Macroscale Modelling of the Hydrosphere (Proceedings of the Yokohama Symposium, July 1993).
IAHS 214,1993.
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham,
Hampshire 03824, USA
Department of Geologic and Atmospheric Sciences, 3010 Agronomy, Iowa State University,
Iowa 50011, USA
Department of Geology and Geophysics,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA
University of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive SE,
Department of Geologic and Atmospheric Sciences, 3010 Agronomy, Iowa State University,
Iowa 50011, USA
ARC, Inc., 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1120, handover, Maryland 20785', USA
Abstract In this paper we discuss numerous aspects of macroscale hydrologie models
and their linkage to atmospheric simulations. We discuss spatial and temporal scaling
and conclude that the region is the most critical scale for addressing global change
issues. Macroscale hydrologie models might reasonably be considered as a hierarchical,
nested system of models focusing on the mesoscale. The nested approach requires a
GCM, a mesoscale atmospheric model, a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme,
and surface/subsurface hydrology models, the latter down to hillslope scale in small
representative catchments. A hydrologie analysis system manages input/output
functions, scientific visualization, model preparation, and execution. The entire system
of data, models and computing tools is being developed to distill the facets of global
change to the regional level and to explore feedbacks from the land surface to the
The emerging field of Earth System Science has fostered the development of
large-scale, synoptic views of the Earth's hydrology. This capability is particularly
important given a growing consensus within the scientific community of imminent and
unprecedented change in the Earth's climate. Although the greenhouse effect is
considered global in extent, its critical impacts will occur at regional and smaller
scales, such as river basins and agricultural zones. The need to plan for possible
climatic change creates a profound challenge to our modelling and monitoring
capabilities. The development of international programs such as the Global Energy and
Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) and the International Geosphere-Biosphere
Program (IGBP) is in part a recognition of the need to assess, understand and model
the response of regions to potential climate change.
In this paper we discuss the use of linked models of atmospheric dynamics, surface
water balance and riverine transport to assess regional water resources in the context
of global change. The paper has three goals. The first is to develop an operational
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
definition of a Macroscale Hydrologie Model (MHM), with particular emphasis on
linkages between atmospheric and land processes. The second is to reveal the utility
of such models at regional and continental scales. Our third goal is to offer a modelling
strategy for quantifying regional water status, either in a natural state or as influenced
by anthropogenic change.
A recent series of publications (Eagleson, 1986; Becker & Nemec, 1987; Shuttleworth,
1988; Vôrôsmarty, 1991) has defined a broad set of issues regarding macroscale
hydrology. The macroscale encompasses a spatial domain characterized by large units
of landscape and, for the purposes of addressing hydrological issues, the organizing
concept is the watershed. Comparative watershed studies at the local scale have yielded
important insights into surface and subsurface hydrology, nutrient biogeochemistry and
constituent transport. Researchers constructing MHMs hope to derive similar benefit
by considering whole catchments, but over much broader scales.
Macroscale hydrologie models simulate water flux in two or three spatial
dimensions. These models are derived by combining expressions for the conservation
of fluid mass with constitutive flow laws (e.g. Darcy's Law for groundwater flow;
Manning's equation for channel discharge). Vertically, they exchange water across the
land surface-atmosphere boundary through precipitation, évapotranspiration and
recharge to subsurface storage. Mathematically, this results in a series of coupled
differential equations for the vertical exchanges of water, energy and momentum.
Vertical fluxes are also computed for soil infiltration and the delivery of surplus water
to groundwater storage. In the horizontal plane, water is transported laterally using
simulated network topologies which route surface and groundwater. The models
discretize the spatial and temporal domains, with length scales varying from 50 km
(Vôrôsmarty et al., 1989) to 10 km (Solomon et al., 1990) and monthly time steps. A
number of studies have attempted to represent watershed transport processes at even
finer spatial and temporal resolutions (e.g. Freeze, 1980; Beven & Wood 1983; Loague
& Freeze, 1985; Bathurst, 1986), but few (Solomon et al., 1990) have done so in
support of macroscale basin studies. Nonetheless, modelling at fine scales to support
continental analysis is seen as an important area of research that can capitalize on
continuing improvements in our monitoring capabilities (Chahine, 1992; World Climate
Research Programme, 1991).
With a growing interest in how climate and land use change affect hydrology must
come steps to formally integrate models of the atmosphere and land-based water cycle.
Land surface - atmosphere interactions are currently embedded within general
circulation models (GCMs) and mesoscale atmospheric models through Soil
-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer schemes (SVATs) of varying complexity
(Henderson-Sellers, 1992). Although these models estimate time-varying runoff, they
have seldom been cast in a hydrological context (Miller & Russell, 1992; Kuhl &
Miller, 1992). A linked Atmosphere-MHM (A-MHM) would necessarily require a
shared S VAT scheme, but would specifically generate and transport runoff laterally via
overland flow paths, groundwater/stream interactions and open channel networks.
Interactive models of this sort can be cast to capture the behaviour of drainage basins
within the context of a dynamic climate system, possibly uncovering feedbacks not
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
otherwise detectable using hydrologie simulations driven by predetermined
meteorological fields. The incorporation of carbon and nutrient cycling into such
models (McGuire et ah, 1992; Running & Coughlan, 1988) provides even more
promise for understanding how terrestrial ecosystems are coupled to the climate
Regional and continental-scale hydrologie models have successfully quantified the
balance between precipitation, évapotranspiration and runoff, and hence are of use in
a wide spectrum of water resource assessments. For example, they have been used to
quantify water availability for agriculture, flood hazard, hydroelectric potential and
sediment transport (Beran et ah, 1990; Solomon et al., 1990). Their predictions of
water status have been used as inputs to terrestrial ecosystem models (Raich et al.,
1991; McGuire et al., 1992). These models are also being formulated to improve land
surface-atmosphere couplings to GCMs, thereby permitting a more direct assessment
of the potential impacts of climate change. Such simulations can also be used to
validate climate model predictions of the terrestrial water balance. Long-term
predictability is a standing challenge in the hydrologie sciences (Alley, 1984).
