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Assignment of saint s to calendar dates in the Bdin ski Sbornik Cynt hia M. Vaka reliy ska (USA) N ,mam ~e· 0 uUHC"- c60'f)HUK Ce Cl>CTOH OT TJ)HHa11eceT )l(HTH.R Ha )l(eHH-CBeTHQH. KaneH,!lapHHTe HH Ha Tnff OT Te3H )l(HTIDI, ce HaMHpaT caMO B MeHWHH CTBOTO OT cpe,!lHOBeKOBHHTe t 933!l3'1C •Y ~cK!I KaneHJlapu 8 cpaeHHTenHllil Kopnyc, HJnomeaH e Toea HJcne.neaHe. E.nHa .nara He ce Ha33 )laJ\CHara ceernua HHTO B cnaBl!HCKHTe, HHTO B fPl>UKHTe KaJieH.napu B Kopnyca. 3a ome or cserHUHTe EouHcKuRm c6opm1K He HaJHa'!aea 11am. ToJH .noKna.n npennar a o6l!cHeHH.R 3a :JH aH0ManHH or me.nHa TO'!Ka Ha rp1>UKO-cnaB.RHCKHTe KaJieH11apHH -rpa.nHUH H. ju,~0BH JlYMH: EouHCKU c6opHUK, H3TO'IHOnpaeocnaBHH ceeTUH, KaJieH.na pu Ha CBeTUH, cpe11Ho!IDBHH cnaBllHCKH pl>KOilHCH, cpe.!lHOBeKOBHH 61>nrapcKH pl>KOnHCH. t JIO ' :u The !4th-century Bdinski Sbornik (BSb) 1 has been of particular interest to Staie medievalists as a collection of vitae of female saints. A considerable amount of :holarship has been devoted to the manuscript's codicological, textological and nguistic features , its Greek sources, and the selection of saints commemorated in _(~.g.,Martynov 1882; Syrku 1899; Vordeckers 1964a, 1964b, 1973;Dujcev 1972; .eipert 1975; Gjurova 1990; Petrova 1995, 1996; Karageorgieva and Bojadziev ~6; Petrova and Karageorgieva 1999; Georgieva-Gagova 1998; Kostov 2001; id~::a-Tan~va _2001 , 2003, 2006, 2009). tints. anuscnpt 1s also of interest, however, because two of the thirteen female ority:;o~em orates are assigned to calendar dates that are shared by only a midateno~dieva_l Slavic calendars in a large comparative corpus,2 one is assigned ound 10 any of the other Slavic or Greek calendars in the corpus, and --:----- Code)( G da 16() an vensis SI . ,._'~Ording to a . avicus 408, Ghent Univers ity Library. The BSb was written in 1359"~et ect·1 , note m the I h . . .. 2th 1ions by Ma . ( 972) co op on ru \ voordeckers 1973). Facsmu le edition by DuJcev 1 ; 1Jsia _ecorpora, con;';•ov 0 882), Scharpe and Vyncke (1973). 1 !tn dvic and Greek c s mg of the commemorations in over 700 published and unpublis hed medieCVeJ0 · a1endars ha be . tkarer1 Ping togeth . ' ve en assembled for the electronic menology collatton that I have Yska and Birnb er with Dav'd 1 J • a·1mb aum (menolo · ·on, see gy.obdu rodon.o rg· for a descnpt1 aum 2008). ' 323 ~ ; t J ~ ✓ _, • h day at aJI, 3 In looki ng at the BSb from e Persp t ti t' I an these darpaper offers exp ana ions or . ed a caien th' ..... not assign ornaries. Sec. d ar as backg round 1s s, d'tion en cal follf "'w tlie genre of the ec to th . of calendar tra 1 . . r discus ses BSb . e stud · nve d to the speci fic date assig nmen ts to the tion one of the pa~ Vitae. "h~' ologi cal calen dar order' rath er th • ne is devott'e entrY in chron while section tweach . 0 sa1n s . an in th nd. rebou been have which ript, anusc th f ses_ paper d1sc11s e em order of the (ohos o · h Vync ke 19 . a rnenoIogy (S c arpe and J. Genr BSbe bas been descn bed as · 1 . 73), Pro The but the m e calend ar cover s the whol e churc h year, c us1on Of full· . II ( K as . 1on . ) mena bably osto more simtla r m conte nt to a fud -year ' akes se-t th . becau • VJtae m note , DuJc ev ( 1972 ), Bimb a v (200!) characterizes1it. As petrov a (2006 : 66) has 1:11110 d 975), d . a rnate ricon .hIt is perha ps best escnb and Laleva (1992 ) referr ed to it as I e fie of s rnae ·, how. th . y as an antf ology of vitae ever, following Petrov a (1995 ), s1rnpl . for . amts since • nes, centu 6 I 4l . the . JgenreIo use by wome n, which was a Byza ntme e vitae . • p 1t also th to ion . addit JD em erusa m contains a text on impor tant p Iaces · etrova _t, unpu blish ed Byza ntine (I 995: J95) _states that there are ~nly six e~tan d' Greekmanu. been has BSb the JD ts ofsam 10n scripts ofth1s genre.5 The select by Kara georg ieva and ~:cus ~ed, among others, by Georg ieva-G agova (1998 ) and ars that marty rs a d ~adzie v (1996schol 32); it has been obser ved by nume rous ar~ · the artyrs . logy. The conse nsus 1·s tnh atnon-m placed in different sectio ns of the antho Th' Were alike samts en . wom may 1s lay · and for nuns se ect as model s of condu ct and piety I ed saints . cl usion of some of the majo r femal e ' m 0rd er to avoid rcdunls. Je.ill tbe e\he diffe rent mode tra been have ellP~.., e,mo ng . the BSb are belie ved to 1 a Greek calen. d~ 'file " 1 k r ident ifies the sourc e for the four vitae with I rom date ca endar · s ~ a plain dee e : 33-3 4, a Iso G <:°rg1 eva-G agova 199S: 259) K , voor 1973 rgieva and arageo t~ad, howe ver, thatit was c~m ~to~ e ( 1996 : 32-3 3)_p ropo sems at least from posed . conta· other the ( 0 ne cons istmg of long vitae and mmg sh rte P ,;9 ~1e"es: · ueprolog r o · of rity 130, obscu the of hght In iwo s~urc f. rebu ttal by Petro v~ 1996 ).6 118 provenance, it e the taxo outsid BSb the ider cons to n riate prop norny of Easter _,,,e 'Vita ( c Onhost ap ,,,, g so allow s the absen ce of date ass·1&runents to e111s [JlOdaf g enre s · Oom of the seo" caleO t. ons in the manu scnp t to be treate d as deliberate rath h som~ er t an accidental. d -nte[ J10f3 1 · --m co11w . 