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Archaeological and archaeomagnetic dating at a site from the ager Tarraconensis (Tarragona, Spain): El Vila-sec Roman pottery

A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid-1st century BC to the early-3rd century AD. Analyses of bricks from kilns at El Vila-sec produced data on their stored archaeomagnetic vector. These data were compared with the secular variation curve for the Iberian Peninsula and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional archaeomagnetic model. Both, the reference curve and the model, produced probability distributions for the final period of use for two kilns from the second archaeological phase that were not used during the third phase. At a 95% confidence level, both time distributions cover a wide chronological range including the presumed archaeological age. Both the Iberian secular variation curve and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional model proved to be suitable models for dating the site, although on their own they do not produce a single unambiguous solution. This archaeomagnetic approach could also be applied to neighbouring archaeological sites that have an imprecise archaeological age.

Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Archaeological Science journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jas Archaeological and archaeomagnetic dating at a site from the ager Tarraconensis (Tarragona, Spain): El Vila-sec Roman pottery Marta Prevosti a, Lluís Casas b, *, Josep Francesc Roig Pérez c, Boutheina Fouzai d, Aureli Álvarez b, Àfrica Pitarch e a Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica, Plaça d’en Rovellat, s/n, 43003 Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultat de Ciències, Departament de Geologia, Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain CODEX Arqueologia i Patrimoni, Pl. Sant Fructuós 1, 43002 Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain d Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences, Département de Géologie, Campus Universitaire, 2092 Manar II, Tunisia e IBeA Research Group, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain b c a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 1 August 2012 Received in revised form 11 January 2013 Accepted 24 January 2013 A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid1st century BC to the early-3rd century AD. Analyses of bricks from kilns at El Vila-sec produced data on their stored archaeomagnetic vector. These data were compared with the secular variation curve for the Iberian Peninsula and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional archaeomagnetic model. Both, the reference curve and the model, produced probability distributions for the final period of use for two kilns from the second archaeological phase that were not used during the third phase. At a 95% confidence level, both time distributions cover a wide chronological range including the presumed archaeological age. Both the Iberian secular variation curve and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional model proved to be suitable models for dating the site, although on their own they do not produce a single unambiguous solution. This archaeomagnetic approach could also be applied to neighbouring archaeological sites that have an imprecise archaeological age. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Archaeomagnetism Ceramic Typology Dating Geomagnetic field modelling Archaeodirection Archaeointensity 1. Introduction Since the appearance of archaeomagnetism as a dating tool for archaeological sites (Aitken, 1974), such dating has been based on the use of secular variation curves (SVC) (e.g. Le Goff et al., 2002; Gómez-Paccard et al., 2006; Zananiri et al., 2007). These reference curves are arbitrarily centred on a given location and involve the relocation of data from sites that are both well-dated (to built the SVC) and poorly-dated (to attempt archaeomagnetic dating) sites. The relocation of archaeomagnetic data to a central location is a procedure that involves an inherent error (Casas and Incoronato, 2007). The current trend in archaeomagnetic dating tools is to develop geomagnetic models of the secular variation that can be used to obtain an ad hoc SVC for the specific site we are interested in. Despite this, the reliability of these models depends largely on * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 935868365; fax: þ34 935811263. E-mail address: Lluis.Casas@uab.cat (Ll. Casas). 0305-4403/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2013.01.027 the availability of experimental data close to the area and time under study (Casas et al., 2008). Consequently, archaeomagnetic dating of sites from areas with a limited record of well-dated sites appears to be somewhat imprecise and, in particular with regard to archaeomagnetic intensities, large discrepancies can be found between model predictions and actual data determinations (Fouzai et al., 2012; Schnepp et al., 2009). In contrast, in countries with an extensive archaeomagnetic record, the models tend to agree with the measured data (e.g. Catanzariti et al., 2012). Dating is thus possible and in some cases the obtained ages can constrain the presumed ones derived from archaeological evidence (GómezPaccard and Beamud, 2008). In this paper we present the results from excavations at El VilaSec pottery (NE Spain). The site comprises twelve kilns and the finds made inside them allow a very precise identification of when they were abandoned. Archaeomagnetic dating has been attempted for some of these kilns to verify the accuracy of archaeomagnetic dating tools in NE Spain and to provide new archaeomagnetic data from well-dated archaeological features. M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 