0 1994 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
Vol. 269, No. 17, Issue of April 29, pp. 12852-12857, 1994
Printed in U.S.A.
Structure and Inducible Regulationof the Human MET Promoter*
(Received for publication, December 14, 1993)
Giovanna GambarottaSBI,Sergio PistoiSII, Silvia Giordano**,Paolo M. Comoglio**, and
Claudio SantoroSBSS
From the SZnter-University Consortium for Biotechnology, 34012 Pieste and the $Department of Genetics, Biology and
Medical Chemistry, and **Department of Biomedical Sciences and Oncology, University of lbrino, Medical School,
Torino 10126, Italy
The MET oncogene, encoding the tyrosine kinase receptor for the hepatocyte growth factorlscatter factor,
is expressed in epithelial cells and overexpressed in a
of transcriptionalaltersuggestingtheoccurrence
ation(s).To identify the MET promoter, we isolated recombinant cDNA clonesencompassingtheentire
5'noncoding sequence of MET messenger RNAs. Using
probes derived from this region, we cloned the entire
genomic region spanning the first MET exon and the
flanking regulatory sequences. The first exon, containing the entire untranslated sequence,
is present in the
MET mRNAs of 7.1, 5.9, and 4.6 kilobases, showing that
the expression of the multiple transcripts is regulated
by a single promoter. The start
site of transcription was
determined by primer extension and by rapid amplification of cDNA ends. We show thata 300-base pair fragment,containingsequencesupstreamfromthestart
site, efficiently drives the expression
of a reporter gene
in transfected epithelial cells. This promoter fragment
alsocontainsthe cis-acting elementsresponsiblefor
phorbol-ester induction.
tumors including gastrointestinal tract (10, 19,20) and thyroid
(21) carcinomas and metastatic melanoma
(22). In most of
these tumors, the MET gene is not amplified. Even in the few
instances where overexpression is associated with gene amplification, the level of MET transcripts is higher than expected
that an
from the gene
copy number (23). These findings suggest
aberrant transcriptional regulation may playa critical role in
activation of the oncogene. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the controlof MET expression in physiological as well as in pathological conditions, we sought to identify
the promoter sequences.
In the present work we report
the cloning of cDNAs encompassing the complete 5"untranslated region of MET mRNAs
and the corresponding genomic sequences. These span
-30 kbp
of the MET locus and contain a single large intron.Within this
region we mapped the major transcription start and assayed
the promoter activityof upstream DNA sequences in epithelial
and fibroblast cell lines. A 300-bp fragment, proximal to the
start site, was shown to confer expression and TPA-dependent
induction toa reporter genein transfected epithelialcells. This
sequence containsthe &-acting elements responsible for phorbol-ester induction.
Oncogenes encoding tyrosine
kinase receptors are often overCell Cultures-GTL-16, MKN1, and MKN28 are human gastric carexpressed in human cancers. These include ERBBl (1-41,
ERBB2 (5-7), BEK,FLG (8), and MET (9, 10). TheMET onco- cinoma cell lines (24-26). HepG2 is a human hepatocellular carcinoma
gene encodes a trans-membrane tyrosine kinase identified as cell line (27) and MRC5 a human fibroblast line (28).All cell types were
grown in Dulbecco's modified essential medium (Life Technologies, Inc.)
the receptor for a polypeptide known as hepatocyte growth
supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and antibiotics in a 5% CO,
factor (HGF)l (11, 12) or scatter factor (13). The Met receptor
atmosphere at 37 "C.
controls critical biological responses suchas cell growth, motilOligonucleotides-Theoligonucleotide475,
(5"CCAGACTGAGGCGCTCGCC-3'1, complementary to METmRNAfrom base +38t o +56,was
ity, and invasion of extracellular matrices (14, 15).
