Margarida ABREU
Based on the experience of the Portuguese and Spanish financial crises in the early
nineties, this paper suggests that the spillover of exchange rate crises may reveal a
particular dimension of the financial contagion effect: the presumption of mimetic
behavior by monetary authorities.
This paper analyses the evolution of the credibility of the escudo and the peseta. We
set out to test the existence of a contagion effect, that is, in what way does the
polarization of exchange rate expectations in a scenario of devaluation of one
currency explain the building up of a similar scenario for the other currency. We also
examine the transmission mechanisms of such a scenario.
Our results suggest the existence of a one-way contagion effect, of the escudo by the
peseta. Speculative attacks against the peseta necessarily give rise to speculative
attacks against the escudo, regardless of the evolution of the “fundamentals” of the
escudo. In this case, the spillover of financial crises could be better understood by the
anticipated mimetic behavior of monetary authorities, rather than by the geographical
proximity of the countries in question or by the identical performance of the
economies of both.
JEL Classification: E4, E5, G1.
Keywords: exchange rate crises, financial contagion.
* I’m grateful to two anonymous referees and to V. Mendes for valuable comments on an earlier
version of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies.
The Spanish Peseta joined the EMS exchange rate mechanism (ERM) in August 1989
and the Portuguese Escudo followed suit in April 1992. Both currencies participated
in the +/-6% fluctuation band around the central parity until the widening of the band
in August 1993. From the very beginning and until the general EMS crisis in
September 1992, the external nominal value of both currencies remained stable. Both
the peseta and the escudo were among the strongest currencies in the mechanism: they
remained well within the superior half of their fluctuation band, appreciated relative
to their central parities as well as to the deutsche mark. Despite this past behavior,
both currencies were subject to numerous speculative attacks, far beyond the general
EMS crisis, giving rise to 3 simultaneous currency devaluations of the respective
central parities between September 1992 and March 1995.
Prior research1 has attempted to find possible reasons for the Portuguese and Spanish
exchange rate crises of the early nineties. However, to the best of our knowledge,
none of these studies looked for contagion arising from links between events in the
two countries.
There are several explanations as to why crises tend to be bunched or clustered2. A
crisis in one country can spread to others via trade links. Once one country has
devalued, it is costly (in terms of a loss of competitiveness and output) for other
countries, having strong trade links with the first country, to maintain their parities
(Glick and Rose, 1999). An original disturbance can also spread across countries via
financial links. Abreu and Scialom (2000) and Calvo (1996) stress the role of
liquidity. A leveraged investor facing margin calls needs to sell his asset holdings.
See for instance Bartolini and Prati (1999), Campa and Chang (1998), Favero and Giavazzi (2000),
Kempa and Nelles (1999), Martinez Peria (1999) or Gómez-Puig and Montalvo (1997).
This leads to other asset prices being depressed. Goldstein, Kaminsky and Reinhart
(2000) highlight the role of common lenders: the need to rebalance the overall risk of
a bank’s asset portfolio can lead to a credit crunch. Another family of contagion
models has emphasized the role of the correlation of fundamentals in the presence of
asymmetric information among investors (Kodres and Pritsker, 1998).
The Portuguese and Spanish exchange rate events studied in this paper seem to
correspond to another special case of contagion. In this case, spillover seems to be
better explained by the anticipated mimetic behavior of the Portuguese monetary
authorities vis a vis the Spanish monetary authorities, rather than focusing on the
geographical proximity of the countries or on the strong direct trade or financial links
existing between them. We view this phenomenon as a particular case of the escape
clause approach to currency crisis (Eichengreen and Wyplosz, 1993; Isard, 1995;
Sutherland, 1995).