2687 2. El Vila-sec pottery 2.1. Archaeological framework El Vila-sec is an extraordinary archaeological site in the Tarraco ager, due to the number of excavated and datable kilns, as well as the variety of pottery produced there, including Dressel (Dr.) 2e4 amphorae (Dressel, 1899a; Sciallano and Sibella, 1993; López Mullor and Martín, 2008), Hispanic terra sigillata, thin-walled ware and oil lamps. The coastal strip of the Hispania Tarraconensis province was an area famous for its wine in antiquity (López Mullor and Aquilué, 2008; Prevosti and Martín i Oliveras, 2009). Amphorae for wine bottling were manufactured at several potteries which also produced building materials, coarse ware, terra sigillata and sometimes even other types of fine ware. It is vital to know how these potteries evolved in order to trace the development of economic life in Roman times and particularly in the Camp de Tarragona area, where such workshops are frequent and of a considerable size (Prevosti and Guitart i Duran, 2010, 2011). A well-checked final dating for the wine amphorae from Tarragona is of great archaeological interest, as it is crucial to know the chronological periods of such an important economic activity as the trade in Tarragona wine in Roman times (Járrega and Otiña, 2008; Berni Millet, 2010, 2011; Járrega and Prevosti, 2011), which is mentioned in classical sources (Prevosti, 2009). 2.2. The archaeological site, excavations and archaeological dating The widening of the C-14 highway between the towns of Alcover and Reus in 2006 and 2007 allowed the existence of a pottery (figlina) with a total surface area of around 2300 m2 to be confirmed in the area of Vila-sec (near Alcover). Roig (2009, 2010) documented twelve kilns and numbered them from 1 to 12 (Fig. 1), a numbering we use in this article. El Vila-sec is one of the largest Roman potteries discovered in the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. Roig’s (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) archaelogical excavations helped to identify two different zones with pottery kilns and to distinguish three chronological phases. In addition to the twelve kilns, other parts of the site were also excavated, including six settling basins for the clay, a kneading trough, tegulae channels, a large store and some areas used to process, shape and dry pottery items. The production from this industrial workshop consisted of tableware, cooking ware, thin-walled ware, architectural pottery, doliae, Hispanic terra sigillata, probably lamps and especially amphorae of the Dr. 2e4 and late Dr. 2e4 types. The first identified phase of activity at the pottery consists of seven kilns (1e7 in Fig. 1). No pottery associated with the construction of these kilns was found as the construction trenches were dug directly into the geological substratum. However, their stratigraphic position dates them to prior to the second identified phase (mid-1st century AD). The pottery produced during this first phase consisted of building materials (tegulae, imbrex and antefixes), pondera, coarse ware (especially plates, casseroles, bowls, bottles, jars, mortars, basins and lids), lamps, Hispanic terra sigillata and especially thinwalled ware. The Hispanic terra sigilata ceramics includes (Fig. 2) imitations of South Gaulish terra sigillata goblets of the forms Dragendorff (Drag.) 24/25b and Drag. 27b (Dragendorff, 1895; Ritterling, 1913; Oswald and Pryce, 1920; Mezquíriz, 1961, 1985; Passelac and Vernhet, 1993; Roca and Fernández García, 2005; Genin, 2007). The thin-walled ware includes (Fig. 3) Mayet 18 (10 BC to 60e70 AD), Mayet 21 (period of Augustus), Mayet 29 (period of Tiberius), Mayet 30 (period of Tiberius), Mayet 33 (period from Augustus to Claudius), Mayet 35 (period from Tiberius to Nero), Fig. 1. General plan of El Vila-sec pottery; the kilns are numbered as in Roig (2009). Mayet 36 (period from Tiberius to Nero), Mayet 37 (period from Tiberius to Nero), Mayet 38 (30e35 AD to 75e80 AD) and López 54 (20 BCe50 AD) (Mayet, 1975; López Mullor, 1989), as well as other unclassified shapes that are identifiable as beakers or bowls. An early small-scale production of Dr. 2e4 amphorae associated with Kiln 7 (Fig. 1) was also reported. The first phase can therefore be dated to between the Augustan era and the middle of the 1st century AD. The second phase is characterized by the abandonment of all the preceding kilns and the construction of a second group of four kilns built in a line (Kilns 9e12, Fig. 1). These were located at the southeastern end of the site and there was also a series of structures related to the production and storage of finished pieces. The construction of the kilns can be dated to the middle of the 1st century AD, based on strata from the destruction of the previous kilns and the levelling of the ground to prepare it for the new building works. It is worth to mentioning the materials that characterize these strata: i) Italic terra sigillata Conspectus (Consp.) 18.2 (15 BCe30 AD), Consp. 23.1 (25e75 AD), Consp. 33.1 (1e50 AD) and Consp. 36.3.2 (10e30 AD) (Ettlinger et al., 1990) forms; ii) South Gaulish terra sigillata Drag. 15a1 (1e60 AD), Drag. 15b1 (60e120 AD), Drag. 17b (25e60 AD), Drag. 18a (15e60 AD), Drag. 24/25b (40e70 AD), Drag. 27b (40e80 AD), Drag. 33a1 (20e60 AD), Haltern 5 (10e50 AD) and Ritterling 12 (40e70 AD) (Dragendorff, 1895; Ritterling, 1913; Oswald and Pryce, 1920; Passelac and Vernhet, 1993; Genin, 2007) forms; iii) African coarse ware Ostia II, 306 (14e117 AD) (Berti et al., 1970; Hayes, 1972) form; iv) thin-walled ware Mayet 21 (25 BCe25 AD), Mayet 30 (10e50 AD), Mayet 33 (10e30 AD), Mayet 2688 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 2. Hispanic terra sigillata made at El Vila-sec during the first phase (1e3, Drag. 27; 4e7, Drag. 24/25; 8e11, moulds). The inventory numbers correspond to Roig (2010). Due to the high degree of erosion of fragments 5 and 8e11, the negatives of decorative motifs have been highlighted to make them easier to observe. 