Retrospective analyses of palaeoflood hydrology (Kochel & Baker 1982; Hupp, 1982;
Stedinger & Baker, 1987), palaeolake levels (Winter & Wright, 1977; Engstrom &
Nelson, 1991; Fritz et al., 1991), and distributions of Holocene sediment facies
(Kolterman & Gorelick, 1992; Keen & Shane, 1990) in tandem with MHMs can be
used to explore long-term variability of the water cycle.
An MHM was recently developed (Vôrôsmarty et al., 1989) as part of a larger
effort to study the impacts of human activity on global water, nutrient and carbon
cycling (Moore et al., 1989). Experiments using this model are instructive with respect
to the promise and challenges of MHMs. The simulation is composed of a linked Water
Balance and Water Transport Model (WBM/WTM). Both models operate at monthly
time steps and discretize their domain using a 0.5 x 0.5 degree grid. The WBM
converts information on land cover, soils and climate into predictions of soil moisture,
évapotranspiration and runoff. The WTM routes the runoff using a simulated network
topology derived from maps and calculates rates of water transport between adjacent
grid cells. Corrections can be made for floodplain inundation and the impact of
engineering works.
The first test of the model was at the continental scale in South America, and its
water balance component performed well in predicting the overall distribution and
magnitude of continental runoff. In the Amazon Basin, the discharge algorithm
predicted the timing and magnitude of river flow at a series of gauging stations. At a
downriver site, representing the integrated regional water balance, predictions were
within 1 % of observed values on an annual basis. Tests on another tropical river, the
Zambezi in southern Africa (Vôrôsmarty & Moore, 1991; Vôrôsmarty et al., 1991a),
were more problematic, and the model consistently overestimated runoff in a series of
regional subcatchments. Konikow (1986) discusses a similar problem in modelling
groundwater status in the western US, as did Alley (1984) attempting to predict the
long-term (50-year) record of stream flows in ten watersheds in New Jersey (USA).
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
Difficulties in establishing an accurate water balance for the Zambezi catchment
suggest that caution must be exercised in applying generic macroscale models. These
experiments indicate that some level of site-specificity needs to be built into any
macroscale analysis. Models must therefore be developed to explicitly treat
basin-specific phenomena such as the shifting patterns of land use, evaporative losses
by swamps, seasonal floodplain inundation, the role of riparian vegetation,
impoundments and other engineering works. The experiments on the Zambezi also
indicate the possibility that monthly time steps and coarse grids cannot adequately
capture the dynamics of such heterogeneous environments, and more detailed
physically-based analysis may be warranted. Furthermore, although much effort can
be expended in developing observational data sets to provide model inputs as well as
calibration targets, the error propagation associated with this information cannot always
be established (Vôrôsmarty, 1991). Climatic fields used to force the model may have
the additional problem of interpolation bias (Willmott et al. 1985), exacerbated
whenever the original observational network is sparse or when the data inherently
possess high spatial or temporal variability.
Despite these obstacles, we are confident that the successful development of a
validated A-MHM will make an important contribution to our understanding of regional
water cycling and the effects of anthropogenic change. Linked atmosphere-hydrology
models will enable us to better quantify the interplay between synoptic weather patterns
and regional climate. So-called teleconnection patterns in the atmosphere attest to the
importance of this interplay. Chen & Kpaeyeh (1992), for example, found that the
intrusion of a low level water vapour jet from the Gulf of Mexico into the US Great
Plains was in large measure controlled by far-field effects extending to the Rocky
Mountains. On a broader scale, El Nino can exert substantial influence over weather
and moisture cycling in regions far from its centre of activity in the tropical Pacific
(Horel & Wallace, 1981; Ropelewski & Halpert, 1987).
We must determine if such broad-scale climatic features either reinforce or
interfere with more local recycling of precipitation and évapotranspiration, such as that
described by Salati & Vose (1984). In addition, changes in the natural landscape may
show marked changes in local recycling. Three independent modelling studies of
Amazonia (Dickinson & Henderson-Sellers, 1988; Shukla et al, 1990; Lean &
Warrilow, 1989) showed a weakening of the recycling processes with widespread
deforestation. Although we have some general understanding about how synoptic and
local conditions affect the regional atmosphere/land surface boundary, their impact on
groundwater and river discharge remains an open question.
A consideration central to developing A-MHM models, is how to represent and then
couple individual processes whose respective scales encompass several orders of
magnitude in space and time. Figure 1 shows a matrix that conceptually divides the
realm of hydrologie modelling into four quadrants. Successful analyses have been
performed in two domains: a) empirical or semi-mechanistic models with relatively
coarse-scale data and time steps, generating a 'synoptic' view of hydrological
processes, and b) physically-based models with fine-scale data and short time steps.
The question at hand is how to build upon this legacy to address water cycling issues
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
<1 km
10-50 km
weekly monthly
Fig. 1 Conceptual matrix for hydrologie modelling and data utilization. Successful
analyses have been performed using physically-based models with fine resolution data
and using synoptic hydrologie models with coarse-scale data. Application to the meso
or regional scale may require all available combinations of model sophistication and
data resolution.
at intermediate, regional scales while simultaneously linking land and atmospheric
Spatial Scaling
The coarsest A-MHM scales are associated with GCMs, which are important for
simulating the atmosphere's global circulation and its associated cycles of heat,
moisture and momentum. The global circulation patterns interact with surface and
subsurface hydrology and link the planet's regions into a global climate system.
However, the spatial resolution of current global climate models, typically several
hundred kilometres, is too coarse to simulate the climatic forcings of consequence to
individual watersheds. Efforts like the US Department of Energy's Computer
Hardware, Advanced Mathematics, and Model Physics (CHAMMP) program are
underway to increase model resolution, but useful global simulations using a resolution
finer than 100 km will require significant advances in physical modelling and
computing hardware (US Department of Energy, 1990); only a very limited number
of such simulations, if any, are likely to occur before the end of the century. An
alternative to increasing the resolution of global models is to use a nested resolution
approach within a larger GCM domain (Giorgi & Mearns, 1991). Another is to use
specified climatic boundary conditions from either observation or GCM output to drive
regional models with sufficient resolution. Gutowski et al. (1993), for example, used
GCM-projected changes in hurricane intensity to analyze the effects of global warming
on flooding potential in small drainage basins (length scale of several km) in southern
Florida. Branscome & Gutowski (1992) used such an approach to explore interactions
between global warming and the synoptic-scale dynamics of water and energy cycles.
C. /, Vôrôsmarty et al.
Atmospheric models with 60 km (mesoscale) resolution have already been used to
project climate variability to scales smaller than those resolved by global models
(Giorgi & Mearns, 1991). Mesoscale models, such as the MM4 developed by scientists
at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the Pennsylvania State
University, have successfully simulated general atmospheric dynamics down to scales
as small as 25 km (Anthes et al, 1987; Anthes, 1990). The recent development of
non-hydrostatic mesoscale models should extend this limit down to scales as small as
a few kilometres. Such capability raises the question of whether or not a lower limit
truly exists on the scales that must be resolved for regional climate simulation.
The drainage basin is a useful organizing concept through which to view the
coupling of the Earth's atmosphere and land surface hydrology. Numerous watershed
studies have added significantly to our understanding of how landscapes function
15 S
25 S
35 S
85 W
75 W
65 W
Fig. 2 Variation in the frequency distribution of available water capacity in three 5°
X 5° grids based on an original 'A0 data set derived from FAO/UNESCO (1977).
Sensitivity in the distribution is due both to natural variations in soils and arbitrary
positioning of the larger grids.
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
hydrologically and how constituents are processed and transported by the water cycle
(Alley, 1984; Likens et al 1977; Correll, 1986; Swank & Crossley, 1988; Bartell &
Brenkert, 1992; Elder, 1985; Richey & Ribeiro, 1987; Fédérer, 1992). The inherent
advantages of such studies should be realized as well at regional and continental scale
studies. However watershed and hillslope-scale studies generate characteristic
rainfall-runoff relationships that have not yet been systematically incorporated into
MHMs. The dynamics, at a minimum, must encompass a quantification of interception,
throughfall, soil infiltration, groundwater recharge and discharge both from storm and
base flow.
Large drainage basins are a complex mosaic of land cover domains, each with
characteristic water and energy dynamics. For this reason, any coupled A-MHM must
include some measure of surface variability. This variability has been represented as
a set of statistical functions (e.g. Entekabi & Eagleson, 1989; Freeze, 1980). However,
calculations using observed land surface data (Fig. 2) show that the subgrid distribution
of surface and subsurface characteristics can be quite complex. In addition, the
structure of the distribution can vary greatly between grid domains. Further, simple
experiments using representative 0.5 degree resolution data in conjunction with the
WBM/WTM described earlier, show that surface hydrology can be quite sensitive to
the loss of surface resolution (Fig. 3). Describing heterogeneity with a priori functions
can therefore obscure diversity clearly apparent in the real world. To model surface
heterogeneity adequately will require an empirical, data-rich approach similar to that
used by Avissar & Pielke (1988), in which important surface classes in a grid are
represented by their proportional area coverage. A further challenge is to monitor the
changing mosaic of surface properties in large catchments due to the appearance and
disappearance of various land cover classes. Clearly, an inventory of land surface cover
is essential in determining the appropriate spatial resolution of an A-MHM.
Temporal Scaling
An inherent problem in simulating the various land surface and atmospheric phenomena
associated with an A-MHM is the breadth of characteristic time scales required to
move the coupled system of equations to dynamic steady state. Land
surface-atmosphere interactions are elicited at a variety of temporal scales (Committee
on Global Change, 1990). For the atmosphere, turbulent dynamics in the atmosphere's
surface boundary layer occur on scales of seconds to hours, synoptic weather patterns
span days to weeks, and the annual cycle of the atmosphere's general circulation is
characterized over months, years and decades. For terrestrial ecosystems, metabolic
activities associated with growth and maintenance constitute the most rapid interactions,
of the order of seconds to days and determine latent heat, energy, water and C0 2 gas
exchange through gross photosynthesis and respiration. Intermediate processes, from
days to weeks, include the development of leaf area, root systems, soil water balances
and runoff generation. Annual and decadal time steps encompass ecosystem production,
long-term changes in carbon and nutrient stocks, the growth and succession of plant
communities, structural changes in canopies, and the response of local and regional
groundwater supplies. These large differences in time scales present operational
problems in assigning an appropriate temporal discretization to each of the component
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
5 -
16 64 256
fH p
•• -.vv
(mm water )
Fig. 3 The influence of grid resolution on water balance components during a dry to
wet season transition using a.simple water balance model (Vôrôsmarty et al., 1989).
Each 8° X 8° block maintains the same average water capacity.
Recent attempts at enhancing GCM's treatment of the land-surface boundary layer
(e.g. the SiB and BATS models) have recognized the importance of terrestrial
vegetation in exchanges of water and energy (Sellers et al, 1986; Dickinson et al,
1986). These models in some sense couple the land-biosphere and atmosphere, but they
do so specifically to quantify the short-term exchange of water and energy from the
atmosphere's perspective. Models which reflect a hydrologie or ecosystem perspective,
and which are capable of extrapolation over large spatial scales, integrate some key
state variables over much longer time scales, monthly to annually (Parton et al., 1987;
Vôrôsmarty et al., 1989; Running, 1992; Raich et al., 1991). Regional models have
explicitly linked models of C0 2 exchange and transpiration by modelling fluxes across
the canopy boundary, but have not explicitly nested the calculations within an
interactive atmospheric model. At the scale of a small watershed, models of water and
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
energy exchange between the atmosphere and land surface often operate at daily or
subdaily time steps (Waring et al., 1981; Larson, 1982; Running & Coughlan, 1988).
To understand the influence of climate change on hydrologie systems, we will need
to simultaneously address the issues of natural climatic variability as well as greenhouse
forcing, both of which span time scales extending to years and decades. The natural
climatic variations of interest to hydrologists include events such as extended drought,
low river flow and floods. Such events have been linked to remote forcings associated
with sea surface temperature anomalies (e.g. Nicholls, 1989; Richey et al., 1989;
Trenberth et al., 1988) and it is important to understand how both the water cycle and
biosphere function are affected. This constitutes a distinctive signal-noise problem
wherein separating one influence (e.g. increased greenhouse gases) from others
requires an understanding of physical feedbacks across a broad range of scales.
Analyzing these events will require detailed time series of climatic forcing fields and
runoff derived principally from observational data and will probably restrict analysis
to data-rich areas of the globe. The difficulty, of course, is that those areas with rich
data resources are precisely those in which water resources are intensively manipulated,
hence obscuring the natural water cycle.
The foregoing discussion suggests that (a) the region is the important scale to focus
upon when considering the issue of hydrologie change, and (b) our understanding of
atmosphere-hydrology interactions over regions will depend on our ability to combine
both fine-scale and synoptic dynamics. Although an enormous body of hydrologie
literature reflects work on physically-based models at more local scales, it would be
both impractical and of questionable scientific value to apply intact versions of such
models substantially beyond their intended time and space domains. Obviously, major
problems would arise with data collection and storage, parameterization, validation and
required computing power. The more tractable structure and relatively modest data
requirements of a synoptic model therefore have appeal. However, if we wish to
understand which elements of the water cycle are influenced by anthropogenic change,
highly empirical, coarsely resolved models may not provide adequate insight.
Macroscale Hydrologie Models may therefore be viewed more appropriately as
hierarchical structures with finer scale, site-specific submodules interacting with
simulations over broader domains (Table 1, Fig. 4). Such a configuration purposefully
seeks to distill the impacts of global climate change down to regional and local levels,
while simultaneously propagating physically valid dynamics up to regional and synoptic
scales — a coupled 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approach.
The coarse-scale level serves as an integrator of the numerous subregional effects.
It maintains models plus various climatic and biophysical data sets whose domains
encompass regions or whole continents. The coarse-scale not only provides a
mechanism by which to obtain a picture of regional hydrology, but it serves as a useful
check of the overall modelling approach when compared to regional well log and river
discharge data. The models are nested within a still coarser-scale GCM. The spatial
and temporal scale for the atmospheric calculations are typical of current GCMs (a 100
km length scale and subhourly time steps) while the MHM at this resolution will
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
Table 1 Key characteristics of the multiple scale analysis.
in GCM
> 100 km
(sub hourly)
10-50 km
(weekly to
meso - MHM
Prescribed or
interactive in
nested GCM
10-50 km
1 - 10 km
Hillslope small catchment
point forcings
operate at length scales from 10 to 50 km with weekly or monthly time steps. Lateral
boundaries are interactive within a GCM.
At the other end of the spectrum, the local scale maintains finely-resolved data sets
for detailed temporal and spatial land-surface exchanges and runoff generation.
Hillslope-catchment models will operate on an initial set of representative basins
defined by topographic divides from digital elevation models (DEMs) using grid
Linkage with GCM's
Broad Climatic Context
Regional Linkage to
Atmospheric Models
Combines Continental Integration
with Extrapolated Local Dynamics
Hillslope Processes
Physically - Based
Fig. 4 Variable resolution strategy to develop linked atmosphere - macrohydrology
models for regional scale studies.
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
spacings well below 1 km. Due to the small spatial domain, météorologie forcings are
prescribed from subdaily station data.
Although there are inherent advantages to both coarse and fine-scale analysis,
neither alone will provide a process-based view of hydrology at the regional scale. For
this we will require an intermediate scale of resolution. A mesoscale
atmosphere-hydrology model will simulate a series of representative subregional basins
characteristic of the overall regional drainage system. The atmospheric component will
operate with time steps of the order of minutes and a 10-50 km spatial resolution. The
hydrologie module will operate at daily time steps and a resolution of from 1 to 10 km.
Boundaries will be prescribed from either observation or GCMs. This model arises
from the application of reciprocal scaling functions between the local and
continental-scale endpoints. These take the form of spatially-correlated statistical
distributions that can be based on observed local data (Eagleson, 1978; Zimmerman &
Wilson, 1990). Once a classification of all subregional basins is applied to the entire
domain at the GCM scale, a characteristic set of scaling functions is used to interpret
GCM-derived climatic forcings for each subregional mesoscale drainage basin.
Simultaneously, dynamics developed at local hillslope or small catchment resolutions
(i.e. for energy, momentum, latent heat, runoff) are scaled back to the meso scale,
integrated, and later passed to the synoptic scale for incorporation into the basin-wide
GCM-hydrology model. In this way, an area-integrated flux of latent heat can be
computed as a lower boundary condition within a GCM grid and local distributed
runoff can be aggregated to produce large river discharges. Such a multi-tiered
approach requires an integrated nesting of models and associated data sets within an
interactive geographic information system as described later.
Component Processes
A coupled A-MHM is essentially a suite of interacting process models. Below we list
a set of specific candidates that we believe can be applied to the multi-tiered strategy
outlined above. The listing is in no way intended to be exclusive nor exhaustive. It
simply reflects the authors' collective expertise in applying each particular model and
our initial judgment as to a sensible choice within each category.
GCM-scale Atmospheric Model Component A strong candidate for global climate
simulation in this context is the NCAR Community Climate Model, Version 1 (CCM1)
(Williamson et al., 1987). Although this model is typically run on a supercomputer,
versions capable of running on workstations exist and have been used successfully for
short-term climate simulation. A workstation version at Iowa State University can run
at spectral resolutions up to 9 layers at triangular 42 horizontal truncation (roughly 2.8
x 2.8 degree spatial resolution). Even under the computational limitations of a
workstation, numerous successful studies have been conducted with this version of the
CCM1. Chen et al. (1992) have studied the response of North American circulation
patterns to changes in Pacific Ocean surface temperatures, illustrating aspects of
teleconnection patterns that may be relevant for studying changes in land-atmosphere
interaction in the central United States. Further study by Chen (1992) has shown the
relationship of remote, ocean temperature changes to the Indian Monsoon.