The escape clause approach views exchange rate arrangements as conditional
commitment devices. A country which adheres to a fixed exchanged rate arrangement
commits itself to maintaining the exchange rate within a particular band, in view of
certain benefits. This commitment is, however, limited, in the sense that the country’s
policymaker may always have recourse to the escape clause, i.e., if the costs
associated with the fixed peg come to outweigh the benefits of the same. From this
perspective, a currency crisis is a situation in which private agents perceive that
monetary authorities are on the brink of abandoning the prevailing exchange rate
What would seem to be particular to the Portuguese case is that market expectations
of the monetary authorities’ evaluation of benefits and costs depend mostly on the
See for instance Caramazza at al. (2000), Jeanne (1999) or Williamson (2000b).
likelihood of Spanish monetary authorities abandoning the prevailing exchange rate
commitment in response to a speculative attack. If Spanish authorities respond to an
attack with a devaluation of the peseta, this will sharply increase the cost of the
prevailing exchange rate policy in Portugal. Investors revise their beliefs on the
continuity of the Portuguese commitment to the exchange rate system insofar as
mimetic behavior of Portuguese monetary authorities is expected. Speculative attacks
against the peseta necessarily lead to speculative attacks against the escudo, regardless
of the evolution of the “fundamentals” of the escudo.
We evaluate this contagion effect via the econometric estimation of the expected rate
of depreciation of each currency in the band, using information pertaining to the other
country’s financial market as explanatory variables.
Considering that among European ERM members, interest rates were, during this
period, almost the only effective monetary instrument, we used the influence of
interest rates on the expected rate of depreciation of the escudo within the band as a
proxy for the effect of monetary policy on exchange rate expectations3.
Section 2 briefly presents the parametric tests used to evaluate the credibility of the
exchange rate policy in each country. Section 3 presents our own estimations: the
expectation of a currency devaluation is measured here by the interest rate
differential, adjusted by the estimated depreciation expectation of a currency within
the band. Conclusions are presented in section 4. Our results suggest the existence of
a one-way contagion effect, of the peseta on the escudo. The peseta does not suffer
any impact as a result of fluctuations in the credibility of the escudo exchange rate. In
this case, the spillover of financial crises can be better understood by the anticipated
Figure 1 shows exchange rates of the Portuguese escudo and the Spanish peseta against the deutsche
mark and the one-month Portuguese and Spanish interest rates.
mimetic behavior of monetary authorities than by the geographical proximity of the
countries or by an identical performance of the economies of both countries.
We estimated the anticipated rate of devaluation for the escudo and for the peseta
using parametric credibility tests in the tradition of Svensson (1991a), Rose and
Svensson (1991) and Bertola and Caballero (1990). It was assumed that the
anticipated total rate of depreciation of a currency is equal to the interest rate
differential, i.e. we accept the hypothesis of uncovered interest rate parity. In this
case, the anticipated devaluation rate in a fluctuation band regime equals the
difference between the interest rate differential and the currency’s depreciation within
the band. This is a parametric method in the sense that the anticipated depreciation
rate within the band is estimated rather than computed from the full width of the
fluctuation band (as in the simple credibility tests – Svensson, 1991b).
The expected devaluation rate can therefore be defined as follows:
gtm = δ tm − Et ∆ xt + m | norealignment / m.dt
gtm is the expected rate of devaluation (at period t) of the central parity m periods in
advance (if it is positive a devaluation is expected); this is equal to the difference
between the interest rate differential and the expected rate of depreciation within the
δ tm = itm - i*tm , is the interest rate differential (domestic rate – foreign rate) at period
t, on bonds with maturity m;
xt = st - ct , is the difference between the log of the market exchange rate s and the log
of the bilateral central parity c;
m is the maturity measured in periods and dt is the length of the period;
Et ∆ xt + m | norealignment / m.dt , is the expected (at period t) depreciation rate within the
band, between periods t and (t+m), conditional upon the non-existence of a
Äxt+m = xt+m - xt.
The expected devaluation rate of the domestic currency (escudo for Portugal and
peseta for Spain) in relation to the deutschmark within a certain time horizon was
calculated as the expected domestic rate of depreciation of the currency within the
band, subtracted from the interest rate differential between each of the Iberian
countries and Germany. The expected depreciation within the band was estimated by
OLS using the following equation:
+ ε t +m
( xt + m − xt ) / m.dt = ∑ β 0 j d j + β1 xt + β 2∆ mpte + β3∆ esp
dj : dummy variables, identifying each time-period between two realignments. We
therefore allow for (and are able to test) different anticipated depreciation rates
between realignments. If a coefficient is positive and significant, this means that on
average the escudo (peseta) was a weak currency within the band during the period
between the two realignments;
xt : as above, is the exchange rate within the band, and is frequently used as the sole
explanatory variable when explaining Äxt+m. The coefficient of xt, if negative and
statistically significant, shows the existence of a force pulling the exchange rate
towards the central parity, i.e. the deviation of the exchange rate has a stabilizing
Ämpte and Ämesp represent the difference between the euro interest rates in Portugal and
Germany (Ämpte) and in Spain and Germany (Ämesp). The use of Ämesp allows us to test
the influence of the stability of the peseta market on the escudo market.