11• f\SSt dar date s . men t to. calen , cal da s comm emor at1on s and corres pondi ng en r dates a))-Owing samt . _ fbe fo 11 pt. uscn . the man pear tO Egypt l 8 Theo dora ofAlexa ndria , Penitent in r Thed a the Apostolic/Isoapostolos, Protomarty ter of Paphnutius, daugh , ndria Vene rable Euph rosyn e of Alexa r Conf esso a/Pe tka ofRom e 14 Para scev . 0 ctoberb r 25 Cath erine , Mega loma rtyr 1· Nove rn e ber 4 Barb ara and Ju zana na of Nico medi a, martyr Dece m 21 Julia Mary of Egypt, Penitent [ 1 ; day omit ted, appa rentl y inadv erten tly] April Monastery in Egypt na 25 Ven. Eupr axia/ Euph rasia , of Taben June ch Antio of l 7 Mari na, Mega loma rtyr septe mber 24 25 for Mary of Egyp•.., al . from the Apri I I date . . 1 d'mg here the omission of the numer . - 1 1amno tmcu of fe'?ale saints, tions emora comm n g thirtee Peniten~ which appears 10 be inadvertent. In countm the G~eat of K1dunJa 1n Mesopoam Abrah of ve narrati the ng includi am J , following Petrova (2003) figures. Ke1pert (1_975 . 271), for example, counts tamia, in which his mentorship ofh1s mece Mary mg Agap,a, Chiom a and Irene, Theodosia, and includ by , sixteen the number of commemorations as ieva-Gagova (1998 : 260), who counts twelve, Georg cf. Eugenia, who appear in Theophania's vita; about the calend ar dates of commemorations, is omitting the story ofTheophania. Since Ibis paper in the vitae of other female saints. however, I am not concerned with saints who appear derived from a Greek menology, which she were ogies anthol the that es propos • Petrova herself ed after the sequence of dates of each arrang vitae of tion "collec a as defines, following Nore! ( 1968), teries" (Petrova 1995: 196). This monas the in used usually ar saint's celebration in the church calend ularly since the vast variety partic well, y equall ues prolog definition, however, also can fit menaia and ogies is evidence that menol dox Ortho n Easter val of calendar dates for individual saints among medie monastery calendars. Cf. Noret's unsucin those on based arily necess not are gies the dates in menolo menologies vs. synax aria vs. menaia (Nore! 1968). cess~I attempt lo establish standard definitions of an Ann Arbor (''M" 14'" c.)· Cod. Athon. KutluMichig of Cod. 50, Library of the University 208 ("A", 15 th c.); Cod. Vatic. Pian. 36 (" V'', 14th c.); Cod. Argost~lion 3 (':K", 14th c.); Cod. 50 ~ 24 c) Cod Athon Dyony s · 166-anno ("D" 1616); al Library of Florence (14th · ( nv. Bl l ), Nation ·. . .· ' P ctrova (I 995: 195). I bave used petrova,s abbrev1a11on s, which are based largely on Erhard (1952). 324 gD •~ m July no date: ia and his niece Mary Abra ham the Grea t ofKidunja in Mesopotam utius)7 Paphn Thai s/ Taisi a, penit ent at Alexandria (and VI Leo ror Theo phan ia, matr on, wife of Empe ( 1899) that the BSb exhibits Latin influence have • The claim s by Marty nov ( 1882) and Syrku the strong correspondence between most of the noted who ), 1964b ( s ecker been debun ked by Voord va and Bojadziev (1996: 30); cf. Voordeeorgie Karag also see vitae in the BSb and Greek mode ls; he notes that although the BSb was trans· which in ), (1973 ckers' introd uction to Sehar pe and Vynck e a particular Latin text translated from the to rities simila more s show text c Slavi lated from Greek , its 30). (p. ns versio Greek than it does to extan t Greek out and Bojadfiev (1996: 32), among others, point 7 Petrov a (1995 : 198) and Karag eorgie va and Paphnutius are of a formerly wayward Thais for and Mary and am Abrah for that the entrie s both ' path. woman and the man who set her on the right . 325 lT ""'r""" 8 fl T i 'i/ the conunemorations in the BSb · of the synax ar ·n11n1ents ,, the earliest redaction .0e line e date assie-an n to th~E · • O' fo 11 IIY ) o (Ba Most Basil mperor of y tvtenolog the d th and f (hey genera • logium Roms . Colllpa/ cepuona!IJl 1.' ople rypikon (CT) a,n586 edition of the Martyro ·•· . Hi·e anuIll (/-,fr,) 's "us constan logmm Martyro the of edition .th cardinal aaro01 " . rony 1894 besne's son w1 that the calendar dates of the commemorati'!11anu... -~A de Rossi and I)UC . "' h . evidence •~... 111... e con11nelllorat1ons, o~ever, are assigned to ons re. (MHier) proVIIM' "s 0 fleet Larin sources. Tbre . ritY Greek and Slavic calendar tradition . calenda ,, tO -~-~""~ . ' Theodora of Alexandria, Penitent in Egypt e v,rgin Martyr at Rome under Antoninus p·1us September 18 · . if farascev4 1 be ble,Eupraxia/Euphras1a, o Tabenna Monaste . oJPI ,, ()cto r ry m Em, 25 ,'ellera June and Vyncke (1 ... . _,.,iuction to their edition of the BSb, Scharpe . • th , od Septemb 973-. 