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2014 Li AJNMMI 4 490-506.pdf

Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 www.ajnmmi.us /ISSN:2160-8407/ajnmmi0000712 Review Article Kinetic modeling in PET imaging of hypoxia Fan Li1,2, Jesper T Joergensen1,2, Anders E Hansen1,3, Andreas Kjaer1,2 1 Cluster for Molecular Imaging, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Center for Nanomedicine and Theranostics, DTU Nanotech, Technical University of Denmark, Building 423, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark Received May 5, 2014; Accepted May 28, 2014; Epub September 6, 2014; Published September 15, 2014 Abstract: Tumor hypoxia is associated with increased therapeutic resistance leading to poor treatment outcome. Therefore the ability to detect and quantify intratumoral oxygenation could play an important role in future individual personalized treatment strategies. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) can be used for non-invasive mapping of tissue oxygenation in vivo and several hypoxia speciic PET tracers have been developed. Evaluation of PET data in the clinic is commonly based on visual assessment together with semiquantitative measurements e.g. standard uptake value (SUV). However, dynamic PET contains additional valuable information on the temporal changes in tracer distribution. Kinetic modeling can be used to extract relevant pharmacokinetic parameters of tracer behavior in vivo that relects relevant physiological processes. In this paper, we review the potential contribution of kinetic analysis for PET imaging of hypoxia. Keywords: Cu-ATSM, 18F-FMISO, 18F-FETNIM, 18F-FAZA, oxygenation Introduction The majority of locally advanced solid tumors exhibit hypoxic and even anoxic regions that are heterogeneously distributed within the tumor mass [1]. These regions are a result of an imbalance between oxygen supply and consumption and can generally be divided into perfusion limited (acute) hypoxia, which is generated by the diffuse nature of tumor vasculature, and diffusion limited (chronic) hypoxia, which develops as the distance between tumor vasculature, and the expanding tumor cells increases. Additionally, cancer associated anemia may contribute to the formation of tumor hypoxia following a decrease in the bloods ability to carry the oxygen [2]. The intricate link between tumor hypoxia and increased malignancy is well established [3-5]. In addition, hypoxic tumor cells represent an important therapeutic problem because of increased resistance towards ionizing radiation and chemotherapy [6-9]. The therapeutic targeting of tumor hypoxia represents an attractive strategy for individualized therapy of can- cer patients. In radiation oncology different approaches such as the use of adjuvant hypoxia sensitizers (e.g. nimorazole) during radiation therapy [10, 11]; therapeutic combinations aiming to increase tumor oxygenation [12-14]; and modern high linear energy transfer radiation strategies (e.g. heavy ion therapy) [15] has been applied with varying results. Additionally, heterogeneous delivery of radiation, also termed dose painting, holds the potential to selectively increase radiation dose to areas with known therapeutic resistance, such as hypoxic tumor regions. This approach is extremely challenging, as it requires the ability to continuously identify regional changes in intratumoral oxygenation levels, and currently knowledge is very limited with regard to how regional oxygenation luctuates during therapy [16, 17]. Therefore methods that allow for identiication of patients with hypoxic tumors that would beneit from hypoxia-modiied treatment could improve treatment eficacy. However, presently no method has reached a position as a clinically accepted routine approach for identiication of tumor hypoxia, even though a number of techniques have been evaluated to deter- Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging cal processes with high temporal and adequate spatial resolution. At present the radiolabelled glucose analog, 2-deoxy-2-(18F)luoro-D-glucose (18FFDG) is the most used PET tracer in clinical oncology. It utilizes that cancer cells take up greatly elevated levels of glucose, known as the Warburg effect [31, 32]. Additionally, 18F-FDG has also been proposed as a surrogate marker of tumor hypoxia following the potential increased cell metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis when oxygen level drops [33]. This induce an increase in the uptake of glucose but despite this well-characterized connection, preclinical and clinical studies have reported conlicting results; but in general 18F-FDG cannot be considFigure 1. Chemical structures of hypoxia speciic PET tracers. 