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ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org A Robust and EnergyEnergy-Efficient DVFS Control Algorithm for GALSGALS-ANoC MPSoC in Advanced Technology under Process Variability Constraints 1,∗Hatem Zakaria2, †Laurent Fesquet3 ‡ ∗ 1 Sylvain Nicolas Marchand SylvainDurand Durand , Hatem Zakaria , Laurent Fesquetand , Nicolas Marchand 1 Control Department of GIPSA-lab, CNRS, Univ. of Grenoble Control Department of GIPSA-lab, CNRS, University of Grenoble Grenoble, France Grenoble, France sylvain@durandchamontin.fr, nicolas.marchand@gipsa-lab.fr † Electrical Engineering Department, Benha Faculty of Engineering, Benha University Egypt 2 Electrical Engineering Department,Benha, Benha Faculty of Engineering, Benha University ‡ TIMA Laboratory, Benha, Grenoble Egypt University Grenoble, France hatem.radwan@bhit.bu.edu.eg E-mail: sylvain@durandchamontin.fr 3 TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble University Grenoble, France Abstract tainty about how a fabricated system will perform [1]. Allaurent.fesquet@imag.fr though a circuit or chip is designed to run at a nominal clock Many Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC) have become tremenfrequency, the fabricated implementation may vary far from dously complex systems. They are more sensitive to variability unevenness, and changeability associated with a given with technology scaling, which complicates the system design and this expected performance. Moreover, some cores may beAbstract feature or speci-fication. It has became one of the leading impact the overall performance. Energy consumption is also of have differently inside the same chip [2]. To solve these Many Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC) haveandbecome causes for chip failures and delayed schedules at a subgreat interest for mobile platforms powered by battery power problems, MPSoCs in advanced technology require a dytremendously complex systems. They onareDynamic more sensitive to management techniques, mainly based Voltage and micrometric scale and complicates system design by namic power management in order to highly reduce the envariability technology scaling, which become complicates the system Frequencywith Scaling (DVFS) algorithms, mandatory. A introducing uncertainty about how a fabricated system will ergy consumption. Architectural issues are also needed for Globally Locally Synchronous (GALS) design aldesign andAsynchronous impact the overall performance. Energy consumption perform [1]. Although a circuit or chip is designed to run problems clocks, each by onebattery being isleviate also ofsuch great interest by forhaving mobilemultiple platforms powered helping the yield enhancement of such circuits with strong at a nominal clock frequency, the fabricated distributed on a small area of the chip (called island), whereas and power management techniques, mainly based on Dynamic technological uncertainties. implementation may vary far from this expected an Asynchronous Network-on-Chip (ANoC) allow to communiVoltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) algorithms, become Whereas leakageMoreover, power is a some significant contributor the cate betweenAtheGlobally different islands. A robustLocally technique is proposed performance. cores may to behave mandatory. Asynchronous Synchronous to deal with a GALS-ANoC architecture under process variabiltotal power, the average power consumption and the energy differently inside the same chip [2]. To solve these (GALS) design alleviate such problems by having multiple ity constraints using advanced automatic control methods. The dissipation dominated by the dynamic power inrequire current a clocks, each one being distributed on a small area of the chip problems, are MPSoCs in advanced technology approach relaxes the fabrication constraints and help to the yield embedded CMOS integrated circuits. The energy reduction (called island), whereas an Asynchronous Network-on-Chip dynamic power management in order to highly reduce the enhancement. Moreover, energy savings are even better for the is a quadratic functionArchitectural of the voltageissues and a are linear function (ANoC) allow toperformance communicate between the different islands. A energy consumption. also needed same perceived with the obtained variability robustrobust technique is proposed to based deal on with a GALS-ANoC of the clock frequency [3]. As a result, Dynamic Voltage ness. The case study is an island a MIPS R2000 profor helping the yield enhancement of such circuits with architecture under process variability constraints advanced cessor implemented in STMicroelectronics 45nm using technology and Scaling (DVS) can be used to efficiently manage the enstrong technological uncertainties. automatic methods. simulations. The approach relaxes the fabrication validated control with fine-grained ergy consumption of a device [4]. Supply voltage can be Keywords: control, power MPSoC, process variconstraints andPredictive help to the yield low enhancement. Moreover, energy reduced slack isisavailable in the contributor critical path,tobut Whereaswhenever leakage power a significant the ability are