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Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access
Diega, Intel Prop Rights 2016, S1
DOI: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
ISSN: 2375-4516
Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in India
Guido Noto La Diega*
Northumbria University; President of ‘Ital-IoT’; cultore della materia in diritto privato and diritto d’autore at the Università degli Studi di Palermo, UK
In India, sec. 3(k) of the Patents Act 1970 clearly excludes the patentability of computer programmes per se.
For many years, the regime of computer-implemented inventions has been unclear, until the Controller General of
Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (the Indian homologous of the Intellectual Property Ofice) issued its Guidelines
on the examination of computer-related inventions. Notably, this gave rise the civil society’s protests; indeed, there
was the fear that the government was surreptisciously allowing the patentability of computer programmes per se.
Therefore, the guidelines have been withdrawn and recently a new version has been published. It openly reafirms
the exclusion of the software patents and introduces a three-step test to determine the applicability of sec. 3(k) of the
Patents Act to computer-related inventions. This opinion focuses the new guidance, by placing it in the context of the
leading role of India in the technological and social developments revolving around the Internet of Things.
Keywords: Computer-related inventions; India; Internet of things;
Computer programs; Patentability
Developing countries like India (recently re-labelled by the
World Bank as “lower middle income country) have always been a
complicated relationship with intellectual property. Most developing
countries claimed, quite sensibly, that intellectual property is a typical
western white capitalistic tool used to oppress and colonise countries
below the Brandt line.
To oppose strong intellectual property regimes, therefore, has been
a way to ight (cultural and economic) imperialism. Moreover, it has
been a practical way to enable development, for instance, by importing
medicines and developing low cost substitutes, notwithstanding the
patent protection.
However, India is also an incredibly creative country and it is not
surprising that at some point the Government has decided to increase
the protection of intangible assets, including traditional methods such as
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Yoga. Anyway, even though the number
of patent ilings has increased in the last few years, “the percentage of
ilings by Indians is relatively low” [1], thus suggesting that, at least to
some extent, intellectual property is still a tool controlled by foreigners.
Indeed, [1] has shown how the development of the patent policies in
India has been inluenced by the pressures exerted by the United States.
According to me, the two main expressions of the new Indian path
towards the propertisation of the immaterial (i.e. commodiication
of knowledge) are, on the one hand, the new guidelines on the
examination of computer related-inventions (CRIs) of February 2016
and the National Intellectual Property Policy of May 2016.
his article focuses on the former, therefore let us only say that the
latter set forth clear steps to strengthen intellectual property rights in
India, to make of it “a TRIPS compliant, robust, equitable and dynamic
IPR regime” [1,2].
With particular regards, to the pharmaceutical sector, the steps to
be taken to commercialise intellectual property rights include:
“Ensure enhanced access to afordable medicines and other
healthcare solutions by (a) encouraging cross-sector partnerships
between public sector, private sector, universities and NGOs; (b)
promoting novel licensing models, and (c) developing novel technology
ISSN: 2375-4516
platforms” (Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, 2016, 5.8).
“Make eforts to reduce dependency on active pharmaceutical
ingredients (API) imports, including incentivizing manufacture of
APIs in India and revitalizing public sector undertakings in health care
sector”; (Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Industrial
Policy & Promotion, 2016, 5.10).
his could be considered as the response to the fact that the Oice
of the United States Trade Representative, in its last report, has kept
India in the priority watch list of countries with unfavourable practices,
with particular regard to its patent protection. It is interesting that
the Oice suggests that up to 20 percent of drugs sold in India are
counterfeit and, allegedly, the reason why India is kept in the priority
watch list is because counterfeit medicines “could represent a serious
threat to patient health and safety [3].
he complicated relationship between India (and Indians) and
intellectual property is well illustrated by the evolutions regarding CRIs.
