Observing Environments
Hugo F. Alrøe • Aarhus University, Denmark • hugo.alroe/at/
Egon Noe • Aarhus University, Denmark • egon.noe/at/
> Context • Society is faced with “wicked” problems of environmental sustainability, which are inherently multiperspectival, and there is a need for explicitly constructivist and perspectivist theories to address them.
> Problem • However, diferent constructivist theories construe the environment in diferent ways. The aim of
this paper is to clarify the conceptions of environment in constructivist approaches, and thereby to assist the sciences of complex systems and complex environmental problems. > Method • We describe the terms used for “the
environment” in von Uexküll, Maturana & Varela, and Luhmann, and analyse how their conceptions of environment are connected to diferences of perspective and observation. > Results • We show the need to distinguish
between inside and outside perspectives on the environment, and identify two very diferent and complementary
logics of observation, the logic of distinction and the logic of representation, in the three constructivist theories.
> Implications • Luhmann’s theory of social systems can be a helpful perspective on the wicked environmental problems of society if we consider carefully the theory’s own blind spots: that it conines itself to systems of
communication, and that it is based fully on the conception of observation as indication by means of distinction.
> Key words • Umwelt, world, phenomenology, biosemiotics, autopoiesis, perspectivism, Peirce.
1 Introduction
« 1 » Environments are pivotal to mod-
ern societies. As Niklas Luhmann wrote in
Ecological communication: “Contemporary
society feels itself afected in many diferent
ways by the changes that it has produced in
its own environment” (Luhmann 1989: 1),
referring to consumption of non-replaceable resources, biodiversity loss, pathogen
resistance, pollution, and over-population
(and today we would add climate change to
that list). Modern society not only changes
its own environment – it compromises the
quality of human life and undermines the
conditions for its own continued existence.
Since Gro Harlem Brundtland (1987), this
problematic has been high on the political
and scientiic agenda. It is generally discussed within the framework of environmental sustainability, based on ideas such as
sustained yield in forestry, ecosystem carrying capacity in ecology, and natural capital
in economics, generalised to the consideration of global life support systems (Goodland 1995).
« 2 » he problems of environmental sustainability are “wicked problems” in
the sense of Horst Rittel & Melvin Webber (1973). Wicked problems are complex,
unique, dynamic problems that are never
really solved. Diferent individuals and organisations disagree on what the problem is
because they have diferent values and inter-
ests with regard to it and diferent perspectives on it. hey therefore frame and formulate the problem diferently. Bryan Norton
For those frustrated with the lack of progress in
areas of environmental protection, Rittel &
Webber’s work suggested a powerful explanatory
hypothesis: Complex environmental problems
cannot be comprehended within any of the accepted disciplinary models available in academy
or in discourses on public interest and policy. his
failure is not a matter of inadequate practice, but a
matter of principle. (Norton 2012: 449)
« 3 » With respect to wicked problems,
we face an analytic void, Norton continues,
and future analyses of complex environmental problems must be highly contextual.
« 4 » In other words, complex environmental problems are inherently multiperspectival. Each scientiic and stakeholder
perspective constructs its own immediate
problem, which is but one aspect of the
“really eicient” dynamic problem. Such
complex problems therefore require transdisciplinary research cooperation that incorporates the dependence on context and
perspective into an explicitly constructivist
and perspectivist framework (cf. Alrøe &
Noe 2011).
« 5 » However, the issue we want to address here is not on the level of diferent
perspectives on environmental problems,
but on the deeper foundational level of
how “environment” is construed in different approaches to such problems. More
speciically, we are interested in the construction of “the environment” in diferent
constructivist approaches.
« 6 » he basic tenet of constructivism is the essential observer-dependency
of observations and knowledge (as evident in Humberto Maturana’s statement
that “anything said is said by an observer”
and Heinz von Foerster’s basic idea that
observers are necessarily involved in their
observations and not neutral or outside,
cf. Schmidt 2010). All constructivist approaches therefore share the intricate
problem of the relation between observer
and world – or system and environment.
And any universal constructivist approach
(sensu Luhmann 1995: 15) must be able to
observe itself and its construction of “the
« 7 » In this paper, we will thus turn
constructivism on itself, observing the
concept of environment in some important roots and proponents of constructivism. In particular, we will look at Jakob
von Uexküll’s biosemiotic theory of meaning, Humberto Maturana and Francisco
Varela’s biological theory of autopoiesis
and cognition, and Luhmann’s autopoietic
theory of social systems.
Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
« 8 » he three theories in focus are all
constructivist in the sense that they take observer-dependency as a basic precondition.
However, we have been elaborating a constructivist and perspectivist framework for
research in complex agroecological systems
and problems of environmental sustainability, based on these and related theories,1 and
through this work it has become clear to us
that they contradict each other in important
and quite fundamental ways. In particular,
they have, as we shall see in the following,
diferent conceptions of “environment,”
which are related to their conceptions of
“observation” and “system.”
« 9 » he aim of the paper is thus twofold: to clarify the concepts of environment
in diferent constructivist approaches, and
thereby to assist the sciences of complex systems and complex environmental problems.
« 10 » to meet this aim, we shall irst
describe how we go about observing environments, keeping track of diferent terminologies and perspectives, and give an overview of the concepts of environment (and
related concepts) in von Uexküll, Maturana
& Varela, and Luhmann, based on their own
descriptions. on this basis, we then discuss
the possible deeper conceptual diferences
in their conceptions of environment, focussing on diferences that are important in re-
1 | his framework combines autopoietic,
cognitive, and semiotic theories (in line with
Brier 2008) to model science as a cognitive system to complement the communicational aspects
of science as a learning system (Alrøe 2000). his
model is used to illuminate the inside/outside
positions in research methodology, and to address the problems of handling values in science
through relexive objectivity (Alrøe & Kristensen
2002). In environmental ethics, the framework
is used to elaborate a second-order cybernetic
model of moral acting that establishes an ethical basis for sustainability and the precautionary
principle from environmental politics (Alrøe &
Kristensen 2003). In a later, fully perspectivist
form, the framework is used to resolve the paradox of scientiic expertise: that the growth of science leads to a fragmentation of scientiic expertise. It also used to handle the ensuing problems
of cross-disciplinary cooperation by exposing the
perspectival structure of knowledge and science
and introducing second-order perspectives (Alrøe & Noe 2011).
vol. 8, N°1
lation to the foundation of constructivism
and perspectivism. Finally, we draw some
conclusions with regard to the application
of constructivist theories on complex environmental problems.
2. Observing
“the environment”
in von Uexküll, Maturana
& Varela, and Luhmann
2.1. How to observe environments
« 11 » In this section, we will give an
overview of the concepts of environment
and related concepts in von Uexküll, Maturana & Varela, and Luhmann, based on
their own descriptions. But irst we shall
give a brief description of how we go about
observing these environments.
« 12 » If you accept observer-dependency as a built-in precondition for scientiic
cognition and communication, you will be
prepared for certain diiculties in observing
the concepts of “environment” in diferent
scientiic approaches. he methodological
challenge has three layers:
1 | the problems of diferent terminology
(that the diferent approaches use diferent terms for “environment” and hold
diferent meanings of the same terms),
2 | the connection of the terminological
diferences to deeper diferences in perspective, and
3 | our need to clarify our own analytical
perspective and make clear what concepts of observation and environment
are used in the analyses and comparisons in order to discuss these diferences.
« 13 » hese methodological problems
are no diferent from those encountered in
other interdisciplinary work, but with the
added twist that the research object is (also)
the very concept of “a research object,” since
this (the research object) is a key aspect of
the environment of a scientiic system.
« 14 » As we have indicated, we will address this convoluted issue of observing
environments by way of a perspectivist
approach (cf. Alrøe and Noe 2011). his
means that we will not only be looking at
terminology in the form of diferent terms
for “environment” and diferent meanings
of the same terms, but also at the deeper differences in perspective that the terminological diferences are connected to. We look
at the diferences in perspective in terms
of elements such as domain and interests,
type of examples, type of logic and model,
and concepts and theories. With regard to
our own analytical perspective, it builds on
the very constructivist approaches that are
scrutinized here, as well as other sources. In
particular, our approach builds on Charles
Sanders Peirce’s theory of semiotics, and
we shall utilize this comprehensive theory
of meaning and representation in the critical analysis of the three constructivist approaches. his work will thus also have the
added bonus that it will enable us to take a
critical look at the perspectivist approach itself and the concepts of “observation,” “system,” and “environment” that are employed
« 15 » In accordance with this background, we will look irst at von Uexküll’s
conception of environment, which was
strongly inluenced by the prominent Kantian philosophy of understanding that also
inluenced Peirce’s semiotics. his philosophy, with its Copernican turn from “our
cognition must conform to the objects” to
“the objects must conform to our cognition”
(Kant 1998: B xvi), is in many ways fundamental to constructivism (Glasersfeld 1995:
39) and an important root of perspectivism
(Palmquist 1993). Von Uexküll’s concept of
environment, Umwelt, is now being widely used and debated, and this will help us
elaborate a irm basis for the analyses. Furthermore, von Uexküll’s work predates that
of Maturana & Varela and Luhmann, and by
proceeding in chronological order we will
be better able to discuss how the approaches
compare and difer.
2.2. Von Uexküll’s Umwelt
« 16 » Von Uexküll considered himself
Kantian in orientation, and he explicitly
referred to Kant as a starting point for his
work in biology. All reality is subjective
appearance, he states, describing the solid
ground that Kant prepared to support the
ediice of the natural sciences. Kant placed
the subject called man in opposition to its
objects, and outlined the basic principles
according to which objects are formed in
our mind:
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
he task of biology is to expand the result of
research along two lines: (1) to consider
the role of our body, particularly our perceptual
organs and the central nervous system and (2) to
study the relationship of other subjects (animals)
to their objects. (Uexküll 1973: 9f; translation
from hure von Uexküll 1992: 287)
« 17 » Uexküll elaborated on this task
for the better part of his life, developing a
theory of signs and meaning for the study
of animal behaviour: “Behaviors are not
mere movements or tropisms, but they consist of perception (Merken) and operation
(Wirken); they are not mechanically regulated, but meaningfully organized.” (Uexküll
1982: 26). In the course of this work he
made important independent contributions,
especially to the ields of (bio)semiotics and
ethology, and also had some inluence in
philosophy, especially on theories of epistemology (e.g., Kull 1999, 2001; Harré 1990;
Buchanan 2008; Stjernfelt 2011).
« 18 » From 1909, with the publication
of Umwelt und Innenwelt der Tiere, through
to the end of his life in 1944, von Uexküll
focused his research on attempting to discern and give expression to what he called
the Umwelten of animals, and which he alternately described as “phenomenal worlds,”
“self-worlds,” and “subjective universes”
(Buchanan 2008: 18).2
« 19 » “Each Umwelt forms a closed unit
in itself, which is governed, in all its parts, by
the meaning it has for the subject” (Uexküll
1982: 30) and “there are as many worlds as
there are subjects” (Uexküll 1973: 70). For
example, the stem of a blooming meadow
2 | he term Umwelt was invented by the
Danish poet Jens Immanuel Baggesen in a German poem in 1800 (due to the necessities of the
Homeric hexameter metric), and used thereon
in both Germany (Umwelt) and Denmark (omverden). In Germany, it was originally used in
the sense of ‘surroundings;’ ater Uexküll, it came
to be used mainly in his sense of ‘the phenomenal world;’ and since the 1970s the predominant
meaning is that of ‘the environment’ in the sense
of the environmental movement. Interestingly,
‘Umwelt’ has today been taken up in English language as a technical term within biosemiotics and
related ields, in Uexküll’s sense, though it is also
employed in the two other senses. (Sutrop 2001,
Chien 2007)
lower can be a foot path to food in the Umwelt of an ant, an extraction point for watery
sap to feed on and construct a protective cell
in the Umwelt of a cicada larva, a morsel of
fodder in the Umwelt of a cow, and a means
of bodily ornamentation in a girl’s Umwelt
(Uexküll 1982: 29f).
« 20 » Von Uexküll uses diferent metaphors to convey how he understands these
diverse animal (and human) environments.
For instance, to glimpse the environments
of the dwellers of a meadow, he envisages
how we can blow, in fancy, a soap bubble
around each creature to represent its own
world, illed with the perceptions that it
alone knows:
When we ourselves then step into one of these
the familiar meadow is transformed.
Many of its colorful features disappear; others no
longer belong together but appear in new relationships. A new world comes into being. hrough the
bubble we see the environment of the burrowing
worm, of the butterly, or of the ield mouse; the
world as it appears to the animals themselves,
not as it appears to us. his we may call the phenomenal world or the self-world of the animal.
