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Andreas Athanasiadis, The events of Metamorfosi village and Kilkis High School [March 1930], Pontokomi 2011
The Beads of Middle Dnieper region of the 10th–13th centuries. Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate of historical degree (philosophy doctor) by specialty 07.00.04. Archaeology. The Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021. The dissertation contains the complex analysis of beads – the common adornment in the Middle Ages culture. This study is the first corpus of the beads from the Middle Dnieper region ranging in time from the 10th to the 40-ies of 13th century, i.e. the time of appearance, establishment and development of Early Rus’ till the Mongol invasion. New archaeological finds were introduced to scientific parlance; the base of sources was supplemented and generalized; the history of beads studying was analyzed; beads were classified on the ground of the complex classification including both morphological and chemical-technical features; the major periods of common use of beads were marked; manufacture complexes (glassworks, glassmaking and amber handling workshops in Kyiv Podil district) were systematized, analyzed and put onto map; the chemical analysis of glass was carried out (raw materials, samples of production from craftsmanship complexes, vestiges of production) in order to distinguish imported and home-made (Early Rus’) production; the technologies of glass articles production were ascertained by morphological features; combining the study of technology and ascertaining of chemical composition aided to detect the production centres and import routes. With the help of statistical procession of finds following representative groups of beads were distinguished: – beads of the 10th century spread into the Middle Dnieper region, most likely, as composed necklaces or as certain groups of beads, a majority of which were the Middle East samples accompanied by Byzantine production; – a set of beads from the 10th – the early 11th centuries contains the imported (primarily Middle Eastern, Egyptian and Syrian) beads made of glass and stone. In the late 10th century Byzantine beads and stone ones began appear more frequently in the sets; – the 11th–12th centuries are the period of gradual disappearance of certain types of beads, amplifying the quantity of existing ones and appearance of new types. In the first quarter of the 11th century the Middle East beads (as well as the silver coins) ceased to get into the Early Rus’. The influence of Byzantium was enhancing; the trade route from Vikings to Greeks which served to transport the Byzantine beads started operating. One can observe the gradual shrinking of the selection of beads in the burial assemblages in the Middle Dnieper region, in the following centuries this trend started ratcheting up, making it noticeable against the background of the beads’ collection of the Early Rus’ towns. This trend can be explained in the terms of culture and traditions (from pagan beliefs to Christianity); – beads from the 12th – the first half of the 13th century is the numerous and diverse chronological group. From the 11th century the glassmaking complexes popped up in some Early Rus’ towns worked with imported as well as with local raw materials. The first workshops of that kind were related with religious buildings and the development of chiefly monumental architecture, they emerged in the temple-building places (the Starokyivska Hill and Kyiv-Pechersk lavra). In Kyiv Podil district the production complexes with narrow specialization (with only one or two types of products, where adornment, particularly beads, prevail) emerged in the 12th century. Due to technologies, such as serial winding, there was a tendency to mass production of jewellery and their entry into the market in large batches. The color gamut of beads expanded through the adding of new dyes without a necessity to import them. The analyzes of Kyiv workshops glass show that three classes of chemical composition of medieval glass prevailed: sodium-calcium, lead and potassium-lead. Soda-lime-silica and lead glass was produced both in Byzantium and in Rus’ workshops by Greek craftsmen near the temple-building places, where these glassmaking complexes were established. Potassium-lead glass could have arisen as a result of the borrowing of Byzantine recipe consisting of three components: sand, ash and lime but in the Early Rus’ version the ash of plants of the arid zone was replaced by the ash of plants of the continental zone – potash (available to local glassmakers). Comparison of the obtained chronological groups of beads to the existing chronological scale of beads’ spread on other territories (particularly Volga Bulgaria, northern regions of Rus’, Northern Europe) one can observe that the set of beads in the Middle Dnieper region demonstrates the presence of types, pertaining to the assemblages from the 10th–13th centuries in the Early Rus’ and mainly coincides with the conventional chronology; the composition of the set of beads in the Middle Dnieper region became more diverse after accepting of Christianity and intensifying of the connections to Byzantium through the import of new types of beads, the emergence and development of local glassmaking production.
El acondicionamiento de aire se define según la normativa española1 como el proceso, o procesos,de tratamiento de aire que modifica sus condiciones para adecuarlas a unas necesidades determinadas. Hay multitud de actividades que requieren unas condiciones de aire específicas o determinadas como: laboratorios de metrología y calibración, salas de ordenadores, salas de exposiciones, quirófanos y salas de vigilancia intensiva (UVI), salas blancas en general, fabricación de dulces, fabricación de textiles, etc. Un sinfín de procesos industriales que precisan unas condiciones ambientales fijas, que pueden ser muy diferentes de las condiciones de confort, pero determinantes para la manipulación o la calidad del producto final. El acondicionamiento del aire se realiza mediante Unidades de Tratamiento de Aire (UTA), que son aparatos modulares en los que en cada módulo se realiza un tratamiento y se agrupan en función de las condiciones finales de aire requeridas. El tratamiento de aire más completo, es la climatización, en la que se necesitan la mayor parte de los módulos existentes, para garantizar las condiciones del bienestar térmico de las personas. Es, probablemente, por esta razón, por lo que las UTAs se conocen normalmente como climatizadores. Los módulos de calor y frío, funcionan con baterías de agua caliente y fría respectivamente, que obtienen de generadores independientes; la producción de agua caliente suele confiarse a calderas y la de agua fría a máquinas frigoríficas llamadas enfriadoras. La ciencia que estudia las propiedades de la mezcla aire-vapor de agua y establece las relaciones entre ellas para su cálculo y tratamiento, se llama psicrometría2. Las fórmulas establecidas por la misma, facilitan también la construcción de diagramas de aire húmedo que facilitan el cálculo y proporcionan un resultado visual de la transformación. Inconvenientes del aire acondicionado La eterna pregunta del aire acondicionado es: ¿resulta beneficioso o perjudicial? Para responder bien a esta cuestión hay que tener en cuenta diversos factores como: el tipo de aparato y de vivienda, su instalación, el uso, el vecindario, el historial del habitante, etc. Un perjuicio destacable, que en la mayoría de las ocasiones es independiente del uso que se le dé al aparato, se encuentra en los diversos niveles de tolerancia a las diferentes temperaturas que tiene cada persona. Las familias con varios miembros son mucho más propensas a sufrir esta situación cuando comparten una estancia de la vivienda. Y a este respecto hay que añadirle, además, la influencia de la vestimenta, así como la energía calorífica que los propios miembros desprenden al estar juntos en la habitación. Esto, a veces, genera dos problemas para la salud: puede provocar enfriamientos, con sus correspondientes efectos, y puede desencadenar un aumento del nivel de estrés en aquellos que no encuentran conformes con la temperatura ambiente establecida.
Präsentation für Das Frontend als „Flaschenhals“? Mediävistische Ressourcen im World Wide Web und ihre Nutzungspotentiale für eine Digitale Prosopographie - Tagung vom 19. bis 21. Februar 2020, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Datum: 20. Februar 2020, 20.00 Uhr Ort: Universitätshauptgebäude der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, HS 250 Tritt die Geschichtsforschung in das Zeitalter von „big data“ ein, in dem „die Vergangenheit genauso zugänglich wird wie die Gegenwart“? Oder erfüllt sich gar, 100 Jahre nach seiner Geburt, die Verheißung des Science-Fiction-Autors Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), dass eine neue Wissenschaft von der Geschichte plausible Prognosen über die Zukunft ermöglicht? Solche und ähnliche Ankündigungen bevölkern Websites, Pressemeldungen und Projektanträge. Tatsächlich wächst die Zahl der digital erfassten Daten über Personen, Ereignisse, Orte, Texte und Artefakte ständig, auch im immer globaleren Feld der Mittelalterforschung für ganz Afro-Eurasien. Auf dieser Grundlage können Verflechtungen innerhalb von Gesellschaften und zwischen Weltregionen in ihrer Komplexität und Veränderung neu erfasst, kartiert und analysiert werden. Jedoch stellt die Fragmentierung des gesammelten Wissens zwischen verschiedenen „Datensilos“ und Disziplinen mit ihren je eigenen Regeln nach wie vor ein nicht unerhebliches Hindernis dar. Ebenso sind sich die verschiedenen Zünfte der Historikerinnen und Historiker noch nicht klar, wieviel an Quantifizierung, Visualisierung und Mathematisierung „ihres“ Materials sie verdauen können oder wollen. Sie müssen aber gleichzeitig zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass aus den Naturwissenschaften kommende Initiativen wie „Sociophysics“ oder „Cliodynamics“ das Feld der Geschichtsforschung mit beanspruchen oder sogar neu definieren wollen. Auf der Grundlage einzelner Fallstudien und eigener Erfahrungen der Mitarbeit an solchen Initiativen beleuchtet der Vortrag diese Ansätze, ihre Potentiale und Probleme. Dabei soll deutlich werden, dass die (mediävistische) Geschichtsforschung über die „bloße“ Digitalisierung hinaus neue Instrumente, wie etwa die Netzwerkanalyse, in ihren Werkzeugkasten aufnehmen muss. Doch bieten gerade die traditionellen „Tugenden“ der Historikerin/des Historikers auch im „digital turn“ die Mittel, um der unkritischen Verschmelzung höchst unterschiedlicher Daten und ihrer grob vereinfachenden Deutung entgegenzutreten.
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Even if our own approach to things is necessarily conditioned by the view that things have no meanings apart from those that human transactions, attributions, and motivations endow them with, the anthropological problem is that this formal truth does not illuminate the concrete, historical circulation of things. For that we have to follow the things themselves, for their meanings are inscribed in their forms, their uses, their trajectories. It is only through analysis of these trajectories that we can interpret the human transactions and calculations that enliven things. Thus, even though from a theoretical point of view human actors encode things with significance, from a methodological point of view it is the things-in-motion that illuminate their human and social context. 1 1 Appadurai (1986: 5).
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
The authors are focused on measuring the preferences of parents to traditional or alternative forms of rewards and punishments in the education of preschool children. For this purpose the questionnaire for parents was created. Research has shown that parents are aware of the alternative forms of rewards and punishments and try to implement them in their education. Differences in the preference for the traditional and alternative concept of education by gender of the parents, age and the number of children in the family were not found. The only significant influence was found in the parents' level of education.
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