robustness, DVFS, ANoC. savings even better forGALS, the same perceived performance with one has to take care that scaling the voltage of a microprototal power, the average power consumption and the the obtained variability robustness. The case study is an island cessor its speed as well. by Therefore, adapting thein energy changes dissipation are dominated the dynamic power based on a MIPS R2000 processor implemented in supply voltage is very interesting but implies the use of Dy1. Introduction STMicroelectronics 45nm technology and validated with finecurrent embedded CMOS integrated circuits. The energy namic Frequency Scalingfunction (DFS) toofkeep correct the grained simulations. reduction is a quadratic the voltage andsystem a linear behavior. The addition of DFS to DVS is called The upcoming generations of integrated Many Keywords: Predictive control, low powersystems, MPSoC,asprocess function of the clock frequency [3]. As a result,Dynamic Dynamic Voltage Frequency and resultsmanage in siProcessorrobustness, Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC), variability DVFS, GALS, ANoC.require drastic techVoltage and Scaling (DVS) Scaling can be (DVFS) used to efficiently ∗ nological evolution since they have reached limits in terms of power consumption, computational efficiency and fab1.rication Introduction yield. Moreover, process variability is one of the main problems in current nanometric technologies. This The upcoming refers generations of integrated inconsistency, systems, as Many phenomenon to unpredictability, unProcessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC), require drasticfeature techevenness, and changeability associated with a given nological evolutionItsince they have terms or specification. has became onereached of the limits leadingincauses offor power consumption, computational efficiency and fabrichip failures and delayed schedules at a sub-micrometric cation yield. Moreover,system process variability is one of the scale and complicates design by introducing uncermain problems in current nanometric technologies. This phe-nomenon refers to unpredictability, inconsistency, multaneously managing both many voltage cases, the energy consumption of aparameters. device [4].InSupply the only performance requirement is that the tasks meet a can be reduced whenever slack is available in the critical deadline, where a given task has to be computed before path, but one has to take care that scaling the voltage ofa a given time. Such changes cases create to runTherefore, the promicroprocessor its opportunities speed as well. cessor at a lower computing level and achieve the same peradapting the supply voltage is very interesting but implies ceived performance while consuming less energy [5, 6, 7]. the use of Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS) to keep As a result, closed-loop control laws are required to mancorrect the system behavior. The addition of DFS to DVS age the energy-performance tradeoff in MPSoCs new is called Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scalingand (DVFS) strategies are developed in this sense in this paper. and results in simultaneously managing the frequency and the voltage. In many cases, the only performance 97 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org In addition, embedded integrated systems have two means of implementation. Firstly, the conventional clocked circuits with their global synchronization – in which one faces the huge challenge of generating and distributing a low-skew global clock signal and reducing the clock tree power consumption of the whole chip – makes them difficult for implementation. Secondly, MPSoCs built with predesigned IP-blocks running at different frequencies need to integrate all the IP-blocks into a single chip. Therefore, global synchronization tends to be impractical [2]. By removing the globally distributed clock, Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) circuits provide a promising solution. A GALS design allows each locally synchronous island to be set independently, the island becoming a Voltage/Frequency Island (VFI), where an Asynchronous Network-on-Chip (ANoC) is used as the mechanism to communicate between the different VFIs. As a consequence, a GALS-ANoC architecture is more convenient for DVFS than the standard synchronous approach, because the power consumption of the whole platform depends on the supply voltage and the clock frequency applied to each VFI [4, 8]. A GALS-ANoC architecture also mitigates the impact of process variability [9], because a globally asynchronous system does not require that the global frequency was dictated by the longest path delay of the whole chip, i.e. the critical path. Each clock frequency is only determined by the slowest path in its VFI. comes essential in nanometric technologies. The proposed solution is introduced for a practical microprocessor (i.e. a MIPS R2000 processor), detailing also the actuators and sensors. The robust and energy-efficient DVFS control algorithm is depicted in section 3. Stability and robustness are analyzed too. Fine-grained simulation results are then presented in section 4. Note that only simulation results are provided in the present paper. An implementation on a real chip will be possible after the hardware and/or software cost of the proposed approach will be evaluated. Nevertheless, preliminary results are obtained for a realistic island implemented in STMicroelectronics 45nm technology. 