18 ered as a consistent surrogate marker of F-FMISO: 18F-luoromisonidazole; 18F-FETNIM: 18F-luoroerythronitroimidazole; 18F-FAZA: 18F-luoroazomycin; 64Cu-ATSM: hypoxia in tumors [34-39]. Accordingly, sev64 Cu(II)diacethyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone). Besides eral radiotracers for speciic PET imaging of 64 Cu, Cu-ATSM can also be labeled with other radioactive cophypoxia including 18F-Fluoromisonidazole per isotopes such as 60Cu, 61Cu and 62Cu. 18 F-FMISO, luoroazomycin (18F-FAZA), luoroerythronitroimidazole (18F-FETNIM) and mine oxygenation in tissue. The polarographic copper(II)diacethyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (Cu-ATSM) have been developed electrode is currently the only method that can (Figure 1). provide a direct measure of oxygen tension, and it has been considered as the gold stanOne of the advantages of PET is the ability to dard for measurement of tumor pO2 over the measure radiotracer concentration in tissue or last two decades [4, 18-20]. In addition, a diforgans. Semiquantitative approaches are often ferent type of electrode based on the principle used for analysis of PET images but the main of oxygen-induced quenching of light emitted drawback is that it does not take into account by luorescent dye, has also been used for this variations caused by underlying processes purpose [21-23]. Immunohistochemical stainsuch as tracer delivery, trapping, competition ing of exogenous or endogenous surrogate with other molecules, and physical clearance markers of hypoxia in tumor biopsies is another [40]. Dynamic PET can be used to study tracer approach often used to assess tumor oxygenpharmacokinetics and temporal changes in ation [24-26]. However, these needle-based uptake, and clinical studies have indicated that methods have some limitations as they are valuable additional information can be obtained invasive procedures and only applicable for from the proile of time activity curves (TACs) tumors that are accessible with a needle. [32, 41, 42]. Furthermore, mathematical modMoreover, these techniques only allows for the eling based on non-invasive imaging data can assessment of oxygenation in a limited volume possibly be used to extract meaningful paramof the tumor microenvironment. The heterogeeters of tracer accumulation and distribution neous distribution of hypoxic areas makes a kinetics [40, 43-46]. non-invasive imaging approach attractive, and different techniques such as magnetic resoBasically, tracer kinetic modeling is based on a nance imaging (MRI) and electron paramagnetcompartmental model that is comprised of a ic resonance (EPR) with oxygen sensitive number of functional, homogenous units probes have been applied for assessment of termed compartments. These are interpreted tumor oxygenation [27-30]. Additionally, posias separate, structureless pools of tracer in tron emission tomography (PET) offers in vivo distinct state. The tracer transport between measurement and quantiication of physiologicompartments can be described by rate param- 491 Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging Figure 2. Graphical representation of common 2-tissue compartment models. Model (A) is consisting of three components and each is a function of time expressed as time activity curves. Input function, Ca(t) consists primarily of arterial blood and interstitial space close to vessels. The C1(t) compartment represents unbound tracer in tissue whereas C2(t) compartment represents bound tracer. This model contains three kinetic parameters, k1-3. Model (B) contains the same number of compartments but kinetic parameter also includes the transport rate constant k4. Moreover, the netto inlux parameter, Ki can be calculated based on k1-3 in a irreversible model, and k1-4 can be used to calculate the distribution volume, Vd in a reversible model. eters, and usually the models are described mathematically by irst order differential equations. Figure 2 demonstrates the two most widely used model structures within tracer kinetic studies. While a 2-tissue reversible model is often applied in studies of neuroreceptor-ligands, a 2-tissue irreversible model has been implemented in most studies of hypoxia tracer kinetics [47, 48]. In principle, additional compartments can be added to a model in order to obtain a more realistic interpretation of tracer kinetic behavior in vivo, including an increasing number of parameters. However, increased complexity affects the accuracy and reliability of the model parameter estimation due to limitation of the nonlinear minimization problem [49]. Therefore model selection should be considered as a balance between statistical accuracy and model complexity. As an alternative, graphical analysis is a more computational eficient way to calculate combinatorial parameters by turning a nonlinear problem into linear plots [50]. Thus the slope of the linear part of Patlak and Logan plots can be used to determine netto inlux rate, Ki and distribution volume, Vd for tracers with irreversible and reversible uptake, respectively. 492 Overall compartmental analysis provides a possibility to understand the tracer behavior in a speciic tissue and allows for the derivation of important kinetic parameters. This can provide additional information on a metabolic processes at the molecular level and thereby potentially improve the diagnostic and prognostic potential of a PET tracer. This review focuses on studies where compartment/kinetic modeling has been applied on PET data for quantiication of hypoxia. 