We wished to estimate the expected depreciation rate within the band, conditional
upon information available at time t for one, three and twelve-month horizons.
Therefore, we consider m.dt equal to 1/12 year, ¼ year and 1 year, respectively (this
corresponds to m equal to 21, 64 and 254 daily observations and dt equal to 1/254).
As we wished to calculate the expected depreciation rate within the band conditional
upon no realignment between dates t and t+m, therefore, for the 1-month horizon, we
excluded from the sample the last 21 observations prior to each
realignment. For the same reasons, we excluded from the sample 64 (254)
observations prior to each realignment, in order to estimate the expected depreciation
rate within the band in the 3-month (12-month) horizon.
Exchange rate depreciation expectations were estimated by OLS, however we
computed standard errors using a Newey-West covariance estimator, allowing for
both serial correlation and heteroscedasticity, since the dates overlap.
3.1. DATA
The credibility of the escudo exchange rate band in the EMS was empirically checked
through the use of data covering the period from 14 April 1992, one week before the
escudo joined the European exchange rate mechanism, to 5 March 1995. During this
period, the central parity of the escudo against the mark was changed 3 times
(involving three devaluations against the mark): on 23 November 1992 (-6%), 14 May
1993 (-6,5%) and 6 March 1995 (-3,5%), which was practically the closing date of the
series available to us.
Since the Spanish peseta joined the exchange rate mechanism before the escudo, we
considered two series for this currency. One is longer and covers the whole period of
the peseta’s participation in the ERM from 19 June 1989 to 5 March 1995; the other is
shorter and is identical to that of the escudo, in order to facilitate comparisons. During
this period, the central parity of the peseta against the mark was devalued 4 times: on
17 September 1992 (-5%), 23 November 1992 (-6%), 14 May 1993 (-8%) and 6
March 1995 (-7%).
The credibility tests were carried out using the official central parities of these
currencies in relation to the mark as the standard reference. Our choice presupposed
the recognition of the role of the deutschmark as an anchor for the system. We used
ECU spot exchange rates, which were recorded daily at a mid-morning central bank
telephone conference4. We therefore deduced the exchange rates of the Portuguese
escudo and the peseta in relation to the deutschmark. These exchange rates were
compared with the official central parities of these currencies vis-à-vis the mark, and
with a variation range of +/-6%, in spite of the widening of the official margins
agreed to on 2 August 1993. Such a choice was justified by the fact that after this
date, the escudo was kept within an implicit band, which corresponded to the earlier
band of 12% (Abreu, 1999a). As far as the peseta was concerned, a similar
phenomenon was to be noted until December 1994 (Cassola, 1995; Ayuso 1992).
After the crisis which occurred in the summer of 1993, the DEM-ESP exchange rate
also seems to have been kept within an implicit band, corresponding to the ranges of
variation authorized before the widening of the bands. However, from the beginning
of December 1994 until the last realignment in March 1995, this exchange rate policy
seems to have been abandoned, with the DEM-ESP parity exceeding the ceiling of 84
pesetas per mark5 on a continuous basis, despite the general increase in interest rates
on the europeseta.
We used daily Portuguese, Spanish and Germany interest rates, for the period from 14
April 1992 to 5 March 1995. The interest rates used are annualized bid rates for 1month, 3-month and 12-month euro-market deposits, recorded at 10 a.m. Swiss time.
The assessment of the influence of interest rates on the expected rate of depreciation
of the escudo within the band can be considered as being a proxy for the effect of
monetary policy on exchange rate expectations (Svensson 1990a, Moutot and Namur
1991)7. An effective Portuguese interest rate policy will be revealed by a positive â2
coefficient. Likewise, the influence of Spanish monetary policy on the behavior of the
In comparison with the “official fixing” dollar rates, the ecu-rates have the advantage of being
simultaneously recorded for the relevant currencies.
The ceiling corresponds to the band of variation of +/-6%.
We use LIMDEP in our calculations.