2. Controlling uncertainty and handling process variability The main points of interest of the proposal is to handle the uncertainty of a processor (or processing node) over a GALS-ANoC design and reduce its energy consumption. This is possible by means of automatic control methods. Using both an ANoC distributed communication scheme and a GALS approach offer an easy integration of different functional units thanks to a local clock generation [11]. Moreover, this allows better energy savings because each functional unit can easily have its own independent clock frequency and voltage. Therefore, a GALS-ANoC architecture appears as a natural enabler for distributed power management systems as well as for local DVFS. It also mitigates the impact of process variability [9]. An architecture for DVFS and process quality management is presented in Fig. 1 (note that the description in [12] gives more details about this architecture and the processing node circuit.) The operating system (or scheduler) provides a set of information ref (the required computational speed, in terms of number of instructions and deadline, for each task to treat in a given VFI), eventually through the ANoC. This information about real-time requirements of the application enables to create a computational workload profile with respect to time. There are also speed sensors (not represented in Fig. 1) embedded in each processing unit in order to provide real-time measurements of the processor speed ω (in million of instructions per second for instance). Consequently, combining such a profile with such a monitoring makes possible to apply a power/energy management allowing application deadlines to be met. On the other hand, the DVFS hardware part contains voltage and frequency converters, that are a Vdd-hopping and a Programmable SelfTimed Ring (PSTR) for supplying the voltage Vdd and the frequency fclk respectively. A controller then dynamically controls these power actuators in order to satisfy the application computational needs with an appropriate management strategy. It processes the error between the measured speed and the speed setpoint information within a closed- The present paper is a proof of concept, gathering different techniques together to propose a robust design of an automatic control algorithm dealing with nano-scale process variations. The setup is based on an energy-efficient DVFS technique (previously developed in [10]) applied to a GALS-ANoC MPSoC architecture. A fast predictive control law i) deduces the best two power modes to apply for a given task and then ii) calculates when to switch from one power mode to the other, where a power mode is defined by a voltage/frequency pair supplying a VFI. The switching time instant is such that the energy consumption is minimized while the task fits with its deadline, guaranteeing good performance. This is repeated for all the tasks to treat. The control decisions are sent to the voltage and frequency actuators (respectively a Vdd-hopping and a programmable self-timed ring) while speed sensors provide real-time measurements of the processor speed. The control strategy is highly robust to uncertainties since the algorithm does not need any knowledge on the system parameters. It is dynamically (on line) computed, which ensures that it works for any type of tasks (whereas only periodic tasks are generally treated in the literature). Furthermore, the control strategy is simple enough to limit the overhead it may introduces (see [10] for further details). The rest of the document is organized as follows. In section 2, it is explained why a closed-loop architecture be- 98 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org loop system, and by applying a well-suited compensator sends the desired voltage and frequency code values to the actuators (denoted Vlevel and flevel ). Consequently, the system is able to locally adapt the voltage and clock frequency values clock domain by clock domain. Furthermore, the ANoC is the reliable communication path between the different domains. Data communications between two VFIs can fix the speed to the slowest communicating node in order to have a secure communication without metastability problem and an adaptation to process variability too [13]. OS ref ANoC flevel ref PSTR Controller ω Vlevel Vdd hopping Vdd fclk Processing node adjustable clocks. Today, many studies are oriented to SelfTimed Ring (STR) oscillators which present well-suited characteristics for managing process variability and offering an appropriate structure to limit the phase noise. Therefore, they are considered as a promising solution for generating clocks even in presence of process variability [15]. Moreover, STRs can easily be configured to change their frequency by just controlling their initialization at reset time. 2.3.1 Self-timed rings A STR is composed of several nested stages which behavior is mainly based on the “tokens” and “bubbles” propagation