Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access published July 6, 2012
SCAN (2012) 1 of 12
Mindfulness meditation training alters cortical
representations of interoceptive attention
Norman A. S. Farb,1 Zindel V. Segal,2,3 and Adam K. Anderson1,4
Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest, 3560 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, Canada M6A 2E1, 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto,
250 College St, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 1R8, 3Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 250 College St, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 1R8 and
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, 100 St George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3G3
Keywords: interoception; fMRI; mindfulness; attention; insula; plasticity
The psychologist Maslow (1943) famously argued that human behavior is motivated by a hierarchy of needs, ranking the body’s physiological requirements ahead of more abstract goals such as freedom,
companionship or social status. Maslow’s hierarchy points to the complex interplay between two distinct representational systems for human
attention: in cases of physiological imbalance, interoceptive attention
(IA) is recruited to alert the individual to the body’s internal requirements (Liotti et al., 2001). When these needs are met, exteroceptive
attention (EA) fosters exploratory behavior which aids in the pursuit of
more conceptual goals (Gibson, 1988). In many cases, this transition
from IA to EA is a natural and adaptive part of development, leading to
a balanced sense of well-being as an individual becomes integrated with
the social world (Ryan and Deci, 2000). However, placing a high importance on external goals can be problematic in the face of failure
(Moberly and Watkins, 2010), as these events become diagnostic of an
individual’s sense of self worth. In such situations, it may be difficult
to disengage from patterns of negative cognitive elaboration that
have become automatic and seemingly obligatory (Joorman and
Siemer, 2011).
Mindfulness training (MT) may be one means by which to alter the
relationship between external events and self-attribution, limiting
automatic self-evaluative processing (Frewen et al., 2008). MT often
begins through courses such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR) (Kabat-Zinn, 1990), in which individuals learn meditation
techniques in a weekly group setting, and then practice at home
with guided meditation and yoga audio recordings. There have been
several accounts of the cognitive mechanisms by which MT promotes
salutary effects, such as decentering of experience (Fresco et al., 2007),
a broadened context for appraisal (Garland et al., 2011), or otherwise
‘reperceiving’ the world (Carmody et al., 2009). Despite progress in
Received 16 August 2011; Accepted 2 June 2012
Correspondence should be addressed to Norman A. S. Farb, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest, 3560
Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M6A 2E1. E-mail:
refining these cognitive models explaining higher-level effects of MT,
we lack a translational account for how mindfulness practices directly
modulate attention networks to promote cognitive change.
We propose that the development of IA may be one foundation by
which MT promotes cognitive change. Many mindfulness practices
involve sustained attention to interoceptive sensations of respiration
or bodily sensation, designed to improve the stability and frequency
with which one perceives the transitory nature of human experience
(Kabat-Zinn, 1982; Baer et al., 2006; Brown et al., 2007; Ivanovski and
Malhi, 2007). While some exercises in MBSR investigate emotional
reactivity to external events, relying on EA to recognize one’s behavioral patterns in the world, most MBSR practices employ IA, cultivating sustained attention toward bodily sensation in response to stress. It
may be this ability to skillfully recruit IA that disrupts automatic conceptual elaboration and allows for more adaptive regulatory strategies
to be invoked. Supporting this notion, in prior work we have demonstrated that MBSR reduces the involuntary recruitment of a cognitive
elaboration network, instead promoting recruitment of viscerosomatic
regions associated with momentary awareness of internal sensation
(Farb et al., 2007), and that this improved access to body sensation
during sadness is associated with lower levels of depression (Farb et al.,
2010). In the present study, we investigated whether practicing sustained IA through an MBSR course modulates neural representation
networks for interoception.
It has long been recognized that sensory afferents terminate in specialized regions, cortical ‘maps’ that are sensitive to perturbations of
sensory receptors from stimuli both inside and outside of the body
(Kaas, 1987). Human perceptual acuity appears to be a flexible capacity
that can be improved through training (Gibson, 1953), presumably
modulating these cortical maps and surrounding representational cortices, although the biological mechanisms for such neuroplasticity are
still being investigated (Barnes and Finnerty, 2010). Neuroplasticity
research has focused predominantly on attention to external stimuli:
EA training appears to alter task-evoked activity in domain-specific
sensory cortices, particularly in vision (Kourtzi et al., 2005;
ß The Author (2012). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:
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One component of mindfulness training (MT) is the development of interoceptive attention (IA) to visceral bodily sensations, facilitated through daily
practices such as breath monitoring. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we examined experience-dependent functional plasticity in
accessing interoceptive representations by comparing graduates of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course to a waitlisted control group. IA to
respiratory sensations was contrasted against two visual tasks, controlling for attentional requirements non-specific to IA such as maintaining sensation
and suppressing distraction. In anatomically partitioned analyses of insula activity, MT predicted greater IA-related activity in anterior dysgranular insula
regions, consistent with greater integration of interoceptive sensation with external context. MT also predicted decreased recruitment of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) during IA, and altered functional connectivity between the DMPFC and the posterior insula, putative primary interoceptive
cortex. Furthermore, meditation practice compliance predicted greater posterior insula and reduced visual pathway recruitment during IA. These
findings suggest that interoceptive training modulates task-specific cortical recruitment, analogous to training-related plasticity observed in the external
senses. Further, DMPFC modulation of IA networks may be an important mechanism by which MT alters information processing in the brain, increasing
the contribution of interoception to perceptual experience.
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In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the effects of MT on the cortical representation of IA. We contrasted an untrained, waitlisted control group
against individuals who had recently completed the 8 week MBSR
training program. To measure IA recruitment, neural activity associated with breath monitoring was contrasted against two visual EA
tasks, controlling for the common attentional requirements of maintaining sensory awareness and suppressing distraction (Bunge et al.,
2001). Using this paradigm, we were able to evaluate whether the
representation of IA, including its specific propagation through the
insula, was altered as a function of MT.