We will see below that, against a statutory provision clearly prohibiting
pure sotware patents, the Government adopted some guidelines that
were purely worded, in that it could seem that thenceforth computer
programs per se would have been eligible for patent protection (like the
United States and unlike Europe). he guidelines have the subject of harsh
criticism, because the patentability of sotware was seen as contrary to the
public interest. In particular, it risked to stile innovation in the strong
and dynamic sotware industry and it would have been contrary to the
“openness” policy of favouring free and open source sotware [1].
his article is the outgrowth of the adoption of the inal version of
the Indian guidelines on CRIs, which have been surprisingly overlooked
*Corresponding author: Noto La Diega G, Lecturer in Law at the Northumbria
University; President of ‘Ital-IoT’, Visiting Lecturer in Private Law and Copyright
Law at University Of Palermo, UK, Tel: +44(191)2326002; E-mail:
Received October 21, 2016; Accepted November 11, 2016; Published November
28, 2016
Citation: Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in
India. Intel Prop Rights. S1: 009. doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
Copyright: © 2016 Noto La Diega G. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
International Intellectual Property Law and Its Role in Dispute Resolution
Intel Prop Rights, an open access journal
Citation: Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in India. Intel Prop Rights. S1: 009. doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
Page 2 of 4
in the legal literature. As an Internet of hings (IoT) scholar, I foresee
that the era of interconnected devices we live in will lead to a dramatic
increase of applications for sotware patents and if examiners, courts,
and legislators will not be careful, there is the concrete risk of a
surreptitious generalised grant of patents for computer programs per
se. he clarity provided by the Indian guidelines, following a lively
public debate, can constitute good practices that Europe and the United
States should take into account [4].
Delving into Computer-related Inventions
A computer-related invention (or computer-implemented
invention, CII, in the European formulation) involves the use of a
computer, computer network or other programmable apparatus,
where one or more features are realised wholly or partly by means
of a computer program. CRIs and CIIs are a critical topic in patent
law, since a too relaxed approach in awarding grants for this kind
of inventions may risk allowing a double protection for computer
programs: copyright and patents. hus, a too much broad monopoly
would be legitimised, with a subsequent increased propertisation
of intangibles. A similar problem can occur in the United States,
notwithstanding the patentability of computer programs per se. here
the risk is the eligibility for protection of mere abstract ideas.
Mischievous commentators may argue that the CIIs are a
surreptitious way to obtain a double binary for sotware protection. his
may become true with the IoT. Indeed, with the gradual substitution of
old products with smart devices, we will face an unprecedented growth
of CIIs; therefore, asserting that computer programs are not patentable
in Europe may sound hypocritical. In other terms, I foresee that most
of the computer programs will be embedded in smart devices, with the
consequential patentability of most computer programs under the label
of CII.
he impact of the IoT on patents can be observed also from
another point of view. I believe that the IoT provokes a redeinition
of the concepts of novelty and originality for purposes of assessing
patentability, essentially because of two characteristics: (a) network
structure: patentability may increasingly derive from the way smart
devices interact; (b) composite nature of the said devices: novelty might
stem from the way the components of a single device interact.
As to the irst aspect, the customers are more and more interested
to the novel interaction between their devices, rather than to the device
in isolation (let us think a hub in a domotics context). Interoperability
and open standards are the way forward, even though security plays
oten the role of excuse to build closed sub-systems, thus giving rise to
the “Internet of Silos”.
When it comes to the composite nature of devices, it means that
usually devices incorporate several other devices. A smartphone
contains a large number of sensors and damage may occur because of
a defect or inaccuracy of any of the said components of the device. It is
not always clear if the liability should fall on the main actor responsible
for the composite device or if its component’s actors should be liable.
Generally speaking, and unless a contrary evidence is provided, I am in
favour of the irst hypothesis, for at least two reasons.
Firstly, the inal manufacturer has a duty to double-check the
security and safety of the composite device both when placing it on
the market and during the provision of the services. Secondly, it could
prove impossible for the customer to track the supply chain and ind the
responsible for the single sub-thing. he conclusion may be diferent
depending on the openness or closure of the system (e.g. Apple can
ISSN: 2375-4516
control third-parties’ apps through its store, whereas Android stores
are open, thus not allowing the same control). Courts may also give
some relevance to the number of sub-things present in the composite
thing (an airplane is not the same as a light bulb) and the kind of activity
for which the device is used (a deibrillator can save a life and therefore
higher standards of security and a stricter scrutiny are required) [5].
India at the Forefront of Innovation in Asia
It is not suiciently known that India has a pioneering role in the
development of new technologies and new approaches to the concept
itself of innovation.
A notable example is Ministry of Electronics & Information
Technology [6] which builds on the ‘Digital India Programme.’ In
issuing it, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology
(‘DeitY’) pursued four goals. Firstly, to create an IoT industry in India
of USD 15 billion by 2020 (with a share of 5-6% of global IoT industry.)
