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Feldenkrais exercises have been widely used to improve posture and balance in a range of different populations, starting in the middle of the previous century. Devised by Moshe Feldenkrais, a Ukrainian and later Israeli physicist, the aim of the exercises was to enhance body postures and balance using feasible physical manoeuvring, individually tailored to the person. The technique has helped people with a range of physical and psychological disabilities resulting from restricted and habitual movement patterns and could be assessed using a number of neurological, psychological and physiotherapy outcome measures. Although the technique has been evaluated through a number of randomised controlled trials, there appears to be a dearth of ongoing clinical use and research for its incorporation in the latest health sciences, especially for the elderly.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011
Polish Annals of Medicine, 2016
Introduction: Feldenkrais method (FM) is a movement education technique that emphasizes movement teaching based on sensory motor awareness and cognitive perception of the movement. Although this technique gained popularity in different parts of the world, it is still regarded as a non-conventional science. Aim: Absence of in-depth review and high quality scientific studies in this technique necessitates the need for generation of knowledge and scientific review on this efficient method. Discussion: This current review paper made an effort to provide conventional scientific explanation about this method that suits the medical paradigm. In this paper, a brief introduction followed by description of the technique is given with a clinical example toward its application. Furthermore, the neurophysiologic explanation and mechanical concepts are provided in the conventional scientific manner. Indications, contra indications and clinical implications were also discussed to accommodate the clinical practice in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Conclusions: Feldenkrais exercises can be used as an alternative therapy in musculoskeletal rehabilitation for movement education.
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2017
This prospective controlled intervention study assessed Feldenkrais Moving Forward movement lessons for older adults. Participants ( N = 87 returning from original sample of 124; median age = 76 years) were assigned to movement ( n = 51) or waitlist control ( n = 36) groups. The movement groups took twelve 60-min lessons across either 6 or 12 weeks, to compare lesson density. Pretests and posttests included Base of Support, Timed Up and Go, Tandem Stance, Functional Reach, modified OPTIMAL, and questions about individual priorities and outcomes. Results included significant correlations between lessons attended and both improved Functional Reach and improved OPTIMAL score. A significantly higher proportion of the movement (vs. control) group reported positive changes at the posttest in both prioritized and newly identified activities. These results show that Feldenkrais lessons are helpful to older adults for promoting balance, mobility, and confidence.
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2009
The Getting Grounded Gracefully© program, based on the Awareness Through Movement lessons of the Feldenkrais method, was designed to improve balance and function in older people. Fifty-five participants (mean age 75, 85% women) were randomized to an intervention (twice-weekly group classes over 8 wk) or a control group (continued with their usual activity) after being assessed at baseline and then reassessed 8 wk later. Significant improvement was identified for the intervention group relative to the control group using ANOVA between-groups repeated-measures analysis for the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale score (p= .003) and gait speed (p= .028), and a strong trend was evident in the timed up-and-go (p= .056). High class attendance (88%) and survey feedback indicate that the program was viewed positively by participants and might therefore be acceptable to other older people. Further investigation of the Getting Grounded Gracefully program is warranted.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013
Objective. To investigate the effects of Feldenkrais Method classes on gait, balance, function, and pain in people with osteoarthritis. Design. Prospective study with pre-/postmeasures. Setting. Community. Participants. Convenience sample of 15 communitydwelling adults with osteoarthritis (mean age 67 years) attending Feldenkrais Method classes. Intervention. Series of Feldenkrais Method classes, two classes/week for 30 weeks. Main outcome measures: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis scale, Human Activity Profile, stair climbing test, 6-minute walk test, timed up-and-go test, Four Square Step Test (4SST), gait analysis, and assessment of quality of life (AQoL). Results. Participants improved on the 4SST and on some gait parameters. They also reported a greater ease of movement. Conclusions. A 30-week series of Feldenkrais classes held twice per week was feasible in the community setting. The lessons led to improvements in performance of the four square step test and changes in gait.