(Uexküll 1992: 319)
« 21 » here are two important aspects
of the concept of Umwelten here: that they
are phenomenal worlds and that they are
meaningful. Every animal, von Uexküll
claims, is surrounded by a world in which
the environment is perceived and known to
this animal alone, and that may very well be
invisible to other animals or humans. he
soap bubble constitutes the limit of the animal’s world, inside which things are signiicant and meaningful, and what lies beyond
is hidden (Buchanan 2008: 23). herefore we
cannot easily understand the environment
of other living organisms, be they animal or
human. Von Uexküll presents the striking
example of the female tick (Ixodes ricinus),
which is blind and deaf. It has a very simple
Umwelt consisting of sunrays, directing her
up to the tip of a twig by the photosensitivity
of her skin; the odour of butyric acid from
mammal skin glands, which signals her to
drop down; and a ine sense of temperature
that leads her to the skin of the warm-blooded animal where she burrows deep in. “he
external world (Welt) is as good as nonexistent, as are the general surroundings (Umge-
bung) of the organism. Both are theoretical
references to contrast with the meaningful
world of the Umwelt.” (Buchanan 2008: 24)
« 22 » he precondition for there being
limits for an organism to go beyond its own
phenomenal world and enter into the Umwelten of other living organisms, is thus that
the Umwelt is meaningful to the organism
itself. Behaviour is not a mechanical process
and animals are not “mere machines” [blosse
objekte], but subjects whose essential activity consists of perceiving and acting:
We thus unlock the gates that lead to other
for all that a subject perceives becomes his
perceptual world [Merkwelt] and all that he does
becomes his efector world [Wirkwelt]. Perceptual
and efector worlds together form a closed unit,
the Umwelt. (Uexküll 1992: 320.)
« 23 » In accordance with this, von
Uexküll characterised his own approach to
biology as “he theory of meaning” (Uexküll
1982), and came to be considered the founding father of biosemiotics (Sebeok 2001).
« 24 » Another pervasive metaphor that
von Uexküll uses to express his theory of
meaning is music: “he musical reference
… is crucial to understanding how he interprets organisms as “tones” that resonate and
harmonize with other things, both living
and non-living.” (Buchanan 2008: 8). For instance, he describes how an object can have
diferent tones or qualities because an object
in relation to a subject is a “meaning-carrier,” and the object has diferent meanings in
diferent contexts (Uexküll 1982: 27).
2.3. Maturana & Varela’s
autopoietic living systems
« 25 » Maturana & Varela’s work can be
characterised as “biology of cognition,” and
they are most widely known for their theory
of autopoiesis as a fundamental characteristic of living systems. hey deine an autopoietic unity as
a network of processes of production, transfor“mation
and destruction of components that produces the components which: (i) through their
interactions and transformations regenerate and
realize the network of processes (relations) that
produced them, and (ii) constitute it as a concrete
unity in the space in which they (the components)
exist. (Maturana & Varela 1980: 79)
In other words,
to spotlight the speciicity of autopoi“esisoneis towaythink
of it self-referentially as that organization which maintains the very organization
itself as an invariant. (Varela 1991: 84)
an observer and without reference to the autonomous unity – which we shall call hereater simply
the environment – and the environment for the
system which is deined in the same movement
that gave rise to its identity and that only exists in
that mutual deinition – hereinater the system’s
world. (Varela 1991: 85)
« 26 » he focus on the autopoiesis and
cognition of living systems in Maturana &
Varela means that their concepts of environment are not as prominent and elaborated as von Uexküll’s. hey are, however,
in many ways congruent with von Uexküll.
In describing how their strand of biology
of cognition is diferent from other strands,
they “propose a way of seeing cognition not
as a representation of the world ‘out there,’
but rather as an ongoing bringing forth of
a world through the process of living itself ”
(Maturana & Varela 1998: 11). A key point,
which is in line with von Uexküll, is the
connection between action and experience:
“this inseparability between a particular way
of being and the way the world appears to
us, tells us that every act of knowing brings
forth a world” (ibid: 26).
« 27 » he paradoxicality of autopoiesis
is that the living system must distinguish itself from its environment while at the same
time maintaining its coupling, since it is this
very environment that the organism arises
from (Varela 1991: 85). In deining what it
is as a unity, the organism at the same time
deines what remains exterior to it, that is, its
surrounding environment:
this exteriorization can only be understood,
“so …to speak,
from the ‘inside’: the autopoietic unity creates a perspective from which the exterior is
one which cannot be confused with the physical
surroundings as they appear to us as observers.
(Varela 1991: 85)
« 28 » he recognition of the importance
of interpretation and signiicance as seen
from the point of view of the living system
is similar to von Uexküll’s theory of meaning (though Maturana & Varela apparently
did not know of his work). And it leads to a
clearly perspectivist distinction that is stated
as a key point that may seem obvious, but
that has deep ramiications:
I mean the important distinction between the
of the living system as it appears to
vol. 8, N°1
« 29 » In other words, the situatedness of
a cognitive entity means that it has – by deinition – a perspective, and that it relates to
its environment in relation to the perspective established by the agent itself (Varela
1991: 99).
« 30 » he concept of environment is
discussed by Maturana & Varela in relation to the two-way it between organism
and environment. his is what they refer to
as a structural congruence between organism and environment, which is the result of
structural coupling:
In these interactions, the structure of the environment only triggers structural changes in the
autopoietic unities (it does not specify or direct
them), and vice versa for the environment. he
result will be a history of mutual congruent structural changes as long as the autopoietic unity and
its containing environment do not disintegrate:
there will be a structural coupling. (Maturana
& Varela 1998: 74f)
« 31 » his also means that two or more
autopoietic units can undergo coupled
structural changes when their interactions
take on a recurrent or more stable nature,
without losing their internal organization.
« 32 » In a separate publication, Maturana makes a more elaborate distinction
between medium, niche, and environment
from the viewpoint of an outside observer:
basic operation that an observer performs
“in he
the praxis of living is the operation of distinction. In the operation of distinction an observer
brings forth a unity (an entity, a whole) as well as
the medium in which it is distinguished. (Maturana 1988: 6, viii)
« 33 » he medium of a unity is the containing background of distinctions with respect to which an observer distinguishes it.
he medium includes both what Maturana
calls the environment of a unity – that part
of the background that is distinguished by
the observer as surrounding the unity – and
what he calls the niche of a unity – that part
of the background that the observer conceives as interacting with the unity, and to
which it is structurally coupled: “… a unity
continuously realizes and speciies its niche
by actually operating in its domain of perturbations while conserving adaptation in
the medium.” (Maturana 1988: 6, xiii)
« 34 » In other words, the niche does
not exist independently of the unity, and it
changes as the domain of interactions of the
unity changes.
« 35 » hat is to say, for an observer,
the unity is distinguished from its medium,
which can be separated into its niche, with
which it interacts and couples, and its environment, which (merely) surrounds it.
2.4. Luhmann’s autopoietic social
« 36 » Luhmann devoted his life to
building a uniied theory of modern society
based on systems theory and the German
tradition of social philosophy from Kant
onwards. As for von Uexküll, the concept
of meaning was central for Luhmann, who
drew especially on the phenomenology of
Edmund Husserl3, and he considered meaning the basic concept of the social sciences
(Luhmann 2006, 1990: 21f).
« 37 » Luhmann distinguished four
types of systems: machines, organisms, social systems, and psychic systems, of which
only the latter two are characterised by their
use of meaning (Luhmann 1995: 2–3). his
is in sharp contrast to von Uexküll, for whom
meaning was a key biological concept. Consequently Luhmann considers only psychic
and, predominantly, social systems. hese
have evolved together, and at any time the
3 | It would be interesting and relevant to
take a deeper look at Luhmann’s Husserlian perception of phenomenological method, and how
this relates to the concept of environment, but
that would take us too far astray for this paper.
Here we will only note that Peirce regarded Husserl’s (early) work as psychologistic in character in
spite of Husserl’s claim to the contrary; yet Peirce
considered his own early work on categories a
foundational work in phenomenology (Ransdell
1997). See also Søren Brier (2009) on the relation
between Husserlian and Peircean phenomenology and constructivism.
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
one is the necessary environment for the
other (Luhmann 1995: 59). For psychic and
social systems, meaning becomes the form
of the world and consequently overlaps the
diference between system and environment:
If these two points are accepted then ‘society’
the all-encompassing social system of
environment is given to them in the
“formEvenof the
meaning, and their boundaries with the
environment are boundaries constituted in meaning, thus referring within as well as without.
(Luhmann 1995: 61)
Society is not composed of human beings, but persons cannot exist without social
systems, nor social systems without persons.
« 38 » he basic aspect of social systems
for Luhmann is communication. Social
systems are communicative systems, and
Luhmann took the fundamental process of
Maturana & Varela’s autopoiesis – the system’s reproduction of its basic elements to
preserve its own organisation – and applied
it to social systems in the form of self-production of the communicative elements.
herefore, ecosystems are not systems according to Luhmann. Luhmann states that
the usage of the concept of system in this
way, as in the normal use of “ecosystem,”
produces considerable confusion. Based on
the theory of social systems, not every interconnection is a system. A system exists
only when an interconnection distinguishes itself from an environment. In this systems theoretical sense, the environment is
not a system in itself, but something that is
constituted by social systems that diferentiate and deine their own boundaries: “he
‘unity’ of the environment is nothing more
than a correlate of the unity of the system
since everything that is a unity for the system is deined by it as a unity” (Luhmann
1989: 6).
« 39 » he consequences of this interpretation can be reduced to two points: (1)
Society as a system is not seen as a smaller
unity within a larger one (the world), but as
the diference of the system of society and
environment (cf. Luhmann 1989: 6), (2) he
idea of system elements must be changed
from substances or individuals to self-referential operations of communication that
can be produced only within the system and
with the help of a network of the same operations (autopoiesis).
mutually referring communications. It originates
through communicative acts alone and diferentiates itself from an environment of other kinds
of systems through the continual reproduction of
communication by communication. In this way
complexity is constituted through evolution.
(Luhmann 1989: 7)
« 40 » According to Luhmann, there is
no environment in itself. It exists only in
relation to something else, like a system as
seen by an outside observer or from an observing system that distinguishes itself from
its environment (Krause 2005: 250).
observation of the environment presumes
of self-reference and other-reference, which can only be made in the system
itself (where else?) (Luhmann 1997: 92, own
3. Perspectives
on the environment
forschung” (at the University of Hamburg),
Maturana, for most of his life, ran a research
centre on the “Biology of Knowledge” (at
the University of Chile). In other words, von
Uexküll looked mainly at animal worlds,
how they difer, and how they are constructed, while Maturana & Varela looked at the
organism itself, the nature of life, and the
biology of cognition.
« 43 » Luhmann, in contrast to the two
others, focuses almost entirely on social
systems, as one form of autopoietic system,
which he distinguishes from the living systems of Maturana & Varela and from psychic systems of consciousness and thought.
For Luhmann, social systems are strictly
communicative systems, deining communication as the unity of the selection of information, message, and understanding.
« 44 » hese diferences in domain are
important in understanding the deeper differences, and we will return to them in the
following analyses.
3.2. Terminology of the environment
3.1. Fields of observation
« 41 » It seems clear from the above
observations of the “environments” of von
Uexküll, Maturana & Varela, and Luhmann,
that they are diferent in several ways. In
this section we will summarize how they are
diferent and analyse what is behind the observed diferences.
« 42 » As described above, an important
(though rather banal) diference between
these three approaches is that they are not
concerned with the same thing, their focus
or ield of observation is quite diferent. Von
Uexküll focuses on behavioral biology and
how behaviour is linked to the sense and
efector organs of the organism. Maturana
& Varela share the focus on biology, living
organisms, and their cognition. But their
emphasis is on neurophysiology and not
ethology. to understand the importance of
this diference, it is telling that whereas von
Uexküll founded the “Institut für Umwelt4 | “Alle Umweltbeobachtung setzt die Unterscheidung von Selbstreferenz und Fremdreferenz voraus, die nur im System selbst (wo denn
sonst?) getrofen werden kann.”
« 45 » Before we can analyse any deeper
conceptual diferences, however, we need to
look at the immediate terminological diferences. he three theories treated in this paper use diferent terms for the environment,
though they, and their commentators, are
not always entirely consistent in their usage.
Some of the terms are also used in general
language, but oten in diferent senses, and
there are also diiculties in translating the
« 46 » In this section, we will try to
clarify the terminology in order to make the
deeper conceptual similarities and diferences clearer. We shall briely discuss what
might be better and worse terms – realizing
that the usage of terms is something that is
decided in the community of scholars and
stakeholders – and determine the terminology to be used in the remainder of the
paper. Since von Uexküll’s concepts are the
most elaborate and debated, we will, again,
start here.
« 47 » he terms “phenomenal world,”
“self-world,” “subjective universe,” “subjective world,” and “semiotic world” have
all been suggested as translations of von
Uexküll’s concept of Umwelt (Sutrop 2001).
others prefer “environmental world” or
simply “environment” (Buchanan 2008).