Secondly, to undertake capacity development for IoT speciic skill-sets
for domestic and international markets. hirdly, to undertake R&D for
all the assisting technologies. Lastly, to develop smart devices speciic
to Indian needs in all possible domains. he policy has been seen by
Aggarwal [7] as the realisation of the “Zero Defect Zero Efect” slogan,
which was coined by Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Part
of the Make in India strategy, it denotes manufacturing mechanisms
whereby the possibility of error and the environmental impact are,
or should be, eliminated. Malevolent commentators may judge it as a
‘green washing’ policy in order to convince transnational corporations
to manufacture their products in India and to increase the exportations.
In fact, in the Independence Day speech, Modi had said that the ‘zero
defect, zero efect’ policy was critical so that “our exported goods are
never returned to us” [8]. However, the reasons for the policy will prove
to be of secondary importance, as long as the implementation activities
will be carried out with the bottom-up inclusive approach that we are
seeing in the deployment of the Indian smart cities plan, as in Ministry
of Urban Development [9].
Future research shall focus on the risks of such a fast growth. For
instance, in 2010, the Government of India (better said, the Unique
Identiication Authority of India, ‘UIDAI’) has started collecting
biometric data (mainly ingerprints and iris signatures) as a condition
to issue the so-called Aadhaar number and card. Without the number,
one cannot apply for subsidies. he UIDAI has already collected the
biometric data of nearly a billion people [10]. On 25 March 2016, the
Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Beneits
and Services) Act, 2016 has received the assent of the President. he
Act provides federal agencies with the right to access the said database
in the interest of national security. here is the actual risk of using the
largest biometric database in the world for surveillance purposes.
he Guidelines on the Examination of Computer-related
inventions. Historical Background, Basic Concepts and
the (not always Savvy) Protests of the Civil Society
India, unlike the US, is following the double-binary European
approach. Indeed, s.3(k) of the Patents Act 1970 states that a “computer
programme per se” is not patentable, but until recently it was not
clear whether CRIs were excluded from the subject matter or not. he
silence kept on CRIs will not surprise who knows that the Patents Act,
notwithstanding its amendments, remains an old act, as shown inter
alia by the several provisions on loppy disks.
he path towards the introduction of sotware patents had been
International Intellectual Property Law and Its Role in Dispute Resolution
Intel Prop Rights, an open access journal
Citation: Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in India. Intel Prop Rights. S1: 009. doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
Page 3 of 4
gradual and Brownian. In 2002, the Patents (Amendments) Act,
2002 introduced the words ‘per se’ in s.3(k) of the Patents Act. his
was explained by the Joint Parliamentary Committee by saying that
“sometimes the computer program may include certain other things,
ancillary thereto or developed thereon. he intention here is not to
reject them for grant of patent if they are inventions. However, the
computer programs as such are not intended to be granted patent”
[11]. he irst guidance explained ‘ancillary’ by referring to “things
which are essential to give efect to the computer program.”
he second step was the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004. At
that time, an amendment to provide for the patentability of computer
programs insofar as they enhanced technology was rejected by the Lok
Sabha and the Rajya Sabha (the houses of the Parliament of India),
“as they feared that this would be beneicial only to multinational
companies” [12].
A similar failed attempt was made by the Patents (Amendment) Bill,
2005 that sought to extend patentability to computer programs with
“technical application to industry”. he ‘transnational corporations’
exception was successfully raised again.
In 2011, then, the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade
marks (hereinater the ‘Controller’, the Indian homologous of the
Intellectual Property Oice) clariied that “claims directed at ‘computer
program products’ are computer programs per se stored in a computer
readable medium and as such are not allowable” [13]. Moreover,
when a claim inter alia contains a subject matter that is not limited to
a computer program, “it is examined whether such subject matter is
suiciently disclosed in the speciication and forms an essential part of
the invention” [13].
It is notable that the drat CRI guidelines published in 2013 were
clear as to the exclusion of any computer program that may work
on any general-purpose computer or “related device” (mainly smart
devices) did not meet the requirements of law [14].