35 (15e60 AD), Mayet 37 (25e60 AD) and López 54 (20 BCe50 AD) (Mayet, 1975; López Mullor, 1989) forms; v) Amphorae, particularly from southern Hispania, i.e. Dr. 7e11 (25 BCe100 AD), Dr. 20B (30e 50 AD) and Haltern 70 (50 BCe75 AD) forms, and among those produced in Tarragona, Oberaden 74 (1e30 AD), Pascual 1 (50 BCe 50 AD) and the ever-present Dr. 2e4 (25 BCe300 AD) (Pascual, 1977; Sciallano and Sibella, 1993; Raynaud, 1993a; López Mullor and Martín, 2008); vi) also of note is a volute lamp, type Dr. 9B (Claudian era) (Dressel, 1899b; Pavolini, 1987; Morillo Cerdán, 1989); and lastly a dupondius from Tiberian period (21/22e37 AD). The pottery manufactured during this second phase is clearly made up of Dr. 2e4 amphorae and, to a lesser extent, building material (tegulae and imbrex) and coarse ware (storage pots, cooking pots, casseroles and small jars) (Fig. 4). The third phase of activity at the pottery is indicated by a series of small alterations and functional changes visible at different points of the site. These especially concern the construction of Kiln 8 (Fig. 1) and alterations carried out on Kilns 11 and 12 (Fig. 1) from the second phase. Dating of the third phase is based on a soil level, that corresponds to the backfill level of Stratigraphic Unit 3092 (Roig, 2010), which is related to the construction of an area delimited by rows of late Dr. 2e4 amphorae placed top downwards (Fig. 5). These amphorae date from the 2nd century and the first half of the 3rd century AD (Járrega and Otiña, 2008). Within this level, a number of pottery items was recovered reinforcing the dating of this phase to the 2nd century AD: Hispanic terra sigillata type Drag. 15/17 (30e300 AD), Drag. 37a (70e300 AD) and Drag. 37b (70e100 AD) (Mezquíriz, 1961, 1985; Roca and Fernández García, 2005). This third phase is associated with the production of late or evolved Dr. 2e4 amphorae, although some manufacture of building materials and coarse ware cannot be excluded. In fact, the kilns M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 2689 Fig. 3. Thin-walled ware made at El Vila-sec during the first phase (1e4, Mayet 37 form; 5e8, Mayet 30 form; 9 and 10, Mayet 35 form; 11e12, Mayet 33 form; 13 and 14 Mayet 29 form; 15, original bowl from El Vila-sec; 16 original beaker from El Vila-sec; 17, Mayet 21 form: 18, López 54 form). The inventory numbers correspond to Roig (2010). from this phase are either too small (Kiln 8) for firing amphorae or they have evidence of direct firing (Kilns 11 and 12) and therefore amphorae would have been produced in Kilns 9 and 10. This hypothesis cannot be confirmed until the completion of the pending excavations. The pottery structures were in filled and abandoned in the late 2nd or early 3rd centuries AD. The materials that allow the dating of the uppermost strata are: i) African Red Slip (ARS) ware terra sigillata chiara A: Lamboglia (Lamb.) 2a (100e175 AD) and Lamb. 4/36A (90e175 AD) forms and ARS coarse ware; among the finds are worthy of mention are: Lamb. 10A (100e450 AD), Lamb. 10B (69e 250 AD), Ostia III, 267A (100e475 AD) and Ostia III, 324 (100e 300 AD) pots and the lid of an Ostia III, 332 type pot (69e450 AD) (Lamboglia, 1958; Berti et al., 1970; Hayes, 1972; Raynaud, 1993b,c); ii) Hispanic terra sigillata, with of particular note the Drag. 15/17 (30e300 AD), Drag. 18 (50e200 AD), Drag. 24/25 (30e 150 AD), Drag. 30 (50e100 AD), Drag. 35 (50e150 AD) and Drag. 36 (50e300 AD), Drag. 37a (70e300 AD) and Drag. 37b (70e100 AD) (Mezquíriz, 1961, 1985; Roca and Fernández García, 2005) forms. This collection of pottery dates the abandonment of the structures to the end of the 2nd century AD, although the find of an extremely eroded Antoninian coin dated to the 3rd century AD extends the duration of the final fill of the pottery workshop remains into the next century. 2690 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 4. Pottery made at El Vila-sec during the second phase (1 and 2, amphorae Dr. 2e4 with the stamp ITA; 3 and 4, jars; 5 and 6, pots; 7e10, covers; 11: casserole). The inventory numbers correspond to Roig (2010). In summary, we can state that the first phase (including Kilns 1e 7) can be dated to the time of Augustus and that they were rendered inoperative by the building of the second occupation phase (which includes Kilns 9e12) from the mid-1st century AD. It should be noted that excavation of Kilns 9 and 10 could not be completed and their chronological evolution is therefore not known. However, Kilns 11 and 12 were fully excavated and therefore it is known that they were altered in the mid-2nd century AD, within what we call the third phase. It was also at this time that Channel-Kiln 8 was built. All five kilns (second and third phases of occupation) were definitively filled in during the late 2nd - early 3rd centuries AD. 2.3. Detailed description of the sampled kilns Unfortunately, the remaining kiln structures from the first building phase were quite damaged. The walls of their combustion chambers were eroded and crumbling and thus not easily M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 2691 Fig. 5. Late Dr. 2e4 amphorae made at El Vila-sec during the third phase. The inventory numbers correspond to Roig (2010). samplable for archaeomagnetic purposes. Only Kiln 7 (Fig. 6) was successfully sampled. The structure of Kiln 7 was partly destroyed by later building phases, so it was not possible to delimit the praefurnium, although it is recognizable that the access to this opening was via its northern side. An axial wall that divides the chamber lengthwise into two