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Pallas 125, 2024. Bois et architecture dans la Protohistoire et l'Antiquité (2), Presses Universitaires Du Midi, pp. 33-57, 2024
An extensive surface survey on the uplands of East Crete has revealed a significant density of rural habitation sites in the Neopalatial period, contrasting a more occasional use of the highlands in the previous Bronze Age periods. This paper offers a regionally-specific view on timber species and potential supply routes and strategies based on a minimally investigated but vast economic zone of Crete: the upland zone. It explores which kinds of evidence we need to look for to reconstruct the practices relating to an almost now invisible engagement with nature and the insights traditional methods of wood-cutting and wood circulation can offer in understanding prehistoric communities.
A lista completa com informações dos autores está no final do artigo RESUMO Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa realizada no contexto da formação continuada em serviço do professor de Matemática, mediante a aplicação de uma situação didática, constituída por uma situação-problema de Geometria plana, mais especificamente sobre área de figuras planas. O Objetivo do trabalho se deu em verificar como a TSD, auxiliada pelo GeoGebra, pode contribuir para a formação continuada em serviço do professor de Matemática. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi a da Engenharia Didática de Formação (EDF), por ser apropriada ao cenário de formação docente. A fundamentação teórica, por sua vez, se deu por meio da Teoria das Situações Didática (TSD), que se refere a um modelo teórico de ensino, pautado por quatro fases dialéticas, a saber: ação, formulação, validação e institucionalização. Para tal, organizou-se um momento de formação, no qual teve como sujeitos, a princípio, um grupo de oito professores de Matemática do Ensino Médio, de duas escolas estaduais, localizadas no município de Caucaia/CE. Na ocasião, realizou-se a aplicação de uma situação didática, no intuito de analisar as ações e estratégias manifestadas no decorrer do processo. Como forma de auxiliar a percepção visual, durante a resolução da situação-problema, utilizou-se o software GeoGebra para visualização e manipulação dos elementos geométricos presentes. Em seguida, realizou-se um questionário final, a fim de verificar as percepções que os participantes tiveram ao vivenciarem as etapas da TSD. Destarte, ao final do estudo, ficou evidente que a formação realizada neste trabalho despertou o interesse dos professores participantes, em relação ao uso do GeoGebra em sala de aula, e ainda provocou, diante da análise dos preceitos advindos da TSD, uma reflexão de suas práticas docentes.
Rohayati, 2021
Makalah ini berisi rangkuman pembelajaran tentang hadist shahih oleh bapak Abdul Hamid, Lc., M.A selaku dosen mata kuliah Pengantar Study Hadits dan untuk memenuhi tugas pada matakuliah tsb.
Dr. Web site. Youssef Hhamida on Facebook - Designing tower buildings, 2022
Structure Engineering موقع د. يوسف حميضة على فيسبوك - تصميم المباني البرجية ومقاومة الزلازل Dr. Web site. Youssef Hamida on Facebook - Designing tower buildings to resist earthquakes with engineering programs
Modality: A History. Oxford University Press, 2024
Spinoza’s determinism and necessitarianism earned him few sympathetic readers. For most of his contemporaries, necessitarianism was one of the major monstrosities of Spinoza’s system, and even among recent readers, many still tend to agree with Jonathan Bennett’s verdict that it is hard to do good philosophy if one assumes necessitarianism. Spinoza’s assertion that he “places freedom not in free decree, but in a free necessity” did not help relieve worried readers. Indeed, what could “free necessity” mean at all? Isn’t it a plain oxymoron? That Spinoza was a strict necessitarian was pretty much taken for granted by almost all of his readers during the first three centuries since his death and the publication of his Opera Posthuma (1677). But this state of things has changed somewhat over the past half century, and a number of leading scholars have suggested that Spinoza’s commitment to necessitarianism is much less obvious than one would initially think. A significant part of the current chapter will be dedicated to the recent debate about whether Spinoza was a strict necessitarian. The first section of the chapter will address the philosophy of modality among Spinoza’s medieval Jewish predecessors, and, primarily, in Hisdai Crescas (1340-1410), a bold and original, anti-Aristotelian philosopher. This section should both complement the discussion of modality in medieval Christian and Islamic philosophy in the previous chapters of this volume and provide some lesser-known historical background to Spinoza’s own engagement with modal philosophy. Following a section on Spinoza’s definitions of his main modal concepts and his understanding of contingency, I will turn, in the third section, to discuss the extent of Spinoza’s commitment to necessitarianism. The recent debate about whether Spinoza was a strict necessitarian has resulted in quite a few insights about Spinoza’s modal philosophy, but it has also detracted attention from some basic questions about Spinoza’s modal philosophy, and in the fourth and last section of the chapter, I will attempt to chart the foundational questions that still have been barely explored. The primary aim of this chapter it to provide a survey and outline of the chief elements of Spinoza’s modal philosophy. Still, beyond the mere overview of Spinoza’s arguments (and some major scholarly debates), I will also advance two original theses. First, I will show that Spinoza makes a distinction between two notions of contingency, and that once this important distinction is observed, Spinoza’s various assertions about contingency turn out to be consistent. Secondly, I will discuss the text (E2a1) which is commonly taken to be the strongest and most stubborn proof against the reading of Spinoza as strict necessitarianism; I will show that the basic meaning of this text has been widely misunderstood, and that E2a1 is perfectly compatible with strict necessitarianism
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften eBooks, 1992
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Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2001
Труды Государственного Эрмитажа / TRANSACTIONS OF THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM, 2023
Pentateuch and Its Readers (Forschungen zum Alten Testament) 170, 2023
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Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy
MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation