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Ŗomenvadesko ЧanitIan Odesate Ŗomano pustikango đaj Samano ikIo latines çIinti T Чi ko djes 31.12.2016 Odesate 2016 2 Ŗomano pustikango đaj. Samano pustikIo latines: çIinti T / Kerdarja Niko Rergo, Elena Semenovi, Irina Mysyki. - Odesa: Ŗomenvadesko ЧanitIan, 2016. – 84 p. Ṗ Ԟ BG CZ DE EN ES FR HR HU IT MD RO PL SK SR RU UA ԡ і җ j. ȋ Ԝ i. - Ԟ i, І і І :Ṗ і : Іі i T / Ԛ j ԝ җ І , 2016. – 84 . Ԡ , Ȋ . Г : ǻ a T / ԡ ԝ Ԡ ,ԕ ԡ ,Ԙ Ԝ .–Ԟ :Ԙ Ԡ , 2016. – 84 c. Romská bibliografie. Generální catalog latinkou: Písmeno T / Zpracovali Niko Rergo, Elena Semenová, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Ústav Romologie, 2016. – 84 s. Die Romani Bibliographie. Allgemeine lateinische Katalog: Buchstabe T / Von Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk zusammengestellt. – Odessa: Institut für Romologie, 2016. – 84 s. The Romano bibliography. General latin catalogue: Letter T / Compiled by Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Institute of Romology, 2016. – 84 p. La bibliografía Romaní. Catálogo general latino: Letra T / Compilado por Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Instituto de Romología, 2016. – 84 p. La bibliographie des Roms. Catalogue général latin: Lettre T / Compilé par Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Institut de Romologie, 2016. – 84 p. Romska bibliografija. Opći katalog v latinice: Slovo T / Sastavili Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk. - Odesa: Institut za Romologiju, 2016. – 84 s. Romani bibliográfia. Általános latin katalógus: Betű T / Összeállította: Niko Rergo, Elena Szemenová, Irina Myszyk. - Odessza: Romológiai intézet, 2016. – 84 old. La bibliografia Romani. Catalogo generale latino: Lettera T / Compilato da Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Istituto di Romologia, 2016. – 84 p. Bibliografie Ŗomani. Catalogul latin general: Litera T / ԡompilat de Nico Rergo, Elena Semenova, Irina Mîsîc. - Odesa: Institutul Romologiei, 2016. – 84 p. Romska bibliografia. Katalog główny w łacince: Litera T / Opracowanie Niko Rergo, Elena Semenova, Iryna Mysyk. - Odessa: Instytut Romologji, 2016. – 84 s. Rómská bibliografie. Generálny katalóg: Písmeno T / Zostavovatelia Niko Rergo, Elena Semenová, Irina Mysyk. - Odessa: Ústav Romologie, 2016. – 84 s. Ȋ ј . О : ȋ o T / ԟ ԝ Ԡ , ԕ ԡ ,Ԙ Ԝ .-Ԟ :Ԙ , 2016. – 84 c. Ȋ . Г : ǻ a T / ԡ ԝ Ԡ ,ԕ ԡ ,Ԙ Ԝ .-Ԟ :Ԙ , 2015. – 84 c. Ȋ і і і . Г : ǻ a T / ԣ ԝ Ԡ , Ԟ ԡ ,І Ԝ .-Ԟ :І , 2016. – 84 c. NAISIMOS Acknowledgment Ringraziamento Dankbarkeit Remerciement Ǻgradecimiento ǻ We’re thankful to all colleagues who somehow or other has helped us to compile the Romany bibliography: Viorel Achim, Tomas Acton, Bennie Åkerfeldt, Lorenzo Alunni, Katalin Asbóth, Elez Bislim, Jozefien Van Caeneghem, Gina Csanyi-Robah, Orhan Galjus, Margaret Greenfields, Ibrahim Gusani, Ian Hancock, Andrey Ivanov, Valjdo Kalinin, Tomasz Kamusella, Arben Kosturi, Jean-Pierre Liégeois, Elena Marchuk, Elena Marushiakova, Randi Myhre, David Nemeth, Ibraim Osmani, Trajko Petrovski, Veselin Popov, Grattan Puxon, Anna Racova, Lisa Rice, Vlad Rivlin, Judith Ruváné, Alice Sarcinelli, Hedina Sijercic, Tommaso Vitale, Kemal Vural Tarlan Saginimata Statistiken ΣњαњӰљњӰӱӨ Statistics Estadística Tilasto Statistique Statisztika Statystyka Štatistika ԡ Istatistik PrekaТ Đi ko djes 2to 1to T dapIe REP 31.12.2016 596 95 29.01.2016 527 81 3 Alavari Fjalor Wörterbuch ΛεӵӰӱό Dictionary Diccionario Sanakirja Dictionnaire Szótár Vārdnīca Žodynas Dicționar ԡ Sözlük ԡ dapIe BG ( @), DE einzelne Einträge (sie haben das @-Symbol), EN separate records (bear the @ sign), ES entradas individuales (tienen el símbolo @), FR entrées individuelles (ils ont le symbole @), IT registrazioni separate (portano il segno @), RO intrări individuale (au simbolul @), RU ( @), UA ( @) DeТberТ DE Jahrzehnt (der Einbeziehung der Roma), EN Decade (of Roma inclusion), ES Década (para la inclusión Gitana), FR Décennie (d'inclusion des Roms), RU Ԕ ( Ԡ ) đi ko djes BG …, DE ab dem…, EN as of…, ES a partir del..., FR à la date de..., IT a partire dal..., RO ca de..., RU …, UA … gitivad DE Musikwissenschaft, EN musicology, ES musicología, FR musicologie, RU , UA KalitraТvad DE Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Völkermord an Roma-Nation, EN history of nazi genocide against Romany nation, ES historia del genocidio nazi contra la nación romaní, FR histoire du nazi génocide contre la nation rom, RU patrika DE Medien, EN media, ES medios de comunicación, FR medias, RU ԡԜԘ, UA ԗԜІ patrikenvad DE Medienwissenschaft, EN science of media, ES ciencia de los medios, FR sciences des médias, RU ԡԜԘ , prekaТ BG , DE Ausgabe, EN issue, ES edición, FR édition, IT edizione, RO versiunea, RU , UA RA (rodimaske alava): DE Suchbegriffe, EN key words, ES palabras de búsqueda, FR mots pour recherche, RU UA REP DE Romano digitale (elektronische) Bibliothek, EN Romany digital library, ES biblioteca electrónica Romaní, FR bibliothèque électronique (numérique) Romaní, RU Ԡ , UA Ԡ Skant ikIo DE Sachkatalog, EN subject catalogue, ES catálogo sujeto, FR catalogue systématique (par sujet), RU Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande DE Roms in der schönen Literatur anderer Völker, EN Roms in belles-lettres of other peoples, ES Romaníes en literaturas de otros pueblos, RU Ԡ , UA Ԡ Ŗomani çIib vi çIibavad DE Romani Sprache und Linguistik, EL ӝӶӳαӴө γӲώљљα ӱαӰ γӲωљљӶӲӶγөα, EN Romany language and linguistics, ES Lengua y lingüística Romaní, RU , UA Ŗomani sanak’ja DE schöne Literatur der Roma, EN Romany belles-lettres, ES literatura Romaní, RU , UA Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja DE Volkstum der Roma, EL ρӶӳαӴө ӲαӶγραφөα, EN Romany folklore, RU 4 Тarad vi Тaradenvad DE Religion und Religionswissenschaft, EL ӯρӮљӱεөα ӱαӰ ӯρӮљӱεӰӶӲӶγөα, EN religion and science of religions, ES religión y ciencia de las religiones, FR religion et science des religions, RU , UA є tIarmenvad DE Rechtswissenschaft, jurisprudence, RU EN legal , UA science, ES jurisprudencia, FR 5 Taar, Agnes [] Mustlase koer: värssjutt / Kaas ja illustratsioonid Agu Peerna. – 1. Tartus: Noor-Eesti, 1936. – 31 lk., ill. @ EE_ee 2. 2. tr. – Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1981. – 30 lk., ill. [Eesti lastekirjanduse varamust]. @ EE_ee EN: UA: NakIavimata RU - Ԣ ,Ԑ . 1. : [ԡ . Ԕ . , 1981. - 30 ., . [ԡ 2. ԡ Ԡ RU: RGB: ] / ԥ . Ԑ. ԟ 52/1884 : Ԑ. ԟ , .–Ԣ RU: RGB: M 84-8/79 . - 2- . - Ԣ : ]. / ԟ , 1984. – 24 ., : Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’ja – EE RA: Eesti, fiction, Estonia, chikdren literature, . ԕ. , Taar, Ferenc [Tor, Férenc] Híres debreceni cigányprímások: Interjúk. - Debrecen, 1998. - 100 old. @ HU_hu EN: Famous leaders of romany bands from Debrecen: Interviews. UA: ԡ Ԕ :І ’ .– Skant ikio: Gitivad RA: , .ԣ , ,Ԓ , art, music, Hungary, violin, Tabore, Gunta [] LV_lv Хigānu idejas aizrauts // Neatkarīgā rīta avīze Latvijai. - 2006, 18 oktobrī. - Nr. 243. - Lp. 16. @ EN: Ideas of Roms are accepted // The independent morning newspaper of Latvia. UA: Ԡ // ԝ ԛ ..Skant ikIo: Patrika - LV Taborem do Europy. Romskie integracyjne spółdzielnie socjalne. – Międzynarodowa organizacja ds. Migracji, 2008. – 120 s. ISBN 9789290684398. @ PL_pl Warszawa: DE: Mit all dem Lager nach Europa. Soziale Integration Genossenschaften von Roms. EN: With all the tabor to Europe. Social integrational cooperatives of Roms. FR: Avec tout le camp en Europe. Coopératives sociales intégrationelles des Roms. UA: ԣ Є .ԡ Ԡ . REP Tabucchi, Antonio [Ԣ ý ,Ԑ ó ] Zingari [Gli] e il rinascimento: Vivere da Rom a Firenze. - Malano: Feltrinelli, 1999. - 76 p. @ IT_it EN: Roms and the Renaissance: Life of Roma in Florence. UA: Ԡ Ԓ :Ԗ Ԡ Ԥ .– NakIavimata ES – Los Cíngaros y el Renacimiento. // La mirada limpia o la existencia del otro. – Granada, 2000. - Nr. 0. [revista bimestral editada por José Heredia Maya]. @ ES_es Tackling Roma needs in the 2014-2020 Structural funds programming period. Guide to improve the planning process. – Madrid: European Network on social inclusion and Roma under the Structural funds [Technical: FSG], 2013. – 86 p. @ ES_en EN: The guide aims at providing useful tools to support Member States when addressing Roma inclusion in the planning process of the next programming period of the Structural Funds. 6 UA: ԝ Ԛ Ԡ ԡ . 2014-2020 . REP Tadao, Shimomiya [下宮 忠雄 ] プ ー語研究のために // 人文 [Jinbun]. – Gakushuin University. – 2004. - Nr. 3. – P. 159-178. @ JA_ja EN: Toward a study of the Romani language. – AlekІari: Japanese linguist, he studied Germanic and comparative linguistics in Tokyo, Bonn and Salamanca. Professor of German and Germanic linguistics at Gakushuin University, Tokyo, from 1975 to 2005, professor emeritus since 2005 and gained his LittD in 2010. He has published books and papers on Germanic, Romance and IndoEuropean linguistics, and the Georgian and Basque languages. UA: Ԕ . - Ԑ І : , Ԣ , ԑ ԡ . ԣ 1975-2005 . ԓ , 2005 ., 2010 . LittD. Ԝ є , . є , Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Japan, Taga, Kornélia; Gazsóné Brányik, Magdolna [] Amara daki shib. Butya le ovodange = Anyanyelvünk. Feladatok az óvodák számára cigány nyelvből / Ford. Karsai Ervin. – Salgótarján: Mikszáth kiadó, 1992. - 47 old. @ HU_hu DE: Unsere Muttersprache. Buch für Kindergärtnerinnen der Roma-Sprache. Kleine Romaniungarischen Wortschatz auf den Seiten 41-45. EN: Our mother tongue. Book for kindergarten teachers of the Romani language. Small RomaniHungarian vocabulary on pages 41-45. FR: Notre langue maternelle. Livre pour les enseignants d’écoles maternelles de la langue romani. Petit vocabulaire rom-hongrois sur les pages 41-45. UA: ԝ . Ԛ , . Ԝ i41-45. Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: education, linguistics, Tagliavini, Carlo [Ԣ ’ja í , Ԛá , 18.06.1903-31.05.1982] Zingari. Lingue // Enciclopedia italiana dell’Instituto G.Treccani. – 1937. – Vol. XXXV. - P. 958559. @ IT_it EN: Roms. Languages. - AlekIari: Italian linguist. UA: Ԡ .Ԝ .-Ԑ І i: . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Italia, Italy, Tagliavini, Carlo; Menarini, Alberto [Ԣ ’ja í , Ԛá , 18.06.1903-31.05.1982; Ԝ í ,Ԑ é 08.04.1904-26.01.1984] Voci zingari nel gergo bolognese // Archivum Romanicum. – Firenze, 1938. – Vol. XXII. - P.242280. @ IT_it EN: Romany words in Bologna slang. – AlekIarja: Italian linguists. UA: Ԡ .–Ԑ І j : . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Italia, Italy, Tike : Reviews : 1. Wagner M. L. // Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie. – 1941. – Vol. LXI. – S. 363-370. AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. Cortelazzo, Manlio. Voci zingare nei gerghi padani // Linguistica XV. – Ljubljana, 1975. – Vol. 15. – Nr. 1. - P. 29-40 (isi le REPeste). 7 Tahirović-Sijerčić, Hedina Хuj, osjeti bol! = Ashun, hachar dukh! / DvojeziЦna bosansko-romska zbirka poezije. – Sarajevo: Udruženje za kulturu Novo Sarajevo, KNS, 2010. - 99 s. 300 prim. ISBN 9789958989841. @ BA_ba_rm EN: Look, feel the pain. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: Bosna, Bosnia, fiction, literature, Taikon, Johan Dimitri [] Taikon berättar: zigenarsagor / Upptecknade av Carl-Herman Tillhagen. - Stockholm: Norstedt, 1946. - 294 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: Taikon, Katarina dikI lako Чenesko pustikango Чaj – see her personal catalogue Taikon, Katarina; Hammarberg, Thomas [] Förlåt att vi stör!: om zigenska flyktingar. - Stockholm: PAN/Norstedt, 1970. - 99 s. @ SE_se EN: Sorry to bother you! : On Roms refugees. FR: Désolé de vous déranger! : des Roms réfugiés. UA: Ԓ , !:ԟ RA: Sweden, , .– , Taikon, Katarina; Langhammer, Björn [] Hur blev det sen då, Katitzi? - Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren, 1977. - 48 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: Taikon, Nadja [] Nadja Taikon - Tjejen från Tanto // Text Karine Mannerfelt, foto Ann Eriksson. - Stockholm: Skolverket, 2003. - 106 s., fotogr., ill. @ SE_se_rm SE: Nadja Taikon växte upp i ett hus i Tantolunden på Södermalm. Det var ett stort omodernt trähus och det var alltid fullt med folk: mamma, pappa, åtta syskon och många andra släktingar. Nadja är rom. På somrarna lämnade hon och hela familjen Tanto och reste runt i Sverige med ett tivoli där hennes mamma spådde besökarna. När hon gift sig och fått barn flyttade hon till Rinkeby där hon arbetade som lärare och bland annat startade en syförening för romska kvinnor. Boken berättar om Nadja Taikons liv och om romsk kultur. Den är skriven på lättläst svenska med parallelltext på romani. EN: Nadja Taikon was the first mother tongue teacher in Sweden. UA: Takács, Jozsefné [Ԣó , Jó ] Arloi (Az) cigányok helyzete // Borsodi szemle. - 1972. - XVIII evf. - 1. sz. - Old. 48-56. @ HU_hu EN: Situation of Roms in Orlo. UA: ԡ Ԡ Ԟ . RA: ԣ ,Ԓ , Hungary, Takács K.; Kálmán B.; Gyódi E.; Tauszik T.; Pálffy G.; Kuntár L.; Guseo A.; Nagy C.; Petrányi G. Association between the lack of HLA-DQw6 and the low incidence of multiple sclerosis in Hungarian Gypsies // Immunogenetics. – 1990. – 31. - 5-6. – P. 383-385. @ EN: HLA-DQw6 - human leukocyte antigens. UA: ԗ ' HLA-DQw6 8 Ԡ ІІ. . - HLA-DQw6 - Skant ikIo: Zor RA: Hungary, genetics, health care, Takman, John [Tékmen, аon; 1912-] Gypsies [The] in Sweden. A socio-medical study. – Stockholm: LiberFörlag, 1976. – 172 p., [4] leaves of plates, b/w photos, ports., bibliogr. p. 167-[173]. ISBN 9138027801, 9789138027806. @ SE_en EN: Article was written with the assistance of Lars Lindgren. UA: Skant ikIo: Zor US: Stanford university library: DX245.T34 Tike : Reviews : Ȋ Zesz. 2. - S. 255-257. : 1. Fiszer, Jerzy Krzysztof // Etnografia polska. – 1978. - R. XII. – Talewicz-Kwiatk wska, Joanna [Ԣ i -Ԛ ja ,J ] Nasze prawa w Zjednoczonej Europie. – Oцwięcim: Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce, 2003. – 15 s., il. @ PL_pl DE: Unsere Rechte in der vereinigten Europa. EN: Our rights in the United Europe. – ES: Nuestros derechos en Europa unida. FR: Nos droits dans l'Europe Unie. – HU: A jogokunk az Egyesült Európában. LT: Mūsų teisių Jungtinėse Europoje. UA: ԝ ’є Є .– Skant ikIo: TIarmenvad Tali, Margaret; Kollom, Kersti; Velberg, Mari-Liis [] Naised Eesti mustlaskogukondades: Uurimuse aruanne. – Tallinn, 2007. – 67 lk. [Tallinna Ülikooli, Eesti Humanitaarinstituut. Kodanikeühiskonna Uurimis- ja Arenduskeskus]. @ EE_ee DE: Frauen in der romani Gemeinden: Forschungsbericht [Universität Tallinn, Estland humanitären Instituts. Zivilgesellschaft Forschung und Entwicklung]. EN: Women in Estonian romany communities: Research report [Tallinn University, Estonian humanitarian institute. Civil society research and development]. UA: Ԗ ԕ : Ԕ . Ԝ Mare Viies, Promoting social inclusion… 2011. REP Tálos, Endre [Ԣá ,É ] Cigány [A] és a beás nyelv Magyarországon // 1. Tanulmányok a cigányság társadalmi helyzete és kultúrája köréből. – Budapest: IF Alapítvány -BTF-OM, 1998. – Old. 295-302. @ HU_hu 2. Tanulmányok a cigányság társadalmi helyzete és kultúrája köréből. – Budapest: BTF-IFA-OM, 2001. – Old. 317-324. @ HU_hu DE: Romani und Beasch Sprachen in Ungarn. EN: Romany and Beash language in Hungary. - AlekIari: research Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences. UA: Ԡ ԣ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: ,ԣ , ,Ԓ , Hungary, linguistics, AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. [1998] Landauer Attila: Adalékok a beás cigányság korai történetéhez // A cigány kultúra történeti és néprajzi kutatása a Kárpátmedencében. – Budapest-Gödöllő: Magyar néprajzi társaság, 2010. – Old. 79–96. 2. dr. Hegyi. Ildikó Katalin. A nyelvi norma kérdése és az oktatás nyelve: összefüggések és dilemmák // Iskolakultúra. – 2012. – 10. sz. – Old. 117-122. Tálos, Endre 9 Cigány nyelv // Magyar nagylexikon 5. – Budapest: Magyar Nagylexikon kiadó, 1997. – Old. 385-386. @ HU_hu EN: The Romany language. UA: Ԡ .– Cigány [A] nyelv helyzetéről. 1. // Amaro drom. – 1999. – 9 evf. - 12. sz. – Old. 36. @ HU_hu EN: On the Romany language situation. UA: ԟ Ԡ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: ,ԣ , ,Ԓ , Hungary, linguistics, Etymologica zingarica // Acta linguistica hungarica. – Badapest, 1999. - Vol. 46. - Nr. 3-4. - P. 215-268. @ HU_en EN: This paper begins with an introduction of the conventions I use below and my chief sources. This is followed by a sketch of the relationship of the dialects of Romani and a brief reconstruction of the phonological systems of ancient Romani and Dommānī, the хaurasēnī-like prakrit, which became the predecessor of Romani. The larger second part contains new or amended etymologies for 87 reconstructed Ancient or Wallachian Romani words. These may be considered part of an evolving etymological dictionary of Romani. UA: Ԡ .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: , , linguistics, Fonológiai szabálykölcsönzés a cigányban // Magyar fonetikai füzetek. - Budapest: MTA Nyelvtud. int., 1980. - 5 sz. - Old. 152-158 [Interlingvális hangtani egybevetések: Az MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézete, a Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság és az MTA I. Osztályának Fonetikai Munkabizottsága által szervezett Fonetika '79 tudományos ülésszak előadásai: Budapest, 1979. szeptember 27]. @ HU_hu EN: Borrowing of phonological rules in Románi UA: ԗ Ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: ,ԣ , ,Ԓ . , Hungary, linguistics, Morfoszintaktikai szabálykölcsönzés a cigányban // Nyelvpedagógiai írások IV. – Budapest: MKKE Nyelvi intézet, 1983. – Old. 22-31. @ HU_hu EN: Borrowing of orphosyntactic ules in Romani UA: ԗ Ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: ,ԣ , ,Ԓ . , Hungary, linguistics, Nem az írás teszi a nyelvet (szerény észrevételek az írástervezettel kapcsolatban) // Amaro drom. - 1997. – 7 evf. - 11. sz. - Old. 23-24. @ HU_hu EN: No writing makes language (modest comments on the draft regulations). UA: ԝ ( ). – Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: ,ԣ , ,Ԓ , Hungary, linguistics, orthography, AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. dr. Hegyi. Ildikó Katalin. A nyelvi norma kérdése és az oktatás nyelve: összefüggések és dilemmák // Iskolakultúra. – 2012. – 10. sz. – Old. 117-122. On making national orthographies // Jezik i kultura roma. - 1983. -S. 239-241. @ EN: UA: ԟ .- Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib Purdé // Magyar nyelv. - 1982. - 78. evf. – 3. sz. – Old. 336-338. @ HU_hu EN: Romany child. Tálos, Endre 10 Rostás Mihály nyelve // A mesemondó Rostás Mihály. – Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Csoport, 1988. – Old. 191-195. [Ciganisztikai tanulmányok-Hungarian Gypsy Studies 5]. @ HU_hu EN: About the language of Mihai Roshtas // The storyteller Mihai Roshtas. UA: ԟ Ԝ Ԡ // Ԛ Ԝ Ԡ . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: , ԣ folklore, dr. TamaТ, Corneliu [Ԣá , Ԓ , ,Ԛ é , Hungary, linguistics, personalities, ; 1933-] Istoria шiganilor din чara Românească 1241-1856. 600 de ani de atestare documentară. – BucureТti: Ed. Oscar Print, 2001. - 336 p. ISBN 9739264735. @ RO_ro EN: History of Roms of the Romanian state. – AlekIari: Romanian historian, archivist, PhD in history. In 1958 - 1969 he worked as chief archivist at the State Archives of Pitesti city, in 1969 1987 was director of the State Archives Branch in the city of Rimnicu Vilcha (Râmnicu-Vâlcea). FR: L'histoire des Tzigans du Pays Roumains. 600 ans d'attestation documentaire. UA: І Ԡ Ԡ . – Ԑ І : , , . ԗ 1958 1969 ԟ , 1969 1987 Ԕ Ԡ -Ԓ (Râmnicu-Vâlcea). RA: Romania, Ԡ ,Ԡ , , Mocanii din RumâneТti, judeшul MuТcel Тi furtul unor cai în 1870, de către шigani // Revista de istorie a MuТcelului. – Câmpulung: Museul MuТcelului, 2003. – Vol. VII. - P. 69-72. @ RO_ro EN: The Mocans from Rumineshti, Mushchel county, and stealing horses by Roms in 1870. – Mocans – a semi-nomadic pastoral ethnic groups of Romanians in the mountainous part of Sibiu region (Carpathians). UA: Ԝ Ԡ , Ԝ , 1870 . – Ԝ – Ԡ ԡ (Ԛ ). RA: Romania, Ԡ ,Ԡ , , , Tamás, Ervin; Révész, Tamás [TómaТ, Érvin; Rívís, TómaТ ] Búcsú a cigányteleptől. - Budapest: Kossuth könyvkiadó, 1977. - 274 old., ill. @ HU_hu EN: Farewell to the gypsy camp. – «Cigánytelep» is a place, normally in a city/town/village outskirts, inhabited by Roms, and we may name its «modern ghetto». UA: ԟ . - «Cigánytelep» є , , / , Ԡ , « ». RA: ԣ ,Ԓ , Hungary, policy, economics, , , Tan, Sok-Hoon [] «Gypsy» [The] style as extramusical reference: A historical and stylistic reassessment of Liszt's Book I «Swiss» of Années de pèlerinage: MA of music thesis. – Denton: University of North Texas, 2008. – 70 p. @ US_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Gitivad REP RA: ԣ ,Ԓ , Hungary, art, music, Tanaka, J. [] Politics [The] of resource channel diversity and social exclusion in post-socialist transformation processes — enabling and constraining factors of publicprivate co-operation in the area of incomegeneration and job creation among Roma (Gypsies) in Hungary and Romania: MA thesis. – Den Haag: Institute of social studies, 1998. - @ NL_en EN: UA: 11 Tanári kézikönyv a cigány fiatalok szocializációjáról / Szerk. Németh Ilona, Közrem. Choli Daróczi József. – Budapest: Nemzeti szakképzési intézet, 1994. - 155 old. @ HU_hu DE: EN: A teachers handbook for socialization of the romany youth. UA: ԟ .– RA: ԣ ,Ԓ , Hungary, policy, , , Tancer, Mladen [] I romsko dijete je liЦnost // PorodiЦna pedagogija. – Beograd, 1986. - God. 2. - Br. 1-2. - S. 8592. @ SR_hr EN: And the romany kid is personality. UA: І є .- JeziЦki deficit - prepreka u skolovanju romske dece u SR Sloveniji // Jezik i kultura Roma. 1983. - S. 323-329. @ SR_sr EN: Language deficit is barrier in education of Romany children in the SR Slovenia. UA: Ԝ 'є ԡԠ ԡ .- Pogled v raziskovanja o Romih. Vzgoja in izobraževanje romskih otrok v predšolskem in osnovnošolskem obdobju. – Ljubljana: ZRSŠ, 1991. – S. 77-84. @ SI_si EN: A view about researchs on Roms. Education of romany children in pre-school and elementary school. UA: ԟ Ԡ . Ԟ . Položaj uЦencev Romov v slovenski osnovni šoli (dosedanje reševanje in perspektive) // Sodobna pedagogika. – Ljubljana, 1986. – 37. - 9-10. – S. 512-516. @ SI_si EN: Situation of perspectives). UA: ԟ ). - romany pupils in Slovenian primary schools (previous ( decisions є and є Strma pot iz zaostalosti (vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok Romov) // Prosvetni delavec. – Ljubljana, 1986. – 37. - 13 (15. IX.). – S. 3. - @ SI_si EN: The steep path from backwardness (education of romany children). UA: Ԛ ( ). - Vergleichende Darstellung des Lernerfolges von Roma-Kindern und andern Kindern im Grundschulalter in Prekmurje // Wege zur Verbesserung der lage der Roma in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Beiträge aus Österreich und Slowenien. - Wien: Braumüller, 1999. - S.101-107. @ AT_de EN: Comparative presentation of the learning success of romany children and other children in the primary school in Prekmurje. UA: ԟ ԟ ’ . Vzgoja in izibraževanje Romov na Slovenskem. - Maribor: Založba obzorja, 1994. @ SI_si EN: Education of Roms in Slovenia. UA: Ԟ Ԡ ԡ dr. Tancoš, Július [Ԣá , Jý .- ; 16.12.1941 – 07.01.2004] 10. výroЦie vzniku Katedry rómskej kultúry PdF UKF v Nitre // UЦiteľské noviny. – 2001. - RoЦ. 51. - Ц. 12. - S. 5. ISSN 0139-5769. @ SK_sk SK: AleIari: slovensky romolog, vedec (PhD, 1976), uЦiteľ v základnej škole, pedagóg na Vysokej škole technickej v Bratislave (1975-1995), v 1995-2000 - vysokoškolský pedagóg na Katedre rómskej kultúry (Ústave romologických štúdií Fakulty sociálnych vied a zdravotníctva Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre), z 2000 - vedúci Ústavu romologických štúdií. 1990 - zakladateľ a predseda Zduženia inteligencie Rómov na Slovensku. EN: 10th anniversary of the Department of romany culture at the pedagogical faculty of the University in Nitra UA: 10ԣ ԝ . RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, dr. Tancoš, Július 12 Kultúrno-spoloЦenský profil rómskych kultúrnych zväzov na Slovensku // Rómske revue. Bratislava, 1992. - Ц. 2. @ SK_sk EN: ԡultural and social profile of the romany cultural organizations in Slovakia. UA: Ԛ ԡ .- Máte záujem študovať na Katedre rómskej kultúry Pedagogickej fakulty UKF v Nitre? // UЦiteľské noviny. – 2001. - RoЦ. 51. - Ц. 4. - S. 3. ISSN 0139-5769. @ SK_sk EN: UA: Niektoré aspekty spoloЦenskej integrácie // Rómske revue. - Bratislava, 1992. - Ц. 1. @ SK_sk EN: Some aspects of the social integration. UA: Ԕ .- Osobnosť uЦiteľa Rómov // Zborník z III. Medzinárodnej konferencie 28. november 2002 Nitra. – Nitra: UKF, 2002. – S. 22-31. @ SK_sk EN: Personality of teacher of roms. UA: Ԟ Ԡ .REP Spletitosť faktorov kriminality Rómov // Rómske revue. - Bratislava, 1992. - Ц. 1. @ SK_sk EN: The intricacies of factors of the criminality of Roms. UA: ԥ Ԡ .– RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, Výchova a vzdelávanie Rómov dnes a zajtra: medzinárodná konferencia v Nitre // UЦiteľské noviny. - 2002. - RoЦ. 52. - Ц. 4. - S. 6. @ SK_sk EN: Education of Roms today and tomorrow: an international conference in Nitra. - About the conference held on November 27, 2001. Vzdelávanie Rómov dnes a zajtra // Náš Цas (Цasopis Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre). – 2002. – Ц. 1. – S. 6. @ SK_sk SK: 27.11.2001 sa uskutoЦnila medzinárodná konferencia «Výchova a vzdelávanie Rómov dnes a zajtra». EN: Education of Roms today and tomorrow. – About the conference held on November 27, 2001. REP Vzdelanostná úroveň rómskej mládeže - základný predpoklad uplatnenia sa na trhu práce // UЦiteľské noviny. – 2011. - RoЦ. 51. - Ц. 12. - S. 5. ISSN 0139-5769. @ SK_sk EN: The educational level of the romany youth - an essential prerequisite for application in the labor market. UA: Ԡ є . RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, , , Tancoš, Július; Kňažíková, M. [] SúЦasnosť a perspektívne trendy vo vzdelávaní Rómov z pohľadu Katedry rómskej kultúry // Rómovia v strednej Európe, stav a východiská. - Bratislava: SIMŠ, 2001. @ SK_sk EN: UA: Tancoš, Július; Lužica, René [Ԣá , Jý ;] Zatratení a zabudnutí. – 1. Bratislava: Iris, 2000. - 202 s., il., mapy, fot. @ SK_sk 2. Bratislava: Iris, 2002. - 202 s., il., mapy, fot. ISBN 8089018262. @ SK_sk SK: Tzv. cigánska problematika v r. 1939-1945 na Slovensku. EN: Damned and forgotten. – About so called “romany problems” in 1939-1945 in Slovakia. UA: ԟ . – ԟ « » ԡ 1939-1945 . 13 Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad CZ: NKХR: 54 H 241705 Tandari, Éva [Tóndori, Évo] Felröppenő pillanatok: Versek, novellák. – Budapest: Cigány tudományos és művészeti társaság, 2002. - 167 old. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja Tandin, Traian [Ԣ í ,Ԣ já ] Limbajul infractorilor. - Bucuresti: Editura PACO, 1993. - 102 p. @ RO_ro EN: It’s a dictionary of Romanian slang, are mentioned loans from Romani. UA: ԡ , Ԡ i. – Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, lexicology, Tanmateos, Gregor Dufunia [] Romsk grammatik. – Stockholm: Romano Paso publishing, 2005. ISBN 9197590002. @ SE_se EN: The Romani grammar. UA: Ԡ .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Sweden, Sar phandenpe amara shibake vorbi. - Stockholm: Romano Paso Publishing, 2005. @ SE_se EN: How words are formed in our language. UA: .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Sweden, Tanner, Riikka [Ԣá , Ԡí ] Mustalaisten asunto-olot. Selvitys puutteellisesti asuvista ja asunnottomista mustalaisista vuonna 1985. - Helsinki, 1986 [Sosiaalihallituksen raportisarja, 5]. @ FI_fi EN: Housing conditions of Roms. Report on Roms living in poor housing conditions or have no housing in 1985 (serial report of the National Council of social welfare). UA: Ԗ Ԡ . Ԕ Ԡ , 1985 . ( ԝ ). RA: Suomi, Finland, Ԥ Tapolcsai, András [Ԣó ,Ԥ oi, Ó , ] Assimilative mechanisms in late 19th century Hungary: the history of a Romani Settlement // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 5th ser. - 1995. - V.5. - Nr. 1. @ US_en EN: UA: Ԑ ԣ ԥІԥ .: Ԡ .- Tapsel, Florence Gypsy [The] caravan. - London: Epworth Press, 1926. - 93 p. @ UK_en EN: UA: Tarabova-Cedille, Sonia [] 14 contes tziganes. – Paris: Flammarion, 2002. [Castor poche]. @ FR_fr EN: 14 tales of Roms. - Collection of tales where each highlights a romany custom; map of our people migrations since year 1000 at the beginning of the book; historical presentation of our 14 people in the preface. FR: Recueil de contes chacun soulignant une coutume tzigane; carte de migrations de notre peuple depuis l’an 1000 au début du livre et présentation historique de notre peuple dans la préface. UA: 14 .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: folklore, , , Tarasovičová, Tatiana Aktivizácia Rómov po novembri 1989, jej výsledky a predpokladaný význam pre rozvoj rómskeho etnika // ObЦianska spoloЦnosť. Problémy a perspektívy v ХSFR. - Bratislava: Sociologický ústav SAV, 1991. - S. 168-173. @ SK_sk BG: Ԑ Ԡ 1989 ., . DE: Die Aktivierung der Roma nach dem November 1989, die Ergebnisse und die Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Volksgruppe der Roma. EN: Activization of Roms after November 1989, the results and the importance for development of the romany ethnic group. UA: Ԑ Ԡ 1989 ., . RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, ԡ ,ԡ , Tarlan, Kemal Vural [] kemalvural.tarlan@gmail.com Suriyeli Dom göçmenler. En alttakiler. Yoksulluk ve ayrımcılık arasında göç yollarında. Suriyeli Dom göçmenler mevcut durum araТtirmasi: Rapor. – Ankara, 2016 (11). – 127 s. 1000 adet. ISBN 9786058306226. @ TR_tr Dom migrants from Syria. Living at the bottom on the road. Amid poverty and discrimination: present situation analysis report. - Ankara, 2016 (11). – 127 p. 1000 copies. ISBN 9786058306226. @ TR_en EN: UA: REP (turkes, ingliТes) Társadalom [A] peremén. - Budapest: Néprajzi Múzeum, 1989. - 96 old. @ HU_hu EN: UA: BG: Studii romani: III Gy 60 Taškar, Jana [] V trinajstih obЦinah bodo Romi svétniki // Delo (Ljubljana). – 2002, 12. VIII. – S. 3. @ SI_si EN: In thirteen municipalities will be romany councilors. UA: ԣ 13 .- Tassy, Martine [Tasí, Martín] Émergence [L'] d'une littérature écrite dans une culture de tradition orale. Analyse ethnologique de rapports entre langue et identité culturelle chez les Roms de Skopje: Thèse de doctorat. - Marseille, Université d'Aix-Marseille 1, 1994. @ FR_fr EN: The emergence of a written literature in a culture of oral tradition. Ethnological analysis of the relationship between language and cultural identity among Rom in Skopje: PhD thesis. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: Macedonia, literature, Poésie [La] des Roms de Macédoine // Etudes tsiganes. – Paris, 1991. – Nr. 4. - P. 20-25. @ FR_fr Tassy, Martine 15 FR: l’article est suivi de poèmes par Iliaz Saban (p. 26-27) et József Choli Daróczi (28-31); poèm «Le parc» par Ali KrasniФ (33-51); «La poésie engagée» - les poèmes de хaip Jusuf et Rajko DjuriФ (52-53). EN: Poetry of Roms in Macedonia. UA: Poètes rom de Macédoine et du Kosovo // Ethnies. – 1993 (12). - 15. - P. 122-31. @ EN: The romany poets of Macedonia and Kosovo. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: Macedonia, literature, Tattershall, Thomas the Elder [] Account [An] of Tobias Smith, a gipsy, who was executed at Bedford, April 3d, 1792. Published at the earnest request of himself, and many others who visited him in confinement. – [Bedford?], 1792. – 21 p. @ UK_en EN: Smith was condemned to death for killing a mare with foal. UA: UK: BL: General Reference Collection 1507/759. dr. Tauber, Elisabeth [] Adriano Colocci Vespucci – bekanntester italienischer «Zigeunerforscher» des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts und aktiver Faschist ab 1915. Biographische Notizen über einen wissenschaftlichen Plagiaten // Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione. – 2010. - 19. Jrg. – Hf. 1. - S. 173-182. @ IT_de EN: Adriano Colocci Vespucci - best known Italian «gypsy explorer» of the late 19th c. and active fascist from 1915. Biographical notes on a scientific plagiarism. UA: Ԑ Ԛ Ԓ « » 1915. ԑ . RA: І ,Ԙ 19- . , Italy, AndotIodo : Mentioned in : 1. Trevisan, Paola. The internment of Italian Sinti in the province of Modena during fascism: From ethnographic to archival research // Romani studies. - 2013. - Vol. 23. - Nr. 2. - P. 139–160. «Altra [L’] va a mangel». Del significato simbolico del m angapen tra i Sinti Estraixaria // Polis XIV. – 2000. - Nr.3. - P. 391-407. @ EN: UA: NakIavimata HU - «Másik asszony» [A] kéregetni megy. A mangapen értelme az esztraiháró szintók körében // Cigány világok Európában. - Budapest, 2006. - Old. 172-184. @ HU_hu «Do you remember the time we went begging and selling». The ethnography of transformations in female economic activities and its narrative in the context of memory and Respect among the Sinti in North Italy // Roma-/Zigeunerkulturen in neuen Perspektiven. Romani/Gypsy Cultures in new perspectives. - Universitätsverlag Leipzig, 2008. – P. 155-175. @ DE_en EN: UA: REP Du wirst keinen Ehemann nehmen! Respekt, Fluchtheirat und die Bedeutung der Toten bei den Sinti Estraixaria / Mit einem Vorwort von Patrick Williams. – Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006. - 296 S. [Forum Europäische Ethnologie]. ISBN 3825888169, 9783825888169. @ DE_de EN: UA: Tauber, Elisabeth 16 AndotIodo : Mentioned in : 1. Trevisan, Paola. Écrire pour qui? Auteurs, public et registres linguistiques dans les autobiographies des sinti italiens // Études tsiganes. – Paris, 2011. - Nr. 36-37. - P. 90-109. 2. Trevisan, Paola. The internment of Italian Sinti in the province of Modena during fascism: From ethnographic to archival research // Romani studies. - 2013. - Vol. 23. - Nr. 2. - P. 139–160. «Lustig ist das «Zigeunerleben»…?»: Interview mit Elisabeth Tauber // 39NULL. – Berlin. – 2015, 01 August. @ DE_de DE: 39NULL ist ein ideologisch und politisch unabhängiges Kultur- und Gesellschaftsmagazin, das nach Südtirol und weit über seine Grenzen hinaus blickt. EN: UA: REP Sinti Estraixaria children at school, or how to preserve «the Sinti way of thinking» // Romani studies. - 2003. - Vol. 14. - Nr. 2. - P. 1-23. @ UK_en EN: UA: Ԕ ԡ - , « ». - REP Sinti und Roma. Kulturelle Konzeption von Krankheit und Tod // Pharus: Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe. – 2005. - Nr. 9. - S. 6-8. @ EN: Sinti and Roms. Cultural concept of illness and death. UA: ԡ Ԡ .Ԛ .- Sinti und Roma von hier. Ein Blick auf eine andere Kultur im Alpenraum // OEW Rundbrief. – 2008. - Nr. 149. - S. 3-4. @ EN: UA: Studi sugli zingari. Recensione critica secondo la teoria di Dumont // Lacio drom. – Roma, 1994. - Nr.5. - P. 1-44. @ IT_it EN: Romany studies. Critical review according to Dumont's theory. UA: Ԡ .Ԛ Ԕ .- Tenkreh tut kau molo ke Пam ti mangel // Italia Romaní II. - Roma, 1999. - P. 59-70. @ IT_it EN: UA: Volk [Das] am Rande. Sinti und ihre Wochenmagazin. – 2004. - Nr. 27. – S. 20-21. @ nomadischen Routen in Südtirol // Südtiroler EN: UA: Tauber, Elisabeth; Cosma Emanuela; Ramundo Catarina [] Leggere Rom, Sinti, Gypsies… - Merano: Alpha&Beta, 2008. @ IT_it EN: UA: Tauber, Elisabeth; Maslo Claudio Gabrieli [] Sintegro giapen ti sintengre gaigi = Geschichte und Gegenwart des Sinti-Geigenbaus. Anleitung zum Bau einer Sintigeige. - Merano: Alpha&Beta, 2008. @ IT_it EN: History and present of the violin-making by Sintos. Instructions for the construction of a sinti violin. UA: Ԝ ԡ . І . Tausch, Arno [TáuТ, Árno] Für immer ausgegrenzt? Zur sozialen Lage der Roma in Europa // Das jüdische Echo. – Wien, 2004. – Nr. 53. - S. 147-150. @ AT_de EN: Foreclosed forever? On the social situation of the Rom in Europe. - 17 UA: Ԟ ?ԟ Ԡ Є .- Tauszik, N.; Gulyás, I.; Csombó, Sz. [Tausik, N.; GujaТ, I.; Çombo, S.] Szolnok megye cigány lakossága börléc tulajdonságainak megoszlása // Orvos-biológiai tanulmányok a hazai cigányságról / Szerk. G.Forrai, J.Kollar, T.Tauszik. - Szolnok, 1986. @ HU_hu EN: Distribution of ridge features in the Gypsy population of Szolnok county] [Medical-biological studies on the Gypsy population], UA: DikI maj: Forrai Gy., Kollár J., Tauszik T.: Orvos-biológiai tanulmányok a hazai cigányságról, 1986. Tauszik, N.; Tóth, Gy. [] Hazai [A] cigányság és a nem cigány lakosság dermatoglyphiai különbsegek // Belügyi Szemle. – 1987. – 25. – Old.11-15. @ HU_hu tulajdonságai közötti EN: Differences in dermatoglyphic features of romany and non-romany populations of Hungary. UA: Ԓ ԣ . Tauszik, T. [] Gypsy [The] groups // Genetics of the Hungarian population: ethnic aspects, genetic markers, ecogenetics and disease spectrum. - Budapest: Akadémiai kiadó, 1991. – P. 64-72. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Ԡ . Tauszik, T.; Forrai, G.; Hollán, S.R. Taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide in a sample of Hungarian Gipsies // Gene geography. 1987 (08). – 1. – 2. – P. 103-107. @ EN: UA: Tauszik, T.; Friss, A.; Gyódi, E.; Santora, Z.; Takács, S.; Kotvász, A.; Tóth, A.M.; Horváth, M.; Tarján, L.; Petrányi, G. et al. Genetic polymorphism of the Gypsy population in Hungary as based on studies of red blood cell antigens // Haematologia. – Budapest, 1985. – 18. – 3. – P. 205-217. @ HU_en EN: UA: Tavali, Ladislav [] Kone za lásku = O grasta vaš o kamiben. - [SládkoviЦovo]: Sírius Cybernetics, 2010. – 237 s. ISBN 9788097046705. @ SK_sk_rm EN: Horses for love. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: fiction, literature, Šúko a Apolka = O Šúko taj i Apolka: Roman. - 2009. - 238 s. ISBN 9788097019518. @ SK_sk_rm EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: fiction, literature, 18 dr. Tavani, Claudia [] Collective rights and the cultural identity of the Roma: A case study of Italy. – Leiden: Brill, 2012. - xiv, 380 p. [Series: Studies in International minority and group rights, vol. 3, ISSN 2210-2132]. ISBN 9789004202610. @ NL_en EN: AlekIari: PhD (2010) in law, University of Essex. Her research interests are cultural rights, cultural identity, protection of minorities, non-discrimination, collective rights and human rights in general. Contents: Acknowledgements. Abstract. List of Abbreviations. Introduction . Book Outline. 1 Chapter I: An overview of the Roma and their culture. 1.1 Introduction: the importance of recognising the Roma as an ethnic group. 1.2 Culture and cultural identity. 1.3 Historical background. 1.4 The Roma today: main characteristics and identification. 1.5 Conclusions: the Roma as an ethnic and transnational minority. 2 Chapter II: The definition of minority and the protection of Roma in international law instruments. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Article 27 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 2.3 International Labour Organisation Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. 2.4 The 2005 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 2.5 The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. 2.6 The Council of Europe and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. 2.7 The European Charter for Regional of Minority Languages. 2.8 Conclusions. 3 Chapter III: The protection of minority rights through individual human rights. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 The principles of equality and non-discrimination as a full realisation of the rights of minorities. 3.3 The protection of minorities in the European Union. 3.4 The United Nations instruments and their jurisprudence. 3.5 The European Convention on Human Rights and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. 3.6 Conclusions: de facto equality, affirmative action and special measures as ways to protect minorities. 4 Chapter IV: Individual v. Collective rights. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 The added value of collective rights. 4.3 The protection of collective rights in international instruments. 4.4. The debate between supporters and critics of collective rights. 4.5 Collective rights and cultural identity? 5 Chapter V: The case of Italy. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Background information on the Roma in Italy. 5.3 The Italian legal system. 5.4 The juridical status of the Roma in Italy. 5.5 Measures «in favour» of the Roma? 5.6 Conclusions and final remarks. Conclusions. Appendices I – V. Bibliography. Table of Cases. Index. Taylor, Becky [Téjlor, Béki] Travellers, citizenship and the early welfare state // Gypsies identities in Europe: policies and research: Conference in Ioannina, October 17-18, 2003. – 11 p. @ EL_en EN: UA: REP Taylor, Kenneth N. [Téjlor, Kénet N.] Első [Az] képes Bibliám = Muri anglunyi kipunyi Bibla / Ford. Choli Daróczi József. – Gödöllő: Tessedik Sámuel Alapítvány, 2002. - 255 old. @ HU_rm_hu EN: My first Bible in pictures. UA: Ԝ ԑ . Skant ikIo: Сarad vi Тaradenvad Tchécoslovaquie: création d'un parti politique rom: l'initiative civique rom // Etudes tsiganes. – Paris, 1990. - Nr. 1. – P. 40-41. @ FR_fr DE: Tschechoslowakei: Schaffung eines romano politischen Partei: Roma Bürgerinitiative. EN: Czechoslovakia: Creation of a romany political party: Roms civic initiative. UA: ԧ :ԡ : Tcherenkov, Lev N. [ԧ ó ,ԛ . Ԝ.] Alte [Die] Frau und die Ziege. Ein Romamärchen aus Bessarabien = Paramic la phurjaki haj la buznjaki // Romano centro. – Wien, 1997. – Nr. 19. – S. 6. @ AT_rm_de EN: The old woman and the goat. A romany tale from Bessarabia. – AlekІari: Romany linguist. UA: ԡ .Ԡ ԑ .-Ԑ І : . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: mese, , Tcherenkov, Lev 19 Brève esquisse sur les Tsiganes en URSS // Etudes tsiganes. – Paris, 1969. - An. 15. - Nr. 3. - P. 11-25. @ FR_fr DE: Kurze Skizze über Roms in der UdSSR. EN: Brief sketch on Roms in USSR. UA: ԡ Ԡ Ԡ ԡ . Cirikli (L'Oiseau). Conte tsigane recueilli par Grigorie Cantea // Etudes tsiganes. – Paris, 1967. An. 13. - Nr. 4. - P. 1-11. @ FR_fr DE: Cirikli (Der Vogel). Romano Märchen von Grigorie Cantia gesammelt. EN: Cirikli (The Bird). Romany tale collected by Grigorie Cantia. UA: ԧ (ԟ ). Ԡ , ԓ Ԛ . – ԓ Ԝ . Ԛ – Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: mese, , Eine kurzgefasste Grammatik des russischen Kalderaš-Dialekts Linguistische studien. - 1999. – Nr. 51 ((Frühjahr). – S. 131-166. @ AT_de des Romani // Grazer EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib REP RA: , ,Ԡ ,Ԡ AndotIodo : Mentioned in : 1. Ԟ Ԝ.Ԓ. Ԟ ђ 2012. - Ԛ . I. - ԡ. 295-317 (isi le REPeste). , linguistics, Russia, o : ԡ // IWoBA VIII: Ԡ . - ԝ ԡ VII , Paramisi katar le Mica, «Le chat», conte tsigane, recueilli par Grigorie Cantea // Etudes tsiganes. – Paris, 1971. – An. 17. – Nr. 4. – P. 1-9. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: folklore, , Koro Sejtani = Der blinde Teufel. Erzählt von Namaztataj Umer-kyzy Suinow // Romano centro. – Wien, 2001. – Nr. 35. – P. 8-9. @ AT_rm_de EN: UA: ԡ . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: folklore, , , dr. Tcherenkov, Lev; dr. Laedrich, Stéphane [Çerenkóv, Lev, 1936; Lédrix, Stéfan, 1961] Rroma [The]. Otherwise known as Gypsies, Gitanos, Tsiganes, Tigani, Çingene, Zigeuner, Bohémiens, Travellers, Fahrende etc. - Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2004. Vol. 1. History, language, and groups. - 516 p. ISBN 9783796520907. @ CH_en Vol. 2. Traditions and texts. - 580 p. ISBN 9783796520907. @ CH_en EN: UA: CH: Bibliothèque de Genève: 909.0491498 TCHE/1, TCHE/2 ; ZB Zürich: GR 39536: 1, 2 BG: Studii romani: III Gy 103 REP AndotIodo : Mentioned in : 1. DiRicchardi-Muzga, Rinaldo. Tudi bog je umaknil svoj pogled od Ciganov, Romov. – Ljubljana, 2011. – 230 s. dr. Tcherenkov, Lev; dr. Laedrich, Stéphane 20 2. Kapralski S. Memory, identity, and Roma transnational nationalism // Transnational memory: Circulation, articulation, scales. – Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2014. – P. 195-218. 3. Merten, Kai. Untereinander, nicht nebeneinander: Das Zusammenleben religiöser und kultureller Gruppen im Osmanischen Reich des 19. Jahrhunderts. – Münster: LIT Verlag, 2014 531 S. Romanes - viele Varianten und Millionen von Sprechern in Europa // Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 1999, 24./25. Juli. – S. 1. @ CH_de EN: UA: Skant ikIe: Patrika – CH. Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera, Svizra, Switzerland, Te na dikhas sunende... Lovarenge paramici, tertenetura taj gjila: Fern von uns im Traum ... Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Lovara / Hrsg. Petra Cech, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink. - Klagenfurt: Drava, 2001. – @ AT_rm EN: UA: …ԛ , .- Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: folklore, , Austria, Te prinźanes ćire čačimata thaj te mares tu pala lende: Jek sikavimasko drom pala фomane aktivistur. – Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2004. – 271 p. @ HU_rm EN: UA: ԗ : .- REP Te sikjuvas aro aprunoskola. - Stockholm: Högskoleverket, 2007. - 12 s. @ SE_rm EN: Let’s learn in the higher school. - A booklet for Roms who want to become university students. UA: Ԕ . - ԑ Ԡ , . Skant ikIo: REP. UA: RDT: RA: education, Sweden, Te šunel pes tiro glaso: Mediako aktivizmo gido pe romane organizacije. – Brussels: Europako romano informacijako ofiso, 2011. – 4 p. @ BE_rm EN: Your voice to be heard: Guide for romany organisations on media-activity. UA: Ԑ :ԟ ԗԜІ- . Skant ikIo: Patrikenvad REP Teasley, Cathryn [Tízli, Kétrin] Ambiguous legacy: Instituting student diversity at a Spanish secondary school // Cultural studies: Critical methodologies. – 2005 (05). - Vol. 5. - P. 206-229. @ UK_en EN: «Critical ethnographic inquiry guides this examination of the ways in which a group of experienced teachers at an urban secondary school in Spain have responded to a series of new regulations of their practice in the context of markedly increased student diversity at the school. The analysis centers on the ideological stances represented and produced through the educators’ discourse and actions and on the implications for the education of the school’s Roma/Gypsy students as members of possibly the most disenfranchised ethnic group of Spain. The article concludes with the exploration of some alternative means, especially through action research, for producing professional commitments that are more conducive to socially just and culturally responsive educational processes.» UA: ԝ : .ԡ є Ԡ , є . RA: І ,Ԙ , Spain, 21 , ԡ’jý Tebbutt, Susan Caroline [Ԣé ] Challenging new literary images of Sinti and Roma // Sinti and Roma. Gypsies in Germanspeaking society and literature. - New York. - Oxford: Berghahn books, 1998. - P.129-144. @ US_en EN: AlekIari: lecturer of German languge and literaure, University of Bradford. UA: Ԑ І : ԑ . Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande UA: RDT: Controversy [The] over Dinah Gottliebova Babbitt's Auschwitz gypsy portraits: MA dissertation. – London: University of London (Courtauld Institute of art), 2006. - 59 leaves, il. @ UK_en EN: UA: Skanrt ikIo: Kalitrasvad Piecing together the jigsaw: The history of the Sinti and Roma in Germany // Sinti and Roma. Gypsies in German-speaking society and literature. - New York - Oxford: Berghahn books, 1998. - P. 1-16. @ US_en EN: UA: UA: RDT: Politicised [The] pastoral idyll in Ludwig Laher's 'Heimatroman' Herzfleischentartung // Cityscapes and countryside // Contemporary German literature. – Bern: Peter Lang, 2004. - S. 291–307. @ CH_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande Sinti and Roma: from scapegoats and stereotypes to self-assertion // Sinti and Roma. Gypsies in German-speaking society and literature. - New York - Oxford: Berghahn books, 1998. - P. ix-xxiii. @ US_en EN: It’s introduction to this book. UA: ԡ Ԡ : - .- UA: RDT: Tegyél a tűzre nagyapám. Shu pe jag papo! Mesék / R. Lakatos Klára illusztrációival. – Budapest: Roma Kulturális Klubegyesület, 2002. - 83 old. @ HU_rm_hu EN: Put grandfather on the fire. Fairy tales. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanakj’a RA: folklore, Teichmann, Michael [Ԣáj ,Ԝ é ] Rom som - Ich bin Rom. Ethnizität und ethnisches Bewußtsein bei den Burgenlandroma: Doktorarbeite. - Graz: Institut für Volkskunde, 1998. @ AT_de EN: Rom som - I am Rom. Ethnicity and ethnic consciousness among Burgenland Roms: Ph.D. UA: RA: Austria, Teinemaa, Sulev [Ԣéj , ԡý ; 1947-] On kusagil mustlaste maa // Teater. Muusika. Kino. – 1999. - Nr. 7. – Lk. 114-118. @ FI_fi EN: It is somewhere in the land of Rom . – Review of the Kusturuca’s movie. UA: Ԧ Ԡ .-Ԡ ԕ.Ԛ .– RA: art, cinema, 22 Teixeira, Rodrigo Corrêa [Ԣ j éj ,Ԡ í Ԛ ] rteixeira@pucminas.br Ciganos em Minas Gerais: uma breve história. - Belo Horizonte: Crisálida, 2007. - 174 p. ISBN 9788587961228. @ BR_pt PT: O presente texto impressiona pela novidade de informações relativas à vida pùblica e privada dos ciganos pesquisados. Os documentos se impõem e exigem do autor um tratamento especial, a relação hermenêutica se estabelece por meio de uma análise de significação. O trabalho de garimpagem das fontes documentais possibilitou ao autor apreender as nuances das mentalidades das elites e seus preconceitos em relação aos ciganos dando - lhes denominações de «bandidos», «ladrões», «sujos», «vagabundos», «desordeiro». EN: Roms in Minas Gerais: a brief history. UA: Ԡ Ԝ -Ԗ : .– RA: ԑ ,ԑ , Brasil, Correrias de ciganos pelo territόrio mineiro (1808-1903): Dissertação de mestrado em história. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 1998. - @ BR_pt EN: Movement of Roms by the territory of Minas Gerais (1808-1903): MA dissertation in history. UA: História dos ciganos no Brasil. – 2ª ed. digital. - Recife: Nùcleo de estudos Ciganos, 2008. – 60 p. @ BR_pt PT: Este ensaio apresenta uma versão modificada de Correrias de ciganos pelo t errit ório m ineir o ( 1808- 1903) , Belo Horizonte, UFMG, Dissertação de mestrado em história, 1998, publicada sob o título Hist ória dos Ciganos no Br asil, Recife: NEC, E-Texto nº 2, 2000 (edição digital) e posteriormente, com modificações, como Ciganos em Minas Ger ais: Br eve Hist ória, Belo Horizonte: Ed. Crisálida, 2007. EN: History of Roms in Brasil. UA: І Ԡ ԑ .– Conteudo: Introdução. 1. História geral dos ciganos no Brasil. 2. Os ciganos em Minas Gerais no século XIX. 3. A inserção dos ciganos na economia do século XIX. 4. A imagem dos ciganos no Brasil REP «Questão cigana» [A]: uma introdução. - Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 1993. @ BR_pt EN: «The romani question»: an introduction. UA: Ԡ : .– Temkoviczová, Žofia Vznikne na Slovensku Asociácia priateľov rómskych detí? // Romano lil nevo. – 2002. - RoЦ. 12. - Ц. 557-565. – S. 5. @ SK_sk EN: Will be established the Slovak Association of friends of romany children? UA: Templer, Bill [] Neoliberal strategies to defuse a powder keg in Europe: The «decade of Roma inclusion» and its rationale // New politics. – 2006. – 10. – 4. – P. 1–19. @ EN: UA: ԝ Ԡ » ґ . Є : «Ԕ REP Temps [Le] des Gitans: entretien avec Emir Kusturica // Etudes tsiganes – 1989. - Nr. 3-4. P. 75-78. @ FR_fr EN: Time of Roms: interwiew with Emir Kusturitsa. UA: ԧ Ԡ : ԕ Ԛ .– RA: art, cinema, Ten years after: A history of Roma school desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe / Ed. Iulius Rostas, foreword by John Shattuck. - Budapest and New York: REF & CEU Press, 2012. - 23 392 p. ISBN 9786155053139. @ HU_en EN: UA: Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgements; About the Roma Education Fund; Introduction; PART I: Chapter 1. Institutional responses to segregation: The role of governments and non-governmental organizations. Chapter 2. Setting the Roma policy agenda: The role of international organizations in combating school desegregation. Chapter 3. Judicial policy making: The role of the courts in promoting school desegregation. PART II Bulgaria – Interview with Rumyan Russinov; Bulgaria – Policy review by Krassimir Kanev; Czech Republic – Interview with Ivan Veseley; Czech Republic – Policy review by Gwendolyn Albert; Hungary – Interview with Viktoria Mohacsi; Hungary – Policy review by Orsolya Szendrey; Romania – Interview with Costel Bercus; Romania – Policy review by Florin Moisa. Slovakia – Interview with Klara Orgovanova; Slovakia – Policy Review by Miroslava Hapalova and Martina Kubanova; PART III: Conclusion. List of contributors. Index. Tenenbaum, Joseph [Ԣ á , Jó ; 1887-] Race and Reich: The story of an epoch. 1. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1956. - xvi, 554 p. @ US_en 2. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1976. - @ US_en DE: Race und Reich. - Die Geschichte der Entstehung, Entwicklung und Nutzung der NS-Rassenpolitik «Wissenschaft». EN: Race and Reich. - The history of the emergence, development and use of nazi racial «science». The Kalitrash question is in appendix. RU: Ԡ . – Ԙ , « ». Ԣ Ԛ – . UA: Ԡ . – І , « Ԣ Ԛ . ». Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: genocide, Germany, Tengerdi, Győző [Téngerdi, Djózjo] Balatoni nádas berek. Beás cigány népdalok. – Kaposvár: Móricz Zsigmond Művelődési Ház, 1996. - 212 old., ill. @ HU_hu_be EN: Balaton reed grove. Beash folk songs. – In Romani and Beasch. UA: ԑ .ԑ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: ԣ , ,Ԓ , folklore, Hungary, Tengerdi, Győző; Orsós, Anna [Téngerdi, Djózjo; ÓrТoТ, Óno] Balatoni nádas berek. Beás cigány énekeskönyv. – Pécs: Gandhi Gimnázium, 1998. - 165 old., ill. EN: Balaton reed grove. Beash songbook. – In Romani and Beasch. UA: ԑ .ԑ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: ԣ , ,Ԓ , folklore, Hungary, dr. Tenser, Anton [] toxa7@hotmail.com Lithuanian Romani. – Munchen: Lincom Europa, 2005. – 62 p. @ DE_en EN: AlekIari: holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Manchester. Lives in Chicago. UA: Ԡ ԛ . Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib REP RA: , linguistics, , Northeastern group of Romani dialects: PhD thesis. – Manchester: University of Manchester, School of languages, linguistics and cultures, 2008. @ UK_en EN: Tenser, Anton 24 UA: ԟ :Ԕ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: , linguistics, . , Report [A] on Romani dialects in Ukraine: Reconciling linguistic and ethnographic data // Romani studies. - 2012. - Vol. 22. - Nr. 1. - P. 35-47. - ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԟ .- ԣ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib REP RA: , linguistics, ,ԣ : ԟ є , Tények, adatok a cigányok háborús üldöztetésének (1939–1945) tanintézeti feldolgozásához / Szerk. Szita Szabolcs. - Budapest, 2000. - 118 old., ill. [Magyar Auschwitz Alapítvány – Holocaust dokumentációs központ]. ISBN 9638550732. @ HU_hu DE: Fakten und Daten über den Krieg Verfolgung von Roma für die Lehrpläne. EN: Facts and data about the wartime persecution of Roms for school curriculum. RU: Ԥ Ԡ .UA: Ԥ Ԡ .- Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: nazi, Germany, Teoretické a praktické otázky politickej participácie Rómov na lokálnej úrovni / Red. Vladimír BenЦ, Tomáš HrustiЦ, Tímea Kardos, Alexander Mušinka. - Prešov: Slovenská spoloЦnosť pre zahraniЦnú politiku, 2013. – 141 s. ISBN 9788089540242. @ SK_sk EN: Theoretical and practical issues of political participation of Roms at the local level. UA: Ԣ Ԡ .– RA: ԡ ,ԡ , Slovensko, Slovakia, Tepina, Jasna Šola odgovornosti in obveznosti // Prosvetni delavec. – Ljubljana. – 1982. – 33. - 7 (17. IV.), 9. @ SI_si EN: School of responsibility and obligation UA: RA: Slovenija, Slovenia, education, Terms of reference. Decade of Roma inclusion 2005-2015 (under the Presidency of Government of Romania). - 2005. – 10 p. @ HU_en BG: Ԣ - o 2005 . (1) 2010 . ( , ). EN: This document has 2 editions – basic text from 2005 (1st edition) and amended text from 2010 (the 2nd edition, see below). SK: Tento dokument má dve edície - základné text od roku 2005 (1. vydanie) a zmenené znenie z roku 2010 (2. vydanie). UA: Ԧ є – 2005 . (1) 2010 . (2, . ). NakIavimata BG – ԟ Ԕ 2005-2015 .: ԗ 29 2006 . // Ԕ . – 2006, 12 . – ԑ . 100. @ BG_bg SK - Zadávacie podmienky Dekáde zaЦleňovania rómskej populácie 2005 – 2015 (pod predsedníctvom rumunskej vlády) // Správa o pripravovanom predsedníctve Slovenskej republiky v programe Dekáda zaЦleňovania rómskej populácie 2005-2015: Priloha. @ SK_sk 25 UA - ԟ Ԡ І Ԕ (Ԟ Ԡ 2005-2015 ( ). - 2014. - №3. - ԡ.3-13. @ UΑ_ua ) // Skant ikIo: DeТberТ REP (en, bg, sk, ua) Terms of reference. Decade of Roma inclusion 2005-2015: Approved by the International steering committee on 18 November, 2005, Bucharest, Romania. Amended by the 19th International steering committee on October 1, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. - 12 p. // The official site of the Decade. @ HU_en NakIavimata RM – Terminurja vash referentzje. Dekada vash Romengi inkluzja 2005-2015: Lini opre kotar o Mashkarthemutno sherutnengo komiteto po 18 Nojembrje, 2005, Bukarest, Rumunja. Nevjardi ko 19to Mashkarthemutno sherutnengo komiteto ando Oktombrje 1, 2010 Praga, Czehja Republika. – 13 p. // The official site of the Decade. @ HU_rm UA - ԟ Ԕ Ԡ 2005-2015: ԗ Ԝ 18 2005 . ԑ , Ԡ . ԗ 19Ԝ 01 2010 ԟ , ԧ Ԡ // Ԡ І (Ԟ ). - 2014. - №3. – ԡ.3-13. @ UA_ua Skant ikIo: DeТberТ REP (en, rm, ua) Terrail, Ponson du dikI Ponson du Terrail Tertats, Andris Хiganoloģija jeb romanoloģija Latvijā sociālās psiholoģijas skatījumā // Psiholoģija mums. 2011. - 3. - 57. - Lpp. 40-48. @ LV_lv EN: Gypsyology or Romology in perspective of the Latvian social psychology. UA: Ԧ RA: ԛ ,ԛ .– , Latvija, research, Terug naar Auschwitz. Een gedenkwaardige Reis van Nederlandse Sinti en Roma / Coordinator-editor P. Jorna. - FORUM, 2002. - ISBN 9789057141157. @ NL_nl EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tervonen, Miika [1976] Miika.Tervonen@helsinki.fi Elämää veitsen terällä: konfliktit kiertävien romanien ja maanviljelijöiden välillä // Vieraat kulkijat – tutut talot. Näkökulmia etnisyyden ja köyhyyden historiaan Suomessa. - Helsiki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2005. - [32 s.]. @ FI_fi EN: Life on a knife-edge between conflicts of vagabpond Roms and farmers UA: EU:n otettava romanit vakavasti // Helsingin Sanomat. – 2008. ISSN 0355-2047. @ FI_fi EN: EU seriously takes Roms. UA: Exclusion of Roma: Continuity and change // Roma and Traveller inclusion in Europe. Green questions and answers. - Luxemburg: Green European Foundation, 2011. @ LU_en EN: UA: 'Gypsies', 'Travellers' and 'peasants'. A study on ethnic boundary drawing in Finland and Sweden, c.1860-1925: PhD thesis. - Florence: European University Institute, Department of history and civilization, 2010. - 301 p. @ IT_en EN: Tervonen, Miika 26 UA: REP Itä-Euroopan romanit äärioikeiston tähtäimessä // Ulkopolitiikka. – Helsinki: Ulkopoliittinen instituutti, 2009. – Nr. 3. – [3 s.]. ISSN 0501-0659. @ FI_fi EN: Eastern European Roms right-wing extremist in sight. UA: Kiertolaisia, silmatikkuja ja rajojen ylittajia: 1800-luvun lopulta toiseen maailmansotaan // Suomen Romanien historia. - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2012. – S. 84–143. @ FI_fi EN: UA: AndotIodo : Mentioned in : Berlin, Jenni. The moving-permit custom of the Finnish Roma // Romani studies. – Livrrpool, 2015. – Nr. 2. 'Mustalainen'. Oudon sanan pieni poliittinen historia // Poleemi. - Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, 2006. - Nr. 1. - S. 5-9. ISSN 1235-4112. @ FI_fi EN: 'Rom'. Strange word of a small political history. UA: REP Mustalaisia vai ihmisiä? Väärinkäsityksen historiaa – ja nykypäivää // Varokaa mustalaisia! Väärinkäsityksen historiaa.– Helsinki: Helsingin kaupunginmuseo, 2009. – [9 s.] @ FI_fi EN: Blacks or people? Misunderstanding of history - and present. UA: Nation and its outsiders: the 'Gypsy question' and peasant nationalism in Finland, c.1863–1900 // Nationhood from below. Europe in the long nineteenth century. - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011. - P. 139-161. @ US_en EN: UA: Romanit ja suuri muutos // Suomen romanien historia. - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2012. - [28 s.] @ FI_fi EN: UA: Romerna och den stora förändringen // De finska romernas historia från svenska tiden till 2000talet. - Helsingfors-Stockholm: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland & Bokförlaget Atlantis, 2015. - S. 172-200. ISBN 9789173538350. @ FI_se EN: UA: Sortavala, Karjalan romanikulttuurin keskus // Viipurin läänin historia 6: Karjala itärajan varjossa. - Lappeenranta: Karjalan kirjapaino, 2010. – [2 s.] ISBN 9789525200768. @ FI_fi EN: Sortavala, Karelia Romany cultural center // Viborg county history 6: Karelia's eastern border in the shade. UA: RA: Russia, Syrjäytetyt: lyhyt katsaus romanien yhteiskunnallisen uloslyönnin pitkään historiaan // Huomio! Romaneja tiellä. - Helsinki: Like, 2012. - [12 s.]. ISBN 9789520107864. @ FI_fi EN: Marginalization: a brief overview of Roms in society out of space long history. UA: Talosta taloon. Kiertäminen romanien toimeentulostrategiana muistelukerronnassa 1920-1965. – 2003. - 121 s. @ FI_fi EN: From house to house. Rotating the Romany livelihood strategy reminiscence narration 19201965: Master's thesis, UA: Tervonen, Miika 27 Tutuissa taloissa Vaihtoverkostot, riippuvuus ja valta kiertävien romanien ja maanviljelijäväestön välisissä suhteissa 1920-1960 // Työväen verkostot. – Tampere: Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, 2003. - S. 215-234. [Väki voimakas, 16. ISSN 0782-2332]. @ FI_fi EN: Familiar houses. In relations between the exchange networks, addiction and the power of itinerant Roms and farmer population 1920-1960 // Workers networks UA: REP Unkarin romanit ahtaalla // Kehitystyön kumppani. - 2009. – Nr. 9. ISSN 0782-6141. @ FI_fi EN: UA: Vagabonder och gränsöverskridare // De finska romernas historia från svenska tiden till 2000talet. - Helsingfors-Stockholm: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland & Bokförlaget Atlantis, 2015. - S. 83-139. ISBN 9789173538350. @ FI_se EN: UA: DikI maj: Enache, Anca; Tervonen, Miika. Uusia tulijoita // Suomen Romanien historia, 2012. Tervonen, Miika; Enache, Anca [] De nyanlända // De finska romernas historia från svenska tiden till 2000-talet. - HelsingforsStockholm: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland & Bokförlaget Atlantis, 2015. - S. 282-286. ISBN 9789173538350. @ FI_se EN: UA: RA: Sverige, Routsiin, Sweden, Tervonen, Miika; Jeskanen, Inka [] Ruotsiin // Suomen romanien historia. – Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2012. - 4 s. @ FI_fi EN: Sweden // Hystory of Finnish Roms. UA: Satumaa vai umpikuja? Suomen romanien siirtolaisuus Ruotsiin // Työväki maahanmuuttajana. Helsinki: Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, 2012. – S. 183-200. @ FI_fi EN: UA: Till Sverige // De finska romernas historia från svenska tiden till 2000-talet. - HelsingforsStockholm: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland & Bokförlaget Atlantis, 2015. - S. 200-204. ISBN 9789173538350. @ FI_se EN: UA: Tesăr, Cătălina [Téser, Ketelína] Becoming Rom (male), becoming Rom ni (female) among Romanian Cortorari Roma: On body and gender // Romani studies. – 2012. - Vol. 22. - Nr. 2. – P. 113–140. ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK_en EN: UA: REP RA: Romania Memoria deportării în discursul identitar al cortorarilor din Brateiu // ME, 2005. – 5. - Nr. 14-15. - P. 1474-1485. @ RO_ro EN: Memory of deportation in the identitary discourse of cortorari (tent dwellers) Roms from Brateiu) UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad 28 RA: Romania, war, nazi, genocide, чigan bun tradiшional în România, cersetor de-etnicizat în strainatate. Politici ale reprezentării publice Тi etica muncii la romii Cortorari // Spectrum: Cercetari sociale despre romi. - Cluj Napoca: ISPMN-Kriterion, 2011. @ RO_ro EN: UA: Tesfay, Saba Wearing Gypsy identity in a Gábor Gypsy community in Tîrgu MureТ // Romani studies. - 2009. Vol. 19. - Nr. 1. - P. 1-17. ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK_en EN: UA: І Ԡ REP RA: România, Romania, Ԡ Tetzner, Theodore [Ԣé ,Ԣ ,Ԡ Ԣ - -Ԝ .- , ó ] Geschichte der Zigeuner, ihre Herkunft, Nature una Art. - Weimar und Ilmenau: Voigt, 1835. – x, 142 S. @ DE_de EN: History of the Roms, their origin, nature and art. UA: І Ԡ , , .- REP DE: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München: Teursch, J. [Ԣj j , J.] Gypsy [The] Lathe // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. – 1911. – Vol. 4. - Nr. 4. - P. 275-279. @ UK_en EN: UA: Textes des institutions internationales concernant les Tsiganes / Ed. Marielle Danbakli. – 1. Paris: Centre de recherches tsiganes - Toulouse: Centre régional de documentation pédagogique Midi-Pyrénées, 1994. - 225 p. [Interface, 5]. ISBN 2865650987, 9782865650989. @ FR_fr 2. Paris: l'Harmattan: Centre de recherches tsiganes, 2001. - 271 p. [Collection Interface, 5]. ISBN 2747503704, 9782747503709. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: TIarmenvad RA: Council of Europe, European Union, law, legal, NakIavimata BG – Ԣ ԟ Ԙ ԑ . – ԡ 9548537532. @ BG_bg : ԛ , 1997. – 230 /Ԡ .Ԝ . [Ԙ Ԕ . , 5]. ISBN EN – 1. Roma, Gypsies: Texts issued by international institutions / Ed. MDanbakli. Toulouse: CRDP Midi-Pyrenees, 1994 (12). - 209 p. [Interface collection, 5]. ISBN 2865650995, 9782865650996. @ FR_en, 2. On Gypsies: Texts issued by international institutions / Ed. MDanbakli. – 2nd revised edition. - Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire press edition, 2001 (09). - 288 p. [Interface collection, 5]. ISBN 1902806158, 9781902806150, @ UK_en dr. Thakur, Harish K. [TIakúr, XaríТ K.] Theories of Roma origins and the Bengal linkage // Mediterranean journal of social sciences. – Rome, 2013 (10). – Vol. 4. - Nr. 10. – P. 22-26. ISSN 2039-9340. @ IT_en 29 EN: «Roma, also known as Gypsies, are the people who started migrating from India to West (through West Asian and Central Asian States) long back in the tenth or eleventh century till the late medieval times. The migration took place at different phases of history which is still under scrutiny. It is an established fact now that a good number of them were enslaved by Mahmud Gajni during his raids on India (1000 A.D to 1026 A.D.). There are many theories of Roma origin and migration today but the Kanauj Theory is considered to be more realistic.However, the author contends that since Roma migration is not a onetime exodus as believed by many their origin owes to multiple of movements and kingly acts over the centuries. They are not only from the north-west of India or Kanauj rather from East of India too (Bengal) and also the result of sale of slaves by the kings in medieval times to the land of their origins». AlekIari: Associate professor at the Department of political science of the Govt. College Sunni in Shimla UA: Ԣ Ԡ .REP Thayer, Scott [Ԣéje , ԡ ] Zabudnuté obete holokaustu: Porrajmos // Pravda. - 2003, 2. augusta. @ SK_sk EN: Forgotten victims of the holocaust: Porrajmos. - A small note by deputy head of the U.S. Mission in Slovakia, Bratislava, Scott Thayer in the newspaper «Pravda». UA: ԗ : ԟ . - ԝ ԡ Ԑ ԡ ԡ Ԣ «ԟ » Ԕ ’ . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Thé tre [Le] de l'Agora // Etudes tsiganes. – 1985. – nr. 1. - P. 26. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Themelis, Spyros [Temélis, Spíros] Labour market restructuring and employment pathways: The case of a mixed community (Roma, non-Roma) in north-west Greece // Romani studies. – 2008. - Vol. 18. - Nr. 2. - P. 123-154. ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK_en EN: UA: Ԡ ) ԓ : Ԓ .- REP RA: economy, employment, education, ԓ ,ԓ (Ԡ , , dr. Theodosiou, Aspasia [Teodosíu, Aspásia] Aspasia.Theodosiou@manchester.ac.uk Authenticity, ambiguity, location: Gypsy musicians on the Greek Albanian border. – Saarbrücken VDM. Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011. – 256 p. ISBN 3639314581, 9783639314588. @ DE_en EN: The book addresses how tensions around the politics of othering and ‘difference' unfold in a historically constructed ambiguous/marginal place and around people who figure ambiguously in the national imaginary. Drawing on her fieldwork among the Parakalamos Gypsy musicians on the Greek-Albanian border, the author explores how these are reformulated within the recent emphasis on multiculturalism and cultural heritage in Greece. A key concern is how place and its locatedness are implicated in processes of othering and are played out in music. It is argued that the ambiguities embedded in gypsy music playing resonate with the same ambiguities that permeate the construction of place and do not relate to a 'separate' gypsy 'culture' or identity. The book also explores the ways such marginality impinges on Gypsies' processes of identification and its implications on the way interethnic relations are experienced and practiced. Situated where performativity theory and phenomenology merge the analysis centres around the notion of location in-between, in order to capture the unstable, partial and situated character of the intersubjective relations between place, people and music. AlekIari: PhD in social anthropology at Manchester University. UA: Skant ikIo: Gitivad RA: Greece, Epirus, art, ԓ ,ԓ , ,ԕ , , «Be-longing» in a «doubly occupied place»: The Parakalamos Gypsy musicians // Romani studies. – 2003. - Vol. 14. - Nr. 2. – P. 25-58. - ISSN 1528-0478. @ UK_en EN: UA: 30 Skant ikIo: Gitivad REP RA: Greece, Epirus, art, ԓ Thesleff, Arthur [Ԣé ,Á ,ԓ ,ԕ , , , ; 05.03.1871 – 17.12.1920] Finlands zigenare: en etnografisk studie // Finsk tidsrift. - Helsingfors, 1899. – Vol. 49. - S. 386477. @ FI_se EN: UA: Ԥ Ԡ : .- REP SE: AlekIari: finsk och svensk botanist och folklivsforskare som specialiserade sig på romernas språk och liv. Thesleffs personarkiv «Arthur Thesleffs papper» är i Kungliga biblioteket, signum L11, 9 volymer, Svenska, Tyska, Finska, Romani språk: L11:4:1-13 - Anteckningar om zigenare 1. Bibliografiska anteckningar ur finländska tidningar samt avskrifter av ca 154 st av de förtecknade notiserna. Dessutom bibliografi över böcker och tidskriftsartiklar som behandlar zigenare (i synnerhet de finska) och avskrifter ur en mängd tidningar. 78 blad, folio. 2. Thesleff, Arthur: Zigenare. Uppsats om zigenare. 8 blad, folio. Dessutom en mantalslängd över zigenarfamiljen Ek i Sysmä kommun år 1898. 3. Thesleff, Arthur: [Uppsats om zigenare]. Maskinskrivet manuskript. 14 blad, 4:o. 4. Excerpter om zigenare ur tryckta källor. Bibliografiska anteckningar. Ur diverse kungörelser, kyrkostadgar etc. Innehåller också Thesleffs utlåtande till Civilexpeditionen i Kejserliga Senaten för Finland över fängelseläraren A. Lindhs studier av zigenarspråket. 49 blad. 5. Zigenarnas sånger och visor upptecknade i Finland av Arthur Thesleff. Handskrivna visuppteckningar: 5 st efter Sordavalazigenaren Herman Hagert 1899; 3 st efter zigenaren Lindman i Alajärvi socken 1897; 2 st efter Savolakszigenaren Hedman 1897; 1 st med beteckningen «smörja» och 21 st anonyma visuppteckningar varav några försedda med svensk översättning. 35 blad. 6. Uppteckningar av zigenarspråk och -poesi m.m. Ett stort antal handskrivna uppteckningar av sånger, dikter, orduppteckningar samt etnografiska notiser m.m. 77 blad. 7. Diverse anteckningar om zigenare. Notiser och excerpter ur Reinholms papper m.m. Innehåller ett stort antal små uppteckningar av olika slag, bl.a. observationer, anekdoter, sägner, rykten m.m. Dessutom namnlängd med exempel på förnamn brukliga bland finländska zigenare. Vidare förteckningar över zigenska släktnamn och i vilka socknar de återfinns. 80 blad. 8. Avskrift av Hjalmar Ekerots manuskript: Zigenar-svenskt lexikon. Maskinskriven ordbok. På konvolutet har Thesleff skrivit «Allting orätt». 38 blad. 9. «Av zigenaren Herman Hagert i Sordavala nedskrivna visor på finska språket, vilka voro kända i norra Karelen». Tättskrivna blyertsanteckningar. 15 blad. 10. Walnum, I: Tatersagen. Avskrift ur Morgenbladet 16/9 1893, nr 488. 13 blad, folio, klotband. 11. Mustalaisista. Avskrift ur Oulun Wiikko Sanomia. 1856 2/8 - 27/9. 16 blad, 8:o i klotband. 12:1-5. Diverse anteckningar 1. Verordnungen und allerhöchste Entschliessungen über Zigeuner im Königsreiche Serbien 1845. Handskrift, 10 blad, folio. 2. Cirkular-Verordnungen des herrn Ministers des Inneren über Zigeuner. Uebersetzung aus dem serbischen. 1879. Handskrift, 4 blad, folio. 3. Cop-Marlet, Mara: Die Zelt-Zigeuner-Kolonie in Alakut. Handskrift, 18 blad. 4. Tsigenarmotiv hos Cechiske skalden Jaroslav Vrchlický, med bilaga: Tsigenarens giga. Av Jaroslav Vrchlický. Översatt av Alfred Jensen. Handskrift och maskinskrift, 6 blad. 5. Manuskript på tyska om zigenare i Italien. Handskrift, 10 blad, 8:o. 13. Zigenarmusiken. 16 blad. Maskinskrivet manuskript utgivet av Rolf Lagerborg i Finsk tidskrift 1922. L11:5 - Thesleff, A.: Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischen Zigeuner. Handskrivet manuskript som trycktes i Helsingfors 1901. En beskrivning gjord av Ingvar Svanberg över delar av samlingen, framför allt L11:4, «Arthur Thesleffs efterlämnade zigenarmaterial på Kungl. biblioteket», finns tryckt i Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv, nr 65, 1984. Keisarilliselle Majesteetille, maamme mustalaiskysymyksen tutkimista varten asetettu komitea (romanit) - Till Hans keiserliga Majestat fran komitten for profningen af zigenarfragen i landet // Keisarillisen Senaatin Kirjapainossa - Keiserliga Senatens tryckeri. - Helsinki, 1900. - 137 s. [Komiteamietintö N:o 3]. @ FI_fi ??????????? EN: UA: Thesleff, Arthur 31 Report on the Gypsy problem // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. – London, 1911-1912. Vol. 5. – Nr. 2. – 81-87. @ UK_en Vol. 5. – Nr. 3. – 218-224. @ UK_en Vol. 5. – Nr. 4. – 255-269. @ UK_en EN: UA: Stockholms förbrytarspråk och lägre slang 1910-1912. - Stockholm: Albert Bonniers förlag, 1912. - 120 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib REP RA: linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischer Zigeuner. - Helsingfors: Druckerei der Finnischenliteratur-gesellschaft, 1901. - viii, 125 p. [Acta Societatis Fennicae, t. XXIX, nr. 6]. @ FI_rm_de EN: near 2000 words UA: ԡ є .– Ԡ , 200 , Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib REP US: Harvard univ.: RA: linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, Zigenare: en inledande öfversikt till det af författaren vid Skansens vårfest 1904 anordnade zigenarlägret. - Stockholm: Nordiska museets förlag, 1904. - 16 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: REP Zigenare och tattare // Rasfrågor i modern belysning med särskild hänsyn till det svenska folket. Stockholm, 1919. - S. 73-82. @ SE_se EN: UA: REP Zigenarnas utbredning i Finland, med tafl. // Meddelanden af Geografiska föreningen i Finland, 1897-1898. – Helsingfors, 1899. – Vol. IV. – S. 1-28. @ FI_se Karta öfver zigenarnas utbredning i Finland. Uppgjord på grund af zigenarfolkräkningen i dec. 1895 och jan. 1896 med åtskilliga kompletteringar. Skala 1:1200000 SE: Kartan upptager hvarje känd individ, placerad på den socken eller kommun, där han antingen är döpt, kyrkskrifven eller mantalskrifven, eller då sådant ej varit fallet, på den socken, som af resp. person betraktas som hemtrakt. De personer, som räkningstiden befunno sig på vandringsfärd äro placerade på sin hemsocken. Pilarna och sträcken visa de särskilda gruppernas hufvudsakliga vandringsstråtar, hänförande sig särskildt till förhållandena under det senaste decenniet. I regel äro de yttersta af zigenare uppnådda orterna förenade genom sträck.» DE: Die Ausbreitung der Zigeuner in Finland. EN: Map of the distribution of gypsies in Finland. Made on the basis of the gypsy census in December 1895 and January 1896 with several amendments. - Finland at the time was a Grand Duchy of the Russian empire, with Swedish as the official government language. Map scale 1:1.2 million. Longitudes are given relative to Helsinki. UA: REP Zigenarne. - Helsingfors, 1898. – 59 s. @ FI_se EN: Roms. UA: Ԡ .REP Thesleff, Arthur 32 VaТ leste vi leskire butja : About him and his work : О ё : 1. Nummelin, Sammi. Zigenarbaronen Arthur Thesleff – bland tattare och adel // Tidningen Vi. – Stockholm, 1993. – Hft. 39. 2. Lundgren G. Cikansky baron Arthur Thesleff // Romano dzaniben. – 1996. – 3. 3. Nynäs, Carina. Låt stackmyran begrunda hur länge vandringsmyran har vandrat // Finsk tidskrift: kultur, ekonomi, politik. - 2001. – 249-250. - 10. - S. 592-603. Thiébold, Marguerite [T’jebol, Margerit; 1908-1997] Lili et le jeune gitan. 1. / Ill. Illustrations de Marianne Clouzot. – Paris: Hachette, 1971. – 186 p. [Nouvelle bibliothèque rose]. @ FR_fr 2. / Ill. de François DavotParis: Hachette, 1985. – 155 p. ISBN 2010114221. [Bibliothèque rose, ISSN 0750-7887]. @ FR_fr FR: AlekIari: écrivain français d'ouvrages pour la jeunesse. Elle a également publié quelques livres pour adultes sous le pseudonyme de M. Morgane. EN: UA: ԛ .- NakIavimata PT - Filipa e o jovem cigano / Trad. Maria Guerne, il. Júlio Gil. – Lisboa: Verbo, 1986. – 111 p. @ PT_pt Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – FR RA: fiction, children, literature, juvenil, , ԡí Thodé-Studer, Sylvia [Ԣo é-ԡ jý a] Tsiganes [Les] suisses, la marche vers la reconnaissance. – Lausanne: Réalités sociales, 1987. @ CH_fr EN: UA: Ԡ : .– RA: , Рsviçre, Szwajcaria, , Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera, Svizra, Switzerland, Švýcarsko, Elveția, , ԧ.Ԥ.] Thomas, C.F. [Ԣó Dom [The] of North Africa: An Overview // KURI-DR Journal. - 2000. - Vol. 1. - № 1. - @ EN: UA: Ԕ ԟ Thomas, Edward [Ԣó Ԑ : ,É ] .- G.Borrow: the man and his books. - London: Chapman, 1912. – 352 p. @ UK_en BG: Ԕ .ԑ : .DE: G.Borrow: der Mann und seine Bücher. – EE: G.Borrow: inimene ja tema raamatud. ES: G.Borrow: el hombre y sus libros. SK: G.Borrow: Цlovek a jeho knihy. UA: Ԕ .ԑ : .– RA: personalities, Great Britain, Spain, Thomasius, Martin Jacub [Ԣ á , Ja ý Ԝá i ; 25.08.1622 – 09.09.1684] Dissertatio philosophica de Cingaris in disputationem proposita Lipsiae à M. Jacobo Tomasio, Lips. philosoph. facult. t. t. decano, respondente Johanne Christophoro Schmid. Dresd. Bonar. Art. Baccalaureo. Anno MDCLII [1652]. III. Idus Septembris H.L.Q.C. Nunc recusa anno MDCLXXI [1671]. 1. Lipsiae: Literis Johann-Erici Hahnii, [bibersesko]. - 22 p. in-4. @ DE_la 2. Lipsiae: Literis Johann-Erici Hahnii, 1677. - 22 p. in-4. @ DE_la EN: Variants of names: Jacob / Jacobus Thomasius, Jacques Thomasen. Lipsia = Leipzig. The edition 1, held by the Princeton university, bears no year of publication and is slightly different in ornamentation. It’s possible Thomasius, Martin Jacub 33 that this edition is earlier – from 1671: the word «recusa» in «Nunc recusa anno MDCLXXI» is a «new» form of the fem. past participle recursa (< recussa) to the verb r ecur r o with meaning t o recur. UA: REP (1677) DE: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt FR: BNF: Tolbiac-Rez-de-jardin-magasin MZ-1129, MZ-2389 Gründliche historische Nachricht von denen Ziegeunern, darinnen nebst andern Merckwürdigkeiten dieses Volcks insonderheit desselben Ursprung und erstes Vaterland, Ankunfft, Fortpflantzung und Ausbreitung in Teutschland und andern Europäischen Ländern aus bewährten Geschicht-Schreibern kürtzlich gezeiget und erwiesen wird / Aus dem Lateinischen, des hochberühmten Jacobi Thomasii, in das Teutsche übersetzt. – 1. Lipsiae, 1671. ??????? 