C. /. Vôrôsmarty et al.
Typically, this has been done as a one-way coupling: the global model provides
boundary conditions for a mesoscale model, but the physics of the mesoscale simulation
do not feed back to the global model. While one-way coupling represents a reasonable
first step in linking models of different scale, the approach eliminates local influences
on large-scale circulation that may be resolved in the mesoscale model but not the
global model. For example, more highly resolved topography in a mesoscale model can
produce markedly different precipitation patterns compared to those produced by the
global driving model (e.g. Anthes, 1990). The differing patterns of atmospheric heating
could potentially yield differences in regional if not global circulation.
Mesoscale Atmospheric Model Component An example of the mesoscale
component is the Pennsylvania State/NCAR MM4 simulation (Anthes et al., 1987;
Anthes, 1990) which has been used successfully in conjunction with CCM1 simulations
as a link between global and regional simulation (Giorgi & Mearns, 1991). The MM4
was developed as a regional model with nominal resolution of 0.5° latitude x longitude,
which should prove advantageous for coupling with the coarse- scale hydrologie model.
A recent upgrade of this model, the MM5, includes multiple layers of grid nesting and
a non-hydrostatic formulation that permits simulation down to scales of a few
For developing and testing atmosphere-surface coupling schemes, less
computationally demanding models may be desirable. We are currently using one such
model, the AER Local Forecast Adaptation (ALFA) model. The ALFA model solves
essentially the same equations as a climate model, but in a single column only, with
horizontal boundary conditions specified by large-scale, three-dimensional analyses.
Being unidimensional, the ALFA model can include many vertical levels, a
sophisticated description of atmospheric physics, and a detailed computation of the
interactions between the atmosphere and the land surface, while remaining
computationally inexpensive. Wetzel & Chang (1988) and Koster & Eagleson (1990)
have also used a column model to emulate a GCM grid box. By simulating a single
box, we remove feedbacks between the large-scale environment and local dynamics.
However, the column model is more efficient than a three-dimensional model, and it
allows us to control more easily in our experiments the large-scale atmospheric
conditions. The ALFA model, in particular, is being used by its developer, Dr. J.-F.
Louis, to assimilate observations produced by the US Department of Energy's (DOE)
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program. A portion of the ARM effort
aims at observing scale interactions in climatological land-atmosphere exchange, so that
use of the ALFA model as a development tool should ease access to and enhance the
utility of an important data base being developed by DOE.
The Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) Component Atmospheric
models use a host of techniques to simulate the atmosphere's link with the surface. On
the broadest scale, GCMs typically use relatively simple approaches, representing
surface exchange fluxes with bulk formulas that simulate interaction between the land
surface and the lowest layer of the atmospheric model. At higher resolutions, the
techniques are generally much more complex. Models will diagnose the depth of the
atmospheric boundary layer and flux processes operating within it. Vertical fluxes are
typically modeled using diffusion coefficients that depend on the structure of the
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
larger-scale (resolved) environment. Depending on the degree of vertical resolution,
up to several atmospheric layers may be involved in simulating boundary-layer
dynamics and their interaction with the surface.
At the land surface itself, a SVAT scheme must simulate a variety of processes of
hydrological importance. Additionally, we are searching for a form that can eventually
be embedded within a terrestrial ecosystem model for carbon, nutrients, and the water
cycle. Transpiration will be simulated using a physically-based Penman-Monteith
approach. Transpiration will thus be a function of radiation, wind speed, humidity, leaf
area index, aerodynamic resistance and stomatal (canopy) resistance. The
Penman-Monteith equation can also be used for interception, but with reduced canopy
resistance. Throughfall and stemflow can be calculated by difference between
precipitation and interception. Direct soil losses, although less important in forests,
need to be taken into account in short vegetation, both natural and agricultural. A
simple model would assume that this loss term is directly related to radiation and
saturation vapour pressure and inversely to leaf area index. The division of remaining
effective precipitation to storm flow (direct runoff) and eventual baseflow may follow
either a simple empirical approach for the coarse scale simulations (e.g. use of the
Holton, Philip, Kostiakov equations) or the solution of a two-dimensional Richards
equation at the hillslope/catchment scale (Skaggs, 1982). The excess water so
partitioned will then enter the groundwater/surface water model for subsequent
horizontal routing.
The Groundwater/Surface Water Model Component Ground and surface water
processes will be represented at each scale of resolution, and in all cases, excess water
from the SVAT model will be partitioned between surface and subsurface flow paths.
At the hillslope-catchment scale, lateral groundwater flow rates will be determined
« * = ' K ^ ' qy= ~KTy
where qx, qy are the specific discharges (or Darcy velocities) in thex - y plane, h is the
head, and Kis the hydraulic conductivity. This constitutive law is incorporated into the
continuity equation to yield a transmissivity-based equation that can be easily solved
using finite difference methods (Wang & Anderson, 1982). This distributed parameter
model is capable of computing changes in groundwater storage in a heterogeneous
porous medium:
where t is time, Sy is the specific yield (volume released per unit area of aquifer per
unit loss of head), r{x,y,t) is a time and space dependent recharge into the aquifer from
either excess rainfall or snowmelt from the SVAT model, and T is the transmissivity
(= Kb; where b is the saturated thickness). Source/sink terms can also be added to
simulate the impact of water usage by humans.
