Nurses interact with transgender patients in a variety of settings. More and more nurses wish to ... more Nurses interact with transgender patients in a variety of settings. More and more nurses wish to provide a comfortable environment for all their patients, including those who are transgender. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude of nurses regarding transgender health care is a pilot study conducted in a selected tertiary care centre in Kollam district of Kerala state. Quantitative descriptive survey is used to collect data from 30 samples selected by simple random sampling technique. Knowledge questionnaire developed by the investigator to measure knowledge and standardized 7 point attitude likert scale to measure the antitransgender prejudice was used to collect data. Majority 13 (43.3%) of samples had poor knowledge regarding treatment and nursing care of transgender patients for general and specific health care needs. Very few 2-3 (6-10%) have good knowledge. 7(23.3%) of samples have good knowledge regarding definitions related to trans-genders and their health problems. Majority of samples 15 (50%) have low anti-trans men prejudice. Only 2 (6.7%) have high anti-trans men prejudice. Majority of samples12 (40%) have low anti-trans women prejudice.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a technique for obliterating intracranial targets that are ina... more Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a technique for obliterating intracranial targets that are inaccessible or unsuitable for open surgical techniques. By means of well-collimated beams of ionizing radiation, a high-dose, single fraction of radiation is delivered to a defined volume of tissue. The entrance and exit doses are distributed in such a way that tissue outside the target is minimally affected. Treatment effects are seen on scans or angiograms after several months or a few years; consequently, follow-up scans are necessary. The first 72 patients who underwent SRS at the Department of Neurological Sciences and Radiation Therapy, Christian Medical College and Hospital were followed. Of the 72 treated, 35 had arteriovenous malformations, while 37 had brain tumors. Of the 37 patients with brain tumors, 14 had meningioma and 17 had acoustic neuroma. Six patients had other lesions such as pineal tumor, hemangioblastoma, astrocytoma, or metastasis. Of 72 patients, 43 came for follow-up. Twenty-three of the followed-up patients showed improvement; 10 clinically and radiologically remained the same, and 2 died due to recurrence. Of 43 patients, 3 continue to have cranial nerve deficit. Four patients were later found to have central necrosis and clinical deterioration. Observation of outcomes following SRS helps neuroscience nurses identify home healthcare strategies such as chest care, eye care, facial massage, and exercises along with the other specific nursing care. Although nursing care has become more technically oriented, the patient's physical, educational, spiritual, and emotional needs must be addressed.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Nov 16, 2022
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and practic... more A study to assess the effect of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur. Objectives: to assess the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers before and after intervention, to compare the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their caregivers before and after intervention and to associate the pre-test level of knowledge and practice in administration of insulin among diabetes patients and their care givers with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: The study was conducted among 30 diabetes patients on insulin therapy using pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The tool used for the study had 3 sections: Section A - Socio demographic and clinical data variables where the items include age, gender, marital status, educational status, occupation, monthly income, family history of diabetes mellitus, duration of illness, duration of insulin treatment, person administering insulin, any prior teachings on insulin administration and its source; Section B - Structured knowledge questionnaire; Section C - Structured practice checklist. Result: On data analysis it reveals that 14(46.7%) belongs to the age group of 61-80 years, 19(63.3%) are male, 29(96.7%) are married, 11(36.7%) have high school education, 18(60%) were unemployed‚ 14(46.7%) samples have family history of diabetes mellitus, 13(43.3%) have diabetes for less than 5 years and 4(13.3%) have duration of 11-15 years, 13(43.3%) take insulin for less than 1 year, 14(46.7%) administered insulin by themselves, 23(76.7%) had prior knowledge on insulin administration. The mean post-test knowledge score (19.46) of diabetic patients was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (10.2). The computed ‘t’ value (-19.631 ) showed a significant difference between the pre- test and posttest knowledge scores. The mean post-test practice score (19.60) of 30 diabetic patients was found to be significantly higher than their pre-test practice scores. There was a statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and practice level after structured teaching program (P<0.001). There was no significant association between knowledge and practice with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. The teaching program was accepted by all subjects and showed their interest to learn the administration of insulin.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Nov 16, 2022