13) 1s pt manuscn e n u,e 1nuuu m ora The to signed er)! . I .. . stateta the date as wh;,h ,d,tmo text, howeve,, aod roost"""'"" "'"· Tb<« ;, lidh;,tthe 9 Dlanu. Theo 7v). l script itself, show the date as September 18 \1973: 56; BSb fol. 12 dora is commemorated on both dates in the CT and m the Greek Prologue of . ;s (Fil.,. (Oh Apostol Ohrid the io . c,!endMS s.i,wi, , _ .,,, _ , i8'4)," ho Enro, ), , (DC'); s ,posto1" drole, Dd•m-C the ,posroh; (M (Eo) ,od p;,ooo 1 8 882 Nos. /?5toh , (50 Library Nat10nal us 501,508, and 882 mthe C~I and Me!hod1 1 The ), ' Septemb on only a Theodor hst 502 and Prr er 8 Bulgarian calendars En, . d. . · G the to BSb the m ass1gne not 1s parasceve, martyr at Rome date/ which is shared only by the South Slavic menologies 44 508 8reek8July 26 so, 80, 882 and 1345 and the Russian menaion Mak., among the Slavic cal~ d ' 1_ ~ the corpoars n Pa this that note 33) ra. Karageorgievna and Bojadziev (1996: 11 is generally ratceve b Oct on BSb) the g celebrated in Slavic calendars (includin traditiona the 4, er o M i , Petka e daysl Venerabl calendar the /Serbian oreover, . date for the later Bulgarian 'YP"'' th; ~ 23 and , The Roman Catholic dates for Thecla and Euphrosyne are, respectively, September claim. January I. Keipert (1972) also disputes this earlier 31 ), that • Voordeckers also notes, correctly, in his introduction to Scharpe and Vyncke ( 1973: not a martyr, but a although the title of the commemoralion is IA~TEHH, 'suffering', Theodora was penitent. the end of " For descriptions of all the manuscripts abbreviated here, see the manuscripts list at 1901 Sergij's drite Archiman on relied have I which this paper. Abbreviation codes of the calendars for collation appear in the manuscripts list are followed by a period: e.g., 'Mil.'. 11 Sin. I, Cap, UKr., Sir!., Maz. "Parasceve is added to the July 26 commemoration in 454 in a later hand. lconium Oc" 508 and 882 !isl a martyr Petka for both dates. Cf. Parasceve' Virgin Martyr at ' a 326 a and Paras . ed in the BSb to Theodor don . . d fieast days whom ceve .csigD ot even apPea . th . to hm1te are hich gre ..., . r in short e1r compilers ,~it 1ogieS, w d more considere . etlo J than rather 25 June . is listed Ill BSb for JI! Jor, 1 25 1 that th Ju y , the usual date K fll' _e1,1pra" ad Bojad~iev (I 996: 33) propose . ara. e une date . f h G k S . . va an t (wh· h rgte d by any o. t 'e hree or f .lav1c .calendars .in the corpassignmen ic ). Se{) i.are 1 . ora .1s probabl Ya ange o mtentton·' i·e·, that on.gin c s r compile the f s1 ot . jS fl • n o a11Ythis commem be for Febroma, martyr at Nisebis in M <1ecttO · oesopotam Thi re••tioll was toenerated on June 25 . s explanation is d b i a, who is. characmonth is a ou tful, however, .because 1'risticall:Y v f the correct day of an adjacent common s 'b . . ent o te al slip in ca1t seems unltkely that in an anthology en ••sigt1!11 sat·nts. Moreover, of . h .. of .., t e compiler would makea Iast-mi vitae selected . 1•rational quahhes, .. • lefldaf'S·r insP nute dec1s1on to ita of a martyr with one for a venerable saint ft for tlJeI ' a er ~lready structuring -,place the gyv and writing .the calendar day for the com~ .... uemorat1on tholo iv . · of the commemora11ons ds to the question of why three the an . ap . . ,n,is Jea . pe~rw1thout . a Mesopot in Ja ofKidun •" dates: Abraham the Great rr . . m1a and his niece M . Th .. ~•1 nda! t 1·n the manuscnpt; a1s, 1 a1S1a, penitent at Alexandria· and Th ary, Cl>'e tex .:~st . eophan wife of Emperor. Leo VI. These undated entries are ct'1·stnbuted the •" . 111atro , over d dates of . ns of the manuscnpt, and the omission 111a, oes not appear to be th sectlO . proposed e 1 It of carelessness. There have been several bO xp anations for the . d fi h tbe resu f these dates, an or t e non-calendncal order of the v·1ae 1 general Voor. eoce o · vita fi ab5 () 973' 40).proposed. that this was. the result oflifting rom a menology e . · decker h ) 996· (1 v Bo•adiie and rg1eva Karageo onological order, • 31 ave argued J · non-chr vi·tae,and theseJll h first section of the anthology was compiled from dated tbatte d from undated texts. , explains the absence of calendar dates in Greek womens conPetrova ( J995: 199) . 1 1 . K h' an anthologies - and part1cu ar y m , w 1c~ provid~s almost no dates at all _ as . dication that the purpose of the anthologies was didactic rather than commemora:ve of the cults of the individual saints included in them. She explains the chronological organization of the ~reek anthologies according to the Church year as possibly simply the result of rehance on church calendars for the selection of the vitae in them. These explanations are quite reasonable for women's anthologies like K that contain few assignments of calendar dates to the vitae. For the BSb, however, which does assign dates to most of its vitae, I propose instead that the absence of a month and day for the three undated commemorations reflects the facts that (a) few Slavic calendars contain these commemorations; and (b) their date assignments differ considerably among Greek calendars. The compiler of the BSb could afford to omit calendar dates for these out ofuncertainty, because the dated commemorations in the manuscript do not appear in chronological order, and, as Petrova observes for the Greek anthologies ( 1995: 199), since the purpose of the BSb is to provide 327 lii .,,;,-- ·r ar dat es of the i·r co n,sai nts , the calI end d gs abo ut fem ale -· ... oeniorafth . . . na1rea din . ar gen res . . e ca en msp1rat1o fl e tha n 10 any o . .. ce 11 nie . s are o ess ,·mp ort ano ard wa yw 1v1ary 14 aon Ab rah am , wh o sav ed his in ,t occurs ration of ry Ma es nam s~ the of ne A com memo the cor por a, but no he colll d on Pik TY in 34 Sla vic cal end ars in 1te an Jer usa lem /Sa bba the low fol 16 se the of ·rty Ill list. ·on Thi 31 . Ab rah am als o occ ur . 15 me mo ratJ • hav e OckltobSer r fou 29; er . tob Oc for m . Ab raha z., and in th s Io on . mg ars E ' irm ., an d Ma end cal ek Gre v_ic the in , Oc tob er 1 in CT com me mo rat ed by : Sla r, doe s no_t app ear to be ev~ how II) ry, e atn Ma 11 . og_ nr me nol ogy 5 on dar y fio · e· m the Vita t, app ean ng on ly as· a· sec "'sam a as ars end cal se the lud b any of Id · pn sm g tha t in inc tog Ma ~. son , 1t wo u no t e sur ·J_ II) a com m ing of Ab rah am . Fo r this rea ard reg s los a at emorative pil er wo uld be the ant hol ogy, the BS b com inc l d. cal end ar date for her. cal end ars tha t list he r, u mg the ma jor ity of Grtheek . ita n MakaWith reg ard to Thais, the W" th is pol tro Me of ton ep! e~~ 8 e 1 O~ t~~ er . ion (M il ·) , h owever CT, com me mo rat e her on_ ak.) and the Mz lju tm me na (M tr1 -Ce ne1 ' Me iki.e Vel n . s Ru ssia rii' . ebr ate he r on tha t date. 0 n ~ . Sla vic cal end ars tha t cel any fy nti aiide i's/f not s Tha d doe ij Spa ssk 5. hs t an uns pec ifie d end ars 240 ., 882 , an 134 which is the oth er ban d, Sla vic cal rty r, lea vin g it unc lea r ma a alo ne des cri bes as 882 om wh 5, t 19 gus Au on sia e for thi s par tic ula r Thai"s. Sla vic calendars the app rop riat e Sla vic dat mo rat ed in on ly thr ee me com is r) 111 fol. b Tbe oph ani a (BS end ars on one date in ber , and in Gr eek cal cem De in es dat . 11), two on in the cor pus , ass kij (19 0 I [19 97] vol tob er. Ac cor din g to Sp Oc in es the dat in two urs occ and De cem ber be r 15. Sh e sv. 493 list her on De cem and . loz Be er eth ars tog end cal 16, vic the Sla m on De cem ber Ru ssi an me no log y Ru the caand 21 ek 3 B7 Gre ue the log and pro ver se 20 16 in the CT cal end ars ; on Oc tob er wit h Ba s and oth er Gre ek er · HAW< upu.1i"A . 11 ..,.,;·,. e B73 : n.i.u.o- npno6H.i.ro o ii.i. logu pro e vers y ntur -<:e 14th the "Cf., however, , H3I , M. ll v., £\HEOCfifi Ero. , H2, H7, HIO, Hl8 , H23 DC 2, G2, Gl3, FJOO, HI p, Greek cal en~ Car 45, also ; BG , 502 , B73 1 3, "B 31, 89, 107, 118, 470,50 r, Zog ., Tern , on MKr.; at Slep ., can 's Rum M. 12 v., P58, Pir, ad., 'et al.' , Joseph t Abraham, r. 1., Nan. l., Petr., Sirl., Alc eren Flo diff Ier, a , of Kai on I., rati Sin. mo , me Bas CT, , Vallie. gr. B22. Cf. the com 535 gr. rs. ber. nda Bar cale III, vic .a.X Sla pt.-1 ek and gr. 2270, Cry October 28 in numerous Gre fessor with 72 companions, on the Con 6. 123 No. 16 U. for , ogr. 23, U. XI1 v., Tip 22, together with Neap. er 17 n emb cano Dec lhe on and in aga If), m . aha vol Eld has Abr I [ I 997], ·an 11 (according to Spasskij 190 Aka d., Petr., 1295, 'et al.' si · r Ruscom A lateally 345 · d) usu . · . . l Cheesefare Saturday. (ibi · • m __ text of the entry lei· "S vol. II) does no!provide the 1s/faisia, ,s _ p~s - ~ (1901 [1997]k (1924: 944) claims is based on the Greek Tha wec Hol penitent Ta.JSJa, who memorated on May J 0. 20 sskij (1901 [19 97] vol . II). Petr. 'et al. ', according to Spa redaction as "Theophanes" . 21 CT ss Cro y Hol Miswritten in the ~ - ------ '"'"'i (I 901 • •. The October "''"Petr "'"and ''" "'<h.\ 2., d.; and on Oc tob·e, JI ·i,h Th Nan "'°""""" er Gr eek cal end· ars Muz. 13., othMe II)and dafS Ma z. ,r ''" "'" ' Go '"'• , wot "'"11 ota mm ,noCT .., Otho- <me; .,, "" '' "'" ,ol . , m• ytbed aoo in e "' J ,no dar r th, on rat ion '"' • "" "'' •" ' ido,. in oth o, SI- ,;, '"' Gte,k "'" ,,,n •"w ho is '.e leb ~ :it ed "" "'' " ab, .,~ of eoph,oi,tfheophano,, ""' "' N«'•e eon fi,s ,on ex :, and Th io b h,m •, oi~ e M"Y io '"Y piler because be ,rio us Tha,s Thme m thrAeerav1.tae we re left undated by the BSb com of n tio ora ririeS ofv t theasecal en dar day to assign to them . a comgly tha for stronata los s was r"" . I I 1 "'°""" <he"'~~-~,.,,, the fac ts set out above, two con 1 . ns can be dra Conclusion. Th us, fro m c us1o wn dat ed BS b comm emorati.ons and th lly sua ose that are not ,uith res pec t to th e unu ' ., assigned cal end ar dat es. · of wh at mu st be an 1·nad vertent sub5 f1tu hon of•June for First, wit h the exc ept ion . s uac unu the ia dt rax 1 1 dar Eup aen for 10n rat mo ' me gned- in com assi es the a July in p . Th eod ora and the Roman arasceve) are aIso r,ound ma the BSb (th at 1s, tho se for ars in the corp us. Thi s means that these 1w0 and Sla vic cal end . minority of the Grdeek · · ·d r oft h BSb, and were already · h wit e t ong ma te · the compile date ass ignhme ntsJ Id no h h in the anthology ) ( · e reli ed upon for the vitae at t s ar en ca e t present m ndar dates are abse~t for the a ( 199 5) proposes that cale rov Pet gh hou alt , ond Sec a because the sources for