« 48 » he terms “subjective world” and
“subjective universe” situate themselves in
the context of the subjective-objective distinction, which can be misleading because
the Umwelt, as a Kantian and semiotic
concept, transcends that very distinction.
to underline this point, the opposite term
“objective world” is in fact used by Deely
(2001) and others as a translation for von
Uexküll’s Umwelt, and this term will be even
more prone to misunderstanding. Drawing
on von Uexküll’s soap bubble metaphor for
Umwelt, we might use the term “subworld,”
which has been used in somewhat similar
meanings in artiicial intelligence (e.g., Nierenburg & Rasking 1987) and ethnography
(e.g., Crosset and Beal 1997), but not, to our
knowledge, within biosemiotics. he term
“self-world” can lead the reader in the direction of the concept of Eigenwelt, or ownworld, in existential psychotherapy. hat is,
the mode of relationship to one’s self as one
mode of world, in contrast to the world of
fellows and the world around (May 1958).
« 49 » his leaves the term “phenomenal world” as the better alternative of the
suggested translations of Umwelt, and one
that corresponds well with Peircean semiotics and its Kantian roots.
« 50 » Probably due to the diiculty of
translating Umwelt, some advocate maintaining the German term Umwelt as a technical term in English, in the philosophical
meaning of “phenomenal world” (Sutrop
2001). his usage of Umwelt is well-established in the scholarly community of
biosemiotics, and it has also been used in
psychology as “the technical term for the
subjectively meaningful surroundings of an
individual group” (Graumann 1983: 647).
But outside these communities, this use of
Umwelt in English is, in our experience,
prone to lack of understanding, misunderstanding, and confusion with the current
usage of Umwelt in German. Moreover, the
term Umwelt is also used in other meanings
than the von Uexküllian in English (Sutrop
« 51 » Uexküll himself experienced
similar problems in describing the relations
between an animal and its Aussenwelt (external world), He distinguished between
Umwelt and three other concepts (Sutrop
2001: 453): Umgebung (surroundings) is the
area in nature where an animal can be ob-
vol. 8, N°1
served; Wohnwelt (environment) is the sum
of ecological factors that enables an animal
to live in its Umgebung; Umwelt means that
every animal has its own world with only
such objects that are signiicant for that
animal; Milieu refers to the external world
in the sense that living subjects are formed
by the world they live in. “Unfortunately,
Uexküll writes, Umwelt is oten used for
Umgebung, Wohnwelt, and milieu as well”
(Sutrop 2001: 453).
« 52 » Directly following the usage of
von Uexküll, we could still use his concepts
in German (and Danish), Umwelt (omverden) and Umgebung (omgivelser). he
problem with that is that, at least in German,
the term Umwelt is today used generally in
connections with environmental problems,
etc., whereas the more philosophical phenomenological understanding of the term
in the tradition of von Uexküll is obsolete,
according to Sutrop (2001) (but note Luhmann’s use of Umwelt). In Danish, the general term used in connection with environmental problems is “miljø,” corresponding
to the french “milieu,” and “omverden” is
used von Uexküll’s sense, but also in other
« 53 » In
English, following von
Uexküll’s German terms Umwelt and
Umgebung, we could be tempted to use the
common words “environment” and “surroundings” for these two concepts, bearing in mind that they are not used in their
common, rather vague meaning, but in the
more precise meaning indicated above. he
strength of these everyday words is that they
are understood by all; the weakness that
they will oten not be understood with the
meaning intended.
« 54 » Moreover, as we have seen above,
this usage of environment is exactly opposite
that of Maturana & Varela, where “environment” is used in roughly the sense of Umgebung, and “world” in the sense of Umwelt.
« 55 » Luhmann only uses only one
term, Umwelt (which is consistently translated as environment), to indicate either the
system’s own distinction of itself from its
environment or an outside observer’s distinction of the system from its environment
(Krause 2005: 250).
« 56 » Summing up, we will, for sake
of clarity, use the slightly cumbersome
term phenomenal world in the sense of von
Uexküll’s Umwelt and the term surrounding
world in the sense of Umgebung in the remainder of the paper. hese terms have the
beneit of being generally understandable
and not as prone to misunderstanding as the
common term “environment.”
3.3. Point of view
on the environment
« 57 » Having looked at the diferences
in terms of their ield of observation and the
terms used to describe the environment, we
will now go into some deeper diferences
related to how they construe their perspectives on environment in terms of the point
of view, or observational position, from
where the environment is observed.
« 58 » he constructivist postulate is that
“the environment as we perceive it is our invention” (Foerster 2003: 212). As we have
seen above, Maturana & Varela very clearly
distinguish between the phenomenal world,
the environment for the living system,5 and
the environment of the living system as it appears to an observer. hey consider the shiting between inside and outside perspectives
a cornerstone of biology and the awareness
of these shits a key to understanding the nature of the relationship between autopoietic
autonomous unities and their environment
(Varela 1991: 85). Von Uexküll also worked
with the system of signs of the human observer in opposition to the system of signs
of the organism under observation (Uexküll
t. 1992).
« 59 » We consider this distinction between inside and outside perspectives to be
a basic premise of perspectivism (Alrøe &
Noe 2011; Alrøe 2000). A similar distinction
has been widely used in anthropology and
other ields (where the distinction is pivotal to adequate understanding) under the
somewhat odd names “emic” (inside) and
“etic” (outside) viewpoints, from the linguistic distinction between phonemic and
phonetic (Headland et al. 1990).
« 60 » Luhmann also very clearly operates with a perspectivist approach (though
he does not call it that), laying out premises of observation of observation following
Maturana & Varela and von Foerster’s (1980,
5 | of course ticks and other animals do not
speak of their world, so the inside perspective of
animals is that envisaged by an observer.
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
2003) second-order cybernetics. In a striking formulation, he says that “… a system
can only see what it can see. It cannot see
what it cannot. Moreover, it cannot see that
it cannot see this” (Luhmann 1989: 23).
« 61 » He describes the environment as
a horizon, as the system-internal correlate
of all references that extend beyond the system, and that can be pushed back by system
operations. As an internal premise, the system’s environment has no boundaries nor
needs any:
he horizon always recedes when it is approached, but only in accordance with the system’s
own operations. It can never be pushed through
or transcended, because it is not a boundary.
(Luhmann 1989: 22)
« 62 » But when the system is observed
by another system, this observing system
can also observe the constraints that the
observed system enforces on itself through
its own mode of operation. It can observe
the horizons of the observed system so that
what they exclude becomes evident. Following Maturana, Luhmann calls this “secondorder observation.” his clariies the mode
of operation of the system/environmentrelations in a kind of “second-order cybernetics”:
second-order cybernetics seems to
“be Atthepresent,
place where the problems of the foundations of logic and epistemology can, at least, be
handled if not ‘solved’. (Luhmann 1989: 23)
« 63 » However, as we noted above,
Luhmann uses one and the same term,
Umwelt/environment, for both inside and
outside perspectives on environment. of
course, any “outside perspective” by an observer of the system is also an inside perspective for that observer. But still, if we do
not distinguish between the environment
seen from within and the environment as
seen from some other perspective, we have
a meaningful diference that we are not able
to communicate. Luhmann was also, or became, aware of this need, perhaps through
reading von Uexküll. At least he refers to
von Uexküll (1928, 1934), and mentions that
in biology he showed an early awareness of
the fact that the environment of an animal
is not that which we would describe as its
surroundings or milieu, and that we can see
more (or perhaps fewer) and other things
than those an animal can perceive and process:
also means that one deals with a difer“enthis
environment depending on whether one has
in mind an environment as deined by a system
– that is, the external reference of a particular
system – or whether one assumes the existence of
an external observer whose environment includes
the system as well as its environment. It is entirely
possible that the external observer can see many
more and quite diferent things that are not necessarily accessible to the system itself… Hence,
two concepts of environment must be distinguished. (Luhmann 2006: 50–51)
« 64 » However, Luhmann never attached diferent terms to those two concepts
of environment.6 Maybe the reason for this
is that since Luhmann deals strictly with
communicative systems, he does not face
the strong dual context of living systems,
whereas the biologist constantly switches
between the (outside) perspective of physico-chemical principles and properties and
the (inside) perspective of interpretation
and signiicance. In any case, compared to
von Uexküll and Maturana & Varela, this
seems to lead to some lack of clarity in Luhmann’s use of the term “environment.”
« 65 » We follow Maturana & Varela in
making a clear distinction between the environment seen from within and without, and
maintain that this is a key point in any explicit constructivist and perspectivist theory.
« 66 » Lack of clarity on this distinction
leads to contradictions. According to von
Uexküll, the complexity of the environment
(Umwelt in the sense of phenomenological
world) is conditioned on the complexity of
the system – more complex organisms have
more complex environments and the environment is always less complex than the
system. Luhmann, on the other hand, oten
states that the environment is always more
6 | he quote above is from a lecture held in
1991. In his large, later book on society we can
ind no indication that Luhmann followed his
own call to distinguish between the environment
as deined by the system itself and the environment of the system for an external observer (e.g.,
1997: 60f, 128f, 1025).
complex than the system (e.g., Luhmann
1995: 182, Krause 2005: 10).
« 67 » He argues that society is composed merely of communications and that
the highly complex arrangement of individual macromolecules, individual cells,
individual nervous systems, and individual
psychic systems belongs to its environment.
No society can bring about the “requisite variety” or corresponding degree of complexity for such an environment:
complex its linguistic possibilities
however subtle the structure of its themes,
society can never make possible communication
about everything that occurs in its environment
on all levels of system formation for all systems.
(Luhmann 1995: 182)
« 68 » Here Luhmann is clearly using
“environment” in the sense of “surrounding
world” from the perspective of an outside
observer, or maybe even an ideal outside
observer, from where the world outside the
system is obviously much more complex
than the system. From an outside perspective the development of the complexity of
the system can be discussed in relation to
the complexity of the environment, and it is
possible to speak of the system’s indiference
to its environment (or ignorance of the environment).
« 69 » As Luhmann states, a perspective
cannot see what is beyond its observational horizon, and even though we can try to
observe this horizon and what is beyond it
from many other perspectives, we can never
fully capture “the whole world.” We believe
that a basic implication of the fundamental
observer-dependency of constructivism is
that we need to be able to talk about that
which we refer to beyond the observational
horizons from any given perspective. Following the perspectivist tradition from
Kant and the development into semiotics in
Charles S. Peirce, we therefore add yet another perspective to the inside and outside
perspectives, namely a transcendental perspective.7
7 | We agree with Nöth (2011) that while
Peircean semiotics cannot be considered a precursor of constructivism as such, it is concerned
with some of the same key questions as (radical)
constructivism and provides a framework that
Concepts of
Phenomenal world
or Umwelt
inside or first- order (emic)
Von Uexküll
Maturana & Varela
Niche or adaptive
Maturana (1988)
“External reality”
“The whole world”
Die Welt
environment or
environment of the system
outside or second-order (etic)
world or
environment for the system
Die Welt
or Die Realität
phenomena or immanent
noumena or
transcendent objects
immediate objects
dynamical objects
Welt an sich
Table 1: Concepts of environment from diferent points of view, showing the terms used by von Uexküll, Maturana & Varela, and Luhmann,
and placing the concepts of Kant and Peirce in relation to them. Note: The terms used by Uexküll have not been translated here because
there are so many alternative translations. However, the column headings can be considered translations of Uexküll’s terms.
« 70 » According to Kant and Peirce, the
phenomena or immediate objects that we
experience refer to something beyond the
horizon of the phenomenal world, to what
Kant calls noumena or transcendent objects,
the thing in itself, and Peirce calls dynamical
or “really eicient” objects (Palmquist 1993:
App. VIII, Alrøe & Noe 2011, Nöth 2011).8
We have to distinguish the Immediate object,
is the object as the Sign itself represents it,
and whose Being is thus dependent upon the Representation of it in the Sign, from the Dynamical
object, which is the Reality which by some means
contrives to determine the Sign to its Representation. (Peirce CP 4.536)
« 71 » Phenomena are immediately accessible to us, whereas dynamical objects can
only be referred to. A consequence of this is
the basic insight that in any irst order perspective, we only have access to the environment in the form of our phenomenal world.
In none of the three theories have we found
concepts corresponding to these more advanced, we believe, constructivist and percan advance constructivist and perspectivist approaches.
8 | See Ransdell (2007) for an account of
the diference between Kant’s thing in itself and
Peirce’s dynamical object.
vol. 8, N°1
spectivist concepts for the relation between
the multitude of phenomenal worlds and the
idea of a shared world. But as Brier (1999)
notes, both von Foerster’s and von Uexküll’s
theories still retain the idea of one Universe,
the independent something that everything
was evolved from, and Maturana and Varela
(1980: 11) also work with a shared evolution
on earth as a basic precondition.
« 72 » In a constructivist understanding, there is of course no “objective world”
and no “god’s eye view” from where to see
“the world as it really is” or “the whole
world.” “he world” is the blind spot of all
observation, according to Luhmann – that
which one must presuppose in all observation. Instead of a real outer world, “reality” is a resistance in cognition. “Reality is
that which you don’t see, when you see it”
(Krause 2005: 213; own translation).9 In a
more constructive sense, the world is a limit
case, like the concept of truth in Peirce’s philosophy, where truth is an ideal concept for
that which we will eventually reach through
continued inquiry.