rule. A given stage i contains a bubble (respectively a token) if its output is equal (resp. not equal) to the output of the stage i + 1. The number of tokens and bubbles are respectively denoted NT and NB , with NT + NB = N , where N is the number of the ring stages. For keeping the ring oscillating, NT must be an even number. One can think about this as the duality of designing the inverter ring by odd number of stages. Each stage of the STR contains either a token or a bubble. If a token is present in a stage i, it will propagate to the stage i + 1 if and only if this latter contains a bubble, and the bubble of stage i + 1 will then move backward to stage i. ω Vdd Voltage/Frequency Island Figure 1: DVFS control of a GALS-ANoC MPSoC architecture: control of energy-performance tradeoff in a VFI. Without lack of generality, the DVFS technique is supposed to be implemented with two discrete voltage levels Vhigh and Vlow , with Vhigh > Vlow > 0. Also, ω high and ω low denote the maximal computational speeds when the system is running under high and low voltage with its maximal associated clock frequency, with ω high > ω low > 0 by construction. 2.3.2 Programmable self-timed rings 2.1 MIPS R2000 as a processing node The oscillation frequency in STRs depends on the initialization (number of tokens and bubbles and hence the corresponding number of stages) [16]. Programmability can be simply introduced to STRs by controlling the tokens/bubbles ratio and the number of stages. Programmable Self-Timed Ring (PSTR) uses STR stages based on Muller gates which have a set/reset control to dynamically insert tokens and bubbles into each STR stage. Moreover, in order to be able to change the number of stages, a multiplexer is placed after each stage [17]. This idea was also extended to have a fully Programmable/Stoppable Oscillator (PSO) based on the PSTR. Look-up tables loaded with the initialization token control word (i.e. to control NT /NB ), and the stage control word (i.e. to control N ) was used to program the PSTR with a chosen set of frequencies. The MIPS R2000 is a 32-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC). Due to its simplicity in terms of architecture, programming model and instruction set, as well as availability as an open core, it has been used as a processing node (see Fig. 1) in our study case. The whole GALS-ANoC island implementation is done using Synopsis Design Vision tool with STMicroelectronics 45 nm technology libraries (CMOS045 SC 9HD CORE LS). 2.2 Vdd-hopping for voltage scaling The Vdd-hopping mechanism was described in [14]. Two voltages can supply the chip. The system simply goes to Vlow or Vhigh with a given transition time and dynamics that depend upon an internal control law (one could refer to the reference above for more details). Considering that this inner-loop is extremely fast with respect to the loop considered in this paper, the dynamics of the Vdd-hopping can be neglected. 2.3.3 PSTR programmability applied to MIPS R2000 Presently, the variability is captured in the design by using simulation corners, which correspond to the values of process parameters that deviate by a certain ratio from their typical value. In the STMicroelectronics 45 nm CMOS technology, three PVT (Process, Voltage, and Temperature) corners are available, denoted Best, Nominal and Worst. All standard logic cells were characterized at each of these corners. Since, our main goal is to define the optimal oper- 2.3 Programmable self-timed ring for frequency scaling and variability management The application of the proposed DVFS to a system requires the use of a process variability robust source for generating 99 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org ating clock frequency needed by the processing workload that compensates for the propagation delay variations due to the variability impact. Therefore, the critical path delay of the synthesized MIPS R2000 with respect to the supply voltage is analyzed at the different PVT corners. The resulting optimal frequencies needed by the MIPS R2000 at two specified voltage levels are finally defined in Table 1 for the three process variability corners. the deadline ∆i . Furthermore, let Λi denote the laxity, that is the remaining available time to complete the task Ti . 3.1 Speed setpoint building The presence of deadline and time horizon to compute tasks naturally leads to predictive control [18]. The main idea of the predictive strategy is firstly intuitively explained and its formal expression is given in the sequel. Table 1: Optimal clock frequencies required to compensate for the process variability. 3.1.1 Intuitive DVFS control technique Voltage level 0.95 V 1.1 V Clock frequency for different process variability conditions Worst Nominal Best 60 MHz 75 MHz 85 MHz 95 MHz 115 MHz 145 MHz 2.4 Speed sensors for real-time measurement Any closed-loop scheme requires measurements to compare the measure with a given setpoint to reach. In the present study case, speed sensors are embedded in each VFI. They provide a real performance measurement of the processor activity, i.e. its computational speed (in number of instructions per second). Speeds sensors play a critical role and must be carefully selected. A reference clock fixes the time window where the number of instructions are counted. Its period is crucial since it determines the accuracy of the calculated average speed and the system speed response. Therefore, according to the set of clock frequencies available for the MIPS R2000 (see Table 1), the reference clock was chosen to be 2 MHz in order to count a considerable amount of instructions with a proper system response. To conclude, the computational speed is now applied in terms of number of instructions executed per 500 ns to the digital controller. 