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Touch and the body Andrea Serino 1 & Patrick Haggard 2 1 – Dipartimento di Psicologia and Centro studi e ricerche in Neuroscienze Cognitive , Università degli Studi di Bologna. 3 Department of Psychology and Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London Acknowledgements: PH was supported by BBSRC project grant D009529, and by a research grant from Bial Foundation. 1 Abstract The dual nature of touch has long been understood. The sense of touch seems to carry information at the same time about the external object touching our skin, and also about our body itself. However, the nature of this interaction has remained obscure. We present an analytic model of how tactile information interacts with mental body representations in the brain. Four such interactions are described: the link between the body surface and the maps in primary somatosensory cortex, the contribution of somatosensory cortical information to mental body representations, the feedback pathway from such higher representations back to primary tactile processing in somatosensory cortex, and the modulation of tactile object perception by mental body representations. 2 Introduction and model Touch is often considered by neuroscientists under the general heading of somatosensation. This already reveals a strong link between tactile sensation and perception on the one hand, and the body on the other. Indeed, the receptor organ for touch, the skin, also forms the surface of the physical body. Although the interdependence between the sense of touch and the body is well recognised, this interaction can take place at a range of different levels within the nervous system, with quite different consequences and mechanisms. In this review, we first present an analytical model of the relation between touch and the body, and then use this to distinguish four different ways in which tactile afferent information can either be influenced by, or have influence upon, the mental representation of the body. INSERT FIGURE 1 ABOUT HERE The model is shown in figure 1. External stimuli (“objects”) impinge upon the physical body, through contact with the skin. Tactile afferents convey information about this contact via the medial lemniscal-thalamocortical pathway to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of the contralateral hemisphere. This area therefore contains an essentially spatial representation of the physical body surface, and is responsible for primary tactile sensations. That is, the physical body structures tactile sensation, because the physical body is the receptor surface (Pathway 1 in figure 1). Mounting neurophysiological and psychophysical evidence shows that other brain areas house additional mental body representations (MBRs). We will show that MBRs depend on afferent inputs, relayed through primary representations (Pathway 2 in figure 3 1). However, MBRs are typically multimodal rather than unimodal, and persist even in the absence of current stimulation. This abstraction from primary sensation allows MBRs to contribute to cognitive functions including memory, mental imagery etc. Here, we make the further strong claim that these MBRs reciprocally influence primary tactile processing in SI (Pathway 3 in figure 1). A second strong claim from this review will be that MBRs contribute not only to perception of one’s own body, but also to perception of other objects in the external world. Specifically, tactile and visual perception of external objects may be body-referenced (Pathway 4 in figure 1). The structure of our review is based on these four critical pathways linking the physical body, the sense of touch and the mental representation of one’s own body. Therefore, we review, in turn, key psychophysical and neurophysiological evidence that (1) the physical body structures tactile sensation, (2) that tactile sensations contribute to a Mental Body Representation (MBR), (3) that MBRs reciprocally influence primary tactile processing, and (4) that MBRs mediate the formation of a object representations from primary tactile sensations. 4 Pathway 1 - THE PHYSICAL BODY STRUCTURES TACTILE SENSATION The sense of touch is the phenomenal counterpart of afferent input from mechanoceptors on the body surface. Peripheral signals from the skin are transmitted trough the dorsal column of the medulla, and project, via the thalamus, to primary (SI; area 3 in the monkey) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices, respectively in the postcentral gyrus and lateral sulcus. For details on the mechanoreceptors and the afferent pathways see the reviews by XXX in this volume. Here we concentrate on the cortical mechanisms of touch only. SI neurons encode physical proprieties of tactile stimuli within a spatial map. Tactile sensations are localized on a given part of the body thanks to the organization of primary somasensory cortex. SI of each hemisphere contains a complete topographical organized representation of the controlateral side of the body. This “somatosensory homunculus” is inverted relative to the physical body, with the legs represented medially and the face and hands more laterally (Penfield & Boldrey, 1937; see Figure, 1). The relationship between space on the body and in SI homunculus has been clearly demonstrated by classic neurophysiological experiments. Tactile stimuli administered on a given body part elicits a neural response in a specific portion of SI homunuculus, matching the same body part. Conversely, the electrical stimulation of the same region of SI induces a tactile perception localized on the corresponding part of the body (see also Kaas et al., 1979 and Tommerdhal et al., 1993 for data on animals and Yang et al., 1993; Shoham & Grinvald 2001; Sato et al., 2005 for data on humans). . 5 Neurophysiological studies on the structure of post central sulcus showed that SI is organized in cortical columns, up to 500 m wide, which receive projections from a restricted population of mechanoceptors (Kaas et al., 1979; Mountcastle, 1997). Thus each column has a well defined receptive field. Adjacent neurons on SI surface tend to have adjacent receptive fields on the body (Blakenburg et al., 2003; Penfield et al., 1950). Within this somatotopic map, there is a threeway relation between receptive field size, extent of representation in SI, and tactile acuity., The size of individual receptive fields on the skin size varies among body parts and therefore among regions of SI also. At the same time the size of SI representations varies among body parts. For instance, skin regions such as lips and fingers have large SI representations, while the back and torso have small representations. Skin regions differ in the degree of tactile information they supply: tactile spatial acuity on the finger is for instance about twenty times greater than on the back. Tactile acuity is an inverse function of the receptive field size of SI neurons (Brown et al., 2004): body parts with high tactile acuity have densely packed mechanoreceptors on the skin, thus they have smaller cortical receptive fields, and are largely represented in SI. Other skin regions have fewer mechanoreceptors, small SI representations, with large receptive fields, and low tactile acuity. This produces the classic correlation between size of SI representation and tactile spatial resolution (Weinstein et al., 1968): body parts extensively represented in SI have better tactile acuity. Thus, the phenomenal experience of touch on a given part of the body depends on a close linkage between peripheral signals from the skin and firing properties of a given population of neurons in SI. Sometimes, this correspondence may be disturbed, because 6 of lesions or experimental manipulations. In these cases, very interesting phenomena arise both at level of neural networks and of phenomenal sensation. These effects might contribute to elucidate the link between primary sensory activity and conscious experience. Amputation The “phantom limb” experience is a striking example of the link between primary cortical activity and conscious experirence. This term, initially introduced by Mitchel (1871), refers to patients’ experience of an amputated limb as still present. –Patients feel tactile and also sensations to arise from their missing limb. Importantly, patients are aware of their amputation and that these sensations are not veridical. They experience an illusion, not a delusion, as Ramachandran (1998) well underlined. Phantoms limb sensations are initially reported in the vast majority of amputated patients, and then progressively disappear in few days or months, although illusions persisting for decades have also been described (Sunderland, 1978). Normally phantoms are reported following amputation of an arm or leg, but also cases involving other body parts have been described (Scholtz, 1993; Aglioti et al., 1994; Hoffman, 1955; Sacks 1992). Phantoms are experienced as occupying the “habitual” posture of the amputated limb. In many cases, especially in the first period after amputation, patients claim they can generate voluntary movements in their phantom. This suggests that phantoms closely mirror proprieties of real limbs. One interesting feature of phantom limb is referred sensation, i.e. sensation localized to a phantom body part after tactile stimulation of a remote part of the subject’s body (Ramachandran et al., 1992; Halligan et al., 1994; Aglioti et al., 1997). 7 In patients with amputation of the upper limb, referred sensations are often reported after stimulation of the lower face, ipsilaterally to amputation: tactile stimuli administered on adjacent points of the face elicit both a tactile sensation on the face and a referred sensation on the phantom hand, in a one to one spatial correspondence. Moreover, referred sensation closely reflects perceptual characteristics, such as intensity and frequency, of delivered stimulation. Referred sensations have been interpreted as a sign of cortical reorganization of primary sensory cortices following amputation. Absence of normal afferent inputs from amputated body regions to the matching portion of SI leads to a reorganization of neighbouring portions of the SI map. , as the latter regions “invade” the cortical territory previously representing the amputated body part. In the case of phantom arm, SI area mapping the face expands into the territory of the hand. Thus, the hand area now responds also to stimuli delivered to face area, this resulting in a “duplicated” tactile sensation on the face and on the phantom hand. Neuroimaging studies in amputees confirm that tactile inputs from the face elicit neural responses also in the SI hand territory (Fuhr et al., 1992; Kew et al., 1994; Yang et al.,1994; see Ramachandran 1993 for a review). Findings with patients suggest considerable plasticity in human somatosensory cortex. Experiments in animals have allowed more controlled investigation of these phenomena, and have shed light on the neural mechanisms of plasticity. . Merzenich and colleagues extensively studied the effects of amputation on topographic representations of the body in areas 3b and 1 (corresponding to SI) in the monkey. Two months after amputation of one digit most of the cortex that originally responded only to the skin surface on the amputated digit, now responded to inputs from adjacent digits 8 or the subjacent palm. The cortical area undergoing topographic changes was confined to the immediate boundaries of the amputated digit representation. Moreover, most changes involved new representation of immediately adjacent digits, while there was no significant increase in the representation of more distant digits (Merzenich et al., 1984). Therefore, cortical reorganization after amputation is quite rapid, systematic and follows the organisation of the SI map, even when large portions of somatosensory cortex are involved. A candidate mechanism for this form of plasticity is the unmasking of existing synaptic connections between adjacent areas of SI (Ramachandran & Histein, 1998; Buonamano & Merzenich, 1998; see Kew et al., 1997 for a discussion). Adjacent columns of SI may be laterally interconnected. These lateral inputs may normally be silent or below threshold, because they are masked from stronger inputs from periphery. The existence of silent connections in normal conditions between hand and face representations, for instance, has been recently demonstrated by Tanosaki et al. (2003). They showed that in healthy subjects the somatosensory magnetic field evoked by tactile sensation on the face was modulated by concurrent electrical stimulation of the thumb. However, when a portion of SI is no longer “fed” by its proper signals, lateral connections from neighbouring representations are unmasked and therefore produce an over-threshold activity, in relationship with stimuli presented on a different body location. Interestingly, enlargement in cortical representation after amputation may not improve functional touch. Indeed, studies which assessed tactile acuity in body parts proximal to the amputation, and therefore likely to benefit from enalarged cortical representation, both in monkeys (Vega-Bermudez & Johnoson, 2002) and in humans 9 (Teuber et al. 1949; Haber, 1958; Braune and Schady, 1993; Flor et al., 1998; Grusser et al., 2001) found no significant improvements in tactile sensitivity. Thus the relationship between plastic changes in the extension of cortical representation and functional tactile processing remains unclear. Transplantation In principle, restoring peripheral inputs after trauma right re-establish, the relationship between neural activity and tactile sensation. Indeed, effects of limb amputation can be reversible in cases of transplantation. This surgical procedure is based on regenerative proprieties of peripheral nerves. Since pioneering studies by Head and Rivers (1908), it has been known that a divided and reunited nerve regenerates. Head and Rivers recorded the recovery of sensation after the division of nerves in Head's own arm. They described two definite stages in the return of sensibility. In the first stage, the sensations are vague and crude in character, without clear perceptual ability of either discrimination or localisation. The second stage of the process of regeneration is characterised by the return of those features of normal cutaneous sensibility, such as exact discrimination and localisation, which underly normal touch and haptic interaction with objects. They concluded that progressive nerve regeneration is related to recovery of sensation and functional touch. This basic mechanism is effective also when all sensory afferents from an amputated limb have been absent. An extraordinary demonstration comes from the case of a patient (C.D.) who underwent a bilateral hand transplantation (Giraux et et al., 2001). C.D.’s ability to localize tactile stimuli was tested 5 months and 11 months after 10 surgery (Farnè et al., 2005). Initially C.D. was able to perceive touch on his hands, however sensation on one hand was hampered when concurrent stimuli were administered on the ipsilateral cheek: right face stimulation extinguished right hand perception. This was due to competition between hand and face representations following long term absence of afferent inputs from the hands (see Amputation section above). However, 11 months after surgery, face-hand extinction was no longer present. This suggests that incoming sensory stimuli from re-planted hands drove a reorganization of somatosensory representations. Congenital absent limbs. Afferent input from the physical body therefore plays a key role in structuring the spatial maps in SI. This raises the question whether the neural representation of the body is constrained by an intrinsic organising principle, or whether its organisation is derived from experience of afferent inputs. Studies of phantom sensations in people with congenitally absent limbs suggest that some innate structure of tactile representation exists even in the absence of any relevant peripheral inputs. (Weinstein & Sersen, 1961; Weinstein et al., 1964; Poeck, 1964; Vetter & Weinstein, 1967; see Brugger, 2006 for a recent review). Thus, some individuals with congenital phantoms claim to be able to move their phantoms. fMRI data showed that phantom limbs movements activated cortical areas similar to those described in traumatic amputees. TMS stimulation of controlateral motor cortex evoked sensations of movement in the phantom limbs (Brugger et al., 2000). However, a recent study suggests that the neural substrates of these sensations are primarily in motor rather than somatosensory brain areas (Bestmann et al. 2006 ). 