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Training and Development

2021, radistysabila

Name : Radisty Sabila Noveira Student ID : 6020210129 Class : C Courses : Industrial Organizational Psychology Lecturer : Mr. Seta Wicaksana,M.Si,Psi 10th Meeting Assignment. Training and Development in Industrial and Organizational Psychology A). TRAINING I. Definition of Training According to Jefrey M (2013) training is the systematic acquisition of a skill, concept, or attitude that results in increased performance in another environment. According to Ronald E. Roggio (2017) Training consists of planned organizational efforts to help employees acquire work-related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, with the aim of applying them to work. " According to Michael G. Aamodt (2016), "Training is the systematic acquisition of a skill, concept, or attitude that results in increased performance in another environment." According to Steve M. Jex & Thomas W. Britt (2014), training is an activity that aims to develop leaders to achieve greater individual work effectiveness and better interpersonal relationships in organizations, as well as adapt leaders to the context of their entire environment. According to Angelo Kiniki (2018), employee training is a short-term educational process, using a systematic and organized procedure, in which non-managerial personnel learn technical skills and knowledge for specific purposes. Base on that statement, It can be concluded that training is an effort made by an organization to help employees acquire work-related abilities, knowledge, skills, and behaviors. II. Training Objectives According to Michael G. Aamodt (2016), Training has several main objectives for its employees : Updating the skills of an individual in line with changes in technology. Through HR training, trainers ensure that each individual can effectively use new technologies. Reduces the study time of a new individual to become competent at work. Help solve operational problems. Orienting each individual to the organization. Provides a higher ability in carrying out tasks at work. Increase the level of professionalism of employees. III. Benefits of Training According to Ronald E. Roggio (2017), There are several benefits to training for employees : Reduces and eliminates poor performance Increase productivity Forming attitudes, loyalty, and more profitable cooperation Meet the needs of human resource planning Reducing the frequency and cost of work accidents Assist employees in their personal improvement and development IV. Stages in Employee Training According to Jefrey M (2013), There are 3 steps that must be done when training employees Determination of HR training needs The purpose of determining HR training needs is to collect as much relevant information as possible in order to find out data or determine whether or not HR training is necessary in the organization. Designing HR training programs The accuracy of the HR training method depends on the objectives to be achieved. Identification of what it is that workers must know and must do. Evaluate the effectiveness of HR training programs HR training must be an appropriate solution for organizational problems, namely that HR training is intended to correct the deficiency of the skills of each worker. The purpose of this stage is to test whether the HR training is effective in achieving its predetermined goals V. Type of Human Resource Development Training According to Jefrey M (2013), There are 5 types of training and human resource development in the company : Skill Training Retraining Training that gives employees the skills they need to cope with the demands of a changing job Cross Functional Training Cross-cutting employee training that is not in accordance with previous jobdesk. Team training A group of individuals complete work for a common goal in a work team Creativity training Workers are given the opportunity to express ideas as freely as possible based on rational judgments VI. Methods of Training According to Jefrey M (2013), There are a number of ways training can take place : a). Induction This is a programme designed to introduce a new employee to their job. It is used to:  Explain the roles of staff Familiarise the worker with their job  Explain the procedures used in the business  Make the employee as efficient as possible  Encourage new workers to be committed to the organisation  During their induction new workers will have the opportunity to:  Ask questions Find out what goes on and where to go  Meet the people they will be working with  Familiarise themselves with the workplace b). On the job training This is where a worker remains at their usual place of work and learns how to do their job Advantages : Easy to organise  Specific to the job and the business  Relatively cheap  Diadvantages : Disrupts the normal working of the business  Depends on the trainer having the correct skills c). Off the job training This is where a worker is trained away from their usual workplace Advantages : Run by a specialist trainer  Intensive and focused  No workplace distractions  New ideas can be exchanged Disadvantages : May be unable to apply training  Expensive  Disruptive – employee is not in the usual workplace d). Apprenticeships This is a long-term training programme  It may last between 1-5 years - most are 1-3 years  They are designed for 16-24 year olds   Apprentices gain real experience by having a paid job – but they also spend time at college   As such