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3110 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 An Optimized Implementation of Phase Locked Loops for Grid Applications Francisco D. Freijedo, Member, IEEE, Alejandro G. Yepes, Student Member, IEEE, Óscar López, Member, IEEE, Pablo Fernández-Comesaña, Student Member, IEEE, and Jesús Doval-Gandoy, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents an optimized digital implementation of phase locked loops (PLLs) for grid applications suitable for implementation in low-cost industrial devices. A robust PLL is crucial in most of power converter applications, particularly in distorted environments. That is, the phase estimation should not be affected by power quality phenomena, given by Standard EN 50160, such as harmonics, imbalance, line notching, and voltage sags. The PLL dynamics is optimized as follows. A notch filter inside the loop is implemented to enhance the steady-state filtering. The bandwidth is maximized to get a fast postfault retracking (transient response). As justified in this paper, this approach is very suitable for both single- and three-phase PLLs. A lowresource-consuming implementation of the digitally controlled oscillator is provided: A digital model based on an RC electronic oscillator implements the needed trigonometric functions. This reduces the needed digital resources without reducing the performance. The proposed PLLs have been implemented and tested in a fixed-point DSP TI TMS320LF2407. These PLLs have been tested using different distorted inputs. Experimental results show that fast and rippleless phase estimations are achieved by the proposed implementations. Index Terms—AC/DC power conversion, dc/ac power conversion, phase estimation, phase locked loops (PLLs), power electronics converters. I. I NTRODUCTION S YNCHRONIZATION is one of the most important issues in the control of power electronics equipment connected to the grid [1], [2]. Most of the power converter control algorithms use the phase measurement of the grid voltage fundamental component. A quick and accurate phase estimation allows for a good generation of reference signals, so the performance of the power converter is enhanced [3]. Examples of applications where synchronization is necessary are active power filters [4], power factor control [5], grid monitoring in distributed power generation systems [6], flexible ac transmission systems [7], etc. Manuscript received September 16, 2010; revised November 3, 2010; accepted November 6, 2010. Date of publication March 28, 2011; date of current version August 10, 2011. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and in part by the European Commission (Fonds Européen de Développement Régional) under project number DPI2009-07004. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for this paper was Dr. Alessandro Ferrero. The authors are with the Department of Electronics Technology, Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain (e-mail: fdfrei@uvigo.es; agyepes@uvigo.es; olopez@uvigo.es; pablofercom@uvigo.es; jdoval@uvigo.es). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2011.2122550 Phase locked loops (PLLs) tracking the phase of the fundamental component of grid voltages are the most widespread synchronization algorithms for both single- and three-phase systems [2], [3], [8]–[11]. PLLs are implemented inside a higher level control; they should be designed with the goals of having a good performance and not being excessively resource consuming. This paper presents a PLL design method for an optimized digital implementation in low-cost industrial devices. This approach is suitable for both single- and three-phase systems. PLLs with a good tradeoff between the transient response and harmonic/noise cancellation are presented. Notch filters inside the loop to cancel second-harmonic components are implemented with this goal. This proposal is very useful for both single- and three-phase PLLs. Single-phase PLLs generate a high second harmonic in the phase-detector (PD) output (e.g., a multiplier) [9], [10]; the notch filter cancels it in an effective way. The problem of second-harmonic generation in threephase PLLs appears when the input voltages are unbalanced [3], [12]. A linear control approach has been carried out to optimize the bandwidth without compromising stability. The major novelty of this paper is the implementation of the digital oscillator to implement trigonometric functions: The input of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) is the PLL output frequency, and a digital oscillator is derived from an analog RC one. The oscillation conditions are imposed by means of the Barkhausen criteria [13]. From the point of view of digital implementation in low-cost DSPs and fieldprogrammable gate arrays (FPGAs) (fixed-point devices), this is a very good solution in terms of resource consumption