3. Energy-efficient DVFS control with strong process variability robustness The control of the energy-performance tradeoff in a voltage scalable device consists in minimizing the energy consumption (reducing the supply voltage) while ensuring good computational performance (fitting the tasks with their deadline). This is the aim of the controller introduced in Fig. 1, which dynamically calculates a speed setpoint that the system will have to track. This setpoint is based on i) the measurement of the computational speed ω (obtained with the speed sensors) and ii) some information provided by a higher level device (the operating system or scheduler) for each task Ti to treat. Information are the computational workload, i.e. the number of instructions Ωi to execute, and A naive DVFS technique applies a constant power mode for each task Ti to treat, as represented in Fig. 2(a). The average speed setpoint, that is the ratio Ωi /∆i , is constant for a given task. Therefore, if the computational workload of a given task is higher than the processor capabilities under low voltage, i.e. Ωi /∆i > ω low , then the VFI executes the whole task with the penalizing high voltage Vhigh and its associated frequency in order not to miss its deadline. This is the case for T2 for instance. Note that if Ωi /∆i > ω high for a given task to treat, the execution of the task is not feasible by the desired deadline. 3.1.2 Energy-efficient DVFS control technique To overcome such intuitive approaches, an energy-efficient control has been proposed in [10]. The idea is to i) minimize the energy consumption by reducing as much as possible the penalizing high voltage level ii) while ensuring the computational performance required so that the tasks meet their deadline. A task is thus split into two parts, see Fig. 2(b). Firstly, the VFI begins to run under high voltage Vhigh (if needed) with the maximal available speed ω high in order to go faster than required. Then, the task is finished under low voltage Vlow with a speed lower than or equal to the maximal speed at low voltage ω low which, consequently, highly reduces the energy consumption, where highly is task dependent. The task is hence executed with a given ratio between high and low voltage. A key point in this strategy is that the switching time to go from Vhigh to Vlow has to be suitably calculated in order to meet the task deadline. This is done thanks to a fast predictive control law. In fact, the lower is the supply voltage the better will be the energy savings. For this reason, only one possible frequency Fhigh is possible when running under Vhigh (in order to minimize the penalizing high voltage running time). On the other hand, several frequency levels Flown are possible under low voltage Vlow because, as the energy consumption could not be reduced anymore, the degree of freedom on the frequency will allow to fit the task with its deadline (as much as this is possible). In the present case, two frequency levels exist under Vlow , with Flow1 ≥ Flow2 . Whereas the maximal levels Fhigh and Flow1 are determined from the 100 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org speed setpoint ωsp is then directly deduced from the value of the predicted speed  ω high if δ(t) > ω low (2) ωsp (t) = ω low elsewhere average computational speed setpoint ω high Ω2 ∆2 ω low Ω1 ∆1 T2 Ω3 ∆3 T1 t1 and so are the voltage and frequency levels. Indeed, the system has to run under Vhigh /Fhigh when the required setpoint is higher than the capabilities under low voltage, else Vlow will be enough to finish the task. The method for the frequency control decision when the system is running under low voltage is similar. The proposed control strategy is dynamically computed. The online measurement of the computational speed ω ensures that the control law works for any type of tasks, periodic but also non-periodic, because it is not required to a priori know ω. Moreover, the control algorithm will react in case of perturbation, e.g. if ω does not behave as expected, or if the computing workload (Ωi or ∆i ) is adapted/estimated during the execution of the current task. On the other hand, the control strategy is simple enough to limit the overhead it may introduces. Actually, some simplifications are possible for a practical implementation, like removing the division in (1) (see [10] for further details). T3 t2 t3 time t3 time voltage Vhigh Vlow t1 t2 tVhigh (a) Intuitive average speed setpoint. energy-efficient computational speed setpoint ω high Ω2 ∆2 ω low Ω1 ∆1 T2 Ω3 ∆3 T1 t1 T3 t2 k t3 time k t3 time voltage Vhigh Vlow 3.3 Performance and stability t1 t2 tVhigh (b) Energy-efficient speed setpoint. Figure 2: Different computational speed setpoint buildings can be used to save energy consumption while ensuring good performance. optimal frequency values in Table 1 (regarding the variability of the chip), the second frequency level at low voltage is chosen equal to Flow1 /2. This enables to have 3 dB reduction in the power consumption. 