they are a mixture of on-the-job and off-the-job training:  The On-the-job part provides experience and the opportunity to gain NVQs whilst being paid  The off-the-job part allows skills such as teamwork and ICT to be developed  They are sometimes called “Modern  Apprenticeships” e). Coaching This is an on-the-job method of training It involves regular informal meetings between an employee and their coach  The coach is usually the line-manager  There are 4 types of coaching meaning it can be adapted to the situation:  1. hands-on : acts as an instructor for inexperienced staff   2. hands-off : developing performance in experienced staff   3. Supporter : helping learners overcome difficulties  4. Qualifier : helping staff develop a specific skills f). Mentoring This is an on-the-job method of training  It involves allocating attaching an experienced member of staff (the mentor) to an inexperienced member of staff  They may work together – or meet informally  The mentor will offer advice and their expertise to support the inexperienced member of staff  This is a very cost-effective method of training  However mentors must be chosen carefully g). National Training Initiatives The government believes that training is vital  To encourage firms to train staff they have developed a number of national schemes  These include: 1.  Investors in People : Firms have to show that all staff are given the opportunity to participate in training, are well motivated and involved in decision- making 2. Apprenticeships : Learning on-the-job whilst being paid 3. Learndirect Learning Through Work : Designed to allow workers to study without taking time of work and Employers may meet some or all of the cost VII. Training Needs Analysis According to Jefrey M (2013), In Books Work In The Century 21st Century 6th edition, It was explained that before determining the training design, a training needs analysis is needed, namely a three-step process of analyzing the organization, tasks, and people; necessary to develop a systematic understanding of where training is needed, what to teach or train, and who to train : Organizational analysis A needs analysis of the training component which examines the destination organization, available resources, and the environmental organization; helps to determine where the training should be directed. Task analysis The training needs analysis component that examines what employees must do to do the job right. Analyze people A component of a training needs analysis that identifies which individuals in an organization should receive training and what types of instruction they need. VIII. The Importance of Training According to Hollenbeck (2014), There are 4 important things why the training should be done to employees in a company : a. Human resources who have a certain position in the company, do not necessarily have the expertise that is in accordance with the requirements needed in that position. This is because often a person occupies a certain position not because of his expertise, but because of the availability of formations. Therefore, these new employees or staff need to add the skills they need. b. With the development of science and technology, it will clearly affect a company. Therefore, positions that were not needed before are now needed. The ability of the employees who will take up the position is often not there. Thus, it is necessary to increase the capacity required by the position. c. Promotion in a company is a must, if the company wants to move forward. The importance of promotion for someone is one of the rewards and incentives (rewards and incentives). The existence of rewards and incentives in the form of promotion can increase work productivity for an employee. Sometimes the ability of an employee who will be promoted to a certain position is still not enough. For this reason, additional education or training is required. d. During this development period, organizations or agencies, both government and private, felt compelled to organize trainings for their employees in order to obtain work effectiveness and efficiency in accordance with the construction period. B). DEVELOPMENT I. Definition of Development According to Jefrey M (2013), development is an effort to improve the technical, theoretical, conceptual, and moral abilities of employees in accordance with the needs of the job / position through education and training. According to Ronald E. Roggio (2017), development can be defined as the effort to prepare employees (human resources) to be able to move and play a role in the organization in accordance with the growth, development and change of an organization, agency, or department. According to Michael G. Aamodt (2016), development can be defined as preparing individuals to assume different or higher responsibilities in companies, organizations, institutions or educational institutions. According to Steve M. Jex & Thomas W. Britt (2014), employee development is intended to prepare employees to hold job responsibilities in the future. Employee development can be done formally or informally. It formally means that employees are assigned by the company. Meanwhile, informally, it means that employees train and develop themselves on their own will and initiative without being assigned by the company. Base on that statement, I can conclude that, Employee development is defined as a process in which employees, with the support of their superiors, undergo various employee training programs to improve their skills and acquire new knowledge and skills. The direction is more on preparing employees as individuals to hold different or bigger responsibilities. II. Development Goals According to Ronald E. Roggio (2017), there are 10 point development goals carried out for employees : 1) Work Productivity With development, employee work productivity will increase, the quality and quantity of production will get better, because the technical skills, human skills, and managerial skills of employees are getting better. 