In ERBBB, overexpression is mainly due to gene amplifica- used for primer extension analysis. "Primer-selectedcDNAwalking" was
tion (16). However, abnormally high levelsof c-ErbB-2 protein carried out using the following primers: AF39(5"ATGCTCATGTAGAATGACATTCTGGAT-3'),complementary to METmRNA from base
in tumors with a single-copy gene, suggesting +562 to +588;AF40 (5'-ACTCCCCAGAGCTCCTCTGCACCAA-3')
can also be found
that amplification alone cannot account for overexpression in base +460 to +484; 193 (5'-GATGCCAGGTGCAAGCACA-3')
from base
all cases (17, 18). Overexpression of MET occurs frequently in +423to +441; P128(5'-TGCCCAGGAACCAGTGGAGAAG-3')
from base
from base
+366 to +387; P127 (5'-CTCTCAGCAAGTCAGCTGTC-3')
* This work was supported by grants from the Associazione Italiana +304 to+323and 475. The primers complementary to sequencesflanking
Ricerche sul Cancro, and Progetto Finalizzato Consiglio Nazionale delle the left or right side of the EcoRI cloningsite inthe P-galactosidase gene
ricerche Ingegneria Genetica (to C. S) and Applicazion Cliniche Ricerca of A g t l l vectorwere: ONL (5'-CAACTGGTAATGGTAGCGA-3')
Oncologica (to P.M.C.). The costs of publication of this article were ONR (5'-AACCAGCCATCGCCATCT-3').
For RACE analysis, the followdefrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must ing primers were used: 2 (5'-ACACGCGCGCTGCCCTGCCAGTGAC-3')
therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 complementary to MET mRNA from base +127 to +151, 424 (5'-GTTU.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
GGGGCCGGAGGCACCGC-3')from base +64 to +83,475 and P65 (5'The nucleotide sequencefsl reportedin this paper has been submitted CCGGAATTCCCCCCCCCCC-3')complementary to the (dG) tail.
to the GenBankTM/EMBL
Data Bank with accession number(s)226936.
cDNA Synthesis and Primer-selected cDNA
WaZking-Double7 Recipient of a fellowship fromthe Associazione Italiana Ricerche sul stranded cDNA was synthetised from GTL-16 cell poly(AYRNAprimed
1I Present address: Deuartement d'Immunoloeie. Institute Pasteur. with random deoxyoligonucleotides(141, following the directions of a
cDNA synthesis kit (Pharmacia). After linkers ligation, the cDNA was
Paris, France.
tt To whom correspondence should be addressed: LN-CIB Padriciano inserted into the EcoRI cloning site of h g t l l vector. The library (2 x lo6
independent clones) was plated and amplified. 100 pl of the amplified
99,34012 Trieste, Italy. Tel.: 39-40-398992;Fax: 39-40-398979.
The abbreviations used are: HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; TPA, library (10' pfu) were digested with 30 pg of proteinase K in 1%SDS
kbp, kilobase paids); bp, base and 5 m EDTA at 37 "C for 60 min. The DNA was phenol extracted,
pair(s); RACE, rapid amplification of cDNA ends; pfu, plaque-forming precipitated with isopropyl alcohol,and resuspended in water. To select
MET-specific cDNAa spanning the entire 5"noncoding region, 1 ng of
units; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
The Human MET Promoter
library DNAwas amplified
by PCR in 10 m~ Tris-HCI, pH 9,50 mM KCI,
1.5 mM MgCI,, 200 mM dNTPs, 0.1% Triton X-100.58Me,SO, 2.5 units
of Taq DNA polymerase (Promega), and 1 m~ each of hgtll and METspecific primers in a finalvolume of 50 pl. Vector primers wereONL or
ONR. The cDNA was amplified by 20 touch-down cycles (29) with de8.2 kb (SP1)
naturation at94 "C for l min, annealing decreasingfrom 65 to 56"C for
7.1 kb +
cycles at thelowest
30 s, extension a t 72 "C for 1 min, and 10 additional
5.9 kb
annealing temperature.1 pl of amplified DNA was sequentially ream4.6 kb 4
plified two more times using MET-specific antisense primers progressively closer to the 5'-end of the first exon. DNA aliquots from each
amplification round were end-filled in, kinased, digested with EcoRI,
and subcloned into Bluescript vectors. Colonies were screened by hy18s
bridization tooligonucleotide probes complementary to MET
5"noncoding sequences and positives were sequencedon both strands.
