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China's Urban Transformation

2012, European Financial Review

The European Financial Review » Global Economy Management Operat... http://www.europeanfinancialreview.com/?p=5417 Home Opinion White Paper About Subscribe Archive Author Guidelines Sponsors Contact Us Advertising China’s Urban Transformation By editor1 • Aug 18th, 2012 • Category:Global Economy, Management, Operation, Recent Articles By Weiping Wu & Piper Gaubatz Urban China is a fascinating topic of study: it displays unprecedented dynamism under market transition and globalizing forces. The development of Chinese cities was fundamentally altered with the economic reform process initiated in 1979. How are burgeoning connections between cities in China and major global cities set against the backdrop of increasing globalization? How does urbanization experience differ across China’s regions, perhaps reshaping the country’s urban system? How has rapid urbanization played out spatially within cities? When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, only about 10 percent of the country’s population lived in cities. Today, 10 percent of the world’s population – more than half of China’s citizens – lives in Chinese cities. Ten of the world’s fifteen fastest growing cities are in China, and at current growth rates China could add about 350 million people – more than the population of the United States – to its cities over the next two decades. By 2030, China’s urbanization level will rise to 65 percent.1 “When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, only about 10% of the country’s population lived in cities. Today, 10% of the world’s population – more than half of China’s citizens – lives in Chinese cities. By 2030, China’s urbanization level will rise to 65%.” As China booms, its cities increasingly take center stage in the drama of explosive growth and changes, displaying unprecedented dynamism. Their remarkable transformation builds on a foundation of deep tradition, having survived feudal dynasties, semi-colonialism, and socialist commands. But today’s Chinese cities are built within rapidly shifting frameworks defined by domestic and global economic priorities, and an ongoing re-definition of China’s position in the world. The dominant driver of urbanization is migration from the countryside, as is the case in most developing countries. Preliminary results of the 2010 Census, for instance, indicate that eight million of Shanghai’s 22 million population are migrants. This share will continue to rise, potentially reaching a point at which migrants constitute half of urban population in many large cities by 2030. In-situ urban development is another major driver of growth, and continues to eat away arable land surrounding existing urban areas. How China accommodates its increasingly urban population is critical not only to the well-being of these people but also to its sustained economic development in the long run. The character and complexity of the Chinese city both conform to and defy conventional urban theories and the experiences of cities elsewhere around the world. The dominant ideas about the nature and development of cities held by academics and practitioners alike have been formed on the basis of Western experience. Yet most of the world’s urban dwellers now live outside of the “West.” With one-fifth of the world’s population, China has much to offer in its urban experience. Although its urban transformation is in some ways comparable to what Western, industrialized countries have gone through in the past, the 1 of 5 The European Financial Review » Global Economy Management Operat... http://www.europeanfinancialreview.com/?p=5417 outcomes – particular patterns of development, the nature of urbanism, interactions between urban and rural, and so forth – necessarily are quite different. Now, let us turn to three critical questions that in part have motivated our forthcoming book, The Chinese City (Routledge, 2012). How are burgeoning connections between cities in China and major global cities set against the backdrop of increasing globalization? How does urbanization experience differ across China’s regions, perhaps reshaping the country’s urban system? How has rapid urbanization played out spatially within cities? Our probing of these and other questions is based on extensive field research and a wide range of secondary data, including statistical yearbooks, census data, and official publications. Chinese Cities in the Global Economy The expansion of China’s participation in international trade and investment has been one of the most outstanding features of the country’s economic development. Much of this remarkable transformation has taken place through urban-centered initiatives. Cities have become engines of growth in China’s rapid rise in the global market place. Urban Chinese now hold 70 percent of the country’s wealth, command incomes that are three times the rural average, and generate much of the demand for new consumer goods coming onto the market. Cities are home to a large concentration of export-based manufacturing and, more recently, have seen the rise of such knowledge-intensive functions as financial services and R&D (research and development). Export processing was clearly the motor of China’s global expansion in the early stage of reform. Together, foreign-invested firms contributed close to 60 percent of exports.2 Riding on this wave, coastal provinces prospered much earlier than the rest of China. Other types of firms in these provinces, including town and village enterprises, were allowed to engage in export processing contracts. From the mid-1990s on, China began to build on the achievement of coastal provinces and move towards an open economy nationwide. Foreign investment concentrated in the