11 These findings have been taken as an evidence for an innate representation of the structure of human body (Melzack, 1997). In this view, peripheral stimulation or movement of a body part are not strictly necessary to drive representation in primary cortices. The alternative possibility is that visual experience of other people moving their extremities have activated networks mediating visuo-motor limb representation (Brugger et al., 2000). The mirror system (see Rizzolatti & Cragheiro, 2004 for a review) would be the mechanism underlying this effect. While most studies have focussed on movement sensations in congenital phantoms, one study has reported tactile experiences in the phantom limb evoked by touching the stump (Melzack et al., 1997). Elongation Gradual changes in the physical body occur throughout the life span, in addition to sudden changes such as amputations. These changes are normally too slow to produce measurable effects in tactile maps within SI within the time-frame of most studies. In addition, the most obvious gradual change, i.e., growth and maturation, involves expansion of the physical body. In contrast, traumatic changes such as amputation involve contraction. Therefore, post-amputation plasticity may be a poor model of plasticity during natural growth. However, in the case of achondroplastic dwarfs, body parts may be surgically elongated within a time interval of some months. This provides a good experimental model for studying developmental neuroplastic change, because there is an appropriate time-scale, a well-defined and controlled intervention, and a healthy brain. Di Russo at al., (2006) recently studied cortical and perceptual reorganization following progressive elongation of lower limbs in two patients. In this 12 procedure, an external device is fixed on the bones and progessively separates two bone segments by about 1mm per day, up to an elongation of 10-15 cm of the lower limb. Patients were tested before and after this surgical procedure, and at six month followup. Somatosensory evoked potential and FMRI scans following tactile stimulation of the knee and the foot changed after surgery. In particular, the foot representation enlarged and shifted medially after the lengthening phase. This shift would allow additional cortical territory for representing touch on the now-enlarged leg. Interestingly, these SI changes also had implications for mental body representation, which are discussed in the next section. Deafferentation The relationship between peripheral inputs and SI representation has been also extensively investigated through deafferentation. When afferent inputs from the body surface cannot reach matching portions of primary somatosensory cortices due to nerve resection or anaesthesia, these regions plastically re-organize so that they respond to stimuli presented on adjoining body parts. For example, transecting the median nerve of a monkey, removes inputs to somatosensory areas from ventral portion of digits D1-D3. Just immediately after this manipulation, a limited sector of cortex previously mapping these body parts, responded to inputs from the dorsal skin and the bordering zone on digits D3 and D4 (Jekins et al., 1990; Merzenich et al., 1993). A similar demonstration in on a larger scale has been reported by Pons et al., (1991) who mapped the cortex of monkeys that had undergone deafferentation of the dorsal roots (C2-T4) several years before. This 13 manipulation resulted in deprivation of a cortical area of over 1cm2 of its normal inputs from arm and hand. Cortical maps reorganized so that deprived areas developed novel responses to neighbouring skin areas, including face and chin. Forms of short term cortical reorganization due to deafferentation have also been shown in humans after anesthesia. Rossini et al. (1994) recorded Somatosensory Evoked Fields (SEFs) during electrical stimulation of the 1st, 3rd, or 5th finger after a complete ischemic anesthesia of the 4 non-stimulated fingers. They observed that cortical responses from the unanesthetized fingers were increased following a relatively brief period of anaesthesia of the adjacent finger. These changes also influence tactile perception. Cutaneous anaesthesia of the right hand improves spatial tactile acuity in the left hand. This effect was associated with a change in evoked cortical potentials recorded from the right somatosensory cortex (Werhanhn et al., 2002; see also Bjorkman et al., 2004). Importantly, these effects follow a somatotopic principle, since anaesthesia of the foot did not affect touch on the hand. Bjorkman et al, demonstrated that this manipulation is also effective in patients suffering partial somatosensory loss due to injuries in median or ulnar nerves, suggesting possible clinical applications. These effects have been interpreted as a consequence of unmasking of existing horizontal connections between homologues regions of somatosensory cortices of the two hemispheres via corpus callosum, similar to those evoked by amputation (see above). These projections makes excitatory contacts onto pyramidal cells and interneurons: they provide both monosynaptic excitation in SI, as well as disynaptic inhibition through excitatory synapses with inhibitory interneurons (Carr and Sesack 1998; Somogyi et al. 1983). Depressing the activity of the contralateral SI cortex by 14 means of peripheral anaesthesia might reduce controlateral inhibition and thus "unmask" normally suppressed responses (Pluto et al., 2005). These processes should act on the gain of neural populations, changing the spatial tuning of neurons’ receptive fields, thus affecting tactile sensitivity. Besides inter-hemispheric interaction, similar effects have been also demonstrated intra-hemispherically. Indeed an improvement of tactile sensation has been shown within the same hemisoma: anaesthesia of a limited portion of the right forearm by means of a local anaesthetic cream, resulted in tactile improvement on the right hand (Bjorkman et al., 2004). These effects occur after some minutes of anaesthesia and are totally reversible after the end of anaesthesia. When tactile afferents recovered the system reorganized, to its original balance. This evidence further supports the idea SI organization is determined by competition between neighbouring population of neurons. The activity of each population depends on peripheral inputs from the skin. Experience Finally, the relationship between the physical body and SI structure is also shown by the effects of tactile experience. The structure of afferent inputs affects both SI representation and tactile sensitivity. It is well known that subjects who exercise their tactile abilities to an extraordinary degree in everyday life have an expanded representation of the trained body part in primary somatosensory cortices. Pascual-Leone & Torres (1993) demonstrated that a sample of Braille readers, who show superior tactile abilities as a group (Van Boven et al., 2000), showed enlarged somatosensory representation of the right index finger, 15 which they used in Braille reading, compared to the left index finger, which was not used in reading.. In the same vein, Ebert et al. (1995), showed that in professional string players, tactile stimulation of left hand digits elicited a larger and enhanced activation in SI corresponding regions in comparison to non-expert controls. The effects were specific for the left hand, used to finger the strings. An analogous plasticity has been shown in the monkey: prolonged training of tactile stimulation to a restricted part of the distal pad of one of two phalanges, produced an expanded cortical representation in area 3b. The effect was specific for the portion of the cortex mapping the part of the digit which had undergone the training (Recanzone et al., 1992). Similar results have been shown in humans. In Braun et al.’s study, (2000) subjects performed for 4 weeks, 1 hour per day, a tactile orientation task, administered on the 1st and the 5th finger. Neuroelectric source imaging showed that SI representations of the two fingers were further apart from each other than before the training, this suggesting an expanded representation. Plastic reorganization of somatosensory maps has been shown also in conditions of entirely passive tactile stimulation. In anesthetized rats, a few hours of simultaneous passive stimulation of two adjacent parts of hindpaw resulted in an increase of corresponding SI territory (Godde et al., 1996). The effect was reversible after the end of stimulation. In a further study on humans, similar “co-activation” stimuli were