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Probable Mode of Action of Hingvastaka Churna: A Critical Review

2016, International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy

Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 Review Article www.ijrap.net PROBABLE MODE OF ACTION OF HINGVASTAKA CHURNA: A CRITICAL REVIEW Manoj Kumar Dash 1*, Namrata Joshi 2, Laxmikant Dwivedi 3, Khemchand Sharma 4 1 Lecturer, P.G Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda College Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India 2 Associate Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India 3 Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, G.J.Patel institute of Ayurvedic Studies & Research, New V.V. Vidya Nagar Anand, Gujarat, India 4 Professor, Department of Rasashastra, Gurukul Government Ayurveda College, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India Received on: 06/04/16 Revised on: 12/05/16 Accepted on: 23/05/16 *Corresponding author E-mail: drmanojkumardash@gmail.com DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.074146 ABSTRACT Mode of action of a poly herbal Ayurvedic formulation is a critical and essential issue to be considered in assuring the therapeutic efficacy and safety. Churna (Powder) preparations are widely and largely prepared in pharmacy as well as used by practitioners of Ayurveda for different ailments. Hingwashtaka Churna is one of the commonly used preparation containing very safe and easily available herbo-mineral drugs. Although, Hingvastak Churna is not mentioned in major classics like Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita etc. but after 3rd. century onwards, it is mentioned in various authentic texts like Astanga hridaya samhita, Vanga sen Samhita, Sharangdhar samhita and Yoga ratnakar etc. under the treatment of Gulma roga, Ajeerna, Agnimandya etc. In clinical practice, it is a drug of choice for Digestive impairment. However, as per classical texts and Ayurvedic Formulary of India, it is indicated for Agnimandya (Digestive impairment), Shula (Colicky Pain), Gulma (Abdominal lump) and Vata roga (Disease due to Vata dosha). The present study is aimed to critically review the formulation ingredients and probable mode of action of Hingvastak churna in different clinical conditions. Key words: Hingvashtaka churna, Yavani, Ajmoda, Hingu Agnimandya, Shula, Gulma, Vataroga INTRODUCTION The digestive procedure relies on upon legitimate transformation of the ingested food into definite items like glucose, fatty acids – bile complex or fatty acids and glycerine and amino acids .For this, right arrangements of nourishment, appropriate emission of the digestive juices and enzymes and in addition motility of the intestinal tract are essential. Any unsettling influence in the digestive capacity prompts stasis and inadequate assimilation, which may prompt putrefaction or fermentation by the activity of the intestinal organisms. The collection of gas in the intestinal tract to some degree is a physiological procedure. However when there is an aggravation or inadequacy in the nature of one or a gathering of compounds or When there is a feast excessively high in fat and/or sugar and/or protein and when there is unsettling influence or poor function of the liver, then there is an inclination to gas formation in the intestinal tract. Gaseous distension of the stomach area creates a sentiment obscure uneasiness, flatulence, a sentiment of feeling fullness, acid reflux, sickness, eructation and indigestion. Ayurveda too advocates role of digestive enzymes in the genesis of almost all disorders. Low fire (Mandagni) is the root cause of all diseases. Hingwashtaka churna has been propitiously reported to be subsidiary in expelling trapped wind, palliating flatulence and eructation’s, checking abdominal distension and relinquishing gas in the epigastric region. Ayurvedic herbal dosage forms are formulated through the transference of active ingredients by different manufacturing processes1. It is a herbomineral preparation containing Sunthi, Pippali, Marica, Ajmoda or Yavani, Svetajiraka, Krishna jiraka, Suddha Hingu and Saindhava lavana. It is indicated in Agnimandya (Digestive impairment), Shula (Colicky Pain), Gulma (Abdominal lump) and Vataroga (Disease due to Vata dosha) 2. In the present critical analysis an attempt has been made to correlate the probable mode of action of the formulation in the above mentioned clinical conditions. Drug Review Ingredient Shunthi 3 Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Part used Rhizome Ayurvedic properties Percentage Rasa - Katu 12.5 Veerya- Ushna Vipaka- Katu Guna- Laghu,Ushna , Teekshna Karma- Deepana, Pachana, Anulomana, Amavataghna, Shoolahar, Amadoshahara Agnimandyahara, Vibhandhahar, Hridya. Dosha Karma- VatakaKaphahara 1 Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 Maricha 4 Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Fruit Pippali 5 Piper longum (Long Pepper) Fruit Ajamoda 6 Apium leptophylum (Celery fruit) Fruit or Yavani7 (Tachyspermum ammi) Saindhav Lavana8 ( Rock Salt) - Shveta Jeeraka 9 Cuminum cyminum (Cumin Seed) Fruit Krishna Jeeraka10 Carum carvi (Caraway Seed) Fruit Shuddha Hingu 11 Ferula assafoetida (Asafoetida) Resin stem Rasa- Katu, Tikta Veerya- Ushna Vipaka-Katu Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna Karma-Deepanya, Ruchaya, Shoolahara, Amadoshahara , Krimihara Dosha Karma- Kaphahara, Pittakara, Pittapramathi, Kaphavatajita Rasa- Katu, Tikta, Madhura Veerya- Anushana Vipaka- Madhura Guna-Snighdha, Laghu, Karma-Deepana, Shoolaprashamana, Amadoshahara Gulma, Udara roga, Krimihara Dosha Karma - Vatakaphahara, Tridoshaghna Rasa- Katu,Tikta Veerya-Ushna Vipaka-Katu Guna - Laghu, Ruksha Karma–Deepana, Krimighna, Shulaghna, Gulma nashak Dosha Karma - - Kaphavatahara 12.5 12.5 12.5 Rasa-Katu ,Tikta Veerya-Ushna Vipaka-Katu Guna-Ruksha,Laghu,Tikshna Karma-Deepana, Pachana, Ruchya, Anulomana, Sulahara, Krimighna Dosha Karma - Kaphavatahara Rasa- Lavana 12.5 Veerya - Sheeta Vipaka- Madhura Guna - Laghu, Sukshma, Snighdha Karma-Srtotogamitwa, Chedana, Bhedana Dosha Karma -Tridoshaghna Rasa-Madhura 12.5 Veerya- Sheeta Vipaka-Madhura Guna- Guru , Snighdha Karma-Deepana, Ama nashana, Krimighna, Agnimandyahara, Dosha Karma - Tridoshaghna Rasa- Katu 12.5 Veerya-Ushna Vipaka-Katu Guna-Laghu, Karma-Deepana, Pachana, Ruchya, Agnimandyahara, Grahani, Shothahara Dosha Karma - Kaphavatahara of Rasa-Katu, 12.5 Veerya-UshnaVipaka-Katu Guna-Teekshna Karma-Pachana,Deepana,Ruchya, Anulomana, Krimihara, Shula, Agnimandyahara, Gulma Dosha Karma- Vatakaphaprashmana DISCUSSION Quantity of Hingu on Hingvashtaka Churna In Hingvashtaka churna, different opinion is seen regarding the quantity of Hingu.Authors and commentators of all classical texts like Gada nigraha12, Bhavprakash13,Yoga ratnakar14 Bhaishajya Ratnavali15, Yoga Tarangini16, Brihat Yoga. Tarangini17 have taken equal quantity of Hingu i.e. 1 part.. Similarly in AFI18, Rasa Tantra Saar evam Siddha Prayoga Samghraha19, Rasa Darpan20, equal quantity of Hingu is prescribed. However, some Scholars of present generation, 21, 22, 23 are of opinion to take 1/8th part of Hingu in place of 1 part. Also some scholars misinterpreted to take 1/8th part of Hingu by total weight of other seven Drugs., if First drug is taken 100 g, then hingu 87.5g. As if 1 part of Hingu is taken then it will cause Ugragandha to the Churna and its oral administration may cause Utkleda (Nausea) to the patient. But after frying [compound/ Bandhani Hinga which is in practice] Hingu does not produce any nauseating (Utkleda) sensation. That is why, in context of Churna Kalpana, Sharangdhar Samhita has clearly mentioned to take fried (Bharjita) Hingu as it is non nauseating (noutkledkrit).So the exact quantity depends upon the type & purity. Its sharp, hot and unctuous property helps to clear high Vata in the digestive tract, treating bloating, flatulence, colic and undigested food in the stool; it moves Samana Vayu and draws Apana Vayu down. Critical analysis on ingredients of Hingvashtaka Churna Regarding ingredients, almost all authors have taken same ingredients and the controversy is only seen in taking either Ajomda or Yavani i.e. Ajowan in Hingvashtaka churna. On surveying the literature, it is found that Hingvashtaka churna is been prescribed in Ajeerna roga adhikara (Vangsen Samhita, Yogaratnakar, Yogatarangini, Brihat Bhavprakash, Yogatarangini), Agnimandya roga adhikara (Chakradatta, Bhaishjya Ratnavali,), Shula roga adhikara (Gada nigraha), Gulma roga adhikara (Astanga Hridaya), Grahani roga (Vangsen Samhita). (Vangasena had given two formulation of Hingvashtaka churna in Ajeerna & Grahani roga Chikistha.). Commentators of those texts where it is described in Ajeerna 2 Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 Roga Adhikara mentioned to take Yavani as an ingredient. While Commentators of texts where it is described in Agnimandya prakaran are of opinion to take Ajamoda rather than Yavani. In Astanga