RNA Extraction and Analysis-Total RNAs were extracted with guanidinium thiocyanate a s described (30) andpoly(AY RNA was purified
FIG.1. The major MET transcripts have common I'-untransby oligo(dT)-coated magnetic beads following the supplier directions
lated sequences. Northern blots, containing1pg of poly(AYRNAfrom
or poly(AY RNAwere fraction(Promega). For Northern analysis, total
GTL16 cells, were probed with the full-length open reading frame (14)
ated over a 1.2% agarose gel and subsequently transferred to Zetaprobe of the METcDNA (panel A)
or with the cDNA fragment corresponding
GT membrane (Bio-Rad)by capillary blotting. Hybridization was carto the MET 5"noncoding region from base +1 to +323 (panel B ) . 28 S
M sodium phosphatebuffer, pH 6.5,78 SDS, 1 mM EDTA,
ried out in 0.5
and 18 S indicatethe position of ribosomal RNAs, a s detected by
1 x lo6 countdmidml of [a-J2PldCTPoligo random labeled probe (spe- ethidium bromide staining. Theposition of the SplmRNA was detected
cific activity > loRcountdmidpg DNA), at 65"C for 20 h. The hybrid- by reprobing the blots with the full-length S p l cDNA (34). Arrows
ized membranes were washedonce in 40mM sodium phosphate, pH6.5, indicate the calculated sizeof the MET transcripts.
5% SDS, 1 mM EDTA for 15 min a t 65 "C, then twice in 40 m~ sodium
phosphate, pH6.5, 1% SDS, 1m~ EDTA for 15 min at 65"C. Blots were +409 to +772),or to the first 323 bp of the first exon (from base +1 to
air dried and exposed to x-ray films (Kodak)a t -80 "C.
+323). Purified positive phages were characterized by Southern analyFor primerextensionanalysis,the19-mer
oligonucleotide 475, sis after digestion with different restriction enzymes using
complementary to MET mRNA from base +38 to +56of the first exon, oligonucleotides derived from the 5"untranslated sequence. Positive
was labeled at the5'-end with [y32PlATP.Labeled primer (25 ng) was fragments were subcloned into Bluescript vector and sequenced. To
purified by chromatography through a Sephadex
G-50 mini column isolate overlappinggenomic clones, a unique DNAfragment (probe
3 in
(Pharmacia). The oligonucleotide (2 x lo5countdmin) was annealed to Fig. 4) was used a s probe for further screeningof the genomic library.
10 pg of total or 0.5 pg of poly(AY RNAin a volume of 20 p1 of solution
Dansfections and Reporter GeneAssay-The
expression vectors
containing 50 m~ Tris-HCI, 75 mM KCI, and 3 mM MgCI,, pH 8.3, a t pGL2-2.7met and pGL2-O.3met were generatedby inserting a deletion
68 "C for 10 min, 55 "C for 30 min, andslowly cooled down to 42"C. The DNA fragment from -2700 to +115 and a SmaI-SmaI fragment from
extension reaction was started adding 10 pl containing 10 mM dithio- -297 to + 89 into pGL2-Basic vector (Promega), respectively. Transfecthreitol, 2 m~ dNTPs, 40 unitsof RNase inhibitor RNAsin (Promega), tions were performed using subconfluent cells growing in the presence
and 200 unitsof Mouse-Maloney leukemia virus reverse transcriptase of 10% fetal calf serum (5 x lo5to 1 x IO6celld100-mm diameter culture
(Life Technologies, Inc.). Incubation was a t 42 "C for 90 min. The reac- dishes, in8 ml of culture medium).Cells were transfected with 10 of
tion was stoppedby incubation at 56 "C for 10 minin 0.3 M NaOH. The expression construct DNAs plus 5 pg of pUC19 carrier DNAby the
solution was neutralized with one volume of 250 m~ HCI and 50 m~ calciudphosphate precipitation method (32). After 12 h,DNA
the preTris-HCI, pH 8, extracted with
phenoUchloroform, and precipitated with cipitate was rinsed
twice with phosphate-buffered saline, and
cells were
ethanol. The pellet was resuspended80%
in formamide sequencingdye, further grown for 36 h in culture
medium. For TPAinduction,cells were
heated at 90 "C for 2 min andloaded onto a 7M urea 10% polyacrylam- transfected as above and starvedfor 24 h in medium supplemented with
ide gel. After electrophoresis,the gel was dried andexposed to an x-ray 0.5% fetal calf serum; cells were induced with 160n~ TPA for 12 h. For
film a t -80 "C.
