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Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae HOME 1268 Wentworth Dr. Gallatin, TN 37066 (901) 574-3968 mjanzen7@gmail.com OFFICE 1 University Park Drive, Beaman Library 204 Nashville, TN 37204 (901) 574-3968 mdjanzen@gmail.com PERSONAL Born 22 May 1980, married to Jenna Janzen, father of Avery (9), McKenna (7), and Reagan (5). EDUCATION University of Memphis Ph.D., History Memphis, TN May, 2013 Thesis: “The Iconography of Humiliation: The Depiction and Treatment of Foreign Captives in New Kingdom Egypt” Supervisor: Dr. Peter J. Brand Examiners: Dr. Suzanne Onstine (Univ. of Memphis) & Dr. Miriam Ayad (American University in Cairo) Minor Fields: Judaic Studies; Egyptian Art and Archaeology Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Master of Arts, Biblical and Near Eastern Archaeology (with honors) Central Bible College B.A. in Biblical Languages (with honors) Deerfield, IL May, 2006 Springfield, MO May, 2003 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Lipscomb University Associate Professor of Archaeology and Ancient History (present) Louisiana Christian University (formerly Louisiana College Assistant Professor of History, Summer 2019–Spring 2022 Texas Baptist College (formerly Scarborough College) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Assistant Professor of History and Archaeology, Fall 2015–Spring 2019 First Assembly Christian School AP and Dual Enrollment History Teacher, 2013–2015 The University of Memphis (Memphis, TN) Teaching Assistant, The Ancient World (Fall 2011) 1 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae Research Assistant, Peter J. Brand (2010-2011) Teaching Assistant, World Civilizations to 1500 (2009–2010) Grading Assistant, U.S. History Before 1877 (2008–2009) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL) Research Assistant, Dr. James K. Hoffmeier (2004–2005) PUBLICATIONS I. Books 1. The Iconography of Humiliation in New Kingdom Egypt, London & New York: Routledge (forthcoming 2024) 2. The Historical Geography of the Exodus and Wilderness Wanderings, co-authored with Chris McKinny, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press (forthcoming 2024). 3. Five Views on the Exodus, ed. Mark D. Janzen, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2021. II. Articles, Chapters, etc. 1. “Towards a Diplomatic, Contextual Reading of Encounter between Jacob and Esau in Genesis 33” (with James K. Hoffmeier),” in Festschrift for K. Lawson Younger (official title pending), Eisenbrauns (2023). 2. "Historical Geography and the Reliefs of Merneptah at Karnak Temple," in “See the whole land is before you” New Directions in the Historical Geography of the Ancient Near East, ed. McKinny, C., Tavger, A., and Keimer, K. Eisenbrauns (forthcoming 2023). 3. “A Sociospatial Analysis of the Jews Departing Jerusalem and Fleeing to Egypt to Avoid Nebuchadnezzar’s Wrath,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Historical Books, ed. Barry Beitzel. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press (forthcoming 2023). 4. “A Geographic and Sociospatial Analysis of Egypt’s New Kingdom,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch, ed. Barry Beitzel, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press (forthcoming 2023). 5. “Megiddo: The Campaign of Pharaoh Necho II and the Legacy of Josiah’s Tragic Death,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Historical Books. 6. “Solomon and the Pharaoh’s Daughter,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Historical Books. 7. “The Tell Dan Stele and Its Relation to Israel and Judah,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Historical Books. 8. “A Sociospatial Analysis of the Land of Goshen,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch. 9. “A Sociospatial Analysis of the Ten Plagues,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch. 10. “Ramesses – The Capital of Egypt,” Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch. 11. “The Exodus Itinerary: from Egypt to Mt. Sinai,” co-authored with Chris McKinny, Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch. 2 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae 12. “The Exodus Itinerary: from Mt. Sinai to Beersheba,” co-authored with Chris McKinny, Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch. 13. “History is Good for the Soul,” Rekindling an Old Light: Contours of Christ–shaped Liberal Learning, ed. R. Keith Loftin, Moral Apologetics Press 2023. 14. “A Photogrammetric Analysis of the Cartouches on the Western Wall of the Cour de la Cachette at Karnak Temple,” Ancient Egypt and New Technology, co-authored with Terry Nichols, ed. Stephen Vinson, et al., Boston, MA: Brill, 2023. 15. “Ma’at in the Amarna Period: A Case Study on the Reforms of Akhenaten,” Festschrift for James K. Hoffmeier, ed. K. Lawson Young and Richard Averbeck, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. 16. “The Firm Foundations of the House of David: A Defense of King’s David Historicity,” Christian Research Journal, Sept. 2019. https://tinyurl.com/w74q5x4. 