and design simplicity. The performance of the proposed PLLs is proved experimentally. The PLLs have been implemented in a fixed-point DSP. For the experimental tests, different input waves have been programmed using a programmable ac source. Tests include waveforms with grid faults, imbalance, harmonics, and ac-line notching. II. PLL S FOR G RID A PPLICATIONS A PLL is a nonlinear circuit or algorithm which synchronizes its output signal vo with a reference or input signal vi in frequency and phase. In steady state, the mean value of the error signal ve should be zero, which means locked state [14]. In locked state, the input fundamental frequency ωi and phase θi equal the output frequency ωo and phase θo , respectively. The basic PLL scheme is composed of the three basic functional 0018-9456/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE FREIJEDO et al.: AN OPTIMIZED IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE LOCKED LOOPS FOR GRID APPLICATIONS 3111 is an important advantage over other digital techniques, such as stochastic and finite-impulse response filters [19]. A. State-of-the-Art Review Fig. 1. Block diagram of a generic PLL. blocks shown in Fig. 1: the PD, the loop filter (LF), and the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) or DCO. The VCO/DCO generates a signal of frequency ωo from its nominal frequency ωn and a “correction” voltage vc . When a proportional–integral (PI) filter is used as LF, this PLL achieves a zero steadystate error even after a phase jump or a frequency step in the reference input [14]. Focusing on grid-connected power converter applications, the main role of PLLs is to synchronize with the grid voltage fundamental component. Moreover, in detail, an accurate phase-angle estimation is crucial in the control of energy flows and power factor. The main metrological characteristics of grid voltages are available in Standard EN 50160 [15] and summarized as follows. 1) In normal operation conditions, the input voltage magnitude is very limited, e.g., Standard EN 50160 gives acceptable variations of ±10% of the nominal magnitude during 95% of a week. 2) Power frequency is very limited and should not oscillate so much around the nominal value, e.g., Standard EN 50160 limits frequency deviations in 1% of the nominal value (50 or 60 Hz) during 99.5% of a week in an interconnected system. This limit is wider in isolated systems. 3) AC mains may be distorted with voltage harmonics and imbalance. Standard EN 50160 gives acceptable limits for steady-state distortion, e.g., the total harmonic distortion (THD) should be lower than 8%. 4) Occasionally, the grid voltage magnitude can be suddenly reduced below 90% (of nominal magnitude) and recovered after a short period of time. These grid faults are known as sags or dips [15]. Usually, voltage sags are associated with a significant phase jump [16]. PLLs are specially suitable to track grid voltages because of the following facts. 1) PLL algorithms are suitable for both single- and threephase applications. Usually, in three-phase applications, synchronization is made with the fundamental positivesequence component. These PLLs, based on Park’s transformations, are usually known as dq-PLLs [17]. 2) Although PLL dynamics depends on the voltage magnitude, industrial equipment limits normal ranges of operation, e.g., the Spanish Grid Code allows to disconnect a wind farm park from ac mains if the voltage magnitude remains below 80% of the nominal value during more than 1 s [18]. 3) PLLs are able to provide a zero steady-state phase error, defined as θe = θi − θo , in the presence of grid frequency deviations [3], [14]. Good frequency adaptation of PLLs The state of the art in grid synchronization is wide and increasing nowadays mainly due to the suitability of digital implementation [19]. Focusing on PLLs, quite a lot of schemes have been proposed to optimize their dynamic response. 1) Single-Phase PLLs: The suitability of digital implementation allows to implement PDs better than the first analog charge pumps [20]. From PLL theory [14], the “linear multiplier” PD seems to be the most simple option but generates a high-magnitude second harmonic which should be canceled [1], [9]. Other more complex PDs have been also proposed to avoid this problem [21]–[23]. Another alternative is to adapt a dq-PLL by delaying the input wave 90◦ [2], [24], [25]. Singlephase PLLs have a modest transient response due to the second harmonic generation or the 90◦ delaying filters. Their typical settling times are not lower than one cycle of ωn , which can be checked in the referred works. 