2. Frankfurt - Leipzig, 1748. – 63 S. @ DE_de EN: UA: REP (1748) DE: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek: DD2011 A216(4) M. Jacob Thomasii Curiöser Tractat von dem Zigeunern / Aus dem Lateinischen in das Teutsche übersetzt von M.M. - Dresden-Leipzig: J. C. Miethen, 1702. - 48 S. @ DE_de EN: The translation «von M.M.» belongs, as it is believed, to Matthias Martini. UA: US: NY public library: Thomas, James D.; Doucette, Margaret M.; Thomas, Donna Catanzano; Stoeckle, John D. [] Disease, lifestyle and consanguinity in 58 American Gypsies // Lancet. - 1987. - Vol. 2. - Is. 8555. - P. 377-379. [New number of this volume is 330]. @ US_en EN: «Medical data on 58 Roms in the area of Boston, Massachusetts, were analysed together with a pedigree linking 39 of them in a large extended kindred. Hypertension was found in 73%, diabetes in 46%, hypertriglyceridaemia in 80%, hypercholesterolaemia in 67%, occlusive vascular disease in 39%, and chronic renal insufficiency in 20%. 86% smoked cigarettes and 84% were obese. Thirteen of twenty-one marriages were consanguineous, yielding an inbreeding coefficient of 0.017. The analysis suggests that both heredity and environment influence the striking pattern of vascular disease in American Roms». UA: ԗ , є ’ 58 Ԡ . – «ԑ 58 Ԡ ԑ , Ԝ , ' 39 . ԓ 73%, 46%, 80%, 67%, 39% 20%. 86% , 84% . 13 21 , є 0,017. Ԑ є, Ԡ ». Skant ikIo: Zor RA: USA, ԡ Ԑ, ԡԐ , health care, Thomas, P.K.; Kalaydjieva, Luba; Youl, Brian; Rogers, Tamara; Angelicheva, Dora; King, Rosalind H. M.; Guergueltcheva, Velina; Colomer, Jaume; Lupu, Constantin; Corches, Axinia; Popa, Gabriela; Merlini, Luciano; Shmarov, Alex; Muddle, John R.; Nourallah, Michelle; Tournev, Ivailo Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy-Russe: new autosomal recessive neuropathy in Balkan Gypsies // Annals of neurology. – Mount Laurel (NJ). - 2001 (10). – Vol. 50. – Is. 4. - P. 452-457. [American neurological association]. @ US_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Zor 34 Thompson, John [Ԣó , ] Black eyes: Russian Gipsy folk-song: Sheet music. - Cincinnati: The Willis music, 1929. @ US_en EN: UA: ԧ Ԡ : .ԝ . Skant ikIo: Gitivad Thompson, John Making model Gypsy caravans, 1978. Published by the author. ??????? Thompson, Milo [] Gypsy [The] season. - San Jose: Writer’s Showcase, 2002. @ EN: UA: , ԝ.] Thompson, N. [Ԣó Understanding the gulf: Tony Gatlif’s «Gadjo dilo» // Central Europe review [online]. – 2000. Nr. 41 (November). @ HU_en EN: UA: RA: art, , , cinema, DikI maj: Vigo, L.; Blum-Reid, Sylvie Thomson, Rex W.; Soós, István [Tómpson, Reks V.; СóoТ, ÍТtvan] Rroma culture and physical culture in Hungary: Short communication // International review for the sociology of sport. - 2005. - Vol. 40. - P. 255-263. @ EN: UA: Ԡ ԣ : .- REP , Ԣ.ԣ.] Thompson, T.W. [Ԣó Additional notes on English Gypsy uncleanness taboos // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. 1929. - Vol. 8. - Nr. 1. - P.33-39. @ UK_en EN: UA: English Gypsies death and burial customs // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 1924. - Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. - P.5-38. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԗ , ’ , Ԡ . English Gypsy medicin // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 1925. - Vol. IV. - Nr. 4. @ UK_en EN: UA: Social [The] policy of the English Gypsies // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - (3)II. - ??. P.113-39. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԡ Ԡ .- Uncleanness [The] of women among English Gypsies // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. 1922. - Vol. 1. – Nr. 1. - P.15-43. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԝ RA: Great Britain, ethnography, Ԡ .- 35 Thor, Tamina [Ԣ ,Ԣ í ] Baralho da Vovó Cigana / Livro acompanhado de baralho com 48 cartas. – 1. 2001. – 48 p. @ BR_pt 2. 3a ed. : Pallas, 2005. - 60 p. ISBN 8534702608. @ BR_pt EN: UA: Thorne, Benjamin M. [Torn, BenЧamin M.] mbthorne@indiana.edu Assimilation, invisibility, and the eugenic turn in the «Gypsy question» in Romanian society, 1938–1942 // Romani studies. - 2011. - Vol. 21. - Nr. 2. - P. 177-206. ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK-en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP RA: nazi, war, genocide, Ԡ Thornton, Lawrence [Ԣó , ԛó , Romania, Ԡ , ] Sob a Lua Cigana. - Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 1990. - 246 p. ISBN 8571233527. @ BR_pt EN: UA: Thornton, Philip [Tórnton, Filíp] Dead puppets dance. – London: Collins, 1937. – 333 p., b/w photogr. @ UK_en EN: «Mr. Thornton is a good traveller. He is a linguist, a good mixer, an expert musician, folkdancer and photographer, and he has humour and patience — most important of all. His talents were proved in his first book, The Voice of Atlas, and they are even more evident in Dead Puppets Dance... The main object of his journey was to study the music and dancing of the Balkan peasants, but of course he stopped to see whatever else was to be seen. The result is a brilliant account of a journey through Albania, southern Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Roumania. The high spots are his descriptions of the arnazing dance festivals at which the peasants perform dances whose origin is often lost in the mists of ancient magic. ...» (The spectator. - London, 1937, 20 August, p. 31). UA: Ikones and oxen. – London: Collins, 1939. – 300 p., b/w photogr. @ UK_en EN: UA: Thurfjell, David [Téf’jel, Davíd; 1973] david.thurfjell@sh.se Faith and revivalism in a Nordic Romani community: Pentecostalism amongst the Kaale Roma of Sweden and Finland. - London: I.B.Tauris&Co Ltd., 2013. – 224 p. [Studies in Inter-religious relations, 57]. ISBN 9781848859289. @ UK_en EN: AlekIari: Docent, Södertörn University, School of Gender, Culture and History, Study of religions Author: senior lecturer in the Study of religions at Södertörn University College, Stockholm. UA: AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. Berlin, Jenni. The moving-permit custom of the Finnish Roma // Romani studies. – Livrrpool, 2015. – Nr. 2. Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Pentecostalism and the Roma - cultural compatibility and ethno-genesis // Global Pentecostalism: encounters with other religious traditions. – London: I.B.Tauris, 2009. – P. 179-191 [Library of modern religion, 5]. ISBN 9781845118778. @ UK_en EN: UA: Thurfjell, David 36 Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Performance [The] of identity: Universalist Christianity vs Romani particularism in a Swedish Romani community // Bordering the Baltic: Scandinavian Boundary-drawing processes 1900-2000 / Ed. Madeleine Hurd. – Berlin: Litverlag, 2010. – P. 221-237 [Nordische geschichte, 10] ISBN 9783643107787. @ DE_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Thurner, Erika [Ԣé ,É i ] Between European Union and national legislation: What could work as a guarantor of Roma rights? // Europäische Roma - Roma in Europa. - Münster: Lit Verlag, 2006. – P. 43-53. [Berliner Blätter, Ethnographische und Etnologische Beiträge, Bd. 39. ISSN 1434-0542]. ISBN 3825893537. @ DE_de EN: UA: Ԝ Є Ԡ : ? Genocidio ed etnocidio. Le conseguenze dell'Anschluss per Sinti e Rom in Austria // Lacio drom. – 1992. - №4. – P.3-13. @ IT_it EN: UA: ԓ .ԝ ԡ Ԡ Ԑ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Kurzgeschichte des nationalsozialistischen Eisenstadt, 1984. – 47 S. @ DE_de Zigeunerlagers in Lackenbach, 1940-1945. - EN: The short history of the national-socialst camp in Lackenbach 1940-1945. - This book makes it clear that the Roma were a direct target of Nazi genocide, which mandated not only extermination through work, Vernichtung durch Arbeit, but also direct executions, Sonderbehandlung. Alekiari: professor of Political Science and Modern History at Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck. She has also taught at the Universities of Innsbruck, Salzburg, Linz and Vienna. The main topics of her research are Nazi policy and persecution of Roma and Sinti, as well as ethnicity and nationalism, migration and minority problems, the women’s question, and gender studies. She has received several Austrian and US awards for her research work. UA: Ԛ Ԡ ԛ . – ԚԢ ԛ ԑ (Ԑ ) 1940 ., 4 . ԡ Ԡ . ԕ.Ԣ є , Ԡ , « » (Vernichtung durch Arbeit), (Sonderbehandlung) Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad US: HMM: DX221.T582 1984 US: LoC: D804.5.G85 T58 1984 Nationalsozialismus und Zigeuner in Österreich. - Wien: Geyer Edition: Auslieferung, Buchhandlung C. Hölzl, 1983 [Veröffentlichungen zur Zeitgeschichte]. - vi, 235, [61] p., il. ISBN @ AT_de EN: UA: ԝ Ԡ Ԑ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad US: HMM: D810.G9 T48 1983 US: LoC: D810.G9 T48 1983 NakIavimata EN - National socialism and Gypsies in Austria / Ed. and transl. by Gilya Gerda Schmidt. - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1998. - xx, 218 p., [14] p. of plates, il., map. ISBN 0817309241. @ US_en AT: ONB: ZNEU MAG 1830211-C US: HMM: D810.G9 T4813 1998 Nazi and postwar policy against Roma and Sinti in Austria // The Roma: A minority in Europe: Thurner, Erika 37 Historical, political and social perspectives / Eds. Roni Stauber, Raphael Vago. - Budapest: Central European University Press, 2007. – P. 55-67. ISBN 9789637326868. @ HU_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP «Orstfremde, asoziale Gemeinschaftsschädlinge» - die Konsequenzen des «Ԑnschlusses» für Sinti und Roma (Zigeuner) // Arbeiterschaft und Nationalsozialismus in Österreich / Hrsg. Rudolf G. Ardelt, Hans Hautmann. – Wien-Zürich, 1990. - S.531-551. @ AT_de EN: UA: Veranderung der rechtlichen Lage der Roma in Europa - Ein Vergleich der wichtigsten Trends in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten und in europaische Nicht-EU-Landarn // Wege zur Verbesserung der lage der Roma in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Beiträge aus Österreich und Slowenien / Hg. KlopЦiЦ Vera, Polzer Miroslav. - Wien: Braumüller, 1999. - S.34-39. EN: UA: Verfolgung [Die] der Zigeuner // Wiederstand und Verfolgung in Zalzburg 1934-1945. - Wien, 1991. - Band 2. - S. 474-521 [Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichschen Wiedestandes] EN: Persecution of Roms. UA: ԟ Ԡ .Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Zeitbombe [Eine] tickt - EU-Osterweiterung zur Entschärfung des europäischen Roma-Problems Mehr als eine Vorbemerkung: Hoffnung als Überlebensstrategie // Donauraum. - 2001 (Wien). - Bd. 40/1-2. Roma in Mittel- und Osteuropa. -S. 84-92. EN: UA: Zigeunerleben? [Ein] Als Sinto, Sintiza, Rom und Romni in Salzburg // Roma. Das unbekannte Volk. Schicksal und Kultur. – Wien: Böhlau, 1994. - S. 97-107. @ AT_de EN: UA: Zingari nel Burgenland. Il Lager di Lackenbach // Lacio drom. – 1990. - №2. – P.17-22. @ IT_it EN: UA: Ԡ ԑ .Ԣ ԛ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: Austria, Thurner, Erika; Rieger, Barbara [Ԣé ; Ԡí ,É i , ԑá ] Nationalsozialistische Verfolgung, «Wiedergutmachungs»-Praxis und Lebensverhältnisse der Sinti und Roma // Roma: das unbekannte Volk. Schiksal und Kultur / Hrs. M.F.Heinschink, U.Hemetek. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau, 1994. - S. 49-53; S. 54-97. @ AT_de EN: UA: ԝ ԡ Ԡ , « .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: Austria, Tiberghien, Anne-Sophie [Ԣi ’já , Ԑ -ԡ í] Tzigane mon ami. - Paris:Anako Editions - L'Harmattan, 1989. ISBN 2 9077 5400.9 @ FR_fr EN: Rom, my friend. - The photos in this picture book come from the documentary film Sur les traces des Tziganes which appeared in 1988. It follows the author’s journey from Turkey through the Balkans during the » 38 communist era in eastern Europe and gives a vivid picture of some romany groups in these countries. UA: Ԡ , .-Ԥ , , ԟ Ԡ (Sur les traces des Tziganes), 1988 . Ԓ є Ԣ ԑ ԡ Є є . Tichy, Heinz [Ԣí , ԓ j ] Bemühungen um eine Verbesserung der Lage der Roma - Erfahrungen in Österreich // Wege zur Verbesserung der lage der Roma in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Beiträge aus Österreich und Slowenien / Hrsg. V.KlopЦiЦ, M.Polzer. - Wien: Braumüller, 1999. - S.24-26. @ AT_de EN: UA: Tickner, Lisa [Ԣí , ԛáj ] Augustus John: Gypsies, tramps and lyric fantasy // Modern life and modern subjects: British art in the early twentieth century. - New Haven: Yale UP., 2000. - P. 49-77, 239-252. @ UK_en EN: UA: Tidrick, Heather [Tídrik, Xízer] «Gadžology» as activism: What would have ethnography do for East European Roma // Collaborative anthropologies. – Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 2010. - Vol. 3. – Is. 1. – P. 121-131. ISSN 1943-2550. @ US_en EN: UA: «ԓ Є » : . Ԡ ԡ Tiefenbacher, Barbara; Benedik, Stefan [] Auf der Suche nach den «wahren Merkmalen». Beispiele fur Ethnisierungen von Romnija in der osterreichischen und slowakischen Presse // Medien und Minderheiten. – Innsbruck: Innsbruck University press, 2012. - S. 215-237. ISBN 9783902811578. @ AT_de EN: UA: ԗ . « ». ԟ Skant ikIo: Patrikenvad REP RA: Austria, Slovensko, Slovakia, media, ıiganii între ignorare Тi îngrijorare / Coordinatori E.Zamfir, C.Zamfir; autori V.Burtea, V.Gheorghe, I.Mărginean, D.Potolea, M.Preda, M.Voinea, E.Zamfir, C.Zamfir. -BucureТti:Alternative, 1993. - 247 p., tabl., schems, maps. ISBN 9739555055. @ RO_ro EN: Roms between ignoring and concern. UA: Ԡ .UA: RDT: dr. Tihovska, Ieva [] Autentiskums un etniskums latvijas Цigānu (romu) mūzikā: Promocijas darba kopsavilkums mākslas zinātņu doktora grāda (Dr. art.) iegūšanai etnomuzikoloģijas nozarē / Zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr. phil. Mārtiņš Boiko. – Rīgā: Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijas, 2014. - 332 lpp. @ LV_lv EN: Authenticity and ethnicity in the music of Latvian Roma: PhD thesis in ethnomusicology. AlekIari: graduated from the Latvian musical academy: Bac. in 2003 (Цigānu muzicēšanas tradīcijas Latvijā – The musical traditions of Roms in Latvia) and MA in 2005 (Ventspils Цigānu un viņu mūzika trīs paaudzēs - Roms of Ventspils and their music of three generations). UA: ԡ Ԡ : . Tihovska, Ieva REP RA: Latvija, ԛ ,ԛ , , 39 , , art, , Ethnic identity, assimilation and the notion of ‘half-Roma’ among the Roma in Latvia // Review of artistic education. - 2014. - Nr. 7-8. - P. 234-241. Published by George Enescu University of Arts, Center of intercultural studies and researches, Department for teachers education. Romania: Artes publishing house, 2014. – @ EN: UA: «Kas ir pusЦigāni? Latvijas Цigānu etniskā identitāte un asimilācija // Identitāte: personīgā, lokālā, globālā. 2. starptautiskās studentu konferences rakstu krājums. Latvijas Universitātes sociālo zinātņu fakultāte. Rīga, 2013. gada 17.-19. aprīlis. - Rīga: LU akadēmiskais apgāds, 2014. – Lpp. 2432. @ LV_lv EN: Who are the half-Roms? Ethnic identity and assimilation of the Latvian Roms. UA: ԥ є Ԡ ?ԕ .– RA: Latvija, ԛ ,ԛ , Kurš rada Цigānu mūziku? NeЦigāni un biedrības Хigānu draugs koris (1932–1933) // Mūzikas akadēmijas raksti. - Rīgā: Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas mūzikas akadēmija, 2013. - Nr. 10. - Lpp. 17-28. @ LV_lv EN: Who creates Romany music? Non-Roms and the choir of the society «Friend of Rom» (1932– 1933). UA: ԥ ? ԝ -Ԡ «Ԕ Ԡ » (1932-1933). – REP Latvijas Цigāni šodien. Identitāte, muzicēšanas konteksti, pārmantošana // Meklējumi un atradumi. Rakstu krājums. - Rīgā: Zinātne, 2005. - Lpp. 172–182. @ LV_lv EN: Latvian Roms today. Identity and the contexts of music-making and its transmission. UA: RA: Latvija, ԛ ,ԛ , , , , art, , Tiki, tiki, tai: Arrullos, secretos y relatos de los Rrom colombianos. Edición en español y Rromanés o shib Rromaní / Ilustradora y diseñadora gráfica Victoria Peters Rada. – Bogotá, D.C.: Instituto Colombiano de bienestar familiar, 2011. – 62 p. ISBN 9789586231183. @ CO_rm_es EN: UA: REP RA: Tiknida themeske. Konferenzia e techaripen thaj hadipoen ande Europa. - Barcelona: Union Romani, [bibersesko]. - 22 p. @ ES_rm EN: National minorities. – A document for the Conference of security and cooperation of Europe meeting. UA: Tileagă, Cristian [Ԣiljáge, Kristián] Accounting for extreme prejudice and legitimating blame in talk about the Romanies // Discourse & society. – 2005. - Vol. 16. - Nr. 5. – P. 603-624. @ EN: UA: Discourse, dominance and power relations: Inequality as a social and interactional object // Ethnicities. – London, 2006. - Vol. 6. –Nr. 4. - P. 476-497. @ UK_en EN: UA: REP Tileagă, Cristian 40 Discursive [A] analysis of prejudice and moral exclusion: Romanian talk of nationhood, difference and «others»: PhD thesis. - Loughborough University 2005. @ UK_en EN: UA: Representing the «other»: A discursive analysis of prejudice and moral exclusion in talk about Romanies // Journal of community & applied social psychology. – 2006. - Vol. 16. - S. 19-41. @ EN: UA: NakIavimata HU - A szélsőséges előítélet magyarázata és a vádolás legitimációja a romákról szóló beszédben // Replika (social science quarterly). - 2005. - Nr. 53. - Old. 35-53. @ HU_hu Talking about integration and discrimination: Accomplishing «difference» and «foreignness» in Romanian talk about the Romanies // International journal of critical psychology. – 2005. – Vol. 14. – Nr. 4. – P. 119–37. @ EN: UA: Tillbakablick och översikt över projektets utveckling 1965-1969: sammanställd ur rapporterna 1-7 jämte inledning och kommentarer / av Arne Trankell. - Stockholm, 1970. - [119] s. – [Rapport: Stockholms stads och pedagogiska institutionens försöksprojekt för Stockholms zigenarbefolknings rehabilitering, 8 (Forskningsrapport från Arbetsgruppen för invandrar- och minoritetsforskning vid Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet)]. @ SE_se EN: UA: Tillhagen, Karl Herman [Ԣ á ,Ԛ ԓé ] Gypsy slang in Sweden // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 1949. - Vol. 28. - P. 1-17. @ UK_en EN: UA: Ԡ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Taikon erzält Zigeuner-märchen. – 1. Zürich, 1948. @ CH_de 2. Zürich-München: Artemis Verlag, 1973. – 291 S., il. @ CH_de 3. München: Deutscher Taschen-Verlag, 1979. – 186 S., il. (ungekürzte hrsg.) @ DE_de EN: Taikon tells romany tales. UA: Ԣ єԠ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: , folklore, Zigenarna i Sverige. - Stockholm: Natur & kultur, 1965. - 173 s. @ SE_se EN: Roms in Sweden. UA: Ԡ .- Zigeunerforschung in Skandinavien // Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde = Archives suisses des traditions populaires. – 1963. – Bd. 59. – Hft. 1-2. – 13 s. @ CH_de EN: Romani studies in Scandinavia. UA: Ԡ ԡ .- REP Tilloy, Anne-Marie [Ԣ á, A -Ԝ í] Médias [Les] et le colloque // Etudes tsiganes. – 1986. - Nr. 4. - P. 3-5. @ FR_fr 41 EN: UA: Tilly, Marzhina [Ԣ í, Ԝ í ] Prochaine étape, Blois // Etudes tsiganes. – 1987. - Nr. 1. – P. 31-33. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Time of the skinheads: Denial and exlusion of Roma in Slovakia. – Budapest: European Roma rights center, 1997. - 86 p. [Report by the ERRC, Country report series, 3]. ISBN 96304777238, ISSN 1416-7409. @ HU_en EN: UA: ԧ : BG: Studii romani: IV Gy 167 Timm, Annette F. [Ԣ , Ԑ é ] Gypsies as social outsiders in Nazi Germany // Social outsiders in Nazi Germany. - Princeton (NJ): Princeton University press, 2001. @ US_en EN: UA: Ԡ ԝ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: war, genocide, Timmer, Andria D. Educating the Hungarian Roma. Nongovernmental organizations and minority rights. – Lanham: Lexington books, 2016 (12). – 202 p. ISBN 9781498525565, eISBN 9781498525572. @ US_en EN: This book is based on 18 months of ethnographic research with NGOs that take the primary interventionist role in romany education throughout Hungary. Through the use of ethnographic interviews, long-term participant observation and textual analysis of NGO websites, pamphlets, and promotional materials, author examines the NGO sector as the locale in which the politicized «Gypsy identity» is constructed, interpreted, and contested. Many NGOs uphold the provider-beneficiary dichotomy, which blames failures on cultural or ethnic differences, rather than address the discrimination, racism, segregationist policies, and outright violence against the Roms. This policy has further exacerbated the residential isolation, discrimination, and manufactured sense of cultural differences that enables the continued practice of segregating Roma children into ethnically homogeneous schools or classrooms that commonly offer less quality education than that which their majority peers receive». Timmerman, Jeff [] When her feet touch the ground: Conflict between the Roma familistic custom of arranged juvenile marriage and enforcement of international human rights treaties // Journal of transnational law and policy. – 2004 (spring). – Vol. 13. – Nr. 2. – P. 475-497. @ EN: UA: Tinder, Miška [Ԣí , Ԝí ] Hungarian Gypsy text // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 1978. - Vol. 1. - Nr. 4. - P. 239-48 [by J.Vekerdi]. @ US_en EN: UA: Tineo Rebolledo, J. [Ԣ éo Ԡ jé , ԥ.] Diccionario gitano-español y español-gitano. Modelos de conjugación de verbos auxiliares y regulares en caló. Cuentos gitanos y castellanos; historia de los gitanos desde su origen hasta nuestros Tineo Rebolledo, J. 42 días. 1. Barcelona: Casa editorial Maucci, 1909. – 311 p. @ ES_es_rm 2. Cadiz: Universidad de Cadiz, DL 1988. – xvi, 311 p. ISBN 8477869677. @ ES_es_rm 3. Cadiz: Universidad de Cadiz, 2006. – 311 p. ISBN ISBN 9788498280456. @ ES_es_rm EN: Romani-Spanish and Spanish-Romani dictionary. Models of conjugation of auxiliary and regular verbs in Caló. Romany and Castilian tales; history of Roms from their origin to our days. UA: Ԡ . ԗ є є Ԛ .Ԡ , Ԡ . ES: Bibl. Univ. auton. Barcelona: Humanitats-1a planta, 000759, 1500051085; Humanitats-2a planta, D 809/119, 1500047213 DE: 1909 - Bibliothek der Humboldt-Universität Berlin: RA: linguistics, Spain, lexicography, folklore, «A Chipicalli» (la lengua gitana). Conceptos sobre ella en el mundo profano y en el erudito; diccionario gitano-español y español-gitano (9.000 voces); modelos de conjugación de verbos auxiliares y regulares en caló; historia de los gitanos desde su aparición; en Europa, y cuentos y chascarrilos de procedencia genuinamente gitana 1. Granada: Imprenta de F. Gómez de la Cruz, 1900. - 247 p. @ ES_es REP 2. Cadiz: University of Cadiz, 1988. - 311 p. @ ES_es ES: Entre los muchos autores que analizan el léxico caló y los usos y costumbres de este peculiar pueblo destacan los reconocidos textos, ya clásicos en la materia, de Tineo Rebolledo. En su obra A chipicallí (la lengua gitana), impresa por vez primera en Granada en 1900, se recoge un diccionario gitano-español y español-gitano, con más de 9000 voces y una completa gramática, se estudian la historia y las particularidades de esta etnia desde su aparición en Europa y se recopilan numerosos cuentos y chascarrillos de procedencia genuinamente gitana. EN: UA: Tinguely, Frédéric [Tenglí, Frederík] Métamorphoses du Bohémien au XVIIe siècle: de Cervantès à la scène française // Le mythe des Bohémiens dans la littérature et les arts en Europe / Sous la direction de Sarga Moussa. - Paris: l’Harmattan, 2008. – P. 41-59. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande RA: Spain, France, Tipler, Derek [Ԣí , Ԕé ] Lingua [La] romani oggi: i dialetti vlax // Lacio drom. - 1971. - Vol. 7. - Nr. 3. - P.2-6. @ IT_it EN: The Romani language today. UA: Ԡ .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, , , Celtešti [The] // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. - 1969. - Vol. 48. - Nr. 1-2. - P.27-33. @ UK_en EN: UA: Tîrcă, Miruna [Týrke, Mirúna] Ghetoul de lux? Aleea Zăbrăuшi, BucureТti // Incluziune Тi excluziune. Studii de caz asupra comunităшilor de romi din România. - Cluj-Napoca, 2009. - P. 39-60. @ RO_ro EN: A luxury ghetto? Bucharest, Zebreuts alley. UA: ԛ ?Ԑ ԗ ,ԑ .- Tisice cikanů v Polabi // Novy veЦernik. - 1938. @ CZ_cz EN: Thousands of Gypsies in Polabi. – Polabi is the traditional and informal name for a lowlands region located mainly in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. 43 UA: Ԣ Ԡ ԟ ’. Tissot, Victor [Tisó, Viktór] Vouyage au pays des Tziganes (La Hongrie inconnue). – Paris: Dentu, 1880. @ FR_fr EN: UA: ԟ Ԡ (ԝ ԣ ). - Tisu, Angela [] Prikaz nekaterih aktualnih problemov osnovnošolskih izobraževanje. – Ljubljana, 1979. – 10. - 6. – S. 31-32. @ SI_si romskih uЦencev // Vzgoja in EN: About some of the current problems of romany primary school pupils. UA: ԟ .- Romi v osnovni šoli v šolskem letu 1979/80 na obmoЦju organizacijske enote Zavoda SRS za šolstvo Novo mesto // Sodobna pedagogika. – Ljubljana, 1980. – 31. - 9-10. - 408-417. @ SI_si EN: Roms in elementary school in the school year 1979/80 on the territoty of organizational units of the Institut for education of SR Slovenia in Novo Mesto. UA: Ԡ 1979/80 І ԡԠ ԡ .ԝ Ԝ . Titre de circulation: une nouvelle loi // Etudes tsiganes. – 1985. – Nr. 2. - P. 50-51. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Titterington, S.B. Story [The] of the Gypsies // The home circle magazine. - 1882, August issue. @ EN: UA: Titterton, Mike; Clark, Colin [] Working with socially excluded Romani communities in Central and Easter Europe: lessons from Bulgaria // Social work in Europe. – 2000. – 7. - 3. - P. 38-45. @ EN: UA: Tizenkét királyfi [A]: cigány népmesék / Összeáll. Bari Károly. - Budapest: Fővárosi Önkormányzat Cigány Ház - Romano Kher, [1996]. - @ HU_hu DE: Zwölf Fürsten: Romano Volksmärchen. EN: Twelwe princes: Romany folk tales. FR: Douze princes: contes populaires de roms. UA: Ԕ :Ԡ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: Hungary, folklore, Tkáčová, A. [Tkaçova, A; Ԣ , Ԑ] tkacova@saske.sk Riešenie rómskej problematiky v Uhorsku s dopadom na suЦasnost // Národ a národnosti na Slovensku v transformujúcej sa spoloЦnosti - vzťahy a konflikty. - Prešov: Universum, 2005. - S. 272282. ISBN 8089046282. @ SK_sk EN: Solving the romany issues in Hungary with an impact on the present. UA: Ԓ ԣ .- Rómovia v období od Márie Terézie po vznik I. ХSR // ХaЦipen pal o Roma. Súhrnná správa o Rómoch na Slovensku. - Bratislava: IVO, 2002. - S. 31 – 42. @ SK_sk BG: Ԡ Ԝ Ԣ ԧ .EN: Roms from the Maria Theresa time till emergence of the first Czechoslovak Republic. UA: Ԡ Ԝ Ԣ 1- ԧ .– RA: history, 44 Život Rómov v archívnych materiáloch z 18. a 19. storoЦia // Хlovek a spoloЦnosť (internetový Цasopis pre pôvodné, teoretické a výskumné štúdie z oblasti spoloЦenských vied). - 2005. – RoЦ. 8. – Ц. 3. - @ SK_sk BG: Ԗ Ԡ 1819. DE: Das Leben der Roma in den Archivmaterialien aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. EN: The life of Roms in the archive materials from the 18th and 19th centuries // Individual and society, 2005, vol. 8, nr. 3. – «The article informs about a realized archival research on the Roms problem in 18 and 19 century in the state archives in Slovakia (Kosice, Presov), Hungary (Budapest), in Austria (Vienna) and in Ukraine (Berehovo). Among all archival materials special attention belongs to the so-called directories of the Gypsies. It involves very extensive material (size and content). Only by further archival research of the Roms issue, the life of Roms in the past and the historical society, social and political influences on romany life can really understand today's state of Roms». RO: Viața romilor în materialele de arhivă din secolele 18 Тi 19. UA: Ԗ Ԡ 18 19 .- REP RA: history, Tobiasch, K. F. [Tobias, K. F.] Zigeunerjustiz im 18. Jahrhundert // Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Deutschen in Böhmen. – Prag, 1924. - 58.Jg. - S.193–220. @ CZ_de EN: UA: AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. Póczik, Szilveszter. Cigányok és idegenek. Társadalmi és kriminológiai tanulmányok. – Miskolc: Felsőmagyarország kiadó, 1999. 2. Bogdal, Klaus-Michael. Europa erfindet die Zigeuner: Eine Geschichte von Faszination und Verachtung. – Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011. Tobner, Zepherin [Ԣó , ԗé i ] Zigeunerwald [Der]. Eine Geschichte aus der dunklen Bohmerwald. - Heuchlingen: Glaube und Heimat, 1964. – 260 S. @ DE_de EN: UA: Todaro, Chuck [Todáro, Çak] Gypsy child brides need an education, not marriage: a school built by Catholic Charities gives Romany children a chance // National Catholic reporter (Kansas City). – 2003, 14 november. @ US_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Gypsies' restless, faith: Catholics and Pentecostals vie for the loyalty of Romania's Roma // National Catholic reporter (Kansas City). - 2008, 13 June. @ US_en EN: UA: Todd, D.; Clark, G. [] Good practice guidelines for gypsy site provision by local authorities. - London: HMSO, 1991. @ UK_en EN: UA: Gypsy site provision and policy: research report. - London: HMSO, 1991. @ UK_en EN: UA: 45 Toderiță, Alexandra; Damian, Alexandru [] Roma integration across the Danube: Best practices in administrative and social entrepreneurship models exchange between Romania and Bulgaria. – Bucharest, 2016 (07). – 10 p. [Romanian Center for European Policies, Policy Memo 70]. @ RO_en EN: This report emerges from a project aimed at the social and professional integration of Roma craftsmen through the establishment and development of a social community businesses network between Bulgaria and Romania. The vast majority of Roma population in Europe (80%) lives in the 14 countries of the Danube Region, the population percentage of Roma varying greatly from country to county, – with the strongest concentrations in poor and peripheral regions.Although only estimates of the exact population exist, Romania and Bulgaria, alongside Hungary and Slovakia have the highest shares of Roma within the overall population in the entire European Union. While National Roma Integration Strategies have been in place in these countries in the last few years, their effective implementation and success has been limited to this day. REP Todesco, Daniele [] Maschere [Le] dei pregiudizi. L’innocenza perduta dei pregiudizi positivi, una categoria esemplare: gli zingari // Quaderni di Servizio migranti. – Roma, 2004. - Nr. 47. - @ IT_it EN: The masks of prejudice. The lost innocence of the positive bias, an exemplary category: Gypsies. UA: Zingari e territorio: le politiche dei Comuni nel Veronese: Tesi. – Verona: Scuola superiore di servizio sociale, 1986. @ IT_it EN: Roms and territory: the policies of Communities in Verona province: Thesis high school social service UA: dr. Todorova, Albena; Ashikov, Angel; Beltcheva, Olga; Tournev, Ivailo; Kremensky, Ivo C283Y mutation and other C-terminal nucleotide changes in the gamma-sarcoglycan gene in the Bulgarian Gypsy population // Human mutation. – New York, 1999. – Vol. 14. – Is. 1. - 40-44 [Human genome variation society, University of Melbourne]. Erratum // Human mutation. - 2000. – Vol. 15. – Is. 5. -P. 479. @ US_en EN: UA: SSCP analysis of C283Y mutation in Bulgarians of Gypsy origin affected by limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C // Balkan journal of clinical laboratory. - 1998. - Vol. 5. - Nr. 2. - @ EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Zor RA: genetics, dr. Todorova, Albena; Ninova, N.; Tournev, Ivailo; Georgieva, V.; Kremensky, Ivo LGMD2C and gamma-sarcoglycan gene mutation C283Y among Gypsies from Southeast Bulgaria. Abstract PS.D3 // Acta myologica. – 2000. - Vol. XIX (September). – P. 148. @ EN: UA: Severe LGMD2C in Bulgarian Gypsy population: C283Y mutation in gamma-sarcoglycan gene and D13S232 haplotype analysis. Abstract 6.8 // Balkan journal of medical genetics. – 2000. - Vol.3 . 2. – P. 55. @ EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Zor RA: genetics, 46 dr. Todorova Albena; Tournev, Ivailo; Ninova, N.; Georgieva, V.; Kremensky, Ivo Screening for C283Y gamma-sarcoglycan mutation in high risk group of Bulgarian Gypsies: Evidence for geographical localization and non-random distribution among Gypsy subgroups // Community genetics. – Basel, 2002 (12). - Vol. 5. - Nr. 4. - P. 217-221. @ CH_en EN: «Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C (LGMD2C) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the γ-sarcoglycan gene. A ‘private’ Rom C283Y mutation was detected in this gene. Recently, a number of LGMD2C-affected families belonging to a Xoroxane Romany group have been detected in eastern Bulgaria and all of these cases were due to the same mutation. We have screened 300 unrelated individuals of reproductive age from this high-risk Xoroxane Romany group, settled in Sliven. The genetic test by PCR-SSCP analysis for the C283Y mutation revealed a carrier frequency of 7.7%. The screened sample was ethnically not homogeneous. It was divided in ethnonym groups on the basis of social and economic status, language characteristics and trades. We found that the C283Y was not randomly distributed among the Romany subgroups. The disease seemed to be limited to the Xoroxane Romany group and geographically localized in eastern Bulgaria.» UA: Skant ikIo: Zor RA: genetics, dr. Todorović, Dragan [24.01.1971] dragan.todorovic@filfak.ni.ac.rs Bibliografija romoloških radova (1991-2002) // Sociologija romskog identiteta. – Niš: Komrenski sociološki susreti, 2002. – S. 383-387. @ EN: Bibliography of romalogist papers (1991-2002) // Sociology of the romany identity. – AlekIari: in 2011, PhD in sociology at the Faculty of philosophy of Belgrade University, since 2012 – assistant professor of General sociology and Hist or ical sociology at the Department of sociology at the Faculty of philosophy, Niš University. UA: Burial culture f Roma from the city of Pirot // Cemeteries and burial customs on the border / Ed. D.B.аorЧeviФ, D.TodoroviФ, D.GavriloviФ. - Niš: YSSSR and Faculty of mechanical engineering at the University of Niš, 2015. - P. 147–164. @ RS_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad On the phenomenon of Roma conversion: An empirical experience // Kulturni i etniЦki identiteti u procesu globalizacije i regionalizacije Balkana. – Niš: Centar za balkanske studije i Jugoslovensko udru enje za nauЦno istraživanje religije, 2002. - S. 175–186. @ RS_en EN: UA: ԟ Ԡ Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad REP RA: , , , religion, Ԡ : .– , , , , , faith, church, Protestantizacija Roma jugoistoЦne Srbije: Doktorska disertacija, 2011 – dikI: ԟ ԡ , 2011. Protestantizam – nova religija Roma jugoistoЦne Srbije // Antropologija, religije i alternativne religije: kultura identiteta. - Beograd: Srpski genealoški centar i Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2011. – S. 161–184. @ RS_sr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Protestantism among Roma in Southeastern Serbia: State and consequences // Identity in the era of globalization and europeanization. - Skopje: Institute for sociological, political and juridical research, Institute of sociology, Faculty of philosophy and University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, 2012. 349–361. @ MK_en dr. Todorović, Dragan 47 EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad RA: , , , , , , , faith, church, religion, Roma and conversion to protestantism: An example of Southeast Serbia // Europe as a multiple modernity: multiplicity of religious identities and belonging / Eds. Martina TopiФ, Srdjan Sremac. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars publishing, 2014. – P. 228-251. ISBN 1443856339, 978-1443856331. @ UK_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad REP RA: , , , , , , , faith, church, religion, Roma cult places: The Roman Catholic Church in Niš // Roma religious culture. - Niš: YSSSR and YURoma center and Punta, 2003. – P. 131–140. EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad RA: , , , , , , , faith, church, religion, Romani places of cult (some preliminary questions and inquiries) // Kultura u procesima razvoja, regionalizacije i evrointegracije Balkana. - Niš: Institut za sociologiju Filozofskog fakultetaUniverziteta u Nišu i Sven, 2003. – P. 373–378. @ RS_en EN: Culture in the processes of development, regionalization and eurointegration of the Balkans. UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Romas about other (social distance of the Romas from Southeast Serbia from Serbs, Bulgarians and Albanians) // Kvalitet meЧuetniЦkih odnosa, svest o regionalnom identitetu i moguФnosti saradnje i integracije na Balkanu (preliminarni rezultati empirijskog istraživanja u jugoistoЦnoj Srbiji). - Niš: Institut za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu i Sven, 2004. – P. 113–126. EN: UA: Romi na Balkanu i u Srbiji // Teme. – 2011. – 35. – Br. 4. – S. 1137–1174. @ RS_sr. EN: UA: Ԡ ԑ ԡ .- Rrom anipe in transition: protestantization of Roma // Facta Universitatis: series Philosophy, sociology, psychology and history. – Nis, 2016. –Vol. 15. – Nr.1 . – P. 37-50. @ RS_en EN: The expansion of Protestant teaching among Roma in southeastern Serbia, more intensely in the last decade and a half, has initiated the process of reshaping their collective identity. Traditional components of Rromanipe are being reconceptualized and adapted to modernity. The former belonging to a unified and homogenous ethnic group is today raised to the level of religious identification, and the cultural identity is equated with the proclaimed values of religious communities, whose new members they are. The primary division into “Us, Roma” and “Them, Gadže” has evolved into “Us, believers” and “Them, Non-believers”. When choosing a partner, the “purity of blood” is no longer crucial, now it is the “purity in Christ”: the preferred choice of partner exclusively founded on the endogamic basis is substituted by a choice with a confessional basis, leading to a richer ethnic palette. The paper analyzes the replies of baptized believers of Romani nationality in several Protestant religious communities on the territory of southeastern Serbia (Christian Baptist Church, Jehovah’s witnesses, Christian Adventist Church and Evangelical Pentecostal Church) concerning the differences between the world of Protestant Roma and non-Roma and the world of non-believing Roma and non-Roma, as well as the possibility of entering friendly relationships and marriages with Roma and non-Roma who do not belong to a selected Protestant church. UA: dr. Todorović, Dragan 48 Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad REP Šaban BajramoviФ – (B)Luzer južne pruge // Kralj romske pesme (Drugi o Šabanu BajramoviФu) / Uredio R. VuЦkoviФ-Niški. - Niš: Punta, 2008. – S. 97–103. @ RS_sr EN: UA: REP RA: personalities, Selektivna bibliografija novijih romoloških radova (1991-2002) // Kultura. – 2002. -103/104. – S. 213–219. @ RS_sr EN: UA: Social distance of the Bulgarians in Bulgaria towards Romas, Turks and Pomatsi // The Balkans as reality. - Sofia: IPhR-BAS, 2004. - P. 97–102. @ BG_en EN: UA: ԡ ԑ ԑ Ԡ ԟ , .- Socijalna distanca prema Romima: etniЦka i verska manjina // Romano nevipe. – 2012. – № 6465-66. – P. 108-113. @ RS_sr EN: Social distance towards the Roma: an ethnic and religious minority. UA: ԡ Ԡ : .DikI maj: Ԣ , Ԕ. Ԧ ԑ , Ԣ Ԑ Sofia: IPhR-BAS, 2004. – C. 327–341. : Ԟ Ԧ // Challenges facing philosophy in United Europe. - SPC i Romi: nekoliko otvorenih pitanja // Nova srpska politiЦka misao (posebno izdanje – Crkva i država). – 2007. – 1. – S. 149–155. @ RS_sr EN: UA: Study [The] of religion and religious customs of Roma in Serbian sociology of religion // The sociology of religion in the Former Yugoslav Republics. - Niš: YSSSR, 2008. – P. 89–100. @ RS_en EN: UA: Ԓ Ԡ .- Uloga kulturnih faktora u protestantizaciji Roma jugoistoЦne Srbije // Kultura. – 2012. – Br. 136. – S. 376–402. @ SR: Protestanti u jugoistoЦnoj Srbiji, koristeФi se nezainteresovanošФu oficijelnih religijskih struktura i velikodostojnika pravoslavlja i islama, otvorili su se za romske probleme, sa mnogo hrišФanske ljubavi ukljuЦili ih u postojeФe grupne aktivnosti i podstakli na izgradnju novog, u Svetom pismu utemeljenog, identiteta. Pod protestantizacijom Roma podrazumevamo noviji proces masovnog ukljuЦivanja srpskih Roma u male verske zajednice protestantske provenijencije. Nezaobilaznu ulogu u tom procesu imaju kulturni faktori, odnosno podudaranje elemenata romskog kulturnog identiteta sa religioznim doživljajem protestantskih verskih zajednica, meЧu kojima su najvažniji: uloga pesme i igre u slavljenju Boga, nesputanost i ekspresivnost ispoljavanja duhovnosti i prisnost uspostavljenih verniЦkih veza. Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku 60 krštenih vernika romske nacionalnosti, kao i 14 romskih i neromskih verskih starešina. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom produbljenog intervjua na osnovu standardizovane procedure sa Romima vernicima i neromskim i romskim starešinama protestantskih verskih zajednica u jugoistoЦnoj Srbiji (HrišФanska baptistiЦka crkva, Jehovini svedoci, HrišФanska adventistiЦka crkva i EvanЧeoska pentekostalna crkva). EN: The role of cultural factors in the protestantisation of Roms in Southeastern Serbia. UA: Ԡ Ԡ ԡ .Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad REP RA: , , , religion, , , , , , faith, church, 49 Todorović, Dragan; Đorđević, Dragoljub B. Gypsy [The] cemetery in Donji Komren // Facta Universitatis: series Philosophy and sociology. – Niš, 2001. –Vol. 2. – Nr. 8. – P. 445–455. @ RS_en SR: Donjokomrensko cigansko groblje. – “Tipologija romskih grobalja glasi, tj. Romi se sahranjuju na: (A) sopstvenom, tzv. ciganskom groblju koje je fiziЦki odvojeno od tzv. srpskog, (B) sopstvenom, tzv. ciganskom groblju koje je fiziЦki spojeno sa tzv. srpskim, (V) tzv. srpskom groblju, pomešano sa ostalim meštanima, (G) drugom groblju, van domicilnog mesta. DonjokomrenЦanima ne treba upisivati u greh postojanje izdvojenog DCG-a, jer, sa jedne strane, Romi su se u bliskoj i, ponegde vekovima, dalekoj prošlosti svagda sahranjivali na odvojenom i od boravišta udaljenom terenu iz, najmanje, tri razloga: a) oštre segregacije i stigmatizacije veФinskog okruženja, b) unutrašnjih odlika sopstvene kulture i kulture smrti, i v) burnih društveno-istorijskih dešavanja; i, sa druge, sem pogreba van mesta življenja (tip «G»), ostali su tipovi grobalja (A, B, V) sasvim legitimni i poželjni. Možda je, tako, i prvi umrli donjokomrenski Rom sahranjen, tamo negde izmeЧu I i II svetskog rata, na severozapadnoj strani brdašca «Grobljišta» iz inherentnih pobuda, svojstvenih romskoj kulturi smrti, možda je odluЦivala Цista sluЦajnost, a možda je u igri bilo i žigosanje od strane žitelja sela. O tome se jedino da nagaЧati s obzirom da nema pisanih tragova i pouzdanog pamФenja seljana”. Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad REP O grupama, zanimanjima, obiЦajima i veri Roma u delu Tihomira аorЧeviФa // Teme. – 2000. – 24. – Br. 3-4. – S. 445-455. @ RS_sr EN: About groups, occupations, customs, and religion of Roma in the work of Tihomir Djordjevich. UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Profile [The] of Roma in majority media (a sheme for a theoretical research framework) // Balkan journal of philosophy. – 2010. – Vol. 2. – Nr. 2. – P.165–174. @ EN: UA: Romani culture of death (on predeath, death, and afterdeath customs of Roma of Southeast Serbia) // Ԕ Ԡ .-ԡ :ԗ «Ԡ Ԙ », 2011. – 131-146. @ MK_en EN: in: Spiritual and material culture of Roms. UA: Romska kultura smrti // Romi na raskršФu / Priredili D. B. аorЧeviФ,i J. ŽivkoviФ. - Niš: PUNTA i Društvo dobre akcije i Komrenski sociološki susreti i Bahtalo drom, 2002. - 143–156. @ RS_sr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Romi (etniЦka i verska manjina) // U-put u graЧansko društvo / Priredio J. ŽivkoviФ. - Niš: DDA i JUNIR i KSS, 2001. – S. 35–39. @ RS_sr EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Todorović, Dragan; Milošević, Lela Društvena udaljenost veФinskog stanovništva od romske manjine (Srbija, Makedonija, Bugarska) // Društvene promene, kulturni i etniЦki odnosi i evrointegracijski procesi na Balkanu. - Niš: Institut za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu i Sven, 2004. – S. 225–245. @ RS_sr EN: Social distance of the majority population from the romany minority (Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria // Social changes, cultural and ethnic relations and eurointegrational processes at the Balkans. 50 Todorović, Dragan; Milošević, Lela; Đorđević, Dragoljub B. Social distance of Romas of Southeastern and Southwestern Serbia towards members of other nations and national minorities // Globalizacija, akulturacija i identiteti na Balkanu. - Niš: Institut za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu i Sven, 2002. - P. 267–273. @ RS_en EN: UA: Todorović, Ljiljana Miškaj [] Iskustva Grupe za pitanja socijalne integracije Roma, Fakulteta za defektologiju 1991-1997 // Romi u Hrvatskoj danas: zbornik izlaganja i rasprava: okrugli stol. – Zagreb: Centar za direktnu zaštitu ljudskih prava, 1998. - S. 79-82. @ HR_hr EN: Works of the Group for social integration of Roms, Faculty of special education 1991-1997. UA: RA: Hrvatska, Croatia, ó i ,Ԟ Todorović, Olivera; Stefanović, Gordana [Ԣ é ;ԡ ó i ,ԓ á ] O govoru romske dece u pripremnim grupama pri osnovnim školama // Predškolsko dete. 1985. - Nr. 3. - C.171-181. @ SI_si EN: Speech of romany children in preparatory groups in primary schools. UA: Ԝ .RA: Slovenia, linguistics, education, pedagogy, Todosijevic, B.; Enyedi, Z. [] Authoritarianism vs. cultural pressure: Antigypsy prejudice in Hungary // Journal of racism and East European psychology. – 2002. – 40. - 5. – P. 31-54. @ EN: UA: Toivanen, Reetta Unwissen, Vorurteile und andere «Gewohnheiten» – Notizen aus einer Feldforschung mit Roma in Estland // Europäische Roma - Roma in Europa. - Münster: Lit Verlag, 2006. – P.143-153. [Berliner Blätter, Ethnographische und Etnologische Beiträge, Bd. 39. ISSN 1434-0542]. ISBN 3825893537. @ DE_de EN: UA: Tokár, Radko Sociálna kultúra valašských Rómov na Slovensku // Etnologické rozpravy. – 2001. - RoЦník 8. Ц. 2. – S. 110-117 @ SK_sk EN: The social culture of Wallachian Roms in Slovakia. UA: ԡ ԡ .- Tokmakçioğlu, Erdoğan [Ԣ ý, ԕ á ] Çingene Pilici. - Istanbul: Ekicigil Basimevi, 1955. @ TR_tu EN: UA: RA: Turkey, Tolcea, Marcel; Rus, Călin [Tólça, Marsél; Rus, Kélin] Presa Тi toleranшa: rolul presei în armonizarea relaшiilor interetnice: cazul etniei romilor. – TimiТoara: Institutul intercultural, 1998. - 149 p. [Consiliul Europei. Programul de măsuri de Încredere. Fundaшia pentru o Societate Deschisă]. @ RO_ro EN: Media tolerance: the media's role in harmonization of interethnic relations: the case of Roms ethnicity. 51 UA: ԟ ԗԜІ : : Ԡ . Skant ikIo: Patrikenvad RA: Romania, Told, Franz Xav. [13.12.1793 - 14.04. 1849] Zigeuner [Der]: Roman. – Wien: Tandler undd Schafer, 1842. – 238 S. @ AT_de EN: Allgemeine Bibliographie für Deutschland verbunden mit dem literarischen Anzeigeblatt: 1843. – Nr. 14-15. – S.101 and Literarische Zeitung, Ԣ 10, S. 533. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – AT RA: fiction, Told to move on: forced evictions of Roma in France. – London: Amnesty International publications, 2013. – 54 p. @ UK_en EN: See the original in French: Condamnés UA: l’errance: les expulsions forcées de Roms en France. REP Toleikis, Sudarė [Ԣ éj ,ԡ á ja] Lietuvos Хigonai. Tarp praeities ir dabarties. - Vilnius: Garnelis, 2001. - 142 s. ISBN 9955428198. @ LT_lt BG: ԛ . Ԝ . - Ԛ , (c.95-135), ( .136-139). DE: Lithuanian Roms. Zwischen der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart. - Das Buch enthält auch vielen Fotos, Lieder (S. 95-135), lithuanian-romani Wortliste (S. 136-139). EN: Lithuanian Roms. Between the past and the present. - The book also contains a lot of photos, songs (p.95-135), a lithuanian-romani word list (p.136-139). FR: Roms lituaniens. Entre le passé et le présent. – RO: Romii din Lituania. Între trecut și prezent. - Cartea contine multe fotografii, versuri (p.95135), lista de cuvinte romani-lituaniană (p.136-139). UA: ԛ Ԡ . Ԝ . - Ԛ , ( .95-135), ( .136-139). Toleikis, Vitautas [Ԣ éj ,Ԓ á ] Documents accuse. – Vilnius, 1970. – P.259, 260, 262–265. @ LT_en EN: UA: Ԕ №№ 124, 126–128 . – ԝ Ԡ . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Lithuanian Roma during the years of the nazi occupation // Karo belaisvių ir civilių gyventojų žudynės Lietuvoje, 1941–1944 = Murder of prisoners of war and civilian population in Lithuania, 19411944 / Eds. Ch.Dieckmann et al. - Vilnius, 2005. - P.267-285. @ LT_en BG: ԛ // ԣ ԛ , 1941-1944. RO: Romii lituaniane în timpul ocupației naziste // Uciderea prizonierilor de război și civili în Lituania, 1941-1944. UA: ԛ Ԡ // ԣ ԛ , 1941-1944 Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tolkki, Toivo [Tólki, Tójvo] Poliisi ja mustalaiset // Poliisimies. - 1951. - 11. @ FI_fi EN: Police and Roms // Police officer. UA: Skant ikIo: TIarmenvad RA: Suomi, Finland, 52 Toma, Marcel [Tóma, Marsél] O Тatră urcă în … dealul Sorocii: [romii din Soroca] // VIP Magazin. - 2006. - Nr. 30 (Oct.). - P. 52-57. @ MD_md EN: UA: RA: Moldova, Toma, Stefánia [] Gypsies and education in a multicultural community in Romania. - Cluj-Napoca: Editura ISPMN, 2008. - 31 p. @ RO_en EN: UA: Ԡ Ԡ .- «чiganul meu» Тi încrederea - relaшii economice informale într-o comunitate multietnică din Transilvania // Incluziune Тi excluziune. Studii de caz asupra comunităшilor de romi din România. - ClujNapoca, 2009. - P. 197-221. @ RO_en EN: «My gypsy» and trust - informal economical relations within a multiethnic community in Transylvania. UA: «Ԝ » : Ԣ . RA: Romania, economy, Tomai, Eva [Ԣó i, É o] Adalékok a cigánygyermekek beilleszkedésének kérdéséhez // Magyar tudomány. – Budapest, 1977. - Old. 537-546. @ HU_hu EN: On social adjustment of the romany children. UA: Cigány tanulok szokincsenek és szocializácios fejlettségének vizsgalata // Magyar pedagogia. 1978. - Nr. 2. - Old.267-74. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Tomasevich, Jozo [Ԣ é i , Jó ] War and revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and collaboration. - Stanford, 2001. @ US_en BG: Ԓ , 1941-1945: Ԟ . - Ԙ Ԡ ԥ . 380-415 608-610. EN: The history of persecution of Roms in the fascist Croatia is present on pages 380-415 and 608-610. ES: Guerra y revolución en Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Ocupación y la colaboración. - Historia de la persecución nazi de Romaníes en Croacia está en p. 380-415 y 608-610. RO: Război și revoluție în Iugoslavia, 1941-1945: Ocupație și colaborare. - Istoria persecuției naziste a romilor în Croația este în p. 380-415 și 608-610. SK: Vojna a revolúcia v Juhoslávii, 1941-1945: Povolanie a spolupráce. - História nacistickej perzekúcie Rómov v Chorvátsku je uvedená na s. 380-415 a 608-610. UA: Ԓ , 1941-1945: . – І Ԡ ԥ . 380–415 608–610. Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tomašević, Nebojša-Bato; Đurić, Rajko Gypsies of the world. A Journey into the hidden world of Gypsy life and culture. Photos by Dragoljub Zamurovic. - Belgrade and London: Flint River Press, 1988; N.Y.: Henry Holt and Company, 1988. @ EN: This travelogue and history of the Roma in the Soviet Union, Turkey, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Hungary, Italy, the United Kingdom, and 53 France begins with an overview of their Indian origins. Its strength lies in its personal interviews with Roma in each of the countries under discussion. It is richly illustrated by photographs taken by the authors on their journey. UA: NakIavimata DE - Roma: eine Reise in die verborgene Welt der Zigeuner / Fotos Dragoljub ZamuroviФ. - Köln: VGS - Ljubljana: Delo, 1989. – 288 S., Il., Bibliogr. S. 286. @ DE_de RS: Narod. bibl. Srbije: III 102189 SR (lat) - Cigani sveta / Fotogr. Dragoliub ZamuroviФ. Prevod sa engelskog Mila DraškoviФ. - Beograd: Jugoslovenska revija, 1988. – 288 s. 5000 prim. ISBN 8674130240. @ RS_sr US: Libr. of Congress: DX 118 .T66 1989 Zingari. - Milano: Rizzoli, 1989. @ IT_it EN: UA: Tomašić, Boris [TomáТiç, Borís] Odgoj i obrazovanje uЦenika Roma u OŠ Gornji Mihaljevec – Macinec – specifiЦnosti i problemi // II. savjetovanje o odgoju i izobrazbi djece Roma u Hrvatskoj: zbornik izlaganja. – Križevci: Savez udruženja Roma Hrvatske, 1996. – Sr. 28-30. @ HR_hr EN: UA: Tomasone, M. [Ԣ ó , Ԝ.] Porrajmos [Il]: l'olocausto dei Rom // Giano (Roma). - 2002. - № 40 Gli olocausti 1933-1945. P. 87-104. @ IT_it EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tomaszewski, Tomasz [TomaТévski, TómaТ] Cyganie – inni ludzie tacy jak my: Katalog wystawy, Panstwowa galeria sztuki w Sopocie, 1330.09.2001 / Red. Iwona Makówka. - Sopot: PGS, 2001. @ PL_pl EN: Roms - other people like us: Exhibition catalog, National Gallery of Art in Sopot, 1330.09.2001. RO: Romii - oameni ca noi: Catalog de expoziție, Galeria Națională de Artă din Sopot, 1330.09.2001. UA: Ԡ , : , ԝ ԡ , 1330.09.2001. RA: art, , ,ԟ ,ԟ , Poland, Tomatová, Jana Na vedľajšej koľaji: je proces zaraЯovania rómskych detí do špeciálnych základných škôl znevýhodňujúcim Цiniteľom? - Bratislava: ADIN, 2004. - 117 s. @ SK_sk EN: The elusives: does the process of enrollment of romany children into special schools is a disadvantagious factor? UA: ԝ : є ? RA: Slovakia, education, 54 Tombs, Josephine [] Family [The] tree of Woodfine Smith, from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly the English Midlands and North West. - Chailey: RTFHS. 