these ry, _Tha_rs, and Theophani vitae o_f Ab ~ah am and Ma bably not a coincidence that vit ae m a calendar, it is pro were d1dact1c tex ts and not and Slavic calendars and ek Gre s app ear in very few ion rat mo me com e thre these ly inconsistent. In li~ht of m in tho se calendars are high the date ass ign me nts for the include calendar dates, it likely se thr ee BS b vitae did not this, if the sou rce s for the ertain which date to assign scr ibe or compiler was unc or ess dec pre the e aus was bec more of these three vitae was d to om it the date. If one or to them, and hen ce dec ide vitae, then the BSb scribe felt in the sou rce for their BSb assigned a cal end ar day t it himself. h the dat e assignment to omi less uncomfortable eno ugh wit as a cal en~, neverthe e serv to not e of the BS b is important · I·1 as sufficiently J · ts m . Thus, alth oug h the pur pos . . w onty fema e sain . they contamed nun es to the dat he ar end cal of nt -ew . " ' me ry ign . d the ass n rel y on bis sources even w · t5 who appeare m ve " to the com pil er for him to sam to e dat ar ing any cal end dates, and to avo id ass ign s. day nt calendars on inc ons iste 329 ~ " . .. ,,_ ltl•n•scripts Greek . l Museum , Moscow. Greek menolog y for th 354 State Historica ), S : first Sm. groc. ch~ch ear. dated 1295. Describe d by Filantro pov (1894 p sskiJ ~ 323_324); see also Vakareli yska (2016). half of lhe · · R (1901 [19971 , VO1· 1· S Library l ek gospel fragment, 10th c. uss1an Nationa , t. Pe. Menology to a Gre LXI. tersburg (Spasskij 1901 [1997), vol. I: IOI). Petersbu rg Theolog ical Acaderny a Greek gospel dated I 034, St. .. (S b p . . M eno Iogy to Akad. I. passkiJ 190 I [ 1997], collection , Russian Nattonal Library, St. eters urg 1295 vol. I: I 07- 108). ical A _ Menology to a Greek apostolus, I I- 12th cc., St. Petersbu rg Theolog I [ 199;~, 190 j (Spasski rg Petersbu St. Library, National Russian , · · demy collection A vol. I: 110). (Kulic 1992). Barber. gr. 535 Greek menaion, I 6th c., Vatican Libr3?', Vatican City ed. II MeMenology of Emperor Basil, 10th c. Cod. VatJcano Greco 1613; facs. Bas [I 9971, (1901 Spasskij also see_ ~1864); ~igne by edition nologio (1907); typeset volume vol. J: 278-92; commemorations hsted m Append ix 14 to the same ' pp. 548-86). in Capua, dated 991 ; typeset edichurch a from ms. gospel Greek a to y Menolog Cap tion in Toscani (1864); see also Spasskij (1901 [1997), vol. I: 104). Library, Italy (Kulic CrypL.6..a.XIlI Greek menaion , 11th c., Grottaferrata Monaste ry k3 d 2 CT Ek.I Flor. I. Ier Kai Maz. . MHier MKr. 1992). . Ms. Synaxarion to the earliest attested copies of the Constan tinople Typikon Mateos by edition typeset , 950-959 c. , Jerusalem y, Monaster Cross No. 40, Holy cc., (1962); No. 266, Monastery of St. John the Theolog ian at Patmos, 9th-10th typeset edition by Dmitrievskij 1917: 1-152. I 0th c. Cod. Ek.logadion to a Greek gospel ms. from the Grottafe rrata Monaste ry, (1864); see Vaticano Greco 1613, Vatican Library. Typeset edition by Toscani ). 113-114 I: vol. alsoSpasskij (1901 [1997), FloMenology to a Greek gospel ms., 10th c. No. XXXVII I, Medici Library, 99). I: vol. [1997], (1901 rence; see Spasskij the last Menology to a Greek gospel ms., I0th c., written in Jerusale m; missing (1823); Scholz by edition Typeset Library. National Paris 53, No. three months. see Spasskij (190 I [1997], vol. I: 99- 100). li. No. 79a, Menology to a Greek gospel ms., I 0th c., written in Kalipoli s/Gallipo (1901 Spasskij see (1823); Scholz by edition Paris National Library. Typeset [1997], vol. I: 100-101). Archive Collection of Greek menaia, Mazurin Library collectio n, Russian State for Antique Documents, Moscow (Spasskij 1901 [1997], vol. II: xx). and DuchMartyrologium Hieronymianum, 6th c.; typeset edition by de Rossi esne (1894). JO-13th cc., Collection of Greek menaia from the Grottofe rrata Monaste ry, ( I 864); see containing all months but June and July. Typeset edition in Toscani ). 205-206 I: vol. Spasskij (1901 [1997], 330 Cardinal Baroniu s's Martyrologium Rorn anurn 1583 (Baronius 1586). cc. No rJR 3 Menolo gy to a ?re~k gospel ms., I·I-see12th 13, Moscow M"•·u · · k· Spas Moscow Library, Pubhc State •,uz. 1 . ti·on - rn collecs IJ (190( I • , voJ I· ~ I" Men ology to a Greek gospel ms., 10th c ·, Nani. co1leer 1997], · · 11,._ 113) . . • · · b J B1bhoteca Nazional~ ]'JaJI· . Marcian a; descr1pt1on y Mmgarelli (I 784: 363- 365ion, 90 (1 Spasskij ), vol. J: 101-102). 1 11 9971 ' . h h J St. of Church " 'all calenda r of the Greek 0 n t e Bapt t · . . . vv, 5 in Naples. 9th c. 1 ]'JeaP . . bb S by ns descriptio I); (183 Mai Typeset edition by · · d to J anuary through June· Va katin1. (1744) and Mazzochi (l 744-175 5, !mute , a arehyska (2015); Spasskij 98). 