Hridaya, for Hingwadi churna indicated for Gulma roga24, the commentator has taken Ajowain for Dipyaka. Similarly in Charak samhita for Chitrakadi gutika (Grahani dosa chikitsa) commentator has replaced Ajowain for ajamoda25 .If we consider the therapeutic potential of these two herbs, author of Arka prakash mentioned Yavani ark as Pachana, Deepana, and Rochana while Ajamoda ark is used for Vatakaphajanya roga. As per Ayurveda sara samgraha Yavani ark is for Mandagni, Shula, Ajeerna, Gulma, Amadosha, Aruchi & Vatakapha dosha nashna26.According to Ratnaprabha commentary of Chakradatta27 & Vaidkiya Paribhasa Pradeep28, Yavani should be used for internal administration while Ajamoda is used for external application. Standards for Yavani as per FSSAI are, moisture not more than 11 % by weight, extraneous matter not more than 2 % by weight ,damaged /insect damaged not more than 2 %,Volatile oil on dry basis not less than 1.5 % v/w. Ajamoda as per FSSAI conform the following standards; extraneous matter not more than 2 %), moisture not more than 10 %. As per Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Yavani conforms the following standards extraneous matter Not more than 5 % by weight , Moisture not more than 9 %, Volatile oil not less than 2.5 %) whereas Ajamoda confirms the following standards extraneous matter not more than 5 %, Moisture not more than 14 %, Volatile oil not less than 2 % v/w) as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Yavani (API) Yavani (FSSAI) 29 Ajamoda (API) Ajamoda30 (FSSAI) Moisture content (in %) NMT 9 NMT 11 NMT 14 NMT 10 Volatile oil (in %) NLT 2.5 NLT 1.5 NLT 2 - Apart from the quantity of Hingu as described earlier, variety of Hing to be taken for preparing Hingvastak churna is also very confusing. For Hing or Hingu, Ferula foetida regal and Ferula narthex boiss are recommended but to curtail the cost, it is generally substituted and adulterated with Kikar or Babul Gond, Hashab (Gum Accaia or Acacia senegal), and Shittim Gond (Acacia seyal )31. Even sometimes sodium silicate was used as a substitute for Hingu. All the above substitutes are not recommended by API. As. per API Hingu consists of oleo-gumresin obtained from rhizomes and roots of Ferula foetida Regel., Ferula narthex Bioss, and other species of Ferula (Fam. Umbelliferae).In food safety standards authority of India (FSSAI) three types of Hing has been described as Hing, Hingra and Bandhani Hing. Hing shall conform the following standards; Total ash not exceed 15 percent, acid insoluble ash shall not Extraneous matter (in %) NMT NMT 2 NMT 5 NMT 2 Damaged /insect damaged matter (in %) NMT 5 NMT 2 - exceed 2.5 %, Alcoholic extract shall not be less than 12%, Starch shall not exceed 1 % by weight), Hingra shall conform to the following standards; Total ash Not exceed 20 %, acid insoluble ash not exceed 8 % by weight, alcoholic extract not less than 50 %,starch not exceed 1 % by weight, Bandhani Hing, total ash more than 10 %, acid insoluble ash not more than 1.5 %, Alcoholic extract less than 5 % as shown in table no 3. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are using compound Hing or Bandhani Hing. As per API, Hing shall conform to the following standards (Foreign matter not more than 2 %, Total ash not more than 15%,acid insoluble ash not more than 3%,alcohol soluble extractive not less than 50 %, water soluble extractive not less than 50 %. Standards described in API & FSSAI differ. Table 3 32 Hing (FSSAI) Hingra32 (FSSAI) Bandhani Hing32 (FSSAI) Hing (API) Total ash (in %) NMT 15 NMT 20 NMT 10 NMT 15 Acid insoluble ash (in %) NMT 25 NMT08 NMT1.5 NMT 3 In case of Krishna jeeraka also some controversy is seen. The latin name mentioned in API for Krishna jeeraka is Carum carvi. But Fruits of Carum bulbocastamum Koch, known as Kala zeera or Shimai shiragam is commonly used as substitute but API does not recommended it. The fruits of Carum bulbocastamum Koch are larger in size (upto 7 mm long and 2mm. wide) darker in colour seminterete in shape. Coloured fruits of Cuminium cyminum are sometimes found as adulterant in commercial samples of Krishna jeeraka. P.V.Sharmaji considered Carum Carvi as Karavi and Carum bulbocastanum as Krishna jeeraka. Bapalalji also accepted Carum carvi as Karagi? (Krishna jeeraka). Dr.Nislhteshwar. K. mentioned Carum carvi as Krishna jeeraka in his text. Thakur Balwant Singh quoted Cuminum cyminum and Carum carvi as Shweta and Krishna variety of Jeeraka, Prithvika as Carum bulbocastanum. Regarding Sveta jeeraka and Krishna jeeraka it is always indicated that it should be slightly roasted until the spice releases an aroma and turns a shade or two darker. As per unani pharmacopeia of India for the purification of Siyah jeera it Alcoholic extract (in %) NLT 12 NLT 50 NLT 50 NLT 50 Starch (in %) NMT 1 NMT 1 NMT 1 - Water soluble extractive (in%) NLT50 should be Dip in sirka (the level of sirka should be 2 inch above the level of Zeera Siyah) for three days. After three days it should be taken out and dried properly prior to its internal use. So proper validated scientific studies are needed for the selection of either Yavani or Ajamoda, particular variety of Hing and Krishna jeeraka for getting desired results. Probable Mode of Action in Agnimandya (Digestive impairment) It is a traditional Indian blend of Trikatu (Shunthi, Pippali, and Maricha), Ajmoda /Yavani, Saindhav Lavana, Jeeraka, Krishna Jeeraka and Hingu. Sunthi due to its Katu Rasa and Ushna Veerya property increases the Agni (Digestive fire) thereby relieves Mandagni (Low fire). Sunthi is known to stimulate digestion beneficially.33 Sunthi is described as Ruchyam that means which brings taste to the mouth. Due to strong Katu property ginger purifies the Tongue and throat thus, relieves Arochaka (anorexia). It helps in alleviating Vata kapha and Pitta. 3 Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 Sunthi Churna due to its Katu Rasa and Agnidiptikara Karma does the Agnidipana and due to Katu Rasa and Tikshna Guna does the Pachana of Amadosha. Due to Katu Rasa and Laghu, Tikshna Guna it causes Srotoshodhana. This renders the indigested and Pakva-Apakva food into the assimiable form and due to Katu Rasa and Ushna Virya, the Agni become normal leading to the Vyadhi Shamana i.e. subsidence of disease. Due to these properties it is helpful in anorexia, indigestion nausea, flatulence, pain in abdomen. 34 Pharmacologically Ginger is useful as a carminative and stimulant. Powdered ginger is even more effective antiemetic than dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), it may ameliorate the effect of motion sickness in the gastrointestinal tract itself, in contrast to antihistamines which act centrally. In a randomized double blind standard ginger root powder extract was compared with dimenhydrinate as anti nauseant ant anti emetic. The response of ginger extract was found to be better than standard drug. 35 Both the fresh and dried rhizomes of Ginger suppress gastric secretion and reduce vomiting. That means it is effective in clinical condition known as Vidagdhajeerna in Ayurveda. Gingerols along with shogaol present in ginger produces enhancement of gastrointestinal activity with effects on bile secretion. Gingerol present in ginger has cholesterol – biosynthesis inhibitory activity in animal preparations and is assumed to be a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. Shogaol & gingerols inhibit the emetic action induced by the oral administration of copper sulphate pentahydrate to leopard & ranid frog. Galactone and diterpenoids isolated from ginger also showed anti 5HT effect. Acts as digestive aids; possesses anti-ulcer, cholagogic (Increases the biliary secretions) and anti-emetic properties. 36 Gingerol and shogaol, active components of Ginger, suppress gastric contractions but increases gastro intestinal motility and spontaneous peristalsis activity in experimental animals.37, 38 Maricha by its Ushna and Katu Vipaka increases Agni; by Tikhna Ushna Guna expels the vitiated Doshas which are in sanchaya avastha (accumulated stage). Pramathi Guna of Maricha helps in Srotoshodhana39 It is useful for Agnimandya, Ajeerna, Shula and Adhyamana. Pippali increases Agni by its Deepana action. It acts on the biliary system by secreting digestive enzymes, thus helps in digestive process. It normalizes the Vishamagni (improper digestion) which in turn increases Dhatu Bala (immune system). It also acts as a good Srotoshodhaka. According to Sushruta, one year old Pippali should be used for achieving its Srotoshodhaka action40. By its Srotoshodhaka & Rasayana property nourishment of Rasadi Dhatu takes place. This is the reason for consideration of Pippali as best remedy for Pleeha Roga.41 Piperine present in Pippali shows hepatoprotective activity against tert–butyl hydro peroxide and carbon tetrachloride induced hepatoxicity. Pippali showed significant anti-ulcer activity. It caused a significant increase in mucin secretion and mucosal glycoprotein and significant reduction in cell shedding, indicating anti-ulcer effect. 