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Fuzzbals to replace Black Holes

A new theory of 'Fuzzballs has come up for Black Holes to replace the Black Holes because, it is rather difficult to explain the loss of information due to evaporation of Black Hole and the singularity of the Black Hole. This article tries to explain; how, elementary particle h/c 2 can give the rid of the problem. And the particles h/c 2 is not just assumption but, these particles are real scientifically.

Review of ‘Black holes may not exist, but fuzzballs might, wild theory suggests By Paul Sutter - Astrophysicist. Published in Live Science: Expert Voices, December 3, 2020. By Dadarao Dhone. Abstract:A new theory of ‘Fuzzballs has come up for Black Holes to replace the Black Holes because, it is rather difficult to explain the loss of information due to evaporation of Black Hole and the singularity of the Black Hole. This article tries to explain; how, elementary particle h/c2 can give the rid of the problem. And the particles h/c2 is not just assumption but, these particles are real scientifically. Introduction: The formulae of Einstein and Plank give elementary mass particle m=h/c2. These elementary particles are the building blocks of the Universe. They form everything materialistic and radiations in the universe. They form the links of Einstein’s Spooky Theory of action at a distance. All the secondary matter from quarks to Black Hole is made from these particles. These particles are energy carriers. Actually they must stand at the first place in Standard Particle Model of Physics. They are the building blocks of the universe as explained in my paper on First ever Universe. Discussion: Physics give us the building blocks of the universe the mass particles h/c^2 the result of efforts of Einstein and Plank. They form Dark Energy, The have formed all the materialistic universe. When they are proved by Relativity principles, when ththe mass particles h/c^2 can be packed to infinite density because they are assumed two dimensional particles physically, and they are even photographed; Teir existence could not be denied. As we cannot go into black hole yet, their structure can be assumed in different ways. The science should care for perception of things; perception of facts alongwith logic.The basic maths for simulation should be based on perception. The idea of Special Relativity that, 'Gravity becoming overwhelmingly strong in Black whole comes in reality due to the two dimensional particles h/c^2, the elementary mass particles, the building blocks of the universe. .These elementary fundamental particles being two dimentaional can pack them in a point in say infinite amount. They work as force carriers. in atoms. They form all bosons. When Bosons decay or mass decay; these elementary particles are ejected and they then form the part of the Dark Energy. There can be infinitely tiny point mass om infinite mass due to these Dark energy particles. It is every possible reality. Objects like black holes were first sugested by me, while narrating the first ever univese and at other places/comments. The first ever universe was created due to rush of these building blocks whirling into the space domain of the universe forming whirlpools, vortices, colliding them against each other the particles smashing against each other and forming secondary heavy mass particles. There I have also sugested that, at the skirts of the universe, such black hole like structures of these particles, formed by them must be stillpresent which have not collided and are existed; and they are found!. See, one thing is sure, all the information since the first ever universe is well stored in the cosmos. Though the black hole evaporates the information stored in it definitely should go with the particles of evaporation. And they must merge in the Dark Energy of the cosmos. We have to find out the way to recollect the information. We have to find out instruments those can handle these elementary particles as we can handle protons electrons. AS THESE PARTICLES ARE THE FORCE/ENERGY CARRIERS and infinitesimally small ofthe order of 10^-51 m and having vibrating frequency of the order of 10^60 Hz we need to work out mechanical and electrical oscillators of that frequency order. I am very much pleased to read that, 'Of course, there's no such thing as an infinitely tiny point, so this picture seems wrong. But in the mid-20th century astronomers began to find objects that looked like black holes, acted like black holes and probably smelled like black holes too. Despite their impossibility, there they were, floating around the universe.' Because, prior to it I have described that possibility as said jut above/before. Regarding loss of information present in black hole; during its evaporation; as said above by me it doesn't get lost; definitely it is dissolved into the Dark Energy. Even the thoughts are not lost which are not in witten form or by heart to someone! If the scientist will think on the elementary particles their both the problems wii be solved. That are of information paradox and the singularity. The strings in string theory are nothing other than the structures formed by these particles. The string theorists if take the help of these elementary particles, they can also progress in explaining the facts yet unexplained. The fuzzball theory will also get mathematical solution through these particles called by me Ga. It seems that, there are three types of dese mass-nonvisible, objects. They are Floating objects like black holes around the skits of the universe, Black Holes and Fuzzi balls. I think, the fuzzi balls are a neutron star or like with dense Dark Energy around it. The elementary mass particle named Ga by us; is the originality of the universe, Every thing in universe is made from it. Therefore, it will fully satisfy the 'Standard Particle Model' of Physics. Conclusion: To explain the expansion of the universe, the Dark Energy is allotted the property of repulsion though it has property of gravity proved by gravitational lensing. To prove constant speed of light equal to c through free space with respect to observer; the free space, the medium of light is assumed an Observer. In fact, the observer attached to his frame in spce assumes stationary and measures the speed of light. And that speed naturally is the speed of light with respect to the source of light. Similarly, now the concept of fuzzballs to try to replace the Black Holes, predicted by Einstein. But, the elementary mass particles h/c2, are building blocks of the universe and that can explain all puzzles.