This construct borrows from other topographically-based models, like those of
Beven & Wood (1983) (TOPMOD), O'Loughlin (1990) (TOPOG) and Gupta &
Solomon (1977). Note that under this configuration, the dynamics of groundwater and
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
stream flow are linked at topographic low points. Digital elevation models will be used
to formulate small drainage networks and help to determine the direction of subsurface
flow by establishing spatial variations in the aquifer basement and
precipitation/recharge (i.e. orographic effects). Maps of land cover, soils and aquifer
characteristics will also be required. In conjunction with specified météorologie data,
this model will serve as a runoff "generator" at the mesoscale based on results obtained
in small representative catchments. The groundwater/surface water (GW/SW) flow
models will be simplified for use at the meso- and GCM-scales and will incorporate
a river discharge algorithm. Recent experiments (Espirito Santo et al., in preparation)
comparing distributed and lumped parameter surface/subsurface hydrology models
indicate that in typical field settings there is a characteristic length scale adjacent to
open water channels in which the channel and ground water interact significantly.
Beyond this length (i.e. upslope) there is a net uni-directional discharge downward.
Coarse-scale GW/SW coupling will therefore be determined by combining a
unidirectional, linear decay model with a lumped parameter groundwater-surface water
model. Based on estimates from either ground-based or remote sensing surveys, each
grid at the meso- or GCM-scale will be assigned an estimate of the proportion of
landscape within and outside of the interactive zone.
Within a discretized spatial element the upslope model will calculate, for any time
step, coarse-scale groundwater discharge and head changes using the following:
Qu = -CuhuAxuAyu
where Qu is the total groundwater flow from upslope into the interactive zone per unit
time, Cu is a linear coefficient, hu is the mean head above the base of the upslope
aquifer, Ru is the total groundwater recharge from the SVAT module for the upslope
area, Axu Ayu is the elemental grid area, and Syu is the upslope mean specific yield.
In the interactive zone, water balance expressions for groundwater and surface
water reservoirs are formally coupled using the following:
Qt = -Ci{hrhr)AxiAyi
Mh _ {[QrQuVàxAy^Rj
ât "
where Q{ is the total net discharge from the interactive groundwater pool to the stream,
C, is a linear coefficient, ht is the average aquifer head (relative to a datum, i.e.the
aquifer base) in the interactive zone of the cell, hr is the areal average stream or river
head (relative to datum) in the cell, Axt Ayt is the elemental grid area, Rt is the total
groundwater recharge from the SVAT module into the interactive zone, and Syt is the
interactive zone's mean specific yield. In this approach stream and aquifer water level
gradients within a cell are replaced by spatially averaged quantities. The aquifer/stream
exchange is then determined by considering the magnitude of the difference in average
pool sizes (water levels) between the stream and aquifer reservoirs (Fig. 5). While the
approach is simpler than traditional "distributed parameter" groundwater flow models
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
Hillslope to Catchment Scale
Meso to GCM Scale
High Relief
Low Relief
-*— -*»
Fig. 5 The linkage between groundwater and streams at the hillslope-catchment and
coarse scales. The interactive zone refers to that domain over which adjacent streams
convey significant influence on groundwater dynamics and vice versa. Storm flow or
direct runoff (not shown) is implicitly calculated by the SVAT module and delivered
to the stream.
(Loague & Freeze, 1985), it has produced results comparable to more sophisticated
distributed parameter models. McLin (1981), for example, used a lumped parameter
model to reproduce changes in stream flow, groundwater levels, and salinity along an
18 km reach of the Arkansas River in southeast Colorado (USA). His model compared
favourably to average hydrologie results obtained from distributed models applied to
the same system (Konikow & Bredehoeft, 1974).
Surface flow will be simulated by a set of differential equations representing each
discretized river reach. Within each river element:
= D -D. + Q+F
in which Sc is the storage of water in the channel reach, Du represents the sum of all
upstream discharge inputs, Dd is downriver discharge from the reach, and Fs is storm
flow quantified and implicitly routed off the land surface and through small streams by
the SVAT. Although Dd defines the downstream flux of water from a particular cell,
it also serves as an upstream input in the continuity equation for its adjacent
downstream reach. A flow formula, such as Manning's, is employed to simulate flow
within rivers:
where Cm is a constant, n is Manning's roughness coefficient, A is the cross-sectional
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
area, R is the hydraulic radius, and S is the slope of the energy grade line (Streeter &
Wylie, 1979). River geometry can be either specified from field survey or inferred
from géomorphologie principles in different climatic and topographic zones. Equations
(5) and (6) can be modified to account for flood-plain inundation and engineering
works such as impoundments and stream channelization.
Model Coupling
Before the component models can be linked as an integrated A-MHM, suitable study
areas must be defined for each spatial and temporal scale. In those areas, each of the
modules must be tested independently using available land surface biophysical data,
observed forcing functions, calibration and validation data sets. Spatial and temporal
scaling functions linking each level of resolution must be formulated. The final linkage
must progress in stepwise fashion, linking, for instance, the atmospheric and SVAT
models, the SVAT simulation to the GW/SW model and the GW/SW model to the
river routing algorithm. Each step will require a careful consideration of numerical
stability and computational demands, and a mechanism to recognize emerging
If, for example, a study of the Mississippi River drainage basin is sought (3.3 x
106 km2), the GCM-scale could be defined as a series of nested subregional drainage
basins (i.e. mesoscale, 104 to 105 km2) residing within the larger domain. A series of
representative subregional basins would be identified, and mesoscale models would be
developed for each particular class of subregional drainage basin. Much of the Kansas
or Platte River systems could, for instance, be used to define the dynamics of grassland
basins in rolling topography. Parameters derived from the representative basin models
would then be assigned to hydrologically similar mesoscale basins using a
pre-determined classification system residing within a geographic information system
(GIS). Although representative parameters (e.g. the fraction of runoff in storm or
baseflow) will be assigned to each class of mesoscale basin, site specificity will be
afforded through geographically-distributed differences in topography, soils, vegetation
and time-varying climatic variables. Numerous representative hillslope-catchment sites
would in turn be nested within each mesoscale basin and representative
parameterizations of hillslope-catchment models would be geographically distributed
using a procedure similar to that used at the mesoscale.