42 It acts as a catalyst; enhance the action of other herbs. in particular functions as bioavailability enhancer by improving gastro intestinal absorption and inducing thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the heat energy associated with the digestion of the food involving autonomous nervous system that controls the digestive and absorptive process of gastro intestinal tract. Pippali also shows antigiardial and immune stimulatory effects on giardiasis. Both alcoholic extract and piplartine extracted from the stems showed significant inhibition of ciliary movements of oesophagus of frog, which prevent heartburn and the nausea in hyperacidity. The hepatoprotective effect has been shown in carbon tetrachloride –induced liver damage in rats. Due to this action of this herb keeps hepato-biliary system in healthy way. If Ajmoda, is added in Hingvasthak churna then acts as a Vatanulomana, 43 44 helps in relieving the excessive gases generated during the digestion process. So it also helps in the fullness of stomach. It induces hyperactivity of the central nervous system in mice. It also exhibits activity against Entamoeba histolytica. Pharmacological studies of the oil shows its parasympathomimetic effect. It produces contraction of the isolated ileum, tracheal chain and bronchial musculature in guinea pigs. 45Regarding Ajamoda caution should be observed in kidney inflammation as the volatile oils may cause irritation46 Yavani, on the other hand due to its Katu Rasa and Ushna Veerya increases the Agni. By this it helps in increasing the appetite. In Agnimandya due to the effect of Tikhsna Ushna Guna liquefaction of Kapha takes place. It forces the Samana vayu in downward movement. People with zinc deficiency will generally suffer from digestive disturbances, especially difficulty digesting protein. As zinc is high in Yavani (84.95 μg/g) it produces strong enough stomach acids47.Ajowain has Ameliorative effect which leads to an increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation48. Saindhav Lavana is rock salt, which acts as a catalyst during the digestive process. As it is a hygroscopic in nature it creates the lubrication, which actually helps for digestion. Salts are known as Lavana in Sanskrit. In general all the salts have property to provide taste to the medicine and the food. They acts as a catalyst, enhance the action of other herbs in the formula by helping them in deep penetration in the body after administration of drug. Lavana helps soften food and make it easily digestible, aids secretion of saliva and gastric juices. It also softens the mucus membrane. It acts as carminative, digestive and stomachic properties. Shuddha Hingu is one of the well-known herb for the digestion and relieves the gases produced during the digestive process. Hingu by its Katu Rasa and Katu Vipaka; Tikshna Guna, Ushna Veerya increases Pitta dosha. Increased Pitta dosha favours Anulomana of Vata dosha. Due to its Ushna Guna it subsides pain. This is the reason, why Hingu is preferred, when Anaha and Shula are the chief complaints. Hingu significantly reduces the gastric volume, total acidity, free acidity, and increase the pH of gastric juice.49 Trikatu in total is known to influence the bioavailability of drug. Piperine, in particular functions as bioavailability enhancer by improving gastro intestinal absorption and inducing thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the heat energy associated with the digestion of the food involving autonomous nervous system that controls the digestive and absorptive process of gastro intestinal tract. 50Like Trikatu, Zingiber51 Cuminum cyminum 52 Carum carvi53 also possess antioxidant properties. Moreover, constituent ingredients of Hingvashtak Churna act as digestive stimulant by various enzymatic secretions. Oral administration of Piperine, Cumin, Asafoetida, Ajamoda, as a single dose significantly stimulates the liver to produce and secrete bile rich in bile acids, which play a very important role in fat digestion and absorption. Proteins, starch and triglycerides, the major macromolecules in food are hydrolyzed by the major pancreatic enzymes - proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin), amylase and lipase respectively. The dietary intake of spice principles Piperine, Ginger, Asafoetida, and Ajowan significantly increase lipase activity. Pancreatic amylase 4 Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 activity is elevated by dietary