Participants were recruited upon enrollment in the Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Toronto,
and randomly assigned to the training (MT) or waitlisted conditions
(untrained). The untrained group included 12 women and 4 men
(N ¼ 16; mean age 42.00 9.24), while the MT group included 15
women and 5 men (N ¼ 20; mean age 45.55 13.38). The two
groups did not differ in terms of mean age [t(34) ¼ 0.90, n.s.] nor in
terms of gender distribution [2ð1Þ ¼ 1, n.s.]. All participants were
right-handed volunteers that gave informed consent to procedures
approved by the Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences
Clinical Ethics Committee. While all participants lived independently
in the community and were screened for suicidal ideation, substance
abuse and mental health problems that would preclude course participation, many participants reported high levels of stress and dysphoric
affect (for more symptom information, please see Farb et al., 2010).
MBSR training procedure
The MBSR course introduced participants to the practice of
moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness through an 8 week
program. Participants attended weekly group sessions introducing
them to formal mediation practices, gentle yoga and education on
stress responses and management. The course also included informal
diary exercises later discussed in the group setting: in 1 week, participants focused on positive events, another week, on negative events and
another week on monitoring stressful communications. However,
common to even these externalized practices, there was an emphasis
on how these events occurred from an interoceptive perspective, i.e.
how one felt in one’s body during these events. The MBSR program
also included a full day of silent meditation between the 6th and 7th
meeting sessions. Participants were required to attend at least seven of
the eight group sessions and the full day session to be considered
compliant with the training protocol. In addition to group meetings,
on non-class days participants were asked to practice yoga and/or
meditation for 40 min a day with the assistance of guided meditation
CDs, and to perform weekly reflection and diarizing exercises. The
formal meditation practices included breath monitoring, body scans
(the progressive direction of attention to different parts of the body)
and diffuse direction of attention to sounds, thoughts, feelings and
bodily sensations.
MBSR practice compliance was operationalized as the percentage of
time practiced on non-meeting days given an assigned time of 40 min,
the length of a guided meditation CD. Participants were instructed to
maintain a daily log of practice completion, which was collected by the
course instructors at the end of the course. Participants were required
to complete at least 50% of the recommended daily homework to be
eligible for the study. Of the 23 participants originally enrolled in the
MBSR group, 20 were retained for the current study, whereas the
other 3 did not meet course participation requirements. Using a
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Yotsumoto and Watanabe, 2008; Sasaki et al., 2010), although neural
plasticity has been observed following training in other exteroceptive
modalities, such as audition (Jancke et al., 2001), somatosensation
(Hamilton and Pascual-Leone, 1998; Godde et al., 2003), taste
(Faurion et al., 1998) and olfaction (Gottfried et al., 2002). A
well-characterized, lateral frontoparietal network appears to be responsible for modulating recruitment of primary representation cortices in
EA (Corbetta, 1998; Corbetta and Shulman, 2002; He et al., 2007;
Vincent et al., 2008). However, not all senses rely equally upon this
frontoparietal attention network, with the gustatory senses (taste and
olfaction) demonstrating limbic responses compared to prefrontal responses to visual stimuli (Hurliman et al., 2005). Thus, there is reason
to believe that IA may rely upon distinct attentional networks in addition to having its own primary representation cortices.
Distinct from even the gustatory senses, interoception involves sensation of the body itself, integrating visceral afferents associated with
internal systems such as digestion, circulation, proprioception and respiration. Anatomical evidence suggests that that a lamina I spinothalamocortical pathway carries sympathetic afferents that signal the
physiological condition of all tissues of the body (Craig, 2002). By
way of the brainstem parabrachial nucleus and ventromedial thalamus,
this pathway projects to the posterior granular and middle dysgranular
regions of the insular cortex, serving as primary interoceptive cortex
(Flynn, 1999), analogous to primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe
or primary auditory cortex in the superior temporal gyrus. Much as
visual awareness requires integration between occipital cortices and
prefrontal cortical regions (Vanni et al., 1996), interoceptive representations may be refined and filtered for contextual relevance. Sensory
signals propagate forward toward the prefrontal cortex through the
anterior dysgranular insula, dorsal aspects of the anterior insula that
integrate afferent physiological signals with higher-order contextual
information (Damasio et al., 2000; Critchley, 2005; Craig, 2009;
Mutschler et al., 2009). While the posterior insula may constitute a
primary interoceptive region, the anterior insula appears to integrate
internal and external signals, regulating the direction of external attention both in constructive biases such as empathy (Singer et al., 2009)
and maladaptive biases such as addiction (Naqvi and Bechara, 2009).
Thus, while there are strong anatomical connections between the insula’s posterior interoceptive regions and its anterior zones (Chikama
et al., 1997), it is likely that the anterior regions are also heavily influenced by attention to external stimuli. Critically, the dominance of IA
or EA in promoting anterior insula activity may be influenced by the
attentional habits of the individuals being investigated, such as how
anxious individuals recruit the anterior insula more robustly than
healthy controls during interoceptive monitoring (Critchley et al.,
2004; Paulus and Stein, 2006).
The propagation of interoceptive signals from the posterior to anterior insula makes it an intriguing candidate mechanism for investigating training-related plasticity in interoceptive representation.
Behaviorally, training appears to improve interoceptive accuracy for
tasks such as heartbeat detection (Brener and Jones, 1974), suggesting
possible neuroplasticity in an interoceptive representation network.
Indeed, interoceptive practice through meditation programs such as
MBSR may alter brain structure: meditation has been linked to
increased gray matter volume in sensory regions such as the insula
and somatosensory cortex, parietal attentional regions and paralimbic
regions such as the hippocampus and inferior temporal gyrus (Lazar
et al., 2005; Holzel et al., 2008, 2011). A similar functional network,
including the right insula in particular, appears to be more powerfully
activated following MBSR during the deployment of mindful attention
(Farb et al., 2007). These findings suggest that MT may increase the
capacity for the sustained encoding of interoceptive sensation in
regions such as the anterior insula and other paralimbic regions.