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching progamme on level of knowledge on selected as... more A study to assess the effect of structured teaching progamme on level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management of patients undergoing hemodialysis in selected wards of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute. The Objectives: Of the study were to assess the level of knowledge of patients undergoing hemodialysis, to compare the level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management among patients undergoing hemodialysis before and after structured teaching program and to find the association between the level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management with selected socio demographic clinical data variables. Research Methodology: The study was conducted among 30 patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research design was pre-experimental one group pretest posttest design and sample was selected by purposive sampling techniques. The tool used for the study had 2 section: Section A-Socio demographic and clinical data variables; Section B-Structured knowledge questionnaire on selected aspects of home care management of patients undergoing haemodialysis. Data analysis was done using differential and inferential statistics. Results: On data analysis it reveals that 11(36.7%) belongs to the age group of 61-70 years. 23(76.6%) samples are males, 29(96.66%) samples are married, 16(53.3%) sample have only primary education, 7(23.3%) subjects have secondary education, 19(63.3%) are self employed, 7(23.3%) of subjects go for daily wage, 22(73.3%) of subjects have income less than 5000,18(60%) subjects have central venous catheter, 12(40%) subjects have AV fistula for dialysis. Most of the subjects 19(63.3%) are under treatment since 1 year ago and 22(73.3%) subjects have illness since 3 year ago. 26(86.67%) subjects does not have family history of renal disease and 16(53.3%) subjects have self knowledge about disease. In pretest about 15(50%) of samples have inadequate knowledge, 11(36.6%) have moderate knowledge and 4(13.33%) have adequate knowledge. In posttest 27(90%) of samples have adequate knowledge and 3(30%) have moderate knowledge. On comparison of pretest and post test knowledge it reveals that mean post test knowledge score 8(28.13%) was higher than mean pretest knowledge score 4(14.23%). Effectiveness of the health education was tested by t test, which revealed that it was effective at p<0.01. There was no significant association between pretest level of knowledge and selected socio demographic and clinical data variables.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Aug 4, 2022
Introduction: Iron deficiency anemia develops when body stores of iron drop too low to support no... more Introduction: Iron deficiency anemia develops when body stores of iron drop too low to support normal red blood cell (RBC) production. Anemia is currently one of the most common and intractable nutrional problems globally. The requirement of iron in doubles during adolscence as compared to younger age group. Following growth spurt, the risk of iron deficiency anemia continues to be a public concern. Objectives: To assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia among adolescent girls and to associate the level of knowledge of iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: Pre- experimental, one group pre-test post-test design was used. 40 samples were selected by purposive sampling. Pre-test was conducted on 1st day followed by structured teaching programme on iron-deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia and post test was conducted on 4th day. Results: The socio demographic and clinical data variables reveals that the adolescent girls 30(75%) belonged to the age group of 16 years. All adolescent girls had education level of 11th standard 40(100%), more than half of the adolescent girls 21(52.5%) belonged to Hindu religion, majority of the adolescent girls 34 (85%) belonged to nuclear family. Majority of the adolescent girls 24 (60%) lives in rural area, more than half of adolescent girls 21(52.5%) attained menarche at the age of 13 years or less and all the adolescent girls 40(100%) have a mixed type of dietary pattern. In the pre-test, none of the samples 40(100%) had adequate knowledge and 38(95%) samples had inadequate knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia. There was a significant difference between the pre-test and post test level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls. There was no significant association between the level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia with socio-demographic and clinical data variables. Conclusion: The study concluded that structured teaching programme is an effective method to improve the knowledge regarding iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Sep 1, 2008