each set of transfections, two control constructs harboring the luciferase
RACE-For the first cDNA strandsynthesis, 0.5 pg of GTL-16 gene were used: pGL2-promoter (pGL2prom) containingSV40-derived
poly(AY RNA were annealed to 1 ng of the 25-mer oligonucleotide 2 promoter sequences and the promoterless pGL2-basic (Promega). Lucomplementary to the METfirst exon (bases +127 to +151) ina final ciferase assays were carried out usingcommercially available kits and
volume of 30 pl containing 50mM Tris-HCI, 75 m~ KCI, 3 mM MgCI,, 10 following supplier's directions (Promega).Levels of luciferase weredemM dithiothreitol, 1mM dNTPs, pH8.3, and 10pCi of a [a-"PJdCTP. The termined and normalized to the protein concentration
of extracts.
sample was heated a t 68 "C for 5 min and transferredto 42 "C. cDNA
synthesis was startedby adding 200 units of Mouse-Maloney leukemia
virus reverse transcriptase and incubating a t 42 "C for 60 min. The
5'4Jntranslated MET mRNA-The
reaction was stopped by phenollchloroform extraction and isopropyl
alcohol precipitation. After two rinses with70% ethanol, thecDNA was human MET proto-oncogene is expressed mainlyas a long transcript, conventionally referred to as either 8 or 9 kb; in addiresuspended in 20 pl of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase buffer
(0.1 M potassium cacodylate, 2 m~ CoCI,, 0.2 m~ dithiothreitol, pH 7.2). tion, two shorter mRNA species have been described in differFor dG tailing, 1mM dGTP and 15 units of terminal deoxynucleotidyl ent cell types (9,33). We carried out the analysis
of the length
transferase (Bethesda Research Laboratories) were added, and the reof
action was carried out a t 37 "C for 60 min. Tailing was stopped by
inactivation a t 68 "C for 10 min andphenollchloroform extraction. The (8.2 kb; Ref. 34), the 28 S and the 18 S ribosomal RNA as
the estimated size was 7.1 kb (Fig. 1) and matched
cDNA was precipitated with ethanol and the pellet was resuspended markers;
20 pl of water. For PCR amplification, the dG-tailed cDNA was boiled with the size calculatedfrom overlapping cDNA sequences (see
for 3 min and diluted to 50pl containing as final concentration 10 m~ below). This determination agreeswith data reported by KuniTris-HCI, pH 9,50 m~ KCI, 1.5 m~ MgCI,, 200 m~ dNTPs, 0.1% Triton yasu et al. (35).
X-100, 5% Me,SO, 2.5 units of Taq DNApolymerase (Promega), and 25
Two MET cDNAs derived from the 7.1-kb mRNA have been
pmol each of MET and EcoRI-dC-tail-specific primers (424 and P65,
respectively). The cDNA was amplified by 30 cycles of denaturation at described: one is representative of the major transcript (23), the
94 "C for 60 s, annealing at 60 "C for 30 s, and elongation a t 72 "C for other isderived from a minor alternatively spliced mRNA (36).