applied for two hours on the right index finger. This passive stimulation produced an improvement of tactile acuity, specific for the stimulated finger, which lasted for some hours. If stimulation was repeated for 3 consecutive days, the duration of the effect increased. Stimulation lasting less than 30 minutes was not effective (Godde et al., 16 2000). Somatosensory evoked potentials showed that simultaneous stimulation induced a shift in the source of electrical activation related to the stimulated finger, compatible with an enlargement on SI representation. The degree of the shift was correlated with the improvement of tactile performance after simultaneous stimulation (Pleger et al., 2001; see also Pleger et al., 2003; Godde et al., 2003 and Hodzic et al. 2004). These changes appeared not to depend on attention or motivation. Rather, they have been interpreted in terms of automatic plastic reorganization of somatosensory maps based on a Hebbian mechanism (Hebb, 1949): temporally-correlated inputs to adjacent skin regions body induce reorganization of corresponding regions of SI. A strong demonstration of this proposal comes from the evidence that in the monkey prolonged simultaneous stimulation of different two fingers resulted in a fusion of SI representation of the two fingers, whereas asynchronous stimulation resulted in segregation (Wang, 1995). Analogously, Clark and colleagues demonstrated that surgical fusion of two digits in the monkey resulted in a fusion of SI digits’ representations (Clark et al., 1998; Allard et al., 1991). An elegant demonstration of the co-activation principle in humans came from Sterr et al. (1998a; 1998b), who compared the ability of localizing tactile stimuli administered on different fingers in Braille readers who normally used three fingers and in Braille readers who use only one finger to read. Three finger Braille readers more frequently confused which finger was touched than one finger readers. At the same time, finger representations in SI differed between the two groups: in three-finger readers the representations of the 3 reading digits were disordered compared to those in one-finger readers. 17 At the same time, a number of experimental results indicate important constraints on general principles of experience-dependent plasticity. First, touch improvement in normal subjects has been obtained also by asynchronous stimulation (Blake et al., 2005), suggesting that the temporal window which constitutes correlated tactile experience is ill-defined. Second, simultaneous stimulation leads to improvement in spatial discrimination within a body part, but also to confusion between body parts in tactile localisation tasks (Braun et al., 2000). The length of lateral inhibitory connections may constrain the effects of hebbian plasticity in SI. Closely adjacent skin regions, for instance on the same finger, are likely to be connected by such interneurons. Lateral inhibition then tends amplify even small differences between the responses of simultaneously-activated afferents. Conversely, afferents projecting from skin regions that are far apart are presumably less interconnected by such interneurons, so are less sensitive to this effect. A single general mechanism of competitive inhibition might underlie the interactions between physical body structure and SI body maps revealed by amputation, elongation, transplantation, deafferentation and experience. Specifically, competition between afferent signals from different body parts or skin regions is resolved by lateral inhibition provided notably by intracortical interneurons (Brecht et al., 2003). As a result, a given cortical neuron will respond preferentially to touch on a given skin region (i.e., its receptive field), but could potentially respond to touch on other, adjacent regions if the dominant input were suppressed or removed. Thus, tactile sensation in SI reflects a dynamic balance between excitatory afferents and inhibitory interneurons. Alterations of the physical body induce reorganization. Therefore, inputs 18 from neighbouring regions rapidly invade the territory previously mapping a body part that is removed, producing referral of phenomenal experience. This shows that the relationship between touch and body representation is bidirectional. The peripheral origins of tactile afferents define the neural maps that give rise to tactile experience on the body. At the same time, the organisation of the neural map in SI determines how tactile stimulation of a particular body location will be experienced. 19 Pathway 2 - TACTILE SENSATIONS CONTRIBUTE TO MENTAL BODY REPRESENTATIONS Processing of tactile information does not end at the primary somatosensory cortex. Broadly speaking, brain areas showing tactile responses beyond SI can be classified in two ways, following Katz’s (1925) distinction between exteroceptive and interoceptive touch. On the one hand, areas such as SII are concerned with further processing of tactile object features. Neurons in these areas have larger receptive fields but more precise tuning properties than SI, suggesting a role in feature extraction (Fitzgerald et al., 2006a,b). Other areas appear to contain representations related to the body itself. While neurons in these areas may have tactile responses, they appear to code the state of the body, rather than the properties of the external object. We use the term Mental Body Representation (MBR) to refer to such representations. The evidence for MBRs, and the various forms of MBR that may exist has been discussed in detail elsewhere and is beyond the scope of this article (Haggard & Wolpert., 2005; Berlucchi & Aglioti, 1997; Gallagher, 2005; Dijkerman & de Haan 2007). For present purposes, we use the term MBR to refer to an abstract representation of one’s own body, derived from sensory input but capable of being dissociated from it, and playing a functional role in perception and/or action. A broad distinction has been drawn between two types of MBR, often called body schema and body image respetively (Gallagher, 2005). The body schema represents the positions of body parts in space, relative to each other. It is of primarily proprioceptive origin, short-lived, and updated as our bodies move. It serves to guide our actions and our interactions with the external world. The body image represents the canonical 20 appearance of the body as an object in third person perspective, is primarily of visual origin, and remains relatively fixed over time and as the body moves and changes. It may contribute to distinguishing between the body and external objects, and contribute more widely to sense of self and personal identity. Often however, the neutral term MBR is preferable to body image or body schema, since representations of the body may include features of both types. Rubber hand illusions and mental body representations Pathway 2 of figure 1 shows that tactile information provides an important input to MBRs. A simple demonstration of this point comes from the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI; Botvinick & Cohen, 1998). View a rubber had being stroked in synchrony with the unseen stroking of one’s own hand produces the strong phenomenal experience that the rubber hand is in fact one’s own hand. An external object (the rubber hand) becomes phenomenally incorporated into one’s own body. A convenient quantitative proxy for the illusion is a shift in the proprioceptively-perceived position of one’s own hand towards the rubber hand. Correlated primary tactile and visual input therefore clearly influence the MBR (pathway 2 in figure 1). Here we focus only on two studies which considered the specific contribution of touch to the RHI:.the neural basis of the RHI and the conditions that induce it have been discussed elsewhere (Ehrsson, 2004; Tsakiris et al.,, 2006). Tsakiris, Prabhu and Haggard (2005) compared the RHIs induced by tactile and by somatosensory stimulation with those induced by voluntary action. In the tactile condition, subjects were stroked on the index or little finger while viewing a synchronous or delayed video image of the stroking. The RHI was measured as a 21 proprioceptive drift of the stimulated finger, or the unstimulated finger towards the video image. Results showed that only the stimulated finger exhibited an RHI, and that this did not transfer across the hand. For example, stroking the index finger produced an RHI for the index but not for