« 73 » In table 1, the three types of perspectives, inside, outside, and transcendental, are used to provide a basic structure for
the diferent terms for environment that we
9 | “Die Realität ist das, was man nicht erkennt, wenn man sie erkent.”
have discussed above. he column headings
in the table are the terms that we have chosen to use here for the diferent concepts of
environment connected to the three types
of perspectives. Below are the terms used
for these concepts of environment used in
the three diferent theories that have been
treated above. Furthermore, the concepts of
Kant and Peirce have been added to make
clear how we see the connections between
the concepts.
4. The observation
of environments
4.1. Observation as distinction
or representation
« 74 » Having looked at diferent points
of view or observational positions on the
environment in relation to the three theories, we now turn to the deeper diferences
in how they observe the environment. As
we will show here, there are two very diferent logics of observation involved, which we
characterize as distinction and representation.
« 75 » Luhmann takes a genuinely radical constructivist approach to cognition:
cognition is only possible because it has no
access to realities outside itself – because it
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
is operationally closed – and the premise of
a common world is replaced with a theory
of observation of observing systems (Luhmann 1998: 164f). In his theory of social
systems, the system is deined as the diference between system and environment, and
observation is basically an act of distinction
(Luhmann 1995: 36, 1998: 167f).10 Based
on the logic of distinction developed by
George Spencer-Brown (2009) in his Laws
of form, he formulates a general conception
of observation as indication by means of
distinction: “observation is the unity of the
diference between distinction and indication” (Krause 2005: 88, own translation)11.
In this he builds on the biological autopoiesis theory, which also operates with Spencer-Brown’s logic of distinction (Maturana
& Varela 1998: 40), as elaborated in particular by Varela (1979).
« 76 » Von Uexküll is less explicit about
the kind of logic behind his Bedeutungslehre. However, his theory can be classiied as
“general semiotics” (Uexküll t. 1992). In the
ield of biosemiotics he is considered one of
the founders and ongoing sources of inspiration along with Charles S. Peirce (Hofmeyer 1996; Emmeche 2001).
« 77 » Von Uexküll devoted himself to
two tasks, how the representation of an “objective” external world can be derived from a
subjective universe, and how animals act as
sign receivers (Uexküll t. 1992):
constructing our world the sensations of
mind become the properties of things, or, as
one can also put it, the subjective qualities form
the objective world. Replacing sensation or subjective quality with perceptual sign, one can say
that the perceptual signs of our attention turn
into perceptual cues of the world.
1973: 102; translation from hure von Uexküll
1992: 292–293)
10 | Luhmann has stated that if he were to
deine an undeniable core in systems theory without which the whole system would disintegrate, it
would consist of his thoughts on and sociological
application of Spencer-Brown’s calculus of form
and theory about observation as operation (Andersen 2003).
11 | “Beobachtung is die Einheit der Diferenz von Unterscheidung und Bezeichnung.”
« 78 » Von Uexküll here makes a distinction between perceptual sign (Merkzeichen)
and “perceptual cue” or “characteristic feature” (Merkmal), where each perceptual
cue is a perceptual sign that is “transposed
to the outside.” In other words, whereas the
perceptual sign is received as an ego-quality of a sensory cell within the subject, the
perceptual cue lies outside in the space of
the external world (Uexküll t. 1992). he
expression “transposed to the outside” thus
forms the same function as Peirce’s idea that
the immediate objects within the sign refer
to dynamical or really eicient objects outside the sign.
« 79 » In this light, we can identify the
basic logic in von Uexküll’s work as a logic of
representation similar to Peirce’s semiotics.
he system, the organism, is characterised
in terms of meaning, and observation is basically an act of representation.12
« 80 » his diference between the logic
of distinction and the logic of representation goes deep, and it goes across the difference between the ields of biology and
sociology. Based on a perspectivist view, the
approach to such diferences between perspectives is to clarify how the perspectives
are diferent, what consequences the diferences have for the observations made, and
how the perspectives can possible be used
in a coordinated way (Alrøe & Noe 2011).
Among those who have noted this marked
diference (though we have not seen it characterised as a diference of logic), are for instance tom Ziemke & Nöel Sharkey (2001:
734), who write that a common criticism of
Maturana & Varela’s theory of autopoiesis
is its disregard for such concepts as representation and information.13 herefore, they
12 | Note that the Peircean notion of representation is very complex, general, and dynamic,
and cannot be equated with the simplistic AI idea
of representation as a direct mapping between internal symbols and external objects (Nöth 1997).
he ‘anti-representationalist’ views of cognition
(e.g., Varela 1991) are thus directed against a restricted and simplistic view of ‘representation’ and
not the semiotic and triadic model of representation (Emmeche 2001).
13 | hey do note, however, that Varela et,
hompson & Rosch (1991) formulation of an enactive cognitive science is to a large extent compatible with an interactive view of representation.
conclude, many cognitive scientists, and
certainly many researchers in semiotics, will
probably prefer the theoretical framework
of Uexküll, whose theories emphasize the
central role of sign processes in all aspects
of life.
« 81 » Along the same lines, Brier
writes that even though the epistemological theory of Maturana & Varela is a kind
of constructivism, it is based on phenomenological mechanicism and not a theory
of how signiication is created: “Cybernetic
and autopoietic theories fail to elucidate the
phenomenological reality of perception and
cognition – especially that of animals” (Brier
2008: 326).
« 82 » By building on the very general
concept of observation deined as indication by means of a distinction, Luhmann’s
theory is conined to a form of binary logic.14 In contrast, the (bio-)semiotic concept
of observation from Peirce and von Uexküll
(1982) is based on a richer conception of
meaning and reference (where “indication”
is just one of three basic types of sign: icons,
indexes, and symbols15) and the genuinely
triadic form of representation as the relation of sign, object, and interpretant, which
cannot be reduced to binary logic (Peirce CP
« 83 » Luhmann (2006) himself acknowledged the diference between the
binary form of distinction and the triadic
semiotics of Peirce. He suggested that semiotics could be “redrawn” in the form of
distinction, where the sign is the diference
between signiier and signiied (Luhmann
2006: 45). We think (in line with Brier 2001)
that this is not at all suicient to replace the
conceptually much richer Peircean conception of observation as representation. First
of all it misses out the key concept of the
interpretant, and second it does not capture
the distinction between immediate and dynamical objects.
« 84 » on the other hand, one of the
strengths of observation as distinction is the
14 | Spencer-Brown himself showed that his
“calculus of indications” was equivalent to Boolean algebra (Spencer-Brown 2009: 90f).
15 | Roughly, an index works by pointing at
its object, an icon by resembling its object, and a
symbol by way of a purely conventional rule or
awareness of conditions for observation and
unavoidable blind spots. he observer sees
what she sees and does not see that she cannot see that which she cannot see. In other
words, the distinction between observer and
observed deines the blind spot of observation. All distinctions carry with them their
own blind spot, since an indication always
occurs within the scope of a distinction,
which hence determines the observation
(e.g., Andersen 2003). Luhmann is very
aware of the need for a relexive approach to
observation, and the “blind spot” of observation is one of his key concepts.
« 85 » he two logics are incompatible:
they exclude each other in the sense that
they cannot be used in the same observation. on the other hand, observation as
distinction shows things that observation as
representation cannot, and vice versa. his
means that the two are complementary in
Niels Bohr’s sense: they exclude each other
from being applied at the same time, but
only their conjunction gives the full understanding of the phenomena.
« 87 » Although Luhmann uses biological autopoiesis theory as a main point of
departure for his general systems theory, he
does not adopt the conception of cognition
originally connected with the theory (Alrøe
2000). Maturana & Varela (1998: 44–45)
characterise cognition as efective action, an
action that allows a living being to sustain
its existence in a certain environment as it
reproduces its world – no more, no less.
« 88 » In the biosemiotic tradition following von Uexküll, there is also a close connection between representation and interaction (Alrøe & Noe 2011). his is strongly
expressed in his conception of the Umwelt
as consisting of both Merkwelt and Wirkwelt (Uexküll 1992).
« 89 » In contrast to Maturana & Varela,
Luhmann does not have a connection between cognition and action. For him, social
systems are strictly communicative systems,
and autopoiesis and cognition is the same
kind of process.
4.2. Observation and interaction
of self-description and self-observation that use
the system/environment diference within the
system cannot be separated. (Luhmann 1995:
« 86 » An important consequence of
Luhmann’s deinition of observation as distinction is that in this very abstract and general conception of observation there is no
space for interaction.
can only inluence observations,
only transform distinctions into other distinctions, can, in other words, only process information; but not touch things in the environment
– with the important, but very small exception of
all that which involves structural couplings. Also
for observing systems, there is on the level of their
operations no contact with the environment.
(Luhmann 1997: 92; translation by the authors)16
16 | “Beobachtungen können nur auf Beobachtungen einwirken, können nur Unterscheidungen in andere Unterscheidungen transformieren, können, mit anderen worten, nur
Information verarbeiten; aber nicht Dinge der
Umwelt berühren – mit der wichtigen, aber sehr
schmalen Ausnahme all dessen, was über strukturelle Kopplungen involviert ist. Auch für beobachtende Systeme gibt es auf der Ebene ihres
operierens keinen Umweltkontakt.“ (Emphasis in
original quote.)
vol. 8, N°1
consequence, at least for social systems, is
reproduction and the operations
« 90 » here is only one kind of operation: communication based on observations
as distinctions. he problem with Luhmann’s radical abstraction is that it does not
support the important aspects of our lives
that are based on the connection between
cognition and action, or between representation and interaction, such as learning and
the tendency in cognitive science to abstrac“tion,…i.e.,
for factoring out situated perception and
motor skills, misses the essence of cognitive intelligence which resides only in its embodiment.
(Varela 1991: 96)
« 91 » Much communication is closely
connected to a practice and a practical
function in society (trade, punishment,
consumption, construction, production,
transport, sport, war, health, sex, food, science, etc.). If society is a social system and
social systems are only communicative, then
society has no body. his goes against the
insight from Maturana & Varela and others
that cognition is embodied. And if society
has no body, it does not have a (non-communicative) environment either, consisting
of ecosystems, climate, etc., which are key
elements in today’s wicked environmental
« 92 » As we have shown, meaning is a
key concept in von Uexküll, and representation entails meaning or signiicance for the
action… that consists of percep“tion…every
and operation imprints its meaning on the
meaningless object and thereby makes it into a
subject-related meaning-carrier in the respective
Umwelt. (Uexküll 1982: 31)
« 93 » he concept of meaning is very
diferent in Luhmann. According to Brier
(2001: 799), Luhmann does not really work
with signiication, since he, like Maturana
& Varela, assumes meaning as granted. He
does not work with a theoretical foundation
of meaning from a phenomenological point
of view other than that it is a surplus of interpretive possibilities and that he wants
to leave behind all idea of a transcendental
subject. herefore Luhmann misses an important point in Uexküll’s work and phenomenological theory, and he fails to see
how important the biological level is for a
theory of meaning.
« 94 » For Luhmann, meaning is the
unity of the diference between the actual
and the possible. In a “phenomenological
description,” he says that “meaning equips
an actual experience or action with redundant possibilities.” (Luhmann 1995: 60).
He also says (somewhat vaguely!) that “it is
better to avoid references to anything speciic, since they always exclude something,
and to introduce the concept of meaning as
a concept ‘devoid of diference’ and intending itself along with” (Luhmann 1995: 59f),
in the sense that: “meaning always refers to
meaning and never reaches out of itself for
something else” (Luhmann 1995: 62).
« 95 » In his article Meaning as sociology’s basic concept, he states that “Meaning
… overtaxes the potential of actual experience by including and presenting what is not
directly experienced.” (Luhmann 1990: 30).
But this occurs only within an individual life
of consciousness. Here the contents that are
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
actualized in perception or thought change
ceaselessly from moment to moment, and
meaning functions as a selection rule to
select from other possibilities, and not – or
only secondarily – as an actual content appearing in consciousness. In his little article
Complexity and meaning, he further argues
that “meaning is nothing but a way to experience and to handle enforced selectivity”
(Luhmann 1990: 82).
« 96 » Luhmann says little about experiential learning, except on a rather abstract
level: for example, “expectations that are
willing to learn are stylized as cognitions.
one is ready to change them if reality reveals other, unanticipated aspects” (Luhmann 1995: 320). But he does not describe
how reality reveals. However, the concept of
expectation (or habit, in Peirce’s terms – belief is a habit of action) is important in understanding the diferences in how learning
and adaptation are perceived in the diferent
« 97 » Luhmann considers science as a
functional subsystem (among other subsystems) of a diferentiated society. He states
that the code of scientiic truth and falsity
is directed speciically toward a communicative processing of experience, i.e., of selections that are not attributed to the communicators themselves (Luhmann 1989:
77–78). However, this seems only to capture
the communicational aspect of science that
has to do with peer criticism – the cognitive
aspect of science as experiential learning is
let out (cf. Alrøe 2000).