ginger and piperine Dietary Asafoetida, and Cumin also significantly enhanced the activity of pancreatic amylase.54 Agni and thereby reduces blockage in the microcirculatory channels. Hingu, Pippali, Sunthi and Yavani are prescribed Pathya dravya for Gulma Roga70. Probable Mode of Action in Shula (Colicky Pain) Maricha by its Ushna and Katu Vipaka increases Agni; by Tikhna Ushna Guna expels the vitiated Doshas which are in sanchaya avastha (accumulated stage). Pramathi Guna of Maricha helps in srotoshodhana. It is useful for Agnimandya, Ajeerna, Shula and Adhaman. Ginger (Sunthi) inhibits both acetylcholine-evoked and electrically-induced smooth muscle contractions. The spasmolytic property is attributed to the active chemical constituent in Ginger, gingerol, which also inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins (lipid compounds that have a role in pain perception). Ginger is also an anti-inflammatory that helps in the management of pain and discomfort associated with inflammatory changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Zingiber officinale is proven to be efficacious in inhibiting the gastric and intestinal motility and withal has been found to inhibit the colonic motility in vitro.55. Zingiber officinale is proven efficacious in inhibiting the intestinal, gastric, and colonic motility and the spasmolytic activity of Zingiber officinale might be attributed to gingerol that was found to inhibit PG biosynthesis and serotonergic activity.56Zingiber officinale has inhibitory effects on COX-1 and -2 enzymes 33 57 and the mechanism of action is hypothesized to be due to the attenuation of COX-1 and -2 (regulated by the eukaryotic transcription factor NF-kappaB) and thromboxane-synthase enzymatic activity.58 Celery (Ajamoda) also has spasmolytic property, which is especially beneficial in relieving gastrointestinal tract spasms. Celery has potent COX-1 and -2 inhibitory antiinflammatory activity59 and has a potent anti-nociceptive and analgesic effect. 60 In traditional system of medicine, Shweta Jeeraka as well as Krishna Jeeraka seeds are prominently considered astringent and used in the treatment of mild digestive disorders, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, flatulence, morning sickness, colic, dyspeptic headache and bloating, and are said to promote the assimilation of other herbs and to improve liver function, 61 and are said to promote the assimilation of other herbs and to improve liver function 62 Cumin also has carminative, stimulant, and analgesic effects. It exhibits neurotropic anti-spasmodic activity. Carum carvi seed extract is anti ulcerogenic63 and Anti spasmodic64 in experimental model. The antispasmodic effect of an alcoholic extract of caraway has shown inhibitory effects on smooth muscle contractions induced by the spasmogens, acetylcholine and histamine65. Extracts from caraway produced dose-dependent antiulcerogenic effect against indomethacininduced gastric ulcers66Anti ulcererogenic activity of Cuminum cyminum has also been reported. 67 Colloidal solution of asafoetida showed ulcer protecting effects against acute gastric ulceration induced by cold restraint stress, aspirin and pylorus ligation in rats. 68 Piper longum, Zingiber officinalis and Ferula species augment mucin secretion and decrease cell shedding in the stomach of rats. Probable Mode of Action in Gulma (Abdominal lump) As per Ayurveda, Gulma is abdominal lump caused due to aggravation & encapsulation of Vata Dosa (Kupita anila moodhatwat) which spreads widely like shrubs/lump (Gulmawat Vishalaatawaat). It is usually known as gaseous tumor of abdomen. When there is obstruction in the Rasavaha srotas, it results in Agnimandya, progressive to Gulma. Katu rasa and Ushna veerya of Shunthi removes Srota Bibandha69. Sunthi purifies numerous canals in the body. Shunthi agitate the Ahara Rasa by which the concentric form of body tissues will be increased. Pippali due to its Katu Rasa and Ushna Veerya increases Agni by which Ama Pachana occurs. Due to the above factor Amaja Gulma subsides. In apara patanartha gulma Pippali detoxify the Garbha Kostha so Gulma subsides. Ajomoda /Ajowan is helpful in Anulomana of Vayu. Pippali increases According to Ayurveda, Gulma encompasses a clinical condition from simple abdominal distension to malignant growth and phytochemical present in constituent ingredient of Hingvashtaka churna like Zingiber Officinale, P.longum, P.nigrum, Carum Carvi, and Cuminum cyminum, Asafoetida are researched for their