In August 2015, the Controller issued the irst CRI guidance; it
allowed the patenting of programs, which demonstrated technical
advancement. Unsurprisingly, the guidance gave rise to protests of
the civil society. Many organisations and citizens, indeed, complained
about the contrast with s.3(k) of the Patents Act and because sotware
patentability was seen as a break to innovation [15]. To be precise, the
guidance reairmed that computer programs per se were excluded
from patentability and, therefore, “[c]laims which are directed
towards computer programs per se are excluded from patentability”;
consequently, the citizens’ claims that computer programs were
excluded “unconditionally” and that the one at issues was a ‘blanket
exclusion’ were not entirely correct. Moreover, for being considered
patentable, the subject matter should involve either “- a novel
hardware, or - a novel hardware with a novel computer program, or - a
novel computer program with a known hardware which goes beyond
the normal interaction with such hardware and afects a change in
the functionality and/or performance of the existing hardware.” he
‘physical’ element looked critical, but the third category presented
some ambiguity. In addition, the attached clariication was not helpful
(also, it was not clear if it was a clariication or a fourth category): a
computer program, “when running on or loaded into a computer,
going beyond the ‘normal’ physical interactions between the sotware
and the hardware on which it is run, and is capable of bringing further
technical efect may not be considered as exclusion under these
provisions” [16]. he letter of the civil society complained that the
patentability of sotware was maintained dependent on the industrial
ISSN: 2375-4516
applicability. his is not precise. Whereas the cited patentability as
a result of technical efect could be tricky, the guidance limited itself
to state that “[t]he examination procedure of patent applications
relating to CRIs is the same as that for other inventions to the extent
of consideration of novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability,
suiciency of disclosure and other requirements under the Patents Act
and the rules made thereunder.”
Ater the said protests, with order No. 70 of 2015, the Controller
announced that the criticised guidance was to be “kept in abeyance till
discussions with stakeholders are completed and contentious issues are
resolved.” he discussions have been completed and the contentious
issues resolved on 19 February 2016, when the Controller published the
new guidelines on the examination of CRIs [17]. CRIs now comprise
“inventions which involve the use of computers, computer networks
or other programmable apparatus and include such inventions having
one or more features of which are realized wholly or partially by means
of a computer program or programs.” Incidentally, one may note that
‘other programmable apparatus’ is a lexible concept indeed capable to
encompass smart devices. he pendant of this notion is the ‘computer
system’, which, under the Information Technology Act, 2000 is “a device
or collection of devices, including input and output support devices
and excluding calculators which are not programmable and capable of
being used in conjunction with external iles, which contain computer
programs, electronic instructions, input data and output data, that
performs logic, arithmetic, data storage and retrieval, communication
control and other functions.” A very ‘IoT’ dictionary. Even before that,
the deinition of ‘computer’ is suiciently lexible to accommodate
the IoT speciic characteristics. he term ‘computer’ is deined in
he Information Technology Act, 2000 as “any electronic, magnetic,
optical or other high-speed data processing device or system which
performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions by manipulations
of electronic, magnetic or optical impulses, and includes all input,
output, processing, storage, computer sotware, or communication
facilities which are connected or related to the computer in a computer
system or computer network.”
he new guidelines reairm the exclusion of the sotware patents
and introduces a three-step test to determine the applicability of s.3(k)
of the Patents Act to CRIs. Indeed, “[e]xaminers may rely on the
following three stage test in examining CRI applications: (1) Properly
construe the claim and identify the actual contribution; (2) If the
contribution lies only in mathematical method, business method or
algorithm, deny the claim; (3) If the contribution lies in the ield of
computer program, check whether it is claimed in conjunction with a
novel hardware and proceed to other steps to determine patentability
with respect to the invention.” (Guidelines 2016, s.5) herefore, if the
hardware is not novel (e.g. some innovative smart device), then no
patent will be granted. It would seem, consequently, that computer
programs running on traditional computers should be excluded by
the subject matter of patents. his is particularly clear if one reads
the previous version of the guidelines, which included the eligibility
of “a novel computer programme with a known hardware which goes
beyond the normal interaction with such hardware and afects a change
in the functionality and/or performance of the existing hardware”.
