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The aim of this article is to show a detailed overview of latest archaeological works in one part of Tarragona's port area. During the Visigothic period the harbour of Tarracona, ancient city of Tarraco, the capital of Hispania... more
The aim of this article is to show a detailed overview of latest archaeological works in one part of Tarragona's port area. During the Visigothic period the harbour of Tarracona, ancient city of Tarraco, the capital of Hispania Tarraconensis, became the main urban and economic asset and the results there obtained provide us a better knowledge than in the rest of the late city.

We have identified a productive and exchange zone, possibly belonging to the Visigoth cataplus and integrated in the Mediterranean trade networks. Their evidences show a great constructive activity and urban renovation, especially between the second half of VIIIth and the first half of VIIIth centuries. There were five buildings where bi-functional spaces to be found, with workshops to foundry and manufacture both metal objects and glass; while in other rooms domestic spaces were developed. The interest of the instrumentum domesticum related transport, cooking and foods consumption lies not only in its chronology, but also in the fact that it reflects the latest products marketed in the western Mediterranean, as well as the ethnographic evolution of coarse pottery. It was a strong space of exchange in which an important numismatic set has recovered. Consequently, we are defining, for het first time, a faithful material culture of Tarracona city before and during the arrival of Islam in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
This paper presents the find of a bronze chariot lynch-pin in Tarraco. The object seems to be an unicum, with no parallel known so far in that city or elsewhere in the empire, but the find is that of a highly decorated vehicle in use in... more
This paper presents the find of a bronze chariot lynch-pin in Tarraco. The object seems to be an unicum, with no parallel known so far in that city or elsewhere in the empire, but the find is that of a highly decorated vehicle in use in the city at the beginning of our era.
During the demolition works in the old Casa Sant Josep in Tarragona, several canalizations was identificated. Associated with the different historical moments in which the Mina de l’Arquebisbe was in use.
Un ejemplar de ánfora oriental alto-imperial tipo Carrot Vipard 3a1 encontrada en la ciudad romana de Tarraco (Tarragona, Catalunya)
A specimen of a Syrian-Palestinian amphora, Carrot Vipard 3a1, found in Tarraco and dated to the beginning of the 2nd century AD, allows us to expand the list of vessels from the eastern area that arrived in the roman city.
This article presents an assemblage of Roman bronze objects (ampullae, aryballoi and pyxides) serving to contain oils, unguents, cosmetic powders or balsams unearthed recently in the Iberian Peninsula (Hispania). Most of these bronze... more
This article presents an assemblage of Roman bronze objects (ampullae, aryballoi and pyxides) serving to contain oils, unguents, cosmetic powders or balsams unearthed recently in the Iberian Peninsula (Hispania). Most of these bronze domestic vessels (both published and unpublished) were brought to light in contexts linked to bathing or personal hygiene from the first centuries of the Roman Empire. The vessels reveal a variety of forms, models and decors (manifestations of Romanisation).
In recent years, different archaeological interventions have brought to light a densely occupied area of the Francolí suburbium of the ancient Tarraco. In addition to the large volume of exhumed remains, the chronology also stands out, as... more
In recent years, different archaeological interventions have brought to light a densely occupied area of the Francolí suburbium of the ancient Tarraco. In addition to the large volume of exhumed remains, the chronology also stands out, as a series of occupational phases have been identified, ranging from the late Republican period (1st century BC) to late antiquity (7th-8th centuries AD).
In this work we present fifteen roman bronzes that were founded in the Cartanya’s well. Thirteen are deposited in the MNAT, one in The Hispanic Society of America (New York), and the last one, lost.
We propose an architectural and functional restitution of the Vila-sec ceramic workshop (Ager Tarraconensis). We also propose figures for the production capacity and distribution of the load - especially for Dr. 2 amphorae type-, from the... more
We propose an architectural and functional restitution of the Vila-sec ceramic workshop (Ager Tarraconensis). We also propose figures for the production capacity and distribution of the load - especially for Dr. 2 amphorae type-, from the calculation of the internal volume of the laboratory of some of the identified kilns.
