Recent papers in Onomastics
The illegal drug trade has recently found a new route: darknet cryptomarkets. On these Ebay-like marketplaces, located in an anonymous network, drug sellers and buyers from all over the world make deals without meeting each other in... more
Political movements and personalities have been given nicknames in Zimbabwe. Through an analysis of nicknames used on social and print media as well as in popular music, this paper argues that nicknames describe physical appearances,... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1970 / The book was published in Prague in 1970.
All parents wish to give a unique and meaningful name to their child. In India, a Sanskrit name is mostly preferred. Often parents turn to the Internet, which is replete with misinformation on Sanskrit names. Popular name websites too... more
As is common in many Bantu societies, Zambian names come from the natural environment, circumstances of birth and the social setting. Names from circumstances of birth include physical appearance, position of birth, place of birth, and so... more
Статья, во-первых, знакомит с общей спецификой новгородских старинных надписей, нанесенных на погребальные памятники эпохи существования Новгородской губернии и, во-вторых, обращается к краткому анализу фамилий, содержащихся в этих... more
In zwei- oder mehrsprachigen Gebieten kann der Gebrauch von Ortsnamen in der einen oder anderen Namensform eine subjektive Entscheidung sein, die eine ideologische Positionierung des Sprechers mit sich führt. Das Ziel des vorliegenden... more
The paper reviews and complements existing knowledge about the acquisition of proper names. On the basis of research into children's language, it seems obvious today that the process of acquisition of proper names (anthroponyms) is... more
The names of Saul’s descendants appear in a different form in the books of Chronicles (1 Chr 8:33-34; 9:39-40) as compared to those in the books of Samuel (2 Sam 2-4; 9; 19; 21). In Chronicles the name Eshbaal is used instead of... more
В современной России возрос интерес к лингвокраеведческим исследованиям, о чем свидетельствует большое количество соответствующих научных публикаций. В статье дается краткий обзор основных источников и литературы по топонимии Воронежского... more
Este novedoso libro aborda la historia del proceso de identificación de las personas. Los autores subrayan en la introducción que se proponen tratar la dimensión histórica de la identificación, un concepto para el que resulta difícil dar... more
In twee van de vier abele spelen wordt melding gemaakt van een coninc van Averne. In Lanseloet van Denemerken geeft Sanderijn te kennen dat haar vader een adellijke schildknaap was in dienst van deze koning: Sanderijn benic gheheten, Ende... more
The article deals with peculiarities of toponyms' lexicographical description in the "Dictionary of the Regional Arkhangelsk Dialect" by Podvysotsky A.O. published in 1855. Since the compiler of the dictionary did not seek to fully and... more
The paper defines the role of airlines’ names in nation branding. The author describes the types of identity (territorial, political, ethnic) in airlines’ names and the main types of onyms communicating these identities. Key words:... more
https://www.ledevoir.com/opinion/idees/486729/la-lignee-tremblay-ou-l-aventure-nord-americaine-d-une-signature-adn Premier nom au Québec avec plus de 80 000 porteurs, Tremblay fait figure de symbole. Plus de 100 000 personnes portent le... more
The close link between an academic subject and the milestone of Christianity turns out to be the starting point of a long research through the meanders of names, a deep reflection upon the meaning of each singular name into both the Old... more
Майданова Л. М., Макарова С. В. Гидронимический ареал им, ым в Северном Приуралье. С. 3. Марадудна Т. В. Рефлексы сингармонизма в севернорусской субстратной топонимике. С. 7. Шаламова Г. Я. Некоторые результаты структурно-фонетического... more
Until the 1840s old spelling style prevailed in the Estonian language. In 1843 in his grammar Lutheran pastor Eduard Ahrens introduced a new spelling style which was inspired from the Finnish one. Spreading of new style was not rapid and... more
Bevezetés A Völgységi-patak felső vízvidékén végzett tájtörténeti vizsgálataim során azzal szembesültem, hogy a térség helyhez kötése a földrajzi, történeti és néprajzi tájak rendszerében egyre problematikusabbá kezd válni. A... more
Семантические микросистемы в топонимии — комплекс семан тически связанных названий смежных объектов. Рассмотрим это определение подробнее. Семантика топонима — понятие о данном географическом объ екте, включащее сведения о виде объекта... more
The article aims to show what are the process of naming in the system of Pitzorno's characters, strongly modeled through onomastics. Names are opportunities for the identification of the characters; moreover they act as a reminder of the... more
talig erfgoed | Rob Belemans 'Het kind kan maar een naam hebben', wordt wel eens gezegd -bij wijze van spreken. Maar achter deze dooddoener schuilt toch de waarheid dat het geven van een naam niet noodzakelijk een daad is waar veel... more
This article deals with the inscription on a rune-stone fragment discovered in 1985 at Igelsta in Östertälje parish in Södermanland, which according to the author commemorates a man named Øygrīmʀ. This name is very rare and is previously... more
В статье анализируются субстратные (дославянские) топонимы в бассейне озера Тудозеро (Вытегорский район Вологодской области) в соотношении с археологическими данными
In this paper I argue that the Mio Cid epithet, most widely associated with the Castilian warrior exile Rodrigo Díaz and traditionally believed to have been bestowed upon him by Arabic speakers, is in fact an autochthonous Castilian... more
Onomastics (or onomatology) refers to the study of proper names of any kind including the names of people (anthroponyms) and places (toponyms). The purpose of this article is to explain different aspects of onomastics and its related... more
This article analyses the male personal names of the Volzhsk Mari in the Bol’shoy Karamas Volost (nowadays territory of the Karamas and Sotnur rural settlements). The research was carried out on the basis of the census book of the... more
El estudio de la historia familiar y la onomástica proporciona una perspectiva esclarecedora sobre las estructuras sociales y la transmisión del patrimonio en las sociedades del Antiguo Régimen. La dificultad para identificar sujetos en... more
This article investigates the important role dreams have played in name-giving practices in Arabic culture through classical, modern, and contemporary sources. Given that our topic is related to public beliefs and that printed sources do... more
Рассматриваются имена, которыми в календарном обрядовом фольклоре обозначается Масленица, воспринимаемая антропоморфно. Оба основных имени – Авдотья (Дуня) и Прасковея – восходят к календарным олицетворениям христианских святых: св.... more
Latyshi and Chukhontsy: locals and strangers in Estonia and Latvia during the Livonian War (1558–1582) The medieval and early modern society in Estonia and Latvia was multilingual. The language of the people of higher social status was... more
In den Buchenblättern vom 27.1.2007 findet sich ein langer Artikel von G. Büchner mit der Titelfrage "Ist die Buchonia ein Buchenland?" und dem Untertitel "Eine Namensdeutung auf sprachgeschichtlicher Grundlage". Er kann nicht... more
Amorite ia-ah-wi and ia-wi are different spellings of the name element ZyaHwT/. /yaHwi/ certainly is a verbal form and not a theophoric element. A derivation of this form from /HWY is improbable. Instead, onomastic parallels and the... more
The development of toponymical cartography in Russia has a long history and rich practical experience. Cartographic methods have been used in toponymical research for many decades. Their great importance was noted by the founders of... more
Nine in-service EFL teachers' reflective discussions were examined. They simultaneously and collaboratively engaged in reflection on, in, and for-action. Online discussions served as a platform for an online community of practice. The... more