the little finger. Similar results were found for passive extension and flexion of the same fingers. In contrast, RHIs generated by volulntary extension and flexion actions of the same fingers generalised more successfully across the hand, such that moving the index finger generated RHIs for both index and little fingers. Action then, produced a coherent, generalised change in the MBR, whereby the entire video hand was incorporated. Primary tactile stimulation, in contrast, produced a purely local MBR, confined to the touched finger. This result suggests that touch does contribute to MBRs in a feedforward fashion. However, the normal unity and coherence with which we represent our own body, and which may underlie the unity of self-consciousness, comes from efference, rather than from afferent sensation. Costantini and Haggard (2007) investigated the frame of reference used to construct MBRs from tactile input, using a sensitivity analysis. They gradually rotated the subject’s hand through 0, 10 or 20 degrees while inducing the RHI using tactile stroking. They found a partial level of RHI in the 10 degree rotation condition. They also independently manipulated the direction of tactile stimulation of the subject’s hand. Either stroking direction could rotate with the subject’s hand, or it could remain aligned with the viewed stimulation of the rubber hand. In the former case, tactile and visual stimulation would be congruent in hand-space though incongruent in external space. In the latter case, tactile and visual stimulation would be congruent in external space but incongruent in hand-space. The results showed that visual and tactile stroking produced larger RHIs when congruent in hand space (stroking direction 22 changed as hand orientation changed) than when congruent in external space. Touch again induced a change in MBR. However, the key point for present purposes is that tactile information was first transformed into the spatial frame of reference of the subject’s own hand, and only then matched with visual stimulation to update the MBR by incorporation of the rubber hand. Tactile stimulation is first referenced to an MBR, and the MBR is then updated according to principles of multisensory integration. Just as the receptive fields of bimodal neurons move with the hand (Graziano et al., 1994), so do the processes that construct the MBR. Put another way, pathway 2 does not simply involve a feedforward adjustment of MBRs on the basis of tactile input. Rather, MBRs assimilar current tactile input when this is coherent with the general description of the body that they maintain. Since the MBRs in this study were based on proprioceptively-perceived orientation of the hand, these results constitute a body schema effect rather than a body image effect. Volume of afferent transmission influences MBRs Several lines of evidence suggest that the amount of tactile information transmitted from the body to the cortex directly affects MBRs. Gandevia and Phegan (1999) reported a change in body image induced by digital anaesthesia following nerve block, cutaneous topical application or cooling. Subjects were asked to draw the size of their thumb before and after each of these anaesthetic interventions. Reduced afferent transmission due to anaesthesia lead to an increase in the perceived size of the thumb. Interestingly, the perceived size of the lips, which overlap the thumb in SI representations, showed a similar increase, while the perceived size of both index fingers was not affected. The nature of this effect suggests that an MBR used to 23 represent body part size depends directly on tactile inputs The topography of the effect moreover suggests that this input comes from SI. Our argument that MBRs are abstracted from sensory input, rather than direct reflections of it, is bolstered by the fact that none of the intrinsic somatoreceptors can provide a direct representation of the size of body parts. The MBR specifying size is constructed from primary representations, but is not merely a trivial recoding of such representations. We have reviewed above the changes in primary tactile representation caused by surgical elongation of the limbs (Di Russo et al., 1996). The same study also provides evidence that the changing information about the body, including changing tactile afferent input, produced a change in the patients’ mental representation of their own body. The authors used a “Test of body schema” (Daurqat-Hmeljiak et al., 1978) to investigate this point. Note, though, that by the definitions above the test may investigate both body image and body schema. In this task subjects are requested to put one tile depicting a body part in the appropriate position on an empty board where just face contours were drawn. Nine different tiles, corresponding to the major body parts such as limbs, trunk etc., are placed in succession and them removed, so that only one tile is visible at any one time The task therefore involves knowledge of the spatial arrangement of body parts relative to a putative cephalic “egocentre”. The subjective body representation corresponded fairly closely to the patient’s actual body form before surgery, but was deeply disturbed immediately after surgery. At six-month follow up the representation again corresponded fairly closely to the patients now-elongated actual body. This suggests that surgical elongation rapidly altered patients’ subjective body perception. However, within 6 months, patients’ MBRs progressively adapted to their altered physical body. 24 Pathway 3: MENTAL BODY REPRESENTATIONS RECIPROCALLY INFLUENCE PRIMARY TACTILE PROCESSING So far we have reviewed evidence showing that the tactile representation of the body contributes to more abstract, multimodal representations of the body in the brain. In this section we will show how MBRs in turn influence primary levels of tactile processing. In particular, we focus on how visual information related to the body affects tactile sensation. Visual enhancement of touch It is a common experience in everyday life to gather concurrent visual and tactile information during objects manipulation, grasping, and tool-use. Visual information often concerns objects we interact with, and effects of our interaction on the external environment. However, we often see our own body parts, particularly the hands, during such interactions. Therefore, many functional interactions with objects involve touch and simultaneous vision of both body and touched object. Visual and tactile information related to the body are integrated in specialized brain structures (see Pathway 2). Several pieces of evidence show that these integrated inputs have an effect on primary tactile processing. First, viewing the body accelerates tactile processing. Tipper et al., (1998) showed that reaction times to tactile stimuli on the hand were faster when subjects could see their stimulated hand in a video monitor, even when the tactile stimuli themselves were invisible. 25 Further studies showed that visual information related to the body also improves tactile acuity. Kennett et al., (2001) assessed tactile acuity on normal participants’ forearms by means of two point discrimination threshold (2pdt), while subjects viewed either their forearm, or a neutral object, presented in the same spatial location as their arm, or were blindfolded. Tactile acuity improved when subjects viewed their stimulated arm, compared to conditions of viewing the object or no visual stimulation. These results clearly show that viewing the body boosts tactile processing; this effect has been termed visual enchacement of touch (VET). The basic effect has been replicated a number times (see Taylor-Clarke et al., 2002; Press et al., 2003; Serino et al., 2006). Importantly, VET does not involve visual information about the stimulus: vision is always non-informative. This feature makes VET different from other forms of crossmodal interaction between vision and touch, (see Spence and Driver, 2004) which focus on optimal integration between information from different sensory modalities about the same stimulus. In VET, visual information is not related to any particular external stimulus, but rather defines a context to which tactile stimulation is referenced (see below). Moreover, VET cannot be a simple effect of spatial attention, in the sense of convergence of visual and tactile attention towards the same location. The VET effect exists even when