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Museu Ressuscitado. Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro). Rio de Janeiro, v.30, p.9 - 9, 2008.
Vox Scripturae Revista Teológica Internacional, 2019
O Brasil dos brasilianistas: um guia dos estudos sobre o Brasil nos Estados Unidos, 1945-2001, 2002
Indiana, 2020
The destruction of the collections at the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, which had hosted indigenous material culture gathered over two centuries, spotlighted the importance of early Amazonian collections in European museums. The circulation of objects and knowledge in the 19 th and the early 20 th century is part of a history of interactions within global systems. Epistemological, political, social and economic aspects shaped the collections , following shifting interests related to scientific endeavors, colonization or extractivism, just to name the more common ones. The agents involved in the collecting in the South American Lowlands were scholars from different disciplines, settlers, politicians and traders linked by global interests. The close relationship of the then Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin and the Göteborgs Museum in Gothenburg with the Museu Nacional and other Brazilian institutions since the 1880s is striking, as they mutually engaged in the exchange of objects for major exhibitions and enriched the scientific exchange of knowledge, by sending and interchanging collections. Today, these objects stored in Berlin as well as in Gothenburg, could be incorporated into the reconstruction of the Museu Nacional, or directly could be put in dialogue with communities in the 21 st century. These collections were gathered with many purposes; however, from the beginning in Berlin with Adolf Bastian, and in Gothen-burg with Erland Nordenskiöld, the idea of an archive for the future was a primal one. The question remains, how to handle this 'universal archive' at risk? Resumo: A destruição das coleções do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, que abrigava cultura material indígena reunida ao longo de dois séculos, destacou a importância das anti-gas coleções amazônicas nos museus europeus. A circulação de objetos e conhecimento no século XIX e no início do século XX faz parte de uma história de interações dentro de siste-mas globais. Aspectos epistemológicos, políticos, sociais e econômicos moldaram as coleções, acompanhando as mudanças de interesses relacionados aos empreendimentos científicos, colonização ou extrativismo, apenas para citar os mais comuns. Os agentes envolvidos no colecionismo nas Terras Baixas Sul-Americanas eram acadêmicos de diferentes disciplinas, colonos, políticos e comerciantes conectados por interesses globais. A estreita relação do
Rivista di storia dell’educazione , 2018
This piece analyzes articulations between the expansion of teaching and the publishing industry in Rio de Janeiro from 1870 to 1920, through Brazilian History textbooks. Using various sources, including the textbooks themselves, publishing houses'catalogues and almanacs, teaching programs, advertising, newspapers and memoirs, this study attempts to understand what changed and what stayed the same in the production of Brazilian History textbooks during the growth of literate culture and literate audiences in the city. It attempts to follow the actions of those involved in this process – authors, booksellers, editors and teachers – in search of their motivations and of the various meanings involved in the experiences of the vulgarization of historical knowledge through teaching manuals. The expansion of teaching must be understood as part of the discussions regarding the ideas of citizenship and civic duty in Brazil, particularly in the relation between education and citizen formation, defended by many, where subjects fought through various strategies. Literacy and access to learning was one of them. The existence and access to textbooks was one of the paths, which would be impossible if there wasn't an expanding publishing market. Questo articolo analizza le articolazioni tra l'espansione dell'insegnamento e l'industria editoriale a Rio de Janeiro dal 1870 al 1920, attraverso i libri di testo di storia brasiliana. Utilizzando varie fonti, inclusi i libri di testo, i cataloghi e gli almanacchi delle case editrici, i programmi di insegnamento, la pubblicità, i giornali e le memorie, questo studio cerca di capire cosa è cambiato e cosa è rimasto nella produzione dei libri di storia della storia brasiliana durante la crescita della cultura letteraria e pubblico alfabetizzato in città. Cerca di seguire le azioni di coloro che sono coinvolti in questo processo – autori, librai, editori e insegnanti – alla ricerca delle loro motivazioni e dei vari significati coinvolti nelle esperienze di volgariz-zazione della conoscenza storica attraverso i manuali di insegnamento. L'espansione dell'insegnamento deve essere intesa come parte delle discussioni riguardanti le idee di cittadinanza e dovere civico in Brasile, in particolare nella relazione tra educazione e formazione dei cittadini, difesa da molti, dove i soggetti hanno combattuto attraverso varie strategie. L'alfabetizzazione e l'accesso all'apprendimento erano uno di questi. L'esistenza e l'accesso ai libri di testo era uno dei percorsi, il che sarebbe impossibile se non ci fosse un mercato editoriale in espansione. Parole chiave: cultura letteraria, libri di testo, storia brasiliana, Rio de Janeiro. This paper analyzes the articulations between literate culture and history teaching in Rio de Janeiro, understanding reading and writing as dimension of the social experience and as a field of tension between groups (Thompson 2002, 31). In what way did the expansion of the offer of formal instruction represented an Rivista di storia dell'educazione, 1/2018, pp. 117-133