was preserved within the firing chamber. The remains of five arches were also visible; they supported the clay pipe grid, which was not preserved. This kiln can be included within Cuomo di Caprio’s Type II/c (rectangular with a double passageway) (Cuomo di Caprio, 1971e1972, 1985, 2007). Three loose and quite crumbly quadrangular bricks from the base of the arches from Kiln 7 were removed and drilled in the laboratory, and finally cut to produce 23 standard cylindrical (w2.5 cm diameter) specimens for archaeointensity determinations. Three of the four kilns built in the second building phase were sampled. These are Kilns 9 (Fig. 7), 11 (Fig. 8) and 12 (Fig. 9). Kiln 9 is circular with a diameter of about 3 m. There is a perimeter stone and mud wall and an inner latericium or brick wall of the firing chamber. As the excavation could not be completed, an accurate 2692 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 6. Kiln 7 with indication of the sampled bricks. This kiln produced Dressel 2e4 amphorae between the Augustan era and the middle of the 1st century AD. The rectangular structure with a double passageway corresponds to N. Cuomo di Caprio’s (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) Type II/c. classification cannot be made, although it may be Type I/b (circular with a clay pipe grid supported by a radial wall) from Cuomo di Caprio’s (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) classification. Kilns 11 and 12 are rectangular; the preserved parts are those excavated in the substratum i.e. the firing chamber and the praefurnium. A perimeter wall and an axial inner wall were reported for both. The perimeter walls are made of mud bricks, bricks and fragments of tegulae bound with mud, whereas the axial walls of the firing chamber are made of bricks bound with mud. Similarly to Kiln 7, on the three walls that delimit the firing chamber of these kilns there are the Fig. 7. Kiln 9 with indication of the drilled cores. This kiln has a perimeter mud stone wall and an inner firing chamber wall made of latericium or brick material. It is probably an N. Cuomo di Caprio (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) Type I/b. M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 2693 Fig. 8. Kiln 11 with indication of the sampled areas and late restructuring features. This kiln was built during the second phase and rebuilt in the middle of the 2nd century AD. The original rectangular structure with a double passageway corresponds to N. Cuomo di Caprio’s (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) Type II/c. remains of the arches that supported the clay pipe grid, which again was not preserved. In the case of Kiln 12, a ventilation hole or air flue was reported in the western corner. According to the Cuomo di Caprio’s (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) classification both kilns also correspond to Type II/c (rectangular with double passageway). Kils 11 and 12 were restructured during the third building phase. Kiln 11 was made smaller, using the firing chamber from the previous phase. At the rear, the upper part of the axial wall was dismantled, a new mud-brick wall on its north-western side was built and the firing chamber floor level was raised (Fig. 8). The result is a smaller kiln with two openings on all sides of the earlier axial wall. Kiln 12 underwent a similar reorganization (Fig. 9): the eastern corner of Fig. 9. Kiln 12 with indication of the sampled areas, the ventilation hole and late restructuring features. Like Kiln 11, it was build during the second phase and rebuilt in the middle of the 2nd century AD. The original rectangular structure with a double passageway corresponds N. Cuomo di Caprio’s (1971e1972, 1985, 2007) Type II/c. 2694 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 the perimeter wall of the previous firing chamber was dismantled, a new transverse wall was built to move the firing chamber forward, lengthening the axial wall with an extension made of bricks and mud bricks bound with mud, and the floor level of the chamber was raised. The result was that the firing was concentrated between the old axial wall and the earlier north-eastern wall whereas the gap between the earlier axial wall and the earlier south-western wall was abandoned and filled with earth. With the current available data, it is not possible to determine whether the restructured kilns (11 and 12) were still used to fire pottery or another kind of material. Oriented samples were retrieved from the internal opus latericium walls of Kilns 9 (Fig. 7), 11 and 12 for archaeodirectional determinations. For Kilns 11 and 12, sampling was performed on structures not fired during the third archaeological phase: the abandoned firing chamber below the new floor level (Fig. 8) and the abandoned south-western passageway (Fig. 9). A portable electrical drill with a water-cooled diamond bit was used following the standard palaeomagnetic sampling procedure; each core produced a single specimen. The in situ azimuth and dip of the cores were measured using a compass coupled to a core-orienting fixture. Due to the crumbly consistency of the walls, drilling had to proceed delicately to avoid breaking the cylinder before taking its orientation. If broken, the cylinder was carefully placed back in its hole to mark its orientation. From three rejected, misoriented cylinders from Kiln 12 (the first sampled), small cylinders (5 mm diameter, 3 mm length) were sub-sampled in the laboratory for microwave archaeointensity determinations. Samples from Kilns 11 and 12 had the most constrained archaeological age as they correspond to structures fired during the second archaeological phase (mid 1st century AD-mid 2nd century AD), but not during the third one. In contrast Kiln 9 could actually have continued to operate during the third archaeological phase. To sum up, 62 specimens were obtained from 4 kilns at the Vilasec Roman pottery with a very precise archaeological age. Table 1 summarizes the details of all the sampled structures, their presumed archaeological ages and the number of samples taken. 