97: I ( 190 .. Menolo gy to a Greek gospel, 10th c., Odessa Library T ()des. by Petrov dttion IOlrsete I: vol. [1997], (1901 (1876: 607-613 ); see Spasskij If th the.fi for prologue or on synaxari Greek e, Prologu Peter's pelf. 0_ f_the church year by the scribe Peter, 11th c. Collection of Porforij Bish~s o iginn; descnpaPt_ co~emor I. 293-30 I: vol. 1997], [ I 190 ( Spasskij by on · tl wuh mns compared ' the same volume) · 16, pp. 588-592 of . Append 1x . other calenda rs m Mt s· . Full menolog y to a Greek gospel, 9th c., exhibiting Latin influence . _~~:1 Library. Comme moratio ns published in Russian by Kapustin (1874; 189 SID- I. ' 145--146). I: vol. [1997), (1901 Spasskij 458--495); descript ion by Cardinal of library the in synaxaria from compiled cc., 4th 2-l l y, Greek menolog Sirl. Sileto. Typeset edition by Henricus Canisius (1601). by Greek typikon from the Grottafe rrata Monastery in Italy, 13th c.; description UJ(r. Spasskij (1901 : 184). Greek menaion , 13th c., Vallicelliana Library, Rome (Kulic 1992). . gr. B22 Valhc. tc: Slavic 23 31 44 89 118 240 454 470 .23, Men~lo gy to an ap~stolu s, Russia, 13- 14th cc. RGADA f. 381, Sin.Tip.No ts. Documen Ancient for Russian State Archive MethoMenolo gy to a tetraeva ngelion, Serbia, 1361 . NBKM No. 31, Cyril and dius Nationa l Library, Sofia. Russian Menolo gy to a tetraeva ngelion, Serbia, 14th c. RNB Q.n.l. 44 and 441, Nationa l Library, St. Petersbu rg. Menolo gy to a continuo us liturgical apostol, Serbia, 14th c., Cyril and Methodius Nationa l Library, Sofia. RumFull menolog y to a tetraevan gelion, Russia, 14th c. GPB.Rum (f. 256).118, jancev Museum collectio n, Russian State Library, Moscow. Moscow East Slavoni c prologu e for the second half of the church year, 1400. by Synod Library collectio n at the State Historical Museum, Moscow, descnbed Emperor of _edition first the on based as ) 304-313 I: vol. Spasskij ( 1901 [1997], . Basil's menolo gy and reflectin g an 11th-century Eastern tradiuon.1138 , Cynl and Menolo gy to lectiona ry psalter, Bulgaria, 14th c. NBKM 454 and N0 470 Cyril and Methodi us Nationa l Library, Sofia. ' • NBKM 1342. dated Serbia, ngelion, tetraeva a to gy Menolo Methodi us Nationa l Library, Sofia. 331 Ill I r ,l ,r ~ " ~ .--~ ~ pt -~ ,;, Serb ia, late 14th c RNB . f. 2, Russian log y to a tetr aev ang elio n, Oil' · ., . urg ersb Pet St. ful l.;:~ ~ib rar y, . ., RNB c., 14th ia, Serb us, stol 0 rl f. 13, Russian nol ogy to a con tinu ous apo r,ia u urg. ful l_me I Lib rar) ', St. Pet ersb1· S b'1a, 131 6 Hit SMS I H'J tery agy to a tetr aev ang e 10n, er · , 1 andar Mon uon · ~1a . ' . as . 013 ,, olo rofilm collect'ion, The Ohio mic e rary Stat Lib h • A 11 earc Res ar hos ) Hil and JV•e ' (Mt, At . . J{I S b' 1· l260's. HM SM 2 ty. , er 1a, dated to the nUnh1ers1 tog'Y to a tetr aev ang e 10~ microfilm. 11 S· : Hila rary Lib h earc Res ar and Hil co ecuon, The A tho s), Nfe ~~ nas tery.(M t.·ty dar ,no te Uni ver s1 . J{Z · . Sta 'be aria I3th c. PJ\N7 St e1·10n bY sen . DragyJ ' Bulg , Oh• 0 to a tetr aev ang . fil m 'colth ( Library micr h gy earc O Res r I o Nfe no imo n Mo nas tery Mt. A os), H1landa . . U le J{7 Pant. e The Oh io Sta te m vers1ty. S b' 1· HM .SMS · IO, Hilanda r·Monastery tecu on, aev ang e 10n; er. 1a, 1356. . to a tetr . m collection, The Ohio State rofil Jvfenolog y mic rary , Hil and ar Res earc h Lib os) At~ t, (M J{J0 .SMS.18, Hilandar Mouni ver sity. elio n, Bulgari~, 1322. _HM Me nol ogy to a tetr aev ang m collection, The Ohio rofil mic Hil and ar Res earc h Library , os) Ath t. (M tery nas f[J8 Sta te Un ive rsit y. 0's. HM.SMS.2J, Hilanelio n, Ser bia, _date d to the_126 Me nol ogy to a ~etr aev a~g e Univers ity. Stat o Ohi The on, ecti film coll 1{23 dar Res ear ch Lib rary m icro S.3 1, Hilaodar MoSM Hil. 's, Ser bia, date d to the 1330 Me nol ogy to an apr ako s, ection, The Ohio coll lm rofi mic rary Lib h and ar Res earc 1{31 nas tery ( M t. Ath os) , Hil Sta te Un ive rsit y. lus, dated to the 1280's. ed tetr aev ang elio n/ap osto Me nology to a com bin ndar Research Library miMo nas tery (Mt . Ath os), Hila H52 HM .SM S.5 2, Hil and ar ity. io Sta te Uni vers cro film col lec tion , The Oh August- November, I Ith y, Feb rua ry, April, July, and uar Jan for a nai me rgic al Litu ary, Moscow; and a Libr e Stat M. II v. Col lect ion, the Rus sian c., S y nod Typ ogr aph ic ary collection, Russian Nain the Sof ia Mo nastery Libr Ma y me nai on, 11t h c ., j 190 1 (1997], vol. I: 20&, urg (de scri bed by Spasski tion al Lib rary, St. Pet ersb listed in Appendix 12 of ions orat dite trad itio n; com mem 211 -2 12 as fro m the Stu 3). tha t vol um e, pp. 4 71- -49 and July, 12th c., Nos. 159-168 all mo nth s e xce pt Mar ch for a nai me al rgic Litu M. 12v. e Library, Moscow; and two Stat sian Rus Lib rary, the in the Syn od Typ ogr aph ic Sofia Monastery Library e resp ecti vely, 12th c., in the me nai a, for Ap ril and Jun cribed by Spasskij 1901 (des rg rsbu al Lib rary, St. Pete col lect ion , Ru ssia n Nat ion commemorations listed in from the Stu dite tradition ; [I 997 ), vol . I: 208- 209 as um e, pp. 471 -49 3). Ap pen dix 12 of tha t vol sian, 16th c., with two proGre at Rea din g Me naia , Rus ij's Mak. Me trop olit an Ma kar l Arc beographical Comries pub lish ed by the Imperia log ues , Oc tob er- Ap ril ent 997)), vol. I: 264 -265; [1 crib ed by Spa sskij (19 01 mis sio n (18 69- 191 5). Des 494 -548 , on the conpp. me, volu in App end ix 13 to that com me mo rati ons not ed nai a man usc ript s). ten ts of Sla vic rea din g me oz __, 1339 . . Easter table begins at year I Serb ia, Library, Sofia. 