With the landscape so defined, each of the component models would need to be
both validated and checked for numerical stability. At this point, the atmospheric and
hydrological models also could be coupled at the meso- and GCM-scales and be used
to identify feedbacks. A simple first step would be to compare estimates generated by
the linked atmospheric-MHM model to those made by the GW/SW model driven by
prescribed climatic data. Differences in the two sets of estimates would provide an
initial clue to understanding how inputs from the atmosphere alter the hydrologie
response and how stable the computational linkage will be. The coupling would also
require formulating the scaling functions (as discussed earlier) to carry dynamics from
one level of resolution to the next. Account must also be made of the impact of
engineering works including irrigation, evaporative losses from reservoirs, interbasin
transfers and other such manipulations of the region's hydrology. In highly managed
basins like the Mississippi, this will constitute a major undertaking.
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
Work with the coupled models could be inhibited by their potentially heavy demand
on computing resources. Emerging high performance computing technologies,
especially in the area of parallel processing, could circumvent this problem if the
technology can be properly exploited. The coupled models should be amenable to
parallel/vector processing on two levels: (1) parallelism among the spatially distributed
surface elements and (2) parallelism in solving coupled sets of differential equations
within each submodel. How we exploit this potential will, of course, depend on the
processor architecture adopted for the global climate model as a whole. For example,
a cluster of grid boxes could be assigned to a cluster of processors, each grid box
having access to the entire cluster of processors in turn. Many efforts are underway to
port models to parallel machines. For example, scientists at Iowa State University and
the Department of Energy's Ames Lab (on the ISU campus) are adapting the MM4 to
massively parallel computing environments. They are also exploring parallel computing
in an environment that links multiple workstations. Thus, a wide variety of computing
approaches can be developed but careful study is needed to determine optimal
configurations for the task at hand. Finally, although the most immediate application
of such advanced computing is with the coupled models themselves, managing and
visualizing the simulated and observed data needed for model development and
validation can also extract heavy computing demands. Resources must be developed to
exploit advances in computing technology that will improve our ability to manipulate
and comprehend the enormous data bases being generated by the research community.
Data Support
The Global Hydrologie Archive and Analysis System (GHAAS) is a data and model
management tool which will integrate the analysis into a coherent framework (Fig. 6
a,b). It is similar in concept to other hydrologically-oriented analysis systems such as
RESSys (Running, 1992) and GEnESIS (Solomon et al, 1990). The system is global
in coverage, but can be used to analyze regional and local issues. The GHAAS is
geographically-referenced and can handle both vector and raster-based data sets. It links
together various input data sets with models and their output, in combinations defined
by the user. It links to third-party software products (e.g. ARC/INFO, GRASS, PV
WAVE) for visualization, spatial analysis and image processing. The system resides
on a UNIX-based workstation. The package is used in assembling data sets from
disparate sources, data checking and archiving in a geo-referenced format.
The GHAAS facilitates calculations on both distributed water balance components
and discharge dynamics in stream and river systems. For a particular analysis, the user
identifies a target location and scale of analysis. The user can then browse available
holdings and select from numerous data sets on soils, vegetation, remote sensing
imagery, digital elevation, drainage basin topology and drainage basin structure. The
data can be manipulated using functions that permit, for example, the spatial
interpolation of point data. It also houses a growing inventory of potential
anthropogenic changes associated with large water resource projects, land use change,
and results from climate change scenarios. Links are available to tabular information
that can be used for model calibration and testing. The user then selects from a suite
of models and in the current context will be able to specify the way in which the
component models are coupled. The user can customize output in the form of tables,
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
• •II n^rnrz
Fig. 6 (a) Elements of the Global Hydrologie Archive and Analysis System, showing
data, models, and output management tools. The system is set in a
geographically-referenced context and provides a framework for hydrologie study over
multiple scales. The shaded boxes represent one possible combination of menu
selections made by a user.
statistics, maps and animated colour graphics. The GHAAS relies on NFS and
TELNET links to client-server systems and can connect to various on-line distributed
database systems (e.g. NASA Master Directory, Earth Data System [Ellery Systems,
Inc.]) using TCP/IP protocols.
Remotely sensed data can significantly strengthen the type of macroscale study we
have outlined. The frequent temporal and large geographical coverage of select sensor
data onboard satellite platforms such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's (NOAA) Polar Orbiters may be particularly valuable to hydrologie
investigations (Dozier, 1992). Table 2 provides examples of sensor data currently
available and geophysical products that can be developed from processing these
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
SITE: Fort Riley, Kansas
Fig. 6 (b) An example using the GHAAS to preview and understand drainage system
characteristics prior to simulation. The study area is in the State of Kansas (USA). The
particular interface shown was generated using the ARC/INFO commercial software
radiance data. These data require substantial processing to ensure that inherent
problems such as cloud and atmospheric attenuation of the recorded radiances are
removed (Hall et al., 1988).
The additional step of interpretation is required to yield biophysical information of
value in hydrological studies. The AVHRR, for example, provides a vegetation index
that has been used in numerous land cover studies around the world (e.g. Justice et al.,
1985; Heilkema et al., 1987; Goward et al., 1991). The great strength of these data
sets is in the classification of vegetation into functional units that are of meaning in the
hydrological sense (e.g. tree vs. crop vs. urban). In areas of shifting land use, such a
capability will be of enormous importance. These data sets also can depict phenology
across the terrestrial biosphere. In addition, Nemani & Running (1989) inferred canopy
resistance from the thermal signal of AVHRR. Active microwave sensors and laser
altimetry can give information on land surface structure (e.g. roughness [NASA, 1987;
Harding, 1993]). At particular wavelengths, passive and active microwaves can
delineate the behaviour of rivers and associated floodplains (Giddings & Choudhury,
1989; Imhoff et al., 1987) and moisture content in the soil surface (Schmugge, 1985).
The advantage of long-term monitoring through remote sensing may soon be
realized through ongoing efforts such as the joint NASA/NOAA Pathfinder Project to
reprocess archival data from select NO A A satellites. Two efforts have relevance to
hydrological modelling - the Advanced Very High Resolution (AVHRR) and TIROS
Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Pathfinder data sets. For the AVHRR, 12 years
(1981 to 1993) of Level lb Global Area Coverage (GAC) data at 4 x 4 km spatial
C. /. Vôrôsmarty et al.
Table 2
Examples of satellite sensor data currently available and associated geophyscial products
that may be useful in hydrological modelling efforts.