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Training interoceptive cortex
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Functional imaging
Functional MRI (fMRI) was conducted using T2*-weighted single-shot
spiral in-out k-space trajectories optimized for sensitivity to the
blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) effect [TE/TR/flip
angle ¼ 30 ms/2000 ms/708, 20 cm field-of-view (FOV), 5 mm slice
thickness, 64 64 matrix, 26 slices in oblique axial orientation].
Experiment training procedure
Participants were trained on three experimental tasks, breath monitoring (‘Breathe’), cognitive suppression (‘Suppress’) and working
memory maintenance (‘Maintain’) prior to fMRI data acquisition.
For the Breathe task, participants were asked to attend to all sensory
aspects of their breath (i.e. in the nose, throat, chest and diaphragm),
without intentionally altering their respiratory rhythm and with their
eyes open. In the event of mind-wandering, participants were asked to
calmly return their attention to the breath. For the Suppress task,
participants were asked to read foveally presented words while inhibiting any cognitive or emotional response, keeping their minds blank
while attending to the word stimulus. For the Maintain task, participants were asked to press a key whenever a word was repeated in a
visually presented sequence (a ‘1-back’ task).
Data analysis
Interoceptive sensitivity pilot study
Pilot analyses were conducted to ensure interoceptive sensitivity to the
respiratory signal. Seven pilot participants (who did not participate in
the study) performed a breath monitoring task in which they monitored their respiration, and pressed a button every 8th breath.
Participants performed this task in four 3 min blocks, with accuracy
assessed relative to respiration belt signal. Total errors were computed
as the deviation from eight breaths at each button press, summed
across all monitoring blocks. We observed near-perfect levels of respiration monitoring accuracy across the pilot study participants (mean
accuracy ¼ 0.97, s.d. ¼ 0.03). Given our desire to observe IA as directly
as possible, we elected not to employ a breath counting task in the
current study, instructing participants instead to attend purely to respiratory sensation.
Experimental task
The block design experiment was composed of randomized, alternating
blocks of IA (Breathe) and EA (Maintain and Suppress) tasks. Each
block was 36 s in duration preceded by a 10 s instruction screen consisting of a cue picture and the task name. One run in the scanner consisted
of two repetitions of each condition and each participant completed
two runs. Task order was fully counterbalanced across participants.
In the IA (Breathe) task, a fixation cross appeared in the centre of
the projection screen for the duration of the task block. Participants
were instructed to monitor the fixation cross with their eyes open
while attending to respiratory sensation, in order to limit confounds
that would be introduced by having eyes open in EA and closed in IA.
In the EA tasks (Maintain and Suppress), a word appeared on the
screen every 6 s for 4 s followed by a 2 s blank screen, approximating
the average respiration rate (Sherwood, 2006) to match the durations
of word and breath stimuli. In the Maintain task, only one word in
each block was repeated, in a randomized position in the word list. To
approximate the self-focus demands of the breath monitoring task,
trait adjectives were chosen as word stimuli for the EA tasks, constructed from a well-established list of personality-trait words
(Anderson, 1968) and randomly assigned to condition.
Imaging setup
Imaging data was collected with a Signa 3-T MRI system (CV/i hardware, LX8.3 software; General Electric Medical Systems, Waukesha,
Wis.) with a standard quadrate birdcage head coil. Stimulus presentation was controlled by the Presentation software package (version 9.81;
Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Albany, Calif.). Stimuli were presented
on a rear-mounted projection screen, set at a (native) 1024 768
Structural imaging
For each participant, a three-dimensional magnetization-prepared
rapid acquisition gradient echo pulse sequence was used to obtain a
high-resolution T1-weighted structural volume. The imaging parameters were as follows: repetition time (TR) ¼ 2000 ms; echo time
(TE) ¼ 2.63 ms; matrix ¼ 256 192; FOV ¼ 256 256; slice thickness ¼ 1.3 mm thick; 192 oblique axial slices; total acquisition
time ¼ 6.5 min.
Respiration analysis
While participants were instructed not to modify their respiration
during IA, altered awareness of respiration may result in respiratory
slowing effects (Jevning et al., 1992), potentially affecting the BOLD
response (Birn et al., 2006). To control for respiratory changes between
IA and EA conditions, respiration rate, phase and respiratory volume
per time (RV/T) for each TR of scanning were derived from participant
respiration belt data. Respiratory phase (the cycle of inspiration and
expiration) is linked to motion-related noise in fMRI data and was
used as a nuisance regressor in the first level of analysis. Average respiratory rate for each task block was also modeled at the second (between subjects) level of analysis to control for its effects on BOLD
Functional preprocessing
Functional activity was assessed from the BOLD signal using Statistical
Parametric Mapping (SPM8, University College London, London, UK; Following reconstruction (SPM8 DICOM import utility), time series data were spatially re-aligned to correct for head motion during functional scans and
co-registered with their T1-weighted structural image. The T1 image
was bias corrected and segmented using template (International
Consortium for Brain Mapping) tissue probability maps for gray
matter, white matter and CSF. Warping parameters were obtained
from the segmentation procedure and applied to resample the time
series data to 3 mm3 voxels, normalizing the data into a common
stereotactic reference space (MNI). Data were spatially smoothed
using a 6 mm3 full-width half maximum Gaussian kernel. Finally,
global mean detrending was used to control for changes in global
BOLD signal across the time series (Macey et al., 2004).
First-level statistical models
Following preprocessing, single subject time series were submitted to a
general linear statistical model (Friston et al., 1994). Task-specific
boxcar stimulus functions were convolved with the canonical hemodynamic response function, modeling the onsets of the Breathe,
Suppress and Maintain tasks, as well as a covariate to account for
respiratory phase (detailed above). To clarify the contribution of the
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3:2 randomization ratio, a greater proportion of participants were
randomized to the MBSR group (23 vs 16) with the knowledge that
there would be some participant dropout before the MT group scans
could be acquired. Untrained participants were scanned within the
4 weeks prior to beginning their MBSR course, and MT group participants were scanned within 4 weeks of course completion.
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task conditions, we also modeled a task-free baseline condition,
obtained by averaging together the 10 s cue periods preceding each
task block.
Due to technical difficulties, only 7 of the 16 participants in the
untrained group had complete respiration data, whereas complete respiration data was obtained from all 20 MT participants. All results
presented below were tested with both the full cohort of participants
as well as with the reduced sample with complete respiration data.
Result values are reported for the full cohort, but only reported
where both models achieved statistical significance.
insula region was uniquely associated with variability in respiratory
rate during IA, and this association was significantly stronger during
IA than during EA. For both the of the seed regions, a 3 mm radius
spherical seed ROI was created at the peak voxel location.
To investigate the significance of the ROIs, we employed separate
psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses using each of the ROIs
as seed regions. The PPI analysis modeled the effects of attention condition, activity predicted by the seed region and the interaction
Second-level statistical models: insula anatomical region
of interest analysis
Eight gray matter region of interests (ROIs) were selected according to
the anatomical divisions of the insular gyri, ranging from the anterior
accessory gyrus, through the short and long gyri of the middle insula,
and into the short and long gyri of the posterior insula (Craig, 2009).
Gyri were defined using the high-resolution T1-weighted anatomical
volume to which all functional data was normalized. Since the cellular
layer divisions of the insula do not neatly segregate by gyrus, in anterior insula zones, the accessory and short gyri were also partitioned into
dorsal and ventral zones to characterize the anterior insula distinction
between dysgranular and agranular cellular layers (Chikama et al.,
1997), yielding eight anatomically defined regions each for the right
and left insula (16 ROIs total). Insular ROIs were hand-painted using
the MRIcron software package (
mricron/). ROIs were exclusively masked to ensure that no overlapping
voxels were selected, yielding a minimum of 27 voxels in each volume
(Figure 2A). Mean time courses were extracted from each ROI using
the MarsBar toolbox for SPM (
Percent signal change from each of the insula ROIs were extracted
for both the IA and EA conditions. ROIs were statistically analyzed
using a 2 (group) 2 (attention) 2 (left vs right hemisphere) 8
(anterior to posterior seed location) mixed-model ANOVA.
Table 1 Differences in regional brain activity between interoceptive and exteroceptive
attention in controls
Second-level statistical models: functional ROI analysis
Two ROIs were identified for functional analysis. The first seed region
was functionally derived as the sole region demonstrating an attention group interaction in the whole-brain functional analysis
described earlier. The second seed region was selected using an a
priori posterior insula region, located at co-ordinates [x ¼ 39;
y ¼ 21; z ¼ 21]. Referred to as the ‘interoceptive seed’ in the present
study, we observed in prior work (Farb et al., 2012) that this posterior
Interoception > exteroception
Paralimbic cluster
Retrosplenial cortex
30 B
6/23/24 B
27 B
Auditory cortex
42 B
17 B
Pulvinar of thalamus
– B
48 B
Posterior cingulate
23 B
Cerebellar vermis
– B
Exteroception > interoception
18/19 B
Superior and inferior parietal
7 L
DLPFC, operculum, ant.
44/47/48/25 L
insula and caudate
Superior and inferior parietal
7 R
DLPFC, operculum, ant. insula
44–46 R
8/6 –
Operculum/ant. insula
47/48 R
Co-ordinates (mm)
Peak Z
Note: R, right; L, left; B, bilateral; in the case of bilateral activations, the peak listed is for the side
with the greater peak activation; V1, primary visual cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex;
DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area.
Table 2 Differences in regional brain activity between interoceptive and exteroceptive
attention in the MT group
Anatomic region
Interoception > exteroception
Paralimbic cluster
Pulvinar of thalamus
Posterior cingulate
Retrosplenial cortex
Paracentral gyrus
Cerebellum (area 8/9)
Exteroception > interoception
Inf. parietal, visual
DLPFC, operculum,
head of caudate
Inf. parietal, angular
Inferior temporal pole
Co-ordinates (mm)
Peak Z
Note: R, right; L, left; B, bilateral; in the case of bilateral activations, the peak listed is for the side
with the greater peak activation.
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Second-level statistical models: whole brain analysis
To examine differential effects of attentional focus (IA vs EA) and
training (untrained vs MT), contrasts maps for each experimental condition (Breathe, Suppress and Maintain) were analyzed at the second
level using a full-factorial mixed-model ANOVA. Within this model,
the Breathe condition was contrasted against the Suppress and
Maintain conditions to model the effect attention (IA vs EA). To
examine training effects on attention, the interaction between attention
(IA vs EA) and group (untrained vs MT) was also evaluated. To
investigate neural correlates of respiratory activity, mean respiration
rate for each task block was also modeled as a regressor in the ANOVA.
All group level t contrasts used a voxel height threshold of
Puncorrected < 0.005 (t > 2.61), but at a voxel extent threshold of
K 50, equivalent to a familywise error rate of PFWE < 0.01, as determined in a Monte Carlo simulation of our data (AlphaSim, http://afni. A more liberal exclusive masking
technique was also explored to better characterize the activation related
to each task condition, and is elaborated upon in Supplementary Data.
Anatomic region
Training interoceptive cortex
between attention and seed region activity in a single ANOVA (Friston
et al., 1997).
Finally, we assessed connectivity between the functional seeds and
the insula anatomical partitions. For both the attention and interoceptive seed ROIs, main effects of connectivity and PPI scores were
extracted from each participant’s PPI analysis map using each of the
anatomical insula ROIs. Three-way mixed model ANOVAs employing
group (untrained vs MT), hemisphere (right vs left) and anatomical
partition as factors assessed whether connectivity between the seed
ROIs and the surrounding insula was modulated by MT.
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complimentary pattern of results, with a main effect of attention
demonstrating greater volume during interoception [F(1,25) ¼ 10.265,
P ¼ 0.004]. The attention group interaction for volume was also significant [F(1,25) ¼ 8.330, P ¼ 0.008], with reliably greater volume for the
MT interoception condition than the other experimental conditions
(Figure 1B).
Despite slower and deeper breathing uniquely observed during
interoception in the MT group, respiratory efficiency (RV/T) appeared
to be equivalent across groups and attention conditions, with no
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Practice effects
As an additional indicator of how MT modulated recruitment of
interoceptive cortices, we examined whether MBSR practice compliance accounted for signal variance during the experimental tasks.
Within the MT group, we performed an additional ANOVA using
the contrast of IA and EA, including a covariate for the percentage
of MBSR daily practice completed. To determine regions of IA or
EA-related activity sensitive to practice duration, we performed a conjunction analysis between task-related activity (IA > EA or EA > IA)
and the practice covariate. As practice completion was orthogonal to
the task contrast, we adopted a more liberal threshold of P < 0.05
(t 1.73) for each of the conjunction elements, yielding a conjoint
probability of P < 0.0025 (t 3.20), while maintaining the
experiment-wide cluster extent threshold of k 50.
Additionally, we examined the association between practice and
anatomical partitions of putative primary interoceptive cortex in the
right insula. Aspects of the right insula were directly associated with
variations in respiratory rate during IA and were therefore likely candidate regions for practice-related refinement of brain activity during
IA relative to EA.
Structural comparisons
To characterize brain structure in the Untrained and MT groups, probability maps were created for each participant using the voxel-based
morphometry (VBM8) toolbox in SPM (SPM8; Wellcome Department
of Imaging Neuroscience), with default parameters. Images were
tissue-classified into gray and white matter, and DARTEL warped
into a common space, including both linear and non-linear components in the estimation of the normalization model. Images were then
written using only the non-linear components of the model, controlling for global brain size and orientation while displaying local,
non-linear differences in gray matter volume. The modulated images
were smoothed with a 4 mm full width half maximum (FWHM)
Gaussian kernel. We separately compared gray and white matter
maps between the untrained and MT groups using between-groups
ANOVA models.
Respiration analyses
Mean respiratory signals were analyzed as a function of attention condition, with (i) respiration rate, (ii) volume and (iii) respiration volume/time (RV/T; a measure of respiratory efficiency) analyzed
separately in 2 (group) 2 (attention) mixed model ANOVAs. For
respiratory rate, a significant main effect of attention was found
[F(1,25) ¼ 9.607, P ¼ 0.005], with slower respiration for interoception
than exteroception. However this was due to an interaction between
attention and group [F(1,25) ¼ 6.620, P ¼ 0.016] with interoceptive
slowing driven by the MT group rather than the untrained group:
MT participants respiratory frequency slowed by 0.05 Hz or three
breaths per minute during interoception, while untrained participants
did not slow their breathing (Figure 1A). Respiratory volume showed a
Fig. 1 Respiration signal analyses. (A) Mean respiratory frequency (Hz) as a function of attention
condition, as derived from a breath counting algorithm. The MT group displayed slower respiration
during IA relative to the untrained group, whereas the groups did not differ during EA. (B) Mean
respiratory volume (arbitrary respiration belt units) as a function of attention condition, as derived
from a breath counting algorithm. The MT group displayed greater respiratory volume (deeper
breaths) during IA relative to the untrained group, whereas the groups did not differ during EA.
(C) Rate/volume tradeoffs for respiration as a function of attention condition. The slopes did not
differ as a function of attention condition or group.
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Training-related differences in IA
Insula anatomical ROI analysis
We began with a detailed examination of differences in attentional
recruitment (IA vs EA) between the two groups in anatomically
defined insular subregion ROIs (Figure 2). A three-way interaction
was found between ROI location, attention condition and group
[F(7,238) ¼ 3.02, P < 0.005]. The interaction appeared to be driven by
greater MT group responses to IA in dorsal anterior insula regions,
which in the untrained group was more responsive to EA. Post hoc tests
confirmed this interpretation, revealing significant group by attention
interactions in the accessory gyrus [F(1,34) > 4.50, P ¼ 0.041] and
anterior short gyrus [F(1,34) ¼ 7.14, P ¼ 0.012].
Fig. 2 Insula attention activation by anatomical partition. A significant interaction between attention, anatomical partition and MBSR training was found, such that dorsal anterior insula IA activation
was greater in the MT than untrained group. (A) A sagittal view of the eight anatomical ROIs drawn
to fit each gyrus of the insula on a template brain. (B) Percent signal change plots for IA recruitment
as a function of insula partition location. (C) Percent signal change plots for EA recruitment as a
function of insula partition location. Error bars represent s.e. VAC, ventral accessory gyrus; VS, ventral
short gyrus; PL, posterior long gyrus; AL, anterior long gyrus; PS, posterior short gyrus; MS, middle
short gyrus; AS, anterior short gyrus; AC, accessory gyrus.
significant main effects or interaction; the relationship between rate
and volume was further investigated in a correlation analysis, using
rate and volume estimates from each participant task block
(Figure 1C). Respiratory rate was strongly negatively correlated with
respiratory tidal volume [r(214) ¼ 0.85, P < 0.001], such that faster
breaths were shallower; however, this rate/volume relationship
was equivalent between interoceptive and exteroceptive tasks
[rinteroception ¼ 0.82, rexteroception ¼ 0.80, zfischer’s(106,106) ¼ 0.36, n.s.]
rMT ¼ 0.85,
[runtrained ¼ 0.83,
zfischer’s(54,158) ¼ 0.40, n.s.]. Thus any BOLD differences between IA
and EA or between untrained and MT participants are unlikely to
originate in BOLD confounds related to respiratory efficiency.
