Ancient Roman Numismatics
Recent papers in Ancient Roman Numismatics
An article considering the hoard of ten Roman gold aurei recently found in the Norfolk Broads.
T)ut 86 n. Chr. fertiggestellte Stadion -l:/ des Domitian war mit 275 m Länge.
ABSTRACT: Late Augustan coin circulation in the military camps along the river Rhine is characterised by the same coin types as those present in the early Tiberian period. The two phases can be distinguished from one another through the... more
ANCIENT ROMANS WERE practical-minded people; they didn't like wasted effort. Every letter on an ancient Roman coin die was painstakingly engraved by hand, so inscriptions on Roman coins are often heavily abbreviated. Generations of... more
The recording and precise positioning of coin finds are extremely important for the study of monetary circulation in the region to the North of the Black Sea. In recent decades progress has been made in this field and the situation in the... more
achim lichtenberger, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster rubina raja, Aarhus Universitet Advisory Board Susan e. alcock Marianne Bergmann robin osborne r. r. r. Smith voluMe 1
Impressive collection of Roman Republican, Roman Imperial and Byzantine coins. Many rare and unique coins including gold-multiples of Constantius, Magnentius and Decentius. Another focus is on the Gallic Empire, especially Postumus, who... more
22 perforated coins were excavated in the Aquincum-Graphisoft cemetery, the eastern graveyard of the civil town, primarily found in child graves. This is surprising compared to the general scarcity of these pierced coins in... more
Constantijn was de eerste keizer die het christendom openlijk bevoordeelde. De grote vraag voor historici is echter in hoeverre hij zich echt tot het christelijke geloof bekeerde.
This paper focus on a century of interaction between a colonial agent (Rome) and an indigenous people (known in classical texts as the Laietani), who inhabited the area before the arrival of the conquerors. This paper investigates how... more
La quête de légitimité politique est une des préoccupations majeures des protagonistes des conflits civils de la fin de la République romaine. Il a été reconnu de longue date que les types monétaires furent l’un des nombreux supports et... more
Kubitschek contributed his research on the Ara Pacis coins of Nero and Domitian to Petersen in 1901/02 but found P was not going to make sufficient use of them, so he published the article himself. K went to much effort to find the best... more
new legend INVICTO AVRELIANO AVG for Aurelianus at Serdica
Catalogazione di monete romane di III-IV secolo d.C. e breve storia della monetazione nel periodo coperto dalla collezione.
This undergraduate senior honors thesis investigates how imperial sovereignty is reproduced in politically contested regions. Centering on the politically volatile region of ancient Armenia, I use disparate assemblages of imperial... more
This short survey discusses the import of Western solidus issues belonging to the late 5th century AD to the Migration Period workshops in Helgö, Sweden.
SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI : Trajan et Hadrien comme modèles iconographiques de Gallien (260-268 apr. J.-C.) Philhellène et lettré, l'empereur Gallien se situe à la charnière entre le principat et le dominat. Sous son règne, du moins après la... more
HIJOS DE TITANES · EL SECRETO ÍBERO, es el libro en el cual Enrique Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con un descubrimiento extraordinario. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo que parecía imposible: DESCIFRÓ LA... more
The Roman numismatic coins of the Silla History and Archaeology Museum (Valencia, Spain) are made public. It is a museum that gards coins which come from two archaeological excavations recently made in two villae located in its municipal... more
This article explores the connection between evidence for Roman signalling systems and the Roman coin type known commonly as 'campgates'
THE RICH VOCABULARY OF NUMISMATICS has many terms to describe the things we see on coins. When a coin depicts two heads side by side, the usual description is " jugate busts ". The word derives from the Latin iuga, meaning " yoke ". Think... more
The kneeling figure with camel on the reverse of the denarius of A. Plautius has generally been identified as Aristobulus II. It is argued here that he is identifiable as his brother Hyrcanus II instead. In addition to the argument of... more
Nel 1887 veniva alla luce l’unica necropoli romana nota di Cles (Trento). Lo studioso Luigi de Campi fornisce un resoconto dettagliato della scoperta, grazie al quale è possibile oggi proporre nuove riflessioni intorno alla localizzazione... more
Krisen scheinen nicht nur heute, sondern auch in der Antike allgegenwärtig. Einer der absoluten Tiefpunkte -zumindest dem römischen Historiker Cassius Dio nach -dürfte die Versteigerung der Kaiserwürde 193 n. Chr. durch die Prätorianer... more
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu związków pomiędzy gemmami a monetami. Autor w bardzo ogólny sposób zwraca w nim uwagę na kilka obszarów podobieństw zarówno w kwestiach technologicznych, ikonografii jak i funkcjach jakie pełniły obie... more
Finds of coins from the Roman period in the cadastral area of Bratislava – Devín from the beginnings of archaeological excavations until the present day. Summary of compilation of findings of Roman coins from the catastral territory... more
[EN] This note intends to provide a preliminary overview of the spectacular late Roman coin hoard recently found at Tomares in Spain. The report considers general information released by the City Council of Tomares and the archaeological... more