18 F-FMISO The majority of hypoxia PET tracers belongs to a group of compounds termed nitroimidazoles that have been used intensively as immunological markers for immunohistochemical procedures and lowcytometry [51-55]. Nitroimidazoles enter cells by diffusion and are reduced by nitroreductases inversely correlated with oxygen tension. In the presence of oxygen they are able to leave the cell again, but under hypoxic conditions the nitroimidazoles become reduced and will be irreversibly trapped within the cells [56, 57]. 18 F-Fluoromisonidazole (18F-FMISO) was the irst nitroimidazole-based radiotracers for Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging Figure 3. The model of 18F-FMISO transport and metabolism presented by Casciari et al. 18F-FMISO enters the target tissue by lood low (F) and diffuse across the cell membrane, where it is reduced. KA is the rate constant describing the rate by which FMISO is reduced. Cellular accumulation of FMISO and washout of diffusible product is running side by side. Cc, Cp, Cbp, Cdp, Cdpe corresponds to 18F-FMISO concentration in tissue, in blood plasma, 18F-FMISO bound product and cellular diffusible product, respectively. V T, η are the tissue speciic volume and dimensionless fractional variable. KA is related to the oxygen level and can be considered as a surrogate measure of hypoxia. hypoxia PET imaging to be developed, and it has been extensively used in both preclinical and clinical studies [58-63]. The kinetic proile and characteristics of 18 F-FMISO has also been investigated in a number of studies applying various approaches. In 1995 Casciari et al. developed a mathematical model based on knowledge on the cellular metabolism and tracer transport in tissue. The main objective was to quantify 18F-FMISO reaction rate constant, K A, a parameter related to the level of cellular oxygen (see Figure 3). Models performance was tested using Monte Carlo simulation and itted to 18F-FMISO timeactivity PET data from human and rat tumors. This demonstrated the importance of including some transport limits such as parameter ixing of the compartments representing tracer in the tissue. In addition the effect of noise on accurately determination of K A was small when some parameters were ixed at physiological meaningful values; however, the accuracy of K A was sensitive to the accuracy of the ixed parameters [64]. Kelly and Brady also did a simulation work on the spatiotemporal distribution of 18F-FMISO in tumor microenvironment by applying a modular approach to simulated data. They included parameters to model spatial diffusion of free 493 18 F-FMISO and its reduced compounds and modiied a conversional reversible 2-compartmental model, with a reaction-diffusion equation, in order to improve 18F-FMISO distribution dynamics [65]. The model was then used to generate simulated data based on patient plasma time activity curve as input. It was necessary to set transport parameter k4 = 0. Additionally, a number of technical limitations that inluenced the model were identiied. On the basis on this, the kinetic and spatial effects of diffusion could be disregarded in the data itting process. The adaptive model illustrated that a reversible 2-compartment model with varying diffusion distances and diffusion coeficients was able to generate more realistic TACs. Moreover, it demonstrated that simulation models of tracer spatiotemporal distributions provides a options to investigate the effects of heterogeneity on TACs and the relationships between image data and molecular processes, prior to empirical studies. Besides these simulation studies of 18F-FMISO, a limited number of preclinical studies in mice and rats have focused on kinetic modeling. Whisenant et al. did a study in nude mice bearing Trastuzumab-resistant breast tumors in order to test the reproducibility of kinetic parameters derived from dynamic PET scan protocols [66]. Mice received 60 min dynamic Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging PET scan six hours apart with 18F-FLT and 18 F-FMISO, respectively. They found that the distribution volume, Vd and the net inlux constant, Ki were the most reproducible parameters for 18F-FMISO. In contrast transport constant k1 and trapping constant k3 were the most variable. For 18F-FLT Vd, k3, and Ki were shown to be the most reproducible parameters. In another study Bejot et al. evaluated 18F-3NTR, a 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole analogue (N(1) substituted) (18F-3-NTR) against 18F-FMISO as hypoxia PET tracer in tumor bearing mice and concluded that 18F-3-NTR could not be considered a hypoxia imaging agent due to its poor binding capacity [67]. Furthermore, based on the Akaiki information criterion there was no beneit of applying a 3-compartment irreversible model to describe 18F-FMISO kinetics when compared to a 2-compartment irreversible model. In a recent study, Bartlett et al. investigated a group of nude rats bearing prostate tumors in order to ind a non-invasive approach based on dynamic PET for better identiication of tumor hypoxia [23]. Voxelwise kinetic parameters calculated from 2-compartment model itting to 18 F-FMISO uptake data were compared to pO2 measurements. When k1 and k2 were constrained, 18F-FMISO