Comfort is a basic physiological need of a human being. The need for rest and comfort is importan... more Comfort is a basic physiological need of a human being. The need for rest and comfort is important for maintaining a good quality of life. Good sleep and absence of pain provide comfort for an individual. Pain is a subjective feeling which is individualized and difficult to define. People try to cope with chronic pain due to the prolonged duration, but acute pain seems to be threatening to all. Especially, post-operative pain is unbearable. Post-operative pain management poses a great challenge to the nurses even after newer effective management. The older adults are exposed to more painful conditions than younger adults. Therefore a study was done using descriptive correlational design at Christian Medical College, Vellore to assess the relationship between sleep quality and pain perception among the elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 30 subjects consisting of male and female elderly patients above the age of 60 years who underwent orthopaedic surgeries of the lower limb such as joint replacement, arthroplasty, internal and external fixations and debridement of bone. Sleep assessment and pain assessment were done using standardized scales such as Groningen Sleep Quality Scale and Numerical rating scale respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that majority of the subjects had good sleep (43.3%) and moderate pain (63.3%). There was a highly negative correlation between sleep quality and perception of pain intensity (r ϭ-0.677) which revealed mild perception of pain intensity with better sleep quality. This study helped to identify the need for regular assessment of pain and sleep and measures to promote sleep among the institutionalized elders. Increased research is required in management of pain and promotion of sleep in the elderly patients inorder to improve their quality of life.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Introduction: Menopause is a physiological event in the women’s life. The transition through meno... more Introduction: Menopause is a physiological event in the women’s life. The transition through menopause is a life event that can profoundly affect quality of life. The objectives of the study were to assess the quality of life among postmenopausal women and to associate quality of life among postmenopausal women with selected socio-demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted among 30 postmenopausal women. Sample was selected using non probability convenience sampling technique. Standardized Menopause Specific Quality Of Life Questionare (MENQOL) was used to assess the quality of life of postmenopausal women. Results: In socio demographic findings, more than half 17 (56.66%) were 56-60 years old and half of the 15(50%) were Hindus. While 21(70%) belonged to nuclear family, 18(60%) had primary education and 27(90%) were married. 21(70%) were house wives and 18(60%) of them had income less than Rs: 5000 and 29 (96.66%) were living in rural are...
International Journal of Health Research and Medico Legal Practice, 2019
Introduction: Epidemiological data on burns in children can give valuable information to policy m... more Introduction: Epidemiological data on burns in children can give valuable information to policy makers for developing prevention strategies in reducing the incidence of childhood burns. Objectives: To study the Profile, manner and outcome of burns cases among children treated at a tertiary care hospital. Materials and methods: A Retrospective observational study was conducted based on medical records of children below the age of 12 years with the diagnosis of acute burns admitted to Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital during 01-07-2016 to 30-06-2017. Results: A total of 169 burn cases were treated during the study period, of which 61 were children below 12 years. Maximum numbers of affected children were from the age group of less than 4 years and 60 cases were of accidental in nature. Scalding was the predominant cause of injuries and often related to cooking practices. No cases were reported with more than 30% burns and there was no mortality. Conclusion: Burn injuries can be reduced by bringing about regulations to develop safer cooking practises and educating the community especially the women on safe practises at home and also on first aid measures.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Feb 19, 2022
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge and pr... more A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge and practice of domestic chlorination of well among home makers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur, before and after intervention. To compare the level of knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. To correlate the knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. after. Methodology: A Pre experimental one group - pretest - post test design is adopted to the present study. We selected 40 samples through non probability Purposive Sampling Technique. Domestic chlorination awareness questionnaire was administered by interview method for assessing pretest level of knowledge. After the pretest, a structured teaching programme was given to the subjects and post test was conducted on the 4th day with same questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: the demographic data contain frequency and percentage distribution of samples showed that with regard to age, majority of the samples 22 (55%) were the group of 46-55 years age, most of the samples 21 (52.50%) had ≤4 members and 6 (7.50%) had only six members. Regarding the religion, most of them were 35 (87.50%) Christian and only 5 (12.50%) belongs to Hindu religion. Majority 34 (85%) of samples were unemployed. With regard to education, 15(37.50%) of samples were primary educated and 14 (35%) were secondary educated and only11 927.50%) were graduated. In the post test checklist, 100% had adequate knowledge regarding the steps of chlorination. There is highly positive correlation between post test knowledge and practice Discussion: At the end of the study, investigation team found that the level of knowledge of homemakers on domestic chlorination of well were inadequate before the administration of structured teaching programme. The structured teaching programme was able to provide more knowledge about domestic chlorination of well, which was evident in the post test knowledge score.