2) dq-PLLs: The dq-PLL algorithm is suitable to track the fundamental positive-sequence voltage, instead of individual phase voltages [3], [8], [17]. This is achieved by means of Park’s transformation Tdq       vd vα cos(θo ) sin(θo ) · = (1) vq vβ − sin(θo ) cos(θo ) where  vα vβ  2 = 3  1 0 −0.5 √ 3 2 −0.5 √ − 23   va ·  vb  . vc  (2) The field of application of dq-PLLs is very wide, and hence, its optimization has been approached in several works [1], [3], [11], [26]–[28]. A very interesting feature of the dq-PLL is the absence of second harmonic when there is no fundamental negative sequence (imbalance). Hence, on the contrary to single-phase PLLs, a dq-PLL can be tuned with a very high bandwidth, which implies almost instantaneous retracking (after a transient) [3], [8]. However, in the case of distorted conditions, such as imbalance (second harmonic in vd ) and harmonics, the bandwidth should be reduced drastically [3], [11]. Single-Phase PLLs Against dq-PLLs: Single-phase PLLs synchronize per phase, but dq-PLLs track a positive-sequence vector. Therefore, dq-PLLs are more suitable for applications based on symmetrical components (e.g., power converters implementing dq current controllers [29]), and single-phase PLLs are better for single-phase applications or three-phase applications with a per-phase controller. The key is the ability to provide a zero steady-state phase error in the reference frame of the power converter controller [19]. B. LF Design Although PLLs are nonlinear, their dynamics can be accurately studied by linear models, obtained assuming a 3112 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 Fig. 2. PLL linearized model. quasi-locked state: ωi = ωo and θi ≈ θo . Fig. 2 shows the linear PLL, where H(s) [H(z) for discrete models] means the open loop transfer function, which is useful to set the dynamics [1], [3], [8], [14]. H(z) frequency response diagrams give information about harmonic attenuation, transient response, and stability margins. Assuming that the DCO/VCO behaves as a simple integrator [3], [14], the dynamics mainly depends on the LF. In general, there is a tradeoff between the filtering and transient response: High-bandwidth PLLs are faster, but their outputs are more affected by noise and harmonics. A simple but effective technique includes discrete filtering to enhance harmonic filtering [1]. In this case, the LF H(z) is formed by a term dependent on the input amplitude and PD, a PI controller (lead/lag controllers lose frequency adaptation [3], [19]), a DCO/VCO integrator, and a harmonic filter H(z) = · C(z) · N (z) K|vif |    amplitude gain PI filter harmonic filter · Ts . (3) z−1  DCO integrator It should be noted that H(z) also depends on the input fundamental magnitude vif , which is an uncontrolled parameter. For this reason, the PLL bandwidth decreases in the presence of voltage sags [1], [9]. Furthermore, the value of K (constant) in (3) depends on the PD, e.g., K = 1/2 in the single-phase PLL with a multiplier PD and K = 1 in the dq-PLL [1]. It is recommended to adapt the acquired input signals to per unit, so vif = 1 p.u. at nominal voltage. This makes easier the LF design [1], [9]. III. D IGITAL I MPLEMENTATION Digital control is a clear trend in power electronics. Vendors have developed specific low-cost DSPs for motor control and other power converter applications, such as the C2000 family of Texas Instruments [30]. Most of these devices, which are equipped with specific blocks such as pulsewidth modulation (PWM) units and A/D converters, have a limited set of instructions and implement fixed-point arithmetic. Hence, implementation techniques which combine structural simplicity, low resource consumption, and good performance are of paramount interest [31]. Focusing on digital PLLs, this paper proposes easy modifications to optimize the digital implementation in low-cost Fig. 3. Key figures of the implemented DCO. (a) DCO block diagram. (b) Pole/zero map of the DCO (in radians per second) continuous model. devices, such as fixed-point DSPs and FPGAs. Optimum word length is analyzed by simulation in order to achieve a good tradeoff between transient response and quantification errors, i.e., between speed range and accuracy [32]. It is also shown that good filtering can be achieved with low-order digital filtering (notch filters) and without making complex the PLL structure. A high-performance DCO implementation is provided to compute trigonometric functions in a simple but effective manner. A. DCO Implementation by Means of an Oscillator Model PLLs implement trigonometric functions to generate feedback waves cos(θo ) or sin(θo ). The dq-PLLs require both sin(θo ) and cos(θo ) to generate Park’s matrices. An efficient algorithm is proposed in the following to achieve sin(θo ) and cos(θo ). It is based on a digital implementation of an RC electronic oscillator. Fig. 3(a) shows the model of the proposed digital oscillator. Fig. 3(b) shows the DCO closedloop poles for ωo = ωn = 2π50 rad/s. Following Barkhausen criteria, this system oscillates at ωo and tends to instability since its poles are on the imaginary axis. However, as the integrators are