trapping rate, k3 was shown to be a more robust discriminator for low pO2 within tumor tissue than a simple tissue-toplasma ratio. This suggest that voxelwise based kinetic modeling could improve accuracy of tumor hypoxia estimation. Finally, the use of kinetic modeling of 18F-FMISO has also been investigated in a few clinical studies. Bruehlmeier et al. used 15O-H2O to study the inluence of perfusion on the pharmacokinetics of 18F-FMISO in eleven patients with brain cancer and observed an increased late uptake in glioblastomas [68]. Pixel-wise comparison showed a positive relationship between 15 O-H2O and early uptake of 18F-FMISO, whereas no correlation was found for late 18F-FMISO distribution. Standard 2- and 3-compartment models and Logan graphical analysis were used to calculate distribution volumes and transport rate constants and found that a Vd above one was indicative of active 18F-FMISO uptake. Additionally, the 18F-FMISO uptake rate, k1 was increased in all tumor tissue, compared to values in white matter and in cortex. In 494 meningioma they found the highest value for k1 of all brain tumors. This increase k1 permitted delineation of the meningioma in an early 18 F-FMISO PET image, but the tumor did not exhibit subsequent 18F-FMISO accumulation and was not visualized in the late PET images. Accordingly, the 18F-FMISO distribution volume in the meningioma was not increased despite a high k1 value. However, despite Vd providing a good measure of 18F-FMISO accumulation, it was concluded that it does not offer additional information compared to tumor-to-background ratios of late PET images. Using a similar experimental setup with 15O-H2O and 18F-FMISO, Bruehlmeier et al. applied graphical analysis on dynamic PET data from six dogs with spontaneous sarcomas [69]. They found that tumor tissue could be markedly delineated from surrounding tissue including muscles by positive inlux rate Ki derived from a Patlak plot. The presence of tumor hypoxia was conirmed by eppendorf electrode measurement. In a study of head and neck cancer patients, Thorwarth et al. performed quantitative image analysis based on irreversible compartmental modeling of dynamic 18F-FMISO PET data [70]. This model was different from previous approaches by including weighing factors for the respective model compartments. The input function was determined from the signal of a reference tissue and the irreversible model was applied to identify and quantify TACs using a voxel-to-voxel approach. Evaluation of model performance indicated that the parameters derived from the kinetic model were superior to SUV for quantiication in extremely low oxygenated and necrotic tissue areas. In another study the same model was applied to a small group of head and neck cancer patients that were scanned dynamically for 60 min prior to radiotherapy [42]. Assessment parameters representing hypoxia and perfusion derived from the kinetic model were not able to predict treatment outcome. However, Thorwarth et al. introduced a novel parameter, termed the malignancy value, that was dependent on both hypoxia and perfusion characteristics of the tissue. This malignancy value could be used as a prognostic factor indicating that the parameters may provide additive information. Furthermore, in a preclinical study, Cho et al. adapted Thorwarth’s model for comparing perfusion Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging and hypoxia parameters derived from MRI with 18 F-FMISO PET in a rat prostate cancer model [71]. The tumor perfusion derived from DCEMRI was found positively correlated with early 18 F-FMISO PET but inversely correlated to late slope maps of the 18F-FMISO PET time-activity curve. Wang et al. applied a generic irreversible 2-compartmental model to analyze dynamic 18FFMISO PET dataset within three regions of an image phantom [72]. The purpose of the phantom study was to determine the statistical accuracy and precision of the kinetic analysis. The results from the phantom study was used for guidance in a clinical dynamic 18F-FMISO PET study of nine head and neck cancer patients with local squamous cell carcinoma [73]. Based on this they identiied Ki as a potential hypoxia marker and found a signiicant correlation to 18F-FMISO tumor-to-blood ratio. In addition to modeling of tumor hypoxia, 18 F-FMISO has also been used in studies of ischemic stroke. Takasawa et al. performed a rat stoke study that included dynamic PET with 18 F-FMISO. In order to obtain quantitative comparison between the tracer retention from affected and unaffected cerebral hemispheres, an irreversible compartmental model was used for calculation of k1 and Ki [74]. Immediately after the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery a remarkable increased Ki was observed in the affected site. This suggests that 18F-FMISO can potentially be used to visualize the occlusion at a very early stage. However, in spite of histological indings, no difference in either k1 and Ki was found between affected and unaffected cerebral hemispheres 48 hours after the occlusion. In another study Hong et al. used the dataset generated by Takasawa et al. to perform kinetic analysis [75]. Basis functions from plasma input compartment (BAFPIC) model is a modiied version of the standard compartment model approach and can be applied to both reversible and irreversible models. In this study BAFPIC was compared to both conventional compartment modeling, as well as the most common analysis methods for generation of parametric maps. The BAFPIC method showed lower variability and bias than nonlinear least squares modeling in hypoxic tissue. In addition, voxel based parametric mapping of dynamic imaging was shown to be less affected by noise-induced variability compared to nonlin- 495 ear least squares modeling and Patlak graphical analysis. BAFPIC could therefore potentially be applied to other tracers with irreversible characteristics, and although the focus of this study was on voxelwise modeling, other kinetic parameter estimations in regions with noise can be performed using the BAFPIC algorithm as well. 18 F-FETNIM Even though 18F-FMISO has been used extensively, a slow hypoxia speciic retention and clearance from non-hypoxic tissue is a limitation and results in low tumor-to-background contrast [76]. To improve image quality 18 F-labeled nitroimidazole analogs including 18 F-FETNIM, 2-nitroimidazole nucleoside analog (18F-HX4) and 2-(2-Nitromidazole-1H-yl)-N(2,2,3,3,3-pentaluoropropyl)acetamind (18FEF5), that have structural modiications - with changed lipophilic properties, have been developed to overcome the basic pharmacokinetic limitations [44, 77, 78]. 18F-FETNIM was introduced as a novel hypoxia-speciic PET tracer in 1995 and has shown promising results in clinical studies [77, 79]. In studies in patients with head and neck cancer Lehtiö et al. performed compartmental analysis based on dynamic 18F-FETNIM PET scans [80, 81]. They adapted the model previously introduced by Casciari et al. for 18F-FMISO metabolism and transport (Figure 3). Blood low rate (F), tissue activity correction factors (β1, β2) and cellular 18F-FETNIM reaction rate (K A), considered the hypoxia speciic binding rate, were estimated by itting the model to dynamic PET data. They found that the level of tracer uptake (K A) was most sensitive to changes in oxygen in tissue with high blood low. Furthermore, distribution volumes derived from Logan plots correlated positively with the tumor-to-plasma ratio but not with tumor-tomuscle ratio. This suggests that plasma should be preferred as reference tissue rather than muscle. 18 F-FAZA Like 18F-FETNIM, 18F-FAZA is a next generation nitroimidazole-based PET tracer. Several studies have compared the tracer kinetics of 18 F-FAZA with 18F-FMISO and reported of improvements in washout from non-hypoxic tis- Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging sue and faster renal clearance [82-84]. Moreover, a recent study of 50 patients conirmed the feasibility of using FAZA PET for detection of tumor hypoxia in clinic [85]. A few studies have focused on kinetic modeling of dynamic 18F-FAZA PET. Reischl et al. demonstrated an increased tumor to blood ratio due to faster vascular clearance of 18F-FAZA when compared to 18F-FMISO and that is one of most important criteria for hypoxia tracer development in relation to hypoxia imaging optimization [86]. Busk et al. reported a dynamic 18F-FAZA animal study in three tumor xenograft models of squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix. The dynamic data were analyzed by an irreversible 2-compartmental model. Overall variations in the pattern of TACs were tumor type dependent. The inlux rate constant Ki was shown to have a strong correlation to late 18F-FAZA uptake in two of three tumors models. On the other hand, weak correlation between irreversible parameter k3 and late 18F-FAZA uptake was observed in two of three tumor models [87]. Two small clinical studies have used dynamic 18 F-FAZA PET data to compare different kinetic models. While Shi et al. used a voxelvise approach to correlate model parameters of interest with perfusion measured by 15O-H2O PET in patients with head and neck cancer; Verwer et al. applied the Akaiki information criterion to evaluate model itting to TACs obtained from nine non-small cell lung cancer patients [88, 89]. Both studies concluded that a reversible 2-compartment model showed the best correlation and robustness with their expectations and assumptions. Cu-ATSM Beside the nitromidazole-based compounds, a copper labeled metallocomplex termed copper(II)diacethyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (Cu-ATSM) has been applied as radiotracer for PET imaging of tumor hypoxia [90]. Image quality is generally superior to the nitroimidazoles, however, despite promising clinical performance [91-93], preclinical data from experimental hypoxia imaging is conlicting with regard to tracer selectivity [94-97]. The mechanism of tracer uptake and retention is still not fully understood but it is believed that Cu(II)- 496 ATSM is reduced to the unstable [Cu(I)- ATSM]complex in both hypoxic and normoxic cells. Under normoxic conditions [Cu(I)-ATSM]- is reoxidized and thereby able to of leave the cell. The reoxidation of [Cu(I)-ATSM]- is, however, not expected to occur under hypoxic