effect of attention is experimentally controlled. Typically, tactile performance when viewing the stimulated body part is compared with that when viewing a neutral, non-body object presented in the same spatial position as the stimulated body part, by means of mirrors or cameras. Thus, since visuo-spatial 26 attention is oriented towards the same location in external space in both conditions, general mechanisms of spatial attention cannot explain the effect. Thus, we suggest that viewing the body facilitates tactile perception, independently from visuo-spatial orienting to the location of the body. We now consider some possible mechanisms underlying VET. First, viewing a part of the body subject to tactile stimulation seems to improve representation of tactile space for that body part. (Haggard et al., 2003). This interpretation is strongly supported by a further result from Kennett et al,’s (2001). They found that: tactile acuity further improved in a condition in which a magnified view of the forearm was shown by means of a lens, compared to just viewing the arm directly. This suggests that increasing spatial details of visual information further enhanced spatial resolution of tactile system. The interpretation of VET we propose has a strong implication: the relationship between visual information related to the body and tactile sensation should strictly concern spatial proprieties of perceived stimuli. Therefore, tactile spatial acuity can be modulated by viewing the body, whereas other physical proprieties of tactile perception, such as simple detection or perception of intensity or temporal frequency of tactile stimuli, should be less affected. Press et al. (2003) confirmed this prediction, since they demonstrated that viewing the body affects tactile perception only for a spatial discrimination task and not for a simple detection task. Indeed subjects were faster in discriminating between the spatial position of two tactile stimuli given on the forearm when they looked at their forearm rather than at a neutral object, presented in the same spatial location. On the contrary, reaction time to simple detection of tactile stimuli, without any spatial discrimination, did not vary among experimental conditions. 27 In addition, Press et al.’s work described another interesting propriety of VET, that is the benefit of vision on touch occur only when spatial discrimination tasks are close to perceptual limits. Viewing the arm improved reaction time only if spatial separation between tactile stimuli to be discriminated was close to the participant’s discrimination threshold, and not when stimuli were widely separated. This finding suggests that visual information related to the body increases spatial sensitivity of touch. This conclusion has been confirmed by a recent study by Serino et al. (2006), who showed that the VET effect varies among individuals in inverse proportion to their tactile acuity. Subjects showing poor tactile ability while viewing a neutral stimulus, taken as a baseline condition, showed greater improvements when viewing the stimulated body part. In close agreement with this result in normal subjects, Serino et al. (2006) further showed that viewing the body was effective in patients whose tactile sensation was reduced following brain lesions. This last result suggests a potential cross-modal therapy based on the VET effect. VET thus follows an inverse effectiveness law. This very general feature of multisensory integration has been shown in both single cell recordings and psychophysical studies (Stein & Meredith, 1993; Stein, Jiang & Stanford, 2004; Stanford, Quessy & Stein, 2005; Frassinetti et al., 2002). According to the inverse effectiveness principle, signals from different modalities are more strongly integrated close to unimodal thresholds, when modality-specific signals are individually less effective in producing a unisensory response. In the case of visuo-tactile interaction related to the body, visual information is used to boost tactile sensation only when touch alone cannot solve spatial discriminations close to perceptual limits. When more 28 tactile information is available, and tactile tasks are easy, the benefit is no longer apparent. INSERT FIGURE 2 ABOUT HERE We now present possible neural and functional mechanisms underlying VET effects (figure 2). Performing a tactile spatial discrimination task while viewing the body implies perceiving and integrating tactile and visual information. These unimodal inputs are first processed in segregated unisensory brain areas: visual information should be processed in high order visual areas representing the body and body parts (Downing et al., 2001; 2007), whereas tactile stimuli are processed in somatosensory cortices. Then these unimodal signals are believed to converge probably in multisensory brain areas in parietal and pre-frontal cortex underlying mental body representations (see Pathway 2). In addition, recurrent feedback processes from multisensory to unisensory areas may exist (see Macaluso & Driver, 2005 for a recent review). Several findings show that the activity of primary sensory cortex is modulated in condition of multimodal stimulation as compared with unimodal stimulation. These feedback mechanisms may underlie VET. Specifically, primary somatosensory cortex may be modulated by recurrent projections from multisensory regions representing the body. This would be a neural correlates of the modulation exerted by MBRs on primary tactile processing defined in our model as pathway 3. VET involves modulation of primary somatosensory processing 29 Several results indicate that touch enhancement due to vision of the body acts at level of primary somatosensory cortex. Taylor-Clarke et al. (2002) used event-related cortical potentials (ERP) to compare cortical activity in somatosensory regions during 2pdt task, while subjects viewed either their stimulated arm or a neutral object. The first wave of afferent input to the cortex from the skin, occurring 50 ms post stimulus, did not vary across viewing conditions. However, a later component of the brain response, 80 ms post-stimulus, was significantly enhanced when vision of the arm was available. This component has been identified with a second wave of cortical processing within SI. This effect was strictly related to tactile processing, since it occurred only when subjects had to make explicit judgements about the tactile inputs, and not when subjects ignored them. Consistent with these results, Schafer et al. have recently demonstrated, using MEG, that viewing the index finger being touched while receiving corresponding tactile stimulation results in a different activation of SI region mapping the index finger, as compared to conditions of no visual stimulation (2005b) or of asynchronous visuo-tactile stimulation (2005c). A causal role of SI modulation in VET was suggested by Fiorio & Haggard (2005). They demonstrated that VET is abolished if SI activity is disturbed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In this study, single pulses of TMS were administered on the scalp above the post central gyrus, in order to interfere with SI activity, when subjects performed a 2pdt task. TMS was delivered in a brief dark period after viewing either their stimulated forearm or a neutral object, and 250 ms before tactile stimulation. Single TMS pulse over SI reduced subjects’ performance when viewing the hand, but not when viewing the object. Identical TMS over SII, which receives 30 strong input from SI and may be the second cortical relay for tactile processing had no effect. This suggests that the enhancement effect occurred in SI itself, rather than in areas upstream from SI but affected remotely by propagated effects of SI TMS. Therefore, SI seems to be the critical structure underlying enhancement of touch from viewing the body. An indirect confirmation that VET occurs within primary somatosensory cortex comes from a recent psychophysical study by Serino et al., (submitted). This work addresses the issue whether VET acts accordingly to a somatotopic principle, that is whether VET is specific for the viewed body part or extends to other body parts not directly viewed. In this study, subjects viewed either their hand or a neutral object, while performing 2pdt tasks on the hand, the face, and foot. These body parts were chosen on the basis of their location in SI body representation. The hand and face