2009 [The Romany and Traveller FHS famous romany families series, vol. 5]. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԡ ԡ Ԑ ԟ Ԓ ԡ , . 1750 1900, RA: United Kingdom. Great Britain, genealogy, Tomé, Maria da Conceição [Tomé, Maria da Konsejsao] mconceicao.tome@eidh.pt Representações do cigano na literatura juvenil portuguesa // Sociologia. – 2014. – Nº temático: Ciganos na Península Ibérica e Brasil: estudos e políticas sociais [Revista da faculdade de letras da Universidade do Porto]. – P. 117-132. ISSN 0872-3419. @ PT_pt EN: Special issue «Gypsies in Iberian Península and Brazil: studies and social policies. AlekIari: professora bibliotecária no Agrupamento de escolas Viseu Sul (Viseu, Portugal), investigadora do Centro de estudos das migrações e das relações interculturais da Universidade Aberta (Lisboa). Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande - PT REP RA: fiction, Portugal, litearture, Tomi, Raluca [] Aboliшionismul românesc la 1848. Influenшe, trăsături // Revista istorică. – 2009. - Tom XX. - № 1-2. - Ԡ. 47-61. @ RO_ro EN: Romanian abolitionism in 1848. Influences and characteristics. UA: Ԡ 1848 . Ԓ .REP RA: Wallachia, Dabubian Principalities, history, Romania, MiТcarea aboliшionistă din Principate Тi impactul ei asupra legislaшiei de dezrobire (1849-1856) // Revista istorică. – 2010. - Tom XXI. - Nr. 1-2. - P. 57-71. @ RO_ro EN: Abolitionist movement in the Principalities and its impact on the de-slavery legislation (18491856). UA: Ԑ Ԛ . Skant ikIo: TIarmenvad REP RA: Wallachia, Dabubian Principalities, Romania, history, law, legal, dr. Tomka, Miklos [Ԣó , Ԝí ; 13.04.1941-25.11.2010] Cigányok [A] története // 1. Roma szociológiai tanulmányok periférián. – Budapest: Ariadne alapítvány, 1997. – Old. 2235. @ HU_hu 2. Cigányok, honnét jöttek - merre tartanak? – Budapest: Kozmosz könyvek, 1983. - Old. 3652. ISBN 9632114663. @ HU_hu EN: History of Roms. – AlekIari: Hungarian sociologist of religion, professor of sociology. UA: І Ԡ .– AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. P. Kovács, Melinda. Cigányok Egerben a XVIII. Században // Historia est… /Írások Kovács Béla köszöntésére. -Eger, 2002. – Old. 279-287. Cigányok Magyarországon // Néprajz. – Budapest: TIT, 1972. - Old.103-119. [A TIT orsz. néprajzi csop. tajekoztatoja]. @ HU_hu EN: Roms in Hungary. UA: Ԡ ԣ .- 55 é ,Ԝ Tommaselli, Maria [Ԣ ía] Pregiudizi sui Rom. – Torino: AIZO, 1987. – 156 p. [Quaderni Zingari, 19]. @ IT_it EN: Prejudices about Roms. UA: ԗ Ԡ .- Tomova, Ilona [Ԣó ,І ó ] Gypsies [The] in the transition period. - Sofia: International center for minority studies and intercultural relations, 1995. – 144 p. @ BG_bg EN: An analysis of a survey begun in 1994 that attempted to determine how macro-economic changes [in Bulgaria] reflected on the condition of the Roma community. The appendixes contain survey questions and regional responses to a team of specialists. The rest of the study looks at questions of ethnic identity, a demographic profile of Bulgarian Roma, marriage and family, nutrition and health, education, housing and living conditions, the economic well-being of the Roma, and general Romany opinions of their life in Bulgaria since 1989. UA: BG: Studii romani: IV Gy 29 Migration of Roma in Bulgaria // Forced ethnic migrations on the Balkans: consequences and rebuilding of societies. Conference proceedings, 22-23 Feb., Sofia. - Sofia: IMIR – Tokyo: Meiji University, 2006. - P. 124–137. @ EN: UA: Tomova, Ilona; Kanev, Krassimir Témoignage: un ghetto gitan en Bulgarie // Le Monde diplomatique. – 1993. – 40 (468), mars. P. 6. @ FR_fr EN: Testimony: a gypsy ghetto in Bulgaria. UA: ԡ : ԑ Tompó, László (ifj.) [Ԣó , ԛá .- ] Így kell megoldani a cigánykérdést! // Hunhír. info. – 2011, április 28. @ HU_hu DE: Das ist wie die Zigeunerfrage zu lösen! - Analyse der Laszlo Hestelyi-Nagy Ansichten in der Broschüre Geszt elyi- Nagy, L. Magyar or szági cigánykér des rendezése von 1940 ausgedrückt. L.Tompo vollständig unterstützt diese nazi Ansichten und Vorschläge von Gesztelyi-Nagy. EN: This is how to solve the Gypsy question! - Analysis of the Laszlo Hestelyi-Nagy views expressed in the brochure Geszt elyi- Nagy, L. Magyar or szági cigánykér des rendezése from 1940. L.Tompo fully supported these nazi views and proposals by Gesztelyi-Nagy. UA: Ԣ ! - Ԑ ԛ ԓ -ԝ , Gesztelyi-Nagy, L. Magyarországi cigánykérdes rendezése 1940 . Ԑ ԓ -ԝ . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP RA: Hungary, nazi, genocide, dr. hab. TomuleIJ, Valentin [Ԣ é ,Ԓ í ] Categorii de чigani din Basarabia în prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea // Romii / чiganii din Republica Moldova: comunitate etnosocială, multiculturală, istorico-tradiшională (1414–2014): Materialele conferinшei Тtiinшifice romologice republicane (ChiТinău, 08 aprilie 2014). – ChiТinău: AСM, 2014. - P.41-56 [Academia de Сtiinшe a Moldovei, Institutul patrimoniului cultural, Centrul de etnologie, secшia «Minorităшi entice», grupul «Etnologia romilor»]. ISBN 9789975772365. @ MD_md EN: Categories of Roms from Bessarabia in the first half of the 19th c. // Roms / Gypsies in Moldova: ethnosocial community, multicultural, historical and traditional (1414-2014): Proceedings of the Republican scientific conference of Romology (Chisinau, April 8, 2014). UA: REP UA: RDT RA: Moldova, history, Romania, 56 dr. Toninato, Paola [Ԣ á , ԟá ] Diaspora [The] discourse among Roma in Western Europe: A viable strategy for ethnic mobilization? // Paper presented at the annual meeting of the The Law and Society Association, Jul 06, 2006. @ EN: Dr Paola Toninato (BA Trieste, postgraduate certificate in social anthropology Padua, PhD Warwick) is associate research fellow at the University of Warwick. Frammenti di letteratura femminile sinta: i versi di Paula Schöpf // Kúmá. Creolizzare l'Europa. Roma, 2008. - Nr. 15 (aprile). @ IT_it EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja REP Making [The] of Gypsy diasporas // Translocations: Migration and social change. - Vol. 5. - Is. 1.- P. 1-19. @ EN: UA: Mille [Le] voci della poesia Romani // Alla periferia del mondo. - Milan: Fondazione Franceschi, 2003. - P. 79-105. @ IT_it EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja REP Memoria [La] e l’oblio. Riflessioni sulla memoria culturale fra i Roma // Achab. - 2005. - 4. - P. 19-26. @ EN: Memory and forgetting: Thoughts on cultural memory among the Roms. UA: Memory and oblivion in the construction of Romani identities // Warwick working papers in translation and cultural studies. - University of Warwick: Centre for translation and comparative cultural studies, 2004. - P. 40-46. @ UK_en EN: UA: Political [the] use of Romani writing // Grenzerfahrungen: Roma-Literaturen in der Romania. – Berlin: LIT, 2011. - S. 85-98. @ DE_en EN: UA: Rise [The] of written literature among the Roma: A study of the role writing in the current redefinition of Romani identity with specific reference to the Italian case: Doctoral dissertation. Warwick: University of Warwick, 2004 [Centre for translation and comparative cultural studies]. @ UK_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja Romani writing: Literacy, literature and identity politics / Foreword by Judith Okely. – Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2014. – 254 p. [Routledge research in literacy]. ISBN 9780415805902, 0415805902. @ US_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja Translating Gypsies: Nomadic writing and the negotiation of Romani identity // The translator. 2006 (11). - Vol. 12. - Nr. 2 Special issue: Translation, travel, migration. – P. 233-251. @ dr. Toninato, Paola 57 EN: Travelling Roms have for centuries been portrayed by non-Roms in idyllic or sharply negative images that have little connection with the social context of Romani nomadism. Romany authors have begun to resist and relativize such representations, thereby giving rise to an autochthonous written literature. This article analyzes texts in which Romany authors challenge the stereotypical image of the 'travelling Gypsies' by emphasizing the reality of an independent nomadic way of life. It argues that Romany authors are acting as translating subjects in two ways: by being translators of Romany texts, and as Romany activists engaged in 'translating' their culture for non-Roms audiences. The article further argues that an important part of Romani literature is devoted to autoethnography, conceived as a strategy used by the Roma to represent themselves 'through the eyes of the other' without losing their cultural specificity. The Roms' use of writing and translation are interpreted as alternative sites of enunciation which question the rigid Roms/Gadźos polarity and open up new possibilities for negotiating Romany identity through dialogue, mutual recognition as well as demarcating their own space. A crucial factor in this context is the growing use and appreciation of a unifying Romani language, Romanes. Increased use of Romanes in written form presents, among other things, new opportunities for translating Gypsies to challenge asymmetrical power relations between Roms and Gadźos. Uso [L’] femminile della scrittura fra i Roma sloveno-croati // Italia romani. - Rome: CISU, 1999. - vol II. - P. 147-168. @ IT_it EN: The use of writing among female Slovenian-Croatian Roms. UA: Vom Leiden schreiben. Die Lyrik von Paula Schöpf, Sinta // Sinti und Roma. Eine Spurensuche, Arunda 67 Löwenzahn, 2005. - S. 121-133. @ EN: UA: Tong, Diana [Ԣ ,Ԕá (Ԕ já )] Aspects of narrative tradition in a Greek Gypsy community // 1. Lacio drom. - 1985. - Suppl. al nr. 6. - P. 83-90. @ IT_it 2. Cahiers de litterature orale. – Paris, 1991. – Nr. 30. - P.79-87. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Gypsies: A multi-disciplinary annotated bibliography. - New York: Garland, 1995. @ US_en EN: UA: Gypsy folktales. - San Diego - New York - London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publishers, 1989. – 252 p. ISBN 0151383103, 0156379899. @ US_en EN: The 80 tales span a chronological framework over a century and come from more than thirty different countries. UA: Ԡ .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja RA: folklore, NakIavimata ES - Cuentos populares gitanos. – Madrid: Siruela, 1997. @ ES_es Los 80 cuentos abarcan un marco cronológico algo más de un siglo y proceden de más de treinta países diferentes. IT - Storie e fiabe degli zingari. - Parma: Guanda, 1989. @ IT_it PT - Contos populares ciganos. - Lisboa: Editorial Teorema, 1989. @ PT_pt Language use and attitudes among the Gypsies of Thessaloniki // Anthropological linguistics. 1983. – Vol. 25. – Nr. 3. - P.375-85. @ EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: Greece, lingustics, Romani as symbol: sociolinguistic stratigies of the Gypsies of Thessaloniki // Papers from the fourth and fifth annual meetings of Gypsy lore society, North America Chapter. - New York: Gypsy lore society, 1985. - P.179-187. @ US_en 58 EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: Greece, lingustics, Tone, Ferenc [Ԣó , Ԥé ; 1927-2003] NacistiЦna raznarodovalna politika v Sloveniji v letih 1941-1945. – Maribor: Založba Obzorja, 1968. - 857, [5] s., ill., facsim., maps, ports. @ SI_si EN: Nazi-Politik der Assimilation der Völker in Slowenien 1941-1945. - Veröffentlichung der überarbeiteten und erweiterten Text der Dissertation, die er verteidigte im Jahr 1965. EN: The nazi people assimilation policy in Slovenia in 1941-1945. – This is publication of the amended text of his PhD thesis from 1965. UA: ԝ ԡ 1941-1945 . – ԟ , 1965 . NakIavimata SR: NacistiЦka politika denacionalizacije u Sloveniji u godinama od 1941 do 1945 / Preveo Ivo Tominc. – Ljubljana - Beograd: Partizanska knjiga, TOZD Založba, 1979. 746 p., ill., portreti. @ SI_sr Quellen zur nationalsozialistischen Etnationalisierungspolitik in Slowenien 1941-1945 = Viri o nacistiЦni raznarodovalni politiki v Sloveniji 1941-1945. - Maribor: Obzorja, 1980. @ SI_de_si EN: Sources of the nazi policy of ethnic assimilation in Slovenia in 1941-1945. - Document № 53: Anordnung des Politischen Kommissars in Krainburg (Kranj) für die Ausweisung der Zigeuner den 10. Mai 1941. UA: REP (kado lil; this document) Tony Gatlif hovoří o filmu Lačho drom // Romano džaniben. – Praha, 1998. - Gin 1-2. - @ CZ_cz EN: Tony Gatlif speaks about the movie LaЦho drom. UA: RA: art, cinema, Ȍootsey & the Pups and other stories: A third anthology of Gypsy children’s work. - London: Traveller education, 1978. @ UK_en EN: some stories in Angloromani UA: Töpf, Ana L.; Hoeltzel, A. Rus [Ԣj ,Á ԛ.; ԥjó , Ԑ. Ԡ ] Romani [A] mitochondrial haplotype in England 500 years before their recorded arrival in Britain // Biology letters. – 2005. – 1. - 3. – P. 280-282. @ US_en EN: «The nomadic Romani (gypsy) people are known for their deep-rooted traditions, but most of their history is recorded from external sources. We find evidence for a Romani genetic lineage in England long before their recorded arrival there. The most likely explanations are that either the historical record is wrong, or that early liaisons between Norse and Romani people during their coincident presence in ninth to tenth century Byzantium led to the spread of the haplotype to England». UA: Skant ikIo: Zor Toppeltinus, Laurentius de Medgyes Origines et occasus Transsylvanorvm sev ervtae nationes Transsylvaniae, earumque vltimi temporis Revolutiones Historicà narratione breviter comprehensae. – Lugduni, 1667. - 22, 242, 20 p. @ EN: On p. 55-60 – about Roms. The real names of this Transylvanian author are Lorinc Töppelt. UA: RA: Romania, 59 Torgyik, Judit [Tordik, Judit] Romák [A] oktatásának fejlesztési törekvései az Európai Unióban // Iskolakultúra. – 2012. – 12 evf. – 3 sz. – Old. 74–85. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Törmä, Sinikka; Huotari, Kari;Tuokkola, Kati Romanien asuminen ja yhdenvertaisuus. - Helsinki: Ympäristöministeriö, 2012. – 55 s. [Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 8]. ISBN 9789521140112 (pdf) ISSN 1796-170X (verkkoj.). @ FI_fi SE: Romernas boende och jämlikhetsaspekten. – Helsinki: Miljöministeriet [Miljöministeriets rapporter 8]. EN: UA: REP AndotIodo : Mentioned in : Berlin, Jenni. The moving-permit custom of the Finnish Roma // Romani studies. – Livrrpool, 2015. – Nr. 2. Tornau, Arūnė [Ԣ á , Ԑ ý ja] Latcho drom: Paintings by lithuanian Gypsy children. - Vilnius: OSI-Lithuania (Tyto Alba), 1997. – 48 p. @ LT_lt EN: UA: BG: Studii romani: III Gy 63 RA: art, Török, Zsuzsanna [Tjórjok, ßúßono; 1978] Empowerment, identity building and ethnic relations: A case study of Hungarian Gypsies // Central European political science review. – 2007. – 7. - 25. - P. 118-126. [Budaörs, Hungarian Erasmus Foundation]. @ HU_en EN: UA: Exploring ethnic boudaries: A comparison of Hungarian Roma and native american «fringe» communities // British and American studies. – Timisoara, 1999. - 2. - P. 133-140. @ RO_en EN: UA: Intra-ethnic boundaries in a rural rom community // Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio philosophica. – Miskolc, 2007. – T. 12. - Fasc. 2. - P. 167-175. @ HU_en EN: UA: REP RA: Hungary, Toropov, Vadim [Ԣó ,Ԓ í ] Dialetto [Il] degli Zingari di Crimea // Lacio drom. - 1995. - Nr. 4-5. - P. 14-28. @ IT_it EN: Dialect of Crimean Roms. UA: Ԕ Ԡ .UA: RDT: RA: linguistics, Ukraine, Ԛ DikI maj: Ԣ ,Ԓ ,ԣ ,ԣ , , ,Ԛ , 60 Torotcoi, Simona [Ԣ ój, ԡ ó ] Poor quality of the system of education in Romani language in Romania: Policy brief. Introduction to Public policy III, Roma access program, Central European University. – Budapest: Central European University, 2012. – 14 p. @ HU_en EN: Dear subscribers of Romanian Roma listserv, some of you have written sharp polemic responses on the paperwork of Ms Torotcoi Simona written in May 2012, entitled «Education in Romani language in Romania», initially posted on her open profile on http://www.academia.edu and recently announced via Google Alerts. It is clear that some of you may have objections to her arguments, but PLEASE, respect the opinion of Ms Torotcoi based on her experience and knowledge in this topic. Let`s keep in mind the following things in such situation: 1. Address the idea, opinion, argument and do not attack the person. 2. Build your criticism in a positive and constructive way. 3. Let the person whose opinion you criticize explain his/her views. 4. Seek the creative synergy rather then confrontation. I wish, hope and PRAY that those of you who disagree will finally find the consensus with Ms Torotcoi! Respectfully yours, Mr. Valery Novoselsky, Executive Editor, Roma Virtual Network (letter on November 17, 2012 via Roma virtual network romale@zahav.net.il). Dear all, thank you for your interventions, I appreciate them very much. I do not want to create more controversy and other discussions which are going in different directions. I did not want to offend someone or to create conflicts among ourselves. Please bear in mind that «Education In Romani Language in Romania» is just an assignment within Roma Access Programme (RAP), a way to learn how to write a policy brief & my first assignment in English, some of my statements are not well supported. I respect what has been build in Romania until now about this type of education and I want it to get better and better («Letter of apology» by S.Torotcoi on November 18, 2012 via the Roma virtual network) REP dikI Torre, Sabrina; Torre, Vladimiro Torre Olid, Antonio de [Ԣó -Ԟ í , Ԑ ó Storie e vite di sinti dell’Emilia ] Racismo en Marto: los gitanos y Martos: inoperancias, racismo, coyuntura. - Asociación cultural A.P.M., D.L., 1987. – 115 p., il. @ ES_es EN: UA: Torrent i Llorca, Ferran [Ԣ é ,Ԥ á ; 1951] Ombres en la nit. – Valencia: Bromera; Barcelona: Columna, 2011. – 256 p. ISBN 9788466414197. @ ES_ca CA: L’existència de Santiago Cortés mai no havia sigut fàcil: era gitano i valencià, havia militat al Partit Comunista Espanyol i era l’any 1947, circumstàncies que, juntes, eren pràcticament incompatibles amb la vida. Després de sobreviure a l’infern del camp de concentració de Dachau, Santiago s’uneix a un escamot clandestí consagrat a acabar amb els nazis que viuen en la clandestinitat. Així, amb la missió de liquidar un pròfug nazi emparat pel règim franquista, torna a València. Allà, haurà d’unir les seues forces amb les d’antics lluitadors de la República, amb les de dos agents britànics del SIS, amb les d’un espia soviètic que té una doble identitat insospitada i, fins i tot, amb les d’un expert falsificador potser no tan entestat a oblidar el passat com pretén. En aquesta novel·la apassionant, Ferran Torrent s’endinsa en les contradiccions vitals d’una persona que dedica l’existència a eliminar altres caçadors de persones. Tanmateix, l’autor no deixa de banda els trets més característics de la seua obra: una trama versemblant, absorbent i magistralment construïda i un ritme narratiu vertiginós. EN: Shadows in the night. UA: Ԣ .Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – ES RA: fiction, Spain, Catalonia, Torres Fernandez, Antonio [Ԣó Ԥ á ,Ԑ ó ] Gitanos [Los] somos una nación: la psicología social del pueblo gitano y su perspectiva de estado. - Barcelona: Ediciones Romaní, D.L., 1987. – 64 p. [Mundo gitano, 1]. @ ES_es Torres Fernandez, Antonio 61 ES A.Torres escribe: «Los Gitanos tenemos conciencia de Nación... Los gitanos somos conscientes de que la Nación Gitana en su actuación busca la Justicia y la utilidad general... Nosotros, los gitanos, pertenecemos a nuestra nación, o lo que es lo mismo, seremos gitanos mientras que libremente queramos ser iguales a los demás gitanos y mantengamos el deseo de seguir siendo gitanos.» EN: We, Roms, are a nation: the social psychology of the romany people and their state perspective. UA: Ԝ , Ԡ , є є : . RA: І ,Ԙ , Spain, Vivencias gitanas. – Barcelona: Instituto Romanò de servicios sociales y culturales, 1991. @ ES_es ES: Libro que analiza los aspectos esenciales de la organización social de los Gitanos, considera que su conocimiento es primordial para valorar y analizar la existencia de los grupos de sexo y edad dentro de este pueblo; los derechos y obligaciones; los papeles de cada grupo; los valores morales. El autor dice que estos grupos están formalmente institucionalizados entre el pueblo gitano, tienen un status y se valen de los ritos de paso para la transición de un status a otro. Estos ritos comunitarios son muy importantes y de gran interés para este colectivo. EN: UA: Torres, Maruja [Ԣó ,Ԝ ý ] Vivir como gitanos // Cambio 16. – 1986. - Nr. 749 y 750. @ ES_es EN: To live like Roms. UA: Ԗ .- Torres, Ramona [Ԣó ,Ԡ ó ] Segredos de magia Cigana. - Rio de Janeiro: Pallas, 2005. - 180 p. ISBN 8534703647. @ BR_pt EN: UA: ԡ Torrione, Margarita [Ԣ .- ó ,Ԝ í ] Diccionario caló-castellano de Don Luis Usoz y Rio. Un manuscrito del siglo XIX. - Perpignan: Université de Perpignan, CRILAUP, 1987. - 61 p. @ FR_es EN: ԡaló-Castilian dictionary by Don Luis Usoz y Rio. A manuscript from the XIX c. UA: Ԛ ԛ ԣ - -Ԡ . Ԡ 19.- Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib ES: Barcelona univ. auton.: Humanitats-2a planta: D 809/157, 1500244330 RA: linguistics, lexicography, lexicology, Spain, Gitano-español [El]: De la etiqueta germanesca a la catalogación lingüística (siglos XV-XVIII) // Hablar y dejar hablar (sobre racismo y xenofobia). - Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1994. – P.95-112. @ ES_es EN: The Romany-Spanish: from germanesque labeling to linguistic categorization (15th-18th centuries). UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Traje [El] antiguo de los gitanos: alteridad y castigo (iconografia de los siglos XV-XVIII // Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos. – 1995. – Nr. 536. – P. 19-42 @ EN: The ancient costume of Roms: alterity and punishment (iconography of the XV-XVIII centuries). RO: Costumul antic a Romilor: alteritatea si pedeapsa (iconografia secolelor XV-XVIII). UA: ԡ : ( XV-XVIII ). 62 Tosi Cambini, Sabrina [Ԣó Ԛ í ,ԡ í ] Social [The] dangerousness of the defendant is «at one with her own condition of being nomadic»: Roma and Sinti in Italian courts of law // Journal of modern italian studies. - 2011. - Vol. 16. - Is. 5. - P. 652-666. ISSN 1354-571X. @ UK_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: TIarmenvad Zingara [La] rapatrice. Racconti, denounce, sentenze (1986-2007). – Roma: CISU, 2008. - @ IT_it EN: UA: Tošović, B. [Ԣó i , ԑ.] Romski jezik i romologija u Sovjetskom Savezu // Jezik i kultura Roma. - 1983. – S. 59-71. @ SR_sr EN: The Romani language and romology in the Soviet Union. UA: Ԡ Ԡ ԡ .– RA: ԡԠԡԠ, ԡԡԡԠ, USSR, Tóth, Arpád [Ԣ ,Á ] Cigányok Borsodban // Borsodi szemle. - 1972. – XVII evf. - 2. sz. - Old. 38-49. @ HU_hu EN: Roms in Borshod. UA: Ԡ ԑ .– RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , Félúton. A cigány lakosság élet- és munkakörülményei Borsod megyében // Borsodi szemle. 1974. - Nr. 3. - Old.9-23. @ HU_hu EN: On a halfway. The Romany population living and working conditions in the Borshod county. UA: ԝ .ԣ єԑ .– RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , Múlt és jelen a cigányság életében // Borsodi szemle. - 1979. - Nr. 2. - Old.54-63 @ HU_hu EN: Past and present in the life of Roms. UA: Ԝ Ԡ .RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , Ozd, Kazincbarcika, Miskolc cigány lakosságnak helyzete // Népművelési értésitő. - 1972. - Nr. 4. - Old.367-384. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , Specialis helyzetű tarsadalmi csoportok // Tajekoztató. - 1974. - Nr. 6. - Old.45-78 @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , Tóth, Józsefné [Tot, Jóßefni] Szeretet [A] pedagógiája. – Pécs: Gandhi Gimnázium, 2003. - 114 old., ill. @ HU_hu BG: EN: Pedagogy of love. – RO: Pedagogie iubirii. UA: ԟ .- 63 RA: Hungary, education, Tóth, Judit [Tot, Júdit] Czech and Hungarian Roma exodus to Canada: How to distinguish between unbearable destitution and unbearable persecution // Foreigners, Refugees or Minorities? Rethinking people in the context of border controls and visas. – Farnham: Ashgate publ., 2013 (03). ISBN 9781409452539. @ EN: UA: Ԓ . Ԡ Ԛ : Tóth, Olivér [Tot, Óliver] Fekete tűzben: Versek. – Miskolc: Felsőmagyarország kiadó, 2002. - 52 old. @ HU_hu EN: In the black fire: Poems. UA: ԣ :Ԓ .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , literature, Tóth, Pál; Kemény, István; Pomogyi, L.; Kallai, Ernő [] History of the Gypsies in Hungary // A Roma’s life in Hungary: report 2000. - Budapest: Bureau for European comparative minority research, 2000. @ HU_en EN: UA: І Ԡ ԣ .- AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. Thomson, Rex W.; Soós, István. Rroma culture and physical culture in Hungary: Short communication // International review for the sociology of sport. - 2005. - Vol. 40. - P. 255-263. Tóth, Pál; Páczelt, Istvánné [Tot, Pal; Pácelt, Ístvanni] Falusi [A] cigányság. Kutatási zárójelentés a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye községeiben élő cigány lakosság körében lefolytatott kérdőíves felmérésről. – Miskolc: MTA RKK Észak-Magyarországi Osztálya, 1991. - 95 old. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Tóth, Péter [Tot, Peter] Borsod vármegye tervezete a cigányok szabályozására 1784-ből // A Miskolci Herman Ottó múzeum közleményei. - Miskolc, 1989. – 26. - Old. 63-67. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Cigány nyelvi és foglalkozási csoportok a 17-18. században // Cigánysors. A cigányság történeti múltja és jelene. II. - Pécs, 2009. – Old. 15-20. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Cigányok [A] megjelenése a középkori Magyarországon // Cigánysors. A cigányság történeti múltja és jelene. I. - Pécs, 2005. – Old. 15-19. @ HU_hu EN: Apearance of roms in the medieval Hungary. UA: ԗ Ԡ ԣ RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , ., , history, Cigányok a XVIII. századi Somogyban // Harminc nemzedék vallomása Somogyról. Történelmi olvasókönyv. - Kaposvár, Somogy Megyei Levéltár: 1989. - Old. 139-143. @ HU_hu Tóth, Péter 64 EN: Roms of Shomod in the XVIII century. UA: Ԡ 10.RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Cigányok [A] és környezetük kapcsolatai a 18. századig // A cigány kultúra történeti és történeti kutatása a Kárpát-medencében. - Budapest – Gödöllő, MNT – SZIE GTK, 2010. - Old. 215-223. @ HU_hu EN: Roms and relations with their surrounding in the 18th century. UA: Ԡ 18.RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Cigányok Miskolcon a 18. század közepén // A Herman Ottó múzeum évkönyve. – Miskolc, 1993. - T. XXX-XXI (1991-1992). – Old. 205-215., bibl. a jegyz. ISSN 0544-4225. [Annales musei miskolciensis de Herman Ottó nominati]. @ HU_hu DE: Zigeuner in Mischkolz in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. EN: Roms in Mishkolts in the middle of the 18th century. UA: Ԡ Ԝ 18.REP RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, personalities, Csalta-e cigány asszonnyal a feleségét Bellény Zsigmond? Egy pertöredék és tanulsága // Tanulmányok az 50 éves Bana Jocó tiszteletére. - Győr, 2006. – Old. 161-167. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, 1768. [Az] évi cigányösszeírás a Jászságban [forrásközlés] // Zounuk, a Szolnok Megyei levéltár évkönyve, 2011. - 26. sz. – Old. 443-464. @ HU_hu EN: Census of Roms in 1768 in Jászság [notes about source]. – Jazshag is a historical, ethnographical and geographical region in Hungary - situated in the north-western part of the JasNodkun-Solnok (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok) county. The main town is Jasberen (Jászberény). UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Gondolatok a cigányok magyarországi történetéről és annak forrásairól // Pillanatképek a romák múltjából. – Szekszárd: Romológiai Kutatóintézet, 1998. – Old. 37-44. @ HU_hu EN: Thoughts on Roms in Hungary's history and their sources. UA: Ԕ Ԡ ԣ .RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Kóborlás és letelepedés. A magyarországi cigányok feudális kori történetéhez // Magyarország társadalomtörténete a 18-19. században. – Budapest: Dico – Új Mandátum, 2004. – Old. 371-378. @ HU_hu EN: Wandering and settling. The feudal history of the Hungarian Roms. UA: Ԛ .Ԥ Ԡ .RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Magyarországi [A] cigányság története a feudalizmus korában. – Pécs: Bölcsész Konzorcium, 2006. @ HU_hu EN: The history of the Hungarian Roms at the age of feudalism. UA: І Ԡ .RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Mária Terézia cigánypolitikája // Cigánysors. A cigányság történeti múltja és jelene. I. - Pécs, 2005. – Old. 39-44. @ HU_hu EN: The romany policy of Maria Terezia. - Tóth, Péter UA: Ԡ Ԝ Ԣ 65 .- RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Varázsló [A] cigányasszony a XVIII. századi forrásokban // Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye levéltári évkönyve, XII–XIII. - Miskolc, 2005. – Old. 61-68. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, ԣ ,Ԓ , , , history, Türke, Gábor [Tjurke, Gabor] Romák helyzete Pest-Pilis-Solt vármegyében a XVIII. században // Tanulmányok Pest megye múltjából IV. - 2012. – Old. 69-84. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Tóthová, Monika [Tótova, Mónika; Ԣó , Ԝó ] Špecifiká práce uЦiteľa rómskych žiakov // Zborník z III. Medzinárodnej konferencie 28. november 2002, Nitra. – Nitra: UKF, 2002. – S. 86-90. @ SK_sk EN: UA: ԡ .- REP Touchkoff, Svetlana A. [Tuçkóf, Svetlána; Ԣ ó ,ԡ á ] Carte [Le] magiche della zingara indovina. Con 25 carte E.Colombetta. – Armenia, 1993. – 220 p. ISBN 9788834405727. @ / Traduttora EN: UA: Toujours les Bohemiens // Le Briard. – 1901, 05 octobre. – Nr. 77. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Toumová K, Olišarová V, Tóthov V. Health [The] condition of the Roma population in the context of primary and secondary care // Kontakt. – 2016. – Vol. 18. – Nr. 2. – P. 90–95. @ EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Zor Tournev, Ivailo [BG – Ԙ Ԣ ] Autosomal-recessive neuro-muscular disorders in Bulgarian Gypsies // Workshop on neuromuscular disorders. – Sofia, 23-25 June. @ BG_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Zor Tournev, Ivailo; Kalaydjieva, Luba; Youl, B.; Ishpekova, B.; Guergueltcheva, Velina; Kamenov, O.; Katzarova, M.; Kamenov, Z.; Raicheva-Terzieva, M.; King, R.H.M.; Romanski, K.; Petkov, R., Schmarov, A., and 10 others Congenital cataracts facial dysmorphism neuropathy (CCFDN) syndrome, a novel complex genetic disease in Balkan Gypsies: clinical and electrophysiological observations // Annals of neurology. - 1999. - 45. - P. 742-750. @ EN: UA: 66 Skant ikIo: Zor Tournev, Ivailo; Kamenov O. [Ԣ І.; Ԛ o Ԟ.] Screeing examination of hereditary neuromuscular diceases in Gypsies in North Bulgaria // Neurologia Balcanica. - 1997. - Vol. 1. - Nr. 3-4. ????????? Skant ikIo: Zor Toward an equal start: closing the early learning gap for Roma children in Eastern Europe. – World bank, 2012 (06). – 77 p. @ EN: This document has been prepared for the European Commission; however, it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This report draws on the results of the UNDP/World Bank/EC regional Roma 2011 survey. However, the report was prepared by the World Bank and does not necessarily represent the views of UNDP. UA: REP TradiIJii ale rromilor din spaIJiul românesc = Rroma traditions in the Romanian area. – BucureТti: Salvaшi copiii, 2004. - 152 p. @ RO_ro_en EN: UA: Ԣ Ԡ .- Cuprins – Summary: Cuvânt înainte – Gabriela Alexandrescu p. 3 = Foreword – Gabriela Alexandrescu p. 77. Rromii Ursari – Anghel Năstase p. 5 = The Roma bear tamers – Anghel Năstase p. 79. Rromii căldărari – Camelia Stănescu p. 21 - The Roma oppersmiths – Camelia Stănescu p. 95. Tradiшii Тi obiceiuri ale Rromilor spoitori călărăТeni - Giani Grigore Muti, Sorin Cristian Moisescu p. 30 = Traditions and customs of Roma tinsmiths from Călărasi area – Giani Grigore Muti, Sorin Cristian Moisescu p. 104. Rromii gabori – Iren Zrynyi p. 40 = The Roma gabori – Iren Zrynzi p. 114. Rromii carpatici – Olga MărcuТ p. 55 = The Roma in the Carpathians p. 129. Rromii pieptănari – Mihaela Gazni p. 63 = The comb makers – pieptănari p. 136. Salvaшi copiii Тi respectarea drepturilor copiilor rromi – Miralena Mamina p. 73 = Salvaшi copiii (Save the children) and respecting the rights of the romany children – Miralena Mamina p. 146. REP RA: folklore, ethnography, Tragedia romilor deportaIJi în Transnistria, 1942-1945. Mărturii Тi documente / Ed. Radu Ioanid, Michelle Kelso, Luminiшa Mihai Cioabă. - IaТi: Ed. Polirom, 2009. - 492 p. ISBN 9789734613335. @ RO_ro BG: Ԣ Ԡ Ԣ , 1942-1945. ԡ .DE: Tragödie der Roms nach Transnistrien deportiert, 1942-1945. Zeugenaussagen und Unterlagen. EN: Tragedy of Roms deported to Transnistria, 1942-1945. Testimonies and documents. – ES: Tragedia de Romaníes deportados a Transnistria, 1942-1945. Testimonios y documentos. FR: Tragédie de Roms déportés en Transnistrie, 1942-1945. Témoignages et documents. RU: Ԣ Ԡ , , 1942-1945. ԡ . UA: Ԣ Ԡ , Ԣ , 1942-1945. ԡ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RO: Bibl. naшion. Romaniei: II 534845 Training Roma leaders // Open society news. - 2000 (spring). - P.8. @ HU_en EN: UA: ԟ UA: RDT: І Ԡ . ԑ - Ԛ 1999 . І , 67 Trajković, Iva [Trájkoviç, Íva] Romi - Cigani Niša. I // Zbornik Narodnog muzeja u Nišu. - 1991. - Nr. 6-7. - S. 89-116. @ RS_sr II // Zbornik Narodnog muzeja u Nišu. - 2000. - Nr. 9. - S. 117-162. @ RS_sr EN: Roms - Gypsies of Nish. UA: Ԡ -Ԧ ԝ .- Životinje, biljke i natprirodna biФa u obiЦajima i verovanjima niskih Roma // Etno-kulturološki zbornik. - Svrljig, 1997. - God. 3. - Br. 3. - S. 227-232. @ RS_sr BG: Ԗ , Ԡ ԝ .– EN: Animals, plants and supernatural beings in the customs and beliefs of Roms in Nish. UA: Ԣ , Ԡ ԝ .– RA: ԡ j ,ԡ ,ԡ , Srbija, Serbia, Trankell, Arne [28.03.1919-14.01.1984] Kvarteret Flisan. Om en kris och dess övervinnande i ett svenskt förortssamhälle. - Stockholm: Norstedt, 1973. - 492 s. - ISBN 9117340918. @ SE_se SE: Boken presenteras en tolkande studie av en protestaktion mot romer i en förort med huvudsakligen svensk befolkning. AlekIari: svensk professor i pedagogik. EN: Quarter Flisan. If a crisis and its overcoming in a Swedish suburban community. – The book is an interpretive study of a protest against Roms in the suburbs with mainly Swedish population. UA: SE: Stockholms stadsarkiv, biblioteket: RA: Sweden, Tillbakablick och översikt över projektets utveckling 1965-1969 : sammanställd ur rapporterna 1-7 jämte inledning och kommentarer. - Stockholm, 1970. - [119] s. [Rapport: Stockholms stads och pedagogiska institutionens försöksprojektför Stockholms zigenarbefolknings rehabilitering]. @ SE_se EN: UA: SE: Stockholms stadsarkiv, biblioteket: RA: Sverige, Sweden, , , Routsiin, Trankell, Ing-Britt [] Zigenska karriärer i Sverige: rapport till Socialstyrelsen i samband med 1977 års utvärdering av den familjepedagogiska verksamheten bland vissa flyktinggrupper. - Stockholm: Stockholms univ., Socialantropologiska institutionen, 1978. - 62 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: RA: Sverige, Sweden, , Trankell, Ingrid; Trankell, Arne [Ԣ á , Routsiin, ,Í i ;Ԣ á ,Á ] Problems of the Swedish Gypsies // Pedagogisk forskning. - 1968. – Vol. 12. - P. 141-214. @ SE_en EN: In a description based on two years of observation and «action cum research» the gradual disintegration of the productive nomadic community of the Swedish gypsies is seen as the result of the changes of life conditions in modern Sweden. Special attention is paid to the latest phase of their history, beginning around 1963, when, following an intermediate period of passivity and despair in stationary camps, they began to move into ordinary flats. Still anchored in their cultural past the gypsies are now trying to gain acceptance in a society which no longer offers them the means of self-support they once possessed. The gradual loss of their former individual and cultural identity, which took place after the termination of their nomadic period, is now an obstacle in the way of the efforts to restore their independence and self-respect. The report includes a programme of the measures to be adopted in order to facilitate the integration of the Swedish gypsies into modern society. The Pedagogisk forskning since 1971 is published as Scandinavian j ournal of educat ional resear ch. UA: ԟ Ԡ .- 68 RA: Sverige, Sweden, , , Routsiin, Transición [La] de primaria a secundaria // Boletín del centro de documentación de la Asociación de enseñantes con gitanos. – Madrid, 1997. - Nr. 14-15 (monográfico). @ ES_es ES: Recoge varios artículos, así como experiencias, que analizan la situación y ofrecen propuestas para que la transición de primaria a secundaria pueda hacerse sin necesidad de que se produzca un fracaso escolar facilita una extensa relación de recursos y referencias materiales. EN: UA: ԟ .- Traub, Karl Zigeunerfriedl [Der] und andere Geschichten für Kinder. – Kassel: Oncken Verlag, 1914. - @ DE_de EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande - DE Travellers' songs from England and Scotland / Compiled E.MacCall and P.Seeger. - London: Routledge & Kegan, 1977. - xii, 387 p., bibliogr. p. 369-84. @ UK_en EN: Romany songs in English UA: Ԛ Ԑ Traynor, Ian [Ԣ éj . , Ja ] Gypsies win right to sue IBM over role in Holocaust // The Guardian. - 2004, 23 June. @ UK_en DE: Zigeuner haben gewinnen Recht auf IBM über Rolle im Holocaust verklagen. UA: Ԡ ІԑԜ є Ԛ GIRCA. . – . . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP RA: war, nazi, Germany, compensation, dr. Trehan, Nidhi [Ԣ é , ԝí ] Human rights entrepreneurship in post-socialist Hungary: From the «gypsy problem» to «romani rights’: PhD dissertation. – London: London School of economics and political science, 2009. – 272 p. [Department of sociology]. @ UK_en EN: «The thesis investigates the paradoxical developments and implications of the emerging Romani (Gypsy) civil rights movement in post-socialist Europe. Focusing on contemporary Hungary as a case study for the region, the research covers discursive and political frameworks on human rights, and critically analyses their multifaceted dimensions, including the role of human rights NGOs and INGOs and the moral entrepreneurs who run them. The research uses qualitative methods to investigate the activities of non-state actors and social agents which influence both Romani communities as well as state policy in Hungary vis-a-vis Roma. In Hungarian society, the complex discursive shifts on Romani people, from the 'Gypsy problem' to 'Roma rights' are key components of an emerging narrative of liberal human rights entrepreneurs engaged in creating a visible space for recognition of the rights of Roma. The research investigates how the public face of the 'movement' builds itself around claims of violence and oppression of Roma. It also reflects upon key strategies and technologies employed by the movement's participants within Hungarian civil society. The co-existence of neoliberal human rights regimes of governance with emancipatory discourses indicates, paradoxically, the continuing (re)production of racialised and other hierarchies within the movement itself which reinforce asymmetries of power within Hungarian society. Another primary finding is that in practice the movement has privileged the pursuit of civil liberties over socio-economic justice for Roma, and has, as a result, served to dislocate local Romani communities from decision-making structures. The thesis argues that 'counterdiscourses' to neoliberal human rights approaches are effectively marginalized, as particular 'Roma rights' frameworks have become impositions from outside the Romani communities, generating arenas of strategic instrumentalisation by elite participants. Subaltern Romani communities signal their awareness of these asymmetries of power, and show their resistance through a strategic display of ironic humour and attempts at epistemic disobedience.» UA: dr. Trehan, Nidhi 69 REP In the name of the Roma? The role of private foundations and NGOs // Between past and future: the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe. – Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire press, 2001. – P. 134149. @ UK_en DE: Im Namen der Roma. Die Rolle von privaten Stiftungen und NGOs. EN: FR: Au nom des Roms. Le rôle des fondations privées et des ONG. UA: Ԓ Ԡ .Ԡ .- Roma in Hungary: A post-1989 update // Roma. - Chandigarh: Indian Institute of Romani Studies. – 1996. – Nr. 44-45 (Jan.-July). @ IN_en EN: UA: Romani migrations: Addressing continuing debates // Romani East-West migrations: Strangers in anybody's land. - Cambridge, 2000 [Cambridge Review of international affairs, spring-summer issue, vol. 13]. @ UK_en EN: UA: Romani [The] subaltern within neoliberal European civil cociety. NGOization of human rights and silent voices // Romani politics in contemporary Europe. Poverty, ethnic mobilization and the neoliberal order. – Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. @ EN: UA: Trehan, Nidhi; Kocze, Angela Racism, neocolonialism, and social justice: the struggle for the soul of the Romani movement in post-socialist Europe // Racism, postcolonialism, Europe. - Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2009. @ UK_en EN: UA: Tremlett, Annabel [Trémlet, Ánabel] annabel.tremlett@port.ac.uk Bringing hybridity to heterogeneity: Roma and the question of «difference» in Rom ani st udies // Romani studies. - 2009. - Vol. 19. - Nr. 2. - P. 147-168. @ UK_en EN: This article has been adapted from a Ph.D. dissertation. AlekIari: senior lecturer in social inclusion at the School of health sciences and social work, University of Portsmouth. UA: REP Representations of Roma: Public discourses and local practices: PhD thesis. - London: King’s College, 2008. - @ UK_en EN: UA: Trep, Marie [] Comment on nomme les Bohémiens et les Tsiganes // Le mythe des Bohémiens dans la littérature et les arts en Europe / Sous la direction de Sarga Moussa. - Paris: l’Harmattan, 2008. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Trentin, Rosanna; Monaci, Maria G.; De Lumè, Filomena; Zanon, Ombretta [] Scholastic integration of Gypsies in Italy: Teachers’ attitudes and experience // School psychology international. – 2006 (02). - Vol. 27. - P. 79-103. @ EN: UA: RA: education, school, 70 Transcultural nursing care values, beliefs, and practices of American (USA) Gypsies // Journal of transcultural nursing. – 1992. - Vol. 4. - P. 17-28. @ EN: UA: dr. Trevisan, Paola [Trevizán, Páola] trevimonti@tin.it Campo [Un] di concentramento per «zingari» italiani a Prignano sulla Secchia // L’Almanacco: Rassegna di studi storici e di ricerche sulla società contemporanea (periodico dell’Istituto per la Storia del movimento operaio e socialista «P. Marani»). – Reggio Emilia, 2010. – Anno XXIX. - Nr. 55-56. – P. 7-30. @ IT_it EN: A concentration camp for Italian «Gypsies» in Prignano sulla Secchia.UA: Ԛ « » ԟ - -ԡ .REP Écrire pour qui? Auteurs, public et registres linguistiques dans les autobiographies des sinti italiens // Études tsiganes. - Paris, 2011. - Nr. 36-37: Littératures romani: construction ou réalité? - P. 90-109. @ FR_fr EN: To write for whom? Authors, public and linguistic registers in the autobiographies of the Italian Sintos. UA: REP Etnografia di un libro. Scritture, politiche e parentela in una comunità di Sinti. – Roma: CISU, 2008. - @ IT_it EN: Ethnography of a book. Writings, political and kinship in a community of Sintos. UA: Fra medici e santi: itinerari terapeutici in una comunità di Roma croati // Italia Romani. - Roma: CISU, 1996. - Vol. 1. @ IT_it EN: Fra medici e santi: itinerari terapeutici in una comunità di Rom croati. UA: Ԝ : Ԡ .- Internment [The] of Italian Sinti in the province of Modena during fascism: From ethnographic to archival research // Romani studies. - 2013. - Vol. 23. - Nr. 2. - P. 139–160. ISSN 1528-0748. @ UK_en EN: Internment of Italian Sintos in the province of Modena during fascism: From ethnographic to archival research. UA: І ԡ Ԝ : Ԓ . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP Pour une reconstruction de la présence tsigane dans l’Italie du Nord: réseaux parentaux, circulation et implantations entre l’Emilie-Romagne, la Vénétie et la Lombardie (1860-1950): These de doctorat en etnologie. - @ FR_fr EN: Towards a reconstruction of the Roms presence in Northern Italy: parental networks, circulation and settlements between Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Lombardy (1860-1950). UA: Ԕ Ԡ І : , ԕ -Ԡ ,Ԓ ԛ (1860-1950). - Ricerche [Le] sull’internamento dei Sinti e dei Rom in Italia durante il regime fascista // Erinnerungskulturen des 20. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich / Culture della memoria del Novecento a confronto. – Bozen/Bolzano: Stadtarchiv Bozen / Archivio storico della città di Bolzano, 2014. - P. 189205. [Hefte zur Bozner Stadtgeschichte - Quaderni di storia cittadina, 7]. ISBN 9788890706097. @ IT_it EN: Researches on internment of Sintos and Roms in Italy during the fascist regime. UA: Ԕ ԡ Ԡ І Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP dr. Trevisan, Paola 71 «Salute» [La] dei rom: una questione piuttosto ingarbugliata. Rifflessioni antropologiche sulla litteratura medica riguardante gli zingari // La ricerca folklorica. – 2004. - No. 50 (Oct.). – @ IT_it EN: The article presents a critical analysis of the medical literature on gypsies found in the major scientific journals. What emerges is rarely an evaluation of the multiple risk factors to which gypsy communities are exposed in the different contexts in which they live. Much more frequently the analysis reveals the researchers's own beliefs on the Rom, as though the «pride» of the gypsies had legitimated the approach of the doctors and geneticists to ignore the scientific methodologies usually adopted in research and their own professional code of ethics. UA: Skant ikIo: Zor Scrivere e leggere. Etnografia politica di un corso per l’alfabetizzazione di adulti sinti // Antropologia. – 2004. – Vol. IV. – Nr. 4. – P. 141-161. @ IT_it EN: To write and to read. Political ethnography of a course for adult Sintos literacy. UA: ԟ . ԟ ԡ .- Sinti e circensi: storia di un legame invisibile // Alle radici dell’Europa. Mori, giudei e zingari nei Paesi del Mediterraneo occidentale. - Florence: SEID Editori, 2011. - Vol. III: secoli XIX-XX. - P. 225– 73. @ IT_it EN: UA: Sinti imprigionati a Prignano sulla Secchia (MO) sotto il regime fascista // Storie e vite di sinti dell’Emilia. - Roma: CISU, 2005. - P. 123-134. @ IT_it EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Triandaphilidis, M.A. [Ԣ í Ԝ.Ԑ.] Zigeuner-griechische [Eine] Geheimsprache // Zeitschrift für vergleichende Spachwissenschaft auf dem Gebiete der indogermanische Sprache. - 1924. - Bd. LII. – Hf. 1-2. – S.1-42. @ DE_de EN: A Romani-Greek secret language. UA: Ԡ є .Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. VuЦkoviФ, Marija. Etymology and pragmatics: Serbian šunela 'quiet, silence' // Theory and empiricism in Slavonic diachronic linguistics. – Praha: Lidové noviny, 2012. – P. 113-120. Trier, Tom [Ԣ ,Ԣ ] Interethnic relations in Transcarpathian Ukraine. - Uzhhorod, 1998. - 69 p. @ UA_en EN: UA: Ԝ , ԗ ԣ ԣ 4-7 - Ԧ 1998 . ECMI Trifon, Nicolas [] Nicolae Gheorghe - activiste rom et pourfendeur de la raison tsigane // 1. Au sud de l’Est. - Paris: éditions Non Lieu, 2014. - № 10. @ FR_rf 2. Asymetria. Revista de cultura, critica si imaginatie - Asymetria - revue roumaine de culture, critique et imagination. – 2014, 15 janvier. – @ RO_fr EN: On January 16, 2014, Evangelia Adamou shared this article via EANRS. UA: REP RA: personalities, 72 Trifunović, Darko [20.11.1971] Genocide against Roma in Kosovo and Metohija. Genocido kontra Roma po Kosovo thaj Metohija. - Beograd: IzdavaЦko preduzeФe «Filip VišnjiФ» AD, 2012. – 181 p. ISBN 8673636663. @ RS_sr EN: Be careful! Mr. Trifunovic is revisionist and denier of the Srebrenica massacre (Srebrenica genocide) in July 1995. UA: RA: Yugoslavia, war, Trigg, Elwood Bellen [Trig, Élvud Belén; Ԣ ԑe é ] ,É Gypsies, demons and divinities: the magical and supernatural practicies of the Gypsies. – 1. London: Sheldon Press, 1973. @ UK_en 2. 2nd ed. - London: Sheldon Press, 1975. - xiii, 238 p. @ UK_en EN: UA: AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. Berlin, Jenni. The moving-permit custom of the Finnish Roma // Romani studies. – Livrrpool, 2015. – Nr. 2. Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad Trigg, Elwood Bellen; Phil, D. [Trig, Élvud Belén; Ԣ ԑ ,É é ] Religion and social reform among the Gypsies of Britain // Journal of the Gypsy lore society. 1968. - Vol. 47. - Nr. 3-4. - P.82-109. @ US_en EN: UA: Ԡ Ԡ Skant ikIo: Sarad vi saradenvad RA: United Kingdom, Ԓ ԑ , Trillard, Marc [Trilár, Mark] De sabres et de feu. – Paris: Le Cherche-Midi, 2006. @ FR_fr FR: En même temps que le vieil Enrique, fameux maquignon ayant marqué son époque, c'est tout un monde qui s'éteint sur ce parking du Sud de la France: celui des tziganes. Relégués dans ce camp à l'écart de la ville, ils sont une cinquantaine de familles qui attendent la dernière heure de leur doyen. Débarquant de toute l'Europe à bord de leurs caravanes et de leurs camping-cars, les innombrables membres du clan dispersé les rejoignent au fil des jours pour un ultime hommage au patriarche. Parmi eux, Agustin, mi-fakir, mi-chaman, et sa fille, Antucha, qui vont profondément bouleverser la vision que Bartolomé, le gardien du camp, se fait du monde. Mais cette soudaine concentration de voyageurs va bientôt réveiller, autour du camp, l'hostilité et le racisme latents. Entre des cultures et des modes de vie si différents, le conflit paraît inévitable. EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – FR RA: fiction, , ,Ԥ ,Ԥ , Trimikliniotis, N.; Demetriou, C. Cypriot [The] Roma and the failure of education: Anti-discrimination and multiculturalism as a post-accession challenge // The minorities of Cyprus: Development patterns and the identity of the internal-exclusion. - Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. - P. 241–265. @ UK_en EN: UA: Ԛ є Ԡ Єԡ. : 73 dr. Tripāṭhī, Bhāgīrathaprasāda = Vagish Shastri [Ԣ á ,ԑ á ԟ á ] Gypsy language and grammar: the language of Roma people migrated from India, a comparative study with Indo-European languages. - Varanasi : Vāgyoga Chetanāpīṭham (Yogic Voice Consciousness Institute), 2004. – vii, 302 p. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԑ І : 1966 Pāṇinīya-Dhātupāṭhasamīkṣā. Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib Trites, William Budd Gypsy [The]. - London: Gollancz, 1928. – 144 p. @ UK_en EN: The short review of this short novel from the Chicago daily tribune, Fabruary 18, 1928. UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – UK RA: fiction, , ,Ԓ Tritt, Rachel [Ԣ , Ԡéj , ] Strugling for ethnic identity: Czechoslovakia's endangered Gypsies. – New York: Humar rights watch, 1992. - 154 p. [A Helsinki watch report]. @ US_en EN: UA: Troc, Gabriel [Trok, Gabriél] State [A] of despair: Roma (Gypsy) population during transition - Transylvanian case studies // Studia europaea. – Cluj-Napoca, 2002. – Vol. 47. - Nr. 1-2. – P. 49-89. [Studia universitatis BabeТBolyai]. @ RO_en EN: UA: Trochtová, Imelda Rozvojový jazykový program pre rómske deti (zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia). Prešov: Rokus, 2002. - 102 s. @ SK_sk EN: UA: Ԡ ( ). RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, education, school, Trofăilă, Vasile [Trofeíle, Vasíle] чiganii [din Moldova] // Moldova Тi lumea. – 1995. - Nr. 11-12. – P.16-17. @ MD_md EN: Roms (from Moldova). UA: Ԡ ( Ԝ ). - Trois poèmes de Rajko Duric // Etudes tsiganes. – 1978. - Nr. 4. – P. 1-3. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԣ Ԡ Ԕ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja RA: , , Tropea, Angela [Ԣ é ,Á ] Folklore slavo e folklore Zingaro: le favole di Rasim Sejdic: Tesi di laurea anno accademico 1982/83. - Catania, 1983. @ IT_it EN: Slavic folklore and Romani folklore: the tales by Rasim Sejdic. UA: ԡ : Ԡ ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanak’ja .- Tropea, Angela 74 Produzione letteraria scritta e trascritta // Lacio drom. – 1989. – Nr. 6. – P. 40-42. @ IT_it EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja Registro inverso del vocabulario kelderašitka de G.Soravia // Lacio drom. - 1985. – Anno 21. Nr.5. - P. 30-48. @ IT_rm_it EN: Reverse index to the kelderash vocabulary by G.Soravia. UA: ԗ Ԕ .ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, lexicography, , .- , , Troxel, Luan Bulgaria's Gypsies: Numerically strong, politically weak // RFE/RL research report. – Budapest, 1992 (03). - Nr. 10. - P. 58-61. @ HU_en EN: According to this report, the Bulgarians, though apparently tolerant towards other national minorities, have manifested an increasing hatred and violence towards the Romany population. UA: Troy, Una [Ԣ j, ԣ ; 1910-1993] Leute [Die] im bunten Wagen: Roman. - Munchen: DTV, 1991. - @ DE_de EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – UK RA: fiction, literature, , Trubeta, Sevasti [Ԣ é ,ԡ á i] Gypsiness. Radical discourse and persecution: Balkan Roma during the Second World war // Nationalities Papers. – 2003. – Vol. 31. – Is. 4. - P. 495-514. @ UK_en DE: Zigeurnertum. Radikalen Diskurses und Verfolgung: Balkan Roma während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. UA: Ԧ .Ԡ :ԑ Ԡ ԔԡԒ. – Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad REP Nationalsozialistische [Das] Bild von südosteuropäischen Roma am Schnittpunkt des Zigeunerund des Südosteuropastereotyps // Zeitschrift für Balkanologie. – 2004. – Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 40. - S. 92-105. @ DE_de EN: UA: Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Trudgill, Eric [] Family [The] trees of Benjamin and Thomas Hearn from about 1740 to about 1900, mainly counties to the North, West and south of London. - Chailey: RTFHS, 2009. [The Romany and Traveller FHS famous romany families series, vol. 6]. @ UK_en EN: UA: Family [The] trees of Damon and Thomas Lee from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly from the English Southern Counties. - Chailey: RTFHS, 2007. [The Romany and Traveller FHS famous romany families series]. @ UK_en EN: UA: Trudgill, Eric 75 Family [The] trees of Francis and Mary Clayton and John and Mary Booth from about 1750 to about 1900, from the South Midlands of England to the North East and North West. - Chailey: RTFHS. 2009. [The Romany and Traveller FHS famous romany families series, vol. 4]. @ UK_en EN: UA: Trujal i Ŗomanisofra = Rreth sofrës Rome = Oko Romske sofre = Roman sofra çevresinde = Around the Roma sofra: Poezie – poezi poezija – Тiir – poetry. – Prizren: «Iniciativa 6», 2013. – 164 p. ISBN 9789951645010. @ AL: Në këtë antologji janë përfshirë autorë: Kujtim PaФaku (tri poezi), Gazmen SalijeviФ (një poezi), Neʒip Menekцe (një poezi), Fahredin Shehu (4 poezi), Ilire Zajmi–Rugova (3 poezi), Halil Matoshi (një poezi), Albatros Rexhaj (2 poezi), Musa Bushrani (një poezi), Gordana JovanoviФ (2 poezi), Mustafa Balje (një poezi) dhe Iskender Muzbeg (3 poezi). EN: This anthology includes authors Kujtim Pachaku (three poems), Gazmen Salijevich (poetry), Neʒip Menekshe (poetry), Fahredin Shehu (4 poems), Ilire Zajmi-Rugova (3 poems), Halil Matoshi (poetry), Albatros Rexhaj (2 poems), Musa Bushrani (poetry), Gordana Jovanovich (2 poems), Mustafa Balje (poetry) and Iskender Muzbeg (3 poems). Trumpener, Katie [Trumpéner, Kéti] Time [The] of the Gypsies: A «people without history» in the narratives of the West // Critical inquiry. – Chicago, 1992. - Vol. 18. - No. 4. - S. 843-884. @ US_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani sanak’ja REP Trusiewicz, Daniel [TruТjéviç, Daniél] Hungarian baptists working among the Roma people // European baptist federation. – 2006, May 24. @ HU_en EN: UA: ԣ Ԡ Skant ikIo: Сarad vi Тaradenvad RA: religion, church, protestantism, faith, ., , , , , , Try to use it. It is your right! A practical guide on the use of human rights, mechanisms and instruments, with the particular regard to the protection of the rights of Romanies (Gypsies) in Central Europe / Auth. Slawomir Lodzinski, Piotr Bajda. Cosultation Andrzej Mirga. - Helsinki: Helsinki Foundation for human rights, 1997. ISBN 8387300012. @ FI_en EN: This guide was written within the framework of the MRG/EC PHARE Roma Rights and education Project 1995/1996, carried out by the MRG (London) and Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw). Tsiganes [Les] de Serbie // Etudes tsiganes. – 1976. - Nr. 1-2. - P. 9-17. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ ԡ .- Tsiganes et nomades: tendances actuelles de la recherche. Actes de la table ronde internationale (Paris, 5-6 decembre 1977). - Paris, 1978. – 157 p., il. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ : ԟ , 5-6.12.1977. – . ԟ , RU: ԘԝԘԞԝ: 13209-79-11 Tsiganes et gens du voyage: Ce que vous devez savoir. – Paris: Mouvemnet contre le racisme et pour l’amitie entre les peuple, 1983 (02). - 11 p. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ REP : є .- 76 Tsiganes. Gens du voyage: Dossier du MRAP. – Paris: Mouvemnet contre le racisme et pour l’amitie entre les peuple, 1987. - 112 p. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ .Ԛ . REP Tsiganes. Gens du voyage: Dossier du MRAP, complément 1992. - Paris: Mouvemnet contre le racisme et pour l’amitie entre les peuple, 1992. - 117 p. @ FR_fr EN: UA: REP Tsiganes: Identité, évolution: Actes du colloque pour le trentième anniversaire des ԕtudes Tsiganes / Ed. P.Williams. - Paris: Syros Alternative, 1989. - 534 p. ISBN 2867383250. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ : І tsiganes. , . ԟ 30- ԕtudes SE: TP-SvTP: KB 6537295 Tsiganologische Mitteilungen 1. Ausgabe: 15. April 2009, 2. Auflage 2. Ausgabe: 15. Juni 2009, 2. Auflage 3. Ausgabe: 15. August 2009, 2. Auflage 4. Ausgabe: 15. Oktober 2009, 2. Auflage 5. Ausgabe: 15. Dezember 2009, 2. Auflage 6. Ausgabe: 15. Februar 2010 7. Ausgabe: 15. April 2010 8. Ausgabe: 15. Juni 2010 9. Ausgabe: 15. August 2010: 1. Netzwerken III in Leipzig im April 2010. 2. Olaf Guenther & Henning Schwanke: Überrollte Figuren und moderner Kreisverkehr. Bernhard Streck, dem spiritus rector der Leipziger Tsiganologie zu Ehren. 3. Leserbriefe. 4. Ankündigungen. @ DE_de Sonderausgabe «Netzwerken III»: 15. August 2010, 2. Auflage 10. Ausgabe: 15. Oktober 2010, 2. Auflage 11. Ausgabe: 15. Dezember 2010 12. Ausgabe: 15. Februar 2011 13. Ausgabe: 15. April 2011 14. Ausgabe: 15. Juni 2011 (Spezial zur Literatur über Zigeuner/Roma in Griechenland) 15. Ausgabe: 15. Oktober 2011: 1 «You perform being a Gypsy» - an interview with the anthropologist Judith Okely. 2. Tobias Marx: Die Jahreskonferenz der Gypsy lore society 2011 in Graz (Österreich) – eine Kurzbetrachtung. 3. Harika Dauth: review - Julia von dem Knesebeck. The Roma struggle for compensation in post-war Germany. 4. Meldungen. @ DE_de Tudor, Lucica [] «Cred că ostilitatea italienilor va trece – a fost un vînt»: interviu cu regina romilor din Italia / consemnare Pavel Păduraru // Timpul de dimineaшă. – 2007, 12 noiembrie. – P. 5. @ MD_md EN: UA: Tukermann, Anja [Ԣ á , Á ja; 1961] »Denk nicht, wir bleiben hier!» Die Lebensgeschichte des Sinto Hugo Höllenreiner: Dokumentarischer Roman. – 1. Münich: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2005. - 301 S., Ill. ISBN 978-3-446-20648-9 [Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2006] @ DE_de DE: DNB: Frankfurt 2006 A 25376 ; Leipzig 2006 A 41041 2. Münich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2008. – 299 S. ISBN 3-446-20648-5 @ DE_de DE: DNB: Frankfurt 2008 A 9009; Leipzig 2008 A 9904 Tukermann, Anja 77 EN: «Don’t think, we're staying here!» The life story of Hugo Höllenreiner, a Sinto. - In 1943 the nine-year-old Sinto boy Hugo Höllenreiner was transported with his family to the «Gypsy camp» Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is only 50 years later that he can talk about what he experienced in the years until 1945. Recommended for ages 14 and over. UA: «І , є !» - І ԡ ԓ ԥ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Muscha: Ein Sinti-Kind im Dritten Reich: Roman. – 1. München: Erika Klopp Verlag, 1994. - 218 S. ISBN 3781720802. @ DE_de AT: ONB: ZNEU MAG 1419104-B DE: DNB: Frankfurt u. Leipzig 1994 A 45015 2. 2 Ausg. - München: Erika Klopp Verlag, 1995. – 218 S. ISBN 3781720802. @ DE_de DE: DNB: Frankfurt u. Leipzig 1995 A 13066 3. München: Erika Klopp Verlag, 1998. – 238 S. ISBN 342378119X. @ DE_de DE: DNB: Frankfurt u. Leipzig 1998 A 61948 4. Ravensburger Buchverlag, 2005. - 205 S. ISBN 347352283X. @ DE_de DE: DNB: Frankfurt 2005 A 58554; Leipzig 2005 A 76241 EN: UA: NakIavimata ES – Muscha / Traduc. Rosa Pilar Blanco. – 1. Mardrid: Bruño, 1997. – 190 p. ISBN 8421625829. @ ES_es DE: DNB: Leipzig F 1997 A 950 2. Mardrid: Bruño, 2001. – 192 p. @ ES_es 3. Mardrid: Bruño, 2003. – 192 p. ISBN 9788421625828. @ ES_es 4. Mardrid: Bruño, 2009. – 190 p. ISBN 8421625829, 9788421625828. [Colección: Paralelo Cero]. @ ES_es FR – Muscha, un jeune tsigane dans l'Allemagne nazie. – Oskar, 2011. ISBN 350006409, 9782350006406. @ CA_fr Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tulenková, Mária Didaktická hra ako jeden z možných postupov v edukácii rómskych žiakov // Pedagogické rozhľady: odborno-metodický Цasopis. – 2004. - RoЦ. 13. - Ц. 2. – S. 22-24. @ SK_sk EN: Didactic game as one possible approach in education of romany pupils. UA: Tumačenje rasnih zakonskih odredbi // Ustaša: Dokumenti ustaškom pokretu / Priredio Petar Požar. - Zagreb, 1995. - S. 165-169. ISBN 9531920133, 9789531920131. [Biblioteka Memoria, knj.1]. @ HR_hr EN: Interpretation of racial legal provisions. UA: Ԣ .Skant ikIe: KalitraТvad. TIarmenvad RA: war, nazi, Croatia, genocide, law, ԥ , , , , , , Tuozzi, Carolina [] Autobiografia di un’esperienza nel mondo rom // Italia Romaní IV. – Roma: CISU, 2004. - P. 259-286. @ IT_it EN: UA: RA: Italia, Italy, AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 78 1. I nostri alunni Rom Risultati di una piccola indagine tra il personale docente delle scuole di Bolzano. – Bolzano: Caritas, Diocesi Bolzano, 2014. – 38 p. Tupan-An, Nicolau [] Palavras ciganas: Vocabulário e gramática sintética do Romani-Sinte. - São Paulo: Instituto de educação Costa Braga, 2009. @ BR_pt EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Brazil, .ԑ , Turine, Jean-Marc [Tjurín, ßan-Mark] Crime [Le] d’être Roms. Notes au temps présent. - Paris: Editions Golias, 2005 (07). – 234 p. @ FR_fr FR: Ce livre n'est pas une étude historique, ni une approche socio-politique des Roms. L'auteur a choisi de rendre compte d'une quête qu'il a menée durant plusieurs années en compagnie de ce peuple dispersé sur le continent européen (des roms d'origine roumaine) mettant en relief le rejet, le racisme auxquels tous les jours, hommes, femmes et enfants sont confrontés, sans cesse rejetés, sans cesse réprouvés, dans leur nomadisme, et livrés à l'hostilité, aux menaces, et aux violences de la vie et de la société dite civilisée au mieux indifférente, toutes classes sociales confondues. EN: The crime of being Rom. Notes of the present time. UA: RA: Romania, Ԡ ,Ԡ Turkewicz-Sanko, Helene [Ԣ , Roumanie, é i -ԡ ú, ԓ é ] HSANKO@JCU.EDU Gypsies // ԝ - Our life. – New York: Ukrainian national women’s league of America, 2004. – Vol. 61. – Nr. ???? - P. 15-17. @ US_en EN: UA: Türkiye’de Romanların durumu Türkiye’de çalıТma ve insana yakıТırıТ koТulları sorunları: Son rapor / Fernando Villarreal (ed.), Sinan Göcken, Idaver Memedov, and Belén SánchezRubio. – Fundación Secretariado Gitano, 2010. - 77 p. @ ES_tr TR: Bu rapor Fundación Secretariado Gitano tarafından Avrupa Roman Hakları Merkezi ve Edirne Roman DerneПi ile iТbirliПi içerisinde Avrupa BirliПi, ÇalıТma ve Sosyal РТler ve Fırsat EТitliПi Genel DirektörlüПü ile tesis edilen bir hizmet sözleТmesi doПrultusunda hazırlanmıТtır EN: This report has been prepared by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in cooperation with the European Roma Rights Centre and the Edirne Roma Association under a service contract with the European Commission, DG. Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The English variant see: Understanding employment and decent work challenges in Turkey… REP Turkey: A report by the European Roma Rights Centre. Country profile 2011-2012. – Budapest: ERRC, 2103. – 27 p. @ HU_en EN: «The Turkey country profile focuses on housing (evictions), education and capacity-building as key areas of work for the ERRC. It also looks at the main developments when it comes to employment and health of Roma in Turkey in 2012. The information is correct as of April 2013. The Turkey country profile was produced by: Hacer Foggo, Sinan Gokcen, Stephan Müller, Djordje Jovanovic, Dezideriu Gergely, Marianne Powell and Dzavit Berisha. UA: Ԣ :ԗ Є Ԡ .Ԟ 2011-2012. REP Turner, Ralph Lilley [Té ,Ԡ ԛí ] Comparative [A] dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages. - London, 1963. - Fasc. 2, 1966. Fasc. 9. Addenda et corrigenda, 1985. @ UK_en EN: UA: ԟ .– Turner, Rulph Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib UA: ԑ .І RA: linguistics, etymology, 79 ԝԐԝԣ: YFYU 413 , /T95 , , , Past tense of the verb «to give» in Palestinian Gypsy // Indo-aryan linguistics. – Delhi, 1985. Nr. 795. - P. 394-396. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԝ є « Ԡ » Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, grammar, , .– , , , Position [The] of Romani in Indo-Aryan // 1. GLS Monographs. - Edinburgh, 1927. - Vol. 5. - № 4. @ UK_en 2. Indo-aryan linguistics. - Delhi, 1985. - № 795. - P. 251-290. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԝ Ԡ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, , . Position [The] of Rromani, Lomani and Domari in Indo-Aryan. - Paris: INALCO, 2003. @ FR_en EN: re-edition of 1927 UA: Ԝ Ԡ ,ԛ Ԕ .– Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, Romani «les» and Sanskrit «tasya» // Indo-aryan linguistics. - Delhi, 1985. - Nr. 795. - P. 310318. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԡ «les» «tasya». - Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, etymology, lexicology, Romani «tras» «to frighten»// Indo-aryan linguistics. - Delhi, 1985. - Nr. 795. - P. 181-185. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԡ «tras» « ». - Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, etymology, lexicology, So-called prothetic v- and y- in european Romani // Indo-aryan linguistics. - Delhi, 1985. - Nr. 795. - P.331-335. @ IN_en EN: UA: Ԣ v- y- є Ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, phonetics, , , ., Transference of aspiration in european Gypsy // 1. Bulletin of SOAS. - London, 1959. - Nr. 3. - P.491-498. @ UK_en 2. Indo-aryan linguistics. - Delhi, 1985. - Nr. 795. - P.381-389. @ IN_en EN: UA: ԟ є Ԡ .- Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, phonetics, Turner, Royce [Térner, Rojs] Gypsies and politics in Britain // The political quarterly. – 2000. – 71. – P. 68-77. @ EN: UA: Ԡ ԑ .- 80 Gypsies and British parliamentary language: An analysis // Romani studies. - 2002. - Vol. 12. No. 1. - P. 1-34. ISSN 1528-0478. @ UK_en EN: UA: Ԡ :Ԑ .- REP Turoczi, Károly [Túroci, Károj; Ԣý , Ԛá j] Cigányság [A] tarsadalmi beilleszkedéseről // Valoság. – Budapest, 1962. - 6. sz. - Old. 72-81. @ HU_hu EN: About the Roms social inclusion. UA: ԟ Ԡ .– RA: Magyarország, Hungary, Ungaria, Hungría, Hongrie, Ԓ ,ԣ ,ԣ ,Ԓ ӛυγγαρөα, Ungheria, Ungarn, Unkari, Ungari, Vengrija, Węgry, Macaristan, Unkarin, Ԝ ђ MaЧarska, MaЯarsko, Madžarska, ԣ , Ungern, Hongarije, , , Turunen, Päivi [Túrunen, Pjájvi] Slutrapport om den familjepedagogiska verksamheten med finska zigenare i socialdistrikt 7-11, åren 1976-1983. - Stockholm: Arbetsgruppen för finska zigenare, Stockholms socialförvaltning, 1984. - 40 s. @ SE_se EN: UA: Tusa ande akhoren khelos.... Lovarenge paramiЦi / Hrsg. Cech, Petra, Christine Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink. - Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag, 2000. - 94 S. [Romani-Projekt, Romano Centro]. ISBN 3854353588. @ AT_rm_de EN: UA: ԗ є … So rakhes ande kadi kenva [Contents]: Uni vorbi maj anglal 7. Ceija Stojka: Sostar ašilas o Rom ka peski romni 9. Mongo Stojka: O Bagara 14. Ceija Stojka: Sar šudas o Rom e benges perdal 17. Karl Nitsch: O Rom njerij e benges 23. Ruža NikoliФ-Lakatos: O Цoro Rom taj o židovo 26. H.S.: E duj phral 31. Morinka Stojka: O Marko Цapalij mol anda ambrol 34. Karl Nitsch: O Цoro Rom taj i ketana 37. Karl Nitsch: O khandino taj i šej 41. Ceija Stojka: E štar phral taj i xoxamni Romni 42. Guszti Szendrei: So o juhasi sikjilas e bašnestar 47. Guszti Szendrei: I Цori ketana 51. Beaš Lakatos: O lolo gažo 57. Guszti Szendrei: I rakli taj lako bornjuvo 63. Koci Lakatos: O princo Kokalo 72. Beaš Lakatos: I Šofolica 87. Skant ikIo: Ŗomani seleski sanakja REP RA: folklore, Österreich, Austria, Ausztria, Rakousko, Rakúsko, Itävalta, Ԑ Autriche, Austrija, Austurríki, Østerrike, Österrike, Αυљњρөα, Avusturya, , Ԑ , BG: Studii romani: III Gy 13 Tuset-Garijo, Maria Gemma; Roca-Biosca, Alba; Alamillo Perez-Grueso, Pilar; Martorell-Poveda, Maria Antonia [] Salud [La] y las creencias del pueblo gitano en Europa: revisión bibliográfica // Antropología. 2012. - Año XVI. - Nr. 34. - P. 71-80. @ ES_es EN: Health and beliefs of the Roma in Europe: a review. PT: Saúde e crenças dos ciganos na Europa: uma literature revisão. UA: REP Tutkowski, Rudiger «Niemand will uns haben». Ein Tatsachenbericht uber das Schicksal der heimatlosen RomaFamilie Golja // Entwurf: Konzepte, Ideen und Materialien fur den Religionsunterricht. – 1997. - Hf. 3. 81 - S. 67-69. @ DE_de EN: UA: Tuwim, Julian [Tuvím, Júlian; 13.09.1894 – 27.12.1953] Biblia cygańska // Biblia cygańska i inne wiersze. – 1. Warszawa: J. Mortkowicz, 1933. @ PL_pl 2. Warszawa: J. Mortkowicz, 1935. @ PL_pl 3. Poezje wybrane. - Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1977. @ PL_pl 4. Wiersze. – Warszawa: Publicat, 2014. – ISBN 9788324572939. @ PL_pl EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗoma le avere sanak’jande – PL RA: poetry, Polska, Poland, ӜӶӲωӴөα, ԟ , Lengyelország, ԟ , ԟ , ԟ Poljska, Pologne, Polija, Polsko, Polen, Poola, Polonia, Lenkija, ԟ , Puola, Polonya, , Tuza, Tibor [Túzo, Tíbor] Cigányoknak mécsvilága (népismereti összeállítás, történelem és irodalom). – Debrecen: HajdúBihar megyei pedagógiai intézet, 1997. - 65 old. @ HU_hu EN: UA: RA: Magyarország, Hungary, Ungaria, Hungría, Hongrie, Ԓ , ԣ , ԣ , Ԓ ӛυγγαρөα, Ungheria, Ungarn, Unkari, Ungari, Vengrija, Węgry, Macaristan, Unkarin, Ԝ ђ MaЧarska, MaЯarsko, Madžarska, ԣ , Ungern, Hongarije, , , Cigány népismereti és önismereti feladatlapok: munkaanyag kísérleti kipróbálásra az együttműködő intézményekben. – Debrecen: Kölcsey Ferenc Református Tanítóképző Főiskola, 2002. 120 old., ill. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Romamécs 1. Az interkulturális oktatás alternatív és kísérleti olvasókönyve az általános iskola 1. osztálya számára. – Debrecen: Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város Cigány kisebbségi Önkormányzata, 1996. 76 old., ill. @ HU_hu Romamécs 2. Az interkulturális oktatás alternatív és kísérleti olvasókönyve az általános iskola 2. osztálya számára. – Debrecen: Hajdú-Bihar megyei pedagógiai intézet, 1997. - 120 old., ill. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Tűzpiros kígyócska Cigány népköltészet / Vál., ford. és a bevezetőt írta Bari Károly. Budapest: Gondolat, 1985. – 269 old. ISBN 9632814967. @ HU_hu EN: UA: Tvarohová, Iveta Informovanost romské mládeže o problematice HIV/AIDS: bakaláфská práce / Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Lenka Rosková. – Хeské Budějovice: JihoЦeská univerzita, 2013. [Zdravotně sociální fakulta]. 59 s. @ CZ_cz EN: UA: Tyaglyy, Mikhail [Tjáhlyj, Mixaíl; UA - Ԣ ,Ԝ ; RU - Ԣ ,Ԝ ] Nazistowska polityka okupacyjna i losy Romów na Ukrainie: «białe plamy» i obszary dalszych badań // Studia romologica. - 2010. - № 3. @ PL_pl EN: UA: ԝ Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad .- Ԡ ԣ : « » 82 RA: war, genocide, Germany, ԣ Ucrania, ӛυӱραӴөα, Ukrajna, ԣ DikI maj: Ԣ , Ukraine, Oekraïne, ԣ , Ukraina, Ukrayna, j ,ԣ ,ԣ , Ukrajina, … Typology [The] and dialectology of Romani. - Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1997. - 223 p. ISBN 9027236615. @ NL_en EN: UA: Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, grammar, lexicology, DikI: Bakker P., Boretzky N., Bubeník V., Cech P., Elšik V., Friedman V., Hancock I., Hübschmannová M., Igla B., Matras Y. dr. Tyrnauer, Gabrielle [Ԣi á ,ԓ é ; 26.05.2004] Fate [The] of the Gypsies during the Holocaust: U.S.Holocaust memorial council special report. Washington: U.S.Holocaust memorial council, 1985. – 115 p., ill., map. @ US_en EN: This report describes romany life under the nazi regime, including the claim by Auschwitz commander Hoss that the purest of them were his favorite prisoners. AlekIari: Dr. Tyrnauer (Ph.D. Cornell), was born in Vienna and was refugee from the nazis. She taught as anthropologist at several US universities and published on the Shoa’ and Kalitrash. UA: Ԕ Ԡ . – ԓ.Ԣ Ԝ ԓ (ԡ Ԑ) Ԡ . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad US: LoC: D810.G9 T97 1985 RA: war, nazi, Germany, genocide, Forgotten Holocaust of the Gypsies // Social education. – 1991. – Vol. 55. – Nr. 2. – P. 111-113. @ EN: UA: ԗ Ԡ .- Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: war, nazi, Germany, genocide, Germany and Gypsies // Genocide and Human Rights: A global anthology. - Washington, D.C.: University press of America, 1982. @ US_en EN: Because the nazis saw Roms as a concern of public health, a parasite on the body of the German people, they subjected them to mass sterilization and death by exhaustion. UA: ԝ Ԡ .Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Gypsies and the Holocaust: a bibliography and introductory essay. – 1. Montreal: Interuniversity centre for European studies and Montreal institute for genocide studies, 1989. - xxxvii, 51 p., map. [Bibliography series, 2]. @ CA_en 2. Montreal: Interuniversity centre for European studies and Montreal institute for genocide studies, 1991. - xxxvii, 51 p., map. @ CA_en EN: This important bibliography begins with an historical overview of the Holocaust. Its 576 entries (1991 in the 2nd) cover articles, books, and other Holocaust-related topics in all European languages. This work documents such stories as the one that claimed that once Roms had a friend in Himmler and a foe in Lohse (Himmler lost his ideological struggle of protecting Roms, and they shared the Jews’ fate of extermination). UA: Ԡ : . – Ԓ 1991 . 576 , є . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad US: HMM: Z5118.G5 T96 1989 Holocaust history and the Gypsies // Burning memory: times of testing and reckoning. – OxfordNew York: Pergamon press, 1993. – P. 283-295. @ US_en EN: The article criticizes some scholarship views of the Kalitrash. dr. Tyrnauer, Gabrielle UA: І Ԡ 83 .- Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad RA: war, nazi, Germany, genocide, Mastering the past: Germans and Gypsies // 1. Genocide and human rights: A global anthology. - Washington, D.C.: University press of America, 1982. – P. 178-187. @ US_en EN: This essay, which is drawn from the author’s earlier essay on the same subject in Jack Nusan Porter’s Genocide and Human Rights: A Global Anthology, begins by bemoaning the fact that the plight of the Roma during the Holocaust is almost a forgotten footnote in the history of the Nazi genocide. The author briefly surveys the history of anti-Roma prejudice and the heritage of mistreatment in Europe, and looks at its contemporary manifestations. The article has an excellent end note section. UA: Ԟ є , Ԡ є . 2. The history and sociology of genocide: Analyses and case studies / Eds. Frank Chalk, Kurt Jonassohn. EN: UA: Ԓ ԓ.Ԣ 1982 . Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Scholars, Gypsies and the Holocaust // Papers from the Sixth and Seventh annual meetings, Gypsy lore society, North American Chapter. - New York: The GL society, 1986. - P. 157-164. @ US_en EN: UA: Ԕ ,Ԡ .– Skant ikIo: KalitraТvad Tyrner-Stastny, Gabrielle [Ԣí - já ,ԓ é ] Gypsy [The] in Northwest America. - Washington: Washington State American Revolution Bicentennial Comission, 1977. - 55 p. ISBN 0917048067. @ US_en EN: UA: Ԡ Ԑ - Tytykalova, Halka [Ԣí i , ԓá .- ] Aktivity Rómov vrcholia // Profit. – Bratislava, 2001. – RoЦ. 11. - Ц. 20. @ SK_sk EN: UA: RA: Slovensko, Slovakia, Tziganes, gitans et bohemiens en France et a Paris // L’Auvergnat de Paris. – 1963, 17 août. - № 33. @ FR_fr EN: UA: Ԡ Ԥ ԟ .- Tzigányokról való historia, mellynek Első részében: Leírattatik ennek a’ széles Világra elterjedett, sok jeles tselekedetekkel el-híresedett TZIGÁNY Nemzetnek eredete, régisége, természetirevaló nézve Nemessége, és életre táplálásának tsudálatos módgya. Második részében: Elö-adattatik egy nevezetes Példában, minémü pompás tzérémóniával élnek , midőn az ő Leg sőbb Vajdájoknak az ő hozzá hívségéből mutató ajándékot, minden elő-sordúló Esztendőnek első napján bé-mutatják. – Nyomtattatott ebbe a az esztendőben [bitIanesko, biberТesko]. - 8 old. @ HU_hu EN: There are belives that this booklet had benn printed ca. 1750. UA: Tzitzilis, Christos [Cicílis, Krístos; Ԧi i ,Ԛ i ] Mittelgriechische Lehnwörter im Romanes // Was ich noch sagen wollte... A multilingual Festschrift for Norbert Boretzky on occasion of his 65th birthday. - Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2001. - Ԡ. 327-340. @ DE_de EN: Tzitzilis, Christos UA: ԡ Ԡ 84 .- Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, lexicology, Romani or armenian loans? A case of contact ambiguity // Linguistique balkanique. - 2006. – Vol. XLV. - Nr. 2. - P. 279-289. @ BG_en EN: UA: Ԡ Skant ikIo: Ŗomani çIib RA: linguistics, lexicology, .Ԓ .- AndotIodo : Mentioned in : ȍ : 1. VuЦkoviФ, Marija. Etymology and pragmatics: Serbian šunela 'quiet, silence' // Theory and empiricism in Slavonic diachronic linguistics. – Praha: Lidové noviny, 2012. – P. 113-120.