However, the presence of attention-related respiratory rate and
volume changes in the MT but not untrained group emphasizes the
importance of controlling for respiration in the examination of MT
Functional connectivity
To index primary interoceptive cortex, we identified a right posterior
insula region related to variations in respiratory rate between task
blocks. This interoceptive seed region was also strongly responsive to
IA over EA in both groups [t(1,34) ¼ 5.76, P < 1 105] (Figure 4A),
serving as a common region wherein attention modulates the representation of interoceptive signal. The interoceptive seed was therefore a
reasonable point of origin from which attentional training may affect
the cortical propagation of interoceptive signal.
We used the interoceptive seed to examine group differences in
condition-independent (main effect of ROI) and dependent (PPI)
functional connectivity (Table 3). Independent of attention conditions,
MT was associated with higher functional connectivity between the
interoceptive seed and the right middle putamen, extending into the
short gyrus of the anterior insula [t(1,34) ¼ 4.02, P < 0.001; x ¼ 24, y ¼ 3,
z ¼ 3] (Figure 4B). Condition-dependent connectivity was observed
across groups, in the cerebellar vermis and in the posterior insula
just rostral to the primary interoceptive seed, with higher connectivity
in IA relative to EA. However, this posterior insula region also displayed a between-groups PPI difference, revealing that the conditiondependent insula connectivity was driven by the untrained group
(Figure 4C). Subsequent analyses of the PPI correlation coefficients
suggested that the untrained group elevated insula connectivity
during IA to match the condition-independent connectivity levels
observed within the MT group.
We next performed a connectivity analysis to explore the functional
role of the DMPFC region identified in the whole brain analysis.
Condition-dependent connectivity was observed across groups
(Table 3): more negative DMPFC connectivity was observed during
IA than EA with the right posterior to middle insula, right parahippocampal gyrus and left calcarine gyrus. However, the right insula effect
appeared to be driven by the MT group, which had a significantly
greater PPI effect [t(1,34) ¼ 3.45, P < 0.005] (Figure 5A). A betweengroup PPI difference was also observed between the DMPFC and the
left posterior insula, such that IA promoted negative connectivity with
the left insula in the MT group but not the untrained group.
Furthermore, an analysis of connectivity within the anatomical
insula ROIs revealed a main effect of group across the insula
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Whole brain analysis
Similar main effects of attention were identified in the control group
(Table 1) and MT group (Table 2). The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
(DMPFC; BA 8, at peak P < 1 105; x ¼ 3, y ¼ 27, z ¼ 51; k ¼ 79)
demonstrated a unique interaction between group and attention
(Figure 3). Subsequent signal extraction revealed a consistent pattern
of DMPFC activation during IA and EA in the untrained group
[t(15) ¼ 0.71, n.s.], but reduced activity during IA relative to EA in
the MT group [t(19) ¼ 6.82, P < 0.001].
Training interoceptive cortex
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[F(1,34) ¼ 4.27, P < 0.05], such that only the MT group demonstrated a
negative PPI effect within the insula ROIs (Figure 5B).
Practice effects
Participants reported good compliance with the daily practice schedule
prescribed during MBSR (on an average 78.6 13.4% of practice
hours were completed, with a minimum of 54% completion). Across
the whole brain, practice compliance was associated with greater
IA-related activation in the right sensorimotor cortex and posterior
insula, consistent with enhanced attention to primary interoceptive
cortex and reduced activation in the left pulvinar and lateral geniculate
nuclei of the thalamus and right calcarine gyrus, consistent with
reduced attention to primary visual cortex and its subcortical afferents
(Figure 6A).
We further examined the specificity of practice effects in the eight
anatomical right insula partitions. After correcting for multiple comparisons, we found that bias toward interoceptive activation (IA–EA
activation) in the posterior long gyrus of the right insula was correlated
with percentage of practice completed [rIA–EA(18) ¼ 0.61, pcorrected < 0.05] (Figure 6B). This effect appeared to be driven both by
reduced activity during EA with higher practice levels
[rEA(18) ¼ 0.42, P ¼ 0.06] and greater activity during IA with higher
practice levels [rIA(18) ¼ 0.33, P ¼ 0.16].
Structural analyses
To determine whether IA training was associated with structural differences, we compared whole-brain gray matter and white matter volumes between the untrained and MT groups. We observed greater gray
matter volume in the MT group in the left caudate nucleus (at peak
P < 1 104, x ¼ 15; y ¼ 8; z ¼ 22, cluster size ¼ 362). Practice did
not reliably predict gray matter change [r(18) ¼ 0.28, n.s.]. No
training-related differences in gray matter volume were observed in
the anatomical insula ROIs or the functional seed ROIs.
The present study investigated whether IA practice through MT
resulted in functional plasticity in interoceptive representation
cortex. Relative to untrained, waitlisted control participants, individuals completing an 8 week MBSR course demonstrated IA-specific
functional plasticity in the middle and anterior insula, regions theorized to support present moment awareness (Farb et al., 2007; Craig,
2009), commensurate with the goals of the mindfulness intervention.
We were also able to demonstrate two novel mechanisms by which
MT may modulate the neural propagation of interoceptive signal from
the posterior insula during IA: (i) MT may promote greater functional
connectivity between the posterior insula and anterior insula
gyri, leading to greater anterior insula activation and (ii) MT may
simultaneously reduce DMPFC recruitment and strengthen negative
DMPFC/insular connectivity. Supporting the idea that it was specifically the interoceptive practices that drove these group differences,
practice compliance predicted greater IA-selective recruitment of
the posterior insula, putative primary interoceptive cortex
(Craig, 2002; Farb et al., 2012). Thus, the present work suggests
an emergent prefrontal pathway through which MT alters IA.
Prefrontal involvement in interoception
In whole brain analyses, activity in the DMPFC was uniquely implicated in the interaction between attentional focus (IA vs EA) and
experimental group (untrained vs MT), demonstrating reduced
IA-related activity in the MT but not untrained group. DMPFC
deactivation has been documented in exogenous stimulation of interoceptive pathways such as gastric distention (van Oudenhove et al.,
2009), and more generally such deactivation is consistent with disengagement from ‘default mode’ processing in cortical midline structures, typically observed during tasks requiring cognitive control
(Northoff and Bermpohl, 2004; Seeley et al., 2007). Conversely,
DMPFC activation has been related to deployment of focal attention,
acting as an index of executive processes that are present both during
Downloaded from by guest on July 7, 2012
Fig. 3 DMPFC activity. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) was the only region wherein attention (IA vs EA) condition interacted with group (untrained vs MT). The bar graph displays DMPFC task
activations relative to the within-participant baseline period.
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Table 3 Summary of psychophysiological interactions (PPI) between attention condition
(IA vs EA) and seed region
Anatomic region
Interoceptive seed:
main effects
Cerebellum (vermis)
Posterior insula
Interoceptive seed:
untrained > MT
Posterior insula
DMPFC seed: main effects
Calcarine/lingual gyrus
Posterior insula
DMPFC seed: MT >
Posterior insula
Co-ordinates (mm)
Peak Z
Fig. 4 Primary interoceptive seed activity and connectivity. A posterior insula region whose activity
was associated with variation in respiratory rate during IA but not EA was selected as a primary
interoceptive seed region for further analysis. The 3 mm spherical interoceptive seed region proved to
be sensitive to the IA vs EA contrast (A). Comparison of whole brain functional connectivity revealed
greater interoceptive seed connectivity with the middle insula/putamen in the MT group relative to
the untrained group, irrespective of attention condition (B). Group differences in the PPI analysis
suggested that in the untrained group, the posterior and middle insula demonstrated greater seed
connectivity during IA than EA, reaching levels of connectivity observed across conditions in the MT
group (C). Scatterplot r-values display the Fisher Z transformed mean of the within-subject correlations for each group. The scatterplots themselves show TR by TR activation patterns from a single
representative participant in each group, whose within-subject correlation best matched the mean
within-subject correlation for the group.
effortful task-related concentration (Seeley et al., 2007; MulletteGillman and Huettel, 2009), and during unintentional
mind-wandering (Christoff et al., 2009). DMPFC deactivation during
IA therefore suggests a functional departure from both mindwandering and focal attention states, comparable to effects observed
during exogenous interoceptive cuing. Since MT practice compliance
correlated with insular rather than DMPFC activity, DMPFC deactivation may not indicate a change related to expertise in attentional
focus, but rather signal a qualitative shift in attentional stance. This
hypothesis is consistent with previously reported effects of MT, shifting
resources from evaluative, cortical midline processing to an expansive
and diffuse form of sensory attention such as the interoceptive insula
representation shown here (Farb et al., 2007, 2010).
Additional insights into the functional implications of DMPFC
deactivation are available from our connectivity analyses. The
DMPFC demonstrated training-related plasticity consistent with the
development of an IA network: following MT, the DMPFC demonstrated IA-specific negative connectivity to primary interoceptive
cortex in the posterior insula. Combined with DMPFC deactivation
during IA, this negative connectivity could serve to sustain positive
activation in interoceptive representation areas, although the causal
direction of this connectivity pattern is unknown. Regardless of network directionality, the IA-specific connectivity pattern limits unintentional interoceptive suppression when the DMPFC is activated for
executive functions, as DMPFC-insula connectivity was absent during
EA. So, while MT is associated with the skillful reduction of DMPFC
during IA that promotes interoceptive recruitment, this relationship is
context-specific. During periods of prefrontal activation such as EA,
condition-dependent connectivity allows for interoceptive tone to be
preserved rather than automatically suppressed by DMPFC activation,
whereas such suppression has been evident following emotional challenge in untrained participants (Farb et al., 2010). Allowing for the
preservation of interoceptive tone in EA is an important facet of the
MBSR program, which aims to bring the expansive quality of IA to
interactions with the external world.
The present findings suggest an important role by which the
DMPFC facilitates MT effects, promoting reduced conceptual cortical
activity and enhanced interoceptive connectivity. DMPFC deactivation
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Note: R, right; L, left. DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, the attention group seed region from
the whole brain ANOVA. Positive z values represent positive PPI terms, suggesting more positive
correlation during IA than EA, whereas negative z values represent negative PPI terms, suggesting
more negative correlation during IA than EA.
Training interoceptive cortex
SCAN (2012) 9 of 12
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Fig. 5 DMPFC seed connectivity. The DMPFC was used as a seed ROI in a psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis, and these PPI maps were compared between untrained and MT groups. IA relative to
EA predicted negative insula connectivity, as a main effect in the right posterior insula, an effect that appeared to be driven by the MT group in both whole brain (A) and insula ROI analyses (B). Scatterplot
could therefore be one neural mechanism of attentional control enhancing interoceptive representation following MT.
Enhanced propagation of interoceptive signal
In addition to altered cortical midline prefrontal-insula connectivity,
training related plasticity was observed within the insula itself, between
primary interoceptive cortex in the posterior insula and adjacent short
gyri of the middle insula. Untrained participants demonstrated taskdependent connectivity between the posterior region and more anterior insula zones, selectively increasing insula connectivity during
IA relative to EA. In contrast, the MT group demonstrated taskindependent connectivity between the posterior and middle insula,
matching the untrained group’s level of IA-specific intra-insula connectivity. Thus, while untrained participants were able to voluntarily
invoke IA to promote connectivity of interoceptive signal from the
primary interoceptive cortex toward more anterior sensory integration
regions, MT participants appeared to posses this increased connectivity
by default, regardless of task-demands. Such a finding is consistent
with a second goal of MBSR practices, to provide individuals with a
consistent ‘online’ representation of body awareness even in the face of
exogenously cued stressors, weakening enduring conceptual
evaluations with competing knowledge of constantly changing interoceptive sensations (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). To formally test this hypothesis,
future research could assess whether levels of baseline intra-insula
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connectivity predict the frequency of spontaneous experiences of interoceptive self-reference in the absence of experimental task demands.