17. “Making a Case for the Historicity of Moses,” Christian Research Journal 42 (2019): 34–41. 18. “Egyptology and Biblical Studies: A Case Study,” Bible Study Magazine 11.4 (2019): 27–30. 19. “A New Hathor Relief from Kourion,” co-authored with Tom W. Davis, in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyrus 1 (2019): 69-75. 20. “Clay Coffins at Tell el-Borg,” in Tell el-Borg II, ed. James K. Hoffmeier, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2019, 259–269. 21. “Akhenaten & the Amarna Period,” Behind the Scenes of the OT: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts, ed. John Hilber, et al. Baker Academic, 2018, 253–259. 22. “The Hurrians,” Encyclopedia of World History: The Ancient World, Prehistoric Eras to 600 CE, vol. 1. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2008. Ancient and Medieval History Online, eds Marsha E. Ackermann, et al., Facts On File, Inc. http://www.fofweb.com/activelink2.asp. PRESENTATIONS I. Professional 1. “Epigraphic Work at Karnak Temple: A Preliminary Analysis of the Hittite Peace Treaty of Ramesses II” (with L.S. Baker, Jr.). American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN), April 2023. 2. “United Under Your Feet Forever: The Depiction of Foreign Captives in New Kingdom Egypt.” Lanier Center for Archaeology at Lipscomb University (Nashville, TN), March 2023. 3. “An Update on Epigraphic Work at Karnak Temple and Preliminary Analysis of Hittite Peace Treaty of Ramesses II” (with L.S. Baker, Jr.). American Academy of Religion Southeast Regional Annual Conference (Atlanta, GA), March 2023 3 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae 4. Merenptah or Ramesses? Who Commissioned the Battle Reliefs at Karnak Temple?” The Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology of the University of Memphis Sixth Annual Alumnae/Alumni Lecture Series, (Memphis, TN), October 2022. 5. “What Can Egyptology Tell Us about the Exodus.” Avila Lecture Series, John Brown University (Siloam Springs, AR), October 2022. 6. “Why Not Just Take a Photo? Digital Epigraphy and Reliefs at Merneptah at Karnak Temple.” John Brown University Faculty Lecture Series (Siloam Springs, AR), October 2022. 7. “Using Photogrammetry to Help Solve Ancient Riddles at the Karnak Temple” (with Terry Nichols). The 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (Chicago, IL), November 2021. 8. “Historical Geography and the Reliefs of Merneptah.” The 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (San Diego, CA), November 2019. 9. “Not Just Another Photogrammetry Presentation” (with Terry Nichols). Ancient Egypt and New Technologies Conference (University of Indiana), March, 2019. 10. “The Tandy Institute’s Involvement in the Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project & the Wars of Merneptah.” Egypt and Ancient Israel: Merneptah’s Campaign–History of Propaganda? (Fort Worth, TX), March, 2019. 11. “The Wars of Merneptah: Preliminary Epigraphic Results on the Western Wall of the Cour de la Cachette.” Invited Lecture at the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Centre in Egypt in (Dallas, TX), July, 2018. 12. “Palimpsests and Propaganda: The Authorship of the War Reliefs on the Western Wall of the Cour de la Cachette.” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies Regional Meeting (Dallas, TX), March, 2018. 13. “Ma’at in the Amarna Period: Truth, Justice, and the Egyptian Way.” Invited Lecture at the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Dallas, TX), August, 2017. 14. “1st Season of Epigraphic Work at the Cour de la Cachette at Karnak Temple.” The 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Kansas City, MO) April, 2017. 15. “Forthcoming Epigraphic Work at Karnak Temple,” The 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (San Antonio, TX), November, 2016. 16. “The Iconography of Humiliation: Conclusions Regarding the Depiction and Treatment of Foreign Captives.” The 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Cincinnati, OH), April, 2013. 17. “Rhetoric and Reality: The Depiction and Humiliation of Prisoners of War in New Kingdom Egypt.” Invited lectured at the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Washington, D.C.), November, 2012. 18. “Humiliation and Affliction: The Fate of Foreign Captives in New Kingdom Egypt.” Invited lecture at the Colorado Chapter of the Egyptological Study Society (Denver, CO), June, 2012. 4 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae 19. “Bound and Battered: The Plight of Foreign Captives in New Kingdom Egypt.” Invited Lecture at the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Dallas, TX), September, 2011. 20. “The Iconography of Humiliation: an Introduction to the Depiction and Treatment of Foreign Captives.” The 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Chicago, IL), April, 2011. 