1ectionary ap0 st:;'·I~s National 502, Cyril Bulgaria, 14th c. NBKM No. .1and Meth olog)' to a , ofus post arya . k M~ ., No. 501. cyn n Sofia early 14th c. 501 NB,.... 10 a 1eeno · ospel/apostolus, Sam o ov, ary, Sofia. ary, Libr l full n,cnology National Libr iona Nat ius rY gd Method and Method1us I gy 10 a 1ee11ona 850, Cyril and 502 l _an IJ- J4th cc. NBKM No. semi-short men~ ~d No, 151)n,, cyn ia, Serb gefio NBKM No. 508 o evan sos KM No. 882, Cyril Sofia. I Bulgaria, 13th c. NB Menology '..c: ::e :i Library, us, tionarY aposto 850 . Me1hod1US ,,a 'brary Sofia. sian Nat.wna l Library.. l enology to a lee ' 58 Rus Ful 01 thodius National Li ~od ius Nati onal LiMe and il Cyr No. 1345, 882 and Mee, Bulgaria. I339, Pog15ot I ) as based on the xx1x fl: vol. .'. ( 1900 [1997], ust, rrologu for March- Aug sk1J 1339 Spas by 'bed . Prologue the Bulgarian 1345 bratY Sofia; descn Jter 15th c. No. 3, Library of . 'd - A•ction of Bas, , calendar is psa the an erbi that es ·antS stat secon The menology header Menology to a Bulgan . a B3 Academy of Sciences, Sofi_ 14th c., 2GG45, . r 23 to an aprokos, Russia, Typikonbe based on the Jerusalem em Dec ugh thro i Library, Moscow. I 368- 1370. BAN No. 73 ' full menology . BG45 ers ty b February' Macedonia, Moscow State UnivSept em er. for e a. 1 tern Bulgaof Sciences Library, Sofi Verse pro ogu liturgical tetraevangehon, wes pel, B73 Gos . y dem Aca ary, Sofia. Bulganan Libr l iona Nat ius hod th Cyril and Met Full menology to ~ ca 847 ary collecLibr ery nast Mo Ban . !Stho.and '16th cc. ' Belozers k . ria, 13- 14th_cc., NB_ Russian the at now , rary Lib y ia, dem Russ Aca aiatr ical men tal olog The burg p ' Beloz. f_es Nos. 103 •• eIers non Russ1· a, 14th c. MGU ak December) to an apr os, 23 National Library. gh . . . Full menoIogy (throu y Library, Moscow. . BG45 2BG45, Moscow State Universit. 408, Ghent Um vers11?' Library, Belgium . TypeBdinski Sbomik, Bulgaria, 1360 cke (1973); factynov (I 882), Scharpe and Vyn BSb set transcription editions by Mar simile edition by Duj~ev (1972). in Gospel. Macedonia, late I 3th-early 14th cc. Menology to the lectionary Carp scription edition by Carp eum, Moscow. Typeset tran XJud. 28, State Historica l Mus , western Bulgaria Despodova et al. (1995). pel, liturgical tetraeva nge lion Full menology to the Curzon Gos rary, London . Lib ish Brit Cur 28, 396 , Add . MS or Macedonia, datable to c. 1354 ani-Crkolez No. Det cc., s, Bulgaria, l3- l4th Menology to lectionary apostolu danovic et al. Bog DC2 by ion edit e imil facs ary; 2, Detaoi-Crkolez Monastery Libr (2012). (1986); description by Vakareliyska ius National Lic., No. 1144, Cyr il and Met hod 11th , aria Bulg s, stolu Apo En a Enin 5). 196 ( ov Kod fov and brary, Sofia; typeset edition by Mir Russian National ia, 14th c., RN B F.1.n. I 00, FIOO Menology to tetraevangelion, Serb Library, St. Petersburg. = 332 1 I . 333 ,- J _., , !'. ~· ty' ,, "" ~ - ~j'j -~ ..- - '~ ~ ;I •• •• .;;... .__ ......_ r ~· .~ ep oc- ,1c ec H lJCTHH, co6pa11m : BenHKHe MHI HC 15 19 C r: HlJ1at1Hc 69 yp 16 p6 18 -rc n . ne . . 10-B . bin. - . a11 ny e C O ,n, nis sioonHTOM Ma Ka pH eM ran Mi nc i C het ii , wb - 191V5 [V cli kic 0 , 18 69 rg: izd an ic rbu ete . " 0 ,, KOMHCCHH t-P nk TP Sa . MH 16 l"1t"e0grPPctl~c ,hff<JCCK n op oli tom M ak an em . yp . 1" 1 etr ,l,t: 19 15 ]. AP "eo rpa ..,_ 69 18 i, ssi nu m ad no mi ko rty rol og ium Ro ma se ro ssi ys lom s So ~a n~ s, ed . . Ma tum · Greniu titu ro res Ba ar tcm es nta vc Ca . ;,t re og ra fi: ~s s11 cac hts ton ac 1a les ecc cta tio de ex tra uc em rd . no lat ton cs atq ' : caI nd an.t. ra r,·on m. Ac ce sse run t 1596 ius su _ed 1tu . ax M t 58 6 • vU Jll ka e Po n . lude! zan tin e Stu die s/E .. )(I ll · . Ro ma no . Ro me , I · B me n sai nts . - By wo go rll of r da len ca olo gto um , H · A M art yrBi Jlc b rn ba onHC , 63- 67 . CTon XIII eetca. PyK ni2 19 75/et al. 19 86: 6o nra pc KH H ano cha De ' 1975 : . ' "" is op ,n ov XI II ve ka : ruk 0 ay za nt in es,.N:0' olg ars kiy ap os tol p;fllb Co ,hH R 19 86 [B " . va /te f/e 2 • ic, ov ..,6] . J 3 • I 98 cKOli ue pS fi " 4a 1m -Up Ko ne CKHH. MCTopHR pyc a, nra KO B) , MHTJ'OOOnHT MocKOB 90g"" o.aa ee K 2 pex fez nc ro 6y HO ( O CH ,; CO CT Ts r k Ma Ka. pH ro BH a nep Ho .a OO epK 1.1 Jl, 196 6) H3 . OH 7· np ccK (pc py 77 Hc TO pH R 7 --n e-r ep 6y pr, ·18 · d posle pcnn og o ,l akoV 18 · 3 40 -1 58 9) . Ca mo k k 12 ( no TH pe OC v &H v, n r · a rus s oy Ise · 81 g I sto ny t<8 "· T. rcs bu rg, 187 7 (ph oto oc To RT essk oy ce rk vy. T. 3 . -1 44 8). St. Pe ter 40 c aM . 12 ( ti s no ' tel mo sto ya ], 30 3- 31 5. [Js ro nY ; :e k sa . ua mo nu rs ity Mi cro fil ms L . ne s, seu an ttq nn Ar bo r: Un ive· 1·1q ua e ec tto A d n pe_ret ro1 9;6 )] [A · . .. C e I s, stu 0 1. am 2 16 I , d . "vo . . lng o stad11 Pren.t . 