And we present presents a new reading of the seals identified during archaeological excavation: ANTO, CRE, ITA vel ATI
A new set of pieces is presented by the Visigothic architectural sculpture of the city of Tarragona. Basically they are pieces of marble from the buildings of the city of the first century, with some local stone of the type Mèdol. Its... more
A new set of pieces is presented by the Visigothic architectural sculpture of the city of Tarragona. Basically they are pieces of marble from the buildings of the city of the first century, with some local stone of the type Mèdol. Its chronology dates back to the 6th-7th centuries, although some pieces may be dated in 8th-10 centuries.
In this paper we present a different simpula found in Catalonia. Many of them already published or indirectly knowneds, other unpublished. Most of them without archaeological context, but all interesting, because they show us the... more
In this paper we present a different simpula found in Catalonia. Many of them already published or indirectly knowneds, other unpublished. Most of them without archaeological context, but all interesting, because they show us the important of this bronze vessels type in the Roman household domestic tools, between the Republican period and the first years of the princedom of Augustus.
We propose an architectural and functional restitution of the Vila-sec ceramic workshop (Ager Tarraconensis). We also propose figures for the production capacity and distribution of the load - especially for Dr. 2 amphorae type-, from the... more
We propose an architectural and functional restitution of the Vila-sec ceramic workshop (Ager Tarraconensis). We also propose figures for the production capacity and distribution of the load - especially for Dr. 2 amphorae type-, from the calculation of the internal volume of the laboratory of some of the identified kilns.
And we present presents a new reading of the seals identified during archaeological excavation, using a method that uses silicone molds.
New fragments of visigothic pieces from Tarragona (VI - X? AC)
A pottery production centre, covering an area of 2300 m2, has been discovered at Vila-sec (Tarragona). The excavation revealed four distinct successive phases, starting between the reigns of Tiberius and Claudius and ending at to the end... more
A pottery production centre, covering an area of 2300 m2, has been discovered at Vila-sec (Tarragona). The excavation revealed four distinct successive phases, starting between the reigns of Tiberius and Claudius and ending at to the end of the 2nd/beginning of 3rd century AD. A total of twelve kilns of different types, six tanks for clay decantation, a pit used to work the clay, pipelines made of tegulae, and four buildings used for amphorae and pottery production were found on site. The recovered finds shows that the workshop of Vila-sec produced building materials, pondera, coarse wares, oil lamps, Spanish samian imitation ware, fine wares, and Dressel 2 amphorae (including evolved Dressel 2 types).
Les dades que exposem en aquest article són fruit dels treballs preliminars associats a la rea-lització de la memòria tècnica. En aquest sentit, hem de dir que caldrà una reflexió molt més acurada i profunda per comprendre l'evolució del... more
Les dades que exposem en aquest article són fruit dels treballs preliminars associats a la rea-lització de la memòria tècnica. En aquest sentit, hem de dir que caldrà una reflexió molt més acurada i profunda per comprendre l'evolució del jaciment. Igualment, hem d'assenyalar que la dinàmica constructiva mateixa del jaciment, així com l'evolució històrica d'aquest sector de l' Ager Tarraconensis, van comportar la destruc-ció en menor o major grau d'estructures i ni-vells, fet que en alguns casos ens impossibilita poder precisar datacions i ens dificulta una interpretació funcional correcta de les restes identificades. Pel que fa al grau de conservació, cal apuntar que les estructures millor conser-vades han estat aquelles que presentaven una major solidesa estructural o bé que van ser en part edificades al subsòl (les estructures ter-mals, les sitges i la cella vinaria). La resta de construccions es conservaven a nivell de fona-mentació o bé es trobaven totalment arrasades en aquells punts on el nivell natural presentava una cota més alta. El jaciment es troba a uns deu quilòmetres del centre urbà de Tarragona, dins els terrenys del Parc Químic de Bayer Material Science, S.L. a la Canonja, comarca del Tarragonès (fig. 1). La intervenció arqueològica, executada per l'em-presa CODEX-Arqueologia i Patrimoni, fou motivada per la construcció d'una nova planta (propietat de Kemira Ibérica, S.A.) destinada a la fabricació de productes per al tractament d'aigües (residuals i potables) i per a la indústria paperera. Els treballs arqueològics van posar al des-cobert un assentament rural tipus vil·la litoral (amb una superfície d’uns 7.500 m2)
The archaeological works revealed a coastal villa, with an area of about 7.500 m2.