Moreover, even though the phases of the examination procedure
of CRIs are the same as the other inventions as to novelty, inventive
step, industrial applicability and suiciency of disclosure, “[t]he
determination that the subject matter relates to one of the excluded
categories requires greater skill on the part of the examiner.” While
explaining that these concepts apply equally to ordinary inventions and
International Intellectual Property Law and Its Role in Dispute Resolution
Intel Prop Rights, an open access journal
Citation: Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in India. Intel Prop Rights. S1: 009. doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
Page 4 of 4
to CRIs, the Controller speciies that the “determination of industrial
applicability in case of CRIs is very crucial since applications relating
to CRIs may contain only abstract theories, lacking in industrial
application.” Furthermore, it explains how the suiciency of disclosure
applies to CRIs. he said requirement means that the invention has to
be described “fully and particularly” (‘what’) and the speciication has
to explain the best method of operation. Under para. 4.4.2 of the new
guidance, “[t]he best mode of operation and/or use of the invention
shall be described with suitable illustrations. he speciication should
not limit the description of the invention only to its functionality rather
it should speciically and clearly describe the implementation of the
Even though the use of ‘may’ might suggest a certain scope for
the examiners’ discretion and one would have expected that the
excluded subject matter should have to be interpreted in a stricter
way (as opposed to require “greater skill”), the wording is adamant
in linking the patentability of CRIs to inventions which constitute
an inextricable mixture of sotware and (novel) hardware; that is to
say, to smart devices. From this point of view, the new CRI guidance
may be a formidable input to the developments of IoT inventions,
now supported by legal clarity and certainty. Moreover, as a policy
recommendation and in consideration of the foreseen growth of CIIs
due to the IoT, the European Patent Oice may want to be inspired
by the Indian guidelines to update and deepen its out-of-date and
insuiciently thorough guidance. A irst commendable step has been
the publication of the 8th edition of Case Law of the Boards of Appeal
of the European Patent Oice in July 2016, but some ad-hoc guidelines
would be more appropriate [18].
that in no way CRIs will be a surreptitious way of granting sotware
patents. his collaboration between lawmakers and civil society has
to be saluted and, in the matter at hand, it may have ensured the full
unleashing of the IoT full potential.
Thanks to the anonymous reviewers for the useful comments. The
responsibility of this article, however, is solely mine.
1. Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
(2016) National Intellectual Property Rights Policy.
2. Medecins Sans F (2015) A timeline of U.S. attacks on India’s patent law &
generic competition.
3. Ofice of the United States Trade Representative (2016) 2016 Special 301
4. Noto L, Diega G (2016) Software patents and the Internet of Things in Europe,
the United States, and India. European Intellectual Property Review.
5. Noto L, Diega G (2016) Clouds of Things: Data Protection and Consumer Law
at the Intersection of Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things in the United
Kingdom. Journal of Law & Economic Regulation 9: 69-93.
6. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (2015) Draft Policy on Internet
of Things.
7. Aggarwal V (2015) India’s irst Internet of Things policy to focus on Zero Defect,
Zero Effect. The Economic Times India.
8. Modi N (2014) Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on 68th Independence Day.
9. Ministry of Urban Development (2015) Smart cities. Statement and Guidelines.
10. Miglani S, Kumar M (2016) India’s billion-member biometric database raises
privacy fears.
11. Comments and recommendations on the Guidelines for Examination of
Computer-Related Inventions (CRIs) (2015).
With the advent of the IoT, applications for sotware patents
disguised as CIIs will increase substantially in India. A too strong patent
regime for computer programs, in a moment when sotware is being
embedded in most traditional devices, risks not to take into account
the trade-of between remuneration of the investments and public
good. Moreover, the prevalence of proprietary models can jeopardise
interoperability, which is at the very heart of the IoT. here are some
good practices to be followed and India’s example is to be taken into
account, even though the United States do not seem to appreciate it.
Indeed, it has been commented that the analysed guidelines would
introduce unpredictability for patent applicants and that they have
been issued “following an opaque process for soliciting comments” I
beg to difer, for the reasons pointed out above. Ater the civil society
has (maybe too) harshly criticised the irst version of the guidelines
on the CRIs, the Government has revised them in order to make clear
12. Chathurvedula S (2015) Revised guidelines for software patents put on hold.
Live Mint.
13. Ofice of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks (2011). Manual
of Patent Ofice Practice and Procedure 1: 11.
14. Choudhary K (2013) Draft Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related
Inventions. Ofice of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks.
15. Concerns over the Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions
(CRIs) (2015).
16. Ofice of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (2013). Draft
Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions.
17. Ofice of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade marks (2016)
Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions (CRIs).
18. Mohan V (2014) Ecologists cheer Modi’s ‘zero defect, zero effect’ slogan. The
Times of India.
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Citation: Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on Computer-Related Inventions in
India. Intel Prop Rights. S1: 009. doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
This article was originally published in a special issue, International Intellectual
Property Law and Its Role in Dispute Resolution handled by Editor. Michael D
VanAuker, Faculty of Law University of Pittsburgh, San Francisco, USA
ISSN: 2375-4516
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International Intellectual Property Law and Its Role in Dispute Resolution
Intel Prop Rights, an open access journal