representations lie adjacent to each other on the lateral aspect of the postcentral gyrus, whereas the foot representation is distant and more medial. When viewing the hand, 2pdt improved on the hand and the face, but not on the foot. This suggests that the neural signal underlying VET spreads across body parts that are co-represented in SI. Therefore, visual information related to the body modulates neural activity in a local portion of SI. We suggest that such modulation reflects the state of a local network of lateral interneuronal connections within that region. Tactile acuity depends on receptive field size of SI neurons. The effect of vision on tactile acuity suggests that viewing the body might influences somatosensory neurons by reducing their receptive field size. This prediction has been directly tested in a recent study by Haggard et al. (under revision). The authors used the effectiveness of vibrotactile maskers positioned at different distances from a tactile target stimulus as a behavioural proxy for SI 31 receptive field size. The assumption was that maskers interfered with tactile task only if they fell within the receptive field of the putative population of somatosensory neurons responsible for spatial representation of the target. The hypothesis that viewing the body modulates receptive field size predicts a steeper spatial gradient of masking when viewing the body than when viewing a neutral object at the same location. This prediction was confirmed, suggesting that receptive field size was reduced when visual information related to the body was available. In summary, taken together these findings suggest that viewing the body affects SI activity, probably inducing a re-tuning of somatosensory neural activity via a local interneuronal network responsible for tactile acuity judgement.. We speculate that this effect is due to visual information concerning the body in the sense that vision contributes to better define the bodily space to which tactile information is referenced. This visual modulation may reach somatosensory areas via feedback projections from multisensory regions involved in representing the body. Multisensory body representations mediate modulation of SI processing. Acomplex network of areas in the frontal and parietal lobe is activated in visuotactile interactions (see Pathway 2). Converging evidence now demonstrates that these multimodal areas can modulate neural activity in brain regions traditionally considered purely unisensory (see Macaluso & Driver, 2005 and Schroeder & Foxe, 2005 for reviews). Ventral parietal cortex integrates visuo-tactile information related to the body both in monkeys (Graziano et al., 2000) and in humans (Lloyd et al., 2003; Ehrsson et al., 2004; see Pathway 2). We therefore speculate that this area might be a key region exerting backward projections to SI. This proposal is supported by results form a recent 32 TMS study in which a quite different visuo-tactile interaction regarding the body was investigated (Ro et al., 2004). In this experiment subjects gazed towards their unstimulated left hand, but viewed their right hand being brushed via a mirror. This condition induces a conflict, since vision suggests that the left hand is being touched, while no touch is felt on the left hand. Some subjects reported to feel stimulation on the left hand, although they knew that only their right hand was brushed. Before and after stimulation, tactile sensitivity on the left hand was assessed. An improvement was found after the training on the unstimulated left hand, and lasted for over 3 minutes. The authors speculate that this effect depends on a change in the gain of SI circuits in order to solve the conflict between tactile and visual information during training. An alternative explanation might be that viewing the apparent stimulation of the left hand activated multisensory representations of the left hand, which in turn activated local interneuronal networks in the right SI, producing enhanced tactile processing. Ro et al. also demonstrated that TMS pulses interfering with posterior parietal cortex 50ms prior to tactile stimulation, abolished such improvements in tactile perception. This result indicates that PPC represents a critical site in modulating changes in tactile sensation under conditions of visuo-tactile stimulation related to the body. It is worth noting that from neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies, as previously reviewed, another cortical site potentially able to modulate somatosensory cortex when viewing the body, might be the ventral premotor cortex. However to our knowledge, no study so far directly assessed this hypothesis. In summary, visual enhancement of touch is a robust phenomenon, shown for different body parts and with different measures of tactile sensation. It arises for tactile tasks requiring spatial judgements when the tactile system is close to perceptual limits. 33 The neural correlates of this effect may involve activation of multimodal brain areas representing the body, which results in a modulation of neural activity in primary somatosensory cortex. The effect appears to differ from other forms of multisensory integration, since it involves a visual context for touch, rather than feedforward combination of information from different sensory modalities. 34 Pathway 4: MENTAL BODY REPRESENTATIONS MEDIATE THE FORMATION OF OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS FROM PRIMARY TACTILE SENSATIONS. The tactile interpretation of an object touching the skin is often mediated by a description of one’s own body. That is, exteroceptive tactile perception depends on, and implicitly includes, information from MBRs. In this sense, tactile perceptions are always referenced to the body, even if the content of the perception is an external object. This body-referencing can take at least four forms, which we argue are conceptually quite distinct. First, touch is inevitably body referenced in the sense that the receptor surface, the skin, itself forms part of the body. Therefore, for example, a physical change in body posture or body condition will inevitably influence transduction by mechanoreceptors. Second, tactile information may be combined with other somatosensory signals to produce a multimodal percept of an object. In particular, tactile sensations can be combined with proprioceptive information about body configuration to produce a spatial, volumetric description of a tactile object. For example, Martin (1992) has suggested that tactile perception of spatial properties of objects, such as the circularity of a wine glass held in the hand, depends crucially on spatial information about body posture provided by proprioception. This may simply be an instance of the general bottom-up process of combining sources of information through multisensory perception, and may not involve any special interaction between touch and body representation. Third, and most importantly, active movement of the body allows more efficient acquisition of tactile information about the geometric 35 properties of an object. However, haptics might not change tactile processing, but just provide more and better information to process. The haptic component of touch has been reviewed extensively elsewhere (Lederman and Klatzky, 1993; 2004). Here we focus on a fourth possibility with a different cognitive and physiological interest. This involves an influence of cognitive representations of the body on the way that a primary tactile sensation is interpreted. In such situations, the physical input to the mechanoreceptors, and primary tactile sensation may both be constant, but the perception of a tactile object evoked by the stimulation may vary depending on the mental representation of the stimulated body part. That is, perceptual judgements about an object touching the skin may depend on the perceiver’s representation of the body part that the object touches. The MBRs mediate tactile perception, and the tactile percept is body-referenced. This situation corresponds to pathway 4 in figure 1. Importantly, the sensory information that contributes to the MBR does not provide any direct information about the tactile object itself. Therefore, body-referencing more closely resembles a top-down contextual modulation of perception than a bottom-up multisensory fusion. We review here 3 experiments on body-referencing of tactile perception. All suggest that tactile