saturated, the signal amplitude can be controlled. A nonzero initial value at the output of one of the integrators (e.g., sin(θo ) = 0 and cos(θo ) = 0.99) is necessary to start the oscillation [13]. The DCO output phase θo is calculated by FREIJEDO et al.: AN OPTIMIZED IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE LOCKED LOOPS FOR GRID APPLICATIONS 3113 TABLE I O PTIMUM a VALUES AND THD AS F UNCTION OF fs /fo means of ωo integration. When sin(θo ) crosses zero in the rising edge, θo is reset to zero. The following piece of code stresses the simplicity of the proposed implementation. % wo is the DCO frequency Mysin(n + 1) = Mysin(n) + wo ∗ T s ∗ (Mycos(n)); %(Q15) Mycos(n + 1) = Mycos(n) − wo ∗ T s ∗ (Mysin(n)); %(Q15) % Limit the oscillator integrators Mysin(n + 1) = max([Mysin(n + 1) − 0.99]); Mysin(n + 1) = min([Mysin(n + 1)0.99]); Mycos(n + 1) = max([Mycos(n + 1) − 0.99]); Mycos(n + 1) = min([Mycos(n + 1)0.99]); % Update the output phase (Q12) theta(n + 1) = theta(n) + wo ∗ T s; % Output phase reset condition if Mysin(n) >= 0 && Mysin(n + 1) <= 0 theta(n + 1) = −pi; end It can be appreciated that this diagram is very low resource consuming. The drawback of the oscillator model is that the generated waves sin(θo ) and cos(θo t) are not pure sinusoidal waveforms due to the nonlinearities. The THD of these waves depends on the ratio of sampling frequency fs to oscillation frequency fo (= ωo /2π): Low ratios provide low THD values and vice versa. Furthermore, the optimum value at which the integrators should be saturated ±a also depends on it: a should be chosen so that sin(θo ) and cos(θo t) magnitudes are 1 p.u. Table I shows the THD and optimum a values for different fs /fo ratios. IV. E XAMPLES OF D ESIGN Some PLL algorithms have been developed to be implemented in a fixed-point device and tested in real time. The design methodology and other details are explained in the following. A. Single-Phase PLL for 50-Hz Grid Fig. 4 shows a single-phase-PLL 16-b fixed-point implementation designed for 50-Hz grids (ωn = 2π50 rad/s). Its main routine involves 13 multiplications and 9 additions. The DCO (Fig. 3(a) and code below) is implemented with three additions and five multiplications. Following the guidelines in Section II-B, the LF has been designed. The PLL can be linearized, assuming quasi-locked state, resulting in the model in Fig. 2[1]. The K = 1/2 term introduced by the PD multiplier Fig. 4. Block diagram of the proposed single-phase PLL. Fig. 5. Bode diagram of H(z). (Solid line) |vif | = 1 p.u. (Dotted line) |vif | = 0.5 p.u. During a 0.5-p.u. voltage sag, fc drops from 37 to 20 Hz (PM slightly increases to 57◦ ). is compensated inside the loop. A notch filter with a notch peak at 2ωn is placed to cancel the second harmonic. Finally, by inspection of Bode diagrams, the PI filter coefficients are chosen. Equation (3) can be particularized as H1 (z) = 250z − 249 0.972z 2 − 1.9402z + 0.972 · z−1 z 2 − 1.9402z + 0.944     PI controller notch filter Q=0.8 · 0.0001 · 2 . (4) z−1   gain comp DCO Fig. 5 shows the H1 (z) frequency response in nominal conditions, i.e., considering vif = 1 p.u. It can be noted that 100-Hz components are totally canceled in steady state. The postfault settling time ts can be quite accurately estimated from the cutoff frequency fc and phase margin (PM) by a linear control design relation [33] ts ≈ 100 . P M · fc (5) It should be also noted that the loss of gain in the presence of a voltage sag results in a slower transient response. A zoomed inspection around the notch peak permits to estimate the filtering performance in the presence of grid frequency deviations: In this case, the H1 (z) values are approximately −40 and −30 dB when the fundamental frequency shifts ±1 and ±2 Hz. The actual effect of the high second harmonic in the PLL has been tested in Section V-A. Fig. 4 shows word lengths of the LF path in Q format for 16 b. Usually, the word length should be adjusted to minimize quantification errors but keeping good transient response [32]. 3114 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 Fig. 6. Influence of word length in transient response in the single-phase PLL discussed in Section IV-A. Fig. 8. Phase measurement θo for a sinusoidal input of 51.5 Hz: Zero crossing corresponds with θo = 0, and θo = 0 is rippleless. Scales: vi and cos(θo ) in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 2.5 ms/div. Fig. 7. Block diagram of the dq-PLL. In this example, the bottleneck is at the PI controller output. The word length was optimized by Matlab simulation scripts [1]. Fig. 6 shows the error signal ve (PI controller input) during a initial transient with θe = 90◦ for different word length values. The Q9 word length was chosen because its “settling time” is similar to the Q8 one. B. dq-PLL for Distorted 60-Hz Grid Fig. 7 shows the block diagram of a dq-PLL implemented for a 60-Hz