21. “Clay Coffins at Tell el-Borg.” The 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Research Centre in Egypt (Dallas, TX), April, 2009. II. Select Popular Talks 22. “The Wars of Merneptah and the First Extra-Biblical Mention of ‘Israel.’” First Things First (Pineville, LA), October 2021. 23. “The Wars of Merneptah.” Elliot Coffee Talk (Fort Worth, TX), September, 2018. 24. “Ancient Egypt.” Experience Southwestern (Fort Worth, TX), March, 2017. 25. “Introduction to the Depiction and Treatment of Foreign Captives in New Kingdom Egypt.” The University of Memphis Graduate Student Symposium (Memphis, TN), April, 2011. 26. “Anthropoid Coffins at Tell el-Borg” at the University of Memphis Graduate Student Symposium in (Memphis, TN), April, 2009. 27. “The Foreign Relations of the 25th Dynasty.” The University of Memphis Graduate Student Symposium (Memphis, TN), April, 2008. COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate Lipscomb University • ARCH 2103: Old Testament Archaeology • HI 1303: World Civilization I • HI 3103: Ancient Civilizations Texas Baptist College • BIB 3523: Context of the Old Testament: Archaeology • HIS 1110: World Civilizations I (up to A.D. 1500) • HIS 1103: Early Western Civilization History (up to A.D. 100) • HIS 1113: Western Civilization I (up to A.D. 1500) • HIS 1203: Church and Empires (A.D. 100 – 800) • HIS 1213: Western Civilization II (A.D. 1500 – present) • HIS 2203: World Religions • HIS 3003: History of the Ancient World (3000 B.C. – A.D. 500), Online • IDE 1103: Early Western Civilization Seminar (up to A.D. 100), Great Books • IDE 1203: Late Antiquity Seminar (A.D. 100 – 500), Great Books 5 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae Louisiana Christian University • HIS 101: Western Civilization I (lecture, online, and dual enrollment sections) • HIS 102: Western Civilization II (lecture, online, and dual enrollment sections) • HIS 222: US History, 1877-present (online and dual enrollment sections) • HIS 281: Introduction to Historical Philosophy and Methods • HIS 345: History of Ancient Greece and Rome • HIS 448: History of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia • HN 200: CS Lewis Honors Colloquium • HN 201: CS Lewis Honors Colloquium • HN 300: CS Lewis Honors Colloquium • HN 301: CS Lewis Honors Colloquium • RL 101: Survey of the Old Testament (lecture and online) Graduate Lipscomb University • • • ARCH 7103: Guided Reading Colloquium ARCH 7303: Guided Reading Colloquium GB/ARCH 5183: History of Ancient Israel Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary • • • • ARCH 3003: Archaeology and History of the Ancient Near (3000 B.C. – 400 B.C.) ARCH 3993: Egypt and the Bible ANELG 5113: Middle Egyptian I (Hieroglyphs) ANELG 5123: Middle Egyptian II (Hieroglyphs) Secondary Education • Advanced Placement U.S. History • Dual Enrollment U.S. History (with the University of Memphis) • Dual Enrollment World History (with Louisiana Christian University) • Honors World History • U.S. History to 1877 • U.S. History from 1877 to Present • World History PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project, Luxor, Egypt; The Lanier Center for Archaeology Deputy Director and Lead Epigrapher, 2016 through present Continuing and leading efforts to record, transcribe, translate, photograph, and publish reliefs and texts from the western wall of the Cour de la Cachette at Karnak Temple Coordinate various details regarding work and travel in Egypt 6 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae Oversee the training and work of students on the monument The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project, Luxor, Egypt; the University of Memphis Epigrapher, Summer 2011 Assisted in the recording, translating, and photographing of reliefs and inscriptions from the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak Temple, Research Assistant and Editor, 2010-2011 Assisted in collation of previous epigraphic work, glossary creation, and editing for scientific publication The North Sinai Archaeological Project, Tell el-Borg, Egypt; Trinity International University Research and Field Assistant, 2005 Aided in various research projects, substitute lecturing, planning for upcoming field work in Egypt. Assisted with excavations at various locations on site, data entry, conservation at Tell el-Borg, an 18th19th Dynasty frontier fort site in western Sinai used by the Egyptians as part of series of fortifications known in ancient times as the “Ways of Horus” SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS American Academy of Religion Southeast Regain (AAR/RELSE) American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) American Research Center in Egypt, North Texas Chapter (NT-ARCE) - Executive Committee Member, 2019 American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Southwest Commission for Religious Studies (SWCRS) AWARDS AND HONORS 2021 Louisiana Christian University Research Grant 2019 Louisiana Christian University Faculty Research Grant 2015 Ed Williams Teacher of the Year Award Presented by the Shelby County Historical Commission. University of Memphis, Department of History, Year-long Dissertation Writing Fellowship, 2012-2013. University of Memphis, Department of History, Endowment Committee Research Travel Grant, Summer 2012. University of Memphis, Department of History, Spring Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Spring 2012. University of Memphis College of Arts and Sciences Travel Enrichment Award, Summer 2011. University of Memphis, Department of History, Endowment Committee Research and Conference Participation Grant, Spring 2013 University of Memphis, Department of History, Endowment Committee Research and Conference Participation Grant, Spring 2011. 