In addition to the connectivity findings discussed earlier, MT was
also associated with modulation of interoceptive signal amplitude.
While the primary interoceptive region in the posterior insula did
not demonstrate increased IA-related recruitment in the MT group,
MBSR practice compliance within the MT group was associated with
increased attentional modulation of posterior insular cortex, consistent
with experience dependent modulation of primary interoceptive representations. Additionally, analogous to expanded representation in
auditory cortex following learned salience for auditory cues (Polley
et al., 2004, 2006), MT enhanced interoceptive representation in adjacent anterior insular cortex, a region more responsive toward exteroceptive than interoceptive signals prior to training. Thus, participating
in the MBSR program appeared to facilitate interoceptive integration
across the MT group regardless of practice compliance, consistent with
an intention to integrate interoceptive information into present
moment context. However, only through daily practice was the tone
of primary insular interoceptive representation enhanced. In summary,
interoceptive intent was only sufficient to increase the extent of interoceptive integration in terms of functional connectivity; MBSR training
was required to increase amplitude of signal in these anterior insula
integration regions, and daily practice in addition to training was
required to also maximize signal amplitude in primary interoceptive
representation regions.
While across participants MT effects were observed in more anterior
than posterior insula regions, it should also be noted that these effects
were observed in dorsal rather than ventral anatomical zones. This
distinction is consistent with our understanding of anatomical divisions in the anterior insula: the anterior insula has been functionally
divided into a dorsal ‘sensorimotor’ region and a ventral ‘limbic’
region based on cortical projection analysis (Chikama et al., 1997).
The dorsal dysgranular layer of the insula includes dense interconnections with supplementary motor and sensorimotor association cortices, whereas the ventral ‘limbic’ region is densely connected with
orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala and entorhinal cortex (Mesulam and
Mufson, 1982; Carmichael and Price, 1995). Such a distinction fits
with the intention of MT to develop interoceptive but non-evaluative
awareness, recruiting dorsal viscerosomatic insular cortex distinct from
the valence-laden orbitofrontal connectivity of the ventral insula.
Structural findings
Structural analyses suggested that MBSR-related changes in functional
activity were not due to modulation of gray or white matter volume.
Instead, training was related to greater gray matter volume in the left
caudate nucleus. Training-related changes to left caudate anatomy are
consistent with altered habitual direction of attention, as the caudate
nucleus is important for the habitual direction of attention and behavior (Baxter et al., 1992; Packard and Knowlton, 2002; McNab and
Klingberg, 2008). It should be noted that more pervasive gray matter
changes were observed in a longitudinal study of MT (Holzel et al.,
2011), whereas the current study’s cross-sectional design would be less
sensitive to training-related changes due to natural heterogeneity between the different participants in each group, a limitation of the
current study’s design. Additionally, it should be noted that because
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Fig. 6 Relationship between MBSR daily practice completion and attention-related brain activity. Within the MT group, percentage of practice completion for each participant was entered as a covariate into the
IA vs EA design matrix. The brain maps display significant conjunction regions between attention-related activity and the practice completion related activity. (A) Areas of IA > EA activation that are related to
Training interoceptive cortex
the basal ganglia lie adjacent to the lateral ventricles, they are particularly susceptible to false positives during morphometric analysis
(Mechelli et al., 2005). However, because the presently discussed
region was identified using a familywise-corrected cluster size threshold of over 250 voxels, many of which extended below the ventricular
surface into the deeper nuclei of the caudate, there is good reason to
believe that this anatomical finding reflects a real difference in anatomy
between groups.
Concluding remarks
We examined whether interoceptive cortical representations demonstrate functional plasticity following 8 weeks of interoceptive monitoring practice. Secondary representations of interoceptive information
demonstrated enhanced activity during IA, and greater homework
compliance was associated with greater selectivity of primary cortex
for interoceptive signals. Rather than simply amplifying the gain of
primary interoceptive signals, the interoceptive practices prescribed
by MBSR may enhance these signals’ cortical propagation during attention toward distinct sensory features of the breath (David et al.,
2008; Ling et al., 2009). Such enhancement may allow attention to
more readily select features of the interoceptive signal, integrating
them into a broader contextual representation of present-moment
Supplementary data are available at SCAN online.
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Limitations and future directions
While the present study provides some initial indications of a cortical
plasticity related to interoceptive training, it does possess several limitations that should be noted. First, the study employed a crosssectional design, testing both groups at a single time point.
However, because our study uses a cross-sectional design, we were
able to compare both groups at their initial exposure to the imaging
paradigm, which we believe to be superior to an uncontrolled pre–post
longitudinal study in which repetition effects would confound every
apparent effect of training. Ideally however, a longitudinal design measuring participants before and after training that also included a control group measured at both time points would provide a higher
quality of evidence.
The present work suggests that training-related interoceptive plasticity is possible, but raises many questions as to the impact of interoceptive plasticity on perception and behavior. In future research, it will
be important to determine whether training-related increases in insula
signal propagation are correlated with measurable improvements in
interoceptive acuity. These improvements may in turn explain more
general improvements in participant well-being as participants improve their ability to separate interoceptive sensation from emotional
appraisal. These considerations notwithstanding, the present study
makes important steps toward identifying a candidate mechanism by
which MBSR practices produce observable changes to attentional systems (e.g., Jha et al., 2007; Chambers et al., 2008). Through training in
IA, increased activity and altered connectivity with regions of the primary and secondary interoceptive cortex, may lead to a richer context
for awareness of present moment sensations from the body.
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