grid (Park’s matrices are generated with the proposed DCO). Its main routine involves 15 multiplications and 11 additions (only vd is calculated). The direct component vd is controlled within a closed loop, so its mean value in steady state is zero, which results in fundamental positive-sequence tracking. The system is considered near locked state to set the dynamics (the 1/2 term in the PD does not appear in the dq-PLL) [3], [8]. A notch filter with a notch peak at 2ωn is placed to cancel the effect of the fundamental negative sequence. In this example, it has been recalculated to be at 120 Hz. The same PI controller in Section IV-A has been implemented. This leads to approximately the same fc as in the single-phase PLL but a slightly higher PM (≈60◦ ), so from (5), the settling time is slightly improved. It should be noted that the limited bandwidth of this dq-PLL also provides a good rejection to other kinds of steadystate disturbances such as harmonics and ac-line notching. C. dq-PLL in 400-Hz Grid Frequencies as high as 400 Hz are used in some applications such as aircraft, submarines, and military equipment. A dq-PLL for 400-Hz grid applications is designed in the following, assuming that the input is balanced. The sampling frequency should be increased to have a low THD at the DCO outputs, as shown in Section III-A(fs = 50 kHz). The PI controller has been recalculated so fc ≈ 500 Hz. V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS The proposed PLL algorithms have been implemented in a 16-b fixed-point DSP of Texas Instruments TMS320LF2407. This DSP was embedded in a MSK2407 board of Technosoft, which also includes A/D and D/A converters. The average execution times of each implementation were approximately 10 µs. An external programmable ac source has been employed to generate the input waves. The experimental tests have been designed to show the real performance of the PLLs in the presence of main voltage disturbances described in the Standard EN 50160 [15]. The main criteria to assess the quality of PLL estimation are the presence/absence of ripple (above all, of second harmonic) and of the error signal ve (input of the PI controller) to achieve zero (average value) after a grid fault [1], [3], [9]. A. Single-Phase PLL in 50-Hz Grid The implementation example in Section IV-A has been tested, and key figures are depicted and discussed in the following. 1) Frequency Deviation Test: As previously discussed, a PLL should keep the performance in the presence of grid frequency deviations: A zero average phase error and good filtering in steady state are expected. From Section II-B, the two poles at the origin assure perfect tracking. The filtering is more critical since the notch peak does not correspond with nominal conditions. Experimental tests gave good frequency adaptation. Fig. 8 shows a capture by the single-phase PLL with a clean FREIJEDO et al.: AN OPTIMIZED IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE LOCKED LOOPS FOR GRID APPLICATIONS Fig. 9. Phase measurement θo for a distorted input: Rippleless estimation. Scales: vi and cos(θo ) in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 2.5 ms/div. 3115 Fig. 11. Phase measurement for unbalanced and notched three-phase input signal of nominal frequency 60 Hz: Rippleless estimation. Scales: va , vb , and vc in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 5 ms/div. time necessary to cancel the error (phase retracking). According to (5) and Fig. 5, it takes about a cycle. B. dq-PLL for Distorted 60-Hz Grids Fig. 10. Voltage sag (in vi ) from 1 to 0.5 p.u. and −45◦ phase-angle jump. Phase error ve is canceled in around a cycle. Scales: vi , cos(θo ), and ve in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 5 ms/div. input wave oscillating at a very deviated frequency. The phaseangle estimation of θo is rippleless, and zero crossing of the (clean) input wave corresponds with θo = 0. 2) Harmonic Distortion: The single-phase PLL has been tested in the presence of high-magnitude voltage harmonics in the input wave. From Fig. 5, good rejection of harmonics is expected. Fig. 9 shows experimental results proving that θo is rippleless. 3) Transient Response: Grid faults such as voltage sags are usually associated with phase-angle jumps [16]. When implemented as part of a power converter controller, a PLL should retrack as fast as possible in the presence of grid faults. Fig. 10 shows the transient response of the analyzed PLL in the presence of a voltage sag with a phase jump. The error signal ve (the input of the PI controller) is depicted to better appreciate the This section shows the results of the implementation example explained in Section IV-B. 1) Filtering of Imbalance and AC-Line Notching: As said, voltage imbalance due to the fundamental negative sequence generates a second harmonic ripple in vd [3]. On the other hand, ac-line notching mainly causes high-frequency components in vd [8]. As previously discussed, the dq-PLL in Section IV-B should filter these effects. Fig. 11 shows the results when the fundamental negative-sequence amplitude is around 1/4 of the positive sequence and deep notches over the ac signals are also programmed. It is shown that the obtained phase estimation is rippleless. It should be noted that θo does not (necessarily) coincide with va zero crossing since a dq-PLL corresponds with the positive sequence, not with individual phase voltages, as explained in Section II-A3. 2) Transient Response: The dq-PLL should retrack fast in the presence of voltage sags with phase jumps, e.g., grid codes for wind turbine applications require a fast acting control in the presence of voltage sags of amplitude below a certain threshold [18]. Fig. 12 shows the transient response of the analyzed PLL in the presence of a strong voltage sag with a phase jump. The error signal ve (the input of the PI controller) is depicted to better appreciate the phase retracking. This result confirms the expected performance (Section IV-B) of the system. C. dq-PLL for 400-Hz Grids Finally, the dq-PLL for a 400-Hz grid is tested under nominal and ideal conditions. As discussed in Section IV-C, the sampling frequency has been increased up to 50 kHz in order to have an acceptable THD in the DCO outputs. Fig. 13 proves 3116 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 ployed to identify the error signal spectra. It should be noted that these error signal spectra do not depend on simulation initial conditions (e.g., relative phase of harmonics) since the steady-state dynamics of PLLs is almost linear (Section II-B). The main error sources, included in the models, are enumerated in the following: 1) the truncation in digital filters due to fixed-point dynamics [34]; 2) the white noise due to the 12-b A/D conversion [35]; 3) the noise of the DCO outputs (nonzero THD in Table I); 4) grid frequency deviations (the notch zero is fixed, so filtering worsens); 5) harmonics, imbalance, and noise (ac-line notching) of the input voltage. Fig. 12. Voltage sag in va , vb , and vc : From 1 to 0.5 p.u. and −45◦ phaseangle jump. Phase error ve is canceled in around a cycle. Scales: va , vb , and vc in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 5 ms/div. It could be noted that other sources of error, such as the A/D conversion and computational times, have not been included. This is because the digital control design methodology for power converters should include these effects: Due to sampling effects and computational and PWM delays, digital controllers work with at least one sample delay, which should be included in the whole control modeling [31]. Oscilloscope errors have been also neglected (not relevant in a digital controller). A. Effect of Grid Frequency Deviation in Single-Phase PLL As discussed in Section V-A1, the main source of error tends to be the second harmonic due to the fact that the input frequency is deviated. Table II shows accuracy as function of the frequency deviation. The accuracy of the measurement shown in Fig. 8 is highlighted in Table II. B. Effect of Grid Harmonics in the Single-Phase PLL Fig. 13. Phase measurement for 400-Hz three-phase input signal: Rippleless estimation. Scales: va , vb , and vc in 0.5 p.u./div and time in 500 µs/div. the good steady-state performance (rippleless estimation) of the implementation. VI. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION BY S IMULATION Computational techniques are widely employed to study the dynamics of nonlinear systems like PLLs. By modeling and simulating a PLL, it is possible to assess in a quick and accurate way several features for which an analytical study would be very cumbersome and even inaccurate [14], [20]. The experimental tests performed in the previous section have been emulated by Matlab/Simulink models, like the one in Fig. 14, to estimate the (steady-state) accuracy of the phase measurements. In each case, the tolerance has been assessed from the worst case scenario, i.e., by adding the magnitudes of the error signal spectrum. Fig. 15 shows the fast Fourier transform (FFT) tool of Matlab/Simulink, which has been em- Table III shows the effect of each harmonic, individually assessed, by considering an amplitude of 0.1 p.u. for harmonics and 1 p.u. for the fundamental component. It should be noted that an input harmonic results in two different components (different frequencies) after the PD, so in the case of a third input harmonic, the generated second harmonic is canceled by the notch filter. Apart from this special case, the accuracy grows with the harmonic order, as expected from the frequency response of H1 (z) (at high frequencies, the magnitude gain decreases 20 dB/decade). Focusing on the input wave in Fig. 9, it contains 0.1-p.u. amplitude components of third and fifth