7 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae Annual Meeting of the American Research Centre in Egypt Best Student Paper Contest, 2nd place, Spring 2011. University of Memphis, Department of History, Best Dissertation Prospectus, Fall 2010. University of Memphis, Department of History, Best Graduate Student Paper, 2009-2010 Academic Year. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION AREAS OF COMPETENCE Ancient Egyptian History & Language Ancient Near Eastern History Old Testament History of Western Civilization Philosophy of History Biblical Archaeology History of Ideas Greco-Roman History World Religions Biblical Languages INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Member, Student Disciplinary Committee, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2021-present) Member, Academic Integrity Committee, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2021-present) Member, Quality Enhancement Program Committee, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2020-Spring 2021) Member, Honors Committee, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2020-Spring 2021) Lead course designer for online history classes for Title III Grant, Louisiana Christian University (Summer 2020-present) Faculty Student Advisor, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2019-present) Certified Crowd Manager for Commencement, Louisiana Christian University (May 2021) Faculty Sponsor, Christ, Church, and Culture Event, Louisiana Christian University (April 2021) Completed 3 Quality Matters courses for online instruction in conjunction with Title 3 Grant, Louisiana Christian University (Summer 2020) Faculty Sponsor for Student-led Cultural Credit Events, Louisiana Christian University (Spring 2020) Member, Academic Integrity Committee, Louisiana Christian University (Fall 2019-Spring 2020) Member, ad Hoc committee for BA Humanities Curriculum Revision, Texas Baptist College, (Spring 2019) Member, General Education Advising Committee, Texas Baptist College (Spring 2019) Creation of New History Classes, Texas Baptist College (Spring 2019) Hosting Great Ideas Conference, Texas Baptist College (Spring 2019, 2018, 2017) Planning and hosting of “Egypt and the Bible” Conference, Tandy Institute for Archaeology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Spring 2019) Development of Archaeology Minor, Texas Baptist College (Fall 2018) Creation of Proposal for History Major, Texas Baptist College (Spring 2017) Member, Accreditation Committee, Texas Baptist College (Summer 2016) Faculty Student Advisor, Texas Baptist College (Fall 2015–Spring 2019) MISCELLANEOUS Co-host of OnScript – The Biblical World, podcast, Spring 2021- present. 8 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae Various podcast interviews on biblical backgrounds, the Exodus, the life and historicity of Moses Interviewed for BBC Africa Eye, August 2019. Hosted and Taught Small Group for young married couples, Alsbury Baptist Church, 2016-2019. Interviewed on “Christian Research Journal” podcast, episode 141, 19 Sep 2019, https://tinyurl.com/uah2eu7. Interviewed on “Christian Research Journal” podcast, episode 118, 18 April 2018. https://tinyurl.com/tbsko8m. Assistant Football Coach, First Assembly Christian School, 2013-2015. Peer Tutor, Central Bible College, 1999-2003. ACADEMIC REFERENCES Dr. Peter J. Brand Professor of Egyptology and Ancient History Department of History The University of Memphis Mitchell 133 Memphis, TN 38152 (901) 678-2521 pbrand@memphis.edu Dr. James K. Hoffmeier Professor Emeritus Department of Old Testament and Near Eastern Archaeology Trinity International University 2015 Half Day Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 (630) 251-5236 jhoffmei@tiu.edu Dr. Christine Reese Chair, Division of History and Political Science Associate Professor of History Holder, Richard L. Crowell Professorship Louisiana College 1140 College Drive, Box 553 Pineville, LA 71359 (318) 487-7103 Christine.Reese@lacollege.edu Dr. K. Lawson Younger Professor of Old Testament, Semitic Languages, and Near Eastern History Trinity International University 2015 Half Day Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 (847) 317-8063 lyounger@tiu.edu Dr. Steven Ortiz Director, Lanier Center for Archaeology Lipscomb University, Dept. of Archaeology One University Park Drive Beaman Library Room 206 Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 966-5996 9 Mark D. Janzen Curriculum Vitae