3. Experimental methods and data analyses Rock magnetic properties were measured at the Geomagnetism Laboratory, University of Liverpool for core samples from Kiln 7 and for several rejected misoriented cores from Kiln 12. Plate-like samples were cut from the cores and their change in susceptibility was measured as they warmed from liquid nitrogen to room temperature. Hysteresis properties, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition, remanence coercivity and magnetization versus temperature curves were obtained by using a Magnetic Measurements variable field translation balance (VFTB). Three types of palaeomagnetic procedures were applied: conventional archaeodirection and archaeointensity determinations (at the Palaeomagnetic Laboratory of Barcelona, SCT UB-CSIC); and Table 1 Sampled features in El Vila-sec (Latitude: 41.24 N, Longitude: 1.17 E) with indication of their presumed ages according to archaeological evidence, the sample labels, the number of collected cores (N) and the applied archaeomagnetic technique. Kiln Presumed age Label N Technique 7 9 11 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 K7 K9 K11 K12 K12 23a 5 9 9 3 Conventional archaeointensity Conventional archaeodirection Conventional archaeodirection Conventional archaeodirection Microwave archaeointensity a BCe50 AD ADe225 AD ADe150 AD ADe150 AD ADe150 AD From 3 quadrangular bricks. microwave archaeointensity determinations (at the Geomagnetism Laboratory, University of Liverpool). Archaeodirectional analyses consisted of stepwise demagnetization of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) and measurement of the magnetization left after each step. Thermal demagnetization was performed in a Schoenstedt TSD-1 demagnetizer and magnetization measurements on a 2G Enterprises superconducting rock magnetometer. Results were presented as Zijderveld diagrams (Zijderveld, 1967). Characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions were calculated by principal component analyses (Kirschvink, 1980). Three anomalous directions were obtained (one per kiln), possibly due to an incorrect replacement of broken cylinders during sampling. These outliers were removed from the calculation of mean directions. Mean directions for each kiln and merged mean directions were computed following Fisher (1953) statistics; concentration parameter k and confidence factor a95 were also computed. The mean direction was compared with i) the SVC for the Iberian Peninsula (Gómez-Paccard et al., 2006) and ii) SCHA.DIF.3K model (Pavón-Carrasco et al., 2009) predictions using a Matlab dating tool developed by Pavón-Carrasco et al. (2011). The Iberian SVC is defined at a central location (Madrid) and it was computed by the hierarchical Bayesian method using archaeomagnetic directions with dates ranging from 775 BC to 1959 AD. The SCHA.DIF.3K model was obtained by least-sums of absolute deviation inversion of palaeomagnetic data using spherical harmonics (SCHA) and provides full geomagnetic field vector values over the European continent and neighbouring areas from 1000 BC to 1900 AD. Archaeointensity analyses were performed according to the Coe variant of a Thellier-type experiment (Coe, 1967), the NRM was measured and gradually removed and replaced by a new thermal magnetization (TRM). This was achieved by heating the samples alternatively in a zero (Z) and a 50 mT applied (A) field in a Magnetic Measurements MMTD-80 thermal demagnetizer. Besides the conventional Z/A steps, pTRM and pTRM tail checks (Riisager and Riisager, 2001) were performed to ensure the absence of alteration and multidomain behaviour within the magnetic remanence carriers. The remanent magnetization measurements were also performed on a 2G Enterprises superconducting rock magnetometer. Cooling rate tests were performed at 560  C on all samples following the procedure described in Chauvin et al. (2000). The correction was applied only for samples with stable acquisition capacity (r2 < 5% where r2 ¼ (TRM1 TRM3)/TRM1). Microwave archaeointensity analyses followed a similar procedure, although using microwaves instead of heat to directly generate magnons (Shaw et al., 1999) to erase the NRM or to generate a new microwave thermoremanent magnetization (TMRM). The microwave system used operated in the 14 GHz frequency range; throughout the experiments the frequency was finely tuned to the ferromagnetic resonant frequency of the sample and after irradiation allowed direct measurement of the magnetization. Both conventional and microwave archaeointensity results were represented as Arai plots where NRM lost is plotted against TRM (or TMRM) gained, both normalized to the initial NRM along with the pTRM and tail checks (Yu and Dunlop, 2003). Additionally Zijderveld diagrams were also plotted using the steps performed in zero field to check the directional uniformity of the NRM vector. An overall archaeointensity value was computed for each kiln by fitting a Gaussian function to the sum of all individual results (Fouzai et al., 2012). Samples with negative pTRM checks or f values lower than 0.5 (Biggin and Thomas, 2003) were not used to obtain the overall intensity estimate. Positive pTRM checks were defined as those with a difference between the original pTRM and the pTRM check lower than 10 percent of the total TRM acquired (Chauvin et al., 2000). M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 2695 Fig. 10. Representative Zijderveld plots depicting the orthogonal projection of the remanent