16 0/ · He nr icu s · ·11 tat 1s t us tra n am . ae tis pro eiec ae ad di m me ius diu m nis co . "S Ca ad tri sto ria mi an um ad fid em ny ero Henricu Hi . Vol. 2 . m s.) iu (ed e esn M ar ty ro log de Ro ssi ,L. Du ch . ;;e ~:;s ne 18 94 : mb ris . loh . B . ve No ., SS t. Ex Ac De Rossi, g~ ~e ni . Jlc cn oJioea , KO eea Hr en He . B. Br us se ls, 18 94 . et al. 19 95 : KapnHHC kil OBCKOBHH vs JIH lre cpC Mi J<H v. e HC nd JIO KC ka Pa ' _, 0 o,·ce vs CKH (pe n.) . (= Ma eB Tp · Mw dn ov ek o. sre lb i B, , Oa H. !le Despo"o" K. ge lic (= Ma ke do nsk 61-11..teBCKa, [K arp ins ko ev an 95 19 , en wn Op pa Ko nw cw , 4) . · PYKOOHCCH, xpaHR . Pr ile p , 19 95 ]. nHryprn'ICCl(J,[X vn i ra ko pi si, 4) -rporplUI, . A . On HC aH He ITe A 2. , lJ. HH i. CK Kl eB um pH T T. 3 : ,l{MHT eH or o BoCTOKa. Dmitrievs kij / 9 1 7: hra ny ash tih sya v Te Ka x np aa oc na he sk ih ruk op ise y, ic IUHXCR a 6w 6n wO urg lit e ni isa Op A. d, 19 17 ]. . gra A tro iy, Pe sk 2. ev h. 19 17 [D mi tri . T. 3 : Tu mK a. C ka sto Vo go jte v. Lo nd on, no Du I. os lav 8, AD 13 60. Ed . 40 bib lio tek ah pr av S M ic on av Sl en t ki Sb om ik : Gh Dujcev 1972: Bd ins he n un d ho mi let ie pr int s]. R um or ari [V de r ha gio gra ph isc 19 72 . ng un d Be sta nd ru fe zu m En de des 16 lie er bis n Ob ge fan rd , A. rch e vo n de n An Ki Erhard 19 52: Er ha n he sc hi iec de r gr , 90 6- 91 5. sch en L1 ter atu r xo n- Le ipz ig 19 52 KOe OOHCaHHe py erts. Bd . I . B e rli nd . C nCTeMaTH'leC hu hr HM Ja apX B), H . OO mtC ))O rro HT Py [J]a 1. _ >J, q (<l n a .11wMH p we ii) 6H6nHOTeKH. Fiiantropov 18 94 : B nbHOH ( Oa T) )H ap oe op isa.!IB esk ch HO ati CH i tem O/: Sis CK ir, Ar h. nH cee t MO CKOB ntr op ov, Vl ad im Ks a, 18 94 (F ila rp e'l eCKHe. M oc l rfi ,e1'ceSh •caa1 M f .L' from reading 6- 1654, com pil ed . 164 State Histori, on nod Lib rar y co llecti . . ,ncnaion, Russi a;, ; commemo266 526 : I l. vo 11•~~1cr)'9or[i997]), 4-5 48 , on the contents of Mo vr• ,. \ n i~u Mil . I rvall ne PP· 49 (see spassk1J ( pr,cs . of thc 'fr1 1111Y . 13 to chat vo1u1 . w sco arly 12th c. , Sin . Mo men••• Mil. Ru ssia late 11th-e . . oxnuscripl). k ' Museum- in APPcndn,a np11on edition by a os, nsc apr 1ra I d eo1. noted nte . pri ; cow . 111cns18 ra110115 tisJav oo spe •m, M os . SJa vic readonS ., 10 the ,.,s .<•1 Museu kratova ( 198 3). 3, Russoan National GP B.G rig (f. 87 ).1 te Histonva. and Pan McnoJogY ( 1907). 121h c., . n edi tio n by Kul"bakRin . No- 120J._518 d-111;,o late MSI 0 1 ria, 1 rnn National lga 'Bu uss la I , V 1.5 J•• 2:ukovsk• nscnp6- 1057, RN B.F.n. . tcd 1ra . 3) [1964 us, 184 ( asto pnn v ; Ap ko d . urs sto c~b 105 pcc edi tio n by Vo Ohn ' kOS , Russia, •ption Libra<Y'. 5'- pel apra n Oh nsc d craand Nc cha ev ( I 98 8). ·nte w. ' sco os rary, Mo 0 rron11rSt0 Pctc~burg; pn 58 , Sta te Pu bli c Libc. NBKM Nos s by Ro~;~ Pogod. h · OS L• b;? fac~i,nilc edition garia, . d 9 · Apostol us Bu lga ria , 13t e of the Bul opal Library, •Sofia . Th e las t ext ant pag p,rfon 200 · ~c prologue, . s Non-ve., unu~u N ., noJogY to the con s a' nccv P58 . d Methodou ing. thc c. GP B.R um (f.2 56 ). 107, Rumja ,.,c an lhC June 14• listJJ14 Cyril afl Pir 497, 90, calendarends crrskos, Russia, sco w. w Museum col. State Library, Mo aP ssia, 13th c., Mo sco. . ed1.. Menology to an ion ssian ., obixo d• Ru Ru 1on 11on by , np1 lect nsc col 1ra m et seu Mu cc,Library, Mosco w. Types RJ07 Jance the Rum fi St . 97] , vol. II : (19 1 rom Menology by Sp ass kij ( 190 J;J- J l 5); described 11 th-cen . first red acu on of Bas; Rum. the g Jcction ~0-~:; tin prologues reflec . B~lgako ( . d fi . rom an National xx 1v) as comp11e J90I (1997], vol. I : 233). I and IO I a, Ru ssi O I kij( n.L . ass B.F Sp RN also l_ga c., sec Bu ria. garia, 12th a l__ L,brary,_ Plovd1v, Sic ~• Apostolus, Bul Ivan Vazov Na toon 25, , Library . 54 No . ; No urg n e~b tio Pet Library, St. ev skoJ col lec Slep study are 24.4.6/Srezn ntral Library of the Ce , 25 /11. DA Portions not used for this w; of Sciences, Mosco ssian State Liof the Russian Academy ences; and GPB Gr ig. I 4/M . 169 6, Ru Sci of y dem Aca ian rain Uk fia Monah cc. No . 1324, So w. Spasskij brary, Mosco - February, 11th- 12t by ber tem bed cri Sep des sia, rg; Rus sbu Sof.JJU!o&Prologue, al Library, St. Pe ter tion Na n ssia Ru . tion stery collec Li- 304). loz ers k Mo nas tery (1 901 (1997], vol. I: 303 later, No . 49 3, Be kij Russia, late I 6th c. or tional Lib rar y; descr ibe d by Spass , ogy nol me l Ful sv. 493 al the Russian Na now , 1on ec1 c0U ry bra d Library ). 33 0 Mosco w Sy no 51 ) (1901 [1997], vol. I: 354 Russia, 12th c. No . 0-1 n, 15 iko · typ 01 dite (19 Stu ' kiJ. w; see Sp ass · U. XII v. CMe°ol~gy to• t H'ostoroca · · I Museum , Mosco eset o11ectoon, Sta e • th rough Jan ua ry 8, 12- 13 cc.; typ 01 h ens,s'. r z 0 dex Co (19 the ga p Menology to a lso Sp ass kij Zogr edition of the menolo 186 7: 69- 76 ); see gy by SreznevsktJ ( [1997], vol. I: 128). ..... 7t;~~{ 1 :::,y "ro'".,,s I ° .a. 1 l I 335 33 4 ,. ~ sinodal'noy (patriarshcy) bibliotck· T • A skovskoY . Moscow, 1894, 513- 540I. . 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