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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03305-4 The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy Edited by Sacha Golob , Jens Timmermann Table of Contents More Information Contents List of Contributors page x Acknowledgements xii Introduction 1 s a c h a g o l o b a n d je n s t i m m e r m a n n 1 · Ethics before Socrates catherine rowett 5 2 · Socrates and Sophists a.g. long 15 3 · Plato 28 james warren 4 · Aristotle 42 michael pakaluk 5 · Epicureanism and Hedonism 57 voula tsouna 6 · Stoicism 75 brad inwood 7 · Ancient Skepticism 88 katja maria vogt 8 · Neo-Platonism 100 al e x a nd r in e s c h n ie w in d v © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03305-4 The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy Edited by Sacha Golob , Jens Timmermann Table of Contents More Information Contents 9 · Early Christian Ethics s a r a h by e r s 112 10 · Boethius, Abelard and Anselm j o h n m ar en b o n 11 · Medieval Jewish Ethics tamar rudavsky 125 138 12 · Moral Philosophy in the Medieval Islamicate World anna akasoy 153 13 · “Christian Aristotelianism”? Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas 168 t o b i a s h o f f m a n n a n d j ör n m ül l er 14 · Duns Scotus and William of Ockham 181 tobias hoffmann 15 · Humanism 192 s a b r i n a eb b e r s m ey e r 16 · The Protestant Reformation jesse couenhoven 208 17 · Descartes’s Provisional Morality 221 lisa shapiro 18 · Hobbes s .a . l l o y d 233 19 · The Cambridge Platonists 245 sarah hutton 20 · Bayle 257 j e a n - l u c s o lè r e 21 · Leibniz 268 g r eg o r y br o wn vi © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03305-4 The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy Edited by Sacha Golob , Jens Timmermann Table of Contents More Information Contents 22 · Spinoza 283 s t e v en n a d l e r 23 · Pascal 297 d e s m o n d m . cl a r k e 24 · Locke and Butler s t e p h en d a r w a l l 311 25 · Shaftesbury, Hutcheson and the Moral Sense 325 james a. harris 26 · Hume 338 paul guyer 27 · Smith and Bentham c r a ig s m i th 352 28 · Rousseau 365 s u s a n m e ld s h e l l 29 · Rationalism and Perfectionism stefano bacin 379 30 · Kant 394 jens timmermann 31 · Fichte 410 allen wood 32 · Hegel 421 dudley knowles 33 · Mill 436 christopher macleod 34 · Schopenhauer 448 a l i s t a i r w el c h m a n 35 · Kierkegaard 459 r . z ac ha r y m a n i s vii © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03305-4 The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy Edited by Sacha Golob , Jens Timmermann Table of Contents More Information Contents 36 · American Transcendentalism 472 russell b. goodman 37 · Nietzsche 482 lawrence hatab 38 · Marxism 495 je ff re y r ei man 39 · Sidgwick 509 k at a r z y n a d e l a z a r i - r a d e k 40 · Pragmatism cheryl misak 521 41 · British Idealism 535 robert stern 42 · Ethical Intuitionism p h i l i p s t r a t t o n - l ak e 549 43 · Husserl and Phenomenological Ethics n i c o l a s d e wa r r en 562 44 · Ethics in Freudian and Post-Freudian Psychoanalysis 577 edward harcourt 45 · Noncognitivism: From the Vienna Circle to the Present Day 591 john eriksson 46 · The Frankfurt School 607 fred rush 47 · Heidegger s a cha g o l o b 623 48 · Sartre 636 s e b a s ti a n g ar d n e r viii © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03305-4 The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy Edited by Sacha Golob , Jens Timmermann Table of Contents More Information Contents 49 · French Ethical Philosophy since the 1960s todd may 653 50 · Wittgenstein’s Ethics and Wittgensteinian Moral Philosophy david levy 51 · Anti-Theory: Anscombe, Foot and Williams simon robertson 52 · Discourse Ethics pe t e r ni e se n 692 53 · Decision Theory b en e g g l e s t o n 706 666 678 54 · Rawls 718 k at r i n fl i k s c h u h Index 731 ix © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org