In truth, it is not in fact monetary policy that is at stake here, but rather certain variables which are
directly influenced by this policy and the precise effects on which we do not know.
The use of the euromarket interest rates is not disapproved whenever we assume, as we do in this
paper, that the monetary link takes place through interest. In fact, after the complete liberalisation of
capital movements in December 1992, domestic and euromarket interest rates don’t differ significantly.
Portuguese exchange rate within the band will be revealed by a significant â3
As far as the influence of interest rate differentials on the expected rate of
depreciation of the escudo is concerned, results in Table 1 seem rather disappointing.
In fact, â2 and â3 are not significant for the one and three month regressions, and only
â3 is significant as regards the one-year regression. For such a maturity, â3 is in fact
both negative and statistically significant, whilst the escudo-mark interest differential
is negligible. The peseta interest rate therefore seems to play a decisive guiding role,
whilst the influence of the escudo interest rate on the formation of expectations about
the depreciation of the escudo would seem to be negligible, both for this time-period
and for the 1 and 3 month horizons. The fact that â3 is negative suggests that an
increase in the interest rate differential between the peseta and the mark led to a
reduction of the depreciation rate of the escudo within the band. To put it more
simply, an increase in Spanish rates (given German rates) reinforced the escudo.
How can we interpret this set of results? Two possible explanations can be given:
1. Portuguese authorities were following the behavior of their Spanish counterparts,
who were pursuing an effective policy in terms of the exchange rate objective. Whilst
the rise in interest rates in Spain strengthened the peseta (and this is confirmed by the
negative sign of the coefficient â3 estimated for the expected rate of depreciation of
the peseta – table 2), it also provoked an immediate increase in Portuguese interest
rates, since the Portuguese authorities knew that otherwise their currency would be
subject to an attack. Thus, an increase in Spanish interest rates would have the effect
of restoring the equilibrium of the escudo exchange rate within the band. An analysis
of the correlation between the two series of interest rates, as well as a study of the
possible relations of causality between the variations in interest rates, would help to
clarify whether mimetic behavior is likely to have occurred.
2. Statistical problems plague the results. It is possible to admit that the effectiveness
of the Portuguese monetary policy as well as the Spanish influence may not always
have had the same intensity, nor the same sign throughout the short period analyzed,
resulting in the inaccuracy of the â2 and â3 estimates8. On the other hand, it is also
possible that we have strongly correlated regressors due to the interdependent Iberian
interest rates.
An understanding of the influence of interest rate differentials on the behavior of the
rate of depreciation of the escudo within the band therefore requires the continuation
of this study along two other tracks. On the one hand, possible changes in the sign and
size of the coefficients â2 and â3 need to be looked for throughout the period of
participation in the EMS. From this perspective, new estimations were made of the
rates of depreciation of the escudo and peseta, either by allowing the coefficients â2
and â3 to vary between sub-periods, or by rearranging the sub-periods and causing
them to coincide with the different phases of credibility of the escudo.
On the other hand, possible relationships of interdependence need to be highlighted
between the evolution of Spanish and Portuguese interest rates. In this sense, we need
to analyze the correlation between the two series of interest rates and the variation of
this correlation throughout the period, as well as the possible causality relation (in
Granger’s sense) between the interest rate variations in the two countries.
8 As seen in section 2, in order to estimate the 1-year regression only the observations from 13 May
1993 (the date of the second realignment of the escudo) to 5 March 1994 (one year before the third
realignment of the escudo) were kept. This shorter period of time corresponds to the longest sub period
In order to test the influence of interest rate differentials on the behavior of the escudo
within the band, the rate of depreciation of the escudo was estimated for a one-month
horizon, for each sub-period between realignments, using equation (3) below:
+ ε t + 21
( xt + 21 − xt ) / ( 21/ 254 ) = β 0 + β1 xt + β 2∆ mpte + β 3∆ esp
Results are presented in table 3. Two initial statistical conclusions emerge from these
results. Firstly, the instability of the â2 coefficient is evident. Secondly, the low model
performance for the 14/04/1992 – 22/11/1992 sub-period: if one uses the conventional
5% significance level, the explanatory variables are useless. However, during the
other two regimes, that is, between the first and the third escudo realignments, the
coefficients â2 and â3 were both negative, suggesting that the increase in Spanish and
Portuguese interest rates strengthened the escudo within the band.
As far as the Portuguese rates were concerned, the differential with Germany (â2) was
negative, as expected9. This minus sign does in fact confirm the relationship between
the interest rate differential and the exchange rate predicted by the model of target
zones, whenever the exchange rate band is credible: in this case, an increase in the
of Iberian exchange rate stability. This could explain the non-significant â2 and â3 in the one-month
and three-month regressions and the significant â3 in the one-year regression.
Given that we have eliminated the observations preceding a realignment over a period that was
shorter than the horizon considered for the estimated depreciation rate, the information relating to the
periods when attacks against the escudo were not successfully counteracted by the monetary authorities
was also eliminated (otherwise the realignment shouldn’t have happened). This means that, very
probably, we have underestimated the possible existence of a positive relationship between the interest
rate differential in relation to Germany and the expected escudo depreciation rate. In other words, we
have over-estimated the efficiency of the interest rate policy. It is therefore normal to obtain a negative
â2 coefficient for the full period, which expresses the fact that a rise in interest rates strengthens the
currency, except in periods of particular tension in the foreign exchange market that precedes a change
in regime.
differential (i.e. an increase in domestic interest rates) strengthens the currency within
the band. In our opinion, the minus sign confirms that the management of interest
rates in Portugal has been largely governed by the objective of exchange rate
stabilization and that, most of the time, this policy has proved to be effective.
As far as the influence of Spanish interest rates on the escudo is concerned, the
hypothesis that the peseta has an influence on the escudo cannot be rejected, at least
for the period from November 1992 to May 1993 and the 10% significance level.
Thus, when taken together, the coefficients â2 and â3 seem to support, for the onemonth time horizon, in the second and third sub-periods, the results that were
obtained with the estimation of the rate of depreciation of the escudo for a one-year
horizon (Table 1). The credibility of the escudo fluctuation band was guaranteed by
the rise in Portuguese and Spanish interest rates. The rise in Spanish rates probably
operated (or was perceived by Portuguese authorities) as a constraint on monetary
policy in Portugal.
Nevertheless, we cannot be satisfied with these results. In fact, given the
aforementioned â2 parameter instability and the irrelevance of the first sub-period
regression, we must be somewhat guarded as regards the conclusions put forward.
As a result, the question arose as to whether the breakdown into sub-periods marked
by the occurrence of a realignment was in fact the best way to understand the possible
changes in the influences of interest rate differentials on the depreciation rate of the
escudo. In fact, the realignments do not seem to mark any significant changes in the
evolution of the escudo within the band. Using "simple" credibility tests10, Abreu
In the “simple test”, the devaluation expectation is computed by adjusting interest rate differentials
for the maximum and minimum rates of possible currency depreciation within the band. This method
has the advantage of taking into account all the observations, but, on the other hand, the corresponding
test of credibility of the exchange rate band is frequently inconclusive.
(1999a) drew conclusions as regards the relevance of three other sub-periods. The
first one, from the date when the escudo joined the ERM to August 1992, was
characterized by strong and stable credibility; the second, between September 1992
and July 1993, was marked by a growing nervousness in the markets (increased
volatility), with credibility being restored in leaps and bounds and only temporarily
after each realignment; the third period, between July 1993 and March 1995, was
marked by an extreme lack of credibility of the escudo band, which was much greater
than that of the peseta.
We therefore re-estimated the depreciation rate of the escudo and the peseta within
the band, for all time horizons, in keeping with equation (2), this time taking into
consideration the sub-periods from Abreu 1999a). We also re-estimated the rate of
depreciation of the escudo, for the time horizon of one month, separately for each subperiod between realignments, in keeping with equation (3). The results of these
estimations are shown in tables 4, 5 and 6.
Results in table 4 show remarkable differences with regard to the identification of
regimes. The coefficient â03 is now significant for all time horizons, and â02 is
significant for the 3-month horizon. On the other hand, by taking these periods into
account, we were able to identify more clearly the influence that, as a whole,
pressures exerted on the peseta have on the behavior of the escudo within the band.