60 s. 1 p1 of amplified DNA was reamplifiedonce using P65- and MET- The difference consists of an alternativelyspliced exon encodspecific primer 475 closer to the 5'-end of the first exon. The PCR ing 18 amino acid residues in the central portion of the Met
products were sequentiallyend-filled in, kinased, digested withEcoRI, protein (37).However, neither one of these cDNAs accounts for
cloned in Bluescriptvector (Stratagene) and sequenced
on both strands
the complete 7.1-kb mRNA,since the 5'-untranslatedsequence
by dideoxy sequencing.
Screening of Genomic Libraries-2 x lo6 pfu of a AEMBL3 human is apparently incomplete.
From the 194-bp sequence upstream to theAUG of the Met
genomic library (31)were screened with32P-labeledMET cDNA probes
corresponding either to the
first 364 bpof the coding region (from base leader sequence published by Park et al. (361,we derived a
The Human MET Promoter
1 A G C A C G C G A G G C A G A C A G A C A C G T G C T G G G G C G G G C A ~ G C G A G C G C C T C A 91
- .-
51 G T C T G G T C G C C T G G C G G T G C C T C C G G C C C C A A C G C G C C C G G G C C G C C G C G ~
101 G G C C G C G C G C G C C G A T G C C C G G C T G A G T C A C T G G C A G G G C A G C G C G C G T G ~
+ 6 0 -I
+ 56 -I
151 T G G G A A G G G G C G G A G G G A G T G C G G C C G G C G G G C G G G C G G G G C G C T G G G C T ~
201 C A G C C C G G C C G C A G T G A C C C G G A G G C C C T C G C C G C C C G C G G C G C C C C G A G ~
+ 4 a -I
251 C G C T T T G T G A G C A G A T G C G G A G C C G A G T G G A G G G C G C G A G C C A G A T G C G G ~
301 G G C G A C A G C T G A C T T G C T G A G A G G A G G C G G G G A G G C G C G G A C G C G T G T G G ~
351 T C C T T G C G C C G C T G A C T T C T C C A C T G G T T C C T G G G C A C C G A A A G A T A A A C ~
401 C T C T C A T A A T G A A G G C C C C C G C T G T G C T T G C A C C T G G C A T C C T C G T G C T C ~
FIG.2. Sequence of the 5"noncoding region
of the human MET
cDMA. The 5'-untranslated sequenceof the human MET cDNA is 408
bp long. Arrows represent antisense oligonucleotides used for RNA and
cDNA analysis. The arrowhead indicates the 5'-end of the published
cDNA (36).
FIG.3. Identification of the transcriptionstart site. Primer extension analysisof the 5'-end of the MET mRNAs. cDNA synthesis was
camed out by priming 0.5pg of poly(AY(A') or 10 pg oftotal(TOT)RNA
from GTL16 cells with labeledoligonucleotide 475 (seeFig. 2). The size
of the primer extension products were determined
by comparing themon
a sequencing gel to the DNAsequenceof pGL2-0.3 met, primed with the
same oligonucleotide. Numbers and arrows on the left indicate thedistance (in nucleotides)from the 5' of the primer 475 used both for the
open arrowhead (corresponding
sequence andthe primer extension. The
to position +56) indicates the major transcription start site.
Filled arrowheads indicate the 5'-ends of the RACE products (see text).
number of oligonucleotide primers tobe used for primer extensplicing of coding exons.'