magnetization vectors during progressive demagnetization for specimens from Kiln 9 (left), Kiln 11 (middle) and Kiln 12 (right). Open (solid) symbols represent projections on vertical (horizontal) planes. Lines indicate the ChRM directions. The full archaeomagnetic vector (including both mean direction and intensity) was also compared with the previously described SCHA.DIF.3K model. The use of an archaeomagnetic field model avoids the need for relocation of data to a central location, a procedure that involves an inherent error (Casas and Incoronato, 2007). However, the use of archaeomagnetic field models involves regularization and smoothing to interpolate field values, which can also be a source of error. Fig. 11. Stereographic projection of the archaeomagnetic directions calculated for each sample. In (a) mean directions and a95 error circles were calculated and plotted separately for each kiln, in (b) the individual results from the Kilns 11 and 12 were merged to produce a single mean direction and a95 error. N indicates the total number of samples from the two kilns; D and I stands for declination and inclination; a95 and k, 95% confidence cone of the mean direction and precision parameter from Fisher statistics. 2696 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 4. Results and discussion 4.1. The mean archaeomagnetic vector Representative Zijderveld diagrams of samples from Kilns 9, 11 and 12 are shown in Fig. 10. Usually almost all the temperature steps were taken into account to compute the ChRM directions. MAD values were always lower than 5. The obtained archaeodirections were plotted separately for each kiln in stereographic projections (Fig. 11a). The three kilns produce slightly different mean directions (Table 2), possibly due to the low number of samples per kiln (four from Kiln 9, eight each from Kilns 11 and 12). Archaeological evidence indicates that the three kilns are practically contemporary. Taking into account the sampled points, the results from Kilns 11 and 12 can be ascribed to a very constrained age (the second archaeological phase), whereas the four results from Kiln 9 could correspond either to the second or the third archaeological phase. Adding this to the fact that Kiln 9 only produced four scattered directions, it is reasonable to combine the archaeodirections from Kilns 11 and 12 to produce a single mean direction (Fig. 11b and Table 2) expressed as a declination of 350.5 and an inclination of 56.7 (a95 ¼ 3.4 ) that according to the archaeological evidence would correspond to a narrow time window (mid-1st century AD to mid-2nd century AD). Archaeointensity determinations based on a constant proportionality between remanence magnetization and magnetic field is known to be limited to stable non-interacting single domain (SD) or pseudo-single domain (PSD) remanence carriers (Fabian, 2001). Using the magnetization parameters and coercitive field (from the hysteresis loops) and the remanence coercivity (from a backfield experiment) the Day plots revealed that all the measured cores can be attributed to the PSD regime. However, temperature-dependent susceptibility measurements indicate that six cores do contain MD particles: the appearance of a characteristic peak (Fig. 12a) around 130 K (the Verwey transition) indicates low-Ti titanomagnetite in MD state (Moskowitz, 1980). In fact, the PSD field in a Day plot can also be ascribed to a mixture of SD and multidomain (MD) states (Dunlop, 2002). Magnetization versus temperature curves indicate a distribution of blocking temperatures for all analyzed cores. This could be due either to a broad distribution of magnetic particle sizes or to a distribution of Ti contents within the titanomagnetites of the analyzed core. The degree of thermal reversibility after heating at 700  C is variable (Fig. 12b); the darker materials tend to show a loss of magnetic signal after heating, whereas for the brownish materials the trend is towards increased magnetic signal. The decrease in signal can be related to oxidation reactions. The increase in magnetic signal could relate to the growth of magnetic grains through agglomeration. Archaeointensity specimens obtained from the same cores that exhibit hints of MD behaviour were not analyzed. Representative Arai diagrams of specimens from Kilns 7 and 12 with the corresponding Zijderveld diagrams are shown in Fig. 13. A total of 31 Table 2 Archaeomagnetic directional results. Kiln n/N D ( ) I ( ) k a95 ( ) 9 11 12 All 11 and 12 4/4 8/8 8/8 20/20 16/16 347.8 351.1 349.9 350.0 350.5 55.3 53.5 59.9 56.4 56.7 67.9 229.9 95.7 109.0 117.2 11.2 3.7 5.7 3.1 3.4 Columns from left to right: Kiln, number of the sampled kiln; n/N, number of specimens analyzed (n)/independently oriented samples taken into account in the calculation of the mean direction (N); k and a95, precision parameter and 95% confidence limit of characteristic remanent magnetization, from Fisher statistics. Fig. 12. (a) Low temperature susceptibility dependence for samples from Kilns 7 (top) and 12 (bottom) exhibiting hints of the Verwey transition. (b) Thermomagnetic curves for samples from Kiln 12 exhibiting an increase (top) or decrease (bottom) of the magnetic signal after heating at 700  C. specimens were analyzed (eighteen from Kiln 7 and thirteen from Kiln 12), only three exhibit non linear Arai plots (one from Kiln 7 and two from Kiln 12). The rest of specimens are listed in Table 3 (Kiln 7) and Table 4 (Kiln 12) with the corresponding archaeointensities. Only one specimen from the Kiln 7 set was rejected due to negative pTRM checks, whereas three were rejected for this reason from the Kiln 12 set, and two other K12 specimens were rejected due to low f fractions. Fig. 14 shows the overall archaeointensity results for each kiln (71.39  14.27 mT for Kiln 7 and 70.11  7.00 mT for Kiln 12). Thus, despite being measured with different techniques and although the two kilns are not exactly contemporary according to the archaeological evidence, both show virtually identical archaeointensities. This agrees with the SCHA.DIF.3K predictions of a low rate of intensity variations for the first five centuries AD. From the two archaeointensities, the value obtained for Kiln 12 can be directly linked to the obtained mean direction to date the second archaeological phase. 4.2. Archaeomagnetic dating tools The archaeomagnetic results ascribed to the second archaeological phase were used to check the proficiency of the available archaeomagnetic dating tools. Probability density functions of possible dates for declination and inclination were obtained comparing the relocated data with the Iberian SVC. Both functions were then combined to obtain the most probable 2697 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 13. Representative Arai plots of normalized NRM remaining against TRM (or TMRM) gained for specimens from Kilns 7 and 12. The corresponding Zijderveld diagrams are plotted in the upper right corner of each Arai plot. solution at 95% confidence level. The procedure is illustrated in Fig. 15. The combined (declination and inclination) probability distribution is split in three intervals (BC 203e132, BC 23eAD 507 and AD 1836e1900). The presumed archaeological age (AD Table 3 Conventional archaeomagnetic intensity results for Kiln 7 obtained from linear Arai plots. All specimens except K7-c21 (negative pTRM checks) were used to compute the mean intensity value. Brick Specimen F (mT) FCR (mT) s (mT) N f g q 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 K7-c1 K7-c3 K7-c4 K7-c5 K7-c6 K7-c7 K7-c8 K7-c9 K7-c10 K7-c11 K7-c12 K7-c13 K7-c14 K7-c20 K7-c21 K7-c22 K7-c23 72.13 84.21 70.78 83.46 85.47 71.83 60.17 64.46 55.64 85.12 84.53 74.72 64.59 58.42 83.13 80.80 58.43 68.67 74.39 e 76.47 e e e 56.64 51.60 76.64 e e e e e 80.38 e 3.90 7.84 8.06 21.34 5.22 5.89 16.98 10.30 10.70 18.40 2.71 5.11 52.6 19.2 16.9 16.9 6.2 7 5 5 4 4 4 5 7 6 5 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 0.83 0.65 0.77 0.52 0.80 0.65 0.52 0.69 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.68 0.65 0.58 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.82 0.68 0.67 0.51 0.62 0.62 0.44 0.78 0.77 0.50 0.66 0.44 0.48 0.55 0.50 0.74 0.62 18.5 10.7 8.8 3.9 16.4 12.2 3.5 6.3 5.2 4.6 31.2 14.6 1.2 3.0 4.9 4.8 9.5 Mean value 71.39  14.27 Columns from left to right: Brick, label identifying the brick provenance; Specimen, label of the specimen identifying the kiln (K7) and the core number; F, raw intensity; FCR, cooling rate corrected intensity; s, standard deviation of the intensity estimate; N, number of heating steps used for the intensity determination; f, fraction of NRM used for intensity determination; g, gap factor and q, quality factor as defined by Coe (1967). 50e150) lies within the wider interval and concentrates about 15% of the obtained probability distribution (Fig. 15). The third interval would indicate a modern remagnetization of the studied structures. The same described procedure was applied to the non-relocated data using the SCHA.DIF.3K model. The corresponding probability distributions are shown in Fig. 16. The combined probability distribution presents similar features when compared to the distribution obtained using the SVC: it is split Table 4 Microwave archaeomagnetic intensity results for Kiln 12 obtained from linear Arai plots. Specimen F (mT) s (mT) N f g q pTRM K12-c1-1 K12-c1-2 K12-c1-3 K12-c1-4 K12-c1-5 K12-c1-6 K12-c2-1 K12-c2-2 K12-c2-3 K12-c2e4 K12-c2-5 65.52 66.51 68.37 71.91 53.86 51.23 67.02 71.26 70.53 78.58 72.54 3.48 21.00 7.32 6.95 11.09 4.27 9.00 173.53 2.74 4.24 27.78 6 4 6 5 4 4 5 3 8 6 4 0.53 0.72 0.57 0.55 0.55 0.51 0.61 0.18 0.80 0.64 0.32 0.70 0.63 0.71 0.53 0.54 0.48 0.69 0.46 0.84 0.69 0.64 18.85 3.2 9.3 10.4 4.9 12.0 7.5 0.4 25.7 18.5 2.6 U ╳ U U ╳ ╳ U e U U e Mean value 71.11  7.00 Columns from left to right: Specimen, label of the specimen identifying the kiln (K12), the core number and the specimen; F, intensity; s, standard deviation of the intensity estimate; N, number of heating steps used for the intensity determination; f, fraction of NRM used for intensity determination; g, gap factor and q, quality factor as defined by Coe (1967); pTRM, result of the pTRM check test: passed (U), failed (U) or not performed (e). 2698 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 14. Computation of mean archaeointensities for Kilns 7 (a) and 12 (b). The dashed line is the sum of all the accepted individual archaeointensity results for the kiln and the solid line is a Gaussian fitting to those sums. Fig. 15. Probability-of-age density functions obtained with the Matlab tool from Pavón-Carrasco et al. (2011) comparing the Iberian SVC with the merged archaeodirectional results from Kilns 11 and 12 relocated to Madrid; relocated intensity results from Kiln 12 were compared with the Bayesian SVC for western Europe. At the bottom: location of the site, experimental archaeomagnetic vector probability function without intensity data (middle) and including them (right). 