The â3 coefficient for the escudo is negative and statistically significant for time
horizons of 3 months and one year. It therefore seems possible to confirm the
hypothesis of a contagion effect of the peseta on the escudo for these horizons. The
Spanish authorities increased their interest rates to strengthen the peseta, an action in
which they were successful (for â3 is also negative for the peseta, table 5), and the
Portuguese authorities accompanied them in order to prevent the escudo from being
attacked, with equal success. Table 6 allows us to determine the variation, between
the different sub-periods, in the influence of interest rates on the expected escudo
depreciation rate for one month. The coefficients â2 and â3 are significant for the first
two sub-periods11. Until August 1992, â2 was negative whilst â3 was positive. This
combination represents, a priori, a competitive relationship between the two
currencies: an increase in Portuguese interest rates strengthens the escudo, whilst
Spanish rates exert pressure in the opposite direction. A rise in interest rates in the
neighboring country would expose Portugal to an outflow of capital that would
accentuate the depreciation of the escudo. Between August 1992 and July 1993, â2
and â3 were both negative. We therefore find once again the situation envisaged by
the hypothesis of a credible band guaranteed by an effective monetary policy which
closely follows what is happening in Spain.
In the third sub-period, after August 1993, â2 and â3 were not statistically significant.
An assessment of the correlation, as well as possible relationships of causality,
between Portuguese and Spanish interest rates, would seem indispensable for the
interpretation of the aforementioned results.
By observing the coefficients of correlation between the Portuguese and Spanish
interest rates presented in Table 7, the following may be concluded:
Considering a 10% significance level.
that there is an important positive correlation between Portuguese and Spanish
interest rates throughout the whole period of the escudo’s participation in the
that this link is stronger whenever the maturity of the rates is longer;
that the strength of this link seems to vary greatly throughout the period of the
escudo’s participation in the ERM. After being very strong until July 1993, it
diminished thereafter, to the point of becoming negative, for time horizons of
one month and three months.
The results referred to above attest that there is a strong interdependence12 between
Portuguese and Spanish interest rates, and that this actually increased after the 1992
crises. This interdependence remained positive until the widening of the bands in
1993, a period in which both the peseta and the escudo were under pressure. After
July 1993, the correlation becomes negative, in a period when only the Portuguese
escudo was under attack.
The interdependence between escudo and peseta interest rates can be refined by using
econometric techniques which look for causal relations. It is important to stress that
the causality established in this way does not necessarily reflect the underlying
existence of a fundamental economic law. The econometric causality that links two
variables together simply indicates that knowledge of past values of one variable
improves prediction ("cause") with regard to the other.
The results of the causality tests applied to the period from 6 April 1992 to 7 March
1995 are shown in table 8. These results suggest that there is a relationship of
instantaneous causality, in one direction only, from the peseta to the escudo, after the
escudo’s integration into the exchange rate mechanism. No other relationship of
causality can be confirmed, neither in the same direction (but nonetheless considering
past values), nor in the opposite direction (from the escudo to the peseta).
With regard to the influence exercised by interest rate differentials, and therefore by
monetary policy, on the expected rate of depreciation of the escudo within the band,
the principal results obtained allow us to deduce that the influence of the variation in
(Portuguese and Spanish) interest rates on the position of the escudo within the band
did not have the same sign throughout the EMS period. In fact, for the time horizon of
one month, results in tables 1 and 4 show no significant â2 and â3 values, if one
considers these coefficients fixed for the entire EMS period.
For the one-month horizon, statistically significant coefficients of interest rate
differentials were only obtained in the case of separate estimations of the depreciation
rate within each sub-period. Results in table 6 lead us to conclude that:
From the moment when the escudo joined the ERM until the summer of
1993, Portuguese monetary policy could be regarded to have been
successful (in relation to the exchange rate objective); the increase in
domestic interest rates making it possible to strengthen the escudo. In fact,
12 We must bear in mind that correlation coefficients may be biased upward during periods of high
volatility (Forbes and Rigobon, 1999), though this may be less of a problem with interest rates
compared to exchange rates or other financial variables.
the â2 coefficient, which expresses the efficiency of monetary policy in
relation to the exchange rate objective, is negative during this period13.