Guangdong province in the southeast until recently, while several cities in the Lower Yangtze Delta have showed spectacular success in catching up (see Figure 1). China’s integration into the global marketplace now goes far beyond export processing. The country’s vast population and rising prosperity present huge market potentials for foreign firms, products, and services. Its entry into the World Trade Organization (in 2001) further increased the openness of the Chinese economy. Even before that, foreign consumer goods and brands had already landed in large cities. Cities along the southeast coast and in the Lower Yangtze Delta also have become centers for China’s burgeoning financial sector. Regional distribution of foreign banks and branches is highly concentrated, in national and regional financial centers. Beijing and Shanghai dominate, then comes the Pearl River Delta, followed by several other coastal cities.3 Beijing and Shanghai, in particular, have pursued the development of the financial sector and related business services. An important new trend is the growing interest of multinational firms in doing R&D in China. Recently, the number of multinational R&D centers has multiplied rapidly, including such manufacturing heavyweights as Intel, IBM, General Electric, Coca Cola, Motorola, and General Motor. IT (information technology) firms followed suit, including Microsoft and Lucent (now known as Alcatel-Lucent). Since 2000, the global pharmaceutical industry has discovered China as the most fitting partner in R&D among developing countries. Establishing their presence are such giants as Roche, Novartis, Eli Lilly, Bayer, Pfizer, and Astrazeneca. The majority of these R&D programs tends to be wholly foreign-owned enterprises, and headquartered in the U.S. or Japan. Concentrated along the east coast, they are located in such major cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and their neighboring localities (e.g. Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Shenzhen). Overall, among the more than 700 foreign R&D firms established in China by 2005, close to one-third were in Beijing and about 23 percent in Shanghai.4 “While China has largely recovered from the recent downturn, its impact was an important reminder that the future growth of Chinese cities is now inextricably tied to the world economy.” Growing global linkages come with tradeoffs. With more openness and interdependence, urban China reverberated much more from the recent global economic downturn than it did in the 1997 East Asia economic crisis. Shrinking global demands for consumer goods led to squeezed margins for the manufacturing sector, and subsequently rising unemployment levels for both urban and migrant workers. The housing market also took a hit (though much more briefly, in comparison to Western countries). While China has largely recovered from the recent downturn, its impact was an important reminder that the future growth of Chinese cities is now inextricably tied to the world economy. The Reshaping of China’s Urban System Three aspects of the Chinese urban system have remained remarkably consistent: (1) China has never developed a single “primate” city or urban region, as have many other countries during the process of development and increasing globalization; (2) national economic and urban policies have played an 2 of 5 The European Financial Review » Global Economy Management Operat... 3 of 5 http://www.europeanfinancialreview.com/?p=5417 important role in shaping the Chinese urban system, and (3) there continue to be marked regional imbalances in urbanization. During the reform era, the growth rate of urban population has exceeded that of the population of China as a whole. That is, the population has become significantly more “urban.” Although the largest cities have grown particularly fast during this era, this growth also has spread across the urban scale, from the largest megacities to the smallest towns. New cities have been created through both the establishment of new settlements and re-designation of previously “rural” areas to urban. More than four hundred cities were added to the Chinese urban system since 1979; the number of “towns” had exploded from 2,968 (1983) to 19,410 (2010). There is also unprecedented rural-urban migration, after the relaxation of government control on mobility in 1983. The contemporary urban system is driven not only by the continuing development of natural and infrastructure resources, but also by added reform-era urban stimuli such as foreign investment, state investment programs (such as the go-west policy), state development projects (such as the Three Gorges Dam), and industrialization. Many of these recent stimuli have disproportionately favored cities over rural areas, eastern cities over central and western cities, and a few pre-eminent cities above the rest. “China is not dominated by a single “primate” city, but rather by several massive “city-regions” along the east coast.” China is not dominated by a single “primate” city, but rather by several massive “city-regions” along the east coast. These city-regions, whose growth is inextricably linked to China’s participation in the global economy and major inter-city transportation infrastructure development, include the Pearl River Delta (centered on Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Hong Kong), Yangtze River Delta (centered on Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou), and Bohai Rim Region (centered on Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang) (See FIgure 2 for the location of cities). By 2005, these three regions accounted for 54 percent of China’s national GDP, 79 percent of China’s foreign trade, and received 85 percent of all foreign investment received by China.5 The persistence of massive eastern agglomerations