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RELC Journal, 1998
Teaching is a creative professional and carries more than a set of strategies. Effective teaching is carried out for a particular group of students, at a certain point in the school year, with certain resources, within a particular time frame, in a particular school and community setting (Crawford, et al., 2005:10). Reading, a skill, requires all students need to be trained. Reading English literary texts is much harder than reading in their native language. The research results show that most students, at
It is clear that reading is a complex process for both the student, who is trying to learn the necessary skills needed, and the teacher, who is attempting to impart these skills. Fortunately, research supports many key principles that can help guide a motivated teacher’s instruction. In pursuing my personal professional development, I’ve chosen to focus on principals regarding vocabulary, fluency, and motivation; using these principles, I engage in discussing relevant research and the resulting teaching implications.
Buletinul Științific, 2022
University students are expected to read bulks of scientific and literary works for language input and for knowledge extension. In-depth reading requires time and effort on the part of the students in order to ensure comprehension and effective text-based assignment accomplishment. However, many university students acknowledge having difficulties when dealing with scientific texts during academic paper writing and even reading literary works for Literature, Text Analysis, or Home Reading courses. This paper aims at identifying the difficulties of independent academic and non-academic reading and the reasons behind them. Likewise, some evidence-based strategies will be presented to help the students increase reading comprehension and further raise their motivation to work independently with academic and non-academic texts.
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Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam, 2022
10. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2012
Ancient and modern knowledges Transmission of models and techniques in the artistic and handicraft products in Sardinia through the centuries, 2022
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 2000
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
Fishery Bulletin
To Improve the Academy, 2006