Satellite and Daily Sampling
Frequency (for given area)
Instrument(s) Onboard and
Spectral and Spatial Res.
Geophysical Products
Polar Orbiter Environmental
Satellite (POES) - NOAA
4 times daily with 2 satellites
in orbit
1. Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR); 4/5 channels (2
reflective chls. 2/3 Thermal
IR chls.); 1km and 4km data
Vegetation Indices (Vis).
Land Surface Temperature;
Broad-scale Classes of
Surface Cover; Inferred
Estimate of Net Primary
2. TIROS Operational
Vertical Sounder (TOVS) - 2
a. NIRS - 1 reflective and 19
Thermal IR chls; 17.5km at
b. MSU 4 chl passive
mircowave radio-meter; 125
km at nadir
Land Surface Temperature;
Atmospheric Temperature at
various levels; Cloud Cover;
Total precipitable Water; and
OutGoing Longwave Flux
1. Optical Line Scanner
(OLS)2chls. 1 reflect., 1
Thermal IR; 1.5km at nadir
Snow/Ice Extent; Land/Sea
2. Special Sensor
Mircowave/Imager 7 chls. passive microwave 5 at 15km
and 2 at approximately 28km
at nadir
Snow/Ice Extent; Soil
Moisture at Surface; Total
Precipitable Water; Cloud
Cover; Sea Extent
1. Multispectral Scanner
(MSS) 4 reflective channels
in vis/NIR; 57 meters at nadir
Vis; Species Classification
(deciduous vs. conifers)
Surface Cover Mapping;
Monitoring Flood Stages;
Anthropogenic Changes of
Surface Cover (e.g., forest
2. Thematic Mapper (TM) 6
reflective chls. and 1 Thermal
IR chl; 30m and 120m
resolution respectively
Same as for MSS
Defense Meteorological
Satellite Platform (DMSP-F8)
U.S. Dept. of Defense 4-6
daily with 2 satellites in orbit
NOAA's Landsat 4 and 5
Satellites 16 day repeat cycle
Linked atmosphere-hydrology models at the macroscale
resolution are being obtained and processed. The processed data will yield various
geophysical parameters such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).
A comprehensive set of processing steps (for cloud contamination, intercalibration of
sensors from different satellites, etc.) is being carried out using the best reference data
and techniques currently available. The current plan is to supply products on an 8.5 km
grid and to include the original processed channel data for researchers who wish to
develop additional products (James, 1992). The TOVS Pathfinder Project is also
developing a time series of thermal IR and passive microwave products from 1978 to
the end of 1994. The products to be released will have a horizontal resolution of 25 km
and be available for different levels within the atmosphere. Geophysical products to be
generated include: atmospheric temperature, total precipitable water, cloud top heights
and temperatures and specific humidity. Other products under consideration are surface
temperature, outgoing long-wave radiation and precipitation estimates (Susskind, 1992).
A twelve-year record of 37 GHz frequency passive microwave data sets collected on
board the Nimbus-7 (SMMR) and DMSP-F8 (SMM/I) satellites, also provides an
important long-term data set (Choudhury et al., 1992) for exploring the dynamics of
drainage basins (Vôrôsmarty et al,. 1991 #b).
Experience gained through intensive field campaigns such as FIFE, BOREAS,
HAPEX, and the Boardman Regional Flux Experiment should help to provide land
surface boundary data and interpretation of remotely sensed imagery. Recent releases
of the associated data sets on optical media (e.g. for FIFE, Strebel et al., 1991) will
help greatly in the calibration and validation of local and, potentially, regional S VAT
models that are integral to the macroscale analysis. A growing interest in sites with
disturbed landscapes (Shuttleworth, 1991) will make important contributions toward
understanding the impact of widespread transformation of the Earth's surface by
In this paper we have discussed numerous aspects of macroscale hydrologie models,
with an emphasis on linkage to atmospheric simulations. We summarized key scaling
issues for both space and time and concluded that the regional scale is the most critical
to consider for global change studies. The region is also the level at which policy will
be formulated in the wake of such change.
Macroscale hydrologie models might reasonably be considered as a hierarchical,
nested system of models, emphasizing the mesoscale, but with a "bottom up" linkage
to relatively finer scales and a "top down" linkage to coarser scales. The nested
approach requires the operation of a GCM, a mesoscale atmospheric model, a
soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme and surface/subsurface hydrology models,
the latter down to hillslope scale in small representative catchments. The multiple
models and associated data sets need to be linked in a common analysis system which
can manage sophisticated input/output functions, scientific visualization, model
preparation and execution. The entire system of data, models and computing tools is
being developed to distill the facets of global change to the regional level and to
explore feedbacks from the land surface back to the atmosphere.
Tests have recently begun for the Kansas and Platte River systems on a linked
A-MHM that can be embedded within a synoptic-scale model of the larger Mississippi
C. J. Vôrôsmarty et al.
basin. Results from the initial experiments will provide important guidance in studies
of other drainage systems of the world, many in data-poor regions. Although our
emphasis in this paper has been on water per se, we have implicitly set the stage for
linking the water cycle to the biogeochemistry of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and
other constituents. The coupling would occur in both the soil-vegetation-atmosphere
system using a terrestrial ecosystem model, and in simulated river systems that would
receive, process and transport waterborne constituents. Linked A-MHMs are therefore
an important first step in the development of truly interactive Earth Systems Models
of the terrestrial biosphere.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to recognize support from the following US
funding agencies: Department of Energy (Grant # DE-FG02-92ER61473),
Environmental Protection Agency (Cooperative Agreement #816278), National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grants NAGW 2669 & NAGW 1888). We also
wish to acknowledge the assistance of S. Mazurkiewicz, D. Wright, S. Palmer, A.
Schloss and R. White in preparing the final text and graphics.
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