During a very short period only, right at the very beginning of the
participation of the escudo in the ERM (between April and August 1992),
the negative â2 coefficient14 is linked to a positive â3. This situation would
seem to indicate that during the first months of the escudo’s participation
in the ERM, monetary policy was effective and not constrained by the
behavior of the Spanish monetary authorities, with the relationship
between the currencies demonstrating the typical features of a competitive
Between August 1992 and July 1993, both â2 and â3 are negative and
significant. It would therefore seem that during this phase, monetary
policy continued to show a tendency to be effective in Portugal (since the
increase in Portuguese rates reduced expectations of a depreciation of the
escudo), although it was nonetheless largely determined by the behavior
of the Spanish authorities. A rise in interest rates in Spain (in view of the
strengthening of the peseta) was very quickly followed by Portuguese
authorities, who thus prevented the escudo from being attacked. A study
of the interdependence between the interest rates of the two countries
seems to support this interpretation. In fact, we found a strong correlation
between the interest rates of the two countries during this period.
Furthermore, the instantaneous causality noted from the peseta interest
rates to those of the escudo also seems to confirm this idea.
This apparent efficiency of monetary policy does, however, need to be viewed with a certain amount
of reservation, since we have eliminated the observations preceding a realignment.
In the first two periods, in which the coefficients were seen to be
significant15, the coefficient associated with Spanish interest rates was
always stronger, which would seem to account for the intensity of the
exchange rate constraint exerted by Spain.
After July 1993, it is not possible to make any judgment; either about the
influence of Portuguese interest rates, or about the influence of Spanish
rates on the behavior of the escudo within the band, since neither â2 nor â3
are significant. As far as Portuguese interest rates are concerned, this fact
seems to demonstrate a tendency towards a reduction in the efficiency of
the interest rate policy. In the case of the Spanish influence, the fact that
â3 is not statistically significant confirms that there was no real symbiosis
in the behavior of the exchange rates of the two currencies. In this phase,
and unlike the earlier ones, the peseta was not under attack (the peseta was
simply hovering close to the band’s ceiling of 6% throughout most of this
period) and it was the escudo that was constantly subject to tensions in the
foreign exchange market. The results for â3 in this period, coupled with
the results obtained for previous periods, seem to suggest the existence of
a one-way transfer of the weakness of the peseta onto that of the escudo.
The recursive estimation of â3 (results not shown) seems to confirm this
hypothesis, namely that the influence of the peseta on the escudo was
exerted at moments when the peseta was "weak", and not throughout each
sub-period analyzed here.
Significant at the 10% level.
At least at the 10% level.
The expected rate of devaluation of the escudo and the peseta in relation to the mark
is obtained by deducting the expected rate of depreciation within the band from the
interest rate differential on the euromarket between the currency of the country being
considered and that of Germany, in keeping with equation (1).
On the one hand, the longer the horizon of expectation, the higher the expected rate of
devaluation, which is natural, given that a realignment is all the more likely to occur
when the time period considered is longer. On the other hand, the shorter the horizon
of expectation, the higher the volatility of the expected rate of devaluation, which is
explained by the relatively high volatility of short rates in comparison with long rates.
Let us now focus on the shortest horizon: one month. Figure 2 retraces the evolution
of the expected rate of devaluation (by time unit) of the escudo and the peseta against
the mark for the time horizon of one month. The estimations chosen for the
depreciation rate are those shown in tables 1 and 216.
Three sub-periods can be clearly identified.
The first of these sub-periods, beginning at the moment of entry into the ERM
and continuing until August 1992, is marked by a weak volatility of the
devaluation rate. On the other hand, the devaluation rate, which is negative
throughout the sub-period, expresses a strong level of credibility in regard to the
exchange rate band. This credibility of the escudo exchange rate band was only
This choice arises from the fact that the estimation of equations (2) displays better quality than that
centred exclusively on the differential between the exchange rate and the central parity (xt). Opting for
sub-periods between realignments vis-à-vis "regimes" allows us, first of all, not to introduce
information gaps within each sub-period (which would inevitably influence the constants associated
with each period), for, in order to avoid sudden leaps in the exchange rate within the band (the
depreciation rate is conditionally estimated in the absence of a realignment), the estimation requires the
elimination of "m" observations before each realignment. Secondly, this choice makes it easier to
establish comparisons with the behaviour of other currencies.
to be seen again in a somewhat temporary fashion after the realignment of May
After August 1992, this state of grace enjoyed by the escudo came to a sudden
end. During this second sub-period, between August 1992 and July 1993,
phases of credibility followed on from periods when a realignment was seen as
imminent, i.e. phases in which the only common feature was an enormous
volatility of the expected rate of devaluation. The devaluation of November
1992 brought little more than a temporary respite, for the rate of devaluation
only briefly remained below zero. After the realignment, the rate of devaluation
shot upwards again, becoming positive after March 1993. Credibility was once
more temporarily restored for a brief two-month period after the realignment of
May 1993.