3.2 Fast predictive control A predictive issue can be formulated as an optimization problem but an optimal criteria is too complex to be implemented in an integrated circuit. Further, a fast predictive control consists in taking advantage of the structure of the dynamical system to make faster the determination of the control profile, see e.g. [18]. In the present case, the closed-loop solution yields an easy algorithm as one simply needs to calculate the so-called predicted speed δ, defined as the speed required to fit the task with its deadline regarding what has already been executed δ(t) = Ωi − Ω(t) Λi (1) where Ω(t) is the number of instructions executed from the beginning of the task Ti . The dynamical energy-efficient The performance of the proposed control strategy is guaranteed because the execution of a task always starts with the penalizing high voltage level (by construction of the predictive control law) and the low level will not be applied while the remaining computational workload is important (higher than the maximal possible speed at Vlow ). As a result, it is not possible to make better. Furthermore, even if the voltage/frequency levels discretely vary, the speed setpoint to track is always higher or equal than required by construction. On the other hand, the Lyapunov stability is verified. Lyapunov stability is based on an elementary physical constatation: if the total energy of the system tends to continuously decline, then this system is stable since it is going to an equilibrium state. Let V (t) = Ωi − Ω(t) (3) be a candidate Lyapunov function. This latter expression comes from (1) and refers to the remaining workload in the contractive time horizon of the task. As a result, the Lyapunov function intuitively decreases because the speed of the processor can only be positive, and so is ensured the stability of a task. This is verified for all tasks to be executed. 3.4 Estimation of the maximal speeds and robustness The maximal speeds ω high and ω low cannot be directly calculated since they could vary with temperature or location 101 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org (variability), and yet, the control law has to be robust to such uncertainties. For these reasons, the maximal speeds are estimated. A solution consists in measuring the system speed for each power mode and using a weighted average of the measured speed in order to filter the (possible) fluctuations of the measurement. One can refer to [10] for further details. The proposed estimation of the computational speeds leads to a control law without any need of knowledge on the system parameters. This means the strategy is robust to technological uncertainties since it self-adapts whatever the performance of the controlled chip. Robustness deals with the conservation of the stability property when things do not behave as expected. Unexpected behaviors can be of two types: a wrong estimation of the number of instructions to process Ωi or the deadline ∆i , or the presence of process variability. In the first case, if Ωi is overestimated (or ∆i is underestimated), the task will be completed before its deadline but the Lyapunov function V in (3) remains decreasing. On the other hand, if Ωi is underestimated (or ∆i is overestimated), the deadline will be missed. In this case, the remaining instructions are added to the next task workload in order to speed up the system. Another solution could be to use a damping buffer as usually done for video decoding, see [19, 20] for instance. Note that Ωi and ∆i can also be reestimated during the execution of the task in order to reduce the error of estimation. Nonetheless, V remains decreasing during the whole task execution. 3.5 Coarse-grain simulation results Coarse-grain simulations are performed in Matlab/Simulink in order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed controller. A scenario with three tasks to be executed is run, the number of instructions and deadline for each task being known. The simulation results are presented in Fig. 3. The top plot shows the average speed setpoint of each task (for guideline), the predicted speed (for guideline) and the measured computational speed, while the bottom plot shows the supply voltage. In Fig. 3(a), the system runs during about 80 % of the simulation time under low voltage. As a result, a reduction of about 30 % and 65 % of the energy consumption is achieved (in comparison with a system without DVS and DVFS mechanism respectively). As the proposed control strategy does not use any knowledge on the system parameters, the controller adapts itself with these uncertainties. Fig. 3(b) shows how the system behaves in case of 20 % of process variability, that is when the real performance of the circuit are 20 % less than expected. One could see that the estimation of the maximal computational