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2010, "Political thought", KAS & Institute for democracy Year 8, No 29
В данном учебном пособии раскрываются основные направления, задачи и пути решения проблем энергетической политики России, национальной энергетической безопасности и перспектив устойчивого развития топливно-энергетического комплекса страны. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам правового обеспечения деятельности субъектов энергетической политики на всех уровнях, особенностям реализации Энергетической стратегии России, энергоэффективности экономики страны, реформам в различных отраслях ТЭК, экологическим и региональным проблемам развития ТЭК. Оценивается значимость внешних и внутренних факторов для развития ТЭК России, анализируются основные направления внешнеполитической и внешнеэкономической деятельности государства в сфере энергетики, аспекты энергетической дипломатии России. Учебное пособие предназначено для магистров всех направлений и форм обучения, слушателей курсов повышения квалификации по проблемам энергетической политики и широкого круга читателей, интересующихся политическими измерениями вопросов энергетики.
Safety & Fire Technology
Aim: The article presents information on the issue of CO2 emission (called greenhouse gas) from the energy sector, along with tools enabling the deter- mination of CO2 emissivity used to manage this process and the directions of actions taken to minimize the negative impact on the climate. Introduction: CO2 is one of the substances essential for the functioning of life on Earth. On one hand, it is an important element of the carbon cycle in nature, being the basis for the synthesis of carbohydrates. On the other hand, it belongs to the group of greenhouse gases responsible for the climate change – and for this reason, it must be subject to constant control. Due to this fact, appropriate measures are taken, including changes in law, in the scope of emission, as well as the introduction of modern technological solutions aimed at monitoring and reducing CO2 emission. Activities undertaken in the area of energy, the branch of the economy generating the largest amounts of anthropogenic C...
International Organisations Research Journal, 2015
Vojno delo, 2015
RUDN Journal of Economics, 2013
This paper analyzes the legal measures and mechanisms in the production of alternative energy leaders: China, the U.S.A. and Germany, and their potential use in Russia. Our country has considerable experience in the use of wind power, solar energy, tidal power and geothermal energy. However, as in Russia until enough of its own reserves of fossil fuels for a long time, for new projects in the field of alternative energy not been realized. They require a big capital investment and this will not bring immediate profits. At the same time, fossil fuel resources are finite and we need to take care about the future of new generations, as well as about the environment.
Law and innovations
Problem setting. Energy is the main resource, and therefore acts as an object of strategic interest and policy. There are many uncertainties in modern energy governance, as it is influenced by many political positions that have different approaches to how best to achieve the desired future and avoid undesirable developments in the energy market. The energy transition should be recognised as one of the main pressures that increasingly complicate and restructure energy supply pathways. The shifts it generates are not only purely technical, but also social, conceptual and political. Obviously, energy supply is in some way linked to national identity, the position a state takes in international relations, and technological development. However, as energy markets and resource supply chains are becoming increasingly global, national approaches to energy security (security of supply) are responding to international developments, in particular the Russian aggression against Ukraine, to vary...
The article examines a set of issues related to "green energy" in the world, problems and opportunities from the introduction of alternative energy sources for greening the economy, developing sustainable economy and preserving human potential. Analytical works of some Ukrainian authors have been studied, in which the current state, obstacles to the realization and prospects of "green energy" in the world have been determined. The purpose of the article is to refute the allegations about the need to immediately stop the introduction of "green technologies", including the construction of solar stations. There are two opposing views on the need for green energy, which have been being discussed around the world for the past few decades. The most popular evidence from both sides on this issue is given, in particular, that the planet can be saved only through the active use of renewable energy sources, and on the other hand, that "green energy" at ...
Medjunarodni problemi
The paper considers the question of the position and role of developing countries in the contemporary law and policy of climate change. The basic thesis in this paper is that the position of developing countries is defined in relevant international legal documents, but that significant differences between individual categories of developing countries are not clearly emphasized. In this sense, the first part of the paper is focused on the problems of defining of the notion of developing countries. The second part gives an overview of the specific rights and obligations of developing countries within the framework of the existing system established by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. In particular, it highlights the content and dilemmas in the interpretation of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. The third part of the paper presents some common features of developing countries that are of relevance for climate chang...
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Scientific Culture 10.2, pp. 49-68, 2024
Helikopter İniş Takımı Matematiksel Modelleme & Tez Savunma Sınavı & Sunum Ahmet ÖVEN, 2024
La pensée du regard. Etudes d’histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge offertes à Christian Heck, dir. M. Gil, P. Charron et A. Vilain, 2016
The Great Circle: Journa of the Australian Association for Maritime History, 2022
Klimik Dergisi/Klimik Journal, 2019
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2020
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2007
Synapse (New York, N.Y.), 2017
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2017
Journal of Animal Science