Finally, in the third sub-period, between July 1993 and the realignment in
March 1995, there was an almost continuous expectation of a devaluation of the
escudo, whilst, at the same time, its volatility was reduced. During this long
period of roughly 20 months, two crises in the credibility of the escudo can be
distinguished: the first one in October 1993, the other in June 1994.
An analysis of Figure 2 allows us to compare the evolution of the expected rates of
devaluation of the escudo and the peseta. There are several points which should be
pointed out here:
It clearly seems that the credibility of the bands of the two currencies evolved in
a practically concerted fashion following the second realignment of the peseta
(first of the escudo) and until the widening of the bands, in August 1993.
Thereafter, their evolutions diverged quite dramatically.
The moments of greatest weakness of the peseta led almost systematically to a
realignment of parities, which therefore brought with them a devaluation of the
escudo. The only exception was the realignment of September 1992, after which
expectations of a devaluation of the escudo remained very high.
The lack of credibility of the escudo exchange rate band, which had increased in
the second half of 1993 and continued throughout 1994, does not seem to have
contaminated the credibility of the peseta. The realignment of March 1995 only
arose after the rapid rise in the expected rate of devaluation of the peseta after
December 1994 and at a time when the escudo seemed to have partly regained
some of the credibility that it had lost.
The preceding analysis shows that the participation of the escudo in the ERM was
marked by a repeated lack of credibility after the autumn of 1992. In particular, the ±
6% escudo exchange rate band, which had been implicitly defended by the Portuguese
monetary authorities since August 1993, showed itself to be continuously lacking in
There are some fundamental reasons which justify the speculative attacks suffered by
the Portuguese currency in 1992, particularly the over-appreciation of the escudo real
exchange rate which accumulated from the second half of the eighties (Abreu 1999b,
Kempa and Nelles 1999, Williamson 2000a). What is more difficult to understand is
why the Portuguese escudo continued to be under pressure until March 1995, once
this real over-appreciation had been absorbed by the firsts two realignments.
A credible explanation for this behavior is suggested by the strong link noted between
the escudo and the peseta. Yet, as we have seen, this was not a marriage of the "for
better or worse" type. The escudo seems to have followed the peseta when the
expected rate of devaluation of the latter moved upwards, but it did not, however, pull
the peseta down with it in its moments of "weakness", nor did it benefit from
mirroring the peseta in its periods of greater vigor. In other words, it seems that the
credibility of the peseta was not a sufficient condition, but was instead a necessary
condition, for the credibility of the escudo.
As Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1997) have clearly pointed out, we speak of
contagion in foreign exchange markets when there exists a systematic effect on the
probability of a speculative attack which stems from attacks on other currencies, and
is therefore an additional effect above and beyond those of domestic “fundamentals”.
In the Portuguese and Spanish case, this spillover seems to be well explained by the
anticipated mimetic behavior of the Portuguese monetary authorities vis a vis the
Spanish monetary authorities. We evaluate this phenomenon as a particular case of
the escape clause approach to new models of currency crises.
A country which adheres to a fixed exchange rate arrangement makes that
committment in view of certain benefits. The commitment to maintain the exchange
rate within a band is limited, in the sense that the country’s policymaker can always
exercise the escape clause, i.e. devalue, if the benefits associated with the fixed peg
are outweighed by the costs of the same. From this perspective, a currency crisis is a
situation in which private agents perceive that monetary authorities are on the brink of
abandoning the prevailing exchange rate policy.
What would seem to be particular to the Portuguese case is that market expectations
of the monetary authorities’ evaluation of benefits and costs depend mostly on the
behavior of Spanish monetary authorities in response to a speculative attack. If
Spanish authorities respond to an attack with a devaluation of the peseta, it is
supposed that this will sharply increase the cost of the prevailing exchange rate policy
in Portugal. A devaluation of the peseta thus leads investors to revise their beliefs on
the continuity of the Portuguese commitment to the exchange rate system.
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