harmonics, so the accuracy of the fundamental phase estimation is ±1.32◦ . The highlighted value in Table III corresponds with the data in Fig. 15. C. Voltage Imbalance in the 60-Hz dq-PLL As said, the effect of imbalance in a dq-PLL is a second harmonic in the loop for which the amplitude is the fundamental negative-sequence one. Hence, its effect is also very dependent on grid frequency deviations. Table IV shows the tolerance due to a 0.1-p.u. fundamental negative sequence, with 1 p.u. being the amplitude of the fundamental positive sequence. FREIJEDO et al.: AN OPTIMIZED IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE LOCKED LOOPS FOR GRID APPLICATIONS 3117 Fig. 14. Example of a Matlab/Simulink model employed to assess the accuracy of a PLL phase measurement. Fig. 15. Capture of the Matlab/Simulink FFT tool employed to assess the accuracy of PLL phase measurement. The error signal (signal to analyze) is in radians. The FFT magnitudes are relative to the base value of 0.01 rad. TABLE II ACCURACY AS F UNCTION OF F REQUENCY D EVIATION TABLE III ACCURACY FOR E ACH 0.1-p.u. A MPLITUDE I NPUT H ARMONIC TABLE IV ACCURACY OF A 0.1-p.u. F UNDAMENTAL N EGATIVE S EQUENCE AS F UNCTION OF THE F REQUENCY D EVIATION D. Effect of AC-Line Notching From the point of view of a frequency spectrum, the ac-line notching gives rise mainly to high-frequency components, so good filtering is easily achieved. For example, the accuracy of the estimation in Fig. 11, which also includes the effect of the fundamental negative sequence, is ±0.12◦ . 3118 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 E. 400-Hz dq-PLL The nonlinear effects of the A/D converter and DCO are higher as the fo /fs ratio decreases. In the case of the estimation in Fig. 13, the accuracy is ±0.08◦ . VII. C ONCLUSION A novel approach in digital implementation of PLLs for grid applications has been presented in this paper. The proposed methodology mainly focuses on industrial devices such as lowcost DSPs. By placing a notch filter inside the loop, a good tradeoff between steady-state filtering and postfault transient response is achieved. A linear control approach based on inspection of Bode diagrams has been carried out to optimize the bandwidth and PM. Subsequently, a low-resource-consuming DCO has been proposed to optimize the implementation of trigonometric functions. Based on these approaches, a singlephase PLL and a three-phase PLL have been implemented and tested under realistic conditions. Their good performance has been proved: rippleless phase estimations and fast transient responses are obtained. Finally, a simulation-based accuracy evaluation analysis has been included. R EFERENCES [1] F. D. Freijedo, J. Doval-Gandoy, O. Lopez, and J. Cabaleiro, “Robust phase locked loops optimized for DSP implementation in power quality applications,” in Proc. 34th IEEE IECON, Orlando, FL, Nov. 2008, pp. 3052–3057. [2] A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, and S. Nuccio, “A phase-locked loop for the synchronization of power quality instruments in the presence of stationary and transient disturbances,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2232–2239, Dec. 2007. [3] S.-K. Chung, “A phase tracking system for three phase utility interface inverters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 431–438, May 2000. [4] C. Lascu, L. Asiminoaei, I. 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Since 2008, he has been with the Department of Electronics Technology, Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo. His research interests include switching power converters, grid-connected converters, control of ac drives, and power quality problems. Pablo Fernández-Comesaña (S’09) received the M.Sc. degree from the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, in 2007, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electronics Technology, Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering. Since 2007, he has been with the Department of Electronics Technology, Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo. His research interests include switching power converters, grid-connected converters, flexible ac transmission systems, and power quality problems. Óscar López (M’05) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, in 2001 and 2009, respectively. Since 2004, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics Technology, Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo. His research interests include the areas of ac power switching converter technology. Jesús Doval-Gandoy (M’99) received the M.Sc. degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1991 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, in 1999. From 1991 to 1994, he worked at the industry. He is currently an Associate Professor with the University of Vigo. His research interests include the areas of ac power conversion.