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Title of study: A study to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, eco... more Title of study: A study to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status among general population in selected areas of kachery, Thrissur. Introduction: COVID-19 has caused serious impact on every society globally. The COVID-19 caused physical, psychological, economical and social impact on general population. Objectives: To assess impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status among general population in selected areas of Kachery, Thrissur. To associate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status with selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: The study was conducted among 100 samples from selected areas of Kachery, Thrissur. The research design of the study is descriptive design and sample was collected by convenient sampling method. Tool: The tool consists of 2 sections. Section A: Socio-demographic and clinical data profile. Section B: Self ...
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, 2022
Introduction: In a developing nation like India, the children serve as the true backup for the gr... more Introduction: In a developing nation like India, the children serve as the true backup for the growth of the country. Many of the children residing at home with their parents but another large group of children live in orphanages. There is a great difference in the mental health among these two group of children, and it will help to assess the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and orphanage. Objectives: To assess the strength and difficulties among the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To compare the strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To find the association between scores of strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage with selected socio-demographic and clinical variables. Research Methodology: Quantitative research approach was used to assess and compare the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and selected orphan...
Nurses interact with transgender patients in a variety of settings. More and more nurses wish to ... more Nurses interact with transgender patients in a variety of settings. More and more nurses wish to provide a comfortable environment for all their patients, including those who are transgender. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude of nurses regarding transgender health care is a pilot study conducted in a selected tertiary care centre in Kollam district of Kerala state. Quantitative descriptive survey is used to collect data from 30 samples selected by simple random sampling technique. Knowledge questionnaire developed by the investigator to measure knowledge and standardized 7 point attitude likert scale to measure the antitransgender prejudice was used to collect data. Majority 13 (43.3%) of samples had poor knowledge regarding treatment and nursing care of transgender patients for general and specific health care needs. Very few 2-3 (6-10%) have good knowledge. 7(23.3%) of samples have good knowledge regarding definitions related to trans-genders and their health problems. Majority of samples 15 (50%) have low anti-trans men prejudice. Only 2 (6.7%) have high anti-trans men prejudice. Majority of samples12 (40%) have low anti-trans women prejudice.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a technique for obliterating intracranial targets that are ina... more Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a technique for obliterating intracranial targets that are inaccessible or unsuitable for open surgical techniques. By means of well-collimated beams of ionizing radiation, a high-dose, single fraction of radiation is delivered to a defined volume of tissue. The entrance and exit doses are distributed in such a way that tissue outside the target is minimally affected. Treatment effects are seen on scans or angiograms after several months or a few years; consequently, follow-up scans are necessary. The first 72 patients who underwent SRS at the Department of Neurological Sciences and Radiation Therapy, Christian Medical College and Hospital were followed. Of the 72 treated, 35 had arteriovenous malformations, while 37 had brain tumors. Of the 37 patients with brain tumors, 14 had meningioma and 17 had acoustic neuroma. Six patients had other lesions such as pineal tumor, hemangioblastoma, astrocytoma, or metastasis. Of 72 patients, 43 came for follow-up. Twenty-three of the followed-up patients showed improvement; 10 clinically and radiologically remained the same, and 2 died due to recurrence. Of 43 patients, 3 continue to have cranial nerve deficit. Four patients were later found to have central necrosis and clinical deterioration. Observation of outcomes following SRS helps neuroscience nurses identify home healthcare strategies such as chest care, eye care, facial massage, and exercises along with the other specific nursing care. Although nursing care has become more technically oriented, the patient's physical, educational, spiritual, and emotional needs must be addressed.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Nov 16, 2022