sion analysis. Sincewe could not detect clear extension products
Genomic Organization of MET 5'-Noncoding Region-To isoof this region, probably due to sequence complexity, we perlate the genomic clones corresponding to the MET 5"untransformed primer selected cDNA walking as an alternative stratlated and promoter sequences, we screened a AEMBL3 human
egy. This procedure allows for selective amplification of cDNA
genomic library with two cDNA probes: a fragment encompassclones by PCR, using a downstream primer complementary to
ing 364 bp of the MET 5'-coding sequence (from base +409 to
the known cDNA sequence and, as upstreamprimer, an oligo- +772) and a fragment carrying 323 bp of the actual5'-end of the
nucleotide derived from a sequence flanking thevector cloning untranslated region (probe 1 and 2, respectively, in Fig. 4A 1. 2
site. We analyzed a h g t l l cDNA library preparedfrom GTL-16 x lo6 pfu were analyzed yielding seven and three independent
poly(AY RNAprimed with randomoligonucleotides. Several 5'- positive clones with probe 1and 2, respectively. No unique DNA
extended cDNAs were isolated, and theiroverlapping sequences fragments among the two clone types showed cross-hybridizaaccount for a cDNA fragment 408 bp long and GC-rich (Fig. 2). tion. This indicates that exon sequences are split apart by a
When added to thepreviously reported cDNA sequence, the es- large intron. The complete genomic region encompassing the
timated full-length cDNA was 7.1 kbp. Further amplification intron was cloned by further screening of the genomic library
to the derived witha probe derived from unique sequences of clone hP21
cycles, using a downstream primer corresponding
5'-end ofMET cDNA(oligonuc1eotide475: bases +38to +56), did (probe 3, in Fig. 4A).
not yield longer products(data not shown),thus indicating that
Restriction mapping and DNA sequencing of genomic fragthe complete 5"untranslated region was cloned.
ments hybridizing with cDNA probes revealed the presence of
Identification of the MET Dunscription Start-To confirm two exons separated by a long intron (-24 kb). The intron is
that the firstexon identified encodes the complete 5'-untrans- located 14 bp upstream the first
MET codon and shows canonilated region of MET mRNA, we performed both primer exten- cal acceptor and donor consensus splicing sequences (Fig. 4B).
sion and RACE analysis. Primer extensions, camed out on To exclude the possible presence of additional exons within the
total andpoly(AY RNAfrom GTL-16 cells using theoligonucle- 24-kb intron, unique DNA restriction fragmentsscattered
otide 475 as primer (see Fig. 21, yielded a 56-bases long cDNA along the intron were used as probes on Northern blots with
(Fig. 3).The length of this fragment matched that obtained by mRNA from cell lines expressing all the known MET trancDNA walking.
scripts. No transcripts were detected (data not shown).
For RACE analysis we used primers complementary to seThe genomic sequence of the first 297 bp of the MET proquences which were progressively upstream to theGC-rich re- moter (Fig. 5) lacks TATAA and CCAATbox consensus elegion of the 5'-untranslated M E T mRNA (oligonucleotides 2, ments, a feature thatseveral housekeeping and constitutively
424, and 475 in Fig. 2). The sequences of two amplified cDNAs expressed genes have in common. Genes coding for other tyroare consistent with the primer extension result, although 12
sine kinase receptors such as UFO (38), RET (39), insulin reand 16 bpshorter (Fig. 3). Northern analysis was carried out
to ceptor (40), and epidermalgrowthfactor receptor (41) lack
check if the previously described multiple MET transcripts con- TATAA and CCAATbox promoter elements. Analysis of the
tain sequences derived from the first exon. The probe derived sequence for transcription factor-binding sites with a computfrom the firstexon hybridized with all majorMET mRNA species (Fig. 11, suggesting thatall major MET mRNAs originate
* S. Giordano, R. Sordella, G. Gambarotta, C. Santoro, and P.Comofrom the same transcription start site and
differ by alternative glio, manuscript in preparation.
The Human MET Promoter
h 4A1
exon 1
exon 2
~ A A A A
FIG.4. Genomic organization of the 5'-flanking regionof the human MET gene. A , three representative overlapping genomic clones
(h7A1, h4A1, and hP21) are shown. They span thecomplete 5'-flanking sequences of the human MET locus. Therestriction sites of the region are
shown on the top. Exon 1and 2 areindicated by open boxes;the probes used to screen the human genomic library are indicated by filled boxes. The
arrowhead indicates the first translated codon: H , HindIII; N , NcoI; P,PstI; S, SmaI; E,EcoRI. B , sequences at the MET exonl-intron-exon2
junctions are shown. Exonsequences are boxed and the firstcodon is indicated. The invariant nucleotides at both ends of the intron are underlined.