« 98 » We believe that the notion of embodied learning is a key concept in understanding the relation between system and
environment, both in science and in a more
general context:17
Within this emerging framework, learning is
and acted out as an organic, embodied process based on the ‘inseparability between
a particular way of being and the way the world
appears to us,’ so that ‘every act of knowing brings
forth a world’. (Horn & Wilburn 2005: 747, referring to Maturana & Varela 1998: 26)
17 | More generally, adaptation can be seen
as a form of learning in the sense of Gregory Bateson’s logical types (or levels) of learning (Bateson,
1972: 279–308).
4.3. Observing complex
« 99 » In the previous section we highlighted some strengths and weaknesses of
Luhmann’s theory compared to Maturana &
Varela and von Uexküll. Now we return to
our starting point, the prospects for applying
diferent constructivist theories to the wickedness of complex environmental problems.
From our point of view, the strictly communicational structure of Luhmann’s social
systems theory and the logic of observation
as distinction is a key weakness when observing complex environments. For instance, it
seems to us that it counteracts the budding
acknowledgement in economics that there
is a need for alternatives to the dominating
neo-classical economics, such as ecological
economics, which set ecological boundaries
to social and economic systems, and which
in this way treat human societies more like
organisms that depend on their environment.
« 100 » In this section we will, however,
briely underline some of the particular
strengths that social systems theory brings
to the bouquet of constructivist theories
when it comes to addressing complex environmental problems, and illustrate this
with some concrete examples from our own
« 101 » First of all, Luhmann treats social
systems (including the systems of science) in
a way that the two other theories are not capable of. And we do need theories of social
systems to observe and handle the relations
between complex systems and their complex environments – theories that are able to
handle aspects such as self-reference, autopoiesis, and operational closure.
« 102 » In our own work, we have used
Luhmann’s theory in connection with complementary semiotic theories to observe
and analyse the relation between systems
and their environment for heterogeneous
systems such as farming systems, which are
technological and biological but also social
systems (e.g., Noe & Alrøe 2006, 2012).
he semiotic theories (Peirce, biosemiotics, actor-network theory) are strong in
their ability to handle the heterogeneity of
such systems, but lack the strong concepts
of self-organization and operational closure
that Luhmann’s theory ofers to handle these
aspects, which are evidently there in our empirical investigations.
« 103 » Secondly, Luhmann (1989: 15f)
uses the concept of resonance to explain the
basic condition for there being (autonomous) systems that would not exist as systems if they did not screen themselves of
from environmental inluences. hey resonate with the environment only on the basis
of their own frequencies (with an analogy
from physics), and they only produce very
selective interconnections in the form of
couplings. Resonance with the environment
is not something to be expected; on the contrary, it is improbable according to systems
the evolutionary point of view one can
say that sociocultural evolution is based on
the premise that society does not have to react to
its environment and that it would not have taken
us where it has if it had proceeded diferently.
Luhmann (1989: 16)
« 104 » he concept of resonance assumes second-order cybernetics; it presupposes a reality that triggers no resonance at
all within the system, and shows the inherent constraints on any observational efort
(Luhmann 1989: 25). he observed system
constructs the reality of its world through a
recursive calculation of its calculations, and
since this is the case on the level of living,
neurophysiological, and conscious systems,
Luhmann argues, it cannot be diferent for
social systems either. It can draw no other
conclusion than that this applies to its own
observation too, but at the same time it can
still see that what cannot be seen cannot be
« 105 » In our own work, this is a key
insight into the nature of communication
in the social systems of food and science,
which we have to deal with when making
complex assessments of the efects of food
systems on their environment,18 and which
forms an important basis for the development of a genuinely perspectivist methodology (e.g., Alrøe & Noe 2011).
« 106 » hird, there is the extensive theory of diferentiation in social systems theory,
18 | Reduction of complexity in the communication of assessments of efects of food systems
on their environment, for instance through trust
and visualisation, is one of three key challenges
for the Multitrust project.
which seems pivotal in addressing complex
environmental problems:
…complex systems like societies are diferen“tiated
into subsystems that treat other social domains as their (socially internal) environment,
i.e., diferentiate themselves within the society, for
example, as a legally ordered political system that
can treat the economy, science, etc. as environment and thereby relieve itself of direct political
responsibility for their operations. his diferentiation theorem has far-reaching consequences.
(Luhmann 1989: 19)
« 107 » It is just as suggestive as it is misleading to assume that “the” system reacts
to “the” environment, even if this is only to
“its” own idea of “the” environment, as Luhmann puts it. he idea of “the” environment
of society is suddenly obviously dubious.
« 108 » In our work, we have used the
theory of functional diferentiation and
structural couplings to analyse how decoupling due to the increasing diferentiation of
agriculture and food networks creates problems of sustainability, and as a new approach
to look at sustainability solutions by way of
recoupling and new forms of coupling (e.g.,
Noe & Alrøe 2012).
« 109 » Fourth, and equally important, is
the notion of second-order observation applied to the social and scientiic perspectives
that are applied to solve complex problems.
to analyse the problem of the exposure to
ecological dangers with the necessary exactness, second-order cybernetics must be
taken as the starting-point. In contrast to a
naive faith in science, second-order observation together with its theoretical apparatus is not “objectively better” knowledge but
only a diferent knowledge that takes itself
for better (Luhmann 1989: 25).
« 110 » If the starting-point was an “objectively” given reality that was still full of
surprises and unknown qualities then the
only issue would be to improve science so
that it could know the reality better. But
there are many diferent systems in society,
and since any “objective” approach would
by deinition be a singular perspective, the
relations of the other systems to their environment would not be grasped suiciently.
Even science with its “better knowledge”
oten inds no resonance within society, because its “better” knowledge has no value
vol. 8, N°1
in the environment of other systems or is at
best a scientiic theory for them (Luhmann
1989: 26).
« 111 » Any irst-order observation of
the environment is not in a position to grasp
the problem of environmental sustainability:
We have to choose a second-order cybernetics
“as the
point of departure. We have to see that what
cannot be seen cannot be seen. only then can we
discover why it is so diicult for our society to react to the exposure to ecological dangers despite,
and even because of, its numerous function systems. (Luhmann 1989: 26)
« 112 » Here Luhmann succinctly sums
up the problem of observing complex environments and addressing complex environmental problems. he problem is paradoxical in the sense that any attempt to solve the
problem with “doing things better,” such as
better science, better implementation, better
communication, better decision processes,
better access for stakeholder groups, etc.,
will fail or will even deepen the problem.
his is because these solutions do not take
into account the diferentiation of observing
systems in society, and the ensuing diferentiation of the environments of observing
systems. he problem is the acquisition of a
diferent kind of insight:
In many ways modern society has opened up
possibilities for observing and describing how its
systems operate and under what conditions they
observe their environment. he only drawback is
that this observing of observing is not disciplined
enough by self-observation. It appears as better knowledge. But in reality it is only a particular kind of observing of its own environment.
(Luhmann 1989: 26–27)
« 113 » From our viewpoint, the problem Luhmann points out here is the lack of
an adequate perspectivism (cf Alrøe & Noe
2011). We have applied this insight in some
concrete examples of research methodology and policy by way of suggesting separate second-order observation processes (in
the form of “polyocular communication”)
as necessary elements in inter- and transdisciplinary research on multifunctional
agriculture and organic agriculture (Noe et
al. 2008, Alrøe & Noe 2008). At present, we
are striving to implement these insights in
the form of multiperspectival methods in
the transdisciplinary projects Multitrust19 –
which will analyse and develop methods for
multicriteria assessment of the efects of organic food systems – and HealthyGrowth20
– which will make transnational analyses of
successful mid-scale organic value chains in
order to learn how they are able to combine
volume and values.
« 114 » Communicating across specialised perspectives requires much dedication and relexiveness, and, as Luhmann
emphasises, such cross-perspectival work
requires a certain modesty to avoid that
some perspectives dominate others and
mould them in their own image. In the
words of Cilliers (2005):
view from complexity argues for the neces“sityheof modest
positions. In order to open up the
possibility of a better future we need to resist the
arrogance of certainty and self-suicient knowledge.
« 115 » he conception that every observation has a blind spot and that every
perspective cannot see beyond its own horizon seems a particularly good starting point
for accepting a modest approach.
« 116 » In this article we have discussed
three diferent constructivist theories and
their understanding of the relation between
system and environment, with the dual purpose of developing a constructivist and perspectivist conception of environment and
to help confront “wicked” complex environmental problems through constructivist
systems approaches.
« 117 » he irst step was to clarify the
sense in which diferent terms for “the environment” were used, and how they relate to
19 | Multitrust runs 2011–2013 as part of the
organic RDD programme, which is coordinated
by ICRoFS and funded by the Danish Ministry of
food (see
20 | HealthyGrowth will run 2013–2015
as part of Core organic II, which is an ERANEt funded by the European Commission’s 7th
Framework Programme.
Observing Environments Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
inside and outside perspectives on environments, here labelled as “phenomenal worlds”
and “surrounding worlds.” he second step
was to dig deeper and identify the diferent logics connected to their conceptions of
observation, upon which the theories – being constructivist theories – are founded.
We identiied two very diferent logics: the
logic of distinction (Spencer-Brown’s Laws
of Form) and the logic of representation
(Peircean semiotics). hese two logics are
complementary in Niels Bohr’s sense; that
is, they exclude each other from being applied at the same time, but their conjunction
gives a fuller understanding of what is being
« 118 » Complex environmental problems are inherently multiperspectival, and
we need theories for how to handle the many
diferent perspectives on “the environment”
and environmental sustainability. Constructivist theories are pivotal here, both because
constructivism is the route to an adequate
perspectivism that can handle multiple and
complementary perspectives, and because
is currently Associate Professor in philosophy of science and ethics at the Department of Agroecology,
Aarhus University, Denmark. He has an MSc in horticultural science and a PhD in philosophy of
science and ethics from Copenhagen University. His research interests are in the sustainability of
food, agriculture, and environment, focusing on the philosophy and methods of cross-disciplinary
research, the role of values in science, and ethics in relation to responsibility, systems, and
environment. Recently, he has worked on the development of a perspectivist approach to crossdisciplinary research based on autopoietic systems theory and semiotics. Hugo Alrøe has been
involved in a range of Danish and European research projects. At present he is project leader of the
transdisciplinary research project “Multicriteria assessment and communication of effects of organic
food systems” (MultiTrust) funded by the Danish Ministry of Food. Homepage:
has an MSc in agronomy and a PhD in rural sociology. Since 2004 he has been employed as Associate
Professor at the Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University. In recent years, his research has been in
the areas of rural entrepreneurship, organic marketing, and multifunctional farming, with special focus
on the importance of networks and network building. He is strongly engaged in the methodological
and philosophical development of approaches to organizing multidisciplinary research. Egon Noe has
been involved in a range of Danish and European research projects. At present he is the coordinator of
the transnational and cross-disciplinary project “Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity
and trust” (HealthyGrowth), funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.
the diferent varieties of what can broadly
be called environmental research, can be
sharpened by constructivist theories. However, as we have seen, there are not one but
several diferent, and in some ways incompatible, constructivist approaches to the environment.
« 119 » Luhmann’s theory of social systems is in many ways an eye-opening theory.
It highlights crucial points for the sciences
of complex systems and complex problems,
such as sustainable food production and
climate change mitigation, where society,
social systems, and communication play
decisive roles. Especially, his strong constructivist elaboration of observation of observation and the blind spots of observation
can help overcome blind faith in “objective
knowledge,” and support the development
of perspectivist approaches based on second-order observation. Perspectivism is as
much realism as we can get.
« 120 » In order to be able to utilize the
strength of Luhmann’s very elaborate and
stringent theory more widely, which we
highly recommend, we need to consider
carefully Luhmann’s own call for a modest
approach that is disciplined by self-observation. In particular, we need to consider the
blind spots that are created by the fundamental assumptions of strictly communicative social systems and the logic of distinction. only in this way can we ensure that
this comprehensive and promising theory
does not appear as “better knowledge” but
as a helpful perspective on the wicked environmental problems of society, to be used
in conjunction with perspectives based on
embodied learning, semiotics, and the logic
of representation.
his paper is funded in part by Multitrust,
a project under the organic RDD programme, Danish Ministry of Food.
received: 1 July 2012
Accepted: 2 october 2012
Open Peer Commentaries
on Hugo Alrøe & Egon Noe’s
“Observing Environments”
The Construction of Embodied
Agency: The Other Side of the
System–Environment Coin
Tom Ziemke
University of Skövde, Sweden
> Upshot • Complementary to Alrøe
and Noe’s discussion of constructivist notions of environment, world, etc.,
this commentary addresses the closelyrelated notion of agency in constructivist theories – in particular, the question
of what would be required for artiicial
agency – and identiies open questions and fundamental disagreements
among constructivist theorists.
« 1 » he target paper by Hugo Alrøe
and Egon Noe provides an insightful exposition and discussion of diferent constructivist theorists’ conception of the environment/world that systems/agents/subjects
interact with. he nature of the systems
that these theorists (Jakob von Uexküll,
Humberto Maturana & Francisco Varela,
and Niklas Luhmann) take as their unit of
analysis varies signiicantly – from cells to
organisms/animals to social systems – but
they nevertheless share a basic commitment to viewing autonomy or autopoiesis
as a key aspect of what constitutes such a
“system” – or the relevant type of system –
in the irst place.
« 2 » For research in cognitive robotics
or, more broadly, situated and embodied
artiicial intelligence (AI), which is concerned with the construction – in both the
vol. 8, N°1
literal and the conceptual sense – of robotic
systems that interact with and adapt to
their environments relatively independent
of human control, there is the additional
question of what exactly would constitute
an artiicial agent/subject. Constructivist
theories can make important contributions
to understanding the issues involved, but
the question can also, vice versa, be used
to identify important diferences between
diferent constructivist theories and thus
further the development of radical constructivism as such.
« 3 » he discussion in this commentary will focus on the theories of von
Uexküll, Maturana, and Varela. his is because they are more directly relevant to the
question of individual biological vs. robotic
embodied agency and better-explored in
this particular research context than Luhmann’s work. As Alrøe and Noe point out
in §§93–98, Luhmann does not address in
suicient detail the relevance of the biological level for a theory of meaning (§93)
and therefore does not have much to say
on the type of embodied learning/adaptation (§98) that is crucial to robotic systems’
knowledge construction in sensorimotor
interaction with the environment. on the
other hand, as discussed in much detail by
Kåhre (2009, 2010), Luhmann’s work is of
course highly relevant to understanding
the social and societal signiicance of AI
technology in a broader sense, including
Internet search engines such as Google.
« 4 » Notions of artiicial autonomous
agency in situated/embodied AI research
strongly emphasize sensorimotor interaction with the environment and independence from direct human control. Here are
two representative examples:
By autonomous agent, I mean any embodied
designed to satisfy internal or external
goals by its own actions while in continuous
long-term interaction with the environment in
which it is situated. he class of autonomous
agents is thus a fairly broad one, encompassing
at the very least all animals and autonomous robots. (Beer 1995)
An autonomous agent is a system situated
and a part of an environment that senses
that environment and acts on it, over time, in
pursuit of its own agenda and so as to efect what
it senses in the future. (Franklin & Graesser
« 5 » Such deinitions can of course be
questioned from a number of perspectives
(e.g., Sørensen & Ziemke 2007; Ziemke
2007a, 2007b, 2008). For example, one
might ask exactly what is meant by “own”
in “own actions” or “own agenda.” Constructivist theories should be able to help
clarify the issues involved.
« 6 » he works of von Uexküll, Maturana, and, in particular, Varela have had a
signiicant inluence on this type of AI research. For example, cognitive robotics and
artiicial life researchers have explicitly referred to von Uexküll, in particular his Umwelt concept (e.g., Uexküll 1973, 1957), in
their discussions of how a robot’s subjective
inner world necessarily depends on its sensors and efectors (e.g., Brooks 1986, 1991;
Prem 1997; Clark 1997; Ziemke 2001), i.e.,
its modes of interaction with the environment (for examples of concrete implementations see Macinnes & Di Paolo 2005;
Capdepuy, Polani & Nehaniv 2007). But the
inluence also goes the other way: Varela,
hompson & Rosch (1991), for example,
Open Peer Commentaries Tom Ziemke
used Rodney Brooks’s behavior-based robotics approach (e.g., Brooks 1986, 1991)
as an example/illustration of their enactive
conception of embodied cognition.
« 7 » he organismic roots of the sensorimotor interaction between agent and
environment, however, have been largely
ignored in cognitive robotics research
(cf. Ziemke 2008; Froese & Ziemke 2009;
Ziemke & Lowe 2009). From a technological perspective, this is, of course, hardly
surprising, given that practically all robots
have sensors and motors, while no robot
today is “living” (or autopoietic) in more
than a metaphorical sense. From the perspectives of radical constructivism and
embodied cognitive science (e.g., Ziemke,
Zlatev & Frank 2007), on the other hand,
the question is exactly how this lack of a
living body efects/constrains the embodied cognitive capacities of robotic systems.
« 8 » Highly relevant to this question
is what von Uexküll (1982) considered the
“principal diference between the construction of a mechanism and a living organism,”
namely the fact that “the organs of living
beings have an innate meaning quality, in
contrast to the parts of machine; therefore
they can only develop centrifugally.” hat
means, organisms grow “outwards,” i.e., the
parts grow from the whole, whereas machines (at least in von Uexküll’s days) are
constructed centripetally, i.e., the parts are
built irst and then the whole is constructed
from them. his (alleged) lack of “innate
meaning qualities” raises the question of to
what degree robots could be said to have
a subjective/phenomenal Umwelt (cf. Emmeche 2001; Ziemke & Sharkey 2001). Naturally, von Uexküll himself was not familiar
with modern computer and robotics technology. However, as we have discussed in
more detail elsewhere (Ziemke & Sharkey
2001), the fact remains that even today’s
robots are still composed (centripetally) of
mechanical parts, even if their adaptive –
and to some degree self-organizing – control programs could be viewed as capable
of some form of centrifugal development.
Current research on adaptive/growing materials as well as on robots with living core
components (such as a microbial metabolism, cf. Melhuish et al. 2006; Montebelli,
Lowe & Ziemke in press) is bound to further blur the distinctions between organ-
isms and machines that might have seemed
clear-cut in von Uexküll’s time.
« 9 » Alvaro Moreno, Arantza Etxeberria, and Jon Umerez characterize agential
autonomy as implying that the internal organization of the system causes interactions
with the environment and its monitoring
according to internal needs. hey therefore
make a crucial distinction “between constitutive processes, which produce the identity and largely delimit what the system is,
from interactive processes, which are not
only side efects of the constitutive, but crucial to maintain the identity of the system,
with the speciic function of controlling the
interaction with the environment” (Moreno, Etxeberria & Umerez 2008).
« 10 » While this view of the intertwined nature of constitutive and interactive processes seems to be much in line with
Maturana & Varela’s (1974, 1980) original
view of the central role of autopoietic organization in the constitution of cognition, it
is interesting to note, from the perspective
of radical constructivism, that Maturana’s
and Varela’s later interpretations actually
seem to difer substantially on this point.
Varela (1997) argues that the operational
closure of nervous systems brings forth a
speciic mode of coherence, i.e. a cognitive
identity that is embedded in the organism.
Hence, he also characterizes the relation
between constitutive and interactive processes as necessarily closely intertwined:
cognitive self is the manner in which
organism, through its own self-produced activity, becomes a distinct entity in space, but always coupled to its corresponding environment
from which it remains nevertheless distinct. A
distinct coherent self which, by the very same
process of constituting itself, conigures, an external world of perception and action. (Varela
1997: 83)
« 11 » Maturana (2004), on the other
hand, argues that “[l]iving systems, like all
systems, exist in two non-intersecting operational domains, the domain of the operation of their components (the domain
of their composition), and the domain of
their operation as totalities in the relational
space in which they exist as such”. He therefore argued that robots, despite their nonbiological constitution, could very well be
capable of self-consciousness if only they
were made to interact with their environment the right way (through language in
this case). He justiied this argument as follows:
doubt the manner of operating of a system
“as No
a totality arises from its internal structural
dynamics through the operation of their components, but the character of what it does as a
totality arises in its encounter with the medium
in which it exists as a totality. … he same happens with robots. A robot is a robot of one kind
or another according to how it arises in its operation as a totality in the relational space in which
it exists as such. (Maturana 2004: 76)
« 12 » to briely summarize: the fact
that the cognitive robots used in modern situated/embodied AI research adapt/
learn/self-organize (in a technical sense) in
and through interaction with their environments, raises a number of interesting questions regarding the role of the living body
in embodied cognition. his research is
also highly interesting from the perspective
of radical constructivism. his is because it
raises the question of to what degree, using the above terms of Moreno, Etxeberria
& Umerez (2008), the constitutive and interactive processes involved in agential autonomy can or cannot be decoupled. As the
necessarily brief discussion above seems to
indicate, it is far from clear to what degree
constructivist theorists agree on this point.
Tom Ziemke is Professor of Cognitive Science in the
School of Humanities & Informatics at the University
of Skövde, Sweden. His main research interest
is theories and computational/robotic models of
embodied cognition, i.e., the role the body plays
in cognitive processes, in social interactions, and
in interactions with different types of technology.
He is actively involved in a number of European
research projects in the area of cognitive systems
and robotics. Website: http://
Received: 22 october 2012
Accepted: 25 october 2012
Multiple Environments!?
Karl-Heinz Simon
University of Kassel
> Upshot • The following remarks elaborate on the basic concepts of observation
and environment. Some extensions are
suggested, mainly from the perspective
of Luhmann’s theory of social systems.
Especially, the concept of structural couplings is given more emphasis, not least
because of its relevance to the sustainability debate.
« 1 » he debate on the role of constructivist approaches is of crucial relevance in
clarifying beneits and diiculties and, especially, in the use of concepts such as “environment” and “observer” within such
approaches. of interest here is its contribution to epistemology, as well as that on the
fundaments of social systems theory. Hugo
Alrøe and Egon Noe’s article is informative
and helpful in separating several arguments
that are from diferent scholars and in diferent discourses.
« 2 » At the core of the article are two
central aspects to which some remarks could
be added:
1 | the signiicance of the discussion, whether it is about philosophical intention or
part of a sociological examination, and
2 | the use of the term “environment”, either
as a systems theory concept or as referring to ecological questions, including
physical or biological assertions. I am
going to formulate my remarks on this
mainly on the Luhmann part of the article.
« 3 » So, irstly, let me address the level
at which the argumentation is set. one important point is to do with the “subject” of
the observing system. he important step
taken by Niklas Luhmann was to change
the perspective from individual (biological
or social) agents to societal systems. hese
functional subsystems of not only society but
also organizations operate “beside” those numerous empirical subjects. herefore, a step
from individual cognitive actors (e.g. organisms, living systems) to sub-systems of society was pursued. Such a shit in perspective
has inluences on the concept of observation
vol. 8, N°1
and on the concept of “environment” as well.
Most of the phenomena Luhmann is interested in are on a second-order observation
level. Questions within such a perspective
are about the consequences that arise when
social systems organize observations within
a certain framework (e.g., that of “morality”
in Luhmann 2008). And it is an observer on
a second-order level, then, that could analyze these consequences. In those cases, the
interesting issues are the speciic problems
that arise because of the presence of other
observing systems with their own suggestions for solutions to problems as well as for
activities that hinder solutions. hat seems
to be the important step in a second-order
perspective: to see what others could not see,
and to analyze the restrictions found in such
a situation.
« 4 » here is a severe problem in interpreting Luhmann’s approaches. Before
and ater his “autopoietic turn” (somewhere
around 1980), he used concepts and terms
that are drawn from classical cybernetics
and seem to have ontological residues. Later
on, a irm reorientation to second-order cybernetics took place. However, his wording
did not always look very diferent. herefore, one has to be extremely careful when
relying on citations from Luhmann’s writings and has to consider explicitly the time
of the publication of the text.
« 5 » It might be helpful to introduce
another distinction: the distinction between
a scientiic observer and an observer without scientiic aspirations. In the latter case,
the usual mode is to use simpliications and
“acting ontologies”, mostly on a irst-order
observation level (Fuchs 2004 0.2.1). hat
seems to be exactly the level where communications about ecological crisis and sustainability problems are located.
« 6 » We have to mention a last point
about the epistemology. We should not
forget that the very concept “observation”
shows a paradoxical basic structure (Luhmann 1992a). he above-mentioned simpliications used in ecological communication
are examples of a “de-paradoxication” (“Entparadoxierung”) in order to be able to make
decisions and take responsibility for one’s
own actions (Luhmann 1989: 10). It might
be that the question raised in §80 could be
answered when considering such simpliications.
« 7 » he second set of remarks are about
the use of the term “environment” in the controversy on variants of constructivism and,
especially, on sociological systems theory.
he authors present diferent approaches,
whose subject matter range from physical facts to highly abstract epistemological
schemes. In §49 the authors mention that
Luhmann also uses only the term “environment” (without an index, for example) to
cover these diferent meanings – and identify
this as a source of confusion. A lack of clarity
is noted by the authors because there is no
diferentiation between the “inside perspective” and the “outside perspective.” Luhmann
himself talked about the need to distinguish
two concepts of “environment.” here is also
an important distinction by Humberto Maturana (1988), who talks about the general environment and the speciic niche of systems.
« 8 » hat brings us to the central statement about Luhmann’s conceptualization. In
§81 the authors clearly explicate the following: if society has – as a system only operating communications– no body, it has no
(non-communicative) environment either.