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and practic... more A study to assess the effect of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur. Objectives: to assess the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers before and after intervention, to compare the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their caregivers before and after intervention and to associate the pre-test level of knowledge and practice in administration of insulin among diabetes patients and their care givers with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: The study was conducted among 30 diabetes patients on insulin therapy using pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The tool used for the study had 3 sections: Section A - Socio demographic and clinical data variables where the items include age, gender, marital status, educational status, occupation, monthly income, family history of diabetes mellitus, duration of illness, duration of insulin treatment, person administering insulin, any prior teachings on insulin administration and its source; Section B - Structured knowledge questionnaire; Section C - Structured practice checklist. Result: On data analysis it reveals that 14(46.7%) belongs to the age group of 61-80 years, 19(63.3%) are male, 29(96.7%) are married, 11(36.7%) have high school education, 18(60%) were unemployed‚ 14(46.7%) samples have family history of diabetes mellitus, 13(43.3%) have diabetes for less than 5 years and 4(13.3%) have duration of 11-15 years, 13(43.3%) take insulin for less than 1 year, 14(46.7%) administered insulin by themselves, 23(76.7%) had prior knowledge on insulin administration. The mean post-test knowledge score (19.46) of diabetic patients was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (10.2). The computed ‘t’ value (-19.631 ) showed a significant difference between the pre- test and posttest knowledge scores. The mean post-test practice score (19.60) of 30 diabetic patients was found to be significantly higher than their pre-test practice scores. There was a statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and practice level after structured teaching program (P<0.001). There was no significant association between knowledge and practice with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. The teaching program was accepted by all subjects and showed their interest to learn the administration of insulin.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Nov 16, 2022
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching progamme on level of knowledge on selected as... more A study to assess the effect of structured teaching progamme on level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management of patients undergoing hemodialysis in selected wards of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute. The Objectives: Of the study were to assess the level of knowledge of patients undergoing hemodialysis, to compare the level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management among patients undergoing hemodialysis before and after structured teaching program and to find the association between the level of knowledge on selected aspects of home care management with selected socio demographic clinical data variables. Research Methodology: The study was conducted among 30 patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research design was pre-experimental one group pretest posttest design and sample was selected by purposive sampling techniques. The tool used for the study had 2 section: Section A-Socio demographic and clinical data variables; Section B-Structured knowledge questionnaire on selected aspects of home care management of patients undergoing haemodialysis. Data analysis was done using differential and inferential statistics. Results: On data analysis it reveals that 11(36.7%) belongs to the age group of 61-70 years. 23(76.6%) samples are males, 29(96.66%) samples are married, 16(53.3%) sample have only primary education, 7(23.3%) subjects have secondary education, 19(63.3%) are self employed, 7(23.3%) of subjects go for daily wage, 22(73.3%) of subjects have income less than 5000,18(60%) subjects have central venous catheter, 12(40%) subjects have AV fistula for dialysis. Most of the subjects 19(63.3%) are under treatment since 1 year ago and 22(73.3%) subjects have illness since 3 year ago. 26(86.67%) subjects does not have family history of renal disease and 16(53.3%) subjects have self knowledge about disease. In pretest about 15(50%) of samples have inadequate knowledge, 11(36.6%) have moderate knowledge and 4(13.33%) have adequate knowledge. In posttest 27(90%) of samples have adequate knowledge and 3(30%) have moderate knowledge. On comparison of pretest and post test knowledge it reveals that mean post test knowledge score 8(28.13%) was higher than mean pretest knowledge score 4(14.23%). Effectiveness of the health education was tested by t test, which revealed that it was effective at p<0.01. There was no significant association between pretest level of knowledge and selected socio demographic and clinical data variables.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Aug 4, 2022