Archaeological works identified several Roman structures, with a chronology from the first century AD to the late 7th century AD.
The archaeological excavations undertaken between 2013 and 2014 at the Bayer Material Science Chemical Park (La Canonja, Tarragona) brought to light a magnificent Roman villa with different architectural and chronological phases ranging... more
The archaeological excavations undertaken between 2013 and
2014 at the Bayer Material Science Chemical Park (La Canonja,
Tarragona) brought to light a magnificent Roman villa with different
architectural and chronological phases ranging from the 1st to
7th century AD. This study presents the results of the study of the
pottery uncovered in a refuse tip dating from the end of the 3rd
century probably linked to Frankish raids.
Thirteen military bronze objects were recently found at ancient Tarraco and the site of La Devesa (El Vendrell, Tarragona). All the bronzes were from archaeological urban and rural sites, showing a relationship between the civil and... more
Thirteen military bronze objects were recently found at ancient Tarraco and the site of La Devesa (El Vendrell, Tarragona). All the bronzes were from archaeological urban and rural sites, showing a relationship between the civil and military worlds.
The late roman period in Alcover (Ager Tarraconensis, Tarragona, Catalunya)
A preventive archaeological excavation carried out in 2014 at the locality of El Vendrell brought to light several silos and other features associated with an agricultural settlement of this sector of Ager Tarraconensis. The site is dated... more
A preventive archaeological excavation carried out in 2014 at
the locality of El Vendrell brought to light several silos and other
features associated with an agricultural settlement of this sector
of Ager Tarraconensis. The site is dated between the period of the
Roman Republic and the late 1st century AD.
Our investigation aims to broaden the knowledge about the production centers of pottery in the area of the Ager Tarraconensis. The lack of archaeological interventions in an extensive way of the various manufacturing centers has caused... more
Our investigation aims to broaden the knowledge about the production centers of pottery in the area of the Ager Tarraconensis.
The lack of archaeological interventions in an extensive way of the various manufacturing centers has caused that the interpretations for understanding the organization, distribution, internal logic, chronology and production capacity of a specific figlina are very limited. So, it is in this context with the increase of archaeological works and the progress about our knowledge of this kind of manufacturing complex where this study should be included.
The archaeological intervention at the site of the Vila-sec has allowed to identify a production center which has a surface around 2300 m² and three chronological phases (from the time of the emperors Tiberius-Claudius to the beginning of the III century AD) with a total of twelve pottery kilns, six settling basins for clay, a kneading trough, tegulae channels, a large warehouse and some areas used to the treatment, moulding and drying the ceramic items.
The exhumed ceramic material has made allowed us to know that in the industrial workshop of the Vila-sec was manufactured tableware, cooking ware, thin-walled ware, architectural ceramics, pondera, hispanic terra sigillata, lamps and amphorae of Dressel 2 and late Dressel 2 types.
A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid-1st century BC to the early-3rd... more
A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid-1st century BC to the early-3rd century AD. Analyses of bricks from kilns at El Vila-sec produced data on their stored archaeomagnetic vector. These data were compared with the secular variation curve for the Iberian Peninsula and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional archaeomagnetic model. Both, the reference curve and the model, produced probability distributions for the final period of use for two kilns from the second archaeological phase that were not used during the third phase. At a 95% confidence level, both time distributions cover a wide chronological range including the presumed archaeological age. Both the Iberian secular variation curve and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional model proved to be suitable models for dating the site, although on their own they do not produce a single unambiguous solution. This archaeomagnetic approach could also be applied to neighbouring archaeological sites that have an imprecise archaeological age.
Research Interests:
This paper presents, as preliminary basis, data from recent urban excavations carried out in the fluvial area of Tarraco. In this area near the river mouth during the Visigothic period there was an intense settlement. This is attested by... more
This paper presents, as preliminary basis, data from recent urban excavations carried out in the fluvial area of Tarraco. In this area near the river mouth during the Visigothic period there was an intense settlement. This is attested by the presence of several port warehouses – horrea- built in the mid-seventh century, characterized by the use of opus caementicium for walls, and opus signinum for pavements. At the end of this century or at the beginning of the eighth century AD, a major reform involves the disappearance of these horrea and the construction of several areas, the main ones being a large building with a productive purpose, and a tank also constructed with opus caementicium walls and opus signinum lining.
