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Academia Letters, 2022
Bohemica Olomucensia
Bericht der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege 62. C. Sebastian Sommer gewidmet, 2021
In der Spätantike wurden am norischen Donaulimes, dessen Verteidigungslinie seit der flavischen Zeit unverändert blieb, die mittelkaiserzeitlichen Lager und Kastelle adaptiert. Viele von ihnen wurden unter Diokletian und Konstantin – einhergehend mit grundlegenden Reformen in der römischen Heeresorganisation und der Neurekrutierung der in Mautern stationierten legio I Noricorum – mit nach außen ragenden Fächer- und Hufeisentürmen verstärkt. Wesentliche Veränderungen in der Baugeschichte können in die Regierungszeit des Kaisers Valentinianus I. gesetzt werden, als dieser noch einmal das Grenzschutzsystem des Reiches umfassend zu festigen versuchte.
This study explores the impact of bare classroom walls on various aspects of student learning, including academic performance, class participation, and emotional well-being. While the minimalist classroom design is perceived to create a calm and focused learning environment, the study finds that its effects on academic outcomes are moderate and vary depending on the specific factor being considered. Although teachers generally believe that less visual clutter can enhance students' ability to concentrate and reduce distractions, the statistical analysis reveals that bare classroom walls do not have a significant influence on students' performance in core subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science. These findings suggest that while minimalist classroom environments may offer some benefits, particularly in reducing cognitive overload and promoting a focused atmosphere, they do not directly translate into improved academic achievement. The study highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of how classroom environments impact different aspects of student learning and suggests that further research is needed to explore the conditions under which minimalist designs may be most effective.
Ciò che il confronto qui proposto tra le Descrizioni e le Relationes ci consegna sono gli scarti a volte non secondari riscontrabili tra le differenti rappresentazioni del Regno di Napoli: sia nella considerazione delle antiche e nuove sedi vescovili, sia nella distinzione tra città e civitas e tra queste e gli altri luoghi abitati.
The objective of this research is to find out the students perception on the use of Google Classroom in language learning especially the easiness on the use of Google Classroom and performance of Google Classroom in language learning at semester 5 th English Education Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method and used questionnaire as the instrument to describe the students' perception on the use of Google Classroom in language learning. The research subject was 30 students of C Class of 2016 English Education Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Based on the research findings and discussion, it could be conclude the students perception on the use Google Classroom have positive respond, most of students was agree that Google Classroom was easy to use and have good performance to used Google Classroom in language learning because Google Classroom facilitate the students to save and get tasks or assignment, information or announcement, submit tasks or assignment through Google Classroom, and students are happy and interested in language learning process. So, it is good to use Google Classroom as a media of language learning.
Versión académica de una memoria de acabados para una clínica de salud mental
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Indonesian Media & Social Transformation: Reports from the Field, 2018
Aisthesis, 2023
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2014
Econometrics for Financial Applications, 2017
Journal of Cotton Science