exteroceptive judgements are made by relating tactile inputs to an implicit internal, multisensory model of one’s own body, or MBR. In a first experiment of this kind, Taylor-Clarke and Haggard (2004), investigated judgements of the distance between two tactile stimuli presented simultaneously to the finger or the arm. This task effectively involves estimating the size or length of a tactile object. They replicated a result originally attributed to Weber (1877): an object of a given size feels larger when presented to an area with dense tactile innervation, such as the 36 fingers, than to an area with sparse innervation such as the arm. The perception of the tactile object varied according to the different primary tactile sensations provided by each body part. However, tactile object perception also depended on an internal model of the true physical size of the body part touched. When blindfolded subjects compared tactile distances between finger and forearm after a period of visual experience of these body parts, the perceived visual size of the body part influenced the perceived tactile size of the object touching that body part. Thus, when subjects viewed their arm through a device which selectively enlarged the visual size of the arm and not the hand, the tendency to underestimate tactile distances on the arm relative to the hand was significantly reduced. Importantly, this distorted visual experience never involved seeing touch or seeing the tactile object, and indeed had no effect on primary measures of tactile acuity. The authors therefore proposed that tactile object perception involves a transformation between primary tactile sensations on the skin, which clearly vary according to the skin region touched, and an allocentric description of the tactile object. This transformation requires independent information about the physical size of the body part from which the tactile sensation derives. No physiological receptors provide direct evidence about the size of our own body parts. Instead, this information is synthesised from multiple sensory sources, in this case vision in particular, and then stored internally as an MBR. Information about one’s own body is then retrieved from the MBR to interpret current tactile inputs, and generate a perceptual representation of the object touching the skin. A further study by de Vignemont, Ehrsson and Haggard (2005) extended this work in two ways. First, they showed that proprioception, as well as vision, contributes to the 37 MBR mediating tactile distance judgement. Second, they showed that the MBR used for body-referencing of touch is not simply a stored body-image or template stored in long term memory, but is updated on-line to integrate current sensory information. They asked volunteer subjects to hold the tip of the left index finger with their right hand, while estimating tactile distances between two points delivered to the left index finger. They then applied tendon vibration to the biceps or triceps tendon of the right arm, thus generating the somatic illusion of the left index finger lengthening or shortening respectively. Although the somatic illusion persisted for only a few minutes, it significantly biased tactile distance judgement. Somatic illusions of finger lengthening produced overestimation of tactile distance judgement. Interestingly, this effect was asymmetric: although triceps vibration induced subjective finger shortening, this was not associated with underestimation of tactile distance. In conclusion, perception of tactile object dimensions such as distance makes reference to an implicit model of body part size, to which proprioception makes a powerful and immediate contribution. On this last point, de Vignemont’s et al.’s study is consistent with the finding of Gandevia and Phegan (1999, see section 2 of this paper), that changes in afferent information from the periphery, including cutaneous afferents, produce rapid adjustments in the cognitive representation of one’s own body geometry. Thus, the MBR used for body referencing of touch appears to involve rapid updating by at least visual, and proprioceptive inputs. 38 The previous studies both show changes in tactile interpretation induced by unimodal information about body part size. A recent study by Haggard and Jundi (in preparation) extends these findings in two important ways. First the MBR used for body referencing involves multisensory integration, not merely interactions between one modality and another. Second, the body-referencing of touch is not restricted to size judgements alone. Haggard and Jundi used a multisensory Rubber Hand Illusion to induce changes in the perceived size of the subject’s hand. Subjects watched a large or a small glove being stroked in synchrony with stroking of their own unseen hand. They then grasped and lifted one of several unseen objects of fixed size but varying weight. Subjects estimated the object weight. The rubber hand illusion was intended to induce a sizeweight illusion. For example, viewing a large glove being stroked should induce the perception that the subject’s own hand is large, and therefore that the grasped object is small in comparison. A small object should feel heavier than a large object of the same size, due to the size-weight illusion. This was indeed found. That is, the size of the viewed hand during the RHI induction caused a directly proportional change in object weight estimates. Importantly, subjects in this experiment were never asked about the size of their own hand. That is, the relevant representation of the body was completely implicit, and independent of the task, yet but produced systematic changes in tactile/haptic exteroception. The finding of transfer from MBR to object properties, and from size to weight provides strong evidence that body-referencing is a pervasive and important feature of tactile perception To conclude, body-referencing of touch provides an interesting example of a more general phenomenon in perception. Philosophers of perception have maintained 39 (Bermudez, 1998), that a non-conceptual form of self-consciousness is implicit in primary sensory experiences involving perceptions of external stimuli. A staple example is the referencing of visual percepts to an egocentre, or point of view. The perceptual content of my view of the garden depends on me as well as the garden: where I am, and how I orient my head and eyes provide the clearest example of this dependence. We suggest that representations of one’s own body, that is selfrepresentations, mediate exteroceptive touch in an even more implicit way. I can partly de-reference my visual representation of the garden from my own current state, for example by moving my body to add a new perspective. No analogous de-referencing is possible in touch: I cannot feel an object other than through my skin. Touch implies “the same old body always there” (James, 1890). Katz (1925) importantly commented on the dual interoceptive and exteroceptive aspects of touch. In our view, interoception does not involve a separate perceptual content of touch, but instead involes referencing for a single, exteroceptive perceptual content. Being touched by an object does not provide any information about my own body. Rather, my own body provides a reference or context against which the tactile object is perceived. 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See text for explanation. 52 Figure 1 EXTERNAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS PATHWAY 4 MBRs modulate perception of external obejcts MENTAL BODY REPRESENTATIONS (MBRs) PATHWAY 3 PATHWAY 2 MBRs influence primary tactile processing MBRs depend on afferent inputs PRIMARY SOMATOSENSORY CORTEX PATHWAY 1 The physical body stuctures tactile sensation PHYSICAL BODY EXTERNAL WORLD 53 Figure 2 STEP 4. A recurrent feedback process from multisensory body areas modulates processing in SI STEP 3. Unimodal information may then converge in multisensory brain areas in parietal and pre-frontal cortex integrating multimodal information about the body STEP 2. Unimodal inputs are processed firstly in unisensory brain areas: tactile stimuli reach contralateral SI; visual information concerning the body is processed in body-specific areas of visual cortex Viewing the body Tactile stimulation STEP 1. Viewing the body while performing a tactile spatial discrimination task implies perceiving and integrating visual and tactile information. 54