Are ecosystems, climate change, all today’s
wicked environmental problems, then nonexistent and not relevant from a society’s
« 9 » But what, from such a perspective,
are “the wicked environmental problems
of society”? hose which are the content of
communications taking place? And with the
speciication “wicked” is a speciic distinction drawn or was a decision made to apply a
speciic reference framework? But by whom
or by which system? on the basis of what
distinction is the qualiication as “wicked”
justiied? According to Horst Rittel’s deinition of wicked problems (Rittel & Webber
1973), they lack a clear solution strategy
and change during their processing. hat refers, again, to the social part of the system/
environment relationship in contrast to the
“material” characteristics of environmental
problems. With respect to §§86f, it would be
helpful to add a reference to a second type
of fundamental structure in social systems.
Besides the code as the fundamental distinction criteria, there are various programs that
organize the operations of the systems. hey
likewise have to be considered (Luhmann
1992b: 228f) because of their relevance to
the observation process.
Open Peer Commentaries Bernhard Freyer & Rebecca Louise Paxton
« 10 » In my opinion, a view on system/
environment relationships and on the relevance of today’s ecological problems might
beneit from a deeper view of the concept of
structural couplings. From Luhmann’s writings on functional subsystems of society in
the 1990s on, the term “structural coupling”
became a more and more prominent element of the social systems theory repertoire.
« 11 » Structural couplings represent
connections that are taken for granted by
both systems that interact in order to guarantee a mutual preservation of existence.
he concept was introduced to oppose the
implication that systems merge together and
build one united system. It also provides an
alternative to interpreting relationships as
causal relationships.
« 12 » With the concept of structural
couplings, the claimed contradiction between the autonomy of systems and the
interrelationships with and dependency on
other systems is solved. one of the most
convincing examples of structural couplings
is the role of gravity in the ability of some
organisms to move erect. In order to do so,
some environmental conditions have to remain constant and, in this case, a structural
coupling between organisms and their inorganic environment is established (Krause
2001: 162).
« 13 » An example relevant to sustainability discourse is a hunger crisis. Undoubtedly, such a diagnosis of a crisis is socially
constructed – yes, but not on all the levels
of which the problem is constituted. on the
organic level, there is a rather strict coupling
between resources in the (physical) environment and the functioning of the organism.
Malfunctions, due to a lack of support with
necessary foodstuf, energy for preparing
meals, etc., cause severe function deicits.
Signals and irritations are sent to the associated psychic systems and trigger thought
processes and responses. According to
Luhmann’s suggestion, then, these signals
have to be inserted into the stream of communications. only at that point, eventually,
does society come into play. hus, a completely diferent type of analysis is applied
compared with former theories, e.g., that
of Pitirim Sorokin (1975). No direct causal
connections are accepted as lasting from environmental (ecological) conditions to societal responses.
« 14 » Such distinctions, as introduced
with the concept of structural couplings,
could contribute to a better understanding
of the contributions and claims of constructivist approaches. he environment is, from
such a perspective, structured. According
to Luhmann, the environment of a society
consists primarily of psychic systems because they provide material for the stream
of communications. he observation at that
level could rely on the concept of meaning
on both sides. on other levels, diferent observation schemes are necessary. herefore,
we ind on diferent levels (interconnected by
structural couplings) diferent modes of observation. Not diferent in the pure operation
mode (distinction and designation) but different in the selection of issues considered.
« 15 » It has to be kept in mind that although Luhmann is not interested in ecological facts, simultaneously, he does not
deny the existence of those facts. here are,
in his words, other levels of reality that are
deinitely a source of irritations – however,
not on the level of the primary, existential
operating mode, the autopoiesis, the system.
“only in exceptional cases (i.e., on diferent
levels of reality, irritated by environmental
factors), can it… be set in motion.” (Luhmann 1989: 15).
« 16 » But also at that level, circumstances can be imagined that lead to a destruction of the system, a breakdown of autopoiesis; that is, on the level of society, the
extinction of the “participants” in the communication process.
« 17 » he authors state very clearly the
necessity to diferentiate several meanings of
environment and ind diferent co-notations
in three representative constructivist approaches. A direct comparison is diicult
because of the diverging epistemological
frameworks that are utilized. What always
has to be kept in mind is the point of reference, the reference system, laid down as the
fundament from which the arguments are
developed. he environment is, as a societal
problem (beside others) indeed of higher
complexity than the designated system, regardless of the constructivist relativisms
and of the observer dependency. Various
irritations from diferent sources reach the
system and the responses, if activated, are
not arbitrary and random but part of agreed
social practices.
Karl-Heinz Simon works as a systems researcher
at the Center for Environmental Systems Research
(University of Kassel, Germany). He studied
Electrical Engineering, Philosophy, and Sociology
and received a PhD in Planning Science. At
present, his main interests are in social-ecological
research and society-environment interactions.
Received: 19 october 2012
Accepted: 22 october 2012
The Complexity of Environment
in Social Systems Theory
Bernhard Freyer
& Rebecca Louise Paxton
University of Natural Resources
and Life Sciences, Austria
> Upshot • We discuss the environmen-
tal terminology of Jakob von Uexküll in
the context of Alrøe & Noe’s relections,
and to examine more deeply the multiperspectivity that arises from a combination of von Uexküll’s and Luhmann’s systems theories. The complexity yielded by
an unpacking of the term “environment”
sheds light on the diiculties in inding
common understandings for solving
wicked problems.
Our perspective
« 1 » In general, we agree with Hugo
Alrøe and Egon Noe’s far-reaching relections, which ofer insights into the term “environment” and its meaning from diverse
perspectives. Inspired by their thoughts,
we would like to ofer further perspectives
based on the following questions:
1 | With respect to Jakob von Uexküll’s
diverse terminology on environment:
Can other environments be distinguished in Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory?
2 | With respect to the system/environment distinction: How malleable is this
relationship to redeinition and interpretation from multiple perspectives?
The meaning of different definitions
of environment
« 2 » Alrøe and Noe introduce von
Uexküll’s environmental terminology.
Synonymous to the term “Umwelt,” von
Uexküll uses “Wohnwelt,” “self-world,”
“Umgebung,” (i.e., general surroundings),
“self-universe,” and others. We discuss
those terms, from the closest to the “self ”
to that which we later deine as the “unknown” environment. In analyzing these
terminologies in greater detail, it is obvious that they have distinct meanings.
herefore, our question is about the terminologies’ speciic deinitions. In addition,
we ask how relevant these terminologies
might be to Luhmann’s social systems theory, which operates with only one term for
environment, i.e., for that which is distinct
from a system.
« 3 » he term “Wohnwelt” is described
as a list of ecological factors existing in an
animal’s system’s “Umgebung” and that are
relevant for its survival (§51). We would
argue that “Wohnwelt” describes the smallest entity of the term “environment,” and
includes those factors most relevant for an
organism’s individual survival/existence,
with a high potential for resonance efects
or structural couplings. he autopoietic
process of self-reproduction also includes
input from this Wohnwelt. of course, it is
the system itself, through its operations,
that decides what will be accepted from the
environment (Wohnwelt in this case) in order to reproduce the system. In Luhmann’s
terms, the system determines meaningful
structural couplings with the environment,
which is the very narrow surrounding
called “Wohnwelt.”
« 4 » he term “self-world” (§47),
which von Uexküll alternatively applied to
“phenomenal” worlds, ofers us two options
for interpretation. For Luhmann, “self ” is
the diference between system and environment, and is mainly explained through
Maturana & Varela’s concept of autopoiesis. he self also includes the environment
because the “self ” constructs the environment. hus, the distinction between system
and environment might be described as a
luid rather than as a “precise” distinction.
All phenomena that resonate with a living
organism are part of its meaningful world
(§23), i.e., the “self world.”
vol. 8, N°1
« 5 » Is it correct to say that the self
includes the environment? According to
Luhmann, the system constitutes itself by
distinguishing itself from its environment
(i.e., self-constitution of the system, cf. Luhmann 1995: 9, 443, 456). he environment
is everything but the self, the remainder of
everything outside the system. However,
we argue diferently: if I distinguish myself
from something, I have to know the other
consciously; and based on that I make the
distinction. It is, therefore, in a certain sense
– maybe temporarily – part of myself.
« 6 » According to Luhmann, the term
“eigen” (self) refers to what is reproduced
in the system. “World” in combination
with “eigen” implies something that we are
able to survey, e.g., our personal/individual
world (§48, see also §72: “the world is a limit
« 7 » “Umgebung” is described as the
immediate environment. For an animal
(system) this might be its hunting ground,
or from the perspective of a soil microorganism (system) a soil aggregate. According to von Uexküll, the “self world” (§47)
is what makes up the meaningful part of a
system’s general surroundings (Umgebung)
(§21). hus, the term “Umgebung” is clearly
related to “environment.”
« 8 » “Self-universe,” which is another
concept that is used by von Uexküll to describe the term “Umwelt,” is a play on words.
It represents some kind of hybrid understanding of “environment.” While the “self ”
refers to something limited, the “universe”
expands the view to something endless, interpreted as something that we are not able
to gain an overview of, and is not known. It
is impossible to distinguish between environment and system if the environment is
not known. his “knowing” could mean: the
system knows that it does not know about
the environment, the system does not know
what it knows, or that the system does not
know what it does not know (Bammer &
Smithson 2008).
« 9 » his analysis gives evidence for
meaningful distinctions between diferent
types of environment. his could open a
space for revising Luhmann’s proposed system/environment distinction to a system/
environment/environment distinction. We
ofer opportunities to construct “environment,” described as at least three types:
1 | he irst type of environment contributes to the meaning of the system and
provides knowledge and resources to
reproduce the system (see §15 in this article). his type of environment entails
phenomena that are conceivable (psychological) and communicable (social).
We name this the system’s “factual (or
constituting) environment.”
2 | he second type of environment is not
relevant for the autopoietic process of
the system at any given moment. here
is neither communication nor structural
coupling between system and environment. We name this the “potential (or
stand-by position) environment.” Standby position means that the environment
already exists in the mind of a system,
or – in a biological context – that there
is something living or a consciousness,
a “possibility space” for structural coupling.
3 | he third type of environment characterizes parts of the universe. hese
parts stand for an environment that is
currently not known by a system. his
does not exclude that it could one day
become a potential or factual environment. From a system’s perspective, it is
what we name the “unknown environment.” However, an observer is able to
construct it.
« 10 » With these three types of environments, we argue in favor of a lexible application of the term “environment.” he system
always constructs one of these environments
when making the system/ environment distinction. A system is able to construct the
irst two types in parallel. he observer is
able to construct all three environments. he
three environment types can, but must not,
occur in their pure form. here might be
time-space constellations leading to hybrids
of the three environment types. We argue
that constructs of diferent environments can
exist, providing a meaning for the system.
he distinction of diferent environments
also proposes that the environment constructed by the system difers from the observer’s construction of the system’s environment. Interestingly, Luhmann only explains
how the system reproduces itself and treats
its environment as a black box. He argues:
“it (the system) perceives its environment
only restrictedly and categorically distorted”
Open Peer Commentaries Bernhard Freyer & Rebecca Louise Paxton
(Luhmann 1986: 33; our translation; see also
§68, “the system’s indiference to its environment” and “ignorance of the environment”).
The dynamics of the system/
environment distinction
« 11 » In this chapter, we examine the
system/environment distinction in greater
detail. We discuss the “chicken vs. egg” problem applied to system and environment, the
observer’s perspectives on system/environment distinction, internal system distinctions, and the practical relevance of these dynamics when studying wicked problems.
« 12 » What Alrøe and Noe highlight
with the paradox of autopoiesis is that the
living system “must distinguish itself from its
environment while at the same time maintaining its coupling, since it is the very environment that the organism arises from”
(§26). hus, the system emerges from its
environment and vice versa, and the living
system is part of the environment in which
it emerges.
« 13 » Quoting Varela’s “the exteriorization can only be understood… from the ‘inside’” (Varela 1991: 85), the environment is
solely constructed by the system (§27). his
precedes consciousness of the environment
and communication with it. Does it follow
that the environment becomes part of the
system, and thus the environment as an independent unit disappears?
« 14 » Luhmann (1995) follows this argumentation with reference to society as a
whole. He deines society as the sum of all
expectable communications. here is no
communication outside the communication
system of society. Society is a communicatively closed system. here is no communication with the environment because there
is nobody who could answer. hus, anyone
giving an answer outside society becomes,
by this, part of society (ibid: 402f.). He further argues that society is a comprehensive
system that does not necessarily have an environment (ibid: 408f.).
« 15 » Coming back to societal groups,
Luhmann describes several operations in
which autopoietic systems and environments interrelate without the immediate
consequence that the environment becomes
part of the system. In contrast to society, using these operations, the environment keeps
its distinction from the system:
1 | he system/environment distinction
describes systems as environmentally
open, which means that autopoietic
systems are organizationally and operationally closed, while at the same time
materially and energetically open (Luhmann 1982: 367).
2 | Resonance is “recursive – closed for reproduction and meanwhile open to irritations by the environment” (Luhmann
1986: 40; our translation). Resonance
between system and environment is a
precondition for structural coupling.
3 | Systems interact with their environment through diverse types of structural couplings. here is no loss of
system independence. he structural
couplings do not determine the status
of the system. hey merely supply the
system with disturbances” (Luhmann
2002: 124).
4 | Interpenetration between systems describes that a system provides its own
communication for the development of
another system. Interpenetration “exists when this occurs reciprocally …”
(Luhmann 1995: 213). Communication
between two autopoietic systems, or
evolutionary developments, demands
interpenetration (ibid: 216).
« 16 » Cell division is a speciic type of
system/environment distinction (Maturana
& Varela 1998). here could be three types
of system/environment distinction. First,
two systems serve each other as their environment. Second, each system creates a
new and individual environment, which is
separate from the other system. hird, both
systems construct the same environment.
« 17 » What Maturana and Varela describe as the structural congruence between
organism and environment (§29) is a characteristic that can also be found in systems e.g., agriculture. he agricultural system could serve as the environment from
which non-organic and organic agriculture
emerge. Agriculture is the environment
for both systems. From another perspective, we could also argue that non-organic
agriculture is the environment for an organic agriculture system, or vice versa. Both
are autopoietic systems, able to reproduce
themselves independently, and “can undergo coupled structural changes” (cf. §31). If
the agent deines its environment (§29), this
also determines potential communications,
or structural couplings.
« 18 » Communication in an organic
social system is not compatible with the
non-organic system and vice versa. In
both systems one will encounter diferent
meanings and concepts of time and space,
which might be the best explanation for the
barrier between the systems. Luhmann’s
perspective is very helpful for understanding why organic agriculture is also seen as
a social movement (cf. Hellmann 1996). It
is a social system with limited signiicance
in the system of big agro-business, because
each follows its own binary code (in the organic system, e.g., ecology/non-ecology; in
agro-business, proit/loss of capital), also
described through their paradigms (Beus &
Dunlap 1994).
« 19 » he inside-outside distinction
(§§58f) is an example of the relevance of different observer perspectives in understanding and interpreting wicked problems (§2).
he system (an agent) itself constructs its
own inside perspective, which is not directly
observable by an observer. he observer is
only able to re-construct the inner perspective of another agent through the interpretation of what the observer perceives from
the outside, e.g., countenance of a person.
For the observer, the observed system becomes his (the observer’s) environment o1.
he system (agent) itself then makes the distinction through its own construction of an
environment s1. In a continuous feedback,
the observer again observes the system as a
new type of environment o2 that is diferent
to what preceded it. he complex multi-perspectivity is increased by the observer’s own
environment o3, which could partly overlap
with that of the agent’s system.
« 20 » he observer’s construct of system/environment distinctions of another
system is based on the autopoietic capacities
of his own system and not those of the observed person or system (cf. Luhmann 1984:
25). hus, the observer constructs diferent
operations and interprets their meaning differently than the observed.
« 21 » Systems diferentiation is “nothing more than the repetition within systems
of the diference between system and environment “ (Luhmann 1995: 7), which means
that further system/environment distinctions emerge in the system. his internal sys-
tem diferentiation is described as a “process
of increasing complexity” (ibid: 18), which
is an autopoietic process of reproduction.
Reproduction “ofers possibilities for forming within the system a new system having
its own system/environment diference …”
(ibid: 258), which might survive longer than
the former system.
« 22 » Applying diferent lenses to describe the system/environment distinction
helps to understand complex systems and
environments. to make this explicit, we
study a farming system. We describe the
irst distinction between the farming system
– deined as a social system or a biological
system – and the agricultural industry as
the environment. In a farming system we
deine animals as a system (binary code: to
live/to die), while environment is all kinds
of fodder. of course animals (“non-rooted”
organisms) communicate diferently than
grasses (meadows, pastures) (“rooted” organisms) do. hey do not depend on each
other, they follow diferent genetically deined communication procedures, and their
reproduction is obviously diferent. Another
distinction is that of a cow’s stomach (system; binary code: to digest/not to digest)
and an animal (environment); and inally
there is a distinction between the stomach
(environment) and a microorganism com-
Authors’ Response: Systems,
Environments, and the Body
Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
> Upshot • In our response we focus on
how diferent types of systems are related from a constructivist perspective, and
speciically on the relation between communicational social systems and embodied agency.
« 1 » We are happy that our article “observing Environments” seems to have struck
a chord that resonates with other researchers, and which has resulted in three open
Peer Commentaries that ofer extensions,
complementary notions, and further perspectives.
vol. 8, N°1
munity (system; binary code is to duplicate,
to divide/not to duplicate). We neither argue
that these distinctions are “part (system) of
the whole (environment)” nor that they follow a spatial concept. Both are perspectives
of general systems theory, but not relevant
for this commentary. What we provide are
always independent system/environment
distinctions. All named systems are autopoietic, exist through internal functions and
operations, and are self referentially closed;
and in the sense of Luhmann they are social
(communicating), and also biological (living) systems.
« 23 » Regarding our irst question,
there is huge potential to relect upon and
integrate diverse system/environment distinctions. Von Uexküll’s terminology ofers
several ways to describe environments, but
they are not precise enough as he was not
aware of the issue of the observer’s construction of diverse system/environment distinctions. With respect to our second question,
we argue that his interest was mainly in systems, system/environment distinctions, and
system/environment interconnectedness,
while the environment itself remained a
complex (§66) black box. Von Uexküll provoked us to see various environments and
« 2 » tom Ziemke is concerned with the
construction of robotic systems that interact with and adapt to their environments,
focusing on the role of the body in situated and embodied cognition. In doing this,
Ziemke inds little use for Niklas Luhmann’s
work since Luhmann does not address in
suicient detail the relevance of the biological level for a theory of meaning and therefore has little to say on embodied learning
and adaptation.
« 3 » Karl-Heinz Simon takes an opposite approach, focusing mainly on Luhmann, even when discussing organisms,
and thereby resolving the claimed contradiction between autonomy and dependency
of systems with the concept of structural
« 4 » hese two commentaries thus
choose to either disregard Luhmann’s work
relect upon his perspective in the context of
Luhmann’s system theory. Applying multiperspectivity to the system/environment
distinction is of practical relevance when
compromises between diferent system/environment realities are needed. In negotiation processes, these insights could help to
make the roots of contradictory positions
visible and to identify ways to better understand alter ego arguments. of course there
is the need to introduce the added value of
these diverse constructs of environment in
order to deal with wicked problems.
Bernhard Freyer heads the Division of Organic
Farming and the “Transdisciplinary Systems Research”
working group at the University of Natural Resources
and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. The focus of his
research is on societal transformation processes and
specifically organic agriculture and food systems,
applying systems theories and social science concepts.
Rebecca Paxton (MIR) is an assistant to and
member of the working group “Transdisciplinary
Systems Research.” Her focus is currently
on organic understandings and practices
of health in organic agriculture, and their
possible contribution to societal change.
Received: 21 october 2012
Accepted: 30 october 2012
or disregard other constructivist theories.
hereby, they indirectly highlight the diiculties that we investigated in our article in
discussing the environment across diferent
constructivist theories.
« 5 » Bernhard Freyer & Rebecca Louise
Paxton on the other hand, tackle the problem of using Luhmann’s theory together
with other constructivist theories, though,
not surprisingly, in a less speciic manner.
Freyer & Paxton work in a ield similar to
ours, with agriculture, food, health, and
wicked environmental problems. his calls
for transdisciplinary research with multiple
perspectives. herefore they accept the necessity of working with diferent constructivist theories across the biological and social level.
« 6 » together, the three commentaries
suggest a need to look in more detail at how
Open Peer Commentaries Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe
diferent types of systems are related and
speciically at the relation between social
systems and embodied agency.
Types of systems and perspectives
« 7 » According to Luhmann (1995:
2), there are systems of diferent kinds and
at diferent levels. He distinguishes four
kinds of systems below the level of systems
in general: social systems and psychic systems, which can be characterised by their
use of meaning, and machines and organisms, which do not use meaning. Ziemke
disagrees with Luhmann on the relevance of
meaning for organisms and machines, and
says that the distinctions between machines
and organisms are becoming still more
blurred due to developments in robotics and
related areas. We agree, but a deeper question is what we may mean by “system” in a
constructivist sense.
« 8 » In our article (§38), we discuss
how Luhmann advises against other uses of
“system” than a self-referential system that
distinguishes itself from the environment such as in the common use of “ecosystem”
where ecological interdependencies are taken to designate a “system” (e.g., Luhmann
1989: 150). We appreciate the strength of
the self-deining systems concept. But this
does not make us refrain from questioning
the “ontological status” of the systems we
speak of.
« 9 » If we think about a farm as a system, we insist that it is a self-organising system (e.g., Noe & Alrøe 2006). But the farm
is not merely a social system, or merely a
biological system. A farm is a heterogeneous system that is biological, technological, and sociological at the same time. What
we mean by this is not that the farm is some
kind of “ontological hybrid” of diferent
systems. What we mean is that a farm can
be meaningfully observed from a range of
specialised perspectives, including social
systems theory. “System” is a perspectival
« 10 » Given the above, the farm is a
social system, an organisation, in the sense
that it can be described in terms of communications and that it distinguishes itself
from its environment. he farm is also a
physical system, in the sense that it can be
observed from the perspective of physics,
chemistry, geology, etc., and be described
in terms of energy, material lows, chemical
processes, mechanical structures, etc. Here,
the “system” is not very well deined and
borders of the system have to be constructed
from outside. he “farm as a physical system” thus cannot compete with the “farm as
social system” on Luhmann’s conditions for
being a system.
« 11 » But we may also say that the farm
is an organism, or a cyborg, in the sense
that it can be described in terms of adaptation, senses, behaviour, etc., and that it has
a body that matters. From this perspective,
the farm is a self-organising system that
maintains its own organisation and produces (some of) its own components in terms
of recreating soil fertility, breeding stock
animals, growing seeds for the next season,
bringing up successors, reproducing knowledge and practices, etc. (Noe & Alrøe 2006).
his perspective on farms can be found in
organic and, especially, biodynamic agriculture (Paull 2006).
« 12 » Farms are diferent and diferent
perspectives may not be equally itting or
fruitful for all farms. For some farms, such
as a modern Danish pig farm enterprise that
relies on a host of externally produced inputs and that has several employees, a management board, a wide range of advisors and
suppliers that enter into farm operations,
couplings to legal, economic and scientiic
systems, etc., the “farm as social system”
perspective can be very fruitful for understanding how the farm works, and the “farm
as organism” perspective less so. For other
farms, such as a traditional subsistence farm
that relies entirely on internally produced
inputs and that has only the family working
on it and no advisors or suppliers, it may be
the other way around. But in neither case
will one perspective be suicient for understanding the empirical dynamics of the
Communicational systems
and embodied cognition
« 13 » he farming system is just an ex-
ample to indicate the issue we are trying to
explicate. We need to talk about complex
dynamical objects, such as “a farm,” but we
only have the immediate objects of diferent specialised perspectives at our disposal,
such as “the farm as social system” and “the
farm as organism” (cf. Alrøe & Noe 2011).
Luhmann’s social systems theory is not exempt from being a specialised perspective,
even though it is “universal” in the sense
that it is able to observe itself as a social system.
« 14 » Ziemke stated that in the case of
embodied cognition and learning in robotics, Luhmann’s social systems perspective
does not have much to ofer. Perhaps another example can illustrate the issue more
directly. A scientiic perspective, such as a
specialised discipline like soil physics, can
be observed as both a communicational
and a cognitive system. As a social system,
it establishes its own communicational organisation in the form of conferences, journals, peer review systems, email discussion
lists, web pages, diagrammatic tools, etc.
As a cognitive system, it creates its own organisation by establishing observation instruments, experimental facilities, research
platforms, indicator systems, interactive
models, computing equipment, etc. Embodied learning is an important aspect of science as a cognitive system, but not visible in
science as a communicational social system.
« 15 » he same things can be said of a
society. Society can be observed both as a
social system that creates its own communication structures, and as an organism, or
cyborg, that creates its own organization in
terms of, e.g., transport infrastructures, cities, communication technologies, food and
energy production. hese diferent perspectives will enable us to observe diferent aspects of “society” as a dynamical object, and
each have their blind spots. Aspects such as
embodied cognition, learning and adaptation, embodied agency, sensorimotor skills,
Merkwelt and Wirkwelt, monitoring systems, etc. may prove equally important to
communication, functional diferentiation,
and structural coupling when addressing
wicked environmental problems of modern
Dependency of systems on their
« 16 » Is human society dependent on
its environment or is it independent of the
environment? Freyer and Paxton (§12f)
discuss this question in their commentary.
he question is pressing when we talk about
wicked environmental problems, and when
ecological economy speaks of the depen-
dency of society on ecosystems and planetary boundaries for human inluence.
« 17 » According to Simon (§§10–14),
referring to Luhmann’s writings, there are no
direct causal connections leading from environmental conditions to societal responses.
Instead the relationship is described in the
form of structural couplings.
« 18 » However, the environment of society consists primarily of psychic systems,
and Luhmann does not have much to say on
the relation between a psychic system and
the organism or body, nor on the relation to
machines or technology. It is not clear how
resonance and irritation can take place be-
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