reflects a continuing imbalance in the Chinese urban system among the eastern, central and western regions. Uneven foreign investment and domestic development have turned the Chinese urban system “top-heavy” in recent years. The degree of market transformation mirrors the varying rate of growth across the three broad regions. The central region lags behind the eastern region, and the western region behind the central region in the transition towards a market economy, in terms of both higher proportion of state-owned enterprises in industrial production and higher proportion of government funding in total fixed investment. Coastal cities also have benefited the most from the shift to export-processing manufacturing and services. In addition to being magnets for foreign investment, these cities are home to a large number of corporate headquarters for the top 500 domestic manufacturing firms. In particular, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, and Hangzhou are each home to more than 20 such headquarters.6 The manufacturing powerhouses, as such, are concentrated in the Lower Yangtze Delta, the Bohai Bay region, and the Pearl River Delta. Social-Spatial Transformation Much like their counterparts in other former socialist countries, Chinese cities showcased social egalitarianism and experienced few spatial inequalities before the market reform commenced in 1979. Then, most urban workers lived and worked within walled compounds that combined production, housing and the provision of basic services. There was little need to leave these “work unit” compounds in the course of daily life. But under economic transition, market forces increasingly dictate the shaping and reshaping of urban landscape. The Chinese city today looks and develops in a drastically different fashion from the once egalitarian, low-profile, and walking-scale socialist city. With work-unit compounds no longer functioning as organizing units, the linkage between work and residence has all but disappeared. “The Chinese city today looks and develops in a drastically different fashion from the once egalitarian, low-profile, and walking-scale socialist city. With work-unit compounds no longer functioning as organizing units, the linkage between work and residence has all but disappeared.” Rapid expansion of the built-up areas and population deconcentration have transformed the once compact Chinese city into a more dispersed and often polycentric form. New development often leapfrogs. With rising income and increasing use of private cars, no doubt there is demand for more spacious living in more far-flung corners of the city. To be sure, the linkage between work and residence has weakened. It all but disappeared by 1999 when state work units completely withdrew from housing provision. The cellular structure under state socialism has since ceased to reproduce in the urban landscape. Jobs have moved beyond the urban core as well. On the outskirts of the city proper, one can find high-tech development zones, and office and industrial parks. These areas also house a large number of wholesale markets for agricultural products because of their proximity to farms in the urban periphery. Standardization of housing, a principle of urban development under state socialism, is no longer the norm. We begin to see zones of affluence and gated communities, mostly on the outskirts but also in select redeveloped downtown areas. Areas of concentrated deprivation arise too. First among these are pockets of dilapidated old housing in the inner city. Often they are awkwardly juxtaposed with modern, high-rise apartments and offices, since redevelopment The European Financial Review » Global Economy Management Operat... http://www.europeanfinancialreview.com/?p=5417 guided by real estate markets is selective. Second are some of the former “workers’ villages” close to industrial facilities, suffering from lack of up-keep and state enterprise downsizing.7 Last are places in the urban fringes where migrants congregate. In many large cities, these areas are located just outside of the city proper. Transformation is no less drastic in urban economic space. Cities have turned into the world’s factory for producing low-cost consumer goods. Business and consumer services non-existent before 1979 have mushroomed. In the meantime, down-sizing of state-owned enterprises and the rise of private enterprises all have substantial imprints on urban spatial development. A major trend in the reconfiguration of urban economic space is the increasing separation and specialization of land use, including the relocation of industrial facilities from city cores, the creation of new spaces of production in the urban periphery, the building of the new central business district (CBD), and multiplying clusters of commercial and entertainment activities across the city. Nearly all cities have gone on a building spree to add sub-centers throughout old and newly developed urban districts. These centers are primarily commercial in character, with shops and offices displacing residential and industrial space. Today, the commercial landscape in the Chinese city is clearly polycentric and highly differentiated. Urban consumers from all walks of life can easily find what suits them in different sub-centers, ranging from mass-market brands (both Chinese and foreign) to mid-market staples to brand-conscious luxury goods. Consumption is a big business. Chinese cities also are becoming less pedestrian and bicycle oriented. The trend is clearly towards more motorized travel, as seen in the case of Shanghai. Non-motorized modes, walking and cycling, counted for just over half of travel in 2004; in 1982, they counted for 70 percent.8 More motorized travel has created unprecedented levels of traffic congestion and increase in travel time. The disassociation of work and residence and the increasing freedom of people to choose where to live further create more serious spatial jobs-housing imbalance that did not exist under state socialism. New residential developments are farther from employment opportunities; similarly they are more distant from centers of shopping, entertainment, educational and cultural facilities. “As China has become a significant player in the world economy, so too have its environmental practices and policies gained global significance.” This rapid urban expansion and development have serious consequences for the environment. As China has become a significant player in the world economy, so too have its environmental practices and policies gained global significance. Ironically, China is home to some of the most environmentallyinnovative urban planning in the world, while remaining home to some of the world’s most polluted cities. Air quality, water supply and quality, and wastewater and solid waste treatment are continuing concerns. Innovation and regulation compete with rapid development in each case. For example, coal was long the primary source of urban air pollution. There has been a concerted and far-reaching effort to transition from coal to other fuel sources, and to clean up the use of coal, particularly in the fast-growing cities of the east coast. This effort ranges from the extensive use of hybrid buses for public transportation to the imposition of stringent air quality standards for industries. But as emissions from the burning of coal have been reduced, vehicle emissions have become a new and increasing hazard. Conclusion While there is no crystal ball for predicting China’s urban future, several trends are not difficult to detect. The urban economy will continue to generate the bulk of the country’s GDP. About half of the annual GDP in 2005 was concentrated in the top 40 cities. The four key drivers of economic growth – investment, trade, industrial restructuring, and consumption – remain robust. In particular, investment from both domestic and foreign sources continues to pour into production and infrastructure. China’s urban system may evolve into several likely scenarios. On the one extreme is a highly concentrated pattern, with two or three leading cities growing in both size and dominance. On the other extreme is a dispersed system of cities and towns.9 Perhaps the most likely (and currently most popular among academic and policy circles) is a pattern with strategically located networks of cities or urban regions. Continuing urbanization will reinforce social changes and spatial transformation. Over time, the growth of business and service professions requires well-educated and white-collar workers. They will make up a growing middle class in urban areas, demanding a set of amenities similar to what is available in the West. We are already seeing the beginning of suburbanization and motorization in many large cities. With an already intense population land ratio, following the path of suburbanization and urban sprawl as seen in some industrialized countries is really not an option for China’s cities. Perhaps one of the distinct aspects of contemporary Chinese urbanization is the role of the state. At both the central and local levels, the state remains strong, even under increasing globalization and marketization. In particular, municipal governments increasingly resemble local developmental states: more interested in economic growth than ideological pursuits and nested in a web of connections with business and private interests. Unlike cities in the West, whose local governments can only facilitate land development and hope to reap the tax benefits of that development, in contemporary China, the local state has a clear incentive, as well as the power, to act as a land developer, relocating residential functions to the periphery in order to transform central city land to more lucrative uses. The establishment of a land lease system in China also has strengthened the status of the local government as the most powerful manager of state land. The combination of such thirst for land development, demand for buildings induced by economic growth, and limited supply of land has contributed to a drastic increase in land values in many cities. Rising land values has become a major driving force of the housing bubbles so pervasive in urban China in recent years. About the authors Weiping Wu is a professor of urban and environmental policy and planning at Tufts University in the U.S. She conducts research on migration and urbanization, university-industry linkages, and China’s urban development. Her other major books include Pioneering Economic Reform in China’s Special Economic Zones, and The Dynamics of Urban Growth in Three Chinese Cities. Piper Gaubatz is a professor of urban geography at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the U.S. She specializes in the study of urban change, development and planning in East Asia. She is the author of Beyond the Great Wall: Urban Form and Transformation on the Chinese Frontiers. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. References 1.See Wines, Michael. 2012. “Majority of Chinese Now Live in Cities.” The New York Times, January 17 (retrieved on 20 January 2012 from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/18/world/asia/majority-of-chinese-now-live-in-cities.html); United Nations Center for Human Settlements (UN HABITAT), with China Science Center for International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and China Association of Mayors. 2010. State of China’s Cities 2010/2011: Better City, Better Life. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2.Naughton, Barry. 2007. The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth. 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