This article looks at the means deployed by the 3 rd Bienal da Bahia (2014) to re-enact the spirit of transgression that defined its previous editions, which took place in the 1960s at a time of political turmoil in Brazil, and questions the ability of artistic events to affect political resistance through the subversion of established codes. The Bienal was conceived as an archive-in-progress, and this article examines the potential of the archive as a transgressive tool. It provides an overview of the structure of the event, from its curatorial project to its actual execution, analysing it in the light of theoretical insights into contemporary exhibition making and archive politics. Resumen : Este articulo se interesa a los medios puesto en obra por la 3era Bienal de Bahia del 2014 para volver a poner en escena el espíritu de transgresión que caracterizaba sus ediciones precedentes, que tuvieron lugar en los años 1960, en un periodo especialmente delicado en la historia política brasileña; surge la pregunta de saber si los eventos artísticos pueden o no contribuir a la resistencia politica, mediante la subversión de los códigos establecidos. Esta bienal esta pensada como un archivo en construcción, y se tratara de discutir sobre la capacidad del archivo para transgredir. Este articulo propone entregar una visión general de la estructura del evento, analizada a través de miradas teóricas sobre la organización de exposiciones contemporánea y de las políticas del archivo. Résumé: Cet article s'intéresse aux moyens mis en oeuvre par la 3e Biennale de Bahia de 2014 pour (re)mettre en scène l'esprit de transgression qui caractérisait ses
Latin American Antiquity, 2020
In this article, I take a close look at the objects collected over the last 200 years from the indigenous people of the Upper Rio Negro, northwest of the Brazilian Amazon, that were part of the ethnographic collection of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. Examination of these objects allows us to explore the main characteristics of the ethnographic archive of the museum, as the Upper Rio Negro collections were connected to different topics associated with indigenous societies and histories in Brazil, including enslavement, forced displacement, religious conversion, and indigenous territorial, artifactual, and cultural knowledge. This article also highlights the professional commitment of Brazilian anthropology to amplifying indigenous voices over the course of the history of the discipline, and by doing so, it pays homage to the women and men whose work built the National Museum collections. Este trabajo discute las principales características de las colecciones etnográficas del Museo Nacional de Río de Janeiro a través de los objetos recuperados durante los últimos 200 años entre los indígenas del Alto Río Negro (URN), quienes habitan en el noroeste de la Amazonia brasileña. Como un ejemplo que permite abordar las principales características del acervo etnográfico del Museo, estas colecciones están vinculadas a diferentes temas que abordan las historias y las sociedades indígenas de Brasil tales como la esclavitud, el desplazamiento forzado, la conversión religiosa y el conocimiento ecológico nativo. Durante la presentación de estos temas, el texto destaca el compromiso profesional de la Antropología Brasileña con la diseminación de las voces indígenas a lo largo de su historia. Al hacerlo, rindo homenaje a las mujeres y hombres cuyo trabajo ha constituido el Museo Nacional.
Journal of Lusophone Studies
All intellectual production on Brazil made outside Brazil must deal with a series of challenges inherent to this condition. One of these challenges is to read Brazil on its own terms, without using the author’s place of origin as reference for comparison; another is having to introduce fundamental themes of Brazilian history and culture to an audience often unfamiliar with them, while at the same time discussing in depth these same themes with the familiarized reader.
Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, 2017
This article investigate the creation, in 1911, of the Serviço de Bibliographia e Documentação in the National Library from Brazil and what would have been the influence of the International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), founded in 1895 by Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine. Seeks to demonstrate that the creation of the Bibliography and Documentation Service can be considered part of the international cooperation project by Otlet and La Fontaine. It intends to contextualize the period of transformations by which the Brazilian National Library went through, especially during the construction of a new building and its further occupancy as well as the administrative changes implemented by its director at the time, Manoel Cícero Peregrino da Silva. The methodology consisted of bibliographic and documentation based reesearch in the archives of the Brazilian National Library and the Mundaneum Archives Centre in Belgium as well as the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute and the Fo...
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Sonus Litterarum, 2022
Mehqarim beLashon 11-12: Avi Hurvitz Festschrift (2008), 165-172.
Monographies Instrumentum, 2023
British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 2020
European Economic and Social Committee , 2019
Ex Officina Hispana: Boletín de la SECAH, 14, pp. 14-18, 2023
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 2007
Revista Lusofona De Educacao, 2008
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2014
Music, Politics and Society in Ancient Rome, 2022
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer, 2015
Геология морей и океанов: МатериалыXXIV Международной научной конференции(Школы) по морской геологии. Т. IV., 2021
International Journal on Media Management, 2004
Journal of scientific research
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1969