conditions, and the electrochemically negative molecule becomes irreversibly trapped and dissociates [98, 99]. As for the other hypoxia PET tracers there are only limited data concerning the pharmacokinetics of Cu-ATSM. A simulation work carried out by Holland et al. applied a model based on an in vitro study on cellular uptake and retention of 64Cu-ATSM in EMT6 murine carcinoma cells. The model demonstrated that a decrease in cellular pH may protonate the unstable Cu(I)ATSM complex and increase the rate of dissociation [100]. The kinetic analysis was consistent with experimental cellular uptake. Bowen et al. suggested an electrochemical models based on the retention mechanisms for 18 F-FMISO and 61Cu-ATSM, respectively [101]. In this work the preclinical data were compared to transformation functions derived from tracer uptake and pO2 measurements. Comparisons between 61Cu-ATSM and 18F-FMISO uptake showed inconsistent results, but this could be due to the different retention mechanisms. However, the results suggested that 18F-FMISO uptake was superior for differentiation of a wide range of pO2 values, but 61Cu-ATSM uptake provided more reliable information on variations at low pO2 range. In another study Dalah et al. performed a simulation work based on the model adapted from Kelly and Brady [102]. This reined model was used to simulate realistic TACs that were comparable to 64Cu-ATSM patient TACs and showed favorable tumor delineation in form of higher tumor to blood ratio compared to 18F-FMISO. Kinetic modeling of Cu-ATSM PET has also been applied in a few animal studies. Lewis et al. evaluated Cu-ATSM retention in canine models of hypoxic myocardium [97]. Monoexponential analysis and 2-compartmental model itting were applied to the TACs in order to determinate washout of Cu-ATSM from regions of the myocardium. Based on the assumption that the relationship between washout and retention is inverse proportional, they reported Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging of an increase of Cu-ATSM retention in ischemic regions when compared to normal myocardium. Moreover, the data also indicated that Cu-ATSM retention in hypoxic regions of the myocardium was independent of increased perfusion and that there was no retention in necrotic tissue. Recently, McCall et al. performed a preclinical study of 64Cu-ATSM uptake in rats bearing FaDu human head and neck cancer xenografts. Graphical analyses were used to derive the net inlux parameter, Ki and distribution volume, Vd. In general, a stronger linear relationship was found for Logan plots but both parameters were signiicantly higher in tumor tissue when compared to muscle tissue. Additionally, a continuous increasing tumor-to-muscle ratio was observed [103]. Finally, Cu-ATSM has been used in multitracer PET studies where two or three tracers were administered with delayed injections. Following image separation, signal recovery was performed based on differences in tracer kinetics and physical decay. In a phantom study of 62 Cu-ATSM and the perfusion PET tracer, 62 Copper-pyruvaldehyde-bis[N4-methylthiosemicarbazone] (62Cu-PTSM), Rust et al. demonstrated a great similarity between perfusion and hypoxia parameters obtained by the dual tracer approach, and parameters estimated by single-tracer imaging [104]. The results were later conirmed by Black et al. that adapted the phantom study protocol and used it for 62 Cu-ATSM and 62Cu-PTSM PET imaging in dogs with spontaneous tumors [105]. Rate constants obtained from irreversible 2-compartment modeling was used to evaluate the signal separation of the two PET tracers. However, while k1 and k2 could be recovered from the mixed PET signal the recovery of k3 was more problematic. The same group has also experimented with a triple-tracers setup including 18 F-FDG [106]. Altogether, the multitracer approach can potential provide different functional information about physiological processes within a short period of time; thereby decreasing the possible effect of microenvironmental changes. However, there are some questions there needs to be address with regard to the long dynamic acquisition time, and the risk of losing information as a consequence of temporal overlap. 497 Table 1 summaries studies on kinetic modeling of hypoxia using PET tracers. Challenges in kinetic modeling of hypoxia PET tracers Studies on kinetic modeling of hypoxia PET tracer needs also deal with the issues, related to acquisition of dynamic PET data in general. The amplitude of noise can be inluenced by several physical factors such as the radiopharmaceutical properties of the tracer, injected dose, frame duration, and the sensitivity of the PET camera. In addition, the size of the volumes of interest (VOI) or voxels will also have effect on the scale of noise. In quantitative analysis of dynamic PET data, the accuracy of kinetic parameter estimation is not only related to the signal to noise ratio, but also the number of model parameters and selection of estimation method [107]. Non-linear least square optimization is the most widely used technique to perform curveitting for parameter estimation in conventional compartment modeling [8, 25, 26]. The accuracy of both curve-itting and determination of particular parameters is sensitive to selection of initial conditions [108]. If the initial conditions are improper, it becomes problematic to ind a global minimum of the residual sum of squares for parameters in a multidimensional itting space [49, 109, 110]. A rational way to obtain initial conditions is by applying parameter estimates from similar tracer kinetic studies. Likewise, species and organ dependent physiological measurements found in literature can be used to deine the range for parameter boundaries. If no initial conditions are available simulation or phantom studies can be used to determine approximate values that can be used for model optimization. In addition, a number of linearizing methods can be applied to reduce computational time at the cost of limited model parameter as output [50]. Basis function and generalized linear least squares method are other options that reduce the processing time of parameter estimation compared to nonlinear least-squares approach [59, 111]. The input function has great impact on the model performance, and robust determination is crucial for the accuracy of parameter calculation [112, 113]. The input function is deined as Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging Table 1. Overview of kinetic modeling work with regard to hypoxia using different hypoxia PET tracers Tracer Image Targeting Methods Application Species Authors 18 F-FMISO Hypoxia Voxelwise kinetic modeling Oncology/Prostate tumor Rat Bartlett et al. [23] F-FMISO - Oncology Rat Casciari et al. [64] Noninvasive pO2 measurement 18 3 H-FMISO 18 15 F-FMISO Kinetic model Monte Carlo simulations Hypoxia, perfusion O-H2O Dynamic PET Patient Oncology/Brain tumor Patient Bruehlmeier et al. [68] Bruehlmeier et al. [69] Kinetic models Logan graphical analysis 18 15 F-FMISO Hypoxia, perfusion Patlak graphical analysis Oncology/Spontaneous sarcomas Dog Hypoxia Modular simulation Oncology/Model evaluation Simulation work Kelly and Brady et al. [65] O-H2O 18 F-FMISO Probability density function 18 18 F-FMISO Hypoxia Kinetic model Oncology/Model evaluation Phantom study Wang et al. [72] F-FMISO Hypoxia Pharmacokinetic analysis Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Wang et al. [73] Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Thorwarth et al. [70] Oncology/Radiotherapy Patient Thorwarth et al. [42] Oncology/Prostate tumor Rat Cho et al. [71] Oncology/Non-immunogenic carcinoma Mouse Bejot et al. [67] Scan protocol validation Mouse Whisenant et al. [66] Dynamic PET/CT 18 F-FMISO Hypoxia, perfusion Dynamic PET Two compartment model 18 F-FMISO Hypoxia Dynamic PET Two compartment model 18 F-FMISO Hypoxia DCE-MRI Dynamic PET Autoradiography 18 F-FMISO 18 F-3-NTR 18 F-FMISO 18 Hypoxia Dynamic PET Graphical analysis F-FDG 18 Dynamic PET Compartment modeling F-FDG 18 18 Hypoxia Graphical analysis F-FMISO Stroke Dynamic PET Stroke Rat Takasawa et al. [74] F-FMISO Hypoxia Dynamic PET Stroke Rat Hong et al. [75] Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Lehtio et al. [80] Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Lehtio et al. [81] Voxelwise Kinetic analysis based on basis function method 18 F-FETMIN Hypoxia Dynamic PET Tumor to plasma ratio Tumor to plasma ratio 18 F-FETMIN Hypoxia Dynamic PET Compartment analysis 498 Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging 18 F-FAZA Hypoxia Dynamic PET Oncology/Squamous cell carcinoma Mouse Busk et al. [87] Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Shi et al. [88] Immunohistochemical staining Immunohistochemical staining 18 15 F-FAZA Hypoxia, perfusion O-H2O 18 F-FAZA 60 Cu-ATSM Dynamic PET Kinetic model Hypoxia Dynamic PET/CT Oncology/No-small cell lung cancer Patient Verwer et al. [89] Hypoxia Compartment analysis Myocardial ischemia Dog Lewis et al. [97] 64 Cu-ATSM 64 Cu-ATSM 64 Cu-ATSM Hypoxia Non-steady-state kinetic simulations Oncology/EMT6 murine carcinoma Mouse Holland et al. [100] Cu-ATSM Hypoxia Electrochemical model Oncology/Head and neck cancer Patient Bowen et al. [101] 61 18 F-FMISO Transformation function pO2 microelectrode 64 Cu-ATSM Hypoxia Kinetic modeling Oncology/Radiotherapy Simulation work Dalah et al. [102] 64 Cu-ATSM Hypoxia Dynamic PET Oncology/Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Rat Multiple tracer protocol Simulation work Rust et al. [104] Dynamic PET Multiple tracer protocol Dog Black et al. [105] Compartment analysis Signal separation and recovery Dynamic PET Multiple tracer protocol Dog Black et al. [106] Compartment analysis Signal separation and recovery Autoradiography McCall et al. [103] Immunohistochemical staining 62 Cu-PTSM 62 Cu-ATSM 62 Cu-PTSM 62 Cu-ATSM 18 F-FDG 62 Cu-PTSM 62 Cu-ATSM 499 Hypoxia, perfusion Dynamic PET 62 Hypoxia, perfusion Hypoxia, perfusion and glycolysis Cu-ATSM Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging blood time active concentration and can be obtained either by blood sampling or noninvasively from the left ventricle or large vessels by an image derived approach [89, 113, 114]. When using arterial blood sampling the input function should be corrected for dispersion and delay. On the other hand, for the non-invasive method a number of artifacts such as partial volume effect and respiratory movements can lead to misinterpretation [115]. Additionally, correction for plasma binding and metabolites should be considered. Besides the technical aspects of kinetic modeling of dynamic PET data there are also factors more speciic related to hypoxia imaging that needs to be considered. The hypoxia tracers that have been applied in dynamic PET imaging are lipophilic compounds that enter cells by free diffusion, become metabolized and consequently trapped within the cell. Based on the proposed trapping mechanisms of used hypoxia-speciic tracers it is therefore reasonable to assume that they will be unable to leave the cell for the duration of the PET acquisition. On this basis, an irreversible model will be most suitable to relect tracer accumulation in vivo. However, in studies comparing different compartment models for FAZA PET the difference between reversible and irreversible two compartment models were negligible [88, 89]. Importantly, recent studies have suggested that Cu-ATSM accumulation can perhaps be inluenced by copper metabolism and that there can also be an eflux of Cu-ATSM or the radioactive copper from cells [116, 117], which should be kept in mind when applying kinetic models to dynamic Cu-ATSM PET data. The majority of studies on kinetic modeling of hypoxia PET tracers are focused on cancer. As previously mentioned perfusion limited (acute) hypoxia is caused by changes in local tumor blood low, and regional oxygenation can therefore suddenly change. These luctuations represent a challenge, as the estimated parameters could be average values of varying oxygenation during the dynamic PET acquisition. In order to implement the use of kinetic models in clinic, the reproducibility of model output is an important part of the validation process. The reproducibility of model parameters derived from dynamic 18F-FMISO PET has been investigated and some degree of variations was observed [66]. However, part of this variation could be 500 due to the luctuating nature of acute hypoxia that inluence tracer uptake and potentially also impact model parameters. Moreover, because hypoxia is a heterogeneous phenomenon with microregional differences in oxygen tension within a target tissue. This represents a challenge for quantiication of PET imaging as uptake in a VOI will represent an average value with contribution from multiple microregions. This will also be relected in the parameters estimated based on TACs generated from these VOIs. As an alternative, voxel-based tracer kinetic modeling can be applied and more precisely relects the tracer behavior in smaller subvolumes [70, 118]. However, computation time for this approach is demanding, and the error scale will be much higher, compared to parameters calculated based on TACs derived from larger VOIs. Therefore it is important to get a reasonable balance between the signal to noise ratio and the deinition of voxel size and frame duration. Increasing the injected dose can be a way to improve the signal to noise ratio but this will also increase the absorbed dose and should therefore be considered with caution. Conclusion and future perspectives Dynamic PET based kinetic modeling represents a methodology that can potentially be used to extract additional information of cellular processes. Despite some promising results, a number of technical dificulties and limitations need to be solved for clinical implementation, e.g. the limited ield of view in clinical PET scanners, and development of methods for robust determination of the input function without continuous blood sampling. Several studies have shown that it is possible to obtain kinetic parameters from dynamic hypoxia PET data but at present validation of model output against other modalities is sparse. This review points out the potential applications of dynamic hypoxia PET imaging but before a kinetic model can be fully integrated in the clinic it needs to be validated and shown that it contributes to the current assessment routine. Disclosure of conlict of interest None. Address correspondence to: Fan Li, Cluster for Molecular Imaging, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(5):490-506 Kinetic modeling in hypoxia PET imaging Copenhagen N, Denmark. Tel: +45 35326007; Fax: +45 35327248; E-mail: fanli@sund.ku.dk References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] 501 Hockel M and Vaupel P. Tumor hypoxia: deinitions and current clinical, biologic, and molecular aspects. J Natl Cancer Inst 2001; 93: 266276. Vaupel P and Harrison L. Tumor hypoxia: causative factors, compensatory mechanisms, and cellular response. Oncologist 2004; 9 Suppl 5: 4-9. Hockel M, Schlenger K, Mitze M, Schaffer U and Vaupel P. Hypoxia and Radiation Response in Human Tumors. Semin Radiat Oncol 1996; 6: 3-9. Brizel DM, Sibley GS, Prosnitz LR, Scher RL and Dewhirst MW. Tumor hypoxia adversely affects the prognosis of carcinoma of the head and neck. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997; 38: 285-289. 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