2699 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 Fig. 16. Probability-of-age density functions obtained with the Matlab tool from Pavón-Carrasco et al. (2011) comparing the SCHA.DIF.3K model predictions with the archaeomagnetic results (the merged archaeodirectional results from Kilns 11 and 12, and the archaeointensity from Kiln 12). At the bottom: location of the site, experimental archaeomagnetic vector and probability function without intensity data (middle) and including them (right). into three time intervals, the first (BC 79eAD 145) includes the presumed archaeological age, the second (AD 184e479) concentrates a significant amount of probability and the third points to a modern remagnetization (AD 1886e1900). In this case, the presumed archaeological time window represents 10% of the obtained probability distribution. The main difference from the SVC-obtained distribution is that the SCHA.DIF.3K-obtained distribution contains more ups and downs; this dissimilarity reflects the difference between the wiggled SCHA.DIF.3K model curves and the more smoothed Iberian SVC. Table 5 Archaeomagnetic dating results. Kiln Input Dating tool Main solutions at 95% confidence level. (in bold letters the solution that matches with the PAA) Presumed archaeological age (PAA) K7 Intensity SCHA.DIF.3K BC 1000eAD 1202 AD 1279e1350 AD 1580e1703 BC 50eAD 50 K11 þ K12 Direction (relocated) Iberian SVC AD 50e150 Direction þ intensity (relocated) Direction Iberian SVC þ western European intensity SVC SCHA.DIF.3K Direction þ intensity SCHA.DIF.3K BC 203e132 AD 23e507 AD AD 1836e1900 AD 19e197 AD 218e483 BC 79e145 AD AD 184e479 AD 1885e1900 BC 226e159 BC 93eAD 167 AD 182e464 % of probability within the PAA 5 15 22 13 15 2700 M. Prevosti et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2686e2701 The intensity data can be also added to the dating procedure, the Iberian SVC only predicts the evolution of the archaeomagnetic direction and therefore the Bayesian SVC for western Europe (Gómez-Paccard et al., 2008) has been used for the relocated data. In contrast, the SCHA.DIF.3K simulates the full archaeomagnetic vector. Despite its large error, it is worth mentioning that the contribution of the archaeointensity data helped to constraint the possible ages. Both, the probability distributions obtained combining the direction data with either the Iberian SVC (adding the western European intensity SVC) or the SCHA.DIF.3K include a time interval pointing to a modern remagnetization. The geomagnetic field strength is presently around 45 mT, far below the measured archaeointensities for Kiln 12 and thus, adding the intensity to the dating procedure, the modern magnetization hypothesis can be excluded. The fully combined (declination, inclination and intensity) probability distribution results in an increased concentration of probability within the presumed archaeological time window: using the Iberian SVC (adding the western European intensity SVC) the time window contains 22% of the probability (Fig. 15); using the SCHA.DIF.3K model the time window concentrates 15% of the probability (Fig. 16). Table 5 summarizes the dating results obtained. The measured archaeointensity for Kiln 7 alone (without the corresponding directional data) cannot provide information on its archaeomagnetic age because the probability distribution covers almost the full investigated time period (see Table 5). The archaeointensities obtained for Kilns 7 and 12 are significantly higher than the model predictions. This result was also found for Roman sites in Tunisia (Fouzai et al., 2012) and seems to suggest that during this period the intensity is not well resolved by the model due to a limited intensity database. 5. Conclusions A highly precise dating for the activity at the Vila-sec Roman pottery workshop was determined using the typology of its ceramic materials. A chronology of three different phases was established. A first phase with seven kilns that were abandoned in the middle of the 1st century AD, a second with four kilns active from the middle of the 1st century AD to the middle of the 2nd century AD and a third with three kilns (two of them rebuilt from second-phase kilns) active up until the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD. Structures from the first archaeological phase could not be precisely dated by archaeomagnetic methods because of the major uncertainty associated with the mean archaeointensity and the lack of archaeodirectional data for Kiln 7. The age of the second archaeological phase was checked with three archaeomagnetic dating tools. Both the Iberian SVC and the SCHA.DIF.3K models have a similar level of accuracy. Nevertheless, the SCHA.DIF.3K model has the advantage of not requiring data relocation and also predicts archaeointensities, which in this case allowed a modern remagnetization to be ruled out. Combining the western European intensity SVC with the Iberian SVC also allowed, using relocated data, a modern remagnetization to be ruled out. Furthermore this combination resulted in the highest concentration of probability within the presumed archaeological age (22%). In any case, none of the archaeomagnetic dating approaches produced a single unambiguous solution pointing to the presumed archaeological age. We have to keep in mind that a given value of the archaeomagnetic vector can occur at different time periods. Besides that, secular variation curves and geomagnetic models are not foolproof and only a continuous effort to collect reliable archaeomagnetic data from welldated structures will increase their accuracy. Archaeointensities of almost contemporary structures were determined by two different techniques (microwave and the conventional Thellier method) and yielded similar results. This again suggests that TMRM and TRM are equivalent (Shaw et al., 1999; Hill et al., 2002; Casas et al., 2005). The obtained archaeointensities seem to imply that during this period the intensity is not well resolved by the SCHA.DIF.3K model, due to a limited intensity database. This reinforces the conclusion that the collection of reliable archaeomagnetic data from well-dated structures is required. Only with high quality data, can the archaeomagnetic approaches undertaken be applied to dating other archaeological sites from the same region, particularly when they lack any datable artefacts. 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