role in the treatment of tumor or cancerous condition. Ginger may act as an anti-cancer and antiinflammatory agent by inactivating NFκB through the suppression of the pro-inflammatory TNF-α71. Anti abdominal gaseous tumor mechanisms of action of piper compounds is by piplartine & piperene. Piplartine compound kills cancer cells by targeting the stress response to reactive oxygen species (ROS). Piplartine induces apoptosis selectively in cells that have a cancer genotype by targeting a non-oncogene co-dependency acquired through expression of the cancer genotype in response to transformation-induced oxidative stress.72Piperine is a major component of black (P. nigrum) and long (P. longum) pepper. The content of piperine in black pepper varies between 5% and 9%.Piperine can inhibit human fibrosarcoma (HT-1080) cell expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, thereby interfering with tumor cell migration and invasion. Piperineinduced cytotoxicity against human rectal tumor (HRT)-18 cells may be mediated at least in part by ROS. The essential oil present in Carum Carvi is useful as a potential drug used as a cancer preventing agent. It is also known to boost the immune system and possesses antitumor73 Asafoetida contain essential oil (10-17%) having antioxidant, cancer chemo preventive agent74 Cuminum cyminum in colon cancer has also been researched. 75However, no such researches are undergone to establish that Hingvashtak Churna may have any role in treatment of this deadly disorder even in palliative way. Probable Mode of Action in Vataroga (Disease due to Vata Dosha) As per Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Vata roga means, disease due to Vata dosha. Here vata dosa signifies Kostha gata or Amasaya gata vata.As per Chikistha tatwa pradeep Hingvastak churna is indicated in Amasaya gata vata. Aggravation of Vata located in Kostha (Abdominal & thoracic viscera) leads to Gulma, (tumor), Retention of urine and feces (constipation) 76. For Kosthgata Vata, Kshara, agnideepana, amlarasa sevana treatment has been indicated77.The basic pathology in the Kosthagata Vata is the formation of Ama in the body due to Agnimandya78, Balabhramsha is described as one of the clinical consequences of Ama. Bala is very well accepted as an immune component by Ayurvedic scholars. Pippali has Dipana, Pachana and Rasayana actions and is helpful in alleviating Ama from the body which is the basic pathological factor in Kosthagata vata. CONCLUSION The rising use of Herbal drug by human is forcing the driving force to evaluate the health claims of these agents and to develop standards of quality, purity, safety and efficacy of the drug79.Indigestion is a commonly encountered syndrome in medical practice. Being a multifactorial syndrome complex, many complex mode of action have been studied. Gaseous 5 Manoj Kumar Dash et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 3), Jul - Aug 2016 distension of the abdomen, a feeling of fullness will be relieved by the ingestion of Hingvastak Churna. This critical analysis was to evaluate the mode of action in mentioned clinical conditions for Hingvastak churna. This study observed the ingredients present in Hingvastak churna provides a significant symptomatic relief from Agnimandya (indigestion) Shula (abdominal pain), Gulma (abdominal bloating). Clinically, Hingvastak Churna is not a drug of choice, for Vata roga (Kostha gata vata/Amasaya gata vata), but as it helps in Vatanulomana, it may be effective medication as an adjuvant with some other potent medicament in the management of the disease. REFERENCES 1. Vaidya Jadav ji Trikam ji Acharya.Charak samhita with commentary of Cakrapanidatta.New Delhi:Rastriya Sanskrit sansthan (Deemed to be Univesity:1941 and reprinted in 2002,sutra sthana verse 04/07,p 31 2. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India. 2nd ed. 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Jul Aug 2016;7(Suppl 3):1-8 http://dx.doi.org/10.7897/22774343.074146 Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Disclaimer: IJRAP is solely owned by Moksha Publishing House - A non-profit publishing house, dedicated to publish quality research, while every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of the content published in our Journal. IJRAP cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the site content and articles published. The views expressed in articles by our contributing authors are not necessarily those of IJRAP editor or editorial board members. 8