In this study we want to explain everything "no archaeological" but absolutely necessary to understand an archaeological site and not only from the results obtained directly from an archaeological excavation in stricto sensu.
In 2007, when the location of the side south opened up to the public, the archaeological works were moved further north. Especially in an area, where archaeological different works conducted in 1992, revealed news evidences of roman... more
In 2007, when the location of the side south opened up to the public, the archaeological works were moved further north. Especially in an area, where archaeological different works conducted in 1992, revealed news evidences of roman times.
The results obtained during the excavations carried out between 2004 and 2009 have evidenced a building interpreted as a workers’ of the villa lodging. The building was in use from the last third of the second century AD until approximately the middle of the third century AD, when it was destroyed by fire.
However the building was not totally abandoned, the archaeological works have documented, in very specific places, new processes of reoccupation dated in the fourth century AD.
Research Interests:
A room linked to an underground cavity with monumental entrance has been interpreted thanks to the finding of two votive inscriptions as a sacred space devoted to the Nymphae, religious cult documented at Tarraco for the first time. This... more
A room linked to an underground cavity with monumental entrance has been interpreted thanks to
the finding of two votive inscriptions as a sacred space devoted to the Nymphae, religious cult documented
at Tarraco for the first time. This is a very important extra-mural discovery, because this is
the first sanctuary in Eastern Hispania archaeologically evidenced. A hypothesis is offered, according
to which the worship of the Nymphae in Tarraco could be connected to veterani from the Legio VII
Gemina Felix established in the provincial capital, because this cult is well attested in the opposite side
(mainly in Gallaecia and northern Lusitania), where the legion was settled.
In a space of extraction of clay and stone, active since Augustus period, stood up in the middle of the first century AD, building located outside the walls and next to the via situated parallel to the roman wall. The building seems to... more
In a space of extraction of clay and stone, active since Augustus period, stood up in the middle of the first century AD, building located outside the walls and next to the via situated parallel to the roman wall. The building seems to have been defined by two floors and implanted in the clay soil, defining a basement. It was in here where we found coins and game tokens that make us suppose the existence of a room of game, a taberna lvsoria, where the roman people liked eat, drink, play and/or accommodation.
In this work presents two sets of late Roman burials (mas dels Quarts i la Mineta, Tarragona, Spain)
Archaeological excavations at Vila-sec (Alcover) have revealed a group of structures associated with a Roman figlina for pottery manufacture. The excavations have identified twelve pottery kilns (different types), six sedimentation... more
Archaeological excavations at Vila-sec (Alcover) have revealed a group of structures associated with a Roman figlina for pottery manufacture. The excavations have identified twelve pottery kilns (different types), six sedimentation deposits, tegulae channels and a couple of areas intended for treating, moulding and drying the pottery pieces. The figlina manufactured tableware, kitchenware, fine walls, construction material, dolia, terra sigillata imitations, probably lamps and especially Dressel 2-4 and Late Dressel 2-4-type amphorae. The complex was probably founded in reign of Augustus or Tiberius and was abandoned in the late 2nd – early 3rd century AD.
A description of the remains of a pottery documented in the western suburbium of the city of Tarraco dating from the middle and the last third of the first century AD. Two phases of production were identified, in which two new types of... more
A description of the remains of a pottery documented in the western suburbium of the city of Tarraco dating from the middle and the last third of the first century AD. Two phases of production were identified, in which two new types of locally produced lamps stand out.
Documentation and description about a group of bronze and ceramic vessels with a chronology in the half century AD, found inside a hole near the fòrum city of Tàrraco.
In 2007, when the location of the side south opened up to the public, the archaeological works were moved further north. Especially in an area, where archaeological different works conducted in 1992, revealed news evidences of roman... more
In 2007, when the location of the side south opened up to the public, the archaeological works were moved further north. Especially in an area, where archaeological different works conducted in 1992, revealed news evidences of roman times.
The results obtained during the excavations carried out between 2004 and 2009 have evidenced a building interpreted as a workers’ of the villa lodging. The building was in use from the last third of the second century AD until approximately the middle of the third century AD, when it was destroyed by fire.
However the building was not totally abandoned, the archaeological works have documented, in very specific places, new processes of reoccupation dated in the fourth century AD.
This paper explains about the relationship between the aqueduct de les Caixes and the Roman villae Centcelles (Constantí, Tarragona, Spain)
This paper describes the Roman road to the region of Conca de Barbera (Tarragona, Spain)
A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid- 1st century BC to the... more
A very accurate archaeological dating of a Roman site in NE Spain (El Vila-sec) was made based on the
typology of pottery artifacts. Three different phases were identified with activity ranging from the mid-
1st century BC to the early-3rd century AD. Analyses of bricks from kilns at El Vila-sec produced data on
their stored archaeomagnetic vector. These data were compared with the secular variation curve for the
Iberian Peninsula and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional archaeomagnetic model. Both, the reference curve and
the model, produced probability distributions for the final period of use for two kilns from the second
archaeological phase that were not used during the third phase. At a 95% confidence level, both time
distributions cover a wide chronological range including the presumed archaeological age. Both the
Iberian secular variation curve and the SCHA.DIF.3K regional model proved to be suitable models for
dating the site, although on their own they do not produce a single unambiguous solution. This
archaeomagnetic approach could also be applied to neighbouring archaeological sites that have an
imprecise archaeological age.
Documentation, cataloguing and inventory of ashlars from a deposit near of the Roman quarry Mèdol (Tarraco, Tarragona).
New archeological evidence about residential areas of the city of Tarraco
Description and analysis of a group of sacred bronze vessels found inside a well, in the forum limits of the old city of Tarraco.
"Bronze tableware of the 1st and 3rd centuries AD.
Continuity, typological innovation and decorative in time of Sant Fructuós."
Archaeological studies at Hernández Sanahuja Street (Tarragona). New evidences to know a part the sector outside the walls of ancient Tàrraco. It highlights a fullonica.
The archaeological intervention at the site of the Vila-sec has allowed identify various irons, bones and glass objects. In this paper exposed a few examples.
""The pottery kilns at the site of the Vila-sec figlina.
The chronology of the group probably started during the reign of Augustus-Tiberius, while abandoning is dated in the late second century AD - early third century AD.""
""The ceramic material manufactured in the Vila-sec figlina it was formed for tableware, kitchenware, fine walls, construction material, doliae, terra sigillata imitations, probably lamps and especially the type amphorae Dressel 2-4 and... more
""The ceramic material manufactured in the Vila-sec figlina it was formed for tableware, kitchenware, fine walls, construction material, doliae, terra sigillata imitations, probably lamps and especially the type amphorae Dressel 2-4 and Late Dressel 2-4.
The chronology of the group probably started during the reign of Augustus-Tiberius, while abandoning is dated in the late second century AD - early third century AD.""
Recent evidence of Roman times in Alcover (Catalonia, Spain): Camí del Molí and Vila-sec.
Roman ceramic vessels.  I-II century AD.
Roman inscriptions on Alcover stone.
Research Interests:
Resultado de las excavaciones en el Circo Romano de Tárraco, zona de la calle Ferrers ROIG, J.F.; MENCHON, J.; TEIXELL, I. 2017: "Resultats preliminars de les excavacions de la grada del circ al carrer Ferrers (any 2016)." Tarraco... more
Resultado de las excavaciones en el Circo Romano de Tárraco, zona de la calle Ferrers
ROIG, J.F.; MENCHON, J.; TEIXELL, I. 2017: "Resultats preliminars de les excavacions de la grada del circ al carrer Ferrers (any 2016)." Tarraco Biennal. 3n Congrés Internacional d’Arqueologia i Món Antic. La glòria del circ: curses de carros i competicions circenses. In memoriam Xavier Dupré i Raventós. Tarragona, 16-19 de novembre de 2016. Tarragona, p. 267-276.
Research Interests: