Sant Pere de Terrasa es un conjunto arquitectónico y arqueológico
monumental de época visigoda y... more Sant Pere de Terrasa es un conjunto arquitectónico y arqueológico
monumental de época visigoda y medieval formado por las iglesias de
Sant Pere, Sant Miquel y Santa Maria, que formaban el núcleo religioso de la histórica
diócesis de Egara, hoy Terrassa, activa de los siglos IV al IX. La sede egarense es uno de los monumentos paleocristianos más importantes actualmente conocidos en Hispania, sin duda el mejor conservado de Cataluña, y ha quedado perfectamente definido después de las excavaciones de los años 1995–2004. Ciertamente, el lugar no ha dejado de proporcionar nuevas sorpresas desde que a principios del siglo XX Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867–1956) empezara a excavar, pero hasta las más recientes intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas no ha sido posible comprender la evolución de este imponente espacio en toda su extensión y complejidad. Una de las más espectaculares novedades ha sido la recuperación de diversos tituli picti en función de rótulos didascálicos en las pinturas del ábside de la iglesia de Sant Miquel, cosa que ha facilitado la lectura de varios de los nombres de las figuras allí representadas, permitiendo la definitiva identificación del conjunto iconográfico con un apostolado, el más antiguo pintado de la Península Ibérica. De su lectura e interpretación nos ocuparemos en el presente estudio.
La campagna di scavo svoltasi nel settembre del 2009 nel settore sud-ovest del foro di Tusculum h... more La campagna di scavo svoltasi nel settembre del 2009 nel settore sud-ovest del foro di Tusculum ha portato alla luce una iscrizione contenente parte dell’elenco dei consoli romani dell’età di Cesare e dei primi anni dopo Cristo.
The purpose of this paper is to review the funerary inscription from Tarraco recording the beata ... more The purpose of this paper is to review the funerary inscription from Tarraco recording the beata Thecla, an old egiptian christian woman that was a consecrated virgin (AE 2007, 838). This holy sister native from Egypt was buried in one of the western palaeochristian funerary basilicas dated in the 5th century. A revision of the last twenty years literature is made, and the epigraphic characteristics of the whole text are reconsidered (palaeography, formulae, etc.). Finally, conclusions allow to confirm that there is no connexion between this beata Thecla and the medieval local cult devoted in Tarragona to the saint Thecla of Iconio, patroness of the city, as it was proposed by some authors.
Journal of Roman Archeology, 26, (2013) 113-135, 2013
The study of a new inscribed lead signaculum allowed us to identify one of the more widely docume... more The study of a new inscribed lead signaculum allowed us to identify one of the more widely documented mid-second century AD trade families from the amphorae tituli picti in Monte Testaccio (Rome). It is a marker designed to seal the plugs of Dressel 20 amphorae with the name of a traders company with strong ties to the patronage of the gens Iulia in the Astigi's roman colony area. We also explain, for the first time, from a functional perspective, the plugging technique used to plug these Roman amphorae. To justify the choice of lead in shaping this marker, we start from the basis of an ingenious system of sealing plugs applied to the amphorae. Agents of the merchants disposed equal copies of the marker stamp to endorse the diffusio olearia operation under the same trade pattern.
Sant Pere de Terrasa es un conjunto arquitectónico y arqueológico
monumental de época visigoda y... more Sant Pere de Terrasa es un conjunto arquitectónico y arqueológico
monumental de época visigoda y medieval formado por las iglesias de
Sant Pere, Sant Miquel y Santa Maria, que formaban el núcleo religioso de la histórica
diócesis de Egara, hoy Terrassa, activa de los siglos IV al IX. La sede egarense es uno de los monumentos paleocristianos más importantes actualmente conocidos en Hispania, sin duda el mejor conservado de Cataluña, y ha quedado perfectamente definido después de las excavaciones de los años 1995–2004. Ciertamente, el lugar no ha dejado de proporcionar nuevas sorpresas desde que a principios del siglo XX Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867–1956) empezara a excavar, pero hasta las más recientes intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas no ha sido posible comprender la evolución de este imponente espacio en toda su extensión y complejidad. Una de las más espectaculares novedades ha sido la recuperación de diversos tituli picti en función de rótulos didascálicos en las pinturas del ábside de la iglesia de Sant Miquel, cosa que ha facilitado la lectura de varios de los nombres de las figuras allí representadas, permitiendo la definitiva identificación del conjunto iconográfico con un apostolado, el más antiguo pintado de la Península Ibérica. De su lectura e interpretación nos ocuparemos en el presente estudio.
La campagna di scavo svoltasi nel settembre del 2009 nel settore sud-ovest del foro di Tusculum h... more La campagna di scavo svoltasi nel settembre del 2009 nel settore sud-ovest del foro di Tusculum ha portato alla luce una iscrizione contenente parte dell’elenco dei consoli romani dell’età di Cesare e dei primi anni dopo Cristo.
The purpose of this paper is to review the funerary inscription from Tarraco recording the beata ... more The purpose of this paper is to review the funerary inscription from Tarraco recording the beata Thecla, an old egiptian christian woman that was a consecrated virgin (AE 2007, 838). This holy sister native from Egypt was buried in one of the western palaeochristian funerary basilicas dated in the 5th century. A revision of the last twenty years literature is made, and the epigraphic characteristics of the whole text are reconsidered (palaeography, formulae, etc.). Finally, conclusions allow to confirm that there is no connexion between this beata Thecla and the medieval local cult devoted in Tarragona to the saint Thecla of Iconio, patroness of the city, as it was proposed by some authors.
Journal of Roman Archeology, 26, (2013) 113-135, 2013
The study of a new inscribed lead signaculum allowed us to identify one of the more widely docume... more The study of a new inscribed lead signaculum allowed us to identify one of the more widely documented mid-second century AD trade families from the amphorae tituli picti in Monte Testaccio (Rome). It is a marker designed to seal the plugs of Dressel 20 amphorae with the name of a traders company with strong ties to the patronage of the gens Iulia in the Astigi's roman colony area. We also explain, for the first time, from a functional perspective, the plugging technique used to plug these Roman amphorae. To justify the choice of lead in shaping this marker, we start from the basis of an ingenious system of sealing plugs applied to the amphorae. Agents of the merchants disposed equal copies of the marker stamp to endorse the diffusio olearia operation under the same trade pattern.
A partir de la publicación del corpus de las inscripciones romanas del ager Tarraconensis, presen... more A partir de la publicación del corpus de las inscripciones romanas del ager Tarraconensis, presentamos en este trabajo un estado de la cuestión sobre las inscripciones llamadas »menores« procedentes de una parte del mismo, en concreto del Camp de Tarragona, denominación que engloba el inmediato suburbio de la antigua capital de la Hispania Citerior a ambos lados del río Francolí. Los textos reunidos responden a varias tipologías y han sido escogidos por tratarse de textos nuevos o porque en esta ocasión se revisa la lectura previamente publicada a la luz de nuevos datos arqueológicos. Se trata de grafitos tanto en TS, con nombres propios, textos más largos y monogramas de difícil interpretación como marcas de propiedad en un dolium o de fabricante, como es el caso de un catillus de tipo pompeyano importado.This paper aims to provide the present-day state of research on the so-called minor inscriptions from the ager Tarraconensis excluding the capital Tarraco / Tarragona itself. The ...
8 páginas, 1 figura.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con la concesión por parte de la Fundación Mar... more 8 páginas, 1 figura.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con la concesión por parte de la Fundación Marcelino Botín de una beca de estudio, de carácter extraordinario, dirigida por Xavier Dupré.Peer reviewe
The aim of this paper is to present four new Latin inscriptions found out during the archaeologic... more The aim of this paper is to present four new Latin inscriptions found out during the archaeological interventions at the seaport suburb of Tarraco, near the Palaeochristian cemetery.
We present a reflection on the workshops charged with shaping the public image of Flavian Tarraco... more We present a reflection on the workshops charged with shaping the public image of Flavian Tarraco through its epigraphic monuments. For this purpose, we undertooka detailed analysis of the materials and media used to decorate the areas of representation of the Concilium Provinciae, established at the beginning of Vespasian’s reign, contrasting them with the epigraphic production of the preceding periods. The study is compared to other archaeological relics from the same area.
Los corpora epigráficos locales en Italia se encuentran actualmente en proceso de revisión. El in... more Los corpora epigráficos locales en Italia se encuentran actualmente en proceso de revisión. El incremento de los hallazgos y las novedades arqueológicas han motivado el estudio y la publicación de nuevos trabajos centrados en repertorios concretos, muchos de los cuales constituyen de facto una reedición epigráfica de fascículos del CIL.1 No obstante, el proyecto editorial de mayor envergadura sigue siendo la publicación de los Supplementa Italica (SupplIt), que siguen siendo instrumento fundamental para la actualización de los fascículos italianos del CIL.2 A pesar de contar con la publicación (2002) del volumen de M. R. Torelli, dedicado principalmente al estudio histórico de Benevento desde sus inicios hasta la época longobarda,3 faltaba un estado de la cuestión centrado explícitamente en su rico corpus epigráfico (900 inscripciones), que lo sitúa entre los diez más conspicuos de toda la península (5). Mommsen dio fe de su importancia capital con la frase: Epigrammata Beneventana, quae sunt plurima et maximi momenti.4 En efecto, en uno de los primeros volúmenes publicados (1883) del CIL (Regio II. Apulia et Calabria),5 no había una reedición específica reciente que actualizase su auctuarium (1899),6 aunque sí las fundamentales reseñas bibliográficas de C. Marangio (1987, 1995)7 y el fascículo de A. E. Felle (1993) dedicado al corpus paleocristiano.8 Según la editora P. Caruso, las inscripciones beneventanas se encontraban en una precaria situación tanto en lo concerniente a su divulgación científica como al estado de conservación. En consecuencia, la organización del congreso y la publicación de sus actas han tenido como principal objetivo colmar una laguna historiográfica y bibliográfica, pero también dotar a la autoridad competente de un instrumento con el que preservar unos bienes arqueológicos de altísimo interés científico. Como detalla la editora (12), uno de los mayores éxitos inmediatos del mencionado congreso fue la inclusión de las inscripciones de Benevento en la base de datos Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR) a cargo de G. Camodeca, lo que sin duda constituye un excelente instrumento de trabajo para los especialistas.9 Antiqua Beneventana reúne los trabajos presentados en ocasión del congreso (2009) ampliado con una serie de colaboraciones posteriores que dotan al volumen de 17 contribuciones con una gran riqueza en enfoques y materiales, destacando especialmente aquellos
La Fontana Arcaica Di Tusculum Idee Per La Conservazione La Fuente Arcaica De Tusculum Ideas Para Su Conservacion 2003 Isbn 84 8448 234 0 Pags 41 48, 2003
8 paginas, 10 figuras. Congreso celebrado en Roma, 10-24 de julio 2003, y organizado por el Insti... more 8 paginas, 10 figuras. Congreso celebrado en Roma, 10-24 de julio 2003, y organizado por el Instituto Espanol de Arquitectura (UVa), la Escuela Espanola de Historia y Arqueologia en Roma (CSIC), Consejeria de Educacion, Cultura y Deportes- Junta de Castilla y Leon, y la Universidad de Valladolid.
Presentamos un nuevo fragmento de inscripción funeraria procedente de la antigua Tarraco con part... more Presentamos un nuevo fragmento de inscripción funeraria procedente de la antigua Tarraco con parte de un carmen epigraphicum en hexámetros dactílicos. A pesar del poco texto conservado, el contenido permite identificar un centón a partir del repertorio poético de Virgilio y Ovidio, y quizá también de Valerio Flaco.
Zaragoza, J.; Huntingford, E. (eds.), Utopies i rebel.lió. Liz Russell, una vida acadèmica, Col·lecció Atenea, Arola Editors; Publicacions de la URV, Tarragona, p. 97-111., 2020
Vinci, M.S.; Ottati, A.; Gorostidi, D., La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale, Edizioni Quasar, Roma, p. 177-194., 2020
García-Entero, V.; Vidal Álvarez, S.; Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, A.; Aranda González, R. (eds.), Paisajes e historias en torno a la piedra. La ocupación y explotación del territorio de la cantería y las estrategias de distribución, consumo y reutilización de los materiales lapídeos desde la Antigüedad, 2020
Monografías de Prehistoria y Arqueología 1, UNED, Madrid, p. 273-295
In: Social Interactions and Status Markers in the Roman World Edited by George CUPCEA and Rada VARGA, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 37, Oxford, 2018, 91-114., 2018
In the forum of the small Colonia Barcino in the early second century AD, at
least 22 different ... more In the forum of the small Colonia Barcino in the early second century AD, at
least 22 different preserved pedestals were dedicated to L. Licinius Secundus.
This simple but exceptional freedman was accensus or administrator for the
extremely powerful L. Licinius Sura, three-times consul of Rome and a friend of
the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. The texts are almost identical: expressions
of gratitude for his favours and largesse from the ordo and seviri of Barcino, the
ordo of Auso (Vic), the ordo of Iamo (Ciutadella on the island of Menorca), and
up to four different examples from the seviri of Tarraco (IRC IV 83-104). This
accumulation of statues dedicated to a single person is rather surprising in a
town as small as Barcino, whose urban area covered a mere 12 hectares, most of
which was occupied by the large public forum complex and its gigantic temple
dedicated to the deified Augustus. The population of Barcino could not have
been more than 2,500, but of course some of its most important families could
have amassed enormous wealth and prestige.
In comparison, the neighbouring Colonia Tarraco, provincial capital of Hispania
Citerior, also known, according to the Baetican geographer Pomponius Mela, as
Hispania Tarraconensis, was one of the largest towns in Hispania...
Fischetti, A. L.; Attema, P. A. J. (eds.), Alle pendici dei Colli Albani. Dinamiche insediative e cultura materiale ai confini con Roma (Groningen Archaeological Studies 34), 2019
in Bianchi, E.; Pelloso, C. (eds.), Roma e l’Italia tirrenica. Magistrature e ordinamenti istituzionali nei secoli V e IV a.C., Classica Philosophica et Iuridica, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2020, p. 175-188, 2020
in Beltrán Lloris, F.; Díaz Ariño, B. (eds.), El nacimiento de las culturas epigráficas en el occidente Mediterráneo. Modelos romanos y desarrollos locales (II-I A.E.), Anejos del Archivo Español de Arqueologia, 85, CSIC, Madrid, 2018, pp. 55-70., 2018
After the recent re-edition of Tarraco’s epigraphic corpus (CIL II2/14), we initiated a multidisc... more After the recent re-edition of Tarraco’s epigraphic corpus (CIL II2/14), we initiated a multidisciplinary project to study the stones used for the town’s inscriptions. The study of Santa Tecla stone and the knowledge of the quarries of the territory provides a basis for the study of stone from Alcover, which was employed during the founding period of the colonia. Its lithology is very different from the bioclastic limestones and calcarenites so common around Tarragona that supplied large blocks and ashlars (El Mèdol and soldó stones) and facilitates obtaining uniform, thin pieces perfect for plaques. Its use for the earliest epigraphy is one of the clearest pieces of evidence to date the first historic urban phases. Alcover stone was used alongside another local stone, Santa Tecla limestone, which was gradually introduced during Augustan and Julio-Claudian times. However, in Flavian times, Alcover stone was no longer used in epigraphy.
Keywords: Tarraco, Alcover stone, Roman inscriptions
This paper examines the dossier related to Tiberius at Tusculum, one of the most important capita... more This paper examines the dossier related to Tiberius at Tusculum, one of the most important capitals of Latium Vetus. Archaeology and the epigraphic survey allow us to recognize the emperor’s influence in promoting local élite, coinciding with his long-term residence in his Tusculan estate, which he preferred as much as that well-renowned one in Sperlonga. According to ancient sources, the city was linked to the Claudii. By one hand, in its territory was placed the Regillus lake, charged with epic reminiscences for Roman and Latin people. It was connected as well with the Sabine ancestor Atta Clausus Inregillensis. By the other, the oikistes of Tusculum was Telegonus, son of Odysseus as well as mythical founder of this patrician family. Further, this greek hero evoked the liaison between Tusculum and Circe, whose promontorium ruled the lowlands down to Sperlonga. Both sites were, consequently, linked each other by mythic and erudite elements that will be now stressed thanks to new epigraphic discoveries at Tusculum.
This paper is presented in two parts. The first provides a brief sketch of the most outstanding e... more This paper is presented in two parts. The first provides a brief sketch of the most outstanding epigraphic formulas used in the political propaganda of Constantine, considering some of the paradigmatic cases in Hispania (Emerita and Tarraco). The second part delves into the existence of a series of Constantinian milestones in Catalonia that show us a Constantinian road network connecting a series of strategically built fortifications throughout the territory, which also served an obvious propagandistic purpose.
This paper aims to provide the present-day state of research on the so-called minor inscriptions ... more This paper aims to provide the present-day state of research on the so-called minor inscriptions from the ager Tarraconensis excluding the capital Tarraco / Tarragona itself. The majority of the inscriptions actually come from the neighbouring region known as »Camp de Tarragona«, but there are also some examples from the remaining part of its large ancient territory, but which are disregarded in this paper. The various texts presented here are found on completely differing types of carriers, from graffiti on numerous kinds of pottery to Greek tituli picti on walls. All of them have been chosen, because they were hitherto unedited or new archaeological investigations had thrown new light on their readings.
