 100% 100.00% 2006 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S S S S S USA USA Bermuda UK USA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 53 %age of equity holding Year of the data S / JV / AC* Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cambridge Solutions Ltd. Cherrysoft Compucom Software Ltd. Compudyne Winfosystems Ltd. Compulink Systems Ltd. Compulink Systems Ltd. Compulink Systems Ltd. Congruent Solutions Private Limited Congruent Solutions Private Limited Contech Software Ltd. Core Projects & Technologies Ltd. Core Projects & Technologies Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. Cressanda Solutions Ltd. Cressanda Solutions Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd. Year of the data USA UK Singapore USA USA %age of equity holding 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% S S S S Germany Malaysia USA Australia 100% 100% 100.00% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation S S S S S Scandent Group Inc, Indigo Markets Europe Limited, Indigo Markets Singapore Pte Ltd Albion Inc, Cambridge Galaher Settlements & Insurance Services Scandent Group GmbH, ScadentGroup Sdn, BHD, e‐Business Corp. Inc, Cambridge Integrated Services Australia Pty Ltd. Cherrytech Solutions ITneer, Inc., COMPUDYNE WINFOSYSTEMS INC. Compulink USA Inc. Compulink Software Pte. Ltd. Compulink Europe Ltd. Congruent Solutions, Inc S S S USA USA USA S S S S USA Singapore UK USA Congruent Solutions, Pte. Ltd. S Singapore 2006 Contech America Inc. Enterprises Computing Services, Inc., S S USA USA 2006 2006 CORE Projects & Technologies (FZE), Cranes Software International Pte Limited Systat Software Inc Systat Software GmbH NISA Software Inc., Systat Software UK Limited, United Kingdom Cressanda Solutions UK Limited Cressanda Solutions, Inc. CyberTech Europe S.A. S UAE 2006 S Singapore 100% 2006 S S S S USA Germany USA UK 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S UK USA Luxembourg 100% 2006 2006 2006 CyberTech Information Services BVBA CyberTech Systems and Software Inc. Corliant Inc., S Belgium 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 JV USA 4% 2006 CyberTech Systems Inc. AC USA 2006 Corliant Japan, K.K. AC Japan 2006 54 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Year of the data USA %age of equity holding 100% S UK 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 Datamatics Technologies GmbH S Germany 100% 2006 DecisionCraft Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Ncore Usa Inc FI Sofex LLC Financial Technologies Middle East DMCC Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange DMCC Accounts Solutions Group, LLC S JV S USA USA UAE 100% 2006 JV UAE 50% 2006 S USA 100.00% 2006 FirstRing Inc, USA (ʹFRUSʹ) S USA 100% 2006 MedPlans Partners S USA 100% 2006 Firstsource Solutions S.A. S Argentina 100% 2006 MedPlans 2000 Inc S USA 100.00% 2006 Business Process Management, Inc S USA 100% 2006 Pipal Research Corporation S USA 51% 2006 Sherpa Business Solutions Inc S USA 100% 2006 Firstsource Solutions USA Inc S USA 100% 2006 Firstsource Solutions Limited S UK 100% 2006 HSS Japan KK S Japan 100% 2005 Tenet Software Limited S UK 100% 2005 Tenet Technologies Inc. S USA 100% 2005 Fortune Infotech USA, Inc. Four Soft LLC Four Soft Germany GmbH Four Soft B.V., Four Soft UK Limited Four Soft USA Inc. S S S S S S USA USA Germany Netherlands UK USA 100% 100% 100% 100.00% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Danlaw Technologies India Ltd. Datamatics Technologies Ltd. Datamatics Technologies Ltd. Datamatics Technologies Ltd. DecisionCraft Analytics Limited Encore Software Ltd. F I Sofex Ltd. Financial Technologies (India) Ltd. Financial Technologies (India) Ltd. Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Firstsource Solutions Limited Flextronics Software Systems Ltd. Flextronics Software Systems Ltd. Flextronics Software Systems Ltd. Fortune Infotech Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation Danlaw Technologies Inc, Usa S Datamatics Technologies U.K Limited Datamatics Technologies Inc. 55 2006 Year of the data Singapore Netherlands Malaysia Mauritius %age of equity holding 100% 100% 100% 100% S S S S Australia USA Sri Lanka UAE 100% 100% 100% 90% 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S S S S UK Singapore Mauritius Germany UAE Oman 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S Singapore S USA 100% 2006 Aerial Surveyor Limited S UK 100% 2006 Genesys International (UK) Limited S UK 100% 2006 Engage Solutions Ltd., S Hong Kong 100% 2006 Geodesic Information Systems AB, S Sweden 76% 2006 Geodesic Information Systems Inc., S USA 100% 2006 Geodesic Information Systems Pte. Ltd., TekSoft, Inc. S Singapore 100% 2006 S USA 82% 2006 Geometric Software Solutions Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Geometric Software Solutions Pte. Ltd. Global Edge Software Inc. Globsyn Technologies, Inc S Singapore 100% 2006 S S USA USA 100% 2006 2006 Primesoft LLC S USA 100% 2005 Staytop Systems Inc. S USA 100% 2005 HCL (Netherlands) BV DSI Financial Solutions Pte. Limited [ S S Netherlands Singapore 100% 100% 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. Four Soft Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. G T L Ltd. GAVS Information Services Private Limited GAVS Information Services Private Limited Genesys International Corpn. Ltd. Genesys International Corpn. Ltd. Genesys International Corpn. Ltd. Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. Geometric Software Solutions Co. Ltd. Geometric Software Solutions Co. Ltd. Geometric Software Solutions Co. Ltd. Global Edge Software Ltd. Globsyn Technologies Ltd. Goldstone Technologies Ltd. Goldstone Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation Four Soft Singapore Pte Limited Four Soft NL B.V. Four Soft Malaysia Sdn Bhd International Global Tele‐Systems Limited iGTL Solutions (Australia) Pty. Ltd. iGTL Solutions (USA), Inc. IGTL Solutions Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. IGTL Solutions (Saudi Arabia) Limited IGTL Solutions (UK) Limited IGTL Solutions (s) Pte ltd. IGTL Solutions Mauritius Limited IGTL Solutions (Germany) GmbH IGTL Solutions Middle East FZ LLC GAVS Information Services LLC S S S S GAVS Information Services Asia (Pte) Ltd. Genesys Enterprises Inc. 56 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. H C L Technologies Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Ltd. Helios & Matheson Information Technology Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation %age of equity holding 100% 100% 100.00% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Year of the data eServe Holdings Limited HCL Bermuda Limited HCL BPO Services (NI) Limited HCL Enterprise Solutions Limited HCL Japan Limited, Japan HCL Great Britain Limited HCL Venture Capital Limited Infosystems Europe Limited, United Kingdom HCL Technologies (Mass.) Inc. HCL Jones Technologies LLC HCL Australia Services Pty. Limited HCL Hong Kong SAR Limited HCL Jones (Bermuda) Limited HCL (New Zealand) Limited S S S S S S S S Mauritius Bermuda UK Mauritius Japan UK Bermuda UK S S S S S S 100% 51.00% 100% 100% 51% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 HCL Answerthink Inc. HCL (Illinois) Inc. HCL Belgium NV HCL EAI Services Inc. HCL GmbH HCL Singapore Pte. Limited HCL (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia HCL America Inc. HCL Italy SLR Insys Inc, Canada HCL m.a. Limited Infosystems Australia Pty. Limited HCL Holdings GmbH Aalayance (UK) Ltd HCL Sweden AB Helios &Matheson Inc. JV S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S USA USA Australia Hong Kong Bermuda New Zealand USA USA Belgium USA Germany Singapore Malaysia USA Italy Canada UK Australia Austria UK Sweden USA 50% 100% 100% 58% 100.00% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 51% 100% 100% 58.09% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 The Laxmi Group Inc S USA 51% 2006 Helios &Matheson(Singapore) Pte. Ltd S Singapore 100% 2006 Maruthi Consulting Inc S USA 100% 2006 TACT, USA S USA 43% 2006 Hexaware Technologies Canada Limited. S Canada 100% 2006 57 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Year of the data USA %age of equity holding 100% S UK 100% 2006 Hexaware Technologies Gmbh. S Germany 100% 2006 Hexaware Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Limited. Hexaware Technologies Inc. S Singapore 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 HTMT Europe Limited Hinduja TMT France Source One HTMT Inc. Customer Contact Centre Inc. C‐Cubed B.V. C‐Cubed ( Antilles ) N.V. HTS China S S S S S S S UK France USA Philippines Netherlands Netherlands China 51.00% 51% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 HTS‐Brno S i‐flex solutions ltd. i‐flex solutions b.v. SuperSolutions Corporation i‐flex solutions inc. i‐flex solutions pte ltd ISP Internet Mauritius Company i‐flex America inc. Equinox Corporation, IBS Software Services Pty Ltd S S S S S S S S S Czech Republic UAE Netherlands USA USA Singapore Mauritius USA USA Australia IBS Software Services (P) Ltd. S UAE 2006 IBS Software Services Americas, Inc. S USA 2006 Avient Solutions Ltd. S UK 2006 ISGN ‐ CA MortgageHub, Inc. ISGN ‐ UK ISGN ‐ PA ISGN ‐ Europe ISGN ‐ Singapore ISGN ‐ IA ITC Infotech Denmark ITC Infotech Ltd, UK ITC Infotech (USA) Inc. ITTI MA Inc. ITTI FZ. S S S S S S S S S S S S USA USA UK USA Ireland Singapore USA Denmark UK USA USA UAE 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Hinduja T M T Ltd. Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. I‐Flex Solutions Ltd. IBS Software Services (P) Ltd IBS Software Services (P) Ltd IBS Software Services (P) Ltd IBS Software Services (P) Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ISGN Technologies Ltd ITC Infotech India Ltd ITC Infotech India Ltd ITC Infotech India Ltd ITTI Pvt. Ltd. ITTI Pvt. Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation Specsoft Consulting Inc. S Hexaware Technologies UK Ltd. 58 2006 2006 40% 100.00% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 Year of the data USA %age of equity holding 100% S Canada 100% 2005 iGATE Global Solutions (Wuxi) Co. Ltd. iGATE Global Solutions Sdn. Bhd. S China 100% 2005 S Malaysia 59% 2005 Mascot Systems GmbH S Germany 59% 2005 Symphoni Interactive LLC S USA 100% 2005 Quintant Corporation S USA 59% 2005 Quintant Ltd. S UK 100.00% 2005 Infinite Computer Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Infinite Computer Solutions Inc. S Malaysia 2006 S USA 2006 Infinite Computer Solutions, China S China 2006 Infinite Computer Solutions Pte. Ltd S Singapore 2006 Infinite Computer Solutions, Hong Kong Infinite Computer Solutions Ltd. S Hong Kong 2006 S UK 2006 Infomart Technologies Infomart Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd Progeon S.R.O. S S S 72% 2006 2006 2006 S USA Singapore Czech Republic Australia 100% 2006 S China 100% 2006 S S S USA Netherlands Canada 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S AC S S S S S USA USA UK USA UK Germany USA 100.00% 49% 100% 100.00% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Igate Global Solutions Ltd. Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd Infomart (India) Pvt Ltd Infomart (India) Pvt Ltd Infosys Technologies Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation iGATE Global Solutions LLC (formerly eJiva LLC) Quintant Inc. S Infosys Technologies Ltd. Infosys Technologies (Australia), Pty. Limited Infosys Technologies Ltd. Infosys Technologies (Shanghai) Co. Limited Infosys Technologies Ltd. Infosys Consulting, Inc. Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Enterprises Benelux, B.V Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Software Solutions Canada Inc., Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Vargis LLC Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Aerospace Services Inc. Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Mapcentric Consulting Limited Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Enterprises America, Inc. Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Enterprises Europe Limited Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Enterprises GmBh. Infovision Software Pvt. Transcription South Inc. Ltd 59 2005 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Infovision Software Pvt. Ltd Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Insoft.com Pvt Ltd Integra Software Services Private Limited Integrated Hitech Ltd. Country of incorporation Choice Transcriptions Inc S USA 2006 Insoft The Netherlands Insoft USA Insoft Nordic Insoft Belgium Insoft France Integra Software Services Inc. S S S S S S Netherlands USA Denmark Belgium France USA 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S USA 2005 S S Singapore USA 2005 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S S S S Ireland USA UK UAE 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 S Singapore 2006 S Vietnam 2006 S Indonesia 2006 S Philippines 2006 S USA 2006 S UK 2006 JV Germany 60% 2006 S USA 90% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 JV UAE S UK 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 Integrated Hitech (America) Corporation Integrated Hitech Ltd. Integrated Hitech Singapore Pte Ltd Intergraph Consulting Pvt Intergraph Consulting Inc. Ltd. Intertec Communications De Two Forging P Ltd Ltd. Intertec Communications Intertec America Inc. Ltd. JK Technosoft Ltd. JK Technosoft Ltd. Ireland JK Technosoft Ltd. Proserve Consulting Inc. JK Technosoft Ltd. JK Technosoft (UK) Ltd. Java Softech Private Prima Java Softech Fz ‐ LLC Limited Java Softech Private JavaSoftech Singapore PTE Ltd Limited Java Softech Private Java Viernam Co. Limited Limited Java Softech Private PT JavaSoftech Indonesia Limited Java Softech Private JSPL Philippines Inc. Limited Jopasana Software & Jopasana Software & Systems (USA), Systems Ltd. LLC. Jopasana Software & Jopasana Software & Systems (UK) Systems Ltd. Ltd. K P I T Cummins KPIT Infosystems Gmbh Infosystems Ltd. K P I T Cummins SolvCentral.com Inc. Infosystems Ltd. K P I T Cummins Panex Consulting Inc. Infosystems Ltd. K P I T Cummins KPIT Systems LLC Infosystems Ltd. K P I T Cummins KPIT Infosystems Ltd. Infosystems Ltd. K P I T Cummins KPIT Infosystems Inc Infosystems Ltd. Kale Consultants Ltd. Kale Softech, Inc. 60 %age of equity holding Year of the data S / JV / AC* 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Kale Consultants Ltd. Kale Consultants Ltd. Kale Consultants Ltd. Kanika Infrastructure & Power Ltd. Kanika Infrastructure & Power Ltd. Kanika Infrastructure & Power Ltd. Kernex Microsystems (India) Ltd. Kirloskar Multimedia Ltd. Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Kale Consultants Australia Pty. Limited Kale Technologies Limited Antah Kale Sdn. Bhd. Kanika Infotech (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. S Australia S JV S UK Malaysia Singapore 100% 60% 100% 2006 2006 2005 Kanika Infotech (America) Inc. S USA 100% 2005 Kanika Infotech (UK) Ltd. S UK 100% 2005 Avant‐Garde Infosystems Inc S USA 100.00% 2006 S S USA Canada S Germany 100% S USA 100% 2006 S S South Africa UAE 100% 2006 2006 S Oman S USA 100% 2006 S S USA Mexico 100% 100% 2006 2006 S S S Germany UK USA 100% 100.00% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S S S S S AC S S S Mauritius Malaysia Germany Singapore UK USA USA Netherlands Singapore New Zealand UK Germany USA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100.00% 100% 49% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 100.00% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 Megasoft Consultants Limited Megasoft Consultants GmBH Megasoft Consultants, Inc. 61 Country of incorporation Year of the data %age of equity holding 100% Kirloskar Multimedia Inc. LARSEN & TOUBRO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CANADA LTD. Larsen & Toubro Infotech L& T Infotech GmbH Ltd. Larsen & Toubro Infotech GDA Technologies, Inc Ltd. Lifetree Convergence Ltd. Lifetree Convergence (Pty) Ltd MEDICOM Solutions (P) OCS Healthcare Informatics FZ LLC Ltd MEDICOM Solutions (P) MEDICOM Solutions Middle East Ltd LLC Maars Software Hi‐Tech Software Services,Usa International Ltd. Mascon Global Ltd. Mascon Global Technologies, Inc Mascon Global Ltd. Mascon Global Information de RL de CV Mascon Global Ltd. Mascon Global GmbH Mascon Global Ltd. Mascon Global (Europe) Limited Mascon Global Ltd. International Software Consulting, Inc Mascon Global Ltd. Mascon International Limited Mastek Ltd. Mastek MSC Software Sdn. Bhd. Mastek Ltd. Mastek GmbH Mastek Ltd. Mastek Asia Pacific Ltd. Mastek Ltd. Mastek (UK) Ltd. Mastek Ltd. MajescoMastek Mastek Ltd. Carretek LLC Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Consultants BV Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Consultants Pte Ltd Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft (NZ) Limited S / JV / AC* S S S 2006 2006 2003 2006 Year of the data Australia Malaysia Germany Hong Kong Singapore %age of equity holding 100% 100% 64% 100% 100% S UK 100% 2006 Melstar Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Linkhand Support Ltd. S UK 100% 2006 Melstar Deutschland GmbH S Germany 100% 2006 Melstar Ltd. S UK 100% 2006 Metalearn US LLC S USA S S S Bahrain USA Malaysia S S S Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Megasoft Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Melstar Information Technologies Ltd. Metalearn Services Pvt. Ltd. Mindteck (India) Ltd. Mindteck (India) Ltd. Mindteck (India) Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation Megasoft Australia Pty Ltd Megasoft Consultants Sdn Bhd Beam AG Megasoft (HK) Limited Melstar Singapore Pte Ltd. S S S S S Melstar UK Ltd. Mindteck Middle East SOC. Mindteck USA Inc. Mindteck Software Malaysia SDN, BHD. Mistral Software Pvt. Ltd. Mistral Software Inc. Mistral Software Pvt. Ltd. Mistral Software Europe Moschip Semiconductor Moschip Semiconductor Technology, Technology Ltd. Usa Mphasis Ltd. MsourcE Mauritius Inc., Mphasis Ltd. Eldorado Computing Inc. Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Europe BV Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Ireland Limited Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS (Shanghai) Software & Services Company Limited Mphasis Ltd. Princeton Consulting Limited Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Australia Pty Ltd Mphasis Ltd. MsourcE Holdings BV, Mphasis Ltd. MbrokeR Inc. Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS UK Limited Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Corporation Mphasis Ltd. BFL Software Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Deutschland GmbH Mphasis Ltd. MphasiS Pte Ltd N I I T Ltd. NIIT USA Inc. N I I T Ltd. NIIT Malaysia Sdn Bhd N I I T Ltd. NIIT GC Ltd N I I T Ltd. NIIT Middle East WLL N I I T Ltd. PT NIIT Indonesia N I I T Ltd. NIIT China (Shanghai) Limited N I I T Ltd. NIIT Limited, UK 62 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 100% 100.00% 100% 2005 2005 2005 USA Germany USA 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S S S S Mauritius USA Netherlands Ireland China 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S UK Australia Netherlands USA UK USA Singapore Germany Singapore USA Malaysia Mauritius Bahrain Indonesia China UK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Year of the data China %age of equity holding 100% S Netherlands 100% 2006 S S S S S S S S S S S S S Austria USA UK Thailand UK Belgium Netherlands Japan Australia Switzerland Germany Singapore UAE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99.96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 NAVAYUGA INFOTECH LLC S USA 2006 NAVAYUGA EUROPE LIMITED S UK 2006 Neilsoft Inc. Neilsoft Technologies Co. Ltd. Neruby Consulting Services Ltd. S S S USA China UK 2006 2006 2006 ProSoft Technology Group, Inc. S USA 2006 NETTLINX INC. NeST Canada Corporation S S USA Canada NeST Technologies, Inc. S USA 2006 Ashling Microsystems Ltd. S Ireland 2006 Nihon NeST Corporation S Japan 2006 NeST Europe Ltd. S UK 2006 NeST Technologies MEA Fz Co S UAE 2006 NeST Solutions Pty Ltd S Australia 2006 Newgen Software Inc. S USA 2006 Winquest Consultants, Inc Axill Inc, Usa S S USA USA Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture N I I T Ltd. N I I T Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. N I I T Technologies Ltd. Navayuga Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Navayuga Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Navayuga Infotech Pvt. Ltd. NeilSoft Limited NeilSoft Limited NetEdge Computing Global Services Pvt Ltd NetEdge Computing Global Services Pvt Ltd Nettlinx Ltd. Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. Nihar Info Global Ltd. Northgate Technologies Ltd. PCEC NIIT Institute of Information Technology NIIT Antilles NV, Netherlands Antilles NIIT Technologies Gmbh, Osterreich NIIT Technologies Inc., USA NIIT Technologies Ltd. NIIT Thailand Limited NIIT Smart Serve Limited, NIIT Belgium NV NIIT Benelux BV NIIT Technologies Co. Ltd. NIIT Asia Pacific Pty Limited NIIT Technologies AG, Schweiz NIIT Technologies AG, Germany NIIT Technologies Pte Ltd. NAVAYUGA MIDDLE EAST FZC 63 S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation S 100.00% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Northgate Technologies Ltd. Northgate Technologies Ltd. Northgate Technologies Ltd. Northgate Technologies Ltd. NuNet Technologies Private Limited NuNet Technologies Private Limited Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Ocimum Biosolutions Ltd. Ocimum Biosolutions Ltd. Olive Technology Limited Olive e‐Business Pvt. Ltd. Olive e‐Business Pvt. Ltd. Olive e‐Business Pvt. Ltd. Olive e‐Business Pvt. Ltd. Ontrack Systems Ltd. Ontrack Systems Ltd. Ontrack Systems Ltd. Ontrack Systems Ltd. Onward Technologies Ltd. Onward Technologies Ltd. Orient Information Technology Ltd. Orient Information Technology Ltd. Orient Information Technology Ltd. Country of incorporation Globe 7 HK Limited S Hong Kong Northgate Holdings (S) Pte. Ltd. S Singapore Axill Europe Limited S UK 100% 2006 Globe7 Inc, Usa S USA 100% 2006 NuNet Technologies Pte Limited S Singapore 2006 NuNet Technologies Pty Ltd S Australia 2006 VirStra i ‐ Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Nucleus Software Solutions Pte. Ltd. S Singapore 100% 2006 S Singapore 100% 2006 Nucleus Software Netherlands B.V. S Netherlands 100% 2006 Nucleus Software Japan Kabushiki Kaiga Nucleus Software (HK) Ltd. S Japan 100% 2006 S Hong Kong 100% 2006 Nucleus Software Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Nucleus Software (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Isogen Biosolutions Ocimum Biosolutions Inc. Olive Technology, Inc. Olive e‐Business Olive Global Ltd. Digital Touch LLC Digital Touch Ebusiness Ontrack Systems Inc. Ontrack Systems (UAE) Ltd. Ontrack Systems (UK) Ltd. Ontrack Systems BV., NETHERLAND Onward Technologies Inc. S Australia 100% 2006 S S S S S S S S S S S Netherlands USA USA Canada UK Oman UAE USA UAE UK Netherlands 100.00% 100% 100% 51% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S USA 100% 2006 Onward Technologies GmbH S Germany 100% 2006 Information Technology People WLL‐ Orient Information Technology Inc. S Bahrain S USA 100% 2005 S UAE 100% 2005 Orient Information Technology FZ LLC 64 %age of equity holding 100% Year of the data S / JV / AC* 2006 2006 2005 Year of the data UK %age of equity holding 100% S Germany 100% 2005 S S S S S 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S USA USA USA USA New Zealand USA UK 100% 100% 2006 2006 Reference Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Patni Computer Systems, Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Cymbal Information Services (Thailand) Limited Patni Computer Systems GmbH S Thailand 100% 2006 S Germany 100% 2006 Patni Telecom Solutions (UK) Ltd. S UK 100% 2006 Patni Telecom Solutions Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Esoftcom Mauritius Ltd., S Mauritius 100% 2006 Persistent Systems Inc. S USA Polaris Software Lab S.A Polaris Software Lab Canada Inc. Polaris Software Lab Pte Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ireland Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Japan KK Polaris Software Pty Ltd. Polaris Software Lab GmbH Prologic First Dubai S S S S S S S S S Switzerland Canada Singapore UK Ireland Japan Australia Germany UAE WISH Technologies S China 2006 Quadrant Technologies Inc. S USA 2006 Quintegra Solutions Limited, UK Quintegra Solutions, Inc Quintegra Solutions GmbH Quintegra Solutions Pte. Ltd Quintegra Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd S S S S S UK USA Germany Singapore Malaysia 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Orient Information Technology Ltd. Orient Information Technology Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Panoramic Universal Ltd. Paradyne Infotech Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd. Pentasoft Technologies Ltd. Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Prologic First India Pvt Ltd. Prologic First India Pvt Ltd. Quadrant Infotech (India) Private Limited Quintegra Solutions Ltd. Quintegra Solutions Ltd. Quintegra Solutions Ltd. Quintegra Solutions Ltd. Quintegra Solutions Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation Orient Infotech Limited‐UK S Orient Information Technology GmbH‐ Panoramic Ace Properties Inc. Georgian Motel Corp. Sai Properties Inc. Sai Living Hudson Inc. Sai Motels Limited Dyne Techservices Inc Patni Computer Systems (UK) Ltd. 65 2005 2006 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Year of the data UK USA Hong Kong %age of equity holding 100.00% 100% 100.00% S Singapore 99% 2006 ECnet Inc. S USA 100% 2006 ECnet Systems (Thailand) Co. Ltd. S Thailand 100% 2006 ECnet (Taiwan) Co. S China 100% 2006 ECnet Korea Co, Ltd. S Korea 100% 2006 ECnet Kabushiki Kaisha S Japan 100.00% 2006 Indus Software Inc. S USA 100% 2006 R Systems Inc. S USA 100% 2006 ECnet (M) Sdn Bhd S Malaysia 100% 2006 ECnet (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. S China 100% 2006 R Systems (Singapore) Pte Limited S Singapore 100% 2006 Aravali Technologies Inc. Ramco Systems Sdn Bhd., Ramco Systems Pte Ltd., Ramco Systems Ltd., Ramco Systems Corporation RSL Enterprise Solutions (Pty) Ltd., Rave Technologies, USA S S S S S S S USA Malaysia Singapore Switzerland USA South Africa USA 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Rave Technologies, Italy S Italy 2006 Rave Technologies, UK S UK 2006 Sytemart LLC S USA 2006 Rishabh InfoServices Pvt.Ltd. S UK 2006 Rolta Deutschland Gmbh Rolta Benelux B.V. Rolta Middleeast Rolta International, inc Rolta Saudi Arabia S S S S S Germany Netherlands UAE USA Saudi Arabia Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture R S Software (India) Ltd. R S Software (India) Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. Ram Informatics Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Ramco Systems Ltd. Rave Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Rave Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Rave Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Rishabh Software Pvt. Ltd. Rishabh Software Pvt. Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation RS Software UK Limited Responsive Solutions Inc ECnet (Hong Kong) S S S ECnet Limited 66 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Rolta India Ltd. Rolta India Ltd. S Q L Star International Ltd. S Q L Star International Ltd. S Q L Star International Ltd. S S I Ltd. Saksoft Ltd. Saksoft Ltd. Saksoft Ltd. Sankhya Infotech Ltd. Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd. Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Saven Technologies Ltd. Saven Technologies Ltd. Saven Technologies Ltd. Serviont Global Solutions Ltd. Serviont Global Solutions Ltd. Serviont Global Solutions Ltd. Silverline Technologies Ltd. Silverline Technologies Ltd. Silverline Technologies Ltd. Softsol India Ltd. Software Technology Country of incorporation Rolta Canada Ltd Rolta UK Ltd SQL Star International, Inc S S S Canada UK USA 100.00% 100% 2006 2006 2006 International SQL Star Pte. Ltd, S Singapore 100% 2006 SQL Star International Ltd, S UK 100.00% 2006 Telephoto International Pte Ltd Saksoft Pte Ltd Saksoft Gmbh Saksoft Inc USA Sankhya SARL Sasken Communication Technologies Mexico, S.A.De C.V Sasken Communication Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Knowledge Dynamics USA Inc. S S S S S S Singapore Singapore Germany USA France Mexico 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 S China 100% 2006 S USA 98% 2006 Satyam Technologies, Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Info On Demand SDN BHD S Malaysia 100% 2006 Satyam Computer Services (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Knowledge Dynamics Pte. Ltd S China 100% 2006 S Singapore 100% 2006 Citisoft Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Citisoft Plc. S UK 75% 2006 Saven Technologies Inc., Saven Technologies (UK) Ltd. Penrillian Limited, 5by5 Networks Inc., S S JV S USA UK UK USA Servion Global Solutions Inc. S USA 2006 Servion Global Solutions Pte Ltd. S Singapore 2006 SKY Capital International Ltd., HK S Hong Kong 2005 eComServer Inc. USA S USA Innovative BPO Solutions ltd., Canada. SoftSol Resources Inc., Software Technology Group S Canada S S USA USA 67 %age of equity holding Year of the data S / JV / AC* 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 100% 100% 2006 2006 S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation %age of equity holding Year of the data International Inc Software Technology Group, Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Abisko Development Ltd Sonata Software GmbH Offshore Digital Services Inc. Spanco (S) Pte Ltd S S S S Cyprus Germany USA Singapore 80.10% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 Global Respondez Inc. S USA 50% 2006 IntelliApp Solutions Ltd. Subex Technologies, Inc. SunTec Business Solutions Ltd, UK S S S USA USA UK 100% 2006 2006 2006 SunTec Business Solutions, Singapore SunTec Business Solutions Inc S Singapore 2006 S USA 2006 SunTec Business Solutions GmbH S Germany 2006 Synergy Log‐in Systems Sdn.Bhd S Malaysia 100% 2006 Synergy Information Technology Inc S USA 100.00% 2006 Globsyn Technologies Inc S USA 100% 2006 Sigmasoft Pte Ltd S Singapore 100% 2006 Tally Solutions FZ LLC. Tally Solutions International Pte Ltd. Tanla Solutions (UK) Limited Mobizar Limited Tarang Software Technologies Pte. Ltd. Tasaa Netcom USA, Inc. S S S S S UAE Singapore UK UK Japan S USA Financial Network Services (H.K.) Limited Pentacrom Servicios S.A. S Hong Kong 100% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Sverige AB Swedish Indian IT Resources AB S Sweden 100% 2006 S Sweden 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Solution Center S.A. TCS Argentina S.A. S Uruguay 100% 2006 S Argentina 99% 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Group International Ltd. Software Technology Group International Ltd. Sonata Software Ltd. Sonata Software Ltd. Sonata Software Ltd. Spanco Telesystems & Solutions Ltd. Spanco Telesystems & Solutions Ltd. Srishti Software Pvt. Ltd. Subex Azure Ltd. SunTec Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. SunTec Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. SunTec Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. SunTec Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Synergy Log‐In Systems Ltd. Synergy Log‐In Systems Ltd. Synergy Log‐In Systems Ltd. Synergy Log‐In Systems Ltd. Tally ( India) Pvt. Ltd. Tally ( India) Pvt. Ltd. Tanla Solutions Ltd. Tanla Solutions Ltd. Tarang Software Technologies Pvt Ltd. Tasaa Netcom Private Limited Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 68 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Financial Network Services (Africa) Pty Ltd Tata Consultancy Services Do Brasil S.A. Tata Consultancy Services Chile S.A. S South Africa S Brazil 51% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 CMC Americas Inc. S USA 100% 2006 Chong Wan Investments Limited S Hong Kong 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Japan Limited Tata Infotech (Singapore) Pte. Limited Tata Consultancy Services de Espana S.A. Exegenix Canada Inc. S Japan 100% 2006 S Singapore 100% 2006 S Spain 99% 2006 S Canada 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Belgium S.A. Sisteco S.A. S Belgium 100% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 Financial Network Services (Facilities Management) Pty Limited Financial Network Services Pty Limited Tata Infotech Deutscheland GmbH S Australia 100.00% 2006 S Australia 100% 2006 S Germany 100% 2006 TCS FNS Pty. Limited S Australia 100% 2006 Conscripti (Pty) Ltd. AC South Africa 20% 2006 Exegenix Research Inc. AC Canada 50% 2006 S Portugal 100% 2006 S Mexico 99% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific Pte Limited PT Financial Network Services S Singapore 100% 2006 S Indonesia 100% 2006 Tata Consultancy Services Deutscheland GmbH Tata Consultancy Services Luxembourg S.A Tata Consultancy Services Chile S Germany 100% 2006 S Luxembourg 99% 2006 S Chile 99% 2006 69 Country of incorporation Year of the data %age of equity holding 100% Tata Consultancy Services Portugal Unipesoal Limitada Tata Consultancy Services de Mexico S.A. De. C.V. Pentacrom S.A. S / JV / AC* 2006 S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation %age of equity holding Year of the data S France 100% 2006 S USA 100% 2006 S Malaysia 100% 2006 S China 100% 2006 S Australia 100% 2006 S Netherlands 100% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 S UK 100% 2006 S Malaysia 100% 2006 S Chile 100% 2006 S Uruguay 100% 2006 Diligenta Limited S UK 76% 2006 TCS Brazil S/C Limitada S Brazil 99.99% 2006 TCS Italia SRL S Italy 100% 2006 TCS Inversiones Chile Limitada S Chile 99.99% 2006 Comicrom S.A. S Chile 100% 2006 S S S S S S USA Netherlands Germany Thailand UK Singapore 100% 100% 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S S S S S S USA Singapore Germany USA Thailand USA Ireland USA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 100.00% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Tata Technologies Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Limitada Tata Consultancy Services France S.A. Tata America International Corporation Financial Network Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd Tata Information Technology (Shanghai) Company Limited Financial Network Services (Holdings) Pty Limited Tata Consultancy Services Netherlands B.V. Syscrom S.A. Financial Network Services (Europe) plc Tata Consultancy Services Malaysia SDN. BHD. Custodia De Documentos Intres Limitada TCS Iberoamerica S.A. TATA TECHNOLOGIES U S A INCAT Engineering Solutions BV INCAT GmbH Tata Technologies (Thailand) Ltd Tata Technologies Pte. Ltd Tech Mahindra (R & D Services) Pte. Ltd Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra (Americas) Inc. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra GmbH Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra (R & D Services) Inc. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra (Thailand) Limited Teledata Informatics Ltd. Alpha Soft Services Corporation Teledata Informatics Ltd. SBC Data Systems Limited, Teledata Informatics Ltd. Vanguard Technologies 70 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Teledata Informatics Ltd. Transworld Information Systems Inc., Teledata Informatics Ltd. Nemera International Company Ltd; Teledata Informatics Ltd. Data Methods USA Teledata Informatics Ltd. Teledata Informatics (Bangkok ) Co. Ltd Teledata Informatics Ltd. Insoft Systems Ltd; Teledata Informatics Ltd. Bitech International Pte Ltd., Teledata Informatics Ltd. Teledata Marine Systems Pte, Ltd, Teledata Informatics Ltd. Hopway Limited Teledata Informatics Ltd. Picnic Marine Company Ltd; Teledata Informatics Ltd. Bitech International LLC, Dubai Teledata Informatics Ltd. I‐Max Communications Ltd, Teledata Informatics Ltd. Netsol Technologies Company. Limited Thirdware Solution Ltd. Thirdware Ireland Limited Thirdware Solution Ltd. Thirdware Solution Deutschland GmbH Thirdware Solution Ltd. Thirdware Solution Inc. Thirdware Solution Ltd. Thirdware Solution Europe Ltd. Thirdware Solution Ltd. Thirdware Solution Singapore Pte. Trident Info‐Tech Corpn. Trident Info.Inc. Ltd. Trigent Software Ltd. Trigent Software, Inc. Trigyn Technologies Ltd. Trigyn Technologies Inc. Trigyn Technologies Ltd. eCapital Solutions (Bermuda) Limited Trigyn Technologies Ltd. eVector (Cayman) Limited Trigyn Technologies Ltd. Trigyn Technologies Limited, UK Trigyn Technologies Ltd. EVector Inc. Trigyn Technologies Ltd. eCapital Solutions (Mauritius) Limited Trigyn Technologies Ltd. Applisoft, Inc. Trigyn Technologies Ltd. EVector (UK) Limited Trigyn Technologies Ltd. Trigyn Technologies Europe Gmbh, Tutis Technologies Ltd. Amex Information Technologies GmbH Tutis Technologies Ltd. Global Software Technologies Ltd. Twinstar Software Twinstar Software Inc Exports Ltd. Twinstar Software Twinstar Software Exports Limited, Exports Ltd. UK Unisoft Infotech Pvt Ltd. Unisoft Infotech Inc Unisoft Infotech Pvt Ltd. Unisoft Infotech Pte Ltd Unisoft Infotech Pvt Ltd. Unisoft Infotech Pty Ltd Unisoft Infotech Pvt Ltd. Unisoft Infotech Sdn Bhd Unitex Designs Ltd. Futur I Tech Inc Usa 71 Year of the data USA %age of equity holding 53% S S S Thailand USA Thailand 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S AC S S S S S Singapore Singapore Singapore Hong Kong Thailand UAE UK Thailand 100% 51% 26% 100% 70% 100% 80% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S Ireland Germany 2006 2006 S S S S USA UK Singapore USA 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S USA USA Bermuda 100.00% 100% 100% 2003 2006 2006 S 100% 2006 S S S Cayman Island UK USA Mauritius 100.00% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S S S USA UK Germany Germany 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S UK USA 100% 2006 2006 S UK 100% 2006 S S S S S USA Singapore Australia Malaysia USA S / JV / AC* Country of incorporation S 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Name of Indian Parent Firm Name of Overseas Venture Country of incorporation Usha Martin Infotech Ltd. Usha Communications Technology Limtied S ValueLabs (India) ValueLabs (India) Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Wipro Ltd. S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S British Virgin Island USA Malaysia USA USA UK France China Mauritius UK USA USA Japan USA Austria Austria S S S S S Switzerland Singapore UK USA China 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 S S S Germany USA Singapore 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 S S S S USA UK USA UK 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 ValueLabs,Inc. ValueLabs Sdn. Bhd. Enthink Inc. mPower Software Services Inc Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited New Logic Technologies SARL Wipro Shanghai Limited Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited Wipro Technologies UK Limited Wipro Inc Spectramind Inc Wipro Japan KK New Logic Technologies Inc New Logic Technologies AG BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH Wipro Ltd. New Logic Technologies SA Zenith Infotech Ltd. Zenith Infotech (Singapore) Pte Ltd Zenith Software Ltd. Zenith Software (UK) Ltd. Zenith Software Ltd. Zenith Software, Inc. Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Technologies(Shenzhen) Limited Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Technologies, GmbH Zensar Technologies Ltd. OBT Global Inc Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Technologies (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Technologies Inc. Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Technologies (UK) Ltd. softProjex Ltd. softProjex Inc. softProjex Ltd. softProjex (UK) Ltd. Note: * S: Subsidiary; JV: Joint Venture; AC: Associate Company 72 %age of equity holding Year of the data S / JV / AC* 2006 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100.00% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 List of ISID Working Papers WP2007/08 Estimates of Import Intensity in India’s Manufacturing Sector: Recent Trends and Dimensions, T P Bhat, Atulan Guha, Mahua Paul and Partha Pratim Sahu. WP2007/07 How do Indian Multinationals Affect Exports from Home Country?, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2007/06 Five years of China in WTO: An Assessment, T P Bhat. WP2007/05 Expanding Productive Employment Opportunities: Role and Potential of the Micro and Small Enterprises Sector, Partha Pratim Sahu. WP2007/04 Growth of Indian Multinationals in the World Economy: Implications for Development, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2007/03 Tata Steelʹs Romance with Orissa: Minerals‐based Underdevelopment and Federal Politics in India, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2007/02 New Policy Regime and Small Pharmaceutical Firms in India, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2007/01 Subcontracting in India’s Small Manufacturing Enterprises: Problems and Prospects, Partha Pratim Sahu. WP2006/11 Quality of Foreign Direct Investment, Knowledge Spillovers and Host Country Productivity: A Framework of Analysis, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2006/10 The Indian Stock Market in 2005–06: An Examination of Two Major Events, K S Chalapati Rao and K V K Ranganathan. WP2006/09 Ownership Pattern of the Indian Corporate Sector: Implications for Corporate Governance, K S Chalapati Rao and Atulan Guha. WP2006/08 Export‐orientation of Foreign Manufacturing affiliates in India: Factors, Tendencies and Implications, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Keshab Das and Mahua Paul. WP2006/07 Overseas Acquisition Versus Greenfield Foreign Investment: Which Internationalization Strategy is better for Indian Pharmaceutical Enterprises? Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Abhinav Alakshendra. WP2006/06 Some features of Migration and Labour Mobility in the Leather Accessories Manufacture in India: A Study of the Informal Sector Industry in Dharavi, Mumbai, Jesim Pais. WP2006/05 Global Competitiveness of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Trends and Strategies, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2006/04 Tourism Employment: An Analysis of Foreign Tourism in India, Jesim Pais. WP2006/03 Adoption of Improved Technology in India’s Small‐scale Industries: Evidences from a Field Survey, Partha Pratim Sahu. WP2006/02 Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Globally: Impact on India’s 73 Pharmaceutical Exports, Jaya Prakash Pradhan. WP2006/01 Towards Understanding the State‐wise Distribution of Foreign Direct Investments in the Post‐Liberalisation Period, K S Chalapati Rao and M R Murthy. WP2005/03* Indian Stock Market: 2004–05—Some Issues, K S Chalapati Rao and K V K Ranganathan. WP2005/02* Workers in a Globalising World: Some Perspectives from India, T S Papola. WP2005/01 Emerging Structure of Indian Economy: Implications of Growing Inter‐ sectoral Imbalances, T S Papola. WP2004/13 Economic History of Tobacco Production in India, S K Goyal, Pratap C Biswal and K V K Ranganathan. WP2004/12 Potential Impact of Supply‐side Actions, S K Goyal, Pratap C Biswal and K V K Ranganathan. WP2004/11* Is Growth Sans Industrialisation Substainable? ISID Foundation Day Lecture, G S Bhalla. WP2004/10 Labour: Down and Out, T S Papola and A N Sharma. WP2004/09* Foreign Trade Policy: Content and Coverage, T P Bhat. WP2004/08* National Trade Policy: What it Implies? T P Bhat. WP2004/07* WTO Negotiations Back on Track, T P Bhat. WP2004/06* Chinese Perspective of Bilateral Trade with India, T P Bhat. WP2004/05* A Challenge for Social Scientist, S K Goyal. WP2004/04* Foreign Portfolio Investments and the Indian Stock Market Boom of 2003–04: A Note, K S Chalapati Rao. WP2004/03* Wavelet Analysis of the Bombay Stock Exchange Index, Pratap C Biswal, B Kammaiah and Prasanta K Panigrahi. WP2004/02 Company Size and Effective Corporate Tax Rate: A Study on Indian Private Manufacturing Companies, Atulan Guha. WP2004/01* Anti‐dumping—Containment and Reform, T P Bhat. WP2003/10* Government Procurement Agreement: Negotiating Position for India, T P Bhat. WP2003/09* Heralding of Asian Giant Trade Block, T P Bhat. WP2003/08* China the Victim of Anti‐dumping Action, T P Bhat. WP2003/07* Cost of Public Holidays, T P Bhat. WP2003/06* India and China on New Horizon, T P Bhat. * Already Published. Most of the working papers are downloadable from the institute’s website: http://isidev.nic.in/ or http://isid.org.in/ 74 About the ISID The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), successor to the Corporate Studies Group (CSG), is a national-level policy research organization in the public domain and is affiliated to the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). Developing on the initial strength of studying India’s industrial regulations, ISID has gained varied expertise in the analysis of the issues thrown up by the changing policy environment. The Institute’s research and academic activities are organized under the following broad thematic areas: Industrial Development: Complementarity and performance of different sectors (public, private, FDI, cooperative, SMEs, etc.); trends, structures and performance of Indian industries in the context of globalisation; locational aspects of industry in the context of balanced regional development. Corporate Sector: Ownership structures; finance; mergers and acquisitions; efficacy of regulatory systems and other means of policy intervention; trends and changes in the Indian corporate sector in the background of global developments in corporate governance, integration and competitiveness. Trade, Investment and Technology: Trade policy reforms, WTO, composition and direction of trade, import intensity of exports, regional and bilateral trade, foreign investment, technology imports, R&D and patents. Employment, Labour and Social Sector: Growth and structure of employment; impact of economic reforms and globalisation; trade and employment, labour regulation, social protection, health, education, etc. Media Studies: Use of modern multimedia techniques for effective, wider and focused dissemination of social science research and promote public debates. ISID has developed databases on various aspects of the Indian economy, particularly concerning industry and the corporate sector. It has created On-line Indexes of Indian Social Science Journals (OLI) and Press Clippings on diverse social science subjects. These have been widely acclaimed as valuable sources of information for researchers studying India’s socio-economic development. Institute for Studies in Industrial Development 4, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070, India Phone: +91 11 2689 1111; Fax: +91 11 2612 2448 E-mail: info@vidur.delhi.nic.in; Website: <http://isid.org.in> ISID