2) Efficiency Employee development aims to improve energy efficiency. time, raw materials, and reduce machine wear. Waste is reduced, production costs are relatively small so that the competitiveness of the company is getting bigger. 3) Damage Employee development aims to reduce damage to goods, production, and machines because employees are increasingly skilled and skilled in carrying out their work. 4) Accident Development aims to reduce the accident rate of employees, so that the amount of medical expenses incurred by the company is reduced. 5) Development Services aims to improve better service from employees to company customers, because the provision of good service is a very important attraction for the partners of the company concerned. 6) Moral With development, employee morale will be better because their skills and skills are in accordance with their work so that they are enthusiastic about completing their work well. 7) Career With development, the opportunity to improve the employee's career is getting bigger, because the expertise, skills and work performance are better. 8) Conceptual, With development, managers are increasingly competent and quick to take better satisfaction, because their technical skills, human skills, and managerial skills are better. 9). Leadership, With development, the leadership of a manager will be better, the human relations will be more flexible, the motivation is more focused so that the fostering of vertical and horizontal cooperation is more harmonious. 10) Remuneration With development, remuneration (salary, inceptive wages, and benefits) employees will increase their work performance even more. 11) Consumers Employee development will provide good benefits for the consumer community because they will get better quality goods or services. III. Types of Development Types of development according to Ronald E. Roggio (2017), are grouped as follows: 1) Informal development, namely employees on their own desires and efforts to train and develop themselves by studying literature books that have to do with their job or position. 2) Formal development, namely employees are assigned by the company to attend education or training, either carried out by the company or carried out by educational or training institutions. IV. Training and Development Components According to Jefrey M (2013), The training and development components are : Training and development goals and objectives must be clear and measurable. The training (trainers) must be qualified experts (professionals). Training and development materials must be tailored to the objectives to be achieved. The training and development method is adjusted to the competency level of the participating employees. Trainers (trainers) must meet the specified requirements. V. Principles of training and development planning According to Jefrey M (2013), formulated the principles of training and development planning as follows: The material must be given systematically and on a sequential basis These stages must be adjusted to the goals to be achieved. Trainers must be able to motivate and disseminate responses related to a series of subject matter. The existence of reinforcement in order to generate a positive response from the participants. Using the concept of Shaping behavior. VI. Leader Development In the 6th edition of Work In The 21st Century, it is explained that effective leaders and managers are very important to organizational success. Leaders provide a structure for work activities and help a diverse workforce to be productive in increasingly complex and unpredictable times. Some of the training methods that are increasingly being used in the field of leadership management and development include assessment centers, 360-degree feedback, coaching, and informal training experiences : Assessment center A set of procedures for evaluation given to individual groups; assessment is usually carried out by multiple assessors. 360-degree feedback - The process of gathering and providing managers or executives with feedback from a variety of sources, including supervisors, coworkers, subordinates, customers, and suppliers. Coaching A practical, goal-focused personal form of face-to-face learning for busy employees that can be used to improve performance, advance careers, or work through organizational problems or change initiatives. Informal training experience - Training experience that takes place outside of a formal training program. May include specific job duties, experiences, and activities outside of work. VII. Benefit from Employee Training & Development According to Michael G. Aamodt (2016), There are lots of benefits that will be felt if a company conducts training and development for its employees, including : 1. Positive employee retention Employees who receive employee training and development programs will be more loyal to the company. This is very good for business. 