- I ~ G C A G A ~ ~ G G A A A C G C G A C C C ~ ~ ~ ~ G G G $ C C-98A G
-9 C G G C G C G G A C G G C A G G A A ~ ~ ~ G G C C G A T T T C C C T-58C T
FIG.5. Sequences of the MET promoter. Nucleotides are numbered with the respect to the transcription start site at +1 (arrow).
Sequence motifs for transcription factors are outlined. Two inverted
repeats at -204 and -264 are underlined by arrows.
erized data base (42) identified several regions that represent
consensus binding motifs for transcription factors. In particular, consensus Spl-binding sites (43) arelocated at -76, -130,
and -141 bp relative to the transcriptionstart. Other interesting elements to
observe are thetwo AP2 sites at bases -109 and
-186 (441, one GATA-1-binding site (45) at -244 and an Etsl
consensus site (46) at -82. It has been reported thatAP2 may
mediate TPA and CAMP transcriptional induction (47). The
presence of target sites for erythroid-specific factors is also
Analysis of the MET Promoter-"0 assess the promoter activity of the cloned 5"flanking sequences of the MET locus, a
2.7-kbp DNA fragment, was inserted into the Sad-XhoI of
the pGL2-Basic vector upstream the luciferase reporter gene
(pGL2-2.7 met). This construct was transiently transfectedin
the gastriccarcinoma cell lines GTL-16, MKN1, MKN28, and in
the fibroblast cell line MRC-5. The luciferase activity wasanalyzed and the transcriptionefficiency expressed as percentage
of that measured incells transfected with a construct carrying
the SV40 promoter(pGL2-promoter). Thefragment encompassing the 300 bp upstream to the start site (pGL2-0.3 met)
was sufficient to promote transcription with significant effiG C G
ciency: the activities measured inGTL-16, MKN1, or MKN28
epithelial cells ranged between 55 and 65% of that observed
with the SV40 promoter. The activity measured inMRC5 fibroblasts was low, around 7% (Fig. 6).The transcriptionactivity of
the longer fragment encompassing 2.7 kb, varied in different
cells, showing a mean of 57% in GTL-16, 40% in MKN1, and
37% in MKN28 cells. In MRC5 fibroblasts was again low, close
to 8%.
Induction of MET Promoter Sequences-We have recently
shown that MET transcription can be induced by TPA (48). To
check if the cis-acting elements which mediate the TPA response are present within the
cloned MET promoter, we transfected the epithelialcell line MKNl with pGL2-met constructs
and treatedor mock-treated with TPA for 12 h. Bothconstructs
responded to TPA (Fig. 7). The induction was in the rangeof a
2-fold increase for both constructs, suggesting that theinducible elements arelocated within theproximal 300 bp of the MET
promoter. The SV40-derived construct(pGL2-promoter)was
used as a positive control (49). Similar results were obtained
with the other cell lines (data not shown).
In this paper, we have characterized the genomic organization of the 5' region of the human MET gene, and we have
The Human MET Promoter
FIG.6. Transcriptional activity of the MET promoter. The MET promoter constructs pGL2-0.3 met (0.3) or pGL2-2.7 met (2.7) were
transiently transfected into the human GTL16, MKN1, MKN28, andMRC5 cells. Luciferase levels were determined 48 h later and normalized for
protein concentration of the extracts. The promoter activity of MET constructs is shown as percentage of the luciferase activity obtained by
transfecting the same celltypes with pGL2-promoter(SV40),an expression vector containing SV40-derived promoter
sequences. The promoterless
construct pGL2-basic (basic) was used as negative control. The values are calculated from at least four independent experiments carried outin
duplicates, using two different plasmid preparations.
identified the promoter sequences. The 5'-noncoding region of
the MET mRNA is 408 bp long. This cDNA sequence, when
added to the previously reported ones (23, 36), accounts for a
7.1-kb transcript. The calculated mRNA corresponds in size t o
the major MET transcript detected by Northern analysis. We
have mapped the major transcription start site and cloned the
genomic sequences encompassing the entire 5"noncoding region. These contain a large intron (-24 kb) which splits noncoding and coding sequences. The finding that the sequence
encoded by the first exon is present in the multiple MET mRNAs shows that all these transcripts originate from a single
start site andare likely to be controlled by a common promoter.