Expressions of grief and mourning are characteristic of Roman funerary inscriptions. Roman epitap... more Expressions of grief and mourning are characteristic of Roman funerary inscriptions. Roman epitaphs express sorrow for the deceased and reveal familiar emotional responses to memories of the dead person. In the epigraphic texts, death is usually depicted as something unknowable. As in contemporary societies, only philosophy and faith seem to offer a measure of relief when faced with the horror of death, particularly in the case of dead youth (mors immatura), so common in antiquity. Ancient inscriptions offer us a wealth of manifestations of grief and bereavement for children and young people who have died prematurely, through violence, illness or due to childbirth complications. Common people lamented the inexorability of fate by immortalizing their beloved ones in epitaphs carved in durable stone. Latin texts supplement our understanding of Roman attitudes towards death in diverse ways, going beyond contemporary religious beliefs, ritual practices, or traditional values. The repertory of topics ranges from the Homeric ‘good people die young and handsome’ to the embittered ‘remember that you will die’ (memento mori). Nevertheless, the main aim was to preserve the memory of the dead person, often recalling the specific traits of his/her nature. They thus offer us a vivid picture of the deceased.
Oral contribution in panel "Ancient Greek and Roman Multi-Sensory Spectacles of Grief", co-organised by Alessandra Abbattista(University of Roehampton) and Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University).
Se conoce la existencia en Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) de una serie de pequeños pedestales en toba l... more Se conoce la existencia en Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) de una serie de pequeños pedestales en toba local (peperino) dedicados a diversos héroes mitológicos relacionados con la fundación de la ciudad; por un lado, la pareja de los hermanastros Telégono y Telémaco (CIL XIV, 2649-50) y la formada por Orestes y Pílades (CIL XIV, 2647-2648) por otro, cuyas características formales permiten asociarlos a otros dedicados a los cónsules Q. Caecilius Metelus y M. Fulvius Nobilior (CIL XIV, 2600, 2601). Esta serie puede ser fechada entre finales de época republicana, inicios de época augústea. Por otro lado, hallazgos posteriores han ampliado el número de pedestales dedicados a importantes prohombres de la ciudad, que, aunque no comparten sino con los anteriores el tipo de material, responden por su contenido a la categoría de homenajes a los hombres que hicieron grande la ciudad. Es el caso de la base para una estatua ecuestre dedicada a Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus en calidad de imperator (AE 1997, 260), identificado con el cónsul del 122 aC., a la que cabe añadir la recuperada muy recientemente, con la mención a un primus flamen Dialis Tusculi (Gorostidi, en prensa), fechable en el último siglo de la república, y que supone, por tanto, la más antigua documentación epigráfica de este sacerdocio.
En consecuencia, en el presente trabajo nos planteamos si esta galería de summi viri tusculani fechada de modo laxo en el arco cronológico que abarca desde finales de época tardorepublicana a inicios del gobierno de Augusto pudiera haber sido previa a la construcción del programa con los elogia de la gens Julia y los summi viri de la historia de Roma que alzó en su foro. Partiendo de la base de la importancia de las comunidades laciales en la formación de la propaganda ideológica del fundador de la dinastía Julio-Claudia (cf. el elogio de Silvio Eneas, de Lavinium, CIL XIV, 2068), es posible plantear la existencia de programas semejantes asociados a la memoria histórica de estas pequeñas comunidades y que Tusculum podría documentar en su fase previa a la nueva política propagandística.
During the last decades, our knowledge on the exploitation and use of ornamental stones (marmora)... more During the last decades, our knowledge on the exploitation and use of ornamental stones (marmora), one of the natural resources somewhat overlooked on the archaeological research, has been greatly increased thanks to several teams and projects that focused on these materials. Not only the location and study of the quarries where they were exploited, but also the examination of archaeological, sculptural and epigraphic assemblages as well as the re-study of old collections, they all allow us to understand how they were exploited, to which purposes they were intended, the volume of extraction and even the trade or distribution routes.
Among them, broccatello di Spagna (locally known as Jaspi de la Cinta) stands out as an especially significant coloured Spanish stone on the context of Roman Spain and provides the best example to illustrate the importance that some of these materials reached. The quarries that supplied this stone are well known and this yellow and purple limestone from Dertosa (modern Tortosa) has a practically unique appearance that facilitates its identification to the expert eye without need of archaeometric analysis.
After the distribution maps presented by Lazzarini (2004), which assembled all the data on the presence of broccatello both in Hispania and other Mediterranean territories available up to 2002, new data has arisen which completes the picture of its use and distribution. This paper presents these advances, which mainly concern those derived from an on-going project on the distribution of this marmor outside Hispania, but are also important in regards of the use of broccatello in the northern territories of the Iberian Peninsula (i.e. the modern Basque country) and the Ebro valley.
After the recent re-edition of Tarraco’s epigraphic corpus (Alföldy, CIL II2/14), we initiated a ... more After the recent re-edition of Tarraco’s epigraphic corpus (Alföldy, CIL II2/14), we initiated a multidisciplinary project to study the stones used to for the town’s inscriptions (Gorostidi, López Vilar, in press). A first study on Santa Tecla’s stone (Álvarez et alii, 2009) and the knowledge of the quarries of the territory of Tarragona (Gutiérrez Garcia-M. 2009) allows us to tackle the study of a material employed during the founding period of the town: Alcover Stone. Its lithology, very different than the bioclastic limestones and calcarenites so common around Tarragona that supplied large blocks and ashlars (El Mèdol stone and soldó stones), facilitates obtaining uniform, thin pieces perfect for plaques. Its use for the earliest epigraphy is one of the clearest evidences to date the first historic phases, since it was used in the honorific inscriptions dedicated to the foundation of the colonia in Caesar’s times.
Alcover Stone was used alongside another local stone, Santa Tecla limestone, which was gradually implemented during Augustus’ and Julio-Claudian times. However, in Flavian times Alcover stone ceased to be used in epigraphy. The detailed exam of the inscriptions enables the identification of a hierarchy on the use of all these stones; in this hierarchy, Alcover stone is consigned to private uses from the Julio-Claudian period and leaves way to the foreign, prestigious marmora and the already mentioned Santa Tecla stone.
Its complete disappearance in the epigraphic record coincides with a change of technique of the oficina lapidaria. These workshops specialized from this period in a support which will become the most common in the town: the tripartite pedestals in Santa Tecla and Llisós stones. This typology was largely widespread on the whole conventus Tarraconensis, at the expense of the previously common plaques. This phenomena occurred simultaneously with the important urbanistic changes that were undertaken on the upper part of the town in Flavian times.
The aim of the paper is to present the short eulogy for the engineer Juanelo Turriano of Cremona,... more The aim of the paper is to present the short eulogy for the engineer Juanelo Turriano of Cremona, included in an anthology entitled Elogia Illustrium artificum of Pierleone Casella (1606). One of Turriano’s most celebrated works was that he had managed to supply water to the Alcazar of Toledo thanks to a extremely complex mechanical device known as the ‘Artificio de Juanelo’, a feat metaphorically glossed in the Casella’ elogium.
Actas del X Congreso Español de Estudios …, Jan 1, 2001
... El "Apologeticon Panegyricon" de Joan Baptista Anyes: Erasmo y Jerónimo. Au... more ... El "Apologeticon Panegyricon" de Joan Baptista Anyes: Erasmo y Jerónimo. Autores: DianaGorostidi Pi; Localización: Actas del X Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos : (21-25 de septiembre de 1999) / coord. por Emilio Crespo, María José Barrios Castro, Vol. ...
This is the second part of that of Macarena Moralejo Ortega:
Artistas y humanistas en los escrit... more This is the second part of that of Macarena Moralejo Ortega:
Artistas y humanistas en los escritos de Pierleone Casella. Pautas para su estudio (I), pp. 519-527.
ROMANA ATTRAVERSO... more Review of: PAOLA CARUSO (a cura di), ANTIQUA BENEVENTANA. LA STORIA DELLA CITTÀ ROMANA ATTRAVERSO LA DOCUMENTAZIONE EPIGRAFICA (Edizioni “La Provincia Sannita”; Benevento 2013). Pp. vi + 503, figs. ISBN 978-88-907651-7-9.
Matetić Poljak, D.; Marasović, K. (eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone. Proceedings of the XI ASMOSIA Conference (Split (Croàcia), del 18 al 22 de maig de 2015), Arts Academy in Split i University of Split, Split (Croàcia), 2018, p. 577-582., 2018
in: J. López (ed.), III Tarraco Biennal. Actes del 3r Congrés Internacional d’Arqueologia i Món Antic. La glòria del circ. Curses de carros i competicions circenses. In memoriam Xavier Dupré i Raventós (Tarragona, 16-19 novembre 2016) , 2017
Entre los años 2010 y 2011, las excavaciones realizadas bajo la nave central de la Catedral de Ta... more Entre los años 2010 y 2011, las excavaciones realizadas bajo la nave central de la Catedral de Tarragona documentaron una plataforma de opus caementicium que ha sido atribuida a la cimentación del templo dedicado al Divus Augustus por la Provincia Hispania Citerior. Un fragmento de inscripción monumental hallada en las excavaciones realizadas en el año 2000 al exterior del peribolos flavio, probablemente pueda ponerse en relación con el edificio. Se trata de un texto honorífico datable en época flavia en virtud del análisis paleográfico, cuyas 11 letras conservadas permiten restituir los términos templum divi y primus. Considerando el lugar de hallazgo del fragmento, pensamos que el citado templo podría ser el del Divus Augustus, mientras que primus entendido como adjetivo podría referirse al flaminado provincial, cuyos representantes fueron homenajeados en la gran plaza ubicada inmediatamente al sur del recinto presidido por el templo.
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia (StEurGn) 16/2017, 319-350., 2017
We present a reflection on the workshops charged with shaping the public image of Flavian Tarraco... more We present a reflection on the workshops charged with shaping the public image of Flavian Tarraco through its epigraphic monuments. For this purpose, we undertook a detailed analysis of the materials and media used to decorate the areas of representation of the Concilium Provinciae, established at the beginning of Vespasian's reign, contrasting them with the epigraphic production of the preceding periods. The study is compared to other archaeological relics from the same area.
4t Congrés Internacional d'arqueologia i món antic. VII Reunió d'arqueologia cristiana hispànica.... more 4t Congrés Internacional d'arqueologia i món antic. VII Reunió d'arqueologia cristiana hispànica. El cristianisme en l'antiguitat tardana. Noves perspectives.
Books by Diana Gorostidi Pi
Journals (indexed) by Diana Gorostidi Pi
monumental de época visigoda y medieval formado por las iglesias de
Sant Pere, Sant Miquel y Santa Maria, que formaban el núcleo religioso de la histórica
diócesis de Egara, hoy Terrassa, activa de los siglos IV al IX. La sede egarense es uno de los monumentos paleocristianos más importantes actualmente conocidos en Hispania, sin duda el mejor conservado de Cataluña, y ha quedado perfectamente definido después de las excavaciones de los años 1995–2004. Ciertamente, el lugar no ha dejado de proporcionar nuevas sorpresas desde que a principios del siglo XX Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867–1956) empezara a excavar, pero hasta las más recientes intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas no ha sido posible comprender la evolución de este imponente espacio en toda su extensión y complejidad. Una de las más espectaculares novedades ha sido la recuperación de diversos tituli picti en función de rótulos didascálicos en las pinturas del ábside de la iglesia de Sant Miquel, cosa que ha facilitado la lectura de varios de los nombres de las figuras allí representadas, permitiendo la definitiva identificación del conjunto iconográfico con un apostolado, el más antiguo pintado de la Península Ibérica. De su lectura e interpretación nos ocuparemos en el presente estudio.
monumental de época visigoda y medieval formado por las iglesias de
Sant Pere, Sant Miquel y Santa Maria, que formaban el núcleo religioso de la histórica
diócesis de Egara, hoy Terrassa, activa de los siglos IV al IX. La sede egarense es uno de los monumentos paleocristianos más importantes actualmente conocidos en Hispania, sin duda el mejor conservado de Cataluña, y ha quedado perfectamente definido después de las excavaciones de los años 1995–2004. Ciertamente, el lugar no ha dejado de proporcionar nuevas sorpresas desde que a principios del siglo XX Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867–1956) empezara a excavar, pero hasta las más recientes intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas no ha sido posible comprender la evolución de este imponente espacio en toda su extensión y complejidad. Una de las más espectaculares novedades ha sido la recuperación de diversos tituli picti en función de rótulos didascálicos en las pinturas del ábside de la iglesia de Sant Miquel, cosa que ha facilitado la lectura de varios de los nombres de las figuras allí representadas, permitiendo la definitiva identificación del conjunto iconográfico con un apostolado, el más antiguo pintado de la Península Ibérica. De su lectura e interpretación nos ocuparemos en el presente estudio.
least 22 different preserved pedestals were dedicated to L. Licinius Secundus.
This simple but exceptional freedman was accensus or administrator for the
extremely powerful L. Licinius Sura, three-times consul of Rome and a friend of
the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. The texts are almost identical: expressions
of gratitude for his favours and largesse from the ordo and seviri of Barcino, the
ordo of Auso (Vic), the ordo of Iamo (Ciutadella on the island of Menorca), and
up to four different examples from the seviri of Tarraco (IRC IV 83-104). This
accumulation of statues dedicated to a single person is rather surprising in a
town as small as Barcino, whose urban area covered a mere 12 hectares, most of
which was occupied by the large public forum complex and its gigantic temple
dedicated to the deified Augustus. The population of Barcino could not have
been more than 2,500, but of course some of its most important families could
have amassed enormous wealth and prestige.
In comparison, the neighbouring Colonia Tarraco, provincial capital of Hispania
Citerior, also known, according to the Baetican geographer Pomponius Mela, as
Hispania Tarraconensis, was one of the largest towns in Hispania...
Keywords: Tarraco, Alcover stone, Roman inscriptions
According to ancient sources, the city was linked to the Claudii. By one hand, in its territory was placed the Regillus lake, charged with epic reminiscences for Roman and Latin people. It was connected as well with the Sabine ancestor Atta Clausus Inregillensis. By the other, the oikistes of Tusculum was Telegonus, son of Odysseus as well as mythical founder of this patrician family. Further, this greek hero evoked the liaison between Tusculum and Circe, whose promontorium ruled the lowlands down to Sperlonga. Both sites were, consequently, linked each other by mythic and erudite elements that will be now stressed thanks to new epigraphic discoveries at Tusculum.
Tarraconensis excluding the capital Tarraco / Tarragona itself. The majority of the inscriptions actually come from the neighbouring region known as »Camp de Tarragona«, but there are also some examples from the remaining part of
its large ancient territory, but which are disregarded in this paper. The various texts presented here are found on completely differing types of carriers, from graffiti on numerous kinds of pottery to Greek tituli picti on walls. All of them have been chosen, because they were hitherto unedited or new archaeological investigations had thrown new light on their readings.
Oral contribution in panel "Ancient Greek and Roman Multi-Sensory Spectacles of Grief", co-organised by Alessandra Abbattista(University of Roehampton) and Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University).
En consecuencia, en el presente trabajo nos planteamos si esta galería de summi viri tusculani fechada de modo laxo en el arco cronológico que abarca desde finales de época tardorepublicana a inicios del gobierno de Augusto pudiera haber sido previa a la construcción del programa con los elogia de la gens Julia y los summi viri de la historia de Roma que alzó en su foro. Partiendo de la base de la importancia de las comunidades laciales en la formación de la propaganda ideológica del fundador de la dinastía Julio-Claudia (cf. el elogio de Silvio Eneas, de Lavinium, CIL XIV, 2068), es posible plantear la existencia de programas semejantes asociados a la memoria histórica de estas pequeñas comunidades y que Tusculum podría documentar en su fase previa a la nueva política propagandística.
Among them, broccatello di Spagna (locally known as Jaspi de la Cinta) stands out as an especially significant coloured Spanish stone on the context of Roman Spain and provides the best example to illustrate the importance that some of these materials reached. The quarries that supplied this stone are well known and this yellow and purple limestone from Dertosa (modern Tortosa) has a practically unique appearance that facilitates its identification to the expert eye without need of archaeometric analysis.
After the distribution maps presented by Lazzarini (2004), which assembled all the data on the presence of broccatello both in Hispania and other Mediterranean territories available up to 2002, new data has arisen which completes the picture of its use and distribution. This paper presents these advances, which mainly concern those derived from an on-going project on the distribution of this marmor outside Hispania, but are also important in regards of the use of broccatello in the northern territories of the Iberian Peninsula (i.e. the modern Basque country) and the Ebro valley.
Alcover Stone was used alongside another local stone, Santa Tecla limestone, which was gradually implemented during Augustus’ and Julio-Claudian times. However, in Flavian times Alcover stone ceased to be used in epigraphy. The detailed exam of the inscriptions enables the identification of a hierarchy on the use of all these stones; in this hierarchy, Alcover stone is consigned to private uses from the Julio-Claudian period and leaves way to the foreign, prestigious marmora and the already mentioned Santa Tecla stone.
Its complete disappearance in the epigraphic record coincides with a change of technique of the oficina lapidaria. These workshops specialized from this period in a support which will become the most common in the town: the tripartite pedestals in Santa Tecla and Llisós stones. This typology was largely widespread on the whole conventus Tarraconensis, at the expense of the previously common plaques. This phenomena occurred simultaneously with the important urbanistic changes that were undertaken on the upper part of the town in Flavian times.
Artistas y humanistas en los escritos de Pierleone Casella. Pautas para su estudio (I), pp. 519-527.
Benevento 2013). Pp. vi + 503, figs. ISBN 978-88-907651-7-9.