speed allows the system to still work, even if the processing node does not work as expected. Of course, in order to compensate a lower computational speed induced by the process variability, the system runs a longer time under the penalizing supply voltage. More simulations and details are presented in [10]. E = 1.14326 eJ C = 19302 OPs Fully discrete control scheme 2 voltage levels and 3 frequency levels −− using of the clock gating Computational speeds [x107 IPS] Voltage [V] In case of process variability, the real computational speed becomes ωreal (t) = α ω(t), where α ≥ 0 is the unknown process variability factor, and the system performance is hence affected. α = 1 means the real process behaves ideally. Otherwise, the performance of the system is weaker than expected for α < 1 and the system is faster than expected for α > 1. Nonetheless, V in (3) becomes 4 average speed setpoint predicted speed measured speed 3 2 1 0 1.1 voltage 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time [x10−6 s] (a) Simulation results with three frequency levels, one for the high voltage level and two for the low voltage level. Robustness to process variabilty (20%) 2 voltage levels and 3 frequency levels −− using of the clock gating 4 and so the stability is still ensured for all α > 0. The convergence rate is reduced for 0 < α < 1 and increased for α > 1. As a result, the system runs a longer (respectively shorter) time under the penalizing high supply voltage (by construction of the control law) to compensate the weaker (resp. better) performance. The only unstable case is for α = 0, which means that the processor does not compute at all. In that case, the operating system (or scheduler) must avoid allocating tasks to this part of the chip. Also, note that the tasks can meet their deadline as far as the processor is able to execute the computational workload in the given time (denoted as feasible tasks), that is while Ωi /∆i ≤ α ω high . Computational speeds [x107 IPS] (4) Voltage [V] V (t) = Ωi − αΩ(t) average speed setpoint measured speed (0% of variabiity) measured speed (20% of variabiity) 3 2 1 0 1.1 voltage 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time [x10−6 s] (b) Simulation results to test the robustness of the controller with 20% of process variability. Figure 3: Simulation results of the energy-performance tradeoff control in Matlab/Simulink. 4. Fine-grain simulation results In this latter section, fine-grain simulation results are presented for the whole MIPS-R2000 architecture with the 102 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org 45 nm CMOS parameter variations. A post layout simulation with Modelsim has been performed with a scenario of three tasks, the number of instructions and deadline for each task being known. The simulation results of the system under different process variabilities are shown in Fig. 4. The different available frequencies for each case were summarized in Table 1. a) The results under nominal process variability are depicted in Fig. 4(a). Tasks 1 and 3 are completed successfully using the low voltage and frequency levels. For task 2, the controller speeds up the MIPS R2000 to Vhigh in order to be able to complete the task at the proposed deadline. Once the controller has detected that task 2 can be completed with relaxed conditions (that is after 1.52 µs), the system switches back to Vlow . b) The results under worst process variability are represented in Fig. 4(b). With reduced performance of the MIPS R2000 (i.e. increased critical path delay), task 2 runs for 3.02 µs under Vhigh , which is twice longer than processing under nominal process viability. c) The results when using the best process variability configuration are given in Fig. 4(c). The MIPS R2000 is able to successfully complete all the three tasks under Vlow , which adds much more power/energy saving opportunities than under the nominal case. Therefore, our proposal is able to not only compensate for the delay variations with different process variability impacts, but also exploit the enhanced response of the system under best variability conditions to gain more in terms of energy savings. To evaluate the proposed DVFS control for GALS-ANoC architecture, its average dynamic power, energy consumption, area overhead and robustness to process variability are also analyzed. 4.1 Energy and average dynamic power savings Under nominal process variability, the energy-efficient DVFS control (using dynamic set of clock frequencies) is able to save 21 % of the energy consumption and 51 % of the average dynamic power consumed by a system without DVFS, while the intuitive average-based strategy (using fixed set of clock frequencies) only saves 14 and 37 % respectively. Therefore, it appears that the energy-efficient control is 1.5 more power and energy saving efficient than the intuitive control (under nominal process variability). Our proposal has the ability to adapt the set of clock frequencies with respect to the process variability impact. Thus, the energy-efficient DVFS control was able to exploit the enhanced performance of the system (i.e. reduced critical path delay) to save more energy consumption (i.e. 25 % under best process variability impact). Under worst process variability conditions, the used set of clock frequencies for a system without DVFS, and even that for a system with average based DVFS control, violates the MIPS R2000 critical path delay. As a consequence, the MIPS R2000 have erroneous output results. Such a processing node has to be neglected and its allocated tasks have to be reallocated over other high performance processing nodes. However, with the proposed DVFS control architecture, the MIPS R2000 is still able to complete the allocated tasks successfully by using the proper set of maximal clock frequencies. Therefore, this drastically relaxes the fabrication constraints and helps to the yield enhancement. 