Introduction: Iron deficiency anemia develops when body stores of iron drop too low to support no... more Introduction: Iron deficiency anemia develops when body stores of iron drop too low to support normal red blood cell (RBC) production. Anemia is currently one of the most common and intractable nutrional problems globally. The requirement of iron in doubles during adolscence as compared to younger age group. Following growth spurt, the risk of iron deficiency anemia continues to be a public concern. Objectives: To assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia among adolescent girls and to associate the level of knowledge of iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: Pre- experimental, one group pre-test post-test design was used. 40 samples were selected by purposive sampling. Pre-test was conducted on 1st day followed by structured teaching programme on iron-deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia and post test was conducted on 4th day. Results: The socio demographic and clinical data variables reveals that the adolescent girls 30(75%) belonged to the age group of 16 years. All adolescent girls had education level of 11th standard 40(100%), more than half of the adolescent girls 21(52.5%) belonged to Hindu religion, majority of the adolescent girls 34 (85%) belonged to nuclear family. Majority of the adolescent girls 24 (60%) lives in rural area, more than half of adolescent girls 21(52.5%) attained menarche at the age of 13 years or less and all the adolescent girls 40(100%) have a mixed type of dietary pattern. In the pre-test, none of the samples 40(100%) had adequate knowledge and 38(95%) samples had inadequate knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia. There was a significant difference between the pre-test and post test level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls. There was no significant association between the level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia with socio-demographic and clinical data variables. Conclusion: The study concluded that structured teaching programme is an effective method to improve the knowledge regarding iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Sep 1, 2008
Comfort is a basic physiological need of a human being. The need for rest and comfort is importan... more Comfort is a basic physiological need of a human being. The need for rest and comfort is important for maintaining a good quality of life. Good sleep and absence of pain provide comfort for an individual. Pain is a subjective feeling which is individualized and difficult to define. People try to cope with chronic pain due to the prolonged duration, but acute pain seems to be threatening to all. Especially, post-operative pain is unbearable. Post-operative pain management poses a great challenge to the nurses even after newer effective management. The older adults are exposed to more painful conditions than younger adults. Therefore a study was done using descriptive correlational design at Christian Medical College, Vellore to assess the relationship between sleep quality and pain perception among the elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 30 subjects consisting of male and female elderly patients above the age of 60 years who underwent orthopaedic surgeries of the lower limb such as joint replacement, arthroplasty, internal and external fixations and debridement of bone. Sleep assessment and pain assessment were done using standardized scales such as Groningen Sleep Quality Scale and Numerical rating scale respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that majority of the subjects had good sleep (43.3%) and moderate pain (63.3%). There was a highly negative correlation between sleep quality and perception of pain intensity (r ϭ-0.677) which revealed mild perception of pain intensity with better sleep quality. This study helped to identify the need for regular assessment of pain and sleep and measures to promote sleep among the institutionalized elders. Increased research is required in management of pain and promotion of sleep in the elderly patients inorder to improve their quality of life.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Introduction: Menopause is a physiological event in the women’s life. The transition through meno... more Introduction: Menopause is a physiological event in the women’s life. The transition through menopause is a life event that can profoundly affect quality of life. The objectives of the study were to assess the quality of life among postmenopausal women and to associate quality of life among postmenopausal women with selected socio-demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted among 30 postmenopausal women. Sample was selected using non probability convenience sampling technique. Standardized Menopause Specific Quality Of Life Questionare (MENQOL) was used to assess the quality of life of postmenopausal women. Results: In socio demographic findings, more than half 17 (56.66%) were 56-60 years old and half of the 15(50%) were Hindus. While 21(70%) belonged to nuclear family, 18(60%) had primary education and 27(90%) were married. 21(70%) were house wives and 18(60%) of them had income less than Rs: 5000 and 29 (96.66%) were living in rural are...