This promoter region is included within the first 300bp
upstream the start site. This has beenshown by transient
transfection assays, where the 300-bp short sequence was as
effective as the long2.7-kb sequence in conferring efficient
expression of the reporter gene. Analysis of this sequence indicates that the MET promoter lacks TATAA and CCAAT elements. The absence of consensus TATAA and CCAAT boxes is a
common feature in promoters of several tyrosine kinase receptor genes, such as the insulin receptor (40), the epidermal
growth factor receptor (411,RET (39), and UFO (38). Like these
genes, the MET promoter is characterized by the presence of
several GC boxes known to be the potential targets for the
transcription factor Spl (43).
Both the long and the short constructs showed some degree
of epithelial tissue specificity since they were not significantly
active in a fibroblast line not expressing the MET gene (10).
These data indicate that the300 bp proximalto the transcription start site also contains the cis-acting elements responsible
for the tissue-restricted expression of MET. In several other
TATA-less promoters, it hasalready been shownthat relatively
short fragmentsare capable to confer tissue-dependent expression and that their activity relies on the presence of Spl-binding sites (50,51).
The MET promoter contains several Spl sites
and these are efficiently bound by the specific factor in vitro
(data not shown).
The 300-bp MET promoter contains additional putative binding sites for truns-ucting regulatory proteins such as two sites
for AP2, a factor known to mediate the induction by TPA and
CAMP(47).AP2 sites are found in other tyrosine kinase receptor promoters lacking canonical TPA-responsiveelements (38a
site for PEA3.This
41,52). At position -82 there is consensus
motif is also knownto be a growth factor- and aTPA-responsive
element (53-55). Consistently with these structural features,
the isolated MET promoter responds to TPA induction in vitro.
This finding agrees with data obtained in vivo, where TPA
stimulates the expression of the endogenous MET (48). These
data indicate that MET is an inducible gene and that its enhanced expression involves transcriptional activation.
The Human MET Promoter
10. Di Renzo, M. F., Narsimhan, R. P., Olivero, M.,Bretti, S., Giordano, S . , Medico,
E., Gaglia, P., Zara, P., and Comoglio, P. M. (1991) Oncogene 6, 1997-2003
11. Bottaro, D. P., Rubin, J. S., Faletto, D. L., Chan, A. M.-L., Kmiecick, T. E.,
- +
FIG.7. "PA-induction of the humanMET promoter. MKNl cells
were transfected with MET promoter and control constructs (symbols
as in legend to Fig. 6) and mock-treated (open bars) or TPA-treated
(filled bars) for 12 h. The pGL2-promoter construct was used as a
positive control(49). Luciferase activity is referred as percentage of that
obtained with pGL2-promoter in non-induced cells.
Overexpression of the MET oncogene is found in tumors of
epithelial origin with high frequency (10, 19, 56); often this
overexpression does not correlate with geneamplification suggesting the occurrence of alterations at transcriptional level
(20, 21). This feature distinguishes MET from other tyrosine
kinase receptor genes, such
and FLG,
whose overexpression is associated with gene
amplification (18). However, for ERBB2, it has been recently shownthat mammary tumor cells carrying a single copy gene overexpress the
protein asconsequence of a transcriptional alteration (57). The
availability of the cloned promoter will allow detailed analysis
of the transcriptional regulation of the MET gene and of the
possible alterations occurring in overexpressing tumors.
Acknowledgments-We are grateful to Licio Collavin and other members of Claudio Schneider's laboratory for suggestions on cDNAsynthesis and primer extension analysis. We thank Gianni Del Sal for helpful
suggestions, Claudio Schneider, Iain Mattaj, and Dirk Bohmann for
critical reading of the manuscript. Elaine Wright and Antonella
Cignetto are gratefully acknowledged for the excellent secretarial help.
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