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Temple University, 2022
This thesis discusses an Early Modern art history topic on European Jesuits' artistic activities in late Ming Dynasty China. By considering methodologies in translation and localization brought by scholars across the world, the author provides three case studies of images to explain why the missionaries did not meet their initial goal of converting Ming China. In this thesis, the author argues for the dynamism, but ultimate failure, of Matteo Ricci and Nicolas Trigault's strategies of cultural translation, which met numerous obstacles, took on a life of their own and were thereby mistranslated or untranslatable, or were met with disapproval by both the Chinese and the Roman authority at a later time.
[...] Cálculos fajutos para aplausos e conforto de todos Alencar precisou distorcer a realidade para conseguir fazer uma matemática que lhe traz conforto. Mentiu para si mesmo. E para estar fazendo isso quatro anos depois da pandemia, significa que os resultados de quem enfrentou a doença atormentam os que se colocaram contra, ajudando na perseguição, e ainda ofendendo os que ousaram tratar e trouxeram resultados. [...] Leandro Tessler, professor da Unicamp, uma das maiores universidades públicas do Brasil, que se define como "divulgador científico", achou o conforto que buscava na postagem de Alencar. Durante toda a pandemia, ele se propôs, em nome da universidade, a classificar o que era verdade e mentira nas redes sociais. Com isso, atacou todos que ousaram tratar. Tessler chegou a comemorar a censura dos que noticiavam estudos e resultados. Tessler: E assim foi inventado o conceito de p-valor, que muito médico, e em especial uma certa associação de médicos, não consegue entender. Alencar: E alguns matemáticos tentam fazer malabarismos com sua definição e cálculo pra tentar explicar o inexplicável. Tessler: Sempre lembrando o outro mantra da pandemia: matemático não é estatístico. [...] Aqui, Tessler ataca Daniel Tausk, professor de matemática da USP - Universidade de São Paulo, a mais prestigiada do Brasil, por ele ter se proposto a analisar e explicar os estudos clínicos para médicos da linha de frente que queriam entender todas as possibilidades para combater a doença, auxiliando-os em suas buscas pelas melhores evidências científicas. Bem. Marx e Hegel tinham razão. A história se repete e as pessoas não aprendem nada com a história. Deve ser pesado demais ver os resultados dos que trataram COVID-19 te atormentando e você se entender do lado errado da história ao olhar no retrovisor. Eles não tem como voltar atrás, só resta seguirem em frente, se enganado. Não há outras opções. Para conforto de todos, restam cálculos criativos de artistas circenses da academia.
Call for Applications - Summer School 'The Archives of Islam in the Russian Empire' July 1-5, 2024 Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Lithology and pore fluid determination was effectively carried out using well logs in an Onshore, Niger Delta field. The aim was to use rock physics and petrophysical analysis to distinguish lithology and fluid and to determine hydrocarbon potentials of the field. A suite of geophysical logs comprising gamma ray,resistivity, neutron and density logs from three wells in 'AGBADA' field were used in the analysis. The results reveal that the average porosities of reservoir sands, ranging from 21% to 39%, are very good to excellent indicating good reservoir quality and reflecting probably well sorted coarse grained sandstone reservoirs. The permeability of the field, ranged from 505 mD to 1435 mD, are excellent. Hydrocarbon saturation is high in all the reservoir sands, ranging from 68% to 98%, with corresponding water saturation from 2% to 32%, this indicates that the proportion of void spaces occupied by water is low, consequently high hydrocarbon saturation and production.The net-to-gross ratio ranges from 0.64 to 0.89, which implies the reservoirs contain more sands than other rock types.The crossplot of P-impedance versus V P /V s distinguishes the reservoirs into gas, oil, brine and shale zones.
СРАВНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА (Comparative politics), 2017
Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, 2022
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most debated topics of the last decade which is developed by the new technological changes. With the introduction of AI into our daily lives, discussions occurred on machine learning and the legal and ethical issues governing artificial intelligence. At that point, conflicting situations emerged regarding the use of AI technologies, especially data issues and bias. In 1995, European Data Protection Directive, EU Directive 95/46 was passed which regulated the processing of personal data within the borders of EU and provided data privacy and security standards for the individuals. The Directive was repealed on 25th May 2018 by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which brings new concepts with more strict rules on the protection of personal data. Due to its legal nature, GDPR includes binding rules not only for EU countries but also for those who carry out all activities related to data processing inside EU. With the development of technology and depending on different IT techniques, data processing has changed and access to data became easier than ever. As a result of these technologies, the concepts of big data and artificial intelligence have been widely discussed and the development of new electronic devices and the implementation of more use of robots have brought some legal questions into practice. Recently, there are some new regulations that seem likely to enter EU legislation in the next years, such as Artificial Intelligence Act, Data Governance Act, Data Act, and European Health Data Space. There is uncertainty for the next years, about how new regulations will affect each other including GDPR. This paper aims to discuss artificial intelligence, including GDPR and the new legal developments in the EU legislation within the technological implementations.
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Jezik : časopis za kulturu hrvatskoga književnog jezika, 2006
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