International Journal of Health Research and Medico Legal Practice, 2019
Introduction: Epidemiological data on burns in children can give valuable information to policy m... more Introduction: Epidemiological data on burns in children can give valuable information to policy makers for developing prevention strategies in reducing the incidence of childhood burns. Objectives: To study the Profile, manner and outcome of burns cases among children treated at a tertiary care hospital. Materials and methods: A Retrospective observational study was conducted based on medical records of children below the age of 12 years with the diagnosis of acute burns admitted to Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital during 01-07-2016 to 30-06-2017. Results: A total of 169 burn cases were treated during the study period, of which 61 were children below 12 years. Maximum numbers of affected children were from the age group of less than 4 years and 60 cases were of accidental in nature. Scalding was the predominant cause of injuries and often related to cooking practices. No cases were reported with more than 30% burns and there was no mortality. Conclusion: Burn injuries can be reduced by bringing about regulations to develop safer cooking practises and educating the community especially the women on safe practises at home and also on first aid measures.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Feb 19, 2022
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge and pr... more A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge and practice of domestic chlorination of well among home makers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur, before and after intervention. To compare the level of knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. To correlate the knowledge and practice on domestic chlorination of well among homemakers of the selected urban community in Kachery, Thrissur. after. Methodology: A Pre experimental one group - pretest - post test design is adopted to the present study. We selected 40 samples through non probability Purposive Sampling Technique. Domestic chlorination awareness questionnaire was administered by interview method for assessing pretest level of knowledge. After the pretest, a structured teaching programme was given to the subjects and post test was conducted on the 4th day with same questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: the demographic data contain frequency and percentage distribution of samples showed that with regard to age, majority of the samples 22 (55%) were the group of 46-55 years age, most of the samples 21 (52.50%) had ≤4 members and 6 (7.50%) had only six members. Regarding the religion, most of them were 35 (87.50%) Christian and only 5 (12.50%) belongs to Hindu religion. Majority 34 (85%) of samples were unemployed. With regard to education, 15(37.50%) of samples were primary educated and 14 (35%) were secondary educated and only11 927.50%) were graduated. In the post test checklist, 100% had adequate knowledge regarding the steps of chlorination. There is highly positive correlation between post test knowledge and practice Discussion: At the end of the study, investigation team found that the level of knowledge of homemakers on domestic chlorination of well were inadequate before the administration of structured teaching programme. The structured teaching programme was able to provide more knowledge about domestic chlorination of well, which was evident in the post test knowledge score.
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Title of study: A study to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, eco... more Title of study: A study to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status among general population in selected areas of kachery, Thrissur. Introduction: COVID-19 has caused serious impact on every society globally. The COVID-19 caused physical, psychological, economical and social impact on general population. Objectives: To assess impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status among general population in selected areas of Kachery, Thrissur. To associate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical, psychological, economical and social status with selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: The study was conducted among 100 samples from selected areas of Kachery, Thrissur. The research design of the study is descriptive design and sample was collected by convenient sampling method. Tool: The tool consists of 2 sections. Section A: Socio-demographic and clinical data profile. Section B: Self ...
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, 2022
Introduction: In a developing nation like India, the children serve as the true backup for the gr... more Introduction: In a developing nation like India, the children serve as the true backup for the growth of the country. Many of the children residing at home with their parents but another large group of children live in orphanages. There is a great difference in the mental health among these two group of children, and it will help to assess the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and orphanage. Objectives: To assess the strength and difficulties among the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To compare the strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To find the association between scores of strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage with selected socio-demographic and clinical variables. Research Methodology: Quantitative research approach was used to assess and compare the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and selected orphan...
Papers by Angela Gnanadurai