4.2 Robustness to process variability As already mentioned, the proposed approach is robust to technological uncertainties since the control algorithm does not need any knowledge on the system parameters. Fig. 4 clearly shows how the controller adapts itself with the different (nominal, worst, best) variability corners. The system still works even if the processing node does not work as expected. However, in order to compensate for a weaker (respectively stronger) computational speed induced by the process variability, the system runs a longer (resp. shorter) time under the penalizing supply voltage level. Of course, the energy consumption is impacted in consequence. 4.3 Whole energy-efficient control and area overhead The whole DVFS control system is also evaluated taking into account the consumption of the actuators and the processing element (see Fig. 1). A GALS-ANoC island is compared with a single processing element (i.e. MIPS R2000) and with eight controlled elements. Under nominal process variability, the average dynamic power and energy saving values of the whole DVFS control system are smaller than but not too far from those presented in previous section (46 and 15 % respectively). Also, the area overhead due to the proposed control approach is about 33 %. On the other hand, a single DVFS control system is needed for all the VFIs in a GALS-ANoC system. Therefore, in a VFI with multiprocessing elements, the efficacy of the DVFS control system is more effective in saving power/energy consumption (51 and 20 % respectively) and, moreover, the area overhead of the extra DVFS hardware is approximately divided by the number of processing elements per a GALS island. For example, the area overhead in a processing island with eight processors is 4.15 %. 5. Conclusions In this paper, a survey of different problems facing designers over the nanometric era was first presented. A GALSANoC system was taken as an issue with the application 103 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org Figure 4: Timing diagram of the digital controller behavior with 3 different MIPS R2000 workloads under different process variability effects. of DVFS technique. Also, a closed-loop scheme clearly appeared as necessary in such systems and an architecture was proposed in this way. The idea to use integrated sensors embedded in each clock domain, as well as a Programmable Self-Timed Ring (PSTR) oscillator, was presented as one of the promising solutions to reduce the process variability impact. A control algorithm has also been detailed, based on a fast predictive control law. The proposed feedback controller smartly adapts voltages and frequencies (energy- performance tradeoff) with strong technological uncertainties. Stability and robustness were analyzed. A practical validation was realized in simulation for a MIPS R2000 microprocessor over STMicroelectronics 45 nm technology to obtain results about the power consumption and area overhead of each unit in the power management architecture. Global results for a multicore system were also presented. Through this example, it was hence demonstrated that a dedicated feedback system associated to the 104 Copyright (c) 2014 Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal. All Rights Reserved. ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, No.7 , January 2014 ISSN : 2322-5157 www.ACSIJ.org GALS-ANoC paradigm and DVFS techniques, with correct sensors and actuators, is able to achieve better robustness against process variability. This relaxes the fabrication constraints, thanks to an appropriated strategy, and helps to the yields enhancement by applying design techniques. These preliminary results must now be evaluated on a real test bench. A precise evaluation of the hardware and/or software implementation cost of the proposed control scheme has also to be performed. Acknowledgments This research has been supported by ARAVIS, a Minalogic project gathering STMicroelectronics with academic partners, namely TIMA and CEA-LETI for micro-electronics, INRIA/LIG for operating system and INRIA/GIPSA-lab for control. The aim of the project is to overcome the barrier of sub-scale technologies (45nm and smaller). References [1] B. F. Romanescu, M. E. Bauer, D. J. Sorin, and S Ozev. Reducing the impact of process variability with prefetching and criticality-based resource allocation. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques, 2007. [2] L. Fesquet and H. 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