2. Increase employee engagement Employees who feel bored at work usually do not develop their abilities or skills at work. This boredom will then drag employees into negative work habits and ultimately harm the company. Regular employee training and development will encourage employees to be more involved with their work and work environment. He will be more safe, confident, and have new initiatives in completing his work. Regular employee training and development also allows for continuous evaluation of employees, their skills and their work processes. Most importantly, training and development in the end will also affect the company culture. 3. Prepare future leaders Employee training and development programs help companies discover new leadership talents. Since the beginning, companies, in this case, usually professionals in the human resource development section, began to mark employees as candidates for managerial ranks. A company that has a good leadership development program means that it always considers the company's future goals by preparing promotable talents. 4. Employee empowerment This is still related to the level of employee involvement. Managers who feel empowered at work are more effective at influencing employees and earning their trust. The employee will also feel his autonomy, the values ​​he believes in, and greater confidence in doing their job. VIII. Evaluation of Employee Training and Development There are several evaluation models, but the most popular is the evaluation model developed by training evaluation and HR development expert Donald Kirkpatrick. In this Kirkpatrick Evaluation model, there are four stages that are carried out as part of the evaluation process, namely the reaction stage, the learning stage, the behavior stage, and the outcome stage: 1. The reaction stage The evaluation in this stage aims to find out how important the training and development programs that have been carried out for employees are. The evaluator will measure the involvement of employees during the program, their level of activity, how employees react to the program materials. For this reason, the evaluator needs to formulate a number of appropriate questions to provoke the expected feedback. For example, what were the advantages and disadvantages of the training and development program that you recently took part in, did you benefit from this program, and so on. 2. The learning stage This evaluation phase seeks to find information on how employees can improve their skills, attitudes, knowledge, self-confidence, and commitment in doing their jobs from the training and development programs that are followed. The most common way to evaluate this is by giving tests at the start and at the end of the program. By comparing the results, it will be seen whether there are any reminders or changes in the expected direction of the employees. 3. Behavioral stage Evaluators will see to what extent employees apply the results of the employee training and development programs they follow into their daily work in the workplace. This process takes a long post-program time, it can be weeks, even months. 4. The yield stage The results referred to in this stage are the effects the company wants from its employee training and development programs. The measured results are the individual achievements of each employee and the achievement of the company as a whole. Mastery of skills and knowledge by employees is increasingly important for every company today. Regular training and development programs are the easiest way to develop and increase the company's intellectual capital. Hiring well-trained employees will also reduce costs. Employees who master their work are automatically better performing, better involved in themselves in the work environment, which means that it will also improve the company's reputation in the end. C). CONCLUSION Training is more focused on improving the capabilities and expertise of organizational human resources related to positions or functions that are the responsibility of the individual at this time (current job oriented). The target to be achieved from a training program is the improvement of individual performance in current positions or functions. Employee training is more intended to improve the employee's mastery of expertise for a particular job and what he is currently doing. For example, presentation training, communication training, training for trainers, and others. Development tends to be formal, involving the anticipation of individual abilities and expertise that must be prepared for future positions. Meanwhile, employee development is more on preparing himself to master new skills because they will hold different jobs and usually require greater responsibility. SOURCE Noe, Raymond A., Hollenbeck, John R., Gerhart, Barry., & Wright, Patrick M. 2014. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. New York. McGraw-Hill. Ebook Landy, Frank J., & Conte, Jeffrey M. 2013. Work In The 21st Century. 4th edition. United Statesof America. John Wiley & Sons. Ebook Kiniki, Angelo. Fugate, Mel. 2018. Organization behaviour : a Practical, Problem-Solving Approach. Second Edition. McGraw Hill Education. New York. E-Book. Michael G. Aamodt. 2016. Industrial/Organizational Psychology An Applied Approach. Eighth edition. Boston. CENGANGE. E-Book. Roggio, Ronald E. 2017. Introduction to Industrial/Organization Psychology. Seventh Edition. New York. Routledge. E-Book. Britt, Thomas W. Jex, Steve M. 2014.Organizational Psychology: A scientist-Practicioner Approach, Third Edition. Wiley. Ebook.