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This paper contains a short and basic explanation about 'akhlak and tasawuf' in Islamic discourses. Which will answer some questions such as what is akhlak? what is tasawuf? and how the relationship between them and syariah?.
Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk membahas bagaimana konsep dasar wakalah harus dilakukan sesuai dengan syariat Islam, yaitu rukun, syarat sampai dengan berakhirnya wakalah dilakukan berdasarkan syariat Islam dan dasar hukum yang ada dalam al-Qur’an dan Sunnah.
Jornadas de Reflexión: 20 años de aportes de los estudios internacionales en Ecuador y América Latina, 2024
Perhaps Chief Lehel was blowing his horn. What weapon fought alongside Árad throughout the conflict? Can these questions be answered without finding the graves of Árpád or his chiefs? If so, why do the sculptures of the "Hungarian Conquest" of Munkácsy or the collection of the millennial Árpád figures wear the costumes and accessories designed by artists? Is the embroidery on the horse of the Árpád helmet generally interesting in terms of the collective national memory that has developed over the years? But if this isn't important, why are archeologists researching the past? It's fascinating to learn about the debates surrounding authenticity and national memory that occurred during the 19th century. Péter Langó's exploration of the workshops of Mihály Munkácsy and György Zala sheds light on the complex dynamics between the state, artists, historians, archaeologists, and various audiences during this time. It's interesting to consider how different groups struggled with one another during the Millennium euphoria or the Hungarian Soviet Republic's dictatorship, which outlawed national symbolism.
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