Physiotherapy, 2010
Background Feldenkrais Method balance classes have been found to be effective in improving balance in recent studies, but there has been little research into possible mechanisms behind the effectiveness of these classes. Indeed, there has been little research into the content of any balance training classes. Objectives To analyse the content of a series of Feldenkrais Method balance classes to gain an understanding of how the results in these studies may have been achieved and the principles through which the method may be effective. Design Qualitative research approach (content analysis). Method Feldenkrais Method Awareness Through Movement lessons were transcribed and the contents were analysed. An intercoder reliability study was undertaken.
Open Rehabilitation …, 2010
Participation in regular physical activity has a variety of health benefits including increased levels of function and independence for people who are ageing. The inclusion of motor learning principles into exercise programs is proposed to increase functional benefits. The presence of these principles in the Feldenkrais Method (FM) suggests this may be a beneficial program for the ageing population.
Complementary Health Practice Review, 2005
The Feldenkrais Method is a complementary approach to motor learning that purports to induce change in chronic motor behaviors. This preliminary study describes the effects of a Feldenkrais program on balance and quality of life in individuals with chronic neurological deficits following stroke. Two male (48 and 53 years old) and 2 female participants (61 and 62 years old), 1 to 2.5 years poststroke, participated as a group in a 6-week Feldenkrais program. Pretest and posttest evaluations of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), and the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) were administered. Data were analyzed using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. DGI and BBS scores improved an average of 55.2% (p = .033) and 11% (p = .034), respectively. SIS percentage recovery improved 35%. Findings suggest that gains in functional mobility are possible for individuals with chronic stroke using Feldenkrais movement therapy in a group setting.
The Feldenkrais Method is a complementary approach to motor learning that purports to induce change in chronic motor behaviors. This preliminary study describes the effects of a Feldenkrais program on balance and quality of life in individuals with chronic neuro-logical deficits following stroke. Two male (48 and 53 years old) and 2 female partici-pants (61 and 62 years old), 1 to 2.5 years poststroke, participated as a group in a 6-week Feldenkrais program. Pretest and posttest evaluations of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), and the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) were administered. Data were analyzed using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. DGI and BBS scores improved an average of 55.2 % (p =.033) and 11 % (p =.034), respectively. SIS percentage recovery improved 35%. Findings suggest that gains in functional mobility are possible for indi-viduals with chronic stroke using Feldenkrais movement therapy in a group setting.
Polish Annals of Medicine, 2017
Introduction: Feldenkrais method (FM) has been applied on a large number of people as an educational method to create awareness of themselves and of their own body postures. Despite several existing FM studies, there has not yet been a review of FM in the context of musculoskeletal disorders. Aim: This review aimed at determining the effect, type of exercises, duration and the outcome measure utilized in assessing the FM among individuals with neck and low back pain (LBP). Material and methods: Four databases were searched for eligible studies, which were published in the years 1999-2015. Two authors individually assessed selected studies. From a total of 165 articles, 3 articles were selected and another 1 article from other resources with a total of 4 articles. Results and discussion: The number of participants in all of the four included studies were 65.5 AE 30.1 (mean AE SD). The quality of the studies that was assessed using Physiotherapy Evidence Databases (PEDro) scale revealed the score of at least 5/10. Evidence exists that FM may be used for treating musculoskeletal disorders. However, the studies were not enough to make a decision because of different selections of FM lessons, duration and outcome measures. The review also determined type of exercises and outcome utilized in assessing the benefit of FM. Conclusions: Overall, judging from the increasing number of articles in recent years related to FM, this review reports sufficient evidence that FM is increasingly being used in the management of neck pain and LBP.
Integral Leadership Review, 2009
Report of a Roundtable Meeting on Access to Higher Education for members of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma (GTR) communities , 2019
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010
Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 2022
Livestock Science, 2019
Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 1984
Karabağ : Dünü, Bugunü, Yarını, 2021
International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, 2018
Corporum: Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Sep 2024 Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2009
Razon Y Palabra, 2014
EUREKA Physics and Engineering, 2025